Dataquest Vendor Profile Gnfttaioro INFORMATION RESOURCE CENTER > donware DATAQUEST [NCORPORATED 1290 Rsdder Park Drive San Jose, CA 95131-2398 (408) 437-8600 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide 14 IBM Corporation

Corporate Statistics 'IT,

Location , •- Armonk, New York CEO (acting). President, and Oiairman John F. Akers Number of Employees 344,396 • Number of IBM CAD/CAM/CAE Specialist and Marketing Personnel More than 9,500 worldwide

The winds of change are blowing in Armonk at gale force 9. John F. Akers has resigned as CEO after seven years at tiie helm, and the hot seat is scheduled to be filled before ttie end of May. President Jack Kuehler and GFO Frank Metz also have stepped aside. More cuts in head count are expected, mostly targeted in the sales, general, and administrative areas. For the first time, hardware revenue has dropped below 50 percent of total revenue, with a decline in revenue growth of » 10 percent. Fortvmately, the nonhardware-related revenue is increasing and the growth rate is positive. The rate of change in this company is beyond imagination, but the company is weathering the storm and will evolve into a more agile and aggressive operation. The next six months will define the future of 3M as a world leader in the computer business. The software component of IBM business is aimed at the full spectrum of business and technical applications. IBM's $15 billion operation, about five times the size of Microsoft in software sales, is difficult to character­ ize. The organizational chart (see Figure 1) illtistrates some of the com­ plexity and diverse nature of this business. The GAD/GAM/CAE portion of this business is estimated at just less than $2 billion in hard­ ware, software, and services revenue in 1992. This is a strategic business area supporting other ventures in the shop floor, data processing, and enterprisewide computing services. In a recent interview, Mr. Akers said, "Our financial results are not acceptable to us or to our shareholders." He then went on to add> "We are taking aggressive actions to improve :Our competitiveness and .j;i profitability by addressing ttie accelerating changes that are sweeping our industry, while adjusting for weakened business conditions liurough- out the world. These actions include reallocating resources to growth businesses, increasing the autonomy of our businesses, and reducing

Program: CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS WorldwicJe Daftaqjjest^ Product Code: CCM/l-WW-VP-9301 ISn acornpffnyof liml 'rhcDunV»xtiimtCovfHKaiH Publication Date: February 22,1993 CAD/CAM/CATOtS Worldwide

I'igare 1:^ • it o'^C'/isnsqx'^ sirnsvei IBM Corporatibii^ExecutiAPeM^^fa^Meritfte Sector

•'^JS f 3I/;TV John F. Akers 1' -i"^ -^!.K/ir .-ij. ijirif 3,: Chairman of the Boarard I

T. R. Lutenbach 0l ;<'?f ^f/riiv; a 3. Senior Vide-President, Management Cornmittee l\/1ember *i>t"f t ) X

•?! 1 Bernard IVI. PuclitJ:.gW *?. .• ; Assistant General Manager, ; i ^^ar^-Eq^jiid jisssc Industrial Sector Marketing ,_.rri'- q*; j7 -^loni -

Source: IBM Corporation G3000175

bsrs t-ioF: vL"»;rD< iemt^!^'(Dit&^ii@ktbelie^&r^at the IBM strategy of investment in growth ;• "s- r' • ,r • ;i ^^btfeiifessis wilJ^imcludef CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS. This technology is a fun- pi ;£ vt-i/L iSaMen^fiOiripctfient 0>f'the,'reengineering taking place in the United StM^'^and atrotaid the wbildn ^•iii•^ . :c ar • ;Bi s,fL nllliis.jvend0r profile is fccuSeH on several primary issues. The result of A 61 r .' aiii_. j . 'massive organizatfonMxhanges (still in progress) is shown with the ',•'-• • .; ,' .;':}^5iinija(Ei©rt GAD/CAM/CAE business. Most of the significant changes in •; -, ,:r!> hh~i jf ; ,^tf© GA0/iCi^^/CAEaEea-appear to have been made. A complete analy- o , J.' sfii f ;si«>of;theirievenu€ profilean.tiie GAD/GAM/GAE business is given with growth analysis. And .finally, we provide a description of the partnership arrangements with strategic direction assessment in the major •. , 'Of ^ .•.^.= •(TAD/CAM/CAE applii&tion areas. • '* t •-.. i.r.'f'- -'^ "'^ -^ -y 2inhns'^ •:j, • • ;"i: , •^iii '•< Corpotate Overview -^ ^^^^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^^vi^^ a^^f-;, t^ *{r ^: 'jye^^^^ ifslfeSrW^^i^'Sjlarg^t supplier of information technology to business and gov^erppTent ent^p^s^s. IBM designs, manufacturers, sells, and sup­ ports a wide range of information processing systems, including main­ frames, systems •.' r 'J>:!-':, i ,• -ns ren i,:coiniminiicati0rvs:9ys$temii54'rinters, typewriters, educational and training 'fe: .•;-!ii(^isi<">:!; j-anatppialsj^aHdrelatedsuppides and services.

'^^€GAM-\lm•-wmQ^ bsxi^tsgs DataqtfeSt Incorporated :FeBflM^22, 1993 IBM Cofpctfition

IBM's corporate revenue experienced a 0.6 percent decrease bfetw^ri " 1991 and 1992, frD??^f ^4i§f|^^%J..,In most areas of its businesses, IBM experienced tough competition and felt the impact of a slumpfir^-world eGdrMSff^The company"response to this ' increased competitions and economic piressure is to streamline operations, reorganize into functional business units, and reduce overhead.

Table 1 — - " IBM Total and CAD/CAM/CAE Revenue, 1991 to 1992

- ^r3t :_f^^.. V. IBlT '^CAD/CAM/CAE CAD/CAM/CAE Fiscal Year Total Total jFactoiy Total Software (January to December) "($B)' ($M) 1991 : 64.8. / ..-ns-.,.• - • 1-71 379 1992 64.4 n: -lU i^fs »'••"•. 1.77 418 Percentage Change '0;5 ic^-^- -.i^- ..— -3J; -"••"^ "" 10.4 Source: IBM Corporation

IBM was one of the first computer compaMes to g^t'mvolved with CAD/CAM/CAE applications, beginning m the early 1970s. The first mainframe installations using CAD AM software have been the founda­

.T3* tion of this growing and significant business activity for IBM. With this early success, IBM began supplying a large set of design, documentation, and manufacturing tools with almost every major manufacturing company. IBM strengthened its position by first acquiring CAD AM Inc., then sell­ ing a part of the company to dassaafltClysteEf^ (CADAM Host and d' VSO Professional CADAM) in retunt'lor ajvaqui^ position. This agreement yrsi J : has been further complemented by; a feeiy^wtee^nexclusive marketing arrangement withSDRC for the last dl yeaiJS.

-jjsyi Other business relationships have been made in the last several years to At di; further strengthen the overall tool, set available to users of the IBM, _>r':il" CATIA, and CADAMl^nvirohrhwit. Eadt.of/these products is bundled '-/ish) • with interface and integration supplied by" BBM, and each brings a world "•Y/x;i • class component of software technology toj assist the engineer or njic- designer in everyday;work probtems..< ni'. r' A.\. The unbundled side (^th%bu^es§,'^S) developed relationships with many of the other leading software vendors to further expand the IBM hardware business opportunities. This has the ^enefit of','^rii\giBg a larger set of software tools into the IBM camp and reducing the potential •>i of .-.• loss of hardware r^vehlie due tb <^tist6"mer pr^eference for a software product other than CATIA or CADAM.'^-: '•••'' ^li^iy r::t • ~ :';>:. •. ivr •-, *':'y~ Corpiifdte Organization 3 - ,: .-*-:;.. • ** .r,". '.uijfi'J-ii ^cjt; f:''". ^fP's ,,-. ii brtfc M The CAD/CAM/Cf^pjfesHiSaiesSfkistia'tyiis^dev.eloped and marketed by I two separate business4entiti^.'.^Thetdevel0pment responsibility falls in

CCAM-VW=!VP-9301 ©1993 Dataquest in®)TpGrated /February 22,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS- Worldwide

the Applications Solutions Business, which is one of nine worldSwade manufaetuxing-srlcfaievelopatient businesses. The marketing rdtois taken by IBM United States, which is one of five marketing and services com­ panies. Both are led by the management committee comprised of four members, including Mr. Akers.

Figure 1 illustrates the highest levels of the corporate structure for the CAD/CAM/CAE business. Significant changes are taking place at all senior levels bf managemeht. Bernard Puckett is responsible for the Applications Solutions group, which manages worldwide market seg­ ments, including all industry market segments such as finance, insur­ ance, manufacturing, and other selected segments such as image and technical coinputing. This group also develops offerings for those seg­ ments, including application software and specialized hardware; sup­ ports the development of new businesses, such as multimedia and con­ sulting practices; and leads IBM's services businesses worldwide. The Industrial Sector division, led by Edward J. Kfoury, has development responsibility for all applications in the industrial sector.

The group responsible for marketing is led by R. J. LaBant. This organi­ zation includes. Areas/Trading Areas, Federal Systems Co., National Distribution Division, Integrated Systems Solutions Corporation, Employment Solutions Corporation, and EduQuest. From a martagement standpoint, this organization is chartered with the sales and support activity for all IBM GAEMC^AM/CAE customers. This group, i^hich is centered in the Midwest, is close to the critical mass of CATIA/^ild CAD AM users in the United States and works closely with dassault systemes services to service the installed base.

Table 2 shows bom the development and marketing organization for the IndiistiSal Sector Division. The development group, led by Robert'M^^'VMlliams, is responsible for all internal product development, for developing; and maintaining all business relationships with outside software developers. Strategic Development Partners, and other potential partners.

The mai-keting group, led by Daniel R. Colby, is chartered with the task of strategic direction, implementation strategies, and bringing the mes­ sage to the marketplace as' the focal point for all IBM-driven CAD/ CAM/CAE. This group works closely with other CIM marketing efforts to develop a working relationship of capability as more IBM users evolve into concurrent engineering operations. John D. Sarsgard has responsibility for all marketing activity for engineering applications " including CAD/CAM/CAE, third-party marketing and business partner solutions. Besides providing the classic role of marketing, this group operates an extensive national pre- and postsales support organization. The customer support group is centered in Dallas, with experts located in other locations, depending upon customer or employee requirements. The primary sales support group is in Los Angeles. Hotline support is maintained with a question and answer online system.

CCAM-WW-VP-9301 ' •-®;i993 DataquesMncorporated Februai^22,1993 IBM Corporation

Tabli3^2>h( tatra eno'irjtec ^f^: • IndusMal Sector Development and Marketir^ Organization

Industrial Sector Development Edward J. Kfoury IBM Vice President and President, Industrial Sector Division Tom Krywe Vice President, Operations John Klein Vice President, Worldwide Market Selection and Market Development Bjom Andersen AS Director, CIM Architecture and Integration Jim Stifler Vice President, Industrial Sector Consulting Services Robert M. Williams Vice President, Worldwide Development P.J. (Patrick) O'Neil Development Advisor Don A. Nelson Manager, Engineering Development R.A. (Bob) Munro Manager, Business Planning Joe Kaddis Manager, Development Operations Dick Cook Lab Director, CIM Development Atlanta/Houston Jimmie Warren Lab Director, Plant and Production Operations Development Ken West Program Manager, Support Delivery Niel Horikoshi Staff Counsel - - ' '^''' Barbara Young Manager, Product Assurance/Strategic Skills Assessment Iqbn E. Sims Manager, CATIA Product Management f-jffVyesley E. Miga Manager, CATIA Acceptance ^irl'iMichael R. Zick Manager, CAISIA Application ElA. (Rich) Arco Manager, Engineering Development—Kingston ^^Mark Z. Solomon Manager, AEC Application Development Alan C. Larsen Manager, CAEDS Development Support ,, E.I. (Beth) Sulander Manager, Framework development , ;,^iXA. (Tom) Gezo Manager, VALISYS Develppxnepit^^iyjpojt . Rajidy A. Tamura Manager, Engineering Deyelopn^lj^Santa Monica < Daniel P. Bell Manager, Administration/I^SefyiGes Timothy N. Teigler Manager, CAD/CAM Vendor arid Support R. B. (Bob) Jones Manager, CAD AM Liaison " >. S. L. (Sherrie) Manager, Graphics Program Support Panozzo , r Richard A. Rizzo Manager, Graphics Program Support , Hasan G. Erbay Manager, Data Exchange Development i Frank G. Xiong Manage, Graphics Departm^rit , ., S. R. (Robert) Chang Manager, IGES Development. c?r a; '" Ralph Rea Manager, Ntiinerical Control Development (Continued) :(/< •

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CCAM-WW-VP-9301 ©1993 Dataqy^stlnoofporated February 22,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

Table 2 (Continued) £9^ Industrial Sector Development and Marketing Organization

Industrial Sector Marketing i Daniel R. Colby Assistant General Manager, Industrial Sector Marketing John D. Sarsgard Director, Erigineering Solutions Marketing H. J. (Shen) Baxter Manager, Business Partaer Solutions John D. Bennett Manager, Marketing Support (Open) Manager, National Marketing Programs Ed C. Riedinger Manager, Marketing Support Services J. M. (Mike) Robertson Manager, Mechanical CAD/CAM Marketing Lee W. Jorgenson Manager, CAEDS/IBM CAD/Micro CAD Marketing Chuck W. Masur Manager, CAD/CAM Software Marketing Chuck E. Page, Jr. Manager, Valisys/Engineering Prods H/W Marketing Ralph E. Springer Manager, CATIA/CADAM Host and W/S Marketing Michael A. Barney Program Manager Source: IBM Corporation

The key executives in this organization, who are fundamentally respon­ sible for content and direction of the CAD/CAM/CAE business, include Mr. Kfoury, Bjom Andersen, Mr. Williams, Mr. Colby, and Mr.-3i£§gard.

Company Financials The financial model in the CAD/CAM/CAE business area is very complex; :tvithraany strategic development relationships, distribution agreements, and joint marketing projects.

Table 3 shows the breakout of CAD/CAM/CAE-related revenue. These applications define the total CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS market. Total factory revenue is defined to be the amount of money received for goods, not including revenue for products sold to another company for resale (OEM). Softv^are revenue comes from bundled or unbundled sales. The percent change from 1991 to 1992 is shown for both total factory revenue and software revenue.

^-;v .i..V"* . yit-'^^q^^ M^:n'^

CCAM-WW-VP-9301 ©1993-Dataquest Incorporated February 22,1993 IBM Corporation

Table 3 IBM's CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Revenue (Milliohs of Dollars)

1992 1992 Percentage Change 1991 to 1992 Total Total Total Total Factory Software Factory Software Application Mechanical 1,472.5 387.0 6.6 8.3 AEC 182.2 40.5 0.9 7.8 GIS 93.8 15.7 -6.6 2.8 EDA 112.7 20.8 2.6 4.1 Total 1,861.2 464.0 5.0 7.9 Platform Host-Based 957.9 253.8 -1.9 -1.9 Workstation 341.8 85.8 40.0 40.1 Server 293.2 71.0 19.8 20.9 Personal Computer 268.3 53.4 -12.6 4.0 Region Europe 843.7 201.3 7.3 10.5 Asia 509.9 138.1 -5.7 -3.2 North America 481.4 120.6 14.9 18.6 Res,t,ef^ World 26.3 i'. '' ' 4.1 -3.2 8.2 Source: Dataquest (February 1993)

Applications The CAD/CAM/CAE business-of IBM is dominated by the mechanical application area. At more than 83 percent of the totals mechanical appli­ cations are expected to continue to lead the product mix for the foresee­ able future. CATIA is the keystone of this marketing effort. All add-on software from strategic development partners will enhance the basic CATIA functionality. CAD AM is stepping out from under the IBM umbrella by porting its low-end products to other vendors' platforms. This provides an interesting mix of bundled products with enough overlap and synergy to meet the most discerning user. Many of the CAD/CAM/CAE software market leaders including AutoCAD, ESRI, MacNeal-Schwendler, and PDA Engineering have ported to one or more of the IBM platforms.

Platforms Host-based systems still support 54 percent of the software business. This is expected to be the most vulnerable part of the business in the next few years. Massive interest in desktop solutions with lower cost per unit expectations will further erode the host-based solutions position. Technical workstation and server growth was very high, reaching more than 40 and 20 percent, respectively. Personal computers had negative

CCAM-WW-VP-gSOl ©1993 Dataquest Intorporated February 22,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

growth in revenue due to rapicji^ falling price pressure. The technical workstation is expected to lead revenue growth in the near future. Regions Europe is the largest regional market, followed by Asia, and then North America. The European and Asian markets have historically been large users of host-based systems, showing above-average revenue growth. The North American market gained some market share with a higher revenue growth for 1992. Fluctuation in currency valuation in the year tended to reduce the actual value of this growth. Growth in domestic and overseas markets will be determined by changing preferences in platform mix and evolution in local application requirements.

Business and Product Strategy IVIission IBM's mission is to remain the dominant worldwide provider of CAD/ CAM/CAE systems. To accomplish this, IBM has selected markets where it has a significant market share and is working to expand the base. This is being accomplished by systematic investments in mission- critical application software and value-added application software. This leverages the tnformadon generated to run the core business with ancillary business or technical applications.

Strategy IBM is working to create complete product offerings that meet the^varied needs of design and manufacturing customers. CATIA is used as the centerpiece or keystone product. CATlA's recognized strengths in 3-D applications are b^ing leveraged by continued development of existing and new applications, and development of an open software architecture designed to support internal and external enhancement. This is intended to allow the existing customers to use their base of design expertise in new ways^ rather than require them to start over from scratch. This is difficult to measure, but an important element of the strategy exists in the IBM operating system environment that is enhanced to provide leverage or competitive advantage for the software user and developer.

Industry Focus The automotive and aerospace industries are strategic to the success of IBM's future CAD/CAM/CAE business. The large installed base in these industries has become a stepping stone of growth in two directions—protecting the existing installed base and pushing into new markets. Tremendous effort is directed toward protecting this installed base with directed customer support and needs analysis. The products developed to meet the needs of these complex and dynamic industries are then being used to push into other industrial markets. New strategic business partners may assist this growth into nontraditional industrial miarkets. The skills of indiistrv'-specific marketing business partners apply to large and smalt bti^^^s opportunities.

CCAM-WW-VP-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated February 22,1993 IBM Corporation

•mim^ Large Enterprisit>icr A strategic business element focuses attention on key large customers by careful requirements analysis and the process of mutual business alli­ ance. An extensive investment in IBM hardw^are, software, and service buys some influence over the strategic directions of hardware and soft­ ware development. IBM uses these accounts to showcase the solutions offered and encourages these accounts to publicize their success. Companies such as Boeing, Honda, Chrysler, Black and Decker, Lock­ heed, Rockwell, and Snap-On Tools are often mentioned in this context. Extended enterprise relationships are used to grow the installed base by further penetration into supplier companies and industries.

Smaller Operations It is risky to look only to the large account for direction and require­ ments specification. The lessons learned in a complex enterprise can be scaled to meet the needs of a small operation. IBM is using its smaller customers to help influence product content, packaging, usability, and terms and conditions. The level of success IBM attains with smaller oper­ ations will measure its ability to remain No. 1 in the mechanical CAD/ CAM/CAE market. The competitive dynamics of this market are more tactical and less strategic than for larger companies. The solutions installed must operate effectively and quickly. These competitive pres­ sures will force the ability to recognize and meet the needs of a quickly evolving market.

Strategic Development Partner Relationships The IBM Strategic Development Partner relationships, in general, follow a simple strategy. A vendor will develop a product for IBM with minor customization to make the software product somewhat unique in an IBM environment. This might entail an enhanced user interface to operate efficiently in a VM or AIX environment. It might add features or develop a seamless interface with CATIA or CAD AM for compatibility. In return for this, the vendor would receive an investment in the company, giving IBM a minority ownership position. IBM in turn would sell and provide all customer support services for installation, training, and follow-up. The developer receives a royalty payment for each transaction. Usually, the support, training, and follow-up services represent about the same revenue stream as the initial software purchase.

Table 4 shows the estimated revenue distribution of IBM software revenue for each major Strategic Development Partner. Clearly dassault systems is committed to this relationship with 100 percent reliance on IBM as the only sales channel. CADAM is doing almost half of its busi­ ness through IBM, the rest in direct end-users sales. SDRC operates on all major platforms. As the developer of CAEDS, this OEM relationship contiibutes about 15 percent to SDRC's overall software business. This represents a solid and reliable business component but clearly positions SDRC differently frpiiv,dassault and CADAM. The other SDP's represent a significant and ^^^i^ng share of the business. Each brings a unique or strategic application supporting the leading software offerings.

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Table 4 Strategic Development Partners' Revenue Distribution in 1992

Share of Total IBM Software Business Company Software Revenue (%) Share with IBM (%) dassault systemes 41 100 CADAM 45 48 SDRC 5 15 Others, including 9 Accugraph, ICAD, PDA Engineering, Thomson Digital Image, and Valysis. Source: Dataquest (February 1993)

Several other types of business relationships have been defined to pro­ vide varying amounts of support and development between IBM and the software vendor. The most relevant to this analysis of the CAD/ CAM/CAE/GIS business environment are described and listed in Table 5. Hundreds of other software vendors have products that can be used on one or more IBM platforms, but they have not developed a Bus­ iness Partner (contractual) relationship with IBM. Table 5 lists many of the leading Industry Remarketers, Application Specialists, Industry Application Specialists, and Cooperative Software Suppliers.

• The Industry Remarketers (IRs) are independent companies that buy designated products from IBM and add value with their own industry-specific offerings. These remarketers then market, install, and otherwise support the IBM product, including IBM software. IRs set their own prices and their own terms and conditions. • The Application Specialists (ASs) are organizations that generally operate within a local area and have expertise in one or more indus­ tries. They are selective, contracted, assigned, and paid by local IBM branch offices to assist IBM marketing personnel in marketing and installing IBM hardware, along with either IBM or their own software. They may also engage in joint marketing activities with IBM person­ nel. • The Industry Application Specialists (lASs) are regional or national organizations that combine marketing and installation capabilities with specific industry expertise and vertical application software. Some may support IBM application software. Still others may offer specific skills in such areas as system connectivity or competitive con­ versions. Once selected, IBM Industry Marketing works closely with the company to develop market exposure. The decision to use an Industry Application Specialist is made by the local IBM branch office, which also pays the fees.

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Table 5 Industry-Sponsored Business Partners for CAM/CAM/CAE/GIS

Company IBM Relationship Accugraph Corp. CSS Advantage Computing AS Aerobotics IR/IAS Alias America Corp. IR Balrae Associates IR Bechtel Software Inc. IR Cadence Design Systems Inc. IAS Cadtronics IR/AS CGTech AS Cimage Corp. AS Cimlinc Inc. AS Cimplex Corp. AS Computer Design Inc. CSS Computer Design Services IR/AS Commimication Technical Systems IR Computer Aided Design Software Inc. AS dassault systemes services IAS Dickens Data IR/IAS DSP Development Corp. AS Entre Computer Center IR ESRI Inc. IAS FAB Consulting lA FCI IR Formtek Inc. CSS Geo Vision Systems Inc. IAS Grumman IR/AS Integrated Systems Development IAS Integrated Systems Technologies IR/IAS Les-Work Computer Aided Design IR Lexmark IAS The MacNeal-Schwendler Corp. AS MCS AS Mission Systems Technologies IR/AS Norwood & Williamson IR/AS Parametric Technology Corp. AS PDA Engineering AS SDRC IAS SEMCOR IR/AS (Continued)

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Table 5 (Continued) ^* ' Industry-Sponsored Business Partners for CAM/CAM/CAE/GIS

Company IBM Relationship Stone and Webster IAS Swanson Analysis Systems Inc. IAS UES AS Valid Logic Systems Inc. IAS Valisys Corp. AS Viewlogic Systems Inc. IAS IR = Industry Remarketer AS = Application Specialist IAS = Industry Application Specialist CSS = Cooperative Software Supplier Source: IBM Corporation

Cooperative Software Suppliers (CSSs) enter into contracts for IBM to sell their application solutions along with IBM hardware and software. The IBM marketing representatives can quote CSS prices, along with CSS terms and conditions, as well as take orders for the product without CSS direct involvement. These suppliers retain complete con­ trol over their products, providing IBM with the prices, terms and conditions, and product descriptions to be used during marketing activities.

Product Offerings This section lists products and the corresponding strategic development partner, location of the partner, and a brief product description. CATIA, dassault systemes, Suresnes, France This is a general-purpose surfacing, solids, and wireframe program sup­ porting a large set of applications for product design and manufacturing tasks. Basic subapplications include drafting, solids, advanced surfacing, kinematics, FEM, robotics, and numerical control part programming. AEC/mechanical applications include structures, building design, schematics, and piping and tubing. The cornerstone of IBM's CAD/ CAM/CAE product offering, this program forms the base to be lever­ aged by other strategic development partners. CAOAM, CADAM, Burbank, California This is a general-purpose 2-D and 3-D mechanical CAD/CAM program that is used to compete with PC and workstation-based drafting, documentation, design, and manufacturing products. CADAM is often used with CATIA as a design and documentation tool. CAEDS, SDRC, Milford, Oliio This is a general-purpose solid-modeling-based conceptual and func­ tional design tool with extensive analysis and test features. This family of products is used to capture design intent and to verify the functional

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performance of the design. It is used to complement CATIA and CAD AM for advanced design verification. CBDS, IBM, Miiford, Ohio This is a set of applications created to accelerate the design and manufacture of PCBs and thick-film HMCs. CBDS has a central compo­ nent database and can pass completed design descriptions between modules. CIEDS, IBM, Mllford, Ohio The Circuit Board Design System is an integrated system for design, physical layout, and manufacturing data generation of printed circuit boards and thick-film hybrid substrates. MountalnTop, Accugraph Corp., El Paso, Texas This is a number of independent yet integrated modules to provide functions for facility management, civil engineering, information management, and architectural design. The ICAD System (KBE), ICAD, Cambridge, Massachusetts Knowledge-based engineering tool set that is integrated with CATIA for end-user creation of high-productivity rule-driven applications in design, analysis, and manufacturing. These tools have been proven to offer significant flexibility and dramatic return to the users who have implemented them. Patran, PDA Engineering, Costa Mesa, California This offers world class pre- and postprocessing for a w^ide variety of finite element analysis tools. Some of these tools are unique to PDA such as a materials library with thousands of material specifications to accurately define the material properties at the start of an analysis process. TOImage, Thompson Digital Image, New York, New York This is a fully integrated set of software for 3-D imagery. It has inter­ active tools for modeling, animation, material editing, rendering, and image editing. Valisys, Valisys, Santa Clara, California Valisys offers a step-by-step systematic way to validate that dimension and tolerance information is correctly specified in the design phase and adhered to during the manufacturing and quality assurance phases. This information can then be used to drive gauge design, interface coordinate measuring machines, and verify the actual component to the design file. Something New A major release of CATIA is scheduled for release in the first quarter of 1993. Version 4 (V4) is heralded as a major upgrade worthy of a new product designation. The V4 designation will probably prevail. A series of industry-specific application configurations will be packaged using the new set of V4 program modules. These modules are fully compatible with models built with the current V3 program. Jills evrar

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New features will include parajftetric and variational user input. Flexi­ bility in constraint management will allow users to add or modify the appropriate tangency, perpendicularly, or anchor point as needed. Feature-based modeling will be offered with the option of user-defined features. A top-down approach is supported for modeling complex assemblies where the designer can buUd a black box as a subassembly for later fimctional detailing. This enhances the design process by organizing the com.plete project, allowing for work to progress as the resources or design constraints are developed. Other enhancements in the product data management will support the overall system function to design and manufacture products of any complexity.

New features in tolerancing, analysis, and manufacturing applications are expected in a phased release of V4. Other Items about the Company Other items about the company are as follows: • IBM is the largest user of CATIA. 10,000 seats are in current use in IBM design centers located around the world. These design center develop a wide variety of computer systems, subcomponents, display, and workstation products. • CATIA has driven the sale of 15 percent of RS/6000 shipments. The installed base of CATIA includes 4,000 mainframes and 15,000 workstations. • It is very common for CATIA or CAD AM to be used together. In general, 60 percent of CATIA users are using CAD AM. Also, 39 per­ cent of all CAD AM users have CATIA. The largest CATIA customer has a 7,000-seats installation.

Dataquest Perspective IBM is likely to remain the largest supplier of CAD/CAM/CAE technol­ ogy for the foreseeable future. Some niche markets such as mechanical CAD/CAM and document imaging are dominated by the suite of products offered by IBM. Most markets are getting some serious compe­ tition, but overall, the depth and breadth of IBM's offerings are difficult to match. This is particularly true if the combination of business and technical applications are considered. This fvmdamental strength of IBM in enterprisewide product coverage is difficult to evaluate. The largest customers certainly understand and have invested the future success of their company in a strategic alliance, betting on the continued success of the investment. IBM is not likely to lose this strategic position. The cur­ rent midnight oil being burned by the senior management seems des­ tined to refine a strategic direction that will ensure the safety of its stra­ tegic customers and profit from the streamlining and customer focus that is sure to result.

The general trend in manufacturing toward concurrent engineering and verification of design intent to meet market needs supports the core of

CCAM-WW-VP-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated February 22,1993 !BM Corporation i§

'^^i'^ the IBM strategy.sfi^the market awareness of the benefits of CAD/ CAM/CAE are widely known and experienced, expect a rapid evolution in end users' expectations. The best of new point-solution applications will be quickly assimilated into a larger operation of integrated engineer­ ing design, manufacturing, and management tools. Any emerging world class software vendor should not be surprised to be invited to participate in the IBM environment as a strategic partner.

As positive as this sounds, IBM has its challenges. More than 54 percent of the mechanical CAD/CAM/CAE software revenue in 1992 was sold on the host-based platform. IBM's market share of the host-based market has been going up, but the growth of the overall market is elsewhere. The reputation of host-based solutions with high cost of ownership and linuted performance options has crippled the general viability of this platform. The economic pressures to downsize computing resources are prevalent in all application areas. It is worth noting the real market pres­ sure in downsizing is reducing the cost of ownership as more and more people get plugged into the system.

Another risk is based in the complexity of the situation. As users find procedures to get the job done, most are reluctant or do not make the time to try something new that may lead to a more productive overall process. The incremental improvements in system enhancements proba­ bly are often not compelling enough to force a significant change. Ironi­ cally, big operating budgets can support a small experimentation budget for anything new. This scenario will work to keep even the most dedi­ cated IBM user up-to-date concerning the latest CAD/CAM/CAE or peripheral offerings. This awareness will keep pressure on the IBM Stra­ tegic Business Partners to provide a highly efficient solution set.

IBM has the enviable position of owning the most valuable installed base of CAD/CAM/CAE users. The intense price/performance competi­ tion in this market can turn this group into a battlefield if not well tended. CATIA V4 to be delivered in early 1993 is key to the continued success of this business.


CCAM-WW-VP-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated February 22,1993 t r 16 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide I


CCI.S-1645054 Librsryj Corporste 197-1234 InterriBl Distribution

For More Information... Michael J. Seely, Director (408) 437-8178 Via fax (408)437-0292

The content of this report represents our interpretation and analysis of information generally available to the public or released by responsible individuals in the subject companies, but is not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness- It does not contain material provided to us in confidence by our clients. Individual companies reported on and analyzed by Dataquest may be clients of this and/or other Dataquest services. This information is not furnished in coimection with a sale or offer to sell securities or in connection with the solicitation of an offer to buy securities. This firm and its parent and/or their officers, stockholders, or members of their fanulies may, from £)3t3Q|LICSt ''"^^ '° 'i™^' have a long or short position in the securities mentioned and may sell or buy such securities. ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated—Reproduction Prohibited nn acompanyof ^ ^ MMMM ThcDun&BradstrectCorporaiion Dataquest is a registered trademark of A.C. Nielsen Company 0014488 DataQuest' Dataquest Perspective Software INFORMATION RESOURCE CENTER DATAQJJEST INCORPORATED 12% Ridder Park Drive £«n Jns4i, CA 9513 T2398 (408) 437-8600 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide in Tliis issue

CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS as Viewed by Operating Systems, Vendor Sliipments, and Vertical IVIarlcets Dataquest has completed its worldwide survey of CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS software compa­ nies, which asked software vendors to allocate their 1992 software revenue both to the operating systems on which it runs and by their customers standard industry classification (SIC) code. In addition to providing insight as to operating systems used by CAD/CAM/ CAE/GIS users, the operating systems data, when juxtaposed against the market share database, provides refinement to vendor shipments of technical workstations. This report highlights the following results from these special surveys: • Software sales by operating system • Refined vendor workstation shipments • Software sales by buyer's industry This report incorporates new information obtained after our September Market Share Update, providing greater accuracy. The results represent our best niunbers for the 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS market. By Linda Anderson »

CAD/CAIVI/CAE/GiS as Viewed by Operating Systems, Vendor Siiipments, and Verticai iVIaricets

Sun's UNIX Continues to Be the Most Highly Invested Operating System CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS software vendors were asked to distribute their software revenue by operating systems. The results show that in terms of software sales revenue. Sun continues its dominance as the most highly invested platform, with $1,198 billion in software revenue sales on Sun's UNIX, because of its leadership in the EDA market (see Table 1). In terms of dollar growth in revenue from software sales, the HP's UNIX operating system triumphs as users have migrated from the Apollo AEGIS operating system. The top growing operating systems are as follows: • HP's UNIX grew $202 million from $334 million in 1991 • Sun's UNIX grew $175 million from $1,023 billion in 1991 • DOS with Windows grew $157 million from $2 million in 1991 • IBM's UNIX grew $137 million from $274 million in 1991 » Dataquest* Program: CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Product Code: CCAM-WW-DP-9304 nn aoompanyof liif llwOuntrBiad Publication Date: December 27,1993 o o Table 1 > Software Sales on Each Operating System for Each Application, 1992

All Applications Mechanical AEC GIS/Mapping o •a S I CO Soft­ 1991- Share Soft­ 1991- Share Soft­ 1991- Share Soft­ 1991- CO o ware 1992 of 1992 ware 1992 of 1992 ware 1992 of 1992 ware 1992 •(^ Operating Sales Growth Market Sales Growth Market Sales Growth Market Sales Growth M System ($M) (%) (%) ($M) (%) (%) ($M) (%) (%) ($M) (%) Sim-UNlX/OS 1,198.3 17.1 24.2 455.5 0.9 19.7 57.3 0.3 7.7 102.2 21.9 DOS 956.4 -3.6 19.3 391.9 -2.7 16.9 268.0 -2.8 36.0 119.8 4.1 HPUX 535.4 60.6 10.8 280.1 595 12.1 53.0 22.1 7.1 29.1 23.3 IBMAIX 410.4 50.1 8.3 238.3 17.6 103 435 6.4 5.8 40.0 86.3 DECULTRDC 271.0 31.4 5.5 153.3 18.7 6.6 16.9 36.3 2.3 24.6 33.2 © Intergraph

•a DOMAIN/ o Apollo UNIX 148.7 -28.8 3.0 40.9 -27.4 1.8 10.6 -31.4 1.4 51.9 0.1 S. Sony NEWS- CD OS (UNIX) 74.3 -2.2 1.5 37.3 -7.6 1.6 105 -23.9 1.4 3.8 26.6 AT&T Systems V Derivatives 68.9 -15.7 1.4 39.0 7.0 1.7 5.3 -35 0.7 12.1 -63.9 Apollo AEGIS 44.4 -78.6 0.9 7.4 -70.8 0.3 5.8 -47.8 0.8 2.0 52,1 Apple MacOS 32.3 -3.7 0.7 10.6 1.2 05 17.1 -2.8 2.3 3.1 59.2 0S2 22.6 134.3 0.5 13.5 23,200.2 0.6 3.6 75.8 05 1.6 9509.5 Prime PRIMOS 13.4 -53.0 0.3 8.1 -63.4 0.4 5.0 -3.3 0.7 0.3 -77.5 CRAY UNIX 13.3 36.3 0.3 13.1 34.7 0.6 0 NA 0 0 Siemens-Host/ O CD Proprietary 11.3 32.9 0.2 0 NA 0 2.6 NA 0.3 8.8 2.8 O CD XENIX/SCO 3 UNIX 10.8 1.7 0.2 4.2 2.6 0.2 3.3 -30.2 0.4 2.6 68.0 rv3 •-g

CO CO CO o o Table 1 (Continued) > Software Sales on Each Operating System for Each Application, 1992

All Applications Mechanical AEC GIS/Mapping -a (O Soft­ 1991- Share Soft­ 1991- Share Soft­ 1991- Share Soft­ 1991- oCO *>. ware 1992 of 1992 ware 1992 of 1992 ware 1992 of 1992 ware 1992 operating Sales Growth Market Sales Growth Market Sales Growth Market Sales Growth M System ($M) (%) (%) ($M) (%) (%) ($M) (%) (%) ($M) (%) CDC CYBER NOS/VE 10.2 -38.5 0.2 8.7 -46.2 0.4 0.3 104.2 0 1.2 317.7 Apple A UX 2.3 77.1 0 0 NA 0 0.3 376.5 0 0.6 NA Other UNIX 44.7 -61.7 0.9 12.7 -75.1 0.5 25.2 -19.7 3.4 4.4 -62.4 Others 166.5 101.0 3.4 109.1 79.7 4.7 25.8 187.2 3.5 12.9 -1.6 @ Total UNIX 3,213.7 20.5 64.9 1,499.6 15.4 64.8 315.6 6.4 42.4 374.7 14.9 CO All Operating CO CO Systems 4,950.6 9.6 100.0 2,312.6 9.1 100.0 744.7 9.3 100.0 603.9 16.4 o NA = Not available 01 r-t' Source: Dataquest (December 1993) a> .Q

o o •oo

CD o.

cr CD r\3 -vi


Operating system preferences vary by application segment, as follows:

• Mechanical software vendors continue to sell more, in terms of software revenue, to Sun's UNIX ($456 million), with DOS continuing at a close second ($402 million). However, the clear leader in dollar growth in software sales is the HP's UNIX operating system, which grew $105 million from $176 million in 1991, almost 60 percent growth. • AEC software vendors sold 36 percent of their software on DOS, totaling $268 million, whereas DOS with Windows grew the most at $58 million, up from $2 million in 1991. Intergraph's UNIX is the No. 2 operating system preference, with more than 11 percent share and the second highest dollar growth of $16 million, up from $68 million in 1991. • GIS/mapping software vendors sold $120 million on DOS, a growth of only $5 million from 1991. This represents 19 percent of the GIS/ mapping software. The second and third place operating systems were too close to call: Q Sun UNIX at $102 million, up $18 million from 1991, represents 16 percent share • Intergraph UNIX at $97 million, up $24 million from 1991, represents 16 percent share • With EDA software vendors, Sim UNIX reigns supreme with 45 percent of the market. DOS slipped from the No. 2 operating system to No. 3, with $167 million in revenue, down $31 million from 1991. The big winners in terms of dollar growth are as follows: • Sun UNIX, with $583 million in revenue, up $153 million from 1991 • HP UNIX, with $173 million in revenue, up $82 million from 1991 p IBM UNIX, with $87 million in revenue, up $80 million from 1991 a Digital Ultrix, with $76 million in revenue, up $30 million from 1991

Windows is tlie Fuel Driving PC Growtli As shown in Table 2, all of the growth in mechanical and AEC software for PCs is on the DOS with \A^ndows and OS/2 operating systems. The pro­ duction drafters, acutely aware of performance, prefer the more efficient DOS environment. Software sales to these early adopters is declining. However, the ease of use of the Windows environment is drawing the late adopters into the market, fueling the growth of the PC platform while neutralizing the appeal of the Macintosh.

Only with the GIS/mapping software does there appear to be growth for MacOS. Apple's future in the CAD market is dependent on the company's success in positioning its new PowerPC as a viable, open systems choice in the design automation environment.

CCAM-WW-DP-9304 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated December 27,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

Table 2 I ISV Software Sales on Personal Computer Operating Systems, 1992 All Applications Mechanical AEC GIS/Mapping EDA 1991 1992 1991 1992 1991 1992 1991 1992 1991 1992 Software Software Software Software Software Software Software Software Software Software Operating Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales System ($M) ($M) ($M) ($M) ($M) ($M) ($M) ($M) ($M) ($M) DOS 991.8 956.4 402.9 391.9 275.7 268.0 115.1 119.8 188.0 166.7 WINDOWS 1.9 157.2 0.2 56.0 1.6 59.4 0.1 23.2 0 18.6 OS/2 9.6 22.6 0.1 13.5 2.1 3.6 0 1.6 7.5 3.9 MacOS 33.6 32.3 10.4 10.6 17.6 17.1 2.0 3.1 3.5 1.5 PC Total 1,044.5 1,177.1 417.8 475.7 300.6 352.9 126.0 151.0 200.2 197.5 Growth Rate (%) 12.7 13.9 17.4 19.8 -1.3 Source: Dataquest (December 1993) This growth in software that nms on DOS with Windows is driven almost entirely by U.S. companies. Regionally PC software is sold by the following: • U.S. companies grew $115 to $831 • European companies grew $30 to $196 • Japanese companies declined $12 to $149 Software Vendors Are on the Front Lines, Driving tlie Cliarges for UNIX Dominance I Table 3 provides the casts in the battles for UNIX dominance: the software vendors for each platform in each application area. Sun's success can be seen in its cast list, dominated by large companies selling big in each application area. Computervision, ESRI, and Cadence sell more than 20 percent of the Sun UNIX in each application area. IBM's success is closely tied to its own software success, with more than 50 percent of its workstations sold with the software that IBM markets. Intergraph has only itself selling on its platform. At the other extreme. Digital has only one exclusive software vendor, Applicon, with many "also port" compa­ nies; that is, most of the software vendors selling on the Digital platform also port to 3 or 4 other workstations.

Operating Systems Survey Refines CAD/CAIVi/CAE/GIS Workstation Numbers CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS software vendors, by supplying their software rev­ enue by operating systems, provide refinement to our workstation num­ bers. This Dataquest Perspective concentrates on the main U.S. workstation vendors, for which our data is comprehensive. We have included Hitachi, NEC, Siemens Nixdorf, Solboume, and Sony as "Others." Figure 1 shows vendor shipments for each application for 1991 and 1992.

Dataquest publishes shipments for workstations in our regular Market Share tables. However, to avoid double counting, OEM shipments are removed, resulting in the imderreporting of HP, Sun, and Digital ship­ ments. The vendor shipments provided here are with the OEM added back.

CCAM-WW-DP-9304 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated December 27,1993 o Table 3 > Software Vendors Selling UNIX Operating Systems, for Each Application, 1992 ISV ISV ISV UNIX Software Software Software o Operating Sales Share Sales Share Sales Share •o System Mechanical ($M) AEC ($M) GIS/Mapping ($M) I (%) (%) (%) (O CO SUN Comp uter vimdn 198 43 Fujitsu (A) 15 24 ESRI 36 35 CD 4^ UNIX SDRC 25 5 Compu ter-vision 12 20 Computervision 7 7 EDS 19 4 [TALCAD (E) 4 7 ERDAS 5 5 Fujitsu {A) 19 4 Toshiba (A) 4 7 Fujitsu (A) 5 5 Toshiba (A) 18 4 Moss Systems (E) 3 7 GeoQuest 5 5 Ail Companitiir; 456 100 All Companies 60 100 All Companies 102 100 HP Hewlett-Packard 69 24 lEZ(E) 18 33 ESRI 8 27 UNIX EDS 54 19 Star Informatic (E) 6 12 Landmark 5 16 Parametric 40 14 Accugraph 6 11 Star Informatic (E) 4 13 @ SDRC 31 11 Sener Sistemas (E) 4 7 Genasys 11 3 12 CO MATRA (E) 13 4 Han Data port (E) 3 5 STI Straessle (E) 2 8 CO 00 All Companies 280 100 All Companies 53 100 All Companies 29 100 a IBM IBM 178 75 IBM 21 48 ESRI 12 30 (U f—f- (U UNIX SDRC 19 8 lEZ (E) 10 22 IBM 12 30 X3 EDS 5 2 CADCentre (E) 4 8 Geo Vision Corp 4 11 CAD.LAB (E) 3 1 Han Dataport (E) 3 6 Landmark 4 9 Parametric 3 1 Accugraph 1 3 Genasys 11 2 4 All Companies 238 100 All Companies 44 100 All Companies 40 100 O Digital Applicon 39 26 Computervision 8 44 ESRI 6 24 CD CL UNIX SDRC 28 19 Auto-Trol 2 14 Landmark 4 15 EDS 15 10 2 9 Synercom 3 11 MATRA (E) 13 8 Uechtei 1 8 Genasys II 2 8 Parametric 12 8 Aspen 1 6 Laser Scan (E) 2 8 All Companies 153 100 All Companies 17 100 All Companies 25 100 Silicon Graphics Alias 27 17 , CADCentre (E) 4.0 60 Dynamic 3.0 43 SDRC 26 16 Autodesk 2.0 26 PCI Remote 1.0 19 UNIX Control Data 20 13 Sigma Design 0 4 Genasys II 1.0 18 Cisigraph (E) 17 10 MATRA (E) 0.2 3 Autometric 1.0 14 Parametric 14 9 Hitachi Zosen (A) 0.2 3 Autodesk 0.4 6 O CD All Companies 161 100 All Companies 6 100 All Companies 7 100 3 o- Intergraph CD —1 UNIX Intergraph 64 100 Intergraph 84 100 Intergraph 97 100 PO --J Note: (E): Eurtjpfiin Ctimpany; (A): Asian Company CO Note: Does not include software sold on Digital VMS or HP AEGIS/DOMAIN CO 00 Source: Dalaquest (December 1993) CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

Figure 1 Workstation Vendor Shipments


100,000-|f D Intergraph

n Silicon Graphics 90,000- m Digitai ht m IBM 80,000- 0 HP m Sun 70,000- • Others







1991 1992 1991 1992 1991 1992 1991 1992 Mechanical AEC GIS/Mapping EDA

Source: Dataquest (December 1993) G300739S

CCAM-WW-DP-9304 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated December 27,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

Tables 4 through 8 provide vendor workstation shipments juxtaposed to the software sales by independent software vendors (ISVs) for each work­ station for 1991 and 1992, with growth and share of market for 1992 soft­ ware sales. For Hewlett-Packard, all software sold on HP UNIX, AEGIS, and Domain was included. Digital software is iinderrepresented because no VMS revenue is included. We have not separated VMS for work­ stations from VMS for host systems.

Sun Losing Share in lUecfianicai Race The huge mechanical workstation software market, which was almost $1,461 billion in 1992, continues to attract all workstation vendors in the battle for supremacy. Sun, the dominant vendor for 1991, lost 9 percentage points share of total units shipped (from 39 percent to 30 percent share of shipments), shipping almost 1,000 units less than in 1991, whereas healthy shipment growth was made by Hewlett-Packard (almost 5,000 units), Silicon Graphics (almost 4,600 units), IBM (almost 3,300 imits), and Digital (almost 3,000 units).

Table 4 Mechanical ISV Software Sales by Workstation Vendor, 1991 to 1992 Share of Unit Shipments Software Revenue Market Mechanical 1991 1992 Growth {%) 1991 1992 Growth (%) 1991 1992 Sun 28,302 27,225 -4 450.8 455.5 1 36 31 Hewlett-Packard 14,637 19,566 34 256.9 328.4 28 21 22 IBM 10,128 13,463 33 202.4 238.3 18 16 16 Digital 7,173 10,095 41 129.0 153.3 19 10 10 Silicon Graphics 4,786 9,300 94 101.7 160.8 58 8 11 Intergraph 2,188 3,303 51 41.2 64.3 56 3 4 Others 6,148 7,297 19 68.7 60.0 •:-13 5 4 AU Companies 73,362 90,249 23 1,250.7 1,460.6 17 100 100 Source: Dataquest (December 1993)

CCAM-WW-DP-9304 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated December 27,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

Intergraph Is Being Challenged on Its Own Turf The AEC workstation software market, with revenue of $323 million, was led in 1992 by Intergraph, selling 25 percent of the workstations (up from No. 3 player in 1991). Intergraph's shipment growth of about 1,000 vmits represents about 40 percent of the workstation growth. Hewlett-Packard and Sun slipped a position to No. 2 and No. 3, respectively, whereas IBM at No. 4 was responsible for another 40 percent of the growth in work­ station shipments from 1991 to 1992. Table 5 AEC ISV Software Sales by Workstation Vendor, 1991 to 1992 Unit Shipments Software Revenue Share of Market AEC 1991 1992 Growth (%) 1991 1992 Growth (%) 1991 1992 Intergraph 4,057 5,043 24 67.9 83.5 23 22 26 Hewlett-Packard 4,413 4,707 7 70.0 69.4 -1 23 21 Sun 4,076 3,898 -4 57.2 57.3 0 19 18 IBM 2,082 3,107 49 40.9 43.5 6 13 13 Digital 920 1,145 24 12.4 16.9 36 4 5 Silicon Graphics 225 371 65 3.9 6.0 54 1 2 Others 1,824 1,881 3 51.0 46.6 -9 17 14 All Companies 17,597 20,152 15 303.3 323.2 7 100 100 Source: Dataquest (December 1993)

Sun, Intergraph, and HP in Tight Race for GIS/Mapping Workstation Leadership The GIS/mapping workstation software market, with revenue of $370 million, has three workstation vendors battling for supremacy: Sun, Intergraph, and Hewlett-Packard. These three vendors shipped 75 percent of the workstations to this market. IBM's aggressive growth extends to this segment with 10 percent of the shipments, up from 8 percent in 1991. Table 6 GIS/Mapping ISV Software Sales by Workstation Vendor, 1991 to 1992 Unit Shipments Software Revenue Share of Market GIS/Mapping 1991 1992 Growth (%) 1991 1992 Growth (%) 1991 1992 Sun 4,660 5,747 23 83.8 102.2 22 28 28 Intergraph 4,602 5,495 19 73.0 96.7 32 25 26 Hewlett-Packard 4,001 4,630 16 76.9 83.1 8 26 22 IBM 1,353 2,149 59 21.5 40.0 86 7 11 Digital 1,004 1,410 40 18.5 24.6 33 6 7 Silicon Graphics 205 352 72 4.0 6.5 63 1 2 Others 1,805 1,371 -24 16.5 16.6 1 6 4 All Comparues 17,630 21,154 20 294.2 369.7 26 100 100 Source: Dataquest (December 1993)

CCAM-WW-DP-9304 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated December 27,1993 10 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

Sun Continues to Dominate tiie EDA IViarlcet The EDA workstation software market, with revenue of $1,032 billion, continues to be dominated by Sun workstations, which represents 56 percent of the workstation shipments in 1992. Sim's growth is partly because of the growth in Cadence software, which ran primarily on Sun, and also because of HP's losses. Mentor sold significantly on the Apollo platform, either AEGIS or UNIX, in 1991. In 1992, because of delays in releasing Version 8 software, the existing Mentor client base on the Apollo/HP was not buying, whereas new Mentor customers favored Sun or IBM workstations. Hewlett-Packard sold about 5,500 fewer work­ stations in the EDA market in 1992 than 1991, whereas IBM enjoyed growth in workstation shipments of about 4,700 and Sun at about 8,000. The workstation shipment growth in the EDA market totaled about 7,600 shipments.

Table 7 EDA ISV Software Sales by Workstation Vendor, 1991 to 1992 Software Unit Shipments Revenue Share of Market EDA 1991 1992 Growth (%) 1991 1992 Growth (%) 1991 1992 Sun 27,065 35,241 30 430.7 583.3 35 45 56 Hewlett-Packard 20,522 14,968 -27 344.0 247.6 -28 36 24 IBM 515 5,233 916 8.4 88.6 955 1 9 EHgital 2,549 4,412 73 46.2 76.1 65 5 7 Intergraph 1,913 734 -62 28.9 11.7 -60 3 1 Silicon Graphics 242 320 32 4.2 6.1 45 0 1 Others 2,872 2,364 -18 84.6 25.9 -69 9 2 All Companies 55,678 63,272 14 947.0 1,039.3 10 100 100 Source: Dataquest (December 1993)

CCAM-WW-DP-9304 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated December 27,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide 11

And the Winner Is: Sun Workstations Adding together all of the above. Sun remains king of the workstation mountain, having sold more than 72,000 units. Hewlett-Packard's losses in the EDA market balanced its gains in the mechanical, AEC, and GIS markets, leaving its shipment growth essentially flat from 1991 to 1992. IBM is the big winner in terms of shipment growth of almost 10,000 units from 1991 to 1992, followed by Digital with workstation shipment growth of almost 5,500 units, Silicon Graphics at almost 5,000 units, and Intergraph with more than 2,000 units.

Table 8 All ISV Software Sales by Workstation Vendor, 1991 to 1992 Share of Unit Shipments Software Revenue Market AH Applications 1991 1992 Growth (%) 1991 1992 Growth (%) 1991 1992 Sun 64,103 72,111 12 1,022.5 1,198.3 17 37 38 Hewlett-Packard 43,573 43,871 1 747.8 728.5 -3 27 23 IBM 14,078 23,952 70 273.2 410.4 50 10 13 Digital 11,646 17,062 47 206.1 270.9 31 7 8 Intergraph 12,760 14,575 14 211.0 256.2 21 8 8 Silicon Graphics 5,458 10,343 90 113.8 179.4 58 4 6 Others 12,649 12,913 2 220.8 149.1 -32 8 5 AU Comparues 164,267 194,827 19 2,795.2 3,192.8 14 100 100 Source: Dataquest (December 1993)

Electrical/Electronic Equipment/Semiconductors Ranks No. 1 in CAD/CAM/ CAE/GIS Market CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS software vendors, when asked to allocate their 1992 software revenue to the buyer's standard industry classification (SIC) code, ranked the electrical/electronic equipment/semiconductors indus­ try No. 1 (up from No. 2 in 1991) with more than $564 million in software revenue. Software sales into this industry grew 11 percent from 1991 to 1992. In terms of total dollar growth, computers/office equipment/ computer peripherals leads the pack (with $95 million growth in software revenue from 1991 to 1992), followed by electrical/electronic equipment/ semiconductors ($79 million growth) and total government ($74 million growth). These three industries account for more than half of the total growth of CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS software sales.

CCAM-WW-DP-9304 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated December 27,1993 12 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

Figure 2 shows the top industries for CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS software sales for 1992, whereas Figure 3 shows top industries for each of the appli­ « cation segments. Table 9 provides the software vendor sales, growth rates, and market distribution by industry for each application area. Table 10 provides the top five software vendors for the top three industry segments for each application.

Figure 2 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Software Market by Industry

/ Electrical/Eleclronic Equipment/Semiconduclors (11%)

/ V^ Computers/Office Equipment/Computer Peripherals (10%)

/ others / (44%)

\ \ ^ Service/Design/Consulting (9%)

^— Aerospace/Missies/Space Vehicles (8%)

Source: Dataquest (December 1993) Gjpqywo

Mechanical Software Automotive/motorcycles/bicycles continues to rank as the top industry for mechanical software sales ($431.3 million), whereas aerospace/ missiles/space vehicles continues as the No. 2 industry ($293.3 million), and industrial and commercial machinery continues as the No. 3 industry ($240.6 million). However, the growth in total dollars of software sales into these industries totals less than 2 percent of the total growth of $193 million. Two of the top software vendors in these three industries are IBM and Computervision.

CCAM-WW-DP-9304 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated December 27,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide 13

Figure 3 » CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Software Markets by Industry

Millions of Dollars 2,500-tr

2,000 H p 1,500H oil lCO «.§ ^ m •S S o i,oooH

500 H c Q. O dj o.| a> to » Mechanical AEC Mapping EDA Source: Dataquest (December 1993) G3007401 More than half the growth in mechanical software sales resides in the following three industries:

• Computers/office equipment/computer peripherals ($48 million growth), • Electrical/electronic equipment/computer peripherals ($29 miUion growth) • Consumer electronics ($28 million) An additional 29 percent of the growth in mechanical software sales resides in the following three industries:

• Medical manufacturing ($22 million) • Services/design/consulting ($17 million) • Education ($17 million) It is not surprising that Parametric Technology, Intergraph, SDRC, and Autodesk appear repeatedly in the top five mechanical software vendors to these industries. »

CCAM-WW-DP-9304 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated December 27,1993 o o Table 9 > Software Vendor Sales by Industry for Each Application All Applications 1Mechanica l AEC GIS/Mapping o Soft­ 1991- Share Soft­ 1991- Share Soft­ 1991- Share Soft­ 1991- T) I CO ware 1992 of 1992 ware 1992 of 1992 ware 1992 of 1992 ware 1992 o oCO Sales Growth Market Sales Growth Market Sales Growth Market Sales Growth M j;^ ($M) (%) (%) ($M) (%) (%) ($M) (%) (%) ($M) (%) Electrical/Electronic Machinery/Semiconductors 564,4 16.4 11,4 203,1 16,4 8.8 10.6 16.4 1.4 4.2 22,8 Computers/ Office Equipment/Computer Peripherals 516.7 22.6 10,4 179,7 36.6 7.8 9.1 -5.1 1.2 4.5 20,9 Automoti ve/Motorcyc!es/Bikes 500.4 4.2 10.1 431,3 2.4 18.6 18.5 19.0 2.5 3.0 66,7 @ Service/Design/Consulting to (O 436.5 14,3 8,8 98.5 21,3 4.3 2369 13.5 31.8 76.9 22,5 CO o Aerospace/Missiles/Space VehicteS

JQ Total Government 414.7 21.7 8,4 72.7 23,5 3-1 90,1 24.4 12.1 222.5 22,2 Government: General/ Executive/ Public Order/Taxatiat I 74.2 13.0 1,5 6,3 -31.5 0.3 7.7 31.0 1.0 59,6 20,8 s. Government: Public Works/Engineering 150.1 26.7 3.0 12,0 54,8 0.5 60.3 25.8 8.1 76.0 24,9 Government; Environment/Public Health 66.8 18.6 13' 7,6 12,1 0.3 9.5 27.3 1.3 48.9 18.2 Government: NatJonai Security/Defense 123.3 23.1 2,5 46.7 33.4 2,0 12.6 13.3 1,7 38,0 24.3 Industrial and Commercial Machinery . 279.4 3.0 5,6 240,6 1.5 10.4 12.1 61.9 1.6 6,2 26.0 Telecommunications/Data Communications 252,0 17,0 5,1 40,6 65.5 1.8 9.5 17,9 1.3 28,9 31.1 o CD Consumer Electronics O CD 2173 15.6 4.4 97,1 40.0 4.2 1.3 121.3 0.2 1,9 863.6 3 O" Fabricated Metal Products/except Machinery and Transportation CD —1 -~j 198.9 5.4 4,0 164,5 2.6 7.1 21.8 7.5 2.9 7.5 94.4

CO CO CO o Table 9 (Continued) >o Software Vendor Sales by Industry for Each Application All Applications Mechanical AEC GIS/Mapping a Soft­ 1991- Share Soft­ 1991- Soft­ 1991- T3 Share Soft­ 1991- Share I CO ware 1992 of 1992 ware 1992 of 1992 ware 1992 of 1992 ware 1992 o Oi o Sales Growth Market Sales Growth Market Sales Growth Market Sales Growth M ($M) (%) (%) ($M) (%) (%) ($M) (%) (%) ($M) (%) Construction/Contractors/Building 184.9 1,5 3.7 50,7 2,6 2.2 119,1 1.2 16,0 11.4 -5.4 ManufacturingNEC (Textiles, Furniture, Foundries) 137.6 6,3 2.8 104,4 4,8 4.5 18,5 11,0 2.5 8,2 25.8 Chemical/Allied/retroleum 132,6 9,7 2.7 21.8 42.1 0,9 60.6 22,9 8,1 46.5 -9.9 © Utilities/Pipelines _x CO CO 123.2 13,7 2.5 11,4 15.5 0,5 20.7 -1,0 2.8 87.6 19.8 CO o Medical Manufacturing (U f—»• CU 112,9 31.5 2.3 75,6 40.3 3,3 7.9 18,7 1.1 2,0 49.1 X3 Irtdustrial Controls/ Robotics/Ag^s 111,5 3,4 2,3 79,9 12.7 3,5 1.9 15,5 0,3 0 0 O O Education •o O 99,5 39.3 2,0 48.1 53.1 2,1 16,8 34.4 2,2 20,5 24,7

CD Shipbuilding and Repair/Offshore Rigs a. S8.8 21.8 1,8 45,6 45.4 2.0 42.9 4.0 5.8 0,2 2,933,3 Transportation (Rail, Public Transit, FreightTransport) 69,4 6.7 1.4 14,6 16.2 0,6 14.3 69,5 1,9 29,7 -13,4 Finance/Insurance/Real Estate 12,0 2t,0 0,2 , 0.8 83.6 0 4.8 1,5 0,6 6,5 34.3 Mining 10.6 -1.8 0,2 0,8 8,2 0 0,5 12.1 0.1 9,3 -2.8 Ag ricul tu ra 1/ Forasbcy / Pishing 9,4 40,2 0,2 2,3 324,2 0.1 0.3 14.1 0 6.7 15.2 o CD All Industries o CD 4,9S()6 9,6 100.0 2,312.6 9,1 744.7 9.3 100,0 603,9 16.4 3 100,0 o- CD Source: Dafaquest (November 1993) —I ro CO CO CO o o Table 10 > Top Software Vendors in Each Industry for Each Application, 1992

Soft­ Soft­ Soft­ o ware Share of ware Share of ware Share of I Sales Market Sales Market Sales Market Ele CO oo Mechanical ($M) (%) AEG ($M) (%) GIS/Mapping ($M) (%) Au CZI Js. Ele Automotive/ Eq Motorcycles/Bikes Service/Design/Consulting Total Government Se IBM 94 22 Autodesk 41 17 ESRl 57 26 Ca Computer vis ion 70 16 32 14 Intergraph 56 25 Me EDS 30 7 Intergraph 32 13 EDS 10 4 Sy SDRC 19 4 IBM 19 8 Genasys II 8 4 Sei MacNeal- @ Schwendler 18 4 EDS 10 4 Uchida Yoko 4 EE CO All Companies 431 100 All Companies 237 100 All Companies 223 100 AH wto o Co a> Aerospace/Missiles/Sp ace Vehicles Construction/Contractors/Builders Utilities/Pipelines Co IBM 85 29 Autodesk 19 16 Intergraph 17 19 Ca EDS 38 13 Intergraph 14 12 ESRI 10 11 Sy 13 7 6 IBM 8 O Camputervision 29 10 IBM 9 Me o SDRC 19 7 Fujitsu 7 6 Small wo rid Systems 6 7 Vie •a o MacNeal-

CD Schwendler 16 5 lEZ 6 5 Siemens 4 5 CO OL All Companies 293 100 All Companies 119 100 All Companies 88 100 Al Industrial and Service/Design/ Te Coinmen:ial Machinery Total Government Consulting Da Compulervision 39 16 Intergraph 32 35 Siemens 21 28 Ca Applicon 20 8 Autodesk 16 18 Intergraph 12 15 Ra IBM 14 6 lEZ 6 7 Autodesk 11 14 Me ST! Straessle 13 5 Moss Systems 6 6 ESRl 10 13 EE Fujitsu 12 5 IBM 4 4 EDS 4 5 Vie All Companies 241 100 AH Companies 90 100 All Companies 77 100 AH a Source: Dataquest (December 1993) CD o CD 3 CT CD —T r\3 to to CO CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide 17

AEC Software The AEC market grew by 9.3 percent to almost $744.7 million in 1992. The highest raiiking industries, accounting for 56 percent of the AEC revenue, accounted for 58 percent of the growth in the market. Their ranking order remains unchanged, as follows:

• Service/design/consulting grew $28 million to $236.9 million • Construction/contractors/builders grew $1 million to $119.1 million • Government grew $18 million to $90.1 million (mostly in public works/ engineering) An additional 13 percent of the growth in this market is attributable to the chemical/allied/petroleum industry, which grew $11.0 million to $60.6 million. Autodesk and Intergraph are large contributors to the growth in AEC software sales to these four industries.

GIS/Mapping Software GIS/mapping software sales grew $87 million to $603.9 million in 1992 with the following three industries playing a dominant role:

• Government grew $40 million to $222.5 million • Utilities/pipelines grew $14 million to $87.6 million • Service/design/consulting grew $14 million to $76.9 million The growth in GIS/mapping software sales in these industries represents 80 percent of the total growtii. Intergraph and ESRI play the dominant role in the government and utilities/pipelines industries, whereas Siemens and Autodesk are nipping at their heels in the service/design/ consulting industry.

Electronic Design Automation Software In the EDA market, the big get bigger. EDA software sales of $1.2892 billion are similarly concentrated in three industries, with most of the $97 million in growth in the following areas:

• Electrical/electronic equipment/semiconductors grew $48 million to $347 million • Computer/office equipment/computer peripherals grew $47 million to $323 million • Telecommunications/data communications grew $12 million to $173 million These three industries account for 64 percent of software sales and 97 percent of dollar growth in the EDA market. Not surprisingly, government: national security/defense and aerospace/missiles/space vehicles were flat from 1991 to 1992.

CCAM-WW-DP-9304 ' ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated December 27,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

Dataquest Perspective This operating system and industry data adds depth to Dataquest's already rich data set for the CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS market. Although this presentation sought to present as much information as possible by high­ lighting top numbers, there are even more numbers that tell additional stories below the surface. This set of data is available to inquire about by our CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS clients.

By Linda Anderson


CCAM-WW-DP-9304 ©1993 Dataquest incorporated December 27,1993 20 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide


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For More Information... Linda Anderson, Market Research Analyst (408) 437-8135 Via fax (408) 437-0292

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CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide In This Issue

CAD/CAM/CAE and GIS Software Market Expected to Grow 12.0 Percent in 1993, Revised up from 9.6 Percent Refinements of year-end market share figures for the CAD/CAM/CAE and GIS markets reduced the software revenue growth from 1991 to 1992 to 9.6 percent. It therefore comes as a surprise that the resulting forecast of CAGR for 1993 through 1997 shows software reve­ nue growing 10.6 percent, revised up from 9.0 percent from the earlier Forecast. This anomaly is created by the depreciation of the dollar against the yen of 12 percent, as of June 30,1993. So that while software revenue in Asia grew 15.1 percent from 1992 to 1993 (up from 3.8 percent in the earlier foreccist), this growth is 1.3 percent when denominated in yen. In contrast, the dollar is appreciating against the ECU with the result that the software revenue forecast for 1993 has been reduced to 7J percent from the 10.9 percent growth of the earlier forecast. This article announces the September 31 publication of the 1993 forecast update for the CAD/CAM/CAE and GIS markets, to replace the earlier 1993 forecast. By Linda Anderson

CAD/CAM/CAE and GIS Software Market Expected to Grow 12.0 Percent in 1993, Revised Up from 9.6 Percent This forecast update uses the market share update as the basis of a new forecast, incorporating any new information since May, including cur­ rency changes since year-end 1992. Additionally, with greater focus on country level data during the market share update process, this forecast update provides forecasts by country in Europe and Asia.

Figure 1 shows change from the 1993 forecast to this update in growth of software revenue by application, region, platform, and the total market. Table 1 provides the corresponding revenue figures and growth rates. This additional growth is divided somewhat equally among the applica­ tions, is concentrated in Asia because of currency issues, and resides primarily in the personal computer platform.

Currency Changes Worldwide revenue estimates include data from many countries, each of which has a different and fluctuating exchange rate. Estimates of non-U.S. revenue are based on the average exchange rate for a given year, calcu­ lated as the simple cirithmetic mean of the 12 average monthly values. Dataquest does not forecast exchange rates per se; however, we do fore­ cast with the best information available. Exchange rates, for the purposes

Dataquest* Program: CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Product Code: CCAM-WW-DP-9303 KB Th^SS^^ifaticctcorpontion Publlcatloii Dato: August 30,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

Figure 1 Software Forecast Update versus Forecast, 1992-1997

Billions of Dollars

1997 Forecast Update 997 Forecast 1992 MS Update w E < o C1O .c 5 g D. •c m O O o Q ra z In c: o o £2 X (U (r Q.

Source: Dataquest (September 1993) G3004I89 of forecasting, are calculated assuming the June 1993 exchange rate will apply throughout all future months of the year. Table 2 provides the resulting exchange rates for each European and Asian country.

Given the bleak economic climate, it is surprising that we are forecasting increased growth from our earlier forecast. The main source of this growth comes from the depreciation of the dollar agairist the yen of 12 per­ cent. With 96 percent of the Asian revenue reported in Japan, the yen dominates that region's revenue figures. Table 3 shows dollar values with equivalent yen values of total factory revenue for Asia for 1992 and 1993, with growth rates, by application, using the exchange rates as shown in Table 2.

In contrast, the dollar has appreciated against all other European curren­ cies. This forecasting has shown a corresponding decrease in the growth of the European CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS markets as compared to the earlier forecast.

CCAM-WW-DP-9303 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated August 30,1993 o o Table 1 > Software Revenue Forecast Update versus Forecast

ForecasI Update May Forecast Market Share o 1992-1993 1992-1997 1992-1993 1992-1997 Update Forecast Update -D I Change{%) CAGR (%) Change (%) CAGR (%) 1992 ($M) 1993 ($M) 1997 ($M) (O CO Worldwide 12.0 10.6 9.6 8.9 5,036 5,642 8,353 o CO Appiications: Mechanical 12.3 8.7 10.6 7.2 2,341 2,628 3,548 AEC 11.8 11.0 9.0 10.0 758 847 1,275 G IS/Mapping 14.7 16.0 13.8 16.4 629 721 1,323 ECAE 12.7 12.7 8.0 7.1 764 861 1,390 [C 9.2 11.3 7.8 10.9 233 254 398 PCB 5.8 6.0 0.7 3.1 312 331 418 @ _JL Regions: CO Asia 15.1 10.6 3.8 6.4 1,288 1,483 2,134 Rest of World 27.2 20.6 22.8 20.3 132 168 338 o Platforms: o —1 •a Workstation 13.8 12.1 13.5 11.5 3,256 3,705 5,773 o -19.1 299 196 K. Host Depend^t -11.8 -19.2 -12.1 369 CD CU Server 22.8 16.8 20.3 15.5 216 265 470 Personal Computer 14.8 9.9 9.7 6.2 1,195 1,373 1,914 Source: Dataquest (August 1993)

> (a CO

CO o CO CO 03 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

Table 2 Foreign Currency per U.S. Dollar Appreciation Country Currency Actual 1992 Current 1993 ($ U.S.) Europe United Kingdom Pound 0.5686 0.6606 16.2 France Franc 5.2712 5.5192 4.7 Germany Mark 1.5554 1.6334 5.0 Italy Lira 1,227.75 1,517.07 23.6 Spain Peseta 101.90 123.38 21.1 Denmark Krone 6.0153 6.2751 4.3 Finland Markka 4.4507 5.5955 25.7 Norway Krone 6.1824 6.9298 12.1 Sweden Krona 5.8105 7.4584 28.4 Belgium Franc 32.02 33.59 4.9 Netherlands Guilder 1.7512 1.8073 3.2 Austria SchUlLng 10.95 11.49 4.9 Switzerland Franc 1.3976 1.4727 5.4 Asia Japan Yen 126.45 111.23 -12.0 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7401 7.7327 -0.1 Korea Won 782.63 799.43 2.1 Singapore Dollar 1.6285 1.6218 -0.4 Taiwan Dollar 24.93 25.91 3.9 Qnina Renminbi 5.5082 5.7441 4.3 Source: Dataquest (August 1993)

Table 3 Total Factory Revenue in Asia, Dollars as Compared to Yen (1992 Exchange Rate of U.S.$1/¥126.45; 1993 Exchange Rate of U.S.$/¥111.23) 1992 ($M) 1993 ($M) Change(%) 1992 (¥M) 1993 (¥M) Change(%) Mechanical 2,180 2,384 9.4 275,647 265,178 -3.8 AEC 577 618 7.2 72,938 68,780 -5.7 GIS 332 375 12.8 42,016 41,683 -0.8 ECAE 508 585 15.2 64,213 65,096 1.4 IC Layout 194 208 7.5 24,491 23,154 -5.5 PCB 372 380 2.4 46,971 42,305 -9.9 AU Applications 4,162 4,551 9.3 526,275 506,197 -3.8 Source: Dataquest (August 1993)

CCAM-WW-DP-9303 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated August 30,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

Database Changes Dataquest intends to freeze the CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS database following the market share update. However, careful scrutiny of European numbers as part of the forecasting process uncovered some discrepancies at the country and application level. Adjustments were made to IBM, Hewlett- Packard, Digital, and Intergraph. In addition, Intergraph was underrepre- sented in the mechaiucal market to an alarming extent. Its data was fixed, with a corresponding decrease in service revenue and GIS/Mapping soft­ ware revenue, moving Intergraph from No. 15 to No. 9 in mechanical soft­ ware revenue. Finally, ESRI was updated to reflect higher total revenue, most of which was for service. The result is that Intergraph and ESRI are now separated by $8 million in software revenue in the GIS market. There will be no more changes to this database until we begin our survey of 1993 data. Other Information Implicit in any forecasting are the GDP/GNP growth rates (see Table 4). We also track quarterly revenue of public comparues and corresponding growth rates from previous quarters for a general view of the health of the industries. Table 4 GDP/GNP Growth Rate Percentages (Constant Prices and Exchange Rates^ Local Currencies) 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 North America Canada 0.7 3.1 3.8 3.5 3.0 United States 2.1 2.6 2.9 2.3 2.5 Europe United Kingdom -0.5 1.7 2.7 3.2 3.0 France 1.1 -1.0 1.3 3.1 3.3 Germany* 1.4 -1.5 1.2 2.8 3.5 Italy 0.9 0.3 1.5 1.9 2.3 Spain 1.0 -0.7 1.7 2.9 3.6 Denmark 1.2 0.6 2.1 2.3 3.5 Finland -3.6 -0.2 1.8 2.5 3.2 Norway 2.9 1.5 2.4 2.6 2.7 Sweden -1.8 -1.6 1.4 2.0 2.5 Belgium 0.8 -0.5 1.8 2.7 3.1 Netherlands 1.5 -0.4 1.5 2.9 2.9 Austria 1.5 -0.1 2.0 3.7 3.9 Switzerland -0.6 0.2 1.5 2.1 2.4 Asia Japan 1.5 1.3 2.7 3.6 4.1 Korea 4.8 6.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Taiwan 6.1 6.5 7.0 7.0 7.0 ' Singapore 5.8 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 Hong Kong 5.0 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 Qiina 11.5 10.0 12.5 11.5 10.8 •Germany includes the former East Germany Source: The Dun & Bradstreet Corporation

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Regional Forecast Assumptions Table 5 provides the CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS forecast for total factory revenue, software revenue, and units. Following are the main worldwide forces driving this forecast. Worldwide Forecast Drivers The worldwide CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS market will maintain steady growth during the next five years. Figure 2 shows the forecast of hardware, software, and service revenue worldwide and by region and Figure 3 shows the worldwide forecast by platform.

The main forces driving the CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS worldwide forecast are described in the following paragraphs. Table 5 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Forecast by Region (Revenue in Millions of Dollars; Actual Shipments) CAGE (%) 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1992-1997 Worldwide Total Factory Revenue 15,723 16,530 17,500 18,640 19,770 20,860 5.8 Software Revenue 5,036 5,640 6,320 7,040 7,710 8,350 •10.6 Unit Shipments 739,511 857,200 972,100 1,072,700 1,155,000 1,215,900 10.5

North America Total Factory Revenue 5,437 5,680 6,100 6,550 7,000 7,520 6.7 Software Revenue 1,767 2,000 2,270 2,540 2,790 3,040 11.5 Unit Shipments 291,743 336,300 381,800 420,700 456,600 487,100 10.8

Europe Total Factory Revenue 5,736 5,850 6,060 6,390 6,760 7,120 4.4 Software Revenue 1,848 1,990 2,160 2,380 2,610 2,840 9.0 Unit Shipments 245,054 271,900 304,600 337,000 359,700 374,800 8.9

Asia Total Factory Revenue 4,162 4,550 4,840 5,110 5,300 5,460 5.6 Software Revenue 1,288 1,480 1,680 1,870 2,020 2,130 10.6 Unit Shipments 182,151 224,000 255,300 277,900 294,800 303,500 10.7

Rest of World Total Factory Revenue 388 450 530 600 680 760 14.3 Software Revenue 132 170 210 250 290 340 20.6 Unit Shipments 20,563 25,000 30,400 37,200 43,900 50,600 19.7 Source: Dataquest (August 1993)

CCAM-WW-DP-9303 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated August 30,1993 o o Figure 2 > Worldwide and Regional Revenue Forecast, All Applications and All Platforms o -o Worldwide North America I (O CO o CO

@ _^ CO (£> 1985 1985 COO {U Software (»—•U• £3 1995 Service 1997

O O Asia Europe •oa


1985 1985 > 1= (O

CO o

CO Source: Dataquest (September 1993) CO CO o o Figure 3 > Worldwide Revenue Forecast, by Platform, All Applications

o Technical Workstations TJ Host Dependent I (O CO C5 CO i •5 @ (O CO CO o 1985 1985 (U Hardware J—t- 0> Software c= 1995 ' Service CD IQQR ' Se (A 1997 '^''^ 1997

O O •o Servers Personal Computers O oS I—f- CD

1985 1985 > Hardware c: Software (Q 1995 ' Service 1995 CO 1997 1997 C3

CO Source: Dataquest (Ssptember 1993) CO CO CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

Macroeconomy The recovery, with its inherent renewed optimism after a worldwide recession and the resultant increased capital spending, will fuel growth gradually beginning in the North American, U.K., and Asian countries other than Japan.

Technology Computing performance will continue to improve at an exponential rate in the foreseeable future. The Dataquest Technical Computing group has forecast the growth in millions of instructions per second (mips) ship­ ments: the total mips shipped in history through 1992 will be matched by the shipments in 1993. In other words, the total mips shipped will double in 1993, almost double again in 1994, and double again in 1995. This enabling resource will fuel the next-generation software tools focused on integrated solutions at the enterprise level.

Indispensability As the complexity of the design, the need to share information, and the need to store information electronically increase, the benefits of automa­ tion improve dramatically and the level of indispensability rises. This, coupled with market pressures to produce higher quality and to reduce production cycles, is making CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS a necessity.

Late Buyers A significant pool of untapped users still exists in mechanical, AEC, and GIS applications, driving additional growth. These conservative buyers will favor market leaders and installed systems for compatibility. For vendors, therefore, the value of high market share and customer satisfaction will increase.

Desktop Dominance The turf war for desktop dominance is building steam with the introduc­ tion of the Pentium chip and Windows NT, which will fight to take market share from the higher-priced, multiple UNIX operating systems with RISC technology. In addition, the decline of host-dependent systems is continu­ ing with replacements going to networked, desktop systems. Vendors, whose business models depend upon high-priced workstations, are threatened by these powerful new PCs. At the same time, the replacement of host systems provides them with opportunity for growth.

Unbundling of Software With software vendors porting to multiple platforms, software is no longer the hinge upon which hardware swings. The market is quickly moving from proprietary to open systems, resulting in a shift from bundled to vmbundled software (see Table 6).

Replacement Market The replacement market is gaining importance as replacement seats exceed 50 percent of unit sales in 1993 (see Figure 4). This saturation implies that many parallel manual systems can be eliminated and new applications developed, knowing that everyone in a company needing

CCAM-WW-DP-9303 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated August 30,1993 10 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

Table 6 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Software Revenue Forecast, by Application (Millions of Dollars) CAGR (%) 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1992-1997 All Applications Software Revenue 5,036 5,640 6,320 7,040 7,710 8,350 10.6 Bundled Software Revenue 1,939 1,960 2,000 2,040 2,090 2,120 1.8 Unbundled Software Revenue 3,097 3,680 4,320 4,990 5,620 6,230 15.0

Mechanical Software Revenue 2,341 2,630 2,880 3,140 3,360 3,550 8.7 Bundled Software Revenue 1,127 1,180 1,200 1,230 1,250 1,260 2.2 Unbundled Software Revenue 1,214 1,450 1,680 1,910 2,110 2,290 13.6

AEC Software Revenue 758 850 950 1,050 1,160 1,280 11.0 Bundled Software Revenue 300 310 330 340 360 380 4.9 Unbundled Software Revenue 458 540 620 710 800 900 14.3

GIS/Mapping Software Revenue 629 720 840 980 1,150 1,320 16.0 Bundled Software Revenue 267 290 320 340 370 400 8.6 Unbundled Software Revenue 362 430 520 640 770 920 20.5

Electronic CAB Software Revenue 764 860 1,010 1,160 1,280 1,390 12.7 Bundled Software Revenue 109 90 80 70 60 50 -13.0 Unbundled Software Revenue 655 770 930 1,090 1,220 1,340 15.3

IC Layout Software Revenue 233 260 290 320 360 400 11.3 Bundled Software Revenue 32 20 10 10 10 5 -28.9 Unbundled Software Revenue 201 240 280 310 350 395 14.3

PCB/Hybrid/MCM Software Revenue 312 330 350 380 400 420 6.0 Bundled Software Revenue 105 80 50 40 30 20 -26.3 Unbundled Software Revenue 208 250 300 340 370 400 13.7

Source: Dataquest (August 1993)

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Figure 4

• Unit Shipments versus Retirements—History and Forecast Units/Seat Shipment 1,400,000-

Seat Shipments 1,200,000- Retirements 1,000,000 -





"T ^ 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

Source: Dataquest (September 1993) G3004192 access to the engineering database can have it in electronic format. The savings potential is tremendous. This also implies a growing sophistica­ tion in buyers who are more informed of the strategic importance of this technology.

Software With technological advances, growing sophistication of users, and competitive pressures, the demand for software with greater ease of use, flexibility, and interoperability is growing. This demand is driving the growth in business alliances between small innovative software niche players and major software vendors with resources to sell to the new and replacement markets.

North American Forecast Drivers North America CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS total revenue grew a robust 11.3 percent to $5.4 billion in 1992 and is forecast to grow at a 6.7 percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR) through 1997 to $7.5 billion. The following paragraphs describe the main factors driving the North American forecast.

Economy According to The Ehin & Bradstreet Corporation's August 1993 Economic Overview, the growth of the economy is led by capital spending and by trade, as the economies of U.S. trading partners bottom out. Information

CCAM-WW-DP-9303 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated August 30,1993 12 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

technology growth for the first two quarters of 1993 is an annualized 13 percent, down from the 22 percent growth of the previous four quar­ ters. The July 1993 survey of 1,000 manufacturers nationwide indicates that reduced output has resulted in a lowering of expectations, which should continue into the third quarter.

Cuts in Defense Spending Cuts in defense spending will tend to soften the market. However, a focus on fewer, more sophisticated weapons systems will promote use of the latest design optimization and simulation capabilities.

European Forecast Drivers The European market grew 3.6 percent to $5.7 billion in total revenue in 1992. This largest region is forecast to be the slowest growing at a mere 1.9 percent for 1993 to $5.8 billion, witii a 1992 to 1997 CAGR of 4.4 per­ cent. The major factor behind this slowing growth is the sluggish German economy, which accounts for 35 percent of the European market. A slow­ down in Germany rippled through all other European industries. Table 7 provides the forecast software CAGR for 1992 to 1997 for each country for each application in Europe.

The following paragraphs describe the main factors driving the European forecast.

Economy Hopes abound for a recovery in the second half of 1994, with the United Kingdom and the Netherlands already leading the way. Govermnents are struggling to contain mounting budget deficits, particularly in the U.K. and in Germany. Manufacturing industries are being affected by a decline in consumer spending because of high imemployment throughout Europe. Massive budget deficits will continue to influence government public spending.

Table 7 Compound Armual Growth Rate, 1992-1997, Software Revenue (Percent) Mechanical AEC GIS ECAE IC PCB All United Kingdom 6.0 5.2 11.8 4.6 0.9 -0.7 6.5 France 6.3 8.4 18.5 3.5 4.6 0.0 7.0 Germany 7.3 10.5 17.0 5.0 3.9 2.7 8.7 Italy 9.6 7.5 10.4 6.4 1.9 3.2 9.0 Benelux 7.2 10.0 18.4 4.1 3.7 4.0 9.3 Scandinavia 9.0 8.9 14.3 4.8 7.1 1.5 9.1 Spain 6.5 9.1 15.5 5.1 3.7 -0.5 9.0 Rest of Europe 16.5 13.9 20.2 8.8 -1.7 0.3 14.7 Europe 8.4 9.8 15.6 5.1 2.7 1.4 9.0 Source: Dataquest (August 1993)

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Growth There are a few bright spots. The European railway industry is undergo­ ing a renaissance. Major public works projects are planned in the Nether­ lands and Norway. Denmark is the beneficiary of tfie building in the eastern Germany area. Defense spending is refocusing from the personnel needs of the cold war to the equipment needs for desert warfare, urban terrorism, and rapid response capabilities. This, with the growth of the telecommunications industry, bodes well for EDA spending.

Currency The appreciation of the dollar against the European currencies places additional pressure on dollar growth rates for the European community. Just as the dollar growth of the Asian market is strikingly higher than growth of the yen, the dollar growth of the European market is less than the growth in local currency. Additionally, this conversion ratio forces U.S. products to sell at reduced dollar prices to remain competitive with the European products, resulting in less revenue for U.S. vendors.

Asian Forecast Drivers The Asian market grew 2.9 percent to $4.2 billion in total revenue for 1992. This represents a decrease of 4.3 percent on a yen basis. With the further depreciation of the dollar against the yen thus far in 1993, total revenue is forecast to grow 9.2 percent to $4.5 billion, which is a decrease of 3.9 per­ cent on the yen. The following paragraphs describe the main factors driving the Asian forecast.

Economy After a hopeful but false recovery during the first quarter of 1993, the Japanese economy has once again taken a nosedive. According to a METI survey, Japanese industry plans to cut capital spending for a second straight fiscal year {Nikkei Weekly, Jvme 7,1993). The survey also indicated that capital spending growth should return during the first quarter of cal­ endar 1994.

Currency Just as the appreciation of the dollar against the ECU causes pricing pres- - sure on U.S. goods in Europe, the even greater depreciation of the dollar against the yen causes pricing pressure on Japanese goods in the United States. This currency volatility creates a cauldron of price competitiveness in the Japanese markets, with U.S. software and hardware able to provide high profits at low prices relative to the Japanese competitors.

Competitive Model Change Japanese CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS users are shifting from the large, general- purpose, computer systems to the smaller workstations and personal com­ puters. In response, major Japanese computer manufacturers, no longer the one-stop shop, are joining forces with foreign computer comparues to provide the multiple solutions that are being demanded, adding to the already complex relationships among Japanese companies.

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Developing Asian Countries Although the cheap labor of China, Vietnam, and other developing Asian countries is fueling enormous growth in manufacturing, the lack of experienced and highly educated engineers and managers prevents a cor­ responding growth in the CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS industries in these coun­ tries. The design function still resides in Japan, North America, and Europe.

Personal Computer The Japanese PC platform has been a small part of the CAD/CAM/ CAE/GIS market. The introduction of DOS/V and Windows NT will be generating interest in this low-cost solution, especially with the small, late buyers.

Virtual Reality Japan is creating tools for virtual reality that will eventually lead to the development of new technology suitable to enhance CAD/CAM/ CAE/GIS.

Application Forecast Assumptions The expected growth in the next three or four years in AEC, GIS, ECAE, and IC applications is adding significantly to the total growth of the industry and is exceeding growth forecasts for mechanical and PCB applications. Market penetration, new application development, and shifting trends in average selling prices are aU factors in this shift in total market application mix (see Figures 5 and 6).

Meciianlcal Forecast Assumptions The mechanical application area is the largest of the CAD/CAM/CAE/ GIS market with 46 percent share of software revenue, and a software revenue growth of 12.3 percent forecast for 1993. The main issues driving the mechanical forecast are as follows:

• Software price—Dataquest expects software prices to stabilize or increase slightly for leading products. The average value of software shipped per seat has increased slowly. In 1987, total software revenue divided by total number of seats shipped was $6,740. The average value has risen to $7,390 in 1992. Corresponding numbers in 1992 for technical workstation-based software are $19,338; $2,300 for the PC; and $11,544 for host-based seats. Leading vendors on all platforms have been raising prices directly or indirectly with new pricing struc­ tures for network licensing or site licensing. Microsoft's NT is also expected to affect software prices, with PC vendors trying to raise prices, and workstation vendors possibly lowering prices as applica­ tions are ported to NT.

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Figure 5 Worldwide Software Revenue Forecast by Application »

Software Revenue ($M)

Mechanical AEC MAPP EDA

989 1990 1991 1992 1993 19941995 1996 1997'

i Source: Dataquest (August 1993) Hardware price erosion—Dataquest expects hardware price erosion to continue at a slower rate as package complexity increases and acceler­ ates demand for hardware purchases that provide more speed, memory, and storage. This trend can be expected on all platform configurations. Supercomputers are increasingly being used for high-end simulation and analysis applications while technical workstations range from very expensive, high-performance, real-time imaging systems to lower-cost, 2-D documentation systems. The need for integrated applications across platforms will cause significant upgrade and system replace­ ments. Second-tier products—With a smaller installed base and less market share, second-tier vendors with stale technology are expected to fight forced price erosion. These second-tier vendors are struggling to build market share in an atmosphere of rampant price cutting, particularly on the PC platform. Building market share by cutting prices is becoming a more risky strategy. Hardware performance—With enabling technology providing increased mips, software vendors can redefine the concept of interactive design. In the future, designers will simulate the crash of one car into another and test to see if the doors still open. The value of this level of computing will change the nature of mechanical CAD/CAM/CAE.

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Figure 6 Software Revenue Distribution Forecast by Application

PCB/Hybrid/MCM tC Layout

Mechanical ECAE

G is/Mapping


Source: Dataquest (September 1993) G30tM194

The result will allow anyone in the design and manufacturing process to simulate real problems, to evaluate potential solutions, and to communicate the change instantly to all involved. Modeling technologies—Core modeling technologies will evolve slowly to support a product data structure growing in complexity. 3-D solutions are replacing 2-D solutions, which will be replaced by next-generation, integrated, solid-modeling-based solutions. The more complete data structure with improvements in performance is rapidly building strong interest with end users. The need to have this higher level of communication among departments is growing as well, j Continued progress is being made in integration between the model and analysis applications, between model and documentation, and further into manufacturing applications. Technology dependence—The major mechanical applications have been defined: product conception, development, production, operation, and support will be necessary applications areas a hundred years from now. The dramatic changes taking place in the discrete manufacturing world because of competitive pressures are forcing shorter development cycles, localization and need for improved quality, resulting in a com­ plexity that forces the users to be fully dependent upon this technology. Manufacturing industry—The growth opportunity in each country is dependent upon the success and health of the local manufacturing industries. Multinational corporations will fuel the growth in newly industrialized countries. Each country has a dominant industry or mar­ ket segment that sets the tone for CAD/CAM/CAE use. The evolution

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of these industries has had an important impact on the growth of the CAD/CAM/CAE market in each region and has directed the success of many vendors trying to serve these markets. As an example, the automotive industries in Japan, the United States, Germany, Italy, and France have a major influence on these local CAD/CAM/CAE markets. Aerospace, a major force in the U.S. market, is less of a force in Europe and a minor but growing interest in Japan. All of the other manufactur­ ing industries, such as fabricated metal, machinery, and consumer products, have strongholds in various locations around the world. For example, the machinery industry represents a significant local CAD/ CAM/CAE opporttmity in Japan and Germany. • Europe—The automotive and aerospace industries, which are the larg­ est customers of mechanical CAD/CAM/CAE tools, are sufifering dur­ ing the ongoing recession in Europe, experiencing budget and staff cuts. On top of this, 34 percent of the European mechanical market is in Germany where the economy is in a deep recession and manufacturing output is dov^ni. Growth for mechanical CAD software in 1992 was 10.1 percent and is expected to be 7.1 percent in 1993 as the German economy is not expected to get out of the recession before mid-1994 at the earliest.

AEC Forecast Assumptions The AEC application area had software revenue growth in 1992 of 11.4 percent. The five-year CAGR for software is forecast to be 11.0 per­ cent. The main factors driving the AEC forecast are as follows:

• Untapped users—A significant pool of untapped users stUl exists. The current relatively low market penetration of AEC CAD systems should allow steady worldwide growth during the next five years, despite constant volatility in demand for the building and infrastructure products to be designed. • Mandates for CAD—Electronic design data is increasingly required by the designer's client, from the federal government down to the small commercial developer. In addition, design firms are growing at the expense of smaller firms. These large end users wiU increasingly require their employees and suppliers to adopt automation tools in the design and construction process. • Electronic partnering—Designers in the AEC industry are finding them­ selves in markets that are more regionally and globally competitive, markets that favor partnering across design disciplines. Smaller design firms will increasingly buy CAD systems or risk being dropped from consideration as a partner. • Competitive advantage—CAD purchases are increasingly justified as a competitive advantage in sales and design reviews. The architect who cannot produce the fourth iteration of a proposed design before signing up a client will lose out to the group that can use changes in a proposal to ratchet a prospect toward closure gradually.

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• Software leverage—AEC CAD vendors can fuel upgrade revenue among sophisticated users by leveraging software advances first devel­ oped in mechanical design, such as faster structural analysis tools or incorporation of design rules. • New functionality—Data and database functions (versus graphics functions) will increase in importance in AEC design systems, creating opportunities to sell users significant and new functionality. • Europe—AEC growth in Western Europe is tied to the construction industry and improvement of the infrastructure, manufacturing plants, and power stations in Eastern Europe. In particular, German and Danish construction companies are involved in projects in former East Germany and Central and Eastern Europe. The construction industry in other countries is rather bleak, given the overbuilding of the 1980s and high interest rates. The Netherlands and Norway have public works projects plaimed or in process.

Growth Inhibitors to the AEC Industry Trends that will inhibit growth in the AEC industry are as follows: • Low payoff to users—AEC's one-design-one-build structure means CAD provides fewer economic benefits to these users than does the one-design-build-many structure of manufacturing. Construction, which is essentially a prototype build, is fraught with uncertainties and delays that are hard to change using design systems as they exist today. • Lack of interoperability—Designs are often split among several differ­ ent companies representing different aspects of the design process. User comparues often have different CAD systems that do not commu­ nicate well, and alliances and consolidations in user organizations will only highlight the issue. • Low-cost solutions—Because most AEC design is still focused on drafting, which requires relatively little computing power, PC-based growth will be strong for the foreseeable future, and PC-based solutions will produce less revenue to the vendor than other platforms. • Late adopters—Attitudes of potential users inhibit market growth. Many experienced architects resist change in the design and construc­ tion processes. As this self-destructive mode of operating erodes the viability of the profession, the CAD market is also impacted because many architects who were once prospects for CAD systems simply are now unemployed.

GIS/Mapping Forecast Assumptions The GIS application area had software revenue growth in 1992 of 15.3 per­ cent. The five-year CAGR for software revenue is forecast to be 16.0 per­ cent. The assumptions behind the GIS forecast are built on an optimism that during the forecast period the world economy will gradually improve and on an expectation that global competition will increase. Assumptions used to build Dataquest's GIS market forecast are as follows: • Low penetration—Bread-and-butter prospects in government and utili­ ties are charged with maintaining information on land and assets in perpetuity. The large number of utilities and sovereign and local CCAM-WW-DP-9303 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated August 30,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide 19

governments all over the world still stuck with tabular data and paper maps, which will degrade, creates a plentiful supply of prospective buyers of the more readily changed and renewed computer maps, a first step to building a GIS system. • New technologies—Faster, cheaper computers and developments in open, distributed systems open the door to an expanded user base. Advances in global positioning systems (GPSs) and aerial photography are making it possible to create GISs significantly more accurate and complete than existing paper maps, giving experienced users some compelling reasons to reinvest. Increasingly, portable computers, multimedia, cheaper storage, and better compression of satellite imag­ ery will create opportunities to develop richer, more accurate, and more useful GIS systems. Although many markets will take advantage of these technologies, we can think of no other market as ready, willing, and able to put to work such a wide range of technology enhancements. Already in the last year or two, a number of users invested in image- oriented GIS systems, either supplementing or completely bypassing conversion of existing paper data that has helped provide a midlife kick to a market that has been slowed by troubled pilot projects. • New applications in industries like retail and insurance will drive growth—Wherever there is competition for a limited prize—whether the prize is political or economic—GIS can create a competitive edge. Wherever assets or investments are geographically dispersed, GIS offers significant management capabilities. Revenue is growing more than 50 percent per year among new applications. However, we see a wide band of uncertainty surrounding future revenue opportunities. Several new applications in GIS are destined to become embedded as a rela­ tively low revenue-producing feature in another software program (and market), rather than a standalone product in the GIS market. • Easier and cheaper GIS—Inexpensive spatial data, public and private, is accumulating and can be passed on to new users. Successful multipar- ticipant projects are growing, creating larger data sets that can be profit­ ably resold by government/industry consortia. Also, although we do not envision the technology miracle that will eliminate development costs, implementation of GIS in new sites wiU be easier and cheaper than it has been. • Solutions filHng a need—GIS addresses the irtformation age's growing problem of information overload. Any product that addresses a visible problem is more certain to grow than solutions that are still looking for the problem. • The U.S. government—GIS is one of the rare markets where relatively simple government actions can directly fuel industry growth. In fact, the GIS industry depends on government cooperation for base data development. Goveriunents all over the world are cooperating by developing spatial data standards, more sophisticated mapping goals, and increased cooperation across federal and local governments. The U.S. federal government is in a particularly influential position—and all stars are favorably positioned. The Landsat program appears to be

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headed in the direction of making satellite imagery more affordable. GPS satellites are proving extremely valuable outside of defense appli­ cations. Freedom of information remains a viable U.S. federal concept, creating opportunities to exploit low-cost, government-generated spatial data.

Growth Inhibitors to the GIS Industry Trends that will inhibit growth in the GIS industry are as follows:

• High cost—Nothing important will emerge to create a low-cost, mean­ ingful data set for traditional custoniers in govenmient and utilities. Data conversion will remain costly, despite substantially lowerscanning costs and increasingly improved automated conversion products. The high cost will remain because, as existing paper records head toward computerization, widespread minor inaccuracies begin to be examined, often for the first time. The significant cost of correcting prior errors and omissions is inevitably bundled into the cost of conversion. At the same time, increasingly complex applications require increasingly accu­ rate data, which also raises conversion costs. • Stuck projects—The significant number of traditional GIS/mapping projects stuck in the pilot phase will reduce demand for new products, as users struggle to implement existing purchases. Even worse, the negative publicity created by these projects will chill the bupng impulse among nonusers, reducing the ability of GIS projects to com­ pete with other applications for capital equipment dollars. • Price pressure—Computer prices will certainly drop, even in technical applications such as GIS where higher-performance hardware will com­ mand a premium price. Software prices are likely to come under increasing pressure, despite the industry's current ability to hold overall seat prices relatively even. Our current forecast is built on declining hardware and steady software prices, primarily because of opportuni­ ties to add significant software data and functionality content to new sales among core, noncommodity buyers. Any significant deviation from this model would affect the forecast. • Europe—GIS data in Europe is prohibitively expensive and not readily available, slowing down the potential growth. In addition, the current state of the various European economies, the enormous budget deficits of some of the major economies such as Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom, and major cuts in public spending are holding back the development of GIS. However, the railway industry is a source of growth in GIS in Europe.

EDA Forecast Assumptions The year 1992 showed a glimmer of hope in the EDA industry, with soft­ ware revenue year-to-year growth rates climbing back to 8.9 percent, driven by the continued strength of the IC layout software industry and a resurgence in the CAE market. Dataquest expects EDA software revenue growth to increase to 10.4 percent year-to-year for 1993. Printed circuit board (PCB) software in particular will remain stagnant until multichip

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module (MCM) technologies begin to affect the market, which Dataquest anticipates will take effect in the 1994 to 1995 time frame. Factors that will help spur EDA software growth are as follows:

• New tool technologies—New tool technologies, including electronic system design automation (ESDA), signal integrity, and design automa­ tion, are becoming available, fueling growth. • Analysis tools—Increasing clock frequencies require tighter design tolerances that require sophisticated analysis tools to ensure proper operation. • Migration of IC layout—Migration of IC layout technologies to system designers in the form of floor plaimers may prove to be the vehicle to expand physical IC design into the larger ASIC design commimity. • Europe—The EDA industry in Europe is now characterized by two or three big players jockeying for position. Furthermore, following the merger of Cadence Design Systems Inc. and Valid Logic Systems Inc., and several large end-user mergers, some strategic account changes have occurred and wiU continue. The total software revenue is unaf­ fected, but market share is the prize for the winning EDA company.

Growth Inhibitors to the EDA Industry Trends that will inhibit growth in the EDA industry are as follows:

• Short-term transitions and shifts—Product transition and strategy shifts will have a short-term downward effect. Difficulties at the No. 1 sup­ plier of EDA software. Cadence, may cause a stall in the purchases of new tools as users ponder their options. Ongoing consolidations of key EDA technologies, including simulation and signal integrity, will also protract buying decisions. • Financial results—Decreased revenue for all of EDA is readily evident in examining public company statements. As part of the forecasting process, Dataquest analyzes the short-term, company-specific issues. There are five publicly traded EDA software companies: Cadence, Mentor Graphics, Synopsys, Viewlogic, and Silvar-Lisco. These compa­ nies represent approximately 45 percent of the worldwide EDA soft­ ware market. Comparing the first six months of 1992 versus the first six months of 1993, we find that the combined revenue of these companies was essentially flat. Cadence's troubles earlier in the year contributed heavily to this fact, but we anticipate that 1993 total EDA software reve­ nue growth will suffer accordingly. Were it not for the stellar growth of such companies as Viewlogic and Synopsys, the EDA market would indeed be posting a poor 1993. • Legal issues—Legal issues may induce fear, uncertainty, and doubt in buyers' minds. The recent spate of legal actions (for example, Synopsys versus Cadence, Analogy versus Anacad/Mentor Graphics, and stock­ holders versus Cadence) may divert the attention of the buying public and will definitely gamer the attention of top management at the EDA vendors.

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• Use of PC-based tools will drop significantly—Looking to EDA's future, Dataquest anticipates the use of what has classically been called PC- based tools to drop significantly. The Dataquest factors determining the differentiation of technical workstations from PCs are a virtual multi­ tasking operating system (UNIX, VMS, and DOMAIN), the ability to rim high-performance graphic applications in a multiuser environment, and the user's potential range of expansion on the platform. Windows NT on the Pentium chip will challenge this differentiation. Dataquest anticipates that use of classical PCs as EDA platforms will begin to diminish significantly in 1995. At that time, classes of tools will be dif­ ferentiated not upon hardware platform or operating system, but rather upon the features and functionality of the tools themselves. The emer­ gence of Windows NT will have a minimal impact upon the overall reve­ nue of the EDA software industry. However, its effect upon competing operating systems, average selling prices, distributing practices, and busi­ ness and marketing practices will be far-reaching.

Dataquest Perspective The CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS database has undergone enormous scrutiny through our market share, forecast, market share update, and finally fore­ cast update. It has only slightly changed downward from the 1992 fore­ cast. In fact, the forecast total factory revenue for 1993 of $16.5 billion is only 1.3 percent higher than last year's forecast of $16.3 billion. However, the longer-term sights have been lowered so that the current 1996 forecast total factory revenue of $19.8 billion is 6.1 percent lower than was forecast last year for 1996. By examining the nimibers, we discovered the follow­ ing lowered expectations:

• The biggest factor in this lowered forecast is in the more rapidly declin­ ing host-dependent business. This is supported by the market share update reporting a faster drop in the host-dependent platform than esti­ mates from our earlier market share. The forecast total revenue for 1996 of $1.1 billion is 36.2 percent lower than the forecast last year for 1996. • Regionally, the largest factor in this lowered forecast is Europe, where the 1996 forecast total factory revenue of $6.8 billion is 14.7 percent lower than the $7.9 billion forecast last year. • As to applications, these lowered expectations apply to the AEC, GIS, IC, and PCB applications, while the mechanical and ECAE applications have been forecast to grow faster than reported in 1991. Lowered expectations have become an economic reality, given that the recovery from this prolonged recession is not materializing as the past has taught us. However, a CAGR of 5.8 percent of this $15.7 billion industry is solid and continuing growth. The technologies provided by the CAD/ CAM/CAE/GIS industry are no longer just nice ideas, but have become the ticket to compete globally. The technological improvements of

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software, hardware, and the increasing involvement of vendors through ^^ services will continue to fuel the growth of this CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS ^^ market.

By Linda Anderson

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For More information... Linda Anderson, Market Research Analyst (408) 437-8135 Via fax (408) 437-0292

This document is the property of Dataquest Incorporated. Reproduction or disclosure in whole or in part to other parties shall be made upon the written and express consent of Dataquest. This report shall be treated at all times as a confidential and proprietary document for internal use only. The information contained in this publication is believed DataQuest to be reliable but cannot be guaranteed to be correct or complete. aamiMnvof ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated—Reproduction Prohibited lillllieDun&BradstieelCorpofation Dataquest is a registered trademark of A.C. Nielsen Company 0015173 Dataquest Perspective iMFORMATION RHSOUKCE CENTER Software r'ATAOUEST INCORPORATED I ] y^-M) Rirld^'r Park Drive San Jose, CA 95131 2398 (408) 437-8600 CAD/CAIVI/CAE/GIS Worldwide In This Issue

CAD/CAM/CAE and GIS Market Share Update Refinements of year-end figures leave the CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS markets essentially unchanged from our earlier market share data, with software revenue growth from 1991 to 1992 reduced to 9.6 percent from 9.7 percent and total factory revenue growth for the same period reduced to 4.0 percent from 4.2 percent. However, the stiUness at this top level is deceptive. A look at the segment and company levels of the data and even at the database changes reveals some interesting shifts. This Dataquest Perspective announces the July 31 publication of the 1992 Market Share Update for the CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS markets to replace the earlier publication, 1992 Market Share. By Linda Anderson

CAD/CAM/CAE and GIS Market Share Update

Software Marlcet Grew 9.6 Percent in 1992, Revised Down from 9.7 Percent This market share update essentially revisits the companies in our data­ base, seeking refinement of the previously reported market share data. Whereas much of the data from the initial survey came from vendor pro­ jections and early, year-end results, the update represents actual 1992 year- end results. From a global perspective, the results indicate that the opti­ mists balanced the pessimists. The view from segments is a little more interesting.

Figure 1 provides a view of growth rates in software revenue by applica­ tion, by region, and by platform, as well as the total market. In the area of applications, geographic information system (GIS), electronic computer- aided engineering (ECAE), IC layout, and printed circuit board (PCB) were revised up while mechanical and AEC actually grew less than previ­ ously indicated, primarily because of overreporting of revenue for IBM in 1992 coupled with underreporting for 1991 in both areas. In the EDA arena, these revisions came about with more complete vendor input, readjusting some PCB revenue into ECAE and IC (see Table 1), and adding two companies to IC, two to ECAE, and deleting one from PCB, including past revenue.

Economic reality is confirmed by the regional picture with North America and Rest of World, previously reported with the greatest growth, now I DataQuest* Program: CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Product Code: CCAM-WW-DP-9302 no SI company of MMMB TheOun&Bradsbeei Corporation Publication Date: July 12,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

Figure 1 1992 Software Revenue Growth: Market Share versus Market Share Update

Mechanical AEC Growth Rate • from 1992 GIS Market Share Update vAMxo'j'^x.^jxwyt ^',^^^h:^^^^>^<^- •••••''i:}r,ir^f^.^. ECAE Growth Rate IC iQSQQSSaSQSQOQQSBSS ^ from 1992 •smfjSi^^M^'mwxS^s^ PCB Market Share North America xea^saseaaasetK^ •::::::::: ^:;^;:;;^::???^::^f^^i^S;^ Europe Asia

Rest of World :::: ,••••! ss'Si^SiBffliigaaSsssrBN-.s-.rsi^^sa^^^^m: Technical Workstation Host-Dependent Server M/^^y^^^^^^^m Personal Computer •x/xfyjvx/yx/x^jx/. Total te«xa:^sa!xa!,^^m 1 1 1 1 r 1 .-3p: -20 -10 0 10 ao 30 4 0 Percent

Source: Dataquest (July 1993) GsooazEi

Table 1 Comparison of 1991 and 1992 Software Revenue: Market Share versus Market Share Update 1991 Software Revenue ($M) 1992 Software Revenue ($M) Market Market Market Share % Market Share % Share Update Change Share Update Change Mechanical 2,033.0 2,117.0 4.1 2,235.3 2,299.1 2.9 AEC 666.1 680.2 2.1 746.1 740.8 -0.7 GIS/Mapping 555.8 545.3 -1.9 627.5 630.6 0.5 ECAE 691.2 699.8 1.2 744.1 765.8 2.9 IC 195.8 195.8 0 223.4 232.7 4.2 PCB/Hybrid/MCM 328.3 306.6 -6.6 329.1 311.4 -5.4 Total 4,470.2 4,544.4 1.7 4,905.5 4,980.3 1.5 Source: Dataquest (July 1993)

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shown with greater growth, whereas Europe and Asia show less growth than our earlier view. From the view of platforms, the shift from host- dependent systems to client/server systems is occurring with greater I speed than earlier indications.

Database Changes Software In viewing the actual market size for the above segments, looking at the earlier market share as compared with this updated version, the differ­ ences become considerable. We have continued to revise our company information with the best information available, even for past years. In addition to the growth rates changing as indicated above, the actual reve­ nue figures have changed, as indicated in Table 1.

Expanded Definition for Service In this survey, the service definition was expanded from maintenance to also include the following:

• Training and education • Service bureau • Application development • Consulting • Systems integration I In 1991, service revenue was $2,408.6 million and was $2,611.4 million in 1992. The resulting growth of 8.4 percent in service revenue reflects growth in service and our change in definition. This change had the larg­ est impact on the IC layout market, and considerably added to the mechanical, ECAE, and PCB markets as well (see Table 2). In mechanical, SDRC was the big foot. The database was not revised backward to reflect this change. Forecasting, however, will now be expanded to include this area of growth.

Sliift in Revenue Distribution Reflecting this expansion of services definition and extreme pressure on hardware revenue is the redistribution of revenue by hardware, software, and services as shown in Table 3.

Company Changes Table 4 provides a listing of the top 20 vendors and the changes in the total revenue figure from the market share previously reported. IBM revenue changes were made following the prior market share but before the subse­ quent forecasting. Intergraph's earlier reported revenue included docu­ ment imaging and other graphics software, w^hich does not belong in CAD/CAM. Digital previously did not report its hardware revenue, and neither did Autodesk with its software revenue, whereas SDRC now I includes the expanded service.

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Table 2 1992 Service as a Percentage of Total Revenue: Market Share versus Market Share Update Market Share Market Share Update % Change Mechanical 16.5 17.1 3.4 AEC 14.1 14.0 -0.7 GIS/Mapping 18.0 17.6 -2.2 ECAE 16.6 17.4 4.8 IC Layout 19.0 21.0 10.5 PCB/Hybrid/MCM 18.5 19.0 2.7 Source: Dataquest (July 1993)

Table 3 Change in Distribution of 1992 Revenue: Market Share versus Market Share Update Revenue ($M) % Distribution of Revenue Market Market Market Market Share Share Update Share Share Update Hardware 8,093.8 7,765.5 52.0 50.5 Software 4,905.5 4,972.6 31.5 32.4 Services 2,578.0 2,624.2 16.5 17.1 Total 15,577.3 15,362.3 Source: Dataquest (July 1993)

Analysis of Workstation Distribution In addition to these changes, the CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS group signifi­ cantly refined its database model for workstations. Using two years of software revenue distribution by operating system, collected by a survey of software vendors, we can estimate the distribution of workstations by hardware vendor in the various application segments (see Table 5). This analysis resulted in realignment of workstation shipments of Hewlett- Packard, Sun, and Silicon Graphics to the distribution of software revenue. (Note that these imit sales are expanded to include units sold through OEMs. They, therefore, will not match the unit sales in the market share tables where OEM is deleted to prevent double counting.)

Company Additions and Deietions Finally, we added nine new companies to our database with a collective total revenue of $36.0 million for 1991; $46.5 for 1992 (see Table 6). We deleted LPKF and Simulation Science: upon re-evaluation, we realized that both companies are related to, but not included in the CAD/CAM/ CAE/GIS market. IGC was purchased by IMSI, which was not previously in our database, so IMSI was added to include IGC for 1991 and 1992. However, we have not incorporated other company name changes (such as Cadam to Altium) or acquisitions (such as Quad Design by Viewlogic) that have occurred during 1993.

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Table 4 1992 Top 20 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Vendors' Total Revenue: Market Share versus Market Share Update Total Revenue 1992 (SM) Revenue Final Share Market Share Change Market Difference Market Share Update ($M) Share (%) (%) IBM 1,861.2 1,756.9 -104.3 11.4 -0.5 Intergraph 1,171.7 1,126.6 -45.2 7.3 -0.2 Hewlett-Packard 922.4 919.9 -2.5 6.0 0.1 Digital 843.6 918.9 75.3 6.0 0.6 Sun Microsystems 876.8 869.5 -7.3 5.7 0.1 Computervision 781.7 777.3 -4.5 5.1 0.1 Fujitsu 442.0 442.0 0 2.9 0.1 Compaq 416.3 429.8 13.5 2.8 0.1 Cadence 425.6 425.4 -0.2 2.8 0.1 Autodesk 341.6 367.7 26.1 2.4 0.2 Mentor Graphics 350.8 349.4 -1.4 2.3 0 NEC 348.0 348.0 0 2.3 0.1 EDS-Unigraphics 302.9 310.1 7.2 2.0 0.1 Siemens Nixdorf Infosysteme 271.2 271.1 -0.1 1.8 0.1 Apple Computer 243.2 239.0 -4.2 1.6 0 Silicon Graphics 272.9 230.5 -42.4 1.5 -0.3 Nihon Unisys 228.3 228.3 0 1.5 0 Hitachi 174.0 174.0 0 1.1 0 Control Data 169.4 169.4 0 1.1 0 SDRC 123.3 149.8 26.5 1.0 0.2 Top 20 Companies 10,566.9 10,503.6 -63.3 68.3 0.5 All Companies 15,577.3 15,366.8 -210.5 100.0 0 Source: Dataquest (July 1993) Table 5 Unit Sales of Technical Workstations by Application Segment, by Top U.S. Vendors for 1992 (Including Units Sold through OEMs) Share of Mechanical AEC CIS ECAE IC PCB Total Market Sun Microsystems 27,567 3,804 6,607 16,586 7,709 7,624 69,897 40.3 Hewlett-Packard 17,370 3,871 1,581 7,039 2,321 4,054 36,236 20.9 Digital 8,965 1,762 2,327 1,196 855 1,499 16,604 9.6 Intergraph 2,421 4,980 5,698 516 45 422 14,082 8.1 Silicon Graphics 8,574 461 478 117 0 0 9,630 5.6 IBM 6,065 717 213 0 0 244 7,239 4.2 Total Worldwide Units 77,471 22,559 20,453 26,385 11,347 15,264 173,479 100.0 Distribution (%) 44.7 13.0 11.8 15.2 6.5 8.8 100.0 Source: Dataquest (July 1993)

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Table 6 Changes in CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Vendors with Total Revenue for 1991 and 1992 1991 Total 1992 Total Revenue Revenue Application ($M) ($M) Segment Additions: CAMAX Systems 7.3 9.2 Mecharucal Chronologic Simulation 1.0 1.5 ECAE Crosscheck Technology 4.5 6.8 ECAE Enghouse Systems 5.4 8.3 GIS/Mapping High-Level Design System 1.5 2.5 IC Layout IMSI 1.7 2.2 PC-Design PCI Remote Sensing 5.0 6.0 GIS/Mapping PiE Design 6.0 6.0 ECAE Softronics 3.6 4.0 Spain-Design Total 36.0 46.5 Deletions: IGC 0.7 0.7 PC-Design LPKF 15.0 14.1 PCB Simulation Science 1.2 1.2 AEC Total 16.9 16.0 Gross Change 19.1 30.5 Source: Dataquest (July 1993)

Market Share Battles An interesting view of the CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS market is at the level of market leaders in software revenue for each application. The tables that follow provide software revenue and share of market for 1991 and 1992 as they now appear in the database. Mechanical An army of well-equipped companies is on the march in the mechanical market, assaulting the two old guards, IBM and Computervision (see Table 7). IBM, showing decline in its mechanical software despite its part­ nerships with the market leaders, Dassault, SDRC, and CADAM, is strug­ gling to survive the squeeze of moving from high-margin, host-dependent systems to the more competitive market of technical workstations and client/servers. With losses in its host dependent business as well as in Europe and Asia, IBM is outflanked by the hardy and nimble players in the workstation platform where there is real competition.

Computervision is heavily deployed in Europe where the dark cloud of recession continues to cast its gloom. This offshore presence has weak­ ened the company on its home front, resulting in a decrease of 11 percent

CCAM-WW-DP-9302 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated July 12,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

Table 7 Top 10 Mechanical Software Companies Worldwide 1991 Software 1991 Share 1992 Software 1992 Share Change in Revenue of Market Revenue of Market Software ($M) (%) ($M) (%) Revenue (%) IBM 370.4 17.5 359.8 15.6 -2.9 Computervision 232.4 11.0 206.9 9.0 -11.0 Autodesk 108.3 5.1 147.1 6.4 35.9 Dassault* 133.5 6.3 146.9 6.4 10.0 SDRC 101.1 4.8 129.2 5.6 27.7 EDS-Unigraphics 80.7 3.8 107.7 4.7 33.4 CADAM* 66.3 3.1 88.7 3.9 33.8 Parametric Technology 43.4 2.0 81.2 3.5 87.2 Hewlett-Packard 64.0 3.0 72.1 3.1 12.7 MacNeal-Schwendler 53.4 2.5 64.7 2.8 21.1 Top 10 Companies 1,253.4 59.2 1404.2 61.1 12.0 AU Companies 2,117.0 100.0 2,299.1 100.0 8.6 "Includes distributor and/or supplier revenue Source: Dataquest (July 1993) in software revenue, which is a loss in market share of 2 percentage points, a big loss for a big player.

Despite the losses of these two market leaders, the eight attackers grew a collective 28.7 percent, gaining a whopping 5.7 percentage points in market share.

AEC The AEC market is quite another story, with the market leaders, Autodesk and Intergraph, cementing their leadership by growing faster than the market, gaining a combined 2.6 percentage points share of market while three of the other eight top 10 competitors declined (see Table 8). The interesting part of this picture is right in the middle: two German compa­ nies, Nemetschek and EEZ, battling tooth-and-nail for leadership. The companies are growing in stark contrast to the economic climate of Europe's home front.

GiS/Mapping The CIS market, with its amazing growth rate of 15.6 percent, is marked by a fight for the top. In 1991, Integraph led ESRI in share of market by 5.5 percentage points, whereas in 1992 Integraph's lead was reduced to 2.6 percentage points, giving ESRI a 2.9 percentage points annual gain on Integraph (see Table 9). In the meantime, the remaining top 10 companies mostly grew at impressive rates, although much of GeoVision's growth resulted from acquisition during 1992.

ECAE The electronic computer-aided engineering (ECAE) market has been shaken up with mergers and acquisitions. Cadence merged with Valid

CCAM-WW-DP-9302 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated July 12,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

Table 8 Top 10 AEC Software Companies Worldwide

1991 Software 1991 Share 1992 Software 1992 Share Change in Revenue of Market Revenue of Market Software ($M) (%) ($M) (%) Revenue (%) Autodesk 128.2 18.9 158.1 21.3 23.3 Intergraph 100.4 14.8 111.0 15.0 10.6 IBM 40.5 6.0 41.5 5.6 2.6 Fujitsu 37.1 5.5 35.6 4.8 -3.9 Nemetschek 24.7 3.6 32.5 4.4 31.7 lEZ 19.8 2.9 32.1 4.3 62.2 Computervision 23.2 3.4 25.1 3.4 8.1 ISICAD 19.4 2.9 17.2 2.3 -11.6 NEC 16.8 2.5 11.7 1.6 -30.2 Dassault* 10.1 1.5 11.1 1.5 9.9 Top 10 Companies 420.1 61.8 476.0 64.-3 13.3 All Companies 680.2 100.0 740.8 100.0 6.2 •Includes distributor and/or supplier revenue Source: Dataquest (July 1993)

Table 9 Top 10 GIS Software Companies Worldwide 1991 1992 Software 1991 Share Software 1992 Share Change in Revenue of Market Revenue of Market Software ($M) (%) ($M) (%) Revenue (%) Intergraph 107.2 19.7 114.4 18.1 6.7 ESRI 77.6 14.2 98.0 15.5 26.3 Siemens Nixdorf Infosysteme 49.7 9.1 53.2 8.4 7.0 Autodesk 28.5 5.2 40.5 6.4 42.0 EDS-Unigraphics 17.0 3.1 24.1 3.8 41.5 Landmark Graphics 23.2 4.3 18.8 3.0 -19.0 Geo Vision Systems 8.5 1.6 14.0 2.2 64.6 Moss Systems 9.7 1.8 14.0 2.2 43.9 Genasys II 9.7 1.8 13.0 2.1 34.2 Fujitsu 13.2 2.4 12.6 2.0 -3.9 Top 10 Companies 344.3 63.1 402.6 63.8 16.9 All Companies 545.3 100.0 630.6 100.0 15.6 Source: Dataquest (July 1993)

and skipped over Mentor Graphics. Viewlogic bought Vantage, but was still passed by Synopsys. The European ECAE software market grew only 2.3 percent, providing a rough road for Racal-Redac. Wacom, with its emphasis on the personal computer platform in Japan, also had a rough year in this market (see Table 10).

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IC Layout The fastest-growing and smallest application segments have few players. The top 10 comprise almost 97 percent of the market, with Cadence con­ tinuing to dominate (see Table 11). The change in growth rates versus pre­ vious market share is because of changes reported by Cadence. Compass Design Automation appears to be a hard charger, driven by new library development tools. Table 10 Top 10 ECAE Software Companies Worldwide 1991 1992 Software 1991 Share Software 1992 Share Change in Revenue of Market Revenue of Market Software ($M) (%) ($M) (%) Revenue (%) Cadence (Valid) 154.2 22.0 165.6 21.6 7.3 Mentor Graphics 73.2 10.5 77.3 10.1 5.6 Synopsys 30.1 4.3 51.3 6.7 70.6 Viewlogic (Vantage) 36.2 4.4 46.7 6.1 29.0 Racal-Redac 28.5 4.1 27.2 3.6 -4.3 Wacom 25.5 3.6 23.3 3.0 -8.7 EEsof 18.1 2.6 22.1 2.9 22.2 Intergraph 17.5 2.5 20.9 2.7 19.4 Marubeni Hytech* 16.5 2.4 19.7 2.6 19.3 Autodesk 17.1 2.4 18.4 2.4 7.5 Top 10 Companies 411.6 58.8 472.5 61.7 14.8 AU Companies 699.8 100.0 765.8 100.0 9.5 'Includes distributor and/or supplier revenue Source: Dataquest (July 1993)

Table 11 Top 10 IC Layout Software Companies Worldwide 1991 Software 1991 Share 1992 Software 1992 Share Change in Revenue of Market Revenue of Market Software ($M) (%) ($M) (%) Revenue (%) Cadence (Valid) 114.0 56.9 136.3 58.6 19.5 Mentor Graphics 33.7 16.8 31.5 13.5 -6.4 Compass Design 11.7 5.9 17.3 7.4 47.4 Seiko* 13.7 6.8 14.5 6.2 5.9 Sagantec 3.6 1.8 6.7 2.9 86.9 Silvar-Lisco 5.2 2.6 5.8 2.5 9.7 Cascade Design 3.0 1.5 4.7 2.0 55.9 Fujitsu 0 0 3.5 1.5 N/A Integrated Silicon Systems 2.5 1.2 3.0 1.3 21.0 Intergraph 1.6 0.8 1.9 0.8 22.2 Top 10 Companies 189.0 96.5 225.2 96.8 19.1 All Companies 195.8 100.0 232.7 100.0 18.8 'Includes distributor and/or supplier revenue N/A = Not applicable Source: Dataquest (July 1993) CCAM-WW-DP-9302 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated July 12,1993 10 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

PCB/Hybrid/MCM Layout The PCB/hybrid/MCM layout market continues to stagnate, showing lit­ tle growth in the past two years (see Table 12). This market is drawn along geographic lines: Zuken rules the Japanese market, whereas Racal-Redac's strength lies in Europe. Neither company has a strong presence in North America where Mentor Graphics and Cadence battle it out.

Market Analysis The final view of all this activity is shown in Figure 2, which depicts the market size and market growth rate for each segment in the CAD/CAM/ CAE/GIS software industry. In Figure 2, the heavy horizontal line indi­ cates the industry average for software growth, the size of the bubbles reflects market share, and the bubbles are centered over their market size (y-axis) and market growth rate (x-axis) for 1992.

From this figure, the IC layout application segment and server platform are the two smallest and two fastest-growing segments. Workstations are the largest market segment with a higher than average growth rate of 14 percent. Notice that host-dependent platform segment is off the chart with a negative 29.1 percent growth rate.

Hardware Revenue Suffers In contrast to the high growth rates of software, hardware took a beating with a total growth rate of negative 0.1 percent despite an increase of seats totaling 5.9 percent (see Table 13). The hardware market continues to be

Table 12 Top 10 PCB/Hybrid/MCM Software Companies Worldwide 1991 Software 1991 Share 1992 Software 1992 Share Change in Revenue of Market Revenue of Market Software ($M) (%) ($M) (%) Revenue (%) Racal-Redac 42.1 13.7 46.3 14.9 10.0 Mentor Graphics 39.5 12.9 43.0 13.8 8.7 Zuken 46.9 15.3 41.6 13.4 -11.3 Cadence (Valid) 31.5 10.3 36.5 11.7 15.8 IBM 16.3 5.3 17.1 5.5 4.7 Intergraph 12.7 4.1 16.0 5.1 25.5 Harris EDA 13.9 4.5 12.2 3.9 -11.8 CADIX 11.3 3.7 11.8 3.8 4.0 Sharp* 15.0 4.9 9.6 3.1 -35.8 Fujitsu 8.4 2.7 8.1 2.6 -3.8 Top 10 Companies 237.6 77.5 242.0 77.7 1.9 All Companies 306.6 100.0 311.4 100.0 1.6 •Includes distributor and/or supplier revenue Source: Dataquest (July 1993)

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Figure 2 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Portfolio for Software Revenue for 1992

Percent Growth 20-


10- Industry Average 9.4%


o T 1 1 [- -I—I—I—1- 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500

Host (-29.1%) Software Revenue ($M)

Source: Dataquest (July 1993)

Table 13 Hardware Seats, Revenue, and Average Selling Price for 1991 and 1992 1991 1992 1991 1992 Average Average Hardware Hardware Selling Selling 1991 1992 Growth Revenue Revenue Growth Price Price Growth Seats Seats (%) ($M) ($M) (%) ($Th) ($Th) (%)

Workstation 150,748 173,489 15.1 3,670.6 3,967.9 8.1 24.3 22.9 -6.0 Host- Dependent 39,897 31,771 -20.4 1,854.6 1,529.8 -17.5 46.5 48.2 3.6 Server 14,830 16,301 9.9 531.0 573.8 8.1 35.8 35.2 -1.7 Personal Computer 412,406 432,848 5.0 1,718.7 1,705.4 -0.8 4.2 3.9 -5.5 Total 617,881 654,408 5.9 7,774.8 7,776.8 0 12.5 11.9 -4.8 Source: Dataquest (July 1993)

pressured by decreasing margins and increasing competitiveness. Host- dependent systems are being replaced by networked, desktop systems, and distinctions between workstations and PCs are becoming increasingly blurred.

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Dataquest Perspective From the macro perspective, the overall market has changed very little from the market share reported in February; a micro view of the CAD/ CAM/CAE and GIS market reveals considerable activity and change.

• Companies have adjusted their revenue and their distributions by region, platform, and application, from earlier estimates. Most compa­ nies caruiot afford such a perspective until accounting procedures are completed in March or April. The database is then updated to reflect this new information, often resulting in a closer look at the previous year's performance as well. Our CAD/CAM/CAE and GIS database is open to historical changes in the first six months of the year to provide a clear view of the market. However, it is now frozen until we begin the market share for 1993, allowing for a fixed view of the market for our H final forecasting. • The addition of eight new companies to our database, along with two ^ deletions, changes the size of segments, though the history of these >-< companies is also included so that percent changes and forecasting are ^ not distorted. § M • Expansion of the definition of services has increased the importance of ;^ f^3 "D this segment, as well as its growth. Future growth of the market is ^ ^ 2 expected to reside in services along with software. ""^ ^ * w * " ^^ host-dependent systems are finally dying a natural death, causing s s-i a * M * grief for companies that once enjoyed high margins and dependent cus- ^ u o * * tomers. Emerging from the dust is the merger of personal computers J -'2 c * < * ^^'^ technical workstations. :J ^q H + § * s fl) +j * w * "^^ market dynamics of the total CAD/CAM/CAE and GIS market com- s 4J in * 1^ * prises many factors based on application-specific market needs, diverse xi u '0 -KM* geographical issues, the amazing growth of computing, and graphical L) OJ rt * 1 * resources. A more detailed analysis of each segment must be made to 3 o "^ * In * imderstand the forces driving the entire market thoroughly. Besides pub- a O Q * to * lishing the market statistics books, such as the Market Share Update in late July, Dataquest provides an in-depth analysis of CAD/CAM/CAE and GIS regional issues, technology trends, and vendor profiles in other publications.

By Linda Anderson

For More Information... Linda Anderson, Market Research Analyst (408) 437-8135 Via fax (408) 437-0292

This document is the property of Dataquest Incorporated. Reproduction or disclosure in whole or in part to other parties shall be made upon the written and express consent of Dataquest. This report shall be treated at all times as a confidential and proprietary document for internal use only. The information contained in this publication is believed UaiaQUcSl to be reliable but cannot be guaranteed to be correct or complete. , ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated—Reproduction Prohibited mn a company of i r r liO TlieDunlL Biadsticet Corpoiation Dataquest is a registered trademark of A.C. Nielsen Company 0014998 Dataquest Perspective lN^ORMAT!0^j RESOURCE CEMTI^R Software DATAQUEST INCORPOR A TED 1290 Ridder Park Drive San Jose, CA 95131-2398 (408) 437-8600

CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide In This Issue

CAD/CAM/CAE and GIS Forecast: 4.6 Percent CAGR Seen through 1997 The overall single-digit-percentage growth rate of the CAD/CAM/CAE and GIS market is a poor indicator of the dramatic changes taking place in this dynamic market. Increased competitive pressures continue to drive demand for the technological leaps in hardware performance and significant software improvements, which will continue to fuel the growth of this $15.5 billion industry. By Linda Anderson

CAD/CAM/CAE and GIS Forecast: 4.6 Percent CAGR Seen through 1997 Sluggish world economic activity in 1992 caused decelerating growth in the CAD/CAM/CAE and GIS market. Dataquest expects this decelerat­ ing trend to continue in 1993. A recent survey by The Dim & Bradstreet Corporation of more than 11,000 executives in 16 countries indicated that, on a worldwide basis, optimism for sales and profits holds steady. On a regional basis, however, executives in the United States and United King­ dom measured heightened optimism, offsetting the weaker optimism of continental Europe, particularly Germany and France, and the continued pessimism of Japan. High interest rates are aggravating optimism in the European community, while Japan is suffering from weaker domestic demand and increased competitive pressures.

Despite the economy, the CAD/CAM/CAE and GIS market grew an anticipated 3.2 percent to $15.5 billion, in part because of the devaluation of the yen and ECU against the U.S. dollar (see Table 1). On the basis of the yen, the Japanese market showed a decline of 5.9 percent. Dataquest is forecasting total revenue in the worldwide market to grow 2.7 percent in 1993, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.6 percent through 1997. We forecast worldwide software revenue to grow 9.5 percent in 1993, with a CAGR of 9.0 percent through 1997. This forecast is based on the market share information published in March (though changed slightly as new information became available) and will be updated in July, following an update to our market share in May. It should be noted that the forecast assumes stable currency exchange rates.

Program: CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Dataquest' Product Code: CCAM-WW-DP-9301 mn aoompanyof MMMM TticDungiBradstieet Corporation Publication Date: May 10,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

Table 1 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Forecast, by Region (Revenue in Millions of Dollars; Actual Shipments) CAGR {%) 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1992-1997 Worldwide Total Factory Revenue 15,485 15,909 16,602 17,432 18,371 19,346 4.6 Software Revenue 4,885 5,350 5,860 6,390 6,920 7,470 8.9 Unit/Seat Shipments 647,716 708,400 777,500 841,800 892,800 939,100 7.7 North America Total Factory Revenue 5,224 5,443 5,737 6,081 6,441 6,816 5.5 Software Revenue 1,669 1,870 2,070 2,270 2,460 2,660 9.8 Unit/Seat Shipments 270,345 298,900 323,500 347,300 365,700 385,200 7.3 Europe Total Factory Revenue 5,862 6,078 6,389 6,702 7,060 7,386 4.7 Software Revenue 1,793 1,990 2,190 2,370 2,570 2,750 8.9 Unit/Seat Shipments 234,935 257,100 287,200 312,500 330,000 342,000 7.8 A CIS r\oLa Total Factory Revenue 4,104 4,055 4,086 4,195 4,341 4,531 2.0 Software Revenue 1,327 1,380 1,460 1,580 1,690 1,810 6.4 Unit/Seat Shipments 125,922 133,000 143,200 153,200 162,600 171,300 6.3 Rest of World Total Factory Revenue 296 332 390 454 528 614 15.7 Software Revenue 96 120 150 170 200 240 20.1 Unit/Seat Shipments 16,514 19,400 23,600 28,800 34,500 40,600 19.7 Source: Dataquest (May 1993) This document contains Dataquest's detailed forecast information for the CAD/CAM/CAE and GIS industry. Included are the following:

• Five-year historical data • Five-year forecast data More detailed data is available through our client inquiry service, which can provide custom analysis of the multidimensional database.

Worldwide Forecast Assumptions The following sections describe the main forces, worldwide, that drive the CAD/CAM/CAE and GIS forecast.

Worldwide Forecast Drivers The worldwide CAD/CAM/CAE and GIS market will maintain consis­ tent, steady growth during the next five years. Figure 1 shows the forecast of hardware, software, and service revenue worldwide and by region. Figure 2 shows the worldwide forecast by platform.

The following paragraphs describe the main forces driving the CAD/ CAM/CAE and GIS worldwide forecast.

CCAM-WW-DP-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated May 10,1993 o o Figure 1 > Worldwide and Regional Revenue Forecast, All Applications and All Platforms o -o Worldwide North America to CO o

9,000 8,000 -j- 7,000 -1- 6,000 5,000 I - - 4,000 • 3,000 "5 @ ^ • 2,000 CO I- 1,000 i CO CAJ 1985 0 1985 o Hardware tu I—•• Software (U Service 1995 1995 1997 1997 o o •a Asia Europe o

CD a. 9,000 - 8,000 - 7,000 o 6,000 Q - 5,000 "o w - 4,000 c - 3,000 o 2,000 1,000 1985 0 1985 Hardware Software CU Sen/ice 1995 ><: 1995 1997 1997

CO Source: Dataquest (May 1993) CO CO o o Figure 2 > Worldwide Revenue Forecast, by Platform, All Applications

-o Technical Workstations I Host Dependen CO CO o

6,000 5,000 (5 -4,000 O H- 3,000 S c © H-2,000 I CO -1,000 ^ CO oo 1985 -0 1985 Hardware cu t—•- Software CU loqc i Service .a 1995 ^^^'^ 1997 1997

•a Servers o Personal Compute

CD a.

o Q •^ o (0 c o

1985 0 1985 Hardware Software 1 QQi; • Service '^^^ 1997 1995 1997

CD Source: Dataquest (May 1993) CO CO CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

Macro Economy The recovery with renewed optimism from worldwide recession and increased capital spending will fuel growth gradually, beginning in the United States and the United Kingdom, and in Asian countries other than Japan.

Currency The decline of the U.S. dollar compared to the ECU and yen from 1991 to 1992 offset sluggish economic growth for multinational corporations, par­ ticularly those with a high percentage of costs denominated in dollars. Some companies are utilizing the changes in exchange rates to lower over­ seas prices effectively, thus stimulating demand. This is particularly true of PC companies striving to increase unit volume gains rapidly in Japan, where the local companies are vulnerable to price competition.

Technology Computing performance will continue to improve at an exponential rate in the foreseeable future. Dataquest has forecast the growth in millions of instructions per second (mips) shipments. The results show that the total mips shipped through 1992 will be matched by the shipments made in 1993. In other words, the total mips shipped will double in 1993, almost double again in 1994, and double again in 1995. This enabling resource will fuel the next-generation software tools focused on integrated solu­ tions at the enterprise level.

Indispensability As the complexity of the design, the need to share information, and the need to store information electronically all increase, the benefits of auto­ mation improve dramatically and the level of indispensability goes up. CAD/CAM/CAE and GIS are becoming a necessity as these factors are coupled with market pressure to produce higher quality and to reduce production cycles.

Late Buyers A significant pool of untapped users still exists in mechanical, AEC, and GIS applications, driving additional growth. These conservative buyers will favor market leaders and installed systems for compatibility. For ven­ dors, therefore, the value of high market share and customer satisfaction will increase.

Desktop Dominance The turf war for desktop dominance is building steam with the introduc­ tion of the Pentium chip and Windows NT, which will fight to take market share from the higher-priced, multiple UNIX operating systems with RISC technology. The decline of host-dependent systems also is continuing, with replacements going to networked, desktop systems. The former threatens vendors whose business models depend upon high-priced workstations, while the latter provides opportunity.

CCAM-WW-DP-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated May 10,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

Unbundling of Software With software vendors porting to multiple platforms, software is no longer the hinge upon which hardware swings. The market is quickly moving from proprietary to open systems, resulting in a shift from bundled to unbundled software (see Table 2).

Replacement Market The replacement market is gaining importance as replacement seats exceed 50 percent of imit sales in 1993 (see Figure 3). This saturation implies that many parallel manual systems can be eliminated and new applications developed if its known that everyone in a company that needs access to the engineering database can have it in electronic format. The savings potential is tremendous. This saturation also implies a grow­ ing sophistication in buyers that are more informed of this technology's strategic importance.

Software With technological advances, growing sophistication of users, and com­ petitive pressures, the demand for software with greater ease of use, flexi­ bility, and interoperability is growing. This demand is driving the growth in business alliances between small innovative software niche players and major software vendors with resources to sell to both the new and replace­ ment markets.

North American Forecast Drivers Of the three major worldwide regions. North America CAD/CAM/CAE and GIS revenue growth was an anemic 3.4 percent to $5.2 billion in 1992 and is forecast to grow at 5.5 percent CAGR through 1997. The following paragraphs describe the main factors driving the North American forecast.

Capital Spending According to Dun & Bradstreet's latest monthly survey of 1,000 manufac­ turers nationwide, optimism is at a three-year high and capital spending is expected to increase 12 percent in 1993 because of competitive global pres­ sures, need for improved productivity, and cost of capital, which is at a three-year low. This bodes well for increased investment in CAD/CAM/ CAE and GIS systems, particularly mechanical applications.

Cuts in Defense Spending Cuts in defense spending will tend to soften the market. However, a focus on fewer, more sophisticated weapons systems will promote use of the lat­ est design optimization and simulation capabilities.

European Forecast Drivers The European market grew 5.3 percent in 1992 to $5.9 billion, making Europe the fastest growing region worldwide. However, the outlook for 1993 is not quite as positive, with growth expected to be 3.7 percent. The major factor behind this slowing growth is the sluggish German economy, which accounts for 34 percent of the European market. A slowdown in

CCAM-WW-DP-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated May 10,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/G IS Worldwide

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  • 0} *; N4-I "3 3 T3 c 3 ^ "- N4-I T3 2 U c o 3 Xi 2 o tn tS Ol ci, o 3 15 X) rO ii 0 •3S s^ § •§ -g g § tn < « -3 c 5 ^ 5 c = 1 §1 CQ fT3 pa P CO P CQ D fQ p fO w 0 (s U & « (0 lb' !E |5 ^^^1 1 "S, "a X ^f^ E2 u E2 w E-H CO Ol tn ^ o I 3^ w s^ U 1 < U W y b F U <

    CCAM-WW-DP-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated May 10,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    Figure 3 Unit Seat Shipments versus Retirements Forecast

    Units 1,000,000 900,000 Seat Shipments 800,000 - Retirements 700,000- 600,000 - 500,000- 400,000 - 300,000 - 200,000 - 100,000- 0 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

    Source: Dataquest (May 1993) G3000523 Germany ripples through all other European industries. The following paragraphs describe the main factors driving the European forecast.

    Recession The general recessionary economic climate throughout much of Europe during 1991 and 1992 depressed capital investment and orders for infor­ mation technology products. Most of the European countries are in or near a recession. The picture for 1993 does not look good. Many individual countries face a slowdown in domestic activity, while there is little hope of strong demand pressures from the United States or Japan to help in any economic upturn anytime soon.

    Growth On average, the 1993 gross domestic product growth in Europe is expected to be only 0.3 percent, with an upturn of 1.9 percent growth expected in 1994. Major European economies such as Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, and Sweden also have acciunulated massive budget deficits that will influence governments to reduce public spending even further and to increase taxes, which in turn will reduce consumer spending. Even the recent falls in interest rates will not change this fact.

    Asian Forecast Drivers The Asian market grew 1.2 percent in 1992 to $4.1 billion. However, the Japanese market declined 6 percent on a yen basis. With 94 percent of the Asian CAD/CAM/CAE and GIS market in Japan, the Japanese economy dominates this segment. Further contraction of the market expected in

    CCAM-WW-DP-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated May 10,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    1993 will result in a CAGR through 1997 of 2.0 percent. The following paragraphs describe the main factors driving the Asian forecast.

    Capital Spending Dataquest estimates that capital spending by Japanese companies will fall 12.7 percent in 1993, following a precipitous drop of 28.7 percent in 1992. However, signs of recovery in the macro economy are starting to show.

    Business Confidence According to the Sakura Institute of Research in Japan (January 1993), business confidence is expected to brighten some in fall 1993. Recovery is expected to be fueled by small and medium-sized manufacturing companies.

    Software Leads Hardware The preference for Japanese companies investing in CAD/CAM/CAE and GIS has been for low-cost, decentralized networked systems and big cen­ tral mainframes. Japan- and U.S.-supplied technical workstations are emerging as the platform of choice for most CAD/CAM/CAE and GIS applications. Strong interest in the latest high-end software offerings is dragging the necessary hardware. Application Forecast Assumptions Expected growth in AEC and GIS applications during the next three or four years will add significantly to the total growth of the industry and will exceed growth forecasts for all mechanical and electronic applications (see Figures 4 and 5). Factors in this shift in the total market application Figure 4 Software Revenue Distribution Forecast, by Application

    PCB ic ^a^^y^^^^g?»^ ^^^^^H^^^^^y^Vf^/^ySv^ j^^z^^^^^^^KBBSsslSS^^Ci6^^£SS^^^y/Mij^ ^tftiq^-SR^t^^^^^^^MnsK^s /v^j'jBlifts'SvyS^vRJSSS^ ECAE I /^^S'^^S^^^^^^y^^^^sSs^^a, W^^W^^^^^^mti^y'^^^^^^^^^^ f' '''r:J~.•: •/'• ^i^uKpy^£;^P?^£WV^ii^^ Mechanical

    t-#j>: 1 •••' i" • ''• AjMf^'ft^^jS>vj''^ivXn^/^^'x-w9^^A V^^^^S^Aii.'^'iwTM^SK^lnt^^Gi&S&Sn^j&I/^an^n^ ^^^^^^^^^M.^/f/,'^X--/r-' y^*>f.-TX-^J w^^^^^m'^^^ YyiM^i/} ^^^^^^1993 GIS ' ^^^^^^Bi^s^iii^^^K ^^^^^S^1994

    ^^^^^H^«it. '•' 'i-'^-J^}^^'^^W^^^S^^^^^'^ .1 A/^^ ^^•K^-, • • iSs*-.:: -^y-^^iiiiliSSff


    Source: Dataquest (May 1993) G3000524

    CCAM-WW-DP-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated May 10,1993 10 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    Figure 5 Worldwide Software Revenue Forecast, by Application

    3,500 ^


    0 ^ Mechanical AEC GIS/Mapping Electronic CAE IC Layout PCB/Hybrid/MCM 1997

    Source: Dataquest (May 1993) G3000525 mix include market penetration, new application development, and shift­ ing trends in average selling prices.

    Mechanical Forecast Assumptions The mechanical application area is the largest of the CAD/CAM/CAE and GIS market, with 49 percent share and software revenue growth of 9.3 per­ cent in 1992. The following paragraphs describe the main issues driving the mechanical forecast.

    Software Price Dataquest expects software prices to stabilize or increase slightly for lead­ ing products. The average value of software shipped per seat has increased slowly. In 1987, total software revenue divided by total number of seats shipped was $6,740. The average value rose to $8,140 in 1992 and is forecast to rise to $9,390 by 1997. Corresponding numbers in 1992 are $17,040 for technical workstation-based software, $2,470 for the PC, and $16,270 for host-based terminals. Leading vendors on all platforms have

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    been raising prices directly or indirectly with new pricing structures for network licensing or site licensing.

    Hardware Price Erosion Dataquest expects hardware price erosion to continue, but at a slower rate as package complexity increases and accelerates demand for hardware purchases that provide speed, memory, and storage. This trend can be expected on all platform configurations. Supercomputers increasingly are being used for high-end simulation and analysis applications. Technical workstations range from very expensive, high-performance, real-time imaging systems to lower-cost, two-dimensional documentation systems. The need for integrated applications across platforms will cause signifi­ cant upgrade and system replacements.

    Second-Tier Products Dataquest expects second-tier products with "stale" technology to fight price erosion. These second-tier vendors are struggling to build market share in an atmosphere of rampant price cutting, particularly on the PC platform.

    Hardware Performance With enabling technology providing increased mips, software vendors can redefine the concept of interactive design. For example, designers will simulate the crash of one car into another and test to see if the doors still open. The value of this level of computing will change the nature of mechanical CAD/CAM/CAE. The result wiU allow anyone in the design and manufacturing process to simulate real problems, to evaluate poten­ tial solutions, and to communicate the change instantly to all involved.

    IVIodeling Teclinologles Core modeling technologies will evolve slowly to support a product data structure growing in complexity. Three-dimensional solutions are replac­ ing two-dimensional solutions, which will be replaced by next-generation, integrated, and solid-modeling-based solutions. The more complete data structure with improvements in performance is rapidly building strong interest with end users. Progress is being made in integration between the model and analysis applications, between the model and documentation, and further into manufacturing applications.

    Teclinology Dependence The major applications in mechanical applications are defined: Product conception, development, production, operation and support will be nec­ essary applications areas a hundred years from now. The dramatic changes taking place in the discrete manufacturing world because of com­ petitive pressures are forcing shorter development cycles, localization, and need for improved quality, resulting in a complexity that forces the users to be fully dependent upon this technology.

    CCAM-WW-DP-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated May 10,1993 12 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    Manufacturing Industry The growth opportunity in each country depends upon the success and healtit of the local manufacturing industries. Multinational corporations will fuel the growth in newly industrialized countries. Each country has a dominant industry or market segment that sets the tone for CAD/CAM/ CAE use. The evolution of these industries has had an important impact on the growth of the CAD/CAM/CAE market in each region and has directed the success of many vendors tr5dng to serve these markets. As an example, the automotive industries in Japan, the United States, Germany, Italy, and France have a major influence on these local CAD/CAM/CAE markets. Aerospace, a major force in the U.S. market, is less of a force in Europe and a minor but growing interest in Japan. All of the other manu­ facturing industries, such as fabricated metal, machinery, and consumer products, have strongholds iii various locations around the world. For example, the machinery industry represents a significant local CAD/ CAM/CAE opportunity in Japan and Germany.

    Europe The automotive and aerospace industries, which are the largest customers of mechanical CAD/CAM/CAE tools, are suffering during the ongoing recession in Europe and experiencing budget and staff cuts. On top of this, 34 percent of the European mechanical market is in Germany, where the economy is now in recession and manufacturing output is down. Growth for mechanical CAD in 1992 was only 3.2 percent and is expected to be 3.0 percent in 1993 because the German economy is not expected to get out of its recession before mid-1994 at the earliest.

    AEC Forecast Assumptions The AEC application area had software revenue growth of 7.1 percent in 1992. The five-year CAGR for software is forecast to be 10 percent. The fol­ lowing paragraphs describe the main factors driving the AEC forecast.

    Untapped Users A significant pool of untapped users still exists. The current relatively low market penetration of AEC CAD systems should allow steady worldwide growth during the next five years, despite constant volatility in demand for the building and infrastructure products to be designed.

    Mandates for CAD Electronic design data is increasingly reqtiired by the designer's client, from the U.S. federal government to the small commercial developer. Design firms also are growing at the expense of smaller firms. These large end users will increasingly require their employees and suppliers to adopt automation tools in the design and construction process.

    Electronic Partnering Designers in the AEC industry are finding themselves in markets that are more regionally and globally competitive, markets that favor partnering across design disciplines. Smaller design firms will increasingly buy CAD systems, or risk being dropped from consideration as a partner.

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    Competitive Advantage CAD purchases are increasingly justified as a competitive advantage in both sales and design reviews. The architect that cannot produce the fourth iteration of a proposed design before signing up a client will lose out to the group that can use changes in a proposal to ratchet a prospect gradually toward closure.

    Software Leverage AEC CAD vendors can fuel upgrade revenue among sophisticated users by leveraging software advances first developed in mechanical design, such as faster structural analysis tools or incorporation of design rules.

    New Functionality Data and database functions (versus graphics functions) will increase in importance in AEC design systems, creating opportunities to sell users significant new functionality.

    Europe AEC growth in Western Europe is tied to the improvement of the infra­ structure, manufacturing plants, and power stations in Eastern Europe. In particular, German construction companies are involved in projects in the former East Germany and in Central and Eastern Europe. The encourag­ ing signs that the U.K. economy is picking up also positively affect the construction industry.

    Growth Inhibitors to the AEC CAD Industry The following paragraphs describe trends that will inhibit growth in the AEC CAD industry.

    Low Payoff to Users AECs one-design/one-build structure means that CAD provides fewer economic benefits to these users than does the one-design/build-many structure of manufacturing. Construction, which is essentially a prototype build, is fraught with uncertainties and delays that are hard to change using current design systems.

    Lacl( of Interoperabiiity Designs are often split among several different companies representing different aspects of the design process. User companies often have differ­ ent CAD systems that do not communicate well, and alliances and consol­ idations in user organizations will only highlight the issue.

    Low-Cost Solutions Because most AEC design is still focused on drafting, which requires rela­ tively little computing power, PC-based growth will be strong for the fore­ seeable future and PC-based solutions will produce less revenue for the vendor than will other platforms.

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    Late Adopters Attitudes of potential users inhibit market growth. Many experienced architects resist change in both the design and construction processes. As this self-destructive mode of operating erodes the viability of the profes­ sion, the CAD market is also impacted because many architects that were once prospects for CAD systems are now imemployed.

    GIS Forecast Assumptions The GIS application area had software revenue growth of 12.4 percent in 1992. The five-year CAGR for software revenue is forecast to be 16.4 per­ cent. The assumptions behind the GIS forecast are built both on optimism that the world economy will gradually improve during the forecast period, and on an expectation that global competition will increase. The following paragraphs describe assumptions used to build Dataquest's GIS market forecast.

    Low Penetration Bread-and-butter prospects in government and utilities are charged with maintaining information on land and assets in perpetuity. A large number of utilities, and sovereign and local governments all over the world, are still stuck with tabular data and paper maps (which will degrade over time). These create a plentiful supply of prospective buyers of the more readily changed and renewed computer maps—a first step to building a GIS system.

    New Technologies Faster, cheaper computers and developments in open, distributed systems open the door to an expanded user base. Advances in global positioning systems (GPSs) and aerial photography are making it possible to create GISs significantly more accurate and complete than existing paper maps, giving experienced users some compelling reasons to reinvest. Portable computers, multimedia, cheaper storage, and better compression of satel­ lite imagery will create more opportunities to develop richer, more accu­ rate, and more useful GIS systems. Although many markets will take advantage of these technologies, there is no other market as ready, willing, and able to put to work such a wide range of technology enhancements. A number of users invested in image-oriented GIS systems in the last year or two, either supplementing or completely bypassing conversion of existing paper data. This has helped provide a "mid-life kick" to a market that has been slowed by troubled pilot projects.

    New Applications in Industries Such As Retail and Insurance Will Drive Growth Wherever there is competition for a limited prize—whether the prize is a political or economic reward—GIS can create a competitive edge. Wher­ ever assets or investments are geographically dispersed, GIS offers sig­ nificant management capabilities. Revenue is growing at more than 50 percent per year among new applications. However, there is a wide band of uncertainty surrounding revenue opportunities. Several new applications in GIS are destined to become embedded as a feature that will

    CCAM-WW-DP-9301 ©1993 Dataquest incorporated iViay 10,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide 15

    produce relatively little revenue in other software programs (and mar­ kets), rather than as a standalone product in the GIS market.

    Easier and Less Expensive GIS Inexpensive spatial data, both public and private, is accumulating and can be passed on to new users. Successful multiparticipant projects are grow­ ing, creating larger data sets that can be profitably resold by goverrunent/ industry consortia. Also, although Dataquest does not envision the technology miracle that will eliminate development costs, implementation of GIS in new sites will be easier and less expensive than it previously has been.

    Solutions Filling a Need GIS addresses the information age's growing problem of overload. Any product that addresses a visible problem is more certain to grow than are solutions still looking for the problem.

    The U.S. Government GIS is one of the rare markets where relatively simple government action can directly fuel industry growth. In fact, the GIS industry depends on government cooperation for base data development. Governments all around the world are cooperating by developing spatial data standards, more sophisticated mapping goals, and increased cooperation across fed­ eral and local governments. The U.S. federal government is in a particu­ larly influential position, and all stars are favorably positioned. The LANDSAT program appears to be headed toward making satellite imag­ ery more affordable. GPS satellites are proving extremely valuable outside of defense applications. Freedom of information remains a viable U.S. fed­ eral concept, creating opportunities to exploit low-cost, government-gen­ erated spatial data. The stage could not be set better for the tenure of a new U.S. president known to appreciate the importance of information technology.

    Growth Inhibitors to the GIS IVIarket

    High Cost No silver bullet will emerge to create a low-cost, meaningful data set for traditional customers in government and utilities. Data conversion will remain costly, despite substantially lower scanning costs and increasingly improved automated conversion products. The high cost will remain because, as existing paper records head toward computerization, wide­ spread minor inaccuracies begin to be examined, often for the first time. The significant cost of correcting prior errors and on\issions is inevitably bundled into the cost of "conversion." At the same time, increasingly com­ plex applications require increasingly accurate data, also raising conver­ sion costs.

    Stuck Projects The significant number of traditional GIS/mapping projects stuck in the pilot phase will reduce demand for new products, as users struggle to

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    implement existing purchases. Even worse, the negative publicity created by these projects will chill the buying impulse among nonusers, reducing the ability of GIS projects to compete with other applications for capital equipment dollars.

    Price Pressure Computer prices will certainly drop, even in technical applications such as GIS, where higher-performance hardware will command a premium price. Software prices are likely to come xmder increasing pressure, despite the industry's current ability to hold overall seat prices relatively even. Our current forecast is built on declining hardware and steady software prices, primarily because of opportunities to add significant software data and functionality content to new sales among core, noncommodity buyers. Any significant deviation from this model would affect the forecast.

    Europe GIS data in Europe is prohibitively expensive and not readily available, slowing down the potential growth. Also holding back the development of GIS are the current state of the various European economies; the enor­ mous budget deficits of major economies such as Germany, Italy, and Great Britain; and major cuts in public spending.

    EDA Forecast Assumptions The year 1992 showed a glimmer of hope in the EDA industry, with soft­ ware revenue year-to-year growth rates climbing back to 8.3 percent, driven by the continued strength of the IC layout software industry and a resurgence in the CAE market. Dataquest expects EDA software revenue growth to decrease slightly to 6.1 percent year-to-year for 1993. Printed cir­ cuit board (PCB) software in particular will remain stagnant imtil multi- chip module (MCM) technologies begin to affect the market, which Dataquest anticipates will take effect in the 1994- to-1995 time frame. The following paragraphs describe the factors that will help spur EDA soft­ ware growth.

    New Tool Technologies New tool technologies, including electronic system level design automa­ tion (ESDA), signal integrity, and design automation are becoming avail­ able, fueling growth.

    Analysis Tools Increasing clock frequencies require tighter design tolerances that require sophisticated analysis tools to ensure proper operation.

    Migration of iC Layout Migration of IC layout technologies to system designers in the form of floor planners may prove to be the vehicle to expand physical IC design into the larger ASIC design commimity.

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    Europe The EDA industry in Europe is now characterized by two or three big players jockeying for position. Furthermore, following the merger of Cadence Design Systems Inc. and Valid Logic Systems Inc., and several large end-user mergers, some strategic account changes have occurred and will continue. The total software revenue is unaffected, but market share is the prize for the winning EDA company.

    Growth Inhibitors to the EDA liAarlcet Dataquest expects the factors described in the following paragraphs to have a detrimental affect on the health of the EDA market in the short term.

    Transition and Sliifts Product transition and strategy shifts will have a short-term downward effect. Difficulties at the No. 1 supplier of EDA software. Cadence, may cause a stall in the purchases of new tools as users ponder their options. Ongoing consolidations of key EDA technologies, including simulation and signal integrity, will also protract buying decisions.

    Legal Issues Legal issues may induce fear, uncertainty, and doubt in buyers' minds. The recent spate of legal actions (for example, Synopsys versus Cadence, Anal­ ogy versus Anacad/Mentor Graphics, and stockholders versus Cadence) may divert the attention of the buying public and will definitely gamer the attention of top management at the EDA vendors.

    Use of PC-Based Tools Will Drop Significantly Looking to EDA's future, Dataquest anticipates the use of what have classically been called PC-based tools to drop significantly. The Dataquest factors determining the differentiation of technical workstations from PCs are a virtual multitasking operating system (UNIX, VMS, and DOMAIN), the ability to run high-performance graphic applications in a multiuser environment, and the user's potential range of expansion on the platform. Windows NT on the Pentium chip will challenge this differentiation.

    Dataquest anticipates that use of "classical" PCs as EDA platforms will begin to diminish significantly in 1995. At that time, classes of tools will be differentiated not upon hardware platform or operating system, but rather upon the features and functionality of the tools themselves. The emer­ gence of Windows NT will have a minimal impact upon the overall reve­ nue of the EDA software industry. However, its effect upon competing operating systems, average selling prices, distributing practices, and busi­ ness and marketing practices will be far-reaching.

    Dataquest Perspective The heady days of rapid expansion are but a memory as CAD/CAM/ CAE and GIS continues its anticipated slower but steady growth, with 3.2 percent growth in total factory revenue from 1991 to 1992. Because of the increasing gloom in the European and Asian economic outlook, we

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    have reduced the CAGR to 4.6 percent (1992 to 1997) from the more opti­ mistic 7.2 percent of last year (1991 to 1996).

    This overall single-digit-percentage growth rate is a poor indicator of the dramatic changes taking place in this dynamic market, which continues to be swayed by a number of competing crosscurrents and strong undercur­ rents, as follows:

    • The commodity PC market has been rocked by brutal price competitive­ ness. The new Pentium chip and Windows NT are clouding the distinc­ tion between PCs and technical workstations. Competing UNIX operating systems are finally joining forces and developing standards, and the emerging client/server architecture is replacing the host-depen­ dent behemoths of yore. Software companies are responding to this flmd state of computer platforms in the CAD/CAM/CAE and GIS mar­ kets with a flurry of "ark-building," porting to the NT platform and pro­ tecting themselves from UNIX dependence. • With price pressures holding down growth in hardware, growth in the CAD/CAM/CAE and GIS market will be in software and also in the final frontiers of product differentiation, engineering services, and sys­ tems integration. • In addition to the conservative late majority buyers entering the market in search of proven products, half of 1993 sales will be to the more sophisticated and open-eyed replacement buyers. These two classes of buyers, with markedly different needs from a sales and marketing per­ spective, will challenge existing sales forces. • Technological change rather than market expansion from new pur­ chases is fueling much of the market growth. Capital investment spend­ ing will go to the company most fully engaged in the technological momentum, which includes ease-of-use, open interfaces, and interoper­ ability. The magnitude of the problem will continue to fuel joint ven­ tures and company consolidations as well as create niche opportunities for small companies. The slowest growing applications are mechanical and EDA, with five-year total revenue CAGRs of 7.2 percent and 6.8 percent, respectively. In con­ trast, the AEC and GIS applications, serving less mature markets, are entering a period of somewhat higher growth, with forecast five-year CAGRs of 10.0 percent and 16.4 percent, respectively.

    Market pressure to produce higher quality with shorter production cycles is making CAD/CAM/CAE and GK usage a requirement for many com­ panies today. As the complexity of this environment increases, communi­ cating design intent on a global basis becomes more common. All this, combined with a significant improvement in application software and a continued remarkable improvement in hardware performance, is fueling the continuing growth of this $15.5 billion industry.

    By Linda Anderson

    CCAM-WW-DP-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated May 10,1993 20 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    For More Information... Linda Anderson, Market Research Analyst (408) 437-8135 Via fax (408) 437-0292

    This profile is the property of Dataquest Incorporated. Reproduction or disclosure in whole or in part to other parties shall be made upon the written and express consent of Dataquest This report shall be treated at aU times as a confi­ dential and proprietary document for internal use only. The information contained in this publication is believed to

    DataQuest* be reliable but cannot be guaranteed to be correct or complete. , ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated—Reproduction Prohibited nn soompanyof ^ '^ '^ IfSTheOun&BiadstreetCorporation Dataquest is a registered trademark of A.C. Nielsen Company 0014797 fi)

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    DataQuesf INFORMATION RESOURCE CENTER DATAQUEST INCORPORATED 1290 Raider Park Drive San Jose, CA 95131-2398 (408) 437-8600


    CAD/CAM/CAE and GIS Worldwide ForeGast Update

    Market Statistics 1993

    Program: CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Product Code: CCAM-WW-MS-g304 Publication Date: September 20,1993 INFORMATION RESOURCE CENTER DATAQUEST 1NC:(}RP0RATED 129[) R-Jder P^rk Drive Scin.bsf.CA 95131-2398 {^m 4373500 DataQuest' Software

    CAD/CAM/CAE and GIS Worldwide Forecast Update

    Market Statistics 1993

    Program: CAD/CAM/CAE/6IS Worldwide Product Code: CCAM-WW-MS-9304 Publication Date: September 20,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE and GIS Woridwide Forecast Update

    Table of Contents

    Page Currency Changes 3 Database Changes 4 Other Information 4 Regional Forecast Assumptions 5 Worldwide Forecast Drivers 5 Macroeconomy 5 Technology 6 IndispensabUity 6 Late Buyers 9 Desktop Dominance 9 Unbvmdling of Software 9 Replacement Market 9 Software 9 North American Forecast Drivers 9 Economy 9 Cuts in Deferise Spending 10 European Forecast Drivers 11 Economy 11 Growth 12 Currency 12 Asian Forecast Drivers 12 Economy 12 Currency 13 Competitive Model Change 13 Developing Asian Countries 13 Personal Computer 13 Virtual Reality 13 Application Forecast Assimiptions 13 Mechanical Forecast Assumptions 13 AEC Forecast Assumptions 16 Growth Inhibitors to the AEC Industry 17 GIS/Mapping Forecast Assiomptioris 18 Growth Inhibitors to the GIS Indvistry 19 EDA Forecast Assumptions 20 Growth Inhibitors to the EDA Industry 20 Forecast Comparison 21 Forecast Methodology 22 Segmentation Definitions. 24 Applications 24 Mechanical 24

    CCAM-WW-MS-9304 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated September 20,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    Table of Contents (Continued) Page Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) 24 Geographic Information Systems (GIS)/Mapping 24 Electronic Design Automation (EDA) 24 Regions 25 North America 25 Europe 25 Asia 25 Rest of World 25 Platforms 25 Technical Workstation 25 Host-Dependent 25 Server 25 Personal Computer 26 Line Items 26

    CCAM-WW-MS-9304 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated September 20,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE and GIS Worldwide Forecast Update

    List of Figures

    Figure Page 1 Software Forecast Update versus Forecast, 1992-1997 1 2 Worldwide and Regional Revenue Forecast, All Applications and All Platforms 7 3 Worldwide Revenue Forecast, by Platform, All Applications 8 4 Unit Shipments versus Retirements—^History and Forecast 11 5 Worldwide Software Revenue Forecast by Application 14 6 Software Revenue Distribution Forecast by Application 15 7 CAD/CAM/CAE and GIS Forecasting Model 23

    CCAM-WW-MS-9304 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated September 20,1993 iv CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Woridwide

    List of Tables

    Table Page 1 Software Revenue Forecast Update versus Forecast 2 2 Foreign Currency per U.S. Dollar 3 3 Total Factory Revenue in Asia, Dollars as Compared to Yen 4 4 GDP/GNP Growth Rate Percentages 5 5 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Forecast by Region 6 6 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Software Revenue Forecast, by Application 10 7 Compound Annual Growth Rate, 1992-1997, Software Revenue... 12

    All Applications Worldwide 8 All Platforms 28 9 Technical Workstation 29 10 Host-Dependent 30 11 Server 31 12 Personal Computer 32 North America 13 All Platforms 33 14 Technical Workstation 34 15 Host-Dependent 35 16 Server 36 17 Personal Computer 37 Europe 18 All Platforms 38 19 Technical Workstation 39 20 Host-Dependent 40 21 Server 41 22 Personal Computer 42 Asia 23 All Platforms 43 24 Technical Workstation 44 25 Host-Dependent 45 26 Server 46 27 Personal Computer 47

    Note: All tables show estimated data.

    CCAM-WW-MS-9304 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated September 20,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE and GIS Woridwide Forecast Update

    List of Tables (Continued)

    Table Page Rest of World 28 All Platforms 48 29 Techiucal Workstation 49 30 Host-Dependent 50 31 Server 51 32 Personal Computer 52

    Note: All tables show estimated data.

    CCAM-WW-MS-9304 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated September 20,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE and GIS Worldwide Forecast Update

    This forecast update uses the market share update as the basis of a new forecast, incorporating any new information since May, including cur­ rency changes since year-end 1992. Additionally, with greater focus on coimtry level data during the market share update process, this forecast update provides forecasts by country in Europe and Asia.

    Figure 1 shows change from the 1993 forecast to this update in growth of software revenue by application, region, platform, and the total market. Table 1 provides the corresponding revenue figures and growth rates. This additional growth is divided somewhat equally anaong the applica­ tions, is concentrated in Asia because of currency issues, and resides primarily in the personal computer platform.

    Figure 1 Software Forecast Update versus Forecast, 1992-1997

    Billions of Dollars

    2^1997 Forecast Update 1997 Forecast 1992 MS Update 1992 MS

    Source: Dataquest (September 1993) 03004189

    CCAM-WW-MS-9304 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated September 20,1993 o o Table 1 Software Revenue Forecast Update versus Forecast Forecast Update May Forecast Market Share Mark

    CO 1992-1993 1992-1997 1992-1993 1992-1997 Update Forecast Update Sha Change (%) CAGR (%) Change (%) CAGR (%) 1992 <$M) 1993 ($M) 1997 ($M) 1992 ($M g Worldwide 12.0 10.6 9.6 8.9 5,036 5,642 8,353 4,8 Applications: Mechanical 12.3 8.7 10.6 7.2 2,341 2,628 3,548 2,2 AEC 11.8 11.0 9.0 10.0 758 847 1,275 7 G IS/Mapping 14.7 16.0 13.8 16.4 629 721 1,323 6 ECAE 12.7 12.7 8.0 7.1 764 861 1,390 7 IC 9.2 11.3 7.8 10.9 233 254 398 2 PCB 5.8 6.0 0.7 3.1 312 331 418 3 @ Regions; m.JL CO 12.0 9.8 1,767 2,000 3,041 1,6

    CO CD

    CT CD IV3 O

    CO CO CO CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Woridwide Forecast Update

    Currency Changes Worldwide revenue estimates include data from many countries, each of which has a different and fluctuating exchange rate. Estimates of non- U.S. revenue are based on the average exchange rate for a given year, calculated as the simple arithmetic mean of the 12 average monthly values. Dataquest does not forecast exchange rates per se; however, we do forecast with the best information available. Exchange rates, for the purposes of forecasting, are calculated assuming the Jime 1993 exchange rate will apply throughout all future months of the year. Table 2 pro­ vides the resulting exchange rates for each European and Asian coimtry.

    Given the bleak economic climate, it is surprising that we are forecasting increased growth from our earlier forecast. The main source of this growth comes from the depredation of the dollar against the yen of 12 percent. With 96 percent of the Asian revenue reported in Japan, the yen dominates that region's revenue figures. Table 3 shows dollar values with equivalent yen values of total factory revenue for Asia for 1992 and 1993, with growth rates, by application, using the exchange rates as shown in Table 2.

    Table 2 Foreign Currency per U.S. Dollar Appreciation Country Currency Actual 1992 Current 1993 (U.S.$) Europe United Kingdom Poimd 0.5686 0.6606 16.2 France Franc 5.2712 5.5192 4.7 Germany Mark 1.5554 1.6334 5.0 Italy Lira 1,227.75 1,517.07 23.6 Spain Peseta 101.90 123.38 21.1 Denmark Krone 6.0153 6.2751 4.3 Finland Markka 4.4507 5.5955 25.7 Norway Krone 6.1824 6.9298 12.1 Sweden Krona 5.8105 7.4584 28.4 Belgium Franc 32.02 33.59 4.9 Netherlands Guilder 1.7512 1.8073 3.2 Austria Schilling 10.95 11.49 4.9 Switzerland Franc 1.3976 1.4727 5.4 Asia Japan Yen 126.45 111.23 -12.0 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7401 7.7327 -0.1 Korea Won 782.63 799.43 2.1 Singapore DoUar 1.6285 1.6218 -0.4 Taiwan Dollar 24.93 25.91 3.9 Qiina Renminbi 5.5082 5.7441 4.3 Source: Dataquest (August 1993)

    CCAM-WW-MS-9304 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated September 20,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    Table 3 Total Factory Revenue in Asia, Dollars as Compared to Yen (1992 Exchange Rate of U.S.$1/¥126.45; 1993 Exchange Rate of U.S.$1/¥111.23) 1992 ($M) 1993 ($M) Change(%) 1992 (¥M) 1993 (¥M) Change (%) Mechanical 2,180 2,384 9.4 275,647 265,178 -3.8 AEC 577 618 7.2 72,938 68,780 -5.7 GIS 332 375 12.8 42,016 41,683 -0.8 ECAE 508 585 15.2 64,213 65,096 1.4 IC Layout 194 208 7.5 24,491 23,154 -5.5 PCB 372 380 2.4 46,971 42,305 -9.9 All Applica­ tions 4,162 4,551 9.3 526,275 506,197 -3.8 Soxirce: Dataquest (August 1993)

    hi contrast, the dollar has appreciated against all other European curren­ cies. This forecasting has shown a corresponding decrease in the growth of the European CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS markets as compared to the earlier forecast. Database Changes Dataquest intends to freeze the CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS database follow­ ing the market share update. However, careful scrutiny of Etiropean numbers as part of the forecasting process imcovered some discrepancies at the coimtry and application level. Adjustments were made to IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Digital, and Intergraph. In addition, Intergraph was imderrepresented in the mechanical market to an alarming extent. Its data was fixed, with a corresponding decrease in service revenue and GIS/Mapping software revenue, moving Intergraph from No. 15 to No. 9 in mechanical software revenue. Finally, ESRI was updated to reflect higher total revenue, most of which was for service. The result is that Intergraph and ESRI are now separated by $8 million in software revenue in the GIS market. There will be no more changes to this data­ base until we begin otir survey of 1993 data.

    Other Information Implicit in any forecasting are the GDP/GNP growth rates (see Table 4). We also track quarterly revenue of public compeinies and corresponding growth rates from previous quarters for a general view of the health of the industries. This document contains Dataquest's detailed forecast information for the CAD/CAM/CAE and GIS industry. Included are the following: • Five-year historical data • Five-year forecast data More detailed data is available through our client inquiry service, which can provide custom analysis of the mutlidimensional database.

    CCAM-WW-MS-9304 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated September 20,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Wortdwide Forecast Update

    Table 4 GDP/GNP Growth Rate Percentages (Constant Prices and Exchange Rates^ Local Currencies) 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 North America Canada 0.7 3.1 3.8 3.5 3.0 United States 2.1 2.6 2.9 2.3 2.5 Europe United Kingdom -0.5 1.7 2.7 3.2 3.0 France 1.1 -1.0 1.3 3.1 3.3 Germany* 1.4 -1.5 1.2 2.8 3.5 Italy 0.9 0.3 1.5 1.9 2.3 Spain 1.0 -0.7 1.7 2.9 3.6 Denmark 1.2 0.6 2.1 2.3 3.5 Finland -3.6 -0.2 1.8 2.5 3.2 Norway 2.9 1.5 2.4 2.6 2.7 Sweden -1.8 -1.6 1.4 2.0 2.5 Belgium 0.8 -0.5 1.8 2.7 3.1 Netherlands 1.5 -0.4 1.5 2.9 2.9 Austria 1.5 -0.1 2.0 3.7 3.9 Switzerland -0.6 0.2 1.5 2.1 2.4 Asia Japan 1.5 1.3 2.7 3.6 4.1 Korea 4.8 6.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Taiwan 6.1 6.5 7.0 7.0 7.0 Singapore 5.8 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 Hong Kong 5.0 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 Qiina 11.5 10.0 12.5 11.5 10.8 "Germany includes the former East Germany. Source: The Dun & Bradstreet Corporation

    Regional Forecast Assumptions Table 5 provides the CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS forecast for total factory revenue, software revenue, and vmits. Following are the main worldwide forces driving this forecast. Worldwide Forecast Drivers The worldwide CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS market will maintain steady growth during the next five years. Figure 2 shows the forecast of hard­ ware, software, and service revenue worldwide and by region, and Figure 3 shows the worldwide forecast by platform. The main forces driving the CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS worldwide forecast are described in the following paragraphs. Macroeconomy The recovery, with its inherent renewed optimism after a worldwide recession and the resultant increased capital spending, will fuel growth

    CCAM-WW-MS-9304 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated September 20,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    Table 5 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Forecast by Region (Revenue in Millions of Dollars; Actual Shipments) CAGR (%) 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1992-1997 Worldwide Total Factory Revenue 15,723 16,530 17,500 18,640 19,770 20,860 5.8 Software Revenue 5,036 5,640 6,320 7,040 7,710 8,350 10.6 Unit Shipments 739,511 857,200 972,100 1,072,700 1,155,000 1,215,900 10.5 North America Total Factory Revenue 5,437 5,680 6,100 6,550 7,000 7,520 6.7 Software Revenue 1,767 2,000 2,270 2,540 2,790 3,040 11.5 Unit Shipments 291,743 336,300 381,800 420,700 456,600 487,100 10.8 Europe Total Factory Revenue 5,736 5,850 6,060 6390 6,760 7,120 4.4 Software Revenue 1,848 1,990 2,160 2,380 2,610 2,840 9.0 Unit Shipments 245,054 271,900 304,600 337,000 359,700 374,800 8.9 Asia Total Factory Revenue 4,162 4,550 4,840 5,110 5,300 5,460 5.6 Software Revenue 1,288 1,480 1,680 1,870 2,020 2,130 10.6 Unit Shipments 182,151 224,000 255,300 277,900 294,800 303,500 10.7 Rest of World Total Factory Revenue 388 450 530 600 680 760 14.3 Software Revenue 132 170 210 250 290 340 20.6 Unit Shipments 20,563 25,000 30,400 37,200 43,900 50,600 19.7 Source: Dataquest (August 1993)

    gradually beginning in the North American, U.K., and Asian covmtries other than Japan. Technology Computing performance will continue to improve at an exponential rate in the foreseeable future. The Dataquest Technical Computing group has forecast the growth in millions of instructions per second (mips) ship­ ments: the total mips shipped in history through 1992 will be matched by the shipments in 1993. In other words, the total mips shipped will double in 1993, almost double again in 1994, and double again in 1995. This enabling resource will fuel the next-generation software tools focused on integrated solutions at the enterprise level. Indispensability As the complexity of the design, the need to share information, and the need to store information electronically increase, the benefits of automa­ tion improve dramatically and the level of indispensability rises. This, coupled with market pressures to produce higher quality and to reduce production cycles, is making CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS a necessity.

    CCAM-WW-MS-9304 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated September 20,1993 o o Figure 2 Worldwide and Regional Revenue Forecast, All Applications and All Platforms

    "e Woridwide North America

    ® 19S5 CO »**^ D 1991 .«L ••^ Soft 1993 iqqc I Service Service ^^^^ 1997

    Asia Europe 8 •a o I a.

    1985 1985 CO CD ¥ 3 CT (D IV3 O Source: Dataquest [September 1993} s o Figure 3 Worldwide Revenue Forecast, by Platform, All Applications

    Host Dependent g i •s @ CO CD 1985 0 I 1985 CO O Hardware Software 1993 r-""**?^ • Softw .a iQci^ I Sendee ""*'' iqqR ' Service c ^^^^ 1997 ^^^° 1997 CD ?*>

    O O Servers Personal Computers •a o I s. I I 1 m CO 1985 0 1985 CD •o Hardware J? Software Softw 3 iqqc I Service iqqc I Service a- ^^^° 1997 CD ^^^^ 1997 oN) Source: Dataquest [September 1993) CD CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Woridwide Forecast Update

    Late Buyers A significant pool of untapped users still exists in mechanical, AEC, and GIS applications, driving additional growth. These conservative buyers will favor market leaders and installed systems for compatibility. For vendors, therefore, the value of high market share and customer satisfac­ tion will increase. Desktop Dominance The turf war for desktop dominance is building steam with the introduc­ tion of the Pentiimi chip and \^^ndows NT, which will fight to take mar­ ket share from the higher-priced, multiple UNIX operating systems with RISC technology. In addition, the decline of host-dependent systems is continuing with replacements going to networked, desktop systems. Vendors, whose business models depend upon high-priced workstations, are threatened by these powerful new PCs. At the same time, the replacement of host systems provides them with opportunity for growth. Unbundling of Software With software vendors porting to multiple platforms, software is no longer the hinge upon which hardware swings. The market is quickly moving from proprietary to open systems, resulting in a shift from bimdled to tmbundled software (see Table 6). Replacement Market The replacement market is gaining importance as replacement seats exceed 50 percent of unit sales in 1993 (see Figure 4). This saturation implies that many parallel manual systems can be eliminated and new applications developed, knowing that everyone in a company needing access to the engineering database can have it in electronic fonriat. The savings potential is tremendous. This also implies a growing sophistica­ tion in buyers who are more informed of the strategic importance of this technology. Software With technological advances, growing sophistication of users, and com­ petitive pressures, the dem.and for software with greater ease of use, flexibility, and interoperability is growing. This demand is driving the growth in business alliances between small innovative software niche players and major software vendors with resources to sell to the new and replacement markets. North American Forecast Drivers North American CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS total revenue grew a robust 11.3 percent to $5.4 billion in 1992 and is forecast to grow at a 6.7 percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR) through 1997 to $7.5 billion. The following paragraphs describe the main factors driving the North American forecast. Economy According to The Dim & Bradstreet Corporation's August 1993 Economic Overview, the growth of the economy is led by capital spending and by trade, as the economies of U.S. trading partners bottom out. Information technology growth for the first two quarters of 1993 is an annualized

    CCAM-WW-MS-9304 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated September 20,1993 10 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    Table 6 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Software Revenue Forecast, by Application (Millions of Dollars) CAGR (%) 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1992-1997 All Applications Software Revenue 5,036 5,640 6,320 7,040 7,710 8,350 10.6 Biindled Software Revenue 1,939 1,960 2,000 2,040 2,090 2,120 1.8 Unbundled Software Revenue 3,097 3,680 4,320 4,990 5,620 6,230 15.0 Mechanical Software Revenue 2,341 2,630 2,880 3,140 3,360 3,550 8.7 Bundled Software Revenue 1,127 1,180 1,200 1,230 1,250 1,260 2.2 Unbtindled Software Revenue 1,214 1,450 1,680 1,910 2,110 2,290 13.6 AEC Software Revenue 758 850 950 1,050 1,160 1,280 11.0 Bimdled Software Revenue 300 310 330 340 360 380 4.9 Unbundled Software Revenue 458 540 620 710 800 900 14.3 GIS/Mapping 16.0 Bundled Software Revenue 267 290 320 340 370 400 8.6 Unbundled Software Revenue 362 430 520 640 770 920 20.5 Electronic CAB Software Revenue 764 860 1,010 1,160 1,280 1,390 12.7 Bundled Software Revenue 109 90 80 70 60 50 -13.0 Unbimdled Software Revenue 655 770 930 1,090 1,220 1,340 15.3 IC Layout Software Revenue 233 260 290 320 360 400 11.3 Bundled Softweire Revenue 32 20 10 10 10 5 -28.9 Unbundled Software Revenue 201 240 280 310 350 395 14.3 PCB/Hybrid/MCM Software Revenue 312 330 350 380 400 420 6.0 Bundled Software Revenue 105 80 50 40 30 20 -26.3 Unbtmdled Software Revenue 208 250 300 340 370 400 13.7 Source: Dataquest (Augvist 1993)

    13 percent, down from the 22 percent growth of the previous four quar­ ters. The Jtily 1993 survey of 1,000 manufacturers nationwide indicates that reduced output has resulted in a lowering of expectations, which should continue into the third quarter. Cuts in Defense Spending Cuts in defense spending v^ll tend to soften the market. However, a focus on fewer, more sophisticated weapoiis systems vdll promote use of the latest design optimization and simulation capabilities.

    CCAM-WW-MS-9304 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated September 20,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/6IS Worldwide Forecast Update 11

    Figure 4 Unit Shipments versus Retirements-History and Forecast

    Units/Seat Shipment 1,400,000-

    1,200,000- Seat Shipments

    Retirements 1,000,000-




    200,000 -

    •' r *' I ' I I '"" I '" • I '"" I '"'' I '"" I """ I I I 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

    Source: Dataquest (September 1993) G30D4ieZ

    European Forecast Drivers The European market grew 3.6 percent to $5.7 billion in total revenue in 1992. This largest region is forecast to be the slowest growing at a mere 1.9 percent for 1993 to $5.8 billion, with a 1992 to 1997 CAGR of 4.4 per­ cent. The major factor behind this slowing growth is the sluggish German economy, which accounts for 35 percent of the Eturopean mar­ ket. A slowdown in Germany rippled through all other European industries. Table 7 provides the forecast software CAGR for 1992 to 1997 for each country for each application in Europe.

    The following paragraphs describe the main factors driving the European forecast. Economy Hopes abound for a recovery in the second half of 1994, with the United Kingdom and the Netherlands already leading the way. Governments are struggling to contain moxmting budget deficits, particularly in the United Kingdom and in Germany. Manufacturing industries are being affected by a decline in consumer spending because of high unemploy­ ment throughout Europe. Massive budget deficits will continue to influence government public spending.

    CCAM-WW-MS-9304 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated September 20,1993 12 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Woridwide

    Table 7 Compound Annual Growth Rate, 1992-1997, Software Revenue (Percent)

    Mechanical /\Jb^v GIS ECAE IC PCB All United Kingdom 6.0 5.2 11.8 4.6 0.9 -0.7 6.5 France 6.3 8.4 18.5 3.5 4.6 0.0 7.0 Germany 7.3 10.5 17.0 5.0 3.9 2.7 8.7 Italy 9.6 7.5 10.4 6.4 1.9 3.2 9.0 Benelvix 7.2 10.0 18.4 4.1 3.7 4.0 9,3 Scandinavia 9.0 8.9 14.3 4.8 71 1.5 9.1 Spain 6.5 9.1 15.5 5.1 3.7 -0.5 9.0 Rest of Europe 16.5 13.9 20.2 8.8 -1.7 0.3 14.7 Europe 8.4 9.8 15.6 5.1 2.7 1.4 9.0 Source: Dataquest (August 1993)

    Growth There are a few bright spots. The European railway industry is tinder- going a renaissance. Major public works projects are planned in the Netherlands and Norway. Denmark is the beneficiary of the building in the eastern Germany area. Defense spending is refocusing from the per­ sonnel needs of the cold war to the equipment needs for desert warfare, urban terrorism, and rapid response capabilities. This, with the growth of the telecommtmications industry, bodes well for EDA spending. Currency The appreciation of the dollar against the Etiropean currencies places additional pressure on dollar growth rates for tiie European commtmity. Just as the dollar growth of the Asian market is strikingly higher than growth of the yen, the dollar growth of the Etiropeem market is less than the growth in local currency. Additionally, this conversion ratio forces U.S. products to sell at reduced dollar prices to remain competitive with the European products, resulting in less revenue for U.S. vendors. Asian Forecast Drivers The Asian market grew 2.9 percent to $4.2 billion in total revenue for 1992. This represents a decrease of 4.3 percent on a yen basis. With the further depreciation of the dollar against the yen thus far in 1993, toted revenue is forecast to grow 9.2 percent to $4.5 billion, which is a decrease of 3.9 percent on the yen. The following paragraphs describe the main factors driving the Asian forecast. Economy After a hopeful but false recovery during the first quarter of 1993, the Japanese economy has once again taken a nosedive. According to a MITI survey, Japanese industry plans to cut capital spending for a second straight fiscal year {Nikkei Weekly, Jtme 7,1993). The survey also indi­ cated that capital spending growth should return during ihe first quarter of calendar 1994.

    CCAM-WW-MS-9304 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated September 20,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Woridwide Forecast Update 13

    Currency Just as the appreciation of the dollar against the ECU causes pricing pressure on U.S. goods in Europe, the even greater depreciation of the dollar against the yen causes pricing pressure on Japanese goods in the United States. This currency volatility creates a cauldron of price com­ petitiveness in the Japanese markets, v^rith U.S. software and hardware able to provide high profits at low prices relative to the Japanese competitors. Competitive IVIodel Cliange Japanese CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS users are shifting from the large, general-purpose, computer systems to the smaller workstations and per­ sonal computers. In response, major Japanese computer manufacturers, no longer the one-stop shop, are joining forces witii foreign computer companies to provide the multiple solutions that are being demanded, adding to the already complex relationships among Japanese companies. Developing Asian Countries Although the cheap labor of China, Vietnam, and other developing Asian coimtries is fueling enormous growth in manufacturing, the lack of experienced and highly educated engineers and managers prevents a corresponding growth in the CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS industries in these countries. The design function still resides in Japan, North America, and Exirope. Personal Computer The Japanese PC platform has been a small part of the CAD/CAM/ CAE/GIS market. The introduction of DOS/V and Windows NT will be generating interest in this low-cost solution, especially with the small, late buyers. Virtual Reality Japan is creating tools for virtual reality that v^U eventually lead to the development of new technology suitable to enhance CAD/CAM/ CAE/GIS.

    Application Forecast Assumptions The expected growth in the next three or four years in AEC, GIS, ECAE, and IC applications is adding significantly to the total growth of the industry and is exceeding growth forecasts for mechanical and PCB applications. Market penetration, new application development, and shifting trends in average selling prices are all factors in tius shift in total market application mix (see Figures 5 and 6). n/lechanical Forecast Assumptions The mechanical application area is the largest of the CAD/CAM/CAE/ GIS market with 46 percent share of software revenue, and a software revenue growth of 12.3 percent forecast for 1993. The main issues driv­ ing the mechaiucal forecast are as follows: • Software price—^Dataquest expects software prices to stabilize or increase slightly for leading products. The average value of software shipped per seat has increased slowly. In 1987, total software revenue

    CCAM-WW-MS-9304 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated September 20,1993 14 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    Figure 5 Worldwide Software Revenue Forecast by Application

    Software Revenue ($M)

    ^^SS 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993'l994 PCB 1995 1996 1997

    Source: Dataquest (August 1993) 03004133

    divided by total number of seats shipped was $6,740. The average value has risen to $7,390 in 1992. Corresponding numbers in 1992 for technical workstation-based software are $19,338; $2,300 for the PC; and $11,544 for host-based seats. Leading vendors on all platforms have been raising prices directly or indirectly with new pridng struc­ tures for network licensing or site licensing. Microsoft's Windows NT is also expected to affect software prices, with PC vendors trying to raise prices, and workstation vendors possibly lowering prices as applications are ported to NT. Hardware price erosion—^Dataquest expects hardware price erosion to continue at a slower rate as package complexity increases and accelerates demand for hardware purchases that provide more speed, memory, and storage. This trend can be expected on all platform con­ figurations. Supercomputers are increasingly being used for high-end simulation and analysis applications while technical workstations range from very expensive, high-performance, real-time imaging systems to lower-cost, 2-D documentation systems. The need for integrated applicatioixs across platforms will cause significant upgrade and system replacements.

    CCAI\/l-WW-MS-9304 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated September 20,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Forecast Update 15

    Figure 6 Software Revenue Distribution Forecast by Application

    PCB/Hybrid/MCM [C Layout

    Mechanical EGAE



    Source: Dataquest (September 1993) G3004194

    Second-tier products—^With a smaller installed base and less market share, second-tier vendors with stale technology are expected to fight forced price erosion. These second-tier vendors are struggling to build market share in an atmosphere of rampant price cutting, particularly on the PC platform. Building market share by cutting prices is becom­ ing a more risky strategy. Hardware performance—With enabling technology providing increased mips, software vendors can redefine the concept of inter­ active design. In the future, designers will simulate the crash of one car into another and test to see if the doors stiU open. The value of this level of computing will change the nature of mechanical CAD/CAM/CAE. The result will allow anyone in the design and manufacturing process to simulate real problems, to evaluate potential solutions, and to com­ municate the change instantly to all involved. Modeling technologies—Core modeling technologies will evolve slowly to support a product data structure growing in complexity. 3-D solutions are replacing 2-D solutions, which will be replaced by next- generation, integrated, solid-modeling-based solutions. The more com­ plete data structure with improvements in performance is rapidly building strong interest with end users. The need to have this higher level of commimication among departments is growing as well. Con­ tinued progress is being made in integration between the model and analysis applications, between model and documentation, and further into manufacturing applications.

    CCAM-WW-MS-9304 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated September 20,1993 16 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    • Technology dependence—^The major mechanical applications have been defined: product conception, development, production, opera­ tion, and support will be necessary applications areas a hvmdred years from now. The dramatic changes taking place in the discrete manufac­ turing world because of competitive pressures are forcing shorter development cycles, localization eind need for improved quality, resulting in a complexity that forces the users to be fully dependent upon this technology. • Manufacturing industry—^The growth opportunity in each coimtry is dependent upon the success and health of the local manufacturing industries. Multinational corporations will fuel the growth in newly industrialized countries. Each country has a dominant industry or market segment that sets the tone for CAD/CAM/CAE use. The evo­ lution of these industries has had an important impact on the growth of the CAD/CAM/CAE market in each region and has directed the success of many vendors trying to serve these markets. As an exam­ ple, the automotive industries in Japan, the United States, Germany, Italy, and France have a major influence on these local CAD/CAM/ CAE markets. Aerospace, a major force in the U.S. market, is less of a force in Europe and a minor but growing interest in Japan. All of the other manufacturing industries, such as fabricated metal, machinery, and consumer products, have strongholds in various locations around the world. For example, the machinery industry represents a signifi­ cant local CAD/CAM/CAE opportimity in Japan and Germany. • Europe—^The automotive and aerospace industries, which are the lar­ gest customers of mechanical CAD/CAM/CAE tools, are suffering during the ongoing recession in Europe, experiencing budget and staff cuts. On top of this, 34 percent of the European mechanical market is in Germany where the economy is in a deep recession and manufac­ turing output is down. Growth for mechanical CAD software in 1992 was 10.1 percent and is expected to be 7.1 percent in 1993 as the German economy is not expected to get out of the recession before mid-1994 at the earliest. AEC Forecast Assumptions The AEC application area had software revenue growth in 1992 of 11.4 percent. The five-year CAGR for software is forecast to be 11.0 per­ cent. The main factors driving the AEC forecast are as follows: • Untapped users—A significant pool of vmtapped users still exists. The current relatively low market penetration of AEC CAD systems should allow steady worldwide growth during the next five years, despite constant volatility in demand for the building and infrastruc­ ture products to be designed. • Mandates for CAD—Electronic design data is increasingly required by the designer's client, from the federal government down to the small commercial developer. In addition, design firms are growing at the expense of smaller firms. These large end users will increasingly require their employees and suppliers to adopt automation tools in the design and construction process.

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    • Electronic partnering—^Designers in the AEC industry are finding themselves in markets that are more regionally and globally competi­ tive, markets that favor partnering across design disciplines. Smaller design firms will increasingly buy CAD systems or risk being dropped from consideration as a partner. • Competitive advantage—CAD purchases are increasingly justified as a competitive advantage in sales and design reviews. The architect who cannot produce the fourth iteration of a proposed design before sign­ ing up a client wUl lose out to the group that can use changes in a proposal to ratchet a prospect toward closure gradually. • Software leverage—AEC CAD vendors can fuel upgrade revenue among sophisticated users by leveraging software advances first developed in mechanical design, such as faster structural analysis tools or incorporation of design rules. • New functionality—^Data and database functions (versiis graphics functions) will increase in importance in AEC design systems, creating opportvmities to sell users significant and new fimctionality. • Europe—AEC growth in western Europe is tied to the construction industry and improvement of the infrastructure, manufacturing plants, and power stations in eastern Ettrope. In particular, German and Danish construction companies are involved in projects in former East Germany and central and eastern Europe. The construction industry in other coimtries is rather bleak, given the overbuilding of the 1980s and high interest rates. The Netherlands and Norway have public works projects plarmed or in process. Growth inhibitors to the AEC Industry Trends that will inhibit growth in the AEC industry are as follows: • Low payoff to users—AEC's one-design-one-build structure means CAD provides fewer economic benefits to these users than does the one-design-btiild-many structure of manufacturing. Construction, which is essentially a prototype build, is fraught with imcertainties and delays that are hard to change using design systems as they exist today. • Lack of interoperability—^Designs are often split among several differ­ ent companies representing different aspects of the design process. User companies often have different CAD systems that do not com­ municate well, and alUances and consolidations in user organizations will only highlight the issue. • Low-cost solutions—Because most AEC design is still focused on drafting, which requires relatively little computing power, PC-based growth will be strong for the foreseeable future, and PC-based solu­ tions will produce less revenue to the vendor than other platforms.

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    • Late adopters—^Attitudes of potential users inhibit market growth. Many experienced architects resist change in the design and construc­ tion processes. As this self-destructive mode of operating erodes the viability of the profession, the CAD market is also impacted because many architects who were once prospects for CAD systems simply are now unemployed. GIS/Mapping Forecast Assumptions The GIS application area had software revenue growth in 1992 of 15.3 percent. The five-year CAGR for software revenue is forecast to be 16.0 percent. The assumptions behind the GIS forecast are built on an optimism that during the forecast period the world economy will gradu­ ally improve and on an expectation that global competition will increase. Assumptions used to build Dataquest's GIS market forecast are as follows: • Low penetration—Bread-and-butter prospects in government and utilities are charged with maintaining information on land and assets in perpetuity. The large number of utilities and sovereign and local governments all over the world still stuck with tabvdar data and paper maps, which will degrade, creates a plentiful supply of prospective buyers of the more readily changed and renewed computer maps, a first step to building a GIS system. • New technologies—^Faster, cheaper computers and developments in open, distributed systems open the door to an expanded user base. Advances in global positioning systems (GPSs) and aerial photogra­ phy are making it possible to create GISs significantly more accurate and complete than existing paper maps, giving experienced users some compelling reasons to reinvest. Increasingly, portable computers, multimedia, cheaper storage, and better compression of satellite imagery will create opportunities to develop richer, more accurate, and more useful GIS systems. Although many markets will take advantage of these technologies, we can think of no other market as ready, willing, and able to put to work such a wide range of technol­ ogy enhancements. Already in the last year or two, a number of users invested in image-oriented GIS systems, either supplementing or com­ pletely b)^assing conversion of existing paper data that has helped provide a midlife kick to a market that has been slowed by troubled pilot projects. • New applications in industries like retail and insurance will drive growth—^Wherever there is competition for a limited prize—^whether the prize is political or economic—GIS can create a competitive edge. Wherever assets or investments are geographically dispersed, GIS offers significant management capabilities. Revenue is growing more than 50 percent per year among new applications. However, we see a wide band of uncertainty stirrounding future revenue opporttinities. Several new applications in GIS are destined to become embedded as a relatively low revenue-producing feature in another software pro­ gram (and market), rather than a standalone product in the GIS market.

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    • Easier and cheaper GIS—^Inexpensive spatial data, public and private, is accumtilating and can be passed on to new users. Successful mtdti- participant projects are growing, creating larger data sets that can be profitably resold by government/industry consortia. Also, although we do not envision the technology miracle that will eliminate development costs, implementation of GIS in new sites will be easier and cheaper than it has been. • Solutions filling a need—GIS addresses the information age's growing problem of information overload. Any product that addresses a visible problem is more certain to grow than solutions that are still looking for the problem. • The U.S. government—GIS is one of the rare markets where relatively simple goverrvment actions can directiy fuel industry growth. In fact, the GIS industry depends on government cooperation for base data development. Governments all over the world are cooperating by developing spatial data standards, more sophisticated mapping goals, and increased cooperation across federal and local governments. The U.S. federal government is in a particularly influential position—and all stars are favorably positioned. The Landsat program appears to be headed in the direction of making satellite imagery more affordable. GPS satellites are proving extremely valuable outside of defense applications. Freedom of information remains a viable U.S. federal concept, creating opportunities to exploit low-cost, government- generated spatial data. Growth Inhibitors to the GIS Industry Trends that will inhibit growth in the GIS industry are as follows: • High cost—^Nothing important will emerge to create a low-cost, meaningful data set for traditional customers in government and utili­ ties. Data conversion will remain costly, despite substantially lower- scanning costs and increasingly improved automated conversion products. The high cost will remain because, as existing paper records head toward computerization, widespread minor inaccuracies begin to be examined, often for the first time. The significant cost of correcting prior errors and omissions is inevitably bundled into the cost of con­ version. At the same time, increasingly complex applications require increasingly accurate data, which also raises conversion costs. • Stuck projects—^The significant number of traditional GIS/mapping projects stuck in the pilot phase will reduce demand for new products, as users struggle to implement existing purchases. Even worse, the negative publicity created by these projects will chill the buying impulse among nonusers, reducing the ability of GIS projects to com­ pete with other applications for capital equipment dollars. • Price pressure—Computer prices will certainly drop, even in technical applications such as GIS where higher-performance hardware will command a premium price. Software prices are likely to come xmder increasing pressvire, despite the industry's current ability to hold over­ all seat prices relatively even. Our current forecast is btiilt on declining

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    hardware and steady software prices, primarily because of opportvmi- ties to add significant software data and functionality content to new sales among core, noncommodity buyers. Any significant deviation from this model would affect the forecast. • Europe—GIS data in Europe is prohibitively expensive and not readily available, slowing down the potential growth. In addition, the current state of the various European economies, the enormous budget deficits of some of the major economies such as Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom, and major cuts in public spending are holding back the development of GIS. However, the railway industry is a source of growth in GIS in Europe. EDA Forecast Assumptions The year 1992 showed a glimmer of hope in the EDA industry, with soft­ ware revenue year-to-year growth rates climbing back to 8.9 percent, driven by the continued strength of the IC layout software industry and a resurgence in the CAE market. Dataquest expects EDA software revenue growth to increase to 10.4 percent year-to-year for 1993. Printed circuit board (PCB) software in particular will remain stagnant vmtil mul- tichip module (MCM) technologies begin to affect the market, which Dataquest anticipates will take effect in the 1994 to 1995 time frame. Factors that will help spur EDA software growth are as follows: • New tool technologies—^New tool technologies, including electronic system design automation (ESDA), signal integrity, and design auto­ mation, are becoming available, fueling growth. • Analysis tools—^Increasing clock frequencies require tighter design tolerances that require sophisticated analysis tools to ensure proper operation. • Migration of IC layout—^Migration of IC layout technologies to system designers in the form of floor planners may prove to be the vehicle to expand physical IC design into the larger ASIC design commvmity. • Etirope—^The EDA industry in Europe is now characterized by two or three big players jocke5dng for position. Furthermore, following the merger of Cadence Design Systems Inc. and Valid Logic Systems Inc., and several large end-user mergers, some strategic accoimt changes have occurred and will continue. The total software revenue is imaffected, but market share is the prize for the winning EDA com.pany. Growth Inhibitors to the EDA industry Trends that will inhibit growth in the EDA industry are as follows: • Short-term transitions and shifts—^Product transition and strategy shifts will have a short-term downward effect. Difficulties at the No. 1 supplier of EDA software. Cadence, may cause a stall in the purchases of new tools as visers ponder their options. Ongoing consolidations of key EDA technologies, including simvdation and signal integrity, will also protract bu5dng decisions.

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    • Financial resvilts—^Decreased revenue for all of EDA is readily evident in examining public company statements. As part of the forecasting process, Dataquest analyzes the short-term, company-specific issues. There are five publicly traded EDA software companies: Cadence, Mentor Graphics, Synopsys, "V^ewlogic, and SUvar-Lisco. These com­ panies represent approximately 45 percent of the worldwide EDA software market. Comparing tiie first six months of 1992 versus the first six months of 1993, we find that the combined revenue of these companies was essentially flat. Cadence's troubles earlier in the year contributed heavily to this fact, but we anticipate that 1993 total EDA software revenue growth will suffer accordingly. Were it not for the stellar growth of such companies as Viewlogic and Sjmopsys, the EDA market wovild indeed be posting a poor 1993. • Legal issues—^Legal issues may induce fear, uncertainty, and doubt in buyers' minds. The recent spate of legal actions (for example, Sjmop- sys versus Cadence, Analogy versus Anacad/Mentor Graphics, and stockholders versus Cadence) may divert the attention of the bujnbng public and will definitely gamer the attention of top management at the EDA vendors. • Use of PC-based tools will drop significantly—^Looking to EDA's future, Dataquest anticipates the use of what has classically been called PC-based tools to drop sigruficantly. The Dataquest factors determining the differentiation of technical workstations from PCs are a virtual multitasking operating system (UNIX, VMS, and DOMAIN), the ability to nm high-performance graphic applications in a multi­ user environment, and the user's potential range of expansion on the platform. Windows NT on the Pentium chip will challenge this differentiation. Dataquest anticipates that use of classical PCs as EDA platforms will begin to diminish significantly in 1995. At that time, classes of tools will be differentiated not upon hardware platform or operating system, but rather upon the features and functionality of the tools themselves. The emergence of Windows NT will have a minimal impact upon the overall revenue of the EDA software industry. However, its effect upon compet­ ing operating systems, average selling prices, distributing practices, and business and marketing practices will be far-reaching.

    Forecast Comparison The CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS database has undergone enormous scrutiny through our market share, forecast, market share update, and finally forecast update. It has only slightly changed downward from the 1992 forecast. In fact, the forecast total factory revenue for 1993 of $16.5 billion is only 1.3 percent higher than last year's forecast of $16.3 billion. However, the longer-term sights have been lowered so that the current 1996 forecast total factory revenue of $19.8 billion is 6.1 percent lower

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    than was forecast last year for 1996. By examining the numbers, we dis­ covered the following lowered expectations: • The biggest factor in this lowered forecast is in the more rapidly declining host-dependent business. This is supported by the market share update reporting a faster drop in the host-dependent platform than estimates from our earlier market share. The forecast total revenue for 1996 of $1.1 billion is 36.2 percent lower than the forecast last year for 1996. • Regionally, the largest factor in this lowered forecast is Europe, where the 1996 forecast total factory revenue of $6.8 billion is 14.7 percent lower than the $7.9 billion forecast last year. • As to applications, these lowered expectations apply to the AEC, GIS, IC, and PCB applications, while the mechanical and ECAE applica­ tions have been forecast to grow faster than reported in 1991. Lowered expectations have become an economic reality, given that the recovery from this prolonged recession is not materializing as the past has taught us. However, a CAGR of 5.8 percent of this $15.7 billion industry is solid and continuing growth. The technologies provided by the CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS industry are no longer just nice ideas, but have become the ticket to compete globally. The technological improve­ ments of software, hardware, and the increasing involvement of vendors through services will continue to fuel the growth of this CAD/CAM/ CAE/GIS market.

    Forecast Methodology Fxmdamental to the way Dataquest conducts its research is an underly­ ing philosophy that says the best data and analyses come from a well- balanced program. This program includes the following: balance between primary and secondary collection techniques; balance between supply-side and dememd-side analysis; balance between focused, industry-specific research and coordinated, "big-picture" analysis aided by integration of data from the more than 25 separate high-technology industries Dataquest covers; and balance between the perspectives of experienced industry professionals and rigorous, disciplined techniques of seasoned market researchers.

    Dataquest also analyzes trends in the macro environment, which can have major irvfluences on both supply-side and demand-side forecasting. In addition to demographics, analysts look at gross national product (GNP) growth, interest rate fluctuation, business expectations, and capi­ tal spending plans. In the geopolitical arena, the group looks at trade issues, political stability or lack thereof, tariffs, nontariff barriers, and such factors as the effect on Europe from the events of 1993.

    Figure 7 shows the CAD/CAM/CAE and GIS forecasting model. The overall forecasting process uses a combination of forecasting techniques

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    Figure 7 CAD/CAM/CAE and GIS Forecasting Model

    User/Demand-Side Data Vendor/Suppty-Slde Data • Projected Budget Growth and Allocations • Product Shipment Projections • Business and System Requirements • Factory Revenue • Purchasing Procedures • Strategic Alliances • Criteria for Selection • Marketing Strategies • Regular Application End-User Surveys

    Market Sizing and Market Prelection 1

    Technology Assessments Environmental Analysis • Technology Developments • Economic Forecasts • Standards Development • industry/Competitive Climate • Price/Performance Development

    Source: Dataquest (May 1993) G3000529

    such as time series and technological modeling. Market estimates and forecasts are derived using the following research techniques: • "Bottom-up" aggregation—^This method involves adding all relevant vendor contributions to arrive at total market estimates for all histori­ cal data. • Segment forecasting—^For each application segment tracked by the CAD/CAM/CAE and GIS group, individual forecasts are derived fol­ lowing the basic inforrciation model defined previously. Specifically, each design phase covered within each application is segmented by product, region, and platform. In this way, each application segment incorporates its own set of unique assumptions. • Demand-based analysis—^Market growth is tracked and forecast in terms of the present and anticipated demand of current and future users. This requires the development of a total available market model and a satisfied available market figure to assess the levels of penetra­ tion accurately. Installed base is also evaluated. Rates of product retirement are primarily based on input from end users in our ongoing survey programs. Dataquest analysts also factor in the acceptance or ability for users to consume new technology.

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    • Capacity-based analysis—^This method involves identifying future shipment volume constraints. These constraints, or "ceilings," can be the result of component availability, manufacturing capacity, or distri­ bution capacity. Li any case, capacity limitations are capable of keep­ ing shipments below the demand level.

    Segmentation Definitions This section lists the definitions specific to this document. The following paragraphs define the segments. Applications Mechanical The mechanical segment refers to computer-aided tools used by engineers, designers, analysts, technicians, and draftspeople working predominantly in the discrete manufacturing industries, but includes government and education. Users of mechanical CAD/CAM/CAE tools work in all departments across the typical organization, with a majority found in product design, advanced engineering, and manufacturing engineering. Common design applications include conceptual design, industrial design, structural or thermal analysis, detail design, and electromechanical design (the mechanical peirt of design with electrical or electronic components and mechanisms). Common manufacturing applications include tool and fixture design, numerical control part programming, off-Une robotics programming, and interface to quality control systems. Management tools for database control and distribution are included in this segment, as well as user-defined application programming.

    Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) The AEC segment covers the use of computer-aided tools by eirchitects, contractors, plant engineers, dvil engineers, and other people associated with these disdplines to aid in designing and managing bviildings, industrial plants, ships, and other types of nondiscrete entities. Geographic Information Systems (GIS)/Mapping GIS is computer-based technology, and the segment is composed of hardware, software, and data used to capture, edit, display, and analyze spatial (tagged by location) information. Electronic Design Automation (EDA) The EDA segment covers computer-based tools used to automate the process of desigiiing an electronic product, including printed drcuit boards, ICs, and systems. EDA includes ECAE, IC layout, and PCB/ hybrid/MCM, as follows: • Electronic Computer-Aided Engineering (ECAE)—^These are computer-aided tools used in the engineering or design phase of electronic products (as opposed to the physical layout phase of the product). Examples of ECAE applications are schematic captvire and simulation.

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    • IC Layout—^This is a software application tool used to create and vali­ date tihe physical implementation of an IC. The IC layout category comprises polygon editors, symbolic editors, placement and routing (gate array, cell, and block), design verification tools (DRC/ERC/ logic-to-layout), compilers, and module development tools. • PCB/Hybrid/MCM—^This segment covers products used to create the placement and routing of the traces and components laid out on a printed circuit board. Also included in this category are thermal analy­ sis tools. Regions The following paragraphs define the regions. North America North America includes United States, Mexico, and Canada. Europe Europe includes the United Kingdom, Scandinavia, Benelux, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Rest of Europe (which includes Austria, Switzerland, and eastern Europe) Asia Asia includes Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Korea, China, and Hong Kong. Rest of World Rest of World includes all other coimtries including Australia, New Zealand, Oceania, Africa, Central America, South America, and the Middle East. Platforms The following paragraphs define the platforms. Teciinicai Worlcstation A technical workstation is a single-user computer distinguished from a personal computer by its features and by the user's potential range of expansion on the platform. Features include a virtual, multitasking operating system (UNIX, VMS, or Domain); the computer is designed by the manufacturer to run high-performance graphics applications in a multiuser/multitasking environment. Host-Dependent Host-dependent is a shared logic system in which the external work­ stations' functions are dependent on a host computer. Server A server is a computer that transparently provides its resources for use by other computer systems. It is a system on a network that provides specific functionality to other computer systems: the clients. Ftmctions include file storage, database access, and compute capability. Dataquest tracks the following major categories of servers used for CAD/CAM/ CAE and GIS applications: • Compute Servers—^These systems provide capabilities for solving numerical problems (for example, simulatioiis, statistical calculations, and simultaneous partial differential equations). System features

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    usually include high-speed computational capabilities (for example, vector and parallel processing) and large memories. • Print Servers—^These systems provide access to printers, specialized printing applications software, and print-spooUng resources to a network. • File Servers—^These systems provide mass storage capability to clients on a network. Services can range from temporary storage of working files to long-term backup and archive systems. • Database Servers—^These systems manage databases as a shared resource to a network. These servers handle such functions as physical data storage, data security, and high-level queries and can access stored information at the record level. Personal Computer A personal computer is a single-user computer distingxiished from a technical workstation by its features and by the user's potential range of expansion on the platform. Features found in technical workstations (such as a virtual operating system, networking, high-performance graphics, multiuser/multitasking capability) are optional rather than integrated by the manufacturer. Line Items Line item definitions are as follows: • Average selling price (ASP) is defined as the average price of a product, inclusive of any discounts. • CPU revenue is the portion of revenue derived from a system sale that is related to the value of the CPU. (In the case of technical work­ stations and personal computers, CPU revenue contains the terminal revenue.) • CPU shipment is defined as the number of CPUs delivered. • CPU installed base is defined as the total number of CPUs in active, day-to-day use. • Unit shipment is defined as the number of products delivered (that is, seats). • Seats are defined as the number of possible simultaneous users. • Listalled seats are defined as the total number of seats in active, day- to-day use. • Hardware revenue is defined as the sum of the revenue from the hardware system components: CPU revenue, terminal revenue, and peripherals revenue. • Peripherals revenue is defined as the value of all the peripherals of a turnkey sale. (Peripherals in this category typically are input and out­ put devices.)

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    Terminal revenue is defined as revenue derived from the sale of termi­ nals used to graphically create, analyze, or manipulate designs. The term is applicable only to the host-dependent platform, as terminal revenue is contained within CPU revenue for technical workstations and PCs. Software revenue is revenue derived from the sale of bxmdled (part of a turnkey system) and tmbundled software. Service revenue is defined as revenue derived from the service and support of CAD/CAM/CAE or GIS systems. Service revenue can be calculated in the tables by subtracting hardware and software revenue from total revenue. Total factory revenue is defined as the amoimt of money received by a manufacturer for its goods measured in U.S. dollars and is the sum of hardware, software, and service revenue. Total factory revenue does not include revenue that a company may receive from products sold to another company for resale (OEM revenue).

    CCAM-WW-MS-9304 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated September 20,1993 B Table 8 i CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS History and Forecast ^ Application: All Applications ^ Region: Worldwide » Platform: All Platforms

    1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 19 HARDWARE SHIPMENT DATA CPU Shipments 327,778 409,510 538,320 588,125 714,918 837,960 956,260 1,059,380 1,143,110 1,204,8 Unit Shipments or Seats 361,352 441,741 573,145 617,881 739,511 857,220 972,110 1,072,720 1,154,950 1,215,8 CPU Installed Base 839,647 1,186,194 1,605,578 2,003,389 2,431,227 2,822,290 3,198,700 3,599,140 4,013,230 4,380,3 Installed Seats 980,787 1,350,923 1,791,358 2,198,827 2,625,122 3,004,370 3,363,650 3,743,980 4,136,500 4,482,7

    ® CALCULATED AVERAGE SELLING PRICE DATA (Thousands of U.S. DoUars) to Turnkey ASP 77.8 61.3 53.9 47.8 44.3 40.7 37.9 36.3 35.4 34 o Hardware-Only ASP 10.2 10.1 8.1 7.7 7.2 6.4 5.8 5.5 5.4 5 sEf cz CD REVENUE DATA (Mimcwsftf U.S. DoUars) 5" Hardware Revenue 6,425 7,252 7,757 7,823 8,132 8,237 8,378 8,572 8,786 8,9 •o83 CPU Revenue 4,655 5,720 6,217 6,455 6,850 7,036 7,228 7,461 7,700 7,9 Terminal Revenue 879 621 530 456 396 311 257 215 190 1 1Q. CD Peripheral Revenue (Turnkey) 891 912 1,010 912 886 891 893 895 896 8 Software Revenue 2,991 3,459 4,085 4,544 5,036 5,642 6,315 7,035 7,709 8,3 Bundled 1,446 1,795 1,991 2,025 1,939 1,964 1,996 2,043 2,086 2,1 Unbundled 1,545 1,663 2,094 2,520 3,097 3,677 4,320 4,992 5,623 6,2 Service Revenue 1,664 1,935 2,296 2,409 2,555 2,648 2,830 3,033 3,266 3,5 Total Factory Revenue 11,080 12,646 14,138 14,776 15,723 16,527 17,524 18,640 19,761 20,8 Increase over Prior C/J CD Year (%) 15 14 12 5 6 5 6 6 6 •o 3 Note: In 1991, server was added as a platform. This reclassification reduced 1991 growth rates for the other platforms. or Source: Dataquest (September 1993) CD rv—1 i o CO CD CO o o Table 9 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS History and Forecast Application! All Applications s: Region: Worldwide HI Platfoim: Technical Workstation

    1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 HARDWARE SHIPMENT DATA CPU Shipments 69,726 114,136 132,368 150,748 172,249 199,480 225,500 251,650 276,880 304,7 Unit Shipments or Seats 69,726 114,136 132,368 150,748 172,249 199,480 225,500 251,650 276,880 304,7 CPU L:isfailed Base 155,675 260,456 375,661 496,882 622,585 751,440 882,950 1,012,080 1,147,530 1,280,9 Installed Seats 155,675 260,456 375,661 496,882 622,585 751,440 882,950 1,012,080 1,147,530 1,280,9

    @ CALCULATED AVERAGE SELLING PRICE DATA (Thousands of U.S. Dollars) Turnkey ASP 59.3 54.3 47.2 47.4 46.1 44.3 42.6 41.4 40.4 39 o HardwareOnly ASP 2L3 17.3 20.0 16.5 17.9 16.3 15.0 14.1 13.6 13 .a REVENUE DATA (Millions of U.S. Dollars) s Hardware Revenue 2,332 3,208 3,618 3,669 4,039 4,290 4,474 4,672 4,880 5,1 •a CPU Revenue 1,865 2,630 2,962 3,096 3,467 3,694 3,868 4,055 4,255 4,4 o Terminal Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I Peripheral Revenue CD O. (Turnkey) 467 578 656 573 571 596 605 617 625 6 Software Revenue 1,513 2,017 2,447 2,827 3,256 3,705 4,201 4,749 5,262 5,7 Bundled 807 1,218 1,343 1,396 1,404 1,444 1,483 1,538 1,590 1,6 Unbundled 706 799 1,104 1,431 1,852 2,261 2,718 3,211 3,672 4,1 Service Revenue 819 1,139 1,425 1,527 1,743 1,896 2,076 2,265 2,464 2,6 Total Factory Revenue 4,664 6,364 7,489 8,022 9,037 9,891 10,752 11,686 12,606 13,5

    CO Increase over Prior CD Year (%) 51 36 18 7 13 9 9 9 8 3 cr >te: In 1991, server was added as a platfDiTin . This reclassification reduced 1991 growlh rates for the othei platforms. CD Source: Dataquest (September 1993) lO o s o p Table 10

    1 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS History and Forecast Application: All Applications Region: Worldwide s Platform: Host-Dependent s 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 HARDWARE SHIPMENT DATA CPU Shipments 8,968 15,064 17,957 10,142 7,518 5,810 4,810 4,110 3,710 3,470 Unit Shipments or Seats 42,541 47,296 52,782 39,897 32,111 25,070 20,650 17,450 15,550 14,520 CPU Installed Base 37,546 50,106 64,406 69,648 70,928 69,580 65,760 59,790 53,110 48,080 Installed Seats 178,687 214,835 250,186 265,086 264,822 251,660 230,700 204,620 176,380 150,530

    @ CALCULATED AVERAGE SELLING PRICE DATA (Thousands of U.S. Dollars) Turnkey ASP 403.6 324.8 216.8 206.4 227.3 218.6 215.5 217.3 219.7 222.3 S" S- Haidware-Only ASP 300.6 115.7 110.6 238.8 235.3 243.8 240.1 225.3 210.5 200.0 x> CO c«-• - oC5D" REVENUE DATA (MiUions of U.S. Dollars) o Hardware Revenue 2,791 2,475 2,390 1,855 1,490 1,120 904 754 663 609 •a CPU Revenue 1,627 1,632 1,652 1,256 992 733 585 487 428 391 1Q cl Terminal Revenue 879 621 530 456 396 311 257 215 190 177 Peripheral Revenue (Turnkey) 284 222 208 143 102 77 62 51 45 41 Software Revenue 820 675 740 496 369 299 250 220 204 196 Bundled 483 438 510 337 241 198 170 150 141 136 Unbundled 337 238 230 160 128 100 80 70 63 61 Service Revenue 758 667 734 543 454 339 276 235 213 201

    CO Total Factory Revenue 4,369 3,817 3,864 2,895 2,313 1,758 1,431 1,210 1,081 1,006 CD •o Increase over Prior js- Year (%) -10 -13 1 -25 -20 -24 -19 -15 -11 -7 C3D D- Note: In 1991, server was added as a platform. This reclassification reduced 1991 growth rates for the othe r platforms. oro Source: Dataquest (September 1993) CO s o p Table 11

    1, CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS History and Forecast

    1 Application: All Applications Region: Worldwide Platform: Server 2 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 HARDWARE SHIPMENT DATA CPU Shipments NA NA NA 14,830 15,424 19,070 23,440 27,830 32,180 36,090 Unit Shipments or Seats NA NA NA 14,830 15,424 19,070 23,440 27,830 32,180 36,090 CPU Installed Base NA NA NA 14,830 30,253 48,400 69,310 90,780 113,480 132,260 Installed Seats NA NA NA 14,830 30,253 48,400 69,310 90,780 113,480 132,260

    @ CALCULATED AVERAGE SELLING PRICE DATA (Thousands of U.S. Dollars) o Turnkey ASP NA NA NA 64.4 66.7 63.9 61.2 58.2 55.4 52.9 ja Hardware-Only ASP NA NA NA 36.9 33.4 30.3 27.8 26.4 25.6 25.1 CD 54 o5" REVENUE DATA (MiUions of U.S. Dollars) o Hardware Revenue NA NA NA 586 576 652 737 815 893 958 •a CPU Revenue NA NA NA 521 501 569 646 724 801 868 Q o. Terminal Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Peripheral Revenue (Turnkey) NA NA NA 65 75 83 91 91 92 91 Software Revenue NA NA NA 189 216 265 318 370 421 470 Bundled NA NA NA 140 140 163 185 199 207 209 Unbundled NA NA NA 49 76 102 133 171 215 260 Service Revenue NA NA NA 222 228 265 308 349 391 430

    CO Total Factory Revenue NA NA NA 998 1,020 1,183 1,363 1,534 1,705 1,858 Increase over Prior f Year (%) NA NA NA NA 2 16 15 13 11 9 3 cCDr Note: In 1991, server was added as a platfonn, This reclassification reduced 1991 growth rates for the other platforms. Source: Dataquest (September 1993) CO CO CO o o Table 12 CAD/CAMfCAE/GIS History and Forecast Application: All Applications t Region: Worldwide s Platform: Personal Computer g 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 199 HARDWARE SHIPMENT DATA CPU Shipments 249,085 280,309 387,995 412,406 519,727 613,590 702,520 775,790 830,330 860,57 Unit Shipments or Seats 249,085 280,309 387,995 412,406 519,727 613,590 702,520 775,790 830,330 860,57 CPU Installed Base 646,426 875,632 1,165,511 1,422,028 1,707,462 1,952,870 2,180,680 2,436,500 2,699,110 2,919,00 Installed Seats 646,426 875,632 1,165,511 1,422,028 1,707,462 1,952,870 2,180,680 2,436,500 2,699,110 2,919,00

    ® CALCULATED AVERAGE SELLING PRICE DATA (Thousands of U.S. DoUars) g Turnkey ASP 20.8 19.5 19.6 13.8 13.5 12.2 11.0 10.4 9.9 9 o Hardware-Only ASP 4.7 4.8 3.9 3.7 3.5 3.2 2.9 2.8 2.6 2 B JOt CO REVENUE DATA {MilliOfiBiof U.S. Dollars) S3. 5" Hardware Revenue 1,302 1,570 1,749 1,714 2,028 2,174 2,263 2,331 2,350 2,32 •8o3 CPU Revenue 1,163 1,458 1,603 1,582 1,890 2,040 2,128 2,195 2,216 2,19 Terminal Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1O. CD Peripheral Revenue (Turnkey) 139 112 146 131 138 134 135 136 134 13 Software Revenue 658 767 899 1,032 1,195 1,373 1,546 1,696 1,822 1,91 Bundled 156 140 139 152 153 159 157 156 149 14 Unbundled 501 627 760 881 1,043 1,214 1,389 1,540 1,673 1,77 Service Revenue 88 130 137 116 130 148 170 184 198 20 Total Factory Revenue 2,047 2,466 2,785 2,862 3,353 3,694 3,979 4,211 4,370 4,44 Increase over Prior CO (C Year {%) 23 20 13 3 17 10 8 6 4 •a E? Note: In 1991, server was added as a platform. This reclassification reduced 1991 growth rates for the other platforms. 3 tr Source: Dataquest (September 1993) CD N> O CO CO OS § Table 13 i CAD/CAM/GAE/GIS History and Forecast Application: Alf Applications

    CO Region: North America g Platform: All Platforms g — • 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 HARDWARE SHIPMENT DATA CPU Shipments 173,485 178,297 202,068 216,626 284,752 331,970 378,610 417,990 454,150 484,740 Unit Shipments or Seats 186,357 188,938 216,225 228,976 291,743 336,300 381,810 420,680 456,610 487,050 CPU Installed Base 454,743 595,031 729,620 843,736 985,687 1,118,370 1,256,780 1,411,860 1,579,150 1,734,620 Installed Seats 523,506 667,708 807,212 922,102 1,058,242 1,181,280 1,308,990 1,453,440 1,610,370 1,756,340


    CO Turnkey ASP 79.0 68.7 63.4 51.9 46.9 44.0 41.7 40.1 38.8 37.8 o Hardware-Only ASP 8.7 9.9 8.8 8.4 7.5 6.5 5.9 5.7 5.5 5.5

    Mc CD REVENUE DATA (Millions of U.S. Dollars) 1a3 Hardware Revenue 2,414 2,598 2,629 2,512 2,745 2,732 2,805 2,900 3,023 3,165 •o8B CPU Revenue 1,859 2,105 2,090 2,082 2,404 2,444 2,534 2,636 2,759 2,899 CD Terminal Revenue 315 230 250 213 123 71 52 43 39 36 Q. Peripheral Revenue (Turnkey) 240 263 289 217 217 216 220 221 225 230 Software Revenue 1,114 1,233 1,459 1,541 1,767 2,000 2,272 2,537 2,788 3,040 Bundled 367 437 496 433 385 372 382 393 407 42 Unbundled 747 795 963 1,108 1,383 1,628 1,889 2,144 2,381 2,619 Service Revenue 670 755 830 833 925 947 1,025 1,108 1,205 1,314 Total Factory Revenue 4,198 4,586 4,918 4,886 5,437 5,679 6,102 6,545 7,017 7,520 cn Increase over Prior CD Year(%) 6 9 7 -1 11 4 7 7 7 7 3 Note: In 1991, server was added as a jlatform. This reclassification reduced 1991 growth rates for the othei platforms. Souice: Dataquest (September 1993) o o Table 14 i CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS History and Fo»eCast ? Application: All Applications ^ Region: North America S Platform: Technical Workstation g 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 HARDWARE SHIPMENT DATA CPU Shipments 28,387 42,785 44,261 51,287 64,514 75,450 86,150 96,640 107,440 121,570 Unit Shipments or Seats 28,387 42,785 44,261 51,287 64,514 75,450 86,150 96,640 107,440 121,570 CPU Installed Base 72,703 109,787 144,955 182,369 226,862 274,820 325,900 377,690 434,140 493,330 InstaUed Seats 72,703 109,787 144,955 182,369 226,862 274,820 325,900 377,690 434,140 493,330


    D Turnkey ASP 52.1 52.6 47.2 42.7 39.1 37.2 35.7 34.6 33.8 33.0 8i Hardware-Only ASP 22.7 17.2 19.1 15.6 16.0 14.6 13.5 12.7 12.2 11.9 5? X) f-^ 5c " oCD REVENUE DATA (Millidrii- of U.S. Dollars) o Hardware Revenue 846 1,097 1,115 1,063 1,232 1,298 1,357 1,417 1,496 1,612 •a Q CPU Revenue 702 925 932 947 1,114 1,180 1,238 1,296 1,372 1,483 O. Terminal Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Peripheral Revenue (Turnkey) 144 173 183 115 118 118 120 121 125 129 ySoftware Revenue 557 692 861 940 1,065 1,200 1,366 1,534 1,692 1,866 Bundled 247 325 356 311 277 259 261 267 277 289 Unbundled 310 367 505 629 789 941 1,105 1,266 1,415 1,577 Service Revenue 333 466 524 541 615 666 733 798 869 954

    CO Total Factory Revenue 1,735 2,255 2,499 2,544 2,913 3,164 3,456 3,749 4,058 4,431 Increase over Prior f3 Year (%) 45 30 11 2 15 9 9 8 8 9 S" Note: In 1991, server was added as a platform. This reclassification reduced 1991 growth rates for the other platforms. ^^ Source: Dataquest (SeptcEnber 1993) (O 8 o o Table 15 CAD/CAM/Oy^<5lS History and Forecast Application: All Applications CO Region: North America s Platfonn: Host-Dependent g 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 HARDWARE SHIPMENT DATA CPU Shipments 3,373 6,084 6,324 2,434 2,099 1,260 930 810 780 770 Unit Shipments or Seats 16,245 16,725 20,481 14,784 9,090 5,590 4,130 3,500 3,230 3,080 CPU Installed Base 17,805 22,073 26,223 26,104 25,211 23,430 20,940 17,930 15,070 13,220 Installed Seats 86,568 94,750 103,815 104,469 97,766 86,330 73,150 59,510 46,300 34,940

    @ CO CALCULATED AVERAGE SELLING PRICE DATA (Thousands of U.S. Dollars) s Turnkey ASP 320.9 388.8 301.1 279.7 342.6 342.3 338.5 330.9 317.4 304.9 o Sf Hardware-Only ASP 339.2 108.4 114.8 258.2 184.0 173.6 165.8 155.0 145.6 136.6 .a

    3 O EVENUE DATA (MilliafCig of U.S. Dollars) o Hardware Revenue 996 876 897 585 430 255 183 152 138 130 •o3 CPU Revenue 588 573 576 339 283 168 121 100 90 85 a Terminal Revenue 315 230 250 213 123 71 52 43 39 36 Peripheral Revenue (Turnkey) 93 74 71 33 24 15 11 9 9 8 Software Revenue 297 236 250 134 103 80 63 55 52 53 Bundled 113 106 135 64 36 30 25 24 24 25 Unbundled 184 129 115 70 67 50 38 32 29 28 Service Revenue 304 245 271 165 153 96 71 60 55 53 Total Factory Revenue 1,598 1,357 1,418 884 685 430 317 267 245 236 Increase over Prior f Year(%) -22 -15 5 -38 -22 -37 -26 -16 -8 -4 NS Note: In 1991, server was added as a platform. This reclassification reduced 1991 growth rates for the other platforms. O Source: Dataquest (September 1993) s o Table 16 History and Forecast 1 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS

    1 Application: All Applications Region: North America s Flatfonn: Server 2 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 HARDWARE SHIPMENT DATA CPU Shipments NA NA NA 7,373 8,513 10,600 13,180 15,670 18,120 20,290 Unit Shipments or Seats NA NA NA 7,373 8,513 10,600 13,180 15,670 18,120 20,290 CPU Installed Base NA NA NA 7,373 15,886 25,980 37,750 49,890 62,720 73,350 Installed Seats NA NA NA 7,373 15,886 25,980 37,750 49,890 62,720 73,350

    @ CO CALCULATED AVERAGE SELLING PRICE DATA (Thousands of U.S. DoUars) o Turnkey ASP NA NA NA 56.7 62.7 60.2 57.8 54.9 52.2 49.8 M Hardware-Only ASP NA NA NA 32.1 32.4 29.3 27.0 25.7 24.9 24.4 c CD Z3 REVENUE DATA (MiUions of U.S. Dollars) s Hardware Revenue NA NA NA 247 304 346 396 439 480 514 •oB CPU Revenue NA NA NA 215 263 300 345 388 429 464 1Q. Terminal Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CD Peripheral Revenue (Turnkey) NA NA NA 32 41 46 51 51 51 51 Software Revenue NA NA NA 83 117 146 177 207 237 263 Btmdled NA NA NA 53 68 79 92 98 103 104 Unbundled NA NA NA 30 49 67 85 108 134 159 Service Revenue NA NA NA 97 124 145 171 194 219 240

    CO Total Factory Revenue NA NA NA 428 544 637 744 840 936 1,018 Increase over Prior 1 Year(%) NA NA NA NA 27 17 17 13 11 9 3 cCDr Note: In 1991, server was added as ) platform. This reclassification reduced 1991 growth rates for the other platforms. Source: Dataquest (September 1993; <£> CO

    1 Application: All Applications Region: North America S Platfonn: Personal Computer 2 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 HARDWARE SHIPMENT DATA CPU Shipments 141,725 129,427 151,483 155,531 209,626 244,660 278,350 304,860 327,830 342,110 Unit Shipments or Seats 141,725 129,427 151,483 155,531 209,626 244,660 278,350 304,860 327,830 342,110 CPU Installed Base 364,235 463,171 558,442 627,890 717,727 794,140 872,190 966,350 1,067,210 1,154,720 Installed Seats 364,235 463,171 558,442 627,890 717,727 794,140 872,190 966,350 1,067,210 1,154,720

    @ (O CALCULATED AVERAGE SELLING PRICE DATA (Thousands of U.S. Dollars) CO CO 7.4 7.1 o Turnkey ASF 25.7 17.1 19.7 14.4 11.3 10.1 8.8 8.2 s. Hardware-Only ASP 4.0 4.8 4.0 3.9 3.7 3.4 3.1 2.9 2.8 1.7 I 3 REVENUE DATA (MiUions of U.S. Dollars) cO= oCD Hardware Revenue 572 625 617 617 779 832 868 892 909 909 •a CPU Revenue 569 608 582 580 745 796 830 852 868 868 Q a. Terminal Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Peripheral Revenue (Turnkey) 3 17 35 37 35 37 38 40 41 42 Software Revenue 260 305 348 384 482 575 665 741 807 858 Bundled 7 6 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 Unbundled 253 299 343 379 478 571 662 738 804 855 Service Revenue 33 43 36 30 33 41 50 56 62 67

    U) Total Factory Revenue 866 974 1,001 1,031 1,295 1,448 1,584 1,689 1,778 1,835 Increase over Prior f Year (%) 24 12 3 3 26 12 9 7 5 3 CD 3 Note: In 1991, server was added as a platform. This reclassification reduced 1991 growth rates for the other platforms C3- Source: Dataquest (September 1993) —A CO CO CO o Table 18 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS History and Forecast

    Application: All Applications Region: Europe 1 Platform: All Platforms

    1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 HARDWARE SHIPMENT DATA CPU Shipments 96,335 139,725 183,170 198,968 234,957 263,840 297,950 331,290 354,560 369,960 Unit Shipments or Seats 108,197 152,758 195,192 209,125 245,054 271,950 304,570 336,950 359,670 374,780 CPU Installed Base 233,705 358,617 510,685 656,608 805,395 925,920 1,032,390 1,146,430 1,265,960 1,370,060 Installed Seats 271,721 408,914 570,919 722,763 874,503 994,060 1,096,620 1,204,840 1,317,650 1,415,190

    @ CALCULATED AVERAGE SELLING PRICE DATA (Thousands of U.S. Dollars) o Turnkey ASP 64.4 68.6 56.9 55.4 48.8 44.7 41.6 39.8 38.5 37.5 Ef Hardware-Only ASP 12.6 10.6 8.1 7.7 7.3 6.5 5.9 5.5 5.3 5.3 XI 53c . C3D" o REVENUE DATA (Millians of U.S. DoUars) o Hardware Revenue 2,265 2,675 2,688 2,836 2,850 2,805 2,803 2,852 2,912 2,959 •3 1Q CPU Revenue 1,708 2,109 2,204 2,383 2,407 2,402 2,427 2,493 2,561 2,613 a. Terminal Revenue 278 254 165 158 161 131 108 91 80 75 Peripheral Revenue (Turnkey) 280 313 319 295 282 271 268 269 271 271 Software Revenue 1,019 1,224 1,455 1,692 1,848 1,990 2,159 2,375 2,609 2,840 Bundled 488 672 761 852 829 836 847 876 910 940 Unbundled 531 552 694 840 1,019 1,154 1,312 1,499 1,699 1,900 Service Revenue 622 773 944 1,007 1,038 1,050 1,093 1,156 1,240 1,325 en Total Factory Revenue 3,906 4,672 5,087 5,535 5,736 5,845 6,055 6,384 6,761 7,124 CO TO Increase over Prior J? 3 Year (%) 32 20 9 9 4 2 4 5 6 5 cr CD Note: In 1991, server was added as a platform. This reclassification reduced 1991 growth rates for the other platforms. jO Source: Cfelaquest (September 1993) mJL (D CO 00 B Table 19 i CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS History and Forecast > Application: All Applications ^ Region: Europe S Platform: Technical Workstation g 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 HARDWARE SHIPMENT DATA CPU Shipments 26,255 41,398 46,749 54,840 62,296 68,640 75,300 82,280 89,440 96,290 Unit Shipments or Seats 26,255 41,398 46,749 54,840 62,296 68,640 75,300 82,280 89,440 96,290 CPU InstaUed Base 51,354 90,575 132,326 177,803 224,260 267,990 309,410 347,790 387,190 423,260 Installed Seats 51,354 90,575 132,326 177,803 224,260 267,990 309,410 347,790 387,190 423,260


    O Turnkey ASP 54.4 55.2 47.9 47.3 46.5 44.6 42.8 41.5 40.5 39.6 f Haidware-Only ASP 22.9 16.9 20.8 18.1 19.6 17.9 16.4 15.5 14.9 14.5 c CD <2. REVENUE DATA (MiUions of U.S. Dollars) M Hardware Revenue 893 1,208 1,325 1,387 1,544 1,574 1,604 1,652 1,715 1,770 o CPU Revenue 736 1,014 1,126 1,207 1,359 1,389 1,419 1,465 1,525 1,578 Terminal Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Peripheral Revenue (Turnkey) 158 194 199 180 184 185 185 187 190 192 :tware Revenue 554 742 933 1,110 1,290 1,405 1,541 1,714 1,909 2,107 Bundled 288 467 563 635 662 676 692 719 750 778 Unbimdled 266 274 370 476 628 729 849 995 1,159 1,329 •vice Revenue 317 477 626 656 755 792 842 904 979 1,053

    CO Total Factory Revenue 1,764 2,427 2,884 3,154 3,589 3,772 3,987 4,270 4,604 4,930 CD Increase over Prior 1 Year(%) 63 38 19 9 14 5 6 7 8 7 3 ? I>>3 Note: In 1991, server was added as a platform. This reclassification reduced 1991 growth rates for the other platforms. C3 Source: Dataquest (September 1993) CO CO CO o p Table 20 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS History and Forecast 1

    1 Application: All Applications Region: Europe Platform: Host-Dependent

    1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 HARDWARE SHIPMENT DATA CPU Shipments 3,238 5,101 5,381 2,780 1,571 1,270 1,080 970 930 930 Unit Shipments or Seats 15,100 18,135 17,403 12,937 11,668 9,380 7,700 6,630 6,040 5,760 CPU Installed Base 9,904 14,720 19,436 21,173 21,221 20,260 18,600 16,420 14,280 12,840 Installed Seats 47,919 65,017 79,669 87,327 90,329 88,400 82,820 74,830 65,970 57,960

    @ CO CALCULATED AVERAGE SELLEMG PRICE DATA (Thousands of U.S. Dollars) o Turnkey ASP 342.8 386.4 240.7 351.2 489.1 465.8 449.4 433.5 416.1 399.5 S- Hardware-Only ASP 375.4 129.3 115.9 205.9 272.7 265.7 250.7 234.4 217.9 204.5 X3 C CD a REVENfUE DATA (Millions of U.S. Dollars) o5" o Hardware Revenue 975 937 750 671 509 391 313 265 238 225 •a Q CPU Revenue 602 614 524 463 319 238 188 160 145 137 1Q. Terminal Revenue 278 254 165 158 161 131 108 91 80 75 Peripheral Revenue (Turnkey) 94 69 61 50 29 22 17 15 14 13 Software Revenue 257 225 225 177 114 90 75 68 66 66 Bundled 166 172 170 132 80 62 51 47 47 48 Unbundled 91 53 55 44 34 28 24 21 19 18 Service Revenue 272 252 263 225 165 127 103 89 83 80

    CO Total Factory Revenue 1,504 1,414 1,238 1,072 787 608 491 423 387 370 Increase over Prior f Year (%) 10 -6 -12 -13 -27 -23 -19 -14 -8 -4 3 cCDr ro Note: In 1991, server was added as a platform. This reclassification reduced 1991 growth rates for the other platforms, c^ Source: Dataquest (September 199J *jk CO CO CO o o Table 21 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS History and Forecast Application: All Applications Region: Europe 8 Platfonn: Server 2 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 HARDWARE SHIPMENT DATA CPU Shipments NA NA NA 4,397 4,354 5,250 6,250 7,270 8,250 9,110 Unit Shipments or Seats NA NA NA 4,397 4,354 5,250 6,250 7,270 8,250 9,110 CPU histalled Base NA NA NA 4,397 8,751 13,740 19,290 24,790 30,460 34,880 Installed Seats NA NA NA 4,397 8,751 13,740 19,290 24,790 30,460 34,880

    @ EDATA (Thousands of U.S. Dollars) Turnkey ASP NA NA NA 72.9 68.9 65.9 63.1 60.1 57.3 54.6 f Hardware-Only ASP NA NA NA 49.1 36.7 33.7 30.9 29.3 28.5 28.0 REVENUE DATA (MiUions of U.S. DoUars) o o •3 Hardware Revenue NA NA NA 218 174 194 213 232 251 267 o CPU Revenue NA NA NA 199 153 171 189 207 226 242 I Terminal Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o. Peripheral Revenue (Turnkey) NA NA NA 19 21 23 25 25 25 25 Software Revenue NA NA NA 64 61 74 86 99 111 121 Bundled NA NA NA 53 45 52 58 63 65 66 Unbundled NA NA NA 11 16 22 28 36 46 55 Service Revenue NA NA NA 85 69 78 88 98 109 118 Total Factory Revenue NA NA NA 368 304 346 387 430 471 505 Increase over Prior f Year(%) NA NA NA NA -17 14 12 11 9 7 Note: In 1991, server was added as a platform. This reclassification reduced 1991 growth rates for the other platforms. g Source: Dataquest (September 1993) ^ o Table 22 Histoty and Forecast 1^ CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS

    1 Application; All Applications Europe <{" Region: Platfonn: Personal Computer s 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 HARDWARE SHIPMENT DATA CPU Shipments 66,843 93,225 131,041 136,951 166,736 188,670 215,310 240,780 255,940 263,630 Unit Shipments or Seats 66,843 93,225 131,041 136,951 166,736 188,670 215,310 240,780 255,940 263,630 CPU Installed Base 172,447 253,322 358,923 453,236 551,163 623,930 685,090 757,430 834,030 899,090 Installed Seats 172,447 253,322 358,923 453,236 551,163 623,930 685,090 757,430 834,030 899,090

    @ CALCULATED AVERAGE SELLING PRICE DATA (Thousands of U.S. Dollars) CO 26.2 17.6 15.3 13.8 12.5 11.8 o Turnkey ASF 13.9 24.9 11.3 10.9 4.2 3.7 3.4 3.2 2.9 2.7 JQ Hardware-Only ASP 5.3 5.0 2.6 2.5 tz CD 5° REVENUE DATA (Millions of U.S. DoUars) 8 •3 Hardware Revenue 398 530 614 560 624 645 673 703 708 698 Q CPU Revenue 370 481 554 515 575 604 631 661 665 656 a.1 CD Terminal Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Peripheral Revenue (Turnkey) 28 49 60 45 49 42 42 42 42 41 Software Revenue 207 258 297 341 383 421 458 493 523 547 Bundled 33 33 29 32 42 47 46 47 47 48 Unbundled 174 225 268 309 342 374 412 446 476 499 Service Revenue 33 44 54 41 48 53 60 64 69 73

    CO Total Factory Revenue 637 832 965 941 1,056 1,119 1,190 1,261 1,300 1,318 •a c? Increase over Prior 3 Year(%) 24 30 16 -2 12 6 6 6 3 1 C13D- ro Note: In 1991, server was added as a platform. This reclassification reduced 1991 growth rates for the other platforms.: ^3 Source: Dataquest (September 1993 CO 8 o Table 23 i CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS History and Forecast ^ Application: All Applications tp Region: Asia 8 PlatfomK All Platforms g 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 HARDWARE SHIPMENT DATA CPU Shipments 52,680 83,565 143,497 159,069 175,251 217,740 249,860 273,390 290,910 299,960 Unit Shipments or Seats 60,394 91,318 151,184 165,368 182,151 224,000 255,330 277,890 294,750 303,470 CPU Installed Base 135,119 209,709 335,077 462,986 585,719 707,950 822,010 932,890 1,036,940 1,119,700 Installed Seats 165,236 246,751 377,815 508,325 632,536 753,960 865,930 973,630 1,073,670 1,152,170 @ g CALCULATED AVERAGE SELLING PRICE DATA (Thousands of U.S. Dollars) o Turnkey ASP 99.1 51.5 47.0 40.4 39.2 35.7 33.0 31.4 30.7 30.6 f Hardware-Only ASP 11.2 9.4 6.5 6.3 7.0 6.3 5.8 5.6 5.5 5.5 J3 CD tQ. REVENUE DATA (Millions of U.S. DoUars) g •OB Hardware Revenue 1,618 1,843 2,309 2,313 2,350 2,498 2,548 2,576 2,586 2,584 I CPU Revenue 999 1,402 1,822 1,858 1,879 2,014 2,074 2,118 2,145 2,154 o. Tenninal Revenue 258 120 96 68 102 100 91 75 65 61 Peripheral Revenue (Turnkey) 361 321 390 388 368 384 383 382 376 368 Software Revenue 820 950 1,114 1,217 1,288 1,483 1,675 1,874 2,020 2,134 Bundled 571 663 715 709 681 705 709 712 702 691 Unbundled 249 287 399 508 608 778 966 1,162 1,319 1,444 Service Revenue 340 368 485 514 523 570 618 662 701 737

    CO Total Factory Revenue 2,778 3,160 3,909 4,045 4,162 4,551 4,840 5,112 5,308 5,455 CD Increase over Prior 1 Year(%) 12 14 24 3 3 9 6 6 4 3 3 CT CD 1x3 Note: In 1991, server was added as a platform. This reclassification reduced 1991 growth rates for the other platforms. ^3 Source: Dataquest (September 1993) CO CO CO o o Table 24 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Histocy and Forecast > Application: All Applications ^ Region: Asia S Platform: Technical Workstation g 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 HARDWARE SHIPMENT DATA CPU Shipments 13,913 28,187 39,406 42,009 42,193 51,570 59,500 67,420 73,870 79,740 Unit Shipments or Seats 13,913 28,187 39,406 42,009 42,193 51,570 59,500 67,420 73,870 79,740 CPU Installed Base 27,847 54,792 91,566 127,994 160,517 195,230 231,280 267,030 302,960 337,210 InstaUed Seats 27,847 54,792 91,566 127,994 160,517 195,230 231,280 267,030 302,960 337,210 © I CALCULATED AVERAGE SELLING PRICE DATA (Thousands of U.S. Dollars) § Turnkey ASP 83.3 54.8 46.6 51.4 51.4 49.3 47.4 46.0 45.0 44.0 f Hardware-Only ASP 15.2 19.0 21.0 16.3 20.2 18.3 16.8 15.7 15.1 14.5

    = REVENUE DATA (Millions of U.S. Dollars) i Hardware Revenue 557 850 1,127 1,154 1,187 1,335 1,421 1,503 1,559 1,601 I CPU Revenue 397 649 861 886 928 1,053 1,132 1,207 1,262 1,301,3055 o. Termina^.,„l Revenue 0„ 0„ 0„ 0„ 0« 0« 0,, 0„ 0,, 0„ Peripheral Revenue (Turnkey) 160 201 266 269 259 282 289 295 296 296 Software Revenue 386 555 624 720 826 1,001 1,167 1,346 1,479 1,594 Bimdled 263 409 410 427 436 476 494 512 518 523 Unbundled 123 146 214 294 390 524 673 835 962 1,072 Service Revenue 156 173 254 296 329 386 438 489 531 568 £/) TotalULtUl raiJLUiFactorVy jxevej-iuRevenue 1,09x,u^(8j 1,57i.,^iz>9 I.,\J\J.J2,00 5 i.,xi2,17 1i. i.,^j-i-j2,343 i-,i2,72 i-i.2 ^,\JM.\J3,026 V^,J,J<3,338J ^^\JZ>3,56 9 3,76ij,/ir4± CD Increase over Prior 3 Year(%) 44 44 27 6 8 16 U 10 CD Note: In 1991, server was added as a platform. This redassification reduced 1991 growth rates for the other platforms. o Source: Dataquest (September 1993) s o Table 25 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS History and Forecast

    Application: All Applications k Region: Asia Platfonn: Host-Dependent g 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 HAIU3WARE SHIPMENT DATA CPU Shipments 2,198 3,616 5,949 4,778 3,706 3,140 2,660 2,200 1,890 1,670 Unit Shipments or Seats 9,913 11,368 13,636 11,078 10,605 9,400 8,130 6,700 5,730 5,180 CPU Installed Base 8,730 12,022 17,274 20,897 23,109 24,550 24,920 24,210 22,590 20,910 Installed Seats 38,848 49,064 60,011 66,236 69,925 70,550 68,830 64,940 59,330 53,390

    @ CALCULATED AVERAGE SELLE^JG PRICE DATA (Thousands of U.S. Dollars) o T^imkey ASP 622.8 253.3 172.8 139.4 151.5 148.0 148.2 148.5 148.6 148.7 f Hardware-Only ASP 129.3 95.1 77.1 257.7 430.9 416.8 399.0 378.8 358.6 339.3 C aCD. o3 " REVENUE DATA (MiUiosts of U.S. Dollars) o Hardware Revenue 752 608 692 560 518 442 376 308 261 231 •a CPU Revenue 401 413 523 435 368 303 254 207 175 152 Q 1Q. Terminal Revenue 258 120 96 68 102 100 91 75 65 61 Peripheral Revenue (Turnkey) 93 74 73 58 48 38 32 26 21 18 Software Revenue 250 204 254 178 144 120 103 88 77 69 Bundled 193 154 200 138 121 101 87 73 64 57 Unbundled 58 50 54 41 23 19 16 14 13 12 Service Revenue 164 155 186 144 124 104 90 75 65 58

    CO Total Factory Revenue 1,166 966 1,133 882 786 666 569 471 403 359 Increase over Prior 1 Year (%) -10 -17 17 -22 -11 -15 -15 -17 -14 -11 3 g" Note: In 1991, server was added as \ platform. This reclassificatiori reduced 1991 growth rates for the other platforms. ro Source: Dataquest (September 1993]

    CO o o Table 26 History and Forecast 1^ CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS

    1 Application: All Applications O) Region: Asia Platform: Server 2 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 HARDWARE SHIPMENT DATA CPU Shipments NA NA NA 2,614 1,979 2,510 3,160 3,890 4,660 5,380 Unit Shipments or Seats NA NA NA 2,614 1,979 2,510 3,160 3,890 4,660 5,380 CPU Installed Base NA NA NA 2,614 4,592 6,980 9,820 12,880 16,280 19,330 Installed Seate NA NA NA 2,614 4,592 6,980 9,820 12,880 16,280 19,330

    ® ..A CO CALCULATED AVERAGE SELLING PRICE DATA (Thousands of U.S. Dollars) Turnkey ASP NA NA NA 64.9 79.8 76.4 73.1 69.8 66.5 63.6 s Hardware-Only ASP NA NA NA 36.0 30.9 27.7 25.4 24.2 23.4 23.0 xCa7 c J3CD. 3' REVENUE DATA (Millions of U.S. Dollars) Q O NA NA 102 74 85 97 110 124 •3 Hardware Revenue NA 137 Q CPU Revenue NA NA NA 89 64 74 86 99 114 127 O1. CD Terminal Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Peripheral Revenue (Turnkey) NA NA NA 13 10 11 11 11 11 10 Software Revenue NA NA NA 36 25 30 37 43 48 52 Bundled NA NA NA 30 18 20 22 23 23 22 Unbundled NA NA NA 6 7 10 15 20 25 30 Service Revenue NA NA NA 31 25 30 35 40 46 52

    CO Total Factory Revenue NA NA NA 170 124 145 169 193 218 241 CD Increase over Prior a-3 Year(%) NA NA NA NA -27 17 16 14 13 11 CD Note: In 1991, sewer was added as a platform. This reclassification reduced 1991 growth rates for the other platforms, Source: Dataquest (Septertiber 1993) CO o o Table 27 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS History and Forecast Application: All Applications Region: Asia 8 Platform: Personal Computejj g 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 HARDWARE SHIPMENT DATA CPU Shipments 36,568 51,762 98,143 109,667 127,374 160,520 184,530 199,880 210,490 213,170 Unit Shipments or Seats 36,568 51,762 98,143 109,667 127,374 160,520 184,530 199,880 210,490 213,170 CPU Installed Base 98,542 142,895 226,237 311,481 397,501 481,190 556,000 628,780 695,110 742,240 Installed Seats 98,542 142,895 226,237 311,481 397,501 481,190 556,000 628,780 695,110 742,240 @ CALCULATED AVERAGE SELLING PRICE DATA (Thousands of U.S. Dollars) o Turnkey ASP 28.4 18.2 18.2 13.1 13.2 11.9 10.7 10.0 9.6 9.3 M Hardware-Only ASP 7.0 4.7 3.1 3.0 3.1 2.9 2.7 2.5 2.4 2.3 CD 3" o REVENUE DATA (MiUionii of U.S. DoUars) o Hardware Revenue 310 384 490 497 571 636 653 655 642 614 •3 Q CPU Revenue 202 339 438 449 519 583 601 605 595 571 1 Terminal Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Peripheral Revenue (Turnkey) 107 45 51 48 52 53 52 50 47 44 Software Revenue 184 190 237 283 293 332 368 397 416 418 Bundled 116 100 105 115 106 107 106 104 97 89 Unbundled 68 90 132 168 187 225 262 293 319 329 Service Revenue 20 40 45 43 45 50 55 58 59 59

    CO Total Factory Revenue: 514 615 771 823 909 1,018 1,077 1,110 1,118 1,092 Increase over Prior 1c3r Year(%) 21 20 25 7 11 12 6 3 1 -2 CD —t Note: In 1991, server was added as a platform. This reclassification reduced 1991 growth rates for the other platforms. ro c^ Source: Dataquest {September 1993) (O 00 . po Table 28 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS History and Forecast

    1 Application; AH Applications Ei Region: Rest of World CO Platform: All Platforms g 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 HARDWARE SHIPMENT DATA CPU Shipments 5,279 7,923 9,584 13,463 19,957 24,400 29,840 36,710 43,490 50,170 Unit Shipments or Seats 6,403 8,727 10,543 14,412 20,563 24,980 30,400 37,200 43,930 50,570 CPU Installed Base 16,081 22,837 30,195 40,058 54,427 70,040 87,510 107,960 131,180 155,930 Installed Seats 20,325 27,550 35,413 45,637 59,841 75,080 92,120 112,080 134,800 159,050

    @ _i. CO CALCULATED AVERAGE SELLING PRICE UAXA (Thousands of U.S. Dollars) o Turnkey ASP 70.4 66.7 52.0 45.6 47.3 46.7 45.4 43.4 41.9 40.9 Si .a Hardware-Only ASP 16.1 10.7 9.9 7.9 5.4 4.6 4.1 3.8 3.6 3.4 c CD S5. 5" o REVENUE DATA (MUiions of U.S. DoUars) o Hardware Revenue 127 137 132 162 187 203 222 243 264 285 •a CPU Revenue 89 104 102 132 160 176 194 214 234 254 1a. Terminal Revenue 28 18 18 17 9 8 7 6 6 5 CD Peripheral Revenue (Turnkey) 10 15 12 13 18 20 21 23 24 25 Software Revenue 38 52 56 95 132 168 210 249 291 338 Bundled 20 23 19 31 44 51 57 62 68 72 Unbundled 18 29 37 64 88 117 152 187 224 266 Service Revenue 33 39 36 54 69 80 95 107 120 134

    CO Total Factory Revenue 198 228 224 311 388 452 527 599 676 757 CD Increase over Prior 1 Year (%) -11 15 -2 39 25 16 17 14 13 12 3 oCD- to Note: In 1991, server was added as a platform. This redassificadon reduced 1991 growth rates for the other platforms. _<3 Source: Dataquest (Septeaibcr 199J CO CO CO o p Table 29 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS History and Fotecast Application: All Applications

    CO Region: Rest of World 8 Platform: Technical Workstation 2 C 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 HARDWARE SHIPMENT DATA CPU Shipments 1,170 1,765 1,952 2,612 3,246 3,830 4,540 5,310 6,140 7,100 Unit Shipments or Seats 1,170 1,765 1,952 2,612 3,246 3,830 4,540 5,310 6,140 7,100 CPU InstaUed Base 3,771 5,302 6,814 8,717 10,946 13,410 16,360 19,570 23,230 27,170 Installed Seats 3,771 5,302 6,814 8,717 10,946 13,410 16,360 19,570 23,230 27,170

    @ CO [CE DATA (Thousands of U.S. Dollars) CD OJ a Turnkey ASP 44.7 55.6 44.7 45.8 41.9 39.9 38.3 37.1 36.2 35.4 Hardware-Only ASP 22.9 10.0 18.4 14.0 15.2 13.8 12.7 11.9 11.5 11.2

    Z3 REVENUE DATA (MiUions of U.S. DoUars) O o Hardware Revenue 37 52 51 64 76 83 91 100 110 121 •o3 CPU Revenue 31 42 43 55 66 72 79 87 96 106 Terminal Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Peripheral Revenue (Turnkey) 6 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Software Revenue 16 28 29 56 74 99 128 155 181 206 Bundled 9 16 14 23 29 33 36 40 45 49 Unbijndled 7 12 15 33 45 66 92 114 136 157 Service Revenue 14 23 20 34 43 52 63 74 85 96

    en Total Factory Revenue 67 103 101 154 193 234 283 328 376 422 CD Increase over Prior 3 Year(%) 44 54 -2 53 25 21 21 16 14 12 §•

    ISS Note: In 1991, server was added as a platform. This reclassification reduced 1991 growth rates for the other platforms. o Source: Dataquest (September 1993) (D 8 a p Table 30

    1 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS History and Forecast

    Application; All Applications Region: Rest of World Platform: Host-Dependent 12 8 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 HARDWARE SHIPMENT DATA CPU Shipments 159 263 304 149 142 130 140 130 120 110 Unit Shipments or Seats 1,284 1,068 1,262 1,098 748 710 690 620 560 500 CPU Installed Base 1,108 1,291 1,473 1,474 1,387 1,340 1,300 1,230 1,160 1,110 Installed Seats 5,352 6,004 6,691 7,053 6,802 6,380 5,900 5,350 4,790 4,240

    ® CO CALCULATED AVERAGE ^LING PRICE DATA (Thousands of U.S. Dollars) s Turnkey ASP 422.6 466.2 280.0 245.9 367.5 370.4 361.5 350.0 335.4 322.0 Hardware-Only ASP 587.6 168.3 159.7 298.8 196.2 173.8 156.2 143.2 133.4 141.8 oC s. REVENUE DATA (Millions ol U.S. DoUars) 83 Hardware Revenue 68 54 51 39 34 32 32 29 26 23 -Os CPU Revenue 36 32 30 20 23 23 23 20 19 16 Cl1. Terminal Revenue 28 18 18 17 9 8 7 6 6 5 Peripheral Revenue (Turnkey) 4 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Software Revenue 16 11 11 8 9 9 10 9 9 9 Bundled 11 6 5 3 5 6 7 6 6 6 Unbundled 5 5 6 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 Service Revenue 18 14 13 10 12 12 12 11 10 9

    CO Total Factory Revenue 101 79 76 56 55 54 54 49 45 41 Increase over Prior f Year(%) -32 -21 -5 -26 -2 -2 0 -9 -8 -9 CD 3 Note: In 1991, server was added as a platform. This reclassificationreduce d 1991 growth rates for the other platforms. CT Source: Dataquest (September 1993' CO o Table 31 Q CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS History and Forecast

    1 1 Application: AU Applications E: Region: Rest of World i Platform: Server 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 HARDWARE SHIPMENT DATA CPU Shipments NA NA NA 446 578 710 850 1,000 1,150 1,310 Unit Shipments or Seats NA NA NA 446 578 710 850 1,000 1,150 1,310 CPU Installed Base NA NA NA 446 1,024 1,700 2,450 3,220 4,020 4,700 Installed Seats NA NA NA 446 1,024 1,700 2,450 3,220 4,020 4,700

    @ -^ CALCULATED AVERAGE SELLING PRICE DATA (Thousands of U.S. DoUars) o Turnkey ASP NA NA NA 62.1 67.0 64.2 61.6 59.1 56.6 54.3 £? Hardware-Only ASP NA NA NA 32.9 38.1 34.6 31.8 30.0 29.1 28.4 JQ C CD a REVENUE DATA (Millions of U.S. Dollars) o5 " o Hardware Revenue NA NA NA 19 24 27 31 34 37 40 •a CPU Revenue NA NA NA 18 21 24 26 30 32 35 Q a. Terminal Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Peripheral Revenue (Turnkey) NA NA NA 1 3 4 4 5 5 5 Software Revenue NA NA NA 5 13 15 18 22 26 33 Bundled NA NA NA 3 10 12 13 15 16 17 Unbundled NA NA NA 2 3 4 5 7 10 16 Service Revenue NA NA NA 8 11 12 14 16 17 19 cn Total Factory Revenue NA NA NA 33 47 54 63 72 81 93 CD 1 Increase over Prior 3 Year (%) NA NA NA NA 43 16 15 14 13 15 Ctj-D Note: In 1991, server was added as a platform. This reclassification reduced 1991 growth rates for the other platforms. IVJ ,o Source: Dataquest (September 1993 CO CO 00 o Table 32 i CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS History and Forecast 1 ^ Application: All Applications Region: Rest of World 8 Platform: Personal Computer 2 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 HARDWARE SHIPNffiNT DATA CPU Shipments 3,949 5,894 7,329 10,256 15,991 19,730 24,320 30,280 36,080 41,660 Unit Shipments or Seats 3,949 5,894 7,329 10,256 15,991 19,730 24,320 30,280 36,080 41,660 CPU Installed Base 11,202 16,244 21,908 29,421 41,070 53,600 67,400 83,940 102,760 122,950 Installed Seats 11,202 16,244 21,908 29,421 41,070 53,600 67,400 83,940 102,760 122,950

    CALCULATED AVERAGE SELLING PRICE DATA (Thousands of U.S. Dollars) CO 9.1 6.5 6.0 5.4 4.9 4.7 o Turnkey ASP 11.4 16.3 4.4 4.2 Ef Hardware-Only ASP 5.5 5.0 3.9 3.9 3.3 3.1 2.8 2.7 2.5 2.4 .£3 C CD 5" 53 REVEbnjE DATA (MiUions of U.S. DoUars) o Hardware Revenue 22 30 29 40 53 61 69 80 91 100 •3 CPU Revenue 22 30 28 39 51 58 66 77 87 96 a.1 CD Terminal Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Peripheral Revenue (Turnkey) 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 4 4 4 Software Revenue 7 13 16 25 37 45 54 64 76 91 Bundled 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unbundled 6 12 16 24 36 44 53 63 75 90 Service Revenue 1 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 cn Total Factory Revenue 30 46 47 67 93 110 128 150 174 200 CD Increase over Prior 3 o- Year (%) 7 52 4 42 38 17 16 18 16 15 CD Note: In 1991, server was added as a platform. This reclassification reduced 1991 growth rates for the other platforms, Source: Dataquest (September 1993) s For More Information... Linda Anderson, Market Research Analyst (408) 437-8135 Via fax (408)437-0292 The content of this report represents our interpretation and aiulysis of information generally available to the public or released by responsible individuals in the subject companies, but is not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness. It does not contain material provided to us in confidence by our clients. Individual companies reported on and analyzed by Dataquest may be clients of this and/or other Dataquest services. This information is not furnished in connection with a sale or offer to sell securities or in connection with the soUdtation of an offer to buy securities. This firm and its parent and/or their officers, stockholders, or members of their families may, from OStSOUCSt"' ''^"^ *° *™^' ^^^ ^ '°"S °^ short position in the securities mentioned and may sell or buy such securities. ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated—^Reproduction Prohibited IBS TheoStsuadsmetOxparalian Dataquest is a registered trademark of A.C. Nielsen Company 0015174 DataQuest^ a company of The Dun & Bradstreet Corporation # Corporate Headquarters European Headquarters Dataquest Incorporated Dataquest Europe Limited 1290 Ridder Park Drive Roussel House, Broadwater Park San Jose, California 95131-2398 Denham, Uxbridge United States Middlesex UB9 5HP Phone: 01-408437-8000 England Facsimile: 01-408-437-0292 Phone: 44-895-835050 ! Facsimile: 44-895-835260/1 Dataquest Incorporated 550 Cochituate Road Dataquest GmbH Framingham, Massachusetts 01701-9324 Kronstadter Strasse 9 United States 8000 Munich 80 Phone:01-508-370-5555 Germany Facsimile: 01-508-370-6262 Phone: 011-49-89-930-9090 Facsimile: 011-49-89-930-3277 Invitational Computer Conferences (ICC) 3990 Westerly Place, Suite 100 Dataquest Europe SA Newport Beach, California 92660 TburGallieni2 United States 36, Avenue du General de Gaulle Phone: (714) 476-9117 93175 Bagnolet Cedex Facsimile: (714) 476-9969 France Phone: 011-33-1-48-97-3100 Dataquest Japan Limited Facsimile: 011-33-148-97-3400 Shinkawa Sanko Building 1-3-17, Shinkawa, Chuo-ku Representative Agencies in Tbkyo 104 Bangkok, Hong Kong, Japan Kronber:g, North Sydney, Phone: 81-3-5566-0411 Singapore, Taipei, and Tbl Aviv Facsimile: 81-3-5566-0425

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    CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Market Share Update

    Market Statistics 1993

    Program: CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Product Code: CCAM-WW-MS-g303 Publication Date: July 26,1993 INFORMATION RESOURCE ^ENU^ " DATAQUEST INCORPORATED 1290 Ridcler P^irk Drive San Jose, CA 95131-2398 (408) 437-8600 DataQuest' Software

    CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Market Share Update

    Market Statistics 1993

    Program: CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Woridwide Product Code: CCAM-WW-MS-9303 Publication Date: July 26,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/61S Woridwitte MarKeft Share Update

    Table of Contents

    Page Introduction 1 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update 2 Software Market Grew 9.6 Percent in 1992, Revised Down from 9.7 Percent 2 Database Changes 3 Software 3 Expanded Definition for Service 3 Shift in Revenue Distribution 4 Company Changes 5 Analysis of Workstation Distribution 5 Company Additions and Deletions 6 Market Share Battles 6 Mechanical 6 AEC 8 GIS/Mapping 8 ECAE 9 IC Layout 9 PCB/Hybrid/MCM Layout 9 Meirket Aneilysis 9 Hardware Revenue Suffers 12 About This Document 12 Segmentation Definitions 13 Applications 13 Mechanical 13 Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) 13 Geographic Information Systems (GIS)/Mapping 13 Electronic Design Automation (EDA) 14 Regions 14 North America 14 Europe 14 Asia 14 Rest of World 14 Platforms 14 Technical Workstation 14 Host-Dependent 14 Server 15 Personal Computer 15 Metrics 15 Market Share Methodology 16 The Audit Process 17 Publishing Schedule 17

    CCAM-WW-MS-9303 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated July 26,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    List of Figures

    Figure Page 1 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Database j 2 1992 Software Revenue Growth: Market Share versus Market Share Update 2 3 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Portfolio for Software Revenue for 1992 11



    CCAM-WW-MS-9303 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated July 26,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Martet Share Update

    List of Tables

    Table Page 1 Comparison of 1991 and 1992 Software Revenue: Market Share versus Market Share Update 3 2 1992 Service cis a Percentage of Total Revenue: Market Share versus Market Share Update 4 3 Change in Distribution of 1992 Revenue: Market Share versvis Market Share Update 4 4 1992 Top 20 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Vendors Total Revenue: Market Share versus Market Share Update 5 5 Unit Sales of Technical Workstatioiis by Application Segment, by Top U.S. Vendors for 1992 (Including Units Sold through OEMs) 6 6 Changes in CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Vendors with Total Revenue for 1991 and 1992 7 7 Top 10 Mechanical Software Companies Worldwide 7 8 Top 10 AEC Software Companies Worldwide g 9 Top 10 GIS Software Companies Worldwide 9 10 Top 10 ECAE Software Companies Worldwide JQ 11 Top 10 IC Layout Software Compamies Worldwide jg 12 Top 10 PCB/Hybrid/MCM Software Companies Worldwide n 13 Hardware Seats, Revenue, and Average Selling Price for 1991 and 1992 12

    All Applications Worldwide 14 All Platforms 19 15 Technical Workstation 34 16 Host-Dependent 45 17 Server 49 18 Personal Computer 51 North America 19 All Platforms 61 20 Technical Workstation 71 21 Host-Dependent 79 22 Server 82 23 Personal Computer 84

    Note: All tables show estimated data.

    CCAM-WW-MS-9303 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated July 26,1993 iv CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    List of Tables (Continued)

    Table Page Europe 24 All Platforms 90 25 Technical Workstation 102 26 Host-Dependent Ill 27 Server 114 28 Persorxal Computer 116 Asia 29 All Platforms 123 30 Technical Workstation 132 31 Host-Dependent 140 32 Server 143 33 Personal Computer 145 Rest of World 34 All Platforms 150 35 Technical Workstation , 156 36 Host-Dependent 160 37 Server 162 38 Personal Computer 163

    Note: All tables show estimated data.

    CCAM-WW-MS-9303 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated July 26,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Market Share Update

    Introduction CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS systems have dramatically chaiiged the methods by which designers and production managers originate and implement products. CAD and CAE systems allow designers to create, draft, analyze, test, emd manipulate products on a screen in two and three dimensions. As CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS systems continue to decrease in cost, they become more available and cost justifiable to new users. In order to provide a compreherisive view of the CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS industry, Dataquest's CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS group maintains a large database of industry information. The type of information contained in the database is depicted in Figiire 1.

    Figure 1 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Database

    • 326 Active Companies • History from 1984 • 94 Subapplications • 27 Operating Systems • 26 Industries

    ^••inlueM Dalian ;S3hl^25^5^ ^ jK^ 1" " ^Cbt^MAitirtlP^-


    Source: Dataquest (July 1993)

    CCAM-WW-MS-9303 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated July 26,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Woridwide

    CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Software Market Grew 9.6 Percent in 1992, Revised Down from 9.7 Percent Refinements of year-end figures leave the CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS mar­ kets essentially unchanged from our earlier market share data, with software revenue growtii from 1991 to 1992 reduced to 9.6 percent from 9.7 percent and total factory revenue growth for the same period reduced to 4.0 percent from 4.2 percent. However, the stillness at this top level is deceptive. A look at the segment and company levek of the data and even at the database changes reveals some interesting shifts. This market share update essentially revisits the companies in our data­ base, seeking refinement of the previously reported market share data. Whereas much of the data from the initial survey came from vendor projections and early, year-end results, the update represents actual 1992 year-end results. From a global perspective, the resvdts indicate that the optimists balanced the pessimists. The view from segments is a littie more interesting. Figure 2 provides a view of growth rates in software revenue by applica­ tion, by region, and by platform, as well as the total market. In the area

    Figure 2 1992 Software Revenue Growth: Market Share versus Market Share Update

    Mechanical fyj^y^yjxfjxrj'^^^ AEC Growth Rate "1 B from 1992 -J GIS Market Share Update J Kfx/ifyyyj'yyyjsfjrj!,-^ ECAE Growth Rate H MMj'^^yj'jj^j'j'jiM/u't ^m^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^m IC ^ from 1992 J PCB Market Share \ North America ryj'yyyj'yyjsxfj'y^. H Europe Asia

    .KArA'yvy-AVAU-jvvy'yVjrxM'. ^^^^^pqp^^B^^^^^^H Rest of World •::..;;.:: vv.;f.:::„E;Sm;iE;;S iSSS:::^ I!-»:: ^^^^^

    Technical Workstation •': .:::::.::'..^.- ..^ ..!...i^i^lJSii^ii

    Host-Dependent JMiiSasSSJiKiiiSSSi^SiiS^Smt^S^S^a 5iS!iSSSES£;«!ifti;i Server Personal Computer yj'/s/'yyyyyy^fyM-MM Total 1 1 1 III! .; )0 -20 -10 Q 10 20 30 40 Percent

    Source: Dataquest (July 1993) G3003221

    CCAl\/l-WW-MS-9303 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated July 26,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Wbridwide Market Share Update

    of applications, geographic information system (GIS), electronic computer-aided engineering (ECAE), IC layout, and printed circuit board (PCB) were revised up while mechanical and AEC actually grew less than previously indicated, primarily because of overreporting of revenue for IBM in 1992 coupled with imderreporting for 1991 in both areas. In the EDA arena, these revisions came about with more complete vendor input, readjusting some PCB revenue into ECAE and IC (see Table 1), and adding two companies to IC, two to ECAE, and deleting one from PCB, including past revenue.

    Economic reaUty is confirmed by the regional picture with North America and Rest of World, previously reported with the greatest growth, now shown with greater growth, whereas Europe and Asia show less growth than our earlier view. From the view of platforms, the shift from host-dependent systems to client/server systems is occurring with greater speed than earlier indications. Database Changes Software In viewing the actual market size for the above segments, looking at the earlier market share as compared with this updated version, the differ­ ences become considerable. We have continued to revise our company information with the best information available, even for past years. In addition to the growth rates changing as indicated above, the actual revenue figures have changed, as indicated in Table 1. Expanded Definition for Service In this survey, the service definition was expanded from hardware and software maintenance to now include: • Hardware and software maintenance fees • Training and education

    Table 1 Comparison of 1991 and 1992 Software Revenue: Market Share versus Market Share Update 1991 Software Revenue ($M) 1992 Software Revenue ($M) Market Market Market Share 0/ Market Share % /o Share Update Change Share Update Change Mechanical 2,033.0 2,117.0 4.1 2,235.3 2,299.1 2.9 AEC 666.1 680.2 2.1 746.1 740.8 -0.7 GIS/Mapping 555.8 545.3 -1.9 627.5 630.6 0.5 ECAE 691.2 699.8 1.2 744.1 765.8 • 2.9 IC 195.8 195.8 0 223.4 232.7 4.2 PCB/Hybrid/MCM 328.3 306.6 -6.6 329.1 311.4 -5.4 Total 4,470.2 4,544.4 1.7 4,905.5 4,980.3 ' 1.5 Source: Dataquest (July 1993)

    CCAM-WW-MS-9303 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated July 26,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Woridwide

    • Service bureau operators • Application development • Consulting • Systems integration In 1991, service revenue was $2,408.6 million and was $2,611.4 million in 1992. The resulting growth of 8.4 percent in service revenue reflects growth in service and our change in definition. This change had the largest impact on the IC layout market, and considerably added to the mechanical, ECAE, and PCB markets as well (see Table 2). In mechani­ cal, SDRC was the big foot. The database was not revised backward to reflect this change. Forecasting, however, wiU now be expanded to include this area of growth. Shift in Revenue Distribution Reflecting this expansion of services definition and extreme pressure on hardware revenue is the redistribution of revenue by hardware, soft­ ware, and services as shown in Table 3.

    Table 2 1992 Service as a Percentage of Total Revenue: Market Share versus Market Share Update Market Share Market Share Update % Change Mechanical 16.5 17.1 3.4 AEC 14.1 14.0 -0.7 GIS/Mappjng 18.0 17.6 -2.2 ECAE 16.6 17.4 4.8 IC Layout 19.0 21.0 10.5 FCB/Hybrid/MCM 18.5 19.0 2.7 Source: Dataquest July 1993)

    Table 3 Change in Distribution of 1992 Revenue: Market Share versus Market Share Update Revenue ($M) % Distribution of Revenue Market Market Share Market Market Share Share Update Share Update Hardware 8,093.8 7,765.5 52.0 50.5 Software 4,905.5 4,972.6 31.5 32.4 Services 2,578.0 2,624.2 16.5 17.1 Total 15,577.3 15,362.3 Source: Dataquest July 1993)

    CCAl\/l-WW-MS-9303 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated July 26,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Market Share Update

    Company Changes Table 4 provides a listing of the top 20 vendors and the changes in the total revenue figtire from the market share previously reported. IBM revenue changes were made following the prior market share but before the subsequent forecasting. Intergraph's earlier reported revenue included document imaging and other graphics software, which does not belong in CAD/CAM. Digital previously did not report its hardware revenue, and neither did Autodesk with its software revenue, whereas SDRC now includes the expanded service. Analysis of Workstation Distribution In addition to these changes, the CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS group signifi­ cantly refined its database model for workstations. Using two years of software revenue distribution by operating system, collected by a svirvey

    Table 4 1992 Top 20 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Vendors Total Revenue: Market Share versus Market Share Update Total Revenue 1992 ($M) Revenue Final Share Market Share Change Market Difference Market Share Update ($M) Share (%) (%) IBM 1,861.2 1,756.9 -104.3 11.4 -0.5 Intergraph 1,171.7 1,126.6 -45.2 7.3 -0.2 Hewlett-Packard 922.4 919.9 -2.5 6.0 0.1 Digital 843.6 918.9 75.3 6.0 0.6 Sun Microsystems 876.8 869.5 -7.3 5.7 0.1 Computervision 781.7 777.3 -4.5 5.1 0.1 Fujitsu 442.0 442.0 0 2.9 0.1 Compaq 416.3 429.8 13.5 2.8 0.1 Cadence 425.6 425.4 -0.2 2.8 0.1 Autodesk 341.6 367.7 26.1 2.4 0.2 Mentor Graphics 350.8 349.4 -1.4 2.3 0 NEC 348.0 348.0 0 2.3 0.1 EDS-Urugraphics 302.9 310.1 7.2 2.0 0.1 Siemens Nixdorf Infosysteme 271.2 271.1 -0.1 1.8 0.1 Apple Computer 243.2 239.0 -4.2 1.6 0 Silicon Graphics 272.9 230.5 -42.4 1.5 -0.3 Nihon Unisys 228.3 228.3 0 1.5 0 Hitachi 174.0 174.0 0 1.1 0 Control Data 169.4 169.4 0 1.1 0 SDRC 123.3 149.8 26.5 1.0 0.2

    Top 20 Companies 10,566.9 10,503.6 -63.3 68.3 0.5 All Companies 15,577.3 15366.8 -210.5 100.0 0 Source: Dataquest (July 1993)

    CCAM-WW-MS-9303 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated July 26,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    of software vendors, we can estimate the distribution of workstations by hardware vendor in the various application segments (see Table 5). This analysis resulted in realignment of workstation shipments of Hewlett- Packard, Sun, and Silicon Graphics to the distribution of software revenue. (Note that these imit sales are expanded to include imits sold through OEMs. They, therefore, will not match the xmit sales in the mar­ ket share tables where OEM is deleted to prevent double counting.) Company Additions and Deletions Finally, we added nine new companies to our database with a collective total revenue of $36.0 million for 1991; $46.5 for 1992 (see Table 6). We deleted LPKF and Simulation Science: upon re-evaluation, we realized that both companies are related to, but not included in the CAD/CAM/ CAE/GIS market. IGC was purchased by IMSI, which was not previ­ ously in our database, so IMSI was added to include IGC for 1991 and 1992. However, we have not incorporated other company name changes (such as Cadam to Altivun) or acquisitions (such as Quad Design by Viewlogic) that have occtirred during 1993. Market Share Battles An interesting view of the CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS market is at the level of market leaders in software revenue for each application. The tables that follow provide software revenue and share of market for 1991 and 1992 as they now appear in the database. IVIeclianicai An army of well-equipped companies is on the march in the mechanical market, assaulting the two old guards, IBM and Computervision (see Table 7). IBM, showing decline in its mechanical software despite its partnerships with the market leaders, Dassault, SDRC, and CADAM, is struggling to survive the squeeze of moving from high-margin, host- dependent systems to the more competitive market of technical work­ stations and client/servers. With losses in its host dependent business as

    Table 5 Unit Sales of Technical Workstations by Application Segment^ by Top U.S. Vendors for 1992 (Including Units Sold through OEMs) Share of Mechanical AEC GIS ECAE IC PCB Total Market Sun Microsystems 27,567 3,804 6,607 16,586 7,709 7,624 69,897 40.3 Hewlett-Packard 17,370 3,871 1,581 7,039 2,321 4,054 36,236 20.9 Digital 8,965 1,762 2,327 1,196 855 1,499 16,604 9.6 Intergraph 2,421 4,980 5,698 516 45 422 14,082 8.1 Silicon Graphics 8,574 461 478 117 0 0 9,630 5.6 IBM 6,065 717 213 0 0 244 7,239 •4.2 Total Worldwide Units 77,471 22,559 20,453 26,385 11,347 15,264 173,479 100.0 Distribution (%) 44.7 13.0 11.8 15.2 6.5 8.8 100.0 Source: Dataquest Quly 1993)

    CCAM-WW-MS-9303 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated July 26,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Market Share Update

    Table 6 Changes in CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Vendors with Total Revenue for 1991 and 1992 1991 Total 1992 Total Application Revenue ($M) Revenue ($M) Segment Additions: CAMAX Systems 7.3 9.2 Mechanical Qironologic Simtilation 1.0 1.5 ECAE Crosscheck Technology 4.5 6.8 ECAE Enghouse Systems 5.4 8.3 CIS/Mapping High-Level Design System 1.5 2.5 IC Layout IMSI 1.7 - 2.2 PC-Design PCI Remote Sensing 5.0 6.0 GIS/Mapping PiE Design 6.0 6.0 ECAE Softronics 3.6 4.0 Spain-Design Total 36.0 46.5 Deletions: IGC 0.7 0.7 PC-Design LPKF 15.0 14.1 PCB Simiilation Science 1.2 1.2 AEC Total 16.9 16.0 Gross Change 19.1 30.5 Source: Dataquest (July 1993)

    Table 7 Top 10 Mechanical Software Companies Worldwide 1991 Software 1991 Share 1992 Software 1992 Share Change in Revenue of Market Revenue of Market Software ($M) (%) ($M) (%) Revenue (%) IBM 370.4 17.5 359.8 15.6 -2.9 Computervision 232.4 11.0 206.9 9.0 -11.0 Autodesk 108.3 5.1 147.1 6.4 35.9 Dassault* 133.5 6.3 146.9 6.4 10.0 SDRC 101.1 4.8 129.2 5.6 27.7 EDS-Unigraphics 80.7 • 3.8 107.7 4.7 33.4 CADAM* 66.3 3.1 88.7 3.9 33.8 Parametric Technology 43.4 2.0 81.2 3.5 87.2 Hewlett-Packard 64.0 3.0 72.1 3.1 12.7 MacNeal-Schwendler 53.4 2.5 64.7 2.8 21.1

    Top 10 Companies 1,253.4 59.2 1404.2 61.1 " 12.0 All Companies 2,117.0 100.0 2,299.1 100.0 8.6 'Includes distributor and/or supplier revenue Source: Dataquest July 1993)

    CCAM-WW-MS-9303 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated July 26,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    well as in Europe and Asia, IBM is outflanked by the hardy and nimble players in the workstation platform where there is real competition. Computervision is heavily deployed in Europe where the dark cloud of recession continues to cast its gloom. This offshore presence has weakened the company on its home front, resulting in a decrease of 11 percent in software revenue, which is a loss in market share of 2 per­ centage points, a big loss for a big player. Despite the losses of these two market leaders, the eight attackers grew a collective 28.7 percent, gaining a whopping 5.7 percentage points in market share. AEC The AEC market is qmte another story, with the market leaders, Auto­ desk and Intergraph, cementing their leadership by growing faster than the market, gaining a combined 2.6 percentage points share of market while three of the other eight top 10 competitors declined (see Table 8). The interesting part of this picture is right in the middle: two German companies, Nemetschek and lEZ, battling tooth-and-nail for leadership. The companies are growing in stark contrast to the economic climate of Europe's home front. GIS/Mapping The GIS market, with its amazing growth rate of 15.6 percent, is marked by a fight for the top. In 1991, Integraph led ESRI in share of market by 5.5 percentage points, whereas in 1992 Integraph's lead was reduced to 2.6 percentage points, giving ESRI a 2.9 percentage points annual gain on Integraph (see Table 9). In the meantime, the remaining top 10 com­ panies most grew at impressive rates, although much of Geo\^sion's growth resulted from acquisition during 1992. Table 8 Top 10 AEC Software Companies Worldwide 1991 Software 1991 Share 1992 Software 1992 Share Change in Revenue of Market Revenue of Market Software ($M) (%) ($M) (%) Revenue (%) Autodesk 128.2 18.9 158.1 21.3 23.3 Intergraph 100.4 14.8 111.0 15.0 10.6 IBM 40.5 6.0 41.5 5.6 2.6 Fujitsu 37.1 5.5 35.6 4.8 -3.9 Nemetschek 24.7 3.6 32.5 4.4 31.7 lEZ 19.8 2.9 32.1 4.3 62.2 Computervision 23.2 3.4 25.1 3.4 8.1 ISICAD 19.4 2.9 17.2 2.3 -11.6 NEC 16.8 2.5 11.7 1.6 -30.2 Dassault* 10.1 1.5 11.1 1.5 9.9

    Top 10 Companies 420.1 61.8 476.0 64.3 13.3 AH Companies 680.2 100.0 740.8 100.0 6.2 "Includes distributor and/or supplier revenue Source: Dataquest July 1993)

    CCAM-WW-MS-9303 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated July 26,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Market Share Update

    Table 9 Top 10 GIS Software Companies Worldwide 1991 1992 Software 1991 Share Software 1992 Share Change in Revenue of Market Revenue of Market Software ($M) (%) ($M) (%) Revenue (%) Intergraph 107.2 19.7 114.4 18.1 6.7 ESRI 77.6 14.2 98.0 15.5 26.3 Siemens Nixdorf Infosysteme 49.7 9.1 53.2 8.4 7.0 Autodesk 28.5 5.2 40.5 6.4 42.0 EDS-Unigraphics 17.0 3.1 24.1 3.8 41.5 Landmark Graphics 23.2 4.3 18.8 3.0 -19.0 Geo\^ion Systems 8.5 1.6 14.0 2.2 64.6 Moss Systems 9.7 1.8 14.0 2.2 43.9 Genasys n 9.7 1.8 13.0 2.1 34.2 Fujitsu 13.2 2.4 12.6 2.0 -3.9

    Top 10 Companies 344.3 63.1 402.6 63.8 16.9 All Companies 545.3 100.0 630.6 100.0 15.6 Source: Dataquest Quly 1993)

    ECAE The electronic computer-aided engineering (ECAE) market has been shaken up with mergers and acquisitions. Cadence merged with VaUd and skipped over Mentor Graphics, ^^ewlogic bought Vantage, but was still passed by Synopsys. The European ECAE software market grew only 2.3 percent, providing a rough road for Racal-Redac. Wacom, with its emphasis on the personal computer platform in Japan, also had a rough year in this market (see Table 10). IC Layout The fastest-growing and smallest application segments have few players. The top 10 comprise almost 97 percent of the market, with Cadence con­ tinuing to dominate (see Table 11). The change in growth rates versus The PCB/hybrid/MCM layout market continues to stagnate, showing previous market share is because of changes reported by Cadence. Compass Design Automation appears to be a hard charger, driven by new library development tools.

    PCB/Hybrid/MCM Layout little growth in the past two years (see Table 12). This market is drawn along geographic lines: Zuken rules the Japanese market, whereas Racal- Redac's strength lies in Etirope. Neither company has a strong presence in North America where Mentor Graphics and Cadence battle it out. Market Analysis The final view of all this activity is shown in Figure 3, which depicts the market size and market growth rate for each segment in the CAD/ CAM/CAE/GIS software industry. In Figure 3, the heavy horizontal line

    CCAM-WW-MS-9303 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated July 26,1993 10 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Woridwide

    Table 10 Top 10 ECAE Software Companies Worldwide 1991 1992 Software 1991 Share Software 1992 Share Change in Revenue of Market Revenue of Market Software ($M) (%) ($M) (%) Revenue (%) Cadence (Valid) 154.2 22.0 165.6 21.6 7.3 Mentor Graphics 73.2 10.5 77.3 10.1 5.6 Synopsys 30.1 4.3 51.3 6.7 70.6 \^ewlogic (Vantage) 36.2 4.4 46.7 6.1 29.0 Racal-Redac 28.5 4.1 27.2 3.6 -4.3 Wacom 25.5 3.6 23.3 3.0 -8.7 EEsof 18.1 2.6 22.1 2.9 22.2 Intergraph 17.5 2.5 20.9 2.7 19.4 Marubeni Hytech* 16.5 2.4 19.7 2.6 19.3 Autodesk 17.1 2.4 18.4 2.4 7.5

    Top 10 Companies 411.6 58.8 472.5 61.7 14.8 All Companies 699.8 100.0 765.8 100.0 9.5 'Includes distributor and/or supplier reveitue Source: Dataquest (July 1993)

    Table 11 Top 10 IC Layout Software Companies Worldwide 1991 Software 1991 Share 1992 Software 1992 Share Change in Revenue of Market Revenue of Market Software ($M) (%) ($M) (%) Revenue (%) Cadence (Valid) 114.0 56.9 136.3 58.6 19.5 Mentor Graphics 33.7 16.8 31.5 13.5 -6.4 Compass Design 11.7 5.9 17.3 7.4 47.4 Seiko* 13.7 6.8 14.5 6.2 5.9 Sagantec 3.6 1.8 6.7 2.9 86.9 Silvar-Lisco 5.2 2.6 5.8 2.5 9.7 Cascade Design 3.0 1.5 4.7 2.0 55.9 Fujitsu 0 0 3.5 1.5 NA Integrated Silicon Systems 2.5 1.2 3.0 1.3 21.0 Intergraph 1.6 0.8 1.9 0.8 22.2

    Top 10 Companies 189.0 96.5 225.2 96.8 19.1 All Companies 195.8 100.0 232.7 100.0 18.8 •Includes distributor and/or supplier revenue NA = Not applicable Source: Dataquest (July 1993)

    CCAM-WW-MS-9303 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated July 26,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Market Share Update 11

    Table 12 Top 10 PCB/Hybrid/MCM Software Companies Worldwide 1991 Software 1991 Share 1992 Software 1992 Share Change in Revenue of Market Revenue of Market Software ($M) (%) ($M) (%) Revenue (%) Racal-Redac 42.1 13.7 46.3 14.9 10.0 Maitor Graphics 39.5 12.9 43.0 13.8 8.7 Zviken 46.9 15.3 41.6 13.4 -11.3 Cadence (Valid) 31.5 10.3 36.5 11.7 15.8 IBM 16.3 5.3 17.1 5.5 4.7 Intergraph 12.7 4.1 16.0 . 5.1 25.5 Harris EDA 13.9 4.5 12.2 3.9 -11.8 CADIX 11.3 3.7 11.8 3.8 4.0 Sharp* 15.0 4.9 9.6 3.1 -35.8 Fujitsu 8.4 2.7 8.1 2.6 -3.8 Top 10 Companies 237.6 77.5 242.0 77.7 1.9 All Companies 306.6 100.0 311.4 100.0 1.6 'Includes distributor and/or supplier revenue Soiuce: Dataquest Quly 1993)

    Figure 3 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Portfolio for Software Revenue for 1992

    Pen»iit Growth 20-

    Server 15- 0-

    10- Industry /Ecw, ;ECAE Average 9.4% iSaB a ^^ESBBr PCB

    I I 1 I 1111 I 1 1—r 1111 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2.500 3,000 3,500 Host (-29.1%) Software Revenue ($M)

    Source: Dataquest (July 1993) nvywry^

    CCAM-WW-MS-9303 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated July 26,1993 12 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    indicates the industry average for software growth, the size of the bub­ bles reflects market share, and the bubbles are centered over their mar­ ket size (y-axis) and market growth rate (x-axis) for 1992. From this figure, the IC layout application segment and server platform are the two smallest and two fastest-growing segments. Workstations are the largest market segment with a higher than average growth rate of 14 percent. Notice that host-dependent platform segment is off the chart with a negative 29.1 percent growth rate. Hardware Revenue Suffers In contrast to the high growth rates of software, hardware took a beating with a total growth rate of negative 0.1 percent despite an increase of seats totaling 5.9 percent (see Table 13). The hardware market continues to be pressured by decreasing margins and increasing competitiveness. Host-dependent systems are being replaced by networked, desktop sys­ tems, and distinctions between workstations and PCs are becoming increasingly blurred. About This Document This document contains Dataquest's detailed market share information on the CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS industry. Following is a description of the companies included in the Market Share Update books: • Source—^All companies in database; overview of industry • Mechaiucal Applications—^All companies in database with mechanical revenue • AEC Applications—All companies in database with AEC revenue • GIS Applications—^All companies in database with GIS revenue • Electronic Design Automation Applications—All companies in data­ base with EDA (electronic CAE, IC layout, FCB/hybrid/MCM) revenue

    Table 13 Hardware Seats, Revenue, and Average Selling Price for 1991 and 1992

    1991 1992 1991 1992 Average Average Hardware Hardware Selling Selling 1991 1992 Growth Revenue Revenue Growth Price Price Growth Seats Seats (%) ($M) ($M) (%) ($K) ($K) (%) Workstation 150,748 173,489 15.1 3,670.6 3,967.9 8.1 24.3 22.9 -6.0 Host- Dependent 39,897 31,771 -20.4 1,854.6 1,529.8 -17.5 46.5 48.2 3.6 Server 14,830 16,301 9.9 531.0 573.8 8.1 35.8 35.2 -1.7 Personeil Computer 412,406 432,848 5.0 1,718.7 1,705.4 -0.8- 4.2 3.9 -5.5 Total 617,881 654,408 5.9 7,774.8 7,776.8 0 12.5 11.9 -4.8 Source: Dataquest (July 1993)

    CCAM-WW-MS-9303 (©199 3 Dataquest Incorporated July 26,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/6IS Worldwide Martet Share Update 13

    • Evirope Overview—^All Eiirope-based companies and all other compa­ nies with more than $1 million in European revenue • European Countries—^All companies in the European overview that report revenue by European coimtry: Benelux, France, Germany, Italy, Scandinavia, Spain, United Kingdom, and Rest of Etirope (indudes Austria, Switzerland, and Eastern Europe). • Asia—^All Asia-based companies and all other companies with more than $1 million in Asian revenue • Personal CAD and Distribution Channels—^All companies in database with personal computer revenue More detailed data on these markets may be requested through our client inquiry service. Dataquest's policy is to continually update its market information, for current and past years, with any new data received in order to arrive at the most accurate market representation possible.

    Segmentation Definitions This section lists the definitions spedfic to this document. The following paragraphs define the segments. Applications Mechanical The mechanical segment refers to computer-aided tools used by engineers, designers, analysts, technicians, and draftspeople working predominantly in the discrete manufacturing industries, but indudes government and education. Users of mechanical CAD/CAM/CAE tools work in all departments across the typical organization, with a majority foimd in product design, advanced engineering, and manufacturing engineering. Common design applications include conceptual design, industrial design, structural or thermal analysis, detail design, and elec­ tromechanical design (the mechaiucal part of design vdth electrical or electroruc components and mechaiusms). Common manufacturing applications include tool and fixture design, numerical control part programming, off-line robotics programming, and interface to quality control systems. Management tools for database control and distribution are included in this segment, as well as user-defined application programming. Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) The AEC segment covers the use of computer-aided tools by architects, contradors, plant engineers, dvil engineers, and other people associated with these disdplines to aid in designing and managing btiildings, industrial plants, ships, and other types of nondiscrete entities. Geographic Information Systems (GIS)/Mapping GIS is computer-based technology, and the segment is composed of hardware, software, and data used to capttire, edit, display, and analyze spatial (tagged by location) information.

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    Electronic Design Automation (EDA) The EDA segment covers computer-based tools used to automate the process of designing an electronic product, including printed circuit boards, ICs, and systems. EDA includes ECAE, IC layout, and PCB/ hybrid/MCM, as follows: • Electronic Computer-Aided Engineering (ECAE)—^These are computer-aided tools tised in the engineering or design phase of elec­ tronic products (as opposed to the physical layout phase of the product). Examples of electronic CAE applications are schematic cap­ ture and simulation. • IC Layout—^This is a software application tool used to create and vali­ date tiie physical implementation of an IC. The IC layout category comprises polygon editors, symbolic editors, placement and routing (gate array, cell, and block), design verification tools (DRC/ERC/ logic-to-layout), compilers, and module development tools. • PCB/Hybrid/MCM—^This segment covers products used to create the placement and routing of the traces and components laid out on a printed circuit board. Also included in this category are thermal analysis tools. Regions The following paragraphs define the regions. Nortli America North America includes United States, Mexico, and Canada. Europe Europe includes the United Kingdom, Scandinavia, Benelux, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Rest of Evirope. Asia Asia includes Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Korea, China, and Hong Kong. Rest Of World Rest of World includes all other countries including Australia, New Zealand, Oceaiua, Africa, Central America, South America, and the Middle East. Platforms The following paragraphs define the platforms. Technical Workstation A technical workstation is a single-user computer distinguished from a personal computer by its features and by the user's potential range of expansion on the platform. Features include a virtual, multitasking operating system (UNIX, VMS, or Domain); the computer is designed by the manufacturer to rim high-performance graphics applications in a multiuser/multitasking envirorunent. Host-Dependent Host-dependent is a shared logic system in which the external work- - stations' functior\s are dependent on a host computer.

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    Server A server is a computer that transparently provides its resources for use by other computer systems. It is a system on a network that provides specific fvmctionaUty to other computer systems: the clients. Functions include file storage, database access, and compute capability. Dataquest tracks the following major categories of servers used for CAD/CAM/ CAE and GIS applications: • Compute Servers—^These systems provide capabilities for solving numerical problems (for example, simulations, statistical calculations, and simultaneous partial differential equations). System features usually include high-speed computational capabilities (for example, vector and parallel processing) and large memories. • Print Servers—^These systems provide access to printers, specialized printing applications software, and print-spooling resources to a network. • File Servers—^These systems provide mass storage capability to clients on a network. Services can range from temporeiry storage of working files to long-term backup and archive systems. • Database Servers—^These systems manage databases as a shared resource to a network. These servers handle such functions as physical data storage, data security, and high-level queries and can access stored information at the record level. Personal Computer A personal computer is a single-user computer distinguished from a technical workstation by its features and by the user's potential range of expaitsion on the platform. Features foimd in technical workstations (such as a virtual operating system, networking, high-performance graphics, multiuser/multitasking capability) are optional rather than integrated by the manufacturer. Metrics The following paragraphs define measurements. • Total factory revenue is defined as the amovmt of money received by a manufacturer for its goods and services measured in U.S. dollars. Total factory revenue does not include revenue that a company may receive from products that are sold to another company for resale (OEM revenue). Total factory revenue is the sum of software revenue, hardware revenue, and service revenue. • Unit shipment is defined as the number of seats delivered (number of possible simultaneous users of product delivered). • Hardware revenue is revenue derived from sales of CPUs (including operating systems), terminals (for host-dependent systems), and peripherals. • Software revenue is revenue derived from the sale of bundled (part of a turnkey system) and unbtmdled application software.

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    • Service revenue is defined as all revenue derived from the service and support of CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS systems. Service revenue can be calculated in the tables by subtracting hardware and software revenue from total revenue. a Maintenance fees for hardware and software o Management and Operations Services—^help desk, education and training, disaster recovery, vaulting, and configuration management. o Service Bureau—^project work, including construction of database, data conversion, product design, analysis, or manufacturing. o Application Development—design and development of customized software applications or the modification, erihancement of customi­ zation of existing software applications, adding new functionality. • Constilting Revenue—assessment of CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS busi­ ness and information technology needs and the formulation of a plan based on needs identification. o Implemenation and Integration Services—^plaiming, im.plementa- tion, migration, and integration of software products (software net­ work support and integration, accoimt integration nruinagement, data center design, and construction).

    Market Share Methodology Dataquest uses both primary and secondary sovirces to produce ovir mar­ ket share data. In the fourth quarter of each year and second quarter of the subsequent year, we survey all participants in each industry. Each vendor is offered the opportunity to self-report the information required. Although there is a primary contact for each company, large compaiues are surveyed across product lines and across geographic regions. Thus, there is a corresponding increase in the number of contacts at large com­ panies. (Dataquest maintains a large contact database on all sources of information). Examples of the job tities of people contacted for informa­ tion are the following: • President and CEO • \^ce President and General Manager • Vice President of Marketing • Vice President, Strategic Product Planning • Director of Strategic Planning • Director of Marketing • Director of Market Development • Manager, CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Marketing Programs • Market Research Analyst

    CCAM-WW-MS-9303 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated July 26,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Woridwide Market Share Update 17

    The Audit Process Data supplied by vendors are evaluated against information drawn from many sources, including the following: • Revenue published by major industry participants • Estimates made by knowledgeable and reliable industry spokespersons • Government data or trade association data • Published product literature and price lists • Interviews with knowledgeable manufacturers, distributors, and users • Relevant economic data • Information and data from otiline data banks • Articles in both the general and trade press • Annual reports, SEC documents, credit reports • Company publications and press releases • Reports from financial analysts • User studies • Reseller and supplier reports and reports from a vendor's competitors In addition, Dataquest sums vendor revenue across other industries covered by Dataquest to make sure that revenue is not credited twice and checl^ with mviltiple sources at one company to cross-check data on that company. Dataquest analysts have many years of experience in how to apply the above tools to get the most accurate information possible on a particular company (such as what to use when and what industry averages are). We believe that the estimates presented here are the most accurate and meaningful generally available today. It is the CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS group's policy to continuaUy update our market information for any year, based on any new data received, in order to arrive at the most accurate market representation possible. Dataquest's CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS market numbers are often higher than those reported by other sources. We survey worldwide, which involves more vendors, higher total market revenue, lower market share per vendor, and a more accurate market picture—particularly useful when comparing regions or applications.

    Publishing Schedule We publish market share and forecasting, twice each year for each, allowing for both timely distribution of data and thorough analysis and forecasting. Ovir annual delivery schedule is as follows: • Market share data are available January 31. All tables will be pub­ lished and distributed to clients by March 31.

    CCAM-WW-MS-9303 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated July 26,1993 18 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Woridwide

    Forecasting from the market share tables provides a five-year forecast period, available after March 31. The books will be shipped by May 31. Final updated market share tables, based on additional data collection and analysis, will be completed by May 31. At this point, the market share database is frozen and will not be changed until the end of the yejir. For the next six months, supplementary market data will be based on these final market data. Books will be shipped by July 31. We provide complete final forecast tables by July 31. These tables take into consideration changes in the market share during the previous six months. Books will be shipped by September 31.

    CCAM-WW-l\/IS-9303 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated July 26,1993 o o Table 14 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update

    Application; All Applications Platform: All Platforms s Region: Worldwide 8 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu IBM 1,756.9 1,015.7 427.7 80,820 11.4% 13.1 Intergraph 1,126.6 496.0 313.6 15,885 7.3% 6.4 Hewlett-Packard 919.9 706.7 72.1 52,067 6.0% 9.1 Digital 918.9 638.6 5.2 25,902 6.0% 8.2 @ ..^ Sim Microsystems 869.5 751.6 .0 49,537 5.7% 9.7 (O * CO CO CO Table 14 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update

    1 Application: All Applications en Platform: All Platforms 1 Region: Worldwide Units; Millions of U.S. EtoDars/Actual Units Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company ]levenu e Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu STI-Straessle 42.5 12.8 20.4 344 .3% .2 COMPASS Design Automation 40.8 .7 30.6 32 .3% .0 Unisys 40.0 17.4 13.9 864 .3% .2 Hakuto 39.9 24.0 16.0 850 .3% .3 @ 264 .3% .4 CO Mitsui Engineering 39.7 27.8 7.9 (O CO Cisigraph 39.3 11.0 21.6 250 .3% .1 n ff^ Data General 38.1 30.5 1.9 1,998 .2% .4 .Q C= CD ItalCad 38.0 17.9 9.1 360 .2% .2 5" Uchida Yoko 37.9 22.9 13.5 900 .2% .3 o PDA Engineering 36.1 .0 34.7 0 .2% .0 o •3 ICL 35.1 20.7 11.9 962 .2% .3 too io . Harris EDA 35.0 3.8 20.3 150 .2% .0 Dell Computer 34.6 34.6 .0 9,012 .2% .4 Seiko Instruments—NO OEM 34.2 14.2 17.1 258 .2% .2 CADIX 33.6 13.4 16.8 247 .2% .2 Alias Research 32.7 .0 29.7 0 .2% .0 Tokyo Electron—NO OEM 32.3 10.7 14.5 220 .2% .1 Zycad 31.5 18.9 4.1 239 .2% .2 ASCAD/ASCAM 30.6 18.4 9.2 450 .2% .2 c_ Investronica SA 29.3 23.4 2.9 1,170 .2% .3

    IV3 Cimatron 29.0 13.1 13.1 921 .2% .2 Oi

    (O CD CO o o Table 14 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update

    1 Application: All Applications

    CO Platform: All Platforms Region: Worldwide Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven Deicam International 29.0 10.7 12.6 347 .2% .1 Han Dataport 28.6 8.8 15.5 620 .2% .1 Wiechers Datentechnik 27.4 6.9 12.9 823 .2% .1 Geo Vision Systems 27.0 2.2 14.0 50 .2% .0 @ 26.6 .0 18.6 562 .2% .0 CD Cimlinc CD CO EEsof 26.0 .0 22.1 16 .2% .0 o ^ Gerber Systems 26.0 12.7 8.6 360 .2% .2 ^ .a Toyo Information Systems-NO OEM 24.8 15.1 7.2 265 .2% .2 cf—1:- Century Research Center 22.5 11.9 8.3 119 .1% .2 o5CO" o Accugraph 22.0 9.7 9.9 779 .1% .1 •a MCS 20.2 .0 17.9 0 .1% .0 Bo ia. ADRA Systems 20.2 1.2 15.2 65 .1% .0 Marcus Computer £^f^M>£Stn^ 19.9 10.3 6.8 296 .1% .1 Tebis 19.6 3.0 13.7 112 .1% .0 Quicktum Systems 19.5 19.5 .0 162 .1% .3 Moss Systems 19.5 .9 14.0 60 .1% .0 CAD Lab 18.7 .0 15.2 0 .1% .0 Genasys 11 18.6 1.9 13.0 86 .1% .0 PAFEC 18.5 .0 18.5 0 .1% .0 c_ Logic Modeling Systems 18.2 .0 14.5 0 .1% .0 [= •^ 8.8 364 .1% rv3 Radan Computational 17.6 6.2 .1 05 CO CO CO o o Table 14 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications CO Platform: All Platforms Region: Worldwide s Units: Millions of U.S. DoUars/Actual Units Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven CAD Distribution 16.9 8.4 6.7 261 .1% .1 Digital Kienzle 16.3 8.3 4.6 239 .1% .1 CAD Centre 16.2 .0 13.0 0 .1% .0 XiUnx 16.0 .0 14.4 0 .1% .0 @ (O Omron 16.0 9.6 6.4 394 .1% .1 CO CO Andor 15.7 3.9 11.1 121 .1% .1 o 5? Research Machines^ 15.6 15.6 .0 2,517 .1% .2 £i C CD Ikos Systems 15.4 14.6 .8 169 .1% .2 CO Star Informatic 15.4 2.4 10.9 1,720 .1% .0 8 Graphtec Engineering 15.4 in 6.9 331 .1% .1 •o3 LSI Logic 15.1 1.5 11.3 38 .1% .0 I ABB Industria 15.0 6.6 6.6 160 .1% .1 CL Framasoft 14.8 .0 8.9 0 .1% .0 Ziegler Informatics 14.4 .0 14.4 0 .1% .0 INS Engineering 14.3 7.2 7.2 48 .1% .1 Comdisco Systems 14.0 .0 12.6 0 .1% .0 Soft-Tech Software Technologies 13.8 2.1 10.4 932 .1% .0 ICAD 13.5 .0 10.8 0 .1% .0 Aries Technology 13.4 .0 12.1 0 .1% .0 Teradyne 13.1 1.4 8.5 30 .1% .0 Altera 13.0 .0 11.1 0 .1% .0 to a Table 14 (Continued) Cl 1^ 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update

    1 Application: All AppKcations en Platform: All Platforms Region: Worldwide 1 Units; Millions of VS. Dollars/Actual Units Ma Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven Kockums Computer Syst ems 12.9 3.2 7.1 635 .1% .0 Design Automation 12.7 2.5 9.5 267 .1% .0 Sumitomo Denko Workstation 12.7 12.7 .0 654 .1% .2 Microway 12.5 7.6 3.8 133 .1% .1 /C^ @ 12.5 6.1 4.2 229 .1% .1 CO Exapt CO CO Technische Cqnaputer Systeme 12.5 2.2 10.2 328 .1% .0 oK . CADKEY 12.3 .0 12.3 0 .1% .0 .o CD Synercom 12.2 .0 6.4 0 .1% .0 CA Analogy 12.1 .0 9.7 0 .1% .0 o5" o Fides Industrie]I^A\^em|a[j|ipn' 12.0 3.7 5.0 70 .1% .0 •3 o MARC 11.8 .0 11.8 0 .1% .0 o.R Laser-Scan 11.6 3.9 4.7 68 .1% .1 Strategic Mapp^i^ 11.5 .0 10.4 0 .1% .0 Micrcffiim 11.3 .0 10.6 0 .1% .0 ERDAS 11.0 3.0 7.3 186 .1% .0 Oread 10.9 .0 10.9 0 .1% .0 ETAK 10.7 .5 10.0 23 .1% .0 Maplnfo 10.6 .0 8.5 0 .1% .0 Smallworld SydMi^ 10.5 2.4 5.8 52 .1% .0 .0 9.5 0 .1% .0 c CPU 10.5 to Silvar-Llsco 10.4 .0 5.8 0 .1% .0 O)

    CO CO CO o Table 14 (Continued) p 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications

    CO Platform: All Platfonns Region: Worldwide s Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven Sysscan 10.4 4.5 2.8 98 .1% .1 Rasna Corporation 10.3 .0 9.3 0 .1% .0 Point Control 10.0 .0 7.9 0 .1% .0 Meta-Software 9.9 .0 6.5 0 .1% .0 @ (O Softdesk 9.9 .0 9.9 0 .1% .0 CO CO GeoQuest 9.6 .0 9.6 0 .1% .0 o S- Test Systems Strateg^ 9.5 .0 8.5 0 .1% .0

    CD Infocel 9.4 1.3 7.2 197 .1% .0 c*! ACTEL 9.3 .0 8.1 0 .1% .0 8 PADS Software 9.2 .0 7.8 0 .1% .0 •a o CAMAX Systems Inc^ 9.2 1.5 5.5 161 .1% .0 CD Q. Data I/O 9.1 .0 9.1 0 .1% .0 Mechanical Dynamics 8.6 .0 6.8 0 .1% .0 Aucotec 8.5 3.4 3.4 470 .1% .0 Enghouse Systems Ltd. 8.3 .0 7.2 10 .1% .0 RIB/RZB 8.3 .7 6.7 52 .1% .0 EA Systems 8.1 .0 8.1 0 .1% .0 Cascade Design Automation 8.0 .0 6.0 0 .1% .0 Ontos 7.9 .0 7.9 0 .1% .0 DAT Standard info ssystemes 7.9 .0 7.5 0 .1% .0 Engineering Mechanics 7.9 .4 6.7 628 .1% .0 Oi

    CO g Table 14 (Continued) i 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications

    C/3 Platfonn: All Platforms Region: Worldwide Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units i Ma Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Elevenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven Ascent Logic Corp 7.8 .0 6.2 0 .1% .0 Olivetti 7.8 6.6 .0 890 .1% . Sagantec 7.5 .0 6.7 0 .0% .0 RoboCAD Solutions 7.3 .0 5.9 0 .0% .0 @ Micrografx 7.3 .0 7.3 0 .0% .0 i Spectrum Graphics 7.2 2.2 3.6 67 .0% .0 Hochtief 7.2 1.1 5.0 86 .0% .0 Serbi 7.0 .7 6.3 200 .0% .0 7.0 3.7 2.8 611 .0% .0 3 Ground Modelling Systems I Genrad 6.9 1.3 4.6 72 .0% .0 s -3 o CNC Software 6.8 .0 6.8 0 .0% .0 ASG 6.8 .0 6.8 0 .0% .0 Alper Systems 6.4 3.2 1.6 45 .0% .0 BATISOFT 6.3 .9 3.2 314 .0% .0 Moda CAD 6.3 1.5 4.4 52 .0% .0 Radian Corporation 6.2 .0 3.7 0 .0% .0 Software Dev 6.2 .0 6.2 0 .0% .0 Crosscheck Technology 6.2 .0 3.1 0 .0% .0 ANACAD 6.1 .0 6.1 0 .0% .0 c PCI Remote Sensing Corp 6.0 .0 6.0 0 .0% .0 (Z 2.4 152 IS3 PiE Design 6.0 3.0 .0% .0 O) tt) CO CO o o Table 14 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications (J) Platform: All Platforms s Region: Worldwide s Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Ma Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardw Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven Scientific & En^BSe^Sitlit SW 6.0 .0 6.0 0 .0% . Sigma Design 5.9 .0 5.6 0 .0% . Aspen Technology 5.8 .0 5.2 0 .0% . debis Systemhaus 5.8 1.4 3.4 39 .0% . @ ..L .0% . CO Solboume 5.7 5.7 .0 514 (O CO Clemessy 5.7 4.6 .9 19 .0% . a Kohns & Poppenhaeger 5.4 2.7 1.9 64 .0% . .a d American Small Business GCHOi^. 5.3 .0 5.3 0 .0% . CD

    CO (n Table 14 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications c/j Platform: All Platforms Region: Worldwide 8 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Ma Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardw Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven HP Cade 4.4 2.6 1.3 44 .0% . Triplan 4.3 1.7 2.1 62 .0% . Whessoe Computing Systems 4.2 .0 4.2 0 .0% . CADSl 4.2 .6 3.1 29 .0% . @ -^ Computer Services Consultant 4.2 .0 4.2 0 .0% . CO Contec Microelectronics 4.2 .0 3.8 0 .0% . o Path trace 4.2 .9 2.7 62 .0% . .a Pacific Numerics 4.1 .0 4.1 0 .0% . Gable CAD Systems 4.1 2.9 .6 45 .0% . o o Bechtel Software 4.0 .0 3.7 0 .0% . •a o Softronics 4.0 1.1 3.0 361 .0% . a Ricoh—NO OEM 3.9 .0 3.3 0 .0% . Integrated Computer Graphs 3.9 1.5 2.1 250 .0% . Integrated Silicon Systems 3.8 .0 3.0 19 .0% . Sener Sistemas Marinos 3.7 .0 3.7 0 .0% . Compact Software 3.7 .0 3.7 0 .0% . Anilam Electronics 3.7 .8 2.6 88 .0% . Innovative Data Design 3.7 .0 3.7 0 .0% . Datagraphic 3.6 1.8 1.4 57 .0% . EME 3.5 .8 1.6 70 .0% . Autometric 3.5 2.3 1.2 75 .0% . at

    CO o Table 14 (Continued) o 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications ^ Platform: All Platforms Region: Worldwide Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu GeoGraphix 3.4 .0 2.5 0 .0% .0 PacSoft 3.2 .0 3.2 0 .0% .0 Accel Technologies: 3.2 .0 2.9 0 .0% .0 Intera Tydac 3.2 .0 3.2 0 .0% .0 @ ISKA 3.1 1.4 1.3 57 .0% .0 CO Vero IntemationialSiE^SSfaie^ 3.1 .0 2.9 0 .0% .0 o FEA 3.0 .7 .7 0 .0% .0 I Neocad 3.0 .0 3.0 0 .0% .0 3.0 .0 3.0 0 .0% .0 3 Mine Software 8 Sweet's Electroi^iB^iiibteg 3.0 .0 2.4 0 .0% .0 •a Assigraph 2.9 .0 2.3 0 .0% .0 o Quantic Laboratories 2.8 .0 2.6 0 .0% .0 Supeidraft 2.8 1.3 1.4 160 .0% .0 Generation 5 Technology 2.6 .0 2.6 0 .0% .0 Land Innovation 2.6 .0 2.6 0 .0% .0 Motorola 2.6 .0 2.6 0 .0% .0 CADWorks 2.6 .0 2.4 0 .0% .0 Infinite Graphics 2.6 .0 2.6 0 .0% .0 EPIC Design Technology 2.5 .0 2.5 0 .0% .0 High Level Design Systems; 2.5 .0 1.8 0 .0% .0 2.5 .0 2.1 0 .0% .0 ro ACDS Graphic System o o Table 14 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications CO Platform: All Platforms I CO OJ Region: Worldwide s Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven Foresight Resources 2.5 .0 2.3 0 .0% .0 Visionics 2.5 .0 2.4 10 .0% .0 Computational Mechanics 2.4 .0 2.4 0 .0% .0 Facility Mapping Systems 2.4 .0 2.1 0 .0% .0 @ ALS Design 2.4 .1 2.2 20 .0% .0 Catalpa 2.3 .4 1.5 25 .0% .0 o Terr-Mar Resource Info Svs 2.3 .6 1.3 41 .0% .0 M Terra Sciences 2.3 .0 2.3 0 .0% .0 Caroline Informatique 2.3 .4 1.2 18 .0% .0 o o Elstree Computing 2.2 1.0 1.2 62 .0% .0 •a IMSI 2.2 .0 2.2 0 .0% .0 o CAD-UL 2.1 .0 2.1 0 .0% .0 I Carrier Corporation 2.1 .0 2.1 0 .0% .0 CD a. Evolution Computing 2.1 .0 2.1 0 .0% .0 Object Design 2.1 .0 2.1 0 .0% .0 Lamp Software 2.1 .5 1.5 130 .0% .0 PEGS 2.1 .0 1.0 0 .0% .0 ISDATA 2.0 .0 1.8 0 .0% .0 Kork Systems 2.0 .2 1.4 21 .0% .0 Sunrise Test Systems 2.0 .0 2.0 0 .0% .0 Engineering Systems Corp. 2.0 .0 1.8 0 .0% .0 OJ

    CO CO CO o Table 14 (Continued) o 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications CO Platform: All Platforms Region: Worldwide s Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mar Total Hardware ToUl Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu CAD-Capture 2.0 .4 .6 10 .0% .0 Georgia Tech Research Corp. 1.9 .0 1.9 0 .0% .0 Objectivity 1.9 .0 1.9 0 .0% .0 MEDESIGN 1.9 .5 .7 21 .0% .0 @ (O Macao Systems 1.9 1.0 .6 19 .0% .0 CO CO CAD/CAM Group 1.9 .0 1.9 0 .0% .0 o Geometria GIS Systems |^ifii$g 1.8 .2 .4 15 .0% .0 M SIMUCAD 1.8 .0 1.7 0 .0% .0 Massteck 1.8 .0 1.8 0 .0% .0 8 DAFCO 1.8 .0 1.2 0 .0% .0 •a Engineered Software 1.7 .0 1.7 0 .0% .0 o Research Engineers—Gl^U$0ft 1.7 .0 1.7 0 .0% .0 CAMTEK 1.7 .4 1.1 120 .0% .0 ALDEC 1.6 .0 1.4 0 .0% .0 LandCadd 1.6 .0 1.5 0 .0% .0 ARKTEC 1.6 .2 1.3 43 .0% .0 Ultimap 1.6 .6 .5 18 .0% .0 Sinus Software 1.5 .8 .8 36 .0% .0 Chronologic Simulation 1.5 .0 1.4 0 .0% .0 GRAPHSOFT 1.4 .0 1.4 0 .0% .0 Electrical Eng. Software 1.4 .0 1.2 0 .0% .0 at to CO CO en o Table 14 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications Platform: All Platfonns s Region: Worldwide s Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu Tanner Research 1.4 .0 1.3 0 .0% .0 Geotrace Technologic 1.4 .1 1.2 21 .0% .0 GEOVISION Inc. 1.3 .7 .3 67 .0% .0 Aucos elektronische Gerate 1.2 .4 .9 121 .0% .0 @ .0 0 .0% .0

    CO CO CO o o Table 14 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications CO Platform: All Platforms Region: Worldwide s Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu Mc2 Engineering Sioftvvaig .7 .0 .7 0 .0% .0 Phase Three Logic .6 .0 .5 0 .0% .0 Ashlar .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0 S.T.L.D. s.r.l. .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0 @ Expertest .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0 is NCR Microelectronic .5 .0 .4 0 .0% .0 rn The CAD Group .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0 1 Exemplar Logic .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0 1x» Other Companies 720.3 695.0 10.1 160,893 4.7% 8.9 1 All Companies 15,366.8 7,776.8 4,980.3 654,408 100.0% 100.0 1 All N,A.-Based Companies 11,727.9 5,994.3 3,567.8 574,579 76.3% 77.1 All Asian-Based Companies 2,157.6 1,278.9 654.8 53,570 14.0% 16.4 All European-Based Companies 1,481.3 503.6 757.8 26,259 9.6% 6.5 All Hardware Companies 4,410.0 3,855.0 7.6 506,889 28.7% 49.6 All Turnkey & SW Companies 10,956.8 3,921.9 4,972.8 147,519 71.3% 50.4

    Source: Dataquest Ouly 1993)

    fS Table 15 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update

    1 Application: All AppllcatioTW CO Platform: Technical Workstation 1 Region: Worldwide Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenu Intergraph 972.7 438.0 252.1 14,081 10.8% 11.0 He wle tt-Packard 830.4 627.1 72.1 28,146 9.3% 15.8 Comp uter vision 748.6 236.1 233.6 7,173 8.3% 6.0 Sun Microsystems 745.9 648.9 .0 44,834 8.3% 16.4 /S\ @ _x Cadence 397.5 .0 316.5 0 4.4% .0 s(D Mentor Graphics 349.4 61.4 151.8 3,688 3.9% 1.5 IBM 329.6 158.3 125.1 7,238 3.7% 4.0 X3 C= CO EDS 271.8 93.7 124.7 4,374 3.0% 2.4 t-t- 5" Siemens Nixdorf Info systeme 248.5 115.9 95.4 2,940 2.8% 2.9 -sa Digital 231.5 156.2 4.0 11,125 2.6% 3.9 o Silicon Graphics 218.9 200.8 .0 7,618 2.4% 5.1 CD o. Fujitsu 185.6 118.8 48.3 3,784 2.1% 3.0 NEC 165.1 90.8 61.1 5,443 1.8% 2.3 SDRC 143.8 .0 124.1 0 1.6% .0 Hitachi 125.3 60.1 52.6 2,710 1.4% 1.5 Applicon 120.8 40.4 47.6 1,277 1.3% 1.0 Zuken 107.8 30.6 57.4 667 1.2% .8 Parametric Technology 100.2 .0 81.2 0 1.1% .0 Matra Datavision 100.0 32.0 51.0 839 1.1% .8 c Racal-Redac 76.4 .0 64.3 2 .9% .0 Nihon Unisys 75.8 47.0 12.9 619 .8% 1.2 O)

    CD CO CO B Table 15 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update

    1 Application: All Applications Ui Platform: Technical Workstation Region; Worldwide 8 Units: Millions of U.S. Etollars/Actual Units Ma Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven Toshiba—NO OEM 73.9 37.0 29.6 875 .8% .9 Mitsubishi Electric 72.6 61.7 5.1 781 .8% 1.6 Hitachi Zosen Info Syst^iUfl^ 72.2 61.3 3.6 739 .8% 1.5 Synopsys 71.2 .0 51.3 0 .8% .0 @ lEZ 64.3 22.5 32.1 1,360 .7% .6 i Control Data Systems 63.2 38.5 13.3 1,720 .7% 1.0 CO ESRI 55.7 .0 51.4 0 .6% .0 .u Landmark Graphics 49.1 24.6 11.3 254 .5% .6 ci 5CD" Sharp System Products--NO OEM 49.1 25.5 23.6 453 .5% .6 oCA o -3 Auto-Trol 47.6 17.6 18.1 595 .5% .4 o ISICAD 46.7 16.8 19.6 348 .5% .4 CD O. Sony 43.5 43.5 .0 1,587 .5% 1.1 STl-Straessle 42.5 12.8 20.4 344 .5% .3 \^ewlogic Systems 41.3 .0 32.6 0 .5% .0 COMPASS Design AutouiMictfi 40.0 .7 30.0 32 .4% .0 ItalCad 38.0 17.9 9.1 360 .4% .5 Mitsui Engineering 36.1 25.3 7.2 204 .4% .6 Cisigraph 35.4 9.9 19.4 225 .4% .2 ICL 35.1 20.7 11.9 962 .4% .5 c Uchida Yoko 34.1 20.5 11.9 729 .4% .5 ro CADIX 33.6 13.4 16.8 247 .4% .3

    CO o o Table 15 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Sham Update

    Application: All Applications k Platfonn: Technical Workstation Region: Worldwide a Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Ma Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven Alias Research 32.7 .0 29.7 0 .4% .0 Tokyo Electron—NO OEM 32.3 10.7 14.5 220 .4% .3 Mutoh Industries—NO OEM 32.3 19.4 9.7 330 .4% .5 Harris EDA 31.4 3.4 17.6 132 .4% .1 @ Unisys 30.1 13.0 10.7 637 .3% .3 ASCAD/ASCAM 30.0 18.0 9.0 436 .3% .5 Seiko Instruments—^MD OEM 28.9 11.6 14.5 122 .3% .3 Data General 28.2 22.6 1.4 1,620 .3% .6 PDA Engineering 27.1 .0 26.0 0 .3% .0 i 9.9 14.9 321 .3% s Nemetschek 26.7 .2 •a 9.7 11.5 288 .3% o Delcam international 26.3 .2 Gerber Systems 26.0 12.7 8.6 360 .3% .3 Swanson Analysis 25.8 .0 24.7 0 .3% .0 Han Dataport 25.3 7.6 13.9 556 .3% .2 Cimlinc 22.6 .0 15.8 562 .3% .0 EEsof 22.1 .0 18.8 16 .2% .0 Autodesk 22.0 .0 22.0 0 .2% .0 Century Research Center 20.9 11.1 7.7 116 .2% .3 Toyo Information Systems-NO OEM 19.9 12.4 5.7 236 .2% .3 Marcus Computer Systeme 19.9 10.3 6.8 296 .2% .3 o Accugraph 19.6 9.6 8.0 747 .2% .2 CO CO CO o o Table 15 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications Platform: Technical Workstation Region: Worldwide s Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu Quicktum SysteSEI® 19.5 19.5 .0 162 .2% .5 Moss Systems 19.5 .9 14.0 60 .2% .0 GeoVision Systems 18.9 1.5 9.8 43 .2% .0 Radan Computational 17.4 6.1 8.7 358 .2% .2 @ CO Cimatron 17.1 in in 352 .2% .2 CO CO Genasys 11 16.8 1.7 11.7 40 .2% .0 a s. PAFEC 16.6 .0 16.6 0 .2% .0 Logic Modeling Sy^^rip 16.6 .0 13.2 0 .2% .0 I =1 Digital Kienzle 16.3 8.3 4.6 239 .2% .2 o o CAD Centre 16.2 .0 13.0 0 .2% .0 •3 o Qmron 16.0 9.6 6.4 394 .2% .2 I CAD Lab 15.9 .0 12.7 0 .2% .0 a. Star Informatic 15.4 2.4 10.9 1,720 .2% .1 Graphtec Engineering 15.4 in 6.9 331 .2% .2 ADRA Systems 15.2 1.2 11.1 65 .2% .0 Comdisco Systems 14.0 .0 12.6 0 .2% .0 INS Engineering 13.6 6.8 6.8 35 .2% .2 LSI Logic 13.6 1.4 10.2 35 .2% .0 ICAD 13.5 .0 10.8 0 .2% .0 c_ .1% .0 c= Framasoft 13.4 .0 8.0 0 "^ Kockums Qiiftiputi^^sfems 12.9 3.2 7.1 635 .1% .1 O)

    CO CO CO o Table 15 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications CO Platform: Technical Workstation CO CO Region: Worldwide 8 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu Aries Technology 12.1 .0 10.9 0 .1% .0 Fides Industrielle Automation 12.0 3.7 5.0 70 .1% .1 Sumitomo Denko Workstation 11.8 11.8 .0 592 .1% .3 Analogy 11.5 .0 9.2 0 .1% .0 yttv © Laser-Scan 11.1 3.8 4.5 64 .1% .1 CO CO Technlsche Computer Systetrw 11.0 2.0 9.0 286 .1% .0 MacNeal-Schwendler 10.7 .0 10.7 0 .1% .0 .a Smallworld Systems 10.5 2.4 5.8 52 .1% .1 c CD Silvar-Lisco 10.4 .0 5.8 0 .1% .0 o5" o MCS 9.3 .0 8.3 0 .1% .0 -oa CAMAX Systems Inc. 9.2 1.5 5.5 161 .1% .0 cff CL MARC 9.0 .0 9.0 0 .1% .0 Meta-Software 8.7 .0 5.8 0 .1% .0 Test Systems Strategies 8.6 .0 7.7 0 .1% .0 ERDAS 8.4 2.3 5.5 47 .1% .1 Rasna Corporation 8.1 .0 7.3 0 .1% .0 Cascade Design Automation 8.0 .0 6.0 0 .1% .0 Qntos 7.9 .0 7.9 0 .1% .0 Teradyne 7.9 .9 5.1 20 .1% .0 c_ 7.8 .0 6.2 0 .1% .0 c= Ascent Logic Coip Microway in 4.7 2.3 73 .1% .1 w7 CO CO CO o Table 15 (Continued) p 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications CO Platform: Technical Workstation Region; Worldwide s Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units o tj3 Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu Synercom 7.7 .0 4.0 0 .1% .0 Sagantec 7.5 .0 6.7 0 .1% .0 Mechanical Dynamics 7.3 .0 5.7 0 .1% .0 Spectrum Graphics 7.2 2.2 3.6 67 .1% .1 @ (D Wiechers Datentechnik 7.1 1.8 3.4 101 .1% .0

    CO CO CO o Table 15 (Continued) o 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Sfum Update Application; All Applications Platfonn: Technical Workstation Region: Worldwide i Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu debis Systemhaus 4.4 1.1 2.6 23 .0% .0 HP Cade 4.4 2.6 1.3 44 .0% .1 Triplan 4.3 1.7 2.1 62 .0% .0 Contec MiciDelectrcMd^ 4.2 .0 3.8 0 .0% .0 @ Sysscan 4.2 1.4 1.5 49 .0% .0 i Kubota Computer 4.1 2.9 .8 228 .0% .1 OJ o Gable CAD Systems 4.1 2.9 .6 45 .0% .1 o> .a Pacific Numerics 3.9 .0 3.9 0 .0% .0 Ricoh~NO OEM 3.9 .0 3.3 0 .0% .0 o o Dynamic Graphics 3.8 .0 3.2 0 .0% .0 •3 o Radian Corporation 3.7 .0 2.2 0 .0% .0 I Sener Sistemas Marines 3.7 .0 3.7 0 .0% .0 o. Wacom 3.6 .8 2.7 40 .0% .0 CADSI 3.4 .5 2.5 15 .0% .0 Exapt 3.4 1.7 1.2 115 .0% .0 Sigma Design 3.3 .0 3.1 0 .0% .0 ISKA 3.1 1.4 1.3 57 .0% .0 Integrated Silicon Systems 3.1 .0 2.4 10 .0% .0 PCI Remote Sensing Corp 3.0 .0 3.0 0 .0% .0 Quantic Laboratories 2.8 .0 2.6 0 .0% .0 c .0 2.6 0 .0% IV3 Land Irmovation 2.6 .0

    CO CO CO o Table 15 (Continued) o 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications en natrorm: lecnnical Wo rKstation S Region: Worldwide Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units s Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu Motorola 2.6 .0 2.6 0 .0% .0 EPIC Design Technology 2.5 .0 2.5 0 .0% .0 High Level Design Systems 2.5 .0 1.8 0 .0% .0 ACDS Graphic System 2.5 .0 2.1 0 .0% .0 @ Integrated Computer Graphics 2.3 .9 1.3 128 .0% .0 CO RIB/RZB 2.3 .2 1.9 11 .0% .0 p—1 Softdesk 2.3 .0 2.3 0 .0% .0 (Z CD Catalpa 2.1 .4 1.3 15 .0% .0 CO la­ Object Design 2.1 .0 2.1 0 .0% .0 os' o EME 2.1 .4 1.0 29 .0% .0 •a o Hakuto 2.0 1.2 .8 23 .0% .0 Rcff o. Sunrise Test Systemui 2.0 .0 2.0 0 .0% .0 Infinite Graphics 2.0 .0 2.0 0 .0% .0 MEDESIGN 1.9 .5 .7 21 .0% .0 Objectivity 1.9 .0 1.9 0 .0% .0 ACTEL 1.9 .0 1.6 0 .0% .0 CAD/CAM Gtisa^ 1.9 .0 1.9 0 .0% .0 DAPCO 1.8 .0 1.2 0 .0% .0 PEGS 1.8 .0 .9 0 .0% .0 c_ Autometric 1.7 1.1 .6 40 .0% .0 Solboume 1.7 1.6 .0 232 .0% .0 p^ Oi

    CO B Table 15 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications en Platform: Technical Workstation Region: Worldwide s Units: Millions of US. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu Caroline Informatique 1.6 .3 .8 8 .0% .0 Intera Tydac 1.6 .0 1.6 0 .0% .0 Data I/O 1.6 .0 1.6 0 .0% .0 Uitimap 1.6 .6 .5 18 .0% .0% @ _L 1.5 .0 1.4 0 .0% .0 CD Bechtel Software CO CO Chronologic SimulatiotiL 1.5 .0 1.4 0 .0% .0 o Sinus Software 1.5 .8 .8 36 .0% .0 Compact Software 1.5 .0 1.5 0 .0% .0% Mine Software 1.5 .0 1.5 0 .0% .0% O o Assigraph 1.4 .0 1.1 0 .0% .0% •a Terr-Mar Resource Info Svs 1.4 .4 .8 17 .0% .0% oCD Q. SIMUCAD 1.4 .0 1.3 0 .0% .0% Aucotec 1.3 .5 .5 26 .0% .0% Enghouse Systems Ltd. 1.2 .0 1.1 10 .0% .0% FEA 1.2 .3 .3 0 .0% .0% Microsim 1.1 .0 1.1 0 .0% .0% Infocel 1.1 .2 .9 11 .0% .0% Valisys 1.1 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Macao Systems 1.1 .6 .4 12 .0% .0%

    C_ ETAK 1.1 .0 1.0 1 .0% .0% £= >^ .0 .0 0 .0% .0% ro Cooper & Chyan Technology 1.0 <3>

    CO CO CX) o o Table 15 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update

    Application: All Applications OJ Platform: Technical Workstation Region: Worldwide 8 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu Point Control 1.0 .0 .8 0 .0% .0 CADKEY 1.0 .0 1.0 0 .0% .0 Royal Digital Centers 1.0 .0 .9 0 .0% .0 Electrical Eng, Software 1.0 .0 .9 0 .0% .0 @ GEOVISION Inc. .0% .0 CO .9 .6 .2 29 (D CO Georgia Tech Research Corp, .9 .0 .9 0 .0% .0 PADS Software .9 .0 .7 0 .0% .0 .o Computational Mechanics .9 .0 .9 0 .0% .0 £3c - CD CAD Language Systems .8 .0 .6 0 .0% .0 o5" o .0 •3 Neocad .8 .0 .8 0 .0% o Lamp Software .6 .2 .4 52 .0% .0 1 Geometria GIS Systems Hot^: .6 .0 .0 0 .0% .0 a. Expertest .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0 Engineering Systems Corp. .5 .0 .4 0 .0% .0 NCR Microelectronics .5 .0 .4 0 .0% .0 ISDATA .5 .0 .4 0 .0% .0 Whessoe Computing Systenas .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0 Terra Sciences .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0 ASG .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0 .0 c Exemplar Logic .2 .0 .2 0 .0% •< Inca .2 .2 .0 1 .0% .0 j3>

    CD o Table 15 (Continued) n 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications CO Platform; Technical Workstation Region: Worldwide Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu Research Engineers-^Qvilsoft .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0 Phase Three Logic .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0 Massteck .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0 ARKTEC .2 .1 .1 11 .0% .0 @ ID Tanner Research .1 .0 •1 0 .0% .0 CO CO Algor Interactive Systems .1 .0 •1 0 .0% .0 O Si CAMTEK .1 .0 .1 2 .0% .0 JQ C Carrier Corporation .1 .0 •1 0 .0% .0 CD CO Facility Mapping Systems .1 .0 0 .0% .0 o o LandCadd .0 0 .0% .0 •a .1 •1 O CADWorks .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0 ALS Design .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0 ECOM Associates .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0 Other Companies 4.3 .6 3.4 28 .0% .0 All Companies 8,966.3 3,967.9 3,225.9 173,489 100.0% 100.0

    All N.A.-Based Companies 6,599.8 2,860.5 2,271.8 138,113 73.6% 72.1 All Asian-Based Companies 1,279.3 741.4 409.8 21,504 14.3% 18.7 AU European-Based Companies 1,087.3 366.0 544.2 13,872 12.1% 9.2 AU Hardware Companies 1,811.2 1,540.0 4.1 88,144 20.2% 38.8 AU Turnkey & SW Companies 7,155.1 2,427.9 3,221.8 85,345 79.8% 61.2 Source: Dataquest (July 1993) CO CO CO B Table 16 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications Platform: Host-Dependent iS Region: Worldwide s Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu IBM 836.9 536.0 104.2 12,357 35.6% 35.0% Digital 392.9 270.5 .7 0 16.7% 17.7% Fujitsu 168.0 107.5 43.7 2,340 7.1% 7.0% Nihon Unisys 152.6 94.6 25.9 1,601 6.5% 6.2% @ CO Control Data SysteiS^ 103.0 42.1 14.4 634 4.4% 2.8% (O CO NEC 70.1 53.2 11.2 152 3.0% 3.5% i MacNeal-Schwendler 39.8 .0 39.8 0 1.7% .0% .aBf Siemens Nixdorf Info systeme 22.6 11.8 7.5 145 1.0% .8% .7% .5% Z3 Hitachi 17.4 8.3 7.3 310 o o Cadence 14.1 .0 10.8 0 .6% .0% •3 o Mitsubishi Electric 13.0 6.1 3.6 41 .6% .4% I Computervision 10.6 3.0 3.4 164 .4% .2% CD Q. Exapt 9.1 4.5 3.1 114 .4% .3% FDA Engineering 9.0 .0 8.7 0 .4% .0% Swanson Analysis 8.5 .0 8.2 0 .4% .0% EA Systems 8.1 .0 8.1 0 .3% .0% Geo Vision Systems 8.1 .6 4.2 7 .3% .0% Unisys 7.0 3.5 2.4 145 .3% .2% MCS 6.9 .0 6.0 0 .3% .0% SDRC 6.1 .0 5.1 0 .3% .0% Hitachi Zo^e^Iii^ Systems 5.4 4.9 .0 61 .2% .3% a>

    CAI o o Table 16 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application; AH Applications U) Platform: Host-Dependent Region: Worldwide s Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units 8 Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu Toshiba—NO OEM 5.2 2.6 2.1 74 .2% .2 Toyo Information Systems-NO OEM 5.0 1.7 1.6 29 .2% .2 Synercom 4.5 .0 2.4 0 .2% .0 Intergraph 3.3 .0 3.0 0 .1% .0 @ .0 2.8 0 .1% CO MARC 2.8 .0 CO CO Bechtel Software 2.0 .0 1.8 0 .1% .0 o Autometric 1.8 1.2 .6 35 .1% .1 01 .a Century Research 0i0sss 1.6 .9 .6 2 .1% .1 c: CD CO LSI Logic 1.5 .1 1.2 3 .1% .0 of-* -33" Computational MedfesttllES 1.5 .0 1.5 0 .1% .0 o Assigraph 1.4 .0 1.1 0 .1% .0 1 Framasoft 1.4 .0 .9 0 .1% .0 CD O. Mechanical Dynamies 1.3 .0 1.0 0 .1% .0 Clemessy 1.2 .9 .2 7 .0% .1% Harris EDA 1.1 .2 .8 7 .0% .0 Geotrace Technologies 1.0 .1 .9 21 .0% .0 Dynamic Graphics 1.0 .0 .9 0 .0% .0 ETAK 1.0 .0 .9 3 .0% .0% Test Systems Strategies 1.0 .0 .8 0 .0% .0% c_ .9 .0 .9 0 .0% .0% c Compact Software "^ Meta-Software .9 .0 .6 0 .0% .0% Oito

    CO o o Table 16 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application; All Applications Platform: Host-Dependent B Region: Worldwide S Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu Georgia Tech Research Corp. .9 .0 .9 0 .0% .0% Whessoe Computing Systems .8 .0 .8 0 .0% .0% COMPASS Design Automation .8 .0 .6 0 .0% .0% Macao Systems .8 .4 .3 6 .0% .0% *Rv i debis Systemhaus .7 .2 .4 3 .0% .0% CO Genrad .7 .1 .5 2 .0% .0% nn Analogy .6 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% ^M3 CD ESRI .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% S2. Olivetti .5 .4 .0 13 .0% .0% o3" o Kubota Computer .5 .5 .0 72 .0% .0% •3 o Laser-Scan .5 .1 .2 4 .0% .0% CD ca. Radian Corporation .4 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Aucotec .4 .2 .2 6 .0% .0% Electrical Eng. Software .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% Logic Modeling Systems .4 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% Hochtief .4 .1 .2 2 .0% .0% PEA .3 .1 .1 0 .0% .0% PEGS .3 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Data I/O .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% c_ c Accugraph .2 .1 .1 21 .0% .0%

    IVD Engineering Sy^^s^MS Corp. .2 X}. .2 0 .0% .0% i CO o o Table 16 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application; All Applications Platform: Host-Dependent S Region: Worldwide Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units s Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu KDATA .1 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% Microsim .1 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% SIMUCAD .1 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% Lamp Software .1 .0 .0 3 .0% .0% @ .0 .0 CO Valisys •1 0 .0% .0% (O CO Kork Systems .1 .1 .0 1 .0% .0% o Teradyne .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% I Other Companies 392.7 372.4 .5 13,384 16.7% 24.3% c= CD CO All Companies 2^54.1 1,529.8 352.2 31,771 100.0% 100.0% O o •o3 AU N.A,-Based Companies 1,873.3 1,230.0 239.3 26,786 79.6% 80.4% I All Asian-Based Companies 438.6 281.2 96.0 4,683 18.6% 18.4% a. All European-Based Companies 42.3 18.5 16.9 303 1.8% 1.2% All Hardware Companies 804.4 651.1 2.9 13,576 34.2% 42.6% All Turnkey & SW Companies 1,549.7 878.6 349.3 18,195 65.8% 57.4%

    Source: Dataquest (July 1993)


    CD CO CO CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Market Share Update 49

    vg >5 vP •a a js •« ^ ff^ S5 gv Jv ff^ v8?^ Jv S^ o a -a V boop^^mm^^ CM rH 3 S 5 &I ^ g; 0\ Ov O ^ § in C rH rH 00 CM r-; rH rH r4 C |=3.& ccs CM S s S en o S p

    sP sP sp sP sp sp sP sP sP vP vg w^ O** w^ O** O**" w** w* O** w* 13 g O CM I > l^^l^lls^s ococoococ^NomTj< CS| T-4 o U3 K

    vP vg iiiiPSiPP^s^^^^^ CM CT) I13 I«^

    «.P -^ >P ^P •vP «^ ^P <^ S5 ftS vP vP 3 &^a Q^ o^ o*" w^ O^ o** ^* O^ ^ '^ e^ SS fiS s^ s^ s~ s^ CMrHa\vOt>;CCr^JP CM o vo in -* s•<^* sC~O vOTdirHrHCCCJCOm '^ 2 ^ 2 1^ ^CM CM rH rH :^ s

    p^0NOrHOi0in2!S0?6OcMincM S 58 S S K t^CCvO O c'irHOt^'^rHOOCSrH ill ''J* ^ c^ CO rHCMrH ^ rHCMrHCO CM |5.S- CO CO ^ 1—t 13 ffi 0) V o o o in cMinrHoqcvjoorHpoNincriT^ CM •* o\ t< rHl>;^ ••^ 'rHin 'CM 'rHcC CM S e CM rH (n rH T-H S 01 « > en K

    jU V CM m ts rH 00 O •* C?\ vo O 00 p 'i; 0\ vo 0\ rH vo rH in S s 00 CM Oi 00 r-i • vd 00 •^ • rH ^ 0\ CO tN CO 9i CM t^ O LO 1-H ^t-d ? V (S "O > b 0) OH V Tttot^ocnooooin"* r-jCMoqpvOinOvCMCMrHOvCM u « fc^S C^JOCOrHOOCnCMrHin'^ "Tj

    S3 en 6 U c < Oi "H ^ ? 1 ^ ta A y T f ^u LL JB u u w (0 l-P e 1 CH 0) fl V ,1, Ix J5 § -a 4^ "re OJ ai Si 0 en 4-» tx fe^ •^y .y

    CO Platform: Server Region: Worldwide S Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Unisys 2.9 .9 .7 81 .3% .2% Cimlinc 2.7 .0 1.9 0 .3% .0% Han Datap^ 1.7 .8 .7 23 .2% .1% ETAK 1.0 .0 .9 0 .1% .0% @ .9 .0 .7 0 .1% .0% CD Logic Modeling Systems CO CO Sumitomo Denko Workstation .9 .9 .0 62 .1% .2% Radian Corporation .5 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% .o Georgia Tech Research Corp, .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% SIMUCAD .1 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% o o Other Companies .0 .1 .0 8 .0% .0% •s o All Companies 1,039.5 573.8 227.9 16,301 100.0% 100.0% I CD All N.A.-Based Companies 1,026.7 568.0 223.8 16,142 98.8% 99.0% a. All Asian-Based Companies .9 .9 .0 62 .1% .2% All European-Based Companies 11.8 4.9 4.2 97 1.1% .9% All Hardware Companies 418.3 313.1 .6 9,573 40.2% 54.6% All Turnkey & SW Companies 621.2 260.7 227.4 6,728 59.8% 45,4% Source: Dataquest Quly 1993)


    CO CO CO o o Table 18 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications H> Platform; Personal Computer Region: Worldwide s8 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mad Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu Compaq 429.8 429.8 .0 93,060 14.3% 25.2 Autodesk 345.7 .0 345.7 0 11.5% .0 IBM 318.0 193.2 106.9 57,740 10.6% 11.3 Apple Compter 239.0 239.0 .0 50,007 7.9% 14.0 ® NEC 112.9 94.8 9.0 16,805 3.8% 5.6 CO Fujitsu 88.4 56.6 23.0 2,627 2.9% 3.3 & Hewlett-Packard 75.3 67.8 .0 23,520 2.5% 4.0 .^u C CD Digital 44.4 39.4 .5 11,311 1.5% 2.3 tji TR- 809 1.3% 1.4 5" Mutoh Industries—NO OEM 40.0 24.0 12.0 8 1.3% .5 •g Wacom 38.9 7.8 26.8 748 o Hakuto 37.9 22.8 15.2 827 1.3% 1.3 C3. Dell Computer 34.6 34.6 .0 9,012 1.2% 2.0 Nemetschek 31.3 11.6 17.5 1,288 1.0% .7 Hitachi 31.3 15.0 13.2 1,656 1.0% .9 Intergraph 29.5 .0 29.5 0 1.0% .0 Investronica SA 29.3 23.4 2.9 1,170 1.0% 1.4 Toshiba—NO OEM 27.1 13.5 10.8 2,165 .9% .8 Wiechers Datentechnik 20.3 5.1 9.5 722 .7% .3 Tebis 19.6 3.0 13.7 112 .7% .2 0 .6% .0 C Aftewlogic Systems 17.9 .0 14.1 CAD Distribution 16.9 8.4 6.7 261 .6% .5 J3> (O CO CO o Table 18 (Continued) CD 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market ^mm Update Application; All Applications Platform: Personal Computer Region: Worldwide s Units: MiUions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu ESRI 16.3 .0 15.0 0 .5% .0 ABdor 15.7 3.9 11.1 121 .5% .2 Research Machine 15.6 15.6 .0 2^17 .5% .9 ABB Indus tria 15.0 6.6 6.6 160 .5% .4 @ —^ Ziegler Infomiatics 14.4 .0 14.4 0 .5% .0 CO Soft-Tech Software Technologies 13.8 2.1 10.4 932 .5% .1 o K. Altera 13.0 .0 11.1 0 .4% .0 09 .o Design Automation 12.7 2.5 9.5 267 .4% .1 5.4 3 Cimatron 12.0 5.4 569 .4% .3 O O .0 10.4 0 .4% .0 •3 Strategic Mapping 11.5 o ISICAD 11.3 .0 11.3 0 .4% .0 I CADKEY 11.2 .0 11.2 0 .4% .0 CD 1 a. Xilinx 11.2 .0 10.1 0 .4% .0 Swanson AI^^B^ 11.0 .0 10.6 0 .4% .0 Oread 10.9 .0 10.9 0 .4% .0 Maplnfo 10.6 .0 8.5 0 .4% .0 CPU 10.5 .0 9.5 0 .3% .0 Microsim 10.1 .0 9.5 0 .3% .0 Racal-Redac 9.6 .0 9.2 0 .3% .0 Mitsubishi EleefeiC 9.5 6.3 3.2 900 . .3% .4 9.0 .0 7.1 0 .3% .0 rv3 Point Control

    CO CO CO o Table 18 (Continued)

    1^ 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update

    1 Application: All Applications Platform: Personal Computet Region: Worldwide Units: Millions of U.S. Etollars/Actual Units Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu PADS So^tw^fle 8.3 .0 7.1 0 .3% .0 Infocel 8.3 1.2 6.3 186 3% .1 DAT Standard info s^ysfcpies 7.9 .0 7.5 0 .3% .0 Computervision 7.6 .0 7.6 169 .3% .0 @ CD ETAK 7.6 .4 7.3 18 .3% .0 CO CO m Softdesk 7.6 .0 7.6 0 .3% .0 i^ ACTEL 7.5 .0 6.5 0 .2% .0 Js^3 C OUvetli 7.3 6.2 .0 877 .2% .4 CD 5° RoboCAD Solutions 7.3 .0 5.9 0 .2% .0 s Micrografx 7.3 .0 7.3 0 .2% .0 •o3 Data I/O 7.3 .0 7.3 0 .2% .0 CD ai . Enghouse Systems Ltd. 7.1 .0 6.2 0 .2% .0 Serbi 7.0 .7 6.3 200 .2% .0 Ground Modelling Systems 7.0 3.7 2.8 611 .2% .2 CNC Software 6.8 .0 6.8 0 .2% .0 Aucotec 6.8 2.7 2.7 437 .2% .2 Hochtief 6.8 1.0 4.8 84 .2% .1 ASG 6.5 .0 6.5 0 .2% .0 BATISOFT 6.3 .9 3.2 314 .2% .1 c Moda CAD 6.3 1.5 4.4 52 .2% .1 •se Graphisoft SoitvKa^XXs?^ 6.2 .0 6.2 0 .2% .0 i CO o Table 18 (Continued) p I^ 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update

    1 Application: All Applications Platform: Personal Computer (£} OO Region: Worldwide 8 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu RIB/RZB 6.0 .5 4.9 41 .2% .0 Aspen Technology 5.8 .0 5.2 0 .2% .0 American Small Business Comp. 5.3 .0 5.3 0 .2% .0 Seiko Instruments—NO OEM 5.3 2.6 2.6 136 .2% .2 @ 5.1 2.5 1.8 122 .2% .1 CO mb Programme ADRA Systems 5.0 .0 4.0 0 .2% .0 BETOONEX 4.8 .5 4.3 89 .2% .0 X3 C CD GeoQuest 4.8 .0 4.8 0 .2% .0 i-^ Microway 4.7 2.9 1.4 60 .2% .2 o5" o AJgor Interactive Systems 4.7 .0 4.2 0 .2% .0 -oa International Software Syst^iljit: 4.7 .0 4.7 0 .2% .0 a. Claris 4.6 .0 4.6 0 .2% .0 Kloeckner-Moeller 4.5 .9 3.1 46 .1% .1 Path trace 4.2 .9 2.7 62 .1% .1 Computer Services Cl(SB|$^l^a]^ 4.2 .0 4.2 0 .1% .0 MCS 4.1 .0 3.6 0 .1% .0 Softronics 4.0 1.1 3.0 361 .1% .1 EEsof 3.9 .0 3.3 0 .1% .0 Uchida Yoko 3.8 2.4 1.6 171 .1% .1 c_ Anilam Electronics 3.7 .8 2.6 88 . .1% .0 -^ Innovative Data D^ign 3.7 .0 3.7 0 .1% .0 pto> CO CO w o o Table 18 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications Vi Platform: Personal Computer Region: Worldwide CO Units; Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Ma Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardw Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven Mitsui Bngine«q;mg: 3.6 2.5 .7 60 .1% Datagraphic 3.6 1.8 1.4 57 .1% GeoGraphix 3.4 .0 2.5 0 .1% Engineering Mechanics 3.3 .2 2.8 407 .1% @ CO PacSoft 3.2 .0 3.2 0 .1% (O CO Accel Technologies 3.2 .0 2.9 0 .1% o Vero rntemational Software 3.1 .0 2.9 0 .1% .a PCI Remote Sensing Corp 3.0 .0 3.0 0 .1%

    3 Sweet's Electronic Publishing 3.0 .0 2.4 0 .1% 8 Whessoe Computing Systems 3.0 .0 3.0 0 .1% •a CAD Lab 2.8 .0 2.5 0 .1% o Superdraft 2.8 1.3 1.4 160 .1% I Delcam International 2.7 1.0 1.1 59 .1% o. Sigma Design 2.7 .0 2.5 0 .1% ERDAS 2.6 .7 1.8 139 .1% Generation 5 Technology 2.6 .0 2.6 0 .1% CADWorks 2.6 .0 2.3 0 .1% Harris EDA 2.6 .2 2.0 10 .1% Foresight Resources 2.5 .0 2.3 0 .1% Visionics 2.5 .0 2.4 10 • .1% 20 .1% to ALS Design , 2.4 .1 2.1 C35

    CO o Table 18 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications Platform: Personal Computer Region: Worldwide s Units: Millions of U.S. DoUars/Acfioiai-tfsBifcS Ma Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardw Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven Facility Mapping Systems 2.3 .0 2.0 0 .1% . Neocad 2.3 .0 2.3 0 .1% . Elstree Computing 2.2 1.0 1.2 62 .1% . IMSl 2.2 .0 2.2 0 .1% . @ .1 1.8 10 .1% CO Accugraph 2.2 . CO CO Rasna Corporation 2.2 .0 2.0 0 .1% . o CAD-UL 2.1 .0 2.1 0 .1% . c= CD Evolution Computing 2.1 .0 2.1 0 .1% . CO f-|5". Carrier Corporation 2.0 .0 2.0 0 .1% . o o CAD-Capture 2.0 .4 .6 10 .1% . •3 o Kork Systems 2.0 .2 1.4 20 .1% . i PAFEC 1.9 .0 1.9 0 .1% . Terra Sciences 1.9 .0 1.9 0 .1% . Genasys II 1.9 .2 1.3 46 .1% . Engineered SoftwSaSEs 1.7 .0 1.7 0 .1% . Han Dataport 1.7 .5 .9 41 .1% . Massteck 1.6 .0 1.6 0 .1% . ALDEC 1.6 .0 1.4 0 .1% . Intera Tydac 1.6 .0 1.6 0 .1% . Integrated Computer GrStphics 1.6 .6 .8 122 .1% . Radian Corporation 1.6 .0 .9 0 .1% . en

    CO CO CO o Table 18 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications <: CO Platform: Personal Computer Region: Worldwide s Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Ma Total Hardware ToUl Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company R evenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven CAMTEK 1.6 .3 1.0 118 .1% .0 Research Engineers—CivUsoft 1.5 .0 1.5 0 .1% .0 FEA 1.5 .4 .4 0 .1% .0 LandCadd 1.5 .0 1.4 0 .1% .0 @ Mine Software 1.5 .0 1.5 0 .0% .0 i EME 1.5 .4 .7 41 .0% .0 CO o Technische CDmput@r:^^(EiE!^Se- 1.5 .3 1.2 42 .0% .0 S^- CD ISDATA 1.4 .0 1.3 0 .0% .0 GRAPHSOPT 1.4 .0 1.4 0 .0% .0 o ARKTEC 1.4 .1 1.2 32 .0% .0 •O3 o Lamp Software 1.4 .3 1.1 76 .0% .0 I Aries Technology 1.3 .0 1.2 0 .0% .0 a. Cimlinc 1.3 .0 .9 0 .0% .0 Engineering Systems Corp. 1.3 .0 1.3 0 .0% .0 Compact Software 1.3 .0 1.3 0 .0% .0 Applicon 1.3 .4 .5 40 .0% .0 Geometria GK Systems House 1.3 .2 .4 15 .0% .0 Tanner Research 1.3 .0 1.1 0 .0% .0 Aucos elektronische Gerate 1.2 .4 .9 121 .0% .0 Mucke Software 1.1 .6 .4 27 .0% .0 c»

    CO CO CO o o Table 18 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Shj|»6 Update Application: All Applications Cf) Platform: Personal Computer I CO C5 Region: Worldwide Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Ma Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardw Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven Spectrum Software 1.1 .0 1.1 0 .0% . Mega CADD 1.1 .0 1.1 0 .0% . CAE-link 1.1 .0 1.1 0 .0% . Intrlnsix 1.0 1.0 .0 10 .0% . @

    CO CO CO o Table 18 (Continued) p 1^ 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update

    1 Application: All Applications Platform: Personal Computer Region: Worldwide Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu ASCAD/ASCAM .6 .4 .2 14 .0% .0% Sharp System Products—NO OEM .6 .3 .3 17 .0% .0% Ashlar .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% Bechtel Software .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% @ Inca 2 .0% .0% CO .5 .5 .0 CO CO S.T.L.D. s.r.l. .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% o Phase Three Logic .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% .E0 f CD Ttie CAD Group .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% 5" Logic Modeling Systems .4 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% Geotrace Technologies .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% 0s •a GEOVISION Inc. .3 .2 .1 38 .0% .0% a. Meta-Software .3 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% SIMUCAD .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% Catalpa .2 .0 .1 10 .0% .0% Pacific Numerics .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Genrad .2 .0 .2 9 .0% .0% Radan Computations^ .2 .1 .1 6 .0% .0% .'^ Exemplar Logic .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Teradyne .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0%

    c Electrical Eng. Software .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% rs 05 CO CO CO o o Table 18 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications Platform: Personal Computer Region: Worldwide 8 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Stiipped Revenue Revenu NCR Microelectronics .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Other Companies 323.4 321.9 6.2 147,472 10.8% 18.9% All Companies 3,006.9 1,705.4 1,174.3 432,848 100.0% 100.0%

    © All N.A.-Based Companies 2,228.2 1,335.7 832.9 393,538 74.1% 78.3% All Asian-Based Companies 438.9 255.4 149.0 27,321 14.6% 15.0% All European-Based Companies 339.9 114.3 192.4 11,988 11.3% 6.7% All Hardware Companies 1,376.0 1350.8 .0 395,596 45.8% 79.2% All Turnkey & SW Compai\ies 1,630.9 354.6 1,174.3 37,251 54.2% 20.8% o Io Source: Dataquest (July 1993) •a o i


    CO CO CO o Table 19 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications Platform: All Platfonns Region: North America i Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu Intergraph 557.1 245.5 162.7 8^35 10.8% 9.7 IBM 529.9 306.8 131.3 29,100 10.2% 12.1 Sun Microsysteois 421.5 364.4 .0 26,172 8.1% 14.4 Digital 408.9 282.3 4.2 11,122 7.9% 11.1 @ Compaq 293.1 293.1 .0 63,467 5.7% 11.6 i HewIett-PackMd 260.4 207.0 14.4 19,806 5.0% 8.2 CO Cadence 213.9 .0 160.9 0 4.1% .0 i Mentor Graphia 178.0 37.4 71.2 2,064 3.4% 1.5 EDS 175.3 56.3 81.7 2,747 3.4% 2.2 3 s Autodesk 168.4 .0 168.4 0 3.3% .0 •o3 Apple Computer 150.8 150.8 .0 33,506 2.9% 6.0 Computervision 135.3 50.0 33.6 1,577 2.6% 2.0 Silicon Graphics 115.8 105.0 .0 4,105 2.2% 4.1 ESRI 78.7 .0 72.8 0 1.5% .0 Control Data Systems 67.3 32.6 11.1 936 1.3% 1.3 Parametric Technology 65.1 .0 52.8 0 1.3% .0 Applicon 51.3 16.9 20.0 548 1.0% .7 SDRC 49.4 .0 39.5 0 1.0% .0 Synopsys 39.2 .0 28.2 0 .8% .0 Auto-Trol 36.9 13.6 14.0 461 .7% .5 c '^ Viewlogic i 36.7 .0 29.0 0 .7% .0 fa en CO Ci o Table 19 (Continued) 3> 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications i-jiatronn: jui riatrorms Region: North America 8i Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven Data General 36.2 29.0 1.8 1,898 .7% 1.1 Landmark Graphics 32.8 16.4 7.5 170 .6% .6 MacNeal-Schwendler 32.2 .0 32.2 0 .6% .0 Dell Computer 25.3 25.3 .0 6,597 .5% 1.0 @ 23.4 11.9 8.2 530 .5% CO Unisys .5 CO CO Racal-Redac 23.0 .0 19.7 0 .4% .0 K. Swanson Analysis 22.2 .0 21.4 0 .4% .0 0> .o PDA Engineering 21.7 .0 20.8 0 .4% .0 c CD Alias Research 21.2 .0 19.3 0 .4% .0 o5€/3" o Accugraph 20.2 9.0 9.2 718 .4% .4 •3 o Zycad 18.9 11.3 2.5 155 .4% .4 CD Q. COMPASS Design Automation, 18.2 .3 13.7 14 .4% .0 Harris EDA 17.1 1.9 9.9 73 .3% .1 Cimlinc, 16.0 .0 11.2 337 .3% .0 ISICAD 15.7 4.0 9.3 85 .3% .2 MCS 15.6 .0 13.8 0 .3% .0 Gerber Systems 14.3 7.0 4.7 198 .3% .3 Quicktum System? 13.7 13.7 .0 113 .3% .5 EEsof 11.7 .0 9.9 6 .2% .0 GeoVision Systems 11.6 .9 6.0 22 .2% .0 d Logic Modeling Systems 10.9 .0 8.7 0 .2% .0 OJ

    CO CO - CO (D p Table 19 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Appbcations 'Y' Platform: All Platforms Region: North America C3 CO Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Ma Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardw Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven ADRA Systen^ 10.7 .6 8.1 36 .2% . Xilinx 10.4 .0 9.4 0 .2% . Ikos Systems 9.9 9.4 .5 108 .2% . Teradyne 9.6 1.1 6.2 22 .2% . @ 9.4 0 .2% . CO Aries Technology .0 8.5 CO CO CADKEY 9.2 .0 9.2 0 .2% . o LSI Logic 9.1 .9 6.8 23 .2% . I Maplnfo 8.8 .0 7.0 0 .2% . c CD Infocel 8.5 1.2 6.4 177 .2% . =} 8 Comdisco Sysi^ii^ 8.4 .0 7.6 0 .2% . •o3 Softdesk 8.4 .0 8.4 0 .2% . CD CL Strategic Mapping 8.2 .0 7.4 0 .2% . ICAD 8.1 .0 6.5 0 .2% . Rasna Corporation 8.1 .0 7.3 0 .2% . ETAK 8.0 .4 7.6 17 .2% . Ascent Logic Corp 7.8 .0 6.2 0 .2% . Microsim 7.7 .0 7.2 0 .1% . Altera 75 .0 6.4 0 .1% . Ontos 75 .0 7.5 0 .1% . Genasys II 7A .7 5.2 34 .1% . Synercom 7.3 .0 3.8 0 .1% . O}

    CO o Table 19 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications ^ Platform: All Platforms Region: North America s Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Ualte s Ma Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardw Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven GeoQuest 7.2 .0 7.2 0 .1% . ERDAS 6.8 1.9 4.5 115 .1% . Point Control 6.5 .0 5.1 0 .1% . ASG 6.5 .0 6.5 0 .1% . @ CAMAX Systems Inc. 6.3 1.0 3.8 111 .1% . CO CO CO EA Systems 6.2 .0 6.2 0 .1% . M PCI Remote Sensing Corp 6.0 .0 6.0 0 .1% . SJ .0 3.8 0 c: Meta-Software 5.7 .1% . r-^ CD Test Systems Strategies 5.7 .0 5.1 0 .1% . o5" o .0 4.8 0 .1% . "U ACTEL 5.5 o Analogy 5.4 .0 4.4 0 .1% . CD a. Quad Design Technology 5.3 .0 4.9 0 .1% . Zuken 5.3 2.1 3.2 44 .1% . Enghouse Systems Ltd. 5.1 .0 4.5 6 .1% . American Small Business Comp. 4.7 .0 4.7 0 .1% . Delcam International 4.7 1.7 2.0 87 .1% . Aspen Technology 4.6 .0 4.2 0 .1% . PADS Software 4.6 .0 3.9 0 .1% . Cimatron 4.6 2.1 2.1 149 .1% . 4.2 0 .1% . c_ Scientific & Engineering SW 4.2 .0 CNC Software 4.1 .0 4.1 0 .1% . O) -^ CO CO CO o o Table 19 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications ^ Platform: All Platforms g Region North America o CO Units: Millior^ of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven i-Logix 4.1 .0 3.7 0 .1% .0 Algor Interactive Systems 4.1 .0 3.6 0 .1% .0 Micrografx 4.0 .0 4.0 0 .1% .0 Mechanical Dynamics 4.0 .0 3.2 0 .1% .0 @ .1 —A PiE Design 4.0 2.0 1.6 102 .1% (COO CO Moda CAD 1.0 2.8 33 .1% .0 1—1 4.0 Cascade Design Automat^ 4.0 .0 3.0 0 .1% .0 •^J .1% .2 1c Solboume 4.0 3.9 .0 353 CD 5" Data I/O 3.9 .0 3.9 0 .1% .0 s Matra Datavision 3.9 1.3 2.0 33 .1% .0 o -g Integrated Computei: GrMipHcs 3.9 1.5 2.1 250 .1% .1 CD a. Cisigraph 3.9 1.1 2.2 25 .1% .0 Oread 3.8 .0 3.8 0 .1% .0 Pacific Numerics 3.7 .0 3.7 0 .1% .0 Bechtel Software 3.6 .0 3.4 0 .1% .0 Wisdom Systems 3.6 .0 2.8 0 .1% .0 Innovative Data Des^ri 3.5 .0 3.5 0 .1% .0 Autometric 3.5 2.3 1.2 75 .1% .1 Sigma Design 3.4 .0 3.2 0 .1% .0

    C— PacSoft 3.2 .0 3.2 0 .1% .0 c; GeoGraphix . 3.2 .0 2.4 0 .1% .0

    CO o o Table 19 (ConHnued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications k Platform: All Platforms CO Region: North America s Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Ma Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven Intera lydac 3.2 .0 3.2 0 .1% .0 Radian Corporation 3.1 .0 1.9 0 .1% .0 Genrad 3.1 .6 2.1 32 .1% .0 Neocad 3.0 .0 3.0 0 .1% .0 @ 2.9 .0 2.4 0 .1% CO Dynamic Graphics .0 CO CO Integrated Silicon Systems 2.9 .0 2.3 11 .1% .0 D 03 Silvar-Lisco 2.8 .0 1.6 0 .1% .0 Engineering Mechanics 2.8 .1 2.4 220 .1% .0 Sweet's Electronic Publishiilg 2.7 .0 2.2 0 .1% .0 8 CADSI 2.7 .4 2.0 18 .1% .0 •a o Land Innovation 2.6 .0 2.6 0 .1% .0 High Level Design Systems 2.5 .0 1.8 0 .0% .0 Visionics 2.5 .0 2.4 10 .0% .0 International Software Systems 2.4 .0 2.4 0 .0% .0 Claris 2.3 .0 2.3 0 .0% .0 Motorola 2.2 .0 2.2 0 .0% .0 Infinite Graphics 2.2 .0 2.2 0 .0% .0 Laser-Scan 2.2 .8 .9 14 .0% .0 Generation 5 Technology 2.2 .0 2.2 0 .0% .0 Accel Technologies 2.2 .0 2.0 0 .0% .0 Mine Software 2.1 .0 2.1 0 .0% .0 5^ Oi CO CO CO Table 19 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications Platform: All Platforms Region: North America S Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Ma Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven CAD Centre 2.1 .0 1.7 0 .0% .0 Facility Mapping Systems 2.1 .0 1.8 0 .0% .0 SPATIAL Technology 2.1 .0 2.1 0 .0% .0 Foresight Resources 2.1 .0 1.9 0 .0% .0 Quantic Laboratories 2.0 .0 1.8 0 .0% .0 ACDS Graphic System 1.9 .0 1.6 0 .0% .0 i Crosscheck Technology 1.9 .0 .9 0 .0% .0 5? CAD/CAM Group 1.9 .0 1.9 0 .0% .0 C CD C^ MARC 1.5 .0 1.5 0 .0% .0 PS

    CD Investronica SA 1.2 1.0 .1 48 .0% .0 CO GEOVISrON Inc. 1.2 .7 .3 63 .0% .0 o 1.1 O Graphisoft Software Dev 1.1 .0 0 .0% .0 •3 o Georgia Tech Research Corp: 1.1 .0 1.1 0 .0% .0 Tanner Research 1.1 .0 1.0 0 .0% .0 Geotrace Technologies 1.1 .0 1.0 17 .0% .0 Kockums Computer Systems 1.1 .3 .6 53 .0% .0 Carrier Corporation 1.1 .0 1.1 0 .0% .0 LandCadd 1.0 .0 1.0 0 .0% .0 Spectrum Software 1.0 .0 1.0 0 .0% .0 Intrinsix 1.0 1.0 .0 10 .0% .0 Engineered Software 1.0 .0 1.0 0 .0% .0 Valisys 1.0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0 1.0 .2 .6 14 .0% .0 l\3 Path trace

    CO CO CO o Table 19 (Continued) s 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications ^ Platform: All Platforms Region: North America Units: Millions of U.S. DoUars/Actual Units Ma Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardw Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven lEZ 1.0 .3 .5 20 .0% . CAE-link 1.0 .0 1.0 0 .0% . Maptech .9 .0 .9 0 .0% . ANACAD .9 .0 .9 0 .0% . @ ComputationalvtiSi^^iteaiiiiicS .9 .0 .9 0 .0% . i Quicklogic .9 .0 .9 0 .0% . Ii ALDEC .9 .0 .8 0 .0% . c Aura CAD/CAM Syst^aas .9 .0 .8 0 .0% . CD - Royal Digital Centers .9 .0 .8 0 .0% . 3 O O Kork Systems .8 .1 .6 16 .0% . •3 o Mega CADD .8 .0 .8 0 .0% . i CADWorks .7 .0 .6 0 .0% . CD ECOM Associates .7 .0 .7 4 .0% . a. A.L Systems .7 .0 .7 0 .0% . Ground Modelling Systems .7 .4 .3 57 .0% . Electrical Eng. Software .6 .0 .6 0 .0% . Phase Three Logic .6 .0 .5 0 .0% . Mc2 Engineering Software .6 .0 .6 0 .0% . Cooper & Chyan Technology .6 .0 .0 0 .0% . Ashlar .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .

    IN3 Expertest .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .

    CO CO CO o Table 19 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications

    CO Platform: All Platfonns Region; North America s Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Ma Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardw Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven CAD Language Systems .5 .0 .4 0 .0% . NCR Microelectronics .4 .0 .4 0 .0% . The CAD Group .4 .0 .4 0 .0% . MEDESIGN .2 .1 .1 2 .0% . © Moss Systems .2 .0 .1 0 .0% . i PEGS .2 .0 .1 0 .0% . oo BATISOFT .2 .0 .1 7 .0% . 0>

    CD Exemplar Logic .1 .0 .1 0 .0% . 'fL Areon .1 .0 .0 0 .0% . O Complansoft CAD .1 .0 .0 1 .0% . •3 o Star Informatic .0 .0 .0 0 .0% . I Other Companies 213.8 197.1 10.6 36,036 4.1% 7. CD a. All Companies 5,177.9 2,532.9 1,747.2 253,631 100.0% 100.

    All N.A.-Based Companies 5,116.4 2,520.5 1,705.5 253,002 98.8% 99. All Asian-Based Companies 5.3 2.1 3.2 44 .1% . All European-Based Companies 56.2 10.3 38.5 586 1.1% . All Hardware Companies 1,948.9 1,706.7 4.1 223,845 37.6% 67. All Turnkey & SW Companies 3,229.0 826.3 1,743.2 29,787 62.4% 32. Source: Dataquest Quly 1993) rv3 at

    CO CO CX) CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Market Share Update 71

    -^ -5 V? ^ v9 •o 5^ ff^ e^ s^ e~ <0 CO VO i-i ON § « ts « g ^ g o g g 8 g 3 I I I TH o CD CM o rH en en

    V u >5 vS >5 55 5? ss e^ 5^ rts; vO CO in ^ e g g g 1; S « VO g S T-H ID g g T-H ,-1 cn \o VO CM rt <* CD T-. CO CN IH t-l rH ^ o « en W

    ^ N^ s^ N^ ^ '^ vS ^ v^ ^ ^ 2 § **? ^ ^ 55 ^ ^ *^ e^ S^ S^ S^ o~ 6^ O^ O^ 0^ 6^ e^ o^ e^ ff^ e^ o^ o 00 00 O O CO O O T-H 00 O CO O O 'S e CO o~ o^ o^ ON in m CN (JCO\ 0•0* in CO ^ g tN VD Tji S^ T-H CS 1-1 ffi " ^ NP ^ ^ ^ O ^ ^v9^v9^>P>5vPv5^vPv9vO ^ O^ $^ J^ 0^ O^ O^ o^ o^ o^ o^ o^ o^ o^ o^ o^ o^ o^ 0^ o^ Tt< CO cyv ON a\ tx tv cvjvqtstvcNjcocsoqvqcofOvovo tt. U \OC^i^^^OvOln^COCOCOC^^T-irH 04

    l>s ts. CS in :* ON o o O rH ON ON o o 2 a'S Q CO vC NO CO 00 CM f o ^ CO s •* in c^ S e CL. O 00 CNJ •* tvT CO" oo" CM CN) NO J D 0" Tin- Tj? CS' 5 •" CV)

    CNj q Th t^ CM tv r-J pcMONoqinprHCMpcocscMcoNO r-i * TJH Ifi rH rH ts 'coincNiso6o6o6'*rHoinoNNO ll CM rH Tj( tv tx CM COmCOrHCOCMrH CM rHrH en BS

    rH NO CM •«t NO in !>; 00 NO O O CM o o NO Tl< CM o o 2 § T^i NO CS tN ON NO CD 00 iri in CO rH in 5 5 rH CM ? V rH rH tS CO -"S* 1* O NO •>* •« > CM CO rH IN V ES^

    NDONCOCNO"*COtsOOOO ONCMCMtNONOONOOCNt^ 3 &^3 inCOCN'^OOCOrHOCO'^inNONDrHONNDNOininrHON NONOCMONtxinCMrHOONNOTt<'!}f'*rOCOCMCMCNCMrH t? 5 c •^COCMrHrHrHrHrH^ 1 ^ S gi "-^ I CD u w < >^ en M) u Q g en C u> o I ns in o .y Ii5 ^ -6 d n >^ 'tn -S u IH JC O t u Q !y I ID " 1^ I c •*-J V 2 1 ^ 01 bo -a n u >-. cS ^ ^u "S CJ 3 T- Cu u CCAM-WW-MS-9303 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated July 26,1993 o o Table 20 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Shaie Update Application: All Applications CO Platform: Technical Workstation Region: North America s Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Achial Units Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven Landmark Graphics 19.7 9.8 4.5 102 .7% .8 Unisys 18.0 9.2 6.3 418 .6% .8 Accugraph 18.0 8.8 7.4 688 .6% .7 COMPASS Design Airfe«4ation 17.8 .3 13.4 14 .6% .0 @ .0 15.6 0 .6% .0 CO PDA Engineering 16.3 Harris EDA 15.2 1.7 8.5 64 .5% .1 s Gerber Systems 14.3 7.0 4.7 198 .5% .6 § Quicktum Systems 13.7 13.7 .0 113 .5% 1.1 CD CO Cimlinc 13.6 .0 9.5 337 .5% .0 l-t" o5" Sivanson Analysis 12.5 .0 12.0 0 .4% .0 o 4.6 .4% •a ISICAD 11.0 4.0 85 .3 o Autodesk 10.1 .0 10.1 0 .4% .0 i EEsof 10.0 .0 8.5 6 .3% .0 Logic Modeling Systen^ 9.9 .0 7.9 0 .3% .0 Aries Technology 8.5 .0 7.6 0 .3% .0 Comdisco Systems 8.4 .0 7.6 0 .3% .0 LSI Logic 8.2 .8 6.1 21 .3% .1 GeoVision Systems 8.1 .7 4.2 18 .3% .1 ICAD 8.1 .0 6.5 0 .3% .0 ADRA Systems 8.0 .6 5.9 36 .3% .0 rv5 Ascent Logic Corp 7.8 .0 6.2 0 .3% .0 en

    CO Table 20 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications en Platform: Technical Workstation Zuken 5.3 2.1 3.2 44 .2% .2 ERDAS 5.2 1.4 3.4 29 .2% .1 o o Analogy 5.2 .0 4.1 0 .2% .0 •3 o Test Systems Strategies 5.1 .0 4.6 0 .2% .0 I Meta-Software 5.1 .0 3.3 0 .2% .0 CD CL Synercom 4.6 .0 2.4 0 .2% .0 Delcam International 4.2 1.6 1.8 72 .1% .1 Scientific & Engineering SW 4.2 .0 4.2 0 .1% .0 i-Logix 4.1 .0 3.7 0 .1% .0 PiE Design 4.0 2.0 1.6 102 .1% .2 Cascade Design Automation 4.0 .0 3.0 0 .1% .0 Matra Datavision 3.9 1.3 2.0 33 .1% .1 GeoQuest 3.6 .0 3.6 0 .1% .0 Wisdom Systems 3.6 .0 2.8 0 .1% .0 O)

    CD CO CO o o Table 20 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications Platform: Technical Workstation s'e Region: North America s Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu MacNeal-Schwendler 3.5 .0 3.5 0 .1% .0 Cisigraph 3.5 1.0 1.9 23 .1% .1 Pacific Numerics 3.5 .0 3.5 0 .1% .0 Mechanical Dynamics 3.4 .0 2.7 0 .1% .0 @ Xilinx 3.1 .0 2.8 0 .1% .0 PCI Remote Sensing Corp 3.0 .0 3.0 0 .1% .0 o Cimatron 2.9 1.3 1.3 64 .1% .1 Silvar-Lisco 2.8 .0 1.6 0 .1% .0

    3 Genrad 2.7 .5 1.8 27 .1% .0 O o Land Innovation 2.6 .0 2.6 0 .1% .0 •3 o High Level Design Systems 2.5 .0 1.8 0 .1% .0 I Integrated Computer Graphics 2.3 .9 1.3 128 .1% .1% a. Integrated Silicon Systems 2.3 .0 1.8 6 .1% .0 Dynamic Graphics 2.3 .0 1.9 0 .1% . .0 Motorola 2.2 .0 2.2 0 .1% .0% CADSI 2.1 .3 1.6 10 .1% .0% Laser-Scan 2.1 .7 .8 13 .1% .1% CAD Centre 2.1 .0 1.7 0 .1% .0% SPATIAL Technology 2.1 .0 2.1 0 .1% .0% Qu antic Laboratories 2.0 .0 1.8 0 .1% .0% Softdesk 1.9 .0 1.9 0 .1% .0% C35

    CO CO CO o Table 20 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications Platform: Technical Workstation s Region: North America

    CD CO CO o o Table 20 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Stta^ Update Application: All Applications Platform: Technical Workstation Region: North America i Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu ACTEL 1.1 .0 1.0 0 .0% .0 Kockums Computer Systems 1.1 .3 .6 53 .0% .0 Mine Software 1.1 .0 1.1 0 .0% .0 Infocel 1.0 .1 .8 9 .0% .0 @ .0% .0 03 lEZ 1.0 .3 .5 20 CO CO Valisys .9 .0 .0 0 .0% .0 O I ANACAD .9 .0 .9 0 .0% .0 GEOVISION Inc. .9 .5 .2 27 .0% .0 0 .0% .0 3 Royal Digital Cen^eis .9 .0 .8 O O .8 .0 .8 1 .0% .0 •3 ETAK o Terr-Mar Resource Info SvS .8 .2 .4 10 .0% .0 i CADKEY .8 .0 .8 0 .0% .0 o. Enghouse Systems Ltd. .8 .0 .7 6 .0% .0 Microsim .8 .0 .7 0 .0% .0 Neocad .8 .0 .8 0 .0% .0 Data I/O .7 .0 .7 0 .0% .0 Point Control .7 .0 .5 0 .0% .0 Compact Software .6 .0 .6 0 .0% .0 Georgia Tech Research Corp. .6 .0 .6 0 .0% .0 Cooper & Chyan Technology .6 .0 .0 0 .0% .0 c .5 0 .0% .0 •^ Expertest .5 .0 O) CO CO CO o Table 20 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications (/> Platform: Technical Workstation Region: North America Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven CAD Language Systems .0 0 .0% .0 Electrical Eng. Software .0 0 .0% .0 PADS Software .0 0 .0% .0 NCR Microelectronics .0 0 .0% .0 @ 0 .0% .0 CD Computational Mechanics .0 CO CO Engineering Systems Corp. .0 0 .0% .0 O ASG .0 0 .0% .0 .a Terra Sciences .0 0 .0% .0 MEDESIGN .1 2 .0% .0 s Moss Systems .0 0 .0% .0 •3 Io Research Engineers^-jQyi^pft .0 0 .0% .0 o. PEGS .0 0 .0% .0 Phase Three Logic .0 0 .0% .0 Massteck .0 0 .0% .0 Exemplar Logic .0 0 .0% .0 Tanner Research .0 0 .0% .0 Algor Interactive Systems .0 0 .0% .0 Facility Mapping Systems .0 0 .0% .0 Carrier Corporation .0 0 .0% .0 Complansoft CAD .0 1 .0% .0 LandCadd .0 0 .0% .0 05

    (O CO CO o o Table 20 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Shate Update Application: All Applications Platform: Technical Workstation Region: North America 8 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Ma Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven Star Informatic .0 .0 .0 0 .0% . ECOM Associates .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0 Other Companies 2.0 .1 1.9 13 .1% .0 All Companies 2,878.7 1,194.7 1,069.2 63,146 100.0% 100.0 @ All N.A.-Based Companies 2,829.3 1,185.8 1,035.8 62,777 98.3% 99.3 o All Asian-Based Companies 5.3 2.1 3.2 44 .2% .2 S^ .a c: All European-Based Companies 44.2 6.9 30.2 325 1.5% .6 CD CO All Hardware Companies 777.7 658.6 2.4 41,420 27.0% 55. o o All Turnkey & SW Companies 2,101.1 536.1 1,066.8 21,726 73.0% 44.9 •a o Source: Dataquest Quly 1993) i CD O.

    to CO CO CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Wbridwide Martet Share Update 79

    vp vS >p ^ ^ >P ~5 5^ 6~ 6^ o^ e~ ON 5^ o o o |5 o o S c Of i o o o o s; o o o ID r^ o o C (N (ONN l^-S- •* eo w X

    %^ -^ sJ3 vP ^^ ^ -s^ N^ S^ Vp xP NP •^ N^ NP -Sp *^ O^ O^ O** O** ff^ ff** o*" O^ w^ O^ ff^ O^ O^ O^ O^ w** ^*" ^ o^ 6^ ff^ * B cvjvovooqpppoqtficooqtN'djcNONvovo tx ^s in ON 'ifjINlNvduSrHTj''"*!-! 'l-irvirH ' vi J CA T-l to PS

    -5 >p vP ss o^ ff^ S5 gS vo CO ON o VO g 00 rt p i. g esooortooooo -a > CO CM

    >2 vP >5 >5 NP XP NP "SP VP ss S~ S5 ff^ ^ o^ P** O^ ff*' o*" 3 fc-S ^ •'4* CO CO TH l-H g ON 00 00 00 in ^ iNO i r-l ^ NO NO CM ^1 £ rt r>4

    rt 0000P400rt o o o s O C^ t^ CM O "rt ^ .« rt" I cn NDtN^rtc^cMONNOinoqi>.';t>;in li s 'lf5o6l>^VOlrirH'<^TjirH "rJcNJCNi 'rH <^l en K o 00 00 o o o o 00 OOrtOOOOCMO o o o I NO O NO c>i m CM »-< (S I •o TJ ^-H Oi (Q is 5 u rt tv •^tNCMTjiTjirttvinoqc^NoinoqoqoNoq C>. NO rt o6o\>OLriiriin'<*rtcM«NCNicMi-HrH < rO £ d £2 k? ^ J-H ^ Cv I/) S2 ^ ji g; M l-H 4-t 10 o -i^ § J s^ Rt •c '9 •;: ^ to ?, ft* vi- C« a a.B^ u nt. gj ^ en |2^| w tn 5-1 3 n [A u ^^lig s D> J Tl o Ol 4-I 1-1 S c « tn

    CCAM-WW-MS-9303 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated July 26,1993 Table 21 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update t Application: All Applications CO Platfonn: Host-Dependent Region: North America s Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu Mechanical Dynamics .6 .0 .5 0 .1% .0% Test Systems Strategies .6 .0 .5 0 .1% .0% Meta-Software .5 .0 .3 0 .1% .0% Harris EDA .5 .1 .4 4 .1% .0% @ .5 .1% (O Computational Mechanics .5 .0 0 .0% CO CO .0 .4 0 .1% i-n Georgia Tech Research Corp. .4 .0% ST ESRI .4 .0 .4 0 .1% .0% .a COMPAQ Design Automation .4 .0 .3 0 .1% .0% c CD MARC • .4 .0 .4 0 .1% .0% o5" o Compact Software .4 .0 .4 0 .1% .0% Geiuad .3 .1 .2 1 .0% .0% a. Analogy .3 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Radian Corporation .2 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% Logic Modeling Systettis .2 .0 .2 0 .0% - .0% Accugraph .2 .1 .1 20 .0% .0% Electrical Eng. Software .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Engineering Systems Corp. .2 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% Data I/O .1 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% Laser-Scan .1 .0 .0 1 .0% .0% .1 0 , .0% c_: Micros im .1 .0 .0% SBVIUCAD .1 .0 .1 0 .0% .0%

    --•• CO o o Table 21 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications CO Platform: Host-Dependent Region: North America s Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Valisys .1 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% PEGS .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Kork Systems .0 .0 .0 1 .0% .0% Other Companies 134.2 126.9 .3 4^56 19.8% 29.8% @ All Companies 676.7 426.1 103.2 8,850 100.0% 100.0% CO

    51^ All N.A.-Based Companies 676.1 426.1 102.7 8,850 99.9% 100.0% .a All Asian-Based Companies .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% All European-Based Companies .6 .0 .5 1 .1% .0% o All Hardware Companies 316.3 250.5 1.2 4,622 46.7% 58.8% •S o All Turnkey & SW Companies 360.4 175.5 102.1 4,228 53.3% 41.2% Source: Dataquest (fuly 1993)


    CO s o o Table 22 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications tn Platform: Server Region: North America 8 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Digital 110.6 76.3 .0 1^28 23.9% 30.4% IBM 77.3 36.7 25.8 980 16.7% 14.6% Intergraph 65.4 31.4 15.7 1,048 14.1% 12.5% Sun MicrosystBKW 57.6 47.8 .0 2,445 12.4% 19.1% @

    CD CD CO o o Table 22 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application; All Applications Platfonn: Server Region: North America s Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Logic Modeling Systenas^ .6 .0 .4 0 .1% .0% Cisigraph .4 .1 .2 3 .1% .0% Radian Corporation .3 .0 .2 0 .1% .0% Georgia Tech Research lOiSfJi^. .1 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% @ SIMUCAD .1 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% bO Other Companies .0 .1 .0 9 .0% .1% o 463.2 251.0 107.8 7,600 100.0% 100.0% I All Companies All N.A.-Based Companies 462.9 250.9 107.6 7,597 99.9% 100.0% o O All Asian-Based Companies .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% •3 o All European-Based Companies .4 .1 .2 3 .1% .0% I All Hardware Companies 193.1 145.1 .5 4,837 41.7% 57.8% o. All Turnkey & SW Companies: 270.2 105.9 107.3 2,763 58.3% 42.2% Source: Dataquest Quly 1993)

    to Oi

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    » ST o\ )U 0\ tt K ^ w "O C < Vq In 'TJ 3 2 0\ H-l \0 O -J O rf^ O O O O O 00 o o o o o o ^ g s O O SI 00 W ON

    70 « *il < Si , h-l lO NJ NJ \0 W W t^ « 2. H vq vq vg 00 O O OS b is3 00 VO b ' vP ^p vP ^ ^p vP *^ >p w O^ O^ O^ o^ O^ O^ O^ O^ P^ O g-^ £

    S'SJ H-l K> < CL K> U) rf^ O N> OOOOOOOIO w 2 t ^ ^ ^P ^ ^P N5 ^ ^P vP ^p vP vP ^p ^ .^ >^ ^ vp ^ ^p c Sj O^ O^ O^ O^ O^ O^ O^ O^ o^o^p^o~o~p^tf~o^p~o~o^o^ vP n n

    » ?| h-l NJ O W rf!>. )^ *>. h-ih-ih-ih-ih-»hjrs3 ui 00 w n < vP vP "^ NP VP VP ^ M hi N3rfk(jvbooivorf».h-ibbbuib\ob n n ^ vP vP vP >.P vP ^ ^ ^ .^P .NP N^ ^ ^ ^

    o o W OS K) VO OS ex. O O O O O O O CIS 'O 'O 'O (D 'O

    apimpMOM SI9^V0/l/\IV0/aV0 W o o Table 23 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications tn Platform: Personal Computer tEo Region: North America t»J s Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units - Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu American Smaypl JfttJSfiness Comp. 4.7 .0 4.7 0 .4% .0% ISICAD 4.7 .0 4.7 0 .4% .0% Aspen Technology 4.6 .0 4.2 0 .4% .0% ACTEL 4.4 .0 3.8 0 .4% .0% @ Enghouse Systems Ltd. 4.4 .0 3.8 0 .4% .0% CO (O CO PADS Software 4.2 .0 3.5 0 .4% .0% o S- CNC Software 4.1 .0 4.1 0 .4% .0% ja Micrografx 4.0 .0 4.0 0 .3% .0% Moda CAD 4.0 1.0 2.8 33 .3% .2% o Algor Interactive Systems 4.0 .0 3.5 0 .3% .0% o •3 Computervision 3.9 .0 3.9 90 .3% .0% o Oread 3.8 .0 3.8 0 .3% .0% I GeoQuest 3.6 .0 3.6 0 .3% .0% CL Innovative Data Design 3.5 .0 3.5 0 .3% .0% PacSoft 3.2 .0 3.2 0 .3% .0% Racal-Redac 3.2 .0 3.1 0 .3% .0% GeoGraphix 3.2 .0 2.4 0 .3% .0% Data I/O 3.1 .0 3.1 0 .3% .0% MCS 3.1 .0 2.8 0 .3% .0% PCI Remote Sensing Cprp 3.0 .0 3.0 0 .3% .0% Sweet's Electronic Publishing 2.7 .0 2.2 0 .2% .0% l>0 OJ ADRA Systeina 2.7 .0 2.1 0 .2% .0%

    CO CO CO Table 23 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update

    1 Application: All Applications Vi Platform: Persona! Computer S Region: North America Units: Millions of U.S. DoUars/Achial Units s Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu Visionics 2.5 .0 2.4 10 .2% .0 Intemationiiil Software Systems 2.4 .0 2.4 0 .2% .0 Claris 2.3 .0 2.3 0 .2% .0 Neocad 2.3 .0 2.3 0 .2% .0 @ Generation 5 Technology 2.2 .0 2.2 0 .2% .0 CO Accel Technologies 2.2 .0 2.0 0 .2% .0 so Foresight Resources 2.1 .0 1.9 0 .2% .0 E Accugraph 2.0 .1 1.7 10 .2% .0 CcO C•-D+ Facility Mapping Systeids 2.0 .0 1.7 0 .2% .0 13 o IMS! 1.8 .0 1.8 0 .2% .0 •a EEsof 1.8 .0 1.5 0 .2% .0 o Cimatron 1.6 .7 .7 84 .1% .1 1 ERDAS 1.6 .4 1.1 86 .1% .1 CD Rasna Corporation 1.6 .0 1.5 0 .1% .0 a. Intera Tydac 1.6 .0 1.6 0 .1% .0 Evolution Computing 1.6 .0 1.6 0 .1% .0 Integrated Computer Graphics 1.6 .6 .8 122 .1% .1 Sigma Design 1.5 .0 1.4 0 .1% .0 Research Engineers—Civilsoft 1.5 .0 1.5 0 .1% .0 Terra Sciences 1.5 .0 1.5 0 .1% .0 c GRAPHSOFT 1.4 .0 1.4 0 .1% .0 p) Harris EDA 1.4 .1 1.1 5 .1% .0

    CO CO CO o o Table 23 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications <0 Platform: Personal Computer Region; North America s Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu BETRONEX 1.2 .1 1.1 22 .1% .0 Investronica SA 1.2 1.0 .1 48 .1% .1 Engineering Mechanics 1.2 .1 1.0 143 .1% .0 Massteck 1.1 .0 1.1 0 .1% .0 @ Graphisoft Software Dev 1.1 .0 1.1 0 .1% .0 Engineering Systems Corp,. 1.1 .0 1.1 0 .1% .0 i Mine Software 1.1 .0 1.1 0 .1% .0 Spectrum Software 1.0 .0 1.0 0 .1% .0 Intrinsix 1.0 1.0 .0 10 .1% .2 o fo Engineered Software 1.0 .0 1.0 0 .1% .0 •3 o Carrier Corporation 1.0 .0 1.0 0 .1% .0 Tanner Research 1.0 .0 .9 0 .1% .0 LandCadd 1.0 .0 .9 0 .1% .0 Pathtrace 1.0 .2 .6 14 .1% ' .0 CAE-link 1.0 .0 1.0 0 .1% .0 Aries Technold^ .9 .0 .9 0 .1% .0 Maptech .9 .0 .9 0 .1% .0 Quicklogic .9 .0 .9 0 .1% .0 ALDEC .9 .0 .8 0 .1% .0 Aura CAD/CAM %?t^ .9 .0 .8 0 .1% .0 Cimlinc .8 .0 .6 0 .1% .0 en Kork Systems .8 .1 .6 15 .1% .0

    o Infinite Graphics .6 .0 .6 0 .0% .0 o •3 o Terr-Mar Resource Info Svs .5 .1 .3 14 .0% .0 Integrated Silicon Systems .5 .0 .4 5 .0% .0 Ashlar .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0 CADSI .5 .1 .4 9 .0% .0 Compact Software .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0 AppUcon .5 .2 .2 16 .0% .0 Bechtel Software .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0 Delcam International .5 .2 .2 15 .0% .0 Phase Three Logic .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0 The CAD Group .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0 GEOVISION Inc. .3 .2 .1 36 .0% .0 to Geotrace Technologies .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% CJ) CO CO GO n o Table 23 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications tn Platform: Personal Computer Region: North America 8 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue SIMUCAD .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Technische Computer Systeme .2 .0 .2 6 .0% .0% Logic Modeling Systems .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Pacific Numerics .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% i BATISOFT .2 .0 .1 7 .0% .0% CO Meta-Software .2 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% Ii Areon .1 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% c Genrad .1 .0 .1 4 .0% .0% CD cn Exemplar Logic .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% o o Electrical Eng, Software .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% •a NCR Microelectronics .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% o Other Companies 77.6 69.9 8.4 31,459 6.7% 10.6% I All Companies 1,159.2 661.2 466.9 174,035 100.0% 100.0% Q.

    All N.A.-Based Companies 1,148.2 657.8 459.3 173,778 99.0% 99.5% All Asian-Based Companies .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% All European-Based Companies 11.0 3.4 7.6 257 1.0% .5% All Hardware Companies 661.8 652.4 .0 172,966 57.1% 98.7% AU Turnkey & SW Companies 497.4 8.8 466.9 1,070 42.9% 1.3% Source: Dataquest Quly 1993)

    tV3 OJ io CO CO o Table 24 > I 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update

    1 Application: All Applications C/3 Platform; All Platforms Region: Europe i Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Achial Units Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven IBM 804.8 479.6 172.7 31,870 14.0% 17.0 Comp utervision 554.9 163.6 185.0 5,537 9.6% 5.8 Hewlett-Packard 489.6 372.3 41.8 25,369 8.5% 13.2 Lntergrapli 410.2 182.9 105.1 5,178 7.1% 6.5 @ Digital 409.3 286.9 .0 12,025 7.1% 10.2 s Siemens Nixdorf Info systeme 259.6 121.9 98.8 2,968 4.5% 4.3 Sim Microsystems 215.3 185.9 .0 11,485 3.7% 6.6 .fa Autodesk 137.1 .0 137.1 0 2.4% .0 c aCD Compaq 116.1 116.1 .0 25,126 2.0% 4.1 o o5" Mentor Graphics 97.3 20.5 38.9 914 1.7% .7 •oe Matra Data vision 91.2 29.1 46.5 765 1.6% 1.0 f? Control Data Systems 86.4 41.8 14.3 1,206 1.5% 1.5 a. EDS 81.9 27.2 38.4 1,266 1.4% 1.0 Applicon 76.3 25.2 29.7 824 1.3% .9 Silicon Graphics 74.9 67.8 .0 2,404 1.3% 2.4 Cadence 71.4 .0 55.7 0 1.2% .0 lEZ 63.3 22.2 31.7 1,340 1.1% .8 Nemetschek 58.0 21.5 32.5 1,609 1.0% .8 SDRC 46.7 .0 46.7 0 .8% .0 46.1 46.2 .0 8,381 .8% 1.6 c: Apple Compufeef .0 39.0 0 .8% i>o Racal-Redac 45.6 .0 05 (O CO OO o Table 24 (Continued) Q 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: AH Applications CO Platform; All Platforms Region: Europe s Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven STI-Straessle 42.5 12.8 20.4 344 .7% .5 ISICAD 40.6 12.4 20.7 253 .7% .4 ItalCad 38.0 17.9 9.1 360 .7% .6 ICL 35.1 20.7 11.9 962 .6% .7 @ ASCAD/ASCAM 30.6 18.4 9.2 450 .5% .6 i Cisigraph 28.8 8.1 15.8 183 .5% .3 Han Dataport 28.6 8.8 15.5 620 .5% .3 Investronica SA 27.6 22.1 2.8 1,102 .5% .8 Wiechers Datentechnik 27.2 6.8 12.8 815 .5% .2 o o Parametric Technology 25.0 .0 20.3 0 .4% .0 •3 o Landmark Graphics 24.6 12.3 5.7 127 .4% .4 I Deicam International 22.2 8.2 9.5 260 .4% .3 CD O. Marcus Computer Systeme 19.9 10.3 6.8 296 .3% .4 Tebis 19.6 3.0 13.7 112 .3% .1 ESRI 19.1 .0 17.4 0 .3% .0 Cimatron 18.9 8.5 8.5 590 .3% .3 CAD Lab 18.7 .0 15.2 0 .3% .0 PAFEC 18.3 .0 18.3 0 .3% .0 MacNeal-Sdiwendler 18.3 .0 18.3 0 .3% .0 Moss Systems 18.0 .9 13.1 60 .3% .0 Synopsys 17.8 .0 12.8 0 .3% .0 CD o o Table 24 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications V) Platform: All Platforms s Region: Europe Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units S Units: Ma Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven Radan Computational 17.6 6.2 8.8 364 ,3% .2 CAD Distribution 16.9 8.4 6.7 261 .3% .3 Digital Kienzle 16.3 8.3 4.6 239 .3% .3 Research Machines 15.6 15.6 .0 2,517 .3% .6 @ 15.2 2.3 10.8 1,720 .3% .1 CO Star Infoimatic CO CO ABB Industria 15.0 6.6 6.6 160 .3% .2 Ziegler Informatics 14.3 .0 14.3 0 .2% .0 c: CD Swanson Analysis 13.8 .0 13.3 0 .2% .0 CO Soft-Tech Software TecSu^ologies 13.8 2.1 10.4 932 .2% .1 s Viewlogic Systems 13.0 .0 10.3 0 .2% .0 •3 o Microway 12.5 7.6 3.8 133 .2% .3 a Exapt 12.5 6.1 4.2 229 .2% .2 Framasoft 12.0 .0 7.3 0 .2% .0 Gerber Systems 10.9 5.4 3.6 151 .2% .2 PDA Engineering 10.8 .0 10.4 0 .2% .0 Smailworld Systems 10.5 2.4 5.8 52 .2% .1 COMPASS Design AutonSat^aa 10.5 .2 7.9 8 .2% .0 CAD Centre 10.4 .0 8.3 0 .2% .0 Technische Computer Systenue 10.3 1.9 8.4 279 .2% .1 Kockums Computer Systems 10.2 2.6 5.6 502 .2% .1 Harris EDA 9.8 1.0 5.7 42 .2% .0 O)

    CO CO CO 8 Table 24 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications Platform: All Platforms s Region: Europe s Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Ma Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardw Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven Sysscan 9.8 4.2 2.6 92 .2% . Urusys 9.8 2.0 3.3 179 .2% . Dell Compute!^ 9.3 9.3 .0 2,415 .2% . Auto-Trol 8.9 3.3 3.4 112 .2% . @ EEsof 8.6 .0 7.3 5 .1% . i Aucotec 8.5 3.4 3.4 470 .1% . CA) o Laser-Scan 8.5 2.9 3.4 51 .1% . S^- CD RIB/RZB 8.3 .7 6.7 52 .1% . te. .1% . =1 Cimlinc 8.0 .0 5.6 168 o o DAT Stand$id;hlibi EKg/^lEsn^ 7.9 .0 7.5 0 .1% . •a o Olivetti 7.8 6.6 .0 890 .1% . I Sagantec 7.5 .0 6.7 0 .1% . CD CL RoboCAD Solutions 7.3 .0 5.9 0 .1% . Spectrum Graphics 7.2 2.2 3.6 67 .1% . Fides Industrielle Au^^j^^utSt 7.2 2.2 2.9 42 .1% . Serbi 7.0 .7 6.3 200 .1% . Hochtief 6.9 1.0 4.8 84 .1% . GeoVision Systems 6.8 .5 3.5 13 .1% . Alper Systems 6.4 3.2 1.6 45 .1% . Ground Modelling Sy$tsEtSd^ 6.3 3.4 2.5 554 .1% . Zycad 6.3 3.8 .8 36 .1% . ro 05 CO CO CO o o Table 24 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Shal* Update Application: All Applications CO Platform: All Platfonns iS Region: Europe S Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Ma Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardw Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven BATISOFT 6.0 .9 3.0 300 .1% . debis Systemhaus 5.8 1.4 3.4 39 .1% . Genasys II 5.6 .6 3.9 26 .1% . Clemessy 5.4 4.4 .8 18 .1% . /55* @ 2.7 1.9 64 .1% . CD Kohns & PoppenhaE^^ 5.4 (O CO Alias Research 5.2 .0 4.8 0 .1% . o Oread 5.1 .0 5.1 0 .1% . £i c: mb Programme 5.1 2.5 1.8 122 .1% . fCD J5- Complansoft CAD 4.9 2.5 2.5 113 .1% . 5" 4.9 .0 3.9 0 .1% . 8 Logic Modeling Systeill9 •o3 Analogy 4.8 .0 3.9 0 .1% . 1 ADRA Systems 4.8 .3 3.7 16 .1% . CD .0 4.6 0 .1% . Q. Graphisoft Software Dev 4.6 Kloeckner-Moeller 4.5 .9 3.1 46 .1% . HP Cade 4.4 2.6 1.3 44 .1% . Triplan 4.3 1.7 2.1 62 .1% . ANACAD 4.3 .0 4.3 0 .1% . Computer Services CoiJ^Ultants 4.2 .0 4.2 0 .1% . Gable CAD Systems 4.0 2.9 .6 44 .1% . 4.0 1.1 3.0 361 .1% . c Softrpnics Quicktum Systems 3.9 3.9 .0 32 .1% . p>

    CO CO CO £66l'9Z¥r ps^EJodJooui tsanbqBQ £66 L® e0£6-SV\|-MM-lW00

    Cfi Cfi ^ 2 > W N rri n > fTl n M fO ETTJ ve e? •I o (/I (B r ff S vo a* 5 £. 5* CA ^ o d. 00 su R en S' O P^ 1^ a 7 OQ »TB3 " ?. 3 1^ ^ 1 Oi n r R cr. 3 n> O S' v^ 'B- 3o 3 2? ?5' nP gp* w — O £3 1—4 0 >n s > a*^ 0 § n' (U a &) tr c i ff. Cfl D 0) <-^ CD n >n ^ < Bl t=: tr so u tsJfOMNJhJfOtOWWWWWWWWWWWW 3 o S 1-1 biON^'vjQobovoOH-'t-'J-'Mfowlnlnbvvjvqvqbo g^ Si ^^

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    fS „ < s> , OOOOOO^i-'i-'i-'i-*i-»H-i|-i|-')-'i-k|-»i-i|-i|-» 2^§ P -VP »kP

    OOOOOOQOOOOQOOQOh-fOt-iOO sP P vP ^P xtP O** O^ w*" w** w*" w*" O^ w^ O** O^ O^ w* w* w** w** w*" w* w** w* O** w* il 1 n rmsr 11 IVi


    P >P ^«P vP >

    SP NP OSP ^kP >^ 'NP -sP •sP ^P >P sp n n O** O^ w** w* O^ O^ w* O** w^ w* O^ o*" w* w* O^ w* O^ o** O^ w*" w* H r^ as CA p Ji'sr t~i Ba* C OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ffi NP "SP SP NP SP -SP SP >P >P

    96 ajBpdn 8JBMS P|JB|/\| ap!Mp|JOM SI9/aV0/l/\IV0/aV0 o o Table 24 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications en Platform: All Platforms (O Region: Europe s Units: Millions of U,S. Dollars/Actual Units Ma Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardw Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven Pathtrace 2.5 .5 1.6 37 .0% . ALS Design . 2.4 .1 2.2 20 .0% . Catalpa 2.3 .4 1.5 25 .0% . Superdraft 2.3 1.1 1.1 132 .0% . @ .4 1.2 18 .0% . CO Caroline Informatiqu^; 2.3 Microsim 2.3 .0 2.1 0 .0% . Els tree Computing 2.2 1.0 1.2 62 .0% . .£3 C CD Anilam Electronics 2.2 .4 1.6 70 .0% . t*^ 5" BETRONEX 2.2 .2 1.9 40 .0% . o o Vera International Software 2.2 .0 2.0 0 .0% . o CAD-UL 2.1 .0 2.1 0 .0% . J? a. Data I/O 2.1 .0 2.1 0 .0% . Lamp Software 2.1 .5 1.5 130 .0% . ISDATA 2.0 .0 1.8 0 .0% . ICAD 2.0 .0 1.6 0 .0% . CADKEY 2.0 .0 2.0 0 .0% . CAD-Capture 2.0 .4 .6 10 .0% . Test Systems Stra^^g^ 1.9 .0 1.7 0 .0% . PEGS 1.9 .0 .9 0 .0% . c_ 1.8 1.0 .6 19 .0% . c Macao Systems rs3 Geometria GIS Systems House 1.8 .2 .4 15 .0% . Oi CO CO CO o o Table 24 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications Platform: All Platforms s Region: Europe o Units: Millions of U.S, Dollars/Actual Units tj3 Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven PADS Software 1.8 .0 1.5 0 .0% .0 Point Control 1.8 .0 1.4 0 .0% .0 DAPCO 1.8 .0 1.2 0 .0% .0 CAMTEK 1.7 .4 1.1 120 .0% .0 @ CO Enghouse Systems Ltd. 1.7 .0 1.5 2 .0% .0

    CO CO CO o o Table 24 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application; All Applications c/: Platfonn: All Platforms Region: Europe s Units: Millions of U.S. DoDars/Actual Units Ma Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven Scientific & Engineering SW 1.2 .0 1.2 0 .0% .0 Dynamic Graphics 1.2 .0 1.0 0 .0% .0 Mucke Software 1.1 .6 .4 27 .0% .0 EA Systems 1.1 .0 1.1 0 .0% .0 @ (O CAMAX Systems Inc. 1.0 .2 .6 18 .0% .0 to w CADWorks 1.0 .0 .9 0 .0% .0 D Compact Software .9 .0 .9 0 .0% .0 CADSI .9 .1 .7 6 .0% .0 CNC Software .9 .0 .9 0 .0% .0 3 8 Contract Data Research .9 .0 .6 0 .0% .0 •B o Meta-Software .9 .0 .6 0 .0% .0 I Accugraph .9 .4 .4 31 .0% .0 CD O. Aspen Technology .9 .0 .8 0 .0% .0 Cascade Design Autontj^oii .8 .0 .6 0 .0% .0 Areon .8 .4 .2 6 .0% .0 Inca .7 .7 .0 3 .0% .0 Algor Interactive Systems .7 .0 .6 0 .0% .0 Engineered Software .6 .0 .6 0 .0% .0 Carrier Corporation .6 .0 .6 0 .0% .0 Mine Software .6 .0 .6 0 .0% .0 Terra Sciences .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0 to CO CO Table 24 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications ^ Platform: AU Platforms Region: Europe Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven Evolution Conjpit^gni^ .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0 S.T.LD. s.r.I. .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0 Accel Technologies .5 .0 .4 0 .0% .0 Massteck .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0 @ ACDS Graphic System .5 .0 .4 0 .0% .0 CO Pacific Numerics .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0 o S. Quantic Laboratories .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0 X3 C CD i-Logix .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0 5" Kork Systems .4 .0 .3 4 .0% .0 o LandCadd .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0 •o3 Softdesk .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0 I Ontos .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0 CD Q. American Small Business Gamp. .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0 Foresight Resources .4 .0 .3 0 .0% .0 Wisdom Systems .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0 Bechtel Software .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0 Motorola .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0 Sweet's Electronic Publishing .3 .0 .2 0 .0% .0 ALDEC .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0 Terr-Mar Resource Info Svs .3 .1 .2 5 .0% .0 Generation 5 Technology .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0

    CO CO CO o o Table 24 (Continued)

    1 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update

    1 Appbcarion: All Applicarions Platform: All Platfonns Region: Europe i Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven Objecbvity .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0 Georgia Tech Research Corp. .2 .0 2 0 .0% .0 Mega CADD .2 .0 2 0 .0% .0 Facility Mapping Systems .2 .0 2 0 .0% .0 @ —A IMSI .2 .0 2 0 .0% .0 CO 03 CAD Language Systems .2 .0 2 0 .0% .0 Tanner Research .2 .0 2 0 .0% .0 .fa Electrical Eng. Software .2 .0 2 0 .0% .0 £3c:. CD Geotrace Technologies .2 .0 2 3 .0% .0 oS" o Integrated Silicon Systems .2 .0 2 1 .0% .0 •3 o ASG .0 0 .0% .0 a. Infinite Graphics .0 0 .0% .0 Valisys .0 0 .0% .0 Object Design .0 0 .0% .0 A,I. Systems .0 0 .0% .0 Siinrise Test Systein$^ .0 0 .0% .0 GEOVISION Inc. .0 3 .0% .0 GeoGraphix .0 0 .0% .0 Quicklogic .0 0 .0% .0

    C— CAE-Iink .0 0 .0% .0 Exemplar Logic .0 0 .0% .0

    CO CO CO o o Table 24 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications

    I Source: Dataquest (Fuly 1993) o.

    l\3 0>

    CO (O CO o o Table 25 > 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Shat* Update Application; All Applications

    CO Platform: Technical Workstation Region: Europe 8 Units; Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu Computervision 541.6 160.8 178.6 5,316 15.4% 10.7% Hewlett-Packard 448.0 335.2 41.8 14,862 12.7% 22.3% Intergraph 372.7 164.8 96.1 4,690 10.6% 11.0% Siemens Nixdorf Info systeme 238.3 110.8 91.8 2,832 6.8% 7.4% @ Sun Microsystems 180.3 156.8 .0 10,249 5.1% 10.4% CO CO CO IBM 164.8 79.1 62.6 3,713 4.7% 5.3% o Digital 102.0 70.4 .0 5,031 2.9% 4.7% J3 Mentor Graphics 97.3 20.5 38.9 914 2.8% 1.4% c CD 5" Matra Datavision 91.2 29.1 46.5 765 2.6% 1.9% 8 EDS 69.5 23.3 32.7 1,116 2.0% 1.6% o Appbcon 68.7 22.7 26.8 727 2.0% 1.5% a. Silicon Graphics 68.4 62.3 .0 2,288 1.9% 4.1% Cadence 64.9 .0 50.6 0 1.8% .0% lEZ 63.3 22.2 31.7 1,340 1.8% 1.5% SDRC 45.7 .0 45.7 0 1.3% .0% STI-Straessle 42.5 12.8 20.4 344 1.2% .8% Racal-Rfidac 39.2 .0 32.9 0 1.1% .0% ItalCad 38.0 17.9 9.1 360 1.1% 1.2% ICL 35.1 20.7 11.9 962 1.0% 1.4% c_ ISICAD 34.4 12.4 14.5 253 1.0% .8% Control DiiaSysteieB 32.2 19.6 6.8 875 .9% 1.3% Oi ^j. CO CO CO a Table 25 (Continued) n 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications V Platform: Technical Workstation B Region: Europe S Units: • Millionso f U.S. DoUars/Achial Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu ASCAD/ASCAM 30.0 18.0 9.0 436 .9% 1.2% Nemetschek 26.7 9.9 14.9 321 .8% .7% Cisigraph 25.9 7.3 14.2 164 .7% .5% Han Dataport 25.3 7.6 13.9 556 .7% .5% @ Parametric Technology 25.0 .0 20.3 0 .7% .0% CO Delcam International 20.0 7.4 8.6 216 .6% .5% o Marcus Computer Systeme 19.9 10.3 6.8 296 .6% .7%

    CD Moss Systems 18.0 .9 13.1 60 .5% .1% 1CO .0% o5" Synopsys 17.8 .0 12.8 0 .5% o .5% .4% •a Radan Computational 17.4 6.1 8.7 358 o PAFEC 16.4 .0 16.4 0 .5% .0% CL Digital Kienzle 16.3 8.3 4.6 239 .5% .6% CAD Lab 15.9 .0 12.7 0 .5% .0% Star Informatic 15.2 2.3 10.8 1,720 .4% .2% Landmark Grapliics; 14.7 7.4 3.4 76 .4% .5% Gerber Systems 10.9 5.4 3.6 151 .3% .4% Framasoft 10.8 .0 6.5 0 .3% .0% Cimatron 10.6 4.8 4.8 209 .3% .3% Smallworld Systems 10.5 2.4 5.8 52 .3% .2% c_ c CAD Centre 10.4 .0 8.3 0 .3% .0% COMPASS Design AutOTMition 10.3 .2 7.7 8 .3% .0%

    CO CO CO B Table 25 (Continued) i 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Shate Update

    1 Application: AH Applications CO Platform: Technical Workstation Region; Europe Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units i Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu Kockums Computer Systems 10.2 2.6 5.6 502 .3% .2% ESRI 10.0 .0 9.1 0 .3% .0% Viewlogic Systems 9.1 .0 7.2 0 .3% .0% Technische Computer Systeme 9.1 1.6 7.4 243 .3% .1% /S^ @ Harris EDA 8.9 .9 5.0 38 .3% .1% § Auto-Trol 8.9 3.3 3.4 112 .3% .2% o Autodesk 8.2 .0 8.2 0 .2% .0% .o Laser-Scan 8.2 28 3.3 48 .2% .2% CcO »-CD• PDA Engineering 8.1 .0 7.8 0 .2% .0% o5" o 8.0 .0 7.7 0 .2% .0% •d Swanson Analysis o Microway 7.7 4.7 2.3 73 .2% .3% CD a. Sagantec 7.5 .0 6.7 0 .2% .0% EEsof 7.3 .0 6.2 5 .2% .0% Spectrum Graphics 7.2 22 3.6 67 .2% .1% Fides Industrielle Automation 7.2 22 2.9 42 .2% .1% Wechers Datentechnik 7.1 1.8 3.3 100 .2% .1% Unisys 6.9 1.1 2.6 98 .2% .1% Cimiinc 6.8 .0 4.8 168 .2% .0% Alper Systems 6.4 3.2 1.6 45 .2% .2%

    C- MacNeal-Schwendler 5.5 .0 5.5 0 .2% .0% to Kohns & Poppenhaeger 5.4 2.7 1.9 64 .2% .2% O) CO CO CO o o Table 25 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: AJl Applications CO Platform: Technical Workstation Region: Europe 8 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu Alias Research 5.2 .0 4.8 0 .1% .0 Genasys II 5.0 .5 3.5 12 .1% .0 Complansoft CAD 4.9 2.5 2.5 113 .1% .2 GeoVision Systems 4.7 .4 2.5 11 .1% .0 @ .0 CD Analogy 4.6 .0 3.7 0 .1% CO CO Logic Modeling Systems: 4.5 .0 3.6 0 .1% .0 O debis Systemhaus 4.4 1.1 2.6 23 .1% .1 I HP Cade 4.4 2.6 1.3 44 .1% .2 c CD Clemessy 4.4 3.5 .7 11 .1% .2 CQ. O O Triplan 4.3 1.7 2.1 62 .1% .1 •a o ANACAD 4.3 .0 4.3 0 .1% .0 I Gable CAD Systems 4.0 2.9 .6 44 .1% .2 o. Sysscan 3.9 1.4 1.4 46 .1% .1 Quicktum Systems 3.9 3.9 .0 32 .1% .3 Sener Sistemas Marinos 3.7 .0 3.7 0 .1% .0 ADRA Systems 3.6 .3 2.7 16 .1% .0 LSI Logic 3.4 .3 Z6 9 .1% .0 Exapt 3.4 1.7 1.2 115 .1% .1 ISKA 3.1 1.4 1.3 57 .1% .1 Silvar-Lisco 2.8 .0 1.6 0 .1% .0

    ro Comdisco Sysfc^^; 2.8 .0 2.5 0 .1% .0 c»

    CO 106 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    •o ^ o^ a^ d^ o^ d^ d^ d** d^ d^ ^^ d^ £• 0> 0~ o O O O 3 11 o o o o ooooooooo o o o c ••o c 1 = oo V V ac i-Hr-ICSCS)r-li-lrHr-lr-l O TH T-H i-H r-( S 01 = 1

    0) •«P -...p -sP sP -sP >P >P >P '•P »«P "sP -sP <»P NP

    •sP ^p P OHP <»P -SP "SP P SP -SP >P >P NP -SP d** o^ d** d^ w** o^ o^ d^ d*' o^ d^ d^ o*^ d^ w* d** d^ d** d** d** d^ lf| i-ii-HrH,-l,-irHr-i^,-HOOOOOOOOOOOO

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    oq^O'^a\ecp>CrtrJina\>^ rH0000\O00CC»-

    V 0> inoocs-^'^oinoooincMccooooooino i3 s ^ m T3 -O K* O t.>\^.^trjT^rHpCT;oot>.tvtxvqvo^qvomm '* en f^j CNiHcsNcMCSCvirHT-JpHi-HrHrHrHT-Ji-HrHT-H I ESIS Cfl (8 >



    O =SJ

    S^ 1 1< c o «c O In g£2 •^s « p -J U >^ •J S c ,. CM « s y f^ ifi a O O in rQ 0^ S 01 3 S § 1 I Jfl 0\ o 6^ ^^ ^ u H iH < ti M ^ U 6 I

    CCAM-WW-MS-9303 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated July 26,1993 o o Table 25 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application; All Applications ^ Platform: Technical Workstation Region: Europe Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Ma Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven Rasna Gorpord^E^ 1.2 .0 1.1 0 .0% .0 FEA 1.2 .3 .3 0 .0% .0 Scientific & Engineering SW 1.2 .0 1.2 0 .0% .0 Mechanical Dynamics 1.2 .0 .9 0 .0% .0 @ CO Xilinx 1.1 .0 1.0 0 .0% .0 CO 00 Macao Systems 1.1 .6 .4 12 .0% .0 o CAMAX Systems Inc. 1.0 .2 .6 18 .0% .0 I .0% .0 c: Dynamic Grapfiics .9 .0 .8 0 a> c*! Cascade Design Automation .8 .0 .6 0 .0% .0 o o •3 Accugraph .8 .4 .3 30 .0% .0 o Meta-Software .8 .0 .5 0 .0% .0 I Sigma Design .8 .0 .7 0 .0% .0 CD Q. CADSI .7 .1 .6 3 .0% .0 GeoQuest .7 .0 .7 0 .0% .0 Lamp Software .6 .2 .4 52 .0% .0 Geometria GIS Systems Hduse .6 .0 .0 0 .0% .0 ACDS Graptiic System .5 .0 .4 0 .0% .0 ISDATA .5 .0 .4 0 .0% .0 Computational Mechanics .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0 Quantic Laboratories .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0 ro Pacific Numerics .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0 en

    CO CO CO o o Table 25 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Sha«e Update Application: All Applications Platform: Technical Workstation Region: Europe 8 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mar Total Hardware Total Factoty Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven i-Logix .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0 Ontos .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0 Compact Se/fyrmi^ .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0 Data I/O .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0 @ Solboume .4 .4 .0 53 .0% .0

    CO CO CO o o Table 25 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications Platform; Technical Workstation Region: <=> Europe CO Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu Integrated Silicon^^fj^raS; .2 .0 1 .0% .0% Object Design .1 .0 0 .0% .0% Bechtel Software .1 .0 0 .0% .0% Georgia Tech Resea^::h Co^^ .1 .0 0 .0% .0% @ Valisys .1 .0 0 .0% .0% CO CAMTEK .1 .0 2 .0% .0% o CADKEY .1 .0 0 .0% .0% I Sunrise Test Systedtt^ .1 .0 0 .0% .0% Infinite Graphics .1 .0 0 .0% .0% S .0% .0% •a Terra Sciences .1 .0 0 o Softdesk .1 .0 0 .0% .0% CD a. GEOVISION Inc. .1 .0 1 .0% .0% EPIC Design Techj^bJt^ .1 .0 0 .0% .0% Exemplar Logic .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Massteck .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Cooper & Chyan TechaalBj^ .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Carrier Corporation .0 .0 0 .0% .0% CADWorks .0 .0 0 .0% .0% NCR Microelectronics .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Algor Interactive Systems .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Tanner Research .0 .0 0 .0% .0% JS O) CO s o o Table 25 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Shate %datie Application: AH Applications CO Platform: Technical Workstation Region: Europe 8 Units: Millions of U.S. DoUars/Aettsfl tTijife Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu ALS Design .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0 LandCadd .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0 ASG .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0 Phase Three Logic .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0 @ Facility Mapping Syste^ .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0 CO CO Other Companies 2.2 .4 1.4 15 .1% .0 All Companies 3,519.6 1,500.6 1,246.4 64,107 100.0% 100.0 XI CfrD sa All N,A.-Based Companies 2,535.3 1,153.7 768.0 50,929 72.0% 76.9 O=3 O 2.6 1.0 1.6 16 .1% .1 •g All Asian-Based Companies o All European-Based Companies 981.8 345.9 476.8 13,162 27.9% 23.0 CO a. All Hardware Companies 619.4 517.1 1.4 27,972 17.6% 34.5 AU Turnkey & SW Companies 2,900.2 983.5 1,245.0 36,135 82.4% 65.5

    Source: Dataquest Qxdy 1993)


    CO CO CO B Table 26 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Appbcations 03 Platform: Host-Dependent Region: Europe s Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue IBM 415.2 265.8 51.9 6,310 47.8% 46.7% Digital 174.0 120.1 .0 0 20.0% 21.1% Control Data Systems 52.6 21.5 7.4 324 6.0% 3.8% Siemens Nixdorf Info systeme 21.3 11.1 7.0 136 2.4% 1.9% @ MacNeal-Schwendler 12.8 .0 12.8 0 1.5% .0% CO .8% m Exapt 9.1 4.5 3.1 114 1.0% Computervision 7.5 2.0 2.7 114 .9% .3% X3 C= .4% .0% CD Cadence 3.3 .0 2.6 0 £3- Swanson Analysis 2.8 .0 2.7 0 .3% .0% 5" 8 PDA Engineering 2.7 .0 2.6 0 .3% .0% •3 o GeoVision Systems 2.0 .2 1.1 2 .2% .0% a1. Assigraph 1.4 .0 1.1 0 .2% .0% Framasoft 1.2 .0 ,7 0 .1% .0% Clemessy 1.1 .9 .2 6 .1% .2% MCS 1.1 .0 1.0 0 .1% .0% Computational Mechanics 1.1 .0 1.1 0 .1% .0% EA Systems 1.1 .0 1.1 0 .1% .0% Synercom 1.0 .0 .5 0 .1% .0% SDRC .9 .0 .9 0 .1% .0% c_ MARC .8 .0 .8 0 ' .1% .0% Macao Systems .7 .4 .3 6 .1% .1%

    CO o o Table 26 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Shaie Update k Application: All Applications CO Platform: Host-Dependent Region; Europe s Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units S Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue debis Systemhaus .7 .2 .4 3 .1% .0% Whessoe Computing Systems .6 .0 .6 0 .1% .0% Olivetti .5 .4 .0 13 .1% .1% Aucotec .4 .2 .2 6 .0% .0% @ LSI Logic .4 .0 .3 1 .0% .0% CO CO CO Hochtief .3 .1 .2 2 .0% .0% o Laser-Scan .3 .1 .2 3 .0% .0% X3 c FEA .3 .1 .1 0 .0% .0% Cr-D^ 5° Genrad .3 .1 .2 1 .0% .0% o o Harris EDA .3 .0 .2 2 .0% .0% •oa PEGS .3 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% cti C3. Dynamic Gra[^ij«ar; .3 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Analogy .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Compact Software .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Mechanical Dynamics .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% COMPASS Design Automation .2 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% Test Systems Strategies .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Bechtel Software .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Geo trace Technologies .2 .0 .1 3 , .0% .0% c_ ETAK .2 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% .1 N) ISDATA .1 .0 0 .0% .0% Oi

    CO CO CO o o Table 26 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications era Platform: Host-Dependent Region: Europe s Units: Millions of U.S. Dollais/Actual Units M«dce Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Georgia Tech Research Coatp^ .1 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% Logic Modeling Systems .1 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% ESRI .1 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% Meta-Software .1 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% @ Lamp Software .1 .0 .0 3 .0% .0% CO Data I/O .1 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% M Electrical Eng. SoftjWis* .1 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% ^^ Microsim .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% £3c - CD Accugraph .0 .0 .0 1 .0% .0% 5" 8 Kork Systems .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% •oa Valisys .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% 1 Other Companies 148.9 141.4 .1 5,083 17.1% 24.9% a. AH Companies 869.5 568.7 106.1 12,134 100.0% 100.0%

    All N.A.-Based Companies 829.8 551.0 90.5 11,842 95.4% 96.9% All Asian-Based Companies .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% All European-Based Companies 39.8 17.8 15.6 293 4.6% 3.1% All Hardware Companies 333.8 266.1 1.5 5,191 38.4% 46.8% All Turnkey & SW Companies 535.7 302.6 104.6 6,943 61.6% 53.2%

    Source: Dataquest QiHy 1993)

    CO CO CO 114 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Woridwide

    v5 vO ^ vO ^ "O a •2'g o~: s^ o^ 0^ S~- S^ gv O^ 6^ a> O \0 ts tc en T-H O 3 CS t>; ^N o C cs '0 |:3.& rH iri I p i g g i C B -fi m c4 o s o

    2 § ^ ^ ^ ^ S^ tf^ S 5 ff^ e~- o^ s^ 00 cr> O O 00 o in CM i-H 00 0^ O 00 CM 0\ vd f>i en \0 TH o in o o o o cn • rH • t>; Cfl »

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    rHcnoovooi-Hcnin ON V£) rH o rH 00 VO en \o CM in ovoooeninmt^rH ^ in ^^ •^ 00 rH CM CM c^ 1110 \ m ^ CM rH rH 1 -^CA X '*qqqt>.enc>^poqinqcMcMint>;\qoqi>.cM t~« o \6 ' a\ 'incNcM ' 'iri *rH 'CM "r-J ^t «j BS

    o\\oprHO\o\eninoqppoNin OOvOOOSOOOOrHrH '<*tNo6oNcn'>*cMif5cn 'inrvien V s c ? 01 \0 t^ rH CM 4-> T3 > (S 2 kK V -a a ;S« ;D en O in 00 ON vO en O0^^^CM0\0\tN^sV0rHO M o e-._lne^^o\vovovo^o^OLnenenc^^cMcMrHrn in H (9 (S •s i^s 00 rCHM c>en; cn rH cn CA 4^ oj 0) a _o (S rt y Qj to

    CD S M s s HH ^ > sa o < 0^ W 2 w < u C/3 (J cn s to CLI rt t OH < g e rt^ Q 0) u ••^ j: « s 2 Si I DH t 13 tfi « S" I f§ D (3 C O tn "2 ^ S u >-, xt ^• I" c c ra P S .- X l-H (u u ^ i T-* '5b •? o D cn in o o ^ s a a s ^tft B] cn N m tn o 01 =1 U U ffi U •^u a.^ ei :3 U •o o,^ rt o v^ *-a U < CH V5 -- M CCAM-VWV-WlS-930A 9N 3 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated July 26,1993 r5 9^ H rH o o Table 27 (ConHnued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications Platform: Server B Region: Europe S Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Cimlinc .8 .0 .6 0 .2% .0% Logic Modeling Systems .3 .0 .2 0 .1% .0% ETAK .2 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% Georgia Tech Research Coip^ .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% @ Other Companies .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% i All Companies 404.7 226.6 81.9 6,091 100.0% 100.0% CO o c All N.A.-Based Companies 394.3 222.1 78.4 6,004 97.4% 98.0% sCD. S3. All Asian-Based Companies .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% o5 " o All European-Based Companies 10.4 4.4 3.5 87 2.6% 2.0% •a o All Hardware Companies 162.7 119.8 .0 3,180 40.2% 52.9% CD QR. All Turnkey & SW Companies 242.0 106.8 81.9 2,911 59.8% 47.1% Source: Dataquest Quly 1993)


    CO CO CO 116 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Woridwide

    s^ ^p >J5 vP ^P ^P ^P ^P vP vP ^ >p «S "W O^ O^ o*" O^ o^ o*" O^ O^ P^ P^ gv g^ .M OJ tS 00 IN tx CO O \0 O h i CD v> tv ^ tn t^ c o en O

    ^^ J2 N^ •>«P O^ >^ "^ •^ P >^ NJ^ ^^ o^ O** O^ O^ ©^ O^ o*" O^ O^ O*^ w* o^ w" w* w^ O^ O^ t^. O T-i O O vo ts 11 cn CD invqoqptNfNiNppcjpinvq ^1rt HcCrH 'T-HCOCS *T-5CS •rHrH

    V V vP vP ^P ^P xP -sP ^P ^ ^ ^ VP o o^ ff^ p^ p^ ^ O^ P^ e~ 0^ o^ e^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i OS cs ^«. r-; cNj cs vo O^ P^ P^ P*- o •^ tx rs O tN O 1-1 ^ s 1-5 pi 00 vo es •^ c rj T-i »£

    vP -^P vP -^P >^ ^ NP ^P ^^ ^ NP «^ «^ wp NP ^P O ^ NP w^ P^ o^ P^ o^ P^ P^ O^ w* P^ o^ w* P^ w^ S^ p~- p^ p^ p^ 00 t^ Tl< i-C oootNcnasrj(Nr<( o\ 00 00

    \0 ts rH i-H ^ C<4 1-1 t^ O O CM •>* 00 CD 1-H TH \0 TH vo S S ° E^ ° 8 1-*^ Ov^ c<^ r-j^ TJJ^ tx T-H CS irj^ 1-1 •^ m 00 CM ill ifT o\ 00 o" i-J" in" cvj CM'

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    3 mb Programme 5.1 2.5 1.8 122 .5% .5% O o Microway 4.7 2.9 1.4 60 .5% .5% •a o Graphisoft Software Dey 4.6 .0 4.6 0 .5% .0% i Kloeckner-Moeller 4.5 .9 3.1 46 .5% .2% CD Computer Services Coiit^tiltants 4.2 .0 4.2 0 .4% .0% a. Softronics 4.0 1.1 3.0 361 .4% .2% Viewlogic Systems 3.9 .0 3.1 0 .4% .0% Datagraphic 3.6 1.8 1.4 57 .4% .3% Altera 3.5 .0 3.0 0 .4% .0% Micrografx 3.3 .0 3.3 0 .3% .0% Swanson Analysis 3.1 .0 2.9 0 .3% .0% Computervision 3.0 .0 3.0 80 .3% .0% ESRI 2.9 .0 2.7 0 .3% .0% PS o Table 28 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications C/I Platform: Personal Computer Region; Europe s Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue CAD Lab 2.8 .0 2.5 0 .3% .0% Xilinx 2.6 .0 2.3 0 .3% .0% Pathtrace 2.5 .5 1.6 37 .3% .1% ALS Design 2.4 .1 2.1 20 .2% .0% @ Superdraft 2.3 1.1 1.1 132 .2% .2% i Ebtree Computing 2.2 1.0 1.2 62 .2% .2% Whessoe Computing Systems 2.2 .0 2.2 0 .2% .0% Delcam Internationai 2.2 .8 .9 44 .2% .2% Anilam Electronics 2.2 .4 1.6 70 .2% .1% o o BETRONEX 2.2 .2 1.9 40 .2% .0% •3 o Vero International Software 2.2 .0 2.0 0 .2% .0% I CAD-UL 2.1 .0 2.1 0 .2% .0% CD O. Microsim 2.0 .0 1.9 0 .2% .0% CAD-Capture 2.0 .4 .6 10 .2% .1% CADKEY 1.9 .0 1.9 0 .2% .0% PAFEC 1.9 .0 1.9 0 .2% .0% Data I/O 1.7 .0 1.7 0 .2% .0% Han Dataport 1.7 .5 .9 41 .2% .1% Point Control 1.6 .0 1.3 0 .2% .0% PADS Software 1.6 .0 1.4 0 .2% .0% Moda CAD 1.6 .4 1.1 13 .2% .1% ro C3> CO CD CO o o Table 28 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications CO Platform: Personal Computer Region; Europe 8 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue CAMTEK 1.6 .3 1.0 118 .2% .1% FEA 1.5 .4 .4 0 .2% .1% Strategic Mapfj^ 1.5 .0 1.4 0 .2% .0% EME 1.5 .4 .7 41 .2% .1% @ ISDATA 1.4 .0 1.3 0 .1% .0% CO ARKTEC 1.4 .1 1.2 32 .1% .0% o Enghouse Systems %\3&. 1.4 .0 1.2 0 .1% .0% I Lamp Software 1.4 .3 1.1 76 .1% .0% ACTEL 1.3 .0 1.1 0 .1% .0% EEsof 1.3 .0 1.1 0 .1% .0% Geometria GIS Systems House 1.3 .2 .4 15 .1% .0% I Technische Computer Systeme 1.2 .2 1.0 36 .1% .0% Aucos elektronische Gerate 1.2 .4 .9 121 .1% .1% ADRA Systems 1.2 .0 1.0 0 .1% .0% ETAK 1.1 .1 1.1 3 .1% .0% Mucke Software 1.1 .6 .4 17 .1% .1% CADWbrks 1.0 .0 .9 0 .1% .0% CNC Software .9 .0 .9 0 .1% .0% Contract Data Research .9 .0 .6 0 .1% .0% Aspen Technology .9 .0 .8 0 .1% .0% Areon .8 .4 .2 6 .1% .1% ro O) CO (O M a o Table 28 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications Platfonn: Personal Computer s Region: Europe s Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Applicon .8 .2 .3 24 .1% .0% GeoQuest .7 .0 .7 0 .1% .0% debis Systemhaus .7 .2 .4 13 .1% .0% Caroline Informalique .7 .1 .3 10 .1% .0% @ .7 .0 .6 0 .1% .0% CO Algor Interactive Systems CO CO MCS .7 .0 .6 0 .1% .0% o tuBJ . Engineered Software .6 .0 .6 0 .1% .0% X3 Sigma Design .6 .0 .6 0 .1% .0% .4 .2 14 .1% .1% =1 ASCAD/ASCAM .6 o O Carrier Corporation .6 .0 .6 0 .1% .0% •3 o .4 32 .1% S. ERDAS .6 .2 .0% Genasys II .6 .0 .4 14 .1% .0% Harris EDA .6 .0 .4 2 .1% .0% Evolution Comp^f^g .5 .0 .5 0 .1% .0% Inca .5 .5 .0 2 .1% .1% S.T.L.D. s.r.l. .5 .0 .5 0 .1% .0% Accel Technologies .5 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% Terra Sciences .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% Massteck .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% Cimljnc .4 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% .4 .0 .3 4 .0% .0% rv3 Kork Systems C3>

    CO CO CO o r> Table 28 (Continued) 3> 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications Platform: Personal Computer CO CO Region: Europe g Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue LandCadd .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% American Small Business Comp. .4 .0 4 0 .0% .0% Foresight Resources .4 .0 3 0 .0% .0% Compact Software .3 .0 3 0 .0% .0% @ Rasna Corporation .3 .0 3 0 .0% .0% CO CO CO Sweet's Electronic Pub^lsMhj^ .3 .0 2 0 .0% .0% o Softdesk .3 .0 3 0 .0% .0% .a Mine Software .3 .0 3 0 .0% .0% ALDEC .3 .0 3 0 .0% .0% 8 Generation 5 Techruatk^ .3 .0 3 0 .0% .0% •a Mega CADD .2 .0 2 0 .0% .0% o IMSl .2 .0 2 0 .0% .0% Facility Mapping Systems .2 .0 2 0 .0% .0% Catalpa .2 .0 1 10 .0% .0% Taimer Researcfi .2 .0 2 0 .0% .0% CADSI .2 .0 3 .0% .0% Radan Computational .2 .1 6 .0% .0% Aries Technology .0 0 .0% .0% ASG ,1 .0 0 .0% .0% A.I, Systems ,1 .0 0 .0% .0% Terr-Mar Resource Info Svs .0 3 .0% .0% Logic Modeling Systems •1 .0 0 .0% .0% CI o Table 28 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications Platform; Personal Computer 'H Region: Europe si Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Genrad .1 .0 .1 4 .0% .0% Accugraph .1 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% GeoGraphix .1 .0 •1 0 .0% .0% Quicklogic .1 .0 0 .0% .0% @ CAE-link .1 .0 0 .0% .0% CO Geottace Technologies .1 .0 0 .0% .0% o Si Bechtel Software .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% .fUa c: Integrated Silicon Systems .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% c/> Infinite Graphics .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% s Meta-Software .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% •o3 Phase Three Logic .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% I GEOVISION Inc. .0 .0 .0 2 .0% .0% CD Exemplar Logic .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Q. Pacific Numerics .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Other Companies 118.6 124.7 .0 58,435 12.3% 23.5% All Companies 961.4 530.1 382.5 141,855 100.0% 100.0%

    All N.A.-Based Companies 642.4 422.1 204.4 130,353 66.8% 79.6% All Asian-Based Companies .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% All European-Based Companies 319.0 107.9 178.1 11,502 33.2% 20.4% tr All Hardware Companies 454.5 443.4 .0 133,565 47.3% 83.6% ro All Turnkey & SW Companies 506.9 86.7 382.5 8,290 52.7% 16.4% C3> CO Source: Dataquest (July 1993) CO CO o Table 29 o 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update

    1 Application: All Applications Platfonn; All Platiorms Region: Asia OJ Units; Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units FaCCOiy Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Reven Fujitsu 442.0 282.9 114.9 8,751 10.9% 12.6 IBM 354.4 186.6 110.9 15,779 8.7% 8.3 NEC 348.0 238.9 81.3 22,400 8.6% 10.7 Nihon Unisys 228.3 141.6 38.8 2,220 5.6% 6.3 /SA © Sun Microsystems 223.9 193.6 .0 11,326 5.5% 8.6 CO CO Hitachi 174.0 83.5 73.1 4,675 4.3% 3.7 o Hewlett-Packard 157.4 118.3 14.4 6,166 3.9% 5.3 .o Cadence 127.5 .0 112.2 0 3.1% .0 CD £3. Toshiba—NO OEM 106.2 53.1 42.5 3,114 2.6% 2.4 sC5r O 2.4% 1.2 •3 Zuken 99.4 27.3 52.2 608 o Mitsubishi Electric 95.0 74.0 12.0 1,722 2.3% 3.3 CD Q. Intergraph 82.3 33.2 24.1 974 2.0% 1.5 Hitachi Zosen Info Sy^i^i^jf^ 77.6 66.2 3.6 800 1.9% 3.0 Computervision 76.9 26.1 25.6 427 1.9% 1.2 Digital 73.5 50.5 1.0 1,984 1.8% 2.3 Mutoh Industries—NO (SIM 72.3 43.4 21.7 1,139 1.8% 1.9 Mentor Graphics 69.2 2.5 39.8 650 1.7% .1 Autodesk 54.8 .0 54.8 0 1.3% .0 Sharp System Products—^NO OEM 49.7 25.8 23.9 470 1.2% 1.2 SDRC 44.9 .0 35.9 0 1.1% .0 •^ EDS 44.3 18.8 18.1 688 1.1% .8 OiK _x CO CO CO o o Table 29 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application; All Applications CO Platform: All Platforms Region: Asia 8 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven Sony 43.5 43.5 .0 1,587 1.1% 1.9 Wacom 42.5 8.6 29.5 788 1.0% .4 Hakuto 39.9 24.0 16.0 850 1.0% 1.1 Silicon Graphics 39.9 37.9 .0 1,324 1.0% 1.7 @ Mitsui Engineering 39.7 27.8 7.9 264 1.0% 1.2 CO Uchida Yoko 37.9 22.9 13.5 900 .9% 1.0 a Si o> Seiko Instruments—NO CSiMi. 34.2 14.2 17.1 258 .8% .6 sn CADIX 33.6 13.4 16.8 247 .8% .6 Tokyo Electron—NO OEM 32.3 10.7 14.5 220 .8% .5 o3 o Apple Computer 30.7 30.7 .0 5,581 .8% 1.4 •o3 a Toyo Information Systems-NO CD OEM 24.8 15.1 7.2 265 .6% .7 O. Century Research Center 22.5 11.9 8.3 119 .6% .5 Racal-Redac 17.5 .0 14.8 2 .4% .0 Omron 16.0 9.6 6.4 394 .4% .4 Andor 15.7 3.9 11.1 121 .4% .2 Graphtec Engineetiii^ 15.4 7.7 6.9 331 .4% .3 INS Engineering 14.3 7.1 7.2 48 .4% .3 Synopsys 14.2 .0 10.3 0 .4% .0 MacNeal-Schwendler 13.9 .0 13.9 0 .3% .0 Compaq 12.9 12.9 .0 2,792 .3% .6 ^5 o Design Automation 12.7 2.5 9.5 267 .3% .1 to CO OJ o o Table 29 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications Platform: All Platforms Region: Asia i Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu Sumitomo Denko Wo]'li;$t^lica\, 12.7 12.7 .0 654 .3% .6 Control Data Systems 12.5 6.1 2.1 181 .3% .3 COMPASS Design Autom^tjopt 11.4 .2 8.5 9 .3% .0 CPU 10.5 .0 9.5 0 .3% .0 @ to Parametric Technology 10.0 .0 8.1 0 .2% .0 (O CO Viewlogic Systems 9.5 .0 7.5 0 .2% .0 o Siemens Nixdorf Info systeaBii? 9.1 4.6 3.0 80 .2% .2 £1 CI CD Landmark Graphics 8.2 4.1 1.9 42 .2% .2 CO Harris EDA 8.2 .9 4.7 35 .2% .0 O O Swanson Analysis 7.9 .0 7.6 0 .2% .0 •o3 Apphcon 7.4 3.2 3.5 80 .2% .1 CD a. MARC 7.2 .0 7.2 0 .2% .0 Cisigraph 6.6 1.9 3.7 43 .2% .1 Zycad 6.3 3.8 .8 48 .2% .2 Alias Research 6.2 .0 5.7 0 .2% .0 Geo^^sion Systems 5.9 .5 3.1 11 .1% .0 EEsof 4.9 .0 4.2 3 .1% .0 Matra Datavision 4.9 1.6 2.5 41 .1% .1 Silvar-Lisco 4.8 .0 2.6 0 .1% .0 Kubota Computer 4.6 3.4 .8 300 .1% .2 Unisys 4.4 2.3 1.6 101 .1% .1 O)

    CO o o Table 29 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application; All Applications en Platform: All Platforms s Region: Asia s Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mar Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu ESRI 4.4 .0 4.0 0 .1% .0 Crosscheck Technology 4.3 .0 2.2 0 .1% .0 Ricoh—NO OEM 3.9 .0 3.3 0 .1% .0 ADRA Systems 3.9 .2 2.9 13 .1% .0 @ 3.6 1.1 1.6 21 .1% .0 CO Fides Industrielle Automafifda^^ ynamics 3.2 .0 2.5 0 .1% .0 joa o Cimatron 3.0 1.4 1.4 99 .1% .1 •35 " o Data I/O 2.7 .0 2.7 0 .1% .0 Eff o. Framasoft 2.7 .0 1.6 0 .1% .0 PADS Softwsffle 2.7 .0 2.3 0 .1% .0 Cimlinc 2.7 .0 1.9 56 .1% .0 Contec Microelechronics 2.5 .0 2.3 0 .1% .0 Comdisco Systems 2.4 .0 2.1 0 .1% .0 Logic Modeling Systems 2.4 .0 1.9 0 .1% .0 Aries Technology 2.2 .0 1.9 0 .1% .0 Synercom 2.1 .0 1.1 0 .1% .0 c_ PiE Design 2.0 1.0 .8 50 .0% .0 -c^: Quickhim Systems 2.0 2.0 .0 16 .0% .1 OJ

    CO CD CO o p Table 29 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications CO Platform: All Platforms Region: Asia 8 Units: Millions of U.S. DoUars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu ACTEL 1.9 .0 1.6 0 .0% .0% Test Systems Strategies 1.9 .0 1.7 0 .0% .0% Genasys II 1.9 .2 1.3 9 .0% .0% Ikos Systems 1.9 1.8 .1 20 .0% .1% @ _x CAMAX Systems Inc. 1.8 .3 1.1 32 .0% .0%

    IV3 CADKEY 1.0 .0 1.0 0 .0% .0%

    CO CO 00 B Table 29 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All AppUcatiraite

    CO CO CO o Table 29 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications Platform: All Platfonns Region: Asia s Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Electrical Eng. Software .6 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% Terr-Mar Resource Info Svs .6 .2 .3 10 .0% .0% ETAK .5 .0 .5 1 .0% .0% Accel Technologies .5 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% @ _^ Laser-Scan .4 .1 .2 3 .0% .0% (D CO CO Accugraph .4 .2 .2 15 .0% .0% O Quantic Laboratories .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0%

    CD Carrier Corporation .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% C?. Cooper & Chyan Technologif .4 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% O O ALDEC .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% •a o Object Design .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% I Solboume .4 .4 .0 32 .0% .0% a. Technische Computer E^^eatscie .3 .1 .3 0 .0% .0% Rasna Corporation .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% Investronica SA .3 .2 .0 12 .0% .0% Mine Software .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% Aspen Technology .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% Wiechers Datentectusait .3 .1 .1 8 .0% .0% SIMUCAD .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% Superdraft .3 .1 .1 14 .0% .0% .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% no Infinite Graphics

    CO CO CO o o Table 29 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications V Platform: All Flatfonns Region: Asia s Units; Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu Georgia Tech Reseaich Corp. .2 .0 2 0 .0% .0% Dynamic Graphics .2 .0 2 0 .0% .0% PAFEC .2 .0 2 0 .0% .0% Graphisoft Software Dev .2 .0 2 0 .0% .0% @ IMSI .2 .0 2 0 .0% .0% i i-Logix .2 .0 2 0 .0% .0% ^M/ CO .0 7 .0% .0% ^r— 1 BATISOFT .2 .a .0 0 .0% .0% CD GeoGraphix .2 CO »-*• ASG .0 0 .0% .0% 5" 8 2 •a Fathtrace .0 .0% .0% o ACDS Graphic System .0 0 .0% .0% 1 Objectivity .0 0 .0% .0% CD O. Sunrise Test Systems .0 0 .0% .0% CAD Language Systems .0 0 .0% .0% Mega CADD .0 0 .0% .0% Gable CAD Systems .1 1 .0% .0% American Small Busin^ias ©Sahp. .0 0 .0% .0% Exemplar Logic .0 0 .0% .0% Bechtel Software .0 0 .0% .0% Algor Interactive Syi^c^e& .0 0 .0% .0% ro Motorola .0 0 .0% > .0% p> * CO CO CO o Table 29 (Continued) C5 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications Platform: All Platforms Region: Asia 8 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Tbtai Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu Tanner Research .1 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% Geotrace Technologies .1 .0 .1 1 .0% .0% Valisys .1 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Facility Mapping Systems .1 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% @ NCR Microelectronics .1 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% OJ Quicklogic .1 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% The CAD Group .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% .a c Massteck .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% CD » Foresight Resources .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% o5" o Kork Systems .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% •a Other Companies 219.0 214.2 .3 56,645 5.4% 9.6% o All Companies 4,059.8 2,242.6 1,289.9 159,151 100.0% 100.0% I All N.A.-Based Companies 1,852.2 953.8 604.0 105,185 45.6% 42.5% All Asian-Based Companies 2,149.2 1,275.6 649.7 53,511 52.9% 56.9% All European-Based Companies 58.5 13.1 36.2 455 1.4% .6% All Hardware Companies 799.0 722.2 .4 99,155 19.7% 32.2% AU Turnkey & SW Companies 3,260.9 1,520.4 1,289.4 59,996 80.3% 67.8%

    Source: Dataquest (July 1993)

    N5 O)

    CO CO 00 o o Table 30 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update

    1 Application: All Applications Platform: Technical Workstation Region: Asia Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units factory Hardware Company 1Revenu e Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Sun Microsystems 194.1 168.8 .0 10,356 8.2% 14.1% Fujitsu 185.6 118.8 48.3 3,784 7.8% 9.9% NEC 165.1 90.8 61.1 5,443 7.0% 7.6% Hewlett-Packard 148.7 110.6 14.4 4,469 6.3% 9.2% @ Cadence 126.9 .0 111.7 0 5.3% .0% (O s Hitachi 125.3 60.1 52.6 2,710 5.3% 5.0% o Zuken 99.4 27.3 52.2 608 4.2% 2.3% £1 SC ^ CD Computervision 76.4 26.1 25.1 427 3.2% 2.2% r-»- Nihon Unisys 75.8 47.0 12.9 619 3.2% 3.9% o5" o Toshiba—NO OEM 73.9 37.0 29.6 875 3.1% 3.1% -oa Mitsubishi Electric 72.6 61.7 5.1 781 3.1% 5.2% a. Hitachi Zosen Info Syst^JEtS 72.2 61.3 3.6 739 3.0% 5.1% Intergraph 70.1 29.0 18.7 854 3.0% 2.4% Mentor Graphics 69.2 2.5 39.8 650 2.9% .2% IBM 56.9 27.3 21.6 941 2.4% 2.3% Sharp System Products--NO OEM 49.1 25.5 23.6 453 2.1% 2.1% Sony 43.5 43.5 .0 1,587 1.8% 3.6% SDRC 42.6 .0 34.1 0 1.8% .0% EDS 41.0 17.8 16.6 657 1.7% 1.5% c_ 39.9 37.9 .0 1,324 1.7% 3.2% c Silicon Graphics ro Mitsui Engineering 36.1 25.3 7.2 204 1.5% 2.1% i^ CO CO CO o Table 30 (Continued) Q 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: AU Applications Platform: Technical Workstation S Region: Asia Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units s Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Uchida Yoko 34.1 20.5 11.9 729 1.4% 1.7% CADIX 33.6 13.4 16.8 247 1.4% 1.1% Tokyo Electron—^NO OEM 32.3 10.7 14.5 220 1.4% .9% Mutoh Industries—NO OEM 32.3 19.4 9.7 330 1.4% 1.6% @ Seiko Instruments—NO OEM 28.9 11.6 14.5 122 1.2% 1.0% i Century Research Center 20.9 11.1 7.7 116 .9% .9% CO o Toyo Information Systems-NO OEM 19.9 12.4 5.7 236 .8% 1.0% S3i Digital 19.0 12.3 .8 879 .8% 1.0% .7% .0% 3 Racal-Redac 17.5 .0 14.8 2 8 Omron 16.0 9.6 6.4 394 .7% .8% •a o Graplitec Engineexing 15.4 7.7 6.9 331 .6% .6% Synopsys 14.2 .0 10.3 0 .6% .0% INS Engineering 13.6 6.8 6.8 35 .6% .6% Siimitomo Denko Workstation 11.8 11.8 .0 592 .5% 1.0% COMPASS Design Automation 11.1 .2 8.3 9 .5% .0% Parametric Technology 10.0 .0 8.1 0 .4% .0% Siemens Nixdorf Info systeme 7.7 3.9 2.6 71 .3% .3% Harris EDA 7.3 .8 4.1 31 .3% .1% ^^ewlogic Systems 6.6 .0 5.2 0 .3% .0% Alias Research 6.2 .0 .: 5.7 0 .3% .0% c ro Cisigraph 6.0 1.7 3.3 38 .3% .1% o>

    CO CO CO S661. '92 '^nr paiBiodJOOU) }S3nbeiea 8661-® Goee-siAi-MM-iwoo

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    w «sP ^ vP ^ ^ %P ^ ^ ^ ^ vP NP ^ ^ ^ *^ ^ -sp -NP ^ b O^ P^ P^ W* P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ O^ O^ W* P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ n an X Ui S" sr ^ 3 :§ ^ 1 O0000t00l-'OU100000I-'I-»WON> M» •sp

    apiAApiJOM SI9^0/l/\IVO/aVO m B Table 30 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications CO Platform: Technical Workstation Region: Asia s Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu Framasoft 2.5 .0 1.5 0 .1% .0% Contec Microelectronics 2.5 .0 2.3 0 .1% .0% Comdisco Systems 2.4 .0 2.1 0 .1% .0% ESRI 2.3 .0 2.1 0 .1% .0% @ Cimlinc 2.3 .0 1.6 56 .1% .0% CO Logic Modeling System^ 2.2 .0 1.7 0 .1% .0% o Bf Hakuto 2.0 1.2 .8 23 .1% .1% PiE Design 2.0 1.0 .8 50 .1% .1% Quicktum Systems 2.0 2.0 .0 16 .1% .2% o o Aries Technology 1.9 .0 1.7 0 .1% .0% •a Cimatron 1.9 .9 .9 43 .1% .1% o a CAMAX Systems Inc. 1.8 .3 1.1 32 .1% .0% Auto-Trol 1.8 .7 .7 22 .1% .1% CAD Centre 1.8 .0 1.4 0 .1% .0% Test Systems Strategies 1.7 .0 1.5 0 .1% .0% Genasys II 1.7 .2 1.2 4 .1% .0% Kockums Computer Systems 1.6 .4 .9 80 .1% .0% SPATIAL Technology 1.6 .0 1.6 0 .1% .0% MacNeal-Schwendler 1.5 .0 1.5 0 .1% .0% LSI Logic 1.4 .1 1.0 3 .1% .0% PDA Engineering 1.4 .0 1.3 0 .1% .0%

    CO Table 30 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update

    1 Application: All Applications

    OJ Platfonn: Technical Workstation S Region: Asia Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units s Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu Synercom 1.3 .0 .7 0 .1% .0% ISICAD 1.2 .4 .5 9 .0% .0% Analogy 1.2 .0 .9 0 .0% .0% Gerber Systems .8 .4 .3 11 .0% .0% @ ..A. Moss Systems .8 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% CO CO ERDAS .8 .2 .5 4 .0% .0% o EPIC Design Tfechnology .7 .0 .7 0 .0% .0% •^Q .7 .0 .6 0 .0% .0% CD MCS f-^ 5" Integrated Silicon Systems .6 .0 .5 4 .0% .0% o o ANACAD .6 .0 .6 0 .0% .0% •g o Scientific & Engineering SW .6 .0 .6 0 .0% .0% CD 1C3. Wisdom Systen^ .6 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% Sigma Design .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% CADSI .5 .1 .4 2 .0% , .0% GeoQuest .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% Xilinx .5 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% Data I/O .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% Quantic Laboratories .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% Cooper & Chyan TechilO^Q^ .4 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% C_ Laser-Scan .4 .1 .2 3 .0% .0%

    •^ to 05 " CO CO CO o o Table 30 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: AH Applications Platform: Technical Workstation Region: Asia i Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units

    Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu ACTEL .4 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% Electrical Eng. Software .4 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% Accugraph .4 .2 .2 15 .0% .0% Teradyne .4 .0 .3 1 .0% .0% @ Object Design .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% CO Compact Software .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% o S- Terr-Mar Resource Info Svs .3 .1 .2 4 .0% .0% c CD Technische Computer Systeme .3 .1 .3 0 .0% .0% CO PADS Software .3 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Sysscan .3 .1 .1 3 .0% .0% i-Logix .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% I PAFEC .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% SIMUCAD .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Infinite Graphics .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Dynamic Graphics .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Enghouse Systems Ltd* .2 .0 .1 1 .0% .0% Rasna Corporation .2 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% Mine Software .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Microsim .1 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% Softdesk .1 .0 .1 0 .0% .0%


    CO CD CO o o Table 30 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications Platform; Technical Workstation s Region: Asia s Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Uiuts Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu Georgia Tech Research Corp. .1 .0 0 .0% .0% ACDS Graphic System .0 0 .0% .0% Point Control .0 0 .0% .0% Objectivity .0 0 .0% .0% /55\ @ Sunrise Test Systems .0 0 .0% .0% CO CO CO Solboume .1 15 .0% .0% o CAD Language Systems .0 0 .0% .0% c: .0 0 .0% .0% CD CADKEY K/i •-+ Gable CAD Systems .1 1 .0% .0% 85" 0 •g Motorola .0 .0% .0% o Exemplar Logic .0 0 .0% .0% CD Oi. Wiechers Datentechnik .0 0 1 .0% .0% Whessoe Computing Systems .0 1 0 .0% .0% Vabsys .0 0 0 .0% .0% ETAK .0 0 0 .0% .0% NCR Microelectronics .0 0 0 .0% .0% Bechtel Software 0 .0 0 0 .0% .0% Carrier Corporation 0 .0 0 0 .0% .0% CADWorks 0 .0 0 0 .0% .0% ASG 0 .0 0 0 .0% .0% >^ ^5 O) • CO CO CO o o Table 30 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications Platform: Technical Workstation s Region: Asia 8 Units: Millions of U.S. Etollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu Tanner Research .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Other Companies .1 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% All Companies 2,374.0 1,197.3 836.8 42,929 100.0% 100.0%

    @ All N.A,-Based Companies 1,052.9 449.3 400.7 21,180 44.4% 37.5% CO All Asian-Based Companies 1,270.9 738.1 404.7 21,444 53.5% 61.6% CJ IS- All European-Based Companies 50.3 10.0 31.4 305 2.1% .8% All Hardware Companies 393.3 347.6 .2 17,622 16.6% 29.0% All Turnkey & SW Companies 1,980.7 849.8 836.6 25,307 83.4% 71.0% o o •s Source: Dataquest Quly 1993) o


    CO to CO o o Table 31 > 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Sh*»e Update Application: All Applications CO Platform: Host-Dependent Kegion: Asia 8s Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Fujitsu 168.0 107.5 43.7 2,340 22.5% 21.6% Nihon Unisys 152.6 94.6 25.9 1,601 20.4% 19.0% IBM 144.8 92.7 18.0 1,723 19.4% 18.7% NEC 70.1 53.2 11.2 152 9.4% 10.7% ® Digital 31.5 21.6 .1 0 4.2% 4.4% CO CO CO Hitachi 17.4 8.3 7.3 310 2.3% 1.7% o Mitsubishi Electric 13.0 6.1 3.6 41 1.7% 1.2% .a Ma cNeal -Schwendler 7.9 .0 7.9 0 1.1% .0% 1»-cz+ CD Control Data Systems 7.3 3.0 1.0 45 1.0% .6% o5" o Hitachi Zosen Info Systems 5.4 4.9 .0 61 .7% 1.0% o Toshiba—NO OEM 5.2 2.6 2.1 74 .7% .5% cS a. Toyo Information Systems-NO OEM 5.0 2.7 1.6 29 .7% .5% SDRC 2.2 .0 1.8 0 .3% .0% Geo Vision Systems 1.8 .1 .9 2 .2% .0% MARC 1.7 .0 1.7 0 .2% .0% Century Research Center 1.6 .9 .6 2 .2% .2% Siemens Nixdorf Info systeme 1.4 .7 .5 9 .2% .1% Unisys 1.0 .5 .4 21 .1% .1% EA Systems .8 .0 .8 0 .1% .0%

    C- Swanson Analysis .8 .0 .8 0 .1% .0% c -^ Synercom .8 .0 .4 0 .1% .0% o> CD CD CAJ o o Table 31 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications Platform: Host-Dependent SS Region: Asia CD CO Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Market Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Cadence .6 .0 .5 0 .1% .0% MCS .5 .0 4 0 .1% .0% Kubota Computer .5 .5 0 72 .1% .1% Mechanical Dynamics .5 .0 4 0 .1% .0% @ CO PDA Engineering .5 .0 4 0 .1% .0% CO CO CO o Table 31 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications Platform: Host-Dependent s Kegion; Asia s Units: Millions of U.S, Dollars/Actual Units Market Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Logic Modeling Systems .1 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Bechtel Software .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% ESRl .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Laser-Scan .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% ® .0 .0% CO SIMUCAD .0 .0 0 .0% <£> CO Microsim .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% D M Other Companies 101.7 96.7 .0 3,478 13.6% 19.5% c All Companies 747.1 496.7 134.4 9,964 100.0% 100.0% CD CO All N.A.-Based Compani^ 306.8 214.8 37.6 5,272 41.1% 43.2% E All Asian-Based Companies 438.6 281.2 96.0 4,683 58.7% 56.6% All European-Based Companies 1.7 .7 .7 9 .2% .1% All Hardware Companies 134.5 118.9 .2 3,491 18.0% 23.9% All Turnkey & SW Companies 612.7 377.8 134.2 6,473 82.0% 76.1% Source: Dataquest July 1993)

    lo CD

    CO CO CO CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Market Share Update 143

    ^ ^ -sP NP -SP VP ^ ^ ^ NP ^ ^ ^ vP VP v^v P vP j2 -a o^ o^ o^ o^ o^ o^ o^ o^ o^ o^ o^ v5 "5 • a* o o O^ O^ O^ O^ O^o o CL. csmptNcopoqinTttocs C^l rH O O 00 rJvOCCirJcS * "rHoirH cr5 p I CS •* T-H c o (n o

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    •-S vP vP vP vP -5 tf* 5^ -S 5^ ^O ^ lO CO CN| CN CM l-H O iiississ^! es

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    0) « tv o o l-H 00 CM 00 ir> o r-l^sC0O•*rH{SC^4OO |g in CN TfH T-H <^l cfi n

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    CCAM-WW-MS-9303 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated July 26,1993 o Table 32 (Continued) Update 1 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    1 Application: All Applications Platform: Server Region: Asia 8 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Market Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Georgia Tech Research Corp. .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% SIMUCAD .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Other Companies .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% All Companies 131.6 76.2 28.0 2,096 100.0% 100.0% @ CO CO CO All N.A.-Based Companies 129.7 74.9 27.6 2,027 98.5% 98.3% K. All Asian-Based Companies .9 .9 .0 62 .7% 1.2% 03 ja 1.0 .4 .5 7 .8% .5% c: All European-Based Companies CD CO All Hardware Companies 52.9 41.3 .0 1,373 40.2% 54.2% o<- • 5o " All Turnkey & SW Companies 78.7 34.9 28.0 724 59.8% 45.8% •s o Source: Dataquest (July 1993) 1 CD Q.

    tvi C35

    CO CO CO CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Market Share Update 145

    V? >S NP NP ^ NP ^ ^ ^ ss ff^ p^ w^ w** ©^ O** O^ P^ IT- ff^ o^ ^ 0-- ^ o^ 3< (D TH 5~ s^ »-i in o 00 fs 00 vO ^ i-H TH fx CD ON vO rH (sj 1-1 00 VC C>J ts i-H m (N cs h i l^-fr B s

    >p s^ ^ >p o vP -P -^ vP vP N^ ff- S- 5~ o~ S^ CS tN Ifi o^ «•» S~ O^ ff~ 0^ O 0\ VO CS o o T-H TH CT\ ^s T-H o< ifj •* c6 cc CD CO r-i ^ (2J CO K

    sP Vp NP SP >P XP <^ xP NP sP >P ^ -sP ^ s^ NP %P VP vP o^ p** o^ ^ o^ o-" ff^ rH\oooi-Hvo«cNimo\oP^ O^ O^ O^ O-" w*" O^ O^ w^ O^ oo * IT) o 11 ooNcsi ' in T-i -^ en \6 ci ^ CO c-j vo in in vo o •o > r<4 TH !3S

    ^ »^ Np %^ 6^ 6^ 5^ 5^ S^ O in ^ Tjt T(< 1^1 •^ *-i*-ii-iUiiiiU^*^-CO r-i >0 iri •^

    OOlNvOT-lin'-iCVICvOQtvvDirHQevIO 2 •S'S in o t^ o S ^csinoovocMONvo o^co^s^c^ CO t>s o 00 t>> 00 \0^ iq^ T-H^ 1-1 Os r «5 »

    ooi-HvooooooootxinoNONino CO ON vp ^ in ON p Tfiinvd "TjitsIcsincJcococsitN vo in cs cs cvi cvi ONTjtin cs cst-Hco'-i »-i ti I I •O "to 5 o ONinT}tinooNONCotvi-itxoNCv.inLnincoooNOcoo < csNdo6i-Hc5odt ^IJ i- c/i o I U I P. C 1/3 < S S y ^llCu, § tu < U Si O U D 1 o la n e z u b c ,, a. U I "g •§ Q,^ O m ° I toO';J Is CL, « O -g U g QJ C s £ ^ s H IH

    vPvPvPvP^^vPvPvP^vP "2 jS "c _ _ _

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    >P -sP vP >>P "sP vP vP v^ v^ ^ -s^ ^ vP o*" o^ O^ O^ O** O^ O^ w* w* 11OOOOOi-HOO O OOOOOOOrH O O O

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    ooooomoooir>ooorHooo'*ooes 9i la 5 -a I I P si ovinintNimmeoc^i rHooooONootvtvrvtvvD a CviHpJCSrHrHr-irH (Q 5/5

    c« O s-ta Sy 3 8 I .3 bO C wi S (3 » a ay 2i X OJ c cf••^i ^ $ ^ ca D >•, vi c ,S < cog .2 e o U n •|§ o ^ - Q 00 c I a O tn u TJ -S 3^ DHS o I is:is ^.a| ii^^glil-S^gF^^r^ES^S-i o g H rH u — aa-H O CHW^^M^^QTliiu S

    CCAM-WW-MS-9303 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated July 26,1993 o Table 33 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications Platform: Personal Computer Region: Asia s Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Harris EDA .6 .1 .5 2 .1% .0% Sharp System Products—NO OEM .6 .3 .3 17 .1% .1% Computervision .5 .0 .5 0 .1% .0% GeoQuest .5 .0 .5 0 .1% .0% @ CO Whessoe Computing Systems .5 .0 .5 0 .1% .0% CO CO Accel Technologies .5 .0 .4 0 .1% .0% o Softdesk .5 .0 .5 0 .1% .0% •O Sigma Etesign .4 .0 .4 0 .1% .0% ALDEC .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% o o Carrier CorporattiBsnt .0% •3 .4 .0 .4 0 .0% o ETAK .4 .0 .4 1 .0% .0% I Compact Software .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% CD OL hivestronica SA .3 .2 .0 12 .0% .0% Aspen Technology .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% ISICAD .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% MCS .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% MacNeal-Schwendler .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% Superdraft .3 .1 .1 14 .0% .0% ERDAS .2 .1 .2 12 .0% .0% Graphisoft Software Dev .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Terr-Mar Resource hifo Svs .2 .1 .1 6 .0% .0% PS

    CO CO CO o Table 33 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update

    1 Application: All Applications CO Platform: Personal Computer Region: Asia 8 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue IMSl .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0%

    Aries Technology '• .2 .0 2 0 .0% .0% VWechers Datentechnik; .2 .1 7 .0% .0% Genasys n .2 .0 5 .0% .0% @ BATISOFT .2 .0 7 .0% .0% 1 Kasna Corporation .2 .0 0 .0% .0%

    eS GeoGraphix .2 .0 0 .0% .0% .Q c= Mine Software .2 .0 0 .0% .0% CD 5" Integrated Silicon Sy^ms .0 3 .0% .0% o o •3 CADSI .0 2 .0% .0% o Cimlinc .0 0 .0% .0% Q. ASG .0 0 .0% .0% Path trace .0 2 .0% .0% Meta-Software .0 0 .0% .0% Mega CADD .0 0 .0% .0% American Small Business Comp. .0 0 .0% .0% Algor Interactive Systems .0 0 .0% .0% Tanner Research .0 0 .0% .0% Infinite Graphics .0 0 .0% .0% 0 0 .0% .0% c_ Logic Modeling Systems .0 •^ Quicklogic .0 1 0 .0% .0% j3>

    CO CO CO o o Table 33 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications CO Platform: Personal Computer Region: Asia 8 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Facility Mapping Sjrstesti^; > .1 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Massteck .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% SIMUCAD .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Accugraph .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% @ The CAD Group .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% i PAFEC .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Geotrace Technologies .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Foresight Resources .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Kork Systems .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% 8 Exemplar Logic .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% I•o3 Technische Computer Systent^ .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% I Bechtel Software .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Q. Electrical Eng. Software .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Other Companies 117.2 117.6 .2 53,167 14.5% 24.9% All Companies 807.1 472.3 290.7 104,161 100.0% 100.0%

    All N.A.-Based Companies 362.8 214.8 138.1 76,706 45.0% 45.5% All Asian-Based Companies 438.9 255.4 149.0 27,321 54.4% 54.1% All European-Based Companies 5.4 2.1 3.6 134 .7% .4% All Hardware Companies 218.3 214.5 .0 76,669 27.0% 45.4%

    N3 All Turnkey & SW Companies 588.8 257.9 290.7 27,492 73.0% 54.6% Source: Dataquest July 1993) CO CO CO 150 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    v5 v5 vP vO v9 vP v9 vP V? V? >9 >5 •o a js "o e~ S^ s^ s^ e^ s^ 6^ e^ (0 !3-s ON CO S^ p 5^ CO 6^ rH 5^ in CM VO p « VO CM § c vd ^ in ^ •<* c6 ON O^ P r4 s s S T-H P ••g *3 o TS '-' O 13 S v? --5 o~5^ 5v5^ ss vS S5 ss vS >S5^ 5^ -S ss s^ es ff^ in r-J 1-1 p O p XI t. CM 00 e^ 8 O 1-1 S^ 8 l-H ON I Si t>: d CO t>; r-i cs If) ci p in iCOn TA CO CM r-; rH Cfi K

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    IN a T)< O IN CO rH Tjt o in S R ^ g CM CO tN 5? ^ K ° 8 S5 ° ss rH O K rH i4< tv in rH \o rr •H ^^ apv ui S JS CM X

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    CD Oread 1.9 .0 1.9 0 .5% .0% CQ. =s Strategic Mapping 1.8 .0 1.7 0 .5% .0% o o PDA Engineering 1.8 .0 1.7 0 .5% .0% •a Maplnfo 1.8 .0 1.4 0 .5% .0% o Swanson Analysis 1.4 .0 1.3 0 .4% .0% I MacNeal-Schwendler 1.3 .0 1.3 0 .3% .0% o. Fides Industrielle Automation 1.2 .4 .5 7 .3% .2% CNC Software 1.2 .0 1.2 0 .3% .0% Vero International Software 1.0 .0 .9 0 .3% .0% Infocel .9 .1 .7 20 .3% .1% ADRA Systems .8 .2 .5 0 .2% .1% Kork Systems .8 .1 .6 1 .2% .1% EEsof .8 .0 .7 0 .2% .0% LSI Logic .8 .1 .6 2 .2% .0% 05

    CO 152 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    •«p ^ -^ -^ v^ VP sP sP sP O sp S^ 5^ 3^ S~ 5^ 0^ ^ >p ^ ^ N^ vP -sP ^ p^ p^ p*" p^ p^ o^ o^ o^ o^ o^ o^ o^ o^ 3 lis. O O rH O O ^ o O O O O O TH OOi-HOOOOO

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    3 fc^S t>;^^.^^.^N^vo\plnlf5l'5lnlr)lr5lnln•'*•^^^eoco rs =1 o 75 (O D II § 4-1 c c/i u [n '^ ^1 §J •3 ^ ;3 « -i^ u rt CA 11?^ I—I <; EL, ^ a la -g a- TiS ^^^1 I Uo cK^ "fi ifl bO H c sy (li •c I 3 ^^ ffi in C ^ o. -i tfi S C< Q I n hn o c H -S U ^^ o ?lu O 1-1 !l; I.. ffl' O So A U (2 01 ^

    CO Platform: All Platforms Region; Rest of World s Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Enghouse Systems Ltd. .3 .0 .3 0 .1% .0% Rasna Corporation .3 .0 .3 0 .1% .0% Xilinx .3 .0 .3 0 .1% .0% Georgia Tech Research Corp. .3 .0 .3 0 .1% .0% @ ACTEL .3 .0 .3 0 .1% .0% CO ANACAD .3 .0 .3 0 .1% .0% o ET Hochtief .3 .0 .2 2 .1% .0% .o c= CD ISICAD .3 .1 .2 2 .1% .0% CQ. Clemessy .3 .2 .0 1 .1% .1% O O Superdraft .3 .1 .1 14 .1% .1% •a o Graphisoft Software Dev .2 .0 .2 0 .1% .0% I Sigma Design .2 .0 .2 0 .1% .0% Investronica SA .2 .2 .0 8 .1% .1% Generation 5 Technology .2 .0 .2 0 .1% .0% LandCadd .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Aura CAD/CAM Systems .2 .0 0 .0% .0% Mc2 Engineering Software .0 0 .0% .0% Royal Digital Centers .0 0 .0% .0% American Small Business Comp. .0 0 .0% .0% Synercom ,1 .0 0 .0% .0%

    NJ Innovative Data Design .0 0 .0% .0% ro s o c Table 34 (ConHnued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications en Platform; All Platforms Region: Rest of World i Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Teradyne .0 0 .0% .0% Terr-Mar Resource Info Svs • .0 2 .0% .0% CADWorks .0 0 .0% .0% Star Informatic .0 0 .0% .0% @ Spectrum Software .0 0 .0% .0% i PADS Software .0 0 .0% .0% CO .0 0 .0% .0% o Ziegler Informatics s. Moda CAD .0 1 .0% .0% E .0 0 .0% .0% =} ASG o o Accel Technologies .0 0 .0% .0% •B o Facility Mapping Systems .0 0 .0% .0% I CAE-link .0 0 .0% .0% Algor Interactive Systems .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Massteck .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Engineered Software 0 .0 0 .0% .0% FEA 0 .0 0 .0% .0% Cooper & Chyan Technology 0 .0 0 .0% .0% ALDEC 0 .0 0 .0% .0% Macao Systems 0 .0 0 .0% .0% Foresight Resources ,0 .0 0 .0% .0%


    CO CO CO o o Table 34 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application; All Applications Platform: All Platforms Region: o Rest of World CO Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Areon .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Other Companies 17.9 17.2 .3 4,680 4.8% 9.8% All Companies 373.8 175.4 126.4 17,440 100.0% 100.0%

    @ _JL CO AH N,A,-Based Companies 357.6 171.0 117.0 17,264 95.7% 97.5% CO CO All Asian-Based Companies .5 .2 .3 0 .1% .1% o All European-Based Companies 15.7 4.2 9.1 175 4.2% 2.4% I All Hardware Companies 91.7 79.8 .2 13,981 24.5% 45.5% tz CD CO All Turnkey & SW Companies 282.1 95.6 126.2 3,458 75.5% 54.5% 5t-t-" o o Source: Dataquest Quly 1993) •o3 I

    CO CO CO 156 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Woridwide

    jS -O ^ *sP vP xP ^O *»P N^ %p ^P ^P ^p VP -^ vP ^ T3 £ ^ ^ ^ ^ "^^ ^ O^ O^ O^ O^ O^ o^ O^ (D i3 5 &< o^ 0^ o^ o^ o^ g^ S~. 5^ T~< O CC rH O O CM in Oooor>icnrHoo rH TJH rH o 00 in p Pi in CM • TjH rH 0\ ' rH r-5 JS CO '-H I !3 CO X

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    *sP >P vP -sP -sP -sP •sP'sP-sP'vP-.P-sPvP-sP NP ^ -sP -sP sP O^ P^ O^ &^ P^ o*" p^ p^ W*" O** P^ O*" P^ P^ O^ O^ P^ P^ W*" O* O^ 3 ^S TH 00 OS 0\ rH t^* ommtN^Locot-irH o o o a\ 00 E2 ^ 1 \o tn iTi in Tt< ^i ^^ ^ CO CM (2 ^ eti

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    rH CO O rH 0\ 00 o ov ^N ^s o CO CM rHOt>^OCMOOvtN. C5 VO • 00 TP CM * CM VO TP rH CO (« I 73 CLN 13 II cocMinTPoqcMifiOvtvoqov^pincMrHpovovoqvq •^COrHrHO\Ovo6t>Il>^vO^COCOr4cMCMCMrHrHrHrH g vO TH rH rH u^ C/3 r_ a 0) <5! -S ^ITJH^ n " "^ -S ^ asr g CD ^1X •>-' tJ fl o O ^ £ OJ I F Pi (A u 01 <3 -n u 1 a en g D, u 55 b •JJ _gj < (S I S 73 (n u S3 S 0. ta en c I I o CU k^ Si (S u -tS s I o C 3 S U 11 W (0 i o ±1 O wi at 1-1 I tfi TJ n^5 TJ ta -9 ON u^"Eb- a (0 S I 9 I U CLI « ^ I § 1= I S f I 2 ;^ ^ -b ^ I § H rH U ^ IP§u3 S v5 < E "i >S ^ CD

    CCAM-WW-MS-9303 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated July 26,1993 o o Table 35 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CA\tfGAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications Platform; "S Technical Workstation B Region: Rest of World S Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Market Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Data General 1.4 1.1 .1 81 .7% 1.5% PDA Engineering 1.4 .0 1.3 0 .7% .0% Fides Industrielle Automatical 1.2 .4 .5 7 .6% .5% Control Data Systems 1.1 .7 .2 30 .6% .9% @ Swanson Analysis .8 .0 .7 0 .4% .0% i COMPASS Design Automatibn .7 .0 .6 1 .4% .0% LSI Logic .7 .1 .5 2 .3% .1% EEsof .7 .0 .6 0 .3% .0% ADRA Systems .6 .2 .4 0 .3% .3% o fo Genrad .6 .1 .4 6 .3% .1% •a o Analogy .6 .0 .5 0 .3% .0% I Zuken .5 .2 .3 0 .3% .3% a. ERDAS .5 .1 .3 3 .3% .2% Moss Systems .5 .0 .3 0 .3% .0% Aries Technology: .5 .0 .4 0 .2% .0% Autodesk .4 .0 .4 0 .2% .0% Laser-Scan .4 .1 .2 0 .2% .1% Comdisco Systems .4 .0 .4 0 .2% .0% Accugraph .4 .2 .2 15 .2% .3% Dynamic Graphics .4 .0 .3 0 .2% .0% ANACAD .3 .0 .3 0 .2% .0% to

    (O CO CO o o Table 35 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Shat^ Update Application: All Appbcations Platfonn: Technical Workstation s Region: Rest of World Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units 8 Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Rasna Corporation .0 .2 0 .1% .0% Clemessy .2 .0 1 .1% .3% ISICAD .1 .1 2 .1% .1% Compact Soffware .0 .2 0 .1% .0% @ 0 .0% CO Royal Digital Centers .0 .1 .1% MacNeal-Schwendler .0 .1 0 .1% .0% o Sigma Design .0 .1 0 .1% .0% Infocel .0 .1 1 .1% .0% Star Informatic .0 .0 0 .1% .1% o o Softdesk .0 .1 0 .1% .0% •a o Xilinx .0 .1 0 .1% .0% Georgia Tech Research Corp. .0 .1 0 .1% .0% Engineering Systems Corp. .0 .1 0 .0% .0% Synercom .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Teradyne .0 .1 0 .0% .0% Terr-Mar Resource Info Svs .0 .0 1 .0% .0% Data I/O .0 .1 0 .0% .0% Point Control .0 .0 0 .0% .0% ACTEL .0 .1 0 .0% .0% Enghouse Systems Ltd. .0 .0 0 .0% .0% .0 .0 0 .0% .0% l\3 ETAK O)

    CO CO CO Table 35 (Contintsed) 1992 CAD/CAM/

    Source: Dataquest Quly 1993)


    CO 8 o Table 36 n 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications Platform: Hrat-Dependent Jg Region: Rest of World 8 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Market S Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue IBM 33.6 21.5 4.2 526 55.3% 56.2% Digital 11.7 8.0 .0 0 19.2% 21.0% Control Data Systems 2.0 .8 .3 12 3.3% 2.1% GeoVision Systems .8 .1 .4 1 1.3% .2% @ MacNeal-Schwendler .7 .0 .7 0 1.2% .0% § Cadence .6 .0 .4 0 .9% .0% O Unisys .6 .3 .2 11 .9% .7% •Q C CD PDA Engineering .5 .0 .4 0 .7% .0% t/i SDRC .5 .0 .4 0 .7% .0% o5" o Intergraph .4 .0 .3 0 .6% .0% •3 o Swanson Analysis .3 .0 .3 0 .5% .0% CD O. Radian Corporation .2 .0 .1 0 .4% .0% Georgia Tech Research Corp, .2 .0 .2 0 .4% .0% Computervision .2 .1 .0 3 .3% .1% Dynamic Graphics .1 .0 .1 0 .2% .0% Compact Software .1 .0 .1 0 .1% .0% LSI Logic .0 .1 0 .1% .0% Genrad .0 .0 0 .1% .0% Whessoe Computing%s^^eEi^s .0 .1 0 .1% .0% C_ Clemessy .1 .0 .0 0 .1% .1% c= •s^ Synercom .1 .0 .0 0 .1% .0% CO CO CO o o Table 36 (Condnued) 1992 CAD/CAM/€AE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications Platform: Host-Dependent Region; Rest of World s Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Market S Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue ETAK .1 .0 .0 0 .1% .0% Laser-Scan .0 .0 .0 0 .1% .0% Analogy .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Engineering Systems Corp. .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% @ ESRI .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% CO Kork Systems .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .1% Data I/O .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% JOM c Teradyne .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% C•-tD- .0% 5" COMPASS Design Automation .0 .0 .0 0 .0% 8 Macao Systems .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% -os Hochtief .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% i Other Companies 7.9 7.4 .0 268 13.0% 19.5% o. All Companies 60.8 38.3 8.6 823 100.0% 100.0%

    All N.A.-Based Companies 60.6 38.3 8.5 822 99.7% 99.9% AU Asian-Based Companies .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% All European-Based Companies .2 .0 .1 0 .3% .1% All Hardware Companies 19.9 15.6 .1 271 32.7% 40.8% All Turnkey fit SW Companies 40.9 22.7 8.5 551 67.3% 59.2%

    Source: Dataquest (July 1993)


    CO CO CO o o Table 37 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications C/1 Pktform: Server Region: Rest of World s Units; Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Market Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue IBM 10.9 5.2 3.6 138 27.3% 25.8% Intergraph 9.2 4.4 2.2 148 23.1% 22.1% Digital 7.4 5.1 .0 102 18.5% 25.6% Landmark Graphics 6.6 3.3 1.5 34 16.4% 16.4% @ ESRI 1.3 .0 1.2 0 3.3% .0% CO CO CO Sun Microsystems 1.3 1.1 .0 53 3.1% 5.3% a EDS .7 .2 .3 9 1.8% 1.1% Cadence .6 .0 .5 0 1.5% .0% Computervision .5 .2 .2 6 1.4% .9% o o Data General .5 .4 .0 19 1.3% 2.0% •3 o MacNeal-Schwendler .4 .0 .4 0 1.0% .0% I Radian Corporation .3 .0 .2 0 .6% .0% CD Hewlett-Packard .2 .1 .0 6 .5% .7% a. Control Data Systenis .1 .0 .0 0 .2% .2% ETAK .1 .0 .0 0 .1% .0% Other Companies .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% All Companies 39.9 20.0 10.1 514 100.0% 100.0%

    All N,A,-Based Companies 39.9 20.0 10.1 514 100.0% 100.0% All Asian-Based Companies .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% All European-Based Companies .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% cz All Hardware Companies 9.5 6.9 .0 184 23.9% 34.6% All Turnkey & SW Companies 30.4 13.1 10.1 330 76.1% 65.5% CO Source: Dalaquest (July 1993) CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Market Share Update 163

    >.5 •~9 -•S •sP -^ "^ "NP VP >P vp «sP vP -sP ^ NP ^ vP ~5 vP 00 cs s^ ©^ O^ O^ W*" O*" W** ff*" ff^ O^ O^ &*" o~ o^ e^ S~ 5^ Os Tj* OOOOrHOOOVOOC^ Tt" rH O 111 ts rTH o o 1 T-t • cs ' ' • esi • cvi 1 ^CO

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    •^ Vp ^ -^ «^ >P ^P •vP <^ sP sP >P vP O^ o^ O^ O^ o^ o^ O** p^ w^ ff^ o^ ff^ O^ O** o^ o* 00 00 Tj^ONOOtsONO&srsTjJCOeO PN in es es eso o o ^11^esosocjcoeoestsesese s

    a •2'S 35 g R o o o o o o o e0o0 o o o es CO & a S B b irj^ o VO °^ J ^ &• r>i CO I-? ^is 2 CO

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    V V Tij vq t>. q p p q OOOCSOCJ\OTjirHi-iOOO rH ON ^s 3i l§ •n > 0) IS^ P T^ cs tv-OsrHTfcl^eSOsOOOOCO CSOOOsOOOOOOC^^ 3 ^S rH C5 KvOCOeSCSeSrHrHr-irH n ^ 5^ %

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    en 6 o tn S3 < U g < I M •B CL, ai a tn 2 eg M o u (0 u B & ai o e CT" ^ n tn en « •vg £P 6 .2 .S -a ^ b u S<: O en CM "5 «g 5 j" ^ U^ •sb'-s I a. 5 •5 a* Data I/O .3 .0 .3 0 .4% .0% Hochtief .3 .0 .2 2 .4% .1% o o Enghouse Systems Ltd. .3 .0 .3 0 .4% .0% •3 o ACTEL .3 .0 .2 0 .3% .0% i Whessoe Computing SyiStfeBttS .3 .0 .3 0 .3% .0% CD O. Superdraft .3 .1 .1 14 .3% .2% Graphispft Software Dev .2 .0 .2 0 .3% .0% Engineering Systems Corp. .2 .0 .2 0 .3% .0% Xilinx .2 .0 .2 0 .3% .0% Comp utervision .2 .0 .2 0 .3% .0% Investronica SA .2 .2 .0 8 .3% .4% ADRA Systems .2 .0 .2 0 .3% .0% Generation 5 Teclinatc^ .2 .0 .2 0 .2% .0% ERDAS .2 .0 .1 8 .2% .1% 05 to (D CO o o Table 38 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Update Application: All Applications Platform: Personal Computer B Region: Rest of World S Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Market Tota 1 Hardwaie Total Factor y Hardware Softwair e Units Factory Hardware Company Revenu e Revenue Revenul e Sliipped Revenue Revenue LandCadd 2 .0 1 - 0 .2% .0% Aura CAD/CAM Systems 2 .0 1 0 ,2% .0% Mc2 Engineering Software 1 .0 1 0 .2% .0% American Small Business Comp, 1 .0 1 0 .2% .0% @ CO Compact Software 1 .0 1 0 .2% .0% CO CO Innovative Data Design 1 .0 1 0 .2% .0% a M CADWorks 1 .0 1 0 ,2% .0% c: EEsof 1 .0 1 0 .2% .0% CD 5" Sigma Design 1 .0 1 0 .1% .0% s Spectrum Software 1 .0 1 0 .1% .0% •o3 ISICAD 1 .0 1 0 .1% .0% I Ziegler Informatics 1 .0 1 0 .1% .0% Q. PADS Software 1 .0 1 0 .1% .0% ASG 1 .0 1 0 .1% .0% Accel Technologies 1 .0 1 0 .1% .0% Rasna Corporation 1 .0 1 0 .1% .0% Moda CAD 1 .0 0 1 .1% .0% Aries Technology 1 .0 1 0 .1% .0% Facility Mapping Systems 1 .0 0 0 .1% .0% Terr-Mar Resource Info Svs 1 .0 0 1 * .1% .0% CAE-link 1 .0 1 0 .1% .0% PS cn CO CO CO o o Table 38 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Sh^eUpdale Application; All Applications CO Platform: Personal Computer Region: Rest of World 8 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/^i^^a^tttfi! Market Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Teradyne .0 .0 .0 0 .1% .0% Accugraph .0 .0 .0 0 .1% .0% Massteck .0 .0 .0 0 .1% .0% Algor Interactive Systems .0 .0 .0 0 .1% .0% @ .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% CO Engineered Software CO CO MacNeal-Schwendler .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% o Genrad .0 .0 .0 1 .0% .0% M Areon .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Foresight Resources .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% o o ALDEC .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% •3 o FEA .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% I Other Companies 10.0 9.7 .2 4,412 12.6% 23.2% CD Q. All Companies 79.3 41.8 34.2 12,796 100.0% 100.0%

    All N.A.-Based Companies 74.8 40.9 31.1 12,702 94.4% 97.9% All Asian-Based Companies .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% All European-Based Compani^ 4.4 .9 3.1 94 5.6% 2.1% All Hardware Companies 41.4 40.5 .0 12,396 52.2% 96.9% All Turnkey & SW Companies 37.9 1.3 34.2 400 47.8% 3.1% Source: Dataquest Quly 1993) t\3 CJ>

    CO CO CO

    • For More Information... Linda Anderson, Market Research Analyst (408) 437-8135 Via fax (408)437-0292 The content of this report represents our interpretation and analysis of information generally available to the public j or released by responsible individuals in the subject companies, but is not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness. It does not contain material provided to us in confidence by our clients. Individual companies reported on and analyzed by Dataquest may be clients of this and/or other Dataquest services. This information is not furnished in connection with a sale or offer to sell securities or in connection with the solicitation of an offer to buy securities. This firm and its parent and/or their officers, stockholders, or members of their families may, from DStSOUCSt '^^ ^ time, have a long or short position in the securities mentioned and may sell or buy such securities. ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated—^Reproduction Prohibited 168 TheOunsnadstrcctconiontion Dataquest is a registered trademark of A.C. Nielsen Company 00149B3 DataQuest' a company of The Dun & Bradstreet Corporation

    Corporate Headquarters European Headquarters Dataquest Incorporated Dataquest Europe Limited 1290 Ridder Park Drive Roussel House, Broadwater Park San Jose, California 95131-2398 Denham, Uxbridge United States Middlesex UB9 5HP Phone: 01408437-8000 England Facsimile: 01408-437-0292 Phone: 44-895-835050 Facsimile: 44-895-835260A Dataquest Incorporated 550 Cochituate Road Dataquest GmbH Framingham, Massachusetts 01701-9324 Kronstadter Strasse 9 United States 8000 Munich 80 Phone: 01-508-370-5555 Germany Facsimile: 01-508-370-6262 Phone: 01149-89-930-9090 Facsimile: 01149-89-93a3277 Invitational Computer Conferences (ICC) 3990 Westerly Place, Suite 100 Dataquest Europe SA Newport Beach, California 92660 Tbur Gallieni 2 United States 36, Avenue du General de Gaulle Phone: (714) 476-9117 93175 Bagnolet Cedex Facsimile: (714) 476-9969 France Phone: 011-33-148-97-3100 Dataquest Japan Limited Facsimile: 011-33-148-97-3400 Shinkawa Sanko Building 1-3-17, Shinkawa, Chuo-ku Representative Agencies in Tokyo 104 Bangkok, Hong Kong, Kronbei:g, North Sydney, Phone: 81-3-55660411 Singapore, Taipei, and Tsl Aviv Facsimile: 81-3-5566-0425

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    ®1993 Dataquest Incorporated 0014983 m Software

    CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Market Share

    Market Statistics 1993

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    Program: CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Product Code: CCAI\/1-WW-MS-9301 Publication Date: March 15,1993 INFORMATION RESOURCE CENTER DAFAQUEST INCORPORATED 1290 Ridder Park Drive San Jose, CA 951312398 (408) 437-8600

    DataQuest' Software

    CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Market Share

    Market Statistics I 1993

    Program: CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Woridwide I Product Code: CCAM-WW-MS-9301 Publication Date: March 15,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Market Share

    I Table of Contents

    Page Introduction 1 Market Analysis 1 Dataquest Perspective 1 About This Document 3 Segmentation 4 Definitions 4 Market Share Methodology 6 The Audit Process 7 Pubhshing Schedule 8 Notes on Market Share 8



    CCAM-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    List of Figures ^^^—^^^-^^^^^^—^.^-^^.^ ^

    Figure Page 1 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Database 2

    CCAM-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Market Share

    List of Tables

    Table Page 1 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS 1992 Market Summary 3 2 Companies Renamed 9 3 Companies (or CAD Portions Thereof) Sold/Merged 9 4 Companies—Added or Deleted 9

    All Applications Worldwide 5 All Platforms 10 6 Technical Workstation 26 7 Host-Dependent 38 8 Server 42 9 Personal Computer 44 North America 10 All Platforms 55 11 Technical Workstation 66 12 Host-Dependent 74 13 Server 71 14 Personal Computer 79 Europe 15 All Platforms 86 16 Technical Workstation 99 17 Host-Dependent 108 18 Server 112 19 Personal Computer 114 Asia 20 All Platforms 122 21 Technical Workstation 131 22 Host-Dependent 139 23 Server 142 24 Personal Computer 144 Rest of World 25 All Platforms 150 26 Technical Workstation 156 27 Host-Dependent 160 28 Server 163 29 Personal Computer 164

    Note: All tables show estimated data.

    CCAM-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15,1993 I CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Market Share

    Introduction CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS systems have dramatically changed the methods by which designers and production managers originate and implement products. CAD and CAE systems allow designers to create, draft, analyze, test, and manipulate products on a screen in two and three dimensions. As CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS systems continue to decrease in cost, they become more available and cost justifiable to new users.

    In order to provide a comprehensive view of the CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS industry, Dataquest's CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS group maintains a large database of industry information. The type of information contained in the database is depicted in Figure 1.

    Market Analysis With potentially the lowest growth rates in the history of the industry, 1992 was a year of transition. Turmoil in world economic forces caused recessionary pressures in many of the oldest and strongest markets for CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS. At the same time, competitive pressures in the end-user environment forced a higher level of integration and system complexity with fewer people. Evolution in new hardware and software technologies further added to the transitional pressures. For many, 1992 I was the first year to seriously discuss and solve some of the sticky problems of integrating technologies and people. The process is painful, but the result should fuel healthy CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS market growth for the next five years.

    Based on our preliminary analysis, shown in Table 1, the year turned out somewhat better than expected, with a 4.2 percent growth rate in total revenue and 9.7 percent growth in software revenue. Regionally, European-based vendors enjoyed the strongest results, at 6.5 percent growth. Asian-based vendors grew 2.1 percent, with North American- based vendors in between the two, at 3.7 percent. In reality, the dollar was devalued against both the yen and the ECU, so the actual growth of both European- and Asian-based companies is lower than it appears.

    Dataquest Perspective The market dynamics in the total CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS market comprises many factors based on application-specific market needs, diverse geographical issues, and the amazing growth of computing and graphics resources. A more detailed analysis of each application area must be made to thoroughly understand the forces driving the entire market. Dataquest will discuss these forces and will provide an in-depth analysis of CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS regional issues, tech­ nology trends, and company analyses in future publications. I

    CCAM-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Woridwide

    Figure 1 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Database «

    • 326 Active Companies ' History from 1984 ' 94 Subapplications ' 27 Operating Systems ' 26 Industries


    Source: Dataquest (March 1993) G30O0191

    CCAIVI-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Market Share

    Table 1 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS 1992 Market Summary

    Software Software Total Total Revenue Revenue Growth Revenue Revenue Growth 1991 1992 Rate 1991 1992 Rate ($M) ($M) (%) ($M) ($M) (%) Application Mechanical 2,033.0 2,235.3 10.0 7,229.2 7,655.3 5.9 AEC 666.1 746.1 12.0 2,345.3 2,420.0 3.2 GIS/Mapping 555.8 627.5 12.9 1,899.4 1,974.8 4.0 Electronic CAE 691.2 744.1 in 1,802.7 1,875.4 4.0 IC Layout 195.8 223.4 14.1 584.7 621.0 6.2 PCB/Hybrid/MCM 328.3 329.1 0.2 1,091.1 1,030.8 -5.5 Total 4,470.2 4,905.5 9.7 14,952.5 15,577.3 4.2 Region North America 1,516.0 1,693.7 11.7 5,069.2 5,258.8 3.7 Europe 1,623.9 1,775.8 9.4 5,531.0 5,887.7 6.5 Asia 1,249.0 1,339.8 7.3 4,050.4 4,135.6 2.1 Rest of World 81.2 96.2 18.5 302.0 295.1 -2.3 Total 4,470.2 4,905.5 9.7 14,952.5 15,577.3 4.2 Platform Technical Workstation 2,712.1 3,056.2 12.7 8,078.7 8,780.1 8.7 Host Dependent 584.1 530.6 -9.2 2,852.2 2,557.0 -10.3 Server 182.7 191.7 4.9 997.9 1,056.2 5.8 Personal Computer 991.3 1,127.0 13.7 3,023.7 3,183.9 5.3 Total 4,470.2 4,905.5 9.7 14,952.5 15,577.3 4.2 Source: Dataquesf (March 1993)

    About This Document This document contains Dataquest's detailed market share information on the CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS industry. Following is a description of the information reported in the Market Share book for each segment: • Source—All companies in database; overview of industry • Mechanical Applications—All companies in database with mechanical revenue • AEC Applications—All companies in database with AEC revenue • CIS Applications—All companies in database with CIS revenue • Electronic Design Automation Applications—All companies in data­ base with EDA (electronic CAE, IC layout, PCB/hybrid/MCM) revenue

    CCAM-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    • Europe—All Europe-based companies and all other companies with more than $1 million in European revenue • Asia—All Asia-based companies and all other companies with more than $1 million in Asian revenue • Personal CAD and Distribution Channels—All companies in database with personal computer revenue More detailed data on these markets may be requested through our client inquiry service.

    Dataquest's policy is to continually update its market information, for current and past years, with any new data received in order to arrive at the most accurate market representation possible.

    Segmentation Dataquest defines CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS as systems used in the mechanical; architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC); GIS/ mapping; and electronic design automation (EDA) application areas. The CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS market is defined according to the following segmentation scheme: • CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS - Mechanical - AEC (Architecture, Engineering, and Construction) - GIS/Mapping (Geographic Information Systems) - EDA (Electronic Design Automation) • Electronic CAE • IC Layout • FCB/Hybrid/MCM In addition, more detailed information by subapplication, by operating systems, and by industry is available, much of it published in Dataquest Perspectives. Definitions This section lists the definitions that are specific to this document.

    Application definitions are as follows: • Mechanical—Mechanical CAD/CAM refers to computer-aided tools used to design, analyze, document, and manufacture discrete parts, components, and assemblies. • Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC)—This segment covers the use of computer-aided tools by architects, contractors, plant engineers, civil engineers, and other people associated with these dis­ ciplines to aid in designing and managing buildings, industrial plants, ships, and other types of nondiscrete entities.

    CCAM-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15.1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/6IS Woridwide Market Share

    • Geographic Information Systems (GIS)/Mapping—This is a computer- based technology, composed of hardware, software, and data used to capture, edit, display, and analyze spatial (tagged by location) information. • Electronic Design Automation (EDA)—This segment covers computer- based tools that are used to automate the process of designing an elec­ tronic product including printed circuit boards, ICs, and systems. EDA includes Electronic CAE, IC Layout, and PCB/Hybrid/MCM, as follows: o Electronic Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE)—These are computer-aided tools used in the engineering or design phase of electronic products (as opposed to the physical layout phase of the product). Examples of Electronic CAE applications are schematic capture and simulation. D IC Layout—This is a software application tool that is used to create and validate the physical implementation of an integrated circuit (IC). The IC layout category comprises polygon editors, symbolic editors, placement and routing (gate array, cell, and block), design verification tools (DRC/ERC/logic-to-layout), compilers, and module development tools. o Printed Circuit Board (PCB)/Hybrid/Multichip Module (MCM)— This segment covers products that are used to create the placement and routing of the traces and components laid out on a printed circuit board. Also, included in this category are thermal analysis tools. Regional definitions are as follows: • North America—Includes United States, Canada, and Mexico • Europe—Includes the United Kingdom, Scandinavia, Benelux, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Rest of Europe :• Asia—Includes Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Korea, China, and Hong Kong • Rest of World—All other countries including Australia, New Zealand, Oceania, Africa, Central America, South America, and the Middle East Platform definitions are as follows: • Technical Workstation—This is a single-user computer that is distin­ guished from a personal computer by its features and by the user's potential range of expansion on the platform. Features include a virtual, multitasking operating system (UNIX, VMS, DOMAIN); the computer is designed by manufacturer to run high-performance graphics applications in a multiuser/multitasking environment. • Host-Dependent—^This is a shared logic system in which the external workstations' functions are dependent on a host computer.

    CCAI\/I-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    • Server—A server is a computer that transparently provides its resources for use by other computer systems. It is a system on a net­ work that provides specific functionality to other computer systems: the clients. Functions include file storage, database access, compute capability, and others. Dataquest tracks the following major categories of servers used for CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS applications: a Compute Servers—These systems provide capabilities for solving numerical problems (for example, simulations, statistical calcula­ tions, and simultaneous partial differential equations). System features usually include high-speed computational capabilities (for example, vector and parallel processing) and large memories. a Print Servers—These systems provide access to printers, specialized printing applications software, and print spooling resources to a network. D File Servers—These systems provide mass storage capability to clients on a network. Services can range from temporary storage of working files to long-term backup and archive systems. 3 Database Servers—These systems manage databases as a shared resource to a network. These servers handle such functions as physical data storage, data security, and high-level queries and can access stored information at the record level. • Personal Computer—This is defined as a single-user computer that is distinguished from a technical workstation by its features and by the user's potential range of expansion on the platform. Features found in technical workstations (such as a virtual operating system, network­ ing, high-performance graphics, multiuser/multitasking capability) are optional rather than integrated by the manufacturer. Revenue/shipments/ASP definitions are as follows: • Total factory revenue is defined as the amount of money received by a manufacturer for its goods measured in U.S. dollars. Total factory revenue does not include revenue that a company may receive from products that are sold to another company for resale (OEM revenue). • Unit shipment is defined as the number of products delivered (that is, seats). • Software revenue is revenue derived from the sale of bundled (part of a turnkey system) and unbimdled software. • Service revenue is defined as revenue derived from the service and support of CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS systems not including revenue from consulting. Service revenue can be calculated in the tables by subtract­ ing hardware and software revenue from total revenue. Market Share Methodology Dataquest uses both primary and secondary sources to produce our mar­ ket share data. In the fourth quarter of each year, we survey all major participants in each industry. Each vendor is offered the opportunity to self-report the information required. Although there is a primary contact

    CCAI\/I-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Market Share

    for each company, large companies are surveyed across product lines and across geographic regions. Thus, there is a corresponding increase in the number of contacts at large companies. (Dataquest maintains a large contact database on all sources of information). Examples of the job titles of people contacted for information are the following: • President and CEO • Vice President and General Manager • Vice President of Marketing • Vice President, Strategic Product Planning • Director of Strategic Planning • Director of Marketing • Director of Market Development • Manager, CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Marketing Programs • Market Research Analyst The Audit Process Data supplied by vendors are evaluated against information drav^n from many sources, including the following: • Revenue published by major industry participants • Estimates made by knowledgeable and reliable industry spokespersons • Government data or trade association data • Published product literature and price lists • Interviews with knowledgeable manufacturers, distributors, and users • Relevant economic data • Information and data from online data banks • Articles in both the general and trade press • Annual reports, SEC documents, credit reports • Company publications and press releases • Reports from financial analysts • User studies • Reseller and supplier reports and reports from a vendor's competitors In addition, Dataquest sums vendor revenue across other industries covered by Dataquest to make sure that revenue is not credited twice and checks with multiple sources at one company to cross­ check data on that company.

    Dataquest analysts have many years of experience in how to apply the above tools to get the most accurate information possible on a

    CCAM-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    particular company (such as what to use when and what industry averages are). We believe that the estimates presented here are the most accurate and meaningful generally available today. It is the CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS group's policy to continually update our mar­ ket information for any year, based on any new data received, in order to arrive at the most accurate market representation possible. Dataquest's CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS market numbers are often higher than those reported by other sources. We survey worldwide, which involves more vendors, higher total market revenue, lower market share per vendor, and a more accurate market picture—particularly useful when comparing regions or applications.

    Publishing Schedule We publish market share and forecasting, twice each year for each, allowing for both timely distribution of data and thorough analysis and forecasting. Our annual delivery schedule is as follows: • Market share data are available January 31. All tables will be pub­ lished and distributed to clients by March 31. • Forecasting from the market share tables provides a five-year forecast period, available after March 31. The books will be shipped by May 31. • Final updated market share tables, based on additional data collection and analysis, will be completed by May 31. At this point, the market share database is frozen and will not be changed until the end of the year. For the next six months, supplementary market data will be based on these final market data. Books will be shipped by July 31. • We provide complete final forecast tables by July 31. These tables take into consideration changes in the market share during the previous six months. Books will be shipped by September 31.

    Notes on Market Share CAD AM has now been included in IBM's revenue for 1991 and 1992. In addition, based on our analysis of software revenue by operating system, we have changed the percent of Sun revenue allocated to CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS. The result is an increase in hardware revenue— $144 million for Sun in 1991, primarily in the AEC and GIS markets, and an overall increase in market share. Tables 2 through 4 show other changes made to the database since the last report.

    CCAM-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Market Share

    Table 2 Companies Renamed

    Old Name New Name ABB Trafonor ABB Industria Schlumberger Applicon Hahn & Kolb ASCAD/ASCAM Decad EME Robocom RoboCAD Solutions Vision 3D Areon Source: Dataquest (March 1993)

    Table 3 Companies (or CAD Portions Thereof) Sold/Merged

    Companies Sold to/Merged with Geographic Systems (WPS) GeoVision Systems Kewill Systems Han Dataport ISYKON Software Intergraph Logic Automation Logic Modeling Systems Micro Engineering Solutions Autodesk Norsk Technovision Sumisho Electronic Systems Sumisho Electronics t2 Solutions Alias Technovision Intergraph Valid Cadence Vantage Analysis Systems Viewlogic Source: Dataquest (March 1993)

    Table 4 Companies—Added or Deleted

    New Companies 1992 Revenue CAD Distribution 16.9 CAE-link 1.1 Exemplar Logic 0.3 Expertest 0.5 Mine Software 3.0 Neocad 3.0 Sunrise Test Systems 2.0 Quicklogic 1.0 Deleted Companies 1991 Revenue Everex 19.4 Ferranti 10.0 Nestler 11.0 XAO Industrie 3.7 Source: Dataquest (March 1993)

    CCAM-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15,1993 10 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

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    ApplicabiotlJ: All Applications k Platform: All r'latforms CcpO CO Region; Worldwide Units: Millions of U.S Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Zuken 106.9 41.7 65.1 694 .7% .5% Toshiba—NO OEM 106.2 53.1 42.5 3,114 .7% .7% ESRl 101.0 .0 91.9 0 .6% .0% @ Parametric Technologj'; 100.2 .0 84.2 0 .6% .0% CO Matra Datavision 97.3 34.1 43.8 744 .6% .4% CO o Mitsubishi Electric 95.0 74.0 12.0 1,722 .6% .9% K. cu J3 Racal-Redac 86.0 .8 66.5 2 .6% .0% CD STI-Straessie 85.5 13.4 44.1 620 .5% .2% en 3" o Landmark Graphics 81.9 41.0 18.8 424 .5% .5% o Hitachi Zosen Info Systems 77.6 66.2 3.6 800 .5% .8% •o3 Mutoh Industries—NO OEM 72.3 40.7 20.8 1,139 .5% .5% iC3 . CD Synopsys 67.7 .0 48.8 0 .4% .0% Viewlogic Systems 65.8 .0 52.6 0 .4% .0% lEZ 64.3 22.5 32.1 1,360 .4% .3% ISICAD 58.0 20.2 31.5 348 .47o .2% Nemetschek 58.0 21.5 32.5 600 .4% .3% Mac N ea 1-Schwe ndler 55.3 .0 53.1 0 .4% .0% Sharp System Products— -N0 OEM 49.7 25.8 23.9 470 .3% .3% Auto-Trol 47.6 17.6 18.1 595 .3% .2% s Wacom 42.5 8.6 29.5 788 .3% .1% ^o Wiechers Datentechnik 40.9 10.8 18.9 728 .3% .1% (SI

    CO CO OJ o o Table 5 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications CO Platform: All Platforms Region: Worldwide C3 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue COMPASS Design Automation 40.8 .7 30.6 32 .3% .07o Unisys 40.0 20.3 13.9 600 .3% .37o Mitsui Engineering 39.7 27.8 7.9 264 .37o .37o Cisigraph 39.3 11.0 21.6 250 .37o .17o @ CD Hakuto 38.2 22.9 15.3 850 .27o .37o (O C<} O Data General 38.1 30.5 1.9 1,998 .2% .47o K. 17.9 9.1 360 .2% (U ItalCad 38.0 .27o £3 d Uchida Yoko 37.9 22.9 13.5 900 .2% .37o ce 35.1 .0 33.7 0 .2% .07o o PDA Engineeringi o •a ICL 35.1 20.7 11.9 962 .2% .37o o Harris EDA 35.0 3.8 20.3 150 .2% .07o a Dell Computer 34.6 34.6 .0 9,012 .2% .47o Seiko Instruments^-^^QI OHM 34.2 15.3 18.2 . 258 .2% .27o CADIX 33.6 13.4 16.8 247 .2% .27o Alias Research 32.7 .0 29.7 0 .2% .07o Tokyo Elechxjn—ND 0iNt 32.3 10.7 14.5 220 .2% .17o Zycad 31.5 18.9 4.1 239 .2% .27o Swanson Analysis 31.4 .0 31.4 0 .2% .07o Han Dataport 31.0 9.3 17.1 625 .2% .17o ASCAD/ASCAM 30.6 18.4 9.2 450 .270 .27o t Investronica SA 29.3 23.4 2.9 1,170 .27o .37o to U3 CO o o Table 5 (Continued) > 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications Platform: All Platforms CO CO Region; Worldwide —^ Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Market Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Cimatron 29.0 13.1 13.1 921 .2% .2% GeoVisio n Systems 27.0 2.1 14.1 25 .27o .0% Cimlinc 26.6 .0 18.6 562 .27o .0% @ Gerber Systems 26.0 12.7 8.6 360 .2% .2% CD Toyo Information Systems*N© CD CO OEM 24.8 15.1 7.2 265 .2% .2% CJ Si Omron 24.2 14.5 9.7 530 .2% .2% (U JZl c: Century Research Center 22.5 11.9 8.3 119 .1% .1% CD 5" Delcam International 22.4 7.8 11.2 607 .1% .1% o o 9.7 9.9 779 .1% .1% •3 Accugraph 22.0 o Quicktum Systems 21.5 21.5 .0 179 .1% .3% CD 1O. EEsof 21.3 .1 18.8 16 .1% .0% MCS 20.2 .0 17.9 0 .1% .0% Solboume 20.0 19.5 .0 1,614 .1% .2% Fides Industrielle Automation 19.3 2.9 13.5 166 .1% .0% ADRA Systems 18.6 1.2 13.8 64 .1% .0% Genasys 11 18.6 1.9 15.8 125 .1% .0% PAFEC 18.5 .0 18.5 0 .1% .0% Logic Modeling Systems 18.2 .0 14.5 0 .1% .0%

    CU Radan Computational 17.6 6.2 8.8 364 .1% .1% S CADKEY 17.0 .0 17.0 0 .1% .0% zr CJ1 CAD Distribution 16.9 8.4 6.7 261 .1% .1% CD CD CO 14 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

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    CCAM-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Market Share 15

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    CCAM-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15,1993 16 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

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    CCAM-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15,1993 9661- '91 MOJBi/y paiEJodJooui jsanbBiEQ £661® WE6-SI/\I-/V\M-I/W00

    n a., > ci ffi CO > n C/5 Ul o XI ^F* TSD. ••••rn ^^ ^w^ en n on "* Si* 3 =§ a 21 fO o OP =1^- 5t "^ M- c CL "1 a. I S -a* o O 3 ui fti T3)* 3u Q] n aj 3 >T3 n m" lyi a> K' c cTOm 3 U - 2 o ^ T O o r^ 3 % w ^ a > a. a. ^ 3 -^ D, n U (I- n > §^ ^ *-—< 3 crt en ?r i^i^ii re ai < ::^T) r^ C/5 o r5. : 39 3~ 3- M re 73 n Ti O 'l < a> o_ O^CJ^a^U^CJlp^p^a^p^p^p^p^0^p^CJ^ ST b N N N N N 3 |5^ f-i •vibobo^<3o!--'kjNJWOJJ^bobovo NJ NJ OJ W Ul C/) ^^ > rt 1-1 o < D. ff *k I—' h-» W h-' 5 ? Si.>bbbbln^Kjbbc*)vj i^ 'a 'a 'a> e S{ c n n 2. 93 y5

    § ? w Ul Ol Ul 1^ ON CJl w lu OJH-'pNpshUavoiwvjojps 1^ M ^ 0\ Ul ^^ ^ ^ 4^ NJONboboJjvojbbsojb'vi n n

    X V) u •a-cl* I—' W Ul vt^ 00 <3\ _ '3^ '' Si ^ Ul O O vD ^ o o o o o o o NJ l^i ON VJ o. !7 n

    73 n fii•n < rt n »^ O^ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO s o r^ •vP ^p ^p -vP xP ^^ -vP -N^ -vP ^p -vP -vP ^P vP xP -sP ^p vp ^P -vP -vP c &i O^O^O^O^P^O^P^O^O^O^O^O^O^O^O^O^O^O^O^l^ n

    73 •n

    73 cr (T) u < r? n w ^^vP^-NpvpvPvP•sP•^^^^\OvPxP>^^vP•vPvPvp 3 r» re

    I l/l u U3* •"1 "5' C a 13 3_ u IPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP re CP a

    L\ 9JEMS J8>|JB|/\| apjMPMOM SID/3V0/l/\IV0/aV0 o Table 5 (Continued)

    1 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    1 Application: All Applications cp Platform: All Platforms otbo Region: Worldwide ^ Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue i-lx)gix 5.7 .0 5.7 0 .0% .0% . Kohns & Poppenhaeger 5.4 2.7 1.9 64 .0% .0% American Small Business Comp. 5.3 .0 5.3 0 .0% .0% 2.1 @ Integrated Computer Graphics 5.2 2.6 208 .0% .0% to SPATIAL Technology 5.2 .0 5.2 0 .0% .0% CO CO o mb Programme 5.1 2.5 1.8 122 .0% .0% cu Complansoa CAD 5.0 2.5 2.5 114 .0% .0% sr .c0 Algor Interactive Systems 4.9 .0 4.3 0 .07o .0% CO 5" 0(/> Kubota Computer 4.8 3.2 .8 300 .0% .0% 0 T3 BETRONEX 4.8 .5 4.3 89 .0% .0% Dynamic Graphics 4.8 .0 4.1 0 .0% .0% 1CL International Software ^ysfiEHEtlS 4.7 .0 4.7 0 .0% .0% CD Claris 4.6 .0 4.6 0 .0% .0% Wisdom Systems 4.5 .0 3.5 0 .0% .0% K1 oeckn e r- M oeller 4.4 .2 3.1 46 .0% .0% HP Cade 4.4 2.6 1.3 44 .0% .0% Rasna Corporation 4.3 .0 3.9 0 .0% .0% Whessoe Computing Systettlg 4.2 .0 4.2 0 .0% .0% CADSl 4.2 .6 3.1 29 .0% .0% 4.2 .9 2.7 62 .0% .0% 3 Pa Eh trace 0 Computer Services Consqtt^ts 4.2 .0 4.2 0 .0% .0%

    "_j. CD CO CO eeei. '9i MOJBIAI paiEiodJooui isgnbEjEQ ZQ&l® Wee-SI/M-MM-IAIVOO

    Ul Tl En 3* 5; •TS 03 '-d <=: S' ^ > ^ ST m 5^ 01 o > S O K' 5 o Sf rt) n 01 n n 5- n > f? S" fS ^ ^ J-H ^' o cr n o 3.JS ^-3 K) n S 5:: 3 iun . o. N^- T3 ID yi 3 3 n n UJ r* ? 01 X 3" m 3 rfa) (D 1-1 w ^ 1-1 5? DJ 0 rt 3 t/) 01 •-< c3 e 01 S 3 Ul n ^ f^ 3 s. 1 5- Q 5' 'tft;; n fl) 3 n n C 5- m m I-HL 5* t^3 w 3 o s era wi 2^ 3- W3 5' !? = = rr 5^ s: ? > ft w 2. ^^ c« 3- C"" ™ 3 ») lu f/i 3 n5* Ti^ < w a S |5^ o oooH-'I--'K-'MKjk3it^uilnbs---' §1 £ > K n ?3 u < Q. a- n 01 >^ 3 C OOvjOOJ>;».OCJ100 w bo bo O O O O o H^ o o n ft c 3

    Vi O < i-h 3 M WM KJl-'f-'WNJWNJt-' •-1 •-> W W W W w >^ w C CTs t^ Ov -vl v] ^ ^ 00 1—k 00 n

    V) a 01 •5' -a 2. &< W 01 on (Jl n •^ "1 O O O O O vD O O Di s V] o o o o o ^o o o a. en n

    ?3 Tl ro 01 n•< o 3 o o ooooooooooooooooooo S o" -^-^-vO^vP-sPv^^^-sPO^^-vpN^OO^^ —

    ja X n i-tai < n a. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP-'OO 3 01 o o B n rt>

    W cn < o»* . 3 ^^OOi—'OOh-'^^t-ii—'OOOH^I—'I—'I—» O I—» I—' 0) •I ne ft X lyi Bl o 3* n o *5' G o. 3 oooooooooooooooooooo re a_ u v^O^O^OvP-vpNp^sP^^'vP^^^^-.P^vP^vP a. r^ 1-1 o^o^o^o^o^o^o^O^o^P^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^ ft

    61 gjBqs 18>|JB|AI 8PIMPM0M SI9/3V0/l/\IV0/aV0 e66L 'SL 40JB|/\i paiEJodioou! isanbBjBQ S66l-@ lOee-SIAI-AAM-IAIVOO

    tTl Ul C g3 2 > > *n > ^ T ^ > r > > n fD 61 "O ^ ST n n f^ nfO nas o en n ^-1 a n n t) O c n KJ ^ r- o a 1 > 3 3 u Wl :;;'T3 1 VI 3 5' o" b Q. fD ST fT! n o o' a > 0 o5' fD u n (I- 3 n fT cr5' ?r aj -• 3 a 61 c o Pi 3. n' » H SJ s rf* 3* O ^ ffi 1 3 01 f? J-l i-t T) o 3 c' Q] r-^ 1^ i- EuT O 5' 3- 3 §i !-*• :u 01 •-<; 1' 0* J3 f E! Ul < 3 §• Ul 3 Tt Bl tn t) o 0, o ni O 1 *^ g? C 5- s^ Di n ! s' n (N. c CM 0 ro' fD ?! If n 3* ?^ C/l 3- §" VI n TO TO > c ^fO 3- ff •-< Ul Oi U) O o m m o- y fD CD ^• ^ ^ •%• 3 o3 f So ai i^s:^^ ?1-1r fD *f» 3C/*3 u c O C/3 3 Sa v> » 11 < B> o 3f» 2S." Ha o, jsJMION>tOtONJts3(vJ{0[0|-JN)NJS3|ON}NJMhOW ST •n S^ £ 7) > X n 73 fi) fD 3 a- < a Si. OSh-iOOOOOOOOOOOOOvOWOOOO 2 ? C PI c n n 3

    99 (^ « Z. < » f3« * H-'fOMMNJtvJMfOj-^MMMMMNJf-'t-'NJMtOW c Si W^J4iW^--'^JhJalvOa^4^a^CT^CT^b^W^^CJ^Wb^O n n

    V) ST 5: 3. 13 C S (^ NJ I-" N) •c a 5 i-iOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o o o o & en ft

    73 fD U•n f^ § g § fD i § i O u

    X yj 6> fD i-t CL re< o o o ooooooooooooo o o o o o t 3 il -^ vp ^ -,0 O O ^ -^ ^ ^ ^ vP ^ na n

    ?3 t/i o fp ^ ^ fD fD

    X o ir >^ o •5' C u. O O •TS 3_ 3' o o o o o o o fD V3 t c v^ vp V? --^ vp ^ ^ piiiSigSiis ti

    8PIMPIJ0M SI9/3V0/IAlV0/aV0 02 o Table 5 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share 1 Application: All Applications ^ Platform: All Platforms w 50 Region: ^CO^ Worldwide K Units: Millions of U.S Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Terra Sciences 2.3 .0 2.3 0 .0% .07o Caroline Informatique 2.3 .4 1.2 18 .0% .07o Anilam Electronics 2.3 .6 1.5 18 .0% .07o @ Elstree Computing 2.2 1.0 1.2 62 .0% .07o CO Ricoh—NO OEM 2.2 .0 1.9 0 .07o .07o (O CJO 0 CAD-UL 2.1 .0 2.1 0 .0% .07o &3 Carrier Corporation 2.1 .0 2.1 0 .07o .07o 1s=r CD Xcn3 CAMTEK 2.1 .5 1.4 0 .0% .07o 5" 0 Evolution Computing 2.1 .0 2.1 0 .07o .07o 0 130 .07o .07o •3 Lamp Software 2.1 .5 1.5 0 0 .07o .07o f? Object Design 2.1 .0 2.1 a. Kork Systems 2.0 .2 1.4 21 .0% .07o CAD-Capture 2.0 .4 .6 10 .0% .07o Sunrise Test Systems 2.0 .0 2.0 0 .0% .07o Georgia Tech Research Corp. 1.9 .0 1.9 0 .0% .07o MEDESIGN 1.9 .5 .7 21 .07o .07o Objectivity 1.9 .0 1.9 0 .07o .07o Macao Systems 1.9 1.0 .6 19 .07o .07o CAD/CAM Group 1.9 .0 1.9 0 .07o .07o

    Dl 1.8 .2 .4 15 .07o .07o 3 Geometria GIS Systems House 0 3- SIMUCAD 1.8 .0 1.7 0 .07o .07o _cn

    CD CO CO o Table 5 (Continued)

    1 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    1 Application: All Applications (73 Platform: All Platforms cb CAJ Region: Worldwide ^D Units; Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Massteck 1.8 .0 1.8 0 .07o .0% DAPCO 1.8 .0 1.2 0 .0% .0% PEGS 1.7 .0 1.5 0 .07o .0% 1.7 @ Engineered Software 1.7 .0 0 .0% .0% CO Research Engineers—Civ ilsoft 1.7 .0 1.7 0 .0% .0% CO CO a LandCadd 1.6 .0 1.5 0 .0% .0% K. AliKTEC 1.6 .2 1.3 43 .0% .0% lU 1= CD .5 18 .0% .(/>a Ultimap 1.6 .6 .0% o5 " Sinus Software 1.5 .8 .8 36 .0% :.07« o GRAPHSOFT 1.4 .0 1.4 0 .0% .07o •a o Electrical Eng. Sofhvax^ 1.4 .0 1.2 0 .0% .0% 1Q. Tanner Research 1.4 .0 1.3 0 .0% .0% Geotrace Technologies 1.4 .1 1.2 21 .0% .07o GEOVISION Inc. 1.3 .7 .3 67 .0% .07o National Semiconductor 1.2 .2 1.0 12 .0% .07o Integer 1.2 .0 1.0 0 .0% .07o Aucos elektronische Gera^: 1.2 .4 .9 121 .0% .07a Sec a graphics 1.2 .5 .3 8 .0% .07„ Simulation Science 1.2 .0 1.2 0 .0% .0% S U Valisys 1.2 .0 .0 0 .07o .0% ZT Mucke Software 1.1 .6 .4 27 .0% .0% CJ1

    CO CO CO CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Market Share 23

    i; «j -o ^^^^^^OvP^^^O^O^vP^^vP^ "S ^ T; fli gg o o pqqqpqqpqqqqqqqqq g 5 c &. •c -O -' .m oo X g s^ 5 c o o o o s ooooooooo o o o o o o i; > en K

    V 4J 1^ ooooooooooooooooooo o o "O > I- W n ^

    ooooooooooooooooooooo H ^j 5J n > u. V Ci

    OOOOOOOOvOOOOOO vO O O CO I; ~ ^ o o o ^3 5- 'Q '2 i: •* n en I u u i-c^^OOOOONtxOOONOt^CNCjNVOf^OOOOOO 2 c I ? w o *'

    a v oooooooo>-ioooooirioOfNiooo c 2 c D > (U Tf > "(3 h U 2 X <

    (/5 I-II-II-IC>OOOOOOOOOO0N0N0N0N000000 Ui « ^S JS "o ,o £ c 0 n > V £ Id CO D to c 4t .c ;^ o Td tf3 a.-3 TJ U Q. ^ OJ o ta U V5 s en u tn a u 01 cSy c D Q bO c3 >s J< H'" (5 s hi "" < r Ui ,2 B E iLJ U en < «a (0 Ul ra 01 .S Q; 01 OJ 5 U .5 'Efl U Ui 01 a Xl "5 c m (0 >• 01 c^ (0 bc ,S u &. tj (J II ^•j ^. -SiS W5 u .5 b i« ^ .a V CL. S C 3 fi N O.^ EC.-i^ , O rt t^ a, ra gJ c in u OJ U < uO a3 . OS .5 ^ I r-i iH o M) u < &, c< D O u c z < D D u u

    CCAIVI-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15,1993 o Table 5 (Continued) p 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    1 Application: All Applications S. crt Platform; All Platforms Region: Worldwide sc^ Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue CAD Language Systems .8 .0 .6 0 .0% .0% Vamp .7 .0 .7 0 .0% .0% Uniras .7 .0 .7 0 .0% .0% Inca .7 .7 .0 3 .0% .0% @ _!. CO ECOM Associates .7 .0 .7 4 .0% .0% COD O IGC Technology .7 .0 .7 0 .0% .0% Dl .7 .0 .7 0 .0% J3 Mc2 Engineering Soft^tfare .0% c: .7 CD Ilhaca Software .7 .0 0 .0% .0% CO o5 " ESDU International .7 .0 .7 0 .0% .0% o Mast a Corporation .6 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% •a o Hydro tec .6 .3 .2 7 .0% .0% 1CL CD Machinery Sales .6 .0 .6 0 .0% .0% Phase Three Logic .6 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% Capilano Computing .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% Ashlar .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% Ex per test .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% NCR Microelectronics .5 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% S.TL.D. s.r.l. .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% Applications in CADD .4 .1 .3 11 .0% .0% .4 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% JPJ5 LEICA Heerberg :3- The CAD Group .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% C71

    CD CD CO o o Table 5 (Continued) > 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications Crt Platform: All Platforms CO CO 1—^ Region: Worldwide Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue BV Engineering .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% Geosoft .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% Synthesis .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% @ Exemplar Logic .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% CO The Great Softwestem C^. .2 .0 0 .0% .0% U} .2 o Instrumatic Espanola .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% .a Bobcat Systems .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% c: Shared Resources .2 .0 .0% .0% CD .2 0 c5n" o Simutest .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% o •3 TOOL Software .2 .1 .1 4 .0% .0% 1Q Dolphin Integration .1 .0 .1 0 .07o .0% Q. CD All Companies 15,577.3 8,093.8 4,905.5 656,496 .07o .0%

    All N.A.-Based Companies (3,647.2) (1,772.6) (1,425.2) (80,125) .0% .0% All Asian-Based Companies 2,128.6 1,255.9 666.4 53,975 .0% .0% All Europe an-Based Companies 1,518.6 516.7 758.8 26,150 .0% .0% All Hardware Companies 4,591.1 3,987.2 7.6 517,486 .0% .0% All Turnkey & SW Companies; 10,986.2 4,106.7 4,898.0 139,010 .0% .0% Source: Dataquest (March 1993)

    D> c5 :r cn C£> CO 03 26 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    v Tl 0^ V 0^ o--- (S O 00 tN VO en CM o ON 00 •>* t^ O ^ O •* CO CO "E tN a 00 fO •* ro cs CN CO CNI c T5 D a rj o IM jc o « fr K

    u 01 -5 -5 -5 3 S5 ^ S5 s? ss 0^ S5 ss 0^ 0^ 0^ S5 0? 5^ £? ff^ re in 7—i vO o tN o 00 o o 00 \D I—1 O tN \0 I—1 00 •* e tN (N \o o ITl (N CO Cs| rH CM CO CN (N T—1 l-H N-* V N4H > CD ei

    ff^ 0^ s? 0^ tf^ ff^ 5? 5^ 0^ c? LO CO CO vo i CN tN o c^ ON (N inoooooococN o •* tN lO CN •^ \o CO CO CN CN rj •a > IH Of re ^

    v^ -5 "5 b § 0^ S5 5? e^ 0^ s? 0^ T—1 00 IT) CO o ON O 00 f-i 0^ ON^TfCOCMi-Hr-IOON S o O F£ 5^ ^ 4=< 1—t 00 00 « Tt •t CO CO CO CN CN CM re > u. V C£

    S j2 "O <— CN CO '*' OCNOOOOOOONTjiQOCO o tN o >* o •^ o ON CM Tf< vO CO ONOOrfi—lOOi—i'^ CN rH 1—1 ON tN LO r^{^ <-< LO CM ^ NO 5 c a. •^v "R °°v ''l 'H ^« "\ '^ tN NO NO T-H in so" NO NO" 1-H' ON" VC" 'J'" Tf" CO" tC ITi CN Tl "^ •- i: ''^ •2 c/3 X

    01 01 CM 00 »—1 O tN CO 00 o •t ON CO o 1-H NO NO o <—1 CN 00 j—t ON ON CM tN tN in t—( NO 00 •* r-t CN tN in CO CN CN NO tN in 00 ON 00 NO in NO 00 •* T—( tN o CO T—f tN •* yj OS

    01 U •* tN tv in CO NO o Ln t>. 1—1 00 •* 00 i-H TjH o t^ O i-H rjf O NO CO 1—( ON c> CN in •>* 00 iri o o o ' ^ ' Tf CO t>! S C tN o 00 CM f^ ON 00 CO ON CO 1-1 Tf Tt* CO 1—1 i-H 1—I NO ^ ^ c » OJ in CN T-H CM T—1 D T3 > NO "3 b *• E JS es u X < •^ in NO oooooooooincMNOin cooqooNtNcoinoo 5 ^3 in Tj< Tf< 00_ tv, ! Oi-HCNONOomco_ ^'oyisHiiSQt'tDy ._ ^ tN S, ^ CM ON i-n ^NOin'tootNNCcNcN'-io O 0\ 00 tN iP 5 c ON tN tN tN CO CO COCMCNitN»-li- Q in b u t/i u u fi£ n o « .y _ •a Ita V Jai G.-a IN < 5 0) n 6 ^^11 (U •4-* >in^ C/5 (n k>N 00 u "o e 05 >^ r- f" > « y ki "re o E c -a re "5- OJ re C/) 3 U 6 :t re ^^ 'Sb- S ^ ? o 3 « Q 5^.1^:^ D 3 b> :S r< o U U3 U3 cn tl. < re p H ff^S < E: ;2 D U c?3 N b U cn 2

    CCAM-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Market Share 27

    a; •D -u 6^ 0^ (9 V IT) •>*•>* o tN •># O CM CD CN in -"t 3 'S tN C aQ. C D o hi J: o « o 01 73 Oi

    U 01 0^ 0^ ff^ o^ d^ s O C3N LD Lr> O VO VO O »* O vXl tN in un n c o o ID 01 •o Lri >01 X oi

    1 i^% oooocx3ooootN.r^>o^\omiriir>'*Tt U- u C£

    01 t/J ^ in i-H ON oooO'tcDinoorsoO'* in CN ON tN m -"^ ^ t^ 00 (Ti vo\o lnlnc^•*covo _p CN VO CNl •^ CD 00 fN|• rf -i n CO CO -l^^l 00 tN rN r^i cs ON tN CN /2 tn X

    01 U tN VOOO'-HCDOOCDNO'-ICSO CN •^ ON ON OC) tN 3 tN ON in CD 00 CN CD \0 CD 00 O O ON O tN ON 1—H r-i v^ ON re C CN <-l CN CD u in CN •^ CD ^^ "* CD t—l T—I tM CN) > I W3 K

    OJ 0< 00 o CN CD o in VO o sD in NO CN tN ON o CD ON tN in rf tN 1—1 ^H CN 00 in tN O tN in ON o o CD 5 c CD NO CN CD (N CN ^H CN I—1 CN CN CN| T—1 c $ 01 D T3 > "TO h< 01 _3 u < p ON NO CN tN CD CD in <-; ^H vc tN o o in ^ ^ ^ NO tN >^ ™ ^S •^ CD CN CN tN CD ^ ON ON tN NO o ooCNvoinin-^cDiN c IN tN IN tN \0 ^^ ^H ^^ ^^ o (0 ,o £ c S NO in CDCDCDCDCDcDcDCD "o H u 01 Q S tn re > b 01 5 -^ in « O t, D X C/3 •*-• 2 u w O S-- —J U O ~ •5 C/5 I TJ u «>: 0) f a >-, E S < « 5P tn 01 1 l/I ^-c1 u >>, m 3 tfi 1 C C/3 N XJ 2 u D s- £ (/I bO "^^ D .2 c t3 ro cn —o^ 3^ H ra ex (C OJ ^c < "rS 6 « xi t5 X 01 CL. rv^ ja E Ifi ^ Ml U u c 3 a, l-l tn •^3 ra (0 6C r- 3 r^ E "5 ."S "-• o S "H 3 •(ft i-i tj » o.c^; .5 i2 (S c [^ X O -^ .^ B < 0^ o PS 13 u t2 D-^ of'S U f2 S £ (/) ip U cn u X > ^ 0 y T-l < t. PS D

    CCAM-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15,1993 o Table 6 (Continued)

    1 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    1 Application: All Applications en Platform: Techinical Workstation (Sa Region: Worldwide CO c^ Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Tokyo Electron—NO OEM 32.3 10.7 14.5 220 .4% .3% Mutoh Industries—NO OEM 32.3 19.4 9.7 330 .4% .5% Harris EDA 31.4 3.4 17.6 132 .4% .1% Unisys 30.8 15.6 10.7 476 .4% .4% © (£> ASCAD/ASCAM 30.0 18.0 9.0 436 .3% .4% CO CO O Seiko Instruments—NQOEW 28.9 11.6 14.5 122 .3% .3% P3 0> Data General 28.2 22.6 1.4 1,620 .3% .6% .c0= CD 27.9 8.4 15.4 599 .3% .2% V> Han Dataport 5" 0 Nemetschek 26.7 9.9 14.9 200 .3% .2% 0 26.3 .0 25.3 0 .3% .0% -a PDA Engineering 0 Gerber Systems 26.0 12.7 8.6 360 .3% .3% 10. CD Omron 24.2 14.5 9.7 530 .3% .4% Autodesk 22.9 .0 22.9 0 .3% .0% Cimlinc 22.6 .0 15.8 562 .3% .0% Delcam International 22.4 7.8 11.2 607 .3% .2% Quicktum Systems 21.5 21.5 .0 179 .2% .5% Century Research Center 20.9 11.1 7.7 116 .2% .3% Toyo Information Systems-NO OEM 19.9 12.4 5.7 236 .2% .3% 19.6 9.6 8.0 747 .2% .2% [U Accugraph B 18.9 1.5 9.8 21 .2% .0% 3- Geo Vision Systems en Swanson Analysis 17.6 .0 17.6 0 .2% .0% CO CD CO o o> Table 6 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: A!l Applications O) Platform: Technical Workstation I CO Region: Worldwide CO o Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu Radan Computational 17.4 6.1 8.7 358 .2% .2% Cimatron 17.1 7.7 7.7 352 .2% .2% Genasys 11 16.7 1.7 14.2 87 .2% .0%

    @ PAFEC 16.6 .0 16.6 0 .2% .0% (O Logic Modeling Systems 16.6 .2% .0% (O .0 13.2 0 CO o Fides Industrielle Automation 16.4 2.5 11.5 155 .2% .1% ei Digital Kienzle 16.3 8.3 4.6 239 .2% .2% CU CAD Centre 16.2 .0 13.0 0 .2% .0% 15.4 1,630 .2% .l^ o Star Informatic 4.9 8.7 o •3 Graphtec Engineering 15.4 7.7 6.9 331 .2% .2% o R ADRA Systems 14.3 1.2 10.4 64 .2% .0% Comdisco Systems 14.0 .0 12.6 0 .2% .0% CAD I,ab 13.9 .0 11.1 0 .2% .0% INS Engineering 13.6 6.8 6.8 35 .2% .2% LSI Logic 13.6 1.4 10.2 35 .2% .0% ICAD 13.5 .0 10.8 0 .2% .0% Framasoft 13.4 .0 8.0 0 .2% .0% Kockums Computer^JfstenaS 12.9 3.2 7.1 635 .1% .1% EEsof 12.4 .1 10.8 16 .1% .0% Aries Technology 12.1 .0 10.9 0 .17o .0% ^ Sumitomo Denko Wc>rks*gi|)t(aR 11.8 11.8 .0 1,880 .1% .3%

    CO CO CO o Table 6 (Continued) o I 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    1 Application: All Applications CO Platform: Technical Workstation Region: Worldwide sC3 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu Analogy 11.5 .0 9.2 0 .1% .0% Moss Systems 11.3 .0 10.1 0 .1% .0% I .aser-Scan 11.1 3.8 4.5 64 .1% .1% Wiechers Datentechnik 2.8 4.9 .1% © 10.6 90 .17 ID Smallworld Systems 10.5 2.4 5.8 52 .1% .1% 9^CO Silvar-Lisco 10.4 .0 5.8 0 .1% .0% o .0 Sony 10.4 9.1 .0 603 .1% .2% CT> Marcus Computer Systeifte 10.2 5.3 3.5 296 .1% .1% en 5" 0 M acNeal-Sch wend le r 9.5 .0 9.1 0 .1% .0% 0 MCS 9.3 .0 8.3 0 .1% .0% -a Technische Computer Sysft^e 9.0 1.8 7.2 282 .1% .0% 1Q aCD. Test Systems Strategies 9.0 .0 7.7 0 .1% .0% MARC 8.4 .0 8.4 0 .1% .0% M eta-So ft ware 8.3 .0 5.8 0 .1% .0% C-ascade Design Automation 8.0 .0 6.0 0 .1% .0% Synercom 7.9 .0 4.2 0 .1% .0% Ontos 7.9 .0 7.9 0 .1% .0% Ascent l.ogic Corp 7.8 .0 6.2 0 .1% .0% Microway 7.7 4.7 2.3 73 .1% .1% 01 Sagantec 7.5 .0 6.7 0 .1% .0% 3- Spectrum Graphics 7.2 2.2 3.6 67 .1% .1% . CO CO CO o o Table 6 (Continued) > 1992 CAD/CAM/CAEyCIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications Platform: Technical Workstation CO 00 Region: Worldwide o Units: Millions of U,S, Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu Teradyne 7.2 1.2 4.7 22 .1% .0% ERDAS 6.9 1.9 4.6 750 .1% .0% Mechanical Dynamics 6.6 .0 5.9 0 .1% .0%

    @ Alper Systems 6.4 3.2 1.6 45 .1% .1% CO Quad Design Tecjinology 6.2 .1% .0% CO .0 5.7 0 CAJ o ANACAD 6.1 .0 6.1 0 .1% .0% ej. Genrad 6.0 1.2 4.0 61 .1% .0% tu JD Solboume 5.8 5.6 .0 1,003 .1% .1%

    3 i-Logix 5.7 0 .1% .0% O .0 5.7 o Kohns & Poppenhaeger 5.4 2.7 1.9 64 .1% .1% •a o SPATIAL Technology 5.2 .0 5.2 0 .1% .0% Complansoft CAD 5.0 2.5 2.5 114 .1% .1% Xillnx 4.8 .0 4.3 0 .1% .0% GeoQuest 4.8 .0 4.8 0 .1% .0% Ctemessy 4.6 3.7 .7 12 .1% .1% Engineering Mechanfes; 4.6 .2 3.9 221 .1% .0% Wisdom Systems 4.5 .0 3.5 0 .1% .0% debis Systemhaus 4.4 1.1 2.6 23 .0% .0% HP Cade 4.4 2.6 1.3 44 .0% .1% Kubota Computer 4.3 2.7 .8 235 .0% .1% Sysscan 4.2 1.4 1.5 49 .0% .0%

    CO CO CO 966 L 'SL yoJBlAI paiEJodiooui jsanbEjEQ eeSL® L0S6-SI/\I-AAM-I/\IV03

    t/5 C ^ 3 > I-' 1-4 T* > ^ r n o ^^5 5" t7! Si' •13 o n c c Jt) K' 5= n n 3 fO" fD 3 n_ tu 3 2,^ %:^ s> ~ T-r a 01 u. ns 21 o 3 05 oo 5 3 c/i "- w O a 3^ r^- 3 fi n *n o -S" 3_ n' fO 13 n fT E^ 1 u u S; §• en 5 n fii •• 3 » a 3 S) •^ n 3 n r" n' f? C) n [/) n 3 o' Q. ST O L ' a. Ul o n C > o ft sn : *1 3 Si V) < Q- en 3 n 3 a O n 13 n f^ n D O EP o s o tu •n tn K q 3 0) 3- n f^ u 3 rt* 13 t/i g? 3 n s o C o 5' 5' ^ f^ V3 l-l re *1 rf D n 3 3 3 t/i 3 3_ G 5' o n §• n" m fo i-t ijq Ul Ul tu "b |e s: ^ O O >— n u> Q- E: '^ > So 2. S- :^ ^ u •^ 0) < n, N-l O 3- ffi c ^ 3- 1-^ 73 Cft C/3 n 11 a s. ^ 3" < B) w « 2. H o. c fS 3 J ff ST S" N>N]N>N}N9hO(jJU>>0JU>U>U<>});^i;^ »^ 3 O^.a^O^O^^00l-»l-l Wi*ki(^uio\ONvqvjoo\a g>5 £ U) > n 93 u ? < a SL C 3 ^ 4^ 3 U)OOO^OOJO\4!kOCn^OOOOOOO o t-* b c a n n

    93 <^ « S,

    MMSJNJ>--'fO»-J»--'h--'WM>--'WNJ0JS30JWW_ W < » ^Jiub^b^wb^b^ww^-->l^^J^--'•

    13' C <* N) W 00 Ul 1-1 l-l il& Ul ^ 2. w o o o o 0--sI'Ov]OUiyiOOOOOOO \0 O S ^ a a> VI n 73 Tl n ti n< n ^^ o^ ooooooooooooooooooooo e3 0 u o^tf^d^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^^o^o^o^^o^o^o^o^o^o^ n

    73 a u n< C^L n 5 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOt-'O 3 C U n rt

    73 C/3 O < •*! n ? H^h-iK^h-^Ol—^1—^OOH-II—lOl—^l-^l—^H-lh^l—*l—lOl—1 3 v^ Vp ^0 ^ O -^ v^ -vP ^ ->P vP vP ^ ^ ^ ^ vP vP vP ^ ^ C &> fO rt X 73 o 3* •un o •5* G cu 2^ t) 3, u 5' m r* c PPPPPPPPPPP^PPPPPPPPP cn I-! CD a re a.

    8P!Mp|J0M SI9/3V0/IAIV0/aV0 ZZ o o Table 6 (Continued)

    1 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    1 Application: All Applications CO Piatform; Technical Workstation CO CO Region: (—1 Worldwide Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total ^ Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu EPIC Design ^^^jhnology 2.5 .0 2.5 0 .07o .0% Aucotec 2.5 .4 1.6 18 .0% .0% ACDS GrapWtt Sj^tem 2.5 .0 2.1 0 .0% .0% @ RIB/RZB 2.3 .2 1.9 11 .0% .0% to Softdesk 2.3 .0 2.3 0 .0% .0% U3 CO D Ricoh—NO

    X3 EME 2.1 .4 1.0 29 .0% .0% d CD U> Object Design 2.1 .0 2.1 0 .0% .0% I-*- o5 " Sunrise Test Systems 2.0 .0 2.0 0 .0% .0% o 2.0 .0 2.0 0 .0% .0% —1 Infinite Graphics T3 Hakuto 1.9 1.2 .8 34 .0% .0% oCD O. MEDESIGN 1.9 .5 .7 21 .0% .0% Objectivity 1.9 .0 1.9 0 .0% .0% CAD/CAM Group 1.9 .0 1.9 0 .0% .0% DAI'CO 1.8 .0 1.2 0 .0% .0% A u tome trie 1.7 1.1 .6 40 .0% .0% Caroline Informatique 1.6 .3 .8 8 .0% .0% Intera Tydac 1.6 .0 1.6 0 .0% .0% Ultimap 1.6 .6 .5 18 .0% .0%

    CO 1.6 .0 1.6 0 .0% .0% 3 Data I/O C3 zr Bechtel Software: 1.5 .0 1.4 0 .0% .0% CJl

    CO CO CO o Table 6 (Continued) 1 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share 1 Application: All Application s §: Platform: Technical Workstation CO Region: Worldwide s^3 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu Sinus Software 1.5 .8 .8 36 .0% .0% Compact Software 1.5 .0 1.5 0 .0% .07 Mine Software 1.5 .0 1.5 0 .0% .0% Assigraph 1.4 .0 1.1 0 .0% .0% @ CO CADKEY 1.4 .0 1.4 0 .0% .0% CO CJ o Terr-Mar Resouree IlufeK^m 1.4 .4 .8 17 .07o .0% .0 1.3 0 .0% X3 SIMUCAD 1.4 ,0% CD 1.3 .0 1.1 0 .0% .0% Crt PEGS o5 " FEA 1.2 .3 .3 0 .0% .0% o National Semiconductor 1.1 .2 .9 12 .0% .0% •a Valisys 1.1 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% 1a. Macao Systems 1.1 .6 .4 12 .0% .0% CD Infocel 1.1 .2 .8 16 .0% .0% ETAK 1.1 .0 1.0 1 .0% .0% Cooper & Chyan Techno logy 1.0 .0 1.0 0 .0% .07 Royal Digital Centers 1.0 .0 .9 0 .0% .07 Electrical Eng. Software 1.0 .0 .9 0 .0% .07 Simulation Science 1.0 .0 1.0 0 .0% .07 CEOVISION Inc. .9 .6 .2 29 .0% .07

    03 Georgia Tech Research Corp, .9 .0 .9 0 .0% .07 3C3 :3- Microsim .9 .0 .8 0 .0% .0% oi

    CO CO CO o o Table 6 {Continued)

    1 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    1 Application: Alt Applications

    (fi• Platform; Technical Workstation CO CO Region: Worldwide —' Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Achial Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue PADS Software .9 .0 .7 0 .0% .0% Computational Mechanics .9 .0 .9 0 .0% .0% Geomath .8 .0 .8 0 .0% .0% @ Point Control .8 .0 .8 0 .0% .0% U3 CAD Language Systems U3 .8 .0 .6 0 .0% .0% OJ O Neocad .8 .0 .8 0 .0% .0% Si cu Hydrotec .6 .3 .2 7 .0% .0% .d0 CD (O Lamp Software .6 .2 .4 52 .0% .0% 5•-•"• 0 [5DATA .6 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% 0 .0% .0% -a Geometria CIS Systems Touse .6 .0 .0 0 Expertest .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% 1Q Cex.D NCR Microelectronics .5 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% Whessoe Computing Systems .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% LEICA Heerberg .4 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% Terra Sciences .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% CADMATIC .3 .0 .2 2 .0% .0% ASG .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% Ithaca Software .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% CAMTEK .2 .1 .2 0 .0% .0%

    (U Exemplar Logic .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% 3- Inca .2 .2 .0 1 .0% .0% en CO CO CO o o Table 6 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    11 Application: All Applications en Platform: Technical Workstation CD CO RL'gion: Worldwide ^D Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Shared Resources .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Masta Corporation .2 .0 .2 0 ,0% .0% Research Engineers—ijivilsoft .2 .0 .2 0 .07o .0% ARKTEC .2 .1 .1 11 .0% .0% @ CO Phase Three Logic .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .07o CD CO a Massteck .2 .0 .2 0 ,0% .07„ K- Tanner Research .0 .1 0 .07o .0% CU .cza CD A Igor Interactive Systems .0 .1 0 .0% ,0% o5" Facility Mapping Systems .0 .1 0 .0% .0% o Cadisys .0 .1 0 ,0% .0% -^ -o o Carrier Corporation .0 .1 0 .0% .07 ia. CD LandCadd .0 ,1 0 .0% .0% TOt:>L Software .0 .0 .0 1 .0% .07 CADWorks .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% RSDU Intemarional .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Dolphin Integration .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% ALS Design .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Synthesis .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Sim u test .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% s: ECOM Associates .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% o ZT

    CD CO OO o o Table 6 (Continued) > 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: AJ] Applications C/3 Platform: Technical Workstation Region: Worldwide C3 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Other Companies .0 .0 .9 5 .0% .0% All Companies 8,780.1 4,047.3 3,056.2 191,178 100.0% 100.0%

    @ All N.A.-Based Companies 6,418.6 2,950.6 2,093.5 153,708 73.1% 72.9% CO All Asian-Based Companies 1,251.8 722.7 14.3% 17.9% CO 419.3 21,990 03 O All European-Based Companiies 1,109.7 374.0 543.3 15,480 12.6% 9.2% cu All Hardvvare Companies 1,696.4 1,435.3 4.1 104,273 19.3% 35.5% r3 All Turnkey & SW Companies 7,083.8 2,612.0 3,052.1 86,904 80.7% 64.5%

    O Source: Dataquest (March 1993) O •a o

    03 c3

    CO CO oo 38 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    41 tn TJ d~- e^ c5~- s? •§ Sea ON O q p in O O O O i-H g i •^ rf O O O O IN ON in r-H i D ti. fO ~ T. ° I is ^ o JS w O

    01 V s? d^ d^ 6^ d-~ ON i-Ht-vi—irO'—INONOt^^VO t» in rH is 3 i ?: CN rH i-H v£ IN CNI tN CNJ CN ' 1-H r-i > (U CN ONJ NC r-H Tr C/D CS

    01 V 0^ 0^ 0^ 0^ tf- 0^ 0^ ^ ON ON rH ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S c tN •^ O 00 in O •<*< O O O CO CO m ON NO NO tN CO » u CO t-H TJ > fcM C;

    T; >^ 8^ v5 •2 fe 3 in Lo NC O O tN CO ON C^ NOininin'^Tf'^cococococo h t; 0) IN tN NO NO Tf CN r-^ re > CO T-H Urn «i tf.

    01 U> "B 00 o o 00 CN o o o rH o o •^ o o •<* o o 00 CN in R: NO CO 1~t 3- '-' S S c b. i rH CM |3.£- CM PN) rH CO ^ •== JS tr X V U 00 tN t^ ON •* CN in tN CO CO NO rH rOCOCNrHONTtCNjONO

    T-^ CM tN rH CO rH •9 I- CO CO in •^ 00 CSrHCOCOOOod'^tNNO in CN ^^ CO 5 W rNi

    (/) Ct

    01 U rt in in NO ^-< tN o y-^ CO o rH NO O O 00 tN CA CO CO 00 NO o o o tN in o o ON • Tt Tt in o o in c "O > ^^ D CO rH "re u < ONrHpNOONrHOqpTjfrJ^pTjICOrOCNrHONOqrHONON in 5 ^S tNodoOCNCNOCOCOtNTtCOrNicN^ONCjNOOOOOOlNVD fH inT*<\OinOtNCOtSrHrHrHrHrHrH JC H u w ON ^ rH rH rH "o re > u; -t; b U V C£ u § 5 y^ <9 A I'g ^ «3 I l-S c *d 01 giol C a, IM < J: 2.2 « "> if 3 C/3 ^M ^xls o

    S3 Vi < bO U £ g ui *u t/1 < OJ >-• m oi Ul u >-. c: c e .s o re a; 60 I- c U. 01 u Ef u in •«_ c > i^ •ES .g9 i2 3 <^ 5c' E jG 5 K ^e tn &, tn UJ o « U D 0) m O^ :^ S < U) 2

    GCAiVl-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest incorporated March 15,1993 o o Table 7 (Continued)

    1 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    1 Application: All Applications CO Platform: Host -Dependent CO 03 Region: Worldwide ^^ Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Hitachi Zosen Info Systems 5.4 4.9 .0 61 .2% .3% Toshiba—NO OEM 5.2 2.6 2.1 74 .2% .2% Toyo Information Sysfems-NO OEM 5.0 2.7 1.6 29 .2% .2% @ Synercom 4.7 .0 2.5 0 .2% .0% CO ESRI 4.0 .0 3.7 0 .2% .0% CO CO o MARC 3.6 .0 3.6 0 .1% .0% K- Han Data port 3.1 .9 1.7 26 .1% .1% (U .c0= CD Fides Industrielle i^itt1U5tfialft0n 2.9 .4 2.0 10 .1% .0% CO 5" 0 Bechtel Software 2.0 .0 1.8 0 .1% .0% 0 •a Computervision 1.9 .7 .5 40 .1% .0% 0 Autometric 1.8 1.2 .6 35 .1% .1% CD O. Century Research Center 1.6 .9 .6 2 .1% .1% 131 Logic 1.5 .1 1.2 3 .1% .0% Computational Mechanics 1.5 .0 1.5 0 .1% .0% Assigraph 1.4 .0 1.1 0 .1% .0% Framasoft 1.4 .0 .9 0 .1% .0% Seca graphics 1.2 .5 .3 8 .0% .0% Mechanical D^jviaiilitis 1.2 .0 1.0 0 .0% .0% Clemessy 1.2 .9 .2 7 .0% .1% Harris EDA 1.1 .2 .8 7 .0% .0% 0 rr Geotrace Tedrmgilij^eg 1.0 .1 .9 21 .0% .0% CJl

    CO CO CO o Table 7 (Continued)

    1 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    1 Application: All Applications en Platform: Host-Dependent Region: Worldwide sCD Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Dynamic Graphics 1.0 .0 .9 0 .0% .0% Test Systems Strategies 1.0 .0 .9 0 .0% .0% ETAK 1.0 .0 .9 3 .0% .0% .0% @ Compact Software .9 .0 .9 0 .0% CO Meta-Software .9 .0 .6 0 .0% .0% CO CO o EEsof .9 .0 .8 0 .0% .0% .9 .0 .9 0 .0% .0% J3 Georgia Tech Research Corp. c= CD Whessoe Computing Systems .8 .0 .8 0 .0% .0% cn o5" COMPASS Design Automation .8 .0 .6 0 .0% .0% o .8 .4 .3 6 .0% .0% •3 Macao Systems deb is Systemhaus .7 .2 .4 3 .0% .0% CI. 1 Genrad .7 .1 .5 2 .0% .0% CD Teradyne .6 .1 .4 0 .0% .0% Analogy .6 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% Aucotec .5 .1 .3 2 .07o .0% Kubota CompUSii .5 .5 .0 65 .0% .0% Olivetti .5 .4 .0 13 .0% .0% Laser-Scan .5 .1 .2 4 .0% .0% Radian Corporation .4 .0 .2 0 .0% .0%

    (U .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% Z3 Electrical Eng. Software CJ ZT PEGS .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% cn

    CO CO CO o Table 7 (Continued)

    1^ 1992 CAD/CA^4yCAE/GIS Market Share

    1 Application: All Applications en Platform: Host-Dependent C1O CAJ Region: Worldwide ^D Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Logic Modeling Systems .4 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% Hochtief .4 .1 .2 2 .0% .0% FEA .3 .1 .1 0 .0% .0% Data I/O .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% @ CO Rngineering Systems Corp. .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% CO Accugraph .2 .1 .1 21 .0% .0% a cu ISDATA .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% X3 C= .0% .0% CD Masta Corporation .2 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% 5" Microsim .1 .0 .1 0 O o SIMUCAD .1 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% •a Lamp Software .1 .0 .0 3 .0% .0% o oc?. Valisys .1 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Kork Systems .1 .1 .0 1 .0% .0% BSDU International .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Other Companies 391.3 371.8 .0 13,376 15.3% 24.0% All Companies 2,557.0 1,550.7 530.6 31,767 100.0% 100.0%

    All N.A.-Based Companies 2,069.5 1,248.3 412.2 26,622 80.9% 80.5% All Asian-Based Companies 438.6 281.3 96.0 4,676 17.2% 18.1% 48.9 21.1 22.4 469 1.9% 1.4% ^ All European-Based Companies tu All Hardware Companies 859.6 689.2 2.9 13,461 33.6% 44.4% a 3" All Turnkey & SW Companies 1,697.4 861.5 527.7 18,306 66.4% 55.67o cn

    CD Source: Dataquest (March 1993) CO CO 42 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    4) ui -rt •D d^ d^ o~- d^ d^ tf~- d^ d^ d^ 0) CO CO 00 LT) i-H CO VO rH O CO LO in CO cNi o Sea O ^ q q s C CO CNJ Tf rsi rH CO T-1 l-H Tj< O^ r-i (si T—I 1—( CO T—I H 1^3,^ o n U5 o

    01 V 5? 5 d 1—lOOOOOi—ii-HOTfO tN; tN NO O CO •<*< tN. (N O K * '^d CO NO c^i CO IT) CS » u CO rH rH

    CD K

    01 01 5 C CO CO CO 00 N£I \£l O CO CN ot^NOO"*cO' 01 CS CM --H rH "U > L. OJ «J ^ I * 3 ^% ^ ^ ^ 00 o r—i CO y—< o o 00 in CO CO o^ o^ o^ O 0^ 00 N£j .^ CO CO rH •^ CO CO CO CO CN ^% g CN CN 7-* tS CM rH «5 > u. u

    CO O O 00 O in ON ON Tf O (M 00 CO 00 NO O 01 * "U NO o o ^ ON S 5 C D. ^ 00 CM O tx O CO rH NO rH CO cjN rv rx •^ I^.B- q 00 co^ ON_^ rH in CM rH CO i: .c rj" rn" in" rH- JS t/i

    01 V o o o tN in c^ ^^ NO 00 o ON y-* o 00 o in c^ CO CM CM r-N T^ Tf NO O in CM rH CM 5 C CO T-^ CM o > 01 ^^ ^-^ (/) Cs

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    CCAM-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15,1993 o o Table 8 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications Crt Platform: Server tIo Region: CO Worldwide Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue ETAK 1.0 .0 .9 0 .1% .0% Logic Modeling Systems .9 .0 . .7 0 .1% .0% Sumitomo Denko WorkstaftK^i .9 .9 .0 200 .1% .1% Radian Corporation @ .5 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% CO Georgia Tech Research Cprp. .2 .0% CO .0 .2 0 .0% CO o SIMUCAD .1 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% (U Other Companies .0 .1 .0 9 .0% .0% All Companies 1,056.2 628.0 191.7 15,305 100.0% 100.0% o o •a All N.A.-Based Companies 1,045.2 622.9 188.2 15,032 99.0% 99.2% o All Asian-Based Companies .9 .9 .0 200 .1% .1% 3. All European-Based Companies 10.2 4.2 3.5 73 1.0% .7% All Hardware Companies 421.4 318.7 .6 10,790 39.9% 50.8%. All Turnkey & SW Companies: 634.8 309.3 191.2 4,515 60.1% 49.2% Source: Dataquest (March 1993)


    CO (O CO 44 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Woridwide

    « tn -O •D d^ d^ tf^ 0"- 6^ d^ 0^ 0^ 0^ 5? VO O CN CN C^ O IT) O i-H O a Sea vO •* 00 o (N r-f D CS CO CN > D ci. CN c o ni C/5 o K

    01 U (5-- ro t^ o o p t^ q •^ CO O CN \0 CN CO O O CO \D 00 CN fO 1-i CN i-< CN T^ CN **" ?^ CN 75 CS U3

    vO vO 5^ 0^ 0^ 6^ 5? 55 0^ 0^ 0^ 0^ 0^ C^ e^ l—t 5^ 5 c CO g S in O r-1 Tt fi Ov 00 CO O fv O in 1—1 CN 1—1 IT00) LO CO i 1—1 1—1 t—1 1—( i 1—1 ki 1U 5 BJ X 5 b = o rr \o CO in 00 •<*>rocNi-ii-iOOOONONCJNOOLnin i2 - F O 00 t< TjJ CO CN «j > lb CJ C^

    in o in (N rv in r^ o <> 00 so (N so 00 p o in Ov 1—1 SO CM 00 in CN CN Tj< 1—1 1—1 in 8 t^ VO SO SO OS o o ro 1—1 1—1 5 C CL (N 00 in \o 00 vO 00 rN 00 o so •

    V U 00 •* o o o o to 1—1 00 in pcNinpossooqsot-st^ 00 CO CJs CO 1—1 1—1 so Tfl "cot^'^fNcNoinsdi-i 1—1 1—1 in cN Tf CN T—1 1—1 1—I i-H CN 1—1 CN 1—1 CO « S; ° ,5 W2 OS U 01 CO o CN o in 00 so rqoqoqsqpsop'^pinpTjHLn (A rf 4-> so CO 00 so i-^i-5' 1-H "iS h V X u

    < CO 00 CO CN tx 0\ Tt* OscOsOCOCOCOCOCOi-iOCJstx ^ _ -^ ul a OS D c: CT^ tfh 3 £ (« rt w i s. •c "S o U c .. a. D, T3 3 U O L/i HE - £ il^ii^-^ii^l N h 3 B- £ ffi B u i f CT^ '5b-"^ •-I _E; o U

    I-* hJ "3 (/) n 2 > 5" X > 0 73 > c N PO n n 3 ra 0 n S q^ a> i-f •-o fo' 0) T3 o' Oi n us Wl > K.-<^. "5 a? ?^ 3 ffi (J2_ •a §.• n -3 EU 5' Oi fB fl. o t/i 5' K> O^ X > fO S" Si 3 j^ a " 3 ^ H-• 1 a o B 3 S. i n c 3 1' ty n ft -J. D" 7^ n « o H ^ 3 5 ^. a. > 5" -< 61 o 3 Cl Ui n 0 o" 3 3 lu n O Si S^ T: l~K I &• 3 ? u s- ai n' 5- g? OQ o' u yi ^ f^ W) ^ N^« D 5^ n 3 n > e g" ffl n o_ s^S' > HH o" C/3 cw ^ o O"^ —' - 3 -O u Oi -73 •i ffi O 1^ f-t» •fs rTJ n '^" 1/5 c o 2. 3* C/1 ei ^ 5' ffi 73 n Ti b < Bl o 1^ CO 00 ^ \0 Opp»-'>-'J-'MN)MU)U)|^4^aiU1(J1CT\ i 9 s: OJ b^ NJ CJl rfiLn^oNJWUio>-'-t>.bN(j\kiN3 S" > S n JS rt i-( w_ <: a. n G (Js KJ v£> 3 w "1 vj O O OJ OOOOOOi*'OOs O •-> NJ bs S 3 ;© o ffi «

    ?8 en m o < n i ON C?> 00 OJ VO \0 p p t-" P Ul 00 K> p OJ 4i. CJl 4^ s u c isJ \0 vO S3 ;^ bl !c H-' 03 tU >^ bo o ^ l7^ iu O bv n n

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    ^K) •^ C < ^o Ol VO ON Ol 00 o ON ON OJ vj 2 Si -^ o o o o N) ON O VI I-" O o o o o \D ^ o o l::^

    73 n Tl < u n 1-^ o 5^ 0JW0J0JO3OJ0J>^4^4^i^i(^4^ >^ it^' (t* ui ui yi ui ui C3 u

    X 73 tit n "1 < a. n OJOOOOOOOJ o o o l-» (JI 00 O K) O S lu e "1 s s ^ sP vP n n

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    X IX 6) o V "i o TJ G u. 3 -a 3 5' O O O N3 O O O O H-' O O O N3 N) O ON O O O n c o o o -^0 vO CL Q.

    Qt' 8JBMS 18>|JB|/\| ap!Mp|JOM SI9/3V0/IAIV0/aV0 46 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    01 j2 •c ^ v^ vO •D IH o^ o^ o^ 0) O O O O rH o O O O « "5 a. o o o o o o o CN O O ,C D a Tl o be X o (B tr K

    u 01 --S ^ ^ 3 6^ 0-^ 6^ f-- 6^ 0^ d^ 0^ 0^ o^ o^ VO VD tv t^ CO vO vo VO •^ 0^ •^ •* re C O •-O •«-i * 0> «*-i > CD Oi

    OJ 0> -5 v5 c^ e^ m 3 OOOOOOtslcOO O ^ OOT—lOrHrHOOOO S OJ •n > b '^ re ei

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    01 0> i-H CO IT) "* CO vO o o cOfOvocoooootrstN ^ 1/5 0\ O ON {3 = K fvi ^s: tx !>; tv: CO t

    01 O) p p o •<* o o OOCNtvOOOONlTiOiriOO is 3 •2 re ^ D ^ a> •a > "(3 h 41 2 5 ctf u X < fO r-t O^O^vO\OCOCOCOCOOO oqoqincocopppo; U5 5 I'S 00 00 KtNtvKtvt^tNtNt-^K IH fSS £ (C P»H re > _a; ^—4 b 01 3 o C^ V CL D u (A IB e tXt 1^ X o (/3 u D- « > *« CL C ^ 0^ T5 < o 2 n < c- > 2 c/5 > 01 9U D 01 UJ S < to ^ C U 1 'tn S o < K^ 3 m ?r ra (9 cJ? c T3 D 4-1 >1 i; ;£ H o UL< < d CO uy 2 O '^ . u^ ON c ^ [« T3 XI o 0 U < g Q m in 0) (JO ^ en 01 c Or v+^ t/1 .s f^ nj u C u. T3 o X C £ "•• 0 o U a, ^ P4 a,^ E h u « u CO s y <; £ o ^ O 0 UJ m O^ CLHJC 'Sc-'p ,e

    CCAM-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15,1993 o o Table 9 (Continued)

    • 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    t Application: All AppI ications CO Platform: Personal Computer cb Region: Worldwide O-J' Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Aspen Technology 5.8 .0 5.2 0 .2% .0% American Small Business Comp. 5.3 .0 5.3 0 .2% .0% Seiko Instruments—NO OEM 5.3 3.8 3.8 136 .2% .2% mb Programme 5.1 .2% .1% @ 2.5 1.8 122 to BETRONEX 4.8 .5 4.3 89 .2% .0% CO o GeoQuesl 4.8 .0 4.8 0 .2% .0% K. Microway 4.7 2.9 1.4 60 .1% .2% CU Jc3= CD Algor Interactive Systems 4.7 .0 4.2 0 .1% .0% cn o5" International Software SystentB, 4.7 .0 4.7 0 .1% .0% o ERDAS 4.6 1.2 3.0 500 .1% .1% -O3 Claris 4.6 .0 4.6 0 .1% .0% CD O. Kloeckner-Moeller 4.4 .2 3.1 46 .1% .0% ADRA Systems 4.3 .0 3.4 0 .1% .0% Teradyne 4.2 .0 3.2 0 .1% .0% Pathtrace 4.2 .9 2.7 62 .1% .0% Computer Services Gesi^iUatlfe 4.2 .0 4.2 0 .1% .0% MCS 4.1 .0 3.6 0 .1% .0% Uchida Yoko 3.8 2.4 1.6 171 .1% .1% Innovative Data Design 3.7 .0 3.7 0 .1% .0% tu Mitsui Engineering 3.6 2.5 .7 60 .1% .1% zr Data graphic 3.6 1.8 1.4 57 .1% .1% en CO CD CO o o Table 9 (Continued)

    1 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    • Application: All Applications CO Platform: Personal Computer (b Region: Worldwide CA(^3 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu GeoGraphix 3.4 .0 2.5 0 .1% .0% Engineering Mechanics 3.3 .2 2.8 407 .1% .0% FacSoft 3.2 .0 3.2 0 .1% .0% Vero Tntemalional Software 3.1 .0 2.9 0 .1% .0% @ to Sweet's Electronic Publishing 3.0 .0 2.4 0 .1% .0% U3 CO Whessoe Computing Systems 3.0 .0 3.0 0 .1% .0% o K- Accel Technologies 2.9 .0 2.6 0 .1% .0% {U rcs: Superdraft 2.8 1.3 1.4 160 .1% .1% CD to5o" Sigma Design 2.7 .0 2.5 0 .1% .0% o Generation 5 Technology 2.6 .0 2.6 0 .1% .0% •3 Q ALDEC 2.6 .0 2.6 0 .1% .0% 1CL CADWorks 2.6 .0 2.3 0 .1% .0% Harris EDA 2.6 .2 2.0 10 .1% .0% Visionics 2.5 .0 1.9 10 .1% .0% Foresight Resources 2.5 .0 2.3 0 .1% .0% Facility Mapping Systenvs 2.4 .0 2.1 0 .1% .0% ALS Design 2.4 .1 2.1 20 .1% .0% Anilam Electronics 2.3 .6 1.5 18 .1% .0% Neocad 2.3 .0 2.3 0 .1% .0%

    03 Els tree Computing 2.2 1.0 1.2 62 .1% .1% 3 Cj zr Accugraph 2.2 .1 1.8 10 .1% .0% CJ1 to to o Table 9 (Continued) 3>

    1 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    1 Application: All Applications s: Platform: Personal Computer CO cpCO Region: Worldwide ..A Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue CAD-UL 2.1 .0 2.1 0 .1% .0% Evolution Computing 2.1 .0 2.1 0 .1% .0% Integrated Computer Gi aphics 2.1 1.0 .8 119 .1% .1% @ Carrier Corporation 2.0 .0 2.0 0 .1% .0% CO CAD-Capture 2.0 .4 .6 10 .1% .0% CO CO o Kork Systems 2.0 .2 1.4 20 .1% .0% 1.9 .1% .0% £3 PAFEC .0 1.9 0 C= CD CO Terra Sciences 1.9 .0 1.9 0 .1% .0% 5" o CAMTEK 1.9 .4 1.2 0 .1% .0% o Genasys 11 1.9 .2 1.6 38 .1% .0% •a o ISDATA 1.8 .0 1.6 0 .1% .0% 1C3. Engineered ScrflitfaSei 1.7 .0 1.7 0 .1% .0% Massteck 1.6 .0 1.6 0 .1% .0% Intera Tydac 1.6 .0 1.6 0 .0% .0% Radian Corporation 1.6 .0 .9 0 .0% .0% Research Engineers—^ivilsoft 1.5 .0 1.5 0 .0% .0% FEA 1.5 .4 .4 0 .0% .0% EandCadd 1.5 .0 1.4 0 .0% .0% Mine Software 1.5 .0 1.5 0 .0% .0%

    (U EME 1.5 .4 .7 41 .0% .0% o GRAPHSOFT 1.4 .0 1.4 0 .0% .0% ZT CJl

    CO CO CO o Table 9 (Continued)

    1 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share k Applicatiom All Applications C/J Platform: Personal Computer Region: Worldw de s^D Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu ARKTEC 1.4 .1 1.2 32 .0% .0% Lamp Software 1.4 .3 1.1 76 .0% .0% Aries Technology 1.3 .0 1.2 0 .0% .0% Cimlinc 1.3 .0 .9 0 .0% .0% @ lO Compact Software 1.3 .0 1.3 0 .0% .0% ID CO Applicon 1.3 .4 5 40 .0% .0% o CU 1.3 .2 A 15 .0% X3 Geometria GIS SystenriK. Hl&Use .0% C CD U> Tanner Research 1.3 .0 1.1 0 .0% .0% o5 " Integer 1.2 .0 1.0 0 .0% .0% o -8 Aucos elektronische Gerate 1.2 .4 .9 121 .0% .0% O Mucke Software 1.1 .6 A 27 .0% .0% 1a. Spectrum Software 1.1 .0 1.1 0 .0% .0% Mega CADD 1.1 .0 1.1 0 .0% .0% CAE-link 1.1 .0 1.1 0 .0% .0% Intrinsix 1.0 1.0 .0 10 .0% .1% Cascade Graphics 1.0 .0 1.0 0 .0% .0% Aura CAD/CAM Sys;teHS$ 1.0 .0 .9 0 .0% .0% Quicklogic 1.0 .0 1.0 0 .0% .0% Omation 1.0 .0 1.0 0 .0% .0%

    CU Cadisys .9 .0 .9 0 .0% .0% 3 o .9 .5 .2 6 .0% .0% IT Areon CJl

    OD CO CO o o Table 9 (Continued) J> 1 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    • Application: All Applications CO Piatform: Persona! Computer 1 t^ Region: Worldwide Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Terr-Mar Resource Info Svs .9 .2 .5 24 .O'K, .0% Map tech .9 .0 .9 0 .0% .0% Contract Data Research .9 .0 .6 0 .0% .0% @ Number One Systems .9 .2 .7 63 .0% .0% U3 Rasna Corporation CO .9 .0 .8 0 .0% .0% CO O CADSI .8 .1 .6 14 .0% .0% K. B> A.I. Systems .8 .0 .8 0 .0% .0% ^C3= CD Dynaware .8 .8 0 .0% .0% tn .0 o5»—" ^ Douglas Electronics .8 .0 .8 0 .0% .0% o •3 CAD Lab .8 .0 .7 0 .07o .0% MacNeal-Schwendler .8 .0 .7 0 .0% .0% CI. 1 Vamp .7 .0 .7 0 .0% .0% CD Uniras ,7 .0 .7 0 .0% .0% Engineering Systems C6rjj'. .7 .0 .6 0 .0% .0% INS Engineering .7 .4 .4 13 .0% .0% IGC Technology .7 .0 .7 0 .0% .0% deb is Systemhaus .7 .2 .4 13 .0% .0% Mc2 Engineering Softw?;3S£s .7 .0 .7 0 .0% .0% ECOM Associates .7 .0 .7 4 .0% .0% tu .7 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% 3 Digital 13- CADMATIC .7 ,0 .4 4 .0% .0% cn

    U3 CO CO o Table 9 (Continued) S 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    ^^ Application: All Applications cp Platform: Personal Computer CD CO Region: Worldwide (Z2 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Caroline Informatique; .7 .1 .3 10 .0% .0% Infinite Graphics .6 .0 .6 0 .0% .0% ESDU International .6 ,0 .6 0 .0% .0% ASCAD/ASCAM .6 .4 .2 14 .0% @ .0% CO Machinery Sales .6 .0 .6 0 .07a .0% CO OJ .3 17 o Sharp System Products—NO OEM .6 .3 .0% .0% »-*• CU Integrated Silicon Systems .6 .2 .4 8 .0% .0% J3 c: Capilano Computing .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% CO t5n" ot-* Ashlar .5 ,0 .5 0 .0% .0% o Bechtel Software .5 .0 .5 0 ,0% .0% -3 Inca .5 .5 .0 2 .0% .0% 1o. S.T.L.D. s.r.l. .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% Phase Three Logic .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% Applications in CADD .4 .1 .3 11 ,07o .0% The CAD Group .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% Ithaca Software .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% Logic Modeling Systems .4 .0 .3 0 mn .0% BV Engineering .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% Geosoft .4 ,0 .4 0 .0% .0% cu Geo trace Technologies .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% 3- GEOVISION Inc. .3 2 .1 38 ,0% .0% cn

    CD CO CO o o Table 9 (Continued)

    1 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    1 Application: All Applications s: Plalform: Personal Computer Crt t1o Region: Worldwide CO Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Synthesis .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% M eta-So ft ware .3 .0 ,2 0 .0% .0% SIMUCAD .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% @ Masta Corporation .3 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% CO The Great SoftwesteitvjCjp. .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% CO 00 Simulation Science .2 .0 ,2 0 .0% .0% o X3 Bobcat Systems .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% d CD C/> Instrumatic Espanola .2 .0 .2 0 .07o .0% »-• o5" Geomath .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% o Genrad .2 .0 .2 9 .0% .0% •a Pacific Numerics .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% £3. 1 Simutest .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% CD Radan Computational .2 .1 ,] 6 .0% .0% TOOL Software .1 .0 .1 3 .0% .0% National Semiconductor .1 .0 .1 0 .07o .0% Exemplar Logic .0 .0 -0 0 .0% .0% Technische Computer Systeme .0 .0 .0 1 .0% .0% Electrical Eng. Software .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Dolphin Integration .0 .0 -0 0 .0% .0%

    (U NCR Microelectronics .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% f:35-

    CO CO CO o o Table 9 (Continued) > 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GlS Market Share

    Application: All Applications

    CO Platform: Personal Computer Region: Worldwide Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Other Companies 522.9 524.0 .0 138,025 16.4% 28.1% All Companies 3,183.9 1,867.9 1,127.0 418,247 100.0% 100.0%

    All N.A.-Based Companies 2,396.8 1,499.5 786.4 381,009 75.3% @ 80.3% CO All Asian-Based Companies 437.2 251.0 151.0 27,111 13.7% 13.4% CO CO All European-Based Companies 349.8 117.4 189.6 10,127 11.0% 6.3% Bi CU All Hardware Companies 1,613.8 1,544.0 .0 388,962 50.7% 82.7% All Turnkey & SW Companiesi; 1,570.1 323.9 1,127.0 29,285 49.3% 17.3% Source: Dataquest (March 1993) o -o3


    CO CD CO CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Market Share 55

    tn TS T3 ti^ d-- qj V ON CO ^ 00 lO 00 CN O (N (N O O O (N OH o ,C "S l>I O r-H 1-H s b. uS o CO c T1 D o ki '•£ o m cr X

    u u -5 s 5? 5? 5? 0^ 5? ss §5 0^ ss 5? 0^ a^ 0^ 0^ ss s? TO c CN rH g CN o ON o ON IT) o fN) CS| o ON IX fN| CNI 1—1 (N 00 O tN 1—1 ON ON CO CO CO CO CO T-H CN 1—so1 CM •4-( > o V W3

    u u iH 3 TO C Tt< tv. so in O'^O'^poqtxcop rsi o so o O O iTi 01 O CO O 00 ' K ' T-i LO i-H rJ Tt •n u O>J TO OS X

    01 "re 14^ 3 C rNjrHoqsqpoqfNjpONOCt--.'^Tj< CO CN O 00 tx tx tx f2 u ONOOKLO^COCOCOtNCNCSCNi-H TO u. >

    V X •o CM t^ CO SO O 00 O in (N IT) CN 00 O CN O 00 o o o ^ 01 CO o in t^ tx •'f TO ^^ ^ ON 00 00 o •>*< oq_ NO CNj CN •^ in NO 'c a. 00_^ CN^ TJH^ CO_^ CN in i-H CN CO T5 3 a. k^ ^^ OO" Tf- CM CO TO I(/sI CN CN CO X

    01 01 CNNOOPNlNOOOCNONO'^NOOCSi-itxOtxOOONO 3 TO O TJS in CM O i)> U3 Bi

    01 V Tt 1—( CM NO CO o in CO Nfi 00 o NO O ON O O O NO IH 3 o o o TO C CM in CO o in NO CM 00 in CM NO CN ON CO CO R rH CO o> CN CN 00 CM 1—1 r-H CS i-H •hn >01 TO K cs:

    01 ON "TO 00 •^ NOCMfNlCOintMNOt^Tj^oOt-^C-vCOi-_ i CO -^ tN ON t- 3 K T-H CO CM CM rH'Kodt^cJKcoNocMtxiriT- HrH CO tv \d N^ C CNI 00 CM i-H ON rH ONNOinin^'ij'cMt^NONOin •^ CO rO CO f2 o 01 NO •<*<-* >* CM PNl o TOu D > u. Be: c •C D rt! P I :^ 5 E o Q.'ii < g tXJS :S .2 I < < I S CD HH p»1 o U-5; tlO < 6 ^ u tn tn u> if o i tj u c _u E twH u £ =! .2 _0j < Si ]S IE R3 2 CL. D, E^i (/; u en u '> G. *4-i XI ui nj fl c/l n E B k. CL. O u D C ra Cu ^ _£; u OJ o < « t-< u to : ^^ Ov U 3 < CCAM-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15,1993 o o Table 10 {Continued) 1992 CAD/CAMyCAE/GIS Market Share

    Applicalion: All Applications Platform: All Platforms CO CO Region: North America ^3 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Data General 36.2 29.0 1.8 1,898 .7% 1.1% Landmark Graphics 32.8 16.4 7.5 170 .6% .6% Dell Computer 25.3 25.3 .0 6,597 .5% 1.0% MacNeal-Schwendler 24.6 .0 23.6 0 .5% .0% © to Racal-Redac 23.0 .0 19.3 0 .4% .0% CO o PDA Engineering 22.9 .0 22.0 0 .4% .0% K- 10.8 7.4 318 .4% lU Unisys 21.3 .4% X(=3 CD CO Alias Research 21.2 .0 19.3 0 .4% .0% o5" A ecu graph 20.2 9.0 9.2 718 .4% .3% o 2.5 155 -B Zycad 18.9 11.3 .4% .4% Q COMPASS Design Airtomation 18.2 .3 13.7 14 .3% .0% CD O. Quicktum Systems 17.2 17.2 .0 143 .3% .6% Harris EDA 17.1 1.9 9.9 73 .3% .1% Cimlinc 16.0 .0 11.2 337 .3% .0% ISICAD 15.7 4.7 9.4 85 .3% .2% MCS 15.6 .0 13.8 0 .3% .0% Swanson Analysis 15.4 .0 15.4 0 .3% .0% Gerber Systems 14.3 7.0 4.7 198 .3% .3% Solboume 13.8 13.5 .0 1,114 .3% .5%

    (D CADKEY 12.8 .0 12.8 0 .2% .0% ta o 10.9 .0 8.7 0 .2% .0% zn- Logic Modeling Sj^ffielaiiS en CO CD CO CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Market Share 57

    t! .t; «u 0^ o~^ c^ 0^ 0^ !>~- 6^ c a. O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ggl c =3.B- o o

    01 U ^ ^ -^ 5 C co^OLn'*ri 01 •* •* ° 4^ C/3 K

    V 01 o o •^ o o o o ooooooooooooo > 01 •d > Ui OJ X

    5 &^S d^ CS CStNr-ICNCNCNCN)tNCN|CNtN|tN H !j 0) re > U. u c^

    01 IB -n O 00 fO CS o o o o o CN CS o •^ o o o o S -"^ S ts ro t^ i-< LD 5 c a. o |3.S- X t> 01 vO inLnoo\ot^^vO'«*'^Locn\otNtNicoO'^LocN 13 g iri ON 'o6vdvoK\oKo6t;tN; 1 g; W3 e<

    01 01 Ov O •«t O ON in t^OOOOOTfOOOOOOOOO • ON • ' • c ^ 01 D T3 > "ra h Oi _g X u < 00 rJH ov •* ON tv IT) Tt< Tt CN r-H o 00 00 t^ NC Ln IT) CNI tn ™ ^S OOONONONOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tv l>^ t< C< K K K «;-i rO £ C 00 ;a H u 0) o re > C^ u g s =^ nIf •£ S -c D tfi m p 01 w, "5 :M o e ^ O-t! < " < f^ r a =5 = ° 2 _^ tn < < 2 S

    C < en •j; u t* bO £ .5 c 5 O en c^ !/l i Cu >^ (ft >i Ln "o s [/l B i=i u c: in 'So o c Qj ^-, y >, o o 2 Q 2 J= U LO s en h-! '-' < 'tn '5b l^.en y , "^ci I b. ^fS -2! ^ 5; VI « O y c'O'SiDc^ ra S^ !u Jr. OV ^1 O Cfi E m 01 ^ o^Hr^Up: dj K S tiic (u •t; ?^ Ci.'T^ ! 2) .c o O tu I H S

    CCAM-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15,1993 o o Table 10 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CANf/CAE/GlS Market Share

    Application: All Applications CO Platform: All Platforms CO CO Region: North America ^3 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Maplnfo 7.1 .0 5.7 0 .1% .0% Meta-Software 7.1 .0 5.0 0 .1% ,0% ERDAS 7.0 1.9 4.6 762 .1% .1% Point Control 6.8 .0 6.6 0 .1% @ .07o CO ASG 6.5 .0 6.5 0 .1% .0% CO CAJ o EA Systems 6.2 .0 6.2 0 .1% .0% Si Quad Design Technology 6.2 .0 5.7 0 .1% .0% CO X3cz CD Microsim 6.0 .0 5.6 0 .1% .0% C/l 5" o Test Systems Stratiegies 6.0 .0 5.1 0 .1% .0% o Zuken 5.5 2.2 3.3 32 .1% .1% -a Analogy 5.4 .0 4.4 0 .1% .0% 1CH. Integrated Computer Graphics 5.2 2.6 2.1 208 .1% .17 CD American Small Business Comp. 4.7 .0 4.7 0 .1% .07 Aspen Technology 4.6 .0 4.2 0 .1% .0% PADS Software; 4.6 .0 3.9 0 .1% .0% Cimatron 4.6 2.1 2.1 149 .1% .1% i-Logix 4.3 .0 4.3 0 .1% ,0% CNC Software 4.1 .0 4.1 0 .1% .0% Algor Interactive Systems 4.1 .0 3.6 0 .1% .07

    (U Micrografx 4.0 .0 4.0 0 .1% .07 3zr Moda CAD 4.0 1.0 2.8 33 .1% .Q% en

    CO CO CO 2661 '91 MOJBIAI psjBJodiooui jsanbEiBQ £661.® We6-Sl/\|-MM-IAIV00

    I-' 1-^ tn 7 ?3 73 CJ C/5 O C S* 3 > b^*> n 5" n u > 5* rt; 0) n n n m 0) ni ra T! VM" s a ^ t^ '^ On n c 3 Ui tn' 01 3 o T n> n U5 0 n n OJ 01 01 o SJ T oa u o U. S" T3J 3 lU 3 Cu 3 !L OJ a. 01 r- a H 01 *-t- 3 3 0 ra ^ o o ~ O m I m n TJ a <" "a o 3 3 -1 n n r-^, 'Q 2t ft) ST 3 tu 3 n' 5' 1" n' 3' tn U3 m 5' s 3 TO > n5 » 3 n' C 3 in u: o > C E3 3 O' 1" fi> O o' s S z > > en rr f 9 ^ > n -I 01 T3 r^ > Ci'a C/3 "S•, 3n 3* a ^ Bl O 3 03 1 ?a en ra "fl o •; w ra 2. H o N3 NJ WWOJWWWWOJWWWWWWWOJW 3 ° 2. t= 00 vo oU»t--'kjN)NJ4^lncjibNaNbN~ 53 c" ffi "1 £L < CL C 2 5 c 21 3 oooooiT.ooaowooooowoi-'oo n n

    s ^ I bNl*^o'--]vo»-»N)ftkKjisjNjLnboi;iisjvj-

    ^ Xu >.. o, •T3 C < OJ ^ OJ S> OOOOONJOOOOU100000U10U100 CL (A n

    la rtt "n < u So?

    33 !fl 01 m "1 < n. OOOOOQOOOOi-'OOOOOi-'OOOO i Si ^^^-^vP^^^^xP-^^-vPO^^^-sP^^^ o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^^o^o^o^o^o^o^ n n

    53 yj « 2s < » i-'h-'NJNJ^i-'NJl-iSJKJFJhJNJNJNJNJH^Ml-'KJNJ 3 ^ c £1 re re c/i ST •5-c| IPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Tl 3 5 Q< en n

    69 8JBIJS 19>iJB|/\| 3P!Mp|J0M SI9/3V0/IAIV0/aV0 o Table 10 (Continued) C3 1 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    1 Application: All Applications Platform: All Platforms U3 OJ Region: North America (^ Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Engineering Mechanics 2.8 .1 2.4 220 .1% .0% Sweet's Electronic Publishing 2.7 .0 2.2 0 .17r> .0% CADSI 2.7 .4 2.0 18 .1% .0% Land Innovation 2.6 .0 2.6 0 .1% .0% @ CO Scientific & Engineering SW 2.6 .0 2.6 0 .0% .Q% CO CO o Vis ionics 2.5 .0 1.9 10 .07o .0% E4 2.4 .0 2.4 0 .0% (U MARC .0% .c0 CD International Software Systems 2.4 .0 2.4 0 .0% .0% Cr5t" 0 Claris 2.3 .0 2.3 0 .07„ .0% 0 •3 Motorola 2.2 .0 2.2 0 .07« .0% Infinite Graphics 2.2 .0 2.2 0 .0% .0% 0. 1 Accel Technologies 2.2 .0 2.0 0 .0% .07« CD Laser-Scan 2.2 .8 .9 14 .0% .07o Facility Mapping Systems 2.2 .0 1.9 0 .0% .0% Generation 5 Technology 2.2 .0 2.2 0 .0% .0% Mine Software 2.1 .0 2.1 0 .0% .0% CAD Centre 2.1 .0 1.7 0 .0% .0% SPATIAL Technology 2.1 .0 2.1 0 ,07c .0% Foresight Resources 2.1 .0 1.9 0 .07o .07o

    03 ALDEC 2.0 .0 2.0 0 .07n ,07a 0- 3 ZD- Quantic Laboratories 2.0 .0 L8 0 .0% .07« cn CO CO CO o >o Table 10 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications Platform: AM Platforms CO OJ Region: North America o Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Uruts Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue ACDS Graphic Systeiiii 1.9 .0 1.6 0 .0% .0% CAD/CAM Group 1.9 .0 1.9 0 .0% .0% Integrated Silicon Sysfegiji^;; 1.8 .3 1.5 11 .07o .0% @ Sunrise Test Systems 1.8 .0 1.8 0 .0% .0% CO Terra Sciences .0% .0% CO 1.8 .0 1.8 0 CO o EPIC Design Tecfinology 1.8 .0 1.8 0 .0% .0% K. Research Engineers—Ciivifeoft 1.7 .0 1.7 0 .0% .0% 09 X3 Con tec Microelectronics 1.7 .0 1.5 0 .0% .0% Evolution Computing 1.6 .0 1.6 0 .0% .0% LPKF 1.6 1.0 .4 68 .0% .0% I Ultimap 1.6 .6 .5 18 .0% .0% Object Design 1.6 .0 1.6 0 .0% .0% SIMUCAD 1.5 .0 1.5 0 .0% .0% Objectivity 1.5 .0 1.5 0 .0% .0% Compact Software 1.5 .0 1.5 0 .0% .0% Delcam International 1.5 .5 .7 25 .0% .0% GRAPHSOFT 1.4 .0 1.4 0 .0% .0% Terr-Mar Resource Info Svs 1.4 .4 .7 24 .0% .0% Massteck 1.3 .0 1.3 0 .0% .0%

    (U Investronica SA 1.2 1.0 .1 48 .0% .0% —^ 1.2 .1 1.1 22 .0% .0% o BETRONEX

    CO CO CO C3 o Table 10 (Continued) <: 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share 1

    • Application: All Applications tn Platform: All Platforms Region: North America s^3 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue GEOVISION Inc. 1.2 .7 .3 63 .0% .0% Secagraphics 1.2 .5 .3 8 .0% .0% Georgia Tech Research Q&tp, 1.1 .0 1,1 0 .0% .0% Tanner Research 1.1 .0 1.0 0 .0% .0% @ CO Geotrace Technologies 1.1 .0 1.0 17 .0% .0% CO CO 1.1 .3 .6 53 .0% o Kockums Computer Syst^n^^ .0% .0% .a Carrier Corporation 1.1 .0 1.1 0 .0% d CD CO Intrinsix 1.0 1.0 .0 10 .0% .0% o5" Cadisys 1.0 .0 1.0 0 .0% .0% o KandCadd 1.0 .0 1.0 0 .0% .0% •3 Spectrum SoftWiM* 1.0 .0 1.0 0 .0% .0% 1OL Geomath 1.0 .0 1.0 0 .0% .0% Engineered SiSftw^e 1.0 .0 1.0 0 .0% .0% Valisys 1.0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% lEZ 1.0 .3 .5 20 .0% .0% Pathtrace 1.0 .2 .6 14 .0% .0% Graphisoft SjaffetM^ns I3ev 1.0 .0 1.0 0 .0% .0% CAE-link 1.0 .0 1.0 0 .0% .0% Maptech .9 .0 .9 0 .0% .0%

    (U ANACAD .9 .0 .9 0 .0% .0% o .9 .0 .9 0 .0% .0% 3- Computa tional JNIei^e^^rtics C71

    CO CO CO o Table 10 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    11 Application: All Applications en Platform: All Platforms CD CA3 Region; North America —' Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Quick logic .9 .0 .9 0 .0% .0% Aura CAD/CAM Systems .9 .0 -8 0 .0% .0% Royal Digital Centers .9 .0 .8 0 .0% .0% @ Cascade Graphics .8 .0 .8 0 .0% .0% CO Kork Systems .8 .1 16 .0% .0% CO .6 CO o Engineering Systems Corp;. .8 .0 .6 0 .0% .0% K- Dynaware .8 .0 .8 0 .0% .0% D> Xd 3 CD CO Douglas Electronics .8 .0 .8 0 .0% .0% 5" o National SemiconduGtipi: .8 .1 .6 7 .0% .0% o Mega CADD .8 .0 .8 0 .0% .0% •o3 Uniras .7 .0 .7 0 .0% .0% 1Q. ECOM Associates .7 .0 .7 4 .0% .0% IGC Technology .7 .0 .7 0 .0% .0% CADWorks .7 .0 .6 0 .0% .0% A.I. Systems .7 .0 .7 0 .0% .0% Ground Modelling Systeniis .7 .5 .3 4 .0% .0% Electrical Eng. Software .6 .0 .6 0 .0% .0% Machinery Sales .6 .0 .6 0 .0% .0% Omation .6 .0 .6 0 .0% .0% DO Vamp .6 .0 .6 0 .0% .0% =r Phase Three Logic .6 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% CT\

    CO CO CO o o Table 10 (Continued)

    1 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    1 Application: All Applications <: Platform: All Platforms cpCO CO Region: North America ^3 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company 1levenu e Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Mc2 Engineering Software .6 .0 .6 0 .0% .0% Ashlar .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% Expertest .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% .5 .0% @ Capilano Computing .5 .0 0 .0% CO CAD Language Systems .5 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% CO CO .5 .0 .4 0 .0% o Moss Systems .0% pa CU NCR Microelectronics .4 .0 .4 0 .07o .0% d .CaD .4 VJ The CAD Group .4 .0 0 .0% .0% r-t- o5" BV Engineering .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% o Geosoft .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% •3 O Simulation Science .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% 1Q. CD Ithaca Software .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% PEGS .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% Cooper & Chyan Technology .3 .0 .3 0 .07o .0% The Great Softwestem Co. .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Bobcat Systems .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% MEDESIGN .2 .1 .1 2 .0% .0% Siniutest .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Shared Resources. .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% CU BATISOFT .2 .0 .1 7 .0% .0% :3 o Synthesis .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% rr

    CO CO CO o Table 10 (Continued) o 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share > Application: All Applications CO Platfonn: All Platforms CO CO Region: <3 North America Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Exemplar Logic .] .0 .1 0 .0% .0% Technische Computer Systeme .1 .0 .1 3 .0% .0% Areon .1 .0 .0 0 .0% .0%

    @ Complansoft CAD .1 .0 .0 1 .0% .0% CO Star Info rma tic .0 .0 .0% .0% CO .0 0 C/J o Number One Systems .0 .0 .0 3 .0% .0% CADMATIC .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Other Companies 404.6 399.1 .0 76,335 7.7% 15.0% o All Companies 5,258.8 2,654.9 1,693.7 274,951 100.0% 100.0% o •3 o I All N.A.-Based Companies 5,200.4 2,643.5 1,654.6 274,425 98.9% 99.6% CD All Asian-Based Companies 5.5 2.2 3.3 32 .1% .1% AH European-Based Companies 53.0 9.3 35.9 494 1.0% .4% All Hardware Companies 2,097.1 1,819.0 4.1 247,075 39.9% 68.5% All Turnkey & SW Companies 3,161.7 835.9 1,689.7 27,876 60.1% 31.57o Source: Dataquest (March 1993)

    lu 3

    CO CO CO D O Table 11 f 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share 1 Application: All Applications Cf) Platform: Tech mica 1 Workstation (h Region: North America ^CDO Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Intergraph 504.3 220.7 118.7 8,665 18.1% 18.4% Sun Microsystems 350.6 303.6 .0 24,989 12.6% 25.4% Hewlett-Packard 220.0 167.4 16.6 12,905 7.9% 14.0% Cadence 191.9 .0 151.6 0 6.9% ,0% @ CO Mentor Graphics 157.6 36.3 59.9 635 5.7% 3,0% CD CO o CompuEervision 123.0 44.8 37.2 1,210 4,4% 3.7% .lau EDS 122.1 62.3 42.7 2,009 4.4% 5.2% c: Silicon Graphics 121.8 110.8 .0 3,186 4.4% 9.3% CD 5CO" o IBM 88.0 49.3 21.6 3,154 3.2% 4.1% o Digital 85.1 55.8 3.2 3,583 3.1% 4.7% •a Parametric Technology 65.1 .0 54.7 0 2.3% .0% 1Q. CD Applicon 46.2 15.2 18,0 484 1.7% 1,3% Synopsys 37.2 .0 26.8 0 1.37o .0% ESRI 37.1 .0 33.7 0 1.3% .07a Auto-Trol 36.9 13.6 14,0 461 1,3% 1.1% SDRC 33.3 .0 33.3 0 1,2% .0% Data General 26.8 21.4 1.3 1,539 1,0% 1.8% Control Data Systems 25.0 15.2 5.2 339 .9% 1.3% Viewlogic Systems 24.8 .0 19.8 0 .9% .0% tu 21.2 .0 19.3 0 .8% .07o ;3 Alias Research o .0 16.6 0 .7% :3- Racai-Redac 19.7 .•0% CJ1

    CD CD CO CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Market Share 67

    V •a ^^^O^^^vO •D u 1 a. CSOOCMO'^i-lp->Lrir-lO oooooooo o o c n b. S3 TJ D c u JS o n tr o X

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    CCAM-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15,1993 68 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    u -r-( ^vPx^vO^^-^^^^ u (/) (U 0^0^C^C^tf^6^0^tf^0^0~" 0^ C^ re 'S OOOOOOOOOO t^ 1—I O r-H O O gg --< o TJ D a. IH re inJ^ S X

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    CCAM-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15,1993 o Table 11 (Continued)

    1 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications k Platform: Technical Workstation en to Region: North America CO -^ Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Achtal Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Mechanical Dynamics 3.1 .0 2.8 0 .1% .0% Cimatron 2.9 1.3 , 1-3 64 .1% .1% Silvar-Lisco 2.8 .0 1.6 0 .1% .0% Genrad .0% @ 2.7 .5 1.8 27 .1% U} Ma cNeal -Sch w end ler 2.7 .0 0 .1% .0% (O 2.6 CO o Land binovation 2.6 .0 2.6 0 .1% .0% K- Scientific & Engineering SW 2.6 .0 2.6 0 .1% .0% CU JC3= CD CO Rasna Corporation 2.4 .0 2.2 0 .1% .0% o5 " Dynamic Graphics 2.3 .0 1.9 0 .1% .0% o Motorola 2.2 .0 2.2 0 .1% .0% •a CADSI 2.1 .3 1.6 10 .1% .0% ia. Laser-Scan 2.1 .7 .8 13 .1% .1% CAD Centre 2.1 .0 1.7 0 .1% .0% SPATIAI, Technology 2.1 .0 2.1 0 .1% .0% Quantic Laboratories 2.0 .0 1.8 0 .1% .0% Soft desk 1.9 .0 1.9 0 .1% .0% ACDS Graphic System 1.9 .0 1.6 0 .1% .0% Sigma Design 1.9 .0 1.8 0 .1% .0% Radian Corporation 1.9 .0 1.1 0 .1% .0% (U CAD/CAM Group 1.9 .0 1.9 0 .1% .0% 3 rr Sunrise Test Systems 1.8 .0 1.8 0 .1% .0% en

    CO CO CO o o Table 11 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications Platform: Technical Workstation Region: North America o Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue EPIC Design IGeehSology 1.8 .0 1.8 0 .1% .0% Autometric 1.7 1.1 .6 40 .1% .1% MARC 1.7 .0 1.7 0 .1% .0% Infinite Graphics 1.7 .0 1.7 0 .1% .0% @ CO Contec Microelectronics 1.7 .0 1.5 0 .1% .0% (O CA3 O ACTEL 1.6 .0 1.5 0 .1% .0% cu .1 1.4 77 .o Engineering Mechanics 1.6 .1% .0% Intera Tydac 1.6 .0 1.6 0 .1% .0% .6 .5 18 .1% o Ultimap 1.6 .0% o •a Object Design 1.6 .0 1.6 0 .1% .0% o Objectivity 1.5 .0 1.5 0 .1% .0% Delcam International 1.5 .5 .7 25 .1% .0% Integrated Silicon Systems 1.5 .2 1.3 6 .1% .0% Bechtel Software 1.4 .0 1.3 0 .0% .0% SIMUCAD 1.2 .0 1.1 0 .0% .0% CADKEY 1.1 .0 1.1 0 .0% .0% Kockums Computer ^sterns 1.1 .3 .6 53 .0% .0% Mine Software 1.1 .0 1.1 0 .0% .0% Infocel 1.0 .2 .8 15 .0% .0% lEZ 1.0 .3 .5 20 .0% .0% Valisys .9 .0 .0 0 .0% .0%

    CO CD OJ o o Table 11 (Continued)

    1 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    1 Application: All Applications Cr^^t Platform: Technical Workstation CO CO Region: North America -* Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue ANACAD .9 .0 .9 0 .0% .0% GEOVISION Inc. .9 .5 .2 27 .0% .0% Royal Digital Centers .9 .0 .8 0 .0% .0% Geomath .0% @ .8 .0 .8 0 .0% (D HTAK .8 .0 .8 1 .0% .0% CO CO o Terr-Mar Resource Info Svs .8 .2 .4 10 .0% .0% a>K. j3 Neocad .8 .0 .8 0 .0% .0% d CD National Semiconductor 7 .1 .5 7 .0% .0% o5 " Data I/O .7 .0 .7 0 .0% .0% o Compact Software .6 .0 .6 0 .0% .0% •o3 1 Microsim .6 .0 .6 0 .0% .0% o. Georgia Tech Research 0&tp, .6 .0 .6 0 .0% .0% Point Control .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% Expertest .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% CAD Language Systems .5 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% Moss Systems .5 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% Electrical Eng. Software A .0 .4 0 .0% .0% FADS Software A .0 .4 0 .0% .0% NCR Microelectronics A .0 .4 0 .0% .0% 0) Computational Mechanics A ,0 .4 0 .0% .0% 3" ASG .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% en

    CO CO CO o o Table 11 (Continued) Ei 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share 1

    • Applicalion: All Applications V Platform: Technical Workstation CO ijj Region: North America CD Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Terra Sciences .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% Simulation Science .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% Cooper & Chyan Techfloltagy .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% MEDESIGN .2 .1 .1 2 .0% .0% @_x CO Shared Resources .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% CO CO D Ithaca Software .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Ei .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% (U PEGS c: .CTa> Research Engineers—Civilsoft .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% CA »—r o5" Phase Three Logic .2 .0 0 .0% .07o o Technische Computer Systeme .0 3 .0% .0% •a o Massteck .0 0 .0% .0% 1C:L Exemplar Logic .0 0 .0% .0% Tanner Research .0 0 .0% .0% A Igor Interactive Systems .0 0 .0% .0% Cadisys .0 0 .0% .0% Facility Mapping Systems .0 0 .0% .0% Complansoft CAD .0 .0 1 .0% .0% Carrier Corporation .0 0 .0% .0% LandCadd .0 0 .0% .0% lU Star Informatic .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% 3 Simutest .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% 3- tn

    CO CO CO o o Table 11 (Continued) > 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications

    CO Platform: I Technical Workstation CO CO Region: North America o Units: Mitlions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue ECOM Associafe^: .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Synthesis .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Other Companies .0 .0 .0 5 .0% .0% All Companies 2,778.9 @ 1,196.2 993.7 66,926 100.0% 100.0% _x (O CO CO o All N.A.-Based Companies 2,733.3 1,188.5 962.5 66,654 98.4% 99.3% All Asian-Based Companies 5.5 2.2 3.3 32 .2% .2% All European-Based Companies 40.1 5.6 28.0 240 1.4% .5% All Hardware Companies o 751.0 637.4 2.4 45,211 27.0% 53.3% o •3 All Turnkey & SW Companies 2,027.9 558.8 991.3 21,715 73.0% 46.7% o Source: Dataquest (March 1993)


    CO CO CO 74 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    V •a •D •w ^ ^r O^ C^ 0^ 6^ 6^ d^ 0^ 0^ d^ 0^ d^ 0^ u u 0^ d~- 0^ tf^ 0^ a> « O O O O O CN IN O O O O O ^ D c a --1 O "* o ,C 'o •n D _a tx o u n iC/sl o X

    01 u V? -^ u. 0^ o^ d^ 0^ ss d^ 0^ ss ss ss ^ 5? ss Cf^ 3 1—1 1—1 ra in •* 00 O 1—1 r-H (N IN M I—1 ^0 Lo^n oo O •^ CO T-H rv) IT) d CO ro Ov \£i in T}< ro ro en r-H (N CN y~t l-H T-H ri-* 0>1 o ct: C/3

    01 01 w o^ d~- 3 ON 0\ re o o o o o o VO O i-H O O ro 1—I o >—I o e i •a 01 u 0>1 re oi X

    01 "TO 3 C lO ON \o ON'^coooootxtNtNinin^'^TfcNcNfstNT-i ;2 u 01 CO Ov ID re CO CN uu >01 a:

    (A •a O O T-H O O r-< O O LO 00 O 00 CN o o o o o o Sco^ i8 CO CO re *< V CN CO a CO 1-1 Tl D'S .£" l-i n iecn T

    01 U CNVOtNinCNtNCNlTl VC O IN C^ tN IN tv in vO in 'X> CO IN re f^ IT) ' iri CO !> K VO IT) TJ< IT) rH CO CO T-i CN i u vO i-t ^ t tn =

    01 ai ON O 00 o o o o o o o in OOcOOOCNvOOini-i (N T-H \o csi 1—1 ^ u CO in "O > fc; 01 45 « X (0 "S ^3 o in i-HptNoqcNtNcopoNONtNCNjOjocjoqoqoqcNCjN a VO ON i-H TJH O"OvNOlriinin^JHCOfOfOCNtNT-Jr-JrHr H o ^ I—I Tj< 1—I 1—I re > CN CN 2 g £ ri ^ Bd n <0 S O• i w„ X en :y ^e - •Arf u k> &£< I M < -i 5 .2 52 < X ^ S u u S3 B 01 < OJ u TJ •S 0) 1 C s en 'S; Ul re 5 fu <: •r >N in 3 (/I I "re a; y) _y _y u E "u 1 (M O X cx 01 c o Xo . •- e IS -^J 1 bO D M Ui u in o i "S ;fi a < I, "2 C >% i u> 1 3 C . aj cn "S £ £f LD c tn c a e £P t3 U a bO T3 u « S X ni X 'ao-'p dj 1 3 cc o z w D w en < r p-^ U u TO u CCAM-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15,1993 o o Table 12 (Continued)

    1 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    1 Application: All Appi ications Crt Platform: Host-Dependent C1O CO f^ Region: North America Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Market Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Geotrace Technologies .8 .0 .7 17 .1% ,07a ETAK 7 .0 .7 2 .1% .0% MARC .7 .0 .7 0 .1% .0% @ Meta-Software .6 .0 .5 0 .1% .0% CO Dynamic Graphics .6 .0 .5: 0 .1% .0% (O CO o Test Systems Strategies'- .6 .0 .5 0 .1% .0% Si {U X3 Mechanical Dynamics .6 .0 .5 0 .1% .0% c CD Harris EDA .5 .1 .4 4 .1% .0% CA 5" Computational Mechanics .5 .0 .5 0 .1% .0% o -3 Georgia Tech Research Corp, .4 .0 .4 0 .1% .0% 1Q Teradyne .4 .1 .2 0 .1% .0% Q. CO COMPASS Design Automation .4 .0 .3 0 .1% .0% Compact Software .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% CEsof .4 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% Genrad .3 .1 .2 1 .0% .0% Analogy .3 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Radian Corporation .2 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% Logic Modeling Systems .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Accugraph .2 .1 .1 20 .0% .0%

    Dl Engineering Systems Corp. .2 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% 3rx Electrical Eng. Software .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% CJl

    -.CO^ CO 00 o o Table 12 (Continued) > 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Apphcation: All Applications CO Platform: Host-Dependent I (O CO Region: North America CD Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Market Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue PEGS .1 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% Data I/O .1 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% Laser-Scan .1 .0 .0 1 .0% .0% SIMUCAD .1 .0 .1 0 © .0% .0% CO Microsim .1 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% CO to Valisys .1 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% o K. cu Kork Systems .0 .0 .0 1 .0% .0% .a Other Companies 133.0 126.4 .0 4,548 18.1% 29.2% All Companies 734.6 432.7 150.1 9,175 100.0% 100.0% § All N.A.-Based Companies 733.9 432.6 149.4 9,174 99.9% 100.0% All Asian-Based Companies .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% All European-Based Companies .7 .0 .6 1 .1% .0% All Hardware Companies 360.1 280.8 1.2 4,577 49.0% 64.9% All Turnkey & SW Companies 374.5 151.9 148.9 4,598 51.0% 35.1%

    Sources Dataquest (March 1993)

    CO CD CO CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Market Share 77

    ^ .t; (iJ ^ ^ --S ^ ss •^ ^ ~-S -5 ?^ S5 -$ s? ss ^ o fr> in m o a^ CM 00 fO o o •* 00 o •^ 1-1 \0 O O O -1 n hv o i-i rr, I—1 IT) 00 i 2 c a, 1-1 -CfH •>* c ki ,j^ o « tn O X

    p V v5 o~- p^ S5 5^ S5 5? S? 0^ ss 5? >o p CO IT) o in 00 C^ Ch K in o ts cs IN in T-H O C (si \o CO 00 ts t^ i i tN £ > r-1 cN (N 1/3 K

    OJ U 0> ^ s O IN c^ o g s CO CO CO vD O) o vo in in o CM o O \D rt in O CM CO CO CM 2 c tM I— 1-1 CM -rp rn £ a TJ > I- U re r^ X 1 t-% £« 3^ 0^ 5^ 5^ 5^ 5^ 5^ tN ^C o fO ffi Tfi tN O o o o\\oini-ioocococMi—I ^ 5 c sCM tN m in •* CO CO CM CM CM CM H rey >¥ (N 1—1 u. V eA

    w tn TJ TC 0^ o m 1^ 00 00 00 o Ov 00 o 00 CO 00 O Cv| O O O o in o in 00 Ox CTi VO CM o 1* CO \D « E g. 1 1—1 CO s rj Ci. CO •S 2 ™ t« X V V C3ot3roc>cMtnoopinpoqinini-

    c V° <^V 00 oo o> >£> pcoinvCTji^omvo in 1-1 in o NO o o CM ON D ' r- eo \0 ON CT^ ' IN CM Tji -tji « ? E •^ in "(3 % V •2 £ < X* 1/5 IH (C Ol-;0^01-;0^tN^-^a^\O^DTJ;tN in ON \0 '>D CO —H tN\j>iriroi-Hodvocoo\ONONONCN IN in •^ •"*,-; i-i ^-< h " 4* OCOt^t^CM!-i.-ii—I o ure, >u D B^ S -.§ S ^ fO •g ID CD :^ a; <*, Cu E o "S a, <" tn tH <: re s <; oi 2 S CTl tn O s tt3 i-t E a- < y irt U c i T3 in a, 0) u >> Ch(D i c t/i **in' U!«i u « s tf) tn x: .^ re < >, re u D, ^<-t •M w 11 re 'OJ g OJ ci^ re re OJ 1 Cui u >-. 'E O c a. re 0) re IJ c ra e a-* c o u o re k- a (1) rH < e u 01 C u "o bO u g en 3 a 11 ^ O 'Ji _« 1-4 -0 .5 ^ U E _aj U) O c U 2u o D. c u bO K u o TS E re •to il •Sb-*p in >i c re o 0) b, o o 3 fs

    CCAM-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15,1993 o o Table 13 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications Platform: Server CO CO Region: North America CD Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Market S Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Cisigraph .4 .1 .2 3 .1% .0% Radian Corporation .3 .0 .2 0 .1% .0% Georgia Tech Researdi Cot^i .1 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% SIMUCAD .1 .1 @ .0 0 .0% .0% CO Other Companies .0 .1 .0 8 .0% .0% CO to o All Companies 485.4 284.4 91.7 8,202 100.0% 100.0% Bi (U X3 All N.A.-Based Companies 485.0 284.3 91.5 8,199 99.9% 100.0% .0 .0 .0 0 .0% o All Asian-Based Companies .0% o All European-Based Companies .4 .1 .2 3 .1% .0% -oB All Hardware Companies 210.8 160.2 .5 6,038 43.4% 56.3% All Turnkey & SW Companies 274.6 124.2 91.2 2,163 56.6% 43.7%

    Source: Dataquest (March 1993)


    CO CO CO CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Market Share 79

    4) jB T3 n §5 o~•~5~ ss ss d^ 0) in O t^ « CTs OOOOOOI-HOOOO S C Q. g in o o o D CN oo K 0\ en tN T-l c o I 1=^1- o re 1/1 X

    re r^ so CO 1—I sD CO vO'^fslTjifS'^COrOcOfN s fO in CO CO CN tN « > CO ^ rS en B

    01 01 S^ S^ 5^ 5^ 5« S^ C^ o re p^ g ON tN OOOOOOCNOOOOOOO t^ so tN CO ^ 01 CN T3 > 1—1


    ^ o^ c^ ^ c^ o^ o^ 0^ Q~^ ^ c^ o^ c^ c^ "S bS t^ IN tN CO CM o o inr^jCTvOssososososoininininin H u 0) in CM cs in in CN CN re > u. 01 C<

    00 O CN in CO O tN OOOOOOCOOOOOOO'*! 00 (N CTs C7N CJs so ' '—' « -^ liJ Ofo) SO tN r^ in 2 c CL (N in CO so 13 *^ •- •* CO r^ oT-nH b » <2 tft X

    u u o 00 o in o in o CT^l—ltNso•^TrsDsD^~.lnoc5^-;^-;ln Os in TfrjJrHOCNsoinsdirisdLrisdsoin > 01 in CN I o *• to cfi

    01 U in c3 vO o •<*< o CO ooooooinooooooco t^ CN o CO in C 2 c CO in in CN D •a > 15 X < 00 CN Tt< tN CN CO tNOsiNsocNinincoT-HinincorHiN 2 ^a ON O T—I IN in oO'^i-HrHodiNtNtNtNsdsDsbsdin re in in tN CN CN

    OJ = 1 PC 01 u « J: tD CL rinu D- C re ^^ ^fl^ g o

    CD ^11^ O B3 < U' U B .5^ !r - Cu « CL, < i Ji! t; >, re O u i: u c « JZ a.'" c >^ i a. 01 D G cr i/i CH E "^ u o < re u nj _ ^ tn C, « -S o 'SD U U "(c B c Ji ^ Eb U ^ X £ ^oj a r E 5 ^ _a; C £ O « a. OJ ~ 0) _ ^ ra^ £ h .5 w 0^ o Ol •^ (U o < W "w I^ J ^ ^1 tij t2 a\ t^• • '5b -"p u U < > U U K3 cJ5 < £ >< S "3 y o tn pi: ;3 r iTi < CL, < O-^ < 2 < E CCAM-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15,1993 80 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    W Jfl -O •D (U is -"^ at OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOtNO D 5 C Q. _c "c. o I^.srt - o K

    01 01 T-iOOONOOONONVDOOOOOOOOt-^tN.vOlDtN\0\C'*tD $ V CM > ^ fJ 03 K

    01 U d^ 0^ 0^ 5^ (Q ^_ O O O O O O O o o o o o o o o O T-H s ^ £ TJ > iH 01 X42 cs

    d~- 5 &^S TtrOfTicoror^corOf^cDfDc'ifOtNcstNCNCN

    u. ^ QL

    0) J« "B OOOOOOOOOO O LQ O O O O O O O O O is •- ^ en "O "^ •- ffl tr. E

    V 01 P tS. t^ CN IT) 1-H p oqir;oq\qir)ptNt^Tj ^ «SJ tfi es 01 01 oooooooooooooooooooooo c is 3 D $ u "(3 2 1 ^ u < '*INts,vCtSi-ippp oqvoinfocMcstNi-t'rHONQqtv, 2 |>S COCOcnfOcicOCOcncicNCNCS w fS^S « > ai 5 B- .«{ PB C 3 O O

    J-J r 1 "J I*- I 'o-'n < ^G a. c - g Cu < o •£ .9. I — ^ n 73 I U y-v ^ S; "O [J o; 01 < m 9 U .s tn •S3 3 fe CQ o I 0 Q ^ id c i( J D -^ fl' <* Q .2 dJ "S > •a -^ -i I I rH ^ s 5 H 01 '^ n] C Cs § c < c 3 (0 ^ u U t; g 1^ 't-T 3 O «SsO OcK raW mtn SQ 3 <^ ^^ ^^ E U C4Ju Q.^ Ec ^ o •^-S-^Ar"!; rW ra ra^oirai^ Je: C£ <; 2 H S

    CCAM-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15,1993 o o Table 14 (Continued)

    1, 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    1 Application: All Applications en Platform: Personal Computer 1 § Region: North America —' Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Teradyne 2.7 .0 2.1 0 .2% .0% Vis ionics 2.5 .0 1.9 10 .2% .0% lr\temational Sb^twpe Sj^eicp; 2.4 .0 2.4 0 .2% .0% Claris .0% © 2.3 .0 2.3 0 .2% CO Neocad 2.3 .0 2.3 0 .2% .0% CO CO a Accel Technologies 2.2 .0 2.0 0 .2% .0% CU 2.2 2.2 0 .2% .0% X3 Generation 5 Technology .0 C= CD CO Integrated Computer Graphics.' 2.1 1.0 .8 119 .2% .1% 1—•• o5" Facility Mapping Systems 2.1 .0 1.8 0 .2% .0% o •3 Foresight Resources 2.1 .0 1.9 0 .2% .0% Q ADRA Systems 2.0 .0 1.6 0 .2% .0% oi. CD Accugraph 2.0 .1 1.7 10 .2% .0% ALDEC 2.0 .0 2.0 0 .2% .0% Cimatron 1.6 .7 .7 84 .1% .1% Intera Tydac 1.6 .0 1.6 0 .1% .0% Evolution ComptdSr^ 1.6 .0 1.6 0 .1% .0% LPKF 1.6 1.0 .4 68 .1% .1% Research Engineeis^-CtvilsojEt 1.5 .0 1.5 0 .1% .0% Sigma Etesign 1.5 .0 1.4 0 .1% .0%

    01 Terra Sciences 1.5 .0 1.5 0 .1% .0% o GRAPHSOFT 1.4 .0 1.4 0 .1% .0% en

    CO CO CO o o Table 14 (Continued) > 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications Platform; Personal Computer CO CO Region: North America CD Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Harris EDA 1.4 .1 1,1 5 .1% .0% Investronica SA 1.2 1.0 .1 48 .17o .1% BETRONEX 1.2 .1 1.1 22 .1% .0% Engineering Mechanics 1.2 1.0 143 @ .1 .1% .0% to Massteck 1.1 .0 1,1 0 .1% .0% (O CO o Mine Software 1.1 .0 1,1 0 .1% .0% Si Dl Intrinsix 1.0 1.0 ,0 10 .1% .1% £3 Spectrum Software 1.0 .0 1,0 0 .1% .0% Engineered Software 1.0 .0 1.0 0 .1% .0% O O •a Carrier Corporation 1.0 .0 1.0 0 .1% .0% o Tanner Research 1.0 .0 .9 0 .1% .0% 3. LandCadd 1.0 .0 .9 0 .1% .0% Path trace 1.0 .2 .6 14 .1% .0% Graphisoft Software Dev 1.0 .0 1.0 0 .1% .0% CAE-link 1.0 .0 1.0 0 .1% .0% Cadisys .9 .0 ,9 0 .1% .0% Aries Technolc^gjr .9 .0 .9 0 .1% .0% Map tech .9 .0 .9 0 .1% .0% Quicklogic .9 .0 .9 0 .1% .0% .9 .0 .8 0 .1% .0% n Aura CAD/CAM Systems Cascade Graphics .8 .0 .8 0 .1% .0%

    CO CO CO o o > Table 14 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/CIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications Oi Platform: Personal Computer (JD CO Region: North America C3 Units: Millions of U.S. Pollars/Actual Units Market Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Cimlinc .8 .0 .6 0 .1% .0% Dynaware .8 .0 .8 0 .17o .0% Genasys 11 .8 .1 .7 16 .1% .0% Kork Systems .0% @ .8 .1 .6 15 .1%

    =3 IGC Technology .7 .0 .0% O .7 0 .1% o .0% -B CADWorks 7 .0 .6 0 .1% o A,l. Systems .7 .0 .7 0 .17o .0% ECOM Associates .7 .0 .7 4 .1% .0% Ground Modelling Systems .7 .5 .3 4 .1% .1% Engineering Systems Corp, .6 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% Machinery Sales .6 .0 .6 0 .0% .0% Omation .6 .0 .6 0 .0% .0% Rasna Corporation .6 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% Vamp ,6 .0 ,6 0 .0% .0% Mc2 Engineering Software .6 .0 .6 0 .0% .0% .6 .0 .6 0 .0% .0% a Infinite Graphics Terr-Mar Resource Info Svs .5 .1 .3 14 .0% .0%

    C£> CO CO o Table 14 (Continued) i 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share 1 1 Application: All Applications C/3 Platform: Personal Computer Region: North America sCD Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Uiuts Market Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Digital .5 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% CADSI .5 .1 .4 9 .0% .0% Ashlar .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% Compact Software .5 .0 .5 0 @ .0% .0% CO Applicon .5 .2 .2 16 .0% .0% CO CO o MacNeal-Schwendler .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% K- Capilano Computing .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0%

    CO CO CO o o Table 14 (Continued) > 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications V) Platformi I Personal Computer CO CO Region: North America C3 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Pacific Numerics .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Sim u test .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Ithaca Softvifare .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% BATISOFT .2 .0 .1 7 .0% .0% @ CO Synthesis .1 .0 .1 0 .07o .0% CO

    All N.A.-Based Companies 1,248.3 738.1 451.1 190,397 99.1% 99.5% All Asian-Based Companies .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% AH European-Based Compailiies 11.8 3.6 7.1 251 .9% .5% i All Hardware Companies 775.3 740.7 .0 191,249 61.5% 99.9% All Turnkey & SW Companies 484.8 1.0 458.2 (601) 38.5% .1%

    CO Source: Dataquest (March 1993) CO CO 86 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    01 t/D T3 •vP ^ --S -5 •^j 0^ 0^ ^ S^ S5 ss 0^ 5? 55 £? 14 (U 0^ 0^ re 'c \o ON t>- •<*< \o o00^ •* o q 00 IN en CO en en q C^ vO en en o. rH rH I fO r-j rH IT) 00 vo 5 3 Q. >* c r-H rH o h Ic O re t/5 X

    V ^o -5 •-5 ff^ 0^ 0^ -^ o^ -5 £ 3 0^ 0^ ss e^ 0^ S? CO \0 MD ; rH 00 T-< ir, IT) vd tN tsi (N (N r-^ fO r-! (N 44-5> u ^H v^ > Al q/3 DS

    vP S o~- s5 5? 5? 0^ ss 5? !S => « OS en tNI O'^'^OOOONtNOOtNO CN in g Ov 5 c \D IN rH LO tv •* fv vO rH st—' $ ft; TJ > X

    en en rv o tN •* en "* o ONOoinininenrNir-HrHrHooo •^ ON IN IN LD Tf Tf en cs re > tu u

    ii £> in vO Ov CJv CN rH >i o n •- ai IN 00 o en in 00 00 tN 00 OS \0 rH r\oH 1—rH1 T»H 5 C D. •>* in m iTi. CN CN m m rH re t/3

    V V en « so t-i o in o o CN f-^ CN ON en rH IN en O IN O in CN rH en 00 en • rH • • in m i—t ON ON NO CN 00 T—i •<* en 'J' CN in » HI o in CN O C3N Tjt en en m CN rH ^ (S U3 06

    01 V OrH'^OOONCNtNCnO CS rH q ON TJH CN in CN Np in rHirJcNt>OrHr>;tN ^sl CD r-i rH en iri tN CN in rH ONrHT+ltNcncnrHON m ^ en •«*< rH CN TfCNCnrHCNrHCNrH in CN in CN TS > re r^

    tN en tN in T}< o en CN T^tNTTinencninencNqNO 5 fc^S en NO rtl rH in CJN -^ tN ooooNdirivdrHcnencnooin •* in :i en in in ON oooooootNtNNOvovoinTt* fS^S in ^ 'i* en CN CN rH o re i» Q s t/3 re c« ll u St; 1^

    g:^ O :r5 01 ^ < < W S e C/3 C/l O >^ tn tn 12 v2 E -4: t/i tn U) u u u b u OJ 0) o CO O -*^ 'E Ul s 1 •T3 3 a. t(3 < Ol EX. a, v: u > re « j5 re in re re >^ Cl. o in i-i B TJ u 1 •E. ni D c in .£ B Si z T en Oi 0) 0 OJ D re (U Q (A fl £ c !Z Q "o 1^ (J u u a. a, "S Q. 0 tj "a, o U p I ^ B B c E « C V u _aj 2 01 E c tH Ci, N Q. re (s CL,_« 'Sc-p o c 3 s -t-f o TJ s OT f 01 3 Ot w 0^ ra U c/i v5 a. V fi£ rH U £2 d 'i Lfl U < m H 0^ < c- ci ^ < (75 U < z

    CCAM-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Woridwide Market Share 87


    4J 01 •i 3 CN ^ cN in tNoiocyvcNcootnooiriONt^TtitNcoiri T-H CS

    tfj PS

    U 01 v9 vP v5 ss ^ S5 -S SS ss rtS ^ ss ss ^ r^ *" S T»< O vO ^^ CO \o rn •> •* p CO q p CN P tN S c f V t3 > t. 0) X

    t-vt-Nt^vo^iTjiniDLn-rf'^cocococococococo H u « (« > UH U

    4) J2 TJ t-iootsinocncsit^oooo o o T—1 >X> ON o CM >,OvDtNLnOOOCS 0\ ^ \o C7N CO o 5 C D. CO CM CM IT) tx roaN^Tj*= X" c/3

    01 01 ^ tx CO »-< ON i-HCMOOOOt^irjincOr-HOOvqCMt^t^-^P 00 Ov ON '-i txovincMiriooododKooincMNOvHTfod <—( CO "-I 4; > tfj 05

    U 01 ONt^OONt^CO^'-J'-H CO o ITl o o CN O O •^ in CO \o en m S 4-> •^o 'KooNooodcsi IN 00 VO 00 CN 00 in •2 SE 01 1-1 I—I i-l CM i-l CM D •o > IN 01 _3 "tJ < NO in CO p pvpoqvqvopoNcoocjvOfMONONt-vcop 3^3 O O ON 00 in oo6tv'^cNoc5o6KtvKNONDNbNC>.D ,o o c •^•^COCOrOCOCOCNCNCNCN H u 0) O b u Q Ctf iTi te JZ (C C d CD "S U~ Q. n Q, <5 ^^ w> T3 aO < C u ,y "3 "a O c § •xi < ni O g in u .J fj < 3 -N (0 U •s a, Xi 6Ol c ri 1^ r/1 6 t^ j:; 1 o Cfi in D 1/1 s- < .9 c b4 ro U S2 < m c « Q (IJ TJ n: I-; TO 11) -.< U g •5 < ra U C/l E2 O f2 a\ < e- Di D ,:i; y a: < u £ rt! CC U s 0^

    CCAM-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15,1993 o o Table 15 (Continued) i>> 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    1 Application; All AppI cations CO Platform: All Platforms

    ^p Region: Europe Units: Millions of U.S, Dollars/Achial Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Research Machines 15.6 15.6 .0 2,517 .37o .5% Star Informatic 15.2 4.9 8.7 1,630 .3% .2% CAD Lab 14.7 .0 11.8 0 .2% .0% Fides Industrielle Au^ima^dn 14.4 2.1 10.1 111 .2% .1% @ CO Ziegler Informatics 14.3 .0 14.3 0 .2% .0% tCoO 7.2 4.9 o Unisys 14.2 214 .2% .2% El (U Soft-Tech Software Teefaripfe^&S 13.8 2.1 10.4 932 .2% .1% Xc3: CD Microway 12.5 7.6 3.8 133 .2% .3% C/>^ o5 " Exapt 12.5 6.1 4.2 229 .2% .2% o Framasoft 12.0 .0 7.3 0 .2% .0% •oa LPKF 11.0 7.2 2.8 541 .2% .2% CD CX Gerber Systems 10.9 5.4 3.6 151 .27o .2% Smallworld Systems 10.5 2.4 5.8 52 .2% .1% COMPASS Design Automation 10.5 .2 7.9 8 .2% .0% PDA Engineering 10.4 .0 10.1 0 .2% .0% CAD Centre 10.4 .0 8.3 0 .2% .0% Kockums Computer Syst ems 10.2 2.6 5.6 502 .2% .1% Marcus Computer Systeme 10.2 5.3 3.5 296 .2% .2% Swanson Analysis 10.1 .0 10.1 0 .2% .0%

    CU Aucotec 10.0 1.7 6.5 360 .2% .17o c3 9.8 1.0 5.7 42 .2% .0% zr Harris EDA en to CO CO o o Table 15 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications Platform: All Platforms Region: Europe o Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu Sysscan 9.8 4.2 2.6 92 .2% .1% Moss Systems 9.7 .0 8.7 0 .2% .0% Genasys II 9.3 1.0 7.9 63 .2% .0% Dell Computer @ 9.3 9.3 .0 2,415 .2% .3% (O View logic Systems 9.2 .0% (O .0 7.4 0 .2% CO a Auto-Trol 8.9 3.3 3.4 112 .2% .1% o> Technische Computer Systeme 8.6 1.7 6.9 271 .1% .1% Laser-Scan 8.5 2.9 3.4 51 .1% .1% RIB/R2B 8.3 .7 6.7 52 .1% .0% Geo Vision Systems 8.1 .6 4.2 8 .1% .0% i Cimlinc 8.0 .0 5.6 168 .1% .0% DAT Standard info ssystemes 7.9 .0 7.5 0 .1% .0% Olivetti 7.8 6.6 .0 890 .1% .2% Sagantec 7.5 .0 6.7 0 .1% .0% EEsof 7.5 .0 6.6 5 .1% .0% Spectrum .^y^|)hj|ias.: 7.2 2.2 3.6 67 .1% .1% Serbi 7.0 .7 6.3 0 .1% .0% Hochtief 6.9 1.0 4.8 84 .1% .0% Ground Modelling Systems 6.6 3.6 2.7 56 .1% .1% Alper Systems 6.4 3.2 1.6 45 .1% .1% Zycad 6.3 3.8 .8 36 .1% .1%

    U3 CO CO o Table 15 (Continued)

    1 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    1 Application; All Applications en Platform: All Platforms cb Region: Europe CO t—1 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu BATISOFT 6.0 .9 3.0 300 .1% .0% RoboCAD Solutions 6.0 .0 4.5 0 .1% .0% debis Systemhaus 5.8 1.4 3.4 39 .1% .0% 5.4 4.4 .8 18 .1% @ Clemessy .17 CO Kohns & Poppenhaeger 5.4 2.7 1.9 64 .1% .1% CD CO .0 4.8 0 .1% O Alias Research 5.2 .0% CU 5.1 .0 5.1 0 .1% S3 Oread .07 d CD mb Programme 5.1 2.5 1.8 122 .1% .17 cn o5" Solboume 5.0 4.9 .0 400 .1% .27 o Complansoft CAD 4.9 2.5 2.5 113 .1% .17 -a Logic Modeling SystetflSf 4.9 .0 3.9 0 .1% .0% 1Qo . CD Analogy 4.8 .0 3.9 0 .1% .07 Graphisoft Software Dev 4.5 .0 4.5 0 .1% .07 ADRA Systems 4.4 .2 3.3 16 .1% .07 Kloeckner-Moeller 4.4 .2 3.1 46 .1% .07 HP Cade 4.4 2.6 1.3 44 .1% .17 ANACAD 4.3 .0 4.3 0 .1% .07 Computer Services CoriSliltants 4.2 .0 4.2 0 .1% .07 Gable CAD Systems 4.0 4.0 .8 58 .1% .17 .4 .1% CU LSI Logic 3.8 2.8 10 .0% z3r Sener Sistemas MarinOS' 3.7 .0 3.7 0 .1% .07 en CO CO OJ e66l.'Sl.MOJB|/\| pajeiodioou] iS9nbBiEa £661-® mee-siAi-MM-i/MVOo

    "> Ci ^ n n C ^ 2 > ^ > n d rK SH S > C" O X ?r n 3.(^ =" "^ n s. 3 > > fO 2. n O s:.T3 3 fT> " ^ 3 w 3" f us o s I d - 2 a (T! •PS 3 '3_ V) Oi CL O U5 m -a ?^ 11 (/] 3 r* fli ?! •-< - f S) 3 • 03 Ul TS 3 ^ n JT en n 3 S" o fi) >< •T3 re "a *-f- M O oi CL S fD (U S 5 s* n 3- 3 3 0> 5o I 09 2 I CO m d VI F5" 21 > > 3 S c :; (/) c: O 3 > S "^ Q> TJ 3 m Cfl rji 3* o 3 £J. •-f-t " 5' 3 C c/i JO in n Ti O < w o 3 0 5" ^JM^J^OMK3MWOJwwwwwoJWOJWWww S^ Si aN~ n X c ja ii w_ n < a>^ C n t 3 OJ s O^OOOOOO^0N0JrfiOO*»OO0000O in feO u n"i

    J8 cn o -'h-»NJWrs)WW>-'H-'W 3 at wwlnuibobswo"vj>--'bNW^oKjkJwobN*».who en n X iji u X •-! •5' C u. •o 3_ NJ OJ W Ul vq (ji ji. fO w OK)OOOOOOON3SI~NJOOOVOOO-NJOI-' UL 1/1 «

    S8 re •n w < n OOOOOOOi-'i-'i-'K-'hJt-'^H-'h-'h-'i-ii-ii-iH^ 3 O C a> ^O ^O ^O vp ^ NJ3 -VP VJ3 VP -^O VJ3 ^ -^ vP -vP ^ ^ ^ -J3 vP -sP fO o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^d^o^o^o^o^o^ X ?3 a re •n a re< 3 t OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH-OI-^ at O^O-vPO^Ov^O-vOvP-vP-sP-^-vPvP-vP-sp-vp-vP^^vP-^ C o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^d^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^ « «•1

    JS ffi o < >^ n H-i|—iH^H-kfoi—^1—'MOi—*i—'I—ihJNii—^hJhOi—^H-^N30 3 sa ^ Vp -^ O '^ xP ^ vP ^ vP ^ vP -vP ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ NP C 1 • • O^ O^ O^ O^ 0~^ O^ O^ O^ O^ O^ O^ O^ O^ O^ O^ O^ O^ 0^ O CT" ft n ffi Ul tu o 3" 1-1 o "5* C O. 3 tj 3_ c ci C) <^ (O ci ci 'oi c> o <^ 'a> c:i ci '<:D i^ 'a> Ci 'oi 'c:) (D '<:=> ft ri» "l CD ^-s^-^-vOv^^^^v^^^^vO-vP-^v^-vOv^^vOvP a. VI fD Q. O^O^O^O^O^O^O^O^O^O^O^O^O^O^O^O^d^O^O^O^tS^

    16 ajBMS 18>|JB|/\| apiMppoM SI9/3V0/l/\IV0/aV0 o Table 15 (Continued)

    1 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    1 Application: All Applications C/J riatform: All Platforms Region: Europe r~> Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue ERDAS 2.5 .7 1.7 275 .0% .0% ISDATA 2.5 .0 2.2 0 .0% .0% Pathtrace 2.5 .5 1.6 37 .0% .0% @ ALS Design 2.4 .1 2.2 20 .0% .0% U3 Superdraft: 2.3 1.1 1.1 132 .0% .0% CO CO 1.2 O Caroline Informatique 2.3 .4 18 .0% .0% (rU^ Elstree Computing 2.2 1.0 1.2 62 .0% .0%

    CD CO BETRONEX 2.2 .2 1.9 40 .0% .0% o5 " Quicktum Systems 2.2 2.2 .0 18 .0% .1% o Vero International Software 2.2 .0 2.0 0 .0% .0% •a CAD-UL 2.1 .0 2.1 0 .0% .0% 1a. Data I/O 2.1 .0 2.1 0 .0% .0% CAMTEK 2.1 .5 1.4 0 .0% .0% Lamp Software 2.1 .5 1.5 130 .0% .0% ICAD 2.0 .0 1.6 0 .0% .0% CAD-Capture 2.0 .4 .6 10 .0% .0% Test Systems Strategies 2.0 .0 1.7 0 .0% .0% Macao Systems 1.8 1.0 .6 19 .0% .0% Geometria GIS Systems House 1.8 .2 .4 15 .0% .0% fu PADS Software 1.8 .0 1.5 0 .0% .0% "3 O .0 1.2 0 .O'X. IX DAPCO 1.8 .0% CJl

    CO CO CO o o Table 15 (Continued) > 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share 1

    t Application: All Applications OJ Platform: All Platforms • 1 CO CO Region: Eunipe O Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Microsim 1.8 .0 1.7 0 .0% .0% Point Control 1.7 .0 1.6 0 .0% .0% MEDESiGN 1.7 .5 .6 18 .0% .0% @ ETAK 1.6 .1 1.5 3 .0% .0% CO Aries Technology 1.6 .0 0 .0% .0% CO 1.5 CA3 o ARKTEC 1.6 .2 1.3 43 .0% .0% ei Moda CAD 1.6 .4 1.1 13 .0% .0% cu .ca CD SPATIAL Technology 1.6 .0 1.6 0 .0% .0% c5n" o•—t - Sinus Software 1.5 .8 .8 36 .0% .0% o Strategic Mapping 1.5 .0 1.4 0 .0% .0% •-a^ o Computational MechaSiics 1.5 .0 1.5 0 .0% .0% Q. 1 GeoQuest 1.4 .0 1.4 0 .0% .0% CD Sigma Design 1.4 .0 1.3 0 .0% .0% PEGS 1.4 .0 1.2 0 .0% .0% Mechanical Dynamics 1.2 .0 1.1 0 .0% .0% Aucos elektronische Gerate 1.2 .4 .9 121 .0% .0% Dynamic Graphics 1.2 .0 1.0 0 .0% .0% Mucke Software 1.1 .6 .4 27 .0% .0% Integer 1.1 .0 .9 0 .0% .0%

    CU 1.1 .4 .6 6 .0% .0% 3 Zuken o EA Systems 1.1 .0 1.1 0 .0% .0% zr

    .-A CO CD CO o Table 15 (Continued)

    1 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    1 Application: All Applications Ui Platform: All Platforms CO CO Region: Europe 1—> Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue CADWorks 1.0 .0 .9 0 .0% .0% CADSI .9 .1 .7 6 .0% .0% Compact Software .9 .0 .9 0 .0% .0% CNC Software .9 .0 .9 0 .0% @ .0% (O Contract Data Research .9 .0 .6 0 .0% .0% (O CO o Ace u graph .9 .4 .4 31 .0% .0% K- CADMATIC .9 .1 .6 6 .0% .0% D> XC3Z CD CO i-Logix .9 .0 .9 0 .0% .0% o5" Aspen Technology .9 .0 .8 0 .0% .0% o Cascade Design Automation .8 .0 .6 0 .0% .0% •a Areon .8 .4 .2 6 .0% .0% Q 1a. CD Anilam Electronics .8 .1 .6 0 .0% .0% Number One Systems .8 .1 .6 55 .0% .0% Inca .7 .7 .0 3 .0% .0% Scientific & Engiiieering SW .7 .0 .7 0 .0% .0% Algor Interactive Systems .7 .0 .6 0 .0% .0% ESDU hitemational .7 .0 .7 0 .0% .0% Rasna Corporation .7 .0 .6 0 .0% .0% Masta Corporation .6 .0 .5 0 .0% .0%

    CU Engineered Software .6 .0 .6 0 .0% .0% z3r

    CO CO CO o o Table 15 (Continued) > 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications^ Platform: All Platforms (O CO Region: Europe Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Carrier Corporation .6 .0 .6 0 .0% .0% Hydrotec .6 .3 .2 7 .0% .0% Mine Software .6 .0 .6 0 .0% .0% .0% .0% @ Evolution Computing .5 .0 .5 0

    CO CO CO o Table 15 (Continued)

    1 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    1 Application: All Applications Platform; All Platforms s Region: Europe ^3 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Foresight Resources .4 .0 .3 0 m» .0"/ Simulation Science .4 .0 .4 0 .m< .07 Omation .3 .0 .3 0 .Q% .07 .0 .3 0 .0% @ Wisdom Systems .3 .07 ^e Bechtel Software .3 ,0 ,3 0 .0% .07 CO o Motorola .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .07 tu .0 .2 0 .0'^ ja Sweet's Electronic Publishing .3 .07 c: Terr-Mar Resource Info Svs .3 .1 .2 5 .Q% CD a% !3oa ' Generation 5 Technology .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .07 o Objectivity .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .07 -3 Georgia Tech Research Corp. .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .07 COD a. Facihty Mapping Systems .2 .0 ,2 0 .0% .07 Instrumatic Espanola .2 .0 ,2 0 .07o .0"/ Mega CADD .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .07 Geotrace Technologies .2 .0 .2 3 .07n .07 CAD Language Systems .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .07 Electrical Eng. Software 2 .0 .2 0 .0% .07 Tanner Research .1 .0 .2 0 .07« .07 Cascade Graphics .2 .0 .2 0 .07, .07 (U Meta-Software .2 .0 .1 0 .07o .Q% 3 o

    CO CO CO o o > Table 15 (Continued)

    1 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    1 Application: All Applications tn Platform: All Platforms CO CO Region: Europe CD Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Achial Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue TOOL Software .2 .1 .1 4 .0% .0% Integrated Silicon Systems .2 .0 .1 1 .0% .0% Synthesis .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% @ ASG .0 .1 0 .0% .0% CO Infinite Graphics .0 .1 0 .0% .0% CO CO o Object Design .0 .1 0 .0% .0% ei Valisys .0 .0 0 .0% .0% (U J:) Ithaca Software .0 .1 0 .0% .0% c5=" oCD A.I. Systems .0 .1 0 .07o .0% oCO •a Vamp .0 .1 0 .0% .0% o Sunrise Test Systems .0 .1 0 .0% .0% CD o. C^EOVISION bic. .0 .0 3 .0% .0% GeoGraphix .0 .1 0 .0% .0% Dolphin Integration .0 .1 0 .0% .0% Exemplar Logic .0 .1 0 .0% .0% CAE-link .0 .1 0 .0% .0% Quicklogic .0 .1 0 .0% .0% Phase Three Logic .0 .0 .0 0 .07o .0% Cooper & Chyan Technology .n .0 .0 0 .0% .0% (U NCR Microelectronics .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% 3zr

    CO CO CO o Table 15 (Continued) J> 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Application^ (/) Platform: All Platforms (ID OJ Region: Europe C3 Units: Millions of U.S. pollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Other Companies 322.7 315.3 .0 50,907 5.5% 10.4% All Companies 5,887.7 3,026.4 1,775.8 237,402 100.0% 100.0%

    All N.A.-Based Companies 4,499.5 2,537.7 1,094.6 212,590 76.4% @ 83.8% to All Asian-Based Companies 1.1 .4 .6 6 .0% .0% (O CO o All European-Based Companies 1,387.2 488.4 680.6 24,806 23.6% 16.1% Ei (U All Hardware Companies 1,679.0 1,446.5 2.9 188,956 28.5% 47.8% All Turnkey & SW Companies 4,208.7 1,580.0 1,772.9 48,446 71.5% 52.2% o Source: Dataquest (March 1993) o •a o

    CO UD CO CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Market Share 99

    V in tJ •a l-l o^ 5^ 0^ 0^ c5^

    V V -5 s? S5 0^ 5? 5? S? 0^ 5? ff^ s? S5 S5 0^ u ss ss ff^ 3 •<* iTi CO CN o o 00 T—t VO n LO VC CO O g 00 CO g e ts fNI t% ^N CO CO CO CO CO CN >* CN CN CO rH > o V CsS

    u v 3 rt C (N^fJ^DinvOCOOO; •«* p p Tt; •* P rH p CO ON CO 01 CO 00 O K ^ Lri CN CO CN I-H CO ' I-< CO ' rH ' T3 u u> ra ai

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    V tn •T3 (N ON fN ON o ON o t-v (N o l-H o o o CNl CO 00 01 5 I—1 ON CO (N rN| <-l VO in CO (B ^^ 3; s "* CtsN o >.£> tN a\ ^ CO O\oN CN Tt tN O t-^ •* t-^ ^x o ^) •£ a. ^^ ^r •* I-H CO' T—I CO D a. "* CO­ t> '•X, IN n tn X

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    01 V 1—1 ON I-H o \o CN I-H ON o •* t:s •^ o CN o o ON o tx ON NO re 3 ON 00 I-H I-H I-H CO CN NO CN CO ON o 00 o ts o I-H C 00 I-H 00 ir> CO I-H (N CN in T-H 7—< 01 S CN NO I-H I-H •>* CN Tl > I-H

    NOCNjCOt-N-NOi-HT^NOt-SlOtvCO CO CO CN p •^ I-H •^ CO c -a t^ irioNcotNloNodooNOodirioooo CO 00 ON 00 in in CN o CO 00 CO o in O ON 00 00 NO NO NO in CO CO CO CO ^ CO O H u 4) ' ' ^ " ~ " " s re > in CO CN CN I-H t£ crt a b V C ^ S c/i ai tn .^5 ^Z, Ol D. T^0 1 C Q. O

    5 in < E i«i U "H E c HI Q CD s ffi o <: tn ji •T3 a. X X CL u reu re ra ffl la c u-^ X t4 "in (0 >> CL, Ui 1-1 \0 u ,9 £i Ui D ta § U Q 0 _ g u -u Q n a c 3 i! t-i •?; < re D. (u Bi •M o c . &. 01 O tfi B 5 c .)i u is; ^^ J y c .£1 u D.'r E 0 01 e S tn m .y -3 £ N Q r-4 "Sb^'H 01 W t;; ei ^ ^3 y £^3 u 0^ u X S -ji -^ B ^ bJ I f^ ?i < E £Q2j DC 0^ o c/i U

    CCAM-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15,1993 100 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    0) u •a 0^ 5^ (u «ll •£ 01 vO 00 en CM o in o o CO tN O ^ O IN CN O CO Cl. T) D a. ll rt iCcD 5 K

    01 u la 0^ 0- 3 00 CO CO CM vO hs TjcOOt^OcOcO C n (U 01 N4-i I > )-l n tU (fl en X c:: t/3 •*rf 01 u u £-• 5^ 3 T-H LD \0 IT) O O ID •«*" CO LO O C TJ- O O Tf ro O CO (N tS IB 0> s TJ >01

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    01 OJ p Ti; ON CO O O CO NC ON • 2 u < OONt-^ONOrrONTTcOO CM IN ON CO in o ON 00 N£) in in c r)5 CO CM 1-5 O ot^NOincMt^NONOvoNoin r^ d> d> d> d> d) Q f2 U 01 COCMCMCMCM»-lT-li-lr-lT- 01 ^1 u ui n X ss^ CD in ^-( y u CI w o id nt ^s 5^ '^ E2 II "O n 3 ui < s u

    c ^ c o ivCi DU B ts "(S E &. < ;^ O o U iS .S •" g XI Q.^ "Eb - o ts U cS oO^N a, « Ov B: D

    CCAM-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15,1993 o o Table 16 (Continued) 1> i 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/CrS Market Share 1, 1 Application: AH Applications i: Platform: Technical Workstation (hCrt Region: Europe CO ..A Units: Millions of U.S Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue CAD Centre 10.4 .0 8.3 0 .3% .0% COMPASS Design Automation 10.3 .2 7.7 8 .3% .0% Kockums Computer Systems 10.2 2.6 5.6 502 .3% .2% Marcus Computer Systeme @ 10.2 5.3 3.5 296 .3% .3% —k (O Moss Systems 9.7 8.7 0 .3% .0% C£> .0 CO O Auto-TroJ 8.9 3.3 3.4 112 .3% .2% K- o> J3 Harris EDA 8.9 .9 5.0 38 .3% .1% c: CD ESRI 8.8 .0 8.0 0 .3% .0% c5n" o Technische Comptt^ S^SMh^ 8.6 1.7 6.9 270 .2% .1% o Genasys II 8.4 .8 7.1 44 .2% .1% •o3 Laser-Scan 8.2 2.8 3.3 48 .2% .2% ai. C1> PDA Engineering 7.8 .0 7.5 0 .2% .0% Microway 7.7 4.7 2.3 73 .2% .3% Sagantec 7.5 .0 6.7 0 .2% .0% Spectrum Graphics 7.2 2.2 3.6 67 .2% .1% Cimlinc 6.8 .0 4.8 168 .2% .0% Alper Systems 6.4 3.2 1.6 45 .2% .2% GeoVision Systems 5.7 .5 3.0 6 .2% .0% Swanson Analysis 5.6 .0 5.6 0 .2% .0% i: Kohns & Poppenhaeger 5.4 2.7 1.9 64 .2% .2% S- MacNeal-Schwend ler 5.4 .0 5.1 0 .2% .0% 5J1

    U3 OJ 102 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    •o 6^ 5? ts OOCNOOOi-iO rH O O O tN rH D Sea O o o o C •sc o •i^« l(/ J O K

    0^ 0^ 0^ d-~ 5 c TJ< Tt< CN CD rO CS rH rH CO rv| CM rH rH rH

    yi CS

    V 01 6^ 0"- OOtNOOrHtNCNOOCOrHOOO rH 1—( O $ OJ o o •a > b «

    5 &^S CS CN ,o £ c to > u. 01 a£

    V O O CO O O IT) O 00 \0 O "O rH rH in CO CM 01 C^N •>^* rH Ln Tt re e Q. D •a .B" re is 73

    V 01 c^^oqlDtxvq^Df0^s 00 CO 00 •"ttvirt'.qeNcovovqinoq re 3 TT 't CN CO CO CN r-! CO Tf rHCOCSCNrHrHrHrHCNrH i e s^ 01 o >

    01 O O rH tfi s O O ID sOLnpoo'^oeNcot-^'^ CO O O IT) c re c cvi CN CO ' T)i r-H • • ^ rH D •o ha 01 re re 2 X u

    « "in [fa 01 01 ll 5 -^ 0« C l-c P X« • - o (/) o en "S 01 C CL

    CCAM-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15,1993 e66l.'9I.M0JB|/\| pajHJOdiooui isanbBiBQ £66L® me6-si/\i-ywv\-iAivoo

    •n i-i 1-^ M ^ > > n s^ f5^ fs' s > U rn >-l 5- Bl VI ^ 'P C o rs 1-1 > S > ^• n > O CM in Ul O. tn O c o ?3 Q. 1B3 3 1o n~ n fT I fii 5* ui 03 9 ii > hu ^ ° o s. ft n I 3 o 0 a^ ID 3^ U5 > c- n fO 3 o n v3) 3 I 2 03 > Q O '^ 9 O OQ & 3 '-^ f at o> oq ja r3 -^ a on 2| m C oS. ^^ i^ & E ri 1—' «2 ^^ fl i:^ u 3 n re tji o ^S-l^ - 3- C o -• 7) C/l ^ 3 n Tl < u O S0) . " n 2. cr. O^ £. o N3 N3 N) M to ro K> a> (U •-1 3 ^JOJ^^i.u^Ul n

    JO ? a) TO 1-1 < a- c N) 3 ^ 3 WNJOOOOOh^OWUlOOOWOif'O to k) nc Sni VJ

    H t/s 3 » 3 ? ^ w o WWOOOO^OOl3\v£ltOUlWO^Ol-'O^OCJ^W nc SnI

    X C/) u a- Ht •n' C a. ts3 I-* •a a W w 0^ 1—' to h-" >-i to "I o*'OOoa\aio(»ooooooso\oooo 00 to a> 01

    ?3 « "n < a» n '"' OOOOOOOOOOi-'i-'i-'i-'^-'^t-'f-'h-'H-i-i 0^ ^•^^V^^VP^^-^NPOVPVP^^^^^^^^ o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^d^S^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^ »^ g^ Bl X 10 ti n '^ < a 2 Oi-'000000000000000>-'OOt-' w 3 ^ l-l ^^^^^^vPvPvp^vPvP-vP^vPv^^VpO-^^ c Si n n n CT S*

    '^ ? •^ h o w < a ft OOl-'i-'t-'t-ih-ii-ii-ih-ii-ih-ii-'hJi-'i-'tOOtOi-'i-i ^ ^ ^ v^ vP ^ ^ vP ^ vP ^O vp '^O v^ ^ ^ -^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I SI o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^d^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^ ™ «

    X u s!/)r 1-1 •5' C D. Ta 3 u 1-1 t?s?sssassas????ssssss Di en n eoi. 8JBMS 13>|JB|/\| apiMpiJOM SI3/3V0/IAIV0/aV0 o Table 16 (Continued)

    1 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share 1 Application: All Applications C/J Platform: Technical Workstation (ID Region: CO Europe t—1 Units: Millions of U.S Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue PEGS 1.1 .0 1.0 0 .0% .0% Xilinx 1.1 .0 i.o: 0 .0% .0% Macao Systems 1,1 .6 A 12 .0% .0% Zuken 1.1 .4 .6 6 .0% .0% @ g Mechanical Dynamics 1.1 .0 .9 0 .0% .0% CO D Dynamic Graphics .9 .0 .8 0 .0% .0% .9 .0 .9 0 J3 i-Logix .0% .0% c= CD .0 .6 0 .0% Cascade Design Autai^tiph .8 .0% o5" Accugraph .8 .4 .3 30 .0% .0% o Sigma Desigji .8 .0 .7 0 .0% .0% •o3 CADSI .7 .1 .6 3 .0% .0% ai. .7 .0 .7 0 .0% .0% CD Scientific & Engini^aniCi^: m GeoQuest .7 .0 .7 0 .0% .0% Hydro tec .6 .3 .2 7 .0% .0% Lamp Software .6 .2 .4 52 .0% .0% ISDATA .6 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% Geometria GIS S]^{^eixi$ iH<|Nlse .6 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% ACTEL .5 .0 ,5 0 .0% .0% Rasna Corporation .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% .5 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% 3cu ACDS Graphic System o Computational Mechanics ,5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% IT CJl

    CO CO CO o o Table 16 (Continued) i 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share 1 1 Application: All App ications cp Platform: Technica 1 Workstation cb Region: Europe CJ Q..^ Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue National Semiconductor .4 .1 .4 5 .0% .0% LEICA Heerberg .4 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% Quantic Laboratories .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% @ Pacific Numerics .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% CO Ontos .4 CO .0 .4 0 .0% .0% CO o Compact Software .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% .0 Data I/O .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% c Whessoe Computing ^jjtians .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% CD ut 03 " Wisdom Systems .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% 0 -3 Motorola .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% CADMATIC .3 .0 .2 2 .0% .0% 10. Mine Software .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% CD Simulation Science .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% Objectivity .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% CAMTEK .2 .1 .2 0 .0% .0% Inca .2 .2 .0 1 .0% .0% CAD Language Systei)ffi£ .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Masta Corporation .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Microsim .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% s PADS Software .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% 0 ^IT Terr-Mar Resource Infp S^Vs .2 .0 .1 2 .0% .0% 5X1

    CD CO CO o o Table 16 (Continued) > 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application; All Applications CO Platform: I Technical Workstation ID CO Region: Europe C3 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue ETAK .0 0 .0% .07o Meta-Software .0 0 .0% .0% ARKTEC .1 11 .07,, .0% Electrical Eng. Software 0 .0% .07o @ .0 CO Integrated Silicon Systems .0 1 .0% .07o CD OJ d CADKEY .0 0 .0% .07o Point Control .0 0 .0% .07o Object Design .0 0 .0% .0% Bechtel Software .0 0 .0% .0% O O •3 Georgia Tech Research Corp. .0 0 .0% .0% o a. Valisys .0 0 .0% .0% Infinite Graphics .0 0 .07o .0% Terra Sciences .0 0 .0% .0% Sunrise Test Systen^i .0 0 .0% .0% Softdesk .0 0 .0% .0% Ithaca Software .0 0 .0% .0% GEOV15ION Inc. .0 .0 1 .0% .0% TOOL Software .0 .0 1 .0% .0% Exemplar Logic .0 .0 0 .0% .0%

    (U Massteck .0 .0 0 .0% .07o c? ESDU Intemationisa .0 .0 0 .0% .07o

    CD CD CO o Table 16 (Continued)

    1 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    1 Application: All Applications Crt Platform: Technical Workstation CD CO Region: Europe o_& Units: Millions of U.S Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revejjue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Carrier Corporation .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Dolphin Integration .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% A Igor Interactive Systefflis .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Land C add • .0 .0% @ .0 .0 0 .0% CD Cooper & Chyan TeeJuROld^ .0 .0% .0% CD .0 .0 0 OJ CADWorks .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% K- 03 X3 ALS Design .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% d CD CO Tanner Research .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% 5o " NCR MicroelectrGiriigg .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% o .0% .0% —1 ASG .0 .0 .0 0 T3 Synthesis .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% 1a. Facility Mapping SysteiiE]^ .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% CD Phase Tliree Logic .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Other Companies .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% All Companies 3,47L2 1,565.7 1,159.4 72,303 100.0% 100.0%

    All N.A.-Based Companies 2,46L5 1,211.2 676.2 57,584 70.9% 77.4% All Asian-Based Companies 1.1 .4 .6 6 .0% .0% All European-Based Companies 1,008.7 354.1 482.6 14,713 29.1% 22.6% o> All Hardware Companies 563.5 464.2 1.4 35,716 16.2% 29.6% o 2,907.7 1,101.5 1,158.1 36,587 83.8% 70.4% 3- All Turnkey & SW Companies .^ Source: Dataquest (March 1993) CD CO CO o o Table 17 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications m Platform: Host-Dependent Region: Europe o Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Market Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue IBM 443,5 239.5 117,5 4,608 48.77o 43.8% Digital 177.8 122.8 .0 0 19.5% 22.4% Control Data Systems 52.5 21.5 7.4 167 5.8% 3.9% Siemens Nixdorf Info systeme 21.6 12.3 8.2 263 2.4% @ 2.3% CO MacNeal-Schwendler 12.5 .0 12.0 0 1.4% .0% CO CO o Exapt 9.1 4.5 3.1 114 1.0% .8% OJ EDS 4.1 .0 4.1 (13) .4% .07o SDRC 3.9 .0 3.9 0 .4% .0% Cadence 3.3 .0 2.6 0 .4% .0% Unisys 3.3 1.6 1.1 44 .4% .3% E Han Dataport 3.1 .9 1.7 26 .3% .2% PDA Engineering 2.6 .0 2.5 0 .3% .0% Swanson Analysis 2.5 .0 2.5 0 .3% .0% Geo Vision Systems 2.4 .2 1.3 1 .3% .0% Fides Industrielle Automation 2.2 .3 1.5 7 .2% .1% Assigraph 1.4 .0 1.1 0 .2% .0% Framasoft 1.2 .0 .7 0 .1% .0% Clemessy 1.1 .9 .2 6 .1% .2% MCS 1.1 .0 1.0 0 .1% .0% Computational Mechanics 1.1 .0 1.1 0 .1% .0% ^

    CO CO CO CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Market Share 109

    4i tn •« s~~ s- 5 C EL o o O I—I o o o o ^ ooooooooooo c tJ "^ .-1 o i- .c ™ trt o X

    '" 9 '•^ '^'^ -i-^ ^-^ ^.y -vy --^ '•^ '-y ^y ^o^ ^^ ~^ vy vy vv 5 c \ccoini-'r-ir^rfirNOCNi-HrHOt-iT-iT-i ? lU c: ;>

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    ^ ^ a; s: > tn cc

    •2 V U OOOTttNOCi-i'iJ'Oi-l T-4I-IOOOOOO D « c "iS £ u _3 "u J3 Bi < X 1 ^S 1-iot^tvt^tv'OininTficocofOr-icococnfOtNr-j o ,o o c D H LI 41 ni > V O li en Ui V ll BJ D ci JS S S tn :r; CL a^ s0 ) t; "S CL O in O IS < E tU 2 ^^ E2 •fl u 3 ui c < (A U

    O- '•=k RI o C ifi .2 c g u « tu >. ^ y "S E ?p -ii tJ^ •a Ml ra Qu V « a, ^ < ;^ S O i/j B < c if, u n c ra > o (b tB C g ri 'n o w UJ UJ >, o ju U OJ K~ iJ n- U uu E u< U < U 3 f^ O- « U m O^ < E r* i-< CCAM-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15,1993 o Table 17 (Continued)

    1 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share k Application: All Applications (ji Platform: Host-Dependent lO CA3 Region: Europe O Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Test Systems Strategies .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% COMPASS Design Automation .2 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% ISDATA .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Mechanical Dynamics .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% @ g Masta Corporation .2 .0 0 .0% .0% CO Teradyne .2 .0 0 .0% .0% Geotrace Technologies .2 .0 3 .0% .0% X] c Bechtel Software .2 .0 0 .0% .0% CD " o ETAK .2 .0 0 .0% .0% o Logic Modeling Systems .0 0 .0% .0% •a o1 Georgia Tech Research Corp, .0 0 .0% .0% CoD. Lamp Software .0 3 .0% .0% Data I/O .0 0 .0% .0% Electrical Eng. Software .0 0 .0% .0% ESDU Intennational .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Meta-Software .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Microsim .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Kork Systems .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Accu graph .0 .0 .0 1 .0% .0%

    (U Vahsys .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% 3-

    CO CD CO o o Table 17 (Continued) > 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications Crt Platform: Host-Dependent • CO CO Region: Europe Units: Mill ions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Market Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Other Companies 148.7 141.3 .0 5,083 16.3% 25.8% All Companies 911.1 547.3 182.2 10,347 100.0% 100.0%

    @ All N.A.-Based Companies 865.5 527.1 161.9 9,899 95.0% 96.3% CO All Asian-Based Companies .0 .0% .0% CO .0 .0 0 All European-Based Companies 45.5 20.2 20.3 448 5.0% 3.7% O All Hardware Companies 337.6 268.8 1.5 5,133 37.1% 49.1% All Turnkey & SW Companies: 573.5 278.5 180.7 5,214 62.9% 50.9%

    o Source: Dalaquesl (March 1993) o •3 o SI


    CO CO CO 112 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    ~5 --5 •o 5? 0^ S5 -5 5•-S^ 0-5^ -5 55 5? ss ff^

    01 u -^w .,^ >^ v^' k^ o^ o^ o^ c^ s 00 p •^ LO vo ro CO p CO CO (N O o m o CN ID fO O re c CN 01 ' pi \0 fO •>a' rH tN tN 'j! tN ' ' ^-^ > IT) o BBS C/3

    V u vO ^ 3 tf~~ 0~~ 0^ 0^ d^ c^ e^ 6^ 6^ re C O 00 ts. CO tN p tN CO C; OvDLn\OOTlJ re et: X

    3 £^S T-l K 00 IN 00 VD 00 tN \D •>*rOtNOOONOOTt CO CN ^ UM U

    \0 p CN 1—I tN 1-H to NO ^ ON O NO i-i vO O 00 CO O O O O S.'S'S \£> tN fO <-< t^ ir> tN CO •^ ON ^ rr NO LD T-l Sea ON tN O

    re tn S

    01 V ON CO ^H CO tN 00 tN O LD O CN O ND NO CS NO tN vH O •" 3 o o CN 00 •* CN CN T-H Tf tN r-i • • • S c CO >

    OJ U ONtN.i-HtNcoo;rooqc3NmotNLntNpoooqoopo c NOi-lNdtNlinTiitNrotNTt "cocofo D ^ e tN NO CO l-< "re •o > 5 U flj o ffi* < tNtNCNONNOOOCOCN 2^3 prjHcoco'^oqoNcooNCNoin NOONTjivOOONVONOlriuSlri""* CO CO CO CS i-i o CO 00 ^ CO T—* D re > c [fa V o c/5 '•4-> en re (C b X Cft u #^ Q, 1/1 il Ut Is ^§ re < c^ W S *m O I^ (A < u u [R fO Ifl Lj <: 4= .V ifi Q. u y JC u B 6 c >•, Ul D-, 01 OJ CL c 00 Q 0 e nj (0 t/1 m o ^ 5K f: *^ E c Cu « ^ l-t E re oc tfl 3 o &p •o ^ T! o oj u •^a B ^ (VI fc Cfi c R- S ^ « w^ QH J-I-2J iP'c o s :& s o tS o^

    CCAM-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15,1993 o o Table 18 (Continued) > 1992 CAD/CAMyCAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications Platform: Server CD CO Region: Europe C3 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Market Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Other Companies .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% All Companies 376.3 228.3 62.2 4,639 100.0% 100.0%

    @ All N.A.-Based Companies 367.6 224.7 59.4 4,575 97.7%. 98.4% CO All Asian-Based Companies .0 .0% .0% CO .0 .0 0 CO o All European-Based Companies 8.7 3.7 2.8 64 2.3% 1.6% £3. cu All Hardware Companies 149.4 111.6 .0 3,198 39.7% 48.9% X3 All Turnkey & SW Companies 226.9 116.8 62.2 1,441 60.3% 51.1%

    O Source: Dataquest (March 1993) O •a o

    tu 3

    CO CO CO o o Table 19 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications

    (73 Platform; I Personal Computer CO CAJ Region: Europe C3 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Compaq 197.3 197.3 .0 42,765 17.5% 28.87o IBM 106.0 88.5 10.1 23,521 9.47n U.9% Autodesk 103.6 .0 103.6 0 9.27u .07a Apple Computer 63,2 55.6 .0 14,964 5.67„ 8.17c @ ID Hewlett-Packard 61.0 48.8 .0 10,777 5,47o 7.17., to Nemetschek 31.3 11.6 17.5 400 2.87. 1.77o

    CO Wiechers DatentechiftJk 30.0 7.9 13.9 632 2.77o 1.27o Investronica SA 27.6 22,1 2.8 1,102 2.47o 3.27o X3 CAD Distribution 16.9 8.4 6.7 261 1.57f, \.2% O O 11.7 -a Tebis 16.7 2.5 96 1.5% A% o Research Machines 15.6 15.6 .0 2,517 1.4% 2.37o Ziegler Informatics 14.3 .0 14.3 0 1.3% .07c Soft-Tech Software Tedmolo^es 13.8 2.1 10.4 932 1,2% .37o Intergraph 11.4 .0 10.7 0 1.07n .07o LPKF 11.0 7.2 2.8 541 1.07o 1.07o Computervision 10.8 .0 10.2 80 1.07o .07o Dell Computer 9.3 9.3 .0 2,415 .87o 1.47o Cimatron 8.3 3.8 3.7 381 .7% .57o DAT Standard info ssystemes 7.9 .0 7.5 0 .77o .07o .67o cu Olivetti 7.3 6.2 .0 877 .97o a Aucotec 7.0 1.2 4.6 340 .67o .27o

    (£> CD CO ZGGl'qmOim p81EJodjoou| jsanbEjEQ £661.® W£6-SI/\|-MM-I/\1V00

    03 C :^ 2 > ?a CI 3 12 (^ n3 s s > a "1 n S-CM as "a tC J* o > n o 5' M CT^ a 2 S g ? 3- [U u 1H n 01 o > 1 c s: 3 s;"a n fo Brt -^ O 3 (N a ^ Ul 3 m -H ai oa o o CL 3 ere > 0 fD •< -;. g. n 1£- ^ f I :H •n 3 S. a >« Ol O :^ a 0 u en u o 3 ^ n > P ^ ^. n o a tz 1 ru (^ 1 § 3 ui en (K n a-. n > H o a n ra c 3 < CJ Q^ fii s; c fD C- 3 Er ^ 3!""' ~ o •1 O *T3 o ;> 3 m 3 TD ?r a> *T-| (-^ n en on UJ C r^ 3* 3 o' t/i 3 "o t/) e n m o o

    kU HP>. 0^ 3 ?o^ J;^ In ON g| £ > n 33 79 fii Qi n f^ G < o. 3 NJ NJ 2 t OOOOOOOOONJO ^ ui b Ul O \0 b b b b\ c Sj « ffi a en < 3^ 3 ^ •-jlnbswb>^N3i-->vouibKJOJ

    en I ..... D.

    H-1 OJ •a C s (Jl M 00 (.71 T] 3 2 >;ON^ a> N) >;HJ^ O o N) ON o o o o o o o o o o o S s." a Q< CO f^ JO rt •n ifi>tk4i.VIU1UlU100NONOsOs 3 p^ C O •-^ SI

    X ?3 ii1 «< a n ? 00000W00004i.*>.0 O O i-» U1 I—' C3 •1 « «

    ?a Crt o < ^i% n vj vj -o \0 00 i^i \0 OOK)4i.i-nh*i.WN)OOvj,^K3vjvq fil C3 i-l re n a: t/s M o "T •t o Cu 2. •5* C 5' O O O NJ O O I-" T3 c ooooooooooo o o ffl 2. u (D vP -^ Ul 1-1 a. a.

    9U aJBMS J9>|JB|/\| SPIMPMOM SI9/3V0/l/\IV0/aV0 o o Table 19 (Continued) > 1992 CAD/CAM/CA0GIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications C/3 riatform: Personal Computer Region: Europe o Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Xilinx 2.6 .0 2.3 0 .2% .07o Path trace 2.5 .5 1.6 37 .2% .1% ALS Design 2.4 .1 2.1 20 .2% .0% Superdraft 2.3 1.1 1.1 132 .2% .2% @ CO Elstree Computing 2.2 1.0 1.2 62 .2% .1% U3 CO Whessoe Computing Systems 2.2 .0 2.2 0 .2% .0% O BETRONEX 2.2 .2 1.9 40 .2% .0% X3 Vero International Software 2.2 .0 2.0 0 .2% .0% CAD-UL 2.1 .0 2.1 0 .2% .0% O •3 ACTEL 2.1 .0 1.9 0 .2% .0% o CAD-Capture 2.0 .4 .6 10 .2% .1% Swanson Analysis 1.9 .0 1.9 0 .2% .0% PAFEC 1.9 .0 1.9 0 .2% .0% CAMTEK 1.9 .4 1.2 0 .2% .1% ISDATA 1.8 .0 1.6 0 .2% .0% Data I/O 1.7 .0 1.7 0 .1% .0% PADS Software 1.6 .0 1.4 0 .17o .0% Microsim 1.6 .0 1.5 0 .1% .0% Moda CAD 1.6 .4 1.1 13 .1% .1% Point Control 1.6 .0 1.5 0 .1% .0% FEA 1.5 .4 .4 0 .1% .1%

    CD CO CO o o Table 19 (Continued) > 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications tn Platform: Personal Computer CO CO Region: Europe o Units; Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Strategic Mapping 1.5 .0 1.4 0 .1% .0% EME 1.5 .4 .7 41 .1% .1% ARKTEC 1.4 .1 1.2 32 .1% .0%

    @ Lamp Software 1.4 .3 1.1 76 .1% .0% CO Geometria GIS Systems House 1.3 CO .2 .4 15 .1% .0% CO o Aucos etektronische Gerate 1.2 .4 .9 121 .1% .1% Ei Mucke Software 1.1 .6 .4 27 .1% .1% tu X3 ETAK 1.1 .1 1.1 3 .1% .0%

    Z3 O Teradyne 1.1 .0 .9 0 .1% .0% o Integer 1.1 .0 .9 0 .1% .0% •a o ADRA Systems 1.0 .0 .8 0 .1% .0% a ERDAS 1.0 .3 .7 110 .1% .0% CADWorks 1.0 .0 .9 0 .1% .0% Genasys II .9 .1 .8 19 .1% .0% CNC Software .9 .0 .9 0 .1% .0% Contract Data Research .9 .0 .6 0 .1% .0% Aspen Technology .9 .0 .8 0 .1% .0% Areon .8 .4 .2 6 .1% .1% Anilam Electronics .1 .6 0 .1% .0% Applicon .2 .3 24 .1% .0% t Number One Systems .1 .6 55 .1% .0%

    CO CO CO o o Table 19 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications CO Platform; Personal Computer I (O CO Region: Europe C3 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue CADUb .8 .0 .7 0 .1% .0% GeoQuest .7 .0 .7 0 .1% .0% deb is Systemhaus .7 .2 .4 13 .1% .0% Caroline Informatique .7 .1 .3 10 .1% .0% i Algor Interactive Systems .7 .0 .6 0 .1% .0% CO MCS .7 .0 .6 0 .0% o .1% Si CD Engineered Software .6 .0 .6 0 .1% .0% J3 Sigma Design .6 .0 .6 0 .1% .0% ASCAD/ASCAM .6 .4 .2 14 .1% .1% O Carrier Corporation .6 .0 .6 0 .1% .0% -o3 ESDU International .6 .0 .6 0 .1% .0% i 4 .0% CD CADMATIC .6 .0 .4 .1% CL Harris KDA .6 .0 .4 2 .0% .0% Evolution Computing .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% ALDEC .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% Inca .5 .5 .0 2 .0% .1% S.TL.D. s-r.l. .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% Applications in CADD .4 .1 .3 11 .0% .0% Terra Sciences .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% Massteck .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% t Cimlinc .4 .0 .3 0 .0% .0%

    (O CO CO o o > Table 19 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications C/J Platform: Personal Computer I CO CO Region: Europe CD Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Accel Technologies .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% Kork Systems .4 .0 .3 4 .0% .0% LandCadd .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% American Small Busings Oa#p. .4 .0% .0% © .0 .4 0 CO Foresight Resources .4 .0% .0% CO .0 .3 0 CO o Omation .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% ei Compact Software .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% CU JU ,3 .0% .0% a Mine Software .0 .3 0 CD Softdesk .3 .0 .0% .0% O .3 0 O-^ T3 Sweet's Electronic Publishing .3 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% O Generation 5 Technology .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% Masta Corporation ,3 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Instrumatic F-spanola .2 .0 ,2 0 .0% .0% Mega CADD .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Facility Mapping Systems .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Cascade Graphics .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Tanner Research .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% CADSI .2 .0 .1 3 .0% .0% Radan Computational .2 .1 .1 6 .0% .0% Aries Technology .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Synthesis .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0%

    CO CO GO c^ o Table 19 (Continued) i>> 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share • 1 Application: All Applications cp Platform: Personal Compu ter (b Region: Europe CO f-^ Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue TOOL Software .0 3 .0% .0% ASG .0 0 .0% .0% Rasna Corpora tiait .0 0 .0% .0% A.I. Systems .0 0 .0% .0% @ (£> Terr-Mar Resource Info Si/iSt .0 3 .0% .0% (O CA3 Vamp .0 0 .0% .0% .0 0 .0% X3 Logic Modeling Systems .0% c: Genrad .0 4 .0% .0% CD cn o5 " Accugraph .0 0 .0% .0% o Simulation Science .0 0 .0% .0% •a Ithaca Software .0 0 .0% .0% 1o. GeoGraphix .0 0 .0% .0% Geotrace Technologies .0 0 .0% .0% National Semiconductor .0 0 .0% .0% CAE-link .0 0 .0% .0% Quicklogic .0 0 .0% .0% Bechtel Software .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Integrated Silicon Systems .0 .0 .0 0 .07o .0% Infinite Graphics .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% tu Technische Computer Systeme .0 .0 .0 1 .0% .0% 3ZT GEOVISION Inc. .0 .0 .0 2 .0% .0% tn to CO CO o o Table 19 (Continued) > 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications CO rtatform: Personal Computer I U3 CO Region: Europe O Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total 'actory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company avenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Dolphin Integration .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Phase Three Logic .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Pacific Numerics .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Exemplar Logic @ .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0%. CO Meta-Software .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% CO CO Other Companies 173.9 174.0 .0 45,824 15.4% 25.4% K. CU All Companies 1,129.1 685.1 372.0 150,114 100.0% 100.0% £3

    Alt N.A.-Based Companies 804.9 574.7 197.1 140,533 71.3% 83.9% All Asian-Based Companies .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% 1 All European-Based Companies 324.2 110.5 174.9 9,581 28.7% 16.1% All Hardware Companies 628.5 601.9 .0 144,909 55.7% 87.9% All Turnkey & SW Companies 500.6 83.2 372.0 5,204 44.3% 12.1% Source: Dataquest (March 1993)

    CO CO CO 122 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Woridwide

    u tf3 vP V? •o "U S5 ff^ 0^ a> Ix S? d^ S ON ^ in ON IN C^ CO -.D ON NO O •^ NO 'S CL g i D « Tt" t^ T-H 00 cn 0\ CN 1—< Tl D a ^ u X C re V) o s O 01 u hri 3 re C m NO I—1 ON o IT) PNI tN CNI in ON 00 O in 00 CO NO r-H O 00 CO ftj o 00 NO CN ITl T-H 00 fO '*< rH l-H CO 1—( •* o >01 C/3

    V u V? ^ -v? 5? 0^ 0^ 0^ £? 5^ js -5 6^ --? 3 S? S^ ss 0^ 0^ re •t ID (N K CN rH IN CO 00 0^ C ITl rvi CO in in ON 1-H o ^ o V fS rNj O NO tN CO IT) CNJ rH CO T—1 CO f-H cs 1—1 CNl

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    01 -^ ^ ^ vp ~5 ~p ^0 vP "re 0^ 0^ d^ 3 tN d^ 5~- e^ 0^ o^ 0^ ON tN tN CO c^ d^ C in CO o o ON ON in \0 nj ON CN \0 Tj< rNJ CN CN »- f2 u V d •^ Tji CO CO rJ cs CN re u< V> DC

    CO ,—4 o O T—1 in ON o •>* fO rj CO 1—t (N 00 o ON tN o o CN ON nj 00 rNi 1—1 I—1 P-J CO NO IN in o o rx in T-H in o Tf tN Tf CNI (N NO ON NO tN '"I •<* CO 00 I—1 r^ t tr^N OU on (N nj O •* 1—I I 3.^ T—1 CNI T—< ^-^

    V U '-jONcooDQi-HONOinoNOfOO in NO NO 00 o CN ON ON m 3 OO'^r-OO COinNOCNdcN'^ ON o CO o CO NO in '-' in CN T—1 S 01 COi—OOCO tNt-ii-iTi o ^^ C/3 D£

    ON ON NO CO in in CO ON O 00 NO tN tv tN t^ tN« o 00 00 d C.N .0.0 COCOOOi-lCOOOTfCNOO NO CN in CS S c 00 00 CO •^ o ;5 NO o r-i CN > V CN CN CN4 1-1 Noooi-H incotNcot^ CO To 5« u

    < ONppcOCNpcNCOfNOOOOOlNCOOO\OfO•^DCN^NOO 5 I^S ONCNiododd'st'rHdNOONincocNootNiNtNd'ii'oNiri (0 Q•^•^C^10^CNN0C0O0NON0000tNCNtN^stNln'*<•^ E2| S in'«TCOCNrHr-li-li-<,-l re > (fa U tn V C s: «u Ji n: C 73 4^ a'B 01 a, JO w ii 1 Pi W XI E '£ m o c 2. OJ ^U U N D s n bi 01 en < Xi in c JZ x; I, c ,. R) c u c (I_D o o a. tn •*j ^ "S u 2 "' 0) O) .y CO Xi 'Sc-'p -tJ o 0) 3 es ^ t-i H r, B u != tii iz; z einl X re E2 s :§ U D < ifi Uj r0\l U in s o\ 41 ^E CCAM-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15,1993 o o Table 20 (Continued) > 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications C/3 Platform: All Platforms I (O CO Region; Asia C3 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue SDRC 42.9 .0 42.9 0 1.0% .0% Wacom 42.5 8.6 29.5 788 1.0% .4% Mitsui Engineei^g 39.7 27.8 7.9 264 1.0% 1.2%

    @ Hakuto 38.2 22.9 15.3 850 .9% 1.0% CO Uchida Yoko 37.9 22.9 13.5 900 .9% 1.0% CO CO o Seiko Instruments—NO OEM, 34.2 15.3 18.2 258 .8% .7% Si (U CADIX 33.6 13.4 16.8 247 .8% .6% .o Tokyo Electron—NO OEM 32.3 10.7 14.5 220 .8% .5% 26.7 .6% 1.0% o Apple Computer 23.5 .0 6,331 o •3 Toyo Information Systems-NO o OEM 24.8 15.1 7.2 265 .6% .7% i Omron 24.2 14.5 9.7 530 .6% .6% CP o. Century Research Center 22.5 11.9 8.3 119 .5% .5% Racal-Redac 17.5 .8 9.0 2 .4% .0% An dor 15.7 3.9 11.1 121 .4% .2% Graph tec Engineering 15.4 7.7 6.9 331 .4% .3% INS Engineering 14.3 71 7.2 48 .3% .3% Synopsys 13.5 .0 9.8 0 .3% .0% View logic Systems 13.2 .0 10.5 0 .3% .0% Parametric Technology 13.0 .0 10.9 0 .3% .0% %_ Design Automation 12.7 .6 12.0 67 .3% .0% Sumitomo Denko WorkstaJioBf 12.7 12.7 .0 2,080 .3% .6% CO CO CO o o Table 20 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/G IS Market Share

    Applicatiom All Applications

    CO Platform: All Platforms Region: Asia o Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Control Data Systems 12.5 6.1 2.1 91 .3% .3% MacNea 1-Schwend!er 11.8 .0 11.3 0 .3% .0% COMPASS Design Automation 11.4 .2 8.5 9 .3% .0% CPU 10.5 .0 9.5 0 .3% .0% @ ..X to Sony 10.4 9.1 .0 603 .3% .4% CO CO o Siemens Nixdorf Info systeme 9.1 4.6 3.2 147 .2% .2% Si tu 8.2 4.1 1.9 42 .2% .2% J3 Landmark Graphics cr 8.2 .9 4.7 35 .2% .0% CD Harris EDA Applicon 7.4 3.2 3.5 80 .2% .1% O O Cisigraph 6.6 1.9 3.7 43 .2% .1% •o3 MARC 6.6 .0 6.6 0 .2% .0% Zycad 6.3 3.8 .8 48 .2% .2% Alias Research 6.2 .0 5.7 0 .2% .0% GeoVision Systems 5.4 .4 2.8 5 .1% .0% Swanson Analysis 5.3 .0 5.3 0 .1% .0% ESRI 5.1 .0 4.6 0 .1% .0% Fides Industrielle Automation 4.8 .7 3.4 55 .1% .0% Silvar-Lisco 4.8 .0 2.6 0 .1% .0% Kubota Computer 4.8 3.2 .8 300 .1% .1% Matra Data vis ion 4.8 1.7 2.2 0 .1% .1% EEsof 4.7 .0 4.1 3 .1% .0%

    CD CO CO o Table 20 (Continued)

    • 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    1 Application: All Applications cp Platform: All Platforms CO CO Region: Asia Unibs: MiUions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue ADRA Systems 4.4 .2 3.3 16 .1% .0% Unisys 4.2 2.1 1.5 63 .1% .1% ICAD 3.4 .0 2.7 0 .1% .0% @ Cascade Design Automstion 3.2 .0 2.4 0 .1% .0% CO Cimatron 3.0 1.4 1.4 99 .1% .1% CO CO o Mechanical Dynamics 2.9 .0 2.6 0 .1% .0% ei Delcam bitemational 2.8 1.0 1.4 46 .1% .0% 03 X3 c Data I/O 2.7 .0 2.7 0 .1% .0% CD C5O" o Framasoft 2.7 .0 1.6 0 .1% .0% o PADS Software 2.7 .0 2.3 0 .1% .0% •a Q Cimlinc 2.7 .0 1.9 56 .1% .0% iQ. CD Contec Microelectronic 2.5 .0 2.3 0 .1% .0% Comdisco Systems 2.4 .0 2.1 0 .1% .0% Logic Modeling Syst^:$; 2.4 .0 1.9 0 .1% .0% Ricoh—NO OEM 2.2 .0 1.9 0 .1% .0% M eta-Soft ware 2.2 .0 1.5 0 .1% .0% Quicktum Systems 2.2 2.2 .0 18 .1% .1% Synercom 2.1 .0 1.1 0 .1% .0% ACTEL 2.0 .0 1.8 0 .0% .0% tu Aries Technology 2.0 .0 1.8 0 .0% .0% ^ Test Systems Strategies 2.0 .0 1.7 0 .0% .0% "IJ, CO CO CO C3 O Table 20 (Continued)

    1 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    1 Application: All Applications V) Platform: All Platforms t(bo Region: Asia -* Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu Ik OS Systems 1.9 1.8 .1 20 .0% .1% Auto-Trol 1.8 .7 .7 22 .0% .0% PDA Engineering 1.8 .0 1.7 0 .0% .0% CAD Centre 1.8 .0 1.4 0 .0% @ .0% CO Kockums Computer SystuSns 1.6 .4 .9 80 .0% CO .0% CO Xilinx 1.6 .0 1.4 0 .0% o .0% Kcu . J3 SPATIAL Technology 1.6 .0 1.6 0 .0% .0% £= CD 1.5 .1 1.1 4 .0% .0% t/y LSI Logic o5 " Anilam Electronics 1.5 .5 .9 18 .0% .0% o ISICAD 1.5 .5 .8 9 .07o .0% •3 MCS 1.4 .0 1.3 0 .0% .0% 1a. CADKEY 1.4 .0 1.4 0 .0% .0% LPKF 1.4 .9 .4 61 .0% .0% Altera 1.3 .0 1.1 0 .0% .0% Solboume 1.2 1.2 .0 100 .0% .1% Analogy 1.2 .0 1.0 0 .0% .0% Integrated Silicon Sj^^feSftlie 1.2 .2 1.0 7 .0% .0% ERDAS 1.2 .3 .8 125 .0% .0% Point Control 1.2 .0 1.1 0 .0% .0% S Moss Systems 1.1 .0 1.0 0 .0% .0% Dl Microsim 1.1 .0 1.0 0 .0% .0% JJ5l CD CD CO o o Table 20 (Continued)

    • 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    1 Application: All Applications Cfi Platform: All Platforms

    1 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Stiare

    1 Application: All Applications tn Platform: All Platforms Region: Asia % -* Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwar Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenu Genasys 11 .6 .1 .5 4 .0% .0% Terr-Mar Resource Info Svs .6 .2 .3 10 .0% .0% ETAK .5 .0 .5 1 .0% .0% Laser-Scan .4 .1 .2 3 .0% .0% @ to Accugraph .4 .2 .2 15 .0% .0% «5 CA3 O Carrier Corporation .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% K. .cau Quantic Laboratories .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% CO Wiechers Datentechnik .4 .1 .2 7 .0% .0% tn 5" o Object Design .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% o .4 0 •3 Simulation Science .4 .0 .0% .07 .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .07 1cc Scientific & Engineering SW C3. Technische Computer Systeme .3 .1 .3 9 .0% .0 Investronica SA .3 .2 .0 12 .0% .0 Mine Software .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0 Aspen Technology .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0 Accel Technologies .3 .0 .2 0 .0% .0 SIMUCAD .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0 Sup erd raft .3 .1 .1 14 .0% .0 Infinite Graphics .3 .0 .3 0 .07.. .0 lU Dynamic Graphics .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0 :3- Georgia Tech Researrft Cp^* .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0 en CD CO CO o o Table 20 (Continued)

    1, 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    1 Application: All Applications en Platform: All Platforms CO Region: oa Asia t—i Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Ma Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven Graphisoft Software Dev .2 .0 Z 0 .0% .0 PAFEC .2 .0 2 0 .0% .0 BATISOFT .2 .0 1 7 .0% .0 @ GeoGraphix .2 .0 1 0 .0% .0 «3 ALDEC CO .0 1 0 .0% .0 CO o ASG -1 .0 1 0 .0% . K- Path trace .0 1 2 .0% . 01 cr .CoD Ithaca Software .0 1 0 .0% . tn o5 " ACDS Graphic Syst^ .0 1 0 .0% . o Integer .0 1 0 .0% . •a o Objectivity .0 1 0 .0% . iO. CD Mega CADD .0 1 0 .0% . Sunrise Test Systems .0 1 0 .0% . CAD Language Systems .0 1 0 .0% . Gable CAD Systems .1 0 1 .0% . American Small Business Comp. .0 1 0 .0% . Exemplar Logic .0 1 0 .0% . Tanner Research .0 1 0 .0% . Motorola .0 1 0 .0% . i: Bechtel Software .0 1 0 .0% . ^• Algor Interactive System.i .0 1 0 .0% . . CO CO CO o o Table 20 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application; All Applications CO Platform: All Platforms s Region: Asia o Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Ma Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardwa Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Reven Geotrace Technologies .1 .0 .1 1 ,07c, .0 Valisys .1 .0 ,0 0 .0% .0 Quicklogic .1 .0 .1 0 .0% . .1 .0 .0 [) .0% .0 @ NCR Microelectronics CO Massteck .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0 to CO The CAD Group .0 .0 .0 0 .0% . o BJ Facility Mapping Systems .0 .0 .0 0 .0% . Q} .a Vamp .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0 c: Foresight Resources .0 .0 .0 0 .0% . CD cn i—t- Omation .0 .0 .0 0 .0% . o5" o National Semiconductor .0 .0 .0 0 .07o . -o3 a. Kork Systems .0 .0 .0 0 .0% . Other Companies 163.0 158.0 .9 19,627 3.9% 7. All Companies ' 4,135.6 2,266.3 1,339.8 127,520 100.0% 100.

    All N.A.-Based Companies 1,950.0 998.5 643.6 72,956 47.2% 44. All Asian-Based Companies 2,121.5 1,253.0 662.1 53,934 51.3% 55. All European-Based Companies 64.2 14.8 34.1 630 1.6% . All Hardware Companies 713.6 632.6 .4 67,143 17.3% 27.

    CU All Turnkey & SW Companies 3,422.0 1,633.8 1,339.4 60,377 82.7% 72. s. Source: Dataquest (March 1993)

    CO CO CO CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Market Share 131

    -5 v$ •D d^ d~" d~- e^ d^ c^ o~- d^ e^ ON 0^ 5^ O -* ITi a; Sea, fO ^ m ON Tf D Cv 00 i-i O cD 00 vc in in •* ,C I^.S- o o

    U V 0^ -^ 0^ ON VO CN p ON cs in Lo -s 00 00 5 c NO g 0^ iri tN <-! CO NO tN CN ' LO M 1-H CO IN CN I—1 "in* T—1

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    01 OJ 0^ o^ d^ 0^ s? d^ o^ d^ 0^ d^ d^ d^ >* CO O O CO 5 c tN l-H ON CS cs ON Lo 00 q .-H tN O^ tsl <-< CO Tji NO ir> cN » V CN CO CO "73 > b 41 a: "*

    ^ ^ >^ ^ d^d^o^o^d^d^d^d^o^o^d^d^d^d^d^ 5 I^S ITi ^ o^ d^ o^ d^ rt tN NO NO \0 lb W

    « in •« TtCOONNOOOCOlDi-i OOtNONini—IONCNCOOOO'*ON incMi-HtNOOCO'-HinlN OCN !3 •- «J OO'^ON^ ^inor-j CO'*NO00lNtNONrtlND OJtN 2 C B. •\ •

    X «j u COT— I ^ «S en » 01 V oooqoNOcoi-iONNONq tNtNpptNcooqinin o CO in Qdoo6rNi>-o6rHo6 T-icJtNCNT-ii-JtNlriO in o T-HONCOrl NOCOintN '-iCOTficONONOCNCMCS CN CN c ? s D T3 > "3 42 ci 5 u NO 1—1 t-HtNCOOOCOtNOOtNOOONNOCNlOi—lONNO < ™ bsir i in o CO 0\ in ON CN r-i tNlNincOCNCNONOvOOOONOTf 1/5 iNtNtNtNtNtNNO'^COCOCOCO c 00 NO NO in CVl CS ON ON 00 o JS "o UH V O c/i n •2 I j= (« W3 "S a.&.gS c u o O ra In "" O N o 0) I 3ra .1> .<£ s 0 bo -s u P Cu o -^J (0 c3 on I •• d u 4L u 5 EN « o 3 ! &-. c a 1/3 s "« E •fi = S < E [^ 3 (^ 'Ji CCAM-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15,1993 o o Table 21 (Continued) J^>> 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share 1

    1 Application: All Applications s* 05 Plalform: Technical Workstation Region; Asia s^D Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue RCT> o•-5"• Racal-Redac 15.0 .8 8.3 2 .6% .1% o •B Digital 15.0 9.6 .8 614 .6% .8% INS Engineering 13.6 6.8 6.8 35 .6% .6% ia. Synopsys 13.5 .0 9.8 0 .6% .0% CD Parametric Technology 13.0 .0 10.9 0 .5% .0% Sumitomo Denko Workstation 11.8 11.8 .0 1,880 .5% 1.0% COMPASS Design Automation 11.1 .2 8.3 9 .5% .0% Sony 10.4 9.1 .0 603 .4% .7% Siemens Nixdorf Info systeme 7.7 3.8 2.7 131 .3% .3% Viewlogic Systems 75 .0 6.0 0 .3% .0% Harris EDA 7.3 .8 4.1 31 .3% .1%

    pj Alias Research 6.2 .0 5.7 0 .3% .0% o Cisigraph 6.0 1.7 3.3 38 .2% .1% CJ1

    CO CO CO CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Market Share 133

    •D 01 •d 01 IM ff^ o~- o^ « •£ 01 O O O LO I-H § o o o o o o o o o 3 aD . _c D o hi JS O ra tr K

    V 4J ^ ^ ^ ^ O -vO ll re 3 CO i-i T-H fo fo in o^ o^ ^ o^ o^ o^ cO'^rJcocococsco C CO CM CO fO CO TH V o > en c:

    01 01 •V? IH 3 0^ 0^ S5 re C IN (N (N o rHOtN^Ot-lOO o o o o o o o u •tn. V> re CS K

    u "n 3 ^o^ C C^CStNCNtNCMCStSCNltN 1 01 reu V. 0>1 tn

    01 en T) SO or> in O o o ITi T—1 •* O O O O O vO CO o o o o In 01 VO >x> CM CO ID Tf tn -^ C a. CM T) D o. ll re i1/c1 X

    4J 01 i-ivOcMvOoqa;Ot^int~v •^©•^•^t-Ncoinco 3 re B r-itSCN^ 'tNCSCSfNCN CvicO^CNCSeNrnrJ 01 > o 01 I CD ei

    01 V VO O VOCOOOCNOVOOOOOOOOO u o t^ o re 3 CN CO cs s d D •hoM v> re Qs; "to _2 X tj < o o ON000O\DCO^H00v£l'*'*fNl o 00 t-^ f>; vo in in in 5 I^S vd in •^•^•^•^•^•^COCOCOCOCO CO tN CS CN CN! tN CN LH f2| g I re > a, V tn cs; V si 13 X ,y z uo5 c« II V &-§ re -g .2 r:

    --^ S2 (LI i::^ s UJ = ;^ •i tj

    ii U >>. rj D c •«i: re ll O. u O w ^ es o ,« S\ a, ra I 0^ U

    CCAM-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15.1993 o o Table 21 (Continued) > 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications

    CD Platform: Technical Workstation Region; Asia C3 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Mark Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Mechanical Dynamics 2.4 .0 2.2 0 .1% .0% Comdisco Systems 2.4 .0 2.1 0 .1% .0% Cimlinc 2.3 .0 1.6 56 .1% .0% Ricoh—NO OEM 2.2 .0 1.9 0 .1% .0% @ CO Quicktum Systems 2.2 2.2 .0 18 .1% .2% (O CO o Logic Modeling Systeirp; 2.2 .0 1.7 0 .1% .0% ei Cimatron 1.9 .9 .9 43 .1% .1% 03 .a Hakuto 1.9 1.2 .8 34 .1% .1% 1.9 .0 1.3 0 .1% .0% o Meta-Software o •a Aries Technology 1.8 .0 1.6 0 .1% .0% o Test Systems Strategies 1.8 .0 1.5 0 .1% .0% I Auto-Trol 1.8 .7 .7 22 .1% .1% CD Q. CAD Centre 1.8 .0 1.4 0 .1% .0% Kockums Computer Systems 1.6 .4 .9 80 .1% .0% SPATIAL Technology 1.6 .0 1.6 0 .1% .0% LSI Logic 1.4 .1 1.0 3 .1% .0% Synercom 1.4 .0 .7 0 .1% .0% PDA Engineering 1.3 .0 1.3 0 .17o .0% MacNeal-Schwend ler 1.3 .0 1.2 0 .1% .0% ISICAD 1.2 .5 .5 9 .0% .0% i Analogy 1.2 .0 .9 0 .0% .0%

    CO CD C*3 o o Table 21 (Continued) > g: 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications CO Platform: Technical Workstation tIo OJ Region: Asia C3 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Moss Systems 1.1 .0 I.O 0 .0% .0% Integrated Silicon Systems 1.0 .1 .8 4 .0% .0% Gerber Systems .8 .4 ,3 11 .0% .0% EPIC Design Technology .0% .0% @ .8 .0 .8 0 (O Cooper & Chyan Technology .7 .0% .0% (O .0 .7 0 CO o ERDAS .7 .2 .5 75 .0% .0% Si 03 MCS .7 .0 .6 0 .0% .0% ANACAD .6 .0 .6 0 .0% .0% .6 .0 .0% .0% O Wisdom SysteifluS; .5 0 O •a Teradyne .6 .1 .4 2 .0% .0% o i-Logix .6 .0 .6 0 .0% .0% CADSI .5 .1 .4 2 .0% .0% Genasys II .5 .1 .4 3 .0% .0% Sigma Design .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% GeoQuest .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% Xilinx .5 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% Rasna Corporation .5 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% Data I/O .5 .0 .5 0 .0% .0% Laser-Scan .4 .1 .2 3 .0% .0% .0% .0% (U Quantic Laboratories .4 .0 .4 0

    CO CO CO o Table 21 (Continued) *1> 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share k Application: All Applications (jp Platform: Technical Workstation CO CO Region: Asia

    -*• Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue ACTEL .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% Accugraph .4 .2 .2 15 .0% .0% Electrical Eng. Sofl^aze .4 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% @ Object Design .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% CO Solboume .4 .4 .0 63 .0% .0% CO CO o Compact Software .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% K- Scientific & Engineering SW .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% cD=> .C0D CO Terr-Mar Resource Info Svs .3 .1 .2 4 .0% .0% 5" 0 Technische Computer Systems .3 .1 .3 9 .0% .0% 0 .3 .0 .3 0 .0% •0 Simulation Science .0% Q PADS Software .3 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% CD a. Sysscan .3 .1 .1 3 .0% .0% SIMUCAD .2 .0 .2 0 .O'/o .0% PAFEC .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Infinite Graphics .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Dynamic Graphics: .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Mine Software .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% CADKEY .1 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% Softdesk .1 .0 .1 0 .07o .0%

    CU Georgia Tech Research Corp. .1 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% aZT

    CO CO CO o Table 21 (Continued) > 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications C/J Platform: Technical Workstation I U3 CO Region: Asia O Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue ACDS Graphic System .0 0 .0% .0% Objectivity .0 0 .0% .07o Wiechers Datentechnik .0 1 .0% .0% .0% @ CAD Language Systems .0 0 .0%

    CD ASG .0 .0 .0 0 ,0% .0% 3

    CO CO CO o o Table 21 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications

    CO Platform: Technical Workstation Region: Asia C3 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Tanner Research .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Other Companies .0 .0 .9 0 .0% .0% All Companies 2,389.4 1,230.0 851.2 49,240 100.0% 100.0%

    @ CO All N.A.-Based Companies 1,093.4 499.0 408.3 26,883 45.8% 40.6% (O OJ o All Asian-Based Companies 1,244.7 719.9 415.1 21,948 52.1% 58.5% CU 51.3 11.2 27.8 408 2.1% .9% X3 All European-Based Companies AH Hardware Companies 363.6 319.0 .2 22,195 15.2% 25.9% All Turnkey & SW Companies 2,025.8 911.0 851.0 27,044 84.8% 74.1% O O •a Sourcet Dataquest (March 1993) o a

    (U o—1

    U3 CO CO o o Table 22 > 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Apphcations Crt Platform; Host-Dependent Region: Asia CD Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue IBM 258.8 139.8 68.6 3,592 29.7% 25.5% Fujitsu 168.0 107.5 43.7 2,340 19.3% 19.6% Nihon Uiti$ys 152.6 94.6 25.9 1,601 17.5% 17.3% NEC @ 70.1 53.2 11.2 152 8.0% 9.7% CO Digital 37.2 4.3%, 4.7% CO 25.5 .1 0 CO o Hitachi 17.4 8.3 7.3 310 2.0% 1.5% 01 Mitsubishi Electric 13.0 6.1 3.6 41 1.5% 1.1% Control Data Systems 7.3 3.0 1.0 23 .8% .5%

    o MacNeal-Schwendler 6.7 .0 6.4 0 .8% .0% o -B Hitachi Zosen Info Systems 5.4 4.9 .0 61 .6% .9% o a Toshiba—NO OEM 5.2 2.6 2.1 74 .6% .5% Toyo Information Systems-NO OEM 5.0 2.7 1.6 29 .6% .5% SDRC 4.3 .0 4.3 0 .5% .0% EDS 2.2 .0 2.2 (8) .3% .0% MARC 2.0 .0 2.0 0 .2% .0% Century Research Center 1.6 .9 .6 2 .2% .2% Geo Vision Systems 1.6 .1 .8 1 .2% .0% Siemens Nixdorf Info sysleme 1.4 .8 .5 16 .2% .1% Intergraph 1.4 .0 1.2 0 .2% .0% Swanson Analysis 1.3 .0 1.3 0 .2% .0% ^ Unisys 1.0 .5 .3 13 .1% .1%

    CO CO GO o o Table 22 (Continued)

    S1 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share Application; T^ All Applications an Platform: Host-Dependent CO CO Region: Asia ^3 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue EA Systems .8 .0 .8 0 .17o .0% Synercom .8 .0 .4 0 .1% .0% Fides Industrlcdle^ti^a^EHia#^ .7 .1 .5 3 .1% .0% Cadence .6 .0 .6 0 .1% .0% @ CO Kubota Computer .5 .5 .0 65 .1% .1% CO 03 .4 .1% O MCS .5 .0 0 .0% Si lU PDA Engineering .4 .0 .4 0 .1% .0% ^(=3 CD CO Mechanical Dynamics .4 .0 .4 0 .0% .0% o5 " COMPASS Design AutomajB^Sl .3 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% o Harris EDA .3 .1 .2 2 .0% .0% •a Compact Software .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% iO. Framasoft .2 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% CD Test Systems Strategies .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% ESRI .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Meta-Software .2 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% EEsof .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Electrical Eng. Sofhvji*? .2 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% LSI Logic .2 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% Wliessoe Computing Systems .1 .0 .1 0 .0% .0%

    O) Georgia Tech Research Corp. .1 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% —1 o .1 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% IT Data I/O U1

    CD CO CO o o Table 22 (Continued) > 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Apptication: All Applications CO Platform: Host-Dependent CO CO Region: Asia CD Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Analogy .1 .0 .1 0 .0% .0% Teradyne .1 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Logic Modeling Systems .1 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Geotrace Technologies @ .1 .0 .0 1 .0% .0% _x CO Dynamic Graphics .1 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% CO CO o ETAK .1 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Bi (U Bechtel Software .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Laser-Scan .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% SIMUCAD .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Micros im .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% 1 Other Companies 101.7 96.6 .0 3,478 11.7% 17.6% All Companies 872.5 547.8 190.7 11,799 100.0% 100.0%

    All N.A.-Based Companies 431.5 265.7 93.4 7,103 49.5% 48.5% All Asian-Based Companies 438.6 281.3 96.0 4,676 50.3% 51.3% All European-Based Companies 2.5 .9 1.3 20 .3% .2% All Hardware Companies 140.2 122.8 .2 3,483 16.1% 22.4% All Turnkey & SW Companies 732.3 425.0 190.5 8,316 83.9% 77.6%

    Source: Dalaquest (March 1993)

    CO CO CO o o Table 23 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications Platform: Server Region: Asia C5 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Market Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue IBM 78.2 43.8 19.1 396 47.4% 43.9% Sun Microsystems 29.9 24.4 .0 903 18.1% 24.4% Digital 18.2 12.5 .0 153 11.1% 12.6% Intergraph 10.4 5.0 2.4 197 6.3% 5.0% @ CO Zycad 6.3 3.8 .8 48 3.8% 3.8% CO CO 1.6 o EDS 4.7 2.4 61 2.8% 2.4% 01 MacNeal-Schwendler 3.5 .0 3.4 0 2.1% .0% Landmark Graphics 3.3 1.6 .8 17 2.0% 1.6% Hewlett-Packard 2.1 1.7 .0 41 1.3% 1.7% o o 1.8 .1 20 1.1% 1.8% •3 Ikos Systems 1.9 o 1.3 0 .9% a ESRI 1.5 .0 .0% Applicon 1.5 .6 .7 14 .9% .6% Sumitomo Denko Workstation .9 .9 .0 200 .6% .9% Solboume .9 .8 .0 36 .5% .8% Ci si graph .7 .2 .4 4 .4% .2% Sysscan .4 .2 .1 3 .2% .2% Cimlinc .3 .0 .2 0 .2% .0% Control Data Systems .2 .1 .0 0 .1% .1% Logic Modeling Systems .1 .0 .1 0 .1% .0% .0 (U ETAK .1 .0 0 .0% .0% a Georgia Tech Research Cojjj^, .0 .0 .0 0 .07o .0%

    CO CD CO o o Table 23 (Conrinued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GlS Market Share

    Applicafion; All Applications CO Platform: Server CO CO Region: Asia Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Market S Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue SIMUCAD .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Other Companies .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% All Companies 164.8 99.8 31.0 2,094 100.0% 100.0%

    @ CO All N.A.-Based Companies 162.9 98.5 30.6 1,887 98.8% 98.7% CO CO o All Asian-Based Companies .9 .9 .0 200 .6% .9% {U .Q All European-Based Companies 1.0 .4 .5 7 .6% .4% d CD (A All Hardware Companies 52.0 40.3 .0 1,332 31.6% 40.4% t—»• 5" o All Turnkey & SW Companies 112.8 59.5 31.0 761 68.4% 59.6% o Source: Dataquest (March 1993) o i CD


    CO CO CO 144 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    "D 0^ 5? 55 S? S5 0^ o5 0^

    ^ -5 u u ^ ^ ^ ^ s? 0^ tf- 0^ e^ 0^ TJH \0 ts in LD fN -tt \0 CO 00 « 2 o^ 0^ o^ o^ ON r-* g IN CO 00 T»< CO CN r-H tri rt< Tf CO i-i ^ S di as -^ d o 4^ en 06 ^ .-5 ^ ^ ^ o^ o^ is =5 If) \q ON LO 0^ 5^ PN| O NO CO O O NO NO a~- c^ 0^ o l-H O o o > 01 Tj; v^ vO liS tN in CO CO sd "O > T^ Tji rt CM <—I 1-1

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    CCAM-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15,1993 £66 L '91. MOJBiAi P3;BJOCLIOOU| isanbeiBQ E66l@ I.0e6-Sl/\1-MM-1/\IVOO

    C 7i '-3 ^ 1-^ X n en GJ Ul > n S3 c >o > VO SP n ::? n o 3 i5 ST -0 0) o in > tn ? o s- > en ft) w sj O^ U) 13 a ai a g- 3 a i-i- n 3)' u. n m 3 o 2 ° n' n (TT 5: 7^ Cl s: -i O vt ^ n ^ 3 5 o Q Q .„ m •• 3 t N> m no i-i Z < -o 0 0 kfk C >n Si­ CD Z^ "< 3 rs Wl "> w S. u 3 > ta X 5 TO 3 f^ n u 1-1 3 5 B) a — 5' t/i 1° (Kl ffi- >l m C ?=; ™ > 25 ^^ li:? > §• 3 X! re Ul "TS 0 K C/3 n 0) 3* G 0 a> en 3' re•1 73 3 3 n Tl C tn C T3 « an ^ § S 2- Ql a^0^•^V10000OOOO^^|--|-» •1 ly) > -1 n '1 C < Q. u ^— 2 ? C i-thJOh4iOO0i-'OOO

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    X •W- u •i rt 0. ffl-s OOOi-'OOOOOOOHJOOOSJt-'OOOO 3 t C XW -s^ N^ Vj-I o^o^^o^o^o^o^o^o^d^o^o^o^o^o^ w n^ o^ ft^ Q^ n re

    73 C/3 n 0 i-n n<. NJNJWi-»WU>WW4^Whl^NJ*i.U1*>.i-'OJ NJS-^O^O-VP-SPVP-^-^-NPV^NP-^VPV^^NPV^O-^-VP >^ a. cn IS r?^ n^ n^ n^ n^ n^ rv^ fv^ o^ fv^ fv^ ft^ fv^ f^ n^ cv* o^ fv^ o^ n^ re

    9t7|. ajEMS 19>|JB|AI aPJMPMOM SI9/3V0/IAIV0/aV3 o Table 24 (Continued)

    1 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    1 Application: All Applications CO Platform: Personal Compu ter Region: Asia s-' Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Sharp System Products— -NO OEM .6 .3 .3 17 .1% .1% Computervision .5 .0 .5 0 .1% .0% Whessoe Computing Systems .5 .0 .5 0 .1% .0% .5 0 @ GeoQuest .5 .0 .1% .0% to ERDAS .5 .1 .3 50 .1% .0% COD o Softdesk .5 .0 .5 0 .1% .0% .4 .a Sigma Design .4 .0 0 .1% .0% c: .4 .0 .4 0 .1% .0% CD Carrier Corporation; 3tn" 0 ETAK .4 .0 .4 1 .1% .0% 0 -B Teradyne .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% 0 Compact Software .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% CD a. Investronica SA .3 .2 .0 12 .0% .1% Wiechers Datentechnik .3 .1 .1 6 .0% .0% ISICAD .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% Aspen Technology .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% MCS .3 .0 .3 0 .0% .0% Accel Technologies .3 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% Superdraft .3 .1 .1 14 .0% .0% MacNeal-Schwendler .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% .2 .0 .2 0 .0% .0% 301 Graphisoft Software Dev zr en • CD CD CO o o Table 24 (Conlinaed) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications Platform: Personal Computer CO OJ t-^ Region: Asia Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units • Market Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Terr-Mar Resource Info Svs .2 .1 6 .0% .0% Integrated Silicon Systems .2 .1 3 .0% .0% Aries Technology .2 .0 0 .0% .0% BATISOFT .2 @ .0 7 .0% .0% CO MIJIC Software .2 .0 0 .0% .0% CO CO o GeoGraphix .2 .0 0 .0% .0% K- Digital .0 0 .0% .0% 0> .C0D .0 0 .0% .0% (/y ALDEC 5" CADSl .0 2 .0% .0% 0 •3 ASG .0 0 .0% .07o Cimiinc .0 0 .0% .0% 1a. Pathtrace .0 2 .0% .0% Rasna Corporation .0 0 .0% .0% Integer .0 0 .0% .0% Mega CADD .0 0 .0% .0% American SmaU Business Cbmp. .0 0 .0% .0% Aigor Interactive Systems .0 0 .0% .0% Tanner Research .0 0 .0% .0% Meta-Software .0 0 .0% .0% Simulation Science .0 0 .0% .0% 3-


    CD CO OJ o Table 24 (Continued) o 1 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GiS Market Share

    1 Application: All Applications

    C/3 Platform: Personal Computer lb Region: Asia CO -^ Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Ithaca Software; .0 .1 0 .0% .0% Genasys II .0 .1 1 .0% .0% Infinite Graphics .0 .1 0 .0% .0% @ Logic Modeling Systems .0 .0 0 .0% .0% CO Quick logic .0 .1 0 .0% .0% CO CO .0 .0 0 .0% .0% o Facility Mapping Systems .0 K- The CAD Group .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% tu Xc3: .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% CD Massteck o5cn" SIMUCAD .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% o Ace u graph .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% -a Vamp .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% CD oa. TAFEC .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Foresight Resources •0. .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Omation .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Geotrace Technologies .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Technische Computer Systeme .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Kork Systems .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Exemplar Logic .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Electrical Eng. Software .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0%

    OJ Bechtel Software .0 •0 .0 0 .0% .0% o :3-

    CO CO CO o o Table 24 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications

    CAJ Platform: I Personal Computer to Region: CO Asia (O Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Marke Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Other Companies 61.3 61.3 .0 16,149 8.6% 15.8% All Companies 708.9 388.7 266.9 64,388 100.0% 100.0%

    All N.A.-Based Companies 262.3 135.3 37.0% 34.8% © 111.3 37,083 CO All Asian-Based Companies 437.2 61.7% 64.6% (O 251.0 151.0 27,111 CO o All European-Based Companies 9.4 2.4 4.6 195 1.3% .6% Bi 01 All Hardware Companies 157.8 150.4 .0 40,132 22.3% 38.7% All Turnkey & SW Companies 551.1 238.3 266.9 24,256 77.7% 61.3%

    o Source: Dataquest (March 1993) o •a o

    CO CO CO o o Table 25 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications CO Platform: All Platforms Region: Rest of World CD Units: Milhons of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Market Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Intergraph 49.1 21.3 13.1 788 16.6% 14.6% IBM 26.3 18.5 4.1 2,997 8.9% 12.7% Digital 25.3 17.5 .0 285 8.6% 12.0% 21.5 21.5 .0 4,653 7.3% 14.7% @ Compaq CO Landmark GraphidS 16.4 8.2 3.8 85 5.5% 5.6% CD CO O Hewlett- Packard 14.3 10.0 1.8 1,061 4.8% 6.9% Cadence 12.7 .0 10.0 0 4.3% .0% Computervision 9.8 3.3 3.4 89 3.3% 2.3% Sun Microsystems 9.0 in .0 600 3.0% 5.3% o Mentor Graphics 7.0 1.6 2.7 0 2.4% 1.1% •a 6.1 .0 5.5 0 2.1% .0% o ESRI a Engineering Mechanics 5.1 .3 4.4 408 1.7% .2% SDRC 4.2 .0 4.2 0 1.4% .0% Autodesk 4.1 .0 4.1 0 1.4% .0% Control Data Systems 3.2 1.5 .5 22 1.1% 1.1% Radian Corporation 3.1 .0 1.9 0 1.1% .0% Siemens Nixdorf Info ^frsi^acti^ 2.7 1.4 1.0 47 .9% .9% Geo Vision Systems 2.7 .2 1.4 3 .9% .1% Ci matron 2.5 1.1 1.2 83 .9% .8% Apple Computer 2.4 2.2 .0 576 .8% 1.5% %. International Software Syst^Sflfe 2.4 .0 2.4 0 .8% .0%

    ID CO CO o o Table 25 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications CO Ptalform: All Platforms to Region: Rest of World CO —' Units; Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Market Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Claris 2.3 .0 2.3 0 .8% .07o EDS 2.3 1.2 .8 36 .8% .87<. Delcam Intematittftel 2.1 .7 1.1 36 .7% .5% CAD Centre 2.0 0 .7% .07o @ .0 1.6 CO Data General 1,9 1.5 .1 100 .6% 1.0% tCoJ o Oread 1.9 .0 1.9 0 .6% .0% .a Strategic Mapping 1.8 .0 1.7 0 .6% .0% tr CD Maplnfo 1.5 .0 1.2 0 .5% .0% CO i-t-o5" CNC Software 1.2 .0 1.2 0 .4% .0% o MacMeal-Schwendler 1.1 .0 1.1 0 .4% .0% Vero International Software 1.0 .0 .9 0 .3% .0% 1C3. Infocel .9 .2 .7 20 .3% .1% Genasys IT .9 .1 .8 6 .3% .1% ADRA Systems .8 .2 .5 0 .3% .1% EA Systems .8 .0 .8 0 .3% .0% ERDAS .8 .2 .5 88 .3% .2% Kork Systems .8 .1 .6 1 .3% .1% LSI Logic .8 .1 .6 2 .3% .1% COMPASS Design Automation .7 .0 .6 1 .2% .0%

    (U Genrad .7 .1 .5 7 .2% .1% 3 o Altera .7 .0 .6 0 .2% .0% CJl to to OJ 152 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    (U « "O vP^^^^vP^vP^vP •o 0-^ 6^ O^O^O^O^O^O^O^O^O^O^ (U I'S ^ O O O O O O O O OOOOOOOOOO D SD a C L. o re U5 O

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    re >r ° § •^ 2 6 ci, y-^ in < < &5 S 'O ti I S CJ 1< S U ^u y^ xi g >^ re bo a 15 a 5 bp IS •E .S c re re O X i-t >, o "o •H ^ — y c t/1 tj in ij G, o u c U f2 in 5 .S s c >> u u •G O o Cu rv; re u hr m fSi re "^ U .2 J •^ < C a c _0 C U 9 - La Sf T3 tn >^ en bC OJ X O re lb o, <- in O) 01 u CL.- S 3 C tu .5 C o P" £ Ci. jc So- •4 S m 3 F- o to 5J & G S o 3 f^ •Ml ^ ^ b. o C U LO < N UJ en D td u O O (B C:. 3 S U ^ r™ a> < E: ci DI < U O < X r* rH U D

    CCAM-WW-MS-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated March 15,1993 o Table 25 (Continued) 3>

    1 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    1 Application; All Applications C/5 Platform: All Platforms CO CO Region: Rest of World -^ Units: Milhons of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Market Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue ANACAD .3 .0 .3 0 .1% .0% Clemessy .3 .2 .0 1 .1% .2% ISICAD .3 .1 .2 2 .1% .1% @ Hoclitief .3 .0 .2 2 .1% .0% CO Superdraft .3 .1 .1 14 .1% .1% CO o Sigma Design .2 .0 .2 0 .1% .0% K- Jjivestronica SA .1% .1% D> .2 .2 .0 8 JD c .1% .0% CO Generation 5 TechiidicSE^ .2 .0 .2 0 e5n" o LPKF .2 .1 .0 7 .1% .1% o •3 LandCadd .2 .0 .2 0 .1% .0% Q Engineering Systems Corp. .2 .0 .1 0 .1% .0% iCL CD Graphisoft Software Dev .2 .0 .2 0 .1% .0% Aura CAD/CAM Systems .2 .0 0 .1% .0% American Small Business Comp. .0 0 .0% .0% Royal Digital Centers .0 0 .0% .0% Mc2 Engineering Software .0 0 .0% .0% Innovative Data Design .0 0 .0% .0% Synercom .0 0 .0% .0% Terr-Mar Resource Info Svs .0 2 .0% .0% tu Teradyne .0 0 .0% .0% c^ 3- CADMATIC .0 1 .0% .0% 5J1

    CO CD CO o Table 25 (Continued) 5> • 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    1 Application: All Applications cp riatform: All Platforms CO CO Region: Rest of World CD Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Market Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue CADWorks .0 .1 0 .0% .0% Star Informattc .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Simulation Science .0 0 .0% .0% Spectrum Software .0 0 .0% .0% @ CO Ziegler Informatics .0 0 .0% .0% CO CO o PADS Software .0 0 .0% .0% CU Ithaca Software .0 0 .0% .0% .ad CD CO Number One Systems .0 4 .0% .0% o5" Moda CAD .0 1 .0% .0% o Asc; .0 0 .0% .0% T-^3 1 Facility Mapping Systems .0 0 .0% .0% CD d Accel Technologies .0 0 .0% .0% Secag rap hies .0 0 .0% .0% CAE-link .0 0 .0% .0% Capilano Computing .0 0 .0% .0% Algor Interactive Systems .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Rasna Corporation .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Massteck .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Engineered Software .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% OJ Macao Systems .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% o .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% IT Areon CJl

    CD CO CO o o Table 25 (Continued) > 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications Platform: All Platforms CO CO Region: Rest of World CD Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Market Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Fides Industrielle Automation .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% FEA .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Foresight Resources .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% ESDU International @ .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% —A CO CO Cooper & Chyan Technology .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% 03 o Other Companies 23.9 23.7 .0 4,546 8.1% 16.2% Si D> All Companies 295.1 146.1 96.2 16,623 100.0% 100.0% J3

    All N.A.-Based Companies 280.3 141.7 87.7 16,399 95.0% 97.0% All Asian-Based Companies .5 .2 .3 3 .2% .2% All European-Based Companies 14.4 4.2 8.2 221 4.9% 2.9% All Hardware Companies 101.4 89.1 .2 14,312 34.3% 61.0% All Turnkey & SW Companira 193.8 57.0 96.0 2,311 65.7% 39.0% Source: Dataquest (March 1993)


    CD CD CO o o Table 26 > 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications Platform: Technical Workstation CO CJ Region: Rest of World o Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Market Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Intergraph 38.7 17.8 8.5 695 27.5% 32.27o Hewlett-Packard 12.3 8.4 1.8 517 8.7/o 15.2%> Cadence 11.5 .0 9.1 0 8.27„ .0% Landmark GraphiijS 9.8 4.9 51 @ 2.3 7.0% 8.97. to Computervision 8.4 3.1 2.5 82 5.9% 5.67o CO CO 528 o Sun Microsystems 7.4 6.4 .0 5.37- 11.67o s. Mentor Graphics 7.0 1.6 2.7 0 5.0% 2.97o {U 5.2 3.6 .0 229 3.7% 6.47o .a Digital 3.8 .0 0 o SDRC 3.8 2.7% .07o o 122 -a IBM 3.4 1.9 .8 2.47o 3.57o o ESRI 3.1 .0 2.8 0 2.27o .07o i Engineering Mechanics 3.0 .2 2.5 144 2.17o .37o CO Siemens Nixdorf hifo systeme 2.7 1.4 1.0 47 1.97o 2.57o Delcam International 2.1 .7 1.1 36 1.57o 1.37o CAD Centre 2.0 .0 1.6 0 1.47o .07o EDS 1.9 1.0 .6 31 1.37o 1.87o Geo Vision Systems 1.9 .2 1.0 2 1.37o .37o Radian Corporation 1.9 .0 1.1 0 1.37o .07o Cimatron 1.6 .7 .7 36 1.27o 1.37o

    (U Data General 1.4 1.1 .1 81 1.07o 2.07o c3 Control Data Systems 1.1 .7 .2 15 .87o 1.27o

    CO CO CA3 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Market Share 157

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    01 01 rHOi—iCNi-iOCNi-ii-iOCNOOOO»-iOeNi-iOO 5S g "(3 S S _3 73 > tj b U < re ^ c 00I>vf^\O\O^iriir)TtTj 2 (/) u E -^ ai L« .2 S T3 m CA .§51 u 7; ro l> .:« ir" tJ V-, c Ix _o re <^? re <; FI B: (J e 3 o C < "3 < u CA .1 I s CO o ii y CO ill en OJ Si X o J: >> Oi tn CL >-• u I •• c o re < V. D u >. 13 u en Table 26 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: AJl Applications en Platform: Technical Workstation CO CO Region: Rest of World o Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Market Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Royal Digital Centers .0 .1 0 .1% .a% MacNeal-Schwendler .0 ,1 0 .1% .0% Sigma Design .0 .1 0 .1% ,0% Star Informatic .0 .0 0 A% @ .1% CO Softdesk .0 .1 0 .1% .0% CO CO o Infocel .0 .1 2 .1% .1% 01 Georgia Tech Research CitKqpi .0 .1 0 .1% .07., Xilinx .0 ,1 0 .17o .0% Simulation Science .0 .1 0 .1% .0% o .0 .0 0 .1% .0% •a Syne re om o Terr-Mar Resource InfolSsS; .0 .0 1 .0% .0% Teradyne .0 .1 0 .0% .0% Data I/O .0 .1 0 .0% .0% ACTEL .0 .1 0 .0% .0% ETAK .0 .0 0 .0% ,0% CADMATIC .0 .0 0 .0% .07c. Whessoe Computing $ysUsv^: .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Point Control .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Rasna Corporation .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Macao Systems .0 •0 0 .0% ,0% Cooper & Chyan Tediiiblij^ .0 .0 0 .0% ,0%

    CO CD CO o o Table 26 (Continued) > 1992 CAD/CAMyCAE/GIS Market Sliare

    Application: Alt Applications Platform: Technical Workstation CO CO Region: Rest of World CD Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Market S Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue FEA .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0%. LandCadd .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% PADS Software .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0%

    @ Other Companies .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% CO All Companies CO 140.6 55.4 51.8 2,709 100.0% 100.0% CO o Si p> All N.A.-Based Companies 130.4 52.0 46.5 2,587 92.8% 93.8% X3 All Asian-Based Companies .5 .2 .3 3 .4% .4%

    =J All European-Based Companies 9.6 3.2 5.0 119 6.8% 5.8% o o All Hardware Companies 18.3 14.7 .1 1,151 13.0% 26.5% -a o All Turnkey & SW Companies 122.3 40.7 51.7 1,558 87.0% 73.5% Source: Dataquest (March 1993)

    CO CO CO o o Table 27 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications

    (yj Platform: Host-Depender\t Region: Rest of World CD Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Market S Hard­ Total ware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Digital 13.5 9.3 .0 0 34.6% 40.5% IBM 9.6 5.2 2.5 168 24.77o 22.5% Control Data Systems 2.0 .8 .3 6 5.2% 3.6% @ CO Intergraph .8 .0 .8 0 2.1% .0%

    CD CO CO o o Table 27 (Continued) > 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Sliare

    Application: All Applications O) Platform: Host-Dependent Region: Rest of World CD Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Market S Hard- Total ware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Clemessy .0 .0 0 .2% .2% Whessoe Computing Systems .0 .1 0 .2% .0% Sec a graphics .0 .0 0 .1% .1% @ CO ETAK .0 .0 0 .1% .0% CO CO Synercom .0 .0 0 .1% .0% o Cll EDS .0 .1 (0) .1% .0% .a Laser-Scan .0 .0 0 .1% .0% Engineering Systems Corp. .0 .0 0 .1% .0% o .0 0 .0% •3 Analogy .0 .1% o 0 R Kork Systems .0 .0 .1% .1% Fides Industrielle Aufeir^tScfti .0 .0 0 .1% .0% EEsof .0 .0 0 .1% .0% Data I/O .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Macao Systems .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Hochtief .0 .0 0 .0% .0% COMPASS Design Autofl^tiiMi .0 .0 0 .0% .0% 0 Teradyne .0 .0 .0% .0% 0 Vero international Software .0 .0 .0% .0%

    CD CO CO o o Table 27 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: Ail Applications Crt Platform: Host-Dependent I to CO Region; Rest of World CD Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Market S Hard­ Total ware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Other Companies 7.8 7.4 .0 268 20.1% 32.4% All Companies 38.9 22.9 7.6 447 100.0% 100.0%

    @ CO All N.A.-Based Companies 38.7 22.9 7.5 446 99.5% 99.8% CO CO All Asian-Based Companies .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% o OJ All European-Based Companies .2 .0 .1 0 .5% .2% All Hardware Companies 21.7 16.9 .1 269 55.8% 73.6% All Turnkey & SW Companies 17.2 6.1 7.6 178 44.2% 26.4% o3 o •a Source; Dataquest (March 1993) o CD


    CO CO CO o o Table 28 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications CO Platform: Server Region: o Rest of World Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Market S Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Intergraph 7.3 3.5 1.7 93 24.4% 22.9% Digital 6.7 4.6 .0 57 22.6% 30.0% Landmark GriafiHiiQs 6.6 3.3 1.5 34 22.0% 21.2% IBM 3.1 1.8 .7 67 10.4% 11.8% @ ESRI CO 1.8 .0 1.6 0 5.9% .0% to CO Sun Microsysliaiin® 1.6 1.3 .0 72 5.3% 8.4% o o> Cadence .6 .0 .5 0 2.0% .0% Computervision .5 .2 .2 4 1.7% 1.0% Data General .5 .4 .0 19 1.7% 2.6% o=J o MacNeai-Schwerwiilir .3 .0 .3 0 1.1% .0% •3 o EDS .3 .2 .1 5 1.1% 1.0% a Radian Corporation .3 .0 .2 0 .8% .0% Hewlett-Packard .2 .1 .0 20 .6% .8% Control Data Systems .1 .0 .0 0 .2% .2% ETAK .1 .0 .0 0 .2% .0% Other Companies .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% All Companies 29.8 15.4 6.8 370 100.0% 100.0%

    All N.A.-Based Companies 29.8 15.4 6.8 370 100.0% 100.0% Ail Asian-Based Companies .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% All European-Based Companies .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% t All Hardware Companies 9.2 6.7 .0 221 30.9% 43.1% All Turnkey & SW Companies 20.6 8.8 6.7 150 69.1% 56.9%, to to Source: Dataquest (March 1993) to 164 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    U) •T3 S5 I U n 'S in fN Tj< O O o o o o o o ooo^^ooo iri d rr a tN Tl D .&" CO tN ° I Id n IWc5 o X o

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    Application: All Applications (r> Platform: Personal Computer CO CO Region: Rest of World r~\ Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Market Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Path trace .6 .1 .4 9 .7% .2% BETRONEX .5 .1 .4 9 .6% .1% ETAK .4 .0 .4 1 .4% .0% Softdesk .4 .0 .4 0 .4% .0% @ CO Point Control .3 .0 .3 0 .4% .0% CO CO ERDAS .3 .1 .2 35 .4% .2% Si Data I/O .3 .0 .3 0 .3% .0% CU •£3 c= Hochtief .3 .0 .2 2 .3% .1% t-*CD ACTEL ,3 .0 .2 0 .3% .0% o5 " o Superdraft ,3 .1 .1 14 .3% .2% -3 o Whessoe Computirig Sysiseffis .3 .0 .3 0 .3% .0% Eri a. Xilinx .2 .0 .2 0 .3% .0% Investronica SA .2 .2 .0 8 .2% .3% ADI^ Systenas .2 .0 .2 0 .2% .0% Generation 5 Technc^ldgj^ .2 .0 .2 0 .2% .0% EEsof .1 .0 .2 0 .2% .0% LPKF 1 .1 .0 7 .2% .2% Graphisoft Software Dev .2 .0 .2 0 .2% .0% Aura CAD/CAM Systems; .2 .0 .1 0 .2% .0% S LandCadd .2 .0 .1 0 .2% .0% CU .1 .0 .1 0 .2% .0% B American Small Business Comp. .0 .1 0 .2% .0% tn Mc2 Engineering Software .1 ..X CO CO CO o o Table 29 (Continued)

    • 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications sT3.» en PEatform: Personal Computer cb Region: Rest of World 00 o Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Market Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Compact Software .0 .1 0 .2% .0% Innovative Data Design .0 .1 0 .2% .0% Engineering Systems Corp. .0 .1 0 .1% .0% CADWorks .0 .1 0 .1% .0% @ Swanson Analysis .0 .1 0 .1% .0% CO CO Spectrum Software .0 .1 0 .1% .0% cu Sigma Design .Q .1 0 .1% .0% c= Genasys II .0 .1 2 .1% .0% CD 0 .1% 5c/>" ISICAD .0 .1 .0% o o Ziegler Informatics .0 .1 0 .1% .0% o Ithaca Software .0 .1 0 .1% .0% fff .0 .1 0 .1% .0% C3. PADS Software CADMATIC .0 .0 1 .1% .0% Number One Systems .0 .1 4 .1% .0% Moda CAD .0 .0 1 .1% .0% Accel Technologies .0 .1 0 .1% .0% ASG .0 .1 0 .1% .0% Facility Mapping Systems .0 .1 0 .1% .0% Terr-Mar Resource Info Svs .0 .0 1 .1% .0% s Capilano Computing .0 .1 0 .1% .0% cu .0 .1 0 .1% .07o 3 CAE-link ^7* .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% on Aries Technology

    fO CO CO o o Table 29 (Continued) 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Market Share

    Application: All Applications Platform: Personal Computer CO oo Region: Rest of World C3 Units: Millions of U.S. Dollars/Actual Units Market Total Hardware Total Factory Hardware Software Units Factory Hardware Company Revenue Revenue Revenue Shipped Revenue Revenue Algor Interactive Systems .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Massteck .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Accugraph .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Teradyne .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% @ CO Engineered SofEwieuie .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% CO oo Areon .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% o Genrad .0 .0 .0 1 .0% .0% J3 Foresight Resources .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Simulation Science .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% O O MacNeal-Schwendler .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% •3 o ESDU International .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Rasna Corporation .0 .0 .0 0 .07o .0% FEA .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% Other Companies 16.1 16.2 .0 4,279 18.7% 31.0% All Companies 85.9 52.4 30.0 13,097 100.0% 100.0%

    All N.A.-Based Companies 81.4 51.4 26.9 12,996 94.7% 98.1% All Asian-Based Companies .0 .0 .0 0 .0% .0% AH Europe an-Based Companies 4.5 1.0 3.1 101 5.3% 1.9% All Hardware Companies 52.2 51.0 .0 12,671 60.8% 97.2% All Turnkey & SW Companies 33.7 1.5 30.0 426 39.2% 2.87o

    Source: Dataquest (March 1991)

    CO CO CO For More Information... Linda Anderson, Market Research Analyst (408) 437-8135 Via fax (408)437-0292 The content of this report represents our interpretation and analysis of information generally available to the public or released by responsible individuals in the subject companies, but is not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness It does not contain material provided to us in confidence by our clients. Individual companies reported on and analyzed by Dataquest may be clients of this and/or other Dataquest services. This information is not furnished in connection with a sale or offer to sell securities or in cormection with the solicitation of an offer to buy securities This firm and its parent and/or their officers, stockholders, or members of their families may, from [JgJgQIJpjt '""^ '° time, have a long or short posihon in the securities mentioned and may sell or buy such securities ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated—Reproduction Prohibited BS TtKDunVBndsiiKiCanwraiian Dataquest is a registered trademark of A.C Nielsen Company 0014459 DataQuesf a company of The Dun & Bradstreet Corporation

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    ®1993 Dataquest Incorporated 0014459 DataQuest' INFORMATIONRESOURCE CENTER DATAQUEST INCORPORATED


    CAD/CAM Marlcet Definitions

    Dataquest Guide 1993

    Program: CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide Product Code: CCAM-WW-GU-9301 Publication Date: October 18,1993 fNr ORMATfON RESOURCE CENTER DATAQUEST INCORPORATED 1290 Ridder Park Drive Sdn.k>se, CA 95131-2398 (408) 437-8600 DataQuest' Software

    CAD/CAM Market Definitions

    QB'^^ M ^ • m • Dataquest Guide m fJjS^JiSSS-^ • • ^^^n.y€'^ • •^':»=- 1993 • r^^#^^» l

    Program: CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Woridwide Product Code: CCAM-WW-GU-9301 Publication Date: October 18,1993 CAD/CAM Market Definitions

    Table of Contents 1. Market Share Survey Overview 1-1 Methodology 1-1 2. CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Companies to Be Surveyed Worldwide for 1993 2-1 North American Companies Surveyed 2-1 European Companies Surveyed 2-3 Japanese Companies Surveyed 2-4 Summary 2-4 3. Research Metrics 3-1 4. Worldwide Geographical Region Definitions and Exchange Rates 4-1 5. CAD/CAM/CAE Platform Definitions 5-1 6. CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Software Application Definitions 6-1 7. CAD/CAM/CAE Subapplication Segmentation 7-1 Mechanical 7-1 AEC 7-4 ECAE 7-5 IC Layout 7^7 8. CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Operating System and Industiry Segmentation 8-1 Operating Systems 8-1 Industry Sectors 8-1

    CCAM-WW-GU-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated October 18,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    List of Tables 4-1 Average 1992 and Preliminary 1993 Exchange Rates against the U.S. Dollar 4-1

    CCAM-WW-GU-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated October 18,1993 ^ Chapter 1 V Market Share Survey Overview Each year, Dataquest surveys CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS vendors to estimate their annual revenue. The survey for 1993 will cover 323 vendors world­ wide by six main application segments, four platforms, and four world regions; by European and Asian countries; by hardware, software, and service; and by distribution channel. This exercise provides input for Dataquest's dynamic database of CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS shipments and revenue by world region/country, platform, and application segment. The information gained is supplemented by, and cross-checked with, Dataquest's other information sources.

    The CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS market share survey takes place twice each year. The first survey in the fourth quarter prepares early estimates for the calendar year. This is followed by a second survey in the spring that final­ izes estimates for the previous calendar year. The first survey takes place from October to December. Our preliminary estimates are completed by the end of the calendar year in review, and the results are summarized in a fax report, which is released in January of the following year and pub­ lished in a Source: Dataquest document by January 31.

    The second survey takes place during April. Our final CAD/CAM/CAE/ GIS market share estimates are again published in a Source: Dataquest doc­ ument by May 31. There is usually minimal difference between early and final rankings, as Dataquest makes every effort to ensure preliminary esti­ mates are as accurate as possible. However, early optimism and pessi­ mism and surprise year ends create a change in our numbers. It should also be noted that when new information becomes available concerning a previous year's nunibers, the database is updated to reflect the best infor­ mation available.

    The categories for which CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS revenue is reported are defined comprehensively for the purpose of clarity and guidance to sur­ vey participants. These definitions may occasionally be revised, altered, or expanded to reflect changes in the industry. To support these defini­ tions, Dataquest will send an annual survey guide to all participants in its CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS market share survey program. "This document comprises the 1993 survey guide.

    Methodology Dataquest utilizes primary and secondary sources to produce market share data. In addition to the annual market share survey, Dataquest uses the following sources to quantify market activity accurately:

    • Information published by major industry participants • Estimates made by knowledgeable and reliable industiy spokespersons • Government data or trade association data

    CCAM-WW-GU-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated October 18,1993 ^2 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    • Published product literature and price lists • Interviews with knowledgeable manufacturers, distributors, and users • Relevant economic data • Information and data from online and/or CD-ROM data banks • Articles in the general and trade press • Reports from financial analysts Despite the care taken in gathering, analyzing, and categorizing the data in a meaningful way, careful attention must be paid to the defirutions and assumptions used herein when interpreting the estimates presented in this document. Various companies, government agencies, and trade associa­ tions may use slightly different definitions of product categories and regional groupings, or they may include different companies in their sum­ maries. These differences should be kept in mind when making compari­ sons between data provided by Dataquest and data provided by other suppliers.

    CCAM-WW-GU-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated October 18,1993 Cliapter 2 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Companies to Be Surveyed Worldwide for 1993

    In 1993, Dataquest will survey 323 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS companies throughout the world.

    Nortfi American Companies Surveyed A.I. Systems Computervision Accel Technologies Contec Microelectronics Accugraph Control Data Systems ACDS Graphic System Cooper & Chyan Technology ACTEL Crosscheck Technology ADRA Systems Data General ALDEC Data I/O Corporation Algor Interactive Systems Dell Computer Corporation Alias Research Digital Equipment Corporation Altera Corporation Altium Dynamic Graphics American Small Business Comp. Dynaware Analogy EA Systems Apple Computer Inc. Earth Resource Mapping Applicon ECOM Associates Aptix EDS Ascent Logic Corp. Electrical Engineering Software Ashlar Enghouse Systems Ltd. (Canada) Aspen Technology Engineered Software Aura CAD/CAM Systems Engineering Mechanics Research Auto-Trol EPIC Design Technology Autodesk Incorporated ERDAS Autometric ESRI Bechtel Software ETAK CAD Artisans Evolution Computing CAD Language Systems Exemplar Logic Cadence Facility Mapping Systems CADKEY Foresight Resources CADLYNX GDS CADSI Genasys II CADWorks Generation 5 Technology CAE-link Geru'ad CAMAX GeoGraphix Carrier Corporation Georgia Tech. Research Corporation Cascade Design Automation GEOVISION Inc. Chronologic Simulation Gerber Systems Cimhnc GRAPHSOFT Claris Corporation Harris EDA CNC Software Hewlett-Packard Company Compact Software COMPASS Design Automation

    CCAM-WW-GU-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated October 18,1993 2-2 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    High Level Design Systems PCI Remote Sensing Corp. i-Logix Inc. PDA Engineering IBM Corporation Phase Three Logic ICAD Point Control Ikos Systems Quantic Laboratories IMSI Quicklogic Infinite Graphics Quickturn Systems Innovative Data Design Radian Corporation Integrated Computer Graphics Rasna Corporation Integrated Silicon Systems Research Engineers—Civilsoft Intera Tydac Technologies Royal Digital Systems Intergraph Scientific & Engineering SW International Software Systems SDRC Intrinsix Corporation Sigma Design ISICAD Silicon Graphics Inc. Kork Systems Silvar-Lisco Land Irmovation SIMUCAD LandCaDD Softdesk Landmark Graphics Solbourne Logic Modeling Systems Spatial Technology Inc. LSI Logic Spectrum Software MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation Strategic Mapping Maplnfo Sun Microsystems Maptech Sunrise Test Systems MARC Superdraft Massteck Swanson Analysis Mc2 Engineering Software Sweet's Electronic Publishing MCS SjTiercom Mechanical Dynamics Synopsys Mega CADD Systems Science Mentor Graphics Tanner Research Meta-Software Teradyne Micrografx Terr-Mar Resource Information Microsim Systems Mine Software Terra Sciences Moda CAD Test Systems Strategies Motorola The CAD Group NCR Microelectronics Understanding Systems NeoCAD Unisys Corporation Object Design Valisys Objectivity Viewlogic Systems Ontos •Wsionics Oread VLSI Libraries Pacific Numerics Xninx PacSoft Zycad PADS Software Parametric Technology

    CCAM-WW-GU-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated October 18,1993 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Companies to Be Surveyed Worldwide for 1993 2-3

    European Companies Surveyed ABB Industria EMESA Alper Systems Engineering Computer Services ALS Design Exapt ANACAD Computer Systems FEA Anilam Electronics Pegs Ltd. APLEDSI FHECOR Areon Franiasoft ARKTEC SA Gable CAD Systems ASCAD/ASCAM Geometria GIS Systems House ASICOM Graphisoft Software Development Assigraph Ground ModeUng Systems Ltd. Aucos Elektronische Geraete Han Dataport AUCOTEC GmbH Hochtief Batisoft SA ICL Finland OY Betronex lEZ CAD-Systeme GmbH CADCentre Ltd. IGE-XAO CAD Lab SA Investronica SA CAD TECH Iberica ISDATA GmbH CAD-Captiire ISKA Cad-Distribution AG ItalCAD CAD-UL Kloeckner-Moeller GmbH Cadtronic Computer Systeme Kockums Computer Systems AS CAMTEK Kohns & Poppenhaeger Caroline Informatique SA Lamp Software Ltd. Cimatron Laser-Scan CIMTEK SA Logic Control Cisigraph MACAO Systems Clemessy Innovation SA Marcus Computer Systeme Club Informatico SA Matra Datavision Complansoft CAD GmbH mb Programme Computational Mechanics MEDesign Engineering Computer Services Consultants Microway GmbH Contract Data Research Ltd. Missler Informatique Dapco SA Moss Systems Dassault Mucke Software DAT Iitformationssysteme Nemetschek Programmsystem GmbH DATA Technology Olivetti Datagraphic SA PAFEC DATAID Technologies Pathtrace Engineering Systems debis Systemhaus GmbH Racal-Redac DECISA Radan Computational Ltd. Delcam Systems International Research Machines Ltd. DELTA CAD RIB/RZB Digital Kienzle RoboCAD Solutions Ltd. Elstree Computing Ltd.

    CCAM-WW-GU-9301 ©1993 Dataquest incorporated October 18,1993 2-4 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    S.T.L.D. s.r.l. Star Infromatic Sagantec Europe BV STI-Straessle AG Sener Sistemas Marinos SA Sysscan A/S Serbi SA Tactics Intertational Ltd. (Australian) Siemens Nixdorf Infomationssysteme Tebis Sinus Software GmbH Technische Computer Systeme GnibH Smallworld Systems Ltd. Triplan SoftSA Vero International Software Soft-Tech Software Technologies Whessoe Computing Systems Softronics Wiechers Datentechnik Spectrum Graphics Ziegler Informatics

    Japanese Companies Surveyed Andor Mitsui Engineering ARGO Graphics Mutoh Industries Cadix NEC Century Research Center Nihon Itek C. Itoh Techno-Science Nihon Urusys CPU Qmron Design Automation Pasco Fujitsu Ricoh Graphtec Engineering Seiko Instruments Hakuto Sharp System Products Hitachi Sony Hitachi Zosen Info Systems Sophia Systems Info. Services International Dentsu Sumisho Electronics Informatix Sumitomo Denko Workstation INS Engineering Tokyo Electron Kanematsu Computer Systems Toshiba Kanematsu Semiconductor Toyo Information Systems Kubota Computer Uchida Yoko Marubeni Hytech Wacom Mitsubishi Electric Zuken

    Summary The following is a list of the number of companies surveyed by region:

    • 172 North American companies • 111 European companies • 40 Japanese companies • 323 Worldwide companies

    CCAM-WW-GU-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated October 18,1993 Chapter 3 Research Metrics, Total revenue with OEM. Is the total amount of money received by a company for all goods and services sold into the CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS market and is tjrpically published on inquiries only.

    Distribution channels. We divide total revenue by distribution channels defined as follows:

    • Direct channel. Is the channel through which product moves directly from the manufacturer or vendor to the end user, usually by means of a professionally trained sales force. • Original equipment manufacturer (OEM). Is the channel through which vendors or manufacturers sell their finished product to other companies for resale through an OEM agreement. Once sold, the prod­ uct is usually modified slightly and then resold directly to the end user or through an indirect channel. Vendors that resell nonbranded product differ from VARs in that they often add their name to the product and back up its warranties. • Indirect channel. Includes all other channels through which the firushed product moves to the end user, including VARs, dealers, and mass merchandisers. Turnkey. Is the bundling of hardware and software for sale as a unit.

    Total factory revenue. Is the amount of money received by a company for its goods, excluding OEM revenue.

    • Hardware revenue. Is revenue derived from the sales of CPUs (includ­ ing operating systems), terminals (for host-dependent systems), and peripherals. • Software revenue. Is revenue derived from the sales of bundled (part of a turnkey system) and unbundled application software and does not include operating systems revenue, which is part of the hardware. • Service revenue. Is revenue derived from the service and support of CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS systems. Service revenue can be calculated in the market share tables by subtracting hardware and software revenue from total factory revenue. Service revenue includes the following: Q Application development. Adding new functionality through design and development of new customized CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS software applications or modification, enhancement, or customiza­ tion of existing software applications a Consulting. Including assessment of a company's CAD/CAM/ CAE/GIS business information technology (IT) needs and formula­ tion of a strategic plan based on identification needs

    CCAM-WW-GU-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated October 18,1993 3-2 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    • Integration services. Including planning, implementation, migra­ tion, and integration of CAD/CAM/CAE software products a Maintenance. Fees for CAD/CAM/CAE hardv^are and software maintenance a Management and operations services. Including help desk, educa­ tion and tiaining, disaster recovery, vaulting, facilities management, configuration management, and relocation services a Service bureau. Including construction of database, data conversion, product design, analysis, or manufacturing Seats. Is defined as the number of possible simultaneous users.

    Unit shipments. Is the number of seats delivered, excluding those sold to another company for resale (OEM).

    CPU shipments. Is the number of CPUs delivered, which is the same as unit shipments for all platforms except host-dependent.

    Average selling price (ASP). Is the average amount of money received by the factory for the sale of a turnkey/hardware system. The database forces reconciliation of a company's revenue and imit shipments to aver­ age selling price for each application and platform.

    Installed base. Is the total number of seats/CPUs in use, calculated in forecasting as the previous year's installed base plus the year's unit/CPU shipments less retirements.

    Compound annual growth rate (CAGR). Is a computed, compounded five-year growth rate used in forecasting.

    Note: All revenue is converted to $U.S. (see Chapter 4 for exchange rates).

    CCAM-WW-GU-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated October 18,1993 Chapter 4 Worldwide Geographical Region Definitions and Exchange P^*°*^ • North America • Includes Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the United States (50 states) • Europe Q Includes Benelux (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg), France, Italy, Scandinavia (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden), United Kingdom, Germany (including former East Germany), and the rest of Europe (Spain, Switzerland, eastern Europe, and all other European countries and principalities) • Asia/Pacific a Includes Japan, Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, and China • Rest of World a Includes Africa, Central America, the Caribbean, the Middle East, Oceania, and South America When converting a company's local currency sales into U.S. dollars, or vice versa, it is important to use the 1992 exchange rates provided in Table 4-1. These rates will prevent inconsistencies in the conversion of offshore sales between each company. These are the exchange rates that will be used in the final 1992 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS market share survey Exchange rates for historical yecirs are available on request.

    Table 4-1 Average 1992 and Preliminary 1993 Exchange Rates against the U.S. Dollar 1993 Rate Country 1992 Rate (Preliminary) Currency Austria 10.95 11.55 Schillings/$ Belgium 32.02 34.47 Belgian Francs/$ China 5.5082 5.7441 Renminbi/$ Denmark 6.0153 6.4794 Danish Kroner/$ Finland 4.4507 5.7423 Markka/$ France 5.2712 5.6409 French Francs/$ Germany 1.5554 1.6427 Deutsche Marks/$ Hong Kong 7.7401 7.7386 Hong Kong $/$ Italy 1,227.75 1,557.94 Lire/$ Japan 126.45 110.46 Yen/$ Netherlands 1.7512 1.8444 Gulden/$ Norway 6.1824 7.0534 Norwegian Kroner/$ (Continued)

    CCAM-WW-GU-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated October 18,1993 4-2 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    Table 4-1 (Continued) Average 1992 and Preliminary 1993 Exchange Rates against the U.S. Dollar 1993 Rate Country 1992 Rate (Preliminary) Currency Singapore 1.6285 1.6157 Singapore $/$ South Korea 782.63 799.45 Won/$ Spain 101.9 126.55 Pesetas/$ Sweden 5.8105 7.7833 Swedish Kronor/$ Switzerland 1.3976 1.4694 Swiss Francs/$ Taiwan 24.93 26.21 NT$/$ United Kingdom 0.5686 0.6651 Pounds/$ ECU 0.770 0.853 ECU/$ Note: The annual rate is estimated as the arithmetic mean of the 12 monthty rates. The preliminary 1993 rates assumes the currency will remain stable for the remainder of the year. Source: Dataquest (October 1993)

    CCAM-WW-GU-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated October 18,1993 Chapter 5 CAD/CAM/CAE Platform Definitions, Technical workstation. This is a single-user computer that is distin­ guished from a personal computer by its features and by the user's potential migration path within the platform. Dataquest classifies work­ stations based on their hardware, software, and product features (as opposed to usage). In general, a workstation must come standard witft an integrated floating-point coprocessor, integrated networking, a 32-bit mul­ titasking operating system (UNIX, VMS, DOMAIN), and it must include a configuration that has a high-resolution graphics capability (typically a 1-megapixel display). Systems that have similar characteristics without the graphics capability are classified as servers.

    Host-dependent. This is a shared logic system in which the external workstation's ftmctions are dependent on a host computer.

    Server. A server is a workstation, without the high-resolution graphics capability, that transparently provides its resources for use by other computer systems. It is a system on a network that provides specific func­ tionality to other computer systems: the clients. Functions include file storage, database access, print, and compute capability. Dataquest tracks the following major categories of servers used for CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS applications:

    • Compute servers. These systems provide capabilities for solving numerical problems (for example, simulations, statistical calculations, and simultaneous partial differential equations). System features usu­ ally include high-speed computational capabilities (for example, vector and parallel processing) and large memories. • Print servers. These systems provide access to printers, specialized printing applications software, and print spooling resources to a network. • File servers. These systems provide mass storage capability to clients on a network. Services can range from temporary storage of working files to long-term backup and archive systems. • Database servers. These systems manage databases as a shared resource to a network. These servers handle such functions as physical data storage, data security, and high-level queries and can access stored information at the record level. Personal computer. This is defined as a general-purpose computer that is distinguished from other computers by its adherence to hardware and software compatibility. This compatibility drives high unit volumes of commodity-like products that do not require on-site technical support. High-performance features (such as networking, graphics, a floating­ point coprocessor, and a virtual, multiuser/multitasking operating system) are normally optional and are not integral system features. IBM/ IBM-compatible, and Macintosh personal computers are two of the

    CCAM-WW-GU-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated October 18,1993 5-2 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Worldwide

    platforms in this product segment. A single-user PC's resident operating system typically is DOS, OS/2, or MAC OS. PCs have a performance ceil­ ing that is typically lower than that of workstations—lower in computer performance, I/O channel speed, disk speed, and sophistication or avail­ able application software. Standard graphics is normally in the 640 x 480- pixel range, and optional high-end graphics are limited compared with graphics options on workstations.

    CCAM-WW-GU-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated October 18,1993 Chapter 6 CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Software Application Definitions. Mechanical. This segment refers to computer-aided tools used by engineers, designers, analysts, technicians, and drafting professionals working predominantly in the discrete manufacturing industries but includes government and education. Users of mechanical CAD/CAM/ CAE tools work in all departments across the typical organization with a majority foimd in product design, advanced engineering, and manufac­ turing engineering. Common design applications include conceptual design, industrial design, structural or thermal analysis, detail design, and electromechanical design, being the mechanical part of design with elec­ trical or electronic components and mechanisms. Common manufactur­ ing applications include tool and fixture design, numerical control part programming, off-line robotics programming, and interface to quality control systems. Management tools for database control and distribution are included in this segment as well as user-defined application programming.

    Architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC). This segment covers the use of computer-aided tools by architects, contractors, plant engineers, civil engineers, and other people associated with these disciplines to aid in designing and managing buildings, industrial plants, ships, and other types of nondiscrete entities.

    Geographic information systems /mapping. This is a computer-based technology, composed of hardware, software, and data used to capture, edit, display, and analyze spatial (tagged by location) information.

    Electronic design automation (EDA). This segment covers computer- based tools that are used to automate the process of designing an elec­ tronic product including printed circuit boards, ICs, and systems. EDA includes ECAE, IC layout, and PCB/hybrid/MCM, as follows:

    • Electronic computer-aided engineering (ECAE), These are computer- aided tools used in the engineering or design phase of electronic prod­ ucts (as opposed to the physical layout phase of the product). Examples of electronic CAE applications are schematic capture and simulation. • IC layout. This is a software application tool that is used to create and validate the physical implementation of an integrated circuit (IC). The IC layout category comprises polygon editors, symbolic editors, place­ ment and routing (gate array, cell, and block), design verification tools (DRC/ERC/logic-to-layout), compilers, and module development tools. • Printed circuit board (PCB)/hybrid/multichip module (MCM). This segment covers products that are used to create the placement and rout­ ing of the traces and components laid out on a printed circuit board. Also included in this category are thermal analysis tools.

    CCAM-WW-GU-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated October 18,1993 ^ Chapter 7 P CAD/CAM/CAE Subapplication Segmentation Additional surveys are made to segment the industry further with software revenue sales by subapplication.

    Mechanical The mechanical application is segmented as follows:

    • Modeling technology, which includes the following: • Solid modeling. The representation of a part or assembly capturing all relevant data describing solid characteristics of a project. This can include shape, weight, color, surface texture, and mass properties. Boolean operations are commonly used to add and subtiact volumes to define the final shape of the object. a 2-D modeling. The representation of a part in two dimensions (has an X and y coordinate); this format requires three or more views (top, front, and side) to depict aU aspects of the part. 2-D is the most common geometiic modeling format and is used extensively with a drafting function. • 3-D modeling. The representation of a part in three dimensions, usu­ ally in a wire-frame format (has an x, y, and z coordinate). This for­ mat is commonly used in high-level CAD systems to determine the placement and fit of components in an assembly. Generally not used for final drafting, although some systems have the capability to trans­ late the 3-D image to a 2-D standard drafting format. Q Integrated. The integration of all three modeling technologies. • Mechanical subapplications, which include the following: Q System management/tools, which include the following: • Configuration management. Management of the stiucture of a product design or assembly. Where-used and made-from analyses are typical capabilities. • Engineering change management. Management of engineering changes caused by product enhancements or product updates. Version contiol is an important element of this process. • Network file management. Management of data files across a network with mass storage capability. File content can include drawings, design and analysis files, manufacturing information, and test data. • User application software development. Programming tools to aid the generation of user-defined programs. Programs will drive or interface with CAD/CAM/CAE applications.

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    • Knowledge-based engineering tools (KBE). Users can capture design intent and buUd standard practices for controlling and modifying design and manufacturing activities. Knowledge-based engineering can aid in integrating various software programs. • Training tools. Online training tools for all mechanical CAD/ CAM/CAE applications. Q Documentation/drafting, which includes the following: • Detail drafting. The representation of a part in standard geometric drafting format. This representation will include all part geometry dimensions and notations describing mechanical/structural, func­ tional, and material characteristics. u Schematics/detailed diagrams. In a mechanical application, sche­ matics are used to describe hydraulic and pneumatic systems. A set of symbols are available for both applications representing standard components. • Technical illustration. A drawing of a component or assembly that is generally intended for publication. This drawing wiU omit unnecessary dimensions and other detailed drafting items and will be drawn in a manner to more realistically depict the part. • Charts. Any table, graph, or drawing depicting a range of technical data. • Conceptual design, which includes the following: • Industrial design. A process that integrates the design tools that define the style and functional aspects of the total design; a process that automates creative design processes while generating data that can be used directly in product engineering, manufacturing, and marketing; a process that provides a common environment for the entire conceptual process including painting, modeling, ren­ dering, and visualization. • Design layout. An initial design process in which the major components and part interfaces are defined. • Styling. A detailed design process in which aesthetic consider­ ations are foremost in importance. Systems supporting this appli­ cation have special refinements for rendering, modeling, and editing functions. a Functional design, which includes the following: • Component design. Design of the individual components in an assembly. • Assembly verification. The integration of various component designs into an assembly to test size/shape and functional characteristics. • Linkage/Mechanism. An assembly of components with two or more movable parts usually providing some means of power, control, or fastening application.

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    a Analysis, which includes the following: • Mass property. The analysis of the physical characteristics of a part, assembly, or system. The evaluation of multiple properties; measures volume, weight, surface area, and locates center of gravity. 1; Stack-up. Analysis of the impact of dimensional variation in each component of an assembly. • Fatigue. The degradation of the performance of materials, parts, or circuits with repeated stress over time. • Structural. The analysis of a physical system; usually refers to the static stability/integrity of a part, assembly, or system. • Thermal. Analysis of the effects of temperature in a system. • Vibrational. Analysis of the effects of vibration in a mechanical system. • Magnetic. Analysis of magnetism/flux in a mechanism such as an electric motor • Composite. The analysis of composite materials (carbon fiber and so on) to predict performance in the final product and as it changes in the manufacturing process. • Quality control. Comparison analysis of the CAD design model to the results of physical measurement of components in the manu­ facturing process. D Manufacturing engineering, which includes the following: • Tool design. The design of custom-made tooling to facilitate an effective manufacturing process. • Fixture design. The design of a variety of structural aids that hold the component or assembly during the manufacturing process. • Fart processing design. The design of a series of manufacturing processes. • Manufacturing process simulation, which includes the following: • NC part programming. The programming of a numerical control machine tool or automated processing system. Graphics and language-based programming tools are available. • Coordinate measuring machines. Programming of machines used to measure the physical dimensions of a part; also the output of gathered data for analysis. • Offline robotics. A special-purpose process simulation that graphically represents the sequence of steps to program a robot for a particular operation. The resulting data can be downloaded to a robot to update its control program.

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    AEC The AEC application is segmented as follows:

    • Architectural. Software used in the design and drafting of buildings and grounds. • Civil. Software for site and structural engineering, typical for design and drafting of sites for buildings, roads, bridges, and airports; and for design of steel and concrete structures. • Facilities design/management. Software used to lay out, inventory, and manage assets, such as personnel space, equipment, and utilities, within a building or geographic service area. • Process plant design. Software used in design, analysis, drafting, and management of process, power, and manufacturing plants and ships.

    GIS/Mapping Software GIS/mapping software is used to capture, edit, display, and analyze^spa- tial (tagged by location) information, and can be categorized as follows:

    • Base data. Software used to create baseline geographic data, as follows: Q Photogrammetry and surveying. Software used in developing origi­ nal data for a GIS system based on ground surveying or on remotely sensed data, such as aerial photography or satellite imagery. • Data for resale. Includes both GIS software used to create data for resale to end users and revenue from the sale of geographic data. • Land information, which includes the following: a Land records. GIS software used to manage land ownership or parcel information; typical user is a tax assessor. • Planning and land use. GIS software used to manage land use; t3^ical user is a city planner. • Biological. Software used to manage and analyze plant and animal life, including the following: a Environmental; public health and safety. GIS software used to manage natural resources and to monitor and analyze environmental factors that contribute to the welfare of the earth and its people. • Forestry and agriculture. GIS software used for management of forests and crops. • Geoscience (formerly energy exploration). GIS software used to man­ age oil, gas, and mineral exploration projects. Emphasis is tj^ically on subsurface data.

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    • Infrastructure management. Management eind analysis of manmadf assets except for utilities, including the following: a Transportation and logistics. GIS software used in transportation applications such as road or rail network modeling or route planning, • Emergency and dispatch services. GIS software used to manage emergency services such as "911" services and also for profit dispatch management systems. • AM/FM (automated mapping/facility management). GIS software used for managing utility industry networks, based on the following categories: • Telecommunications / telephone a Electric Q Water and waste water • Other utilities (primarily gas) • Business marketing and sales. GIS software used to promote and sell services and products, and to identify and evaluate opportiinities in a competitive environment, which includes the following: a Demographic and location analysis. GIS software used to analyze problems in demographics or site characteristics. Examples include sales territory selection, site selection, or population analysis. Typical users are in advertising and marketing, insurance, banking, and real estate. a Sales and directional support. GIS software used to help sales­ people locate targets of a sales effort (for example, to locate potential customers, specific properties for sale, and driving routes to the properties). This also includes software used to help customers locate establishments, typically used as travelers' aids. • Geopolitics. The sum of software used in defense/military and political districting applications, including the following: a Defense/military. GIS software used to manage military or defense projects for the purpose of command and control. a Political districting. GIS software used to manage the redistricting process; based on census data. • Cartography. GIS software used in map-making applications.

    ECAE The ECAE application is segmented as follows:

    • Framework. All revenue associated with EDA frameworks, which includes graphical user interfaces (GUIs), database and design management, and library management. • Digital design, which includes the following:

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    risif' • Design entry, which includes the following: • Schematic entry. A design process that consists of graphical schematic entry, netlist extraction, schematic translators (for exaniple, EDIF), and electrical rule checking. • High-level design entry. A design process that consists of high-level design entry, including hardware description languages, state machine description languages. Boolean equation descrip­ tions, truth table descriptions, and any other utilities that support high-level design entry, such as syntax checkers, lint, and debuggers. • Libraries. In electronic computer-aided engineering, libraries are compiled data, sometimes in database form, of component and device properties; libraries can also include device and interaction models. They are device models that are used in conjunction with design-entry and verification software. • Digital design verification. A software application that includes logic simulation, behavioral simulation, and timing analysis, including the following: • Simulation. An application or system that uses representative or artificial data to reproduce various conditions in a model that are likely to occur in the actual performance of a system. Simulation frequently is used to test the behavior of a system under different operating policies, which includes the following: • Gate level. Simulation based upon gate level netiist (not VHDL or Verilog) • VHDL. Simulation using VHSIC HDL • Verilog. Simulation using the Verilog HDL Q Static timing verification. Providing inputs to a physical circuit model or computer simulation to test the nondynamic functions of the design; timing verification software that does not require the use of the test vectors to determine timing violations. • Logic synthesis. A design process that translates high-level hardware descriptions to gate-level equivalents and optimizes parameters (for example, area, speed, and power) in gate-level circuits. • Test automation. Tools that are used to determine and improve the testability of electronic circuits or systems, which independentiy measure, analyze, and act on properties and characteristics of circuits or systems, including the following: a Automatic test vector generation. A process that automatically creates the appropriate set of test vectors to exercise a given percent- i^£ _ . . age of the nodes within a circuit. Q Design for testability, test logic synthesis. A process that facilitates and/or automates the process of inserting test logic structures into a design to make the design more easily tested.

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    • Fault simulation/grading. A process that uses either deterministic or nondeterministic methods to simulate faulty nodes and determines h which nodes can be detected by a given set of test vectors. • Analog design, which includes the following: a Design entry, which includes the following: • Schematic capture, (see previous definition) • Libraries, (see previous definition) Q Analog design verification. A software application that includes analog simulation, analog synthesis, Monte Carlo analysis, worst- case analysis, and parametric plotting, including the following: • Circuit simulation. Analog simulation software such as SPICE. • Mixed-signal simulation. This process consists of providing inputs to a physical or computer-simulated circuit to test the response to multiple, multiplexed, or analog and digital inputs. • Signal integrity tools, which includes the following: • Crosstalk analysis. Analysis of high-speed coupling effects between signal line, either on PC boards, MCMs, or ICs. • Electromagnetic analysis. Tools that analyze EMC generation, interference of electroruc products, boards, and ICs. • Transmission line analysis. Analysis of reflection/degradation of • high-speed signal on PC boards, MCMs, or ICs. IC Layout The IC layout application is segmented as follows:

    • Automatic placement and routing (APR). Automatic placement and routing consists of two different sets of tools: those for gate-array design and those for cell-based IC design. • Compilers. Compilers are predominantly cell compilers and associated tools for the automatic creation of library cells based upon low-level silicon design rule information. • Design verification. Design verification tools include design rule checking, electrical rules checking, layout-versus-schematic checkers, and parasitic extraction. • Full custom IC design tools. Full custom tools include polygon editors, symbolic editors, compaction tools, and floor-planning systems. • Module generators. Module generators are software packages that use parameterized inputs to create high-level library cells (such as datapath, RAM, and ROM) based upon lower-level ASIC vendor-supplied cells.

    CCAM-WW-GU-9301 ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated October'W, 1993 Chapter 8 » CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS Operating System and Industry gpr|mpnfafinn

    Additional surveys segment the industry with software revenue by operating systems and by industry, providing yet another look at tiie CAD/CAM/CAE/GIS software industry. These segments are as follows:

    Operating Systems Apollo AEGIS SGI UNIX DOMAIN/ApoUo UNIX Solaris Apple AUX Sun-UNIX/OS Apple Macintosh/OS Prime PRBVIOS AT&T Systems V Derivatives Intergraph UNIX DEC OSF CDC CYBER NOX/VE DEC ULTRIX CRAY UNIX DEC VMS CONVEX UNIX DOS Sony NEWS-OS (UNIX) DOS with Windows NEC EWS-UX (UNIX) HPUX Hitachi HI-UX/G (UNIX) IBM ADC Siemens-UNIX IBM VM/VMS Siemens-Host/ Proprietary MIPS UNIX Windows NT OS/2 Others—UNIX XENIX/SCO UNIX

    Industry Sectors Service companies (architects, consulting engineers, and design services) Agriculture, forestry, and fishing Mining Construction, contractors, building Chemical, allied, petroleum products Fabricated metal products, except machinery and transportation Industrial and commercial machinery (engines, heavy equipment) Computers, office equipment, computer peripherals Industrial controls, robotics, AGVs Electrical/electronic equipment (power, appliances, test, measurement, semiconductors) Consumer electronics (TV, VCR, CD) Medical manufacturing (instrument. X-ray) Automotive, motorcycles, bicycles Aerospace, guided missiles, space vehicles Manufacturing not elsewhere classified (textiles, furniture, foundries)

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    Shipbuilding and repairing, offshore rigs _ Transportation (rail, public transit, freight transport) ^H Telecommunications and data communications (telephone, radio, TV, cable) Utilities and pipelines (electric, gas, sanitary services, water) Finance, insurance, real estate Government: general, executive, public order, and taxation Government: public works and engineering Government: environment and public health resource conservation/man­ agement, waste management Government: national security (defense) Education Results from these and the subapplication surveys are published in a Dataquest Perspective and are available to our clients through individual inquiries in the fall.

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    For More Information... Linda Anderson, Market Research Analyst (408) 437-8135 Via fax (408)437-0292 The content of this report represents our interpretation and analysis of information generally available to the public or released by responsible individuals in the subject companies, but is not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness. It does not contain material provided to us in confidence by our clients. Individual companies reported on and analyzed by Dataquest may be clients of this and/or other Dataquest services. This information is not furnished in connection with a sale or offer to sell securities or in connection with the solicitation of an offer to buy securities. This firm and its parent and/or their officers, stockholders, or members of their families may, from DStSQUCSt '""^ *° '™^' ^^* '' '°"^ °' short position in the securities mentioned and may sell or buy such securities. ^^^ ©1993 Dataquest Incorporated—^Reproduction Prohibited KB ThcD^SIBiadstreetCorporation Dataquest is a registered trademark of A.C. Nielsen Company 0015280 Dataquest* a company of The Dun & Bradstreet Corporation

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