Edwards Is Here to Stay

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Edwards Is Here to Stay BEARS TEACH NEED CAFFEINE?: STUDENTS MAKE ‘GENTS’ LESSON ‘MUD HUT’ OFFERS STUDENTS NEW PLACE TO SWEET MUSIC TO IN LOSING STUDY, MINISTRY AND COFFEE FREE OF CHARGE SUPPORT MISSION TRIP PAGE 5 PAGE 3 PAGE 6 ROUNDING UP CAMPUS NEWS SINCE 1900 THE BAYLOR LARIAT WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2008 Edwards is Officials expect here to stay job loss Rep. Chet Edwards sion in the wake of winning re- announces he will not election to serve a 10th term in the U.S. House of Representa- rise in accept a position in tives. President-elect “I’m actually kind of happy with (his decision),” said Jody Barack Obama’s cabinet Money of Waco, an Edwards Waco supporter. “The 17th District is By Ashley Corinne Killough a very challenging district for By Chad Shanks Staff Writer a Democrat to win, and he has Staff Writer been able to continue retaining For the second time in two that seat. To have him still in the Wac o of f ic i a l s e x p e ct t he c it y’s weeks, Rep. Chet Edwards, community and representing the unemployment rate to rise when D-Waco, is keeping his seat on community is a good thing.” The Texas Workforce Commis- Capitol Hill. Yorba Linda, Calif. senior sion releases its newest figures After being eyed for U.S. Adam Wrenz, who supports on Friday, but do not expect Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Edwards, was “surprised but not Waco’s unemployment to rival Edwards told President-elect overwhelmed” with Edwards’ the dismal national figures. Barack Obama’s transition team announcement. The U.S. unemployment rate he’s not looking to fulfill the post “Chet would be an amazing rose to 6.5 percent in October, and intends to continue serving secretary, but I think he prob- the highest level in 14 years, the 17th Congressional District ably has some bigger options in according to Labor Department of Texas. the future.” data released November 7. According to a statement Wrenz said he believes this In the September Texas Work- released Sunday, Edwards, who was a strategic move. Taking a force Commission report, Waco was once vetted for Obama’s run- cabinet position now instead of had a 4.8 percent unemployment ning mate, believes he can make moving up in Congress could rate, slightly below the Texas rate more of a difference for veterans hinder Edwards’ career path, of 5.1 percent. The Texas unem- by working with legislation than Wrenz said. ployment rates for October will serving in a government agency. “If he plays his cards right, he be released Friday and Waco is “With my seniority in Con- has a much better chance in the expected to follow the national gress and as Chairman of the future of getting a bigger position upward trend. House Milit ar y Const r uct ion and either in this administration or “We don’t have the exact Veterans Affairs Appropriations another democratic administra- numbers yet, but our numbers of Subcommittee, I believe I can do tion,” Wrenz said. job seekers are up slightly over more for our military troops, our Ryan Young of Waco, also an the last few months. It looks like veterans and their families in my Edwards supporter, thinks the things are trending up lately,” present position than I could as congressman chose to stay not Alex Song/Lariat Staff said David Davis, assistant one- Secretary of Veterans Affairs,” for political reasons but out of stop director for the Heart of Edwards said. Rep. Chet Edwards quelled all rumors of a possible cabinet position under President–elect Barck Obama and vowed to Texas Workforce Solution. keep his position on Capital Hill in a statement released Sunday. Edwards announced his deci- Please see CHET, page 4 However, local experts do not believe Waco will suffer the same effects of the national economic letdown. “Although Waco experienc- Study explores evolution in public schools es some aspects of the current national situation (loss in portfo- By Jade Ortego debated by the Texas Board of gious freedom and individual schools. Five percent said that holds that the earth is ancient l io va lue, t ighter cred it st a nd a rd s, Staff Writer Education, with some suggest- liberties to counter the religious both evolution and intelligent but that evolution occurs only etc.), it is somewhat insulated. ing that the “weaknesses” of the right. The survey included 464 design should be taught, and within narrow and divinely The housing market is not as A study released Tuesday evolution theory also be taught. respondents from 34 public uni- none responded that only intel- ordained limits, should not be severely overbuilt or overpriced reported that 95 percent of sur- Their decision will come into versities and 15 private universi- ligent design should be taught. taught. as many other areas, the network veyed science professors at Texas affect in May 2009. ties in Texas. It went out to 1,019 The survey asked: “Do ‘weak- Ninety-two percent said that of local community banks is universities say that evolution — “This survey was obviously biologists and biological anthro- nesses’ advanced by proponents intelligent design, which holds strong, commercial development not intelligent design — should designed to produce a favor- pologists, 45 percent of which of creationism or intelligent that some intelligent agent remains relatively good and the be taught in public schools. able result specifically to put responded. design represent valid scientific intervened in the creation or large education component in The report, titled “Evolution, pressure on the State Board of Dr. Richard Eve, professor objections to evolution?” Ninety- evolution of life, should not be the economy provides a buffer Creationism and Public Educa- Education to drop the ‘strengths of sociology at the University of four percent said no. taught. to more cyclical industries,” said tion: Surveying What Texas Sci- and weaknesses’ wording from Texas at Arlington, designed the Ninety-eight percent of those Of those surveyed, about 90 Ray Perryman of The Perryman entists Think about Educating the Texas Essential Knowledge study and authored the report. surveyed said that young earth percent agreed with the state- group, a Waco based economic Our Kids in the 21st Century,” and Skills science standards,” The report presents findings creationism, which holds that ment: “Modern evolutionary and financial analysis firm. showed that most scientists said Dr. Charles Garner, Baylor of the study, which were derived the earth is less than 10,000 biology is largely correct in its According to the Heart of purport to believe in evolution, professor of chemistry and bio- from 59 questions, some open- years old and all species were essentials, but still has open Texas Workforce Solution, most and don’t find weaknesses in chemistry. ended, sent to participants in created essentially as they are questions for active scientific of the industries in the area are the theory significant enough to The study was funded by late 2007 and early 2008. today, should not be taught in research.” doing fairly well. Overall, Waco teach. the Texas Freedom Network, a According to the report, 95 schools. About 8 percent agreed increased its number of jobs by The issue of how to teach evo- non-profit organization aimed percent of faculty said that just Ninety-four percent said that lution at public schools is being at advancing an agenda of reli- evolution should be taught in old earth creationism, which Please see STUDY, page 4 Please see JOBS, page 4 Tones get axed in buildings By Molly MacEwan and the Carroll Science Building She added that some of the Reporter have had an inconsistent run on changes are due to feedback campus so far. from faculty and students. Students in some buildings Recently, some of the tones “Some students said they felt on campus won’t be saved by have been stopped due to like they were in high school,” the bell anymore after problems unforeseen problems, said Lois Ferguson said. with the system have halted Ferguson, assistant to the Office Corpus Christi junior Abdel operation. of the Provost for Commence- Mather agreed. Bell tones implemented at ment and Events.“We didn’t do “I feel that they are imma- the beginning of the semester in our homework,” she said. “We’re ture and bring back high school Christina Kruse/Lariat Staff Photos the Hankamer School of Busi- having problems with the tones memories that were really hor- ness, Cashion Academic Center, ringing in areas of buildings rifying,” he said. Baylor Sciences Building, Sid where there are offices and labs Richardson Sciences Building instead of classrooms.” Please see TONES, page 4 Automakers ask for lifeline funds By Julie Hirschfled Davis damaging effects rippled across chasm that has opened up before Marley and Me Associated Press Writer an already-faltering economy. us,” General Motors Corp. CEO Above: John Grogan was the author featured But the new rescue plan Rick Wagoner told the Senate at the Ferguson Clark lecture series held at WASHINGTON – Detroit’s Big appeared stalled on Capitol Hill, Banking Committee. Waco Hall Tuesday night. Gorgan recounted Three automakers pleaded with opposed by the Bush adminis- He blamed the industry’s pre- several stories of his life with his “incorrigi- a reluctant Congress Tuesday tration and Republicans in Con- dicament not on management ble” dog Marley. Left: Janet and Frank Jasek for a $25 billion lifeline to save gress who don’t want to dip into failures but on the deepening look at a copy of “The Longest Road Home,” Grogan’s latest book. Upper left: Audience the once-proud titans of U.S.
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