1 Bio Luise Druke Scholar and practitioner in the field of International Relations President of the Harvard-MIT-Uni-Hannover Alumni Akademie, www.harvard-mit.uni-hannover.de Contact:
[email protected], www.luisedruke.net, facebook.com/luise.druke, mobil + 49 151 172 900 90 Academic Background: Doctor Hon. CausaUniversity Shoumen in Political Sciences and Public International Law, Bulgaria, 2002 Dr. Phil. Pol. Sc., University Hannover (Prof. Seifert) and HLS (Prof. David Kennedy), 1989 LL.M. International and Comparative Law, Brussels Free University, 1994 MA Public Administration, Kennedy School of Government of Harvard University, 1987 MA Studies Law Completed one semester Graduate program of int’l. law, Universidad De Chile, Faculdad de Derecho MA Economics, Finance and Management, Webster University, St. Louis, 1983 MA Staatsexamen, Lehramt an Gymnasien, Pol. Wissenschaften./Germanistics,Univ.Hannover , 1976 Diplôme De L’Institut Europeen Des Hautes Etudes Internationales (and Certificat Etudes Sup. CEE), 1997 Diplôme Diplome de la Langue et Civilisation Francaise, Sorbonne, Paris, 1973 Licence D’Enseignement, Teaching degree, Section Allemand, Universite De Paris VIII, 1973 Professional Background: Nearly 30 years in the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) headed offices /operations/missions in Europe, South East Asia, Central Asia, South America/Central America and Africa 2005–2006 On leave at MIT to complete and publish the UNHCR research project on “Refugee Policy in EURASIA” 2000-2005 Representative, UNHCR Branch Office for Bulgaria, Sofia, periodically UN Resident Coordinator a.i. in Bulgaria 2000 (6-9) Senior Regional Legal Advisor a.i., Bureau for Europe, UNHCR Headquarters Geneva 2000 91-5) UNHCR Research Scholar, Graduate Institute of Int’l.