The Newsletter of the and Week St. Mary Circuit 12/20 Bethel, Boscastle, Bossiney, Camelford, Delabole, Living Water, Maxworthy, Rehoboth, St. Breward, St. Tudy, Tintagel, Tremail, Tresparrett, Treveighan, Week St. Mary 1 Dear Friends I am aware that we are entering March and with it there are many special days or anniversaries. Having had Shrove Tuesday on 25th and Ash Wednesday on 26th February, 1st March is the first Sunday of Lent. There are two options for many – either to give up something (sweets or biscuits perhaps, remembering that every Sunday is a feast day even in this period) or to take up something like a random act of kindness. Lent is a time to review our spiritual lives afresh, to recognise how we have fallen short of God’s call upon us and to walk with Jesus through his ministry that would lead him to the cross. On 1st March St David’s Day is celebrated, particularly by our Welsh friends and family. Meteorologists recognize 1st March as the first day of meteorological spring, which is based on annual temperature cycles and the Gregorian calendar. Even in early February there were signs of spring, probably because it has been a mild winter, albeit with ferocious winds and rain. We must not forget St. Piran, the Patron Saint of , whose feast day is 5th March. All over the County there are celebrations of one sort or another. This is the opportunity to get out the Cornish Tartan, cook the pasties and saffron buns, prepare the jam and cream splits, then have a party. Tintagel are holding a Coffee Morning from 10 – 12 in aid of Action for Children and would welcome the support of friends from around the Circuit. On 8th March St Juilot Parish Church is marking the 150th anniversary of Thomas Hardy first visiting the church. He 2 came as the Architect’s assistant working on the Victorian renovation scheme – and met his wife at the Rectory. Tresparrett are joining the congregation for morning worship to commemorate this anniversary. All this is happening in the early part of March, and there are other celebrations, especially the Circuit Service to welcome Sophie Doyle as Church and Community Worker (3pm on 15th at Living Water). At the same time, we will present long service certificates to Len Mabson (70 years) and Jan Poorta (40 years) as well as thanking Carol Teague for her work as Pastoral and Community Worker (she finished at the end of January). Of course, there will be refreshments afterwards, for where would Methodism be without tea and cake? We are a busy Circuit, but sadly an aging one. The latest plan has just been made and it shows the lack of preachers with most churches having only 6 or 7 planned for the quarter. Is God calling you to preach his word? If so, I would like to have a chat with you. Remember those who have been called from the Old Testament Prophets to people today, many did not feel adequate for the task. There is nothing new in this, but we trust God calls and equips every Christian to serve Jesus Christ in the present age. Make time in Lent to ask, ‘what does Jesus want me to do’. Linda

3 Camelford We will be having four Lent Study courses. The dates are March 13th, 20th, 27th and April 3rd. For further information please contact Huw as we will meet in either Gill Smeeth’s or Kate Neall’s home at 2- 30pm Ash Wednesday at St Thomas Church 2pm led by Rev Angela Also there will be Maundy Thursday service at Camelford at 7pm led by Rev Linda

Sunrise services will take place on Warbstow Bury and at Tintagel on Easter morning. The one at Warbstow will be fol- lowed by the usual breakfast in Bethel Schoolroom at around 7 pm. Everyone is warmly invited to this.

I think that many of you will know that Anne Rhodes had been very ill for some time in Treliske Hospital and that sadly she passed away there on Tuesday the 18th of February. I am sure that many of you are remembering David and his two children, Dawn and Ian in your prayers, and we assure them of our continuing love and prayers over the coming days. Anne served our Circuit well as a Circuit Steward and as a Local Preacher, along with David in this second role, and I am sure that she and the work that she did within the Circuit will be greatly missed. 4 On March 15th at 3pm there will be a Circuit service at Living Water Chapel, Canworthy Water, to welcome Mrs. Sophie Doyle and her family to the Circuit. Sophie is to be our new Church and Pastoral Worker and the family will live in the Canworthy Water Manse. At the service Len Mabson and John Poorta will also receive certificates recognising seventy and forty years respectively of serving as Local Preachers in the Methodist Connexion.

Members at Treveighan Methodist Chapel at Michaelstow invite you to join them in celebrating 192 years of Christian witness on Sunday March 15th at 6 pm. Speaker Mr. Phil Parsons A warm welcome awaits you.

From Tintagel Action for Children Coffee Morning on Thursday March 5th from 10am — 12 noon in the Sunday School. Various stalls, cakes, books, toys, bric a brac & mystery parcels. We would love to see you there

Tresparrett are holding an Easter Bazaar at Otterham and St. Juliot Hall on Saturday March 14th from 10-30 to 2pm. Coffee, cakes, bacon baps. Table tops, cake stall, Bric-a-Brac, tombola, raffle etc Proceeds for Tresparrett Chapel 5 At Week St. Mary Church on March 6th at 2-30. All welcome, men as well as women.

March 18th at 10-30 Lent Service at Delabole to be led by Mrs. Sue Ede

The speaker at the January meeting, Richard Lashbrook was unable to attend, due to illness Michael Merey, who was present, stepped in and spoke on the history of the area during World War Two.

The February meeting saw the return of our talented speaker Adelheid Jenkin of Trelash who got everyone busy with spinning, knitting and crocheting so that everyone went home with something that they had made. Our next meeting is on March 18th with Mrs. Jen Spettigue on the subject of ‘Flower Arranging’. On Saturday March 28th at 7 pm we are having a concert with the group Bass Line from . There will be a supper to follow. Please note the time of 7 pm. 6 It's with pleasure that I write about and thank Carol Teague for her work as the Community Outreach Worker in our cir- cuit over the past few years. She has retired from the post but will still be helping where she can. She has brought so much of herself to the job. Her caring nature and true friendliness has helped to reach out to those in need. She has done a lot of hospital visits which are always greatly appreciated. She worked with Tresparrett for their new Messy Church, the Easter Egg rolling and the Christingle service. She has worked on relationships and events with our Anglican community, to name one - the beach service with St. Gennys Silver Band at Crackington Haven. Thank you Carol, we know that retirement just does not hap- pen to people who want to tell others about Jesus. Eva.

I’m feeling excited as all the groups I’m involved in are going well. Messy Church in Boscastle has seen a growth in numbers as the news spreads. Tea and Toast has new members with an average of 10 adults plus their children meeting weekly. One mum told me last week how important the group was to her. She is not a regular visitor but looks forward to coming when she can. Another mum has expressed a wish to attend more than one Messy Church a

7 month with her children as she feels this is important. Following an OTB visit to Primary School, the head teacher asked if we could visit the other school he is responsible for in Werrington. The Launceston Circuit Superintendent has been approached and has said go ahead. All we need now is a team of willing volunteers to make this happen. Talking of volunteers, I had the great pleasure in nominating two volunteers for the Methodist insurance volunteer awards. As a team they have organised and run the baby/toddler group at Living Water for over 42 years. Sadly they didn’t win in the region but they along with all our other volunteers are winners for us. Thank you - we appreciate all you do. I’m thinking about what will happen to the families I work with in the summer holidays. For a few, it can mean a struggle with isolation, frustration and bored children. I would love to run a holiday club but for this I need a venue and some volunteers to help me. Can you please let me know if you can help in any way. I have finally managed to move a number of practical craft resources over to the circuit office in Camelford church. If you need anything such as paint, paper, pens etc then please feel free to have a look. Please return any unused items plus pens etc back to the office when finished. Thank you. Alison.

8 We have had thanks for the donation of £226. 45 from the St Petroc's Society for the Homeless. At Maxworthy we wanted to do something for this charity so we decorated the chapel beautifully with a great selection of cribs and arranged for a Carol evening on the Sunday before Christmas. Then nearer the time so many said that they would not be able to attend with lots happening on that date etc. But we decided to carry on with our arrangements with a special supper thinking that if it was just us few we would enjoy fellowship together. And what a super evening we had with an almost full chapel! Our chair Mrs Colwil from Whitstone was just perfect as she knows about peoples struggles with her work at Dartmoor prison. Kevin Johnson brought along his guitar and sang some thought provoking songs. Many individuals from other chapels brought along readings and their requests for Carols. We were blessed with a couple attending with their children on the occasion of their wedding anniversary that day, they had been married at Maxworthy 29 years before. ‐-----‐------We had a request from Community Gospel choir to attend worship at Maxworthy on a Sunday when they had three professional musicians visiting from the London Com- 9 munity choir, to train the choir over the long weekend. One of them sang a solo with the choir joining in, they also sang two other songs in the service. Rev Bryan Ede conducted the special Covenant Service and members of the choir were deeply moved by it, one member saying it really spoke to her. She attends an Anglican church and thought this service was a wonderful way of rededication, which it was.

At our Rendezvous, informal cafe style service, on 19th January, the theme was the Good Shepherd. The shepherding aspects were brought to life with the presence of a real live lamb, and a discussion/interview with retired farmer, Peter Gubbins, talking about his sheep rearing days. There was a talk about sheep and shepherds in Biblical times and a quiz on well-known sheep. For the February Rendezvous service, on 16th February, we returned to the parables of Jesus and the parable of the Great Banquet. The parable was acted out in a drama. There was a session on different ways of eating including re-enacting how Jesus and his disciples would have ate reclining on couches in the Roman way. There were a good number of Bright Sparks children present who participated in the drama, reclined on the couches, and prepared fancy invitations for a banquet.

10 The children trying eating the Roman way – lying down. On 2nd February the morning service was led by Peter Daniel, in lieu of Glenton Brown, who was unwell. The evening Cafe Church was led by Jeremy Ward on the subject of inspirational speakers. Bright Sparks performances of the Wizard of Oz on the 8th and 9th February were a great success with capacity audiences on both days – the finale is pictured below.

11 Hello new friends, By the time you are reading this, all things being well we shall have moved to Canworthy Water. But as I type we are currently surrounded by boxes ready to move and the nerves and excitement have fully set in! Our house in has been our home for 14 years since we moved from SE London. 12 of those years we have worshipped as part of Tubestation in Polzeath, and I had the joy of working there for 5 of those. I have also worked for South West Youth Ministries, Scripture Union and Creation Fest. I should finish my local preacher accreditation shortly, and I have loved the training experience. I'm passionate about God, people, family and the outdoors. I'm really looking forward to meeting you all and getting my sleeves rolled up, helping with what you and God are already doing in the circuit alongside learning and praying about how best I can serve you and God in both new and fresh ways and with the older traditions. Joining me at the manse will be my husband Terry who works for Glendale overseeing the south of - you may spot some of the lime green vans around our circuit. Plus Jack, Lily, Emma, Joel and our little dog Duffy. We'd love you to pray for transitions into our new home and new role. We can't wait to meet you all. If you want to contact me my email is [email protected] and my phone number will be 01566 781572 Sophie Doyle

12 Tuesday 3rd March 10am-3pm Quiet Day ‘Renewing our Spiritual Connection with God’ led by Rev Jo Smart. Wednesday 11th March 10am-3pm Bible Reading Day: “1 Corinthians” with John Hogarth Saturday 14th March 10am-3pm Study Day: “Narrative Theology: Finding our Identity in God’s Story” with John Hogarth. Monday 16th March 10am-3pm Study Day: “Exploring The Biblical Metanarrative” with John Hogarth. Friday 20th March 10am-3pm Study Day: “Learning from Fictional Narratives of Spiritual Warfare” with John Hogarth.

WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FRIDAY, 6th MARCH 2020 ST. TETHA PARISH CHURCH 10.30a.m. The Women’s World Day of Prayer was started in 1962 but this has been changed in the last few years to be The World Day of Prayer to include everyone. Each year the Service is put together by an ecumenical group of women from a different country – this year it is Zimbabwe. Based on the theme ‘Rise! Take your mat and walk’ from John 5 it includes some of the difficulties and challenges the Christians in Zimbabwe have had to face and are still facing. Come and join with Christians around the world who will be sharing in this Service on this day. Everyone is welcome. CAMELFORD & WEEK ST MARY METHODIST CIRCUIT LADIES LENT SERVICE WEDNESDAY 18th MARCH, 2020 DELABOLE METHODIST CHURCH 10.30a.m. 13 Some 10 years ago now, it was suggested that it would be nice to get together as a large group for worship and fellowship rather than the small groups we meet in, so we started the twice a year services that I prepare, one in Advent and one in Lent. The service this year is entitled ‘The Extra- Ordinary Weekend’, looking at the events from after the Passover meal to the Resurrection, through the eyes of a reporter. The offering is for the Merlin M.S. Centre. We finish with a Hot Cross Bun, Tea/Coffee and lots of chat. Everyone is most welcome including men and children, do join us. Sue Ede

14 Some of our main events in February were the fortnightly Women’s Fellowship when we had opportunities to learn the arts of Greetings Cards and Patchwork making – educational and enjoyable! A major date on our calendar is the 8th March when we will be celebrating the 157th Chapel Anniversary with morning worship led by Rev Bryan and Sue. The evening consists of a Songs of Praise at 6pm followed by a visit from The Holman Climax Male Voice Choir at 7.30pm. It would be great to have your company at any or on all of these occasions.

People often don’t look forward to Lent. We may have childhood memories of giving up chocolate or sitting through weekly lectures on words like ‘sacrifice,’ ‘discipline,’ and ‘self-denial’ which can suggest that Lent is something to be endured rather than a time of grace and spiritual growth. But have you ever thought of Lent as a yearly second chance? Each year the Church gives us six weeks to take a long, loving look at our lives to see if our values and priorities are in line with God’s desires for us. Since most of us find that we’ve wandered from God’s path, Lent becomes that second chance enabling us to return to God with our whole heart. In the Methodist Church we have recently observed the annual Covenant Service in which we say to God; ‘I am no longer my own but yours. Put me to what you will, rank me with whom you will, put me to doing, put me to suffering, let me be employed for you, or laid aside for you, exalted for you or brought low for you, let me be full, let me

15 be empty, let me have all things, let me have nothing.’ God gave Himself in Christ upon the cross – let us dedicate ourselves to Him during this season of Lent.

Contacts Superintendent Minister – Rev. Linda Barriball 01840 779339 (Mob. 0787 072 8453) [email protected]

Supernumerary Minister - Rev. Bryan Ede 01840 214818 [email protected]

Safeguarding Officer – Mrs. Carol Teague 01566 248697 [email protected] Co-ordinator of the Circuit web-site

16 Mr. Hugh Beswetherick [email protected] Tidings Editor – Glenys Poorta [email protected]

Other contact details are to be found in the plan

All articles to be submitted by the 22th of the month but please get them in as soon as possible for when Tidings is full, articles may have to be held over to the next issue