PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. established june 23,1862. vol. 11. -----—— Portland, Friday MORNrNo optotifk j i«7o .... ______— TERMS $8.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. THF PORTLAND DAILY PRESS SUMMER RETREATS. WANTS, LOST, FOUND. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. published every (Sundays excepted) by tho tiny _miscellaneous. MISCELLANEOUS. the government of the new union that has THE followed £ POKTLANV PUBLISHING CO., PRESS. the war shall he administered in the GEORGES Agency for Sewing Machines. tidiest and most sympathetic Ihlth of the prin- At 1C9 Exchange St, Portlaxd. HOTEL, WANTED IV. S. that DYER, No. 373 Middle St. All WHERE WHERE ciples triumphed in| the struggle—and a Year in FRIDAY MORNING, OCT. 4,1872. we Teiims: Eight Dollars advauce. MAIN STREET. Custom Coat and Pant Makers kind* of Machines for sale aad to let. both interpreted and amended the Con- ' stitution, the and -AT- Repairing. politically, by war, decided THE MAImTnTaTE PRESS THOMASTON, MAINE. as a permanence that the equal right* of eve- s. THAYER MOULTON & Bakers. and Gleanings. ry citizen are the sacred cf the whole Is published every Thursday Morning at $2 50 a SON’S, Gossip guard in advance, at This well known and favorite house has W. C. No. 13 Pearl St. That is what the want to people; that does y at ; it paid $21)1) a year. old, during 191 Main St. COBB, people know TO OUR unity not depend upon any he past winter, been remodeled tate or thoroughly repaired, FRIENDS, Mr*. has made her any section of the nor nd supplied with new furniture, in to ME. Harriet Beecher Stowe country any Rates of Advertising: One inch ol space, In style equal BIDDEFORD, Booksellers and In that Hotel of the is now for Oct 2—lw*is Stationers. majority section; that the Villon is length of column, constitutes a “square." any day; opened permanent debut recently in a new role as a reader of 50 and tranalcnt boarders. HOYT, rOGUl BREED, No. 01 Middle the na- $1 per square first week; 75 cents per affairs,but dally The rooms are and the her own at It was !!lVSmu'tof,fT5ntioiml of tho week after; three insertions, or less. $1 00; continu- light airy, arrangement, be- Wanted. Street. works, Springfield, Mass, authority sovereign people of other ing such, that each room has a view upon Main a thelTnited States. ing every day after Hist week, 60 cents. st., quite a success, as she is as “From Half three sireet unsurpassed In beauty, none In the State. WET NURSE. at <& reported excelling mygb;rtV? says square, insertions or less, 78 cents; one by Apply Book Binders. the “a cloud has it a most for visitors No. in the nation, rested upon con- week. $1 00; 50 cents per week alter. Making pleasant resort from cit- A 32 St. Lawrence Street. proper expression of the Yankee dia- my ies the summer season. WM. A. QUINCY, Room Printer’. stitution, and the and Special Notices, one third additional. during oct2-lw* 11, Virginia Kentucky re- The larvicr will he with the No. Ill lect. solution! have me Under head of "Ajuihmejients,” $2 00 per square kept fully supplied best Exchange, Exchauge St. threatened every moment the market at all times aud THE PUBLIC. per week; three insertions or less *1 50. affords, seasons, and no Boarders SHALL A No. 35 Plum in the hands ot the Democratic pains or exiause spared to make the condition of all Wanted. 8HACKFOKD, party Advertisements inserted in the "Maine State WHY A I am who the House rooms with board for a Street# mysterious stranger, with hlonde Thank God, released. I am no more a Press" (which has a circulation in may patronize agreeable and happy. good gentleman and flowing large every part Central and commodious also but a no a of the State) for St tto for first SAMPLE ROOMS are TWOwife; good accommodations for two or three hair, hat and blanket chilli, man; longer confederacy, but per square insertion, in connection with Board Bonne' and want to know picturesque fringed and 50 cents for each inset- open, the house to accommodate gentlemen. reasonable at No 4 Locust St. Hat Bleachery. They that too. a nation; no more States but I per square subsequent Oct 2-dtf with separated am tion. Traveling agents. scalp locks, walks the streets of Virginia m S SAWYER A — tile United States of America, one and Coaches leave the House to CO., Bleacher., No. 131 AT — indi- Address rail communications to connect with all the and defies the Steamers at Rockland Middle Street. City, curiosity of the public. visible. If a man has received or PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. touching from cast or west Wanted. injustice Also to carry i*ssongers to and from the cars. injury, and his neighbors will not protect him Carlcton's well-known SMALL bouse, or half of a bouse, within ten Livery Stable is connected in the local courts under the local and with the House. A or fifteen minutes walk of City Hall. Carpenters and Bnilders. C0G1A Brigham \ oung is afflicted with a disease law. HASSAN’S, refuse BUSINESS CARDS. All old and friends Address Rent, Press Office. octlw* of to aid him, I will defend him,” says acquaintance at the Lynde WHITNEY & MEANS, Pearl Street, op- the heart that may him off at J______House, where the carry any the new born nation of the war. undersigned officiated aa Clerk po.ite Park. time. “Amen,” from its opening, are Invited not to forget his present BECAUSE echo Vicksburg, Gettysburg, and Port resilience. He will be at home and to mee* WANTED. Haying searched the markets of Royal. happy the as she sinks R. W. GAGE & CO., them all. WILLIAM K. Dentists. “Amen,” says Kearsarge, BICKFORD, active capable man to do the A little was the Alabama. young figuring Dll. W. B. orer II. H. business we buy direct of the manu- girl puzzling, as little will “Amen,” shouts Sherman, as Proprietor. ANin a lumber to take account of lumber. JOHNSON, Hay’.. aJol)bin? girls (Succcsors to Gage & Davis,) Cn miles H. Clerk. office,and not “U to ret*i,ers an'1 soare »‘ii- he marches to the sea. Oloyk, One who is to make himself useful. aUal ^ [>uzzle over too for and she “Amen,” says Gen- Jluic 18T2. willing generally cu8tumer“ at ihK »“• things big them, Thomaston, 1st, jel3iltf Apply to BERLIN MILLS CO. Dye-Honsc. other dealers Pfl« eral Grant, as mid the music of four pay.°Ur made up her mind that after all it was not so heavenly COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Oct 4-d3t* P. SYMONDS, India St. Velvet Cloak, millions of breaking chains General Lee sur- sice a ADAMS dyed and duinhed. thing to be omnipresent, “God could renders to him the broken sword of 84 and 86 La. Salle St, CHICAGO. hOUSE, slavery. Lost. POSTER’S Dye House, 34 Union Street.* NEW YORK AND BOSTON tot go anywhere.” [Loud applause. | This is the new Union; R. Old Orchard Me. or near on the war W. Gage, J. W. Tillson. Beach, Saco, Music Hall, Saturday evening. Sept. was not fought for nothing. Its gos- ElT' l.itsTal advaueos made on Oonsiguments. IN*28, a small AMETHYST inlaid wltn letter B. is Furniture-Wholesale and Retail. » pel yet unseen, To which Oct 2—d3t Thin popular house is now ready to receive The finder will be rewarded on it at the of- : Scene: A hotel undeveloped. lerving metropolitan telegraph will trust it? I boarders, regular and transient. fice of GEO. S. HUNT, 111 Commercial st. ocld3t* WALTER COREY A CO., Arcade, No. party you do not, of course, Prices from SI.00 to 1.23 i»er >ffice, early Monday $ day. 18 Free 8treet. morning. Young gen- repeat the itory of the Democratic party. Miss. Jennie MRS. M. A. WlUTTfcN, House to be tleman after You know that its Taylor, Let. GJRORCMS A. Wo. 56 Ex- operator, repeated call* for strength and its Proprietress. WHITNEY, PRICESTELL! For the most mastery TWO attractive were in the story house, containing nine room3, cen- 8t. of all foung lady operator in a branch at last principles and the spirit known stable change Upholstering kinds office, Teacher of Piauo Forte. jyi; A trally located; connected. Possession as the South, which in our is not and Music, Nov 1st. done to order. ^ts a response, and click, polities given Gent fine half 10 then, “click, click, never was to much a toWM. IL hose, cts.. worth 25. place as an idea. The Ap ly JERRIS, Real Estate Agent. Indies plain cotton dick” he back Will recirive a limited number of TO LEI. Oct 3-dlw* Furniture and House hose, 8 cts., worth 15. (fortissimo), telegraphs to her South was not New it was not pupils. Apply Furnishing Goods. Ladies merino '* York; Boston. at STOURBRIDGE'S. Hose, 15 cts., worth 25c. I-' Mr. REN J. AHAMS, cor. and Fed- vehemently, “I have been trying to catch you When Toombs said he would call the roll uepe&ekcki*—B. J. Laug, Boston ;H. Kotzschmar, Exchange House to eral or the last of his slaves on Bunker he said so G. W. Mars ton. Portlaud. aep27-lw* Brick House to Let. Let. Street*. half hour.” In a moment the Hill, be- cause knew he ~ of two house No HOOFER A he had slaves in Boston. The located near the (lirl’8 High School. Kent part story 23$ Lafayette EATON, Old Foal Offlcc, ollowing spicy teply came back to S400. to XTPPERst, containing 6 finished hard and N-O-V-E-L-T-l-E-S! tripping most cherished Democratic HlUl Apply rooms, plenty Exchange Sweet. lim tradition is State WM. H. soft water. For paiticvlars enuuire on the over the wires lrom the sub- JI!2L JERRIS, premies. I, F. telegraphic authority, which is as different from local self- J. oc2dlw* Real oc3eod2w* PETER WILLIAMS. HOYT, No. 11 Preble Street. Up- KINSMAN, Estate and Loan Agent. urban maiden: “Pooh! as is done to that’s nothing; there government despotism from freedom. bolstering order. is s a man here who This the Party of which Mr. For Sale or Kent. Lost! young has been trying to Greeley truly said, if there were not a or a schi Black Siik Furniture and Upholstering. lo the same for the newspaper ol NICE Seven Octavo Piano, at 312 Congress St. Shawl, in going from Portland to BIG thing last two years, and in the the Woodford’s via Corner. Please leave DAVID W. DEANE, No. SO Federal St. BARGAINS Which they possets, and will on country Democratic party would A oct2-dlw* A Bradley’s 'ie hasn’t me be far it at M. G. PALMER’S Store. ocldlw All kind, of mid caught yet.” stronger than it is. No wonder that Upbol. ,.ring Repairing he and the GAS FIXTURES ! to order.' party around him now shout iu STORE We see TOILET. Weesaw, a Berrien county i>ost-of- vociferous erics, “Forget, forget!” Fellow W A 3ST T E T) in dress goods. Thursday, and it is the Hair Goods and Toilet Articles. Friday Saturday, 5ce, is discontinued. We saw, you see. Wee" citizens, only iiolitical wis- huge brick store in the Racklefl corner Block, J. dom, “Remember,” cries the slave of A of Middle and Ceurch streets—basement and F. SHERRY, No. O Clapp’. Block' taw was a but we men, between the ages of 21 and propitious name, they saw, from his new EXCHANGE ST. first floor, finished and to yesterday found freedom; eleganth adaptel jobbing ABLE-BODIED35, for Uuitrd Stale* lTInriuc*. All in- Congrr.. Street, opposite Old City Hall. Of this tee, Weesaw see ? dry goods or other similar trade. formation at week, offer them for inspection and wasn’t; d’ye “Remember,” murmurs the soldier who sepzouim given Recruiting Rendezvous, Noe. Ill, Apply to ALLEN HAINES. & 113 Federal St. and Fine Watches. sleeps with folded hands in his grave. Take Jewelry It is that some of the A. H. O’BRIEN. reported fashionable the rosiest view possible,—then auswer me: __septlldtf_ ee28—d2w ARNER LOWELL, 301 Congres. Street. Lieut. & Rec’t’g Officer. milliners of New York are 1 Are the ot United States Hotel, To Let. Agent, for Howard Watch Company. VI INVITE N L L really becoming traditions,dogmas.poliey the Demo- alarmed at the cratic party the sign of tliat bouse No. 80 Clark greet, containing 13 Wanted. SO-ijves at 25 cents. large number of ladies in that statesmanship, with modern Manufacturers of Stylish Wool Plaids, 25 cents. of that justice and for PORTLAND, MAINE, BRICKrooms, improvements. and Pant makers anil at Trunks, Valises and To examine our who make their own genuine respect equali- Machine Girl, Taffeta drew alike on city bonnets. What are Enquire of goods, both sides, 50cts. ty which the country demands? Here is a COAT 1(57 Middle st. Carpet-Bags. "an“ •* kaglanil Brand we to ? E. CRAM & CO., Proprietor. MARK WIGGIN, _ei>26tf_CHKSLEY’S, ,, Alpaca*, noted coming new union, here is union of not J. R. HURAN & 171 Middle and for tine color and all liberty, slav- on the premises. CO., durability, qualities. in which Wanted. Waterproof and flannel* at manufacturers ery, there is to be progress and re- popular house, which has been closed for Portland, Sept. 4th, 1872. 110 Federal Street*. 1pricos. The musical critic e\'i*ericnced and Cliefk Skirting flannels from 17 to 58. IMMENSE ! of the New York Mail form, all ileueudent upon and THISsome mouths past for repairs, is now re-opened bookkeeper accountant, STOCK intelligence To wants an to a to the It has beeu je-fit- Ia*U AN opportunity keep small set of Masons and Builders. thinks that the opera is un- morality. If the Issue of the hour should be traveling public. enlarged, at books or or to “L’Africaine,” ed and and upper rent No. 7 Wilmot street; one of the accounts, do oopying, or other work, in that ot administration painted throughout, every improvement best in for the Address N. E. 333 1-3 St. a master of but merely, they are, nev- made for the comfort of G ui sts. (12mo AN rents the city the price. Call on evening. HEDLON, Congrc.. Which we place deniably piece composition, »ep!7- W. ertheless, issues to be met in a certain L. TAYLOR, 176 Commercial st. sep36_ E., Press Office. more conducive to somnolence than spirit Aug 8th-dtf and Melodeon Manufacturers. .enthusi- and with certain affections. Nothing is more C. W. M. Wanted. Organ as STOCKMAN, d7, asm, a rule. untrue, nothing is more Derilous than to .mil Furnished Rooms to Tin-Plate and Sheet-Iron Worker at SMALT, & KNIGHT,No. 134 . ON Let, good Exchange EXHIBITION! pose that the old issues are settled In such a ONE NUTTER BROS. & CO., Street. Linen and Lace Collars) I, X or without in the immediate vicini- We cannot so final manner as is often asserted. We hear and Surgeon, board, sep2dtf Lit Market Square. Underileeves I O II gather grapes from thorns, Physician WITHof the of wars as il ty City Building. Handkerchiefs | W T E our we must not being settled, they were books Apply at Press Office. aulddtf Faper Hangings, Window Shades, and Assuring expect kind attachments frem Wanted Immediately, Laces (POP that had been read and then laid on the self. 21 Brown Portland. GIRL to work on line Custom Edgings at B persons folded in selfish schemes. sepl6-lm* St., To Coats, good wag- Carpetings. M E wholly up So the snake in the fable was a dead issue be- Let. A es and employment the year round. Perfumery I IT A on 8 LOT 11 YENS & 61 fore it was revivified so the Douglass SI., rooms, hard and soft Address CHARLES E. WHITEHEAD. KOP,DE CO., Exbange Plated Ware C I E CUSTOMERS bytheflie; Demo- SCRIBNER & JORDAN, water, garden, rent $9 per month. Srect and Initial cratic is HOUSE South Berwick, Me. 48 Market St. Stationery E T I, The character in conversation com- issue, slavery, dead until it shall he ofG. W. 631 St. _sep!6-d3w which Enquire BURNHAM, Congress Undergarments H K revived success. After an to That we by allusion the and. Solicitors sep21-2w* t t shall give them the monly passes for agreeable is made of civ- Attorneys iA, Vessels Wanted. Photographers. / up pledges of the Republican party, and to the — and -or A. S. HAYIS A CO., No. SO Middle Street. ility falsehood. old whig party, Mr. Curtis continued—The T« load Limber at Ban- American and TO Portland, 5. n. LAMSON, 153 Middle St. ,cor.Crott*. Democratic party has now done Foreign Patents, _LET. "^^^“Tgor, Machias, Calais, Montreal, and It is said that Mark Twain precisely Southern Ports, for the River Pintle. LATEST ARRIVALS intends remain- what the ruling party did twenty 909 CongrcsR St., Portland, Me. years ago, Also, To load Coni, at Pictou,Lingan, and Port Plumbers. ing in England a year, to familiarize himself save it has taken its candidate from the other Store and Basement Caledonia for New the Sound York, Boston, ports, JAMES MILLER, No. 91 Federal Street. with the party, and it can no more be trusted than Examinations made by our agent in Washington and St. John, N. B. -OF- English character, preparatory to when desired. Consultation free. Letters of Every of Water Fixture* ar- could the party of 1&52. But Mr. Sum- inquiry BIRD. PERKINS & JOB. description a book on its says and answered. All business in writing oddities and its eccen- “I hold the cheerfully promptly No. 47-49 Middle St. 103 Slate St., Boston. 27 South St., New York. ranged and set up iu the best manner. WE KNOW ner. Democrats to their cove- respect to an application for Patcut can be transact- a which I jy20-3mo Jobbing promptly attended to. tricities; precaution English humor- nant.” shall never mention Mr. Sumner’s ed by mail. Jy2dtf One more ot those and commodious stores English, German large FrencjKand ists might well have taken in America. name, said Mr. Curtis, without the utmost Vessels Wanted. that tiro are sellling ROSS A STURDIVANT, Plasterer, Stucco Worker, &c. aifeetiou, respect and gratitude. [Applause]. IN THE THOMPSON BLOCK, P. Cor. Cumberland and Frank- His services to us all in this have To freight Coal from New York and FEENY, country been lin Sis. A Saint Paul druggist was astonished the immense his fame is wholesale coal dealers TO LET. to Portland and other and secure. It is his other the points east. GOODS, day by appearance of a Japanese, glory to have identified himself at an early FA^NCYW 179 Commercial ROSS & Ileal Estate CORSETS 8t., Portlnnd. 538^ If applied for immediately will be let low. STURDIVANT, Agents. who an ounce of laudanum and l>eriod with the race in this mar2Gthdtf 179 Commercial st. JOHN bought drank oppressed country of MRN. II. E. C. N». 03 Which we shall sell at aad in a senate ruled le Inquire THOMPSON, PROCTER, Exchange at lower than other store in New our usual off at a by slavery and the dark agents in Malfie for the sale and shipment of Street. prices any England. it draft. ** Lowell, Mass., All qualities from 75 cents to *5.50. ages to have stood fast at the peril of his life Celebrated Coal mined Messrs. Ham- SHEPARD & same Specialty—our by Or, COMPANY, block, «EO. R. I) WIN * Na, $1 E. L. Corsets, white and colored—the best for and for in J. C. C»„ 3G1 t.9 Gn. corset you liberty America. Tin- mett Neill & Co., of Philadelphia. PROCTER, EDUCATIONAL. Street. ever offered for the money. It is said that a writer of jo5dtf 93 st. gress LOW PRICES. poor English may wrath drove against him like a sea We have also tor sale at lowest market price, Exchange surging be known by the “which’s” which strew his against a sky-kissjng bluff, and recoiled, whip- Wilkesbarre, Scranton, Lackawanna, and Pitbiton To Lct« Silver Smith and Gold' and Silver Plater. of our ped, into the hissing spray of an from the of York. Ves- O TORE No. 92 Middle FRENCH LANGUAGE. Many conquering pathway. impotent Coals, shipped vicinity New street, recently occupied by ill. PE malice. The vast of & Breed. ARSON, No. ‘2« Temple St., near majority those who sels procured for the tranportutkm of coals from lfoyt, Fogg MATTOCKS & FOX, 88 Middle st. Congress. All kinds of Silver and Plated Anton Good of praise him to-day cursed him the tre- l»ort of shipments any point detdrCfl. tfhpr27 Je3-if Ware NEW St. Louis is bad. lie whip- during Jules Ch. L. Repaired. CLARK’S AND ATTRACTIVE GOODS mendous battle of his life. Could have Morazain, his the they To I-et, ped wife other day. had their Brooks W. L. K FILER, OF PARIS, Silver and Plated‘Ware. way, would have silenced to let, containing 7 roomp, S8l;ago being designed for evening wear, wo shall on each him, and they would have said in own water. For particulars call at 31 LINCOLN ARNER LOWELL, 301 Cougres* Street. Lotta is still in Paris. Her health is declin- your TENEMENT Instructor in French at the Port- even ng streets as was said when the first ST. aug23 tl 0. Lovejoy fell, FRESCO PAINTER, N. T. ing, which is apparent to all who have recent- “Charles Sumner dies as land High School. Schools. THREAD, martyr, the fool seen her. dieth.” Now, those who praise him do so be- PORTLAND, MAINE. PRIVATE LESSONS—Office from ENGLISH ami FRENCH ILLUMINATE ly Hours, SCHOOL,430 cause think can use ISTEW 1 P. M. till 3 P. M. Six they they him, hut they Congress Street. Cents a Spool. Our The Order Slate at O. M. & E. P. Brook*, 880 Apply at 2 Appleton Block, Portland. stere from seven o’clock until nine. Courier-Journal has found a new form do aot and can not comprehend the true glo- References: Gen. J. M. Brown, J. W. of his life. Those who know Congress Street. SymoncU, Stair Builder. It of profanity and uses it in the following para- ry him best and BEEF Esq., The Hon. Thomas B. Reed. au23tf beiug impossible to enumerate our extensive as- tE3r*All orders attended to. EXTRA MESS sympathize with him most feel that in- promptly R. F. LIBBY, 17 1»‘J Union Street, up sortment, we therefore invite all. graph : “Pauline Lucca to become truly Tbe best stock of Kill CLOVES this side of cordially promises is at this moment most my28tf__ stairs. strangely and cruelly Abbott Bob ton. as great a nuisance in this Family School, Our newspaper country unjust to himself and to the whole causa of “I /\A BRLS Choice New Extra Mess Beef, just G. L. HOOPER' & CO., ^s^ccnon to $1.00 Kids in Black and ColorH are warranted. as was Nilsson. Besides CHAS. A. WARREN, lv/l/ received from Chicago, for sale by Littlcfieid Sc Wilson, Cor. York Sc Ma- occupying great his iiie. Vet, though Belisarius he tor a mo- For ple Streets. ment I wifi at least for a moment (Formerly Warren & Gregg.) Boys, space in the New York papers, she is already blind, yet FLETCHER & DAVIS & renumber that there was a time when his CO., CO., the subject of silly such as AT LITTLE BLUE. Watches, Jewelry, &c. telegrams were tlie soft air of the Medi- SHIR Sept 20-3w* 159 Commercial St. “Madame eyes open. May BROKER, J. Lucca drove out hi Central Park terranean that Year will open Sept. 2, and continue AMBROSE MERRILL, No. 139 Hid. ISTo. lO Block. renew strength spent in our SCHOOLForty-Three Weeks. die Street. MILLINERY, Clapp’s yesterday, and was inexpressibly charmed service! My he return, the election over, to Send for Catalogue, or address the princiral. Oct 3-d lw — COMMISSION MERCHANT, FIRE WORKS J. W. Sc H. H. MCDUFFEE, Cor. middle with the Who the Boston Jubilee find that we have all been true to Charles AND jyl7-eod4m* ALDEN J. BLK1HEN. scenery.” Sc Union Sts. Sumner to follow the counsels he has (84 SOUTH DELAW A BE AVENUE, cares a cent whether Madame Lucca was in- given. MILLINERY, 18 1 , 2 6 O. [Applause.] He knows, as we all know, that Goods! charmed or _PHILADELPHIA._jao31 Campaign expressibly not, or whether or the character of the administration is deter- OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, BO not she ever “drove mined that of the NJ)S. F. A. out” in her life, so long by party weich brings it in- H. L. GKEGG & the New Boston TURNER, MILLINERY. as to power, he knows it is not Mr. but Co., For sale by England Laboratory, she didn’t break her neck ? Give us a rest. Greeley, Send for our and Price List. Portland City G’s the Successors to Warren & Gregg. Highlands. Catalogue “THE SINGER” party that votes tor him, which is the im- Committees of Cities, Towns, Clubs, and the Public Rockland City.G’s »»*»■ portant point, and therefore he lie furnished with a full line of articles for Grant or and says, SHIP campaign Druggist and Greeley, Why? continue BROKERS, use. Address B. T. WELLS, 3 Hawley Street, Bos- Bath City.6’s Apothecary! We manufacture and trim hats in the IMPROVED "They may Democrat* 'in AKD ^ GEOROE WILLIAM but are ton. Mass. au29T,T& s2m St. Lonis City.6’ rate styles, but our great aim is to give the CURTIS ON TIIE PRESIDEN- name, they in reality Re- MERCHANTS ! S. W. Cor. & A NEAT STYLISH HAT at a MODERATE publicans, by the same title that those who COMMISSION Congress Washing- PRICE. Velvets and TIAL QUESTION. Proposals Leeds & Farmington, (Guaranteed,) G’s Velveteens, Neckties and all SEWING MACHINE. sustain are other articles in the line. republican principles republicans.” >8 Walnut St., Philadelphia. millinery The dead soldiers Maine Central, Consolidated. 7’s ington Streets. The S^. George William Qurtis opened the Parker very protest against the B. For in the Machine for the year if. L. Gregg, J. Hamel, Jr. Dredging Duxbury Harbor, ■ Singer Sewing and we refuse it in the name of Cook County, Illinois, 7’s 1871 were Fraternity course of lectures eve- assertion, jan23-ly Informs his Tuesday common sense. __ Respectfully friends, customers and Is Fernando Wood a repub- Mass. 7’s the he HUMAN with his lecture entitled “Grant or Gree- Clay County, Illinois, public generally, that has removed to his new, HAIR. ning lican by the same tenure with Frederick j. a. hoop capacious and cheerful store at the above amt pit, Central, Gold, 7’s address, 260. and He said: or tamos will bo received at this office until will be to receive a call from them. He will A assortment of Switches and Curls at ley Why.” Douglass, Raphael by the same pleased splendid EXCEEDING TIIOSE Or 10 A. M. on the 28tl» ... on a Johu PROPOSALSo'clock Monday, day Northern Pacific Gold, 7.30’s keep hand full assortment of every article us- about half the usual prices. All are of the best 't«L OTIIER8 In the old Swiss cantons of Uri and Valais tenure that Albion Andrew was? If UPHOL STE RER of October neit, for about 20000 cubic yards of dredg- ually in a first class store. Ho has • West Wisconsin R. 7’s kept drug de- quality. the purest popular government known a man would know what his vote for Greeley ing in tlie South Channel of Duxbury Harbor. R., Gold, voted special attention to the of his yet completion 52,000! has existed for more than a thousand means, let him see the men, the traditions, Not. 31 dt 93 Free Persons desiring to make proposals for this work on Scotland and Prescription Department, and has in a full lino ALL THE NEW STYLE years. Street, Exchange England, Ire- put for he votes. are requested to apply to the undersigned, at his of- of Pure Drugs, Chemicals and Plannaceutical This report indicates how well the Se*» On some bright morning of the little which He may declare that his MANUFACTURER OF land. Prep- Singer spring fice in Morton Block, Congress St., Portland, Me., arations, and assures the Physicians and customers ing Machine maintains it early and well earned I tearing the banner of the bull's party means reform, reconciliation—is that or at No. 2 Bulflnch Mass., for FOB SALE BY who favor him with hMd ”fi Vri> Parlor Suits, Lounges, Spring Bros, st., Boston, Specifi- Prescriptions tc compound, that popularity. what tlie vote of or Ku-Klux cations and further information the same. will be with Linen among the Tammany concerning they compounded accuracy aLu from 05c. We invite all those that are about purchasing a mountains; ShH>„??.ret" Mattress is, GEO. pure medicines. His Chignons, means, who will vote for Greeley, not because THOM, WM. E. stock oj and Sewiug Machine to call at and the on of WOOD, Drugs magistrates frofSt® ilcDnaough |*atcnt Bed lioungen, En- Lieut. Col. Engineers, Ag’t, Medicines, Patent Medicines, Perfumery they are republican*, hut because they hope Bvt. Gen. U. S. A. Toilet and istrate wearing the sword. ameled Chaim, Ac. Brig. Sept 5-dtfis 67 Exchange St. Fancy Articles consisting of Brushes’ 331 CONGRESS STREET, Keactfin^11?^" to ride into power in his name. As regarding U. S. Engineer’s Office. 1 Combs, Soaps, &c., &c., is large and varied. Als’ meadow the people gather around the chief QT*All kinds oi repairing neatly done. Furnl- coalition. Mr, Curtis thought it Portland, Me., Sept. 27,1872. J se27 6t Soda anil other Mineral Waters, choice Segars, To- Where we shall keep constantly on hand, a full as- there is a brief for silent me boxed and ma*ted. oc2.'>-,fi9P T&Stf ruler, pause prayer, of bacco, &c., &c. DRY GOODS, sortment of these Machines in the various styles of and then and in the t1»t J»rlor HEADQUARTERS FOR BONDS finish. there, general assembly of*thefly/and fpfel^jhe of the the mention of his needs N. B.—Mr. H. W. Merrill people, magistrates resign their slightest nnj"jfli&ftt M. N. BRUMS, State of Maine having associated him- Machine** Mold on Monthly InMtalineutn. would don’t JET GOODS. 6’s trust, the chief delivers up his reply, “Shoo-fly, bodder me!-’ self in business with Mr. T. A. Tamer, will be Y Uir“Machine and for Embroid- magistrate Portland G’s pleas- FA\( GOODS, Stitching Stamping sword, leaves the chair, and takes He did not suppose that a democratic restora- SHOW CASE Wholesale and Retail. od to see his old friends and ery and Braiding done to order. All Machines sold descending, MANUFACTURER, customers at the ahovo tion to would result in an Bath and work done, warranted to give entire satisfaction. his place with the other citizens. If lie hare power effort to re- 6’s address, and feels warranted In them that 19 1-2 market Sqr. (up Stairs.) assuring N. B. Manufacturers are especially invited to call served them well they bid him take the chair store slavery or to renew the it after over 20 rebellion; Waterman & Leeds A Farmington R K. years practical experience as an Apoth- mLLIYERY. and examine our “Medium Machine.” tor in these all A good variety of cases always ready made. Co., again, simple democracies there is would, however, destroy sense of confi- 15 Winter 6’s ecary in some of the best stores In this country, that dence in the In reference ISB^Mr. B., in always ready to obtain employment Street, (Guaranteed) no rule that the chief magistrate shall not be country. to the he can guarantee them satisfaction in the compound- WHEELOCK & SARGENT, made General for Scandinavian, Immigrants. Those desirir g such Corner Music Hall entrance Portland A Rochester R. R. 7’s reelected, if the people shall have decided by charges against Grant, only can as above or at No. 10 Elm St. ing mid dispensing of medicines. aplO Sole Agents for Portland and Vicinity. one was adverted to at help apply Send for Price List. sp26*2w experience and not by a theory whether the any length, and that jun26cod6ni sepl3d4w BOSTON. Maine Central—Consolidated, 7’s IMPROVED” HOWE chief be worthy, and the rejection of the retir- was the "negro supremacy, upheld by pro- City of Portland. Central Railroad of Iowa, Gold 7’s Dye is the and the itnllot.” The PORTRAIT PAINTER. Sebago Works, COGIA and all other First Class ing magistrate exception both in the scription standing CITY CLERK’S OFFICE, Northern Pacific R. R., Gold 7-3©'s NO. 11 PLUM STREET. HASSAN, single canton and in the whole Swiss confed- army, the speaker said, consisted of only Sept. 1872. 28, Wo have out the above eration. The observant traveller tells us 30,000 m*n, and less than oneseventh of these J. G. CUOUBJflAJM, the petition of J. L. Brackett for permis- Chicago, Danville & Vincennes bought establishment, with that all the machinery and will of the with all Sew Machines for no are distri bated the States re- UPONsion to erect and use a Steam Engine in their R. R. Gold good same, 129 MIDDLE and 6 TEMPLE STS. ing eighteen years memlier of the executive among lately in ST. 7’s the admirable conducted a Its EXCHANGE comer ot danover az.d Kenc- facilities, by practical council had failed to obtain but in Texa<. oniv contemplatek building chemist and confident of GOOD MACHINE THREAD 2 for 5c. re-election when- bellion, chiefly The *ign jan22tf is herobv that on FOR dyeis; fully turning out Oct 2-(ltf spools _ bec Streets, notice given SALE BY of Monday, work that cannot fail of satisfaction. ever he had so desired, except in two in- the bayonet in Virginia is the ordinary the 7th, of October next at‘7 1-2 o’clock,P. M. a giving EDGAR S. Ladies’ dres-es colored and finished in a and constant in Fortress which Is about BROWN, will be had of all parties interested in said superior R. Warburton, 165 Middle Street. stances, yet reeleetion has nol garrison Monroe, hearing Gent’s cleansed and ENCOURAGE PORTLAND petitiou, at the Aldermen's Room in the C’ityBuild- style. garments colored without wpl0’72 impaired the Swiss traditions of popular free the same a* that in Boston harbor. In Ala- Counsellor and Attorney at Law ! H. M. being ripped,and warranted not to smut,and PAYSON, pressed which remain to this It is a bama there are 'Mi soldiers, the of in a superior Plano and table Mar- dorn, day. pleas “Legions 80 MIDDLE STREET. Oriler. H. I. Clerk. style. covers, ELIAS HOWL No. '"I'er ROBINSON, City seilles covers bleached and framed: ant that of the in tin CiBSar" in Arkansas numbe: 63 ami sep30-dtd 32 blankets scoured picture, Swiss'peasants men, flpJT'Partlcular attention paid to collecting. Exchange Street, and the wool raised. JOHN S. MILLER & CO., green mountain pastures, gathered in tht there are 349 soldiers in Tennessee, and that jan24-ly _sep26 Proprietors. Machines summer to make their laws am is the bayonet and the military rule that Mr. __ Sanford’s Improved Refrigerators. PORTLAND. MANUFACTURES. Sewing morning choose their and so continue Greeley flourishes in the eyes of the 16-dtf is AND EUTTERICK’S magistrate, country. D. The three points of excellence which I claim, are: August y j i i v_ tij from to You this is in I The force of the attnek is not uow on the GEORGE JOST, 1st: and circulatton of age age. say possible constant thorough pure air; • nflptrv nnrl in Ktatom tnn •moll fur Purnna _ repuoucan party, out on tne r who 2nd; dryness, no dampness mould nor taint; 3rd; no resident, intermingling of odors; purity aud active air, the PORTLAND Patterns of Garments regard,—but the political custom of Uri ami is not * regimental color, but the national flag All who desire a THE OLDEST F RESCO PAINTER elements of its success. Call, or send for circulars. Valais are the basis of ours; the term of the at the White Hotise, the symbol of the new Manufactured and for sale by J. F. MERRILL, be- and PLTJMM3B_& wilder election in America flows fron union of liberty, and justice,—and tween Cross and Cotton near Burnham Stylish Perfect Fitting Boot, presidential peace by K ESI BENCE, C BRADFOKD STREET. sts., Leavitt, Safe that he will & Co.’s Ice House, Portland, Me. je4dtf Deposit Vaults, these clear and Alpine systems. What an sign conquer, | Applause. I it Made to fit the It be Furniture Stand J,lt' 173 Middle St.. Up 8taint is said that N. B. Order Slate at F. F. Hale’s, Coiner of Free FOOT, though we now doing at this moment but assembling General Grant has pot dime inucti Cross Streets. tf No. 97 for the he did m THE Families, Hotels, Stores, and Ves- Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, to Jack triumphed Washington of COLLECTION and REMITTANCE • the Revolution and the USE. sepl2 WARRANTED, son, to Lincoln, and already on the outskirt , principles of 'tfl. J. Il sels any quantity wanted the Swiss l,ARSON, Interest and Dividends attended to. MUTUAL BENEFIT ACCOUNT BOOK, of the great congregation of the th Here, like magistrate in the green people of lie DAILY OB FOR THE SEASON. voice begins to make itself heard. On th 1 meadow Uri, descends from his chair BY M. V. B. STIMSON. and to us the trust Robert A. AT LOWEST KATES. I edge we call Maine, on the heights we cal I proffers we gave him. APPLE PARERS, Bird, manager Partias purchasing Furniture need not go out i Shall we say to him, “Go take that Is a pass book designed for the use of all classes of Vermont, already we hear the cry, “Genera up, chair PHOTOGRAPHER, Jull the State, as we can and will ORDERS SOLICITED. tf____ dealers in of as the si ? The voice of this country AND every department trade, and is an inval- Grant, country herein trusts you, again” expresses Middle Street. uable medium for itself in the No 152 encouraging cash payments for under God it will sustain you.” For happil; cry that ruag through Europe Misses Grover and goods, 14 Cross and sent the Crosby Office, No. Street, ours is a not of but of law* crusaders to the Ilolv L-nd: POKTI.ANV, ME. As an economical measure it lias no SELL. AS LOW government men, CIDER MILLS. Illinois, Clairvoyant, equal in the “God will* It! God wills Bloomington, Healing, interest of both buyer and seller, its will 93 and public opinion. Every tour years wi it!” and done to order OF Test and Business Mediums, have taken Rooms adoption Or J. C. PROCTER. Exchange St., [Appiause.j Copying enlarging —AT THE— save 20 per cent in the cost of living. elect not a but we choose al for a short time at the City Hotel. as any firm in New Our facilities for man- only President, Benbrants, Medallion, Price 51.20 per dozen. Sent in England. PORTLAND, MAINE. the All Ike new styles, Berlins, Medical examinations by Lock of Hair or Photo- post-paid packages are Our rents are low and so a party; the party determines princi the retoucued of any number, to any part of the United States or ufacturing unsurpassed. mrl2diBtf BtMNIEKSI NOTICES. the Porcelain, or Mezzotint card,and Portland Warehouse if requested. ®u*\n,en arc all workmen. and of the administration it of freckles Agricultural graph, British Provinces on receipt of order with in- first class pies spirit bring card, bv which new process we get rid Office hours from 9 a. m. till 9 m. price Please and we will p. Arrange- closed. Full particulars on give us a call before purchasing, into We at this moment deal will mules, and all imperfections ot the stun anil Seed bo ments made for circles if desired. application. Sample take of L. R. power. The is wrinkles, Store, may found the celebrated Reading private sp28d2w coi»ies by mail i>ost-paid for 10 cents. pleasure In show lug one of the finest Stocks MARTIN, greatest want of the age Call and tor yourselves. two parties, and with two only; ami which o [• present judge Apple Parers. Also the Excelsior hand Cider Mills- A. WMclK.H1VNK5T A CO., Furniture in the city* men in mind cr~.v,»)is—«Jonil werk at Made rate Pric- Piano for Sale. JPublinliorn, HER ns with a and women, and vigorous 125 Middle WILL OPEN these who have presented candidat healthy e»- 23 at wholesale and retail sep23-d#wtf St., Portland, Me. Aim to Please.__may prices. first class, 7 octave Piano for Sale on easy do we believe will more surely secure the wel and body. The continued headaches, weak- terms. ailments NEW, fare of this country—the Democratic parts , nesses, and varying KENDALL & aep88-tf M. G. PALMER. Fop Sale Low! GEO. A. WHITNEY & CO., nervousness, WHITNEY. with a ftw Kepublican recruits, headed b the result of MUNI JE WETT, sepl4-6\vis Dressmaking Rooms, f which afflict women are generally Mr. or the heade ^ jl The good Schooner Greeley, Kepublican party, action of the stouiaeh and other vi- Whjtesele Dealers in 187*, Grant ? Listen to imperfect FOR SALK! No. 46 and over 42 and 44, TUESDAY, Oct. 1, by General the cry of eac I California Vin- CARRIAGES, -H'OXA.TvTN'A. us this tal organs. Die Walker’s /StK btjjrlky, AT as it falls upon autumn Th ® night. com I of Italian & American IN THE VICINITY OF BOSTON, A HAND ! shouts egar Hitters, being poser entirely veg- Marble, NEW AND SECOND carries EXCHANGE STREET, Democratic party from the mountain tons; 175 tons coal; 8$ feet indigenous to California, draft; well fast well sop 114-dlm No. 2 ELM STREET, PORTLAND. to the sea, “Forgive and 0 etahle substances may ..reUPiCOlUiuiM STREET, found; sailer; adapted to coast- __ edge forget! forgi\ GROCERY & PROVISION business. For terms to And safely the most deli- STORE, ROBERT FARRAR. ing apply Measures anti ordors received for Fall work, and forget!” what is the n lie taken with perfect by Yard j. Commissioners’ Notice taken, Republics IS PRPBI.E STREET. will of Fix- Nic Person, execut- nse? It is in a sure good trade, including Stock, .HE undersigned commissioners appointed by the latest styles. Work skillfully and promptly respo the air; it beats in m r cate, and are remedy, correcting all a business of Successor to Farrar & 133 Commercial St. a __ tures and $45,000 Adams, to liberal. __ WITH Team, doing sepl7dtf_ T Judge of Probate for Cumberland County ed. Prices hearts; it trembles our it ra I- and new to the »5"°rlinMit of Italian lease To D’ 1 Extra pains upon tongues; wrong action giving vigor whole year. Rent $400. with years. any per- OF eet and examine the claim of the creditors against J3T"CuUing and fitting a speciality. SHnrt'aitr?c«M““d American a.,d CITY PORTLAND. lies all the heart of II Martdc, will receive orders to business, the above otters a splendid No. 16 and IS Portland Street he estate of Veranus late of taken to accommodate out-of-town Ladies. great the loyal America oetlst-4w cut to size dll kinds ot son meaning C. Hanson, Portland, system. _ Monumental stock at nriees to 861 Washington in which was vei For notice that six lw _ people, never a of chance. apply give sep27 _ to particulars deceased, insolvent, __ that will not lai! be to CITY CLERK’S OFFICE, represented thought used Fellow’s satisfactory atlmarbie work- street, Boston, POBTLAND jylSif months from the seventh day of May,A.D. 1872,are al- all the memories of the dew Having Compound Syrup of ers. *ug22 Mass._JySdtf_ Sept. 18th, 1872. IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Subscrib- geance—“By lowed for saiil creditors to he and prove their all e for some in ilic >n of C. N. Delano & present er has been anti taken upon by the of we will Hypophosphites time, my practi the Ladies! petit! Co., for per- claims, and that said commissioners will be in session NOTICE duly appointed hopes liberty, forg.i' Notice to mission to erect and use a Steam himself the trust of Administrator of the estate oi we will foi have no in REMOVAL! UPON Engine iu for the puri>ose of receiving said claims and proof at everything, and God helping us, hesitation recommending it to my ibeir on Fore late of Falmouth, in the j Half of a Business for contemplated building Street, between the office or A. A. Strout in Portland,County of Cum- ERVIN N.TUKESBURY, Ifwewoul Sale. the Ladies of of and bonds as get nothing.” (Loud applause.) patients who are suffering from General Debil- wishes to inform Gross and Centre Street. berland and State of on the third ol •ounty Cumberland, deceased, given must m WANT a man to help me at haa DM DOW Maine, Saturday demands know for which to vote, we good my Soap Fac- • that for the she removed A' WOIJIaE, Wholesale dealers Notice is that on the of ol the law directs. All persons having upon party or Disease of the tha t Greenleaf and MARMANDPortland present in hereby given Monday 7tli* June, August, and October, and the seventh day It is not ri ity, any Lungs, knowing I corner of Everett Streets Middle over HO Prodacr and General Commission October a estate of said are to exhibit is we vote for. tory, and her Ilreas* making rsom to 150 Street, next at 7J o’clock P. M., will be November A. D. at ten of the clock in the fore the deceased, required derstand what it will sell such a one half the business at cost. Merchants have removed hearing 1872, to said art is somethin even ill cases it affords relief. aimer's Shoe Store. to Willin’ Block, baa of all parties interested in said petition at the noon. the same; and all persons indebted estate it Is not reform—it ; utterly hopeless, Call at the Factory or at 229 Congress st. Wo. lOl Commercial One door A to make to conciliation, u Reasonable Prices and good Fit guaranteed. Street, l&nnens Room iutCity Building. JAMES G. TUKET. called upon payment it is something which H. G. Am>v, M. D, EDWARD NIXON. enntof T. M. Weston & Co’s. Pei of deeper than both; Vff" Help Wanted. Also an apprentice. Order, H. 1. ROBINSON, Citv Clerk, FRANKLIN SAWYER. SAMUEL N. MERRILL, Adm’r Portland. and reform 1 1 Portland, 14 Aug. 1872. aul5tf juylOdtf 1872. * eludes that the progress sepSS-tled&wtt aepl7-eodlm* seplt-dtd May 23, 1872. tt £ommis6iou<}r8. Falmouth, Sept 3d, sei»5d3wTh all; The Meeting ok Disease. Thebe is a stringency in money matter* broader, extending to those of all ages and Sixty-Third the A. B. C, neries along the river. Seventy-five tons were A Disabling received No which docs not confine a man to his l>cd SPECIAL NOTICES. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PRESS. the Dominion that is little short of both sexes. F. M.—This annual convention in Session this Wedneaday. riixeasc IE throughout so unfits him for business as Dysqepsiy. The last half hour of the session was oc- week at New Haven is There were but fourteen' deaths in Bangor in completely of a Our exchanges all remark largely attended. It When the stomach is foul, the brain is always mudda ~ panic. nearly the from the September. cupied by answering questions That the New York train and confused, and as the cares and anxieties of life that the banks find themselves with- opened Tuesday. day The that as the 5 o’clock JAMES FRIDAY MORNING, OCT. 4, 1872. suddenly box. W. H. H. Bangor Whig says are a sufficient burden for the organ of tliougth to CUNNINGHAM, question had cars and the Boston on the out funds to make the usual twenty morning train train E. & N. A. Railway came in the bear, without tormented by miseries born of 'M -a discount* to their being PEACHES, cars. Four thousand had en- vicinity of Mount the indigent ion, it is desirable for the brain’s sake, the Death of Db. Francis Likber.—Dr. forty applied for Hope, Tuesday evening, highly MASON & BTTII/pKR, customers, business men, and in conse- discovered a rail laid aeross the as well as for the sake of every other portion of the the very writer on law tertainment and others came engineer track, “Graiilnml hi. policy deserve Francis Liebcr, international many unannounc- system, iliat the disordered stomach should be restor- quence of this hundreds of mercantile men very fortunately in time to stop his train before LAST credit.—. and ethics, died in New ed letter. The Music Hall ed with the utmost dispatch to a healthy, vigorous CHANCE highest political suddenly by previous seats an appalling accident resulted. The rail was »0 PREBLE and manufacturers find themselve* in York, from heart dis- condition. This object can always beaccompllshed by STREET, beaten, great Wednesday evening 2200 but is inadequate to accommodate laid across where the is “down” to a “General Grant never has been wholly grade a course of Hostelter’s Stomach Bitters, the purest embarrassment. are ease. He was horn in March 18, train this Greeley. The opposition papers Berlin, those who wish to attend and so other coming way, and hidden by a curve, and the best of vegetable snecifics, which evacuates All orders for jobbing and building promptly at- unit he never will be.”—Horace and was educated in the medical meetings so that had tend to. of course 1800, it been the mail instead of the 5 the morbid humors through the bowels, rouses and Jun5imtf 50 swift to this to the are in churches. The is a Crate*, very lay difficulty In 1815 he entered the Prus- held singing led by o’clock in all human there tones the torpid stomach ami regulates the liver, im- of the Pnblic Bebt has profession. up train, probability 8348,14 I,‘439.48 of the The most reasonable sian brass the tune first would have been a parts firmness to the nerves and clears thesensorium ROLLINS & ROND Per New Yerk Beat Mata; of Gen. policy ministry. army, and was present at Waterloo. band, being played through terrible disaster, in which day. been since the inau*uration of its mental cobwebs. Persons subject to attacks of paid that for sev- The next he returned to on a A choir of 250 is many lives would have been put iu peril. We explanation yet given is the fact year Berlin, grand piano. youth Indigestion, bilious heahache, irregularity of the bow- have received their tyrant. took learn that on two previous occasions rails have ____ eral have part in the democratic movements of the another Meetings of returned stu- els, sickuess at the stomach, or “tne blues,” should 95 years the imports of the Dominion adjunct. been found across the fortunate- Crate*, “A aelflvh intereat attachea the German was condemned to four track,but very take the Bitters once or twice a day the purely con- Universities, of returned missionaries and their chil- throughout exceeded the and that in dents, ly iu time to prevent any accident. season. Per KxprrN Friday. lewd, ruffianly, criminal, and dangerouv largely exports, years’ and excluded from the present FALL STOCK! imprisonment of mothers and of associations The Democratic of this there has been a sudden de- schools of in 1820 he took his dren, auxiliary Bangor Odd Fellows will make an ex- clavaeM to the party.’’—HORACE sequence Prussia, thopgh attention at This will be the last chance this season to ecure A social reunion at cursion to St. John next on a to which they invite your course where he was fill up the week. the Gal- Tuesday special Greeley. mand for the balance, which of has degrees in Jena, prosecuting Peaches for or __ train. preserving eating. his was of Art was held Wednesday. SPECIAL NO 90 MIDDME iSREET. of from the banks. studies, whem he forced by the police lery NOTICES. “Every one who chooat-a to live by pu- taken large amounts specie SAGADAHOC COUNTY. sepl2-sntf to retire to Dresden. In 1821 he went to The past year has been a prosperous one. The or or that has A of tons gambling harlotry, with It is further asserted speculation a ship 1000 was launched from the giliMin Greece, took part in the war of indepen- receipts are $438,093 with balance over out- WI?I. ALLEY, JR., nearly every keeper of a iv the number of of Harward & Theobald in Richmond on To be Let* tippliug-houae been very extensive throughout provinces dence, and after goes of $8000. The missionaries is yard VERMONT BUTTER ! suffering great hardships The desirable three brick No. 72 Brack- a Democrat.”—Horace Greeley. 300 and no death has occnred the a Wednesday. story House, No. II Exchange St. politically two and that amounts of succeeded in t» At Rome he during year, cars con- the past years, large getting Italy. fact for More Considerable sickness is in Rich- lOO Tubs Choice Vermont But- ett street, near Soring street, Horse very Oc4d3t received the aid of unparalleled forty years. than reported im- have been locked in such Niebuhr, with whom he mond. sent, wide hall, Sebago water, all the modem The brain, the the aoul of the money suddenly up usual have been commissioned the past year. ter. For Sale house heart, prev- returned to Germany as his amanuensis. In by provements, verv fine cellar, stable and carriage The to add to the When the Board met in New Haven last, in WALDO COUNTY. furnished with this and water. ent Democratic party iv the rebel element operations. government, of assurances to the he was Sebago NOTICE ! spite contrary, 1809, it had an income of only $40,000. The The Belfast Journal says that Mr. Cheney SHAW & HASKELL, Emiuire at NO. BRACKETT STREET. at the with ita Northern alliev and has called in its 70, Mouth, stringency, recently deposits again subjected to but of the Board will as usual in Dodge and wife of that celebrated the half 1872. political persecution, doings appear city September 17th, sepl8-d4wi* This first of the mympathizera. It ia rebel at the core to- to he into and in 1827 WHOLESALE meeting “Association of the New in the banks, amounting $3,000,000. Lat- finally escaped England, form, including opening discourse century anniversary of their marriage Sept. GROCERS, Jerusalem Church ia the State with the «>f Maine,” under its day ...It would come iuto power embarked for Boston. Soon after his arrival germauentBev. I>r. Bartlett of Chicago, which was an 25th. Ten children" and 147 Uoininrrrial act of er papers give a more encouraging view of y twenty-one grandchil- St., Portland. incorporation approved Febuary 9th. 1872. hate, the chagrin, the wrath, the mortifi- in Boston he began his “Encyclopaidia hour and forty minutes long. dren were represented. There had been but oct4-eod3mosn* will be held at Portland. In the New Church T» mple. and the and it is that the cri- three deaths in the in the OPENING! on Street, on the cation of ten bitt r yearn to impel situation, expected Americana,” which lie completed in 1833. family fifty years, High SATURDAY, 12th day of Jealousy.—The Belfast Journal the and they were children of less than two Octot»er, next, at 10 o’clock In the forenoon, f.rthe .. chnvtiaemenl cis will be without gives guide ita atepv. .Whatever passed general distress. From 1835 to 185(1 he was professor of history "years MISS. WILLEY. of the of Nine mar- i>ur|tose organizing adopting we case which came before the age. persons who witnessed the corporation, by- may be deaerved by our national viuv, and political economy in Columbia College, following Police would inform tlie ladies of Portland and laws and choosing officers, and to such otln r of Mr. and wife were at respectfully attending riage Dodge present businea as come licfore muvt anil humiliation South and held the same Court of that that she may them; this notice being hope thia divgracc Thebe is not an man or woman Carolina, professor- city: the golden wedding. vicinity proposes to introduce a system of intelligent at in given in accordance wiUtJhe provision* of said set. will be to u».”—[Horace CSreeley. ship Columbia College New York from On evening two meu who ex- new in EASTMAN BROTH'S hpared in the land who does not the Monday young The Age says that Oscar Hills will contest the Dressditling entirely this eity. SAMUEL F. DIKE. regard acquittal 1857 to 1805. In 1802, at the request of Gen. erciso the of goods This is calling selling by sample, seat of Joseph L. Witherley, Representative system being adopted by the most fashiona- OLIVER OERKISH. of Mrs. Fair the California as an out- he for the use of the army Frauk 8. Edminsterand Frank S. fell ble ISAACS. WHITMAN by jury Halleck, prepared Edwards, elect from Northport, that votes dress-makers in New York, Boston and other cit- in with a of attractive claiming illegal WILL OPEN REPIBLICAN NOMINATIONS. an essay on “Guerilla aad in 1803 couple young girls, auu were thrown Oct.4.1872. rage upon justice, and a mockery of trial by Parties,” for the latter. ies, and meets with most perfect satisfaction where- _3d* “Instructions for the Government of the Ar- proceeded with them to a quiet promenade IN GENERAL. ever it is used, is thst the subscrR»ei 1. s jury. She and murdered Mr. street. While Edwards was in hereby given, openly coolly mies of the United States in the Field He along High been of Will Miss will be to NOTICE duly appointed Executor the of FOR Crittenden and on the the midst of a starlight discourse with the The. papers are still on the cider Willey pleased tarnish a PRESIDENT, escapes punishment was very influential in upholding the gove -n- lady harping Tuesday, September 24th, LEONARD lata of Portland, upon his arm, he was struck a tremendous blow question. The Belfast Journal the PRACTICAL BILLINGS, This ment the civil and was approves ILLUSTRATION rediculous plea of temporary insanity. during war, president the whieh knocked him position of the Portland in the County of Cumberland, deceased, and ha* taken upon head, senseless Advertiser, while the or GRANT. of the Publication of New York. a upon himself that trust bonds as the low di- ULYSSES S. is not the only case of this kind, and hereaf- Loyal Society and cut an ugly gash in his The theory Gardiner Joui'nal is of the opinion that the sale by giving His works were and scalp. rects. All i»srsons having demands the estate litarary quite numerous, of the is that this was done of cider and beer will do more than the PERFECT upon ter, so is the repugnance of the government by injury FITTING AUTUMN of said deceased, are required to exhibit the same; great public many of them have been translated into Herman who thus indicated his unrestricted sale of distilled Davis, exclu- liquors. and all persons indebted to said estate are called up- FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, rcind the death we may ex- other sive to the in the case. Dress or Cloak to all who favor her with against penalty, languages. right girl She, a plump The valuation of 1869 showed that there were may an or- on to make payment to and named der at pect frequent repetitions of this mockery at pretty brunette, Barnes, when put 68,141 horses aud 13,387 colts in Maine. NATHAN WEBB, Executor. Tiie careful upon the knew but little about the af- W. L. DRES S GOODS ! Portland, Oct. 1st, 1872. octld3* • HENRY WILSON. Were the for murder in very Washington aorrespon- stand, SNELL’S, justice. punishment fair. In reply to the question whether Davis dent of the Boston Advertiser thus sums up MILLINERY and California, imprisonment for life instead of was paying attention to her, she said, “None of MARRIED. DRESS-MAKING Rooms 337 CONGRESS M. L. A. ELECTORS! the situation in the three Central States as your business”—and had no idea who struck STREET. COMPRISING THE FOR PRESIDENTIAL Mrs. Fair would have been tried by regular Saturday Evening of the hanging, that ‘‘It wasn't Herman .Patterns cut to order at short notice. Meeting* At E. of Portland. taken from the most reliable sources: Edwards, except Da- In this Oct. 3, at the residence of the bride’s Termi rea- Mercantile Library Association will Large—SAMUEL SPRING, an and been convicted. city, THE debate, intelligent jury vis.” In view, however, of the strong testi- father, Rev. B. H. Robert M. of » nable. octl-sn dlw commence on Oct. at o’clock ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, Private advices from Germans of by Bailey, Home, AND Saturday evening 5th, 71 leading mony of Edminster and others, the court held Montreal, and Miss Anna C., daughter of Hon. Jacob NEW CHOICE STYLES at the rooms of the association corner or Temple and Of Cherryfleld. Ohio that a marked and decisive re- McLellan. We notice that one or two of our Republi- represent Davis to answer to the charge of assault with Portland Fraternity Cotigress Streets. Per order irst District—JAMES H. McMULLAN. action is apparent among the German voters intent to kill, in $400 bail, for want of which In this city. Oct. 3, by Rev. Dr. Carruther9, Engene oct4td JAS. F. HA WEES, Rec. Sec. can in the nomin- W. Brooks, M. of and its OF THE Second District—JOHN H. KIMBALL, of Bath. contemporaries publishing of that and that the disclosures of the he went to D., Naples, Miss Prudie A. Re-opens evening school for the ensuing year on State, jail. Wood, of Portland. Bristol. ees for Presidential electors omit the initial motives which influenced Hassaurek’s Wanted to Charter. Third District—JAMES ERSKINE, of change In Deering, Oct. 3, by Rev. James O. R. OCTORER 1st. XJXXXX.C. jl>x.u&.—jlxiis scnooi Trask, TUESDAY, Fourth District— MORDECAI MITCHELL. letter of Mr. name. It should be of position have more than neutralized the popular lanuiy Wish, of Portland, and Miss Mary E. Scott, ot Deer- Spring’s SEASON! A t" load for Callao Yeti Fifth District— WILLIAM McGILVERY. strength which he expected to develop in fa- for boys, founded at Farmington by Samuel ing. The following Is the weekly programme of recita- V Coa»t Samuel E. Spring. In Topsham, Sept. 18, W. of of South America. Apply to vor of From the data at hand it is in never was Stephen Townsend, tions: Greeley. Abbott, 1844, more prosperous Gardiner, and Corns A. ot J. L. FARMER, that Hamilton Mallet, Topsliam. confidently predicted county than now, under the of A. J. In Belfast, 29, of Mont- octl 3w J India Mveet charge Blethen, Sept. Volncy Thompson, and What Next? Political Notes. will be saved to the and that the ville. and Nettie M. Brown, of Belfast. Monday—Reading Grammar. IN OI K SHAWL ROOM Republicans, M. A. The number is limited to 48. A of the German vote of Ohio will good In South Orange, N. J., 24, at the Church of Tuesday—Book-keeping and Two Itooins to has been that Grant Mr. F. W. one of the coalition greater part Sept. Geography. Let. Now that it proved Ludwig, classical or mercantile course of is fur- the Holy Communion, by the rector, Rev. Mr. Lewis, Wednesday—Latin, French and refuse to go with the liberals. A careful esti- study Drawing. Congress and Chestnut suitable candidates for elector in has written Henry Usley Clark and Marie Louise, of We can show the BEST auortment wo liaye ever Street, didn’t take $200,000 out of the Federal treas- Missouri, nished and exercise is had on daughter Thursday—Arithmetic. for a Drew Maker. Just and mate yesterday by the editor of the leading ample physical Wm. W. Thayer. * kept, in CORNER painted papered a letter to on the that Friday—Penmanship. Apply to W. H. JERRIS. with which to North that declining serve, ground of Ohio that State to the which are fifteen acres in ury carry Caroliua, Republican paper gives grounds, extent, Oet 4-dlw" success would inflict a the to a All he did not receive his new Long Branch Jcot- Democratic deadly Republicans by 10,000 15,000 majority, with lake, gymnasium, railway and other fa- wishing to pursue any of these studies of reform. He comes out Indiana by 5000 to 8000, and cilities for __DIED. can obtain cards of as a from Tom that he blow on the cause athletic sports. The venerable Jacob admission from the Janitor i OTTOMAN, Small Tenement for Rent. tage present Murphy, by 10,000 to 15,000 for the congressman at in of the Abbott wrote here his “Hollo Books” and still In this city. Oct. 3, Charles F. 22 at the Fraternity rooms. convenient for .mall family, and few min- did not the mission as a reward squarely support Republican and a smaller for Hartranft. Ingersoll, aged yrs. give Belgian large figure [Funeral services afternoon at 2 VERYute. walk from City Hall. Enquire of ticket. occupies a neighboring mansion with his Saturday o’clock, sep28snlw for a deed of valuable real estate, that he is These majorities are moreover all minimum busy at No. 5 Brattle street. WOOLEN W. H. JKRRIS, “The the stimates. scieutific works. In Otisfield, Sept. 23, Almira M. Cook, aged 33 years Oct 4dtf Real Estate Broker. a never dreamed Democracy complain,” says not drunkard, that he of 7 months. SKIN DISEASES. ( Toledo “that the Southern be- In —AXI>— the Confederate that he was Blade, negroes New' Hampshire State Fair.—From all ac- Lewiston, Sept. 24, Tmogene R. D., daughter of Girl Wanted. entering service, A Horrible Story.—A New York D. M. PERRY’S IMPROVED COMEDONEand despatch counts Crockett, aged 15 years 5 months. PIMPLE that lieve that Horace was a Confederate it appears that the New REMEDY.—The Skin de lnusework in a not intoxicated at Pittsburg Landing, Greeley says: Hampshire In Freeport, Sept. 23, Sarah Eva 19 Medicine of the Age. Is -war- general boarillng house. Heath, aged ranted to cure How much does he State Fair at is a decided success. The years. Flesh Wobjis, Pimples. TOAn American or Kora Scotia Girl profc-rred. he has not received since he be- guerilla. lack of it ? In A man Dover, Eruptions any presents giving his name as James Dugan, who In Oct. Mr. and Blotched disiigurationsuf the face. Sold PAISLEY SHAWLS! at No. 4 Chestnut near st. attendance is much Bafh, 1, Stephen F. Ragon, aged 37 yrs. by all Apply .treet, Congress with the Confederates he is arrived in this lie was a larger than last" year, and In 49 Bond New Oct4-dtf came an occupant of the White House and league prowling city to-day, says pas- StroDg, Sept. 21, Mrs. Isabell, wife of Richard Druggists. Depot st., York. I senger on the schooner bound to the sxhibition in to G3 years. a about in Federal uniform.” Lancaster, every department superior Bangs, aged that he is not brutally ignorant, but quiet, For Hath SHAWLS FOB MV liCI. Sydney, C. B., from Charlottetown, Prince Ed- shows. Patches, Freckles, any previous and use honest and who has de- live of the ten Districts in ward Island. On the night of the 18th ult. TAN, PERRY’S MOTH AND FRECKLE GENTEEL tenement anltablc for a annul fuui- capable gentleman, Congressional DEPARTURE OF OCEAN STEAMER* LOTION. The well known fell in with a dismasted on whose reliable and harmless A ily. at served well of his one would think have in they brig, Ifevrs and NAME FROM FOR DATE country, Kentucky put nomination Old Line bow word Other Items. remedy for Brown Discolorations of the face Pre- Misses and. Children* oct4-tf NO. 88 SPRING the “Glenaloon” was discern- of ... STREET. faintly City Antwerp .New York.. 3 Dr. B. C. that the Democratic-Liberal Falsehood Democrats the funerals are a St. Louis invention, Liverpool.Oct pared only by Perry, Derinatoleglst. 49 great against Coalition candidates. ible. Splintered spars entangled in canvas aud Moonlight Moro Castle.New York.. Havana.Oct 3 Lond New St., York. Sold by everwhacc and the a Mr. J. B. of Brussels—New York. Druggist would its workmen We learn from a Democrat of rigging gear, planks of boat torn Barnett, a Hebrew sholar, contends City .Liverpool.Oct 3 mclilb MW&S su&w-em Boarding House to Let. Manufactory discharge Straight-Out wltt commodioua brick asunder by the wind and sea were scattered be- that the Nestorian.Quebec.Liverpool.Oct 5 buikiinar, No. 49 Fora St and shut The most adver- N. that he knows 120 of his prophet Jeremiah, with the remnant St Laurient.New York. Wo have also a Fall Stock of near India street and within three minute* up shop. widely Portsmouth, H., low a heap of riggiug and broken by the .Havre.Oct 5 THE walk weight of the tribe of to and Parthia.New York. As the season for Bowel of Railroad and Steamer. The house to tains *3 tised wares of this industrious party in that who will not vote for Hor- of a spar which had fallen. Across it the Judah, migrated Ireland, .Liverpool.Oct 5 Complaints, such as Diar- corporation city lay 8 room a, all in nice order, and to a responsible party bones of a human The skull had been was no other than the celebrated Irish reformer Malta.Boston.Liverpool.Oet rhea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbns, Colic, &c., Is at have been found hollow mockeries. ace under circumstauces.—Bos- being. Manhattan.New York .Liverpool.Oct 9 will be rented on favorable terms. to recently Greeley any crushed. Shreds of hand, we would again oor Apply canvas trousers and a Guern- aud law-giver, Ollam Fola. Polynesian .Quebec.Liverpool.Oct 12 give good advice, act wise- TABLE LINENS, oct4-3w Wb. H. JERRIS, Real Estate Agent. The Credit Mobilier in which ton Globe. in great romance, sey frock were found near the bones. Further City of Mexico.New York.. Hav & VCruz.Oct 16 ly, and lay a store of Or. nickne.tr t The Florida trade Syrup. For search revealed five other on one of sponge gives employment u- 1 the that it is were introduced the first citizens of the coun- Mr. Cameron made a speech in Titusville skeletons, .Jk ■ B-3 reason, safe and reliable, nt ill times which the skull only could bo found. A to twenty-eight vessels. very pleasant, containing no Gentlemen’s Garments the of run- a slight Miniature Almanac.October 4. opiate, Snd does u<* try in guise highwaymen, is still few days ago upon the canvass in of flesh produce Costiveness. Tail not FLANNELS, Pennsyl- covering crisped remained on four of The managers of the Vermont Central-Hail- to ttv it the Sun rises.6.01 I Moon sets. 6.45 PM j un28sn d3m ning as a serial or a standing advertisement in vania. He declared that he had nothing to skeletons, showing that they had died more Sun CLEANSED, road have a show of retrenchment. sets.5.36 | High water.12.30 PM < •' recently than the other two. of the uten- begun great -om— some of the country papers, but denial on de- do with General Hartranft’s and Many FOB nomination, sils of the were found, and Marten As usual in such cases, it consists in cutting & DOMESTICS Blue-Black that galley Capt. FERROTYPE?,, TINTYPES, Dyed Brown, Black, nial, couched in the strongest terms that the every man on the State ticket made a stnet search them to assure down and the Chromo opposed among him- the,pay of mechanics and discharging MARINE Ferrot-ypes, go to A. S. Davis A Co and Bine, has it of all his last election to the self whether there had been any food on board NEWS. No. 80 Middle ^ English language affords, deprived United States Senate. some of the train men, doubling the work of St., ear cornor 0f Exchange. AND PRESSED, READY FOR WEAK. at the time of the death of these men. Not a ENGLISH At A 2HEBIC AN force. The The au20 <13mo an Tribune'» nice new extrava- Democrats of others __ New Haven appear to be or without No required. sot to crock. single remaining ppt vessel of any kind in corresponding compensation. PORT OF PORTLAND, Rlpptnf Warranted, ganza about Mr. Blaine died of its own un- “demoralized.” It is reported that nearly the cooking department of tho ill-fated craft Anna Dickinson ascended Mount Washing- AT FOSTER’S DYE HOIIR, contained the and needed not the five of least particle of food. In tho ton on foot the other gu>;s; jyiSeodnew tf 04 Tninn Si paralled folly, Speakers hundred them have become disgusted day. Oct. 3. forecastle, which was almost filled with water, Thursday, to it of all with the The manufacture of doll’s shoes from ARRIVED. POWDER, fiery onslaught deprive effect. management of their leaders and there was a most terrible stench, and two scraps Canton Flannels! only Steamer Falmouth, And now that the smoke has cleared it have men could be induced to enter. of morocco, all fancy buttoned and has Colby, Halifax, NS- -passenger* SHOT, As Fine a s away joined the Grant and Wilson clubs. There'were tipped, and mdse to Jolm Porteous. Line of Good two on the one corpses floor, stretched across a within the past three into a CAPS. appears that the Republicans used but little Stokes is neither nor or years grown big Brig Hyperion, (of New York) Clark, Sagux paler, thinner, gray- bunk. The remains Vere taken on deck and wit—484 hhds 44 tes 24 business. One manufacturer bbls to Geo P |V„ » in the er than the nine in Massachusetts molasses, Hu,lt- BUY THEM AT 51 EXCHANGE ST., KIIOM THE money Maine election, and that only when he retired from public life, but bodies were arranged in line and car- Vessel to B J Willard. Cloth for Men ried The fasten the turns out 50,000 pairs per annum, aud uses Scb &Boys, for So much he will be away. ingspf rudder were 20,000 Delmont, Gales, Georgetown, DC—r j0al...i to legitimate purposes. mig..t hopes Greeley elected, and takes rosene Oil Ker" broken; tho foremast liaid keen cut away to feet of moroceo and sheepskin. Co. J. B. LUCAS. have been from the no in Sch Col New NEW YORK AND BOSTON MARKETS suspected very first, since interest Fall fashions. save the vessel from the ex- Eddy, McBean, Yorv w™ foundering, oneyrf Miles is E Dennison. *-coal to Wm Sept 18-sntf the name of no tremest in a hurricaueerfsea. O’Reilly’s grave without a head- person offering or receiving a Horace Greeley in one of his Pennsylvania emergencies The Sch Lookout, Johnson, Boston. had gone and the in was a stone, and is covered with a rank of bribe was jib-boom whole, fact, growth Sch Rough & P' A Book lor given when it was alleged that at speeches denounced the use of money at elec- Ready, Perry, l0D’ Every mail. as can be fonnd In any estnb- complete wreck. weeds. Sch Maine, Brown, Boston. BEAVERS, * least thousand voters were and insulted the of the cabin a most Sch The eight openly tions, people Nerth Caro- Entering foul odor was dis- Pulaski. Irving, Bosto’, ,r, “SCIENCE OF or SELF-PRESERVA- The deepest well in the world is in a «alr 1 LIFE, lishuicnt in Portland Sch Chas C a covered, but not intense to forbid a Dame, ~ ho“ast,011- TION,’’ Medical Treatise on the Cause and Cure of bought! The twelve thousand dollars ex- linia and Maine by the assertion that enough Bucksport—mackerelTwl f* to they thorough investigation. Toward the end of the mine near Berlin. It was bored to tlie depth Curtis & Davis. Exhausted Vitality, Prematnre Decline in Man, Ner- Childrens Cloalings, &c., &c. the State Committee were In 1868 Horace Sch Jennie Armstrr vous and pended by Republican bought up. Greeley steps leading to the cabin was a fetid of of 4,194 when mechanical difficulties ,TPWP*t Physical Debility,Hy|iochondria, Impotency, HAS ARRIVED AT pool feet, stop- or Seminal and all other if used for that have was a member of the water, and the men had to wade it to lio'wdainhan^fnr Doyot Spermatorrun-a Weakness, would, purpose, bought Republican National through ped further i£h Only diseases from the errors of progress. So'^'vVc.'^“aniy' the arising youth or the in- reach the cabin. Between a table for Gar,Slner- <»“ e» into dry or one hundred and voters at the Committee. He tlion offered a stationary d,S rei al^j discretions excesses of mature years. This is in- just twenty resolution aud a Bismarck lately celebrated his silver wed" At Th Septem- couch the head of a corpse, very much deed a book for every man. Thousands have been Wednesday ursday, which Horace was that not less CLEAHE1V price Greeley alleges paid. than §430,000 should be raised decomposed,protruded from a berth in the wall. diug. One of the gifts that was sent to him taught h.v this work the true wav to health and hap- ber 35th At 96th, A. S. FERNALD’S A For. It is the This would still leave over thousand for election and buttoned jacket, of good material, covered was a barrel of ^ York—Henry piness. cheapest and best medical work eight purposes, assigned the quota sculptured Dortmund beer unswick, Trso, Buenos ever the aud blue a Cole. Ayres—Simon published, and the only one on this class of ills corpse, pantaloons, flannel shirt from the votes to be accounted for. So all the non- of contributions to be made to each of Crown Brewery at .Dortmund. worth reading. 190tli edition, revised, much en- MERCHANT TAILOB. eight marked “T. T.” and one boot were found. The ° JCWett> St WE OPEN Mrs. 1*ntterson» John, NB-John larged, illustrated, hound in tieautiful French SHALL sense about Maine” will now be States. And now he about the use of chronometer in the cabin to half- .Stollhouse, wife of a former Mormon P^tw^ig0 cM. “buying gen- prates pointed Price only $1. Sent by mail post-paid on recruit cf past foul-, aud on the stationary table was an elder, and authoress of the of Boston—Berlin Mills. Address erally money at elections! “Expose Polygsy trhSch C*Tmter» price. PEABODY MEDICAL INSTI- A Assortment of stairs) 91 MIDDLE STREET. appreciated. Bible turned a Zingo, Pope, Boston—Milan Mills. No. 4 Bulfinch Large (up open downward; revolver with TUTE, Street, Boston, Muss or Dr T-Tnn T,f«\vi< RoI'lrar ia tiAisr iIamiiv nflnoiil' A in is In what field can the Democratic writers of two a my Utah,” preparing to deliver a series of W. H. chambers loaded and bottle containing a ani,Brur‘swickl briB PARKER, Assistant friysiciav N\B The in tlie Eastern author may be consulted on (he P. S.—Call In at FERNALD’S aim* novels now themselves l service for the cause piece of upon which was written, “Jss- lectures cities on Mormonism. chmK^aXMottWniie’ a^eVp as ^-eii ^ ap political disport Republican in Ohio. paper, diseases skill and I1S, guide this to some Merciful God A Grand Requiring EXr erience. OT What new efforts of The helper. Bapids manufacturing firm obtains DOJIKxxt LADIES’ style the imagination may we Cincinnati Gazette says his are don’t us c FORTH. speeches let perish.” The words were detached its __ mar25^dly SUITS, motive power from a waterwheel a quarter NCtSC 8uch a8 are York, (to discharge part of cargo and proceed to H. TALBOT & used Pensacola.) M y assortment embraces full lines of all the lead- LADIIiS’ CLOAKS. CO., fever into seaboard towns for the sake Teuton should become hilarious over about 11 o’clock Mr. Samuel m hulluug stoce yellow loving Pope, who lives in fences, the front above ing and latest of to the wants ns BRUNSWICK, GA—Sid 25th ult, barque Aliuirn styles gaods adapted of the the suburbs of is (sf ui all classes. reducing the Greeley vote as much as pos occupvtion of Holland by the Dutch. Paterson, N. J., was awakened Wo»yaj while th© sides and rear are of Coombs, Wilson, Fall River. Having all widths and sizes, can as- SAVANNAH—Ar sch 8rare as perfect n litas can be found NO. 6 CLAPP’S sible ? Is Horace there has been no by somebody shaking him 271b, Searsville, Nickerson, anywhere. BLOCK, Greeley obliged to wear a Rsally contest in Georgia, gently by the shoul- Gardiner. EASTMAN der, and saw five outlaws •^hile CALF BOOTS A BROS., complete suit of mail under his white coat as that State having been lost to Republicanism surrounding his bed Henry Ward Beecher was standing in CHARLESTON—Ar 28tb, sch Sparkling ^ea, But- SPECIALTY, ler, New York. I with cocked revolvers ®" front of would invite a personal inspection of my Gents’“Ex a the of four pointed at his head* the Twin Mountain House, in New Ar Are Their protection against daggers Grant’s years ago, through tjie combined opera- ~ *" 29th, barque Tejuca, Blanchard, B'oothbav. celsior’’ Calf Boots, both in heavy and light grades 332 Street. Opening others stood by the winddw. All We>' the other a Sid 1st, sch M E Van These Congress hired bravoes? Does Secretary Bontwell tions of Ku-Klux and carpet-bag rule. Hampshire, day, dandy-looking Cleat. Thoradi\p Brunswick. boots are made expressly for me from the very dressed. But Ar 28th, brig from best of stock, lasts which conform to make ably their featur* ®.'°n' gentleman drove up and told him to put his Eugenie, Larrabcc, upon exactly speeches in the West with ten millions Hon. George M. Steams of has were 1 1 e“ Washington; sch Ontario, Powers., Baltimore. the natural shape of the foot, which renders them PORTLAND. Springfield, under ail black wl*’ horse into the masks, stable, and feed him well. Baltimore. perfect fitting, when new, and retain their ;sep24tf in new tucked into his declined the Coalition e*°®Pt,on of a vy * vni?»HTt011’ Tr,pr,er, they shape greenbacks left-hand nomination for Lieut. one, which was while ALEXANDlHA-Ar until worn out. As FALL STOCK! e Beecher said never a took the man’s 30th, brig Mary C Haskell, and serviceable as hi/Vi- in a of the party, word, Boston. stylish waistcoat pocket to be used in the of now that Mr. to mild and gan4’ *e?der Haskell, priced goods, I can sell them at a within the purchase Governor, Sumner refuses -‘en'anIy voice, told cents and stabled price Nice of SHAWLS, Mr, Polio tliiP* politely twenty-five the horse. Pretty FORTRESS MONROE,—Passed in 2d, brig Samuel Teach of all. Variety -OF- the free and voters of ? allow his name to remain at the of ue need not be all he CHJKAP AT independent thoseparts head the liad to do alarmed; soon the achievement was noticed about the ho- LmilMy froxi! Sagua for Baltimore. Don't Fail to See *vas to remain while the Br^lford, the Best Hnnd-I?Iadx> Was Senator Wilson drunk in as ticket. were- quiet gang BALTIMORE—0,(1 iHt. sch Hardscrabble, Fales, VICKERY ft LEIGHTON, Portland, _ 441 and the in fouud Kip Boot tke market ,i work and suhmit to their tel, dandy question it conveni- Bridgeport, Ct, (a^a sailed.) Affords. 153 Middle Street, Gen. manipula- Banks once was, if we may believe the and he would he unharmed; otherwise ent to leave that night. PHILADELPflIA—Ar 30tb, schs LW Wheeler, A very full and desirable line oi Kip Boots, both GIMPS, instanttors, Bowman, aud for FRINGES, Democratic of the [Reported for the Free* death awaited him and the wife beside Boston; Estella Day, Carey, Gardiner; R light heavy, Gents’, Boys and Youths’ wet r. Tbe Averill Chemical Paint papers period ? Is the California wives who have worthless men for A A assortment 111 The rohbers then tied Mr. hands EE«®Jer, ^strong, Baugor. complete of high on due to the of Maine Y. M and Pope’s husbands have found out that the home- '’Hg Addie Hale, Portland. WILL PROVE ITSELF. duty peanuts efforts A Convention. feet, and carried him to a closet under just Sheppard, ssL ^ the W BUTTONS, BRAIDS, f_ 61-12 Lucy Snow’ Salem, Gen. Garfield ^ stead law of that State is a Hall, RUBBER 1 more then other. who has a mine of them “out staitxvay ami fastened him in. The robbers re- nice tiling. Ac- iin Delaware Breakwater GOODS! It—Far beautiful any _ seventh State Convention of the 2d, barque Acacia, Uuiyd and Mrs. to 2d—More then other. West” somewhere? We await subjected Pope similar treat- cording to that law a wife alone can make a ro^.Host°n; Gertrude, for Portland. As as the durable any Associations of -*EW cheap cheapest. *“** some Young Men’s Christian Main* iqent. llerhands and feet were YORK—Ar 1st, L Warren, Gott, Provi- then fr«* nm*- securely tied, homestead of tlie which she and her brigs rid—Lower in price pure Lead arc! Oil. GLOVES, HOSE, curiosity the which operation was witli property 'aCnce; schs A Lawrence, Fall GEO. F. -uucts of assembled in the Methodist Win- performed rigid re- Swift, River; Spartel, GOEDTIIWAIT, Ith— To be all for use. .. the most flour- church, to husband and on Smith, NS R ready faumo gard the delicacy due a woman en deshabille. own, which they reside. The Windsor, ; Nicola, Kellar, Machias ; Boot, Shoe and Rubber afternoon at 4 Leach, Pendleton, White Depot, 5th—To require drier. 0 branch of Democratic throp, Wednesday o’clock. Both Mr. and Mrs. Rockland; Rock, Lafterty, no|thinning|or industry. Pope could see that the husband’s consent is not the law stat- B F requisite, Portland; Waite. New Giso best ever hands of the marauders were white Aylward, Bedford; 11 MARKET 6th—The wood preservative discovered. LADIES MERINO The Convention was called to order by Mr. and soft ing that “the homestead land and not Washington, Peck. Providence. SQUARE, like those of men unused to hard work. house, 7th—Bain (before dry) does not wash it. The continue to vehement- of President of Then Cld 2d. ship Southern Chiei, Havre; bri fs Greeley papers C. M. Bailey Winthrop, the the in value can be selected Higgins, 8ep21 sneed3w PORTLAND. again warning astounded man and his wife exceeding 85,000, by Salista, Partridge, Beyrout; Jeremiah. Ford, Matan- 9th—It will not run or chalk. ly denounce the of Yerkes Gov. After “A that their lives oil pardon by State Association. singing Charge depended their remaining tire husband and wife, or either of them-”' zas; Gazelle, Cole, Galveston; sch Annie Harris, SUi—It is positively water and fire proof. as a of official quiet, the burglars proceeded with the of Harris, Baracoa. Notice to Geary piece unparalleled base- to keep I have,” Rev. John Allen of Farm- object Passed Pliysicans. IQtli—Covers old work aa well as new. their visit. They stationed two at the through Hell Gate 1st, schs Ada S Allen, UNDERWEAR, ness. Yet dare not tell the truth about window, Hoboken » for brick. they read, or rather recited from and it was ascertained Dudley, for Boston ; Nile, Metcalf, fm Port 11th—Superior covering ington memory, hy their conversation STATE NEWS. Johnson excellent for a that for Rockland; Lizzie J Clark, Pendleton, opening good pliyKfan in the 12th—The best for iron the matter—that the for was a selection of Paul’s to Tim- there were more outside, vicinity of can paint buildings. petition pardon scripture, charge keeping watch. New York for Bangor; Gen Howard, Johnson. Port AN Portland, l,e heard of by apply- | There were altogether about ten men. The five Johnson for ing oct-dtfsn This paint has been, and is being used upon the fin- signed by Alexander McClure, the Greeley othy, “I charge thee, therefore, before God.” Boston; Onward, Leland, So Amboy for at_this office._ CHILDREN’S MERINO inside, who commenoed to gather the valua- Portsmouth. est villas and buildings both public and private, iu leader in Col. John W. up ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY, Pennsylvania, by He was followed by Capt. Sturdevant of this bles, wore woolen stockings over their so PAWTUCKET—Ar 2d, schs Catharine, Lockhart, MUXICIPAE & REAE this and uni- boots, The Lewiston Journal bav ESTATE country, north, south, east, west, giving the foremost of Gen. Har- that might make no noise. the says sells there at Ellsworth. Forney opponent city, in prayer. The usual committees were they Procuring 812 to versal satisfaction, and in all cises has iti UNDER-WEAR, key of the safe from Mr. 815; apples, grafted fruit, 50 to 00 cents Sid 2d. schs Martha Maria, Thurston, and Monto- SECURITIES : proved tranft and the editor of the the lead- Pope’s jiocket they a 30 New wear to be twice as without oi by Age, then appointed. The Committee on Perma- aliened and went it. bushel; butter, to 32 cents; eggs, 22 to 24 zuJ?i?* Hulger, York; Robt Foster, Lewis, do. fully long, chalking through They succeeded PROVIDENCE—Ar 1st.sch Democratic in that State. Mc- in cents; potatoes quick at 00 to 65 cents. Alaska,Strout,Calais; BONDS of Towns and ami acking,'as any other paint. W ing paper nent the names of together about $3000 in specie, New Haven. Cities, MORTGAGES Yarns, orsteds, organization presented getting plate Dresden, Cole, of I Real Estate in and and in honds and 1 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th Mr. Isaiah Ar sch M & E mproved the west, bearing 10 per D. N. Clure even says there was a demand jewelry, $17,500 valua- 2d, Henderson, ; cei YEOMANS, general the following persons, as the officers of the ble 1 advertises Spear, Georgetown it. interest, payable in the east, for sale by papers. Their search continued for an hour ompilly an unusually interesting Ontario, Barber. Port Jefterson. for the of the man. In to the series of CHARLES M. General Eastern. A Rent, pardon respect State Association for the all and a which Sir. was rapes on the Lewiston Park. _SM 2d, schs Emma, HAWKES, Worsted ensuing year, half, during Pope sbiver- Driving Tangent, Dbt, Calais; Mary 28 Portland. Goods, in the The first a race Nichols, Exchange st., S3 Commercial Portland. original affidavits purporting to be signed of whom were elected: C. M. ing cold, although the thieves consider- uay will take place between Northport. St., by President, Sheridan Sid 2d, for schs scp28antf ately gave him a blanket to himself warm and King William. brig Harry, Foster, St Marys, Fla; ~~ Sept21eodsntt Yerkes Gen. Hartranft and which Winthrop; Vice Presidents, David keep Storm Petrel, H Haskell against Bailey, and Mrs. was with Nelson Davis, Jacksonville; Curtis, R. W. Pope shaking fright in bed. Haskell, of Poland, raised 156 bushels and Otranto, Hammond, New York. PORTLAND FLANNELS & Slipper Patterns, Yerkes himself several Cargill, Augusta, Hanscom, Auburn, When hi leave the or oats ; BLANKETS, WOOLENS pronounces forgeries, ready thieves awoke Mr. on two and three and NEWPORT—Ar 1st, schs Winslow Morse. D. T. Wright, Lewiston, T. C. Lewis, Port- little quarters acres, Oliver;. or AU Kind. At of the men Pope’s adopted up and shows a net of an<1 Cheap bank of Philadelphia, with whom T. H. daughter stairs, profit $47.18 by the operation. Hoyal Oak, Benson, OBSERVATORY. land, Hubbard, Biddeford, A. Baker, placed her in the bed witli Mrs. The Fa 11 ifiverVor' 10^®6s*er» Y1CKERY ft OTTOMANS, Yerkes has transacted business for and Pope. Lewiston Journal LEIGHTON, years Gardiner, J. A. Frye, Waterville. Secre- child was frightened at the black masks and says:—Business among VINEYARD-HAVEN—Ar 1st, brigs Helen G Ricft, tne Auburn shoe is Strout. Cow NO STRANGER should leave the without j 153 Middle Street. who are J. R. H. H. Bur- ready to but the manufacturers quite active, Bay for New York; C C Colson, Pavsoit, city familiar with his signature, certify taries, Learned, Auburn, scream, thieves handled her omce the Maine Boston for visiting the Observatory, Hill. From the and election tbere has been a nian- Charleston; Marshal Dutch, Turner. Bnu- Munjoy’s Towel Racks, gess, Portland, H. F. Waterville. gently, tenderly southed her and told her irest eor for Cupola, 227 feet above the mav he seen the en- that his signature to the affidavit Wood, improvement. Tin* Philadelphia; Navasota, Hoboken sea, ! BLACK SILKS at original W. H. no harm would to her if she aggregate shipments Bunker, tire city, the ocean to the Cheap Corresponding Secretary, Hobbs, happen remained of boots and shoes $>r the week on; ^chs E New York horizon^CASCO BAY,with YICKERY ft Hartranft is a as Yerkes him- told her that have been 1368 q®, Arcularius, Gregory, ita .305 Islands, the WHITE 80 LEIGHTON, against tbrgcry, Portland. Treasurer, C. A. quiet. They she must not; untie cases to 1377 Percy, fbr MOUNTAINS, miles Wing, Winthrop. Mr. cases for the previous week. The iJ11 HarrJ Percy. Newport Bath; distant, and with the Screens with self swears. and Mr. for some after which B Sra‘th. Thomaston powerful TELESCOPE mount- 133 Middle Street. Lamp Stands, The Convention then adjourned until even- Pope time, receipts of leather have fi Mills, ed in the drove off in their beeu 07,910 pounds to Vo.T7i:® and Ma7 Cupola, objects 30 milts distunt in di- of they carriage. No trace of for Lymnburn^, French, Bangor every A variety exercises occupied the 08,110 the previous week. fordo Broadi?ork,fl AIa,ry rection may be seen. Thu views here lire It is stated those who ing. the thieves lias been discovered. The fleld.Britt. Calais, for do; Alaska, distinctly IbANK OF PORTLAND. by have looked into time of the session. After the devo- family Clark, •aid to be unsurpassed for and Small Wares. evening was CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Kre- beauty variety by any watch-dog poisoned a few days lfalWnShaM»,M»chUl8forr Congress passes every 15 minutes. Banking business, Banking the to the in an ,lo« A Rice, Bank are a welcomed delegates Coavention. alarm. Mr. to re- clothes with 22i3?£5f?^.\Salh^vc\ Mary RiceJ July 4-su tf Rooms now the Second National Bauk, Examiner, being performed by Pope, Monday, expected permeated powder at the Gambo Cal occupied by behalf of the Association. ceive a cash of SaVir sbimb 5,*'' {’'■ST Hammond, Bagiev, in Portland, Maine, under the stylo of the “BANK w ho has no more to $3(1,000. The thieves PowderAlilis the other day. He went home to St'imngt°n, Latk. Calais for gentleman legal authority payment Guptlll, Philadei- and as will receive Round Combs lOcts. Rev. Mr. welcomed them in be- knew this and were dmuer and to near a!*,["r RG»teR ort; Olivo Hayward, Arev inquire of ELIAS THOMAS & moments were reiaieu finding ft safe. [From our CO., Portland. June 1872. 79 Middle near the Post of Mr. Many interesting oy Naples Correspondent.] for No. 90 24th, street, Office* the Presidency. Philbrick, who is now Ran.or Norwich; Mary Commercial *t. ewlt then sn tf the success Coons are iSixLMUBoiiaVMea^?- Or ol jun23u thr delegates, illustrating that the quite plenty in this town. Recent- for Haven ; Robt W. W. THOMAS, Canal National jank. as Examiner, haj, since his Plundering California Farmers.—If ih™W!'fc™,fr1°V!ar' i"Sr acting appoint- had attended their efforts. The audience ly Lewis Proctor with a small for 'Washington ; Union sent 12s New current statement! arc to dog came upon Kw 'prt Sl i: fBan£?J Finn. mnnf Kaon mi'iliftaJ otiil Qfttarl ac in be believed, the wheat four, two of which 11 Clifford, Schlotterweck s Moth X Jtrecklc Lotion ! was a good one, and much interest was man- they killed, the dog driving GhS.Ml£ritaB5S,l»„V”*****™'' Portland, Oct 1,1872. growers of California have fallen into the toils one into the lake that was For Rent. fact is now Senator from Somerset ifested by all present. heavier than himself ^Ecd A safe and sure remedy for removing Tan, Pimples, K the undersigned have this day formed a co- county. and a jackct- a'-'- three on the lower Wf The in the are of a set of men no better than thieves. The having struggle with, him under the water sacs story building md of Cils Moth Freckles und from the skin tt under the style of GOWELL A It is that the oath an Sena- Associations following places tom House suitable Blotches, Eruptions partnership claimed by taking until the coon came down. THE Wharf, for storage o it soft and and to It a mar- for the of on tlie wheat of the State is estimated to trora heavy rendering fresh, imparting GREENOUGH, purpose carrying already represented by thirty-two delegates, crop be worth Nelwh!^N7^,i<1’ 8£,bP- *«*»beth, Hodgdon, wculdmakean excellent place for the fish Goods in 149 the office of Exam- Two cases pack’in ble l’URiX v. Price 50 cents per bottie. Dry Business all its branches, at Mid- tor, he virtually vacated and otheis are of diptheria in town are b slso the one many expected Thursday; #27,000,000 to the farmers, but a combination of reported usiness; story building on the weg side dle st. iner. both daughters of Mrs. Betsy Jackson. of the wharf lately occupied G. Prej>ared by Biddeford, Portland, Lewiston, Auburn, East interior San ^3-'Sa«jSs*S:aM&Jr*J w by jJ, Wit lac 1 for S. B. GOWELL, freighters, Francisco speculators Jie‘1U"*er- Lube^ Aden, the storage of salt. Enquire A. O. KCHLOTTERBKCK Ac CO Vassalboro’, Dexter’, Gardiner, Hallowell, Potatoes are rotting badly on wet land. The DoanorL^ebei. ',( , ocltf J. H. GREENOUGH. Gbeklky clubs have not been cheerful and a have to ab- wet weather 8 1‘ELEG BARICI and Me. and Waterville. The shipping monopoly arranged has damaged corn and fodder to OB; schf> :lt, Apothecaries Chemists, Portland, Farmington, Augusta sorb of this sum for vvAr piefc FriiKiMlllc‘';Gi,christ-Ungan,an<^ sep4-snMW&-Ftf 5S StateS treet. frem 85,500,000 transportation, some extent. Atlantic, Colson. Bangor ; For sale by all Druggists. myl4sn tf places the start and since September Portland delegation with some others are en- the «iiv leaving farmers scarcely any profit for their FRANKLIN COUNTY. dn: ,T 11 Mnl«, She*. Wif i have been tertained at hotel. Devotional ser- Vm^w J Tg’ they mistaken for small-sized— Lovejoy’s labor and capital. As they have fixed things it Ton Ut'lfaat; W T Imersen, THE FOREST. Rev. John known as raitinn- iL.a°l8rr they CHAS. SAWYER, will be relieved when remember ed a of one-lialf are to and and Lord, that sometimes they stretcli tho er of Beach and Washington street. they how few by promise meeting hour, freights kept up #23 #24 per ton, truth Bangor) Now offering full assortment of No. 193 Commercial at, one the and keep back wliat to be made Boston. these solemn places. during which time nearly every present, only because or combination. The result ought known’ vp'wnnr SJ®*™**. Wood wan r, Ellsworth, oc3dlw Up stairs. frequent to the farmer* is than a or O to tell the VP0I< I ~Ar t2-snlw repealed one or more of the of God’s worse Hood a drouth. Help them, Lord, truth, the whole lst> wI> ■]'M Gareelon, Nor- __^ DRESS GOODS at promises truth and but the ton. iinston^ word. After the devotional services of the nothing truth." VICKEBY &- At the late term of the Supreme Court in Tim Sunday Law in F LEIGHTOI, Liquor Chicago.—The HANCOCK COUNTY. K°boke“; Maggie .ATCIIELOft’S llAIlf DYE. forenoon session, interesting and encouraging of the law Be^ Hallow V™kK"Pa‘liCk’ 13.1 Middle Street. Oxford the Railroad Commissioners question enforcing against liquor ,s Hair Dye is the best in the world. County, reports from several Associations were listen- on Sunday has Bucksport voted on Monday to tako splcudid selling been agitated in Chicago $70 000 POI^M™,".'l£pcn.KKY tiisrt,- of declared hi* desire anil determination to plenty and vessels scarce. liamsaSaSn Fre,yncilSoW’ octl d&w lyr 8 N TiTioii pany to put the road in before Hanscom, Auburn, Sylvester of Winthrop, reply Na*,le8 Au^27. HYDE & CO. proper repair of use all means to prevent crime, but The at barque Scud, Wilson, FfciJfc- CUTTER, ®. L. Dingley, Auburn, and others. possible Teachers’ Institute Ellsworth deiphta STREET, BOSTON, BAII.RY, December 1st. his belief that the of the 52 CHAUNCY an next Should expressed enforcement very fully attended. The last Ar Muscat 500 Doz. 4g Street. The topic we Legislature d lu VT Sept 23, barque John JTOud CORSETS~fuit of Exchange confine our a which Wooster, mid sole manufacturers 19m,wk_ Suuday liquor law is task presents dif- not do much for education. New York. $ Receiveil Helling Cheap at It is efforts to our distinctive work, the salvation reported that there is a ficulties so hard to overcome that it is next to Sid fm Cronstadt Aug 2Ctli, ship Graham’S- PfclJ & Marshall’s Patent Illuminating Candle- discrepancy of ment” was opened C. M. KNOX COUNTY. New VICKERY LEIGHTON, between the young by Bai- impossible, especially with a small police force, Burgess, York. y, stick. Pine Boards votoofNorridgewockas returned followed by Messrs. The Knox & Lincoln Musical Ar at Gi avesend lst, 153 Middle Street. Shipping ley, Dingley, Burgess, and that any experiment in that direction would Association ship Portland, SmitHj.fr The best ever made, the tow n officers Will hold its Boston. om1 for Illuminating Windows. by and the statements of Titus, of Monmouth, of Au- prove as annual Convention in sep30sntf Send for Price List. Lewis, Learned, here elsewhere a failure, Rockland Ar at 24tli ocl-tnovlsn For Sale. who others. next week, on Jyvorpool,NS, ult, barque Lindfei4UW parties voted. But votes burn, Wing and commencing Tuesday. Boston. twenty were In Jesse 81 Scobey, »ott, substance of the remarks made favor- Orleans, Mass., Capt. Snow, aged PENOBSCOT “WEBER” or For returned for certain officers but it has The COUNTY. PIANOS. and other i*mi- two cargoes Pine Shipping. sale already of efforts for the died on al an eastern at fair ed the concentration salva- years, Sept. 10th, and the same day his The Bangor says that SPOKEN. PIANOS. ueut makers, ONE i«irt, price. been ascertained that Whip among the Merino Underwear! he had for Havana if nearly double that but in small 80 at the Maine freight No date, &c,schR M Vessel could probaldv want- tion of young men in cities, wife, aged years, this life. This received Central on Brookings. froimBDv PIANOS. Sold ED. B. ROBINSON, departed depot Tues New ico for by Undervests 87c; Children’s Un- ed. number that voted for were a tons York, (supplied with provisional certify they them. the work of the Association should be couple had been married but a day hundred of baled hides for tivtiidv 5 Culioon Clock, opposite City Hall, all sites and at 79 Middle A. L. HOBSON. places few months, tan- Clark, at Savanuah from Bath.) Frank LADIES’(hear.)derwear priecs St. my 17 AT REDUCED PRICE> ««»u Gcf l-T,T.(t81!w l’. C. WELCH. Portland, Sept 20, 1672. sop2l n etxl4t MalM General Hospital, The Poisoning Case.—The at at 44c for low do. Oats annual report of the apothecary MASSACHUSETTS. high Mixed 444c; dull and THE PRESS. directors. F O H K I Gr ]ST. lower 28c for No whose store it has been charged that a mistake at 33c for No 1; 27} @ 2; rejected at AUCTION Ttc following is the report made 26c. SALES. AUCTION by the was made SALES. which endangered the life of a Pull- Lake to Buffalo 8 @ to Board of Directors at the annual Freights firm; 8}; Oswego of man Zebra Nominations. FRIDAY meeting Palace car conductor, gives his version of What a 4'ouMcmitivo Thinks. 14} @15. Slone MORNING, OCT. 4, 1872. the October 1st: •». Cutter's Tools, A, Corporation, the affair to the Advertiser. He insists that the Worcester, Oct. 3.—Hon. John F. Very, of London, Oct. 3.—Sir Charles Con- Receipts—3100 bbls flour, 43,000 bush wheat, 37,000 S. BAILEY A C O., Building, Adderly, hush hush oats. At Auction. The Directors of the Maine General story is an attempt to blackmail on the conduc- Worcester, was nominated by the Democratic wrvativc member in Parliament for North corn, 3,000 Hospi- aud Shipments-bhls flour, bush wheat, 39,- ,0a* Wf“ in tor's That the conductor went into Liberal Republican Conventions for Con- addressed a 22,000 ro-* HhaI1 Mil at tal, compliance with Article 7 of the part. the Staffordshire, large meeting of his 000 lush hush oats. by- a from the 9th District corn, 6,000 Wharf, near Bos- CITY AND VICINITY. laws of the the store drunk, with portion of a bottle of gressman Congressional constituents at Bweslem last night. He alluded Commission tmTiwu nf Hw! tTools 8,Yar,,| an*{ P™*™’* Corporation, beg leave to this and Hon. to 3.-Cotton low Middlings Merchants, to? Hini.im^ com prising said report bad whiskey in his possession, and after ask- afternoon, Isaac Davis, of Wor- the work of the Geneva Tribunal and the Charleston,Oct. steady; establishment,P.V*^’ ^ of that, since the last annual of the Cor- for Elector. 172 ® 17}c. —AND— consisting Stone Cutter’s Tool* meeting ing the clerk to taste it—w hich the clerk re- cester, settlement of the between 1 can, ami Face TI1E PRESS disputes England Sledge Hammers, Crowbar* Jacks’ poration, important has been made a and Savannah, Oct. 3.—Cotton up- progress fused—said he had bad toothache and at his Various Matter*. America and said that the prosperity of the active; Middling A- Grindstone, Bellows, Blacksmith’* Forgo Anvil and be obtained at the Periodical of Fes- towards the lands 17} @ ngc. UCTIOIST KKHS Derrick and May Depots completion of this noble request the clerk inserted some oil of cloves world a cordial Tools, large Block-, lot or new Files and senden Robinson. Branell & Co., charity. Boston, Oct. 3.—Charles S. clerk depended upon understanding \o. jj Bros., Before such as Shepard, Oct. 3.—Cotton Tool*, Carpenter's Tools. Black Walnut Book-cus* Marquis, Hender- the close of the 1871, the walls of he had often for toothache. That lor between the two nations. had made a quiet; Middling uplands exchange ntkkdt, * Andrews, Wentworth, Olendenning, Moses, year given Carpenter, Woodward & Morton, was held England I^Wouile, Office Desk, Drafting Table, Are. run out of the eastern the next the clerk heard of matter was great sacrifice to terminate the state Next son, and Chisholm Bros., on all trains that pavilion were erected, roofed ana the in $40si«uln matter not Hampshire. Bank of has decreased the sets, sets, Mattresses, Feather To-Day. this will end the affair. Suicide a England £556,000 during Desirable The interior of the pavilion is near comple- Another Explosion in lloosac Tunnel. of Judge. past week. Genteel and very Three- Bods, Spring Beds, Extension Tables, Chair* Lounges Black Walnut tion. The iron stairs are and 8** James Shaw one of the of Tables, Crockery and Glass put up, pipes Fheights.—There is a Springfield Oct. 3.—An in the Willis, judges London, Oct. 3—5.30 P.M.—Consols closed at French Brick Dwell- AUCTION COLUMN. very large amount of explosion the 92} Story Roof, Sto,e’ tu*uth,;r with Kitchen for gas and conduits for water-closets laid. Hooaac Tunnel this Court of Common Pleas, committed suicide for money and for account.; to morning killed Michael 92} Furniture**P*rk,r -F. O. lumber go forward from Bangor before the this Sir James was Cabinet Organ Bailey. The wards and other apartments are lathed Cunningham, badly injured Stephen McCarthy morning. suffering from a purities—U. S. 5-20’s 1865, old, 93J; do ing House at Auction. * ‘ ° severe 1867, do new Four Buildings at Auction—F. O. and and river closes, and an unusual of ton- and hurt several others. attack of gout which reached the brain 928; 10-40S, 87}; 5s, 87}; Erie Railway at Bailey. plastered—the third last coat consist- scarcity shall sell at auction on r'-J3^i“V and caused in one of the public TUESDAY, &c.—F. O. of sand Kates coastwise have advanced insanity paroxysms of Oct at 3 House 72 Fuipiture, Bailey. ing hard, white finish,—and all the nage. and Oct. WE sth, o’clock P. M, No Park, Cabinet the fatal act was committed. Paris, 3—5.30 A. M.—Rentes closed at 521 Hear Organ nt Auction. SPECIAL window sashes are and are Congress st, occupied T. R. Lyman, K*|.— NOTICE COLUMN. glazed in place. The brokers here offering $3.50 to Boston and The United States 85c. by steamer Wabash has ar- This is cue of the mos» desirable bouses on tne mar- Saturday.Oct5th,at 12 M. at office, w« shall Butter—Sliaw & Haskell. neat and white-ash finish for the WASHINGTON. rived at sell one Cabinet simple $4.75 to New York for lumber from Bungor. Plymouth. Liverpool, Oct. 3-5.30 P. M.—Cotton closed ket in Portland, and its location is unsurpassed. It ON Organ, lilaok Walnut Case A Dress various rooms is furnished and quiet and steady; do Orleans has 13 finished very line instrument. Cost $175. Fitting—Miss Willey. put up in the RuMNiaus on the inarch.' Middling uplands 9fd; rooms, with fine closets and modern lOd; sales 15,000 oetW R O. BAILEY NEW ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN. upper ward, and ready to be used A Good Suggestion.—The bales, iiiciudiug3000 i'or export and impjovementspthe bath room, gas, Sebago water, & CO., Auctrs. throughout following practi- Competitive Examination. Despatches from India say that the Russiau speculation. furnace, cemented «&e. Tne lot contains about the The same be cellar, To Let—88 St. building. may said ot the cal in the torces are on 7000 33x212 Spring suggestion Providence Journal is ap- Oct. 3.—The Board of Exam- marching Khiva. Antwerp, Oct. 3—5.00 P. M.—Petroleum 52f. ft; feet. The house is iu prime order; In Four at floors ; the white-birch Washington, an Buildings Auetion. Boarding House to Let—Win. H. Jerris. boards, three inches Reduction of Prices in the Iron excellent neighborhood and every way desirable plicable to this as well as to the one for iners for the Treasury will soon Works. London, Oct. 3—Evening.—Linseed Oi at 30 5s. October at three in are on locality Department, lbs for a residence. It can be examined everv Saturday, 3th, P. M, we shall Executor's Notice. width, already hand, tongued and hold a examination for the The pleasant sell th“ Bowlins on State which it was competitive purpose Staffordshire iron masters have reduced day lroni 3 to 5 P. M, till sale. Terms liberaL ON Alley, street; one store grooved and for the originally designed: of the and two Houses on York between M. L. A.—Saturday Eveniug. prepared carpenter’s filling upward of forty vacancies in nrst- prices of finished iron £2 per tou. »t., High and Park use. All the and Pay Your Small was the first elass Sts. on line of Boston and Maine Railroad. Wanted—J. L. Farmer. granite steps buttresses are Pills.—Tuesday clerkships. About fifty candidates will Alsatians in the German On of the the Army. ENTERTAINMENTS. Oct. at Ten The are to be removed at once. in place, and the foundation and day quarter. Yesterday tradesmen be examined each day, making nearly 250 in Wednesday, 9th, building* Notice—Association of the New Jerusalem Ch. underpinning sent iu their bills. If this is Paris, Oct. 3.—The Gazette Sale Positive. laid of the arcade the generally disput- all. Strasbourg says o’clock A. we Rooms To Let—W. H. connecting pavilion with we can that 500 are now M, shall sell the oc4rd J\ <». BAILEY Austrs Jerris. ed, affirm it of our own knowl- Visitor* to the President. Alsatians serving as soldiers A On. the central The personal in building. wulls of the central and the German of whom 125 are Peaches—Win. Allen, Jr. edge experience. Now if you mean to pay There garrisons vol- entire Furniture of said with the interior brick were few visitors at the Executive unteers. latter Forest House Small Tenement To Let—Win. II. Jerris. building partitions are these bills, it makes no difference to you wheth- The will be liable to military Park. Fiirnilurp, Farm Stock, < arriagt §. Mansion to-day. Among those who held inter- services for City No. completed and ready for the roof and cornice. er you pay them at once or whether wait only one year 72, of nt Auction. Girl Wanted. you views with the President was consisting English Ac,, We in the till, and the loon, Japanese A Rumor propose remaining autumnal through your neglect neglect of several of his about Thiers. Wednesday, Oct 10th, at ten A. M, wo shall MISCELLANEOUS, others like the charge d'afFairs, accompanied by Brussels, Tapestry, and other weeks, if our means will to cover the you, shopkeeper or the mechanic It is rumored that President Thiers intends Wednesday, and ON sell at house 563 Congress Street, Sofas, Easy Kid Gloves— Cogis Hassan. permit, that countrymen. y Thursday Friday, roof with and then you have ‘patronized’ may be obliged to at the next session Chairs, Carpets, Mahogany Tables, Sideboards, slate, to suspend opera- Extension of the Ciround*. of the Assembly to urge the Carpets, Parlor, Chamber, Din- Dr. Bennett—Falmouth Hotel. borrow at tea or to Capitol Oct. 3d and 4th. Bureaus, Sinks, Bedsteads, tions till rather money twelve per cent, meet conservative to the 2d, Blankets, Bedding, spring—or until the s'ate of The deputies support proposition and Packing Chests, Toilet Sets. Air and Auuouncements—J. Burleigh. his engagements. If you pay him he will pay Secretary of the Interior has concluded definite ing-room Kitchen Furniture. Mirrors, Tights our finances will us to resume them. to establishment by proclamation Parlor Coal Stoves, Glam and Tift Ware. permit auother, and that other will still purchase the sqnares of north and ot1°fT a Crockery, pay another, ground Mexican based on conserv- Also 1 excellent Family Horse. The exterior of the com- south republic strictly China, Stone and Wooden buildings when and the ten dollars that you set in motion will of the to the extent of the ap- ative Glass, 1 Court. Capitol principles. It is also said that Cassimer GREAT ATTRACTION. very cboiee Cow, Superior will of the Italian a hundred before and come made the last session of pleted partake largely pay night, perhaps propriation daring is influence with the Ware, &c. 1 Shifting Top Piano Buggy, built by C. P. Kim- BEFORE JUDGE SYMOXDB, back to A further will be nowiusinglhis right Gothic style of architectuie of the fifteenth you before it lias finished its beneficent Congress. appropriation ceutre of the to Oct 1-td ball; been used but little. Assembly bring it to accept the 1 Side Si Thursday.—Arthur Harris vs. Wm. Brown. Re- nnd sixteenth centuries, of which the journeyings. It is really a shame to make a necessary to complete the purchase to the lim President’s THE Spring Wagon. pavilion its views, 1 Farm 1 Evidence all man call, time after time, for a small bill, till designed. By J. 8. BAIliKY A Wagon, Hay Rack, ported yesterday. out. Arguments to with its wings will give an idea. It The Fire at Co., Auctioneers. 1 adequate the hours wasted in it take off the Convicted of murder. Escurial. Sleigh, Puug, Hat ness. commence in the morning. is free from ornamenta- collecting Mexican Tanner’s Tools, entirely extravagant that it And the debtor the wife Madr1©, Oct. 3.—The fire brigade sent from Vaquero Troupe Plow, Harrow, Grindstone, Lad- Haskell for and profits represents. gains Jenkins, (colored) murderer, was to- der*, Arc. plaintitf. tion, its embellishments, such as are, it. this city has arrived at Escurial. In their Carpenters’ Tools, they uotliing by Among the minor virtues, the day found guilty of murder in the first Through its Extraordinary Performance of Valuable Household Furniture at F. O. A. W. & for defendant have been made with a due to degree. exertions the flames BAILEY & CO., Auctioneers. Bradbury Libby regard economy, prompt payment of small bills holds a have been checked alid al- Oct 4-dtd couspic- The Conscience Fund. still the Wild and at the same time with an intelligent ous place. though burning are confined to that part of Capturing Cattle of Texas, Auction. municipal Court. Seventy-two hundred dollars aud some cents the in which the -AND THE- BY HENBUAW& recognition of the principles of architectural palace library is located. A shall sell at public auction on Friday, Oct. 4, BHOTIIEII JUDGE MORRIS PRESIDING. The Kesults of Deak Coal in the proceeds of the sale of some coiu received great of books at ten o’clock A. M. at houee NO. 5 sciences and of a true and England.— quautitp and manuscripts have Daring; Feats of Horse man ah and Na- WE No 117 Oxford st., MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE. refined artistic from a been ip conscience stricken individual in Ham- removed and there are of tive corner of Chestnut, all the furniture iu said Thursday.—Richard Collins. Search and seizure. taste. Tha large advance in the price of coal in Great hopes saving the Mustang;*. house, were credited to the eutire but in a consisting in part of Brussels, and other Fined $50 and costs. burg, Germany, to-day library, damaged condition. Don’t fail to see the Wonderful of Three-ply Appealed. The financial condition of the is a Britain is seriously affecting the interest of conscience fund the Treasurer of Exploits genuine Carpets, Tables. Easy Chairs, Bureaus, Bedsteads. Auction Sales every WEDNESDAY and Hospital by the United The Still Mexicans and thoroughly trained Mexican Ponies.— SATUR- Fox. Williams. Pope Sanguine. Beds and Bedding, Chairs, Curtains. DAY at 12 o’clock M. matter of paramount interest and British steamship owners, by rais- States. No postponement on account of weather. Mirrors, Stoves, importance. materially Rome, Oct. 3d.—The in Cutlery, Glfes, Stone and Iron John Cuskley. Search and seizure. Fined $50 and Our Treasurer has Pope replying to a Admission 50 cents; Children under twelve 25 cts. Croekerv,Wood Ware,* presented his annual report ing the cost of the expenses of the American and British Claims Commis- which &c., Ac. costs. runuiug deputation visited him on the anniversa- Doors often at 2 o’clock. Performance commence at Appealed. from which it appears that the whole amount sion. of the HTOCK8. vessels, aud heavy losses are apprehended. It ry taking of the Plebicituin in Rome de- 3 o’clock each day. Music in attendance by the Port- -ALSO- Fox. Williams. of received thus far Irom The American and British Mixed Claims land On SATURDAY, Oct. 5, at 12 o’clock—at Merchants* money all sources is clared that the of the church would Band. One fine 7 octave Rosewood Case estimated that the cost of a triumph very Piano, Stool, Old State since the commencement of working large Commission were in continuous session come if not Tickets may bo obtained at and Music &c. Exchange Reading Room, House: the work is $70,- to-day assuredly in his life in that of his Stockbridge’s Rack, ocjtd 30 share* First National Bank. Brief Jetting!. steamer has beon increased £45 the from 11a. m. to 6 and a Hawes & also at the Preble House. (Portland, Me.) 000, of which was per day by p. m., transacted large successor. Cragin'g, 23 do Casco nearly $10,000 appropriated J. 8. BAILEY A National Bank. (Portland, Me.) rise in a ex- amount of business. After in a By CO., Auctiourr*. 20 The foliage is fast eliaugiDg color. in navment of land claims rccpintQ from coal, although small portion of the closing proofs The Austrian ___octl-4t do Merchants* National Bunk. (Portland. Me.) cess is number of cases on the of Rudgei. 15 do attributed to the advance in labor. This large part claimants, shall sell at public auction on Oct. Traders’ National Bank. (Portland, Me.) The Harbor Commissioners hare given the scriptions and contributions from Nov. 6, 1871 and Pksth, Oct. 3.—The Austrian has Friday, 11, 15 has caused the owners to look elsewhere for a extending time to others the delegation WEat 10 A. a valuable lot of land ou Natious*l Bunk. to following voted Horticultural Exhibition. o’clock, M., °_CaIial (Portland, Me.) Maine Central Railroad Co. to erect Sept. 27, 1872, $54,389.40; and cases were ofIn finally the of the of corner and permission expendi- of coal, and it is stated that one of the disposed the claim of Chas. budget Ministry Quebec Lafayette Streets, containing 11. K. tures for and all supply hew vs. United foreign Affairs for about four three II u ml red HUNT, a wharf in front of their and extend- construction, payments made oldest English trans-Atlantic steamship com pa- May States, No. 172, on motion including anjappropriation Thou«nnd, amt pile depot secret service without Portland 58 X 75 feet. This is a fine Commission the same a Hies nave of U. S. counsel to a decision was ren- amendment. Horticultural Society will hold its fifty feet, being healthy Merchant and Auctioneer during period, $53,810.89 ; leaving coniraots to lake all tueir coal lor use dismiss, Fall in ing to the Commissioners’ line. as for THE Exhibition of Fruits, Plants and Flowers, location, an excellent neig< borhood, a corner lot balance in his hands of on board their vessels on the American at dered follows: Cruising a Suspicious Steamer. $578.51. He states, side, at Litv Hull on October and a view of the The Committee on out > Friday next, 4th., at 2 commanding splendid ocean, har- Laying New Street: Pictou and where coal can bo obtained The acts complained of not been com- Oct. o ojtoning farther, that the estimated cost of completing Sydney, having Havana, 2.—Two gunboats and the clock P. M. and continue for that day only. bor and Mountains. Terms liberal. Title clear. at 8 mibbcu utuveen ana the will go to l’e&k’s island to view tlie locution of the work to be done this shillings per ton, the present price of steam Apm 1.5m, im>i, April ytu, steamer Manuela left de Cuba Liberal Premium are ottered, lists of which be oct3-td proposed year, in- Santiago may purchasers at wholesale es. ( a*h coal at Cardiff 1805,the memorial is dismissed for want of to cruise after a obtained of the Samuel pri. artvanetsl on ”1i the new street asked for by the inhabitants of bills and u loan will amount to being thirty-five shillings per jur- Monday steamer seen off the Treasurer, RolJe, Esq, corner of cluding unpaid < isdiction. Congress and Chestnut streets. By J, 8. BAILEY & CO Auctioneer*. description goods. Consignments not limited. ton. )ne effect of this dearness of coal is to coast, which was considered of a , tl, the island next ; to meet which he old sub- suspicious to February lww.dtf Saturday. $23,000 places vessels into The claims on a demurrer the LUGtavici. Competition often everybody in this county, and bring sailing greater demand, and following by no which are reliable but and charge for entries. The Harbor Commissioners arc to scriptions unpaid, at if high shall continue to rule con- agent counsel of the United were ! Tlie new line °f petition prices any States, military defences begins at Per Order, S. B. A and adds that he has no knowl- siderable of disallowed: Nuevita on BECKETT, Sec’y.J Genteel Two French Roof the City Council for the appointment of a sci- $5,920, special length time, the result must be Hay the north and ends at Jacobson September 28, 1872. Story of the amount of new to in coun- Thos. Grunt vs U. No. S. & R. Rob- on south side of commission to edge subscriptions ob- very advantageous ship-owners this S., 211; the island. _HOTELS. entific extend tlia Harbor Com- erts vs U. tained and to be obtained in the try. S., No. 344; Thos. N. Goose vs U. Steamship City of Havana from New York Dwelling House at Auction. by physicians _ missioner's line from its present terminus at S., No. 350; E. G. Warren Ford vs U. S., No. arrived afternoon. HOTEL city, but is told that it will be brought up to Monday PROF. BRACKETT DIRECTORY, 1.umber 351; J. H. Rollason vs U. No. and Rat- FRIDAY Oct. 3 the m the Gas Works up to the Rolling Mills bridge. $15,000. Bangor Market. S., 358, 11th,at o’clock P. M., we shall Embracing leading Hotel, the State, at which. Oct 2.—The kin vs U. S., No. 375. The Commission ad- ONotter at Public Auction, that desirable two story the Pi;Ess Miss Charlotte Cushman will at For the details and Bangor, Whig publishes the follow- ; MINOR OP Daily may always be found. appear City specifications of receipts joumed to to-morrow. TELEGRAM*. French Roof Wooden dwelling-house, No. 6 WiLnmt ing table, showing the amount of lumber street. ALFBKD. Hall on Thursday evening, Oct. 10th. and expenditures we refer you to the Treas- surveyed On Wednesday, at Lyons, This house is nearly new. has 17 Rooms, tine from Jan. 1st to Oct. with the Wayne county, >argc closets, and all the modern conveniences and of urer's accounts which have been audited and 1st, 1872, compared New a farmers team ran The exhibition the Portland Horticultural York, away throwing Gas amounts the same in improvements, Sebago Water, Furnace, Brick County House, Edmund found and are on surveyed during period 1870 and a man out of the Warm,Proprir. will at 2 o’clock this afternoon at correct, the table for exam- NEW YORK. wagon killing him. In the BOWDOIN COLLEGE Cistern, &c,, &c. and Society open 1871: Thoroughly faithfully built, ination. afternoon a relative named Fox drove the run- the 1870. Will commence his course of Reception Room, City Building. t871. 1872. away team to tlie village to procure a coffin for best in the center of the business AVBt'Bitf. But with these two to Green neighborhoods, part The of the Mercan- buildings completed, Pine.15,382,000 23,438,000 23,420,000 the deceased. In the Central of tbe city, iu a clean, and desirable Elui regular weekly meetings make them Pino. Tender of Obscene JLiterature Covicted. crossing Railroad healthy location, llouae, Court. Mt. W. M. A A. Young. available for practical purpose- Dry 5,361,000 4,840,000 7,530,000 track the locomotive SIX LECTURES for a residence, and safe for investment. Lot about tile Association will commence Satur- collided with the wagon Proprietors. Library —in other to the in Spruce .102,651,586 121,721,971 132,154,633 New 37 x 92 feet. Terms liberal. House can be examined words, place Hospital York, Oct. 3.—David Massey was con- and Fox and the horses were killed. ON next. See advertisement. Hemlock, &c.... 16,736,000 18,482,000 18,170,000 from 3 to 5 o’clock p. m. on tbe ami af- day evening proper working condition, a kitchen, victed in the U. S. Circuit Court for send- day previous, AUGCMTA. boilerj to-day On Wednesday an expresss train on the ter 10 o’clock morning of sale. oct3td Pickard of the house with obscene literature the United Auguatii House, Mlute Ml. Mr. Transcript acknowledges heuting apparatus, and other access Total.140,133,586 108,481,971 181,274,633 ing through States and Alton railroad ran llurriaon Balt- Chicago into the rear HEAT, LIGHT & ELECTRICITY er, will be 1 mails. He was lined $500 and sent to Proprietor. the receipt of $22.50 from various sources in sory appendages required, involving Jan. to June 1, 38,830,617 prison eni of an extra freight train at a near for one crossing «. A. A H. to the estimates of our June, 38,257,975 year. Illinois. AT CouyHou,*, Cony. Proprir- this and from South Thomaston, tor the re- according architect, an Edwardsville, Tlie passenger, city July, 33,233,722 Not a Lovely Wife. engine, Registered Municipal additional outlay of fifty thousand dollars, and baggage and express cars and four freight cars lief of Jeremiah Hacker. August, 36,233,287 Johaaa a we Hatigan, Brooklyn virago, and a ter- were demolished. The wreck took fire respectfully submit that the requisite means and at BANCOB. black duck were shot at September, 34,719,032 ror to the of Atlantic was ar- last accounts MUSIC HALL! Splendid Mackey’s come vicinity street, the passengers and train men Hnrrimuu should from all parts of the State. Port- rested BONDS. llouac, J.E. liarriuttu A t'o., to-day for her husband were to save the Island yesterday. in to 181,274,633 fatally stabbing endeavoring remainder of the Proprietors land, addition the valuable land, a drunken Friday Evening, October 1 tit. adjoin- during melee. tram, of three cars and live and Ronds B. Willard Parker of has been ad the consisting sleeping City County registered un- Penobaeot Exehnttge, A. Pro- Maine, ing Hospital, given in its corporate ca- Nomination. coaches. der the laws Woodward, Fecliter and And Continue with MISSOURI passed at last session of the Legis- pnrtor. initted to the Naval at has contributed in Carlotta Leclerq are not only no latuer. Semi-annual Academy Annapolis. pacity, already subscrip- The Democrats and Liberals of the In the 11th New York Interest Coupons and Principal Franklin old 11th Congressional district I for State Hourr, Harlow Ml., B. the four cadet lieutenants of the bat- tions from her citizens more than thou- longer friends, but Miss Leclerq is said to be ONE LECTURE A WEEK provided by taxation, and paid by the with Qwlnby, Among fifty District nominated Charles H. Horton for Con- yesterday Clarkson N. Potter was nominated State M D RcLaiighlin A Mon., sand i Treasurer in New York. There is no expense Prop. talion is Charles W. of Maine. dollars, and will do all that can be about to sue the great murderer of English for gress. for the Democrats for Dcering Congress by and Liberals. Till tho Course is completed. collecting and no tax deduction. Present indebt- But it must be remem- that she Straight-out Convention. edness is small and BAT11. Col. A. W. Wildes, one of the Railroad Com- reasonably expected. money advanced to him some time ago. Two convicts named Joseph Ringsland and therefore easily paid and must re- bered that this is the Maine General main so under the registration laws of the State. Sagadahoc John M. has an Hospital. H. G.’s visit to the Cincinnati At the Nicholas from Prison IIoum>, Rilliken, Pro missioners, just returned from official During Expo- Straight-out Convention at to- Kelley escaped Sing Sing Bonds recommended for as It is a Albany safety well as profitable- praetor. State and not a local and a full electoral was a or two and have not since been re- These ■examination of the Portland and institution, sition, a little six year old whose father is day ticket selected, includ- night ago entertainments are projected a Commit- ness, bearing ten per cent interest, and at Ogdensburg boy, tee by selling Bath C. R provision is made for an effective share the ing Peter John A. Goodlett and captured. of citizens who are desirous of the rates that of a Hotel, Pluannarr, Proprietor by a subscriber for liecn Gilsey, George affording pub- give prospect profitable advance iu Rafflruad. He pronounces the road-bed, track Harper's Weekly, having at lic an opportunity to attend a course in which the This is a public authority in its oversight and direction. Sprague large. Resolutions in support of Michael Kelley was arrested at prices. good opportunity to convert Gov- .and in the best and enjoined to look out for the O Conor and Thursday interesting subjects treated of are handled by a ernment Bonds into those more remunerative. Or- BOSTON. bridges condition, improv- And it is proper to say, in this connection, that Sage, recognized Adams and the Louisville plat- Lowell, Mass., for from a larceny millinery thorough scholar, who has acquired a brilliant repu- ders anti inquiries attended to. American Hanover him at onco on bis “There form were store and was promptly House, St. L. Hire ed since last year. the location of the Hospital was deter- entrance, callingout: adopted. Twenty-seven delegates subsequently found to be a de- tation as a lecturer and who, without iu the least Proprietor. were There was hut serter CUARLKS M. mined the be like his but what has present. little enthusiasm. from the 25th u. S. sacrificing scientific accuracy, will his n.UVKF,8, The next of the Cumberland npon by Maine Medical As- is, papa, just picture; Infantery. adapt explana- Parker School St. H. meeting County A motion for the nomination of a ticket for tions to the of a meh‘22 dtf Kxchanzc *!.. Portland Houmc, D. Parker A sociation. At the annual he done with the little Oliver one of the of Onon- understanding popular audience. Association will be held at the F. meeting card lie wears on liis State officers was Strong, pioneers These lectures Co., Proprietors. Temperance rejected by 12 to 15. Ad- New have been in preparation many held in June a committee of daga County, York, died from paralysis at and no Revere House, Bowdoia W. Baptist Church (Rev. Mr. Libby) at West 1867, coat tail?” journed. mouths, exertions have been spared to make Square,Bulfliach, selected from all Thursday, aged 91. He was a native them attractive and complete. They will be illustrat- Biugham, Wrisley A Co. physicians, prominent sections The Turf. Syracuse,of FALMOUTH MILLS Proprietors Falmouth, on Monday, Oct. 14th, commencing Connecticut. ed by a large number of many of them St. James of the State, was and authorized to In the race at Fleetwood exi>eriment8, Hotel—J. P. R. Stetson, Propri appointed HI8CEI,I,.l!VEOim NOTICES). Park to-day for a of the most striking character. etor. at 2 o'clock p. in., and continuing through the of PURE memorialize the for an act of in- purse $1500, for horses which never beat The necessary expenses of the course arc TABLE AND DAIRY Legislature 2.34, very Tremont House. Trrmont The above church is about half a to mile heats, Tom won three out of four great and the committee trusts that this effort to dis- St. Binglium evening. corporation establish in the city of Port- Young FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL A Fearful of Kid Gloves. heats. seminate exact scientific Wrisley C’o. Proprietors. mile from the West Falmouth on the land a State Slaughter The second heat was wron William knowledge among the peo: depot, General Hospital, and for by will meet Now is the time to in winter’s Turnbull. Time of horse "was pie with an appreciative reception. SALT. Maine Central railroad. a sufficient to lay your sup- winning 2.304, Course Tickets BRYANT’S POND. pecuniary appropriation Six horses started. $2.00. For sale at the usual places. 2.334, 2.324. by Rnilcoiln and Subscribers will be The Boston Post of the secure its foundation; thus following the ply. In the second Receipts Steamboats. supplied by the Committee. is unexcelled in purity and whiteness. Manu- Bryant’s Pond House—N. B. Crockett, speaks very highly race for a purse of $2000, for Tickets 50 cents. For universal of State Hos- 1000 pairs Kid Gkaxd Tarn Railway—1 car lambs, 9 do sun- Evening sale at the door. ITfactured and for sale to the Trade by Proprietor. new school house in Otis precedent establishing gents Gloves, 50c,former priae horses that never beat 2.29, mile beats, Doors at at 8. elegant Place, Boston, Young dries, 12 do flour, 1 do iioUtoes, 2 do spirits, 10 do open 7; Lecture EDW>I> H. BURG1N, A* CO. pitals in places of the greatest 81.00. Bruno won three heats. Time of horse Committee.—P. H. —which is under the management of Mine, de population, winning com, 78 do lumber, 3 do iron rails, 1 do oats. Ship- Brown; F, H. Gerrish; C. J. sep23-cod3wis 13G & 138 Commoroial St. BETHEL. where can be useful to the num- was Ken won ment car* Chapman; C. F. Libby; G. W. Holme*; C H»lo. they greatest 3000 pairs ladies Kid 2.31, 2.304, 2.304. Flagler the East—15 flour. Chandler F. S. Chandler A Co. Mattchyce and Mrs. Martin. Mrs. Martin is a Gloves, 75c,former price second heat in 2.28. sep23td House, ber of patients, and recognizing, also, the im- 81.00. Nine horses started. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. Proprietors. ind by the of the • lady birth, daughter portant fact that the manifold benefits of such Obacqaies. Foreign Exports. C'hnpmau S. II. Pro- 1000 pairs ladies Two Button for- SCHENCK’S PULMONIC SYRI House, Chapman, 'hinehas Barnes, and the authoress of the when well are Kids, 81.00, The Union Club BUENOS AYRES. Bark Brunswick—328,824 feet P, prietor. institutions, conducted, widely a 1Msmlu.p IJK min ,.1.1.■ ■) -1— 11 mer 81.40. League to-night appointed MUSIC HALL, PORTLAND le Nortons” and “Muff.” diffused the Each price cumiuittetr to attend the fuueral of x^r. rjieoer. ST JOHN NB. Sch MCUENi'K'M ME A throughout community. George G Jewett—1400 bbU WEED TONIC* RRIDGTON CENT ER* tie. in the our We shall close out our Kid Glove Primaries. flour. Robinson’s four-horse team with tlie one, language of lute and lamented department Tniuuiany MCHENCK’M MANDRAKE Cumber In ml House, Rarshatl Pro large Foreign Import**. PIIJLM, Baron, associate, Phinelias becomes a school and eommence to sell all our §1 00 Kids prietor. Portland Baud on board, started in the Va- Barnes, to-day Tammany primaries which were held to-night SAGUA. Brig Hyperion—484 hlida, 44 tes, 24 bbls Are the medicines that will cure of instruction to every physician and surgeon at 75c a pair, black, colors and white, all sizes. in each Assembly district to Mr. EDWIN BOOTH only Pulmonary quero procession at the head of Green street appoint delegates molasses to Geo S Hunt. consumption. BRUNSWICK. RE. in the and a central source of to the various conventions State, learning, The first choice is the best. Those that come nominating passed Sometimes medicines that will a afternoon, the leaders took and Under the of stop cough will of- P. A K. W. yesterday fright and skill from which and relief off had been in Kostou Management ten occasion the death of the Dining Rooms, R. Field, fidelity light first will have the best assortment to select quietly. Difficulty anticipated Stock JLUt. patient. It locks up the Proprietor. started on a run down but twa the in which the Mr. the circulation of Congress street, may be extended to the humblest in districts, especially Tweed’s, [Sales at the Broker’s Oct. Henry Mngouigle, liver, stops the blood, hemorrhage patient from. oct4 2t Cogia Hassan. seats Board, 3.1 in of the dashed out on their horses and have recently been declared vacant aud follows, and, fact, clogging the ac tion of the very TAPE Vaqueros the remotest village. Boston and Maine Railroad.134 that caused ELIZABETH. filled up new FOR SIX NIGHTS ONLY ! organs the cough. Ocenn House—J. P. C with skill the steeds Mr. our by representatives. Eastern Railroad. Liver hamberlain, Propri- great caught frightened Yes, President, present and pro- Dr. Bennett is at the 33. tf 108$ complaint and dysiiepsia are the causes of etor. Falmouth,Room Et Cetera. two-thirds of the cases of before any other damage was done than a brok- spective wants require an additional sum of consumption. Many are This the new of the Jews New York Stock and Money Market. now with dull pain in the side, the*bow- thousand dollars. Can that amount be All kinds of overcoats at J. being religious year complaining CALAIS. en trace. fifty cheap Burleigh’s els sometimes costive and > it is generally celebrated in the Jewish syna- New* York, Oct. 3—Morning.—Gobi, at 1143.— sometimes to loose, tongue raised ? It to be in this The announces the in the International Hotel, W. D. The No. 57 street was surely ought large 89 Middle street. and of New York Money at 1-16 per cent, per Management respectfully Engage- coated, pain shoulder blade, feeling sometimes Mimprou, property Washington gogues temples and Brook- day. Sterling Exchange ment of the Proprietor. and wealthy state, and we believe it will be. long 107$, do short 108$ Stocks heavy. State stoeks very restless, and at other times drowsy; the food arid at auction J. S. & lyn. that is taken lies on the yesterday by Bailey Co., At the annual of the Maine Medical Our readers will notice that the last dull. heavily stomach,‘accompani- CARDER. meeting oppor- Flushing, Whitestone and College Point, EMINENT TRAGEDIAN, ed with acidity and belching of wind. These for $3000. Association held New York, Oct. symp- in June last, the following tunity to lay in a stock of peaches Long Island, are to be consolidated under one 3—Evening.—Money very string- toms usually originate irom a disordered condition of Bay View House, E. U. Dernuth, Prop. preserving ent at 7 per cent, annum to cent, Prof. Brackett’s first lecture will be delivered resolution offered Dr. Nourse of was city charter. per $ per per day the stomach or a torpid liver. Persons so affected, it by Bath, for winter use is at hand—as after this week and interest, the bulk of the business at 1-16 suits commenced in being they take one or two colds, and if the in CORNISH. to-night. a unanimous vote: Forty the State Court* to cent. There was considerable of heavy cough adopted by there will be none in the market. por shifting loans EDWIN these cases be the liver and probably test the of the income tax and BOOTH, suddenly stopped, lungs, Cornish The Mexican vindicate their treat- Resolved, That we, as members of the Maine constitutionality to-day some long standing ones called in. In stomach and remain and House,—P. Dnrgin, Proprietor. vaqueros have been to clog, torpid Inactive, and removed the United States Courts, commercial paper there was little doing and rates before tho is ment of wild cattle on the track at Forest Medical Association, ourselves individ- Five huudred dozen undershirts and Who will on patient aware of ids situation, the lungs the pledge drawers one to be made a test case before were and was appear D AH ARISCOTTA Judge Wood- high irregular. Sterling Exchange are a mass ot‘sores, and ulcerated, and death is the ually to co-operate with an agent of the Di- for men demoralized the the City Park. They say it makes the meat ten- and boyo, at J. Burleigh’s, 89 Middle ruff in a few days. by money stringency, advance inevitable result. Rainc Hotel, Sanborn A Jneobs, rectors of the Maine General in rais- in Gold aud the rumors of dear rates for cash Gold Proprie- der. Hospital street. Experts hare been appointed by the Board of Saturday Evening, October 5tli, Schenck’s Pulmonic Syrup is an expectorant which tors. the to-morrow. Prime, 60 days, at 107 with at 106$: does not ing funds necessary for the completion of Audit to scrutinize the new that all ga* good contain any opium, nor auy tiling calculated stoves is the usual masculine oc- report sight 108$. Gold strong and higher with increased AS Putting up the At 10 o’clock F. O. & will companies have brought bills the to check a cougli suddenly. DANVILLE JUNCTION. Hospital. to-day Bailey Co., wrong against business, The price opened at 114§, fell to 114$ and Schenck’s cupation just now. Judging from the language In city for the of Seaweed tonic dissolves the food, mixes Clark’s Dining Hall, Grand Trunk Rail- compliance with that vote and in further- sell the implements, buildings, supply gas. advanced to 115$, but closed at 115$ @ 115$. Tlie with the of &c., comprising The gastric juice the stomach, digests easily, way R. W. nade use of it is evident that a of ance of Guardian Savings Bank has to clearings were §58,000,000; treasury disbursements Depot, Clark, Proprietor. good many the important object indicated, your the stone cutters on Deake’s See begun nourishes the system, and creates a healthy circula- yard wharf, cents on a dollar. $106,000; loans were made at 2 per cent, to $ per H A M L, E T ! the are imitators of the and in June made choice of Dr. pay fifty tion of the blood. When the bowels are costive, skin DEXTER. operators great Directors, last, the advertisement for U. S. cent, per with bid at a late nour. The particulars. Judge Woodruff stated to-day that the day $ treasury shallow, and the patient is of a billious habit. Horace. F. Buxton of Warren, a sold which was taken a at Dexter Ilonsc. good Benjamin gentleman Federal Supervisors of Election in this city $1,000,000, by clique supported by Sclienck’s Mandrake Pills are required. well known and n 114 57-100. The rise in the rate of the Bank of Trade in cider barrels is One of our respected in the state, as Go to for your 89 Middle would be from candidate* Eng- Those medicines are prepaired Dr. J. H. sharp. Burleigh’s clothing, appointed properly land assisted advance. Governments lower by DIXFIELD. of to-day’s Mr. Francis Bangs, Mr. R. Palemnn, SCHENCK & Northeast corner of Sixth and special agent the Corporation, with author- street. vouched for, one from the party than but closed SON, merchants sold six hundred within a week. supporting yesterday, steady, though quiet.— Miss Bella Palemnn, Miss Charlotte Arch streets. and tor sale Androscoggin House, J. Jackson, Pro- to visit the cities and towns in all Grant and one from the Gree- State Philadelphia. Penn., by ity portions party supporting securities rather better, but dull. The Stock Crumpton, and the rest of the Company from GEO. C. GOODWIN & CO.. 38 Hanover Bos- prietor. Kendall & Whitnby offer to in street, wui unu At the trade and ley, each election district. market was tame the with Booth’s Theatre in i/umuiuunvaiui, uuiawi, jjussa- generally throughout day New York, and the play present- ton, and John F. Henry, 8 College place. New York. RAisrao at Kniohtville.—A notice a downward movement of cent, in EAST PORT. Fuo ble, with the assistance of resident at retail a large assortment of Flower Pots. $ @ 1$ per prices. ed with the same Costumes, Properties and Appoint- Druggists generally. 8ept3sneodtf physicians, Pacific Western Union and Lake Shore were _saleby at Mail, ments as used during the great run of this play at House.—E. of the Republican flag raising Knightvillej the aid so needed for the the most active Passamaquodriy Taft, Prop pecuniary urgently oct2-w,s&m Georgia Election—30,000 Drmoc ratic stocks. Pacific Mail opened at 75$, the above Theatre. BANK OF DEPOMIT. Cape Elizabeth, was accidentally omitted from early consummation of this great advanced to 76|, fell to 75 and closed at 75$ @ 75$.— ELLSWORTH. enterprise. Save your buildings them be- majority. Dr. Buxton is now by painting Western Union opened at 70$, touched 71 aud closed the Pbess of yesterday. The Pioneers, Artil- ready to enter upon the American House —S. Jordan A Son, Prop fore winter coincs with Augusta, Oct. 3.—An official account at 69$. Lake Shore foil from 87$ to 86$. The rest of F. A. and would have done so weeks but on, the Averill Chemi- gives HAWLEY & and Continentals of this city were joined work, ago the the market was quiet and without great pressure CO., lery cal Democrats the following majorities in the GARDINER. rt_ .a_a i_it. rt_a_j ttt: l_ for the belief which he held with others that Paint. to to in with counties named: Richmond 745; Wilkes sell, prices seeming drop sympathy October 7 Evans Hotel, O. C. Rollins, Proprietor. the of an For sale at 83 1070; the money stringency and closed heavy. Monday Evening, th, BANKERS, the Iron Zouaves of period intensely excited political Commercial St., Portland, tf Morgan 150: Muscogee 700. The State will Rangers of Ferry Village, The were the of Government was not for the success of Democratic following quotations Coleman’s Celebrated Play of No. 1 Devonshire, cor. Mtntc SI., Boston. GORHAR. campaign propitious give 30,000 majority. securities: the Grant and Wilson Zouaves and Wanted,—Six- first, pin SS film iinro Mru I F. J. Xigonia, such a mission. We desire to our Central Hotel, Berry, Prop. express Atlanta, Oct. 3.—Some of the strongest United States coupon 6’s, 1881.115$ tthe Grant and Wilson Zouave Guards (the last Geo. A. WHITNEY & Co. and belief that his to the counties neara trom. oue United States 5-20’s 1862.115$ Four cent, interest allowed on hope appeals gener- No. 46 nepuoiicau (July so THE IRON CHEST ! per deposit GREAT FALLS, N. II. two a battalion of about ous Exchange St., Portland Me. far United States 5-20’s juvenile clubs), makiug and humane throughout the state will be sep28-lw gives Walker (Rep.) a 1864.115$ accounts, subject to drawu as bank. majority. Thirty- United States 5-20’s check, any city Great Falls Hotel, O. A. Frost, met with four counties heard from Smith a 1865, old.115| Sir Edward Mr. Edwin Proprietor 300 torches, with drum corps. The companies promptness and commen- Levi Truitee of the Society of give majority Mortimer, Booth, Out-of-town deisisitois will itave their rcmitances and liberality Shaw, of United States 5-20’s 1865, new. 114$ and near the school- surate with the intrinsic of the 19,631. United States 5-20’s HIRAR. inarched to Knightville, importance Shakers, Mount Lebanon, X. Y., writes: We 1867.114$ To conclude with Danver’s Comedietta collections promptly acknowledged. Forty-nine counties give Smith 27,827 major- United States 5-20’s charming Rt. Cutler on to a object. U68.114$ entitled We do a General House,—lliram Hiistou, Pro- house, the road leading Ferry Village have used a thousand of Paint and Walker has a iu Banking and Commission busi- When this gallons your ity. majority Macintosh of United States 5’s, new.110| prietor. great public or such ness, Notoe and other fine flag was hung out to the music of the charity, are much pleased with it. We have used 494. in Thomas of 256, making a total in both United States 10-40’s.,'coupon...... 108 Negotiate Bonds, Stock, Secur of it as the wants of the State re- A CONJUGAL parts may counties of 750. In counties a Currency 6’s. LESSON, Kies, make collections the States KENDALL’S RILLS. Union Brass of Ferry Village and a display of heretofore the best brands of American fifty Smith has .111$ through United and shall be and set in Lead, of The were quire, completed operation, majority 27,117. following the opening quotations or Mr# Simon R. Patcman. Euroiie. As Kendall’s Rills Hotel, Randall Andrews, fireworks. The was by the none of which would us Lullaby, Mr. meeting organized there can be no doubt as to its career. give perfect satisfac- Stocks: future Augusta, Ga. 3.—Returns from 60 counties Mrs. Letitia Lullaby, Miss Bella Patcman. Proprietor, of John as Chairman and Western Union Co. 692 DEALERS IN choice Brewer, Jr., It is sure to be sustained thereafter. So all tion; the most of it would chalk off after being in of the the Demo- Telegraph SECURITIES, every portion State, gives .raciuc -mum. L1RERICK. were The sale of Reserved seats now at the we J. H. Harford as Secretary. Speeches experience teaches. The of all on two years. This, after three crats over 25,000 The 76 counties N. Y. Central ami Hudson open Drug invite inquiries relating to investments, and history years experi- majority. yet River consolidated_92$ store of & under Music Hall. give Limerick House, JosephG. Pro- kindred to hear from will increase the to Gilkey Co., below the of a Harmon, made by A. A. Strout, Esq., Col. C. P. Mat- institutions, in this country cer- ence, we do not find to he the caae with the majority 40,- Erie. 47$ Reserved Seats One Dollar. prices few of the moat desirable 000. a Erie 71 and W. H-. tainly, bears grateful to the Avcrill Twigge county gives Republican major- preferred. sep30td Bonds: tocks Vinton, Esq. testimony Chemical. Indeed, it appears just as of 300 and Greea and fact. ity county 111. Out of 60 Harlem.110$ C. R. & Milwaukee MACHIAM interesting important Con- as Central.114 B., M., Extension, 7s.924 well when first put on. counties heard from, four have Re- Michigan Midland Eastern Hotel.—E. K. tributions for the establishment of free only gone Lake Shore & Pacific, 7s.yo C'orthel, Proprietor. The Mechanic Blues at Norway.—The beds, Enthusiastic Democrats claim Michigan Southern. 86$ Agency 83 Commercial St. publican. the Illinois Central. CITY HALL. Logausport, Crawfordsviile & Southwestern, 8s.. .974 benefactions and for Its maintenance State 128 PORTLAND. Mechanic B'ues, numbering 3G men, went to bequests by 50,000. & Rock U. S. Bonds and other and The and best Paint in the Chicago Island.110 marketable securities allow- support will flow at once into its treasury, cheapest world, is & Fort ed full in Adams House,Temple Ml.Charles on Wednesday morning oil a visit to Pittsburg Wayne. 91$ price exchange. sep3-3mo-tt«&s Adams, Norway as did into that of the Massachusetts the Averill Chemical. Proprietor. they Another Indian The were the for Rail- POSITIVELY ONE NIGHT ONLY. the and returned yes- Treaty. following quotations Pacific Norway Xight Infantry, General and as For sale at road securities: Albiou House, 117 Federal Ml. J. ©. Perry, Hospital; continuously, too, 83, Commercial St., Portland, t South Pass, Indian Ter., Oct. 3.—Felix R. BURNETT’S afternoon. were we Central Pacific bonds. COCOAINE, Proprietor. terday They accompanied by believe, ever keeping pace with an en- Brunot and Thomas Indian 99$ Cree, Commission- Union Pacific do. 87fi American India Ml. J. H. Col. T. A. Roberts, Major Win. P. Jordan, sentiment and a Adamson’s Balsam cures arrived Oct. 7th. Universally acknowledged House, Dodge, lightened public progressive Asthma, Coughs ers, here from the Shoshones and Ban- Union Pacific stock.*.. :>8§ Monday, Proprietor. Webster and Lieut. Charles J. Christian civilization. nock Indian Uuion Pacific land Xieut. George Colds, Lung Complaints. Price 36 and 76 cts Agency to-day. They effected a giants. 76 The Best ami Hair City Hotel, Cor. and Green with the Union Pacific income Cheapest Dressing C’ongress St. Pennell. At were received with John T. mrlo-T T S & wly. treaty Shoshone Indians, liy whicli bonds. 78$ Johu P. Daeis A Co. Proprietors. Norway they Oilman, cede to they the United States some half a mil- The following are the quotations of Southern secur- The Rival Kings of Minstrelsy Clasping Promoter ofthe Growth nnd nf the Commercial all the honors, the of that village giving Israel Washburn, Jb., Beauty House—II. B. Johnson, Pro people lion acres of tlieir reservation. The land thus ities: pridtor. them a On eve- Andrew Spring, eeded is situated in Hands for Hair in the World. hearty welcoming. Wednesday Hamilton county, the Sweet Tennessee6’s, new.72$ the Season of 1872-73. Falmouth P. E. A. W. II. Water Hotel, Wheeler, Propri- a hall was them at the Elm Clapp, gold belt and mining region, and there Virginia 6’s, new. 47$ etor. ning given House, NO OTHER COMPOUND Horatio N. Jose, BY TELEGRAPH. is a large extent of valuable and graz- Missouri6’s. 92 at which a very number of the people of farming North Preble House, Congress Ml. Gibson A Co large William ing country. The terms of the are Carolina 6’s, new. 19 Geo. Deering, agreement Swaine possesses the peculiar which so Propraetors. the were and a fine order of South Carolina 6’s, new. 30 Buckley properties exactly village to the — — present, Samuel F. Hersey, perfectly satisfactory Indians and highly AND suit the various conditions of the human hair. Mt. Julian Hotel, Cor. Middle Pluua sixteen dances arranged, with an elegant sup- Joseph H. Williams. advantageous to the government. and MATTERS IN MAINE. For sale by all Druggists. eodly no29 sn Mis. G. E. Ward, Propraetor. at the intermission. Domestic UInrkctw. per Raymond’s quadrille George Walker. 1J. S. Hotel, Junction of and Fed- New Congress hand furnished the music. The Blues York, Oct. 3—Evening—Cotton an $c Sam eral Mts. D. N. enjoyed METEOROLOGICAL. with sales 3194 Sharpley, National of Cushman, Proprietor. Edwin Booth.—Six of the eminent higher good export demand; bales; College Music, Walker the visit much and will remember the nighis L>UDchiiiK. 19c. Flour and 5 cents House, Opp. Boston Depot, €ieo. very long SYNOPSIS OK WEATHER REPORTS FOR THE VAST Middling uplands heavy @10 With their Great Double bythemendkum- tragedian in Portlaud ought to create an enthu- Oct. 3.—Launched Messrs. lower; sales 13,500 bbls; State 6 00 @ 7 90; Round Troupe. Bridghum Jr., Proprietor. generous and genuine of their Nor- Bath, to-day by TWENTY-FOUR HOURS. E*tabli*hkdMOHN QUINTETTE CU B, will l*ogin hospitality hoop Ohio 7 15 @ 9 Western 6 00 @ 9 55; South- siasm that will fill seat at Music Hall for Goss & a fine three 75; September 16, 1872. A musical education friends. every Sawyer, masted schooner War Office Chief ern at 7 40 12 00. Wheat and a shade low- thorough PARIS way Dep’t, Signal ) @ heavy in all branches of the art can now be obtained from a HILL. week. The sale of reserved seats of three hundred and ten tons. sales No 1 1 56 1 No 2 the entire She is built Officer, Waaliington, D. C., / or; 184,000 bush; Spring @ 61; White and Black Faces. conof FOREIGN AND RESIDENT AR- Hubbard Hotel, II. Hubbard, Proprietor. do 1 18 @ 1 54; Winter Red Western 1 5»@ 1 68; oir with success. Tlie of and is one of the Oct. 3. (8.00 P. y.)) TISTS of HIGH GRADE. Applications for Sale SHirroiO.—Messrs. J. S. Bailey & began yesterday very good entirely oak, best built by White 1 70 1 95. Corn a shade Michigan @ lower; NEW ACTS, admission now received. Classes formed early in SOUTH CHINA, Co. sold at auction the list of characters which Mr. Booth will this popular firm. She is owned Marcus B. Probabilities—For the lower lakea and ■ales 40,000 bush; steamer Mixed Western 63 @ 63$; Tuesday following appear by September. Circulars with full particulars mailed Luke J. thence southward and eastward overthe Middle sail do 64$ @ 64$e. Oats a shade firmer; sales 72,0UU NEW IDEAS, House, Mnrnge, Proprietor. of vessels. The attendance at the sale in has been selected to all Brown, O. H. and others of ree. Address THOMAS RYAN, of parts evidently please Bishop Orient, and bush; new White 45 old Western Mixed 45 Director New Ennland States, clearing and clear @ 46c; NEW FEATURES. ;< > i>al College of Music. Tremont Temple, Boston, to his and Beef Pork and new * RICHMOND. was Urge and the bidding quite spirited. The tastes, and Mr. Booth’s desire please Long Island, (’apt. J. H. Rackett, who weather and to in the @46c. quiet. active firmer; jy27-w ed&sat 3m westerly __ northerly winds; mess 14 20 14 15 00. Lard is quiet at 8$ are said to be friends is manifested in this as in other will command her. and Ohio to west- @ 25; prima Doors at 7 —commence at 8 o’clock. Richmond Hotel, II.Mpringer. Proprietor prices realized good. many Mississippi valleys, southerly @9 9-lflc. Butter State 24@28c, Whiskey HEIP* open winds and on the quiet; l-ir.th ship Blanchard,1172 tons, for 8 122 have faith in the that the erly partly clearing weather; steady at92c. Rloe dull at Sugar firm; Admission 35c; Reserved Scats 50c; For sale at Sylvanus ways. We promise lakes and in the north 8$@8|c. fSKOWHECsAN, to S. C. Blanchard, upper north-west, fresh Porto Rico @ 10c; Muscovado at 9 @ 10c; refining Hawes & Cragin’s Music Store. ocltd BONDS. will he if so the boards of a NEW HAMPSHIRE. g$ Hotel, E. B. l-32d ship Star, W93 tons, for *1250, to S. C. support good; and weatcrly to easterly winds, veering on Lake 9@9|c. Coffee firm; Rio 14 @ 17$c iu Gold. Mo- Mkowbcgan Maybury, Propri- lasses etor. properly arranged though modest theatre will Michigan to southerly, with cloudy weather on dull at 64$ @ 65. Naval Stores—Spirits Tur- STATE OF HAUTE.... tt’. toS. C. 4 50 for Turner BLJ6thbark Priscilla, 778 tons, tor *850, that Friday; iu the south Atlantic a reduced pentine steady at 64$ @ 65c; Rosin steadyat CITY HALL. House, T. H. Hussey A Co Pro- give the company an advantage of position States, strained. refined New Hampshire State Fair. pressure, warm anil clear weather and light Petroleum firm; crude 13c; 24$c. PORTLAND. «•» prietors. S. E. Frazer, 500 tons, for *850, to E, D, Mr. Booth did not on his last two visits Tallow quiet at 9 5-16 (ffi 9$. Linseed Oil at 81c. S'l-S2d bark enjoy Dover, Oct. 3.—At the State Fair to-dav the southerly to westerly winds. Elm Huh, 31. H. Hilton. Proprietor. to at Freights to Liverpool firm; Cotton per steam at Thursday Evening, October lOlii, 7»n for to E. Portland. Tickets can be secured to-day attendance was and the scene a 7-16 CLEVELAND, OHIO,. l-32d brig Agenora, 451 tons, $525, R, very large gay @ $d. Grain per sail do 10$ @ ll$d; per steam one until the rain about 1 o’clock. ONE NIGHT St. N. York Gilkey Hi. Goes, under Music Hall. began Gov. Railroad Accideat. ONLY. OHIO. S’. ANDREWS, B. for to C. F. ZANESVILLE, Thr Rail t-16th »cbr. Casfio Lodge, 138 tons, $405, Straw, ex-Gov. Smith and a large company of Chicago. Oct. 3.—Flour and unchanged.— Way Hotrl, Jlirharl Clark. Pro- Knoxville, Tenn., Oct. 3.—Three quiet The has the honor to announce to Nuptial.—One of the prominent citizens d;ned at the New Hamp- passenger Wheat dull and unsettled; No 1 1 22 @ 1 23; management the «’« prictor. to P. plcasantest wedding coaches on the mail train west on the Spring citizens of Portland and the as NT, LOUIS,. Buth H. Baker, 317 tons, for *300, Hotel invitation of the officers of the going No 2 at 1 15 cash or seller Oct; K® 3 vicinity, appearance ST-32Jt«chr. receptions of the season occurred at shire by Spring Spring of N. Blanchard. yesterday Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railroad fell at 1 03; rejected 90 Corn a shade lower; No above, 7’. SPRINCiVAI.E. Blanch- State Agricultural Society. In spite of the @ 90$c. I.OEISVILLE, KV.,. l-32d sell. 205 tons, for $240,to P. the residenceof Hon. Jacob on the oc- through a trestle three miles west of Greenville 2 Mixed al 34c cash or seller 34$c do No 1 THE Tibbrtt, Abbie, McLellan, heavy ram the three races on the bills for the Oct; Noy; WORLD RENOWNED TRAGEDIENNE, llou.r, A. P. Tibbrtt., Proprirlor at4. this One brakemau was seven high Mixed 36c. Oats and weak; No 1 at COOK fOl'NTV. »’• to casion of the marriage of his were all trotted out. In foreman). killed, quiet 25f; 1-I6tli8cb. Willie Martin, 152 tons, lor *380, youngest daughter, day the purse for $500, and rejected 19 20. No 2 at 54$c. passengers seriously two slightly injured. @ Rye quiet; Barley STANDI Nil. sJameM Bates. Miss AnnaC. McLellan to K. M. onen to all horses, four came:—Lady Franklin lower No 2 Fall Pork MISS CHARLOTTE R. R. Con.oli- |f. Horne, Esq., Tlieir names have not tjeen received. aqd iq .fair demand; 65$c. CUSHMAN, HAINE CENTRAL l-8tb Kb, James 64 tons, for *155, to 14, of Portsmouth. Belle Dean of Concord, Nellie nominally 14 25 50 cash; $2 62$ @ Mtauilish llou.r. Capt. Chn». Tboaip.oa. Gaicelon, of Montreal. A large number of friends ex- unchanged qt @ $4 Iii selections from the that have made her X. MlUhell, Morrison of Fisherville and Tileston of Al- 12 7M or Dec. Lard aqd unchanged.— Tragedies Proprietor. t»el|er quiet name famous. dnted,... 7’a __ tended most hearty greetings to the young stead. Franklin won the first heat in MINOR TELEGRAM*. Bulk Meats dull and drooping; shoulders 6$ @ 6|c; Lady 2.41, Admission 50 cents; Reserved Seats75 cents, with a YORK U »RR“K a knack short rib middles @ 10$. Bacon quiet and firm at NORTHERN PACIFIC R. Uavis & in Block, have couple, who left on the afternoon train for Bos- Belle Dean winning the next three and the race 1$0 very few choice seats at $1. R.7-IO’. ! Co., Clapp’s Tlio has iu the West 11$ @ for clear sides. Sugar cured hams sold at Sar.hall llou.r N. « tlamball A Sou., «f in 2.39 and Franklin rinderpest appeared 11$ Sale of Seats to at making their store brilliant and attractive of ton on a wedding tour of about two 2.37£, 2.37, Lady getting of 16 @ 16c. at 89c.. open Stockbridge’s Music Store & N. AH It. weeks, the 3*1. Riding Yorkshire, England. Whiskey steady on Oct. ECROPEAN R., Gold Proprietors. an the second money and Nellie Morrison Bake to Buffalo Wheat do Monday morning next, 7tb. evening, not less the extra illuminations after which they go to Montreal, where It is Freights—Corn 15$e; 16; Advertiser WINDHAM. by they Tiles fop W4S In the 2.45 race for feared that all the treasures ill the Es- to copy. oct3td NORTH than one *Jistapce.d. Kingston 24$. CHICAGO, DANVILLE & VIN. by of the most stocks of are to reside. The were numer- near aro or W elegant goods wedding gifts $175 four horses entered;—Stronger pf Roches- curial, Madrid, destroyed irrepara- Receipts—8,000 bbls flour, 99,000 bush wheat, 172,- Nrma.krt Mou.r, W- Stanley, Propri- that wc have CENNEM R. R. ever seen in Portland. Not and ter, Jean of Alstead, Albwengej- bly damaged. 28,01)0 busu qats, 5,000 bush rye, 45,- Excursions to Wolf boro Gold. etor. opened ous elegant._ Ingelow Roy __ is the of Dover and Lind of Pittsfield. The steamer which Pbusheorq,t)H&b barfey. mily variety almost endless but the most Jenny Only France, was to leave bbls CENTRAL IOWA R. R. Moulton.—Of this the won the Shipments—9000 flour,192,000bush wheat, 303,- AND Go d. NORWAY. taste is Mrs. Charles lady,who two latter came and Jenny Lind Havre last Sunday for New York, nut hack on 000 correct shown in the and bush corn, 12,000 bush oats, 3000 bush rye, 14,000 1.. arrangement in the & race distancing Boy in the first ascount of an accident to her The bush Heal*. Hotel, «. Real, Prop. and ilie is to appear approaching Army Navy by Messenger machinery. barley. ATCHISON, TOPEKA &».F. Gold 7’. display ; ladies visit this store heat in 2.38. In the trot for driv- will be forwarded the Ville de pleasant the Atlantic Monthly says; gentlemen’s passengers by Oct. 3.—Pork sales at 13 50.— Center Harbor. Elm Moa.r, Hnin St. W. W. Whifmar.b and Union Course, horses to Cincinnati, steady; in throngs buy wc ing wagons and drivers of 300 pounds, Paris. Bard in fair demand and sales 1000 Sum- FOB SALE BY Proprietor. liberally hope. The pro- a more beautiful and higher; tes; have never heard \V. H. mare Fannie won in mer ria are entitled to a We $100, Raymond’s at N. on at 7$c; kettle steam 7$c. Balk Meats prietors host of friends for A fire Orange, Y., Wednesday night 8$c; firm; NORTH voice than liers, and her execution three straight heats in 3.00, 3.04 and 3.00; H. G. shoulders at 6$; clear rib sides at 10c; clear sides at few STRATFORD N. II. strive, to deserve sympathetic property to the value of $25,000. AN & BARRETT, illard they them, that we know. Smith’s Clever of Concord second and J. destroyed 10$c. Bacon and jobbing sales of shoulders at Portland and W House, C S. Bailey A Co. Pro- is as near perfection a» any Boy steady Rochester Railroad, Altou I*. Cilley’s Black Walnut of Belmont third. The Liberal Republicans of the 5th Massa- 7$e; clear rib sides at 11c; sales of clear sides at 11$. Bankers anti Broket*®* prietors. Goods.—Mr. T. FaXOY Lobenstein, No 1 .informs us tfiiB chusetts district have nominated Gen. Banks Hogs heavy {receipts depress the inarket; fifties at 440 Bay and G, \V. {secretary Hamilton 4 at 8%. has a 'f he Rqy* in Bloc Attacked for and the Democrats nominated @ 75, Whiskey firm IOO MIDDLE STREET. OEDORCHARD BEACH. Heeriug Block, just opeued splendid the session of tfa,e Gr«M)d Lodge of by <*rcclcy- Congress Metiii-aoHija) ites. Richard for Presidential elector. Get. 3.—Flour dull and Ocean B. on Toledo, unchanged.— Sept 7-eodtf-n __ House, stoek of seasonable fancy g°ods for Good at Bangor will commence Frothingham Lake Menry, Proprietor. ladies, Templars Both conventions afterward united for mutual Wheat dull and lower; No2 White Wabash 1 58; No Winnepesaukee or Tin- Old Ore It desigued to is&yv Havjln, Ct., Oct. 3.-The Republican 1 If yon wi.ni » nice PDoio*rnph hard House, E. C. Mtaples, Propri- and it to pro** *{!ractivs for great pains the 30th of this month. wp White Michigan 1 58; Amber Michigan cash and Excursion tickets, good for the to ought it was Boys in Blue, while in this last congratulations. season, Wolfboro 161 Middle Street, etor. hold two weeks earlier, Imt parading city seller Oct 1 Nov 1 1 or Centre Harboror and o to A. M. McKenny,’» the session 44; seller 44$: buyer Oct 44$ @ return, « Typo, HO was taken in the selection, ,nn4 .low prices is oth- pight. were attacked a crowd of A fire in 1 No 2 1 j in Port- I found necessary to defer the time owing to by Greeley Philadelphia Thursday destroyed 45; Amber Illinois 1 C8; No 1 Red 1 42; seller WM. H. t He warrant* them ns as can be made PEAK'S INLAND. man 1 TURNER, Superintendent good what Mr. on, > und ope seriously injured. to the amount of Qct 43$; do Nov 1 44. Corn is sn Lobenstein.'prides himself er meetings.—Advertiser. gyjupathb&er^ property $15,1)00. aqd buyer Qct firm; Portland, Sept. 28,1872 pjtf an(j ag5-eotl tf Union House W. T. Jones. Proprietor, ■ ™ ^—« REAL ESTATE. POETRY. MISCELLANEOUS. _MISCELLANEOUS RAILROADS. STEAMERS. __ _STEAMERS. At the Last. Geo. H. f>sms & Co.’s PORTLAND & 0GDENSBUR6 R. R. FRANKLIN COAL, ATLANTIC i'or Peaks’ Island. Come once, just once, dear love, when 1 am dead— BULLETIN. CHANGE OF TIME. FOR BOSTON. Ah. God, I w ould it were this hour to-night— FRANKLIN __ COAL! MUTUAL Peak’* I And look your last upon the frozen face INSURANCE COMPANY. On ami after Monday, Sept. 16th, aud Inland Strnmbenl C'ouipunj. ..■IT—..THE SUPERIOR SEA-OOF M That was to a summer’s brief delight. will run you $20,000 To Loan!!! of I.«yIkiuN Franklin ^ further notice, trains ■n»» n‘n 1 Valley follows: STKAlflER STEAMERS Coal just received and for sale by the subscrib- (ORGANIZED IN 1843.) ...M- The silent lips will not entreat you then. \\c are prepared la loan in nun CARGO A M p M. p. M. JOHN KKOOK>4 anil ITIOIVTRKAI tears. money ers. Also on hand Nor the vex you with unwelcome Leave 7.15 1.15 5.25 EXPRESS, eyes from $100 to any amount desired, on first 51 WALL Portland, commodious The low, sad voice will utter no complaint, STREET, Corner of New York. Leave N. Conway, 6.30 12.30 3.35 Having Cabin and State Room ac- its restless fears. flaw* in Eliza- STANDARD COALS William, CAPTAIN A. S. commodations, will run Nor the heart tremble with mortgage* Portland, Cape The 7.15 and 6 30 a. m. Trains will be Freight with OLIVER, alternately, leaving de- beth. Westbrook, or Partie* SUCH AS Charter ofthe Compan3r’ 8ubnjit ‘b« Statement of Its affairs passenger cars attached. Will leave the end of Custom House will me then Peering. on following Wharf daily f»>r ATLANTIC I shall be still—you forgive the3Utd2To7 De£emto“ U71? Steamer connects with 1.15 P. M. train at WHARF, Portlaui', to be— ■irouM of can al*o be accomm- “Sebago,” Evergreen Landing, touching Jones’ Landing on For all that 1 have been or failed building Brook from for No. Honey Lehigh, John's Wy- on Marin0 from 1871. to 31st Portland, Naples, Bridgtou, Bridgtou, and after June 25th, 872, at 8.45and 10-15 A. M and DAILY, (8UXDAYS EXCEPTED) as loox, “Poor heart, she loved me well, odated with loan*. R'sks, 1st January, December, 1871. S5 410 777 51 Say you Premiums reC»'T-'lon Policies not marked off 1st Harrison, and Waterford. 1.45 and 3.15 P. M. AT 7 O’CLOCK P. No ether love will be so true to me.” and oilier and 1871, 18 M. GEO. K. DAVIS A CO., oming Lehigh, January, 2,033’,675 leave at ll.i STAGES Returning Evergreen Landing 0AM leave INDIA same Total nmount of 5 P. and Jones’ at 9.00 Returning WHARF, Bouton, will not Deal Estate A Mortgage Broker*. White Ash Coals, Marino Premiums, and M, Landing ami H.15 a! at M. Fare Then bend and kiss the lips that si»eak, *7 44G 4 -,2 ti9 Connect daily with 1.15 P. M., M. days OP. $1.50. Freight taken a sep21tt M., and 2.00 and 5.15P. low One little kiss for all the dear, dead days, __ All of the and which we sell as rates. purest quality, low 's0 *8a,le<* ui>011 htfo For Cornish, Ivczar Falls, Porter, Freedom, Den- back 25 children once “God rest her then in peace, Risks; nor upon Fire Risks Unconnected with Fare down and cents, half price. AV. I.. BIEiI.IKCN. Agi n Say soul,” go Bent. s can be bought in any place in this city. Also f^rTn'Kisk1' mark, Bridgtou, Lovell, and North Lovell. No shall meet in ways. For can be made ■M. B. COVI.K JB., General Agent.mc7i.SUt: haunting ghost you your Premiums m arked Off from 1st The 12.30 p. m. from No. Conway connects with S{>ecial arrangements by applying to —Louise Chandler Moulton. on Congress west of High HARD AND SOFT AND EDGINGS. January, 1871, to 31st December, 1871, *5 375 703 a 04 the 3 Fine residences WOOD, Losses the same nyaojw afternoon trains for Boston,'via Eastern or Boston & Capt. je2Sfldtf Hot and Cold Water with paid during period S” 7315 9«o n I!] Street, Gas, Sebago, Returns of Premiums and Maine R. R’s., and the 3.35 p. m. train arrives in INTERNATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO. Boom and Water Closet accom- Expenses, *973 21184 •l^su]>erior Bath EVANS & The has the -—!- Portland in season to connect with Steamers for Bos- They found a piece of soap in the office of i mooations. GREENE, Company following Assets, yiz: United States and State of New York ton. PROCURE TICKETS Enatport, Calais ami At. a rent ©n Street, with all mod- J Bank and o*Ler 143 00 John, Digb>, Peoria the other and the Also superior High Mo. Loans secured Stock, City, Stocks, $8 240 Ticket Office in Portland at of M. C. R. R. lawyer day legal gen with ten Rooms. 183 Commercial Street, by Stocks, and otherwise, Depot Windsor and Halifax. ern improvements, finely located, Real his clerk and his unable t< rent at 3C Winter Hra.1 of Estate and Bonds and Ha J. tleman, boy being Also a convenient Street. Second Smith’* Wharf, Mortgages, 217’w!! HAMILTON, Superintendent. AT THE Gas and Interest, and sandnr notesand claims due FALL ARRAN GEMENT. 8 Rooms; Sebago. juyl7eod3m the Company,* estimated at 386,739 41 1872.. ti tell whether it was to drinl Floor, Premium Notes autl Bills Receivable Portland, Sept 13, something eat, A so several fine rents on Lincoln Street. Gas and ^ Cash In Bank. TWO or wear, they asked one of the Review report Sebago. THE PEOPLE’S MEDICINE. TRIPS PER WEEK! GEO. R. DAVIS & OLD era. He knew because some liat CO., Total Amount of specimens Real Estate and Mortgage Ol.n DOCTOK GOODHUE’S Assets, §14 806 812 37 On anil after MONDAY, Sept. Brokers, GO WEST! the been sent into the office with an ad No. 1 Brown’s Block. 30th, Steamer New Yo»d., lately se30eod2w_ Six cent interest on the Ticket per outstanding certificates of profits will be paid to tbe holders thereof, or their Passenger Agency! Capt. K. B. Winchester, and the so informed the men of on and after You can save ▼ertiaement, he la^ For Sale. ROOT AND HERB BITTERS iegal representatives, Tuesday the Sixth of February next. $4 on each Ticket New Brunswick, Caj t. 1 he certificates of Travelers for ;Stewner outstanding the issue of 1868, will l>e redeemed and to the holders or their ___ CALIFORNIA like, will leave Kalin;. I of the nature of their and ther TIIHE to remove from THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. paid thereof, treaaure-trove, undersigned proposing the eF the Sixth of from wliich the We*t, South and North- wharf, foot of State street, MONDAY ami k February next, date all interest thereon P?????Jgf???||and every A city, offer£for sale ms residence on St ever will looSi‘Ii1cease. The certificates to bo TUAes,lay may obtain Ticket* at 6 P. M. for made a paragraph about them. Deering The beat Spring A Summer Medicine produced at the time of payment, and cancelled. Uiion certificates which by via —w3we*t, through UKSDAY, Eaatport and St. Join The house is beautifully located, and in re- to were issued red tor buying -“-hv the bent nml rno.t reliable will leave St. John every ottered the public. (in serin) gold premiums; such payment of interest and redemption will be in gold. ••turning aud Kaatjwrt on ti e spect first class. Can lie examined any from i A route from Portland or or New to same day They are prepared with uT“K.n®' is declared on the net earned premiums of the Company, for the Boston, York, day. till 12 a. in., and 2 till 5 p. m. }ear 3l8t for auy at the lowest at the old Connections made at A Western widow would like to meet th< grea care from the best ending 1>eceml,er» 1871» which certificates will be issued on and after tne Seeond ot point desired, rate*, Eastport for St. Andrew-' Portland, Sept. 13. GEO. M. HARDING. next. Tuesday and reliable Union Ticket of Woodstock Roots, Herbs, Barks and April Agexcy Robbinston, Calais, and Honlton. who when she ad sentl4 tf GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Connections made at St. John fur entejrprisiug typographer ^_ Seeds. tht Digby. Annai* They invigorate order of the By Beard, j II. (inAPTIAN lis, Windsor, Kentviile, Halifax, N. S., Frederickt! n, vertised for an agent made her appear to wan t For Sale. STOMACH, STIMULATE T* W. D. LITTLE A CO. THE TORPID LIVER and CHARLES DENNIS, Canada, Detroit, Chicago, Saginaw, She llac, Amherst, Charlottetown, P. E. I.,and Suin- “a house on State the un W. 11. H.H MOORE, 2nd Y ice-Pres’t. J. D. Vtoe-ftSBEit, Ht. Paul, Salt Cake nierside, P. E. I. gent.” Street, occupied by BOWELS, Cleanse the HAYYLETT, 3rd Y’ice-Pres’t. City, Denver, 49 1-9 Mtreef. This house is built o Wan Francisco, and all Oflicc, Exchange received on of THEdersigned. thoroughly Blood of all Impurities, and points Mr“Freight days sailing* until I con JOHN brick and stone and has all modern veniences. new Life and W. o’clock P. M. for give Vigor tr MUNGER, Correspondent, l4T_Rcllable information cheerfully furnished at headstones for na ALLEN HAINES. the whole West, Northwest and Southwest! sep23-t30 than old A. R. STUBBS, TIONAL system. < 166 FOre all times. apGd&w wl5 is4t Agent. Proposals MILITARY CEMETERIES. Portland, Sep. 18th, 1872. sep!9-tf They will RESTORE A Feb. St*’ POrUa"d’ f 7,1872. dUn-eodllmSwOw THE GRAND TRUNK is in con- ivhii>k War Department, ) f LOST RE splendid running line to APPETITE, dition, is fully supplied with first-class Quartermaster General’s Office, J WM. II. LI EVE HEADACHE,COS rolling stock, D. JEJEtRIS, including the B O Washington, C., August 1,1872. ) TIVENESS, 1NDIGES Everybody Should Insure ST OM Mt. Desert and Machias. Proposals are invited for marking the graves in th TION, DYSPEPSIA, NEK CELEBRATED PULLMAN PALACE CAR, national cemeteries as to be ad al —AND— required by law, Real Estate and Loan Agent, VOUS DEBILITY, and AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE. and is making ihe best connections and drewed to the Quartermaster from ar quickest General, Washingtor complaints arising time of any route from TWO TRIPS PER WEEK th Bangor, iIounc«, Lots and Farm© for Sale. IMPURE STATE of At the Old of checked from to and not A Proposals should state the price for each headstone Agency Baggage Bangor Chicago, PHIL DELPHI A He would rcler abroad to the BLOOD, or the deranged subject to Custom House examinat on. properly inscribed and set at the head of the i: parties tollowinj grave named oi this Hon. Geo. F. condition of the Stomach For full at Summer each national military gentlemen city: Shep- particulars enquire Railway Station Line. Arrangement. cemetery. Hon. A. W H. Hon. Liver, Bowels or Kidneys W. D. Little & or any of the in New nd. Steamship Bids may be for tne whole work of all the cemeter lay, Clapp, Benjamin Kings- Co., Companies agents Engl Nathan Hon. John Read Prof. repori or for bury, Jr., Hon. Webb, Lynch Hayes* D. H. Preble les, that of several cemeteries in a district o to Col. State BLANCHARD, oppo. House, Tlio favorite M. Brodliead, Established in 1843. No. 282 Steamer for a single cemetery. C.___ Commissioner of Massachu- Congress St., Portland Me. The bonds will in WM. Eastern Leave eaeh port every & required be, amount, twenty (2( ) lli-ick House lor Sale. etts. FLOWERS, Agent, WedVy Sat’d’y. L E NV I S T O N cent, of the whole amount of each contract. Oflice 491-3 Street. aug28-tf Me. per good brick house No. 74 Free street. Posses No. 20 State St., Boston. Exchange Bangor, All proposals received by the Quartermaster Gen A of Ole THEsiou given October 1st. Josiaii A. Buodhead, Esq.—Sir. sample Who now CAPT. eral will bo on the of 1871 represent the following First Class Com- No DEER1NG, ojtened 12th,. day October, » A nice lot of land on Franklin street, near the Pari Dr. Goodhue’s Root and Herb Bitters, from Flint & Wharfage. will leave at at panies. and are to issue Policies for MAINE CEN TRAL RAILROAD. Railroad Wharf, Portland, every Tnewiav noon, the office of the Quartermaster Genera » witl prepared 50 feet front, “2 feet deep, will be sold low. Goldthwait, Salem, Mass., has been analyzed It is not a which and ami at ten D. in of and con physic may give temporary relie $75,000 upwards on all good property From Long Wharf, Boston, 3 Friday evening*, o'clock, for Rockland Washington, C., presence bidders, A nice sun-shade Carriage, but little used, will b the results: ‘‘This is an officinal Medicina to the sufterer for p.m. (ustine, Deer tracts will be awarded to the lowest bid following the first few do es, but which, Iron at the most favorable rates of other From Pine Street Wharf, Phila- I.le, Sedgwick, S°. West Harbor (Mt. responsible sold at a containing extracts of Roots and Herbs continued ders as soon as a ; bargain. preparation, use brings Piles and kindred diseases U reliable viz.: at 10 a. m. Desert,) Millbrtdge, and Machiasiiort. comparison of the samples air to WM. H. It is free from substauces, and may be user companies, delphia, Jonetiport Apply JERRIS, injurious aid in nor is it a doctored Insurance one half ot Ketiirning will leave prices can be completed, provided the samples ar [ a medicine of this weakening tlieinvalid, liquo the rate Maehlaspnrt every Mon, av Real Estate and Loan Agent. as directed by persons requiring under the PHCENIX INSURANCE CO. 1 and deemed suitable by the of War. which, popular name of “Bitters” is si | sailing vessels. Thursday mornings, ut 3 o’clock, touching a the Secretary Portland, 3, 1872. kind. Very above named All should be marked in Sept. sepl6-d3w* Respectfully, extensively palmed oft on the public as sovereign rem of Assets Portland for Bangor, Houlton, Calais, St. landings. samples distinctly orde S. DANA HAYES, State Assayer. Mass.” Hartford, $1,500,000 John, Freight for the West by the Penn. R. R., anti South The to edies, but it is a mast powerful Tonic ant &c.. at 12:15 a. m. cars and Lewiston will touch at Bar Harbor from June prevent mistakes, FLINT & GOLDTHWAIT, Props., Salem, Mass INTERNATIONAL INS. Halifax, (sleeping day lines forwarded free of Commission. so CO., cars on by connecting -5th to 19tb, in addition her Lists of the cemeteries, with the number of grave , St. Lawrence House, alterative, pronounced by the leading meilica 1 this train.) Sept. to usual landin--. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. authorities of London and of New during which time nl»e will in each, together with full information as to condit Paris, and has been loni York, 1,500,006 Portland for Lewiston, Rockland and Augusta at PASSAGE, TEN DOLLARS. leave Machiasiiort at 1 :,u SOLD BY used by the a. in. instead of 5 a. m. ions, requirements, &c., will be furnished on appli For Sale or To Fet, regular physicians of other countries witl CONTINENTAL INS. CO., 7:00 wonderful remedial results. Portland for For Freight or Passage, apply to For further particulars cation in writing to the Quartermaster Genera 40 Rooms Gas and water. & CO., of New Lewiston, Bath, Rockland, Augusta, inquire of Lose & Sturdi- Sebago J. W. PDLRKHNTS York, 2,500,000 vant, 179 Commercial or Washington, D. C. to E. H. GILLESPIE, vr. Readfield, Winthrop, Skowliegan, Bangor, Matta- street, Apply PORTLAND, ME. wells Extract of Jnrnbebs NATIONAL INSURANCE CO., at 1:00 m. WHITNEY Ac RAHPMON, A|»b, Envelopes containing to be indorse 1 sepl3-tf No. 34 Plum St. wamkeag p. I'YBl’g for poprosals, eod &w6m retains all the Portland for STITRD1VANT, “Proposals headstones for national military cemc ap!7d w!6___ medicinal virtues peculiar to the plan of Hartford, 600.000 Lewiston, Bath and Augnsta 5:25 p. jn23-ly 70 Long Wharf, Bonoa. teries.” aud addressed and must be taken as a in. to the Quartermaster Genera permanent curative agent. ORIENT INSURANCE m2. SALE. CO., Portland for Lewiston via Portland, May 15, Washington, D. C. M. C. MEIGS, FOR I« there want of action Danville at 8:20 p. m. at 6 touch system, water closet. Is well closeted three Have you wcaknes* of the Uteriue or Cabin, $80 & fcl 00 Gold, According to o’clock, mine health and in throughout, and at Horse Railroad Office for ingat the above named at settle stone wash in and other ? You Houlton, Calais and landings, arriving Port soap tubs kitchen, supplied with hot many equally jjood Waltzes, Polkas, Quad- Urinnry Organ* must procure instant re- Best Terms with. Best Offices. St. fare and Accommodation. Steerage, $80 land at 3 o’cloek 1*. M. to troublesome disorders lief or John, $8.00; to Halifax $12.00. and cold water, cemented cellar, a well rilles, Mazurkas, &c., filling altogether you are liable to suffering worse than death. For further Eruptions of the skin an never-failing J. M. LUNT, General Superintendent. Currency particular* inquire of Roes Jfc Sturd of water, and Cistern 80 hhds. filtered Take it to strengthen organic weakness or life be- the appearance on the sur containing Augusta, July 26, 1872. vant, 179 Commercial St., or Cyrus Gen- water; is warmed furnace, a stable and 225 Music comes a burden. and Farm aug!2tf Sturdivaut, face of humors that sliouli by good Large Pages! Dwellings Property Steamers appointed to sail eral Agent. carriage house, every in it should be expelled from the blood, internal thing good repair, having The “first applause” on its appearance, warns us Finally be frequently taken to keep the IROM NEW YORK. Portland, March 17th, 1872. apl7 derangementi been thoroughly renovated only last season. in health INSURED FOR KNOX & are the determination of these same humors to soim that the fine book is to be inevitably All the Fash- system perfect or you are otherwise in great LINCOLN RAILROAD. Inquire ofS. B. GOWELL.149 Middle or at danger of JAVA, Weil. Oct. 2.iCOLOBIA, Sat. Oct. 12. Norfolk and internal organ, er organs, whose action St., ion the present $2.50 in malarial, miasmatic or contagious diseases, Baltimore and they derangt house 6 Bramliall St. from 1 to 2 or from 7 to 9 P. M. soason.—Price, Boards; PARTHIA, Sat. Oct. 5* RUSSIA, Wed. Oct. 18. Washington", and whose substance disease and $3.00 in Clothe JOHN Q. KELLCKiG, 18 Platt St., New York, One, Three or Five Years, .... Direct rail route to Wiscasset, New they destroy tf CHINA Wed. Oct. 9.| D. C. Line. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla ex{>els these humors fron jyl7-cod Sole Agent for the United States. ft**.??f?ffvvflWCastlc, Damariscotta, Wakloboro, Steamship Sent tare from the blood. When they are the disorders the’ post-paid, on receipt of price, Price One Dollar per Bottle. Send forCircular. AT LOWEST RATES. arren and Rockland. Passage Money, including Boston to N York, gone, No of this Liuo sail fro a produce such as Ulcerations the. FOR SALE! Sep 19-4wt change of cars between Portland Cabin, $80, $100, $130 gold—according to accommoda- Steamships disappear, of Lice\ All honest losses will be and end of Central and Has no promptly adjusted and Rockland. tion. Steerage, $30 Currency. Ticket# to Pari#, $ 15 Wharf, Boston Stomach, Kidneys, Lunas, Eruptions Eruptiv, Superior. as House No. 24 SI., head ol paid, heretofore, at eur office.sepllis3woMtf Steamers leave Rockland for all on the Gold, additional. Retum Ticket# on favorable term# Semi-Weekly, 2.30 r. at. for NOlt- Diseases of the Skin, St. Anthony's Fire, Rose m Emery Our Church Music. THE STANDARD. points Pe- 91-50 AGENTS LOOK HERE! nobscot Mount enbark at Cunard »FOLK ami BALTIMORE. Erysipelas, Pimples, Pustules, Blotches, Boils, Tu- Cuslinran Street. river, Macbias, Desert Vinal Haven, Passengers Wharf, Jersey Specimen copies sent, for the present, post-paid Hurricane and Dix Islands. City. ————’ Steamships:— mors, Tetter, and Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ring- There is a GREAT RUSH For the Nevt THE BEST BANK. William house is one for $1.25. SAYINGS Leave Maine Central Lawrence," Capt. W. A. Hallott. worm, Ulcers and Sores, Rheumatism, Keuralgi'a of the best locations on Splendidly Illustrated Edition Depot, at 7.00 a. m., and 1.00 William Pain in the and on tbe street; line Consists or Boston. r. m. PREPAID STEERAGE PASSAGE. Crane," Capt. Solomon Howes. Bones, Side, Head, Female Weak- neighborhood. OLIVER D1TS0N & CO., “George Cant. ness, Leucorrhcea two story framed House and ten Stages connect'at Rockland, for Liucom- Appotd" Winslow Lorctand. Sterility, arising from internal ul- mSaid ell, containing C. H. DITSON & New York. Camden, From Liverpool, Glasgow, Queenstown or Derrv to | Cant. ceration and uterine highly finished walls CO., South Thomaston and St. “Blackatone," Geo.H. Hallett. disease, Dropsy, Dyspepsia. rooms; painted throughout; ROBOSOJV CRUSOE. ville, Northport, George, Boston or New York, CURRENCY. A'- cellar and heated At Rockland for $34 'ornr/y,” Capt Henry D. Foster. Emaciation, and General Debility. With their de- gas; good by furnace; large brick cis- sept 28d&w2w dW&S w39 tc Million daily. Union, Appleton and Wash- booked to all parts of the United States. “McClellan health well One of the Because it is the most and booh Fifty-Five Dollars, Passengers "Co.pt. F. M. Howes. parture returns. tern, filtered; drained. most desi- fascinating popular ington. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Dralts issued on Great Britain and Ireland for £1 rable and convenient in and excels all in heal and loic Freight forwarded from Norfolk to Washington l.v prepared by houses in the city; close to print, elegance Tlic CASH ASSETS of the Great At Thomaston for St. George daily. and upwards. For and Cabin ** y street line of prices, just out 528 tinted At Freight passage apply Steamer Lady of the Lake. DR. J. C. Spring cars; can be seen from 3 to 5 P. W. P. pages, paper, only $2.50, Warren for Union, daily. at the Office, 80 State Street. For steer- AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., M. Terms HASTINGS, easy worth $3.50. Is a great sells Company’s Freight forwarded from Norfolk to easy. Enquire on the premises. | hit, quick and/asf At Warren for Jeflterson and Wbiteficld, Mondays, at 09 State Boston. Pelmburg and Practical and Chemists. of this and our new age passage, Street, A. river or _,, Analytical June 19. dtt Terms Bibles, also, Agents’ Pockei Wednesdays ami chmand, by rail; and by the Va. A Tenn Sold by all Druggists Fridays. JAMES ALEXANDER, Agent. Air Line to all everywhere. 11 I0RGANS Companion free. Write to Hubbard Bros. Publishers, Mutual Life Ins. At Waidoboro’ for North Waldoboro’, points In Virginia, Tenneaaee, Ala- deeyd&wevery3dwly House ou State for 53 st. Boston. Washington, ju2dly bamaand and over the Street, Sale. Washington sep7f4w Co., and Liberty daily. _____ Georgia; Seaboard and Hoa- B. to all I points in North STORY Brick house on New State street, next —AND— OF NEW YORK, At New Castle for Bristol and Pemaquid, daily. nokejt. and South Corah, a Commissioners’ Notice Maine bv th eBatt. A Ohio B. Jt. to to has ten rooms and furnished FREE Freight Trains daily and taken at low rates. Co Washington• and 3 Congress street, TO BOOK AGENTS. F. S. WINSTON, freight Steamship places West. of Hem y H. late of with Gas, Sebago water hot and bath two President, jy29dtf C. A. Wescott, Portland, cold, room, AN ELEGANTLY BOUND CANVASSING COOMBS, Sup’t. rates to ESTATEin the County of water closets, dumb wash two MEL0DE0NS BOOK NEW ARRANGEMENT. Through given South and West. Cumberland, deceased, repre- furnace, waiter, room, for the best and Has now reached the immense sum of r me sented insolvent. cellars &c, cheapest Family Bible ever published BOSTON & MAINlTRAILROAD. Passenger accommoeations. will be sent free of to book con- Fare Berth and Meals The been Is a room MANUFACTORY & SALES- charge any agent. It SEMI-WEEKLY LINE Including to Norfolk $13 00. subscribers, having appointed by the very healthy location, every having the tains near1-’ 500 fine line 18 Probate Court for sun Scripture illustrations, and hours; to Baltimore $16, time 65 said county. Commissioners to re- shining in some part of the day. Terras easy. ROOM, Summer Arrangement, 1872. hours. agents are meeting with unprecedented success July 1*1, For further information to ceive and examine all claims of creditors against the Fov further information apply to G. G. LARKIN, Steamers Dirigo and Franconia apply estate of Address, stating experience, etc. and we will show $55,000,000! until E. the said Henry H. herebv no- 311 Congress Street or HENRY A. Galt Trains leave P. S. & R. R. will, farther notice, rnn a# SAMPSON, Agent. Wescott, give JONES, 1441-2 you what our are ___ P. Sta- tice that six months from the second Block, Commercial Street. agents doing, NATIONAL PUB- If want follow#: june2t» 33 Central Wiarf. Boetm. day of July A. sepl4-tf LISHING CO. Pa. you Life insurance, be sure to get a Policy Portland, for Boston, *6.15, *9.10 D.. arc Phila. scptSt4« Leave Galt’s 1872, allowed to creditors to present and EXCHANGE ST. with this great company. You will then have a re- M., 3.30t, 4.15*, 6.001 (express) P.M. Wharf, Portland, prove their claims MONDAY ar.d THURS- against said estate, except those ox FOR SA FE ! 1 CAMPAIGN liable security, continually increasing in value, Returning *7.30, t8.3U A. M., *12.30, every For Nova Scotia. the and that will HANDBOOK DAY, at 5 P. M., and leave Pier 38 E. B.. New Halifax, Administrator, they meet to exam- Received the HIGHEST AGBNTSWanted.) And Citizen’s Manual. which may be made available to yourself during your *3.15, 6.001 (express) P. M. York, ine the claims of creditors at the office life every MONDAY and at 3 P. M. of Thomas M. in the New A full and Political time, or to your family in case of your decease. For Rochester, Alton Bay, *6.15, A. M. THURSDAY, Giveen PREMIUMS complete Compend, designed foi The and Franconia are fitted Esq No. 38 Exchange St., on the voters at! Beside the usual dividend to holders Manchester ami N. via C. P. R. R. Dirigo up with fine DIRECT! first Portland, and State Fairs in of parties. Presidential Candidates, Cabi large policy Concord, H., & Tuesday of the months of October aud England made in an A. accommodations for passengers, making this the most Novem- TEBBETS" 1809. nets, Constitution, ConTentions, Platforms, Elcetion January last, extra dividend from the re- Junction, 6.15* M., 3.30* P. M. ber A D., 1872, and A. 1873 at HOUSE, served has been made. Manchester aud convenient and comfortable route for traveler# be- Tlie new side-wheel January D., twelve returns. Letters of Acceptance, Census, other Stat is surplus recently Concord, via Lawrence, 9.10* A. M. Steamship o’clock noon. Policies in a few tween New York aiftl Maine. SPRINGVALE. All IiiNtrumcnts War- tleal Tables, Arc. Price *1.25; sells at sight; $10 to S'Jt years become free or self-sustain- Lowell,6.15*, 9.10* A. M., 3.301, 4.15* P. M. FALMOUTH, built ex- RICHARD W. and hence Miltou aud Passage in State Room $5. Meals extra. prcsslv for the will ROBINSON, ranted. per day easily made. Address F. C. BLISS &C0. ing non-forfeitable. Union, 9.10* A. M. 3.30t, 4.15* P. M. route, leave WILLIAM M. NOTE.—Tb« 6.15* A. M. Goods forwarded to and from Montreal, Quebec .Atlantic Wharf SARGENT, WILL BE SOLD Hartford, Conn. sep7t4w No other Company in the world affords train arrives ii Boston in Commissioners. CHEAP! superior time to councct with Shore Line at Halifax, St. John, ami all parts of Maine. Shippc t> x _. or such as this. 11.10 for New 28th 1872. by mail. A DAY to advantages security are requested to send their to the Steamers as Portland, Aug. au28-law3w W As the owner wants to West. illf K Agents, selling Ratio of York, the South and the West. 9.10* A. M. train con- freight go “| Campaigr expenses lower than any other Company as 4 P. the Every at 6 P. •liT M.J Badges, for Ladies and Gents as breast ru,: nects with the 3.00 P. M. and early M.,on day# they leave Portland. Friday, m., D. TEBBETS. in the United States! The for interest alone Springfield Route Sound with o receipts For or Passage apply to for direct. jan31_SAMUEL Will sell to be lor in Install- scarf-pins, gold plated photog’s f Prcsidcn’ more than its death Steamers for New York aud the South. 3.30t P. M. Freight Halifax, paid Candidates. pays losses. HENRY FOX, (kit’s Portland Samples mailed free for 30 cents. and all other train with the 9.00 P. M. train for New York via Shore Wharf, Making clone connections with the Nova Scotia HEALTH ments. McKay & 93 Tontine, Installment, Endowment, J. F. Pier E. New York. FIRST. FOR SALE ON STATE STREET. Co., Cedar St N. Y. sep4t4u form of at or Springfield liue. AMES, 38, R., Railway, for Windsor, Truro, New and V.. —. cement uiam Policies issued, the most favorable rates.— 9-dtf Glasgow nrgaywu ripe The above trains leave P. S. & P. R. R. May and steamers for Prince SJWrtriLEand other will follow. No. 99 State ui*o have the AgencyTor this State lor the HORACE Aflnly Station Pietou, Edward’s Island; al- blessings Houses, street, and the one in GUEFLEVandFAlniLt foot of State street, where tickets can be at bt w Ohiigow, N. 3., with the rear, on A eruon CELEBRATED purchased Lindsey & r„V- TWO Court, together with the lot An elegant perfect 22x28 in. and checked. btages for Cape Breton. __sep30-eodlw on which they stand. Engraving, likenesses, baggage sent by mail $1. also, 1 silk Granl C3T*Frcight trains between Portland and Boston RETURNING leaves Notice to Friends aud the Public' of A. E. STEVENS & Campaign Goods, W. D. Halifax en TUFS- Enquire CO., 146 and 148 A 1 25c, latest Gen. at a P. on st. s Badge plated Sample styles Wedding LITTLE, Agent, daily. DAYS, M., arrival or train from P. E. Is- do not to one in behalt Commercial McPhail cards. give money any Pianos, Notes, &c. 25c. A. Demarest, Engraver, 182 station in land aud stations on Nova Scotia of the Mountfort street A. M. Possession given immediately, For Maine and Passenger Boston, Haymarket Square. Railway PLEASE E. Church, unless The leading insti unent manufactured in the United Broadway, N. sep4f4w New Hampshire. Cabin passage, berth they have a book mli2-dtl Y.___ Freight station, Causeway street. including $7 00 signed by States. •Accommodation. State Rooms and meals extra. au20ti JAMES H. Tl T The £ulJ unable Office 49 1-2 MADISON, Pastor. RTA* V Photograph Exchange St. fofotnmti.m Remember 144 1-3 St. Albnm is a novelty to be found tFast Express. v. 5frU“T. apply to J Exchange only Sept 2-is3w-ostf B. COYLE, Jr., Atlantic or in connection with the Pictorial __ iMondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Wharf, NTOTICE Is hereby given that the subscriber lias ~v47 2m dc20 eod&wt JOHN MISCELLANEOUS. A T1 \T C Home Bible the most W. Juneltf POKTEOUS. a." been duly appointed Executrix ef tho Will ot ffl complete pub- MERRITT, Superintendent, Agent. X liahed. Free Boston. THE Prospectus to Bible _ SAMUEL A. of SECRET MEDICAL COUN- CONVERTIBLE WHITTIElt, late Gorham, WM. FLINT & CO. Springfield, Mass. PAYSON TUCKER, Agent, Notice of Foreclosure 353 and Sale. in tho County of Cnmberland, deceased, and has SELLOR. Agents.^ Commercial Street, Portland. taken ToF’f June 1872 Sarah H. Boynton and Charles F. upon herself that trust by giving bonds as the 24, jnn21tf law directs. All A NEW Medical written Dr. F. HAL- i k made from 50c. Call and examine or 12 WHEREASBoynton of Portland in the of Cumber- persons having demands the Be deceived, but for Work, by County upon coughs, colds, sore throat, sent free) for 50c, that re- land, on the of estate of said deceased, arc to exhibit LOCK, who has had success in the treatment tfljJ-V/Sainples (postage EASTERN AND twenty-seventh day March A D required the hoarseness and bronchial difficulties, use greater tail for Ten Dollars. It. I. 181 PORTLAND, SACO, & their of same, .ad all persons indebted to said only easily Wolcott, MIDLAND 187I,by mortgage deed that date, recorded in estate are call- of diseases which arc described in this work than Chatham N. Y. BONDS. the of ed upon to make to Square, sepl8t4w PORTSMOUTH R. R. Registry Deeds for York County, Book 324 payment WELLS’S CARBOLIC 16. TABLETS, perhaps ever fell to the lot of mortal man. It treats IA prospectus of the Stand- page conveyed tomea certain parcel ofland. with WHITTIER, Executrix. Horthlf... people’s 1 P^ cent, bond for sale on one the Oct imitation, are on the market, hut on Lost A. mortgage buildings thereon, situated in Buxton. In the Gorham, 1st, 1872. oc3,10,17dlaw Manhood, Nervous and General Debility *ard Bible, 550 illustrations, will be of the roads SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. the only scientific preparation of Carbolic Acid for great running from New York City—on County of tork, and on the westerly side of the Sent free on of free to all book agents. Send the lying Lung iliseases is when chemicalv combined with oth- receipt stamp. Address HALLOCK [sent third largest road in New York State. The most road from Thomas H. TO | name and addi'ess to ZIEGLES & C leading Davis’ by Jacob Ham- STATE OF er well known as MEDICAL desirable bond of all the Midland the ommencing Mtondny, June £4tla, 1872. lin’s MAINE. remedies, in these Tablets, and all INSTITUTE. 133 Court street, Boston 274 Main Street. issues, affording dwelling, and lpounded as follows to wit: bee in nre cautioned A largest income and the at EXECUTIVE parties against using any other. Mass. Mass. promising greatest profit. ing the uortheasi. tly corner or said lot on aald road DEPARTMENT, I Springfield, scpl8t4\v 85 and interest Vu all cases of irritation of the mucous mem- Price, -- Passenger trains leave Portland dal- on land of Thomas II. ami Nathan W. Davis and Augusta, brane N. B. Dr. who is the chief We believe them one Sept 30,1872. there Tablets should be freely use.), their Hallock, consulting of the safest and most proflt- for Portsmouth and Boston, (Sun- running southerly on said road to land or Jacob An MY ble investments offered adjourned session of tho Executive Council will cleansing and healing properties are astonishing. physician of the Institute, can be consulted person- JOLLY FRIEND’S SECRET in this market for years. lays excepted) at *1.30 A. M. t6.15 A. Hamleu, thence westerly on line of said Jacob's land, Br never a it is A. 14.15 P. to lam I of the heirs of William be held at the Council Chamber, in Augusta, on Warned, neglect void, easily ally or by mail. augl5-dtf ““-M., §9.11) M., J3.30P.M., Willis; thence north- cured in its incipient state, when it beeoms chronio M., 1 6.00 P. M. erly on the line of said heirs’ b.nd to land of Natiian Tuesday, the 8th day of October next, at ten o’clock DIG LEWIS’ New and Grcntcnt ALLEN, STEPHENS & Co the is exceedingly difficult, use Welle’ Carbolic Tab- Work, Leave Boston for Portmouth and Portland at t7.30 W. Da vis, thence easterly ou laud of said Nathan W. A. M. lets as a is an immense A. 18.30 A. specific. success. 13th thousand in press.— M., M, 112.30P. M., I3.15P. M., 16.00 P. and Thomas H. Davis, to the first mentioned bound, Attest: G. JOHN Agents and BANKERS, M. *8.00P.M. G. STACY, Q. KELLOGG. 18 Platt St., N. Y., delighted coining money. AGENTS containing nine acres more or less, the lot con- oct WANTED being 3d2tSecretary of State. Sole agent for the C. S. Send for Circular. everywhere. GEO. MACLEAN, Pub- Leave Portsmouth for Portland at t9.55 A. M, 110.40 veyed to said Sarah 11. and Charles F. Boynton, by Usher, 3 School SOLE AGENTS FOR THIS LOAN, A. P. M.. oct3-4w Price 25 cents a Box. St., Boston. sepl9t-4w M., t2.48 t5.55 P. M., 1 8.00 P M,*10.05 P. M the heirs of William Willis deceasod, with anthority Leave Biddeford for hi To tbr Honorable Justice of the Portlaud at 8.00 A. M., return- the case of the breach of the condition In said Superi- 24 PINE ST. at 5.20 P. M. to sell said or Court next to be bolden at Portland ing mortgage, premises at auction and from within and jyl5dtf New York. •Pullman sleeping car express train. N. B. This the proceeds to the debt secured for tlie County of Cumber- BOSTON I DUTY OFF TEAS ____ pay thereby. ! train runs does not run And whereas the Aral Tuesday of October A. LEADED.; Sunday Morning, Monday said Sarah H. Boynton ami in EXTRA Charles F. ou land.,,he [Incorporated 1829.) INDUCEMENTS FOR CLUBS ? THE morning. Boynton the thirty-first day of July A. CHICAGO, tAccommodation train. I)., 1871. by tlieir second Sumner Scad for New Club Circular ! mortgage deed of that date represents Libbv and § Mail train. recorded in the York of RESPECTFULLYWilliam S. both of said Which Registry Heeds, Book 328. Dlmmock, Portland, do- »T. H. contains full explanations of &c. tFast 1. to me business in said Chadwick & Premiums, Express. page couveyed tlieir interest in the above de- ing Portland under name of Co., Ag’ts, Consh, Colds, Hoamiess, scribed real Libby The Danville & Vincennes Pullman estate, with In case of & that have a claim Office Way to Obtain Our Goods! EEfi^The Sleeping Car Train ar- authority the Dimmock, they against Gran 33, 34 & 36 Oliver Express breach of the condition in said ville M. Chase to the amount 8tr«>*>t, Persons mortgage, to sell said of One hundred and living at a distance from New can rives at and departs from the Depot of the Maine CATARRH, BRONCHITIS, at York, premises auction, and from tho proceeds to nay twenty-five dollars, for material BOSTON. club and them at the same ($125.) work, and together, get price as we RAILROAD Central Railroad, in Portland. 13 3NT 25 the debt secured thereby. repairs on one two horse four wheel cart, be- sell them at our Warehouses in New York. In IKT ^ X- XT jA*, dump MANUFACTURERS OF A Standard Preparation, endorsed by the most re- order N. B. The 6.15, 9.10 A. M., and 3.30, P. M. And whereas, the conditions of said deeds longing to said Chase of said Portland to get up a let eaeh to the mortgage formerly liable Physicians, and its astonishing curative powers club, person wishing join sa\ great air-line, low-grada route by which the trains from Portland, make close connections to New RAISING OP BLOOD, have been brokeu by said Sarah H. and but now supposed to be in Illinois. how much Tea he aud Charles F. Chicago attested by thousands who have used it. wants, select the kind ami York one or other of the routes from Boston. is to notice that Thabsaid cart is now in by Boynton,this give suid parcel ofland ysur Petitioners posses- It is a for all diseases of from our Price List, as published in our circn- INDIANA BLO'CK COAJL ticketed WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP, with the sion and BOSTON sure, quick remedy the Passengers through by either route. buildings thereon, will be sold at they pray for process to enforce there lien Juicears. Write the kinds and amounts IIs public in male or Irritation names, on auction Urinary organs existing female, plainly is carried F. CHASE, on said premises on the thereon. or of a and when the club is send it to ! direct from the minefi to the manufactories ASTHMA, twenty-eighth day Inflammation Kidneys or Bladder, Gravel, Dia- list, complete us by ouin* jc. o. «x r. uivision. of December A. D. at eleven in ** ___ 1872, o’clock the fore- PortIani1 thiB flrBt daf of A. D. Reddish Sediment in mali, and we will put each party’s in and docks of IN FACT, ALL DISEASES LEADING TO October, Pure White ! betes, Urine, Thick, Cloudy goods separate Chicago. noon, for the reason and purpose aforesaid 18-2atCear the Justice of the Superior [lassed by any in the market, either foreign or Patented Feb. 14 & Dec. el, Gorham, Northumberland and North Stratford thereby insuring immunity from Consumption. Compositions Court to 20,1871; March 12,1872. now being built, will very la rgely increase the busi- be holden at Portland, within and for the American. only. which have won the conli- of T II ness of the entire as .dencc of County Cumberland, on Friday, November 1st, A. J3?“In order to protect ourselves, we have adopted OMSON’8 line, it will traverse both Bitu- Mail train (stopping at all stations) for Island mankind smi 1). 1872, an as our trade-mark an Sims! &M v- honsehold by publishing attested copy of said Peti- eight-pointed red star, with minous and Block Coal fteJ ds, to which the main ami Pond, connecting with night mail train for Quebec, [become words tion and this Order seal in the Entirely I)\f- WORLD-RENOWNED PATENT among not one thereon, three weeks successive- corporate centre. This is on every pack The branch tracks of the Montreal and the West, at 1.40 P M. only hut in the Portland of our Last, I Chic ago, Danville and Vin- ly Daily Press, a newspaper paper age Pure Lratl. None genuine without it. ferent Accommodation for South Paris and intermediate many nations, must have from. cennes Railroad will printed In Portland, in said County of Cumberland, I Best, Cheapest Yra.ro very ready and econoin- stations at 5.30 P. M. extraordinary virtues. Per- the Ia*t to be cal 'haps no one ever secured so publication fourteen days at least be- W. F. & Co.‘ and to Corset access. Passenger trains will arrive as follows: fore the said first Phillips Superior Glove-Fitting wide a or of a. reputation main- day November, d. 1872, that | and Most This Divisiou will be finished the From Montreal, Quebec, Island Pond, Gorham he may then and there in our said Court during present, Paris tained it so as Ayer's appear and ACEATS FOR Till: other the iron and South at 8.15 A M. and 2.50 P. M. J. W. PERKINS & long show cause if CO., i_ No Corset ever season, and other material having CO., Agent. Cherry any ho has, why the prayer of said pe- EFFECTIVE. has enjoy- necessary Accommodation from So. Paris at 7 P. M. Aweow 6m Pectoral, it titioners ed such been Itought and pa*dfot \ scplC-MW&F Portland, Me, has should not be granted. a world-widepop- Pullman Palace Room and Cars lieen known to the pnb- 46 & 48 MIDDLE ST. Extinguishers. The Drawing Sleeping lie about Attest: D. W. Clerk. ularity. Company’s are attached to the and Mail Trains between forty years, l>y a A FESSENDEN, au6dCmeod TT&S Express true copy of the Petition and order ot court The demand for them is Portland and Montreal. long conttuned aeries ot thereon. FIRST =— constantly increasing, be- MORTGAGE Express trains run through to Montreal without marvellous cures, which liave won for it a confidence Attest: An cause D. W. FESSENDEN, Clerk. Absolute Protection from Fire. change of cars at Island Pond. in its virtues, never equalled by any other medicine. Oct 3 Th law3w fT 'TS Send for Free to All. m 4 4 s descriptive circular to Samples It still makes the most effectual cures of ChuoAs V All IVJl IT A choice of one of six bcau- The Company are not responsible for baggage to i-irl f i'U AA n THEY GIVE 7 PERCT. that cun be •tifnl $2.00Steel GOLD BONDS any amount exceeding $50 in value that 'hussiAptios, made by nodical V1 Engravings, (and person- At all the skill. Indeed, the Cherry Size, 16x20 inches. Framed in elegant Black Wa/- C. M. & H. T. al) uuless notice is given, and paid for at the rate of Drug Stores. Pectoral has really PLUMMER, have been d as robbed these diseases of I heir nut or “The First Bible UNIVERSAL iostly regard! a prime security, the one passenger for $500 additional value. dangerous terrors to a ofMoulding', Lesson,”— 7 UNION every great extent, and a of Ayer’s Cathartic one Prang’s prettiest $2 (Hi in STREET, location of the tine financial of the C. J. Director. Adamson’s Balsam given feeling immunity from Pills, Chromos, framed Hue, strength BRYDGES, Managing Wl fl^WT Tfc thoir fatal which is well heavy gilt given to every new iunlldCmTu&F 2taw PORTLAND, Me. H. Jjocal Adamsou’s JWAIjIi MW Balsam effects, founded, if the rem- Moulding, subscriber stockholders in the and the BAILEY, Superintendent. be taken In For all the to the Riverside Echo, 00 for Cotnjiany, very unusuaUy June 20 1872. Adamson’s Balsam edy season. Every family should have it Purposes of a paying $2 one year’s Portland, jun21tf in their Family Physic, subscription, ^ MXOTICE is hereby given, that the subscriber lias SATISFACTION. large earnings combii ilng to prove these Bonds safe Adamson's Balsam closet for the ready and prompt relief of H* CURING "WHY members. a.1 been duly appointed Executor of the Will of have Adamson’s Balsam Sickness, suffering, and even life is saved published weekly, in quarto beyond question. Thiiy been sold freely during tli PORTLAND & this TIlO vllv LEVI ROCHESTER RAILROAD. Adamson’s R Balsam l.y timely protection. The prmiont shonl.1 not form suitable for ou WEYMOUTH, late of Portland, few months to Trust Copdvencss, Jaundice, binding, past Companies, Savings Banks, Adamson's Balsam neglect It, and the wise will not. it clear white from and beautiful in the of Are Keep by you for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, paper, plain tyi»e. It County Cumberland, deceased,and lias tak- Handsome, Durable, Eco- and the most shrew d and Spring the protection it affords iu sudden in its seventh careful investors. The arn- Arrangement. Adamson’s XJ Balsam attacks, ami bv1 ta Dysentery. Foul Stom- [s volume, and well known &h an excel- en npon himself that trust by bonds as the law use. omt giving nomical, and unt per mile is o Adamson's Balsam timely ach, Head- Literary, Religious and Temperance directs. All persons demands ply about $18,500, making an an- On Erysipelas, having u|ion the ... after 20th. Adamson’s PREPARED BY Home and Havrs Journal. estate of nual interest char —-...tt), Monday, May SUFFERING Balsam ache, Piles, Rheuma- 6aid deceased, are required to exhibit the ge ol only $1,295 per mile, while train* leave Portland o1 the sent A 7-V.passenger Adamson's Balsam DB..I. C. AYER A CO.. tism,Eruptions and Skin Sample oo»Je» free to any address same; and ail persons indebted to said estate are PERFECT the and LOWELL,MASS naper FIT. earnings have been $5,000 per (■W—Rochester intermediate station* Adamson’s Balsam Practical and In them will l>e found full description of the ures called upon to make to already nearly 'WHK^N' Analytical Chemists, Diseases, Biliousness, pict payment mile. -“*“at 7.15 A. M., and 1.30 P. M., making Adamson’s Balsam ^Liver an L. EUGENE Ask for THOMSON’S And sold by druggists all round the world Complaint, Drop- Tlnn’t Wait for agent to call, bnt send WEYMOUTH, Executor. GENUINE GLOVE direct connection at Rochester with trains for Boston, Adamson’s REWARD is Balsam sy, Tumors a at4/11 1/ f » Mil. I; Portland. The bonds are Jfor d|> dee18-dAwevery3dwly Tetter, for a sample copy of the Sept. Corset $1,000 each, payable in forty over Boston & Maine and Eastern Railroads. a Salt paper, 17,1872._sepl9-law*3w FITTING, every leing stamped with the Also Adamson’s ottered for Balsam Rlieum, Worms choos® send us $2 00, name near- with connect at Rochester with Dover your picture, your name THOMSON, and the years, interest at the rate of 7 per cent, gold, and Winnipiseogee Adamson,s better REMEDY than ADAM- Balsan. Dr. K. J. Gout, Neuralgia, :is a est office, and we will send the all trade-mark a crown. Railroad for Alton ami with JOUKDAIV Dinner Express picture, payable April and October. Present 90 and Bay, Portsmouth, Great Adamson.s SON’S BOTANIC COUGH Balsam & Pill, and Puri frames and at once. Sold all prices Falls and Oonway Railroad for PROPRIETOR OF TF1K the securely packed, by Firat-CInaa Denim,. Conway. Adamson’s BALSAM, for the cnro of Colds, Balsam ^— Ifying Blood, Hair accrued interest, in Those Leave Rochester for Portland alK)l,t tills libera Ayer’s Vigor, 18-d4wt currency. purchasing and way1 stations at Ar ‘te Imported by ly, effect is and affections of Government Bonds or other At Buxton Centro Consulting children, because mild as well as love anyperson they choose i,i-t«e, marketable sccurltites for West Buxton, Bonny Eagle Adamson's Augusta; Rev. Dr. of JJJLJSS* rf£,8'c unsightly and unpleas- in Torsey, Balsam 61 VInneock Ntrrrf. Knu. * co»tod, are ly. This simple mental acquirement taken exchange at best market and Liiuington, Adamson’s Kent’s Hill; Rev. Dr. Bo«l«n, fifel1 »i bCu 8ug?r they easy to ant to behold. Dr. all can mssJss' iprice. daily. Ricker; Balsam "g P y are free bv mail for 25c. together with For At Centre Waterboro* for Par- Adamson’s Rev. E. junlldlyr ve8e,ab!e, they entfre ly AYER’S consummate H n arriaec further particulars, statenndut of Limerick, Newfield, E.Martin; Rev. C. F Balsam Unless.'1 The Woman’s Tea gntde, Egyptiau Oracle, Hints to e.'trnings, sonsfield and Ossi]»ec, ami Sat- Penney; Key. G. Co. skill has produced an Dreams, Ladles *e of the Tuesdays, Thursdays W. Quinby; Balsam PREPARED BY maps line, &c., apply to urdays, returning alternate Ailamson’sA.jarogon’s Kev. Wm. A. antidote for these de- 8Uld- days. Drew; Kev. H. F Balsam Cleansed. DR. J. C. AYER & RIDEOUT SISTERS, Sole agents for Portland. At Centre Waterboro’ for ParsonBfield, A.lamson’s Wood; Col. F. M. Clothing CO., ROWELL, MASS formities which lias won Limerick, Drew, Sec'V of Balsam Office at 301 i Congress Street. Messrs. daily. A. arnson g Slate;Hon. J. T. gratitude for him from Swan & Barrett, Woodard, State lta'smu Cleansed and Repaired at abort notice son A Bankers, WILLIAM H. TURNER, Superintendent. A.lamson s Librarian! Col. CALL AYL TRY PACKAGE multitudes of women Gco.W. Stanley Balsam CLOTHESand all kind* of good* dyed in a thorough man' CANVASSERS Portland, May 20, 1872. declO-te President ■ «epl9-T T&S 3m and men. His HAIR WANTED! —AND- Adamson^ First Nat. Bank sW LaUam ner. Also Second-hand Clothing for sale. For “Stone'. of New VIGOR sometimes lost and History York Cite ” i' ^’Senate; Warren L. Balsam All orders will receive prompt aud faithful atten reproduces hair; always Tlie book contains 800 octavo 20 ""”! ^H}®> and 'F. A. restores to faded and hair its natural pages. full nm -ie. Alden, If,000 others toonn- Balsam tion. BALL’S LEAVITT, gray color, with aud 85 wood It is M. ils"?,. merouH to the and freshness of engravings. reiilcte witli Statistics Menry Payson, Esq, mention. Price 35 Balsam WILLIAM BROWN manufacturer of gloss youth. The comparatively Anecdotes, and “"** few bald and Amusing Curious Incidents Th.! Per bottle. For Sale by Balsam tH Federal VEGETABLE SICILIAN gray heads, that we now see, are those reliable record of the PORTLAND. PORTLAND ft”"1 aH *t., who only Chief Metropolis of the Dri'Bglf