Lirot Association 2017 Annual Report Promoting Blindness Prevention Research

Promoting Preventive Eye-Care

Raising awareness and providing online medical counseling

Fundraising for the Association

Work plan for 2019-2018 Promoting Blindness Prevention Research Headed by Prof. Perlman - Scientific Council Chairman

Consortium Management Scientific conference, gene database planning, conferences on 'New developments in Genetics of Blinding Eye Diseases', and recruiting patients for research.

Scholarships for Outstanding young Researchers Open call to research bank to send ideas for research projects to be funded in the field of Ophthalmology

Promoting Preventive Eye-Care Commemorating 5 years of the ' eye-care mobile unit' project for examining the elderly and Holocaust survivors, under the management of Mr. Tzidkiyahu Baruch, Project Manager.

A total of 13,000 elderly were examined within the framework of the project in 49 cities across the country.

Out of 7397 checked patients, 1570 or %21 were saved from loss of sight

Some patients were urgently referred to a medical care center Some to further treatment due to findings Some to continued surveillance due to findings Ahi’ezer | Ayelet HaShahar | Menashe | | Be’er Ya’akov | Beit Eliezer | Bnei Brak | | Bat Yam | | Modi’in | Azor | | Hod HaSharon | Herzliya | Hedera | Holon | Tiberias | Jerusalem | | Karmiel | | Ginosar | Tzur Yig’al | | Upper Galilee Regional Council | Lower Galilee Regional Council | Na’ura | Dmeide | | Maghar village | Be’er-Tuvia | Be’er Sheva | Gi’vat Olga | Arugot | Alfei Menashe | | Herut | | Sajur village | Shejur village | | Rosh HaNikra

Performing eyesight screening among 3,000 Arab and ,Jewish children למען :with a special device מניעת עיוורון photo-screening.

Thanks to funding from the L´Occitane foundation we managed to examine 3,000 תרמו 10 ₪ לעמותת "לראות" children in kindergartens וקבלו מוצר בגודל 50 מ"ל במתנה detecting Lazy Eye problems.

The project was directed by Dr. Yuval Cohen.

Raising awareness and providing online medical counseling 7 Forums of Senior Doctors on our website

Newsletter to the association's mailing list in Hebrew and English

Developing a digital strategy for the association in order to recruit patients and resources from the public on Facebook and Google

The 9th Eye Health Awareness Month in cooperation with the Israeli society of Ophthalmology

Includes the "Report to Healthy Vision" magazine in cooperation with the Haaretz Newspaper December 2017 2017 Eye Health Awareness Month Summary Report

opening 2017 Awareness Month

Herzliya mayor Mr. Moshe Fadlon kicked-off the opening of the Eye Health Awareness Month and gave a personal example when he called on all residents of the city to perform an eye exam to prevent future vision problems and maintain eye !health

The mayor was examined by Dr. Anat Robinson

Senior physician and Glaucoma expert at the Rabin Read more ... Medical Center

ערכנו סקר על תדירות ביקורים אצל רופא עיניים ונמצא ש: 1 מכל 2 ישראלים הנמצאים בקבוצת הסיכון הגנטית לא נבדקו בשנתיים האחרונות אצל רופא העיניים בפנייה לקבוצת סיכון 1 מכל 2 ישראלים )%52( הנמצאים בקבוצת הסיכון הגנטית )או שאחד מבני משפחתם לוקה במחלת עיניים( לא נבדקו בשנתיים האחרונות אצל רופא העיניים

בפנייה לכלל האוכלוסייה 1 מכל 3 ישראלים )%34( לא נבדק אצל רופא עיניים למעלה מ5- שנים. החלטנו השנה לפנות לקבוצת הסיכון כיוון שיש לאותה קבוצה טריגר אמיתי להיבדק. מאמינים שבקרב קבוצת הסיכון נצליח לעורר יותר מעורבות בבדיקות עיניים.

אחד מבני משפחתך לוקה במחלת עיניים? "אל תעצמו עיניים. נבדקים היום כדי לראות את המחר קבעו עוד היום תור לרופא עיניים" המדריך לראייה טובה המדריך לראייה טובה לעיניים שלך בלבד לעיניים שלך בלבד לרגל חודש המודעות השמיני לבריאות העין | דצמבר 2016 מיוחד לחודש המודעות לבריאות העין ה9 | דצמבר 2017 מגזין מיוחד לציון עשור לעמותת "לראות" לחקר בריאות העין ומניעת עיוורון בישראל Special edition celebrating Lirot's 10th anniversary

נמצא ש 1 מכל 2 ישראלים הנמצאים בקבוצת הסיכון הגנטית לא נבדקו בשנתיים האחרונות אצל רופא העיניים אחד מבני משפחתך לוקה במחלת עיניים? "אל תעצמו עיניים נבדקים היום כדי לראות את המחר קבעו עוד היום תור לרופא עיניים" Fundraising for the association

Some 600,000 ILS from private donations, foreign funds, international pharma companies, selling eye mobile unit services, and awareness month advertising.

The chief scientist of the Ministry of Health was drafted after the considerable effort of Prof. Perlman, the sum of 1,500,000 ILS for two years for the Consortium

The sum of 100,000$ a year for 3 years from the FFB Fundraising for the association

₪71,000 ₪110,000 ₪141,000 ₪173,000 Sale of unit International Foreign Private services pharma funds donations companies

₪21,000 ₪31,000 ₪51,000 Government Sale of Awareness support - Hertzliya medical Month municipality equipment advertising Establishing the Friends Association alongside the Executive Committe e in order to assist in raising funds The members of the small group are very active and meet on a regular basis. During 70,000₪ 2017 were raised through the crowdfunding campaign to assist the mobile unit project

Building a crowdfunding campaign in Rosh Ha Shana 2017 ve expanded activity on Facebook and Google׳Using external consultancy we Grant next to building a crowdfunding campaign for the eye mobile unit project "Together saving the elderly in distress from blindness!"

Help us help them! Our mobile eye care unit saves senior citizens from blindness. We arrive at centers for elderly and Holocaust survivors and carry out extensive routine examinations with eye doctors and optometrists. The mobile unit is in danger of shutting down and we need your help Activity plan for the year 2019-2018 Continuing existing plans Drafting research proposals

Recruitment conferences of patients afflicted with hereditary retinal diseases, to assist in registration for research.

Raising funds to maintain the eye mobile unit project

Managing and directing the Friends Association alongside the Executive Committee in order to help fundraising

Providing medical counseling on 7 forums of specialist doctors and ophthalmology department directors

Organizing the 10th Eye Health Awareness Month

Updating the three existing websites Activity plan for the year 2019-2018 New Programs

Building a new website for the association

Eye screening pilot project via telemedicine with Prof. Waisbourd of Sourasky Medical Center

Building a database for the consortium Lirot Association Staff Nadine Hollander, Association CEO

Tzidkiyahu Baruch, Mobile Unit Project Manager

And some 120 active volunteers who contributed over 6,000 hours in 2017

Thank you sincerely Thanks for reading, supporting and promoting the goals of the Lirot association | |