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Forum Will history repeat itself? The plight of the people of slaves for 150 African being nearly years Afro-Americans and blacks. The descent in this country has to being freedmen. states march for freedom has been been one History long, of struggle from the time that as America to deal hard the first attempted and painful, but the march indentured servants were with how to treat its newest citi¬ must not be abandoned because to brought Jamestown, Va. in 1619 zens, some white citizens of this we forgot to pay attention to our to this day. The struggle to achieve country resisted sharing "life, lib¬ history. social, economical and political erty and the pursuit of In the we are is happiness" 1990s, dealing, equality still being fought with with us. There was violence but alas, with some of the same no real end in prob¬ site. There have, there was also government inter¬ lems of the 1890s. Our black men however been times in the history vention to the of black are still the of of this stop gains object racism and country that African-Amer- people. In 1896, the Supreme put up as target to be feared. This icans have made great gains. In with Black REALLY* FOR YUP I NOR WILL 1 HOLD FORTH ON THE THANKS. keeping History FIVEBUCKSMORE, WONT TYSON VERDICT, THE OOPS OR WOW... WHAT CHECKOUT Month, I'd like to look at times I GET PEACEAND SAYWORD THE WEATHER. I ALSO WONT A GREAT YOUR ARM¬ called QUIETALL THEm/ ONEABOUT GETLOST, WONT SPEEDAND CONCEPT! RESTASH- Emancipation, Reconstruc¬ AFTERTHOUGHTS TO ireAIRPORT* THEMMOR* WONT SCREAM ATMY DIS¬ TRAY. tion and Segregation. PATCHER IN ARABIC. Reluctantly, on Jan. 1, 1863, jnx President Abraham Lincoln signed By T. DIANNE BELLAMY-SMALL the Emancipation Proclamation. In 1865, the 13th Amendment abol¬ ishing slavery was passed by Court upheld the "separate but country said "its need to know" Congress, the Civil Rights Act of equal" doctrine in Plessy vs Fergu¬ justified airing the alleged sexual 1866 bestowed citizenship on son when it ruled that laws segre¬ conduct of the second black Jus¬ blacks and Congress passed the gating people because of their race tice to the Court in order 14th Supreme Amendment providing feder- did not violate the U.S. Constitu- to decide if he was qualified. _Our_ al protection of the civil rights of tion. This gave momentum to the "schools of blacks. For PresidenTencourages THIS fSNT yOUGOT THAT MY HUSBAND GOT THROWN ADVERTISING. HE'S NAH, IT*GOTTA HOWABOUT the next 20 years, peo¬ "black" codes and Jim Crowism. It choice" which some interpret to Y0URRE6- RJGHT. I'M OUTOFWORK,AND 1 WASN'T WHATS POiNG FREELANCE SAY CLASS* IF I GIVE ple of African descent died set forth attitudes ULARUNE A PERFORMANCE GETTINGANY&(&, SO I'M YOUR\ NOW. IN FACT, HE'S NITETNITE HERA TOP fought* that "freed" mean a new form of "separate but OFWORK, IS ARTIST... DOING THIS UNTIL WE CAN HUS¬ PRESENTING A BIG ESCORTSERVICE HAT* and worked towards black men were a threat to the IT, MISS* GET THINGS GOINGAGAIN. BAND PRINT CAMPAIGN TOA I establishing equal." We have only a handful of IN* NEWCUENT TODAY. MEANS CLA9?' their rightful place in America. livelihood of whites. The move¬ politicians in federal and state During this period of Recon¬ ment of segregation was getting a offices and are fightihg to create struction, black politicians served firm grip on America. districts to give us more represen¬ in both federal and state govern¬ Some descendants of slaves tation. Black children are less edu¬ mental positions such as U.S. Sen¬ became comfortable and looked cated and suffer more crime and ators, Hiram R. Revel of Missis¬ away as if racial strife in this new more social deprivation. We are sippi and P.B.S. Pinchback of homeland did not directly affect debating if some racial hate crimes Louisiana. Another bill to protect them. It would take nearly 55 are justified under the Constitution the rights of blacks was the Civil years to start moving forward as "freedom of speech." The slav- Rights Bill of 1875 which provid¬ towards fair and equal treatment in ery of today is masked in drugs, ed equal treatment in public con¬ this country; again with the gov¬ black on black crime and social THe PRINTAPS SHdULPMAKB pzopte mm you'rb qifhr- MAY05 WHATEVER.YOU veyances and places of public ernment's help. In 1950, the programs that them¬ U/ITHA A6RBBUJITH perpetuate ENT, 5PZOAL. YOUHJANT TH£M WOONCtPT' amusement. Many schools for Supreme Court ruled against class¬ selves at our expense. Edward TDBZUtVB YOURBALV1ARB PUSHUP , African-Americans were room UJHAT YOU SAY YOUARB - A BRA ... \ opened. and social segregation in Everett Brown, an eminent black LS&mMATB &CORT SBPVICB! In North Carolina there were 10, McLaurin vs. Board of Regents attorney, stressed the importance Shaw University - 1865, Barber- University of Oklahoma and they of race pride in an 1888 speech Scotia College - 1867, Saint ruled equality of education entails where he said, "The time has come Augustine's College - 1867, John¬ more than comparability of facili¬ now when the Negro asks no son C. Smith University - 1867, ties in Sweatt vs. Painter out of favors because he is colored, but Fayetteville State - 1867, Bennett Charlotte. Then in 1954 Brown vs. he is willing to stand or fall upon College - 1873, Livingstone Col¬ Board of Education Topeka, his merits in the great battle of life lege - 1879, NC A&T State - Kansas ruling racial segregation in and prove by his brain, his ambi¬ 1891, Elizabeth City State - 1891, public schools was unconstitution¬ tion, his pluck, his perseverance, and Winston-Salem State - 1892. al because educational his 1 A lli his _ "separate integrity, patriotism, that he HEY^BABE! HOUTPim MEETING I ALSOLtAFNEPSOMETHING MYAAYJt wHhtJ rl T* We demonstrated our intellectual facilities are is a man created in the of WITH YOUR MEW CLIENTGO* Vm VALUABLE TODAY, J.J. UM. Inherently unequal." image I LEARNED I PONTNEED A CAREFULLY talents through technology, the But the fight was not over. The God with all attributes of true MILLION-POUAR NATIONAL AC - SCREENED COUNT TO VALIDATEWHATIPO/ arts, education, the military and 1960's brought the "revolution" manhood." How far have we really HOSTESSES economic development. within and without for African- come in 100 years? How far will We pushed forward from Americans, colored, Negroes, we go in the next century? N.H. results: Blacks caught in squeeze President George Bush wants Democrats ignored while pandering labor unions by preaching that gov¬ to campaign for president as a mod¬ to blacks). Clinton and the ernment can keep American indus¬ erate, but a lace-curtain David Duke Democrats know that you need the try from taking its medicine and , named Pat Buchanan won't let him. white vote to win and that you must becoming competitive. ANESCORTSERVICE? OH.GETOFF IT, J.J.! New Hampshire Democratic ignore blacks politically in 1992 to Those are the very reasons he YOU'REPO/NGAPS IN CASE YOUHADN'T winner Paul and the man it. will the white vote and FOR AN ESCORT NOTICED, THERE'S A Tsongas get carry why SERVICE? RECESSIONON? YOU who let a retarded black man be Even after disclosures that he came in near last in New Hamp¬ ' I'MMAKING lUANTMETD JUSTSIT executed a few weeks Clinton THEM TASTEFUL, AROUNP7 \ ago. Gov, had alleged extramarital shire and why he'll never win the J.J-BESIDES, Bill Clinton of Arkansas, want to affairs (including a liberal number Presidency. They are also the same WE NEED THE campaign as Democrats, but the of black women) and lied about issues that lost the white vote in the MONEY...-\ white voters won't let them. dodging the draft, he still was a first place. Harkin was the only hope black Democrats had to keep civil rights and affirmative action alive. TONY BROWN As you watch Harkin fade over the next weeks, you'll watch these Syndicated Columnist issues die with him. The truth is that you now have a new moderate wing of the Republican Party, led by the Democratic candidates. Tsongas and Clinton won in close second to Tsongas in New The old Republican moderate New Hampshire by abandoning lib¬ Hampshire. That shores up his wing died in New Hampshire when eralism, the animating idea of the electability claim. it (Bush) was pushed to the right by .. V >>¦ Democrats for the past five Tsongas, the Democratic win¬ Pat Buchanan's nativist, racist and decades. The New Hampshire ner, is running as an out-and-out anti-Semantic rantings. Unfortu¬ results proved that no Democrat pro-business Republican. In fact, nately, in some form, Bush must Winston-Salem Chronicle would touch issues such as civil his agenda is a stronger and more follow because too many whites rights, affirmative action and social insightful Republican agenda than want a scapegoat for their prob¬ programs for blacks in 1992 . anything Bush has offered. lems. And Bush first and foremost unless, as Buchanan ha£, to attack In my opinion, had Tsongas ran wants to get reelected. them. in New Hampshire as a Republican, Watch for a full-blown GOP Bush and the Republicans are he would have beaten both Bush Southern Strategy, (the Willie Hor- ards already experts at ignoring black and Buchanan. ton story) to emerge in the Mary¬ Banqu concerns because blacks don't vote Senator Tom Harkin says he is land primary, as a result. You will Honoring Our Man & Woman and for them and they've learned to win the only "real Democrat" in the race also see Buchanan, an American without them.