ACAH LibrAsia 2017 The Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities – ACAH 2017 The Asian Conference on Literature – LibrAsia 2017 Art Center Kobe, Kobe, Japan March 30-April 2, 2017 Final Draft Schedule Please Check & Confirm Please check that all information pertaining to you is correct and notify us at
[email protected] if there is any error. Please notify us of any corrections by Monday, March 13, 09:00 (Japan Standard Time GMT+9). Final Schedule After minor changes have been made to the schedule we will send you a link to the full programme. The full programme will contain session information and a detailed day-to-day presentation schedule (including room allocations and session chairs). This will be available on Monday, March 20. Abstracts will also be available online at this time. The International Academic Forum 1 Friday Plenary Day Outline 08:15-09:00 Conference Registration 09:00-09:15 Announcements and Welcome Address 09:15-10:15 Plenary Panel History, Story, Narrative – Constructing History Featured Panelists: Brian Victoria, Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies, UK Georges Depeyrot, French National Center for Scientific Research, France Myles Chilton, Nihon University, Japan 10:15-10:30 IAFOR Vladimir Devidé Haiku Award 2017 10:30-11:00 Coffee Break 11:00-12:00 Plenary Panel Art and Narrative in the Public Sphere Featured Panelists: Yukata Mino, Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art, Japan Tan Tarn How, National University of Singapore, Singapore 12:00-12:15 IAFOR Documentary Photography Award & Conference Photograph