Master Education Agreement (2017)
ö AN/ON Draft March 29,2017 MASÏER EDUCATION AG REEMENT.. ;'1, BETWÉEN: 'r,,jiij ,..:,, . .;. .lti :ijt:¡.,,. ;:,,;r11,'::: i' TþIE ANISHINABEK FIRST '(the''nAnishinabek First -AND- i', I ::l l'; t.: t '). , ¡: THE KINO TION BODY, . .i .,. .. .:: ',. (the "KEBll) '- r . t 1 , :- - ,r , i..,:i i l. :.; , .. I .. ,t., ..t, ,1. , ..,, ,t by. .t \j . ) "Parties') " Page 1 of45 I AN/ON Draft March 29,2017 Table of Gontents Part 1 : Definitions and lnterpretation ......... 5 Definitions .............. 5 6 Part 2: Shared Vision .¡¡..¡....¡.¡..r 7 Part 3: Objectives P art 4= Princi ples of the Relationshi p........... I Part 5: The E I :,1,: The Anishi 9 The First Nations 9 Regional Education Councils 10 The Kinoomaadziwin Education Body ........... I I The Provinçially.-Fnnded ¡r¡¡,t,,¡..r.¡.¡¡...,.....,........ I 4 Roles and Responsibilities of Boards. Part 6: Relationship Between the 16 How the Parties Will with 16 Connections h¡ cation and the Provincially- Fun.ded "'.'?i:i:: Joint Master ;t..,.i.'.;,;:.r... ; ii......; ¡,ri.......................... I 6 ParlT: 18 nd Transi(ions ..,.,,, ¡,,.t.r.¡.¡,. ¡¡ ¡i.. :.................,.......,.. 1 8 20 21 Culture a 21 Curriculum D ent 22 Professional and Leadershi p Development 23 Enhanced Engagement and Relationships 23 Anishinabek Education System and School Board Relationships 24 Granting of Diploma .............. 26 Part 8: Data and lnformation Sharing 27 Page 2 of 45 , AN/ON Draft March 29;2017 Part 9: Research ...¡..,¡¡i..r.¡.,........i....:.t.......28 'Research by the Parties.... Third Party Research..,r.¡..¡..,i... Fart 10: lmplementation and. Evaluation of this:Agreer-nênt..i;r;......¡:,.¡¡';¡;;;;.....:..;.;.;29 'Part 1.1: Targeted lnitiatives and,lnvestrnents .i.:;r:.:.,..'..i;.i...:¡...ii...;..;..,..à..i....,.......,..,,.
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