Labour in Irish History James Connolly Foreign Languages Press Foreign Languages Press Collection “Foundations” #6 Contact –
[email protected] Paris, 2020 ISBN: 978-2-491182-29-8 This edition of Labour in Irish History is a reprint of the Fifth Edition, New Books, Dublin, 1983. This book is under license Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) Contents Foreword 1 1. The Lessons of History 9 2. The Jacobites and the Irish People 15 3. Peasant Rebellions 23 4. Social Revolts and Political Kites and Crows 29 5. Grattan’s Parliament 37 6. Capitalist Betrayal of the Irish Volunteers 41 7. The United Irishmen 55 8. United Irishmen as Democrats and Internationalists 61 9. The Emmet Conspiracy 77 10. The First Irish Socialist: A Forerunner of Marx 83 11. An Irish Utopia 95 12. A Chapter of Horrors: Daniel O’Connell and the 111 Working Class 13. Our Irish Girondins Sacrifice the Irish Peasantry Upon 121 the Altar of Private Property 14. Socialistic Teaching of the Young Irelanders; The 131 Thinkers and the Workers 15. Some More Irish Pioneers of the Socialist Movement 143 16. The Working Class: The inheritors of the Irish Ideals of 147 the Past—The Repository of the Hopes of the Future Foreword Foreword In her great work, The Making of Ireland and its Undoing, the only contribution to Irish history we know of which conforms to the meth- ods of modern historical science, the authoress, Mrs. Stopford Green, dealing with the effect upon Ireland of the dispersion of the Irish race in the time of Henry VIII and Elizabeth, and the consequent destruction of Gaelic culture, and rupture with Gaelic tradition and law, says that the Irishmen educated in schools abroad abandoned or knew nothing of the lore of ancient Erin, and had no sympathy with the spirit of the Brehon Code, nor with the social order of which it was the jurid- ical expression.