
Subjects, , and Traditions Covered in eHRAF World Cultures & eHRAF

The following pages are lists with subjects, indigenous peoples, ethnic groups and traditions contained in Human Relations Area Files’ (HRAF) two online cross-cultural databases, eHRAF World Cultures and eHRAF Archaeology. eHRAF databases increase annually, with new cultures added in the spring.

If you are a researcher, use the lists to reference the subjects and cultures of your topic or for indexing research materials. If you are faculty who uses eHRAF for teaching, the lists serve as good handouts for students. If you are a librarian, use the lists to determine whether eHRAF matches research and teaching topics in social sciences, such as anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, ethnomedicine, gender and area studies. Feel free to share the lists or this handout with your colleagues, or anyone interested in cultural and ethnic diversity.

The Outline of Cultural Materials (OCM) is a vast subject index of all aspects of cultural and social life. In the eHRAF databases, HRAF trained anthropologists use the OCM subjects to index each and every paragraph in the over 700,000+ pages of ethnographic and archaeological documents in the eHRAF databases, including , journal articles and dissertations. It’s best to visualize the OCM subject-indexing system as the “summary” of a page, regardless of whether the text is in English, Spanish, or German.

The OCM subjects used in the eHRAF Advanced Search serve as useful finding tools. That’s because a search with OCM subjects goes beyond a keyword search and retrieves texts for concepts (e.g cooking), expressed with multiple words (e.g. broiling, grilling, frying).

Find more information about this unique subject-indexing system and the eHRAF databases on the Human Relations Area Files website at http://hraf.yale.edu.

Example of an Advanced Search with an OCM subject and African names

Outline of Cultural Materials (OCM) Subject List

100 ORIENTATION 140 HUMAN BIOLOGY 101 Identification 141 Anthropometry 102 Maps 142 Physical Descriptions 103 Place Names 143 Genetics 104 Glossary 144 Racial Affinities 105 Cultural Summary 145 Ontogenetic Data 106 Coded Data 146 Nutrition 107 Diagnostic Material Attributes 147 Physiological Data

110 BIBLIOGRAPHY 150 BEHAVIOR PROCESSES AND PERSONALITY 111 Citations of Documents in the HRAF Collection 151 Sensation and Perception 112 Additional Bibliography 152 Drivers and Emotions 113 Information Sources Listed in Other Works 153 Modification of Behavior 114 Reviews and Critiques 154 Adjustment Processes 115 Informants 155 Personality Development 116 Complete Text of HRAF Documents 156 Social Personality 117 Field Data 157 Personality Traits 118 Fiction 158 Personality Disorders 119 Artifact and Collections 159 Life History Materials

120 METHODOLOGY 160 DEMOGRAPHY 121 Theoretical Orientation in Research and Its 161 Population Results 162 Composition of Population 122 Practical Preparations in Conducting Fieldwork 163 Birth Statistics 123 Observational Role in Research 164 Morbidity 124 Interviewing In Research 165 Mortality 125 Tests and Schedules Administered In the Field 166 Internal Migration 126 Recording and In the Field 167 External Migration 127 Historical and Archival Research 168 Population Policy 128 Organization and Analysis of Results of Research 129 Archaeological Survey Methods 170 HISTORY AND 1210 Archaeological Excavation Methods 171 Comparative Evidence 1211 Dating Methods in Archaeology 1710 Cultural Revitalization and Ethnogenesis 1212 Laboratory Analysis of Materials Other Than 172 Prehistory Dating Methods in Archaeology 173 Traditional History 1213 Comparative Data 174 Historical Reconstruction 175 Recorded History 130 GEOGRAPHY 176 Innovation 131 Location 177 and Culture Contact 132 Climate 178 Sociocultural Trends 133 Topography and Geology 179 Economic Planning and Development 134 Soil 135 Mineral Resources 180 TOTAL CULTURE 136 Fauna 181 Ethos 137 Flora 182 Functional and Adaptational Interpretations 138 Post Depositional Processes 183 Norms 184 Cultural Participation 185 Cultural Goals 186 and Ethnocentrism

190 LANGUAGE 240 AGRICULTURE 191 Speech 241 Tillage 192 Vocabulary 242 Agricultural Science 193 Grammar 243 Cereal Agriculture 194 Phonology 244 Vegetable Production 195 Sociolinguistics 245 Arboriculture 196 Semantics 246 Forage Crops 197 Linguistic Identification 247 Floriculture 198 Special Languages 248 Textile Agriculture 249 Special Crops 200 COMMUNICATION 201 Gestures and Signs 250 FOOD PROCESSING 202 Non-electronic Transmission of Messages 251 Preservation and Storage of Food 203 Dissemination of News and Information 252 Food Preparation 204 Press 253 Meat Packing Industry 205 Mail 254 Refrigeration Industry 206 Telephone and Telegraph 255 Canning Industry 207 Radio and Television 256 Cereal Industry 208 Public Opinion 257 Confectionery Industries 209 Proxemics 258 Miscellaneous Food Processing and Packing 2010 Internet Communications Industries

210 RECORDS 260 FOOD CONSUMPTION 211 Mnemonic Devices 261 Gratification and Control of Hunger 212 Writing 262 Diet 213 Printing 263 Condiments 214 Publishing 264 Eating 215 Photography 265 Food Service Industries 216 Audiovisual Records and Equipment 266 Cannibalism 217 218 Writing and Printing Supplies 270 DRINK, DRUGS, AND INDULGENCE 271 Water and Thirst 220 FOOD QUEST 272 Nonalcoholic Beverages 221 Annual Cycle 273 Alcoholic Beverage's 222 Collecting 274 Beverage Industries 223 Fowling 275 Drinking Establishments 224 Hunting and Trapping 276 Recreational and Non-therapeutic Drugs 225 Marine Hunting 277 Tobacco Industry 226 Fishing 278 Pharmaceuticals 227 Fishing Gear 228 Marine Industries 280 LEATHER, TEXTILES, AND FABRICS 281 Work in Skins 230 ANIMAL HUSBANDRY 282 Leather Industry 231 Domesticated Animals 283 Cordage 232 Applied Animal Science 284 Knots and Lashings 233 Pastoral Activities 285 Mats and Basketry 234 Dairying 286 Woven Fabrics 235 Poultry Raising 287 Nonwoven Fabrics 236 Wool Production 288 Textile Industries 237 Animal By-Products 289 Paper Industry

290 CLOTHING 291 Normal Garb 292 Special Garments 293 Paraphernalia 294 Clothing Manufacture 295 Special Clothing Industries 296 Garment Care 300 ADORNMENT 350 EQUIPMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF 301 Ornament BLDGS 302 Toilet 351 Grounds 303 Manufacture of Toilet Accessories 352 Furniture 304 Mutilation 353 Building Interiors and Arrangement 305 Beauty Specialists 354 Heating and Lighting Equipment 306 Jewelry Manufacture 355 Miscellaneous Building Equipment 356 Housekeeping 310 EXPLOITATIVE ACTIVITIES 357 Domestic Service 311 Land Use 358 Maintenance of Nondomestic Buildings 312 Water Supply 313 Lumbering 360 SETTLEMENTS 314 Forest Products 361 Settlement Patterns 315 Oil and Gas Wells 362 Housing 316 Mining and Quarrying 363 Streets and Traffic 317 Special Deposits 364 Refuse Disposal and Sanitary Facilities 318 Environmental Quality 365 Public Utilities 366 Commercial Facilities 320 PROCESSING OF BASIC MATERIALS 367 Parks 321 Bone, Horn, and Shell Technology 368 Miscellaneous Facilities 322 Woodworking 369 Urban and Rural Life 323 Ceramic Technology 324 Lithic Industries 370 ENERGY AND POWER 325 Metallurgy 371 Power Development 326 Smiths and Their Crafts 372 Fire 327 Iron and Steel Industry 373 Light 328 Nonferrous Metal Industries 374 Heat 375 Thermal Power 330 BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION 376 Water Power 331 Construction 377 Electric Power 332 Earth Moving 378 Atomic Power 333 Masonry 379 Miscellaneous Power Production 334 Structural Steel Work 335 Carpentry 380 CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES 336 Plumbing 381 Chemical Engineering 337 Electrical Installation 382 Petroleum and Coal Products Industries 338 Miscellaneous Building Trades 383 Rubber Industries 339 Building Supplies Industries 384 Synthetics Industries 385 Industrial Chemicals 340 STRUCTURES 386 Paint and Dye Manufacture 341 Architecture 387 Fertilizer Industry 342 Dwellings 388 Soap and Allied Products 343 Outbuildings 389 Manufacture of Explosives 344 Public Structures 345 Recreational Structures 390 CAPITAL GOODS INDUSTRIES 346 Religious and Educational Structures 391 Hardware Manufacture 347 Business Structures 392 Machine Industries 348 Industrial Structures 393 Electrical Supplies Industry 349 Miscellaneous Structures 394 Manufacture of Heating and Lighting Appliances 395 Manufacture of Optical and Photographic Equipment 396 Shipbuilding 397 Railway Equipment Industry 398 Manufacture of Vehicles 399 Aircraft Industry

400 MACHINES 450 FINANCE 401 Mechanics 451 Accounting 402 Industrial Machinery 452 Credit 403 Electrical Machines and Appliances 453 Banking 404 Household Machines and Appliances 454 Saving and Investment 405 Weighing, Measuring, and Recording Machines 455 Speculation 406 Weigh-moving Machinery 456 Insurance 407 Agricultural Machinery 457 Foreign Exchange 408 Computer Technology 458 Business Cycles

410 TOOLS AND APPLIANCES 460 LABOR 411 Weapons 461 Labor and Leisure 412 General Tools 462 Division of Labor by Gender 413 Special Tools 463 Occupational Specialization 414 Miscellaneous Hardware 464 Labor supply and Employment 415 Utensils 465 Wages and Salaries 416 Appliances 466 Labor Relations 417 Apparatus 467 Labor Organization 468 Collective Bargaining 420 PROPERTY 421 Property System 470 BUSINESS AND INDUSTRIAL 422 Property in Movables ORGANIZATION 423 Real Property 471 Ownership and Control of Capital 424 Incorporeal Property 472 Individual Enterprise 425 Acquisition and Relinquishment of Property 473 Corporate Organization 426 Borrowing and Lending 474 Cooperative Organization 427 Renting and Leasing 475 State Enterprise 428 Inheritance 476 Mutual Aid 429 Administration 477 Competition

430 EXCHANGE 480 TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION 431 Gift Giving 481 Locomotion 432 Buying and Selling 482 Burden Carrying 433 Production and Supply 483 Weight Moving 434 Income and Demand 484 Travel 435 Price and 485 Travel Services 436 Medium of Exchange 486 Regulation of Travel 437 Exchange Transactions 487 Routes 438 Domestic Trade 488 Warehousing 439 Foreign Trade 489 Transportation

440 MARKETING 490 LAND TRANSPORT 441 Mercantile Business 491 Highways and Bridges 442 Wholesale Marketing 492 Animal Transportation 443 Retail Marketing 493 Vehicles 444 Retail Businesses 494 Highway Transportation 445 Service Industries 495 Auxiliary Highway Services 446 Sales Promotion 496 Railways 447 Advertising 497 Rail Transport 498 Terminal Facilities 499 Highway and Railway Construction

500 WATER, AIR and SPACE TRANSPORTATION 550 INDIVIDUATION AND MOBILITY 501 Boats 551 Personal Names 502 Navigation 552 Names of Animals and Things 503 Waterways Improvements 553 Naming 504 Port Facilities 554 Status, Role, and Prestige 505 Water Transport 555 Talent Mobility 506 Aircraft 556 Accumulation of Wealth 507 Aviation 557 Manipulative Mobility 508 Airport Facilities 558 Downward Mobility 509 Air Transport 560 SOCIAL STRATIFICATION 510 LIVING STANDARDS AND ROUTINES 561 Age stratification 511 Standard of Living 562 Gender Status 512 Daily Routine 563 Ethnic Stratification 513 Sleeping 564 Castes 514 Elimination 565 Classes 515 Personal Hygiene 566 Serfdom and Peonage 516 Postures 567 Slavery 517 Leisure Time Activities 570 INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS 520 RECREATION 571 Social Relationships and Groups 521 Conversation 572 Friendships 522 Humor 573 Cliques 523 Hobbies 574 Visiting and Hospitality 524 Games 575 Sodalities 525 Gambling 576 Etiquette 526 Athletic Sports 577 Ethics 527 Rest Days and Holidays 578 Ingroup Antagonisms 528 Vacations 579 Brawls, Riots and Banditry 529 Recreational Facilities 580 MARRIAGE 530 ARTS 581 Basis of Marriage 531* Decorative Art 582 Regulation of Marriage 532* Representative Art 583 Mode of Marriage 533 Music 584 Arranging a Marriage 534 Musical Instruments 585 Nuptials 535 Dance 586 Termination of Marriage 536 Drama 587 Secondary Marriages 537 Oratory 588 Special Unions and Marriages 538* Literature 589 Celibacy 539* Literary Texts 5310 Verbal Arts 590 FAMILY 5311 Visual Arts 591 Residence 592 Household 540 COMMERCIALIZED ENTERTAINMENT 593 Family relationships 541 Spectacles 594 Nuclear Family 542 Commercialized Sports 595 Polygamy 543 Exhibitions 596 Extended Families 544 Public Lectures 597 Adoption 545 Musical and Theatrical Productions 546 Motion Picture Industry 547 Night Clubs and Cabarets 548 Illegal Entertainment 549 Art and Recreational Supplies Industries

600 KINSHIP 650 GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES 601 Kinship Terminology 651 Taxation and Public Income 602 Kin Relationships 652 Public Finance 603 Grandparents and Grandchildren 653 Public Works 604 Avuncular and Nepotic Relatives 654 Research and Development 605 Cousins 655 Government Enterprises 606 Parents-in-Law and Children-in-Law 656 Government Regulation 607 Siblings-in-Law 657 Public Welfare 608 Artificial Kin Relationships 658 Public 609 Behavior toward Nonrelatives 659 Miscellaneous Government Activities

610 KIN GROUPS 660 POLITICAL BEHAVIOR 611 Rule of Descent 661 Exploitation 612 Kindreds and Ramages 662 Political Intrigue 613 Lineages 663 Public Service 614 Sibs 664 Pressure Politics 615 Phratries 665 Political Parties 616 Moieties 666 Elections 617 Bilinear Kin Groups 667 Political Machines 618 Clans 668 Political Movements 619 Tribe and Nation 669 Revolution

620 COMMUNITY 670 LAW 621 Community Structure 671 Legal Norms 622 Community Heads 672 Liability 623 Councils 673 Wrongs 624 Local Officials 674 Crime 625 Police 675 Contracts 626 Social Control 676 Agency 627 Informal Ingroup Justice 628 Inter-community Relations 680 OFFENSES AND SANCTIONS 629 Inter-ethnic Relations 681 Sanctions 682 Offenses against Life 630 TERRITORIAL ORGANIZATION 683 Offenses Against the Person 631 Territorial Hierarchy 684 Sex and Marital Offenses 632 towns 685 Property Offenses 633 Cities 686 Nonfulfillment of Obligations 634 Districts 687 Offenses against the State 635 Provinces 688 Religious Offenses 636 Dependencies 689 Social Offenses

640 STATE 690 JUSTICE 641 Citizenship 691 Litigation 642 Constitution 692 Judicial Authority 643 Chief Executive 693 Legal and Judicial Personnel 644 Executive Household 694 Initiation of Judicial Proceedings 645 Cabinet 695 Trial Procedure 646 Parliament 696 Execution of Justice 647 Administrative Agencies 697 Prisons and Jails 648 International Relations 698 Special Courts

700 ARMED FORCES 750 SICKNESS 701 Military Organization 751 Preventive Medicine 702 Recruitment and Training 752 Bodily Injuries 703 Discipline and Morale 753 Theory of Disease 704 Ground Combat Forces 754 Sorcery 705 Supply and Commissariat 755 Magical and Mental Therapy 706 Navy 756 Shamans and Psychotherapists 707 Air Force 757 Medical Therapy 708 Auxiliary Corps 758 Medical Care 759 Medical Personnel 710 MILITARY TECHNOLOGY 711 Military Engineering 760 DEATH 712 Military Installations 761 Life and Death 713 Ordnance 762 Suicide 714 Uniform and Accouterment 763 Dying 715 Military Vehicles 764 Burial Practices and Funerals 716 Naval Vessels 765 Mourning 717 Military Aircraft 766 Special Burial Practices and Funerals 718 Special Military Equipment 767 Mortuary Specialists 719 Munitions Industries 768 Social Readjustments to Death 769 Cult of the Dead 720 WAR 721 Instigation of War 770 RELIGIOUS BELIEFS 722 Wartime Adjustments 771 General Character of Religion 723 Strategy 772 Cosmology 724 Logistics 773 Mythology 725 Tactics 774 Animism 726 Warfare 775 Eschatology 727 Aftermath of Combat 776 Spirits and Gods 728 Peacemaking 777 Luck and Chance 729 War Veterans 778 Sacred Objects and Places 779 Theological Systems 730 SOCIAL PROBLEMS 731 Disasters 780 RELIGIOUS PRACTICES 732 Disabilities 781 Religious Experience 733 Alcoholism and Drug Addiction 782 Prayers and Sacrifices 734 Invalidism 783 Purification and Atonement 735 Poverty 784 Avoidance and Taboo 736 Dependency 785 Asceticism 737 Old Age Dependency 786 Ecstatic Religious Practices 738 Delinquency 787 Revelation and Divination 788 Ritual 740 HEALTH AND WELFARE 789 Magic 741 Philanthropic Foundations 742 Medical Research 790 ECCLESIASTICAL ORGANIZATION 743 Hospitals and Clinics 791 Magicians and Diviners 744 Public Health and Sanitation 792 Prophets and Ascetics 745 Social Insurance 793 Priesthood 746 Public Assistance 794 Congregations 747 Private Welfare Agencies 795 Sects 748 Social Work 796 Organized Ceremonial 797 Missions 798 Religious Intolerance

800 NUMBERS AND MEASURES 860 SOCIALIZATION 801 Numerology 861 Techniques of Inculcation 802 Numeration 862 Weaning and Food Training 803 Mathematics 863 Cleanliness Training 804 Weights and Measures 864 Sex Training 805 Ordering of Time 865 Aggression Training 866 Independence Training 810 SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES 867 Transmission of Cultural Norms 811 Logic 868 Transmission of Skills 812 Philosophy 869 Transmission of Beliefs 813 Scientific Method 814 Humanistic Studies 870 EDUCATION 815 Pure Science 871 Educational System 816 Applied Science 872 Elementary Education 873 Liberal Arts Education 820 IDEAS ABOUT NATURE AND PEOPLE 874 Vocational Education 821 Ethnometeorology 875 Teachers 822 Ethnophysics 876 Educational Theory and Methods 823 Ethnogeography 877 Students 824 Ethnobotany 825 Ethnozoology 880 ADOLESCENCE, ADULTHOOD, AND OLD 826 Ethnoanatomy AGE 827 Ethnophysiology 881 Puberty and Initiation 828 Ethnopsychology 882 Status of Adolescents 829 Ethnosociology 883 Adolescent Activities 884 Majority 830 SEX 885 Adulthood 831 Sexuality 886 Senescence 832 Sexual Stimulation 887 Activities of the Aged 833 Sexual Intercourse 888 Status and Treatment of the Aged 834 General Sex Restrictions 835 Kinship Regulation of Sex 890 GENDER ROLES AND ISSUES 836 Premarital Sex Relations 837 Extramarital Sex Relations 838 Homosexuality 839 Miscellaneous Sex Behavior Note that * indicates that the categories so marked are retired from usage as of May 1997; revised March 10, 840 REPRODUCTION 2014, MAS 841 Menstruation 842 Conception 843 Pregnancy 844 Childbirth 845 Difficult and Unusual births 846 Postnatal Care 847 Abortion and Infanticide 848 Illegitimacy

850 INFANCY AND CHILDHOOD 851 Social Placement 852 Ceremonial During Infancy and Childhood 853 Infant Feeding 854 Infant Care 855 Child Care 856 Development and Maturation 857 Childhood activities 858 Status of Children

Cultures Covered in eHRAF World Cultures* Last update April 5, 2014-Installment E60-partial**

Central Africa Caucasus Azande Abkhazians Barundi Africa Mbuti Asia Central Asia Mongo Ghorbat Pamir Peoples Rwandans Hazara Pashtun Teda Inner Mongolia Sherpa Karakalpak Tajiks Kazakh Tibetans Kyrgyz Turkmens Lepcha Uzbeks Mongolia

Eastern Africa East Asia Amhara Kaffa Ainu

Bagisu Luo Korea Banyoro Maasai Manchu Bena Nuer Miao Chagga Nyakyusa & Ngonde Monguor Ganda Okiek** Okayama Gikuyu Shilluk Okinawans Gusii Turkana Taiwan Hokkien Yi

Northern Africa North Asia Berbers of Morocco Chukchee Fellahin Koryaks Libyan Bedouin Nenets Shluh Nivkh Tuareg Samoyed Yakut

Southern Africa South Asia Bemba Shona** Andamans Khasi Betsileo Tanala Badaga Santal Khoi Tonga** Baluchi Sinhalese Lakeshore Tonga Tsonga Bengali Tamil Lozi Zulu Bhil Toda Ovimbundu Burusho Uttar Pradesh San Garo Vedda Gond

Western Africa Southeast Asia Akan Wolof Alorese Semai Bambara Yoruba Balinese Semang Dogon Burmans Southern Toraja Hausa Central Thai Vietnamese Igbo Eastern Toraja Kanuri Ifugao Kpelle Javanese Mende Kachin Mossi Karen Nupe** Malays Tallensi Mentawaian Tiv Rungus Dusun

British Isles Caribbean British (1714-1815) Cubans Europe Highland Scots Middle America Dominicans Haitians Island Carib & the Caribbean


Puerto Ricans (Island)

Scandinavia Central America Early Icelanders Garifuna Icelanders Kuna Saami Miskito Talamancans

Southeastern Europe Central Mexico Albanians Nahua Bosnian Muslims Zapotec Croats Greeks Maya Area Montenegrins Mam Maya Serbs Maya (Yucatán Peninsula)

Slovenes Tzeltal Montenegrins Serbs Slovenes

Southern Europe Northern Mexico Basques Huichol Imperial Romans Tarahumara

Middle East Basseri Middle East Bedouin Iran Israelis Kurds Lur Palestinians Rwala Bedouin Turks Yemenis

Arctic & Subarctic Australia Aleut Aranda North Alutiiq Oceania Tiwi Chipewyans America Copper Inuit Innu Melanesia Kaska Kapauku Ojibwa Kwoma Western Woods Cree Lesu Malekula Eastern Woodlands Manus Cherokee Mi'kmaq Orokaiva Santa Cruz Islanders Creek Seminole Delaware Winnebago/Ho-Chunk Trobriands Iroquois Wogeo**

Northwest Coast & California Micronesia Chinookans of the Lower Tlingit Belau Columbia River Yokuts Chuuk Nuu-chah-nulth Yuki Marshallese Nuxalk Yurok Ulithi Pomo Woleai Region Quinault Yapese

Plains & Plateau Polynesia Assiniboine Pawnee Hawaiians Blackfoot Stoney Lau Fijians Comanche Maori Gros Ventre Marquesas Klamath Samoans Omaha Tikopia Osage Tongans

Regional & Ethnic Cultures African Americans Haitian Americans Amish Italian Americans Arab Americans Italian Canadians Arab Canadians Korean Americans Basque Americans North American Armenians Cajuns North American Hasidic Jews Chicanos North American Hmong Chinese Americans Puerto Ricans (Mainland) Chinese Canadians Sea Islanders Cuban Americans Serbian Americans

Southwest and Basin Eastern Apache Havasupai Hopi Mescalero Apache Navajo Northern Paiute O'odham Tewa Pueblos Ute Western Apache Zia Pueblo Zuni

Amazon & Orinoco Bakairi South America Barama River Carib Canelos Quichua Jivaro Mundurucu Nambicuara Ndyuka Saramaka Shipibo Sirionó Ticuna Trumai Tukano Warao Yanoama

Central Andes Aymara Inka Mapuche Otavalo Quichua Quito Quichua Saraguro Quichua

Eastern South America Bahia Brazilians Bororo Canela Guaraní Tapirapé Tupinamba Xokleng

Northwestern South America Chachi Goajiro Kogi

Southern South America Abipón Mataco Ona Tehuelche Terena Yahgan

*In http://ehrafworldcultures.yale.edu the cultures can be found in Browse Cultures or in Advanced Search, where they can be selected using the "Add Cultures" tab. If prompted for a log-in or for more information about eHRAF World Cultures visit the Human Relations Area Files website at http://hraf.yale.edu., Updated April 5, 2014, CMC.

Traditions Covered in eHRAF Archaeology* Last update February 2013-Installment A13

Northern Africa Central Asia Early Dynastic Egypt Early Nomad Africa Khartoum Neolithic Asia Eastern Central Asia Neolithic & Bronze Age Late Paleolithic Egypt Scythian-Sarmatian Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene Maghreb Lower Egypt Predynastic East Asia Middle Paleolithic Egypt Dawenkou Protohistoric Egypt Southeast China Early Neolithic Upper Egypt Predynastic Yayoi

Western Africa North Asia West African Iron Age Tarya Neolithic

Southern Africa South Asia Wilton Central Indian Neolithic Ganges Neolithic Indus Neolithic

Eastern Europe Caribbean Northeastern European Bronze Age Late Caribbean Europe Middle America General Europe & the Caribbean Central Mexico Bell Beaker Central Mexico Classic Impressed Ware Central Mexico Postclassic Olmec West Mexico Postclassic

Scandinavia General Middle America & the Caribbean Scandinavian Iron Age Early Mesoamerican Archaic Highland Mesoamerican Archaic Highland Mesoamerican Early Preclassic Highland Mesoamerican Late Preclassic

Southeastern Europe Maya Area Southeastern Europe Late Chalcolithic Classic Maya Lowland Mesoamerican Archaic Postclassic Maya Preclassic Maya

Northern Mexico Huatabampo

Middle East Arctic & Subarctic Aceramic Neolithic Late Tundra Middle East Akkadian North America Norton Ceramic Neolithic Paleo-Arctic Early Dynastic Mesopotamia Proto-Athapaskans Epipaleolithic Eastern Woodlands Halafian Adena Iranian Bronze Age Eastern Early Archaic Jemdet Nasr Eastern Early Woodland Late Chalcolithic Mesopotamia Eastern Late Archaic Ubaid Eastern Late Woodland

Eastern Middle Archaic

Eastern Middle Woodland Hopewell Initial Shield Woodland Mississippian

General North America

Eastern Arctic Small Tool Late Paleo-Indian

Northwest Coast & California Late Southern California

Plains & Plateau Cascade

Southwest & Basin Basketmaker Early Anasazi Early Desert Archaic Hohokam Late Anasazi Middle-Late Desert Archaic Mogollon

Melanesia Central Andes New Guinea Neolithic Andean Regional Development Huari Oceania South America Andean Regional States Inka Aymara Kingdoms Moche Chavin Nazca Chimu Tiahuanaco Coastal Andean Archaic Polynesia Coastal Andean Early Formative Hawaiian Coastal Andean Late Formative Tongan Highland Andean Archaic Highland Andean Formative

Northwestern South America Early Northwest South American Littoral Manteño

*In http://ehrafarchaeology.yale.edu the traditions can be found in Browse Traditions or in Advanced Search, where they can be selected using the "Add Traditions" tab. . If prompted for a log-in or for more information about eHRAF Archaeology visit the Human Relations Area Files website at http://hraf.yale.edu.