And National Trades' Journal
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*" ; " ; r ' ... .;.. _ .. v "\f /,i:~ 7'ft S iTT 510 VI HUT TO THE WORKING CLASSES. Mr Deab Fb iextw,—Cir cumstances combine just I. TO AGENTS AND READERS. ind uce me to return to the considera- -wto It is expected that Mr. Duncombe 's motion on the 4j«a of a subject from which I was driven by Posf-office will come on ' to-night (Friday). To giro .^gjanee, assumption, and over zeal: I mean of the Land. "A rua day's wage those of our readers that we can reach by the . day the subj ect day' " has been tke prize mail from Lond on the latest news that we can cater j«s > Tim s work for ' we shal l do as we did last week—keep »he attai nment of which others mooted, and I for them, back a portion of the orders and send them off from revived, the questi on of self-representation . "Wh en morning with a report of the de- •hnost ererj scrib bler who can hold a pen, but who Hfi Jlirt^^ Wkm liere on Saturday The agents jjald not make a livelihood with any serviceable tool, bate , and with the other news of Frid ay. AND ly at the jj jjces abu se of me his daily work, I think I may be NATIONAL TRADES' JO URNAL will know in each case what time to app to of ^aft ted speak myself. I have rewrea , advo- Post- office for their papers. and pushed the democratic a ^ princi ple with TOL. VIII. SO. 381. LOMDOB, and success. hare succeeded SATOBMf, 1TOCH fua -^severan ce I in —giUBBS f ^mm^ma^m^^ j _ __ ^ ¦¦ ¦¦ ^^ — I •AncrH jMwfinn nA _/i__ Delegate delega a I,art y oaPable of withstandi ng aU the consider/ ation :- now«. IT tellJ-~.11 -._ T! 1 1 I .v m ^ Meetino. —The next general -reau og yon, as I have often told the canton of Vaud, and has meeting of Lancashir e Mon- contin uous quitted Lausa nne. An Singh , thou gh hot actuall y, Miners will be held on Maimers °f alonS ***& calm—th e greatest you before , that I never expect to see th e princi ple extraordina ry council of war received , was hourl y ex- day, the 10th of March Israel that can threaten held at Lucerne , lias pected. The body of Meean Lab Singh has CraW fflowmmte , , at the house of Mr. ^ eis a politician. There fully carried out until the Chart er becomes the law decreed the organi sation of , I am told, Riley, Commercial Inn two new battal ions of been sent off to the place where Gooro Bliac Bhcer , Over Darwen ; chair to be trou ble in navigating a vessel landwehr and the forma tion of five batterie s taken at eleven o'clock in jj ffiile going of the land ; but I did, and do hope, to see it so ex- of artil- Singh was killed at his to bo exhibit ed Hetwood. —Termination of the Turx- out.-~Com- the forenoon . W. P. Ro- lery, to protect the Govern ment from instigation , berts , Esq., will addre ss the ^ a biseeze in the open sea ; but there tensively acted on, as to convince the working external at- there in the same manner as that of a hi h way robb er plete Tri umph op the Operatives. — The Power- Miners of Dar wen and 1 ^ tacks , their present fear seems to be g neighbourhood on the same dav. afflriefy ab out her man agement when be- classes that it is increased by and murde rer. The body of loom Weaver s , in the employ of J. II. Kay and Son The levy for the 1 grea t the mean s of obtaining a fair rp Nme c andtAv o the junior Moonshce fortnight , including general contrib ution , is two shil- ' fc? Z v S' ' x rt » demi-cantoni, Dewanund was burnt yesterd ay and with it a young have resumed their work after an arduous struggle ,-lJujd amidst shoals and rock s. We hare been for days wage for a fair day' s ivori. ha ^cdwlared .igauistthe Je suits in , lings per member. a .sense more or and handsome wife, fourteen years of age, was sacri- of nine weeks and two days, their employers being nearly three years in the latter position. The So fully convinced am I of this fact that I am re- less hostile ; to wit, Zurich , Berne , Soleure , Glaris , -.ff , Argom He himself was Olllv eighteen years of age, compelled to accede to the just demand of the Lancashire Miners ,— A public meetin g of the of class and the torturous application solved on tr ying the , Schafflmusen ,_Tessin, Thur govia Vaud 11 j rtned inter ests , experiment myself, but not for a and distin guished himself in a signal manner Weaver s. An advance of five farthings per cut has Coal Miners of Oldham and the surrounding neigh- nd Appenzefl , exterior with Bale Cha mpagne. It j law being so many obstacles in our course , my own adva ntage: and I shall shortly promul when defending himself and his master for their been obtaine d. The labourers in this neighbourhood bourhood was held in the Workin g Man 's Hall , {he gate a requires but that the deputies of thr ee more cantons created b temporary " prosperity " plan b 3, inany or innocent women will be put through this struggl e will have learned what a union Harsedge-street , Oldham , on Monday last , for the while tic calm y y which, in less than twelve-month s, I propose should be instructed to vote at the extraordinary j xi. P° J° d?a*h with the garments of the unfortunates who of their , body can effect. That when united for good purpose of laying before the public a correct state- left us scarcely a breat h to fill our canvas. No- to locate one hundred men and th eir families, in the Diet agains t the Jesuits to cause that their expulsion las be decreed teU in the battle , as a terribl e offering at the shrine they possess a moral power before which the combined ment of the differences existing between some of the th it had not ta ken deep root in the minds of first home colony. I do not mean in community . jj ^g ; but T ol the abomin able practice of Sutt ee! as it is still all power of the millowners is raised but to show its masters and their men. The meeting was addresse d of the people could have withstood the as individua l possessors and • 5v —iss Correspondent of the Bebau mentions , powerful weakness. Mr. William Holgate , and the major ity willing co-operators , in additio n to in the hills, though here , thank God ! these The manufacture rs of this town have by W. P . Roberts , Esq. , the announce ment that an extraordfc horrible sacrific es done all that men circumstanced like themselves circ umstances to which the democratic prin- because they will see an intere st in co-operation. nary envoy from are becomin g much less frequ ent. Mr. W. Harris. —On the same day a public meeting -Jveis e Austria would assist at the Extra- .It is reported to could do, to prevent the factory operatives assistin g o e subjected. The object sought to be The iwlitiealtettI mean to apply to membershi me, on credible auth orit y, tha t Meean f th Wigan Miners was held. This meeting was ppiehas been p, is, % ^ J £iet» tha* Prussia had appointed the Count Lab Singh, seeing the turn affairs their fellow labourers on strike. They first threatened addressed -by and others, N UilChlOttu m, were taking in the also W. r. Roberts , Esq. , attain ed from the accomplishment of democratic prin- that each shal l Iks a paying member to the National ambassador extraordin ary to Swit- battle , attempt ed to fl to stop their mills unless their hands would cease to VM or ork zerland , while Bavaria y from the scene , but was in- The association in Laricashiregets stronger every day ; r a s e f a/Hr &*$*w .-" Charter Association. I have taken much has resolv ed upon raising her stantly pursued. Seeing contribute to the maintenance of Mr. Kay's rjj es is " « M ^ ^ 9 troubl e in envoy to the no alternative, he took off the last fortnight' s contributions amounted to upwards distinction of ambassador . The corres- his golden arm lets, and threw them Weavers ; findin g this had not the desire d effect they that can be object which never, nerer , never can be achieved, the concoction of my plan , and think I have made it pondent of the Constitutionnd to his pursuers , of £500. This is th e best refutation- M states tha t the Papal ?raying for his life ; but nothing would stop them, gave their hands a fortni ght' s notice , and on the fth given to the statements made by hired scribes , who trou gh theapplicati onof the artificial " sur- so simple that even the " f irst princi 2>le" men cannot Auncio had expressed to the KKpt French amba ssador the le then threw down his sword and shield and begged of February stopped their mills, throwing upwards of in their venal rags , week after wsck , say that the the soil. I defy object to it I believe that the desir e of the Pope to see Fran ce , plus" of labo ur to the cultivation of Chartist mind of this undertake an armed for mercy.