SENATE OCTOBER 1 Against the Enactment of Any and All Pro of Food, Coal, Iron, Rubber, and Gasoline, by Hibition Legislation; to the Committee on The
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7956 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE OCTOBER 1 against the enactment of any and all pro of food, coal, iron, rubber, and gasoline, by hibition legislation; to the Committee on the. providing for the stoppage of the manufac-. SENATE Judiciary. ture and sale of alcoholic beverages for the 2615. By Mr. HEIDINGER: Communica duration of the war; to the Committee on the . FiuoAY, OcTOBER 1, 1943 tion from Morrison and Noah Oil Operators, Judiciary. · of Albion, Ill., urging the enactment of House 2625. By Mr. MOTT: Petition signed by (Legislative day of Wednesday, Septem bill 3203 providing for an increase in the Mrs. G. T. Dickinson and 49 other citizens of ber 15, 1943) price of crude oil; to the Committee on Bank Salem, Oreg., urging enactment of House ing and Currency. • bill 2082; to the Committee on the Judiciary. The Senate met at 12 o'clock noon, on 2616. By Mr. SHORT: Petition of Neva 2626. Also, petition signed by J . C. Gear the expiration of the recess. Piland and others of Foil and Ozark Counties, hart and 25 other citizens of Wlllamina, The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown Mo., urging supper of House bill 2082, intro Oreg., urging enactment of House bill 2082; duced by Han. JosEPH R. BRYSON, of South to- the Committee on the Judiciary. Harris, D. D., offeFed the following Carolina, to reduce absenteeism, conserve 2627. By Mr. SCHIFFLER: Petition of Rev. prayer: manpower, and speed production of mate T. M. Gladden and 65 members of the First Almighty and everliving God, all rials necessary for the winning of the war, Methodist Church of Chester, W.Va., urging by prohibiting tl;l.e manufacture, sale, or the passage of House bill 2082; to the Uom things wax old as doth a garment; but transportation of alcoholic liquors in the mi ttee on the Judiciary. Thou art the same. Thy years shall not United States for the duration of the war and 2628. By Mr. HOPE: Petition of sundry fail. Change and decay in all around we until the termination of demobilization; to citizens of Garden City, Kans., favoring the see, but Thy mercy endureth forever. Bryson bill (H. R. 2082); to the Committee the Committee on the Judiciary. · 1 Give us the untroubled calm which il 2617. Also, petition of T . W. Endicott and on the Judiciary. 2629. By Mr. CANNON of Missouri: Peti lumines a faith in the final triumph of , others of Hbcomo and Howell Counties, Mo., every true idea let loose in the world. urging support of Hou~e bill 2082, introduced tion of H, J. Dickherber and 30 other citizens by Hon. JosEPH R. BRYSON, of South Caro of St. Charles County, Mo., protesting against May we see and know Thy word as the lina, to, reduce absenteeism, conserve man the enactment of any and all prohibition power of a growing seed hidden in the power, and speed production of materials legislation; to the Committee on the Ju cleft of the rock, which presently it will necessary for the winning of the war, by pro diciary. split to pieces. In the light of Thy pres hibiting the manufacture, sale, or transporta 2630. Also, petition of Morris Care, of Silex, ence may we know that we live only as toin of alcoholic liquors in the United States Mo., and 43 other citizens of the ninth dis we love; that we are strong only as we for the duration of the war and until the trict, protesting against the enactment of termination of demobilization; to the Com any and all prohibition legislation; to ' the are pure; that we succeed only as we mittee on the Judiciary. Committee on the Judiciary. are just and merciful and good. In this 2618. Also, petition of Jennie E. Hovey and 2631. Also, peyiti,an of C. E. Schuchman, tumultuous day when the highways for others of Howell County, Mo ., urging support American Legion Post, No. 323, and 14 citizens Thy conquering truth are being paved of House bill 2082, introduced by Hon. JoSEPH of Wentzville, Mo., protesting against the even by the wrath of man, we pray not R. BRYSON, of South Carolina, to reduce ab enactment of any and all prohibition legis that Thou shouldst help us carry out our senteeism, conserve manpower, and speed lation; to the Committee on the Judiciary. 263:?. Also, petition of Joe H. Sachs, of plans, but that we may be the willing production of materials necessary for the channels for Thy redemptive purpose for winning of the wa:r, by prohibiting the manu Flinthill, Mo., and 28 citizens of the State facture, sale, or transportation of alcoholic of Missouri, protesting against the enact all mankind. We ask it in the name of liquors in the United States for the duration ment of any and all prohibition legislation; Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. of the war and until the termination of de to the Committee on the Judiciary. 2333. Also, petition of Becker's Service THE JOURNAL mobilization; to the Committee on the 1 Judiciary. Station, Flinthill, Mo., and 41 citizens of the State of Missouri, protesting against the en On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by 2619. Also, petition of Mrs. G. J. Ragain and unanimous consent, the reading of the others of Marionville and Lawrence Counties, actment of any and all prohibition legisla Mo., urging support of House bill 2082, in tion; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Journal of the proceedings of the calen troduced by Han JosEPH R. BRYSON, of South 2634. Also, petition of Thea. , Becker, of dar .day Thursday, September 30, 1943, Carolina, to reduce absenteeism, conserve Flinthill, Mo., and 23 citizens of the State was dispensed with, and the Journal manpower, and speed production of mate of Missouri,. protesting against the enact was approved. rials necessary for the winning of the war, ment of any and all prohibition legislation; by prohibiting the manufacture, sale, or to the Committee on the Judiciary. MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT transportation of alcoholic liquors in the 2635. Also, petition of Victor Becker, of United States for the duration of the war Flinthill, Mo., and 69 other citizens of the Messages in writing from the President and until the termination of demobilization; State of Missouri, protesting against the en of the United States submitting nomina to the Committee on the Judiciary. actment of any and all prohibition legisla tions were communicated to the Senate 2620. By Mr. POULSON: Petition of Mrs. tion; to the Committee on the Judiciary. by Mr. Miller, one of his secretaries. F. Brooks and others favoring passage of 2636. By Mr. HOLMES of washington: House bill 2082, prohibiting the manufacture, Petition of sundry citizens. of Sunnyside, EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. sale, or transportation of alcoholic liquors in Thorp, College Place, and Outlook, Wash., '?he VICE PRESIDENT laid before the . the United States for the duration of the urging favorable action on House bill 2082, a bill to reduce absenteeism, conserve man Senate the following letters, which were war and until the termination of demobiliza referred as indicated: tion; to the Committee on the Judiciary. power, and speed production of materials necessary for the winning of the war, by 2621. Also, petition of Mrs. E. Leah Ster LAND IN UTAH To BE RESERVED FOR ADDITION prohibiting the manufacture, sale, or trans TO GOSHUTE INDIAN RESERVATION ling, of Eagle Rock, Calif., and others, ap portation of alcoholic liquors in the United proving House bill 2082 which seeks to enact States for the duration of the war and until A letter from the Secretary of the Interior, prohibition for the period of the war; to the the termination of demob111zation; to the transmitting a draft of proposed legislation Committee on the Judiciary. Committee on the Judiciary. ' to reserve certain land on the public: domain 2622. Also, petition of Rev. E. Dow Hoff 2637. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the in Utah for addition to the Goshuce Indian man and others, favoring passage of House chairman, committee on radio, .American Reservation (with an accompanying paper); bill 2082, prohibiting the manufacture, sale, Civil Liberties Union, New York, N. Y., peti to the Committee on Indian Affairs, or transportation of alcoholic liquor in the tioning consideration of their resolution with United States for the duration of the war and reference to the Select Committee on Federal PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS OF A DEPARTMENT, until the termination of emobilizatiol}; to Communications Commission; to the Com COMMISSION, ETC. the Committee on the ,Judiciary. mittee on Rules. Letters from the· Postmaster General, the 2623. By Mr FOGARTY: Memorial of the 2638. Also, petition of _th.e Cumberland Acting Director, Office of Strategic Services, New England Association of Chiefs of Police, United Baptist Association, Portland, Maine, and the Chairman and Administrator of the Inc., relative to care of returning disabled petitioning consideration of their' resolution veterans; to the Committee on World War United States Maritime Commission and the with reference to liquor advertising in news V/ar Shipping Administration, submitting, Veterans' Legislation . • papers; to the Committee on the Judiciary. 2624. By Mr. ROHRBOUGH: Petition of J . 2639. Also, petition of the city of Waukegan, pursuant to law, estimates of personnel re A. Fisher and 21 other citizens of Weston and Ill., ·petitioning consideration of their resolu quirements for the Post Office Department, Buckhannon, W. Va., favoring enactment of tion with reference to Lake Michigan when the Office of Strategic Services, and the House bill 2082, to remove one of the it is at a mean level which is deemed higher United States Maritime Commission and War chief causes of absenteeism, to conserve ship than the safe conduct of interstate commerce Shipping Administration for the quarter end ping space, and to prevent the waste of un and navigation; to the Committee on Rivers ing December 31, 1943 (with accompanying told amounts of money and huge quantities and Harbors.