Runners-Up 5-8 years age group

Name: Clara T

Age: 5

Description: This story was inspired by a large sequin star that Clara brought home from pre-school. She held it in her hand as she spoke the story. “The stars are kind. They help to look after people and make them happy. That is what makes the stars heroes”.

Judges notes:

“Beautiful imagination and empathy. Fiction teaches us to care about others – such empathy at so young an age!”

The Stars Shine

There are stars that help us to climb on them and the rainbow helps to make a ladder to them and then the people can get them when they are really sad. The stars will help them and they fill their buckets. They read a book to them and then give them and then give them cuddles when they have finished. It makes the sad person happy.

About the rainbow – it will tell us somewhere quiet in the land and we out and no-one can see us if we want. We sit on the clouds and the rainbow will tell us if there are people that are sad.

The stars move and she when they see someone crying and then they move down to help the person. Each person has a star.

Name: Jai H

Age: 7

Description: The super heroes are looking for a new member of their team – Super Duck is born!

Judges notes:

“Great imagination and narrative with humour”.

“Good imagination”

“It’s about time we had an ‘underduck’ superhero!”

Super Duck

In a calm little pond right next to a park a large family of ducks were happily swimming in a pond.

“Feeding time!” called a boy carrying bread. The ducks did not know the little boy was talking about his picnic. KWOR!!!!!! A harpy eagle roughly landed on the ground.

“Everyone get deep underwater or you will be eaten!” quacked the leader. However a very curious duck stayed above the water to see the eagle in action. The eagle bent down and grabbed the duck. The eagle started flapping it’s wings and quickly flew off. Meanwhile back at the Bat Cave…..

“We need more animal superheroes!!” cried .

“AHEM!!!” said Wolverine. “I mean an actual animal with superpowers” replied Batman. crushed himself through the roof. Superman flew to the nuclear factory. While he was there he shot some nuclear waste with his lazer giving it superpowers. He did the exact same thing with another barrel of nuclear waste. The truck that carries the waste slowly started then it was off. The two barrels superman shot started rocking until they fell off and started rolling down a hill. The barrels landed in a soft cotton factory. The waste landed on two blankets giving them superpowers. The eagle was still carrying the duck when the eagle dropped the duck into the cotton factory. The blanket with superpowers wrapped around the duck. SUPER DUCK HAS BEEN BORN!

The eagle was furious he swooped down and another super blanket wrapped around the eagle. The eagle’s super blanket was a super evil blanket. The eagle flew off and started destroying stuff. At the Bat cave superman showed batman the bad news on the newspaper.

“YOU CREATED A MUTANT EAGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” screamed batman.

“I also created an animal superhero SUPER DUCK!” said superman. “I WANTED A T REX WITH MEGA POWERS!!!!!!!” screamed batman. The duck flew off to stop the eagle. The eagle did a giant peck on the duck. The duck ducked. The duck used his powers to pick up every drop of water in the city.

“Every duck knows eagles hate water” quacked super duck. Super duck threw the water at the eagle but the eagle was using a force field the whole time! The eagle shot his wing at the duck but super duck shot a lazer at the wing. The eagle’s arm was burnt.

“Want some water on that?” asked super duck tipping a bunch of water on the eagle.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!” cried the eagle. The eagle was washed away.

“HOORAY for super duck!” cried a huge crowd. Suddenly batman popped out of the darkness.

“You’re hired!” said batman.