Weekend SPORTS entertainment Thursday Fresno takes college title ...................................Page 6 .............Page 3 June 26, 2008 INSIDE Mendocino County’s World briefly The Ukiah local newspaper ..........Page 2 Friday: Sunny H 95º L 55º 7 58551 69301 0 Saturday: Mostly sunny; H 94º L 55º 50 cents tax included DAILY JOURNAL ukiahdailyjournal.com 16 pages, Volume 150 Number 78 email:
[email protected] FIRE IMPACT SMOKE STILL COVERING MOST OF THE COUNTY The Daily Journal Air ‘unhealthy for everybody’ Evacuation alerts delay court cases in Covelo By BEN BROWN The Daily Journal FIRE UPDATE Due to wildfire evacuation alerts, the The thick smoke that has Covelo Courthouse will be closed Friday. been choking Mendocino All cases scheduled for that day will be County since Saturday, 107 fires continued until July 25. Those who want leaving the air unhealthy to to have their case heard sooner are breathe, is expected to instructed to contact the Willits branch of remain at least through the burning the Mendocino County Superior Court at weekend. 459-5554. “We’re talking a couple of days, if not longer,” said in county Some community events Chris Brown, pollution con- By BEN BROWN canceled; others go on trol officer with Mendocino The Daily Journal County Air Quality. For the fifth day, fire- Due to smoky conditions from the fires, Measurements of the fighters worked to tame various events have been canceled. For the amount of particulate matter, lightning-sparked wild- first time in 46 years, the Black Bart especially superfine matter, fires across Mendocino Parade in Redwood Valley has been can- in the air have been elevated County as the total celed due to air quality conditions, as was since the fires began.