Bachelor’s thesis Visamäki Campus, Degree Programme in Construction Engineering Spring semester 2021 Yunxi Liu

Construction Engineering Abstract

Author Yunxi Liu Year 2021 Subject Introduction of BIM software in the construction industry Supervisors Blerand Greicevci, Cristina Tirteu

This work introduces different BIM software used in the construction industry for sketching, drawing and rendering. The use of BIM software is not equal in countries around the world. One aim of this thesis was to increase the popularity of these software by giving examples on different work phases where BIM software can be used. A case study was also introduced, where BIM application in renovation projects was discussed.

Keywords workflow, analysis, research, BIM Pages 28 pages and appendices 2 pages


1 Introduction ...... 1 2 Objective ...... 1 3 Research method...... 2 4 BIM Workflow in the construction industry ...... 2 4.1 Architectural design ...... 2 4.2 Visual architectural model ...... 6 4.3 Green energy and green building certification systems ...... 8 5 Use of BIM in the planning and design stage and different software ...... 9 5.1 InfraWorks ...... 9 5.2 Autodesk Civil3D ...... 11 5.3 Autodesk ...... 12 6 Common BIM software companies ...... 13 6.1 Autodesk ...... 14 6.2 ...... 14 6.3 Trimble ...... 15 6.4 BIM software and scope summary ...... 17 7 BIM usage and standards in different countries ...... 18 7.1 BIM standards in Asia ...... 19 8 BIM case study ...... 20 8.1 Renovation of old houses on Sinan Road ...... 20 8.2 Project summary ...... 21 8.3 Overall workflow of the case study ...... 21 8.3.1 Use of 3D scanning technology in the project ...... 22 8.3.2 BIM in renovation design ...... 24 9 Conclusion ...... 28


1 Introduction

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a digital representation of the physical and functional characteristics of a facility. A BIM is a shared knowledge resource for information about a facility forming a reliable basis for decisions during its life-cycle. The emergence of BIM triggered the second digital revolution of the entire construction industry. Its emergence not only made the entire construction industry more digital and advanced but also had a profound impact on people's thinking. [1]

The emergence of BIM has also improved the degree of integration of construction engineering information, providing a good amount of information-sharing platform for construction engineering projects.

The concept of BIM can be traced back to the 1970s. The first software tools developed for architectural modelling appeared in the late 1970s and early 1980s, including Chuck Eastman's architectural description system and workstation products, such as GLIDE, RUCAPS, Sonata, Reflex, And Gable 4D series. Early application and hardware usage requirements were not common because they were expensive. [2] [3]

The term "architectural model" (in terms of BIM in use today) was first used in the mid-1980s and was finally published in 1986 in an article by Simon Ruffle in 1985, and later used in Robert's 1986 white paper by Robert Aish. GMW Computers Ltd, the software developer of RUCAPS, discussed the use of the software at London Heathrow Airport. The first is the 1992 article by GA van Nederveen and FP Tolman. [2] [3] However, the term "Building Information Modelling" ("BIM" for short) became widely used only ten years later. [3]

The emergence of BIM is a major change for the construction and architecture industry. It not only enables practitioners in the construction industry to have a more intuitive and convenient experience in architectural design and construction but also gives construction engineers more protection, in case of the site visiting and analysis accident. BIM has also various functions, not only 3D modelling and rendering but also calculation, including calculation of loads, such as wind load, snow load, self-weight etc, energy consumption, and analysis of daylighting.

2 Objective

The purpose of this thesis is to popularize and introduce the importance of BIM to the construction industry and the impact of the use of BIM on the future of the construction industry. As a drawing software, but more than a drawing software, BIM can share data. BIM's help to the construction industry is very significant. To feel the overall structure of the building more intuitively and to detect 2

the safety and viewing of the building, the emergence of BIM can be said to be a major advancement in the construction industry [2].

BIM software is widely used around the world, but their popularity in different countries varies. For example, in China, the application and popularization of BIM are relatively poor compared to European. Most of the users of BIM software are young practitioners, while some older and more experienced practitioners might be more inclined to use older methods. The advent of the BIM era may cause many of these older practitioners to be abandoned by the industry. Understanding BIM and learning BIM software is therefore important.

3 Research method

This thesis introduces results found from literature reviews and the web, regarding the most common BIM software and their application. An interview was also conducted to find out the usage of BIM in different industries. Information available on the web was also searched to find relevant standards used in BIM. In the process of writing the thesis, some small-scale investigations were also carried out so as to more confirm the authenticity of some data.

Some advantages of the research method used in this thesis are:

• Understand the history and current situation of related issues and help determine research topics. • Able to form a general impression about the research object, which is helpful for observation and access. • Able to obtain comparative data of real data.

4 BIM Workflow in the construction industry

BIM is widely used and can be used in different stages of construction. The use of BIM in each stage plays an important role in that stage.

4.1 Architectural design

Architectural design is the initial step of the BIM workflow. BIM is used from the initial design to the subsequent expansion and modification of the design. It is necessary to modify and optimize the model on the BIM software, and at the same time, ensure that the work is in progress, the integrity of the data in the medium avoids data loss and calculation errors. The flow chart of BIM data delivery from design concept to preliminary design is shown in figure 3.1. 3

Figure 3.1. BIM workflow from concept to preliminary design (Adapted by [2] ) In the initial stage of a project, the site data is known. The first step is to draw a draft map. The available software includes sketchbook and CAD. Then, the sketch drawn can be imported to or Autodesk Vasari software, where 3D modelling is enabled. Afterwards, the process continues with shaping the overall volume of the basic concept expression model in e.g. Autodesk Revit or Autodesk Vasari according to the project requirements. Many other BIM software can be used for this as well.

The exterior design of the entire building can be completed using parametric methods. The software that can generally achieve parameterization include Autodesk Revit, Rhino, CATIA, Sketchup, and Archicad, etc. Figure 3.2 below shows the Autodesk Revit model. Parameterization refers to uploading the measurement data to the cloud to save and generate a three-dimensional model.

Figure 3.2. Autodesk Revit model [4] In the initial stage of the project, the model used in the schematic design is mainly to express the architectural form and internal spatial relationship. Generally, relatively simple modelling software is used for drawing. After entering the preliminary architectural design stage, the completeness and integrity of the model needs to be gradually increased. Structural design expands from a single architectural model to a comprehensive design model. At this step, switching to another software 4

may be required. This can be done by integrating Rhino, CAD, and Sketchup format design drawings into e.g. Autodesk Revit software. The model is then further detailed and structured. Architectural design models can generally be directly imported into Autodesk Revit to design and modify the appearance of the building, as well as optimize and adjust the internal structure of the building. The internal buildings can be rebuilt in Autodesk Revit as needed to further deepen the design. It is not only applicable to architecture majors but also applicable to electromechanical majors, forming a working environment where architecture, structure, and electromechanical work together. The BIM operation process at this stage is shown in Figure 3.3. [2]

Revit software is widely used. Autodesk Revit has also been continuously upgraded, especially the intelligence and convenience of the software has been greatly improved.

parametric design

Mechanical and Architectural Structural electrical major’s design major‘s design major's design

BIM model for BIM model for BIM model for the the Mechanical the Structural and electrical architectural major major major

BIM model at the preliminary design stage

Model checking

BIM model in the final preliminary design stage Figure 3.3. Preliminary design of BIM workflow(Adapted by [2] ) In the design phase, the Structural major will use structural load analysis software to analyze and calculate the structural loads system. Commonly used structural calculation software include Robot Structural Analysis, Autodesk Revit, Etabs, and Midas. Entering the preliminary design part, the professional BIM structural model must penetrate into some 3D structural elements. If structural calculations are to be carried out, the two-dimensional model does not deviate from the design depth requirements. Using Autodesk Revit, structural components can be used to calculate model data and create BIM models. The process is shown in figure 3-4 below. Example 3D modelling in Rhino software is shown in figures 3-5 and 3-6. 5

Figure 3.4. Preliminary design of the BIM workflow for structural design (Adapted by [2])

Figure 3.5. Rhino 3D Model [5]

Figure 3.6. Internal structure view [5]


4.2 Visual architectural model

In the early stage of architectural design, BIM can fully demonstrate the architect's creativity and design concepts. Therefore, building visualization is one of the most basic and practical applications of BIM. BIM provides powerful software and tools to meet different visualization requirements, allowing architects to obtain extraordinary technical advantages in the early stages of architectural design. The BIM workflow of architectural visualization is shown in figure 3.7. [6]

A variety of 3D auxiliary design software is used to meet different needs. The 3D model generated can be viewed from different angles. (figure 3.8)

Figure 3.7 BIM workflow of architectural visualization design(Adapted by [2] )

Figure 3.8. Autodesk Revit 3D model in different views 7

The 3D model of the visual architectural design scheme established by Autodesk Revit can adjust the shape of the building simply through the parameter control relationship and can achieve the effect of collaborative design and synchronous update. [7]

Autodesk 3ds Max Design provides architects, engineers, and visualization professionals with advanced three-dimensional visualization tools. These tools can provide extremely realistic rendering effects (figure 3.10) and can display BIM work results more effectively. [8]

With the rendering functions included in Autodesk Navisworks Manage and Simulate, visualization effects can also be completed quickly, and more realistic display effects can be created, as shown in figure 3.9.

Figure 3.9. Autodesk Navisworks Manage – example of rendering [9]

Figure 3.10. Autodesk 3ds Max Design, example of rendering [10] 8

Autodesk Navisworks Manage can be used to import Autodesk Revit models and integrate them into BIM models in NWD format (file format) so that the speed of visual rendering will be faster. One good reason to use Autodesk Navisworks Manage is due to it not requiring high computer configuration or calculations, analysis, and adjustment of the model. In the process of communication between the various participants of the project, it can be more effective to rotate, cut, and rendering based on the BIM model. [8] Autodesk Navisworks Manage can import a variety of different formats of BIM models for integration and rendering. In addition to importing Autodesk Revit models, it is also compatible with files in formats such as Rhino and .

4.3 Green energy and green building certification systems

The Green School Certification System is a system of tests and instruments used to measure the performance of a building or product in terms of environmental sustainability. This evaluation helps improve the quality of all buildings and equipment and expanding the lifestyle approaches to design and construction. These are included in promoting the construction industry in pursuit of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Buildings that are reviewed and considered to achieve maximum performance and quality will receive a certification indicating this achievement. [11] According to the 2017 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Global Climate Statement jointly issued with the International Energy Agency (IEA), total buildings and infrastructure account for 36% of global energy and carbon emissions (CO2) and certification. It allows us to understand and minimize the environmental impact associated with the life cycle of buildings and other infrastructure (usually production, construction, education, and maintenance). [12] Green buildings are the main theme of the development of the construction industry in the future. The green energy-saving design of buildings mainly minimizes resource consumption, protects the environment, reduces environmental pollution, slows down the speed of global warming, and provides a healthier environment for people's lives. BIM is an indispensable part of this link. The green building design process is shown in figure 4.1 below.

Figure 4.1. Green building design certification process (Adapted by [2] ) BIM plays an important role in the green and energy-saving design of buildings. For this, various analysis software will can be used, as shown in figure 4.2. below. 9

Figure 4.2. Green building energy saving software classification (Adapted by [2])

5 Use of BIM in the planning and design stage and different software

Use of different BIM software in the planning and design phase is introduced in this chapter. Special attention is put to introducing Autodesk InfraWorks, Autodesk AutoCAD Civil3D, and Autodesk Navisworks.

5.1 Autodesk InfraWorks

In the planning and design stage, the use of Autodesk InfraWorks brings great convenience. Autodesk InfraWorks is a support solution that helps civil engineers and planners plan and develop in natural and man-made environments. This encourages civil engineers and planners to collaborate on design anytime, anywhere. Display images are generated and supported by users based on the environment in which they communicate in a new way. Many large infrastructure projects and project plans use specialized tools. This allows users to use 2D data to model their 3D infrastructure and create 3D scenes. Autodesk InfraWorks can provide good simulation and visualization tasks to display designs more accurately in existing environments. At the same time, easy-to-use industry- specific tools are used to simulate infrastructure objects more accurately. This offers a better identification to environmentally sensitive areas and landmarks (such as schools and shopping areas). Picture 5.1 below shows an example of 3D modelling in Autodesk InfraWorks 2021. [2]

Figure 5.1. Example of 3D modelling in Autodesk InfraWorks 2021 [13]


Project participants can use Autodesk InfraWorks to share specific models and solutions in a more secure cloud environment. In the interactive feedback meeting, it allows the user to move freely in a rich visual environment. Autodesk InfraWorks enables project participants to use existing 2D CAD, 3D models, GIS (Geographic Information System Mapping), and other data to model large-scale infrastructure more effectively.

Autodesk InfraWorks enabled a more accurate preliminary design plan at the appropriate level of detail according to the environment. This affects the budget of the project to become more reasonable [2]. The following figures 5.2 - 5.4 show some of the function of Autodesk InfraWorks.

Figure 5.2. Functions of Autodesk InfraWorks [13]

Figure 5.3. Functions of Autodesk InfraWorks [13] 11

Figure 5.4. function introduction of Autodesk InfraWorks [13]

5.2 Autodesk Civil3D

At the beginning of architectural design, site analysis is an indispensable part. Site analysis and selection will affect the building itself, site climate, vegetation, water flow analysis, sunshine, wind direction, and surrounding traffic environment and infrastructure Construction will have an important impact on the building itself. At this time, the emergence of BIM has an important impact on the design of the site. As a visual modeling tool, BIM allows designers to analyze and calculate the site more intuitively. GIS technology can help designers make the data more specific and precise. The combination of BIM and GIS technology makes the designer's design and cognition of the site clearer and more accurate and provides a more comfortable living environment for the residents. Autodesk Civil 3D offers advantages such as: [2] [14]

• Through quantitative calculation and processing, it can be determined whether the proposed site meets the project requirements, technical factors and financial factors, and other standards. • Reduced practical needs and demolition costs. • Improved energy efficiency and reduce energy waste. • Maximized return on investments. • Minimized potential hazards and safety hazards. • Multiple simulation experiments can be performed, and the best solution can be selected. • Improved work efficiency.

Below is an example of Autodesk Civil 3D’s interface (figure 5.5). 12

Figure 5.5. Example of Autodesk Civil3D’s interface [14]

5.3 Autodesk Navisworks

Autodesk Navisworks software can combine the design data created by AutoCAD and Revit series software with the geometry and information from other design tools three-dimensional project. This software allows real-time review through multiple file formats, regardless of file size. Navisworks software products can help all interested parties to view the project, thereby optimizing every link from design decision-making, construction implementation, performance prediction and planning to facility management and operation. [2]

There are two other products in the Autodesk Navisworks series, Navisworks Manage and Navisworks Simulate [15]. Their features are shown in table 5.1.

Table 5.1. Main features from Autodesk Navisworks Manage and Simulate

Autodesk Navisworks Manage Autodesk Navisworks Simulate • Conflict Detection and Intervention Research

• Conflict Management and Intervention. • File model data and file integration • File models and data integration. • Published by NWD and DWF. • 5 Programming of 5D Projects • Version by NWD and DWF. • Realistic representation of the model. • 5D project planning • Fit between BIM and AutoCAD. • Realistic modeling. • BIM 360 Integration • collection of models • Coordination between BIM and AutoCAD. • Download integrated model. [15] • BIM 360 integration • Model integration. • Complete boot [15] 13

Navisworks Manage has a conflict check function. The conflict check can better ensure that the connections between the various structures are intact and there is no conflict. This ensures that the building model and data is more accurate. Figure 5.6 shows an example of Autodesk Navisworks software’s interface.

Figure 5.6. Autodesk Navisworks Manage’s interface [15]

6 Common BIM software companies

The tools of BIM evolved from general CAD to professional CAD modules, from a two-dimensional plane to a three-dimensional diagram. The evolutionary classification of BIM and typical software representatives are shown in figure 6.1 below. [16]

Figure 6.1. Evolutionary classification of BIM and typical software representatives (Adapted by [2]) 14

6.1 Autodesk

Autodesk, Inc. is an American software multinational that manufactures software products and services for the architecture, engineering, construction, media, education, and entertainment industries. The company was founded in 1982 by John Walker, co-author of Early AutoCAD. [17]

Autodesk Revit builds software design information for designers, landscape architects, structural engineers, mechanical, electrical, plumbing (MEP) engineers, graphic designers, and contractors. The original software was developed by Charles Rivers Software in 1997. It was renamed Revit Technology Corporation in 2000 and taken over by Autodesk in 2002. The program allows users to design buildings components building components and components of 3D using 2D images to clarify building access information models from the database of objects model models of building structures. Revit is a 4D data processing tool that can plan all stages of the life cycle, from concept to construction, maintenance, and / or demolition.

Autodesk has a wide range of applications in countries all over the world, and there are many products for different purposes. Figure 6.2 below shows Autodesk's products for different fields.

Figure 6.2. Autodesk’s products [18]

6.2 Graphisoft

Graphisoft SE is a Hungarian design software company headquartered in Budapest, Hungary. Graphisoft develops building information modelling software products for architects, interior designers and planners. The company's most famous and most used product is ArchiCAD. [19]

ArchiCAD is a architecture BIM software. ArchiCAD provides computer-aided solutions to manage all the common aesthetic and technical features in the design of indoor environments, buildings, urban areas, and more. [20]


ArchiCAD's manufacturing began in 1982 with Apple Lisa. An innovative personal computer CAD capable of generating 2D and 3D geometric figures, as well as the first commercial BIM product for personal computers and the first commercial BIM product for personal computers. [21] [22] [23] ArchiCAD also has a wider audience. Figure 6.3 and 6.4 shows Graphisoft’s products.

Figure 6.3. Graphisoft’s products [24]

Figure 6.4. Graphisoft’s products [24]

6.3 Trimble

Trimble Inc. is a technology company based in California. Trimble covers a wide range, involving agriculture, building and construction, geographic space, natural resources and public utilities, government, transportation and other fields. The company was established in November 1978. [25]


Tekla is a family of software products that includes analysis and design, description and project communication software. Tekla Software is manufactured by Trimble, a publicly traded American technology company.

SketchUp is a 3D modeling software program for different industry such as architecture, interior design. Landscape Architecture Civil and Mechanical Movie Engineering and Game Design Available as a free web application of SketchUp and as a paid version of SketchUp Pro with additional functionality. [26] Figure 6.5 below shows Trimble’s products.

Figure 6.5. Trimble’s products [27]


6.4 BIM software and scope summary

A summary of the most commonly used BIM software on the market is shown in table 6.1. Table 7.1 shows the specific use range of some representative BIM software.

Table 6.1. Common BIM software [2]


Table below mainly introduces the representative software of different companies, summarizes the use of these software in design and construction, and forms a comparison.

Table 7.1. Scope of BIM Software [2]

7 BIM usage and standards in different countries

Although today's society is an era of global information sharing, the development progress of each country is still different, and the popularity and standards of BIM are also different. Compared with Asia, European and American countries have relatively early understanding and popularization of BIM. [2] [28]

In 2006, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) released a 15-year BIM development route plan, promising that all future military construction projects will use BIM technology. The National BIM Standards Project Committee under the American Building Research Institute (BSA) is responsible for the research and formulation of the U.S. national BIM standard. The third edition of the BIM standard has been released, and the fourth edition is being prepared. Since the implementation of the 3D-4D-BIM plan of the U.S. General Services Administration, more than 80% of construction projects have begun to apply BIM. In terms of BIM standards, the American building SMART alliance established in 2007 has developed and maintained IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) standards and openBIM standards. [2] [28]

In terms of related BIM standards, the United Kingdom issued the "AFC (U.K.) BIM Standard" in November 2009. On this basis, it subsequently released BIM standards applicable to different BIM software. [2]

In May 2017, the Russian government construction contract began to include requirements for the application of BIM/technology. By 2019, Russia requires all participating parties in government projects to adopt BIM technology. Table 7.1 shows a comparison of BIM usage in different countries. [2] 19


90% 79% 80% 71% 71% 72% 73% 70% 66%

60% 54% 55% 50% 52% 50% 43% 39% 37% 40% 33% 27% 29% 28% 30% 23% 23% 24% 20%


0% Japan New Korea Canada UK France Australia Germany Brazil USA Zealand

2013 2015

Figure 7.1 comparison of BIM usage data for various countries [2]

7.1 BIM standards in Asia

Japan is one of the earliest countries in Asia to use BIM. In March 2014, Japan's Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) issued guidelines and standards for the use of BIM, clarifying the modelling and use of BIM Notes. The construction information technology software industry established a national-level domestic solution software alliance. The Architectural Society of Japan actively publishes the Japanese BIM Practice Guide to provide guidance and exchanges for all aspects of BIM practitioners. [2]

In May 2012, the Building & Construction Authority (BCA), under the Ministry of National Development of Singapore, issued the Singapore BIM Guide (Singapore BIM Guide). The Building Management Agency requires all government construction projects to use BIM models. In terms of the inheritance and education of BIM technology, the Building Management Agency encourages universities to offer BIM-related courses. [2] [29]

China has a relatively large land area, so the construction market is relatively large. In recent years, the application of BIM in the construction industry has become more and more extensive, and it has also received strong support from the government. In 2011, the Ministry of Housing and Urban- Rural Development issued the "2011-2015 Construction Industry Informatization Development Outline", which incorporated BIM into the content of the standard informatization construction for the first time. In 2013, it launched the "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Application of Building Information Models," and in 2016 issued the "2016 -In the Outline for the Development of Information Technology in the Construction Industry in 2020, BIM has become the first of the five major information technologies promoted by the construction industry during the 13th Five-Year 20

"Technology 2017" lists BIM as the top of information technology. Figure 7.2 below shows the maturity of BIM in various countries. [29] [2]

Figure 7.2. Usage of BIM in different countries for different stages [2]

8 BIM case study

The renovation or reconstruction of old houses is taken as a case study in this thesis. This case mainly uses BIM software for renovation planning, including the use of BIM software from the design part to the final overall effect presentation. The main software used in this case is from the Autodesk series. The information in this section comes from Shanghai Modern Architectural Design Group Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. The building which was renovated was classified as ancient and was protected. The BIM software used includes Autodesk Revit, AutoCAD Civil 3D, Autodesk Ecotect, Autodesk Design Review, Autodesk Navisworks, Autodesk Inventor, etc.

8.1 Renovation of old houses on Sinan Road

Sinan Road was formerly known as Rue Massenet (Rue Massenet) and was built in 1914 in Shanghai on August 13, 1912. The surrounding area consists of a French garden. (Now Foxing Park) Southern St. Peter's Catholic Church Shanghai Jiadong University Medical School (formerly Shanghai Second Medical University) and Guangxi Hospital. (Now Rujin Hospital) and the French Academy (now Science Hall) and other famous buildings. [30]

Both sides of the street are lined with dark French trees and luxurious bungalows. In addition to the general appearance of the small road In France, Sinan Road also has a unique charm that sets it apart from the other roads: more than 20 garden-style houses – a life that embodies almost all of 21

the old Shanghai style of living urban history. Sinan Road is one of Shanghai's 11 historical sites, recording the "traditional ecology" of the garden houses of the time. After passing through Cologne Road, the road continues until Jiangku Road. [30] Xinan Road is also the birthplace of "Sinan Palace" Sinan Mansion is the only project in the heart of Shanghai, China. It aims to protect and preserve garden houses. There are 51 garden houses with a long history. At the same time, independent houses are included. This is a modern residential complex in Shanghai. The project covers an area of approximately 50,000 square meters and a total construction area of approximately 80,000 square meters. [30]

8.2 Project summary

The reconstruction of Sinan Road is composed of two plots of 47 and 48. The project is designed by the French Chabangjie Architectural Design Consulting Company, and the modern design group Jiang Huan Jiancheng Co., Ltd. has completed the deepening design. [2] Figure 8.1 below shows a part of the Sinan Road.

Figure 8.1. Sinan Road scenery [30]

8.3 Overall workflow of the case study

In the reconstruction project of the ancient building complex on Sinan Road, Modern Construction Consulting has made many attempts and summed up a set of solutions for the whole process of 22

solving the difficult problems of old house reconstruction by combining multiple technologies, which greatly improved work efficiency and quality. These technologies are three-dimensional scanning technology, BIM, VR, and GIS combined. [2]

In the reconstruction project of the ancient building complex on Sinan Road, firstly, the 3D information of historical buildings was recorded by a 3D scanner, and the model was generated, which is more convenient and faster than traditional surveying and mapping methods. Then the 3D scanning model is compared with the BIM model so that the difference between before and after the renovation can be quickly found, making the renovation design more realistic and at the same time protecting the ancient buildings. Then, 3D scanning and BIM model data information is exported to the self-developed VR system and is combined with GIS, to provide customers with an immersive display experience and information interaction. Figure 8.2 shows the project’s work-flow.

Figure 8.2. Project’s technical work-flow chart [2]

8.3.1 Use of 3D scanning technology in the project

The 3D laser scanning system mainly consists of a 3D laser scanner, computer, power system, bracket, and system support software. A key component of a 3D laser scanning system, a 3D laser scanner consists of a laser transmitter, receiver, timer, motor control rotation filter. Control panel Microcomputer, CCD machine, and software It is a detection and graphics system. The technological revolution in the field after GPS technology stopped working with traditional single-point measurement systems and has the unique advantages of high efficiency and accuracy. 3D laser scanning technology can provide 3D point cloud data on the surface of scanned objects. Therefore, it can be used to achieve high-precision, high-resolution digital landscape models. [2] [31]

Figure 8.3. 3D laser scanner [32] 23

3D laser scanning technology is a new technology that has attracted much attention. In research, it is based on the laser beam principle. By recording the three-dimensional coordinates, reflection, and structure of a large number of dense points on the surface of the measured object. It allows to quickly create new scalable models and 3D models of lines, surfaces, objects, etc. Due to the graphic data type, a 3D laser scanning system can obtain more target object data points than traditional single-point measurement. 3D laser scanning technology is a revolutionary technological advancement that can be used for statistical measurement. Developed from surface surveying, there are many technical measures for cultural heritage protection, construction, planning, civil engineering, and plant improvement. Interior design, building inspection, traffic accident management, legal resource collection, disaster assessment, ship design, digital city, military, analysis, etc., application and investigation. The 3D laser scanning system is composed of the hardware part of data acquisition and the software part of data processing. A three-dimensional laser scanning system can be divided into aviation types according to the difference of vectors. Vehicle load uses scanning technology to measure ground lift and the shape and size of movable targets. It is mainly used for reverse engineering. Measurement of surface response three- dimensional area Without technical documentation of existing three-dimensional objects (samples or models), you can quickly measure, generate, modify and modify the edge collection data of the object. [2] [31]

The old house renovation project on Sinan Road is a large-scale ancient building complex renovation, so it is necessary to formulate the scanning process according to the actual situation so as to protect the ancient buildings. The working process is shown below. [2] [31]

Figure 8.4. Steps of 3D laser scanning and BIM combination (Adapt by [2])

Compared with traditional surveying and mapping, 3D laser scanning saves not only a lot of time and manpower but also the collected cloud data can directly generate a 3D cloud model, which is permanently archived as electronic data [2] [31].

The scanned data model conforms to not only the physical object in appearance, but also all data information is basically consistent with the physical object, and even includes some more detailed data [2] [31], such as the distance and height of doors and windows, and the size of the door frame is basically consistent with the physical data. Three-dimensional cloud data can be imported into AutoCAD, Autodesk Revit, and other software for subsequent processing and the model can be directly drawn and generated by capturing points in Autodesk Revit [2]. [31] Figure 8.5 shows an 24

example of 3D scanning converted to BIM model. The process of combining BIM technology with 3D laser scanning technology and cloud data is shown in Figure 8.6.

Figure 8.5. 3D scanned object and cloud model data generated in Autodesk Revit [2]

Figure 8.6. 3D scanning and BIM process [2]

8.3.2 BIM in renovation design

The BIM model can be said to be the core of the application of multi-dimensional technology in the entire project, which plays a role in connecting the past and the future and maintaining the integrity of the data chain. [2] [31]As the Autodesk Revit model also has to undertake the task of the later virtual reality data source, the detailed level of the model is required to be very high to ensure the effect of virtual display in the later stage. [2] [31] 25

Optimal design is one of the basic applications of BIM technology, and the reconstruction project of the ancient building complex on Sinan Road does not stop at detecting errors, omissions, and defects in traditional two-dimensional construction drawings. For the renovation of historical buildings, there are very strict requirements in-laws and regulations, especially the facades and roofs. It is required to be as consistent as possible with the style of ancient buildings so as to repair the old as the old, therefore, combine the points of the three-dimensional scanning. The degree of agreement between the cloud data detection model and the actual building is also an important work content. Autodesk Revit model of the houses in this project is shown in figures 8.7.-8.9. below. [2] [31]

Figure 8.7. Sinan Road Reconstruction Project Autodesk Revit Model [2]

Figure 8.8. Sinan Road Reconstruction Project Autodesk Revit Model detail [2] 26

Figure 8.9. Sinan Road Reconstruction Project Model conflict checking [2] The combination of BIM and 3D scanning technology will further deepen the use and research of BIM in China. At the same time, the protection of ancient buildings has a very important position in the Chinese construction industry. Previously, in the ancient building protection project in China, because of fear of damage to the original building, all the modelling and measurement work was manually measured by manpower, and it resulted in higher costs. [2] Now through the combination of various high-tech and BIM, the dependence on human resources is greatly reduced, and the potential safety hazards are also reduced. It also plays a certain role in protecting the personal safety of construction personnel. Figure 8.10 below shows the comparison of the BIM model and cloud data.

Figure 8.10. Comparison of BIM model and cloud data [2] In this case study, the technology of combining BIM with 3D scanning and cloud data is not only used to renovate old buildings but also used to record and restore some cultural relics. By using the technology of combining BIM with 3D scanning and cloud data, it can provide complete data information for the restoration of some cultural relics, and can also be used in virtual reality, which perfectly reflects the effect of repairing the old after the transformation [2] [33]. Figure 8.11 below shows the restoration model of cultural relics. 27

Figure 8.11. Example of a restoration model of cultural relics [2]

Sinan Road is the most prosperous and well-established area in the center of Shanghai. In this project, the BIM model data is exported to a virtual roaming program to provide users with a real immersive experience. Customers can have an interactive experience through a computer and mouse [2]. At the same time, when the COVID-19 has not been completely eliminated, VR and GIS technology also gives customers a good experience under the premise of ensuring personal safety. An example of a virtual tour is shown in figure 8.12.

Figure 8-23 VR virtual tour [2]


9 Conclusion

The emergence of BIM has played a vital role in the development of the modern construction industry. Drawing has gradually evolved from 2D to 3D, making BIM software that can be used not only for drawing. At any stage of the project, there will be different BIM software that can be used and help designers more conveniently and more intuitively carry out the design and changes of the project. BIM plays a crucial role in the early and mid-stage of the project; it is also indispensable in the later stage of the project. Combining the rendering function of BIM with VR allows designers and customers to see the most realistic project results.

Meanwhile, BIM standards and popularity worldwide are different. BIM popularity and usage in the America and Europe are much higher than in other parts of the world.

BIM also plays an essential role in the restoration of ancient buildings. The combination of BIM and 3D laser scanning technology can record and save ancient building data. At the same time, it can effectively avoid errors and protect the ancient buildings and traditional culture. With the progress and development of human society, the emergence and continuous upgrading of intelligent software meet the constant changes and improvements in all walks of life.


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