Like Most Others, I Always Thought of Farm Animals As
2017- A Year of Growth and Opportunity We began the year with a brand-new team empowered And, myself along with FARM's former Managing Direc- by an uncommon sense of dedication and enthusiasm and the tor Jen Riley managed another winning animal rights confer- leadership of Eric Lindstrom, our new Marketing Director, ence (this is our 26th year!) near our nation's capital, assisted who has been doubling as Program Coordinator. by a dozen managers, including Vicki Beechler, Chen Cohen, Eric is directly supervising our leading programs of col- Chelsea Davis, Maggie Funkhouser, Deva Holub, Stepha- lecting hundreds of thousands of vegan pledges through online nie Jeanty, Elena Johnson, John Kane, Matt Marshall, Bryan views, then supporting these viewers on their vegan journey Monell, Rachel Pawelski, as well as staffers Ethan Eldreth, through weekly emails, with recipes and videos. He is ably Hayden Hamilton Hall, Ally Hinton, Eric Lindstrom, LaKia assisted by our new Social Media Manager Ally Hinton and Art Roberts, William Sidman, and "Woody" Wooden. (pgs. 10-11) Production Manager Christopher "Woody" Wooden. (pg. 3) We experienced a major loss this year, with Managing Our Staff We have been collecting more vegan pledges during dra- Director Jen Riley deciding to take a break from 13 years of matic visits to college campuses, street fairs, and concerts with intense activism with FARM, following our conference. We our custom-built outreach setup. The tours are staffed by were most fortunate to welcome Jessica Carlson as our new activists and led by our new Have We Been Lied To? Program Director of Operations starting in October.
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