Temple Ambler Field Station Species List Figure 1. Animal groups identified to date through our citizen science initiatives at Temple Ambler Field Station. Values represent unique taxa identified in the field to the lowest taxonomic level possible. These data were collected by field citizen scientists during events on campus or were recorded in public databases (iNaturalist and eBird). Want to become a Citizen Science Owlet too? Check out our Citizen Science webpage. Any questions, issues or concerns regarding these data, please contact us at
[email protected] (fieldstation[at}temple[dot]edu) Temple Ambler Field Station Species List Figure 2. Plant diversity identified to date in the natural environments and designed gardens of the Temple Ambler Field Station and Ambler Arboretum. These values represent unique taxa identified to the lowest taxonomic level possible. Highlighted are 14 of the 116 flowering plant families present that include 524 taxonomic groups. A full list can be found in our species database. Cultivated specimens in our Greenhouse were not included here. Any questions, issues or concerns regarding these data, please contact us at
[email protected] (fieldstation[at}temple[dot]edu) Temple Ambler Field Station Species List database_title Temple Ambler Field Station Species List last_update 22October2020 description This database includes all species identified to their lowest taxonomic level possible in the natural environments and designed gardens on the Temple Ambler campus. These are occurrence records and each taxon is only entered once. This is an occurrence record, not an abundance record. IDs were performed by senior scientists and specialists, as well as citizen scientists visiting campus.