News and Notes
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Med Humanities: first published as 10.1136/mh.26.1.63 on 1 June 2000. Downloaded from J Med Ethics: Medical Humanities 2000;26:63–64 News and Notes In this regular column we will be and members of the public are explor- UK Universities; Sir William Reid, including brief reports, announce- ing collaborative ways forward to former Health Service Commissioner ments and items of news on develop- ensure sustainable educational devel- for England; Baroness Hayman and ments or events of significance to the opment, appropriate standard setting Baroness Jay, former Under- field of medical humanities. In this for group work and for courses and Secretaries of State for Health; the first issue British items feature promi- research, criteria for good professional Right Honourable Chris Smith MP, nently, but the editors welcome mate- practice, improved ways of disseminat- Secretary of State for Culture, Media rial from around the world. Contribu- ing information and better empower- and Sport, and the Right Honourable tors are invited to send material ing of public action. Mr Alan Howarth, MP, Government directly to the editors, David Greaves “Against this background, Sir Ken- Minister for the Arts. and Martyn Evans, Centre for Philos- neth Calman, formerly the UK Chief “In Autumn 1999 the NuYeld ophy and Health Care, School of Medical OYcer and now Vice Chan- Trust helped to establish a Centre for Health Science, University of Wales cellor, Durham University, convened a the Arts and Humanities in Health Swansea, Singleton Park, Swansea meeting in December 1996 to explore and Medicine (CAHHM) at Durham SA2 8PP. Email: medical.humanities@ the definition and scope of ‘the University [see below], and a new; website: www.medhums. humanities in medicine’. Arising from Institute of Medical Humanities. The com the meeting, in March 1998 a two-day institute, with a council chaired by NuYeld Trust conference at Cumber- Professor Michael Baum, and with an New Institute of land Lodge, Windsor Great Park, was expanding federation of collaborating/ held to explore the potential benefit of partner centres dedicated to the Medical Humanities the arts in medical education, health promotion of arts and humanities in in UK care environments and the commu- health care, is now setting up research nity, and to formulate a strategy to projects and courses for trainee doc- tors and other health professionals Perhaps the most significant single promote uses of the arts in health care (using the WHO collaborating centre academic development in the UK in planning, policy-making and practice. model). The collaboration is studying: recent years is the establishment of a The conference noted that the hu- new Institute of Medical Humanities, manities have been defined as ‘the the evidence base; whose council is to be chaired by study of human nature and the educational and research needs; Michael Baum, Professor of Surgery practice of compassionate concern for priorities for service development, at University College Hospital, Lon- the advancement of mankind’s wel- and policies to help develop these don. Professor Baum and Dr Robin fare’, and that ‘the WHO definition of areas. health represents a balanced relation- on September 28, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Philipp of the University of Bristol “Anticipated benefits from the work of ship of the body and mind and here report on the institute’s back- the institute include: ground and establishment. complete adjustment to the external environment’. more compassionate, intuitive doc- “During the past seven years interest “A follow-up NuYeld Trust confer- tors and other health practitioners; in roles of the arts in health and health ence in September 1999 reviewed improved patient empowerment care has evolved rapidly amongst progress in light of the aims promul- through creative expression; health professionals. Much of the gated in the Declaration of Windsor, reduced dependence on antidepres- present interest is moving beyond which was drawn up following the sant and anxiolytic medication, and advocacy to a recognition of the need 1998 conference, and discussed ways enhanced confidence, self reliance for good qualitative and quantitative forward for the arts and humanities in and mental health of individuals research to improve the ‘evidence medicine. A report of this second con- and communities and reduced base’ of health benefits from diVerent ference and A User’s Guide to the Prac- social exclusion. and specific interventions and to help tice and Benefits of Arts in Health Care “The institute aims eventually to justify the provision of services. and Healthy Living will be published become a network of collaborating Nevertheless, an arts-science gradient by the NuYeld Trust later this year. entities sharing ownership and a com- is clearly recognised. It ‘spans the This initiative has now been endorsed mon goal. artistic, intuitive, inspirational and by the President of the UK General “The continuing development of subjective viewpoints, and the measur- Medical Council; the Chairman of the institute will be reported in future able, objective, deductive, logical and Council of the British Medical Associ- issues of this journal and, it is hoped, scientific perspective’. Arts practition- ation; the Chairman of the Committee via a linked website. Professor Baum ers, health professionals, service users of Vice Chancellors and Principals of can be contacted c/o the NuYeld Med Humanities: first published as 10.1136/mh.26.1.63 on 1 June 2000. Downloaded from 64 News and notes Trust, 59 New Cavendish St, London munity life and of the lives of indi- Educational W1M7RD vidual patients and health profession- als. In addition to this broad aim, it programmes in will also: raise awareness of the new medical humanities New academic centre ‘specialties’ of medical humanities and at the University of arts in health amongst health care The education section in this issue Durham workers, NHS trusts and universities; reports on special study modules at and encourage and facilitate career the Royal Free and University College development in the new specialties. As reported in the previous item, the Medical School; programmes are also “The CAHHM will go about planned at the University of Durham, national institute’s establishment is achieving these aims by educational accompanied by the founding of a which it is hoped will be the subject of activities, research, cooperation with a report in the next issue. Centre for Arts and Humanities in other agencies and by dissemination Health and Medicine at the University Postgraduate study in medical hu- and publication of information and manities is in its fourth year in the of Durham (CAHHM). Its first direc- research work. tor, Dr Jane Macnaughton, writes: shape of the MA (Wales) in Medical “This is an ambitious remit, and Humanities at the University of Wales this journal’s next issue will feature a “The year 2000 is an exciting year for Swansea. Details from the administra- fuller report on the centre’s launch, its tor, Mrs Anne Edwards, Centre for developments in the arts and humani- early academic endeavours and its ties in health and medicine. Alongside Philosophy and Health Care, Univer- collaboration with other UK academic sity of Wales Swansea, SA2 8PP,UK, or a number of national initiatives in the centres via the Federation for Medical United Kingdom, a new Centre for by email at [email protected] Humanities. I can be contacted at: Combined undergraduate study is the Arts and Humanities in Health CAHHM, University of Durham and Medicine was established in Janu- also available at University of Wales Business School, Mill Hill Lane, Dur- Swansea, in the BSc in Medical ary 2000 by the University of Durham ham DH1 3LB under my direction. The centre has Sciences and Humanities, a scheme administrative support from the NuV- developed in collaboration with the ield Trust. Until taking up this post, I University of Wales College of Medi- was a part-time GP and lecturer in cine at CardiV. Details from Mrs Anne general practice at the University of Forthcoming events Edwards as above. Glasgow and had set up modules there The journal has also received details of a humanities programme at the using philosophy and literature in the The Fourth International Conference teaching of medical students. Sydney Institute of Palliative Medi- on Philosophy and Psychiatry, Mad- cine, University of Sydney, Australia. “The new Durham centre is largely ness, Science and Society, takes place in the brainchild of Durham’s new Vice Details from the Department of Pallia- Florence, Italy, 26-29 August 2000. tive Care, Royal Prince Alfred Hospi- Chancellor, Sir Kenneth Calman, who Details from the organising secre- has a long-held interest in the humani- tal, Missenden Road, Camperdown, tariat, CSS Viale G Mazzini 70, 50132 New South Wales, 2050, Australia. ties in medical education. The North Firenze, Italy, or visit website http:// East has been involved in community- based arts and health projects for more than a decade. Moreover the Univer- Call for papers sity of Durham, which already has a A new international symposium, Phil- reputation for excellence in education osophy Meets Medicine, takes place in For the second and third issues of and research in the arts and humani- Helsinki, Finland, at the Gyllenberg Medical Humanities we plan to con- ties, is to open a new medical school in Foundation, 14-16 September 2000. tinue the general theme of establishing October 2001, oVering opportunities The foundation can be contacted by and promoting discussion on the on September 28, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. for innovation in the curriculum. As email at: stiftelsen@gyllengerb- nature, identity, role and operation of the new director of the Centre for the the integrated conception of the medi- Arts and Humanities in Health and Another conference in its fourth cal humanities, and we take this Medicine I am keen to make use of year is Philosophy of Nursing Theory opportunity to call for the submission these strengths in building up new and Evidence, at University of Wales of contributions to this discussion.