January 31, 2008 Memorial Garners Support

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January 31, 2008 Memorial Garners Support the ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: -^ Check out Opinion ■jV thebreeze.org ^f^^H for coverage ^^r of last night's A&E men's hoops game. Sports BreezeJames Madison University's Student Newspaper Volume 84, Issue 34 Thursday, January 31, 2008 Memorial garners support BY KRISHNA MORRIS sletf wrtet 'Ilie.tMlch.ipt.iMiih, HAM P and the student Govenvnenl Association .iiinoiiiKitl an initiative mmwm lo help fund Ihe iiiristmclioi, j i mimwm M«*— ' ' lirst-cver Civil Rights Monument m mMmm Richmond In 10,51. i' cKirageous |£ u , okl KIII named Barbara Johns led i walkout with her How ■rudcnti .it her high SCIKKII m pjjvnrvflle, Va.to pnitiwi the intolerable ffmritfotni cwo MIHIOI. becauM of leareganun.it the 'Ihc*e sup^rters struggled lor lacial IMP™ w*i,Un *lv t integration tnd hn night opanve change not anrj to the Virginia A poll" perimeter blocks the Mrtion ol Bluutone Drive lurafay mornino otiere on Audi »don ond personal possessions til oiler ihe ror allegedly (diluted wilh MM Ino Johihog, brcokmq IB .indshield in me process Jonning is lisled in serious condition ol the Unrmsrly ol Virginia Medico! Cenler, according lo hospilol ollkiols coinmuniiv. but to the real at the country ■ tveO .lohiLs will U'te,tliinxl< HI ones* le ol Ihe monument. The monument originated Inmi in executive or.iet rron Got Mark Wainei iii aOOS "nd is in iKxtl ol private lunds t<. eupporl the bnfldJng of this hist orie monument. In ln«k>r and BUpporl ol Black FRESHMAN'S CONDITION Historv Month and m leuieuibrance ol Virginians who aided m the ttruaajetoveard equal righta, the SGA and JMU ehaplei ol the N itional Association foi tlv.- Advaikviikllt o| CukMvd People eenJ i tetta to club DreaUenai Student Bod) Preaahul SERIOUS AFTER ACCIDENT 1 IS'Hnioks.indplrsuleiit.it tile .1 Ml' cbaptor of the NAM P auajlaiua Reese asked tot iM'tpfrom uSe entire JMU cornrnunHQ n order to Uiild this hist one monumenL Ai the end ot i ebruHy.SQA »iit IT EVAN DYSON windshield on the passenger side write a aaifje check on behaM ol al uniof wtilei Kgle would not release any details rne r*|*'%rtt al JMU baaed on the about the vehicle or its driver, citing .imoiint oi donations received Uaa llospit.il officials have the ongoing investigation. the check fnmi ihe SGA b tent en n uilii nuil thill .i JMU student is in Kglc slated that JMU Police eiitiv will be added on the memorial serious condition at tot UnlverattJ and the Harrisonburg Police VVebsne ui Virginia Medical Center alter Department are working Iflggthe. "lllis inihative ts the flisl JMU being hit by I car Tuesday morning to investigate the incident using aunpaign lo sii|>|«,rt tlh- iiK'inoiiil.' on campus. accident reconstruction analysis. Brooke aaid Around u a.in trcshinan Bria Some onlookeH near the scene Ihe incident happened around Horn Although Ilk' iliiliati\r ILLS just .lahrling of Middletown. Md.. was mistakenly thought a bus collided Tuesday on Bluestone Drive between begun. Hinoks hag high hopee rh.it Ilk- JMU i«>inniunil> will >lMm its struck on lihitstonc Drive between with the victim. According to Kgle. frederiKion Hall ond the University npporl loi this,.ins.. the University Bookstore and buses were not directly involved. Bookstore. Prederikaon Hall. One of the passengers on those "Wi have rccerwdoneattom and reoucebi nrdorartion brrns, Hi»»»ks Friends and hospital officials buses was junior health sciences MM \\e have iuri mnounced ilk' have confirmed thai JahrHng "as major Melanie Koshlo Koshlo. who initiative, s* i we,Mill. l|Mli-|do||.itHHLs| the individual invoked ami tli.it volunteer! as a New Jersey KMT, to start n Jling in!" she was taken to Kockiugham had the skills lo help before the I In Alpha'II let.i I .inn-. Mulls.ni Memorial Hospital and then flown arrival ofthc Harrisonhurg Rescue Utuvenayfl rfiator) Honor Sockry, toCharlollesville. Squad. She said she was struck by LSOHCOI the mart) orgunafanthal Univeisiiv Spokesman Don Egk Ihe "empathy and selflessness ol li.iv iin.idv stepped up and donated reported bei condition Tueada) M the bystanders who came to help. tothememoriaL serious hut stable. Hospital officials "It is one thing for someone Phi Alplvi llieta will lie donating that evening reported her to be In who is trained to help when they $50 ID the Civil Kighl MeiiKH-LiI in critical condition. At press tune. see this sort of thing, she said, "hut Kieiuiiniid. v.i becaua? v/e beneve bofpttaJ otticiaU reported i change something completely dittcient tkit it LS impoitani to be i par) ol to serious condition. Her kindly has when untrained bystanders have raetory.' Preeidenl un) Oernrinaia been noiitied, Kg I e said. the courage to come forward." Mid p.v donating we ue B taUrej Tneedaj pofica abut down the According to Koshlo, several an active ■mce 00 MetOTJ and thus portion <>t Bluestone Drive where bystanders wcrealreadv there when leavings h the incident occurred and diverted she arrived, but thev were unsure dub (kmation. can be m ide In traffic for several boors. aboul what lo do. She coached one uae "i i written check "i Ihrourii ■ At the scene, poHce photographed of them how to take a pulse while CMh donation I aclillv and stall can i 2000 Audi sedan with front contact ihe S(..\ oflke to reo tva i end damage including | cracked see ACCIDENT peoe 4 padgecard vdth detailed ituoninuun to make private donations |o the Civil uWHftuVart*rKlor RJajMs Memorial Poundatkai Hie meiik niil will be instalktl in Kichiitond b\ .liih PASSING TIME Old school class gets new school lessons BY KATIE THISDEll stuff writ* Some people just never want lo leave school Kven with gray hair, (hick glasses MU\ hearing aids, (hex still bring their notebooks and pens into classrooms. Monday's PC Computer Maintenance and Operation dass was hke any normal class, except for these students Kiev still paid attention to their mslrucloi and asked questions, but the atmosphere was different in Blue Kidge Hall. These students are members of the Ufelong Ix-arning Institute a program for nonttaditional students over the age* if 50. Started by the department of social work eleven \.-.\r Ko. the progiam has grown to over r><>» meinheis. It has gone from four original COUraeat087. Anybody feel like you're technically chailettaad?" narm '!■■«.I.)..:I^<, instructor Mac McMillen asked the class Only I tew raised Iheii hands, fewer than might lie expected with this age group, and evervoiie laughed. Irnhtnon art mojor IwreM litrGeiold tin in ihe Sludia (tnlei building "There is recent research about positive aging which 1/1.'1 Ml Wedneiday oflernoon Die building is located ot 106 W Grace Street promotes active engagemenl sociallv. phvsieally and Robed Miller leoim how to delete temporary mlenwt files during tm (ompulei da» in Blue Ridge Kail Wednesdoy ofternoon MiHer drives Irom Vtal Virginia lor fne doss SM IKtlONG paoc 3 2 fliursdoy, January 31, 2008 www.thebre«2e.org The Breeze Editors: Kelly Conniff & Shelly Neel MISSION The Breeze, the student-run newspaper of James Madison University, serves student and faculty readership by reporting news involving the campus and POLICE LOG local community. The Breeze strives (0 be impartial and fair in its reporting BY SHEUY N(El/iopy •Jitoi and firmly believes in its First Amendment rights. Drunk in public A .JMU sludenl was charged wilh drunk in public in P-Lol on Jan. 26 at 2:17 a.m. The Breeze is published Monday and Thursday mornings and distributed throughout James Madison University and the local Harrisonburg A JMU student was charged with drunk in public and underage consumption of alcohol on community. Comments and complaints should be addressed to Mary Alumni Drive on Jan. 26 at 2:24 a.m. Frances Czarsty, editor. Underage consumption A JMU student was charged with underage consumption in Wayland Hall on Jan. 25 at 2:07 a.m. CLASSIFIEDS How to place a classified: possession — Go to www.thebreeze.org and click on the classified link or come into the A JMU student was charged with underage possession in Warren Hall on Jan. 26 at 2:24 office weekdays between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. a.m. — Cost: $5.00 for the first 10 words, $3 for each additional 10 words; boxed classified, $10 per column inch. Two JMU students were charged with underage possession and theft in P-Loy on Jan. 26 at — Deadlines: noon Friday for Monday issue, noon Tuesday for Thursday 5:30 a.m. issue. — Classifieds must be paid in advance in The Breeze office. Larceny A JMU student reported the theft of a commuter parking decal from vehicle in R-2 Lot on Jan. 23 between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. MAILING ADDRESS: A JMU employee reported the theft of a projector, flat panel screen and CPU from a classroom in Harrison Hall with a total value of $2,400 at an unkown time between Jan. 25 and 28. Ads Manager: Ad Kxecuthvs: The Breeze (iil 1 larrison Ad Designers: GiAnthony-SeegerHall Vv, (. Ads Ryan Waldnm Maggie Noctor MSC 6805 Property Damage Manager Bryan Pope Peter Dwver .lames Madison University KmirySasek Harrisonburg, Virginia A JMU student reporte $500 worth of damage to a television in the third floor lounge of KrinROey Michael K. Smith Potomac Hall. Ads Design Elisa Thompson Ariel Park 22807 l«-:id: Lyndsay I looper lindsey Andrews Phone: (540) 568-6127 Brittany Hanger Fax: (540) 568-6736 l-'uivitK'Suirtv Number of drunk in publics since Aug. 27:7a Number of drunk in publics at this time last year: 55 Number of parking tickets since Aug.
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