Smart city and decision-taking 9 July 2021 Worshop organised at distance and on-site Organisers Emmanuel Py, CID, University of Burgundy Maximilien Lanna, CID, Comue UBFC Contact :
[email protected] Programme 9h15 Welcome coffee 9h45 Introduction to the workshop by Alexis Mages, Dean of the DSEP faculty, University of Burgundy-UBFC and Emmanuel Py, Director of the Chair Smart City and data governance, University of Burgundy-UBFC 10h-12h Round-table 1 – The foundations of decision-taking, what data for what uses ? Introductory remarks and presidence by Jean-Bernard Auby, Emeritus Professor, Sciences Po Paris « Is the protection of personal data an obstacle to decision-making?», Thibault Douville, Professor, University of Caen Normandie « Decision-making and ethics, what framework for algorithm processing ? », Maximilien Lanna, Post-doc researcher, CID, UBFC « Decision-making and Open Data, what transparency ? », speaker to be confirmed 12h-13h30 Lunch break 13h30-15h30 Round-table 2 – Tools and modes of decision-taking Introductory remarks and presidence by Christophe Nicolle, director of CIAD (Distributed Knowledge and Artificial Intelligence, UBFC) «Regulation and data sharing, challenges and perspectives», Karine Favro, Professor, University of Haute Alsace «API and data sharing, towards a decompartmentalization of public services ?», Emilie Debaets, Lecturer, University Toulouse 1 Capitole «Energy governance through data, the example of the Linky electric meter», Thoma Lamb, PhD student in Political Science, University