THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015 RABI ALAWWAL 6, 1437 AH Mutual respect Amazon UK ‘Star Wars’ River scrape between cops, urges customers rediscovers its into Club citizens essential to throw away Force, say critics World final for security3 hoverboards27 as38 film opens with20 nervy win Court says coed ban in Min 07º Max 19º line with constitution High Tide 02:25 & 16:35 Assembly approves animal rights bill Low Tide 09:57 & 22:07 40 PAGES NO: 16730 150 FILS By B Izzak

Amnesty: Kuwait sliding into repression KUWAIT: The constitutional court, the highest court in the country, ruled yesterday that a 19-year old legisla- By Nawara Fattahova tion that bans the mixing of male and female students at universities is in line with the constitution and turned KUWAIT: Amnesty International urged Kuwait yester- down a challenge against it. The challenge was filed in day to release political prisoners and warned that the February by two male students and a lawyer, contesting state was at risk of sliding deeper into repression. In a that the law violates gender equality stipulated in the report titled “The Iron Fist Policy: Criminalization of constitution and overburdens the government with Peaceful Dissent in Kuwait”, Amnesty said more than highly expensive additional costs. 90 government critics were either in jail or on trial for The law was passed by the National Assembly, which charges such as insulting or offending HH the Amir or was controlled by Islamist and conservative MPs, in top officials. The report was released during a press 1996, and gave the government five years to implement conference held at the Kuwait Society for Human it. It requires the government to completely separate Right in Shuwaikh. male and female students at lecture halls, labs, restau- “Scores of peaceful critics have been arrested and rants and other activities. It also stipulates that the gov- imprisoned simply for speaking out against a specter ernment must take into consideration these require- of widespread repression,” said Amnesty’s deputy ments while building new universities. director for the Middle East and North Africa, James The Assembly again passed another law in 2000 to Lynch. “The authorities have resorted to a mesmeriz- extend the ban on coeducation to private universities ingly complex web of laws in an attempt to throttle which started coming up at that time. The court said freedom of expression,” he told a press conference. “It that it found no contradiction between the law and the is not too late to reverse this downward spiral of constitution and accordingly threw out the petition, the human rights violations. Kuwait is at a critical junc- first of its kind against the law. Liberal MPs repeatedly ture, the government has a clear choice between tried to get the law amended in the Assembly, but all allowing the country to slide into deeper repression their attempts were thwarted by Islamist and tribal MPs or taking urgent steps to prove that its public commit- who insist that segregation of the sexes is part of imple- ments to human rights are more than just hollow menting the Islamic sharia law. The door is not com- KUWAIT: Amnesty International researcher Drewery Dyke speaks during a press conference at the Kuwait promises,” Lynch added. pletely shut for fresh attempts against the law as new Human Rights Association yesterday. — Photo by Yasser Al-Zayyat Continued on Page 13 Continued on Page 13 Turkey to set up Qatar military base Saudis to boost aid, investment to Egypt DOHA/ RIYADH: Turkey will establish a fighting in Syria. The envoy, Ahmet military base in Qatar as part of a defense Demirok, told Reuters that three thousand News agreement aimed at helping them con- ground troops would be stationed at the in brief front “common enemies,” Turkey’s ambas- base - Turkey’s first overseas military instal- sador to Qatar said yesterday. Establi- lation in the Middle East - as well as air and shment of the base, part of an agreement naval units, military trainers and special Kuwait Airways scraps signed in 2014 and ratified by Turkey’s par- operations forces. New York-London route liament in June, intensifies the partnership The “multipurpose” base will primarily KUWAIT: Kuwait Airways is no longer selling tickets for with Qatar at a time of rising instability and serve as a venue for joint training exercises SAMAWA, Iraq: A picture taken on Dec 14, 2015 shows a camel standing in this flights between New York’s John F Kennedy airport and southern desert in an area used by Iraqi herdsmen to graze their stock. — AFP a perceived waning of US interest in the and Qatar was also looking at setting up its London’s Heathrow, after the US Transportation region. own base in Turkey, he said in an interview. Department threatened legal action for its refusal to sell The two countries, both economic “Turkey and Qatar face common problems tickets to Israelis, reported USA Today. “Today, Kuwait heavyweights, have provided support for and we are both very concerned about 26 Qatari hunters Airways informed the US DOT that they will be eliminat- the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, backed developments in the region and uncertain ing service between JFK and London Heathrow,” rebels fighting to overthrow Syrian presi- policies of other countries ... We confront Namrata Kolachalam, a department spokeswoman, said dent Bashar Al-Assad and raised the alarm common enemies. At this critical time for kidnapped in Iraq Tuesday. “Sorry, we were unable to process your request about creeping Iranian influence in the the Middle East cooperation between us is due to either no operating flight or no seats available,” region. Both have condemned Russia’s vital,” Demirok said. BAGHDAD/KUWAIT: About 100 gunmen the party were also taken but later released, the airline’s website replied Tuesday, when asked for intervention on the side of Assad’s forces Continued on Page 13 kidnapped at least 26 Qatari hunters in he said. Other officials put the number of flights from JFK to Heathrow. But other flights directly southern Iraq, officials said yesterday, the people kidnapped at 26. to Kuwait City or to other destinations connecting second high-profile abduction of foreigners “Twenty-six Qatari hunters were kid- through Kuwait are available. The end of the route came in the country in three months. Turkey, which napped at about 3:00 am (0000 GMT) by after the Transportation Department investigated the like Qatar is at odds with various Iraqi groups unknown gunmen,” a police major from airline’s refusal to sell Eldad Gatt, an Israeli citizen, a tick- over regional issues, had 18 of its citizens Muthanna said. A local council member from et from JFK to Heathrow in 2013. abducted in Iraq in early September. They the province gave the same number, saying were eventually released unharmed. Reports that the kidnappers were in dozens of pick- late yesterday said nine of the hunters, some up trucks. Qatar’s foreign ministry has con- of them injured, were released and had tacted the Iraqi government to obtain Kuwait expects budget arrived in Abdaly in Kuwait. “details about the kidnapping of the Qatari deficit between KD 5-6bn Dozens of gunmen “kidnapped 27 Qatari citizens and to work to release them as KUWAIT: Kuwait expects the actual 2015-16 hunters... when they were in a camp near the quickly as possible”, it said in a statement car- budget deficit to be between KD 5 and 6 billion Bassiyah area,” Faleh Al-Zayadi, the governor ried by the official QNA news agency. ($16.5-$19.8 billion), the Finance Ministry of Muthanna province where they were Assistant Foreign Minister for Political Undersecretary Khalifa Hamada said yesterday, seized, told AFP. “All of those kidnapped are Affairs, Mohammed Al-Rumaihi, has been dis- lower than the KD 8.18 billion the country was Qatari and a number of members of the rul- patched to Baghdad to coordinate with Iraqi projecting previously. Hamada also told journal- ing family in Qatar are among them,” Zayadi authorities “to ensure the safety of the Qatari ists in Kuwait City that Kuwait planned to unify said, adding that the kidnappers used more nationals”, it said. The hunters entered Iraq corporate taxes on local and foreign companies at than 50 vehicles mounted with machine- with an “official permit” from the interior min- 10 percent, and expected revenues from such a guns. Two Iraqi officers providing security for istry, the Qatari statement said. — Agencies move to exceed KD 2 billion a year. The official also said that Kuwait was still studying better manage- ment of fuel subsidies, but any changes would Fed announces rate begin with petrol. He said that better manage- ment of fuel subsidies would earn the country KD 1 billion in savings. hike, Kuwait follows CAIRO: Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah Al-Sisi (right) meets Saudi Arabia’s Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammed bin Salman on Tuesday. — AP WASHINGTON: The Federal Reserve The US move was widely expected announced yesterday its first interest rate but nevertheless marked the end of an increase in more than nine years in a era in which the Fed pumped trillions landmark move signaling the US has of cheap dollars into the US economy US Congress reins in visa-free travel finally moved beyond the 2008 crisis. The to fuel what turned out to be a very Fed raised the benchmark federal funds long recovery. The move initiates what WASHINGTON: The US Congress struck a of Representatives last week which excludes About 20 million people each year come to rate, locked near zero since the Great will be a series of slow rate increases huge spending deal overnight including a citizens from VWP countries who are also dual the United States without a visa for stays of Recession, by a quarter point to 0.25-0.50 which the Federal Open Market measure that will tighten the Visa Waiver nationals from Iran, Iraq, Syria and Sudan. less than 90 days, including about 13 million percent, saying the economy is growing Committee, the Fed’s policy board, Program (VWP) by excluding certain travelers It would also exclude anyone from the 38 Europeans. European diplomats, led by at a moderate pace and should acceler- promised would be “gradual” and fol- deemed by Washington to be a risk. participating nations - including 30 in Europe - European Union ambassador to Washington ate next year. Kuwait’s Central Bank low the pace of the economy. The Republican and Democratic negotiators who has travelled to those four countries, or David O’Sullivan, have warned of potential immediately followed suit, raising the move to raise rates was also a momen- included the measure in a catchall spending to a country Washington has listed as support- retaliation against the United States, arguing discount rate by 0.25 percent to 2.25 per- tous point in the near two-year tenure package agreed to late Tuesday and unveiled ing terrorism, since March 2011. Such foreign the program is based on reciprocity. Non-prof- cent. The bank said the decision will of Fed Chair Janet Yellen, who inherited in the dead of night that sets federal expendi- nationals will not be barred from travelling to it groups have called the measure discrimina- come into effect from today. KUNA cited the easy-money policies of predecessor tures at $1.149 billion through September 30, the United States, but they will be required to tory since it punishes certain European citi- the Central Bank governor as saying the Ben Bernanke with a mandate to get decision to raise the rate was to guaran- back to a normal monetary policy foot- 2016, the end of the fiscal year. The text, which obtain a visa prior to their visit through stan- zens based on their national origin from tee the currency’s competitiveness and ing as soon as the economy was strong is expected to be voted on by Thursday, dard means, which includes a face-to-face Muslim-majority countries. attractiveness. enough to do so. — Agencies includes the legislation adopted by the House interview at a US consulate. Continued on Page 13 LOCAL THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015

KUWAIT: His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah meets Deputy Speaker of His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah checks one of the awards that KRCS Chairman Dr Hilal Al-Sayer the Indonesian Parliament Fadli Zon. meets Falah Bin Jame’a. received from Takreem foundation.Amir — Amiri Diwan and KUNA photos receives KRCS chief

KUWAIT: His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah ing was attended by Deputy Minister of Amiri Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak All- Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah. tribe. He also received His Highness Sheikh Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah received at Diwan Affairs Sheikh Ali Jarrah Al-Sabah. Hamad Al-Sabah, and First Deputy Minister, Meanwhile, His Highness the Crown Prince Jaber Al-Mubarak, Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled, Bayan Palace yesterday Chairman of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Sabah Al- received Falah Bin Jame’a, chief of the Awazem and Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Interior Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS) and Bilateral ties Sheikh Mohammad Al-Khaled Al-Sabah and Kuwait Association for the Care of Children in Zon, along with an accompanying delega- Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Hospital (KACCH) at Bayt Abdullah hospice Dr tion, arrived in Kuwait yesterday starting an Defense Sheikh Khaled Al-Jarrah Al-Sabah. Hilal Al-Sayer on the occasion of winning official visit to the country. During a meeting awards from Takreem foundation in health with Ghanem in the speaker’s office, the two Markets Authority and children fields. sides bilateral relations between the two In other news, His Highness the Prime During the meeting, His Highness the Amir countries and ways of developing them in all Minister received at Bayan Palace Dr Nayef hailed Al-Sayer’s achievement, and the pio- aspects, especially the parliamentary one, in Falah Al-Hajraf, the Chairman of the Capital neering humanitarian role played by Bayt addition to the latest regional and internation- Markets Authority (CMA) and CMA staff. They Abdullah in caring for children. Sayer, speak- al developments. presented His Highness the Premier with the ing to reporters following the meeting, said he The meeting was attended by Deputy fourth annual report for the 2014-2015 fiscal was proud of this award, which is an addition Speaker Mubarak Al-Khurainej, and chief of year, the CMA new bylaws along with the to Kuwait’s achievements. He added that the the mission of honor and head of the Kuwaiti- amendments. award was a source of honoring to Kuwait. Indonesian parliamentary friendship commit- His Highness was briefed about the strate- Meanwhile, His Highness the Amir received tee Dr Khalil Abul and Indonesian Charge d’af- gic action plan for the coming years, designed Speaker of the National Assembly Marzouq Ali faires to Kuwait. to overhaul the financial market. His Highness Al-Ghanem, and the visiting Deputy Speaker Earlier, His Highness the Amir received His also received Dr William Lafontaine, IBM’s of the Indonesian Parliament Fadli Zon, along Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al- His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah meets Dr William deputy executive manager, along with an with his accompanying delegation. The meet- Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, His Highness the Lafontaine, IBM’s deputy executive manager. accompanying delegation. — KUNA Amir congratulates CBK GCC economies afloat despite governor on UAB award

KUWAIT: His Highness the Amir Sheikh unstable oil prices: Former FM Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah on Tuesday sent a congratulatory cable to KUWAIT: In spite of diminishing oil prices, it is Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK) Governor Dr expected that Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Mohammad Al-Hashel on his win of the countries would continue to keep their ‘Visionary Award - Central Bank Governor for economies afloat for the immediate future, as a the Year 2015.’ result of adaptive strategies implemented by Hashel was awarded the prize during the GCC countries, former Foreign Minister Dr annual conference of the Union of Arab Mohammad Al-Sabah stressed. Banks (UAB) held in Beirut. In his cable, His Dr Mohammad, who is also a leading econo- Highness the Amir hailed Al-Hashel’s achieve- mist and politician made the remarks at a public ments and efforts in establishing monetary lecture to a group of academic researchers on policies and regulatory frameworks in the Tuesday at Al-Shaheed Park. The lecture, based State of Kuwait. His Highness the Crown on an article written by Dr Mohammad in 1987, Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al- was organized by the American Political Science Sabah, His Highness the Prime Minister Association MENA in partnership with Al-Salam Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah Center for Development and Strategic Studies. and National Assembly Speaker Marzouq Al- These strategies would prove futile if they are Ghanem sent the CBK governor similar con- able to not only meet economic structural gratulatory cables. — KUNA Dr Mohammad Al-Hashel changes, but cope with the instability of the oil market and the political landscape of the coun- tries, Dr Mohammad noted. As global oil prices continue to plummet, he raised the question if oil-dependent economies can ensure a prosper- ous future, or would they fall victim to what is known as the “resource curse?” KUWAIT: Dr Mohammad Al-Sabah (center) speaks at a public lecture to a group of academic researchers on Tuesday at Al-Shaheed Park. — KUNA Oil shock In the 1970s, as a sign of increased wealth, 4 collapse of oil prices in the 1980’s, highlighting Delving into the annals of history, Dr percent of Kuwait’s Gross Domestic Product the fragility of oil-dependent economies. Mohammad spoke about incidents of ‘oil shock’ (GDP) was designated for foreign financial aid, a With that in mind, Dr Mohammad tackled the where there was a significant increase in the precursor to Kuwait being ultimately named as a notion of the “resource curse” and whether oil- price of oil. Then, it was common perception global humanitarian center. rich nations could cope with the effects of amongst nations with oil-dependent economies unpredictable oil prices. He asserted that Kuwait that oil would lead them to prosperity. Negative consequences has always been well-equipped with avoiding As a result of excessive wealth due to the While an increase in oil wealth did pay eco- the undesired effects that could result from surge in oil prices, global government spending nomic dividends, there were also some negative heavy dependence on oil revenue, by establish- had increased. Nowhere was this more evident consequences as a result of this wealth. Uneven ing future generation fund. than in Kuwait where average individual earn- distribution of wealth plagued countries such as Weary of potential obstacles, Kuwait initiated ings jumped by KD 406 in the years 1969-1970 Ecuador and Nigeria, who were entirely depend- a fund that would allocate 10 percent of annual to KD 1,800 in the years 1979-1980. There was ent upon oil revenue to keep their economies oil revenue for future generations. The fund is a also an increase of 80 percent in average individ- stable. This abundance of oil wealth is viewed as mean of the ‘future generation taxing the pres- ual paychecks from the years 1972 to 1978. a double-edged sword as evident by the sudden ent,’ the former Foreign Minister said. — KUNA Kuwait hails IAEA report on Iran WASHINGTON: Kuwait’s envoy Abdulhamid Al-Failakawi is pictured with Governor General of Canada David Johnston. — KUNA nuclear program

Plenipotentiary Ambassador VIENNA: Kuwait on Tuesday hailed the International Atomic Energy Agency director to Canada delivers credentials general’s final assessment report about pend- ing issues on Iran’s nuclear program, noting to WASHINGTON: The State of Kuwait Envoy The Governor General expressed cordial its high professionalism and neutrality. Abdulhamid Al-Failakawi has delivered his feelings toward His Highness the Amir Sheikh In a speech, the Second Secretary of the credentials to the Governor General of Sabah al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, the State Kuwaiti mission to international organizations’ Canada David Johnston, as Kuwait’s of Kuwait and the Kuwaiti people. He noted Sheikh Jarrah Al-Sabah said that diplomacy and Plenipotentiary Ambassador and the State His Highness Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad’s dialogue were the only means to a long term Representative to the nation. Ambassador notable humanitarian role. He also lauded solution to the matter. He told an IAEA Board of Failakawi relayed greetings by Kuwait top the good ties bonding the two friendly coun- Governors extraordinary meeting that his leaders who expressed good wishes to him, tries, hoping that they be cemented further country encourages all nations to positively his country and the friendly Canadian people. at various levels. — KUNA contribute to these efforts. Kuwait also welcomes the July 14 joint com- prehensive working plan reached between Iran SHARJAH: Sheikh Salman Al-Humoud Al-Sabah attends the 18th meeting of the Arab tourism and the P5+1 (UNSC permanent members, the Ministerial Council. — KUNA Ambassador honors Kuwaiti US, Britain, France, China and Russia, plus Germany) and the Security Council resolution participants in UNGA session number 2231 adopted the same month, which Kuwait stands by Egypt, Tunisia h3e believes will aid a peaceful solution. NEW YORK: Kuwait’s permanent represented by His Highness the Prime Kuwait has been informed that Iran is carry- in bid to regain tourism status envoy to the UN Ambassador Mansour Minister Sheikh Jaber Mubarak Al-Hamad ing out all of the agreed activities it had been Al-Otaibi honored Kuwaiti diplomats Al-Sabah and First Deputy Prime Minister tasked with according to the proposed time- in appreciation of their efforts in the and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh SHARJAH: The 18th meeting of the Arab tourism Intangible Cultural Heritage in its keenness to frame, including the presentation of relevant Ministerial Council has expressed its support of combine heritage or history with culture as vital 70th session of the UN General Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah. pending documents, written clarifications and Egypt and Tunisia in their endeavors to regain ingredients for meaningful tourism. responses to various agency inquiries about Assembly. In a statement to KUNA Meanwhile, Otaibi said that as part their tourism status after unforeseen tumbles, Moreover, he expressed Kuwait’s chagrin at the issue. after a ceremony held late Tuesday, of participating in the meeting, the said Minister of Information and Minister of State what has befallen Egyptian tourism due to the The IAEA Board of Governors meeting earli- Otaibi said the Kuwaiti mission’s par- Kuwaiti delegation underwent a two- for Youth Affairs Sheikh Salman Sabah Al-Salem crash of the Russian airplane over Sinai desert ticipation was prominent, noting that day training course where they er adopted a draft resolution, submitted by the P5+1, for the closure of the case regarding the Al-Humoud Al-Sabah yesterday. last Oct. 31 with its negative ramifications espe- the event held in New York, came in learned of the work systems of differ- In a statement to KUNA after the meeting, he cially the receding inflow of tourists to Sharm El- time with the UN’s conference on the ent UN bodies. Furthermore, the diplo- so-called possible military dimensions (PMD) of Tehran’s nuclear program. said that among the recommendations of the Sheikh. In a gesture to shore up that situation, Post-2015 Development Agenda, mats were tasked with submitting It reaffirmed that Iran cooperates fully and meeting was the need to pair culture and history Kuwait implemented a direct air-route from which was also attended by His reports on speeches performed by in a timely manner with the IAEA, through the in Arab tourism and to consider tourism as an Kuwait to Sharm El-Sheikh beginning on Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al- leaders and the results of meetings implementation of and providing access to its industry of prime importance well positioned to December 5 in a bid to encourage tourists to fly Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. held in the event, the ambassador Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement and boost Arab economies. He noted in a speech at to that vacation spot in Egypt, he said. Sheikh The official added that Kuwait was also said. — KUNA Additional Protocol. — KUNA the meeting that Kuwait has joined the UNESCO Salman headed a Kuwaiti delegation to yester- Convention for the Safeguarding of the day’s one-day meeting. — KUNA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015 LOCAL Doctor sentenced to 4-years KPC addresses in jail for torturing maid

By Meshaal Al-Enezi governmental organizations (NGOs) and which has been funding policies discussed recently in local media was still under study KUWAIT: The court of appeal yesterday annulled a previ- for amendments, adding that the ministry was still ous verdict acquitting a 55-year-old female Kuwaiti doc- preparing an integrated project including all NGOs, char- KUWAIT: Board of Kuwait Petroleum ventures. In other news, Assistant tor from charges of torturing her housemaid, and sen- ities and voluntary work societies. Selaimi added that Corporation (KPC) and its subsidiary compa- Undersecretary of the Ministry of Oil Sheikh tenced her to four years in prison with labor. The doctor the bill would go through proper constitutional chan- nies discussed funding policies for the 2016- Talal Nasser Al-Athbi Al-Sabah will head the had been accused of torturing the maid, causing her nels (the legislative power) before it becomes an appli- 2020 fiscal year as well as plans to cope with Kuwaiti mission in the 95th meeting of OAPEC permanent disability as the maid lost vision in her left cable law. He added that the details of the bill recently current conditions in the international oil mar- Council of Ministers to be held in Cairo on eye. The doctor had also detained the maid for four published in some newspapers had been reviewed by all kets. December 20. The meeting will discuss the years, preventing her from leaving her house in Adan NGOs and some activists and that the ministry had taken KPC official spokesman Sheikh Talal Khaled organization budget, OAPEC’s activities, eco- and tortured her on a daily basis. Checking the doctor’s their remarks into consideration. Selaimi slammed criti- Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah said in a statement yester- nomic and technical studies and the annual day that the board meeting, headed by report of OAPEC’s subsidiaries, the ministry record, she was found accused of similar charges in 2007 cizing the new law in terms of NGOs’ membership Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister said in statement on Wednesday. when the maid she had at that time managed to escape although that particular article was present in the law and acting Minister of Oil Anas Al-Saleh, dis- Meanwhile, the ministry said that the her house and reported the matter to authorities. that had been in effect for decades. “NGO members cussed several strategic issues namely merger meeting, to be chaired by Qatari Minister of include working people, Kuwaitis over 21 who are enti- among Al-Zour refinery, the third olefins com- Energy and Industry Mohammed Al-Sada, will NGOs law tled to attend the general assembly and run for board plex and the second aromatics complex. also discuss recommendations of OAPEC’s The Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor’s (MSAL) elections, and nominal ones - non-Kuwaitis who are only He added that participants in the meeting Executive Office. Moreover, it noted that Assistant Undersecretary For Legal Affairs Dr Zaki Al- entitled to NGO services and have no right to attend held on Tuesday tackled some projects of Kuwait will chair the Executive Office and the Selaimi stressed that a proposed bill to organize non- general assembly meetings,” he explained. Kuwait Oil Company, namely the ones con- Council of Ministers in 2016. OAPEC, estab- cerning development of oil fields in southeast- lished in 1968, includes Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, ern Kuwait, northeast of the country in addi- Libya, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Algeria, Egypt, Sheikh Talal Khaled Mutual respect between tion to a number of feasible petrochemical Syria and Iraq. — KUNA Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah policemen, citizens essential for Dad says homeland security: Official stepdaughter KUWAIT: Establishing a mutual respect the security of citizens, residents, and raped by five men between policemen and citizens is so public properties. Security media strives essential for the protection of homeland to back communication bridges security, a security official said yester- between the security institution and the By Hanan Al-Saadoun day. Policemen have been and will people, promote its role in the commu- always be vigilant against all challenges nity, boost humanitarian ties between and able to face problems and difficul- policemen and people, and create a KUWAIT: A Somali man told police that his 24- ties, Brigadier Adel Al-Hashash, Director positive image in the public’s mind year-old stepdaughter was kidnapped and raped of the General Department of Public about security men, he noted. by at least five people. An investigation was Relations and Moral Guidance at the Meanwhile, Hashash indicated that opened into the case. Interior Ministry, said in a press state- the ministry is to mark the Arab Police Minister of Industry and Commerce Dr Yousef Al-Ali ment. Day on December 18th, adding that a Homeland security and stability is a celebration will be organized by the Woman swindled fateful responsibility that requires ministry under the auspices of Deputy Kuwait calls anew An Egyptian woman told Jahra police that an everyone to protect this country in Prime Minister and Interior Minister unidentified person swindled her after her order to continue with the march of Sheikh Mohammad Al-Khaled Al-Sabah. for adopting building the next generations and This celebration has become an brother was sent for deportation. A friend told preserve their rights, and hoisting Brigadier Adel Al-Hashash annual tradition, embodying the vital her about someone who can help her. The man Kuwait’s name higher in regional, higher political leadership which pro- role of policemen and security bureaus Arabic by WTO took KD 550 but did not get her brother Arab, and international arenas, vides every support and care to security and highlighting the importance of released, nor did he return the money. Hashash said. in Kuwait. security action, he said, noting that the KUWAIT: Minister of Industry and Commerce Dr Yousef Security men shoulder a heavy Hashash called on all citizens and society always needs a mutual cooper- Al-Ali has underlined necessity of including the Arabic responsibility in preserving security of residents to cooperate with the police- ation between security men and citi- language among the languages adopted by the World 33 suspects arrested the country’s stability and citizens, he men in order to contribute to the suc- zens in order to achieve further devel- Trade Organization (WTO). The Ministry of Industry and General security officers in Hawally arrested said, adding that they also exert unlimit- cess of their missions and duties, stress- opment and accomplishments on vari- Commerce said in a statement yesterday that the minis- ed efforts under the patronage of the ing the importance of that success for ous arenas. — KUNA 33 suspects in Hawally. The detainees are want- ter made the proposal during a meeting of the Arab ed to authorities on civil and criminal cases. ministers of commerce, held on sidelines of the 10th Some detainees are also wanted for absconding, WTO ministerial meeting, calling on Arab delegates at Military personnel’s the organization to present an official request to adopt failure to have a valid residency and on suspicion Govt keen on Arabic. The WTO 10th ministerial meeting got underway of drugs’ possession. fighting corruption: compensation in the Kenyan capital on Tuesday. — KUNA theft reports Minister baseless: Interior KUWAIT: The Government under guidance of His Highness the Prime minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak KUWAIT: Reports on social media alleging theft of funds allo- Al-Hamad Al-Sabah is moving forward in the fight cated to military personnel are baseless and untrue, the against corruption, said Minister of Justice and Minister Ministry of Interior (MoI) said yesterday. In a press statement, of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs Yaqoub Al-Sane yesterday. Ministry of Interior Assistant Undersecretary for Traffic Major General Abdullah Al-Muhanna said that he “has not given Speaking to journalists on sidelines of the parliamen- any instructions for exchange of monetary compensation for tary session, he explained that a new relevant law had holiday allowance for military personnel ineligible for finan- been presented to the Anti-Corruption Authority and cial compensation.” the legislations development committee at the Ministry Muhanna had previously ordered a probe into the exclu- of Justice as well as a number of other government sion of some military personnel from monetary compensa- departments. tion, the statement added. The Ministry of Interior reserves The Ministry, in coordination with the Legislative and the right to initiate legal proceedings against those responsi- Legal Affairs Commission, has decided to be prudent to ble for spreading false and malicious content, the Assistant spare the Constitutional Court unnecessary criticisms Undersecretary for Traffic asserted. — KUNA regarding the appeal, to be cross-examined on Sunday. The minister stressed on the government keenness on the Anti-Corruption Authority law, adding that it ensures KFAED signs KD 6 greater protection and independence for the authority. Meanwhile, Minister of Public Works and Minister of million loan agreement State for National Assembly Affairs Dr Ali Al-Omair said that the government was keen on answering parliamen- with Niger tary inquires in accordance with the constitution and statute of the Parliament. KUWAIT: Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED) In the Parliament’s session, Omair said that the signed yesterday a KD 6 million loan agreement with Niger to Cabinet agreed in previous sessions to hold a special fund a transportation project. A statement by KFAED said the loan meeting with the Assembly’s bureau to discuss issues will fund construction of a 92 kilometer-long road northeast of Niger, adding that the project will facilitate traveling and move- connected with parliamentary inquiries addressed to ment of goods in the country. This is the 12th loan to Niger. KFAED the government. had provided 11 loans to the African country-worth KD 28.2 mil- He affirmed that the government respected any lion (around $96 million). The fund also provided grants worth questions from the parliamentarians regarding ministers’ around KD one million and also technical assistance worth KD performance, noting that the absence of several minis- 85,000. The Kuwaiti Government, through KFAED, had provided ters in previous legislative sessions was not an attempt KD 1.4 million to help a fund for decent living in Niger. — KUNA to avoid MPs’ questions. — KUNA Hajri demands new premises for handicapped employees

KUWAIT: Chairman of the Handicapped Sports Club (HSC) Shafi Al-Hajri demanded the desig- nation of a special premises for people with spe- cial needs who use wheel chairs at the Handicapped Public Authority (HPA) in order to reduce their waiting time. Hajri said HSC sent an official letter to HPA to write to the Civil Service Commission (CSC) to have all government bodies to exempt the handicapped employee who suffers from severe or medium disability from the electronic print, and be satisfied with manual signature. This is because of the difficulties they face to reach the print place then having to wait, he said.

KUWAIT: Interior Ministry’s Undersecretary Lieutenant General Suleiman Al-Fahad chaired a meeting yesterday for senior ministry officials con- cerned with securing the reopening ceremony for the Jaber Al-Ahmad International Stadium tomorrow. Lt Gen Fahad said in a statement that authorities were given instructions to show no tolerance towards those who carry out any action that could disturb security during the event. Shafi Al-Hajri THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015 LOCAL Kuwait eager to use IDB services: Minister

KUWAIT: Kuwait is keen on making use of Ahmad Mohammad Ali who said that the the financing services offered by the total of IDB financing operations in Kuwait Islamic Development Bank (IDB), said since the bank’s inception has topped $1.5 Deputy Prime Minister, Finance Minister billion. He further said that IDB and the and Acting Oil Minister Anas Al-Saleh in a ministry of finance have worked together statement opening a workshop yesterday on laying out a strategy for Kuwait’s vision on IDB’s gamut of services. The workshop informs those interested in IDB’s multitude of financing services which it offers to member states with stakes in the operations of the bank, said Saleh. He appreciated the participation of both the public and private sectors in Kuwait in the activities of the workshop, noting that IDB was established in 1974 with a capital of $2.8 billion which subse- quently catapulted to the current level of CAIRO: Members of the Arab Female Media Union and guests stand outside the Arab League’s headquarters in Cairo, Egypt. $140 billion, consecrating its core activities on assisting member states with their growth and development plans. Further, he underscored the fact that Kuwait was one of the bank’s founding shareholding members with a 7 percent stake in the bank’s capital. He stressed that the ministry of finance in Kuwait was inter- ested in consolidating its cooperation with IDB and was amenable to the latter’s Anas Al-Saleh expertise on augmenting the relationship between the public and private sectors in of its economic status by the year 2035. Kuwait. Taking part in the one day workshop were Also speaking at the opening of the representatives of IDB and those from the workshop today was IDB’s President Kuwaiti public and private sectors. —KUNA

A scene from the union’s inauguration ceremony. United Fisheries joins over 60 participants in Horeca Arab Female Media KUWAIT: Leaders Group Company for provide more than 20 fresh seafood Consulting and Development announced options annually at our 28 national retail that more hospitality, catering and hotel Danah outlets. We distribute our frozen equipment companies have so far products through various channels, announced their intention to take part in including everything from our retail out- Union launched Horeca Kuwait 2016 exhibition, which it lets to local grocery stores. All our prod- organizes in collaboration with the ucts are ISO-certified”, Sobhy underlined. Hospitality Services Company. On that CAIRO: The Arab female media personalities form for dialogue and communication, further amongst Arab nations.” She also said that “it regard, Leaders Group announced that union was launched last Sunday in the presence contributing to the development of the Arab would be a forum to exchange ideas and infor- Untied Fisheries of Kuwait is joining over of Arab female media people from 16 Arab media’s performance,” Mutairi said, noting that mation in a slew of media issues including jour- 60 companies that had so far joined the countries taking part in the initiation, under the Arab media is dealing with a host of legitimate nalism and broadcasting.” exhibition. patronage of the Arab League. Advisor to the obstacles and is in need of assistance from Arab Habshi also vowed to increase the efficiency United Fisheries’ General Manager, Secretary General of the Arab League Falah Al- media organizations. “Terrorism is the major of Arab media through a series of workshops, Abdul Kareem Sobhy stressed that the Mutairi in a statement underscored the signifi- challenge and a scourge stigmatizing Arabs and training courses and seminars in all Arab nations. Horeca event had proved the signifi- cance of the occasion. “The formation of this Muslims,” he added. She added that the union will select an Arab city cance of specialized exhibitions in pro- union would prove instrumental to bolstering Moreover, Arab Female Media Union’s every year to host its annual meeting, announc- moting trade exchanges among compa- the media sector in the Arab world.” President Asmaa Habshi hoped that “the union ing that Kuwait has been selected to host the nies. He also hailed the ideal environ- “The union was established to provide a plat- would represent a method of cooperation union’s inaugural forum next year. ment the exhibition provides in the line Rabe’ah Hussein Makki Jum’ah, Arab Female of hotel, hospitality industry and catering Media Union’s Vice President and head of equipment services, and stressed that it Kuwait’s office said that “the dream to establish has been attracting local, Middle Eastern the union has become a reality due to the efforts of media personalities from different Arab states.” and international companies. Sobhy also She added that the union was not established to noted that United Fisheries was always categorize the Arab media based on gender, “but keen on taking part in various special- to provide more spaces of joint work to present a ized food industries’ exhibitions to follow distinguished Arab media on par with the global up with the market’s latest needs of fresh Abdul Kareem Sobhy unbiased media.” and frozen sea foods. Further, Sobhy The initiation ceremony honored many explained that United Fisheries had over He pointed out that the company owns a notable persons including Arab League Secretary four decades of experience and takes fishing fleet fully equipped with the lat- General Nabil Al-Araby and Chairman of Kuwait’s pride in leading the fishing, manufacture est detection and fishing equipment in Annahar newspaper Imad Boukhamseen. In and sale of sea food items in both Kuwait addition to high quality onboard fridges addition to Habshi and Jum’ah, the union’s board and the Middle East. to keep the catch until it reached the includes Dina Bader (Vice President for Training Sobhy added that United Fisheries of company’s developed ISO and HACCP- Affairs), Amani Habshi (Secretary General), Iman Kuwait is owned by Danah Al-Safat certified factories in Shuwaiba and Doha. Abdulrahman (Treasurer), Hassan Abu Al-Ula Foodstuff Group, a public shareholding Horeca Kuwait 2016 is due to be held (Executive Director) and Ahmad Rabie’a company listed in the stock market with under auspices of Minister of (Relations and Planning Manager). The union’s a paid-up capital of around $100 million, Information and Minister of State for member list includes prominent female Arab and that the group includes several com- Youth Affairs Sheikh Salman Sabah Al- journalist including Egypt’s Sakina Fuad, Iraq’s panies operating in the field of food Salem Al-Humoud Al-Sabah at Badriya Lina Mathloum, Lebanon’s Giselle Khouri, industries and restaurants. “If it is great Ballroom, Jumeirah Messilah Beach Algeria’s Thuraiya Abu Amama, Morocco’s Fatima seafood, it can only be Danah. As the Hotel and Spa in the period of January Imad Boukhamseen (left) and Rabe’ah Rabe’ah Hussein Makki Jum’ah speaks at the Al-Nuwalli and Bahrain’s Badriya Abdullatif. The Hussein Makki Jum’ah attend the ceremony. event. union’s headquarters office is in Cairo, Egypt. nation’s leading seafood supplier, we 18-19, 2016.

KUWAIT: KCCI Chairman Ali Thunayan Al-Ghanem is pictured with members of the Kuwaiti-Iranian Friendship Committee. —KUNA KCCI Chairman meets

friendship committee KUWAIT: The Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) hosted a graduation ceremony Tuesday organized by the Institute of Banking Studies for banking sector employees who enrolled in training programs during its 2014 - 2015 professional KUWAIT: Chairman of the Kuwait Chamber Iran, Kuwaiti investors would be eager to accreditation certificate program. —Photo by Fouad Al-Shaikh of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) Ali invest there in such areas as natural Thunayan Al-Ghanem discussed bilateral resources, tourism, and industry. It high- economic cooperation between Kuwait lighted the need to foster partnerships with and Iran with members of the Kuwaiti- the Iranian business communities to further ABK Participates in ‘Institute of Iranian Friendship Committee, a statement cement bilateral relations, said the state- by the Chamber said on Tuesday. ment. The committee members the state- Banking Studies’ training program The statement noted that with the ment was referring to is made up of a num- appropriate investment environment in ber of Kuwaiti high-placed officials. —KUNA KUWAIT: Al-Ahli Bank of Kuwait (ABK) announced that ten of its employees have participated in a training program for banking and finance execu- tives, delivered by the Institute of Banking Studies (IBS). The employees were honored during a gradu- ation ceremony held at the Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) Tuesday, to cele- brate the successful completion of it. The training program presented the Bank’s employees with three certificate programs. They are the Certified Credit Management (CCM), the Certified Bank Branch Manager (CBBM) and the Risk Management Certificate (RMC). The ABK Management and Learning and Development Unit joined the Bank’s graduating employees at the cer- emony to celebrate their achievement. KUWAIT: The Institute of Banking Studies celebrated the graduation of a ABK’s participation is in line with the Banks’ focus group of National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) employees who recently attended a to support the education and development of its series of training programs offered by the institution for banking sector work- employees’ skills, and its commitment to further ers during its 2014 - 2015 professional accreditation certificate program. build on their existing knowledge and experience.

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015 From the Arabic press

Crime Al-Qabas Report Muslims, Trump Two fugitives and Zuckerberg

arrested By Ahmad Al-Sarraf KUWAIT: A female citizen was arrested over two cases - insulting a public employee and a money-related sane man cannot but reject and condemn the case. Police stopped the woman and when they statements of US presidential candidate Donald checked her ID, she was found wanted by the juvenile ATrump on his intention to ban Muslims from enter- police for a KD 1,700 debt. She was sent to concerned ing America “should” he be elected president. The sugges- authorities. Meanwhile, Capital (Asima) police arrested tion is clumsy and utterly racist, and is very difficult to implement, because it is not easy to decide who is a an Egyptian man wanted to serve a 15-year-jail sen- Muslim, as the majority of countries do not mention reli- tence on drugs charges. The suspect fled as soon as he gion in travel documents. saw police approaching, so policemen pursued him What interests us here is not the statement itself, which until they caught him. He kept on resisting, but was Grilling received what it deserves in condemnation from nearly all controlled and placed in the patrol car. He was taken world countries - rather its content and the reason of mak- to the criminal implementation department to serve ing it by a personality that is not stupid, and knows what his sentence. he says, and his confidence that his stand will find people who welcome it inside and outside his country from right- ist and extremists, or from those who suffered from the Absconder detained fires of our issues and problems. So, should we give the statement of Trump the impor- Policemen suspected a woman in Sharq who was tance it deserves? The man is a billionaire, and his chance walking in a dark area, so they asked her for her ID. Al-Jarida to be nominated by the Republicans is still big, so we She said she forgot it at home and gave them a should ask: Why did he say what he said? Is it because he false name. But her fingerprints revealed her identi- hates Muslims because they are Muslims, or is it because ty, and she was found to be reported missing by and other superpowers’ leaders are fed up with all this her family. The girl, in her twenties, was arrested Al-Anbaa fear, worry and chaos created by some Muslims in general and transferred to Firdous police station for further in all world countries and their security apparatuses at action. land and sea border posts and in tens of thousands of air- ports, to a point where the name of a Muslim became syn- Taxes and strikes onymous to terrorism? Radio device missing Trump’s demand, despite its silliness, must be an alarm By Saad Al-Motesh for all Muslim countries. The world has suffered from the A police officer lost his wireless radio device at a check- behavior of some of their children, either as a result of bad point in Farwaniya governorate. The first lieutenant told espite governmental confirmation that they a minute. The same happened more than once over education and upbringing, and not only turning a blind a police station that he was surprised with the disap- eye to the activities of extreme religious parties in their pearance of his walkie-talkie and expressed fear it may will not affect people with limited income, a period of ten days. Well, in media norms and reg- many citizens are very skeptical about the ulations, this is an unforgiveable disaster and those countries. But rather in many cases, caring for those par- be used illegally. Detectives are investigating. D ties and even giving them important key government taxes everybody is nowadays talking about. Well, a responsible for it have to be held accountable. posts, with the knowledge of those Muslim countries of few people actually know that some people were For instance, the Russian army is trained to be what intentions those parties have in wishing to impose Ex-wife accused of theft already exerting efforts without being noticed or deployed all over Russian streets if radio broadcast their religious agenda, even if this leads to burning down defended. stops for 19 seconds because it would possibly the world around them, as the religious text allows them A citizen accused his ex-wife of stealing his furniture By this I mean successful people in their diverse mean a coup is in progress. Therefore, I would like to do so according to their interpretation. from his Sabah Al-Salem house, but she said the furni- areas of work such as the Minister of Information to draw the information minister’s attention to Look and wonder with me: What did Muslims gain ture is hers and she paid for it. Investigations are and Minister of State for Youth Affairs Sheikh such a problem, especially as I know for sure that from the huge and terrifying number of thousands of reli- underway. Salman Al-Humoud, his undersecretary Tareq Al- he had repeatedly ordered solving technical prob- gious institutes and schools that worked without supervi- Mezram and assistant undersecretary Sheikh Fahd lems behind such mishaps. He even offered to per- sion for the past five decades? Nothing. What is the real Al-Mubarak, who used his own money to pay for sonally pay the expense needed from his own mon- role of more than two million clerics working in Muslim Man robs neighbor broadcast rights of foreign songs produced by an ey when he was told that the available budget was countries in its development and stability? And on this occasion, the stand of Mark Zuckerberg, Mubarak Al-Kabeer detectives arrested a citizen who American company that monopolizes those rights. not enough, but those offers fell on deaf ears. The success achieved since Mezram came to That is why I wish to warn the minister, Mezram the founder of Facebook, draws attention, though I mis- stole a mobile phone, personal items, documents and takenly said in an earlier column that he donated 99 per- office is noticeable and tangible for everybody. and Sheikh Fahd that ‘some people’ wish to have cheques from his neighbor’s car. A citizen went to cent of his shares in Microsoft, and the correct company is Mubarak Al-Kabeer police station and told them his car Nevertheless, some hidden underground ‘fingers’ you pay for the success you have so far achieved by Facebook. He sent a message to hundreds of millions of was broken into, and detectives’ investigations led to his are trying to vandalize such success. A few days plotting some ‘strikes’ against you. Muslims, users of Facebook, following Trump’s statements. neighbor’s involvement. The neighbor confessed to ago, Kuwait Radio stopped broadcasting for about —Translated by Kuwait Times He said that he adds his voice to those who support committing the act. —Al-Rai Muslims in his society and around the world, following the Paris attacks and the messages of hatred that came out earlier in the week. Kuwait in Expat govt employees over 50 He said: “As a Jew, my parents taught me that we must stand up against attacks on all communities. Even if an frontline of attack isn’t against you today, in time, an attack on free- to be terminated by March 1 dom of anyone will hurt everyone. If you’re a Muslim in alliance: Minister this community, as the leader of Facebook I want you to know that you are always welcome here and that we will KUWAIT: The Civil Services Commission (CSC) has Responding to a question whether the decision fight to protect your rights and create a peaceful and safe KUWAIT: State Minister for Cabinet Affairs and acting received instructions to terminate all expatriate govern- includes expats working in the judiciary, medicine and Minister of Electricity and Water Sheikh Mohammad Al- environment for you.” Now, are not we in need of follow- ment employees aged 50 and above effective as of March education, the sources said that expats would remain in ing this man’s example and learn from him some forgive- Abdullah said “Kuwait welcomes the Saudi initiative for 1, 2016, said well-informed sources, explaining the deci- jobs with special nature as the government had noticed an Islamic military alliance to face terrorism in the region”, ness, away from all this madness that some of us are insist- sion includes all nationalities. The sources also explained that the numbers of expat government employees aged ing to live in. —Translated by Kuwait Times adding that “Kuwait will be among those on the front- that the decision includes jobs that can be done by 50 and above are much more than the 20,000 citizens with lines of the alliance.” He said following a National Kuwaitis listed on long government employment waiting university, medium and lesser degrees who are on Assembly session Tuesday that “Kuwait welcomes this lists. employment waiting lists. —Al-Anbaa major initiative which came from a brotherly country that is affected by terrorism much more than us.” Sheikh Al-Anbaa Mohammad said this initiative is an important move, and will lead to confrontation of elements “alien to our soci- 11,000 treated abroad at eties”. He said efforts in this field will have positive results Liberty and chaos with regards to facing terrorism in the region. —Al-Rai cost of KD 230m in 2015 By Zaben Al-Bathal

News Numbers jumped 500% in four years ith the growing use of modern technology in brief by various people, especially using social KUWAIT: According to unofficial sta- to pay KD 230 million out of its budg- process has been affected by inter- Wmedia networks such as Facebook, Twitter, tistics, the numbers of Kuwaitis sent et for treatment abroad this year ference by some lawmakers and that Instagram and others, many people are confusing the for treatment abroad jumped by over alone. The sources stressed that seeing many of them regularly visit meaning of liberty or freedom with that of chaos. Customs department looking 500 percent over the past four years. treatment abroad was ‘draining’ the the treatment abroad department for ‘suspicious vehicles’ There is definitely a very thin line of difference Statistics also showed that 11,825 cit- MoH budget and overburdens the was becoming a regular scene, where between both. Some people believe that violating KUWAIT: An official source at the customs detectives izens were treated abroad in 2015 state budget, especially since many they mediated to send some of their others’ privacy and insulting them is a form of liberty alone. In addition, local and interna- of cases dispatched for treatment family members, supporters or con- said the department provided all its branches at all land of speech and is a normal thing to do, while others tional economic reports showed that abroad are not critical enough to stituents abroad for treatment of border checkpoints with the numbers of wanted view this as chaos, violation and rudeness that ought Kuwait had spent over KD 400 million deserve being dispatched. “Some simple ailments, while citizens with Kuwaiti and Gulf cars, because their owners are involved on treatment abroad in 2013, when cases were sent abroad for ‘loss of more critical cases who actually need to be incriminated by law. in terrorist or security cases. The source said the number 3,044 citizens were sent abroad to appetite’, weak eyesight or spondylo- the service remain in Kuwait. The concept of freedom and liberty of speech is of wanted cars is around 20. He said customs officers receive medical treatment at the gov- sis, which can all be treated easily in In addition, the sources explained the same worldwide, but in some countries that have intensified their search for them at various outposts, ernment’s expense. The report also Kuwait,” stressed the sources, noting that the allowances paid per patient political parties and blocs, those parties have been adding there is cooperation and coordination with the said that the number was 2,580 in that the ministry pays the cost of and companion were usually given to adopting and customizing liberties and democracy Interior Ministry to tighten control at border outposts 2012 and jumped to 5,531 in 2014. sending patients and their compan- dispatched ‘patients’ on arrival to according to their own needs and interests in various and providing customs with all information about per- However, despite lack of accurate ions abroad for treatment although their destinations, which means that stages and attitudes. This used to happen before sons who may attempt to get into the country to carry figures about the total cost, well- several international doctors are vis- they get the money even before see- social media and modern technology breakthroughs, out operations. —Al-Qabas informed health sources stressed iting Kuwait monthly. ing doctors or checking into hospi- when it became much easier to ‘surf’ the entire world that the Ministry of Health (MoH) had The sources explained that the tals or medical centers. —Al-Qabas nowadays through devices small enough to fit in one’s pockets. Terror funding We all know that social media played a major role in toppling many Arab regimes and governments KUWAIT: Sources at the Ministry of Social Affairs during the Arab Spring where things ended up tragi- and Labor (MSAL) strongly denied that any of the cally and proved not to be leading any springs at all. terrorists responsible for the Paris attacks had They all resulted in loss, displacement and destruc- received funding from donations collected in tion, thanks to such modern inventions. Kuwait, and stressed that residents caught collect- What matters in this regard is our own country ing funds in violation of Kuwaiti laws would be and people. We have suffered much criticism, injus- immediately deported. The sources highlighted tice, conflicts and insults exchanged between differ- that all charities in Kuwait were committed to laws ent people with the excuse of “democracy, freedom and regulations and that they fully cooperate with and freedom of expression”. Well, we cannot blame MSAL to have more control over collecting dona- all people, especially those who drifted with Twitter tions and spending them. “No violations were found tides and started retweeting various posts and reck- recently,” underlined the sources. —Al-Rai lessly attacking and criticizing others without any solid proof. Others even discussed honor and many people followed them thinking that was part of free- North Zour’s stages dom and democracy without realizing that it was actually a sort of backbiting and defaming others’ KUWAIT: An informed source said the Kuwait reputation that had nothing to do with freedom or Authority for Partnership Projects plans to merge the democracy. third, fourth and fifth stages of the North Zour power Therefore, I wish people would realize the true plant into one and name it the final stage due to their essence of moderate freedom that causes no harm to low production capacity. The source said the partner- others and true democracy and freedom of expres- ship authority designated Jan 17 as the final date to sion that allows criticizing people’s positions and pro- submit financial and technical offers for north Zour fessional performance without discussing their per- station (second stage), adding that “the technical con- sonal lives merely for the sake of having more follow- ditions in this stage are not different from the previ- ers retweet their posts and thus gain more fame. It is ous ones, only in raising the production capacity from difficult to entirely control such practices, but what is 1,500 to 1,800 megawatts (MW) expected to be pro- more important are the people who use such net- duced by the first stage after its completion. The works themselves. They have to consider what to take source said the authority decided to raise the produc- and what to ignore. They have to realize the differ- tion capacity to 1,800 MW in coordination with con- KUWAIT: The Commercial Bank of Kuwait (CBK) sponsored a ceremony to honor Bahraini school gradu- ence between freedom of expression and chaos! cerned authorities after noticing the offers of the con- ates, which was organized recently by the cultural attache in the Kingdom of Bahrain’s Embassy on the — Translated by Kuwait Times sortium that competed for the first stage. —Al-Rai occasion of Bahrain’s national day. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015

Pakistan vows On rainy Scottish isle, Syrians struggling to adapt revenge one year after school massacre Page 10 Page 11

LAS VEGAS: Donald Trump watches as Ted Cruz speaks during the CNN Republican presidential debate at the Venetian Hotel & Casino. — AP Multiple clashes sour intense Republican debate National security, immigration and IS in the spotlight

LAS VEGAS: Sens Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio clashed sharply from defeating the Democratic challenger. “I am totally com- ly before she and her husband shot and killed 14 people “Not only would I be prepared to do it, I would do it,” he over national security and immigration in Tuesday’s mitted to the Republican Party,” Trump said. at a holiday party. said. “We would shoot down the planes of Russian pilots if, in Republican presidential debate, thrusting their evolving feud He was largely spared from criticism by Cruz and Rubio, Cruz called for using “overwhelming air power” to destroy fact, they were stupid enough to think that this president was to the forefront of the GOP race. Front-runner Donald Trump who said they understood why Trump had raised the idea of the Islamic State, while Rubio said airstrikes would have to be the same feckless weakling that the president we have in the stood firmly behind his provocative call for banning Muslims banning Muslims. Instead, they focused on each other, engag- supplemented by ground troops, including American special Oval Office is right now.” The debate’s focus on national securi- from the United States, saying, “We are not talking about reli- ing in lengthy debates over their differences on national secu- operations forces. President Barack Obama has largely relied ty was a detriment for retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, who gion, we are talking about security.” rity and immigration, among the most contentious issues in on airstrikes to target the militants in Iraq and Syria. However, has struggled on complex international matters. He punted on For former Florida Gov Jeb Bush, the fifth GOP debate was the Republican primary. he’s also sent troops to Iraq to help train and assist local forces questions about surveillance and his own qualifications for an opportunity to find his footing after months of uneven per- Rubio, of Florida, defended his support for eventually pro- and recently approved sending special operations forces into being commander in chief. formances. He appeared more comfortable than in previous viding a pathway to citizenship for some people in the US ille- Syria. Also on the main stage Tuesday night were former business debates in taking on Trump, though it’s unclear whether his gally, an unpopular position within the Republican Party. New Jersey Gov Chris Christie, who has been on the rise in executive Carly Fiorina, Ohio Gov John Kasich and Kentucky stronger showing will change the trajectory of his sluggish Rubio was a co-author of comprehensive Senate legislation in New Hampshire, sought to assert himself in the national secu- Sen. Rand Paul. Four lower-polling candidates appeared at an campaign. 2013 that would have created that pathway, but he has since rity discussions. He called for a no-fly zone over Syria and earlier event: former Arkansas Gov Mike Huckabee, former The prime-time debate was the first for Republicans since said the nation’s immigration crisis must be addressed in vowed to shoot down a Russian plane if it were to violate that Pennsylvania Sen Rick Santorum, former New York Gov the attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, California, which piecemeal fashion, with legalization only an option after the space. George Pataki and South Carolina Sen Lindsey Graham. — AP heightened fears of terrorism in the United States. The attacks US-Mexico border is secured. have ignited a political debate about President Barack Seeking to draw a sharp contrast with Rubio, Cruz went fur- Obama’s campaign to defeat the Islamic State in the Middle ther than he has previously in opposing legalization for people East and the nation’s security posture in preventing attacks in in the US illegally. He declared, “I have never supported legal- the US. ization and I do not intend to support legalization.” Trump’s call for temporarily banning Muslims from the US - The two senators - both Cuban-Americans in their 40s - a proposal roundly criticized by his rivals - dominated much of have been sparring from afar for weeks, and their rivalry could the discussion through the debate and into the next morning. become one of the dominant forces in the race as the first vot- “He doesn’t have a plan, he’s not a serious candidate,” Bush said ing contests in February draw near. The Texas senator is on the Wednesday, speaking on MSNBC. “The idea that you can just rise, particularly in Iowa’s kickoff caucuses, and is casting him- prey on people’s fears is not who we are as a nation, not who self as a more electable alternative to Trump, while Rubio is we are as a party.” seeking to straddle the divide between his party’s establish- ment and more conservative wings. ‘Totally committed’ Rubio positioned himself as the hawk on national security, In a moment that might help ease anxiety among defending American efforts to oust dictators like Syria’s Bashar Republican leaders, Trump pledged he would not run as an Assad from the Middle East. He also accused Cruz of weaken- independent. If he should lose the nomination, some fear he ing the government’s ability to track terrorists because he vot- would make such a move, possibly preventing the nominee ed in favor of legislation to eliminate the National Security Agency’s bulk phone- records collection program and replace it with a more restrictive effort to keep the records in phone companies’ hands. “We are now at a time when we need more tools, not less tools,” Rubio said. “And that tool we lost, the metadata program, was a valuable tool that we no longer have at our disposal.” Cruz argued that his vote helped “reform how we tar- get bad guys” by allowing the government to search more phone numbers. “Marco knows what he’s say- ing isn’t true,” he said. “What he knows is that the old pro- gram covered 20 percent to 30 percent of phone num- bers to search for terrorists. The new program covers nearly 100 percent.” Beginning after the Sept 11, 2001, terror attacks, the NSA secretly collected the daily calling records - but not contents of conversa- tions - for most Americans, including people never sus- pected of any crime. A new law, called the USA Freedom Act, passed in June with broad, bipartisan support. It ordered the NSA to end bulk collection after a six-month transition that expired last week.

Islamic State The senators also dis- played differences in their strategies for targeting the Islamic State. The extrem- ist group claimed respon- sibility for the Nov. 13 attacks in Paris, and one of the shooters in California pledged allegiance to the group on Facebook short- THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015 INTERNATIONAL Sunnis fear revenge attacks in Iraqi town attacked by IS

HARSHAM CAMP: The Islamic State mili- of Daesh on the day that they came. We are Zoroastrianism - as pagans or devil-worship- property belonging to the Sunni Arab com- people who take advantage of situations like tants who stormed into the Iraqi town of in the same situation. There is no reason for pers. munities, forced evictions, abductions, illegal this and who will steal things.” Sinjar last year, massacring members of the them to loot our houses.” For the past year, The IS group has also massacred thou- detention and, in some cases, extra-judicial Yazidi minority and forcing women into sexu- the 42-year-old and his family have lived in sands of Sunni Muslims who oppose its rule killings,” the Geneva-based body said in a Looted and burned al slavery, are gone. But Sunni Muslims who the Harsham camp for displaced persons on in Syria and Iraq. But because many Sunni recent statement about Sinjar. In January, Khaidi Bozani, a Yazidi representative of lived alongside the Yazidis there for genera- the outskirts of the Kurdish regional capital, Arabs initially welcomed IS as liberators from Amnesty International said 21 residents had the Kurdish Ministry of Endowments, said tions say their own nightmare is far from Irbil. Like many of the camp’s residents, he a Shiite-led government in Baghdad seen as been killed, dozens abducted and several civilians were killed in the first days after the over. After Kurdish forces and Yazidi militants says he fears the Yazidi militias as much as corrupt and sectarian, many Shiite and houses burnt by Yazidi militiamen in the Arab town was liberated, and that houses were backed by US-led airstrikes drove the extrem- the Islamic State group. Kurdish Iraqis view the country’s Sunni Arabs villages of Jiri and Sibaya, near Sinjar, in an looted and burned. He did not provide exact ist group from the town last month, there with suspicion. In Sinjar, those suspicions also apparent revenge attack. Kurdish and Yazidi figures. “Most of the Yazidis only took broken were widespread reports of vandalism and Killed thousands extend to Sunni Muslim Kurds. officials in Sinjar acknowledge that looting sofas and some household goods, and it was the looting of Muslim homes. Many Sunni There is no evidence that Kurdish or Yazidi The UN Office for the High Commissioner took place in the chaotic aftermath of the mainly their own things. But there were other Muslim residents have yet to return, saying forces have committed crimes on the scale of for Human Rights has expressed concern battle with IS, but say most of it was Yazidis people from outside Sinjar who took the they fear revenge attacks. the IS group, which captured or killed thou- about reports of abuses carried out against reclaiming their own property. valuable items,” he said. “They said they were against Sunnis, but sands of Yazidis in Sinjar, including hundreds Sunni Arabs in parts of Iraq freed from IS con- “These things will happen every time Shamo Aido, a Yazidi militia commander are all Sunnis with Daesh?” said Amer Eido, a of Yazidi women who were conscripted into trol. “Reports indicate that Iraqi security when there’s an absence of authority or in Sinjar, said Muslim residents of the town Sinjar-born Sunni Muslim now living in a sexual slavery. The Sunni extremists of IS forces, Kurdish security forces and their when areas are liberated,” said Sheikh Shamo, who had nothing to do with IS are welcome refugee camp, referring to IS by its Arabic view the Yazidis - who follow an ancient respective affiliated militias have been a Yazidi member of the Kurdish regional par- to return, and insists that many Muslim fami- acronym. “We fled with (the Yazidis) because Mesopotamian religion related to responsible for looting and destruction of liament. “You will always have sick-minded lies have already done so. Fragile ceasefire holds in Yemen as rivals meet Both sides trade blame for violations

ADEN: A fragile ceasefire between series of raids on various provinces”. Cross in Sanaa, which was involved country, and has also sent in Yemeni pro-government forces and This mutual animosity under- in a previous prisoner swap, said ground troops. Yesterday, military Iran-backed rebels appeared to be scored the challenge facing dele- the organization was “not aware of sources reported mortar and gun- generally holding yesterday despite gates at the talks which started in such an exchange”. fire by rebels in several parts of the breaches, as UN-sponsored peace Switzerland on Tuesday. Previous The UN envoy to Yemen, Ismail besieged provincial capital of Taez. talks entered a second day in ceasefires have collapsed, and earli- Ould Cheikh Ahmed, has called the Pro-Hadi forces also attacked Switzerland. Although fighting has er UN efforts have failed to narrow truce “a critical first step towards rebel positions in the city, a military subsided, both sides traded blame differences between the warring building a lasting peace in the source said, and fighting was also for violations that have left at least rivals. In one positive sign, tribal country”. A spokesman for the reported in Marib province east of 24 people dead since the truce and military sources said loyalists Saudi-led coalition, Brigadier the capital. The coalition also said a began at midday Tuesday. and the rebels were expected to General Ahmed Al-Assiri, said that Saudi soldier was killed “while pro- tecting the kingdom’s borders from aggressing rebels” in the kingdom’s TEHRAN: Iranian President Hassan Rouhani speaks during a press confer- southwestern Najran area, SPA state ence in his office in Tehran yesterday. Iran will not accept any limitations on news agency reported. On Tuesday, its missile programme, Defence Minister Hossein Dehghan said after UN just hours after the truce came into experts accused Tehran of violating a Security Council resolution. —AFP effect, rebel artillery and tanks killed seven civilians and wounded 15 in Taez, witnesses and medics said. Iran’s missile firing Rebels also killed 17 loyalist fighters and wounded 20 in Marib, a military source said. Hadi has said violated sanctions he wants a seven-day truce to coin- cide with the peace talks to be UNITED NATIONS: Iran’s firing of a medium- September. “This council cannot allow Iran to “renewed automatically if the other range ballistic missile in October violated UN feel that it can violate our resolutions with party commits to it”, the coalition sanctions banning the Islamic Republic from impunity,” Power said, stressing the impor- said. Little news has emerged from launches capable of delivering nuclear tance of sanctions enforcement for “a credi- the open-ended talks in weapons, UN experts said in a new report. ble, enforceable nuclear deal.” Switzerland. UN spokesman Ahmad The report submitted to the UN Security Under the July nuclear deal, most sanc- Fawzi told reporters on Tuesday Council and seen by The Associated Press on tions on Iran will be lifted when its provisions that 12 negotiators and six advisers Tuesday said the launch used ballistic missile are implemented in exchange for curbs on its made up each of the two delega- technology banned under a June 2010 reso- nuclear program. But the experts’ report not- tions attending the talks. lution. The Oct 10 launch was the first test of ed that “ballistic missile launches would be “These consultations seek to a ballistic surface-to-surface missile after Iran covered” under the July 20 resolution. establish a permanent and compre- and six world powers reached a landmark hensive ceasefire, secure improve- nuclear deal on July 14. The Security Council Atomic arms ments to the humanitarian situa- endorsed the deal in a resolution on July 20 Meanwhile, the UN nuclear agency closed tion and a return to a peaceful and that also called on Iran not to undertake any the books Tuesday on its decade-long probe orderly political transition,” he said. activity related to ballistic missiles capable of of allegations that Iran worked on atomic A ceasefire is much-needed in the delivering nuclear weapons. Iran says none of arms, and Tehran proclaimed that within TAEZ: A Yemeni tribesman from the Popular Resistance Committees, supporting forces loyal to Arabian Peninsula’s poorest nation, its missiles are designed to carry nuclear weeks, it would finish cutbacks on present Yemen’s Saudi-backed President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi, holds a position in the country’s where the UN says an estimated 80 weapons. nuclear programs that the US fears could be The report said the missile had a range of turned into making such weapons. third city. —AFP percent of the population requires humanitarian aid. The World Health at least 1,000 kilometers and up to 1,300 kilo- The probe had to be formally ended as The Saudi-led coalition support- exchange hundreds of prisoners the alliance’s leadership “realizes Organization representative in meters, and a payload of at least 1,000 kilo- part of the July 14 deal between Iran and six ing embattled President Abedrabbo yesterday after weeks of mediation. that this is an important and crucial Yemen, Ahmed Shadoul, said the grams and up to 1,400 kilograms. But the nations that involves the removal of econom- Mansour Hadi accused the Houthi Mokhtar Al-Rabbash, a member phase to find a peaceful solution, agency had received assurances panel said a missile with a range of at least ic sanctions on Tehran in exchange for its Shiite rebels of flouting the cease- of the prisoners’ affairs committee but has a military commitment to that it was free to distribute med- 300 kilometers and a payload of at least 500 commitment to crimp its nuclear program. A fire from its very first hours, and which is close to the government, respond to violations”. ical supplies while the truce holds. kilograms - far smaller than the one launched resolution was approved by consensus of the acknowledged that it had “respond- said an agreement was in place to More than 5,800 people have been on Oct 10 - is considered by expert guidelines 35-nation board of the UN’s International ed to these violations”. The rebels, swap 375 rebels for 285 pro-Hadi Saudi soldier killed killed in Yemen-about half of them to be capable of delivering weapons of mass Atomic Energy Agency meeting in Vienna. meanwhile, accused the coalition of fighters. There was no immediate The coalition launched an air civilians-and more than 27,000 destruction. Despite Iranian denials, the US and its breaking the truce immediately confirmation from the rebels. The war against the rebels in March wounded since March, according to allies continue to believe that Tehran did after it began by carrying out “a International Committee of the Red after they forced Hadi to flee the the UN. —AFP ‘Appropriate action’ work on components of a nuclear weapon. The United States, France, Britain and But their overriding interest is moving ahead Germany asked the Security Council on Oct to implement the July 14 deal. The dispute 21 to investigate and take “appropriate over the ballistic missile launch indicates lin- Saudi blogger’s wife accepts action” against Iran for the Oct 10 missile gering questions about Iran’s weapons pro- launch. The Dec11 report by experts from the grams. Iran’s Defense Minister Gen. Hossein council committee monitoring sanctions Dehghan, said at the time of the Oct 10 against Iran supports the contention of the launch that the missile, named Emad or pillar EU prize for jailed husband four countries that the firing violated UN in Farsi, was a technological achievement for sanctions. Whether the Security Council takes Iran - able to be controlled until the moment any action remains to be seen. of impact and to hit targets “with high preci- STRASBOURG: The wife of jailed Saudi blogger Strasbourg to sustained applause, carrying a siderations of security cooperation, the country’s US Ambassador Samantha Power accused sion.” He said it “will obviously boost the Raif Badawi yesterday accepted the European framed photograph of her husband and calling vast oil wealth-would stop the EU speaking out some unnamed council members of refusing strategic deterrence capability of our armed Parliament’s prestigious Sakharov human rights for a minute’s silence to mark the victims of last when human rights are under threat. to take action against Iran for sanctions viola- forces.” The panel said it has not yet investi- prize on his behalf, urging Arab countries to month’s deadly jihadist attacks in Paris. Badawi, 31, was arrested in 2012 and his ini- tions in recent months, but said the United gated a subsequent Iranian ballistic missile abandon theocratic diktats and embrace free Parliament head Martin Schulz called on Saudi tial public flogging of 50 lashes in January States will keep pressing for enforcement. launch reported by the media on Nov. 21 and speech. Ensaf Haidar told the packed assembly King Salman “to grant mercy to Raif Badawi and sparked an international outcry against Saudi “Instead of an effective, timely response the therefore “cannot determine whether it was that her husband, sentenced to 1,000 lashes and without further ado release him and allow him to Arabia and its human rights record. He co-found- Security Council has dithered,” she told a another Emad test.” 10 years in prison for insulting Islam, believed return to his family.” Schulz blasted Saudi Arabia’s ed the Saudi Liberal Network Internet discussion council meeting considering a report from Based on video footage of the Oct 10 “freedom of expression is like the air that we rights record despite it having signed up to the group which promoted free speech and sought the Iran sanctions committee. launch, the panel said the Emad sys- breathe.” UN Declaration on Human Rights and expressed an end to the influence of religious leaders on She pointed to the lack of action on the tem was identified as “the Ghadr-1 medium- “It would have been nice if my husband could dismay at this year’s more than 150 executions, public life in one of the world’s most conserva- Oct 10 missile launch, a visit to Moscow by range single stage liquid-fueled ballistic mis- have received the prize personally,” Haidar said as usually carried out by beheading with a sword. tive countries. Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani, sile.” It said the Ghadr-1 is an advanced ver- his award was placed on an empty chair. Haidar “This is not a valid way of proceeding in the who is subject to a UN travel ban, and the sion of Iran’s Shabab-3 ballistic missile system entered parliament in the eastern French city of 21st century,” he said, stressing that nothing-con- ‘Blasphemy, decadent’ free speech interception off the coast of Oman of a and the reentry vehicle possesses a guidance Haidar, who now lives in Canada with the cou- banned shipment of arms from Iran in late system and steerable fins. —AP ple’s three children, said progress depended on a country allowing freedom of thought, urging Arab rulers to embrace the future instead of Syrian troops capture strategic clamping down. “An intellectual in an Arab coun- try has always had to beat about the bush to get mountain in coastal province his message across. In some, their views are con- sidered blasphemy, decadent,” she said, warning BEIRUT: Syrian government forces captured forces toward the rebel-stronghold of of an exodus of free thinkers. “In the Arab world a strategic mountain in the country’s north- Salma. The Observatory said government under the yoke of theocratic regimes they call on west yesterday, inching closer to a rebel- troops were backed by fighters from citizens to nod and accept everything religious held stronghold in the coastal province of Lebanon’s militant Hezbollah group, which leaders tell them,” she said, speaking in Arabic. Latakia, state media and a monitoring sided with Assad in Syria’s civil war. Amnesty International welcomed the award group said. State TV quoted an unnamed In Lebanon, Hezbollah’s Al-Manar TV as shining a “clear light” on Saudi Arabia’s rights military official as saying that Syrian troops quoted one of its reporters, embedded with record but berated the EU for a “deafening and pro-government gunmen took the Syrian troops, as saying that government silence” when it comes to seeking his release. “By Noba Mountain in Latakia early yesterday forces raised the Syrian flag on the moun- cooperating with Saudi Arabia and failing to “after destroying the terrorists’ positions and tain overlooking an array of rebel-held areas simultaneously and publicly condemn their fortifications.” in Latakia. human rights’ violations, the EU is essentially giv- Government troops have been on the Meanwhile, in the central Syrian city of ing the green light for abuses to continue,” it said offensive in different parts of the country Homs, a convoy of 18 trucks carrying food, in a statement. under the cover of Russian airstrikes, which medical supplies and construction material The Sakharov human rights prize is worth began on Sept. 30. Capturing the moun- began entering the rebel-held neighbor- 50,000 Euros ($54,000) and awarded every year tains of Latakia would reduce threats to the hood of Waer, according to Pawel Krzysiek, a to honor individuals who combat intolerance, coast - a key stronghold of President Bashar spokesman for the International Committee fanaticism and oppression. Past winners include Assad. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory of the Red Cross. Krzysiek said the convoy is Pakistani education campaigner Malala Yousafzai, STRASBOURG: Ensaf Haidar holds a picture of her husband Raif Badawi after accept- for Human Rights said the taking of Noba organized by the ICRC and the Syrian Arab late South African rights icon Nelson Mandela ing the European Parliament’s Sakharov human rights prize on behalf of her hus- Mountain opens the way for government Red Crescent. —AP band, at the European Parliament. —AFP and Myanmar activist Aung San Suu Kyi. —AFP THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015 INTERNATIONAL Emailed threats highlight worries US schools face NY, LA schools close due to hoax

LOS ANGELES: When it comes to assessing to a school board member. Authorities in New “Los Angeles doesn’t have that same kind of threats, New York City and Los Angeles schools York reported receiving the same “generic” email experience,” he said. “So you take the invest- likely have more experience than most other dis- and decided there was no danger to school- ment New York has and you take the nervous- tricts in the country. But their reactions were dra- children. Mayor Bill de Blasio concluded the ness that Los Angeles is feeling because it’s an matically different Tuesday to the same threat of threat contained “nothing credible.” New York hour away from San Bernardino, and that cre- a large-scale jihadi attack with guns and bombs - Police Commissioner William Bratton said that it ates a situation where I would expect the two LA dismissed all its classes while New York dis- looked like the sender of the threat had watched cities to react differently.” missed the warning as a hoax. a lot of the Showtime terrorism drama LA schools commonly get threats, but Los The divergent responses from the nation’s two “Homeland.” Angeles Superintendent Ramon Cortines called biggest K-12 public school systems reflected this one rare and said the San Bernardino what many in school security know: That decid- Extra patrol attack influenced his decision to close the ing whether or not a threat is credible is hardly a Los Angeles officials announced Tuesday entire district. The threat “was not to one mathematical process and the stakes in staying evening that schools would reopen with all city school, two schools or three schools,” he said at SAN FRANCISCO: In this Dec 11, 2007, file photo, billionaire investor Warren open or closing are high. It is one that school dis- police officers ordered to be in uniform and a news conference Tuesday morning. “It was Buffett helps Democratic presidential candidate, then-Sen Hillary Clinton, trict officials around the country have weighed extra patrol at schools. Officials in LA defended many schools, not specifically identified. ... heavily in the wake of school shootings and D-NY, raise campaign funds. —AP threats. Across the nation, small and large districts regularly encounter the age-old challenge of Famed investor Buffett to deciphering threats, complicated today by more sophisticated technology that can make them give approval to Clinton harder to trace. Even when a threat is determined to be a hoax, the consequences can be a severe, OMAHA: Like many Americans, Warren ‘Respected business man’ with the safety of thousands of children, millions Buffett can write a $2,700 check to support “He’s one of the few highly respected of school funding, and the message each deci- his favorite presidential candidate. But as business people who average people view as sion sends on the line. one of the wealthiest Americans, he can one of them,” said Marc Lasry, a New York also unleash immense financial clout by hedge fund manager and Democratic donor. Lingering unease giving untold millions to super PACs sup- “He’s liked by lots of different kinds of peo- It’s extremely rare for a major US city to close porting his preferred contender in the ple.” Buffett supported Clinton’s first Senate all its schools because of a threat and it reflected race. campaign in 2000, raised money for her pres- the lingering unease in Southern California fol- When the billionaire joins a rally with idential campaign in 2008 and later lowing the attack that killed 14 people at a holi- Hillary Clinton in Omaha, , a endorsed Obama and appeared at fundrais- day luncheon two weeks ago in San Bernardino. question humming in the background will ers for the president. “If this was not ISIS, not a terror organization, be whether Buffett, one of the world’s pre- A donor can contribute up to $2,700 to a mier investors, will throw more of his for- candidate during the primaries and again they’re nonetheless watching,” Rep Adam Schiff, tune behind her candidacy than he’s been during the general election. But more can be D-Calif, said yesterday on MSNBC’s “Meet the comfortable spending in politics in the given to candidate-friendly groups and, Press Daily.” “And if they come to the conclusion past. among those organizations, super political that they can literally mail it in, call it in and dis- In either case, his public appearance action committees can accept unlimited rupt large cities, they’re going to take advantage with Clinton is aimed at offering his stamp donations. Buffett has voiced his displeasure of that.” of approval to the Democrat’s economic with the growth of unlimited money in poli- A 2014 analysis by National School Safety and VAN NUYS: A gate to Birmingham Community Charter High School is locked with a message of inclusive capitalism and tough- tics and the emergence of the super PACS. Security Services, a Cleveland-based consulting sign stating that school is closed. — AP ness against Wall Street excess. He will also But he made his first donation to a super PAC firm, found a 158 percent increase in the number join Clinton at a private fundraiser. The last year, giving $25,000 to the pro-Clinton of threats schools received over the previous “Oracle of Omaha” has referred to Clinton Ready for Hillary group, raising hopes among year. About 37 percent of the threats were sent the move to shut down its entire district, with That’s the reason I took the action that I did.” as a “hero of mine” and predicted last year some Democrats that he might open his wal- electronically and nearly a third resulted in that city’s police chief dismissing the criticism The threat disrupted the routines of many that she would succeed President Barack let again and in an even bigger way. schools being evacuated. Nearly 10 percent of as “irresponsible.” “We have suffered too many Los Angeles families and sparked nerves in a Obama, whom he also supported. “I will Clinton’s campaign said the two plan to the threats closed school for at least one day. school shootings in America to ignore these region already on edge. Lupita Vela, who has a bet money on it,” he said. “And I don’t do discuss their “shared belief that we need to Ken Trump, president of the firm, said schools kinds of threats,” Chief Charlie Beck said. daughter in the third grade and a son who is a that easily.” build an economy that works for everyone, leaders faced with a threat they don’t believe is Victor Asal, chair of public administration at high school senior, called the threat “absolutely Democrats say Buffett carries a rare dual not just those at the top, and their shared credible sometimes let community anxiety rule the State University of New York at Albany, said terrifying” in light of the San Bernardino attack. appeal on Wall Street and Main Street. The commitment to tax reforms that ensure that the decision to evacuate or close, even though the decision each district made was reflective “I don’t want this to be in the back of her head,” investment guru’s annual shareholder the wealthiest Americans pay their fair children might be safer in school than sent home of their respective experiences. New York has she said. “Who knows what it does psychologi- meeting is dubbed “Woodstock for share.” Left unsaid is what Buffett might do where they could be left unsupervised. “It’s often invested heavily in homeland security and ter- cally to kids? Is this going to cause her some Capitalists” and drew an overflow crowd of in the months ahead, as a big-dollar more than 40,000 people from around the fundraiser, a presence with Clinton on the better to keep them in school,” he said. rorism response, which might make it easier to kind of trauma so that she’s not going to feel globe in the spring. trail, or both.—AP In LA, the threat came in the form of an email process how big a threat is, he said. safe at school?” —AP US executions lowest level count since ‘91

WASHINGTON: The number of people Another 49 criminal defendants penalty,” Dunham said. executed in the United States this year received death sentences this year, About 61 percent of Americans sup- dropped to the lowest level since 1991, down 33 percent from 2014 and the port the death penalty in murder cas- as states impose fewer death sen- lowest number since the early 1970s. es, according to a Gallup poll in tences and defendants in capital cases The numbers reflect a steady decline in October, but that share has inched get access to better legal help. The death sentences over the past 15 years downward while opposition has crept Death Penalty Information Center, a and a broad shift in public attitudes up. While capital punishment remains nonprofit organization that opposes that has made capital punishment legal in 31 states, only six states capital punishment and tracks the increasingly rare, said Robert Dunham, accounted for all the executions this issue, said 28 inmates were executed the group’s executive director. “What year - Florida, , Georgia, as of Dec 15, down from 35 last year we’re seeing is the cumulative effect of Oklahoma, Texas and Virginia. That’s and far below the peak of 98 in 1999. falling public support for the death the fewest since 1988. —AP

TENDER ADVERTISEMENT Aramco Gulf Operations Company Limited (“AGOC”) and Kuwait Gulf Oil Company (K.S.C.) (“KGOC”), (AI-Khafji Joint Operations) invites bidders to participate for the 1. Tender No. HT361PC15- Construction of New Industrial Security Forces Building 2. Tender No. HT363PC15- Construction of Security Fence along North Jetty

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A Pre-Tender meeting and a site visit for this Tender to be held for Interested bidders at the Auditorium Hall, Office Park Building, at AI-Khafji Joint Operations, AI-Khafji, Saudi Arabia, at 11am local time on Monday December 28, 2015.

The Sales of Tender Documents will be effective from: December 15, 2015 until 12:00 noon, December 28, 2015.

The bidder shall note that he shall be required to provide an irrevocable bank guarantee from a bank in Saudi Arabia or Kuwait, in the sum of United States Dollars Twenty Four Thousand (US$ 24,000.00). for the tender HT361PC15 and United States Dollars Thirty Two Thousand (US$ 32,000.00). for the tender HT363PC15 respectively to warrant the bid propos- al. Such bank guarantee shall be on behalf of the bidder himself and valid for (120) days from the closing date of the tender, any bid proposal received without the said bank guarantee will be rejected.

The bid proposal shall be delivered by hand or thru Courier Service to Contracts Department, AI-Khafji Joint Operations, AI-Khafji, Saudi Arabia on or before the closing date Monday, 25 January 2016 of the time stipulated in the tender document. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015 INTERNATIONAL

Germany introduces new counter-terrorism unit

BERLIN: Germany yesterday introduced national police force’s special arrest a new police unit that officials said will units, known as the BFE, and based at be better armed, outfitted and trained five locations around the country. to deal with terrorism, based on an Unlike the country’s elite GSG9 SWAT analysis of the country’s security in the teams that are only deployed as emer- wake of deadly attacks in Paris earlier gency response units, the so-called this year. BFE+ police will also be involved in day- Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere to-day operations, filling a gap between said that, after the series of attacks in the special unit and regular police, de January centered on the Charlie Hebdo Maiziere said. The BFE+ police will be satirical newspaper in which 17 people based in areas where the national were killed, security officials reassessed police have helicopters, meaning they the situation in Germany. Their conclu- can be brought into situations quickly, sion that assailants would likely be high- de Maiziere said as he presented the ly aggressive, well-prepared, well-armed first group of 50 new officers. and capable of carrying out concurrent Police union spokesman Rainer attacks was reinforced by the Nov 13 Wendt says additional specially attacks that left 130 dead in Paris. trained officers are “money well-spent” “The danger in Germany from inter- but told the dpa news agency ordi- national terrorism is high, as it is across nary patrol officers also must be prop- ROTHESAY: A Saltire flag, the national flag of Scotland, flies from the prow of a ferry as it approaches the town of Europe,” de Maiziere told reporters at a erly equipped, saying all should have Rothesay on the Isle Of Bute, an island off of the west coast of Scotland is seen from a ferry. — AFP police base in Blumberg, outside Berlin. helmets and high-quality body armor. “It was high, it is high, and it will remain “It would be irresponsible to do noth- high for the foreseeable future.” Some ing for the ordinary patrolman,” he On windswept Scottish isle, 250 more officers will be added to the said. — AP Syrians struggling to adapt 30 killed in Boko Haram ‘It’s hard. We don’t know anyone!’ raid on Nigeria villages

ROTHESAY: From war-torn Syria to a windswept refugees from camps on Syria’s borders would be majority” had welcomed them. KANO: Brutal weekend attacks on three deadly raids by Boko Haram, which have island off the west coast of Scotland, nine newly- brought in by 2020. villages by Boko Haram Islamists in the left scores dead and entire villages looted arrived refugee families are struggling to adjust to Britain has opted out of EU quotas for taking ‘Baked beans’ restive northeast of Nigeria have left 30 and burnt down. Residents believe the new lives in a very unfamiliar world. “It’s hard. We migrants and dispersing them around the bloc. Zavaroni’s Italian ice cream shop on the shore dead and 20 others wounded, a vigilante attacks are in response to the pressure that don’t know anyone!” said a woman from Aleppo, who Cameron has resisted pressure for Britain to do more speaks to an earlier wave of immigration in Scotland, told AFP. “Most of the victims were slaugh- the army chief is exerting on Boko Haram was helping a fellow refugee from Homs pick out tea amid calls to share the burden in Europe’s biggest but the arrival of a large group of Muslims from the tered and most of the wounded (had suf- in counter-insurgency military operations. cups and bowls in a charity shop on the seafront in migrant crisis since World War II, which has put pres- Middle East in Rothesay is unheard of. “It reminds me fered) machete cuts,” Mustapha Karimbe, a On Thursday Boko Haram insurgents Rothesay on the Isle of Bute. The other woman, who sure on frontline states. Germany, by comparison, is of when my parents moved to Scotland,” said Tariq civilian helping the Nigerian military fight killed 14 people-decapitating some of wore a black headscarf, said she could not find Arabic expected to record one million asylum-seeker arrivals Iqbal, a volunteer with the Scottish Communities Boko Haram, said of Saturday’s attacks in them-when they raided Kamuya village, coffee, roast pumpkin seeds or “Mate”, a caffeine-rich this year, and much smaller Netherlands 60,000. Initiative who is trying to help with cultural mediation the villages of Warwara, Mangari and Bura- the hometown of the army chief’s mother, drink popular in Syria. Heavy winds and rain have Local volunteers and officials have tried to keep between refugees and islanders. Shika in Borno state. and burnt it down. Nigeria’s government lashed the island this month and several refugees said media attention away out of concern that details Ahead of their arrival, Iqbal-whose parents immi- News of the attacks has been slow to has vowed to end the Boko Haram insur- they were struggling with the Scottish weather. about their identity could endanger family and grated from what is now Pakistan-travelled to Bute emerge because telecom masts in the area gency by this month but the deadline The Syrians-around 40 of them in total with six friends, and to give them time to adapt. Under a gov- from Glasgow to prepare the volunteers and there have been destroyed in previous Boko looks likely to be missed as attacks persist. more families expected to arrive in 2016 — were pre- ernment scheme, the refugees are given five years have been classes on Syria and Islam in local schools. Haram raids, hindering communication. The Islamists’ grip on the region has suf- viously living as refugees in Lebanon. The Syrians humanitarian protection status, free housing and Iqbal said he was planning a much-needed halal meat The Islamists invaded the villages, hacking fered as a result of offensives launched by were flown to Glasgow last month and took the one- social welfare, as well as permission to work from the shipment to Bute, and to set up a regular supply. The and slaughtering their victims before set- local armies, leading to raids like Saturday’s hour boat crossing from mainland Scotland to the day they arrive. first delivery finally arrived on Tuesday. ting the villages on fire. The villages are becoming rarer. There has, however, been a island, population 7,000. At the Co-Op supermarket Some locals are skeptical as to whether the Syrians “They don’t even know what baked beans are!” he near Buratai, the hometown of Nigeria’s spike in suicide attacks in Nigeria and near Rothesay Castle, a man from Daraa looked dazed will stay on their island and others harbour darker said, referring to a British culinary staple. He said one highest military chief Tukur Yusuf Buratai. neighboring Cameroon, Chad and Niger. At as he wandered along the aisles with his crying two- concerns, reflecting wider preoccupations about of the main reasons for picking Bute was the availabili- Warwara, where 20 people were killed, least 17,000 people have been killed since year-old son. A local woman jovially pinched the little Syrian refugees in Europe and the United States. ty of housing-a reflection of the island’s economic was the worst affected, said Musa the conflict began in 2009. boy’s cheek saying: “I live next door to you!” “It’s ok as long as they don’t fight,” muttered one decline in recent decades. Suleiman, another vigilante. The attackers A new 8,700-strong Multi-national bearded local man who was buying half a liter of vod- Once known as the “Scotland’s Madeira”, the island killed six people in Bura-Shika and another Joint Task Force (MNJTF) comprising ‘Rain will chase them off’ ka and two energy drinks in a shop. “The rain will was a seaside resort for Glaswegians until cheap air four in Mangari, he said. The latest deaths troops from Nigeria, Niger, Chad, The refugees spent their first few days on Bute reg- chase them off,” said another man in a sailor’s cap travel made warmer destinations more affordable. take the number of people killed in Nigeria Cameroon and Benin was supposed to istering children for school and signing up for doctors, waiting for a ferry in a harbor decked out in Christmas Tim Saul, himself an “immigrant” from England who since President Muhammadu Buhari took have been deployed in late July. But the working out currency conversions and how to top up lights looking across the Firth of Clyde to snow- runs a jazz cafe and used to live in Bahrain, said he office in May to more than 1,530, accord- African Union-backed force has yet to their new mobile phones to keep in touch with capped mountains of the mainland. Craig Borland, was looking forward to meeting the new arrivals. “I’ve ing to an AFP tally. start operations, with no reason given for friends and family left behind. They are among the editor of The Buteman weekly paper, said there was “a got my crib sheet [cheat sheet] behind the bar to Residents of the villages fled to Biu, 30 the lengthening delay and questions over first Syrians to settle in Britain since Prime Minister fear of the unknown” in the predominantly white, brush up on my conversational Arabic in case one of kilometers away. Buratai and nearby settle- whether the countries have the resources David Cameron announced in September that 20,000 Christian community but that “an overwhelming them comes in for a coffee,” he said. — AFP ments have recently been the targets of to commit. — AFP Spain bracing for a messy ballot result

LISBON: The Portuguese recently lived through European Union’s fifth-largest economy hard to a government works in Iberia. surprise for the winner as, just like in , a allows parties to abstain, letting a rival into power 50 days of political drama, when the party that predict. Spain, too, could end up with a “coalition narrow win would likely leave the triumphant par- in return for concessions. If there is still deadlock lost an October general election outmaneuvered of losers” in power. A Portuguese surprise ty at the mercy of a coalition of its defeated rivals. after two months, the monarch calls a new elec- the winner and took charge of the country. With a “It’s never happened in Spain before, but there On the night of Oct. 4, Portugal buzzed with Recent opinion polls have placed the ruling tion. Sunday ballot likely heralding the end of two-par- again, it had never happened in Portugal before speculation about whether Socialist leader conservative Popular Party and the main opposi- Historically, the king has simply nominated the ty politics in neighboring Spain, possible post- either,” says Carlos Barrera, a political analyst at Antonio Costa would resign after his party lost tion Socialist Party roughly level with the centrist election winner as prime minister. But, as Barrera election permutations also make the future of the Spain’s University of Navarra. Here’s how forming that day’s general election. The next month, he newcomer Ciudadanos party. The far-left Podemos of Navarra University points out, “that is not writ- was sworn in as prime minister. party is lagging behind but could turn into a ten down anywhere. It’s just a custom.” The king Costa’s Socialists got about 32 percent of the powerbroker. has to consider which party has a real possibility vote but he outflanked the incumbent center- The expectation is that no single party will col- of winning the parliamentary confidence vote and right government, which won with 38 percent, by lect enough votes to obtain an overall majority of forming a stable government. Felipe will find that creating an unprecedented alliance of leftist par- 176 lawmakers in the 350-seat Parliament. That out during his talks with the parties. It would not ties whose common denominator was a commit- will likely bring a tense period of political horse- be illegal or unconstitutional for an alliance of the ment to dismantling austerity measures. Those trading as parties negotiate to create a govern- second- and third-placed parties to get the nod, parties pooled their votes in Parliament to create ment that has enough parliamentary votes to Barrera said. That has often happened in Spanish a majority and unseat the government. enact its policies without concessions to rivals. regional and local elections, but never in a general That thrust Portugal’s president into the spot- “Government formation is going to be tricky, as election. light. Though the head of state has no executive in the case of Portugal,” said Antonio Barroso, a power, the president has the right to choose - tak- London-based analyst with the Teneo Intelligence Potential election outcomes ing into account election results - which party to consultancy. “It’s clear that no party’s going to As opinion polls stand, various possibilities - install in government, though the nominated par- have an absolute majority so the key question is, and impossibilities - stand out. Business-friendly ty needs to win a vote of confidence in what can you have?” Ciudadanos could cut a deal with the Popular Parliament. Party - but one of Ciudadanos leader Albert President Anibal Cavaco Silva, mindful that King felipe’s role Rivera’s conditions is that incumbent Prime debt-heavy Portugal is still recovering from its 78 After the election King Felipe VI will become Minister Mariano Rajoy does not stay on for a sec- billion-euro ($85 billion) bailout in 2011, balked at the focus. The monarch holds talks with the lead- ond term. the anti-austerity alliance. But he ended up granti- ers of each party that has won seats in Parliament. The Socialists are unwilling to consider a grand ng it permission to run the country because his Then, article 99 of the Constitution requires him coalition with the Popular Party, but they could only other option was to install a caretaker gov- to nominate one of them for government.But the also join forces with Ciudadanos, though Rivera ernment that nobody wanted. nominated party leader must then win a vote of doesn’t want to join a coalition in which he is the confidence in Parliament in order to take office. junior member. The Socialists might ally with Suspense in Spain In a first vote, the candidate must get more Podemos, but the far-left party has ruled out a A spectacular surge in support over the past than 50 percent of the full 350 votes in order to coalition with the Socialists if the Socialists get MADRID: In this Sunday, Dec 6, 2015 photo, two girls stamp their hands with year for two new parties challenging the tradition- form a government. If he falls short, he must get more votes. Ciudadanos and Podemos are ideo- paint on a paper wall during a Spanish Podemos Party rally, ahead of the Dec 20 al heavyweights has made this election one of more votes for him than against him in a second logically opposed and are highly unlikely to join national election. — AFP Spain’s closest ever. That could spell an unpleasant ballot 48 hours later. That’s a lower bar which forces with the Socialists. — AP South Sudan: Turmoil of civil war goes on

LEER: Mary Nyak Chot has been left with nothing; revenge massacres which rivaled the Juba killings in South Sudan’s civil war took everything. “All my chil- their horror, spurring a cycle of violence. The United dren were killed. The youngest two were burned in Nations says tens of thousands have been killed while their home; the other four were bombed by artillery. other estimates range up to 100,000. My husband also died,” she says, clutching a food ration card in Leer town, an area facing famine, during Brutal fighting the first food distribution there since July. Tuesday The brutality of the fighting has shred South marked two years since the civil war began in South Sudan’s social fabric, exposing buried ethnic fault lines Sudan, a nation which is itself only four years old. The and creating new ones which have made attempts at violence continues with a peace deal signed more reconciliation unsuccessful. “Trust is not there. People than three months ago having yet to bear fruit. are identifying now by their tribes,” says the Rev. James “The situation still remains the same,” said Daud Ninrew, a peace activist in Juba. “Even in one commu- Gideon, a member of the Remembrance Project nity, you will find Nuer are divided, or the Dinka are which is collecting names of those lost in the war. “A divided.” Over 2 million people have fled their homes, lot of killing still is happening in different parts of the including hundreds of thousands seeking refuge in country, and the lives are being lost on a daily basis.” neighboring countries. About 180,000 people shelter The war started on December 15, 2013 after a skirmish in squalid United Nations bases rife with disease and between soldiers in a barracks in Juba, the capital. violence. Others hide in remote swamps and forests, Soldiers loyal to President Salva Kiir, an ethnic Dinka, too afraid to go home. “I’m running away every day,” perpetrated organized ethnic killings of Nuer, the tribe says Nyalen Top, who ventured out of the hinterlands of Kiir’s political rival Riek Machar, according to an of Leer, the birthplace of Machar and one of the coun- African Union commission report. try’s most devastated parts of the country, to seek The Juba Massacre prompted an uprising of Nuer medical help for her two sick children. “It is better to in the country’s northeast led by Machar, a Kiir’s for- hide yourself in the bush, because if the men get you LEER: Some of more than 30,000 people who flocked into Leer town, South mer vice president. The insurgents committed they can rape or kill you.” — AP Sudan, to receive food from the International Committee of the Red Cross. — AP THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015 INTERNATIONAL Malala slams Trump’s ‘ideology of hatred’

BIRMINGHAM: Nobel prize winner band and wife killed 14 people in a took part. The massacre saw nine terrorism mentality and of hatred.” The Taleban assault dredged up painful Malala Yousafzai condemned Donald shooting rampage in California, an inci- extremists scale the walls of an army- Nawaz, dressed in a traditional shal- memories for Malala’s family: she was Trump’s views on Muslims on Tuesday, dent classified as a terrorist act. run school in the northwestern Pakistani war kameez, recounted the horror of shot in the head by the Taliban in 2012 at a somber ceremony to remember the Speaking at the ceremony in the city city of Peshawar, lobbing grenades and the December 16, 2014 Peshawar after she had publicly advocated educa- 134 children killed in a Taleban attack of Birmingham, central England, Malala’s opening fire on terrified children and attack, in which 17 adults were also tion for girls. on a Pakistani school a year ago. father Ziauddin Yousafzai also criticized teachers. killed. “I saw my teacher burned alive in “When I was watching all these “Well, that’s really tragic that you Trump’s comments. “It will be very “There are these terrorist attacks hap- that incident and the friends with whom graphics and all these news on televi- hear these comments which are full of unfair, very unjust that we associate 1.6 pening, for example what happened in I was playing,” he told AFP. “I was sur- sion, my wife was crying, I was crying,” hatred, full of this ideology of being dis- billion with a few terrorist organiza- Paris or what happened in Peshawar a rounded by the dead bodies of those Malala’s father told AFP. “It was unbear- criminative towards others,” Malala said, tions,” he said, referring to the number year ago,” Malala said, referring to last friends. So it was the horrifying experi- able. It was very hard to watch. Our own in response to recent comments by the of Muslims worldwide. month’s Islamic State attack in Paris that ence of my life and I still have night- trauma revived,” he said. “We don’t curse US Republican presidential candidate. The event was organized by peace killed 130 people. “It’s not just needed in mares.” Nawaz was shot in the arm. His people, its a sin to curse and we never Trump has been heavily criticized for prize winner Malala and her family, and Pakistan but across the world. If we want brother was killed. cursed Talebans for attacking our calling for a ban on all Muslims entering two survivors of the attack, Ahmad to end terrorism we need to bring quali- Ibrahim was in a wheelchair, having daughter, but I must say we cursed the United States after a Muslim hus- Nawaz, 14, and Mohammed Ibrahim, 13, ty education so we defeat the mindset of been paralyzed from the waist down. them that day.” — AFP

India lacks political will to stop rapes: Victim’s father

NEW DELHI: The father of a student who died detention facility for his role and is set to walk after being gang-raped in New Delhi three years free in the coming days. ago said yesterday politicians still lack the will to “Almost every day we read about small girls end India’s rape crisis and criticized one attack- being raped. If criminals like him are let off I fear er’s imminent release. Speaking on the anniver- what will happen to society,” the father said. sary of the 2012 assault on his daughter that Women’s rights groups have also opposed his sparked global outrage, the father said it was release, mainly on the grounds that it was unclear if the attacker had reformed after serv- unclear if he had been rehabilitated and was ing the maximum legal term for a juvenile. ready to be reintegrated into society. The national government introduced “According to what the daughter told her tougher penalties for rapists and other meas- mother, he was the most brutal among her ures after the crime unleashed a wave of public attackers,” said Ranjana Kumari, head of the anger and grief against India’s high levels of sex- Centre for Social Research think-tank in New ual violence. But the father, who cannot be Delhi. “We’d like to know if he repents what he named for legal reasons, said the government did and whether he can live amongst us in soci- had still not spent funds promised to upgrade ety and not be a threat.” The National safety for women in the capital. Commission of Women has also protested, say- “It was meant to install CCTV cameras, light ing his release would do nothing to tackle a cul- up dark streets and deploy more policemen,” he ture of impunity for perpetrators of sexual vio- told reporters in New Delhi. “The government lence. has the time and the money but not the will to The victim died of grievous internal injuries do anything to improve the safety and security on December 29 after being lured on to the pri- for women. “We don’t know how to awaken the vate bus by the gang following a cinema trip conscience of the government.” with her male friend. India recorded 36,735 rape A group of four adults were convicted and cases in 2014, with 2,096 of them in Delhi alone, handed death sentences in 2014 for the attack although experts say those figures are likely to on the 23-year-old student on a moving bus. represent only the tip of the iceberg. Since the Their appeals are pending in the Supreme 2012 attack India has repeatedly hit the head- Court. The juvenile, who was 17 at the time of lines for a series of brutal rapes including those the attack, was sentenced to three years in a of children and foreign women. — AFP LAHORE: Pakistani teachers and students hold burning candles during a vigil to pay tribute to the victims of the Peshawar school massacre of December 16, 2014, the deadliest terror attack in Pakistan’s history, ahead of the first anniversary. — AFP Pentagon: Violence is Pakistan vows revenge one on rise in Afghanistan

WASHINGTON: Violence in Afghanistan is on announced that he would keep troops levels year after school massacre the rise, according to a new Pentagon report steady through most of next year. By the end to Congress that says the Taleban was of 2016, rather than draw down to a Kabul- emboldened by the reduced US military role only US military presence of about 1,000 Loss ‘something that cannot be described’ and can be expected to build momentum troops as previously planned, Obama decided from their 2015 attack strategy. the US will maintain 5,500 troops in Kabul and PESHAWAR: Pakistan’s leader called were also in attendance. Umar Mansoor stated: “If our women dent whose brother died in the attack, The number of effective insurgent attacks Bagram. Tuesday’s report said Obama’s deci- yesterday for vengeance under por- Earlier, the parents of the 134 chil- and children died as martyrs your chil- told AFP. But the trauma lingers for rose this year, causing increased casualties sion reflects the need to give Afghans more traits of children killed by Taleban bul- dren killed in the hours-long siege vis- dren will not escape.” But the attack many, with parents of the slain chil- among Afghan security forces, the report said. time to develop a credible army. lets as the country marked the first ited their children’s graves in Peshawar. hardened public opinion against dren saying they are still seeking While Afghan forces have demonstrated a will “The resilient Taleban-led insurgency anniversary of a school massacre that “We think a lot about the students extremism and prompted a military- answers about how the security appa- to fight and to learn from their battlefield mis- remains an enduring threat to US, coalition, left 151 people dead in its worst-ever who lost their lives,” Abu Bakar, a led crackdown that has improved ratus could have failed them so com- takes, the report said the Taleban’s resilience and Afghan forces, as well as to the Afghan extremist attack. teacher who was shot three times as security, with 2015 on course for the pletely. has made security fragile in key areas and at people,” the report said. The report covers the Families of the victims along with he threw himself in front of fleeing fewest deaths linked to extremist vio- In August, after a military trial risk of deteriorating in others. second half of 2015, which is the first year that military and political leaders attended children during the siege, told AFP, lence since 2007, the year the behind closed doors, the army Sen Bob Corker, the Republican chairman Afghan forces have fought without US troops an emotional ceremony at the army- saying the loss was “something that Pakistani Taleban were formed. announced that six militants linked to of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, alongside them on the battlefield. The run school in the northwestern city of cannot be described”. However critics say long-term the Peshawar assault would be exe- told reporters that it was “probably the most Afghans largely stood their ground, or man- Peshawar to mark the assault, which “This should not have happened to steps are not being taken to eradicate cuted, while a seventh was given a life depressing assessment” of the direction in aged to recover territory they temporarily mostly claimed the lives of school- them, they were innocent students,” he extremism. Pakistan deployed para- sentence. Four were hanged on which the country is headed that he has conceded, but the report credited the Taleban children and has been termed a “mini- said. “They came here for studies, they military forces and police in major December 2. Some parents are heard in a “long, long time.” “We’re certainly with “improving their ability to find and 9/11” for the country. were not at war with anyone.”On social cities for the anniversary. In Peshawar, demanding a full judicial inquiry, com- not in a positive trajectory right now in exploit” Afghan vulnerabilities. The Taleban Relatives were accompanied by media, Pakistanis were changing their the area surrounding the school was plaining that no government, security Afghanistan,” Corker said. “In fact, I would say also are using the Afghan-Pakistan border as students bearing images of their loved profile pictures to an image depicting designated a red zone, and army heli- or military official has yet been held currently, my assessment would be that it’s a sanctuary, it said. ones as they spoke one by one of chil- an Army Public School uniform with a copters hovered as hundreds of sol- publicly accountable. At least a dozen very negative trajectory.” To illustrate the point that security condi- dren with bright smiles who worried bloody bullet hole resembling a pop- diers guarded main junctions. families boycotted yesterday’s cere- The Pentagon report, the latest in a regular tions are still unsatisfactory, the report said about their hair and handwriting but py, and a caption reading: “Some Army Public Schools across the mony in protest. series of Pentagon war updates required by the number of casualty-causing Taleban had dreams of being artists and engi- stains don’t wash out”. Two survivors of country were open for ceremonies At the school, the prime minister Congress, also said the Taleban-led insur- attacks from January through November rose neers. the massacre attended a somber cere- marking the anniversary, even though declared December 16 a national day gency has been emboldened by the US tran- by about 4 percent over the comparable peri- “My children, today I make this mony Tuesday in the British city of a security official told AFP Tuesday of education, promising he would not sition from direct combat operations to a od in 2014. The number hovered around promise to you, that I will take revenge Birmingham organized by Nobel prize they were “particularly under threat”. let extremists “burn out the flame of train-and-advise role. “As a result, the Taleban 1,000 per month during the year before for every drop of your blood,” Prime winner Malala Yousafzai. She survived One year on, a veneer of normality has knowledge”. Teachers and students will continue to test the (Afghan forces) decreasing in September. Minister Nawaz Sharif said, addressing a 2012 Taleban attack, retribution for returned to the Peshawar school, told AFP that education was their aggressively in 2016,” it said. The US now has The report also said Al-Qaeda, which used the victims directly. The ceremony, advocating education for girls. where children play while soldiers best revenge. “The Taleban want us to about 9,800 troops in Afghanistan, some of Afghanistan as a base from which to launch which a military official said was stand atop recently fortified walls. quit our studies and become ignorant which are involved in counterterrorism mis- the Sept 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, has a “sus- attended by some 2,500 guests includ- Hardened resolve “All the people of Pakistan are with like them,” 13-year-old Uzair Khan sions. tained presence” in eastern and northeastern ing celebrities and sports stars, was The Taleban have said they carried us and they are trying to support us said. “We don’t want to do that. God Afghanistan and remains a threat to the broadcast live on state television. out the attack in retaliation for an and helping us to move towards the willing, we will continue our educa- Troop levels steady United States. It did not estimate how many Powerful military chief Raheel Sharif army offensive on extremists in the future and to just forget this incident,” tion, move forward and avenge In October, President Barack Obama al-Qaida fighters are in the country. — AP and opposition leader Imran Khan tribal areas. The mastermind Khalifa Muhammad Hamza, a 17-year-old stu- them.” — AFP Top India court bans diesel cars in capital

NEW DELHI: India’s top court yesterday Delhi would be the among the world’s first cooler air and clouds trap pollutants. registration of diesel vehicles above These extremely fine particles-less than roads on alternate days for a trial period ordered a temporary ban on large new cities to introduce such strict measures Leading environmentalist Sunita Narain, 2000cc across NCR (the National Capital 2.5 micrometers in diameter-are linked to in January. In a separate ruling this week, diesel cars in New Delhi as part of a series of after Lebanon banned diesel vehicles in who was in court, said judges also ordered Region),” she said, referring to the engine increased rates of chronic bronchitis, lung the country’s environment court slapped tough measures aimed at cleaning up the 2001. Paris plans similar action in future to city-based taxis to move from diesel to CNG capacity. The ban will last until March 31. cancer and heart disease. a ban on new registration of all diesel world’s most polluted capital. The Supreme cut diesel exhaust fumes which are consid- (Compressed Natural Gas) by the end of The court also barred thousands of Facing flak over the crisis, the city gov- vehicles for nearly four weeks in New Court also doubled a tax on diesel trucks ered more harmful than petrol ones. March and banned the burning of rubbish. diesel trucks which only enter the city ernment earlier this month said private Delhi, although it was unclear if authori- entering Delhi and barred those older than India’s courts are pushing authorities to every night en route to other parts of the vehicles would only be allowed on the ties were carrying out the order. — AFP 10 years altogether, as scathing public criti- act over Delhi’s filthy air, ranked as the ‘Health emergency’ country, in order to bypass cism mounts over the city’s toxic air. world’s worst in a World Health “There cannot be anything more fun- toll roads around Delhi. Car Chief Justice TS Thakur ordered the ban Organization (WHO) survey last year of damental than the right to clean air and sales are soaring as incomes on registration of new diesel vehicles with more than 1,600 cities. Delhi’s air routinely what the court has recognized today... (is) rise, with 1,400 extra vehicles engine capacity of two liters or more-typi- worsens in winter months as millions of this is a public health emergency,” Narain pouring onto the city’s cal of SUVs, jeeps and other luxury cars. poor people light fires to stay warm and told reporters. “There is now a ban on the already crowded roads every day. More than 23 percent of the cars on Delhi roads run on diesel, which is cheaper than petrol, according to the Delhi- based Centre for Science and Environment think tank. Shares in one of India’s largest diesel carmakers, Mahindra & Mahindra, tumbled four per cent on the Mumbai exchange following the ban. Anand Mahindra, chairman of the Mahindra Group, said on Twitter his company would honour the court’s decision.

Toxic soup Delhi has been enveloped in a toxic soup in recent weeks, cutting visibility and pushing PM 2.5 levels more than 10 times over the WHO’s NEW DELHI: In this photograph taken on October 15, 2015, commuters in their vehicles clog the roads. — AFP recommended safe limit. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015 INTERNATIONAL North Korea jails Canadian pastor for life

SEOUL: A North Korean court has sentenced Church ‘confession’ tion by high-profile US political figures. a Canadian pastor to life imprisonment with In August the North released a video Although religious freedom is enshrined in hard labor, while rejecting a prosecution call showing Lim attending a Sunday service at the North’s constitution, it does not exist in for the death penalty after his conviction on Pyongyang’s Pongsu Church and confess- practice and religious activities are restrict- sedition charges. South Korean-born Hyeon ing to various charges in an address to a ed to officially recognized groups linked to Soo Lim, pastor at the Light Korean small congregation that included a number the government. Presbyterian Church in Toronto, is the latest of foreigners. “I committed the gravest in a series of foreign missionaries to be crime of insulting and defaming the top Suspect foreign missionaries arrested, deported or jailed for allegedly dignity and the leadership of the republic,” Foreign missionaries arrested in North meddling in state affairs. “The defendant Lim Lim said in the video. Korea can find themselves facing punishing admitted all the charges against him includ- Detained foreigners are habitually jail sentences, or used by Pyongyang as ing viciously defaming our system and our required to make public and officially script- leverage to extract concessions or high- supreme dignity as well as plotting to over- ed pronouncements of their guilt in order to profile visits to ensure their release. In throw our state,” the North’s official KCNA help secure their eventual release. “The trial November last year Kenneth Bae-a US citi- news agency said. demonstrated again what kind of miserable zen who, like Lim, was born in South Korea- According to KCNA, the prosecutor had fate awaits people like Lim-the followers of was released two years after being sen- asked the Supreme Court to hand down a the US and South Korean regimes that tenced to 15 years’ hard labour. death sentence, arguing that the pastor’s ceaselessly try to annihilate our socialist sys- Bae, who had been convicted of plotting crimes merited “the sternest punishment.” Lim tem and defame the supreme dignity of our to overthrow the North Korean regime, was was detained by North Korean authorities in sacred republic,” KCNA said. released along with another American PYONGYANG: Hyeon Soo Lim who pastors the Light Korean Presbyterian January after arriving from China. The specific Pyongyang views foreign missionaries detainee as the result of a secret mission to Church in Toronto, is escorted to his sentencing. — AP actions that resulted in the sedition allega- with deep suspicion, though it allows some Pyongyang by US intelligence chief James tions have never been detailed. According to to undertake humanitarian work. A number Clapper. In March last year an elderly gious material in the North’s capital. A ground church. Lim’s sentence was his church in Toronto, he was on a purely of Christian missionaries-mostly ethnic Australian missionary, John Short, was South Korean missionary arrested in the announced just days after high-level talks humanitarian mission and had visited the Koreans who are US citizens-have been deported after being held for 13 days. North in October 2013, Kim Jeong-Wook, is between the two Koreas aimed at improv- North on numerous occasions to support arrested in the past, with some of them Short signed a detailed “confession” and currently serving hard labor for life for ing cross-border ties broke up in mutual work with orphanages and nursing homes. only allowed to return home after interven- apology after his arrest for distributing reli- allegedly spying and operating an under- recrimination. — AFP Freedom of speech reaches new low in junta Thailand

BANGKOK: Thailand’s military seized power defended the royal insult law. “We haven’t used last year with a promise to eventually restore this law in a harsher manner but in this period democracy. But a crackdown against critics of there may have been more people who violat- the monarchy and junta suggest the country is ed this law so authorities have to deal with locked on a darker trajectory, say UN officials them accordingly,” Winthai told Reuters. “We and human rights activists. need this law in Thailand in order to protect On Sunday, a student was taken from hos- the monarchy which is the love of all Thais,” he pital by plainclothes agents and charged with said. defaming Thailand’s widely revered royalty. On All this comes amid worries over the health Monday, it emerged that a factory worker was of King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who turned 88 charged with sedition and mocking King this month, and concerns over an eventual suc- Bhumibol Adulyadej’s dog. If found guilty, he cession - a subject that cannot be openly dis- faces decades in prison. And on Tuesday, a mili- cussed because of the lese-majeste law that tary court sentenced a single mother to seven makes it a crime to defame, insult or threaten years in jail for posting material on the Internet the king, queen or heir apparent, but one that insulting to the monarchy. continues to dominate political developments Human Rights Watch said the cases under- in Thailand. score how freedom of speech has reached a The king’s son and heir, Crown Prince Maha new low in the Southeast Asian country. Since Vajiralongkorn, does not command the same taking power in 2014, the military has made level of devotion as his father. Diplomats and full use of Article 44 of the interim constitution foreign journalists have also been caught up in which gives junta leader Prayuth Chan-ocha the military crackdown on anyone perceived as absolute power to give any order deemed nec- critical of the junta or royal establishment. essary to prevent acts seen as undermining On Tuesday, the Thai printer blocked publi- national security. It also allows soldiers to cation of a report in the International New York detain people for up to seven days without a Times on the king’s dog defamation charges, court warrant. the third time in a month that it has left a Rights groups and critics of the junta say a Thailand article blank, and the US Ambassador MANILA: A woman walks through floodwaters in suburban Manila yesterday. — AFP draconian law designed to protect Thailand’s to the country is being investigated over accu- royal family has been broadened considerably sations he violated the strict lese-majeste law. and is being applied with greater fervor. “The “The UN High Commissioner has stated he Philippine typhoon death toll travesty of law enforcement under the junta’s is appalled by the shockingly disproportionate rule reached a new low when Thanakorn was prison terms handed down this year in lese- charged with lese-majeste for ... comments majeste cases in Thailand,” the Office of the climbs as rescuers struggle that Thai authorities considered as mocking United Nations High Commissioner for Human the king’s dog,” Sunai Phasuk of Human Rights Rights told Reuters in an e-mail. The office said Watch told Reuters, referring to factory worker prison terms handed down for lese-majeste Widespread flooding cuts power for millions Thanakorn Siripaiboon, 27. this year were the heaviest recorded since 2006, when it began documenting cases of MANILA: Rescuers on speedboats hauled rain- in the day when floods subsided to knee-deep. islands known for its marble reserves, reported Major worries individuals prosecuted for lese-majeste soaked residents off rooftops in the Philippine six deaths. Junta spokesman Colonel Winthai Suvaree offences. — Reuters countryside yesterday after Typhoon Melor killed Disaster repeat The national disaster council also reported at least 11 people and cut power for millions. The However in the northern provinces of Nueva one more death due to drowning on Samar, an typhoon tore in off the Pacific Ocean on Monday Ecija and Bulacan, floodwaters rose swiftly yes- impoverished island of 1.5 million people in the afternoon and caused widespread flooding terday as water from mountain regions inundat- eastern Philippines where Melor first made land- Sydney hit by severe storm across the northern and central regions of the ed by Melor overnight cascaded down, causing fall. Five people have now been confirmed killed island nation and dumped heavy rain on the rivers and streams to swell. The same areas were on Samar. Millions of people were also without SYDNEY: Australia’s biggest city Sydney was house which have landed in my front yard. It’s sprawling capital of Manila. flooded in October by Typhoon Koppu, which power in the eastern Philippines and the central smashed by a tornado-like storm yesterday, just a mess.” The weather bureau said warn- Head-high floods in the central islands began left 54 people killed and destroyed vast swathes islands, with no guarantees electricity would be with hail as big as golf balls and winds gusting ings for destructive winds, large hail stones to subside yesterday, but parts of the rice-grow- of rice farms. restored before Christmas. And 226,000 people at 200 kilometers an hour causing havoc. Two and heavy rain were in place for central ing north were inundated with one-meter (three- Office supplies salesman Sem Sangoyo remained in storm shelters, the national disaster people required treatment-one for shock and Sydney, its airport and the Sydney Harbor feet) deep waters as torrents from mountain watched helplessly as pens and papers in his council said. one for a head wound-in the hardest-hit sub- Bridge. “Very destructive winds associated provinces cascaded downstream. Residents office supplies store in Cabanatuan, the capital of Melor’s gusts weakened to 130 kilometers per urb of Kurnell, an ambulance official said. with a possible tornado affected the Sydney chased by fast-rising floodwaters to their Nueva Ecija, floated in one-meter-deep floods. hour as it moved further away to the South China One resident of the suburb, where wind coast around Kurnell at 10:30 this morning,” rooftops swamped police lines overnight on “We did not expect this at all. We have barely Sea yesterday. However a new, albeit weaker, gusts of 213 kilometers per hour were record- the bureau said of the earlier lashing. “We Tuesday with frantic calls for rescue, said Senior recovered from the last typhoon,” Sangoyo told storm was forecast to hit the poor farming region ed, said the storm sounded “like a freight train don’t get situations like that without it being a Inspector Jemorie Vergara, police chief of the AFP by phone from the second floor of his store, of Canada in the main southern island of going through”. “Total destruction,” he told Sky tornado,” the bureau’s Michael Logan added. fishing town of Baco. where he ran for safety. Sangoyo said he was Mindanao late Friday, the weather bureau said. News of the aftermath of the tempest, which “It is what’s called a super cell thunderstorm Baco is located on Mindoro, a farming and trapped in the same building for three days The storm would likely have winds of around 100 downed trees and power lines and damaged and they’re one of the most dangerous thun- fishing island of 1.2 million people, 120 kilome- when Koppu hit. kilometers an hour when it make landfall, accord- buildings, including a desalination plant, and derstorms we get.” ters south of Manila, which was pummeled by “I think I’ll be trapped here again,” he said. “I’m ing to the state weather agency. flooded roads. Another man who called in to The bureau said surrounding areas to the Melor Tuesday night. “The water rose so fast, not even thinking about Christmas, I’m too wor- The Philippines is hit by an average of 20 Sydney talk radio described a scene of north and west of Sydney were in line to be people had no choice but to run to their roofs. ried about my lost inventory.” Intense rain in typhoons a year, many of them deadly, with the extreme damage in Kurnell, images of which affected as the storm, which comes at the They were crying for help,” Vergara said. Manila on Tuesday night submerged some roads strongest often happening towards the end of showed a truck overturned and building parts start of the southern hemisphere summer, Police on wooden-hulled boats braved strong and caused traffic chaos, although flooding in the year. In November 2013 one of the strongest flung around. “My neighbor’s roof is gone, the moves north. The airport remained open, but flood currents on Tuesday night to rescue chil- the megacity of 12 million had subsided by yes- storms on record, Super Typhoon Haiyan, flat- trees are all down in the front yard,” he told the delays were expected as ground crews strug- dren and infants from rooftops, according to terday morning. The death toll climbed to 11 yes- tened entire communities in the central region Australian Broadcasting Corporation. gled to cope with the weather, a spokes- Vergara. Others were forced to stay on their roofs terday after local authorities in Mindoro and with tsunami-like waves, leaving 7,350 people “There’s trees down out the front of his woman said. — AFP throughout yesterday and only came down late neighboring Romblon, a chain of three small dead or missing. — AFP

Protesters rally ahead of Japan court: Requiring same controversial HK debate surname in marriage is legal

HONG KONG: Activists rallied yesterday in Kwong, 19, of protest organizers Keyboard TOKYO: Japan’s Supreme Court ruled yesterday that Hong Kong as lawmakers prepared to start Frontline which campaigns for Internet requiring married couples to have the same surname a highly anticipated debate over a copy- freedom, said. “The government... will make is constitutional, dealing a blow to a longtime effort right bill, which has been criticized by use of the updated law to politically prose- for gender equality in choosing names. The law does opponents as curbing freedom of speech. cute those who disobey,” she added. not say which partner must give up his or her name in Around 300 people, including students Political satire using a pastiche of song marriage. In practice it has almost always been the and protesters from the creative industries, lyrics and movie scenes has long been woman who took the husband’s name. Some women gathered outside the Legislative Council common on the city’s Internet forums and say that is unfair and feel as though their identity is complex carrying banners that read “Fight social networking websites. lost. for the freedom of the next generation”. Opponents fear the bill will set the In traditional marriage, one person, usually the The debate was due to start yesterday stage for harsher government censorship woman, enters the household of the partner and is evening or today and could last for days online, although exemptions for parody, registered as a member of that household. Men are before a vote. Fears are growing over the satire and commentary have been intro- seen as more powerful in Japanese traditional culture. erosion of freedoms in the semi- duced since the original bill was shelved. But as women increasingly have careers, some argue autonomous Chinese city, with concerns Protester Tinki Lo, a middle school student that changing surnames is confusing. that Beijing’s influence is increasing. in uniform, said: “The thing about this bill is Some Japanese women continue to use their The city remains deeply divided after that you don’t know when you’ve broken maiden name professionally, even after their sur- mass pro-democracy rallies last year failed the law and when you’re within your names are legally changed following marriage. Some to force Beijing to scrap its restrictions on rights.” couples simply don’t register their marriages. Kaori political reforms. The government says the Hong Kong was handed back to China Okuni, one of the plaintiffs, said she was deeply disap- bill-already shelved in 2012 after opposi- by Britain in 1997 under a “one country, pointed. tion-is necessary to help fight online piracy. two systems” deal that guaranteed the “This has consequences for the future, meaning But critics slam it as “Internet Article 23” retention of its civil liberties and capitalist suffering for those who plan to marry and those who TOKYO: Tomoshi Sakka (second right) a lawyer for a plaintiff woman who is not present, referring to an anti-subversion bill dramati- lifestyle for 50 years. But attacks on journal- are set to be born,” she told a news conference. In a and her supporters hold a banner reading: “unconstitutional judgment” after their victory cally dropped in 2003 after half a million ists, court cases against democracy separate case, the Supreme Court ruled that prohibit- in a court case in front of the Supreme Court. — AP protesters took to the streets. activists and government interventions in ing women from remarrying for six months is uncon- “It hinders Hong Kong people’s freedom education have heightened concerns that stitutional. The thinking behind that requirement was The court said that was outdated because of for that case, told reporters outside the courtroom. of speech,” university student Glacier cherished freedoms are being lost. — AFP to prevent a woman who was possibly pregnant by advances in science, such as DNA testing, that provide “The policy degraded women, and this is a step one man from marrying a different person. proof of the biological parent, Tomoshi Sakka, a lawyer toward gender equality,” he said. — AP NEWS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17 , 2015

Bahrainis wave their national flags as they drive down a street celebrating Bahrain National Day in Sakhir, south of Manama, yesterday. — AFP

Amnesty: Kuwait sliding into repression US Congress reins in visa-free travel

Continued from Page 1 political figures including heads of state are “legiti- Continued from Page 1 ble.” Some US lawmakers had sought to kill or amend the meas- mately subject to criticism and political opposition”. ure, expressing concerns that European nations would offer Online activists who launched a campaign on According to Lynch many of those imprisoned in the “Once again, members of Congress are using the govern- reciprocal treatment against US travelers. But supporters of the Twitter on Tuesday in solidarity with people facing ongoing crackdown are prisoners of conscience target- ment funding bill to pursue their extremist agendas,” said measure in Congress argued it is vital to tighten the program in prosecution said that as many as 626 Kuwaitis face ed solely for peacefully exercising their right to express Anthony Romero, executive director of civil liberties group the wake of deadly terror strikes in Paris, where some of the criminal charges for expressing their views peacefully. themselves freely. “Some activists face numerous ACLU. “Sneaking damaging and discriminatory riders into a attackers were French and Belgian nationals who likely could Amnesty said that opposition leader and former MP charges and are mired in multiple, costly lawsuits, fac- must-pass bill usurps the democratic process and is irresponsi- have boarded a plane to the United States without a visa. —AFP Musallam Al-Barrak, who is serving a two-year jail term ing court proceedings and jail sentences on a cyclical for publicly offending the Amir, faces 94 criminal prose- basis. Court processes can sometimes drag out over cutions. prolonged periods sometimes years - due to regular Turkey to set up Qatar military base Amnesty also criticized the government for closing delays and trial adjournments,” Lynch pointed out. media outlets and revoking the citizenship of a number Dyke noted that “many activists find themselves Continued from Page 1 Riyadh looks to boost military and economic ties with its ally. of leading opposition activists including Abdullah Al- hampered by seemingly endless ‘red tape’ legal pro- Saudi’s King Salman “ordered that Saudi investments in Egypt Barghash, a former member of parliament, and Saad Al- ceedings, which appear to be part of a deliberate gov- One of the wealthiest countries in the world, Qatar is home to exceed 30 billion riyals ($8 billion)” and that the kingdom “con- Ajmi, spokesman of the opposition Popular Action ernment strategy to harass peaceful activists into quiet the largest US airbase in the Middle East, Al Udeid, where around tribute in providing Egypt with its needs for petrol,” said a state- Movement who was later deported to Saudi Arabia. submission by wearing them down, and to warn others 10,000 military personnel are stationed, though US interest in the ment published by the Saudi Press Agency. In addition, Saudi The watchdog urged Kuwait to review and repeal a against speaking out”. He mentioned Barrak as an region is perceived to be lessening. Demirok said 100 Turkish ships would “support” traffic in the Suez Canal, Saudi defense number of laws that hinder freedom of expression. example. “He is serving a two-year jail sentence on vari- troops were currently in Qatar training the Gulf state’s military. He minister and Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman did not say when the new Turkish base would be completed. announced on Tuesday during a visit to Egypt. Amnesty will follow up on these issues. “It’s possible ous charges for undermining and insulting the Amir “Today we are not building a new alliance but rather rediscov- The pledges come despite a sharp fall in Saudi Arabia’s to issue new announcements next year depending on after he delivered a critical speech. At one point last ering historic and brotherly ties,” he said, referring to the Muslim income from oil, which makes up over 90 percent of public rev- the situation. Maybe we will document a case to have year he was facing 94 separate criminal prosecutions Ottoman Empire which, before its collapse in 1920, stretched enues, due to the global decline in crude prices since June last them released if we believe they are prisoners of con- simultaneously, in a clear bid by the authorities to from eastern Europe to the Arab Gulf. With the perceived disen- year. OPEC kingpin Saudi Arabia has offered billions of dollars in science. We have also done surveys and issued reports harass and intimidate him into silence,” stressed Dyke. gagement by the United States from the Gulf, what we are wit- aid to Egypt since the 2013 ouster of Islamist president from other Arab countries on freedom of expression, “A group of 67 people who took part in a peaceful nessing now is a diversification of potential allies,” said Jean-Marc Mohamed Morsi. In March, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United but we didn’t compare it with Kuwait,” researcher rally to express solidarity with him in April 2013, by Rickli, a professor at King’s College London teaching at Qatar Arab Emirates each offered $4 billion in investment and aid. Drewery Dyke told the Kuwait Times. repeating his speech, were arrested when security National Defence College. Egypt is taking part in a Saudi-led coalition that has been Lynch spoke about the history of the clampdown, forces dispersed the protest. They were later charged “If you are a small state like Qatar you have an interest in host- battling Iran-backed rebels in Yemen since March. It is also par- which began in 2011 in reaction to demonstrations with “insulting the Amir,” he added. ing several allies on your territory because it provides you with an ticipating in a 34-member alliance to fight “terrorism”, which staged by members of the bedoon community. Yet it Kuwaiti law even goes as far as to criminalize using indirect security guarantee from your ally. Moreover, it increases was announced on Tuesday by Prince Mohammed. During his was amidst the outpouring of expression during the specific means to communicate “insulting” messages. A the costs for the aggressor of any potential attack.” Qatari officials visit, Sunni Islam’s leading seat of learning, Al-Azhar, urged all series of Karamat Watan (Nation’s Dignity) demonstra- new cybercrimes - or electronic crimes - law, due to were not immediately available for comment. Muslim countries to join the new coalition. Cairo is fighting a tions in 2012, when thousands took to the streets to come into force in early 2016, potentially offers the Separately, Saudi Arabia has pledged a total of eight billion swelling insurgency led by the Islamic State group in the Sinai oppose a new electoral law and protest alleged gov- authorities further options to prosecute critics for dollars in investment and aid to Egypt over the next five years, as Peninsula. — Agencies ernment corruption, that the government acted to peaceful expressing their opinions online. Amnesty restrict freedom of expression in Kuwait, in violation of International is calling on the government to urgently its international obligations. review this law and postpone its application. Court says coed ban in line with... As protests continued and were accompanied by a On Dec 9, the Ministry of Interior’s Twitter account surge of criticism on social media, the Cabinet reminded Kuwait’s Twitter users of their requirement to Continued from Page 1 law. The Assembly agreed. The delay was backed by a announced an “iron fist policy” in 2014, promising “a abide by “public morals and the laws of the country” in majority of MPs under the condition that the legal commit- decisive and firm confrontation with whatever could their tweets, warning there will be no laxity in enforce- challenges can be submitted to the constitutional court tee must meet and amend the law on Sunday if the court undermine the state, its institutions and constitution”. ment of the law “for all that is harmful to the country”. by other students or lawyers. nullifies the law. The same court however accepted a challenge against a In other developments, the Assembly yesterday In particular, in recent years, there has been an upsurge Rana Al-Saadoun was sentenced to three years in jail in provision in the new domestic helpers law which requires approved an unprecedented law for the rights of animals in in prosecutions over comments deemed “offensive” or June 2015 for posting a speech by Musallam Al-Barrak that owners of maids recruitment offices must hold at least the country, which regulates breeding of animals and bans “insulting” to HH the Amir of Kuwait and other Arab on YouTube. She is currently appealing the sentence. a higher secondary certificate. The petition was filed by the import of wild and dangerous animals. A report by the rulers, or comments perceived to “undermine” govern- During a review of Kuwait’s human rights record at owners of 19 offices saying that the requirement is irrele- parliamentary public utilities commission said the law says ment officials. In the last two years, more than 90 cases the UN Human Rights Council in June 2015 the Kuwaiti vant. The court accepted the challenge and scrapped the that animal owners must provide suitable shelters and care, have been reported in Kuwaiti media of people facing government promised to accept nine specific recom- provision. and sets strict requirements and terms to keep an animal. It such charges in court. mendations committing them to upholding interna- The Assembly meanwhile decided to delay amendments also aims to secure animal welfare and protect people from “No one should be sent to prison merely for peace- tional standards relating to freedom of expression. So to the law governing the Anti-Corruption Authority in order wild animals that have been owned and announced for sale fully voicing his or her opinion, however objectionable far there has been no sign that these commitments to wait for a scheduled ruling by the constitutional court on on social media without supervision by the competent their views may seem to those in power. Laws that stifle have been delivered. “Instead of rounding up critics as the law on Sunday. MPs decided on Tuesday that they authorities. During the session, MP Saleh Ashour called on freedom of expression are at complete odds with inter- criminals the Kuwaiti authorities must prove they are would study and approve the amendments in yesterday’s the minister of social affairs and labor to apply stricter con- national law. Instead of responding defensively, the serious about human rights by urgently releasing all session as a precaution for what the constitutional court trols on fundraising activities to ensure that charity funds Kuwaiti authorities should acknowledge criticism and prisoners of conscience, repealing or revising laws used would do in a bid to prevent any legislative vacuum. But the do not land in terrorists’ hands. Minister Hind Al-Sabeeh view such comments as opportunities for debate and to clampdown on freedom of expression and fulfilling legal and legislative committee told the Assembly yester- insisted that the ministry applies the law and makes sure discussion,” said Lynch. their international human rights obligations,” conclud- day that it has decided that it would be better to wait for that charity money goes to the intended beneficiaries in According to the UN Human Rights Committee, ed Lynch. the constitutional court’s judgement before altering the cooperation with the foreign ministry. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015 ANALYSIS


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Focus Poland: No country for new men

By Bernard Osser

or most refugees arriving in Poland, it is only a stop on the way to wealthier and more welcoming European FUnion members. The small percentage who choose to stay on in the devoutly Catholic country are faced with a popu- lation whose majority is hostile to migrants, especially Muslims, and an integration policy that only exists on paper. “No one wants to stay here,” said a Muslim Chechen in her 30s and sin- gle mother of three who wanted to keep her face hidden and remain anonymous for fear of repercussions. “Impossible to find a job, an apartment. There’s practically no financial help. That’s why everyone leaves,” she told AFP. Christian refugee Adnan Saad, who came to Poland with his Bush strong in debate, but may not matter family along with 200 other Syrians thanks to a Christian non- profit organisation, wanted at first to stay in Poland - unlike the By Steve Peoples Exactly one year ago, Dec. 16, 2014, Bush shook dential candidates, is firmly entrenched as his Yet as the crowded 2016 Republican contest others who left for Germany. Today, he is coming around to up the political world by declaring he would party’s frontrunner. With tens of millions remain- continues, Bush increasingly seems like a candi- their point of view. The Polish authorities “did our papers, they eb Bush finally delivered a powerful debate actively explore a presidential bid. Backed by ing in the bank behind Bush, however, there date whose time has passed. As was the case did our situation to be legal. This is good. Now we need some performance. But it may not matter. The son much of the Republican establishment, the for- were modest signs of optimism after Tuesday Tuesday in Las Vegas, Bush’s rivals have adopted support. Here is good but I think it’s not enough,” said the Jand brother of former presidents repeatedly mer Florida governor quickly amassed a moun- night’s debate performance. a more measured approach with Trump recently, Damascus native. “In the four months I’ve been here, I’ve had took the fight to front-runner Donald Trump on tain of campaign cash - more than $100 million - “I think it’s interesting that none of the other declining to attack him too aggressively while my eyes opened. Those who left for Germany were probably Tuesday night as the 2016 Republican presiden- that was supposed to scare off potential rivals candidates saw fit to challenge Mr. Trump,” Bush embracing the anti-establishment sentiment right.” Last year, more than 6,500 people requested refugee sta- tial candidates met for one of their last debates and offer an easier path to his party’s presidential campaign manager Danny Diaz said after the fueling his candidacy. Bush, however, continues tus in Poland, the majority of them Chechens. ahead of the primary season. Bush called the bil- to take direct aim at Trump and his brash poli- lionaire businessman “the chaos candidate”, cies. Most of the Republicans on the debate ‘Almost Inhuman’ insisted Trump couldn’t “insult his way to the stage, for example, disagreed with Trump’s After making their refugee claim, they are taken to a wel- presidency” and dismissed Trump’s proposal to recent call to block all Muslims from entering the come centre like the one in Linin. Located in a well-appointed block all Muslims from entering the country as United States to help combat terrorism. But no former barracks, the centre is currently accommodating 217 dangerous and “not serious”. one condemned the plan more pointedly than people, most of them Muslim Chechens. More than half are Yet with little more than six weeks before pri- Bush. “Look, this is not a serious proposal. In fact, children. The refugees receive three meals a day, a bus takes mary voting begins, Bush is struggling for rele- it will push the Muslim world, the Arab world, the children to school while the adults can attend language vancy in a presidential election that has begun to away from us at a time when we need to re- lessons. Each person also receives 70 zloty ($18) a month in leave him behind. Trump, meanwhile, beat back engage with them to be able to create a strategy pocket money, a sum that the young Chechen mother called repeated attacks from his Republican rivals in the to destroy ISIS,” Bush charged, calling Trump “a “almost inhuman”. primetime faceoff to ensure a central role in the chaos candidate”. “And he’d be a chaos president. The hard part comes after they leave the centre. “While the 2016 contest, fueled by deep anti-establishment He would not be the commander in chief we (immigrant) reception policy may work, the integration policy frustration among the party’s angry electorate. need to keep our country safe.” only exists on paper,” said Daniel Brzezinski from the local With the Democrats increasingly coalescing At the same time, Florida Sen Marco Rubio Praktycy Kultury non-profit organisation that works with immi- behind the candidacy of Hillary Clinton, some showed little sign he was concerned about Bush, grant children. “It’s the NGOs and local authorities who try to Republican leaders worry that Trump’s controver- considered his chief Republican opponent not take over from there.” After they leave the centre, the state only sial rhetoric will make him all but unelectable if long ago. Rubio all but ignored his Florida rival offers each refugee Ä100-270 ($110-300) a month for a year. he wins the nomination. and instead aimed his most pointed barbs at They are then left to their own devices, supported only by non- Trump seized on Bush’s dismal standing in Texas Sen Ted Cruz. Both senators, Cuban- profit organisations that offer language lessons or help them recent polls and largely shrugged off the criti- Americans in their 40s, have been rising in some overcome administrative hurdles. “The lack of housing and cism. “I know you’re trying to build up your ener- polls and are vying to emerge as the main alter- resulting risk of homelessness, the lack of work and financial gy, Jeb, but it’s not working very well,” Trump native to Trump. With precious little time remain- benefits that are higher in western Europe discourage refugees countered. “Donald, you’re not going to be able ing before voting begins, the Cruz-Rubio dynam- from staying in Poland,” the national audit chamber NIK said in to insult your way to the presidency. That’s not ic seems far more likely to define the next phase a November report. going to happen,” Bush responded. The Republican presidential candidate former Florida Gov Jeb Bush speaks during the of the contest than a Bush comeback. exchange was recorded as the “top social Republican Presidential Debate, hosted by CNN, at The Venetian Las Vegas on And Trump seems more than happy to ‘Treated Like Lepers’ moment” of the debate on Facebook, according Tuesday in Las Vegas. —AFP engage with Bush. “This is a tough business to “The absence of any integration policy by the state is a poli- to the social media organization. It was the kind run for president,” Bush charged early on in the cy itself. I think it’s a deliberate choice,” said Piotr Bystrianin of of moment Bush supporters had been desperate nomination. It didn’t work. debate. “From our perspective, we wanted to debate. “Oh, I know. You’re a tough guy, Jeb. I the Ocalenie (Salvation) foundation that helps integrate for in the year’s first four primetime debates. That Bush’s allies have spent more than a quarter highlight the difference between the candidates: know,” Trump slapped back before pointing out migrants. A cause for concern is the increasing hostility with it took several months to materialize highlights of their massive fundraising haul running televi- one who is prepared, one who has a depth of Bush’s sharp fall from frontrunner status. which immigrants are viewed by most Poles, as well as the Bush’s weakness as a candidate, despite having sion ads for three consecutive months. Still, his knowledge for the job and one whose erratic “You’re moving over further and further,” Trump nationalist Law and Justice (PiS) party that has been in power every advantage money could buy. weak poll numbers haven’t moved. And Trump, behavior and reckless rhetoric raises real ques- continued. “Pretty soon you’re going to be off since October. Poland welcomed 90,000 Chechens without It wasn’t supposed to happen this way. who has spent by far the least of the major presi- tions.” the end.” —AP incident in previous years but “in the last year, six months, the attitude has changed,” Brzezinski said. Polling figures back him up. According to a survey by the Warsaw-based CBOS institute, the number of Poles opposed to Disillusion rife 5 yrs after Tunisia uprising welcoming migrants more than doubled in the six months run- ning up to October, going from 21 to 43 percent, while those in favour dropped from 72 to 54 percent. “Before, they were well- By Ines Bel Aiba region of the neglected Tunisian interior, chemicals but she hasn’t found work. added. Until recently, “we just managed regarded. Now, especially after the Paris attacks, they’re practi- long overlooked for investment. Sometimes I’m forced to sell a sheep to pay daily life. It was impossible to plan and cally treated like lepers,” Brzezinski said, adding that the immi- giant portrait of the Tunisian street the bills,” said the farmer. “Nothing has expectations were high. “This year, we grant issue is now being exploited for political ends. vendor who started a revolution ‘Nothing has Changed’ changed. Prices have just increased.” started to plan for the short, medium and The refugee question became one of the hot topics in the Awatches over the town where he set The freedom gained with the revolution Sidi Bouzid governor Mourad Mahjoubi long term,” he said, citing several major run-up to the general election, which the PiS won after eight himself alight in a desperate act of protest. “is good but it does not give us food”, said said he understood the disappointment. projects including highways linking the years in opposition. PiS leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski tapped into But five years later, pride has been a woman in her 50s who sells second-hand “The people are right. They say ‘I staged a Sidi Bouzid region with Tunis and Sfax, the the public’s fear of the unknown, even warning that migrants replaced by disillusion. “The revolution? clothes and did not want to be identified. revolution... mainly because of the inequal- country’s second largest city. “In two or could spread diseases such as cholera, dysentery and “all sorts of This is what it brought me,” said Nessim, Like many people, Mohamed Azri misses ity between regions, and still I don’t see three years, we will start to feel the parasites” that could “endanger local populations”. “Today showing his empty pockets to laughter the Ben Ali era. “I don’t glorify the person change’,” he told AFP. But you also have to change,” he said. refugees are afraid, they feel threatened,” said Bystrianin. “And it’s from friends in Sidi Bouzid, epicentre of but you have to admit that it was better take into account the exceptional circum- the children of immigrants who suffer the most. The terms the revolt that touched off the so-called before. My daughter graduated in fine stances that followed the revolution, he ‘We’re Afraid’ ‘refugee’ or ‘migrant’ have become the worst insults among Arab Spring regional uprisings. “Studying In the meantime, Tunisia is grappling schoolchildren.” doesn’t get you anywhere. So you have a with a growing extremist threat that has A Warsaw demonstration organized by the far-right under choice between vocational training or con- seen three major attacks claimed by the the slogan “Poland for the Polish” drew tens of thousands of struction work. In both cases you will still Islamic State group this year targeting for- protesters on Nov 11, Poland’s independence day. “When we’re be despised by society,” said the 20-year- eign tourists and security forces. The at the store, people give us dirty looks. Some insult us, treat us old, who is taking a course in refrigeration beheading of a 16-year-old shepherd near like dirty foreigners. That wasn’t the case two years ago,” said and air conditioning. Sidi Bouzid last month also horrified the the young Chechen mother of three. “Schools didn’t want to On Dec 17, 2010, Mohamed Bouazizi, a country. Jihadists claimed responsibility for take in my kids because they’re Chechens. I finally had to beg a 26-year-old university graduate who eked killing the teenager on behalf of IS, accus- principal to let them in. This is not a country for refugees,” she out a living as a fruit seller, torched himself ing him of informing the army about their said. —AFP to protest police harassment and unem- movements, and forced his young cousin ployment. His act, from which he died to take his head to the family. “He was my weeks later, ignited the 2011 revolt that pillar of strength and terrorism took him toppled dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali from me,” said the shepherd’s mother All articles appearing on these and spread to several other Arab capitals, Zaara, who lives with her family at the foot bringing down other autocratic regimes. of the mountain where her son was killed. pages are the personal opinion of Today, the fifth anniversary of the start of The authorities are building her a new the writers. Kuwait Times takes no the uprising, the authorities are due to lay house, just next to the two rooms without responsibility for views expressed the first stone of a “museum of the revolu- running water where she now sleeps on a therein. Kuwait Times invites read- tion” in Sidi Bouzid. thin mattress on the floor. Work is also Tunisia, which held democratic elec- under way to build a proper road to the ers to voice their opinions. Please tions at the end of last year, is often hailed isolated hamlet, surrounded by olive trees send submissions via email to: opin- as a rare success story of the Arab Spring. and prickly pears. “We’re afraid, but we [email protected] or via snail But it faces a growing jihadist threat and will not leave,” said Jilani Soltani, a brother the economy is stuck in the doldrums. A Tunisian man rides his cart on Tuesday on a street of the impoverished central of the murdered youth. Although a mili- mail to PO Box 1301 Safat, Kuwait. Unemployment stands at more than 15 tary truck sits on a nearby hill, Soltani The editor reserves the right to edit percent. About 32 percent of young gradu- town of Sidi Bouzid, ahead of the fifth anniversary of the self-immolation of wants a gun licence to “defend ourselves any submission as necessary. ates are out of work - a figure that rises to Mohamed Bouazizi, a young street vendor, which sparked the revolution that oust- if the terrorists come down to our homes,” more than 46 percent in the Sidi Bouzid ed a dictator and ignited the Arab Spring. —AFP he said. —AFP THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015 SPORTS

Ford extends Adidas mulls ‘alternatives’ S Lanka says ‘conspiracy’ Bath contract to sponsoring FIFA in Perera NZ doping charge LONDON: England fly-half George Ford has signed a new four-year contract with FRANKFURT: The head of German sportswear giant Adidas hinted for COLOMBO: Sri Lanka’s sports minister defended yesterday wicketkeeper Kusal Bath, the English Premiership club announced yesterday. The 22-year-old, capped the first time yesterday at the possibility of cutting links with FIFA in Perera who was suspended from the ongoing New Zealand tour after failing a 17 times by England, joined Bath from Leicester in 2013 and has the wake of the corruption allegations dogging the bidding process drugs test, hinting at a conspiracy against the cricketer. Dayasiri Jayasekera told to date scored 637 points for the club in 59 appearances. “It for the 2006 World Cup. “If FIFA succeeds in reforming itself-and in my parliament that authorities will send a “B” sample for testing after the International sounds like a cliche, but it really was an easy decision to stay view they’re making good progress here-then we will continue,” Council announced last week that Perera tested positive for a banned here at Bath,” Ford told the Bath website. “It’s a great set-up and Adidas chief executive Herbert Hainer told the business daily steroid during a random check. “We are doing all we can to the squad are working so hard to achieve our goals. “There is a Handelsblatt. Adidas has sponsored FIFA for more than 40 years and defend him,” the minister said. “We are wondering if this allegation is a conspiracy to keep him out of next year’s real focus on developing each and every player here and that the current contract runs until 2030. But if FIFA fails to get its house in T20 World Cup.” Defending champions Sri Lanka are is a hugely inspiring environment to be part of. I am really order, “we will have to think about what the alternatives are,” Hainer looking forward to the next two years and playing my contenders to retake the title when the World T20 said. German football has been engulfed by claims that a 6.7 million takes place from March to April in India next year. part in an exciting time for the club.” News of Ford’s euro ($7.2 million) payment to FIFA was used to purchase the votes of new deal comes just three days after he kicked a Jayasekera said Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena four members of FIFA’s executive committee in 2000 — days before match-winning conversion from on the touchline to had spoken to Perera who was abruptly pulled from the earn his side a 25-23 victory over Wasps in the Germany narrowly won the right to host the 2006 finals. FIFA chief series in New Zealand involving two Tests, five ODI games European Champions Cup. “Bath’s re-emergence as Sepp Blatter has been suspended by the organisation he has headed and two T20 matches. Perera is Sri Lanka’s second inter- a competitive force coincided with George’s arrival for 17 years, and faces a hearing at the ethics committee over allega- national player to fail a doping test. Left-hander Upul at the club,” said Bath coach Toby Booth. “He is the tions of corruption. While a number of other major sponsors, such as Tharanga was suspended for three months after testing epitome of a true modern-day professional and Coca-Cola and VISA, have called on Blatter to go, Adidas has so far tak- positive during the 2011 World Cup. Tharanga blamed a retaining and recruiting quality players like him is en a more conciliatory tone. Hainer’s comments to the Handelsblatt “herbal remedy” that he had taken for a long-standing paramount to our further progression. —AFP are the first time he has hinted at rupturing ties with FIFA. — AFP shoulder injury for failing the doping test. — AFP Nicklaus sees big challenge for Woods

NEW YORK: Jack Nicklaus believes Tiger be able to return to practice. Woods will resume his chase of the Golden “He’s such a great athlete and such a Bear’s all-time record of 18 major profes- good competitor. I think he’ll come back, sional golf titles but believes he may have but don’t hurt yourself. Be patient. He’s got trouble with the emerging young guns. a lot of good golf left in him,” said Nicklaus. Nicklaus, in New York to accept the That said, Nicklaus believes Woods will find Muhammad Ali Legacy Award presented to the competition stiff upon his return. him by Sports Illustrated magazine on “We’ve got a bunch of young players Tuesday, said he thought Woods should that are really good. They have benefitted make sure he is healed from his back woes from Tiger’s misfortune,” Nicklaus said of before returning to competition. “I don’t the likes of Jordan Spieth, Jason Day and know how much he’ll return next year. I Rory McIlroy. “Instead of Tiger just domi- don’t know whether his health will allow nating the game, they’ve had the ability to him to return next year,” Nicklaus told learn how to win without having some- Reuters before being given the award for body dominate over them. embodying the ideals of sportsmanship, “I firmly believe Tiger will be back and leadership and philanthropy. “I know he’ll when he does, he’s going to have a bunch want to, but I think he needs to be patient. of guys that are pretty hungry and trying to Don’t come back too soon, let him get win and know how to do it.” Asked if he healthy.” Woods, who will turn 40 this thought his record haul of 18 was safe from month, recently revealed he had under- Woods, the 75-year-old Nicklaus said: “Who gone a second procedure in less than two knows? I don’t know whether it’s safe or months on his lower back and third in 18 not. If it isn’t, it’s OK. I think Tiger will come months and did not know when he would back and he’s got more to win.” — Reuters

ST ANDREWS: A file photo United States’ Jordan Spieth plays from the rough on hole 16 during a practice round at the British Open Golf Championship at the Old Course, St. Andrews, Scotland. — AP Asian Tour in board shake-up amid Europe merger talks

HONG KONG: The Asian Tour announced a ments. “The quartet are prominent business- duties as interim commissioner will include major shake-up of its board of directors yester- men and industry leaders in their respective “enhancing the playing opportunities for its day, hard on the heels of its CEO’s resignation countries, avid golfers and have the desire and members”, the statement said. The board shake- after deep divisions emerged over a proposed vision to grow the Asian Tour,” said the state- up follows last week’s announcement that Asian tie-up with Europe’s golf body. ment, which did not refer to the merger. Tour chief executive Mike Kerr, a strong support- Former European Tour chief executive Ken er of the merger, had resigned for undisclosed Schofield was among those to lose his seat as ‘Difficult time’ reasons. Among the playing directors, only four prominent Asian businessmen were named Schofield had been on the board since 2011. Chinese veteran Zhang Lianwei survives with as non-playing directors of the region’s main Also gone are long-standing director and Hong Lam Chih-Bing of Singapore, Australia’s Scott golf organisation. Kong-based Canadian businessman Rick Barr and Thailand’s Boonchu Ruangkit all out. In a statement sent to AFP, three player mem- Siemens, who was appointed in 2005, and Zhang has been joined by senior Indian play- bers were also removed and Asian Tour chair- Gautam Thapar, founder of India’s Avanthar er and EurAsia Cup captain Jeev Milkha Singh, man Kyi Hla Han was named as “interim Tour Group. In comes Taiwan’s Emmet Hsu, chairman with two more playing directors set to be nomi- Commissioner”. No reasons were given for the of the Yeangder Group-sponsors of the Asian nated by the tournament players committee. sweeping changes, which follow fierce debate Tour’s Tournament Players Championship which Lam, one of the playing directors to leave the over plans to merge the Asian and European carries a prize purse of $500,000. board, said earlier this month that he was in Tours’ business dealings and memberships and Joining him is Enrique K. Razon Jr who is favour of the merger but was facing opposition create a mega-tour straddling the two conti- chairman of Philippines container company ICT- from fellow players. “Since the merger proposal I nents. Some Asian pros have voiced concerns SI-the sponsor of this week’s $300,000 have been having a difficult time convincing that they will lose opportunities to play and Philippines Open. The other two new directors players of the merits of the union,” he told make a living as they are squeezed out of tour- are Jimmy Masrin, president and CEO of Singapore’s New Paper. “I feel that there are ben- nament spots by European rivals. Indonesian chemicals and mining firm PT efits from the merger, but some players still Of the four new non-playing directors, two Caturkarsa Megatunggal, and Jaturon feel that it is not a good move. Because of this are from companies-Yeangder and ICTSI-who Himathongkom, sports marketing director for my golf has been suffering, so I felt I should step hold title sponsorships for Asian Tour tourna- Thai brewing giant Singha Corp. Han’s new down and concentrate on my game.” — AFP 17th Xerox Golf Challenge

Tiger Woods concludes in Ras Al-Khaimah

DUBAI: The 17th Xerox Corporate Golf Renault see much Challenge has concluded the two-day Grand Final at the Al Hamra and Tower Links golf cours- es in Ras Al Khaimah, UAE. improved 2016 engine The event, sponsored by Ras Al Khaimah Tourism Development Authority for the second year running, witnessed 80 qualifiers compete in with Ilmor help the final, where the team that scored the most Stableford points (both days combined) was LONDON: Renault tripped themselves up reoccur in the future.” Renault provided declared the 2015 Champion. this year in the rush to improve their trou- engines to Red Bull and Toro Rosso this Winners of the annual tournament with a bled Formula One power unit but 2016 year and will again supply two teams in score of 107 are Nasir Norhalim and Yusri Yousoff should be much better with the added 2016, with Lotus switching from Mercedes from Saudi Arabia, who as well as taking away assistance of Ilmor engineering, operations while Red Bull’s unit will carry Tag Heuer the overall winner’s trophy and Callaway Drivers, director Remi Taffin said yesterday. branding. Ilmor, the performance engineer- will join the Xerox Emirates team in one of two, Reviewing the French engine manufactur- ing company with decades of experience in PGAs of Europe sanctioned, On Course Golf Pro er’s season, their last before returning as a Formula One and IndyCar, has been drafted Ams to be played in the UAE early 2016. constructor after taking over Lotus, Taffin in to assist. “They were able to bring differ- Second prize was claimed by Anand Kapoor said the first test of 2015 had revealed the ent concepts to the table, such as a differ- and Akash Kumar from the UAE (score: 105), and extent of the problems. ent combustion concept, and now we will the third place trophy was lifted by Wael Al “We genuinely thought we had done a continue with them into 2016,” said Taffin. Lawati and FadiaEmadi of Kuwait (score: 102). good job,” he told the Renault Sport F1 “We will continue to develop a lot in-house Other runners-up included Sidney Desouza and website. “It was the case in certain areas, but with partners such as Ilmor we have a Sergio Desouza from the UAE (98), and but we were caught out in three principal greater bandwidth and a richer experience Mohammed Fauzi Adnan and Nasaruddin ways.” Taffin listed them as a significant reli- and expertise. Mohammed from Oman (97). ability problem with the pistons, a malfunc- “We did not see the full extent of the Andrew Horne, General Manager, Xerox tioning part inside the power unit electron- collaboration in 2015 for various reasons, Emirates, said: “The 17th edition of the annual ics and taking last-moment decisions on but now they are under our control and we Xerox Corporate Golf Challenge was a landmark 2015 XCGC GF winners. development. Renault’s under-powered have a clearer direction we should see this one, with excellent participation and strong Corporate Golf Challenge.” Winners will choose from one of two On and unreliable engine had been eclipsed in more in 2016 and beyond.” competition from all the countries where we had Haitham Mattar, CEO of Ras Al Khaimah Course Golf Pro Ams to be played early 2016. 2014, the first year of the V6 turbo hybrid Taffin said the 2016 unit to be used in our qualifiers, and the winning teams show this Tourism Development Authority said: “Hosting The first Pro Am will be played in Abu Dhabi, units that replaced the old V8s, by domi- next year’s season-opener in Melbourne in diversity as well. the annual Xerox Corporate Golf Challenge in 25th to 29th April and second On Course Dubai nant Mercedes who won both titles. March would be running on the test dyno Ras Al Khaimah once again outdid itself as Ras Al Khaimah is part of our ongoing commit- Pro-Am played April 30th to May 4th (2016). “We wanted to make up the gap so bad- this month and the specification for the the host for the Grand Finals, and the emirate is ment to golf tourism in the emirate. The tourna- Sponsors supporting the Xerox Corporate ly that we pulled the rug out from under first race had been fixed and seemed reli- now firmly established as one of the premiere ment, for the second year, brought together pro- Golf Challenge this year included Prestige own feet,” he said. “But this particular cock- able. “We are in much better shape now golfing destinations. We congratulate all our fessional golfers from across the region, to play Wealth Solutions (PWS - the Dubai-based firm of tail of problems did allow us to learn a lot than we were at this point last year,” he winners, players, sponsors, and partners for on our world-class golf courses and experience financial advisors), long-term partner Ecco, RAK and make sure that the same issues will not said. — Reuters another successful edition of the Xerox the authentic destination.” Tourism, and first-time sponsor, Aramex. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015 SPORTS CAS to rule on Olympics ban by end-January

SOFIA: Sport’s highest court expects to The Bulgarian Weightlifting Federation European champions, and three female for its lifters to compete at next year’s the national organisation was temporarily announce a final decision on Bulgaria’s (BWF), which appealed to the Court of lifters, tested positive for the banned ana- Games. “Bulgaria’s chances of participating stripped of its licence in 2009. appeal against an Olympics ban on its Arbitration for Sport (CAS) last week, was bolic steroid stanozolol during a training in the Olympics are very good because this A year earlier the country withdrew its weightlifters for a string of doping offences also fined $500,000. camp in Tbilisi, Georgia in March. Bulgaria punishment contradicts existing IWF regula- team for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing by the end of January, it said on Monday. “The CAS is expected to issue its decision found it tough to find suitable replacements tions,” the BWF’s lawyer Boris Kolev said. because of 11 failed doping checks. Last month, the International Weightlift- by the end of January 2016,” the Swiss-based for the banned lifters but still competed at The Black Sea state will have three Bulgaria’s reputation was also tarnished at ing Federation (IWF)said the Balkan coun- court said in a statement. “Until then, the the world championship in Houston last spots for the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro if the 2000 Olympics in Sydney where the try’s athletes would be absent from next qualifications for the Rio 2016 Olympic month and finished 21st in the team stand- the ban is overturned. Bulgarian team were stripped of three gold medals year’s Rio Olympics following a high number Games will not become final.” ings. Bulgaria has already said it is optimistic weightlifting has suffered repeated and sent home in shame following positive of doping cases. Eight male lifters, including three the Olympics ban will be overturned in time embarrassment due to doping cases and drug tests. — Reuters Cuban defectors return home on MLB goodwill trip

HAVANA: Cuban baseball stars Yasiel Puig and Jose Abreu returned home Tuesday for the first time since defecting to play in America, as part of an unprecedented Major League Baseball tour made possible by the thaw in US-Cuban rela- tions. Baseball is a shared passion in the United States and Cuba-but also a source of acrimony in their decades-long estrangement. To play under the bright lights of a Major League Baseball sta- dium, Cuban stars have to flee their homeland, as did Los Angeles Dodgers outfielder Puig in 2012 and Chicago White Sox first baseman Abreu in 2013. Both are returning home with an MLB delegation that will host workshops and meet with Cuban baseball officials on a four-day tour of the communist-run island. “I feel very happy to be in Cuba, and that they gave me the opportunity to return to my coun- try,” Puig, 25, told AFP. The trip comes as NEW YORK: US Tennis player Serena Williams (C) receives the Sports Illustrated Washington and Havana mark the first anniver- Sportsperson of the Year trophy from her sister Venus Williams as their mother sary of the historic rapprochement announced Oracene Price (L) looks on during a ceremony in New York on Tuesday. — AFP by Presidents Barack Obama and Raul Castro last December 17. Since then, the two countries have restored For Serena, Grand Slam diplomatic ties, reopened embassies in each other’s capitals and taken the first steps to patch HAVANA: Cuban professional baseball shortstop Alexei Ramirez, center, signs a cap for a fan at up their relationship after decades of Cold War the Hotel Nacional in Havana, Cuba, Tuesday. A lineup of Cuban baseball superstars including is one feat to still chase animosity. But Cuban ballplayers still cannot some of the most famous defectors in recent memory made a triumphant return to Cuba as play in the United States without fleeing their part of the first Major League Baseball trip to the island since 1999. — AP NEW YORK: Serena Williams says complet- French three times, so that’s going to be a country, which then bans them from returning. who came up in our country and are now shin- Castro’s government began allowing athletes ing a Grand Slam is a goal she’d like to little difficult to do.” MLB has organized events in Cuba in the past, ing at the highest level of baseball in the world, to sign with foreign teams outside the United accomplish. For now, her focus is on win- Williams hasn’t played competitively including a 1999 exhibition game between the like Abreu and Puig, will be magnificent,” local States in 2013, for the first time since 1961. ning another major tournament, not four in since that upset in New York, resting elbow Baltimore Orioles and the Cuban national team. fan Pedro David told AFP. Cuba’s national base- About a dozen baseball players have signed a row. and knee injuries. She says it was driving But this is the first time that players who defect- ball commissioner, Heriberto Suarez, has said with teams in Mexico, Japan, Canada and Williams was two victories away from her nuts to watch the tour’s Asia swing on ed have been allowed to return. the game is being “lacerated” on the island by Colombia. But the trade and financial embargo sweeping all four in the same year when TV so she had to stop. Her workouts are The delegation also includes Cuban-born defections and attempted defections. More the US has imposed on Cuba since 1962 still she was stunned by Roberta Vinci in the US back to full throttle, and the 34-year-old player Alexei Ramirez, a free agent who left Cuba than 100 players have defected this year or means Cubans cannot play in the United States Open semifinals in September. Her domi- woke up at 6 a.m. Tuesday to train in legally by marrying a Dominican in 2007. Some found a way to leave legally. without fleeing. — AFP nant season earned her Sports Illustrated Florida before catching a plane. 20 Cuban-born players are currently active in the Sportsperson of the Year honors, and she In her acceptance speech, Williams list- Major Leagues. Several non-Cuban stars are also was feted late Tuesday at a banquet in ed the many obstacles she’s overcome, along for the trip, including Miguel Cabrera of Manhattan. mentioning “controversies” then adding, Venezuela, Nelson Cruz of the Dominican Rose disappointed life Asked if the Grand Slam is a goal in with a laugh, “horses” - a sly reference to Republic and American Clayton Kershaw. 2016, Williams said: “It is, obviously; I’ve the debate about whether US Triple Crown The delegation is led by Hall of Famers Joe ban stays but loves game never done it.”“We’ll see,” she added. “I’m winner American Pharoah should have Torre, the MLB’s chief baseball officer, and Dave not putting any pressure on it. I’d have to instead received the award. She closed her Winfield, of the MLB Players’ Association. “Major have a good year in the beginning, win speech by quoting the Maya Angelou League Baseball is very fortunate to have an LOS ANGELES: US all-time hits leader Pete “I live in Las Vegas because that’s where my Australia, win French - I’ve only won the poem “Still I Rise.” — AP opportunity to play a constructive role in the Rose said Tuesday he was disappointed that job is. I’m a recreational gambler. I don’t bet improvement of our country’s relations with his life ban from Major League Baseball every day. I’m not a casino guy. I don’t play Cuba,” MLB Commissioner Robert Manfred said remains in place. blackjack, roulette, dice, all that stuff. I occa- in a statement. “Baseball represents a pivotal Rose spoke in Las Vegas a day after major sionally like to bet on horses because I used to common bond in our cultures, and the impact league commissioner Rob Manfred said he be a horse owner and have a lot of respect for that Cuban ballplayers have made on our game would not end Rose’s lifetime banishment for people in that industry. But everything I do is is undeniable. I am hopeful that this tour will betting on baseball as the Cincinnati Reds legal. I’m very selective with people I associate represent the beginning of a longstanding rela- manager, a punishment imposed in 1989. with now.” tionship.” MLB has said it hopes to organize pre- Rose, 74, works for Mandalay Bay casino in Las Rose said he still hopes for a chance to be season games in Cuba next year, as it used to do Vegas and says he has his gambling under elected into the Baseball Hall of Fame, but until 1960, the year after the Cuban Revolution. control, but Manfred was unhappy that gam- consideration would require his ban to be bling remains a major portion of Rose’s life. overturned. “I think I can teach lots of people LONG ESTRANGEMENT Rose thanked Manfred for meeting with not to make same mistakes I made, to learn It is an emotionally charged homecoming for him last September and said he knew he put from my situation,” he said. “People headed both Puig and Abreu. Puig fled by boat via the the first-year commissioner “in a tough spot to down the wrong path can learn from my situa- Bay of Pigs, a harrowing journey in the hands of make a judgement on my situation.” tion.” people-smugglers. Abreu, who signed a $68-mil- “I’m disappointed, obviously disappointed,” Rose has applied for reinstatement twice lion, six-year contract with the White Sox in Rose said. “But I will continue to be the best before with other commissioners. He ended 2013, has a five-year-old son in Cuba he has not baseball fan in the world. ... I’m a baseball play- his playing days in 1986 with a record 4,256 seen since defecting. er. I’m a baseball person, and that’s never hits and managed the Reds until 1989. The Cuban government has reportedly going to change.” Rose says he has changed “I’m just looking to be friends with base- agreed to allow both men to visit with family greatly from the person who committed the ball.” Rose said. “It would be nice to just have members at their hotel. violations in 1986 that led to his banishment. the opportunity to go to the Hall of Fame. “I’ve The homecoming will be almost as sweet for “I’ve worked hard at it,” Rose said. “I’ve got it led a Hall of Fame life by association with the Cuban fans, who saw the players develop as under wraps the last several years. I’m under teammates I’ve had. I’ll try to be a better per- young talents but have not been able to watch control right now. Unlike 30 years ago, when I son every day, to where they’ll eventually DUBAI: Poland’s Agnieszka Radwanska and teammate Indian Sania Mirza of them since. “To be able to see these stars again was out of control as a gambler. want me back.” — AFP Micromax Indian Aces attend their teammates’ tennis match in the International Premier Tennis League (IPTL) yestertday in Dubai. — AFP Argentine Rugby franchise announce Jaguares name

SAN ISIDRO: Argentina’s Super Rugby gets underway. Creevy, who is also cap- franchise making its debut in 2016 will tain of the Argentine national team, the be called the Jaguares, the Argentine Pumas, said Super Rugby is the equiva- Rugby Union’s (UAR) general manager lent to basketball’s NBA. “We will contin- Greg Peters said yesterday. The southern ue to train with the same sense of sacri- hemisphere Super Rugby championship fice (as the Pumas),” said Creevy. is expanding from 15 teams to 18 for the Perez has set the team very broad new season with Japan’s Sunwolves and goals for their first participation in the Southern Kings of South Africa joining Super Rugby competition, which comes the Jaguares in boosting the competi- four years on from the national team’s tion’s numbers. The Super format is also inclusion in the Rugby Championship, changing to ensure teams play a greater formerly the Tri-Nations of New Zealand, number of matches against their nearest Australia and South Africa. DUBAI: Britain’s Andy Murray of OUE Singapore Slammers hits a return to Australia’s Bernard Tomic of Micromax Indian Aces during their tennis rivals. He wants the team to “develop a style, match in the men’s singles of the International Premier Tennis League (IPTL) yesterday in Dubai. — AFP New Zealander Peters confirmed the understand this competition and go as Jaguares squad would be made up far as possible”. The UAR had previously entirely of home-grown players. “There said that only players contracted to the Bjorkman no longer will be no foreign players in Los Jaguares, or rather those playing in Jaguares,” he said at Wednesday’s press Argentina, would be eligible for the conference. national team but scrum-half Tomas part of Murray’s team “It is incredible what Argentina rugby Cubelli has been allowed to remain with has done in the past years.” Hooker Australia’s Brumbies. Agustin Creevy, who last played for But those players plying their trade in LONDON: World number two Andy Murray will return to work with Murray for 22 to 24 weeks Australian Open runs from January 18-31, with Worcester in England, will be the new Europe rather than Super Rugby, such as not be working with Swede Jonas Bjorkman next next year. “Amelie did come in at a difficult time, Murray’s first child not due until February. captain while former international fly- Racing 92 wing Juan Imhoff and versatile year after his French coach Amelie Mauresmo when I had just come back from back surgery, But the world number two said that he will half Felipe Contepomi will be one of Saracens back Marcelo Bosch, will no resumed her role following the birth of her son. which was tough,” Murray, who will become a leave Melbourne and return to Britain if his wife, Bjorkman joined Briton Murray’s team in father in February, told the BBC. Kim, goes into labour earlier than expected. “I’d head coach Paul Perez’s assistants. longer be picked for the Pumas. March. “Nice to have Amelie back in the team out “When I started working with her officially I go home. For sure, yes,” Murray told the Daily Already 30 players have signed The team will play at the 50,000- in Dubai,” Murray, who is competing in the was ranked 11 in the world-I had just dropped Mail. “It’s obviously important. I want to make Jaguares contracts including the likes of capacity Estadio Jose Amalfitani, home International Premier Tennis League, said on his out of the top 10 for the first time in eight years- sure at the beginning I am there as much as I can Nicolas Sanchez and Juan Martin of the Velez Sarsfield football team in Facebook page yesterday. and I’m now back up to number 2, which is my be to try and help out, just be there for whatever Hernandez, both of whom turned out for Buenos Aires. Matches will be televised “Thanks to Jonas for helping out this year. I highest ranking.” Andy Murray could leave the is really required of me.” Murray, who inspired European champions Toulon last season. on ESPN in Latin America. In October, enjoyed working with one of the nicest guys on Australian Open early in order to be present for Great Britain to Davis Cup glory against Belgium Jaguares will eventually name a 45- Argentina reached the World Cup semi- the tour, bring on 2016.” Former world number the birth of his first child, he revealed in a British last month, has been a beaten finalist at the man squad before the Super 18 season finals for only the second time. — AFP one Mauresmo gave birth in August but will newspaper interview published yesterday. The Australian Open on four occasions. — AFP THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015 SPORTS N Zealand mull two spinners for second Test

WELLINGTON: New Zealand are toying with the possibili- ond Test at Seddon Park. “I think we just showed what we both seamers or replace one with Mark Craig as a second well and just hasn’t got the rewards at the moment. “We’ll ty of playing an extra spinner in the second Test against Sri are capable of doing, but now it’s time to keep that consis- spin option to back up Mitchell Santner. look at the surface and work out the combination and the Lanka starting in Hamilton tomorrow, despite their com- tency up and move forward.” “We could,” he said of the possibility of playing two dynamic we are after and then we’ll make a decision.” manding victory in the series opener. Mascarenhas rated Bracewell as “probably the best spinners. “But we haven’t seen the yet. From my Mascarenhas expected a more resolute performance from coach Dmitri Mascarenhas spiced up competi- bowler” in the first Test but without having the same suc- point of view you pick the best team to get a win in the Sri Lanka who are still bedding in a clutch of newcomers tion in the bowling ranks by suggesting the line-up could cess as Wagner who, on his recall after a year out of Test conditions.” Captain Brendon McCullum said the bowling after the retirement of several seasoned players in the past be shaken up at the expense of either Neil Wagner or cricket, bagged the key wicket of Sri Lankan captain options remained wide open. “When (Wagner) is in your 18 months, notably Mahela Jayawardene and Kumar Doug Bracewell, both of whom were impressive in the first Angelo Mathews in the second innings. team you know that you’ve got those overs when you are Sangakkara. “We saw some really good signs from their Test in Dunedin which New Zealand won by 122 runs. Wagner took five for 143 from 42 overs in the match going to be able to create some opportunities,” he said. batters. They’ve got some really talented and skilful play- “The boys bowled exceptionally well on a really flat wicket while the more miserly Bracewell bowled 10 fewer deliver- “Mark Craig comes back into calculations as well but Doug ers,” he said. “We know they’ve lost a couple of big players and it’s about time we took 20 ,” Mascarenhas said ies and finished with one for 88. Mascarenhas said a pitch Bracewell, I thought he bowled absolutely brilliantly but the ones coming in are having opportunities and tak- Wednesday, as the squad began preparations for the sec- inspection would determine whether New Zealand keep throughout the Test match and all through Australia as ing them.” — AFP Dwayne Bravo says WI board needs shake up

MELBOURNE: Out-of-favour all-rounder themselves. We don’t have proper Dwayne Bravo yesterday lamented the grounds, proper nets or a proper acade- sorry state of West Indian cricket and said my. All these things are a part of our those running the game needed to take downfall. a long hard look at themselves. Bravo “The relationship between players, was stripped of the one-day captaincy a board members and management staff-it year ago then left out of the West Indies’ needs to get stronger and tighter. They World Cup squad after the team he skip- (the board) need to have a lot more hon- pered walked out of their tour of India esty.” His remarks follow pace great last year in a row over contracts. Michael Holding on Tuesday saying the He has not been picked for one-day- West Indies Cricket Board was “dysfunc- ers since and quit Test cricket this year tional, untrustworthy and not liked by the after being ignored by selectors. employees”, while Brian Lara blasted its In Australia to play for the Melbourne “bad governance”. Bravo said despite Renegades in the Big Bash wanting to play Test cricket again earlier League, Bravo said it was painful to see this year, he was now no longer interested. what had happened to the once-formi- “Until earlier this year I was still inter- dable West Indian team. ested to play Test cricket but I have yet to “Times change and I think that is one hear anything from any selector, what of our problems, we tend to hold on too their plans are for me, what my position much to the past and not focus on the is,” said 32-year-old Bravo, who has future. That has been our downfall,” he played 40 Tests. “I just decided it’s time said. “It’s painful to see the state of our to move on with my life and try to chan- cricket.” His comments come amid sting- nel my energy in different places. ing criticism about the tourists’ inept per- “I would have loved the opportunity formance in the first Test of their current to play Test cricket again but since being series against Australia, who won in dropped back in 2010 I never got the Hobart by an innings inside three days on chance and I just decided to call it a day.” Saturday. Bravo joined a host of fellow Despite this and his row with the West former greats in blaming the West Indies Indian board, he has not given up hope Cricket Board for the current malaise. of again playing the shorter forms of the CHICAGO: Artemi Panarin #72 of the Chicago Blackhawks controls the puck as Erik Johnson #6 of the Colorado Avalanche closes in at the United Center on Tuesday in Chicago, Illinois. The Avalanche defeated the Blackhawks 3-0. — AFP game at international level. ‘MORE HONESTY NEEDED’ “I’m not shutting down my opportuni- “We’ve got the players to be up there ties to represent the West Indies, I still Kane’s point streak ends at 26 with the best in the world but there’s a 100 percent want to play for the West lot of things going on,” he said. Indies in one-day internationals and “Those in charge have to look into T20s,” he said. — AFP as Avalanche blank Blackhawks

CHICAGO: Semyon Varlamov stopped 29 shots Henrik Lundqvist stopped 18 shots. Taylor Hall this season to 11-3-1. Ryan Miller gave up six for his first shutout of the season, leading the and Jordan Eberle scored for the Oilers. goals in two periods before being pulled at the Colorado Avalanche to a 3-0 victory over Chicago second intermission. on Tuesday night and snapping Blackhawks star FLYERS 4, HURRICANES 3, OT Jannik Hansen and Daniel Sedin scored for Patrick Kane’s points streak at 26 games. Matt Shayne Gostisbehere scored 1:42 into over- Vancouver, and linemate Henrik Sedin assisted on Duchene had a goal and an assist for the time, lifting Philadelphia past Jeff Skinner and the each one. The Canucks fell to 1-6-3 in their last 10 Avalanche, who won their third straight to cap a Carolina Hurricanes.Yakub Voracek had a goal and games away from home. Their only win in that perfect four-day road trip to Nashville, St. Louis two assists, and Brayden Schenn and Sean stretch was at Minnesota on Nov. 25. and Chicago. Zach Redmond scored in the second Couturier also scored for the Flyers, who won their period and Gabriel Landeskog added an empty- seventh in 11 games while improving to 7-6 in DEVILS 2, SABRES 0 netter with 1:57 left. Varlamov was sharp when overtime. Skinner had his second hat trick in three Cory Schneider made 25 saves to earn his sec- needed in earning his 19th career shutout and games and the third of his career for the ond shutout of the season and lead New Jersey third against Chicago. But for most of the game, Hurricanes. He has nine goals in his last six past Buffalo. Lee Stempniak and Jiri Tlusty scored Colorado limited Chicago’s chances - and Kane. games. Gostisbehere netted the game-winner for the Devils, who earned a point for the fifth Kane’s franchise-record streak was the longest after receiving a backhand pass from Voracek. time in their last six road games and improved to since Mats Sundin’s 30-game stretch in 1992 93. Gostisbehere also had the winning goal in over- 6-0-2 against Atlantic Division teams this season. The Chicago right wing had 16 goals and 24 time in Philadelphia’s 3-2 victory over Carolina on Adam Henrique returned to center the Devils’ top assists during the run, and has points in all but Nov. 23. Michal Neuvirth, Philadelphia’s backup, line after missing two games with an upper body three of the Blackhawks’ 32 games. made his 14th start and third straight. He finished injury, and had an assist on Stempniak’s goal. with 29 saves while improving to 8-4-2. Mike Cammalleri also had an assist, his team-lead- STARS 5, BLUE JACKETS 1 ing 20th of the season. Linus Ullmark made 19 Tyler Seguin broke open a tight game with two FLAMES 2, PREDATORS 1, OT saves for the Sabres, who had a two-game win second-period goals 30 seconds apart in Dallas’ Kris Russell scored 1:23 into overtime and streak snapped. victory over Columbus. Kari Lehtonen improved Calgary beat Nashville for its sixth straight victory. to 11-1-0 by making 34 saves. He also notched his TJ Brodie also scored for Calgary, which opened a PANTHERS 5, ISLANDERS 1 third assist of the season on Seguin’s first goal. three-game road trip in style. The Flames Reilly Smith, Aleksander Barkov and Aaron Defensemen Johnny Oduya and Alex Goligoski improved to an NHL-best 8-1 in overtime and won Ekblad all scored in the second period to lead each scored to give the Stars one-goal leads in the for just the fourth time away from home this sea- Florida. Vincent Trochek and Jonathan Huberdeau first and second. son. Cody Hodgson scored on his first career added goals in the third period, and Roberto Scott Hartnell scored on the power play for penalty shot for Nashville, which lost its second Luongo finished with 33 saves for the Panthers. Columbus at 4:32 of the second before Goligoski’s straight at home. Russell finished a 2-on-1 with a Florida beat New York for the second time this goal at 13:02 gave the Stars a lead they never wrister past Pekka Rinne on an assist from Johnny season, along with a shootout win at home on relinquished. Seguin’s 16th and 17th goals came Gaudreau for the defenseman’s second goal this Nov. 23. Brock Nelson had his 10th goal of the sea- at 16:26 and 16:56. Columbus rookie Joonas season. The Flames hadn’t won on the road since son for the Islanders, who snapped a five-game Korpisalo had 23 saves before Curtis McElhinney Nov. 13 when they beat Washington in overtime. home winning streak and a 10-game stretch (8-0- replaced him for the third period. McElhinney 2) without a loss in regulation. Jaroslav Halak had stopped six shots but gave up a goal to rookie WILD 6, CANUCKS 2 12 saves. Mattias Janmark. Thomas Vanek scored one of Minnesota’s three power-play goals and added three assists, leading LIGHTNING 5, MAPLE LEAFS 4, OT BLUES 4, JETS 3 the Wild to a romp over road-weary Vancouver. Vladislav Namestnikov scored 2:01 into over- Paul Stastny scored the tiebreaking goal with Mikko Koivu also scored and had three assists, time to give Tampa Bay the win. Nikita Kucherov, 3:38 left in regulation, and St. Louis fought back Zach Parise added a goal and two assists and Anton Stralman, Mike Blunden and Jonathan from a two-goal deficit to defeat Winnipeg. After backup goalie Darcy Kuemper turned in another Marchessault had Tampa Bay’s goals in regulation. Jets forward Mark Scheifele hit the post with a sharp performance for the Wild, who improved to Andrei Vasilevskiy stopped 33 shots. Tyler Bozak, shot, the Blues moved the puck the other way and 5-0-3 in their last eight games. Jason Zucker James van Riemsdyk, Morgan Rielly and Daniel Vladimir Tarasenko fed a pass across to Stastny. He scored, too, giving the Koivu-centered first line Winnik scored for the Maple Leafs, who played for put a shot off the post and past rookie goalie with Vanek on left wing a nine-point night. the first time since beating New Jersey last Connor Hellebuyck. Defensemen Ryan Suter and Marco Scandella Tuesday. Toronto goalie Jonathan Bernier stopped Alexander Steen and Tarasenko each scored on tacked on the last two goals for the Wild in their 22 shots while giving up more than four goals for the power play, and Troy Brouwer also had a goal Dwayne Bravo largest output since a 6-3 victory over St. Louis the fifth straight start and remaining winless on for St. Louis. Jake Allen stopped 33 shots. Steen, last March 21. The Wild raised their home record the season (0-8-2). — AP Tarasenko and Kevin Shattenkirk had two assists Australia bring Sriram, apiece. The loss halted a three-game home win- ning streak for the Jets, who got goals from NHL results/standings Scheifele, Chris Thorburn and Drew Stafford. Hussey for World Twenty20 Hellebuyck made 22 saves. Winnipeg had a 3-1 lead in the second period before the Blues mount- New Jersey 2, Buffalo 0; Florida 5, NY Islanders 1; NY Rangers 4, Edmonton 2; Philadelphia 4, SYDNEY: Australia have recruited former Howard said in a news release. ed their comeback. Carolina 3 (OT); Tampa Bay 5, Toronto 4 (OT); San Jose 3, Montreal 1; Calgary 2, Nashville 1 (OT); India player Sridharan Sriram to help their “Mike has been one of our most success- Minnesota 6, Vancouver 2; St. Louis 4, Winnipeg 3; Colorado 3, Chicago 0; Dallas 5, Columbus 1. team prepare for the conditions they will ful players at transitioning between the dif- SHARKS 3, CANADIENS 1 Western Conference Detroit 16 9 6 79 79 38 face in the World Twenty20 in India early ferent formats and his advice and support Joe Pavelski scored once and added an assist Central Division next year, Cricket Australia said yesterday. in this area will be of great benefit to the Ottawa 16 10 5 97 93 37 as San Jose beat Montreal to snap a six-game skid. W L OTL GF GA PTS Sriram, an all-rounder who played eight players who have played a large amount of Boston 16 9 4 93 80 36 Patrick Marleau and Dainius Zubrus also scored Dallas 23 6 2 107 80 48 ODIs for India between 2000 and 2004, test and ODI cricket in the last 12 months.” Tampa Bay 16 13 3 78 73 35 for the Sharks. Martin Jones made 26 saves for his St. Louis 18 10 4 82 78 40 worked with Australia A on their tour of Australia have played just one Twenty20 Florida 15 12 4 81 75 34 13th victory of the season. Dale Weise had the Minnesota 16 7 6 79 68 38 India earlier this year and was slated to international in 2015, with the triumphant Buffalo 13 16 3 74 86 29 goal for Montreal. Chicago 17 11 4 85 78 38 travel with the test side to Bangladesh in 50-over World Cup campaign and test Dustin Tokarski, making his third consecutive Nashville 15 10 6 81 81 36 Toronto 10 13 6 68 81 26 October before the trip was postponed. cricket taking priority. The World Twenty20 start, stopped nine of 12 shots before being Colorado 15 16 1 88 88 31 Metropolitan Division The 39-year-old will work with the is the one major international prize that has pulled midway through the second period. Mike Winnipeg 14 15 2 85 95 30 Washington 21 6 2 89 63 44 Australia side during their three warm-up eluded Australia, whose players in the past Condon stopped all six shots he faced in relief. Pacific Division NY Rangers 19 9 4 94 74 42 matches against South Africa prior to their have struggled to combat spin bowling on San Jose, which earned its first victory in Los Angeles 19 9 2 78 66 40 NY Islanders 18 9 5 90 77 41 arrival in India for the March 8-April 3 tour- the slow decks of the subcontinent. December, is 12-0 when leading after two periods. San Jose 15 14 1 78 79 31 nament. “As a proud Australian cricketer I am New Jersey 16 11 4 76 75 36 Arizona 14 14 2 81 95 30 Former Australia batsman Mike Hussey delighted to be involved in Australia’s cam- Pittsburgh 15 11 3 68 71 33 RANGERS 4, OILERS 2 Calgary 14 14 2 80 104 30 will also work with the side for two weeks paign for the World T20 title,” said Hussey. Philadelphia 13 12 6 66 86 32 Rick Nash and Mats Zuccarello each had a goal Edmonton 14 16 2 87 96 30 of the tournament, bringing to bear his “I’m really looking forward to working with Carolina 12 14 5 77 96 29 and an assist as New York ended Edmonton’s six- Vancouver 11 13 8 81 92 30 experience of playing on the subcontinent the boys and assisting in any way possible Columbus 11 19 3 76 100 25 game winning streak. Anaheim 11 13 5 56 73 27 in the India Premier League competition. with their preparation and match day Dylan McIlrath scored his first NHL goal and Eastern Conference Note: Overtime losses (OTL) are worth one “Sriram’s focus will be on getting the plans.” Australia play New Zealand in Jesper Fast added an empty-netter in the final Atlantic Division point in the standings and are not included in players as prepared as possible for what Dharamsala on March 18 in their opening seconds to help the Rangers snap a three-game Montreal 20 9 3 101 73 43 the loss column (L). they will face in India,” Cricket Australia’s Pat match of the tournament. — Reuters slide. Keith Yandle finished with two assists, and THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015 SPORTS Litex thrown out of Bulgarian league for walking off pitch

SOFIA: Litex Lovech have been expelled from the Levski a penalty near the end of the first half, to instruct the players to leave the pitch. Kuchev ue,” Ludogorets owner Kiril Domuschiev said. “Is this Bulgarian league after the players walked off the prompting the visitors’ sporting manager Stoycho said that the BFU had yet to decide if Levski would the way they want to win the title?” pitch in protest at refereeing decisions in Saturday’s Stoilov to order the players off the field. be awarded a 3-0 win as is widely expected. Ludogorets top the standings with 38 points match against Levski Sofia, the Bulgarian Football Litex, one of most successful clubs in Bulgaria in After the highly-charged game on Saturday, from 20 matches followed by Levski who have 35 Union (BFU) said. “It was the only possible decision the last two decades after winning four league titles Litex said they wanted foreign referees to run their from 19. It was not immediately clear if Litex would according to (the BFU’s) disciplinary rules,” the and four domestic cups since 1998, were also fined matches against the Sofia-based side in future while be allowed to continue in the Bulgarian Cup, where union’s disciplinary commission chairman Yuri 20,000 levs ($11,167). champions Ludogorets threatened to quit the they have reached the semi-finals.Levski Sofia have Kuchev told reporters yesterday. They can appeal against the BFU decision within league because they said referees favoured their been ordered to play their next home match behind Litex were down to 10 men when referee Georgi seven days. Litex president Trifon Popov was fined closest title rivals. “We’ll probably quit the champi- closed doors following crowd trouble in their two Yordanov sent off a second player and awarded 15,000 levs after admitting that he ordered Stoilov onship if such precedents in favour of Levski contin- matches against Litex. — Reuters

BOSTON: Cleveland Cavaliers’ J.R. Smith makes a move on Boston Celtics’ Evan Turner (11) during the third quarter of a NBA basketball game in Boston Tuesday. — AP James scores 24 points as Cavs beat Celtics

BOSTON: LeBron James scored 24 points and the Cleveland Cavaliers won their third straight game, 89-77 over the Boston Celtics. James NBA results/standings capped a 12-0 third-quarter run with a reverse slam dunk as Cleveland (16-7) established a lead Cleveland 89, Boston 77; Denver 112, Minnesota 100; Sacramento 107, Houston 97; LA Lakers they would never relinquish. Forward Kevin 113, Milwaukee 95. Love, whose 2015 postseason ended when he Eastern Conference Western Conference was injured by Boston forward Kelly Olynyk, Atlantic Division Northwest Division scored 20 points and added eight rebounds and W L PCT GB Oklahoma City 16 8 .667 - five assists. Toronto 16 10 .615 - Denver 11 14 .440 5.5 Boston 14 11 .560 1.5 Utah 10 13 .435 5.5 NUGGETS 112, TIMBERWOLVES 100 NY Knicks 11 14 .440 4.5 Kenneth Faried had 19 points and 10 Portland 11 15 .423 6 Brooklyn 7 17 .292 8 Minnesota 9 15 .375 7 rebounds and backup guard Randy Foye added Philadelphia 1 25 .038 15 19 points off the bench as the Denver Nuggets Pacific Division Central Division Golden State 24 1 .960 - found their shooting range to beat the Cleveland 16 7 .696 - LA Clippers 15 10 .600 9 Minnesota Timberwolves 112-100. The Nuggets Chicago 14 8 .636 1.5 Phoenix 11 15 .423 13.5 came into the game shooting just 42.8 percent Indiana 14 9 .609 2 from the floor, 25th in the league. But against Detroit 14 12 .538 3.5 Sacramento 10 15 .400 14 the Timberwolves, Denver shot 56.2 percent-and Milwaukee 10 16 .385 7.5 LA Lakers 4 21 .160 20 55.6 percent from 3-point range. Foye was par- Southeast Division Southwest Division ticularly lethal, going 5-of-6 from behind the arc. Charlotte 14 9 .609 - San Antonio 21 5 .808 - Miami 14 9 .609 - Dallas 14 11 .560 6.5 LAKERS 113, BUCKS 95 Orlando 13 11 .542 1.5 Memphis 14 12 .538 7 Kobe Bryant scored 22 points in three quar- Atlanta 14 12 .538 1.5 Houston 12 14 .462 9 ters, allowing the Los Angeles Lakers to snap a Washington 10 13 .435 4 New Orleans 6 18 .250 14 six-game losing streak by defeating the Milwaukee Bucks 113-95 at Staples Center. Rookie D’Angelo Russell came off the bench to son. Michael Carter-Williams had 19 points and Collison started for only the third time all season score 19 points and record seven assists as seven Khris Middleton chipped in 16 to lead Milwaukee. and played 41 minutes after Rondo was sus- Lakers reached double figures in scoring. Guard pended for one game for hurling gay slurs at ref- Lou Williams scored 16 points, forward Julius KINGS 107, ROCKETS 97 eree Bill Kennedy during a game against Boston Randle finished with 14 points and 14 rebounds DeMarcus Cousins scored 26 points and in Mexico City on Dec. 3. Omri Casspi scored 19 and center Roy Hibbert added 12 points and a grabbed 11 rebounds, and point guard Darren points and added six assists and the Kings won BOSTON: Boston Celtics’ Jared Sullinger goes to the basket during the first half of the season-high 11 rebounds for Los Angeles, which Collison made up for the absence of team mate their third straight to match the longest win Cleveland Cavaliers 89-77 win over the Boston Celtics in a NBA basketball game in won for only the second time at home this sea- Rajon Rondo with 14 points and 13 assists. streak of the season. — Reuters Boston Tuesday. — AP Japan’s Sawa, 2011 women’s Pele, Zico, lead calls for player of year, to retire federation chief to resign

TOKYO: Japanese midfielder Homare Sawa, who has RIO DE JANEIRO: Brazil legends Pele and been a key part of the national squad for two decades Zico have signed an open letter calling for and was named FIFA women’s player of the year in 2011, change in the Brazilian Football is to retire, her agent said yesterday. Confederation (CBF), starting with the The 37-year-old scored 83 goals in 205 appearances departure of its president who is facing for Japan in an career that extended over six World Cups corruption charges in the United States. including Japan’s 2011 victory. She also competed in “We demand the definitive resignation of four Olympic Games and won a silver medal in London (CBF president) Marco Polo Del Nero and in 2012. Her agent gave no details but said Sawa would his directors, followed by free and demo- address the media on Thursday. Sawa has long been one cratic elections,” read a statement follow- of Japan’s most admired athletes on and off the ing an initiative by Bom Senso FC pitch. She was the skipper in Japan’s successful cam- (‘Common Sense FC’), a collective of cur- paign to secure the World Cup trophy in Germany in July rent and former players led by 1994 World 2011, when she became the top scorer with five goals Cup winner Rai. Among the 130 signato- Pele Zico and the most valuable player of the tournament in vic- ries of the letter were the recently-retired Del Nero, 74, asked to be placed on investigation into the corruption allega- tory over the United States. goalkeeper Rogerio Ceni, the coach Tite leave at the beginning of this month “in tions. The CBF was due to meet on The spectacular victory through a penalty shootout Homare Sawa and the prominent singer-songwriter order to dedicate himself to preparing his Wednesday to appoint a vice-president in Chico Buarque. triggered an explosion in the popularity of women’s But the success of the Japanese women’s national defence” in the US case and a separate place of Marin-who was arrested by Swiss The letter also called for the elections football in Japan, which was hungry for good news after squad stunned the world and delighted their disaster- FIFA ethics inquiry. police in Zurich along with six other FIFA to be held “without the current electoral the Fukushima nuclear crisis four months earlier. hit country. Sawa also joined Japan’s campaign to The US corruption investigation has officials on May 27 and has since been threshold, a mechanism which prevents targeted Del Nero as well as his predeces- extradited to the United States-and Del Sawa was called up to Japan’s international squad at defend the World Cup crown in Vancouver earlier this the emergence of independent positions sors at the head of the CBF, Jose Maria Nero should he not return to his position. age 15 and quickly became a core player in what was year, but the Americans claimed a 5-2 victory. “I’d decid- in the system because it demands candi- Marin (2012 to 2015) and Ricardo Teixeira “We believe in his innocence and will con- then a minority sport as men’s football steadily gained ed this would be my last World Cup and I’ve got no regrets,” she said after Japan’s defeat. — AFP dates obtain eight signatures from federa- (1989 to 2012). The letter also called for tinue to do so,” said CBF general secretary widespread popularity. tions and five from clubs.” the Brazilian authorities to open their own Walter Feldman. — AFP THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015 SPORTS FIFA officials plead not guilty in soccer corruption probe

NEW YORK: A sprawling US bribery mer FIFA vice president Juan Angel of the South American confederation Eduardo Li, former head of the Costa officials known as the “Group of Six” that prosecution that has scandalized soc- Napout on $20 million bond with various from Paraguay, had consented to extradi- Rican football federation - would be would receive annual bribes in exchange cer’s governing body took another step restrictions, including electronic monitor- tion from Switzerland, where he was extradited to the United States. A for supporting FIFA contracts with anoth- forward on Tuesday, with the former ing and home detention. arrested on Dec. 3. Paraguay appeals court approved Leoz’s er marketing firm. president of Honduras and a former FIFA Both men are facing racketeering con- The two were among 16 new defen- extradition, while Li withdrew his appeal In a year-end letter to 209 FIFA mem- vice president pleading not guilty at spiracy and wire fraud charges for their dants, most from Central and South and agreed to depart Switzerland and be ber federations, suspended FIFA their first court appearance and authori- alleged roles in a bribery scheme involv- America, named in a revised indictment turned over to US authorities. President Sepp Blatter has written he is ties announcing that two other defen- ing lucrative broadcasting and hosting that was unsealed earlier this month. U.S. The indictment alleges that in 2012 a “bewildered” by allegations he faces and dants would be extradited to face rights for the World Cup and soccer’s oth- prosecutors charged 14 others, including marketing firm wired $500,000 to a will go before the FIFA ethics committee charges as well. er biggest events. Their lawyers left the seven top FIFA officials arrested at Baur au Panama bank account so it could be paid on Thursday with “a strong belief in jus- Former president Rafael Callejas, a cur- courtroom on Tuesday without speaking Lac hotel in Zurich, in May. as bribes to Callejas and another soccer tice.” He wrote that “although I have rent member of FIFA’s television and mar- to reporters. Callejas’ appearance came On Tuesday, authorities announced official in exchange for broadcasting been suspended I am not isolated and keting committee, was ordered held with- after Honduras officials say he decided to that two of the original 14 - Nicolas Leoz, rights to qualifier matches for the 2022 will certainly not be silenced.” Callejas out bail at a hearing in federal court in travel to the United States on the advice another former head of the South World Cup. The indictment identified served as president of Honduras from Brooklyn. A judge agreed to release for- of his lawyers. Napout, a former president American football confederation and Napout as a member of a bloc of soccer 1990 to 1994. — AP Betis knock Gijon out of King’s Cup

BARCELONA: scored the visitors took advantage with a Van twice in a pulsating 3-3 draw at Sporting Wolfswinkel header and an effort from Gijon on Tuesday as Real Betis booked a Alvaro Cejudo. place in the last 16 of the King’s Cup with a Juan Dominguez headed Deportivo La 5-3 aggregate victory. Coruna in front against second-tier It was a spirited performance in the Llagostera but he was also guilty of con- return match from Gijon, who had lost the ceding a penalty, scored by Jordi Lopez, in first leg 2-0, especially in the second half a 1-1 draw that took the top-flight side with substitute Alen Halilovic grabbing a through 3-2 on aggregate. Burgui and double, including a penalty. Felipe Caicedo netted as Espanyol came Bernardo Espinosa nodded Gijon in from behind after a Verza opener to beat front with a free header from a corner after Levante 2-1 and win 3-2 overall. 14 minutes but Van Wolfswinkel finished Ciro Immobile and Jose Antonio Reyes clinically four minutes later at the other gave Sevilla a comfortable 2-0 win over end after a good team move. Barca youth Logrones, 5-0 on aggregate. Holders product Halilovic came on at halftime and Barcelona are already through after beating slotted home almost immediately. Villanovense, the tie having been brought He was then on target again, sending forward due to their participation in the keeper Daniel Gimenez the wrong way Club World Cup. Real Madrid have been with a penalty following a handling offence thrown out after fielding the ineligible by Alfred N’Diaye after 72 minutes. Denis Cheryshev in their first leg against Gijon, though, left gaps at the back and Cadiz. — Reuters Mourinho could face toxic dressing room LONDON: Jose Mourinho could be fighting players of “betraying his work” after the to save his job amid a toxic atmosphere in defeat by Leicester on Monday, and the dressing room after he accused his Cascarino believes he is now on dangerous Chelsea players of betrayal this week, ground. according to the club’s former striker Tony “There is a fine line, how far you take it, Cascarino. A 2-1 defeat at Leicester City on how much criticism you can give to your Monday, the ninth loss in 16 Premier team?” he said. “Behind closed doors you MUNICH: Darmstadt’s goalkeeper Christian Mathenia, top, saves the ball besides Bayern’s Thomas Mueller during the German soccer cup (DFB League games for the champions, has can say a lot more but when you go public Pokal) match between FC Bayern Munich and SV Darmstadt 98 at the Allianz Arena stadium in Munich, Germany, Tuesday. — AP fuelled speculation that owner Roman and talk of betrayal you are taking it to a Abramovich is poised to part company level that a lot of players in that dressing with the Portuguese coach who has won room won’t like. “They’ll start looking at Alonso thunderbolt puts three league titles for the club. Jose and thinking, forget about us, what The club’s hierarchy were reportedly dis- about you? They will start looking at him, cussing Mourinho’s position on Wednesday, and it could make a toxic atmosphere in although not at an “emergency” meeting as the dressing room.” Cascarino said Eden Bayern in cup quarters some media had described. Hazard’s hasty exit from the pitch after With the reigning champions just one picking up a knock early on at Leicester was point above the bottom three, however, a worrying sign. “You have to question the Cascarino believes failure to beat fellow desire of some players to want to play for Bayern stars wait on Guardiola’s decision strugglers Sunderland this weekend at Jose,” he said. “Take Eden Hazard on Stamford Bridge could signal the end for Monday night, the way he went off, he may BERLIN: A thunderbolt of a volley from Spain Unterhaching. The minnows had dispatched paper, Guardiola believes both he and the club Mourinho. “We must be surprised (that he have been injured but he didn’t make international Xabi Alonso booked Bayern top-tier side Ingolstadt and second division RB would benefit from a change of scenery due to has not been sacked)” Cascarino, who spent much of an effort to stay on the pitch. Munich’s place in the German Cup quarter-finals Leipzig en route to the last 16 and stunned his intense work ethic that can wear players two years at the club from 1992-94, told “It’s a very strange atmosphere at the on Tuesday after a 1-0 win over Darmstadt. The Leverkusen by taking an early lead. down. Last month, Barcelona daily Sport claimed Sky Sports News. club. You can’t have top players not work- 34-year-old midfielder launched a long-range But Leverkusen hit back with goals by Guardiola had already given his word to former “History shows us, we’ve seen (Luiz ing. There must be issues in that dressing strike from outside the area with 40 minutes Hernandez and Germany striker Stefan Kiessling Barca colleagues Ferran Soriano and Txiki Felipe) Scolari, Andre Villas-Boas, Roberto room. Every player apart from the keeper gone at Munich’s Allianz Arena which hit the top before Unterhaching had Ulrich Taffertshofer Begiristain, now Manchester City’s chief execu- Di Matteo all make very quick exits. “The has been dropped at some stage this sea- left-hand corner and gave Darmstadt goalkeep- sent off for a dangerous tackle. Germany winger tive and director of football respectively, that he only people I feel are still behind him are son.” “He has tried everything. I think it’s a er Christian Mathenia no chance. Karim Bellarabi added Leverkusen’s third to put will join them at the Etihad next season. the fans, they still sing his name because last throw of the dice, they have Having knocked out holders Wolfsburg in the them in the quarter-finals. Bayern laboured to a 1-0 German Cup win they have so much affection for him but Sunderland at home and Watford at home previous round, Pep Guardiola’s remain the team Second-division side Heidenheim also went over Darmstadt on Tuesday, thanks to a spectac- they are losing football match after football and anything less than six points I can’t see to beat in the cup. Bayern could have made it 2- through after they enjoyed a 2-0 win at third- ular Xabi Alonso volley, to book their place in the match.” Mourinho accused some of his him surviving.” — Reuters 0 when Robert Lewandowski headed against the division Erzgebirge Aue. On Wednesday, quarter-finals and keep alive their dreams of post later in the first half. Borussia Dortmund will be without injured winning the treble of Champions League, However, it was enough to put Bayern Germany winger Marco Reus for their third- Bundesliga and cup titles this season. through despite another below-par perform- round tie at Augsburg. The Bavarian giants hold a five-point lead in ance from the German league leaders, who were the German league ahead of their final game of equally unimpressive during their 2-0 AWAITS DECISION 2015 at Hanover 96 on Saturday, but the sense Bundesliga win against Ingolstadt on Saturday. Meawnhile, Bayern Munich’s flagging stars of anticipation is building in the Bayern squad There was a seven-goal thriller at Borussia admit they are relishing the chance to rest dur- over Guardiola’s impending announcement. “I Moenchengladbach as Werder Bremen claimed ing the forthcoming winter break when they dis- can’t look inside his head and I’m excited about a shock 4-3 win over the hosts to progress to the cover whether Pep Guardiola will stay or go at the decision,” said Germany goalkeeper Manuel last eight. With the scores locked at 2-2 with 15 the end of the season. Guardiola’s current three- Neuer. Bayern chairman Karl-Heinz minutes left, Peru striker Claudio Pizarro, 37, year contract expires next June and Bayern’s Rummenigge has said he will do all he can to proved again that age is no barrier by netting head coach has said he will announce “before keep the Spaniard in Munich. On behalf of the before Bremen’s Nigerian striker Anthony Ujah Christmas” whether he will extend his stay or squad, Bayern captain Philipp Lahm has already added Werder’s fourth three minutes later. leave, having been linked to a host of English told Guardiola, who has won 19 titles as coach of Gladbach fought until the end as Sweden clubs. Guardiola has stayed tight-lipped, giving either Barcelona or Bayern, he should extend his striker Branimir Hrgota pulled one back in stop- no indication either way as to what he will stay. “I have already said all there is to say. What I page time by grabbing his second goal of the decide, but Spanish sports daily Marca reported believe or think doesn’t really matter now,” said game. Javier Hernandez claimed his 16th goal in on Wednesday that Guardiola has already told Lahm. Darmstadt coach Dirk Schuster says he just 13 games for Bayer Leverkusen when he the Bayern directors that he will leave at the end hopes Guardiola, 44, remains in Germany’s top scored in their 3-1 win at fourth division of the season. According to the Madrid-based flight, for the sake of the league. — AFP Inter cruise, Alessandria produce more Cup shocks NEW ORLEANS: US midfielder Carli Lloyd moves the ball past Meghan Klingenberg, right, Julie Johnston, behind, and Kelley O’Hara, left, during a practice session for MILAN: Serie A leaders Inter Milan cruised into the Wednesday’s international friendly soccer match against China, in New Orleans on quarter-finals of the Italian Cup Monday with a 3-0 Tuesday. — AP win over Cagliari as third division Alessandria claimed another top flight scalp on their way to the last eight. Chennaiyin FC set up ISL Rodrigo Palacio’s close-range tap-in opened the scoring on 24 minutes for Roberto Mancini’s league final with Zico’s Goa leaders against Serie B side Cagliari, who despite ousting Sassuolo in the last round were outplayed KOLKATA: Chennaiyin FC reached the final of defender Bernard Mendy’s weak header back for long periods at the San Siro. the Indian Super League with a 4-2 aggregate to Edel Bete and got a deft touch on the ball Marcelo Brozovic had scored a superb long-dis- win against champions Atletico de Kolkata before it could reach the goalkeeper. tance effort in Inter’s 4-0 win at Udinese on Saturday despite a dramatic 2-1 semi-final second leg Yet Bete, who played for Kolkata last season and hit another in the 71st minute to leave ‘keeper defeat yesterday. and made a huge contribution as they claimed Alessio Cragno rooted to the spot. Chennaiyin, who are coached by ex-Italy the title, overcame the setback and denied his Ivan Perisic came off the bench in the latter defender Marco Materazzi, will face former former team on numerous occasions during stages and completed the scoring with a fine indi- Brazil great Zico’s FC Goa in Sunday’s show- the course of the match. vidual effort of his own nine minutes from time. A fortnight after ending Palermo’s interest in the com- piece. Dejan Lekic gave the hosts the lead in Lekic continued to trouble the Chennaiyin petition with a shock 3-2 win in Sicily, Alessandria the 22nd minute and Iain Hume doubled their defence and set up Hume to make it 2-0 with a stopped Genoa’s progress thanks to Riccardo advantage with a stunning goal in the 87th to rasping left-footed volley that gave the goal- Bocalon’s 113th minute winner in the second period give Kolkata hope of taking the match into keeper no chance. With three minutes remain- of injury time gave the third division club a 2-1 win extra-time. Yet substitute Fikru Teferra’s strike ing and another five minutes of stoppage time over the Serie A strugglers. in the final minute sealed the tie for to be added on, the raucous crowd sensed Inter will now meet the winner of Napoli v Chennaiyin. Needing to overturn a disappoint- another Kolkata goal that would have levelled Verona, played when defending Cup champions ing 3-0 loss from the first leg, Kolkata dominat- the tie at 3-3. Juventus host city rivals Torino. Alessandria will ed from the start in front of a vociferous home Hume hit the crossbar with a header from a meet Roma if they overcome Spezia at the Stadio crowd of over 68,000 and were rewarded for free kick in the 90th minute but their hopes Olimpico, with fellow Serie A title hopefuls their early pressure when Serbian striker Lekic were dashed when Fikru, who also played for Fiorentina in action later at home to Carpi. Today MILAN: Cagliari’s Simone Benedetti, top, challenges for the ball with Inter Milan’s Rodrigo scored after a defensive lapse. Kolkata last season, scored to make it 4-2 on Lazio, last season’s beaten finalists, host Udinese and Palacio during the Italian Cup soccer match between Inter Milan and Cagliari at the San Siro An alert Lekic latched on to Chennaiyin aggregate for . —Reuters AC Milan are away to Sampdoria. — AFP stadium in Milan, Italy, Tuesday. — AP For Serena, Grand Avalanche blank Slam is one feat Blackhawks to still16 chase 3-017 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015

Pele, Zico, lead calls for federation chief to resign Page 18

OSAKA: River Plate forward Lucas Alario (2nd R) scores against Sanfrecce Hiroshima during their Club World Cup semi-final football match in Osaka yesterday. — AFP River scrape into Club World final

OSAKA: South American champions River Plate overcame rule which awards a place to the champions of the host nation, organisation and they could have caused us a lot of damage.” effort after he cut inside a defender to make space for the shot. their anxiety to reach the Club World Cup final with a jittery 1-0 had knocked out Auckland City from Oceania and African River, whose supporters outnumbered the home fans by at River had their first real chance just after halftime but Rodrigo win over Sanfrecce Hiroshima yesterday, keeping alive the champions TP Mazembe in a surprise run to the last four. least four to one, had plenty of early possession but struggled Mora skied his shot over from close range. The Argentines did dream of a meeting with Barcelona. Although the Club World Cup is given scant regard in to create openings and looked very vulnerable to Hiroshima’s not really look like scoring until Alario popped up with the win- River did not really look like scoring until Hiroshima goal- Europe, teams from South America regard it as the pinnacle of quick counter attacks led by Brazilian striker Douglas. The ner late in the second half, sending the huge River contingent keeper Takuto Hayashi failed to clear Leonardo Ponzio’s free club football. They often struggle to beat supposedly lesser Argentines completely lost their shape midway through the in the stadium wild with delight. kick and Alario headed home the loose ball in the 72nd opponents in the semi-final when the prize of meeting a top first half but Baravero, one of several journeymen professionals Earlier, Dario Benedetto and Martin Zuniga scored first-half minute. European side is tantalisingly close. in their team, came to the rescue. The 31-year-old, who has goals as Mexico’s Club America beat TP Mazembe 2-1 to finish But goalkeeper Marcelo Barovero was the real hero as he never played for Argentina, did well to block Yusuke in fifth place at the Club World Cup. kept the Argentine side in the game with a flurry of first-half SMALL DETAILS Minagawa’s shot after the Hiroshima forward got clear of the Benedetto put the CONCACAF champions ahead in the saves. River, backed by 15,000 fans who made the marathon River coach Marcelo Gallardo’s relief was palpable after the River defence. 19th minute and Zuniga widened the lead 10 minutes later trip in the hope of seeing their side meet Barcelona in the final, game. “We needed a lot of patience and intelligence and it was Minagawa, always a threat, failed to connect with a when he tapped in a loose ball from close range. Rainford must now rely on the European champions to avoid a shock decided on the small details,” he told reporters. “It was not easy Douglas pass from another counter attack and then saw an Kalaba pulled one back for the African champions with two defeat against Asian counterparts Guangzhou Evergrande on to carry this huge responsibility but we didn’t allow it to make effort brilliantly turned away by Barovero after getting free of minutes remaining in the first half. The tournament features Thursday. us lose our heads.” two defenders. the top clubs from FIFA’s six continental confederations plus Hiroshima, who qualified for the tournament thanks to a “There were 10 minutes in the first half when we lost our In between, Barovero also tipped over Yusuke Chajima’s the champion of the host country. — Agencies Spezia stun Roma in Italian Cup Platini to boycott FIFA ethics committee hearing MILAN: Serie A title hopefuls Roma were knocked out of the Italian Cup yesterday as PARIS: Suspended European soccer considers as uniquely political and second division Spezia caused a last 16 upset chief Michel Platini will not attend designed to prevent him from putting to advance to the quarter-finals on penalties. Friday’s FIFA ethics committee hearing in himself forward for the FIFA presidency,” Fiorentina, second in Serie A right now, protest at what he condemns as a politi- the lawyers said in their statement. went down 1-0 at home in a later upset to cal process designed to prevent him run- FIFA said they noted Platini’s decision second-bottom Carpi, for who Antonio Di ning to lead the world governing body, but his lawyers were still welcome to Gaudio scored a 76th minute clincher. his lawyers said yesterday. attend the hearing, which would be han- Platini was provisionally suspended dled in “an unbiased manner”. At Roma after two periods of extra-time for 90 days on Oct. 8, alongside outgoing “Mr Platini would miss the opportuni- failed to produce goals, home midfielder FIFA president Sepp Blatter, over a suspi- ty to present his points of view vis-a-vis Miralem Pjanic and then striker Edin Dzeko cious payment from FIFA to Platini, deep- the adjudicatory chamber in person,” fired over the crossbar as the Serie B visitors ening a corruption scandal that has FIFA’s ethics committee said in a state- took a 2-0 lead from the spot. engulfed soccer’s ruling body. ment. “However, his legal representatives Italy midfielder Daniele De Rossi then The ethics panel is set to rule on their would be fully able to present his case at French left-back Lucas Digne made amends cases, and could impose much longer the hearing.” by slotting their spot-kicks past Leandro bans than the provisional suspensions if It added: “We would like to clearly Chichizola in the Spezia goal. it finds the men guilty of violations. stress that the adjudicatory chamber of But it was too little too late as the second Blatter is due to appear on Thursday. the ethics committee will deal with the division side advanced 4-2 to set up a quarter- Both men have denied any wrongdoing. present case in the same way as with any final tie with Lega Pro side Alessandria. Platini’s lawyers objected to com- other procedure independently and in A fortnight after ending Palermo’s interest ments in French newspaper L’Equipe by an unbiased manner.” in the competition with a shock 3-2 win in ethics committee spokesman Andreas Platini, who has been head of Sicily, Alessandria stopped Genoa’s progress Bantel that the former France captain European soccer’s governing body UEFA would be sidelined for “several years”. since 2002, had registered as a candidate on Tuesday thanks to a 113th-minute winner “Michel Platini ... has decided not to to replace Blatter in a vote on Feb. 26. He that gave the third division club a 2-1 win attend his hearing at the FIFA ethics had been seen as a frontrunner for the over the Serie A strugglers. committee on Dec. 18, 2015, as the ver- job before he was suspended as part of Inter Milan progressed to the quarters on dict of this ethics committee has been an investigation into the payment of 2 Tuesday with a 3-0 home win over Cagliari announced in the press last weekend by million Swiss francs ($2 million) he and will now meet the winner of Napoli v one of its spokespersons, Mr Andreas received from FIFA in 2011 for work he Verona, played on Wednesday when defend- Bantel, in disregard of all fundamental completed between 1998 and 2002. ing champions Juventus host city rivals rights, starting with the presumption of Last Friday, he failed in an appeal to Torino. innocence,” the lawyers said in a state- the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) Also yesterday, Fiorentina are in action lat- ment. to have the suspension lifted, meaning er at home to Carpi while today sees Lazio, By his decision to boycott the hearing he was unable to attend Saturday’s draw last season’s beaten finalists, host Udinese and ROME: Roma’s William Vainqueur, left, and Spezia’s Francesco Migliore vie for the ball dur- Platini “intends to show his deepest for the Euro 2016 Championship in AC Milan visit Sampdoria. — AFP ing their Italian Cup soccer match at Rome’s Olympic stadium, yesterday. — AP indignation towards a process which he France. — Reuters Saudi shares rise on interest rate hike optimism; region up Page 25

French or Italian? Telecoms giant usiness Orange faces acquisition choice B Page 26 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015 Spanish auto sector Shares climb, dollar dips as US Fed prepares to lift rates helps drive recovery Page 24 Pages 23

HONG KONG: Workers set up artworks during a preview of the Christie’s auction house autumn sales in Hong Kong. — AFP HK auctioneers go experimental as sales struggle Hong Kong auction houses hunt for novel ways

HONG KONG: Hong Kong auction houses are whiskeys. One spent thousands of dollars on a idly.” The space collectibles failed to sell-but a more than 100 bottles,” says Lam. “The scarcity totals at their autumn sales in Hong Kong than in looking for novel ways to keep their sales bottle of champagne then shared it with the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China and the limited bottling push up the demand. the two previous years. Christie’s described its buoyant in the face of China’s economic slow- room at Dragon 8’s inaugural auction last note from 1863, issued in Hong Kong, went to Getting the most highly regarded product is a results as “solid” but said buyers were becoming down-from creating boozy bidding parties to month, said Lempert-Schwartz. an Asian collector for more than US$100,000, status symbol.” more selective. Attracting new collectors is key, says selling items from outer space. The recent five times the estimate. Rebecca Wei, president of Christie’s Asia. “When we sales season in the city saw the familiar glitter- Money shot Buyer caution consider the new client penetration rates by ing parade of art, jewelry and rare wines. But Dealing in rare coins and paper money may Trendy tipples November saw Chinese tycoon Liu Yiqian Christie’s and across all leading auction houses, we although billionaire Asian collectors have be at the less sparkly end of the auction spec- Auctioneers are also trying to spot potential buy Modigliani’s “Nu Couche” in New York for find that the figures are still quite low,” Wei said. grabbed headlines with recent mega-buys, trum-but leading US-based numismatic auc- new niches. Wine and whiskey expert Daniel $170.4 million. The same month, Hong Kong bil- Educating potential collectors and providing takings were down at major Hong Kong auc- tion house Stack’s Bowers added an interstellar Lam of Bonhams Asia predicts collectible sake lionaire Joseph Lau snapped up diamonds more accessible information to create “a less tion houses. Now auctioneers are trying to element to its sale in Hong Kong this month. It could be the next big thing for booze fans. “I worth almost $80 million at Sotheby’s and intimidating buying process” is part of the strat- develop fresh strategies to woo increasingly featured a coin and stamps taken onboard think we will see more sake auctions and even Christie’s in Geneva. Yet auction houses say the egy, says Wei. An uncertain global economy and picky collectors. China’s unmanned Shenzhou 1 spacecraft, sent Chinese kaoliang (strong sorghum wine) auc- overall mood is cautious, says Nicolas Chow, questions over buyers’ willingness to spend New Hong Kong auction house Dragon 8 into orbit in 1999. Stack’s Bowers said there tions, already happening in Hong Kong and Sotheby’s deputy chairman for Asia. “If you com- make the auction house “cautiously optimistic” says it is trying to break the traditional mold of was a growing desire among Chinese collec- Taiwan,” says Lam. While the market for wine pare the market to where (it) was in 2010, 2011, about the future, she adds. stuffy auctions by creating invite-only sales tors to repatriate heritage items. “We’re finding remains healthy, prices have dropped and when there was a lot of hot money coming in “It is slightly early to see the road ahead fuelled by good wine and food. “I’m up there Chinese and Asian coins from all over the whiskey has taken over as “the hippest drink in from China... everything sold,” he said. “People clearly, however the optimism stems from new putting on a show for these people,” said United States and the vast majority are being the world,” he adds. Bonhams set two world were just throwing money around... We’re very buyers enthusiastically entering the market,” founder Gil Lempert-Schwarz. “I serve them sold to Chinese and Asian buyers,” said presi- records at its Hong Kong whiskey auction in far from that climate today.” says Wei. Both Sotheby’s and Christie’s believe it wine, we eat food. There’s a set-up limit: dent Brian Kendrella. “Our collectors want to August. But Lam says it is important to look There are fears that the combination of an eco- is more important than ever to carefully curate around 45 seats around tables.” Most buyers repatriate these collectibles that have left the ahead, and sake could meet the demand in Asia nomic slowdown in China and an anti-corruption collections. “For as long as we compose a sale are from Hong Kong and China, bidding for country, now that specifically mainland China for rare luxury items. “They only sell super pre- drive by President Xi Jinping could hit the Asia mar- carefully, tidily, I’ve got a lot of confidence in the high-end lots of diamonds, fine art, wines and is in a place where wealth is growing quite rap- mium sake by allocation, and there are often not ket-both Sotheby’s and Christie’s posted lower years ahead,” says Chow. — AFP US housing starts surge; Indian PM seen pivoting from roads to fields in next budget permits hit 5-month high NEW DELHI: India’s Prime Minister Narendra million farmers, a farm ministry source said on Modi will recalibrate budget priorities in 2016 to condition of anonymity. Indian farmers rarely focus on social initiatives, such as the country’s take out crop insurance unless it’s needed to WASHINGTON: US housing starts in November day. The strong report came as Fed officials were sion lows after the data, while the US dollar was first major crop insurance scheme, while capping secure a bank loan. rebounded from a seven-month low and permits due to resume a two-day monetary policy meet- flat. US stock index futures were trading higher. previously prioritized infrastructure spending, Existing insurance plans, based mainly on surged to a five-month high, signs of strength in ing. The US central bank is expected to raise its November marked the eighth straight month that officials say. Modi splurged on roads and railways crop yields, cover 10 percent of farmers. Many the housing market that could give the Federal benchmark overnight interest rate from near zero starts remained above 1 million units, the longest this year in a strategy to spur economic growth. farmers barely make a living from small and mar- Reserve more confidence to raise interest rates at the end of the meeting in what would be the stretch since 2007. Economists expect housing But it came partly at the expense of federal pro- ginal plots and cannot afford the premiums. The yesterday. Groundbreaking jumped 10.5 percent first rate hike in nearly a decade. starts to average around 1.1 million units for 2015, grams for farmers and the poor, suffering premiums tend to be based on the crop yields of to a seasonally adjusted annual pace of 1.17 mil- The move is not expected to derail the hous- which would be the highest level since 2007 and through back-to-back drought years. In the first more prosperous farmers who use higher quality lion units, the Commerce Department said yester- ing recovery. Prices of US Treasuries held at ses- up from 1.0 million units in 2014. confirmation of a shift in strategy, a senior gov- seeds, fertilizers and equipment. Robust household formation as labor market ernment source with knowledge of deliberations Under the plan being considered, a portion of strength encourages young adults to leave their for Modi’s second full budget said New Delhi premiums to be paid by farmers would be linked childhood homes is underpinning the housing would focus more on the social sector following to their capacity to pay, the first source said. To what he described as a “shocking” defeat in last attract more growers, the government could market recovery. But the sector remains con- month’s state elections in largely rural Bihar. lower the share of the premium farmers pay to strained by a persistent shortage of houses avail- It was unlikely more money would be freed up to 30 percent from 50 percent earlier, the able for sale. This has resulted in home prices ris- up for infrastructure when the budget is agriculture ministry source said. The proposed ing faster than salaries, pushing more people unveiled in February, he said, because the gov- plan would also limit government support to towards renting. Economists polled by Reuters ernment is trying to keep spending on track to insurers so that the overall hit to the budget had forecast housing starts rising to a 1.135 mil- lower the fiscal deficit. Commitments to raise stays low. State and federal governments spend lion-unit pace last month. Single-family housing government salaries, military pensions and to about $373 million a year on premiums, while starts, the largest segment of the market, infuse capital into state banks reeling under bad total payouts have been less than $700 million in increased 7.6 percent to a 768,000-unit pace. That loans have left little room for additional spend- recent years. The farm ministry source expects was the highest reading since January 2008. ing. What money is left, sources say, will be ear- only a marginal increase in the total premiums Activity was probably boosted by mild weather. marked for the social sector - especially rural dis- the government pays. Groundbreaking on single-family projects tricts that house three-fifths of voters. The “The prime minister is constantly trying to rose 8.8 percent in the South, where most home renewed focus on social-welfare programs pre- find new schemes and formulate policies to help building takes place. Single family starts in the cedes crucial state elections in heartland farming the villagers,” said a Modi aide who declined to West jumped 15.1 percent to their highest level states such as West Bengal next year and Uttar be named. “But the truth is that we are still trying since September 2007. Starts also rose in the Pradesh in 2017. to identify the right strategy ... it’s a work in Northeast, but fell in the Midwest. Starts for the progress.” Funding for roads and bridges more volatile multi-family segment surged 16.4 per- Crop insurance than doubled in this year’s budget and is now cent to a 405,000-unit pace. Building permits In what could be the first major scheme for higher than the sum allocated to education. At vaulted 11 percent to a 1.29 million-unit rate last farmers since Modi took office in 2014, the gov- the same time, funding was halved for a scheme OKLAHOMA CITY: A new home development is seen under construction from the air near month, the highest level since June. Permits are ernment is planning to launch a fresh version of that gives millions of poor children free food, and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. New construction of US homes rebounded in November from running ahead of housing starts, which means the national crop insurance program next sum- allocations to make clean water available in rural an October slump and building permits surged as the housing market continues solid groundbreaking will remained supported in the mer. It would cover the majority of India’s 263 areas were drastically cut. — Reuters growth, official data showed. — AFP months ahead. — Reuters THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015 BUSINESS ASEAN air safety regulator may still be decades away Differences persist over aviation standards

BANGKOK: It could take Southeast Asia, one of industry experts. “Given the (different) speed of Soedjatman, a Jakarta-based aviation analyst. the fastest growing air travel markets, two development in each country, I don’t think it will “A lot of the policies that came out this year decades to set up a regulatory body to oversee be done anytime soon and may take at least 20 after the crash have been knee-jerk reactions.” safety in an industry blighted by disasters in years to take shape,” Chula Sukmanop, director Following this month’s AirAsia crash report, recent years, say national regulators and airline of the Office of Civil Aviation in Thailand said. A Indonesia’s transport ministry said it ordered executives. The need for tougher regulations lack of consensus among stakeholders is delay- additional safety and training checks, including gained urgency following this month’s report by ing the process, even as more of the region’s 600 an inspection of all Airbus A320s operating in Indonesia’s National Transportation Safety million population take to the skies, aided by Indonesia and more frequent training of pilots in Committee (NTSC) into the crash of an Indonesia robust growth of low-cost carriers such as so-called “upset recovery” maneuvers. AirAsia A320 passenger jet last year that killed all AirAsia and Indonesia’s privately-held Lion Air. In Thailand, Prime Minister Prayuth Chan- 162 on board. Both airlines have placed record orders with the ocha ordered officials to improve aviation safety Investigators found no single cause for the main plane makers. standards after the US Federal Aviation crash, but listed a combination of factors includ- “Malaysia is open and ready, but some other Administration (FAA) downgraded the country’s ing a glitch-prone rudder component and pilots’ countries are not ready,” a senior Malaysian offi- safety ratings. Last week, the European Aviation response when things went wrong. The 200- cial involved in the ASEAN talks told Reuters, Safety Agency signed up to help Thailand page report has been hailed as a potential turn- declining to be more specific. Airline executives, improve its air safety oversight, but did not add ing point as pressure grows for stronger regula- too, are divided on how to regulate the industry. any Thai airlines to its blacklist. European offi- tion to keep pace with rampant growth in avia- In contrast with Fernandes’ call for a cross-bor- cials nonetheless warned they would continue tion in Southeast Asia. AirAsia founder Tony der regulator, Arif Wibowo, chief of the to scrutinize Thailand’s safety record, which has Fernandes has himself led calls for the Indonesian National Carriers Association and been the subject of debate in aviation for years. Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) CEO of flag carrier Garuda, believes aircraft safe- At a meeting this month, the Thai government to forge a common aviation regulator, saying ty should be left to national regulators. “Each said it will hire 86 international specialists to ASEAN institutions should “step forward, for inspector should intensify aircraft maintenance resolve flaws in the country’s commercial avia- commonality, and for standardization, and for and ensure a high level of scrutiny. Second, reg- tion standards raised by the FAA. quality”. ulators in each country should be able to check ASEAN’s new Open Skies policy includes But the 10-nation group is already struggling all airlines in an integrated way. There’s no need higher standards of safety and regulations on to implement an Open Skies initiative, or single to raise it to the ASEAN level,” he told Reuters. operating flights. Other measures aim to aviation market, to liberalize air services by the improve security, air traffic management, civil end of 2015. That will slip due to differences Patchy, but improving aviation technology, and air transport regulatory among the member states, and the difficulty in Air safety standards have improved in much frameworks. “The message that the Air Asia achieving it illustrates the challenges in taking it of Southeast Asia, including Indonesia. In 2007, report sent out was that regulatory oversight in a step further and creating common aviation safety standards were so bad that the European Indonesia and in the region needs to catch up regulatory and safety standards, experts say. Union barred all Indonesian airlines from flying with industry standards,” said Soedjatman. “It’s Unlike Europe, ASEAN has no legal or executive to its member states. That ban was lifted in going to take a long time to achieve uniformity body to push through liberalization or create August 2009 for all the country’s airlines except on everything from quality of training to knowl- regional organizations that oversee safety and Lion Air. But Indonesia’s airline safety record was edge, safety and commercial regulations. But air traffic control. highlighted again last year with the AirAsia A320 they have to start.” AirAsia has said the whole This is mainly because member countries are crash. “In Indonesia, the regulators don’t seem to industry, including manufacturers, has lessons to reluctant to give up their sovereign rights, say understand the bigger picture,” said Gerry learn from the report. —Reuters South Korea sets lower inflation, growth targets on economic risks

SEOUL: South Korean authorities set a It forecast the economy would bank was “serious about combating New Year, same risks new consumer price target and cut eco- grow by a real 3.1 percent next year, deflation,” while forecasting two interest Headline inflation has remained far nomic growth estimates yesterday, as down from 3.3 percent estimated earli- rate cuts next year. Finance Minister below the bottom end of the current falling oil prices and weak global er and also revised this year’s growth to Choi Kyung-hwan said he expected the band for most of the target’s exis- growth pose greater risks for the econo- 2.7 percent from 3.1 percent. “The take- BOK to manage monetary policy at the tence, sparking criticism from lawmak- my. The Bank of Korea (BOK) said it was away from the government and central level at which it would work to keep ers and local media. The 2-percent tar- setting its new three-year inflation tar- bank’s announcements today is that inflation near the central bank’s new tar- get number was set as underlying get at 2 percent, scrapping its current they will maintain their stance to keep get. South Korea’s current policy rate is inflation had eased to around 2 per- policy of using a targeted band for con- the economy buoyed while continuing at a record-low of 1.50 percent after the cent since 2012 due to structural eco- sumer prices, currently at 2.5 to 3.5 per- structural reform,” said Yoon Yeo-sam, a central bank lowered it in four 25-basis- nomic changes. The headline con- cent, to lift the economy from low infla- fixed-income analyst at Daewoo point steps from 2014, cutting them sumer price index (CPI), which the tion. The Ministry of Strategy and Securities, who sees rates being cut most recently in June. Analysts are split central bank’s current and next target Finance separately cut its growth esti- early next year. Before the current infla- between no change for a prolonged is based upon, is expected to remain mates for 2015 and 2016, with exports tion target, South Korea used a mid- period of time and another rate cut in below the new target next year but expected to remain stagnant while point of 3.0 percent within a range of early 2016. A BOK official told a news rise to around 2 percent in 2017 high household debt and an ageing 2.0 to 4.0 percent. conference the new target did not through 2018, the BOK said. The workforce undermine improvements in Economists at Australia and New mean interest rates were going to be finance ministry sees consumption consumer spending. Zealand Banking Group said the central synched with inflation. sending inflation to 1.5 percent next year, up from 1.3 percent estimated earlier. Consumer sentiment may contin- ue to pick up, but South Korea faces risks from a shrinking workforce that is also ageing rapidly. The economically-active popula- tion is expected to peak next year and start falling in 2017. South Korean households’ real average propensity to consume, a measure of how much of their income they spend on goods and services, last year fell to its lowest percentage since 1998, according to Statistics Korea. Growing household debt may also restrict spending power next year, especially if interest rates start creep- ing up when US rates start to rise. Exports, which have traditionally driv- en South Korea’s economic expansion, are expected to fall 7.3 percent this year as global demand cools and SEOUL: People walk along the Han River at a park in Seoul, South Korea yesterday. South growth slows in China, its biggest Korea lowered its growth outlook for 2016 yesterday, citing headwinds for exports from trade partner, the finance ministry China’s slowdown. —AP said. —Reuters


Al-Muzaini Exchange Co. GOLD Yemen Riyal/for 1000 1.420 America 20 Gram 217.260 Tunisian Dinar 151.270 Canadian Dollar 0.215993 0.224493 10 Gram 111.330 US Dollars 0.300200 0.304700 COUNTRY SELL DRAFT SELL CASH Jordanian Dinar 428.390 5 Gram 56.350 US Dollars Mint 0.300700 0.304700 ASIAN COUNTRIES Lebanese Lira/for 1000 2.027 Syrian Lira 2.168 Japanese Yen 2.500 Asia Indian Rupees 4.553 UAE Exchange Centre WLL Morocco Dirham 31.345 Bangladesh Taka 0.003462 0.004062 Pakistani Rupees 2.903 Chinese Yuan 0.045938 0.049438 Srilankan Rupees 2.123 EUROPEAN & AMERICAN COUNTRIES Hong Kong Dollar 0.037172 0.039922 Nepali Rupees 2.849 Australian Dollar 210.98 US Dollar Transfer 304.050 Indian Rupee 0.004330 0.004720 Singapore Dollar 216.970 Canadian Dollar 225.20 Euro 334.760 Indonesian Rupiah 0.000017 0.000023 Hongkong Dollar 39.265 Swiss Franc 313.71 Sterling Pound 463.370 Japanese Yen 0.002410 0.002590 Bangladesh Taka 3.862 Euro 338.08 Canadian dollar 222.100 Kenyan Shilling 0.002969 0.002969 Philippine Peso 6.305 US Dollar 304.10 Turkish lira 102.530 Korean Won 0.000248 0.000263 Thai Baht 8.477 Sterling Pound 463.73 Swiss Franc 309.940 Malaysian Ringgit 0.066935 0.072935 Japanese Yen 2.55 Australian Dollar 220.130 Nepalese Rupee 0.002885 0.003055 GCC COUNTRIES Bangladesh Taka 3.852 US Dollar Buying 302.850 Pakistan Rupee 0.002700 0.002980 Saudi Riyal 81.190 Indian Rupee 4.545 Philippine Peso 0.006434 0.006714 Qatari Riyal 83.633 Sri Lankan Rupee 2.123 GOLD Sierra Leone 0.000068 0.000074 Omani Riyal 790.800 Nepali Rupee 2.837 20 Gram 219.040 Singapore Dollar 0.212809 0.218809 Bahraini Dinar 808.560 Pakistani Rupee 2.920 10 Gram 112.210 South African Rand 0.014334 0.022834 Sri Lankan Rupee 0.001766 0.002346 UAE Dirham 82.893 UAE Dirhams 0.08275 5 Gram 56.79 Taiwan 0.009174 0.009354 Bahraini Dinar 0.8082 Thai Baht 0.008146 0.008696 ARAB COUNTRIES Egyptian Pound 0.03874 Egyptian Pound - Cash 37.700 Bahrain Exchange Company Jordanian Dinar 0.4325 Arab Egyptian Pound - Transfer 38.929 Omani Riyal 0.7897 Yemen Riyal/for 1000 1.421 Bahraini Dinar 0.800271 0.808271 Qatari Riyal 0.08385 COUNTRY SELL CASH SELLDRAFT Egyptian Pound 0.035000 0.038126 Tunisian Dinar 151.090 Saudi Riyal 0.08106 Europe Iranian Riyal 0.000084 0.000086 Jordanian Dinar 428.740 British Pound 0.450888 0.459888 Iraqi Dinar 0.000200 0.000260 Lebanese Lira/for 1000 2.029 Czech Korune 0.004285 0.016285 Dollarco Exchange Co. Ltd Jordanian Dinar 0.425201 0.432701 Syrian Lira 2.170 Danish Krone 0.040502 0.045502 Kuwaiti Dinar 1.000000 1.000000 Morocco Dirham 31.307 Euro 0.327078 0.335078 Lebanese Pound 0.000151 0.000251 GCC COUNTRIES Norwegian Krone 0.030982 0.036182 Moroccan Dirhams 0.022112 0.046112 EUROPEAN & AMERICAN COUNTRIES Saudi Riyal 81.123 Romanian Leu 0.073834 0.073834 Nigerian Naira 0.001258 0.001893 US Dollar Transfer 304.300 Qatari Riyal 83.565 Slovakia 0.009096 0.019095 Omani Riyal 0.783969 0.789649 Euro 334.430 Omani Riyal 790.150 Swedish Krona 0.031721 0.036721 Qatar Riyal 0.082872 0.084085 Sterling Pound 459.800 Bahraini Dinar 807.890 Swiss Franc 0.300543 0.310743 Saudi Riyal 0.080510 0.081210 Canadian dollar 222.280 UAE Dirham 82.825 Turkish Lira 0.098173 0.108473 Syrian Pound 0.001290 0.001510 Turkish lira 102.680 Tunisian Dinar 0.147947 0.155947 Swiss Franc 308.620 ARAB COUNTRIES Australasia Turkish Lira 0.098173 0.108473 Australian Dollar 220.470 Egyptian Pound - Cash 37.700 Australian Dollar 0.210835 0.222335 UAE Dirhams 0.081868 0.083017 US Dollar Buying 303.100 Egyptian Pound - Transfer 38.897 New Zealand Dollar 0.199234 0.208734 Yemeni Riyal 0.001375 0.001455 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015 BUSINESS

Banks ready to extend short-term lifeline to Abengoa Lenders want Spanish government, funds to participate

MADRID: Creditor banks are ready to avoid a full-blown insolvency process and extend a short-term cash lifeline to debt- the country’s biggest bankruptcy on laden Spanish energy group Abengoa to record. avert what would be Spain’s biggest-ever The banking sources say the way for- bankruptcy, according to sources, but the ward is for them to take a deep haircut on firm’s future beyond January remains their debt in exchange for a controlling unclear. The banks’ are prepared to offer stake in the company so that they can the company 210 million euros ($229 mil- refloat it and sell it at a better price later on lion) so it can pay salaries and maintain in a bid to minimize their losses. “Abengoa current operations, according to the two has functioning assets turning steady cash, banking sources familiar with the matter, a (project) pipeline worth 8 billion euros in the latest twist in talks that began last and a stake in Abengoa Yield worth more month to ensure that Abengoa stays than 600 million euros,” said one of the afloat. Abengoa declined to comment, as sources, a banker who is involved in the did a steering committee representing its negotiations. “But no other firm I have roughly 200 creditor banks worldwide. worked with has the level of sophistication The company, which started out 70 and complexity of Abengoa. It’s mainly years ago as a business to design and because of the main shareholder, so that’s make electricity meters in Seville, southern something that needs to be dealt with,” Spain, is now a renewable energy giant the banker added. operating in a dozen countries across four continents. It has been praised by politi- Cash crunch cians including US President Barack The sources said Abengoa’s current Obama for its solar-thermal plants which cash crunch was triggered in early August produce clean electricity at a competitive when Spanish banks withdrew 650 million price in places such as the Mojave desert euros in credit lines and guarantees in a in Arizona and South Africa’s Northern matter of hours following the announce- Cape province. But its aggressive expan- ment of a rights issue by the group only sion into the clean energy business since two days after it had denied such a possi- 2007 has been fuelled by taking on huge bility in an earnings presentation. MADRID: A man consults a mobile phone beside a woman begging on the pavement outside a clothes store in debts, which finally brought the company Abengoa announced on Nov. 13 that it Salamanca an upscale neighborhood of Madrid. The number of millionaires in Spain-defined as having a fortune of to its knees this year when its lenders had found an investor to inject 350 million over a million US dollars excluding their main residence and consumer goods-rose by 40 percent to 178,000 last year refused to extend credit lines. euros but the deal was called off on Nov from 2008 when the crisis started, according to consulting firm Capgemini. At the same time the number of people liv- Its market value, which had risen rapid- 24, forcing Abengoa to enter into pre- ing with “severe material deprivation” in the country has doubled since 2007 to just over three million last year, accord- ly to top 4 billion euros last year, has since insolvency proceedings the following day. ing to a study by anti-poverty agency Oxfam. — AFP plunged by more than 90 percent - with Creditor banks have since asked investors fearing the firm could collapse Abengoa to find alternative funding by its Abengoa, puts forward a credible restruc- holding talks on Tuesday with internation- million euro loan last year, the document under its debt, and unsettled by its own means, including through a sale of its turing plan by Jan. 18, the sources said. — al investment funds about a potential par- showed. This meaning that IC, which opaque and tightly-controlled financial 43 percent stake in US-listed Abengoa Reuters ticipation, although the funds are unlikely entered pre-insolvency in November at structure, still in the hands of the Yield. Although new talks on emergency to agree, the sources said. There was also the same time as Abengoa, could see its Benjumea founding family. Although there financing are due to take place, the banks - further evidence of Abengoa’s shaky control over the energy firm reduced if it is no official figure for the firm’s total finan- which could take a big hit on their 2015 The creditor banks finances in the latest annual accounts of its fails to repay the loan. Despite repeated cial liabilities, separate sources familiar earnings if the company goes bust by the The banks have also approached majority shareholder, according to a docu- attempts, Reuters has not been able to with the matter say they total at least 25 end of December - are now working on a Spain’s government lending arm, the ment seen by Reuters on Tuesday. reach the founding family, and Abengoa billion euros, 80 percent of which sits with plan to get the firm running until January, Official Credit Institute (ICO), about a Inversion Corporativa (IC), the vehicle has declined to provide a contact. IC post- lenders such as Santander, HSBC and the sources said. Lenders are ready to dis- potential loan of 15 million to 20 million through which Abengoa’s Benjumea ed a profit of 63.6 million euros in 2014, Credit Agricole. Under Spanish law, burse 110 million euros in December, as euros as part of the 110 million euro credit founding family and its business partners of which 12.9 million euros was distrib- Abengoa has until mid-April next year to well as an additional 100 million euros line, the sources added. The ICO declined control the company, put up part of its uted as a dividend, last year’s accounts reach an agreement with creditors to next month if Lazard, which is advising to comment. The creditor banks were also controlling stake as collateral for a 100 showed. — Reuters

Spain recovers timidly Australian banks agree

MADRID: Spain, which goes to the polls euro-zone neighbors. A 2012 reform of the on December 20, is in better economic labor market reduced the costs for compa- Google Android Pay deal shape than it was four years ago when the nies of laying off people. Some sectors conservatives came to power, although such as the automotive industry, which public debt and unemployment remain generates 10 percent of the GDP, had also Apple Pay still frozen out sky-high. started reducing salaries or working seven days a week. SYDNEY: Big Australian banks have agreed to using other credit cards in a market Westpac sees as ANZ bank said in a statement yesterday, announc- On the edge of the abyss As a result, the workforce in the indus- accept payments made on mobile devices using worth more than $2 billion this year. “It’s a big bar- ing the Android Pay tie-up. In December 2011, when Prime trial sector and in market services cost just Google Inc’s Android Pay, leaving Apple Inc’s rival gaining chip for (Australian) banks to use to force a In the United States, meanwhile, a survey by Minister Mariano Rajoy took power after 21 euros an hour in the second quarter of Apple Pay system out in the cold as the tech giant better deal with Apple,” said Foad Fadaghi, managing Verifone and Wakefield Research released in January eight years of Socialist rule, Spain was in the year, according to the Paris-based Coe- struggles to coax lenders to accept its terms. Banks director of technology research firm Telsyte. 2015 found mobile wallets accounted for just about dire shape. The construction sector, which Rexecode economic research centre, com- including Westpac Banking Corp, ANZ Banking An Apple spokeswoman declined to comment. 4 percent of the overall payments market for in- had been a major engine for growth, had pared with 36 euros in France and 34 in Group and Macquarie will accept contactless pay- Android Pay will support both MasterCard and Visa store retail transactions. Fees in Australia’s lucrative stopped in its tracks after the housing bub- Germany. That gave Spanish firms a major ments via Android smartphones when Google rolls credit and debit cards, Pali Bhat, director of product mobile payments market remain a bone of con- ble burst in 2008, taking with it banks over- competitive edge, and they have reported out the service in first-half 2016, the tech giant said management at Google wrote in a blog post yester- tention in Apple’s talks with the main banks. Apple is whelmed by the debt of people who could a near 25 percent rise in exports since yesterday. Westpac and Commonwealth Bank of day. Consumer favorites like McDonald’s Corp and demanding 15 basis points in interchange fees that no longer pay their mortgages. Since 2007. The country’s unemployment rate is Australia already operate their own mobile payment Domino’s Pizza have also signed up, Google said, banks have refused to share, people familiar with then, the country has gone in and out of also ebbing and emboldened households systems. enhancing Android Pay’s appeal. The absence of a such negotiations say. Android Pay has no such recession and unemployment went have started to spend again. Domestic In contrast, Apple remains locked in talks with big deal on Apple Pay hinges on banks’ unwillingness to charges, the sources said. “The four Australian banks through the roof, from 8.57 percent in demand-both from households and com- banks in search of a deal to accept Apple Pay. The give up a slice of a market for contactless payments aren’t prepared to give up the amount of inter- 2007 to 22.56 percent in 2011. At that panies-is in fact one of the main drivers of iPhone maker’s system launched in Australia last they have cultivated that is now much bigger than change fees that the US, Canadian and UK banks time, 1,400 Spaniards lost their jobs every growth. Other external factors, such as a month, with support for American Express Co cards, in many other countries. More than 60 percent of all have done,” said Grant Halverson, a payments con- day, Rajoy has repeatedly pointed out. The drop in oil prices and the depreciation of but remains adrift from 80 percent of consumers card transactions in Australia are now contactless, sultant from McLean Roche. — Reuters country’s 17 semi-autonomous regions, the euro, have also helped. like the central state, were also heavily indebted. Inadequate reforms But economists say Spain is far from Drastic measures having resolved its problems. Euro-zone recovery still on track Once in power, the ruling Popular Party Unemployment still stands at more than BRUSSELS: Euro-zone private sector business activ- December, the fourth quarter as a whole saw the fully pave the way for unemployment to start maintained austerity measures launched 21 percent, and some have given up try- ity slowed slightly in December but still held at a largest increase in business activity for four-and-a- falling in earnest as we move into 2016,” he said. by the Socialists in 2009 - spending cuts, ing to find a job. “The quality of jobs creat- four-and-a-half year high as the recovery remained half years,” Williamson said. The upturn suggests that economic growth tax rises, and salary freezes for civil ser- ed is debatable,” Bankinter analysts say, on track, creating much-needed jobs, a key survey The European Central Bank launched an could accelerate in the coming months, he added. vants. It claims to have saved 150 billion pointing to many precarious or part-time showed yesterday. Data monitoring company unprecedented one trillion euro stimulus program In a country breakdown, Markit said top exporter euros ($165 billion) between 2012 and positions. Under Rajoy’s watch, the num- Markit said its closely watched Composite earlier this year but some analysts believe that with Germany recorded its strongest quarterly growth 2014, thus avoiding a damaging, Greece- ber of jobless has dropped by just Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) slipped from 54.2 inflation-a reflection of consumer demand-well for a year and a half as Europe’s biggest economy like rescue deal, even if the Spanish bank- points in November to 54.0 in December, but it was below the ECB’s near two percent target level, rose gained 0.5 percent in the fourth quarter. In ing sector was bailed out by the European 436,000, to 4.8 million. In 2014, the GDP still well above the 50-point boom-or-bust line. there is much more to be done. Inflation for France, by contrast, overall economic activity regis- Union to the tune of 40 billion euros. stood at 1.06 trillion euros, compared with 1.12 trillion in 2008. Spain is also still heav- “The euro-zone economy enjoyed a comfort- November came in at 0.2 percent, according to offi- tered its weakest growth since August, at just 0.2 ably solid end to 2015,” Markit’s chief economist cial figures released separately, up from an initial percent in the last quarter and slowing to near A hint of recovery ily indebted, with its public debt at 99.3 Chris Williamson said in a statement. But “policy- 0.1 percent. Williamson said the PMI report sug- stagnation in December. France’s economy, partic- The euro-zone’s fourth largest economy percent of GDP in the third quarter. makers are likely to remain disappointed by the rel- gested the 19-nation euro-zone economy expand- ularly its service sector, was hit by the November started growing again in 2014, with a 1.4 Education is also an issue, with a school atively modest pace of expansion and lack of infla- ed 0.4 percent in the last quarter, which would 13 Paris attacks which left 130 people dead. The percent gross domestic product (GDP) drop-out rate of 22 percent-a record in the tionary pressures” given the level of stimulus and give full-year growth of 1.5 percent. “Most encour- growth rate in France “bodes ill for the coming year, leap, and expects to expand 3.3 percent European Union-and a lack of training for the stage of economic recovery, Williamson said. At aging of all is the upturn in the rate of job creation especially in the stalling service sector,” Williamson this year-a better performance than its the unemployed. — AFP the same time, “although the PMI edged lower in to the highest since spring 2011, which will hope- said. — AFP

Spanish auto sector drives recovery VIGO: Spain’s automobile sector has emerged a key driver of the country’s economic recovery, as investments in research and devel- opment combined with labor flexibility boosted its competitive- ness. Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy points to the auto revival as proof that his conservative government’s reforms are working as he fights to hold onto power in a general election on Sunday. “Even in the worst moments of the crisis, the auto sector managed to over- come difficulties and be a sign of hope and growth for all,” Rajoy has said. Spain’s total motor vehicle production rose 11.1 percent in 2014, outpacing gains of 3.3 percent in Germany and 4.4 percent in France. With 14 car plants, Spain is the world’s ninth biggest auto- mobile producer country in a ranking headed by China, the United States, Japan and Germany. The country has no nationally-owned carmaker but many major manufacturers including Renault, Nissan, Volkswagen and Ford are present. And when it comes to making auto parts, Spain is a domi- PUERTO BANUS: A man drives a Bugatti in Puerto nant player ranking sixth in the world in terms of turnover. The Banus, near Marbella. — AFP entire auto sector, which accounts for 10 percent of Spain’s eco- 32 billion euros, close to the level in 2007 before the start of the cri- nomic output, suffered its worst moment in 2008-09 as the global sis. The sector lost 80,000 jobs between 2007 and 2009. Auto firms credit crunch hurt demand for new cars across Europe. But produc- negotiated concessions from unions to help them restructure and tion has picked up and it is now one of the motors of the nation’s limit job cuts. “Above all what was negotiated is flexibility, a wage economic recovery along with the tourism and agriculture and freeze, lower salaries for new workers, some with the promise that food. they will be raised in the future, early retirement and in some Spain posted its first full year of economic growth in 2014 since extreme cases layoffs,” said Isabel Fernandez of Spain’s largest union a property bubble burst in 2008, throwing millions of people out of CCOO. At a Grupo Copo plant in Mos near the port of Vigo, Galicia’s work. The government has forecast economic growth of 3.3 per- most populous city, workers in grey coats busily fill molds with cent this year after expanding 1.4 percent in 2014. “We are seeing a foam to make car seats. The company also makes arm rests and certain recovery, to levels close to before the crisis,” said Fernando door panels, and posted losses in 2011 and 2012 but returned to Macias, the director for southern Europe of global Spanish auto profit in 2013 following a restructuring. “We see the present and parts supplier Gestamp. The automotive components sector post- future with moderate optimism,” said Grupo Copo chief executive ed sales of 29.7 billion euros ($32.6 billion) last year, up from 22.9 Jose Antonio Rodriguez Estevez. The medium-sized company with billion euros in 2009, according to the Spanish association of auto 770 employees around the world predicts its sales will grow five parts manufacturers Sernauto. percent this year, he added. To give it a competitive edge, the auto It predicts sales will rise by around 7.0 percent this year to nearly parts industry is also betting on innovation. — AFP THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015 BUSINESS Shares climb, dollar dips as US Fed prepares to lift rates Treasury yields nudge higher; Bund yields sag

LONDON: Shares and bond markets rose and the raise rates,” said Kully Samra, a managing director date sharp gains made on Tuesday and as new dollar dipped yesterday, as investors readied for at US focused investment manager Charles data bolstered signs of a gradual pick-up in bloc’s what is expected to be the first rise in US interest Schwab in London. “But I’m pretty sure too that confidence. Growth in Germany’s private sector rates in almost a decade. After more than a year of Janet Yellen is going to use the word gradual (in slowed a tad this month Markit’s PMI survey posturing and a couple of false starts, the Federal reference to possible pace of future hikes) quite a showed, but it remained a high enough level to Reserve is seen raising its rates by a token 25 basis few times during the press conference.” suggest Europe’s biggest economy can be confi- points at 1900 GMT. It will be a highly symbolic That hope that the Fed will stress it plans a dent of robust demand going into the new year. move, coming exactly seven years to the day since softly softly approach was helping soothe jittery Number two economy, the UK, also saw its unem- the US central bank cut them to zero as the post- markets that have been roiled again over the last ployment rate unexpectedly fall again. Lehman crash financial crisis engulfed the world couple of weeks by a fresh slump in oil prices and In the currency market it was mainly fine tun- and sent economies spinning into recession. “It is fall in China’s increasingly influential yuan. ing ahead of the Fed decision. The dollar edged a foregone conclusion that the Fed is going to European shares opened broadly flat to consoli- back from a near one-week high versus a basket

TOKYO: Pedestrians are reflected on a share prices board in Tokyo yesterday. Japan’s share prices rose 395.93 points to close at 18,961.83 points at the morning session of the Tokyo Stock Exchange after a surge on Wall Street. — AFP

of other major currencies with Citi, the FX the day before as risk sentiment has blown market’s single biggest player, saying posi- hot and cold ahead of one of the most- tioning in the dollar against the euro was anticipated market events this year. now basically neutral following a clearout Australian shares jumped 2.2 percent, while over the past fortnight. “Markets are going Shanghai stocks edged up a more cautious into the announcement expecting a rate 0.8 percent as another tick down in the yuan hike but, on the surface at least, relatively kept investors guessing on Beijing’s plans relaxed that it is priced in,” added Kit Juckes, for the traditionally controlled currency. “A a strategist at Societe Generale in London. lot of capital will be looking for a temporary The euro was buying $1.09, the dollar home outside of the US so as to avoid the fetched 121.91 yen and Britain’s sterling likely increase in volatility after the (fed rate hovered just above $1.50. hike) hammer falls,” said Martin King, co- managing director at Tyton Capital Ready, Fedy, Go Advisors. Oil prices, which have been the other “And in the context of our current world main obsession for investors in recent markets, for many Japan looks like a credi- weeks because of the pressure it puts on ble home.” Asia’s gains helped emerging producers countries and global inflation, market stocks climb 1.2 percent as they slid back again in early European trading. gunned for their second consecutive rise West Texas Intermediate (WTI) fell 60 cents having been bashed by nine straight falls to $36.77 a barrel and Brent was down 80 before that. In the bond markets, Treasury cents at $37.65 to leave them heading back yields rose slightly ahead of the Fed deci- towards Monday’s 7-year lows. Gold rose to sion and after stable US consumer price 1,065 an ounce and in Asia overnight, data had reinforced the case for a hike. It MSCI’s broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares was a different story in Europe though. outside Japan had jumped 2 percent as the Benchmark German Bund yields dipped region caught up the previous session’s ral- along with the rest of the euro zone. In lies in Europe and on Wall Street. sharp contrast to the Fed, the ECB has said it Japan’s Nikkei surged 2.5 percent, is prepared to continue easing its policy if rebounding from a two-month low struck necessary. — Reuters Oil falls on oversupply

LONDON: Oil fell yesterday on fresh higher dollar and push commodity evidence of growing global oversupply prices lower,” said Hans van Cleef, sen- and as investors awaited the outcome ior energy economist at ABN Amro in of a US Federal Reserve meeting where Amsterdam. Markets are already pre- interest rates are likely to be raised, pared for a 25 basis point increase but boosting the dollar and pressuring will be closely watching the Fed’s policy commodities. Brent was down $1.08 statement for indications of where cents at $37.37 as of 1101 GMT. On rates will go next year. In the latest Tuesday the contract closed up 53 Reuters poll of over 90 economists, tak- cents at $38.45 a barrel in its first gain en Dec 4-9, the probability that the Fed in eight days. Analysts are watching for will raise rates from near zero rose to 90 any test of Brent’s December 2008 low percent from 70 percent. The Federal of $36.20, with a break below that level Reserve is scheduled to release its deci- taking the benchmark to levels not sion yesterday at 2 pm EST (1900 GMT). seen since 2004. Yesterday Brent’s premium to WTI West Texas Intermediate crude US crude fell to just 27 cents, its low- futures was down 29 cents at $37.06 est since January, and the North Sea per barrel after rising more than $1 on benchmark may drop further relative Tuesday. The overwhelmingly bearish to WTI this week if the US government sentiment that has pushed oil from repeals its decades-old ban on crude above $115 per barrel last June exports. US lawmakers are scheduled returned to the fore as fresh evidence to vote on Thursday on tax and emerged that low prices are doing spending bills which include a provi- nothing to ease heavy oversupply. sion to lift the US export ban. To keep Data on Tuesday from industry group the government going, President the American Petroleum Institute Barack Obama is certain to sign the showed a surprise rise of 2.3 million bills, paving the way for crude ship- barrels in US crude stockpiles last ments. “Global producers including week. A Reuters poll of analysts had Russia and OPEC countries might have forecast a fall of 1.4 million barrels. to cut prices to compete with US shale Investors are also positioned for a producers who could have room to rise in interest rates which would sup- raise prices,” said Jasper Lawler, ana- port the dollar. This makes oil, which is lyst at CMC Markets. “The extra com- priced in dollars, more expensive to petition for market share from U.S. holders of other currencies. “The mar- shale can only add to the pressure on ket sentiment is that this will lead to a OPEC.” — Reuters Gold prices rise ahead of US Fed hike decision

LONDON: Gold rose yesterday as expecta- 0.50 percentage points. Fed chair Janet tions that the US Federal Reserve will Yellen will follow the announcement with a announce its first interest rate hike in near- policy statement. In a Reuters poll of more ly a decade were tempered by speculation than 90 economists taken between Dec 4 it would hint at a slow pace for future rises. and 9, the probability that the Fed will raise Gold prices have fallen 10 percent this year, rates rose to 90 percent. Yesterday, stock largely on the back of speculation that US markets rose and the dollar held steady rates will rise from record lows, lifting the against the euro and a currency basket as opportunity cost of holding non-yielding investors readied for the expected rise. bullion while boosting the dollar. They Those expectations have led investors to have recovered from near six-year lows this scaling back positions in gold in recent month, however, as attention switched months. Holdings of the world’s largest from the timing of the first hike to the pace gold-backed exchange-traded fund, New of future increases. York-listed SPDR Gold Trust, are at their Spot gold was up 0.5 percent at lowest since September 2008. $1,065.40 an ounce at 1030 GMT, while US Data from the Commodity Futures gold futures for February delivery were up Trading Commission (CFTC) showed $3.10 an ounce at $1,064.70. “The probabil- investors boosted bearish bets on gold to ity of a rate hike happening is about 80 record levels earlier this month, although percent, so quite a lot of that news has they have since edged back from that already been incorporated into gold peak. “The gold market is devoid of any prices,” Capital Economic analyst Simona funds coming in from gold-backed Gambarini said. “We expect the Fed to be exchange-traded funds and jewelry very cautious in the statement, explaining demand remains fairly soft,” said INTL their view that rate hikes will be gradual, FCStone analyst Edward Meir. Among oth- and low rates will be here for longer. er precious metals, silver was up 0.6 per- Everything will be dependent on a strong cent at $13.83 an ounce, having dropped economic recovery. That will be quite posi- to its lowest in more than six years earlier tive for gold.” this week at $13.60 an ounce. Platinum was The Fed will announce its decision at up 1.3 percent at $866.25 an ounce and 1900 GMT, with markets prepared for a 25 palladium was up 0.1 percent at $565.31 an basis point increase to between 0.25 and ounce. — Reuters THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015 BUSINESS News As end of Fed ‘free money’ nears, in brief

Endemic tax evasion to consumers still likely to spend cost Italy $133 billion ROME: Endemic tax evasion will cost Italy 122 billion euros ($133 billion) in lost revenue this year, employers’ organization KOKOMO: Judged by how long it has been going on, the Confindustria said yesterday. The bosses’ group urged the govern- current US economic expansion should be on its last legs, ment to initiate a clampdown, highlighting research which calcu- but the mood in this rebounding heartland auto town lated that 99 percent of taxpayers face virtually no risk of being would not show it. Fiat Chrysler Automobiles has doubled its subjected to spot checks. Confindustria in-house think-tank, CSC, local workforce to 7,000 amid record industry sales, upscale calculated that by halving the losses to evasion and returning the apartments are being built or tucked into vacant factories, savings to taxpayers, the government could have added 3.1 per- and new small businesses are opening along a quaint Main cent to the country’s economic output and generated 335,0000 Street. new jobs in this year alone. The report suggests the scale of tax As the Federal Reserve meets to begin a likely turn dodging in Italy is considerably larger than previously thought towards higher interest rates, the buzz in places such as with the government’s most recent estimate having put the loss- Kokomo is one reason policymakers think the US recovery es at 90 billion euros a year. According to the CSC, the biggest has room to run. This city of 57,000 was hit hard by the reces- losses, around one third of the total, are incurred because of non- sion, but the dynamic developing here is one the Fed sees payment of value added tax (40 billion). Non-payment of payroll nationally: more jobs gradually translating into higher taxes costs some 34 billion and and non- or under-payment of wages, and wage growth translating into spending. income tax 23 billion. Confindustria’s report said the shortcom- “Seven years ago this was considered one of the ings of the country’s tax administration was the main cause of the ‘dyingest’ cities in America,” with mainstay auto companies losses. teetering on the brink and people leaving for Indianapolis to the south and Chicago to the north, said Sandra Young, owner of the Main Street Cafe. She opened three years ago, Troubled Rolls-Royce and now sees a booming corporate catering trade as a good cuts top management omen that companies and individuals are confident. LONDON: British engines maker Rolls-Royce, hit by a series “Budgets aren’t so tight,” she said. Compared to other recov- of profit-warnings, announced yesterday changes to its top eries this one is arguably past middle age, and the Fed has management structure, resulting in the departure of its been unusually patient in nurturing it with interest rates head of aerospace. The removal of a layer of senior man- held near zero. NEW YORK: Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) yesterday in agement represents a first step in a company-wide restruc- Since World War Two the average expansion has lasted New York City. — AFP turing announced last month by recently-appointed chief just under five years. This recovery has been going on for six executive Warren East. “The changes we are announcing and a half, and throughout that time the economy has strug- Return of the consumer auto sales last year and “are the general cohort for which today are the first important steps in driving operational gled to move beyond modest 2 to 2.5 percent annual Between low unemployment, a whisper of evidence that auto sales are growing at the fastest pace.” Homebuying excellence and returning Rolls-Royce to its long-term trend growth. As a result, the Fed has stayed put for a full seven wages are rising, and the savings from low gas prices, among that group is also rising. The current expansion “is of profitable growth,” East said in a statement. Rolls, which years, about twice as long as the central bank usually waits greater consumer purchasing power is finally becoming visi- old, but economic cycles do not die of old age... there is makes engine systems for aircraft and sea vessels, to begin tightening. Motor vehicles, with sales through ble after a delay that had mystified the Fed. Demand for latent demand out there,” Bovino said. Over the last year announced the departures of company veteran Tony Wood, November up nearly 7 percent from a year earlier, are not autos has been especially eye catching, with record sales of business investment has contributed little to economic president of its Aerospace division, and Lawrie Haynes, the only part of the retail business doing well. Spending at around 18 million this year. The gradual rate hikes the Fed growth, hammered by the cutbacks in the energy sector. president Land & Sea. “Both will remain with the business restaurants and bars grew more than 8 percent compared to may approve this week and over the next year are not Government spending has stagnated, and foreign trade act- into 2016 in order to assist with the transition to the new the year before. Housing-related sectors are also doing fine, expected to significantly crimp demand, or cool a housing ed has acted as a drag given the weak state of the global structure,” the company said. Rolls said “the new structure with furniture and home furnishing stores’ sales up 5.6 per- market that has also propped up recent growth. economy and strong dollar. Domestic consumption has will clarify executive accountabilities, intensify leadership cent, and building materials’ sales up 3.9 percent, outpacing National new homes sales have risen more than 15 per- picked up the slack, and Fed chair Janet Yellen is confident it focus on operational performance and allow Rolls-Royce to overall retail growth of 2 percent. cent in the first 10 months of this year from the year before, will continue thanks to further job gains and accelerating build on its world class engineering capabilities”. Autos and auto parts, which account for about a fifth of and a government index of home prices has been rising at wages. That is the hope in Indiana, where the auto upswing US retail sales, could prove important to the Fed’s success in an annual five percent rate for nearly two years. A recent JD has pushed the unemployment rate down to 4.4 percent, both “normalizing” rates and keeping the recovery on track. Power survey estimated that if rates rise 0.5 percentage below the national average of 5 percent. “If they are doing Policymakers, analysts and people like Kokomo’s United points next year it would curb auto sales by just 150,000 well everyone else is doing well,” said Amber Jordan, who left Autoworkers president say conditions may be aligned to vehicles, leaving them well above the average of 15 million a the auto industry with her husband after more than a keep the expansion underway. “We’ve gone from 3,200 year since 1990. Not only are interest rates likely to remain decade to open a specialty toy store selling vintage action members to 7,000 and they are still looking for new stuff to low by historic standards for perhaps another two years, but figures. They recently converted an old downtown hotel, the put in the factories,” said Carl Greenwood, president of UAW members of one key demographic group - the millenials - lobby now lined with Star Wars and other figures. It’s a bet Local 685. Chrysler makes castings and transmissions, are starting to spend, said Standard & Poor’s chief economist that people will, for a while, keep coming in the door. “The including new models for electric cars, in four plants around Beth Ann Bovino. jobs go up and down,” she said, but for now “to me, things Kokomo. The 16 to 35-year-olds accounted for a fourth of new feel stable.”— Reuters S Africans march against

SAS shares take off as Zuma after finance U-turn airline returns to profit STOCKHOLM: Scandinavian airline SAS reported a return to prof- itability yesterday, sending its shares flying on the Stockholm Moody’s cut South Africa’s outlook stock exchange. SAS said net profit was 956 million kronor (102 million euros, $112 million) in the 12 months to October, its finan- cial year. It had posted a net loss of 736 million kronor a year earli- JOHANNESBURG: Thousands of protesters Congress (ANC) party, which has ruled since the in place, and support for ANC at home and Handing Van Rooyen the key finance portfo- er. Lower fuel prices and a higher seat occupancy rate were the marched through South African cities yesterday end of apartheid in 1994, won a general election abroad,” she said. “Over time, lots of people start- lio underlined widespread fears that corrupt main factors for the improved performance, SAS said. Shares in demanding President Jacob Zuma’s resignation easily last year but could lose power in some ed to feel it was going wrong. It has gone from Zuma loyalists were calling the shots in govern- the airline rose more than six percent in Stockholm following the after he triggered economic turmoil by sacking major municipalities at local polls in 2016. bad to worse. Now it’s just rotten.” The debacle ment. “This was another attempt to blunt the announcement, vastly outperforming a slightly firmer overall his respected finance minister. Zuma was left “We had such hopes in 1994 because of all over finance ministers triggered a market rout instruments of democracy,” said Zwelinzima market. Net profit for the three months to October, the airline’s badly bruised when he fired Nhlanhla Nene last the struggles to remove apartheid,” Theresa and fuelled opposition to Zuma, who has been Vavi, one of the march organizers. “They were fourth quarter, came in at 517 million kronor, against a loss of 309 week in favor of little-known backbencher David Giorza, 55, a university teacher said at the buffeted by corruption scandals, a dire economy wanting to grab the treasury for the interests of million a year earlier. van Rooyen, who was himself removed after protest in central Johannesburg, which attracted and charges of tarnishing Nelson Mandela’s (those) who are eating from the carcass of our only four days in office. Zuma’s African National about 2,000 marchers. “There were good leaders legacy. state. “Jacob Zuma has demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt that he doesn’t have Halliburton, Baker Hughes what it takes to be a leader of a sophisticated merger hits antitrust wall democracy and economy.” NEW YORK: Oil-services companies Halliburton and Baker Hughes pushed back the time frame Tuesday for ‘Recall Zuma now’ completing their proposed merger after US antitrust Placards at the march in Johannesburg officials rejected their latest divestment remedies. The read “21 Years of Undemocratic Rule” and two companies, seeking to combine to take on market “Recall Zuma Now”. Other protests were held leader Schlumberger, set April 30, 2016, as the dead- in Cape Town and Pretoria. Last weekend, in line for completing the deal. In September, the com- one of the biggest crises of his rule, Zuma was panies had pushed back the time frame by three forced into a dramatic U-turn, sacking Van weeks to December 15. Tuesday’s deadline was Rooyen and re-appointing Pravin Gordhan, a expected to pass with the Department of Justice nei- steadying hand who was finance minister ther accepting offers by the companies to divest from 2009 to 2014. During the debacle, the assets to win approval, nor choosing to sue to block rand collapsed to historic lows as foreign the transaction, Halliburton and Baker Hughes said. investors pulled out and government bond “The DOJ has informed the companies that it does not yields jumped in a bout of pessimism over the believe that the remedies offered to date are sufficient future of Africa’s most advanced economy. to address the DOJ’s concerns, but acknowledged that Yesterday’s marches were held on the Day they would assess further proposals and look forward of Reconciliation, an annual holiday on which to continued cooperation from the parties in their the president makes a speech promoting bet- continuing investigation,” the companies said in a joint ter race relations after the era of white-minor- statement. Texas-based Halliburton and Baker Hughes ity rule. Zuma made no direct mention of the both provide well services and drilling products to financial downturn, saying only work was large oil companies like ExxonMobil and Total. “continuing to grow the economy so that we can create jobs... under difficult conditions given the global economic climate.” Yesterday, Moody’s cut South Africa’s outlook from stable to negative in the latest down- grade by rating agencies. Hit by power short- ages, falling commodities prices and rising debt, the country’s economy is set to see growth of 1.4 percent this year, the slowest JOHANNESBURG: Demonstrators display placards calling for the resignation of South African president Jacob Zuma as they since 2009. The rand has tumbled 23 percent cross Mandela Bridge in Johannesburg yesterday. — AFP against the dollar in 2015. — AFP Saudi shares rise on interest rate hike optimism

DUBAI: Saudi shares rose yesterday as opti- bank and foreign reserves, which is why the mistic investors as an upbeat global backdrop MIDEAST STOCK MARKETS government is trying to get support from the ATHENS: Communist-affiliated protesters shout slo- helped bolster fragile regional investor senti- GCC.” gans while marching towards the Greek parliament in ment. Saudi bank shares rose, with the sector’s slump in oil prices has affected the major oil- Egypt Athens as MPs vote on a set of reforms demanded by measure up 3.5 percent on prospects of bank exporting kingdom. Oil fell yesterday on fresh Shares in Cairo rose after Saudi King UAE, Qatar creditors for the release of bailout funds. — AFP lending margins increasing if the US Federal evidence of growing global oversupply with Salman pledged an investment of more 30 bil- Elsewhere, Dubai led gains but small to Reserve hikes interest rates. The overall senti- Brent was down 75 cents at $38.45 as of 1400 lion riyals ($8 billion) to help the North African mid-sized stocks dominated trading volumes, Greece passes bad-loan ment and performance however, is expected to GMT. country meet petroleum needs for the next signaling a risk-averse stance. Any recovery bill to unlock fresh funds be volatile until there is clarity on government Global shares meanwhile, rallied as investors five years. Cairo’s index gained 1.1 percent, will have to be supported by strong volumes ATHENS: Greece’s parliament has approved a controversial expenditure when the kingdom announces its readied for what is expected to be the first rise trimming year-to-date losses to 27.3 percent - before a sustained trend can take place. Dubai bill allowing banks to sell non-performing loans to the pri- 2016 fiscal budget next week. in U.S. interest rates in almost a decade. Shares underperforming all Gulf markets. “The main index climbed 2.3 percent, up for a third vate sector, paving the way for the next payment of “Investors are now just waiting for the budg- in Saudi Hollandi Bank surged 7.9 percent hav- problem is the tourism sector, which impacts straight gain since Sunday’s two-year low. Abu bailout funds. International creditors had put pressure on et and surprisingly, the market is holding well ing slumped to a 29-month low on Sunday after dollar inflows due to security concerns,” said Dhabi’s index rose 1.3 percent in its second Greece to pass the bill, which is aimed at lightening the given the downtrend in oil prices - this is opti- the lender said it would issue bonus shares. Sherif Shebl, Cairo-based foreign equity sales gain in three days since Sunday’s 12-month load of bad loans on the banks’ books, making it a condi- mism for the budget to be announced next Investors over-bet on an announcement that trader at Pharos Securities. Tourism in the low, while Qatar’s measure gained 0.7 percent, tion for handing over one billion euros ($1.1 billion). The week,” said Asim Bukhtiar, head of research and should provide little material benefit to share- country has dampened since the crash of a also up for a third day since Sunday’s two-year new law, adopted late Tuesday, will allow private specially- investment advisory at Saudi Fransi Capital. holders. The lender’s board wants shareholders Russian passenger plane in Sinai that killed all low. MSCI’s emerging market index has lost created distressed-debt companies to create a secondary Saudi’s index rose 1.4 percent, trimming year-to- to receive one bonus share for each held, a rec- 224 people on board on Oct 31. Egypt said it 17.5 percent this year and some Gulf markets market for non-performing loans. This will be “beneficial date losses to 17.6 percent. Investors are keep- ommendation investors thought was more had found no evidence so far of terrorism have underperformed this measure. Some both for banks and private citizens”, Economy Minister ing an eye on next year’s government expendi- important than Hollandi’s proposal to pay a cash involved in the place crash, but Russia and investors have reduced their exposure to the Giorgos Stathakis told parliament. Greece in July accepted ture plans as well as the actual spending for dividend of 0.25 riyals ($0.06) per share for 2015, Western governments have said the likely region’s oil-driven economies as crude prices a three-year, 86-billion-euro ($93-billion) EU bailout that 2015, which will clarify the extent to which a a quarter of what it paid for the previous year. cause was a bomb. “The focus is on the central slumped to near 11-year lows. — Reuters saved it from crashing out of the eurozone, but the deal came with strict conditions. BUSINESS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015 Memac Ogilvy PR celebrates landmark perfect ten at MEPRA Awards

KUWAIT: Memac Ogilvy PR cemented its dominance as the Roche Breast Cancer Awareness Lebanon. most awarded agency in the Middle East following a perfect “It’s amazing to be recognized by our peers and industry ten at the Middle East Public Relations Association (MEPRA) experts. I am immensely proud of the entire team, and the Awards on December 14. During the annual gala dinner, host- work they are creating for our clients,” said Saada Hammad, ed at the JW Marriot Marquis in Dubai, the agency beat last Regional Director for Memac Ogilvy PR. “A big thank you goes year’s tally by taking home nine category awards and one spe- out to our clients that continue to believe in us and our ideas, cial award. Within the first 20 minutes of the ceremony, Memac as well as empower and enable us to create great work that Ogilvy PR had already secured six accolades, including a hat- has such an impact on communities both locally and interna- trick bronze, silver and gold in the Consumer Goods category. tionally.” Eddie Moutran, Chairman and CEO of Memac Ogilvy With three gold, five silver, and one bronze awards, plus added: “These awards are a testament to the great work being one special award for Overall Campaign of the Year, the done in the PR industry across the region as a whole. Agencies agency was the most awarded of the night, gaining nearly a are engaging with audiences in ways they haven’t before - quarter of the total 44 prizes distributed across 14 categories. using insights and experiences that are personal and memo- Uniquely, Memac Ogilvy achieved 26 shortlisted nominations rable, rather than older methods we’ve relied upon in the past. from 31 entries that spanned the entire Middle East and North We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the Africa region. The agency’s expanding network submitted other winners who have shown how much talent we have multiple projects from diverse offices ranging from Beirut to operating in the Middle East.” Tunisia. Coca-Cola Dubai’s dark Iftar campaign, Labels are for The agency, which boasts offices all over the globe, cans, not people, scooped up four awards, including gold for picked up victories across six different categories, taking Best Use of Social Media and Digital PR, as well as the Overall home bronze, silver and gold in the Consumer Goods cate- Campaign of the Year title. gory, silver in the CSR and Environmental PR category, silver It also maintained its streak as the best-in-class for and gold in the Healthcare and Services category, silver in Healthcare and Services, being recognized for the third con- the Best Launch Event category, gold in the Best Use of secutive year in the category. The team took home the silver Social Media and Digital PR category, and the Overall prize for the Roche Media Academy Dubai and the gold for Campaign of the Year award. Japan’s coalition approves $8 bn exemption in 2017 sales tax hike Tax-hike exemption negative for fiscal reform

TOKYO: Japan’s ruling coalition yesterday ment plans to fund the exemption by shelving lawmakers. “The ruling parties’ agreement on endorsed an $8-billion exemption in a planned planned medical care breaks on low-income the tax exemption is negative for fiscal consoli- sales tax hike, a move widely seen as a bid to households worth 400 billion yen. It has not dation,” said Naomi Muguruma, senior market lure voters in upper house polls next year - a secured other funding sources. “Needless to say, economist at Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley. worrying signal of back-pedalling on fiscal con- the LDP and Komeito will consider the matter “The question is whether they can show a solidation. In the annual tax reform, Prime earnestly, with the aim of resolving (the funding political will to secure permanent funding Minister Shinzo Abe’s Liberal Democratic Party issue) toward the end of next year,” LDP tax pan- sources, even if that means to implement politi- (LDP) and small ally the Komeito party agreed to el chief Yoichi Miyazawa told reporters. cally painful steps after the upper house election keep the sales tax on food at the current 8 per- Failure to secure funding sources would next summer.” The ruling bloc also endorsed a cent when the nationwide sales tax rises to 10 threaten Japan’s aim of balancing the primary plan to cut the effective corporate tax to 29.97 BETHUNE: Photo shows the logo of French telecom operator Orange in Bethune, percent in April 2017. budget - excluding new bond sales and debt percent from 32.11 percent now, effective from northern France. French telecoms operator Orange may soon face a crucial choice: It would be the first time that Japan is adopt- servicing - by fiscal 2020 in a bid to curb the April 2016, and take it further to 29.74 percent in Shore up its position at home by gobbling up a competitor or expand its presence ing a lower tax rates on food - similar to multiple heaviest debt burden in the industrial world. fiscal 2018, while broadening the tax base to off- abroad by making a play for Telecom Italia. — AFP value-added tax rates in Europe - since the sales Nonetheless, Abe’s LDP gave way to Komeito by set revenue loss. The overall annual tax reform in tax was introduced in 1989. The move is expect- allowing tax-hike exemptions on both fresh and fiscal 2016 will result in cuts worth 20 billion yen French or Italian? Telecoms giant ed to cause a loss of about 1 trillion yen ($8.20 processed foods to support low-income earners, in the national tax and another 20 billion yen in Orange faces acquisition choice billion) in revenue, or about a fifth of that apparently out of consideration for its ally, the local tax on an average-year basis, Miyazawa brought by the planned tax hike. The govern- whose vote-drawing power is key for many LDP said. — Reuters PARIS: French telecoms operator Orange may enthused about the idea of another national soon face a crucial choice: Shore up its posi- champion being acquired by a foreign com- tion at home by gobbling up a competitor or pany. “They are right to be afraid as each time Zain offers 50% Ahli United Bank announces expand its presence abroad by making a play an Italian company is bought, the heart of its for Telecom Italia. While talks have reportedly skills emigrate to where its shareholder is discount on winners of ‘Al Hassad begun to take over the telecom assets of the located,” said Alessandro Pansa, a professor of Bouygues conglomerate, thus cutting the finance at Luiss Business School in Rome. “But international Islamic Saving’ Program number of mobile operators in France to the government can’t do much, it is the con- three, the time may be ripe to pounce on sequence of 10 years of poor management of calls to GCC KUWAIT: Ahli United Bank held its weekly Dhmaid Al Ajmi, Abdulraheem Hussain Ali, Telecom Italia as two French companies have the Italian telecoms market,” he said. draw of Al-Hassad Islamic Saving program on Sulaiman Fahad Al Fahad, Qutaibah J H M H Al been increasing their stakes in the operator. But that doesn’t mean that nothing can be KUWAIT: Zain, the leading telecommunications December 09, 2015. This program offers the Fadalah, Ali Ghuloom Malek, Nadeen Hasan Al “Orange has a choice to make, to consoli- done to make Telecom Italia harder to take company in Kuwait, announced a 50% discount biggest prize amount to the largest number of Sadeq, Salwa Yousef Al Sharqawi, Sami Ali Al date the French market or consolidate its over, which is what the company’s current promotion on international calls to all Gulf winners. The prize program succeeded in Ajmi, Mohammed Khaled Mohammed, Sameer position as a global operator with major scale management tried to do on Tuesday. At a Cooperation Council (GCC) countries during the becoming the first and only prize account in Salman Al-Aradi, Mohammed Saleem Alaaldin, in Europe, as doing both could possibly be general shareholders meeting it sought to period from 16-19 December. The special offering Kuwait compliant with the Islamic Shari’a prin- Sawsan Abdulhussain Hussain, A Rahman complex,” said Thomas Coudry, a Paris-based have the company’s preferred shares, which comes in the occasion of the Kingdom of Bahrain ciples. The program has been developed to ful- Jassim A Rahman, Omran Zuhair Hasan Ali, telecoms analyst at Bryan, Garnier & Co. “But get better dividend payments but hold no and the State of Qatar’s celebrations of their fill the needs of the Bank customers and Fawzia Abdulla Al Saegh, Fatima Abdulla it is certain that Telecom Italia is an interest- voting rights, converted into regular voting National Days on Tuesday and Friday. On this spe- increase their opportunities in winning size- Hasan, Zahraa Hasan Ebrahim. ing target for many, not only Orange,” he shares. Vivendi succeeded in blocking the cial occasion, Zain expressed its sincere congratu- able and attractive prizes in addition to enjoy- The Prize program of “Al Hassad Islamic added. Italy is seen as an appealing market project, which would have diluted its share- lations to the people of Bahrain and Qatar, repre- ing the latest banking advantages that Ahli Saving” from Ahli United Bank offers a weekly for operators as it has been slower in rolling holding and by creating more voting shares sented in their leadership, the embassy, and the United Bank provides. grand prize worth KD 25,000/-in addition to 25 out high-speed Internet, and Telecom Italia made any takeover costlier. “But if someone Bahraini and Qatari citizens residing in Kuwait. The On this occasion, the bank issued the fol- weekly prizes worth a total of KD 25,000 dis- has a relatively open capital structure that really has a strategic interest in such a deal, a company took the opportunity to share this spe- lowing press release: Al Hassad Islamic Saving tributed to 25 prizes, KD 1,000 for each winner. could see investors take control. Orange has couple of hundred million euros won’t make cial occasion with its customers, becoming the first program offers the highest amounts of prizes In addition, prizes of Al Hassad Islamic saving so far refused to confirm its interest in a difference,” said Pansa. telecom in the country to offer such discounts. which amount to KD 3.4 Million per year. This program from Ahli United Bank offer 4 quarter- Telecom Italia, as it has to comment on talks Zain prepaid and postpaid customers initiating Program also offers 26 weekly prizes, with the ly grand prizes announced in quarterly draws. on taking over Bouygues Telecom. A wild card international calls to any GCC country, including highest number of weekly winners. The Islamic Each is a “Salary for Life” prize which is worth But sources say it may be working on a What would make a difference is getting the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Hassad Saving Account may be opened by the KD 25,000/. way to do both. “Our merger and acquisition regulatory approval for the mergers. If the Emirates, the Kingdom of Bahrain, the State of lowest amount to open an account, which is In general, Ahli United Bank continues to services are working day and night to try to European Commission is open to consolida- Qatar, and the Sultanate of Oman, will receive a KD 100. The winner of the weekly grand prize offer innovative tools and means to meet the find a solution for January with the scenario tion on the international level, it is concerned 50% discount during the period from 16-19 in the amount of KD 25,000/- is: Zainab Abbas needs of its customers to match the Bank’s being explored that would have Bougyues about mergers in national markets. “The pres- December. As a leading telecommunications com- Ali. long history of distinctive services which hold 15 percent of the new company, the ent EU competition commissioner, Margrethe pany in the region, Zain is keen to participate in The Winners Of The Kd 1,000 Prize Each: extend over 73 years during which the Bank French state 19 percent and employees four Vestager, is very concerned that if the num- the celebrations of different nations. The company Mohammad Hayef Katheer, Jassem Mohd managed to take the lead among local banks. to five percent,” said a union source. The solu- ber of market players is further reduced in considers itself as a core entity within the commu- Ahmed, Ahmed Hamoud Awad, Mohammad For further information about “Al Hassad tion for the merger would be an exchange of individual countries, consumers will end up nities in which it operates, and strives to share the Majed Al Mutairy, Yaqoub Ali Ghluom, Ammar Islamic Saving” account, customers may call at shares, which would allow Orange to hold on paying higher prices, and investment in net- joys of special occasions in its customers’ lives. Abboud Al Mansour, Fawaz Sulaiman Al any Ahli United Bank branch, or call: “Hayakom” to cash to seek other acquisition prey, per- works will suffer,” said Anne MacGregor, a Othman, Emad Marwan Saleh, Saud Jaber service at Tel: 181 2000. haps in Italy. That is why one Paris-based ana- lawyer specialized in mergers and acquisi- lyst, who spoke only on condition on tions at the Cadwalader firm in Brussels. anonymity, said the two operations “should Coudry shares a similar view that the Etihad Airways appoints three UAE be viewed together”. Commission appears to be taking a harder line In other words, Orange could be preparing on mergers within countries. “But on the pan- a two-course meal of Bouygues Telecom fol- European level, on the other hand, it is sending nationals to executive positions lowed by Telecom Italia. “Orange is commit- rather favorable messages about building con- ted to consolidating the European market tinental giants capable of competing globally.” KUWAIT: Etihad Airways, the and Italy is a beautiful opportunity and the A wild card in an Orange bid for Telecom Italia national airline of the United Arab company knows it,” said the analyst. “It is per- is the investment into the company by Xavier Emirates, has announced the fectly possible that an approach for Telecom Niel, the owner of the upstart French mobile appointment of three UAE nationals Italia would be made together with Vivendi,” and Internet operator Free Telecom. With a 15- to key executive roles. Captain Salah he added. Vivendi, which was previously percent stake in Telecom Italia, Niel “is in a Alfarajalla, who has been with active in the French telecoms market with the position to influence” the terms of a sale of the Etihad Airways since 2007, becomes mobile and home Internet operator SFR, company, said the Paris analyst who requested Senior Vice President Security and owns a 20 percent stake in Telecom Italia. anonymity. He said Orange faces what in bil- National Pilot Development, liard terms would be a “three cushion bank Ghudayer Al Dhaheri, who joined ‘Three cushion bank shot’ shot” as Niel is interested in “what Free would the airline in 2013, becomes Vice The possibility of Orange snapping up get in terms of frequencies and infrastructure” President Corporate Security, and Telecom Italia has raised concerns in Italy, as part of any merger between Orange and Sultan Mohamed Al Mahmoud joins including in the government which is not Bouygues. — AFP the airline as Vice President Corporate Strategy. Ray Gammell, Rabigh Electricity and banks Etihad Airways’ Chief People and Performance Officer, said: “I am in talks for $2 billion loan delighted to announce the new Captain Salah Ghudayer Al-Daheri Sultan Al-Mahmoud executive roles for Captain Salah and Ghudayer and to welcome continue to oversee the Etihad UAE Air Force fighter pilot and com- solutions for Etihad Airways.” Loan to last 20 years Sultan to the Etihad Airways family. Airways’ cadet pilot program. mander with broad experience Sultan Mohamed Al Mahmoud Their varied and extensive profes- Captain Salah has 36 years’ expe- both in the UAE and overseas. He joins Etihad Airways from the DUBAI: Rabigh Electricity Company, partly anonymity as the information isn’t public. “The sional backgrounds reinforce and rience in the aviation industry, was a commandant at the Air Tourism Development and owned by state-run Saudi Electricity Co (SEC), is loan will be in the order of 20 years,” one of the expand the impressive executive incorporating 22 years in the UAE Warfare Centre AFAD UAE, and a Investment Company (TDIC), where in talks with banks to raise a loan worth up to sources said, adding that the pricing should be management expertise we have in Air Force and Air Defense, from member of the Royal College of he held a number of director level $2 billion, two sources with knowledge of the cheaper as the plant is now fully operational. our team.” which he retired as a Colonel, and Defense Studies in London, UK. In roles which gave him exposure to deal said yesterday. The original project funding of $1.9 billion was Ray Gammell added: “Captain 10 years as Deputy Chief Executive his new role as Vice President various Abu Dhabi tourism devel- The cash raised from banks will be used to raised in 2009 with a 20-year life span, accord- Salah’s tenure as Vice President for Presidential Flight. At Etihad Corporate Security, Ghudayer will opment stakeholders. He will put replace the capital the consortium invested to ing to Thomson Reuters data, just after the col- Corporate Security and National Airways, he played an instrumental report to Captain Salah and will pro- his work insights and experience, build the Rabigh 1 power plant, for which fund- lapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008 which trig- Pilot Development - a position he role in managing the aviation secu- vide strategic policy and manage- gained over the last 14 years, to ing was originally put in place in 2009. Rabigh gered a seizure of the world’s financial system. has held since 2010 - has been high- rity systems including physical, ment guidance for the implementa- good use by developing and imple- Electricity, a special purpose vehicle, did not The Rabigh plant was the first in the king- lighted by renewed strategic plan- technical, operational and proce- tion of protective and proactive menting short, medium and long- immediately respond to a request for com- dom where the contract to build and operate ning and insights. He has played a dural security measures. Under his security measures for staff, guests, term strategies that will see Etihad ment. The deal comes at a time when Gulf the project was awarded in an open tender pivotal role in the successful devel- leadership, the cadet pilot program facilities and other resources within Airways further strengthen its posi- economies are cutting budgets and increasing process by SEC, which promised to purchase all opment and efficiency of our avia- grew to more than 700 cadets the UAE and in other countries on tion as key contributor to Abu borrowing to cope with a slump in oil prices. power produced by the plant for a period of 20 tion security systems and was the including more than 600 UAE the network. Ray Gammell said: Dhabi’s GDP and the UAE more This has squeezed liquidity at a time when years. Located on the western coast of Saudi driving force behind the Etihad nationals, and became a fully “Ghudayer has in-depth knowledge broadly. Ray Gammell added: “With companies are also scrambling to agree new Arabia, the plant generates 1,200 megawatts of Airways Cadet Pilot Program ensur- fledged academic program when a of the region’s security issues and his experience and participation in financing ahead of possible US interest rate power per day and has been put into full com- ing a continuous stream of qualified unique partnership with Abu Dhabi has demonstrated commitment to board committees, Sultan will add hikes in the coming months. mercial operation since 2013. A consortium of UAE national pilots to pursue University was forged in 2011 the highest levels of security for our an exciting dimension to our strate- Rabigh Electricity Company is seeking a ACWA Power International and the Korea rewarding careers at Etihad requiring all cadets to obtain a people, assets and guests. I am con- gy team, especially as we continue loan with a long-term tenure and expects to Electric Power Company were awarded the Airways.” In his new role, Captain degree in Aviation Science. fident he will continue to spearhead to focus on improving our internal close the financing in the first quarter of 2016, project and they hold 80 percent of the shares, Salah will be responsible for avia- Before joining Etihad Airways in efforts that strengthen and rein- governance and strategic frame- the sources said, speaking on condition of while SEC owns 20 percent. — Reuters tion and corporate security, and will 2013, Ghudayer Al Dhaheri was a force relevant corporate security works.” technology THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015 Every country should govern its own Internet: Xi

WUZHEN, China: Every nation should have laws to “arbitrarily target individuals for solely Robin Li, chief executive of Baidu, China’s independent authority over its own Internet, exercising their right to freedom of expression largest search engine, admitted the decision Chinese President Xi Jinping said Wednesday, online”. Hundreds have been jailed on such on whether to display results for censored telling a government-organized conference charges. websites such as Facebook and Twitter on his that “freedom and order” are both necessary in Two days before Xi took to the podium, Pu company’s search engine was simply beyond cyberspace. Rights campaigners have Zhiqiang, one of China’s most celebrated its remit. “This is completely outside of Baidu’s denounced the World Internet Conference as human rights lawyers, stood trial over just sev- realm of control - the websites that Chinese part of China’s push to sell its idea of “Internet en microblog posts critical of the ruling netizens can access are decided on by China’s sovereignty”, a concept at odds with a vision of Communist Party that could earn him up to government and law,” Li told AFP. “Baidu is just the network as an open global resource. eight years behind bars. “Under the guise of the tool that offers netizens what they can see.” “We should respect the rights of individual sovereignty and security, the Chinese authori- Google terminated most of its mainland oper- countries to govern their own cyberspace,” Xi ties are trying to rewrite the rules of the ations in 2010 after a dispute with the govern- said in a half-hour speech opening the second Internet so censorship and surveillance ment over censorship and allegations of forum, whose version last year was greeted become the norm everywhere,” said Roseann cyberattacks. with derision by activists who questioned Rife, East Asia research director at Amnesty An October report by the American pro- China’s motives. “No country should pursue International. “This is an all-out assault on democracy think tank Freedom House found cyber hegemony or interfere in other coun- Internet freedoms,” she added. that China has the most restrictive Internet tries’ internal affairs,” he added. China censors policies of 65 countries studied, ranking below online content it deems to be politically sensi- ‘Realm of Control’ Iran and Syria. Nonetheless companies such as tive, while blocking some Western websites The three-day conference in the small east- LinkedIn have agreed to censor their content and the services of Internet giants including ern town of Wuzhen was attended by a hand- in exchange for access to the country, while Facebook, Twitter and Google. Despite the ful of high-profile figures from nations that Facebook and other banned companies have block, participants at the conference were giv- WUZHEN, China: Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a speech during the have been criticized for their records on free- lined up to offer the hand of friendship to en unfettered access to sites denied to the rest World Internet Conference in east China’s Zhejiang province yesterday. — AFP dom of speech, including Pakistan’s Prime China’s top leaders. When Xi visited the US in of the country. The policy is one facet of Minister Nawaz Sharif and Russia’s Dmitry September, China’s cyber czar Lu Wei Beijing’s strict limits on freedom of expression. are both necessary in cyberspace: Freedom is Internet,” he added, adding that China’s online Medvedev. Senior executives of companies appeared along with the head of state in the Rights groups say it uses state security as a what order is meant for, and order is the guar- presence should strive for a more positive and such as Microsoft, IBM and Apple as well as front row of a “family photo” of America’s tech pretext to crack down on political dissent. antee for freedom,” Xi said. “We should use “uplifting” image. Amnesty International has China’s largest Internet companies were also giants, including Amazon’s Jeff Bezos and “Like in the real world, freedom and order moral teachings in guiding the use of the condemned China’s use of vaguely worded present. On the sidelines of the conference, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg. — AFP Amazon UK urges customers to throw away hoverboards

LONDON: The British branch of online retailer It comes after 15,000 hoverboards were Amazon on Wednesday urged customers to seized by National Trading Standards, mainly due throw away defective “hoverboards”, two- to electrical components that were non-compli- wheeled scooters that have become a craze ant and could catch fire or explode. Many of the ahead of the Christmas season. In an email, the seized hoverboards had plugs lacking fuses company warned customers who had bought meaning they had a greater risk of overheating, some models of the electric travel devices cut-off switches which failed, and chargers and through its UK website that they were unsafe and batteries that failed safety standards. should be disposed of because of “non-compli- Hoverboards have been linked to a series of ant” plugs. fires, prompting the London Fire Brigade to warn “We’ve received information that your order the public not to leave the devices charging unat- purchased through the website is tended. Retailer Argos said it had removed its unsafe for use as this product is supplied with a Nevaboard line of hoverboards from sale as it did non-compliant UK plug,” the email said. It urged additional tests. Watchdog the Retail customers to bring their hoverboards to a recy- Ombudsman urged businesses to remove the DEARBORN, Michigan: Tim Huten, Corning mechanical engineer, holds a small sample of Corning Gorilla Glass (left) and standard automotive cling centre to be disposed of as soon as possible unsafe hoverboards from sale and warned they windshield plate glass after they were each hit by an ice ball at the Dearborn Development Center on Dec 14, 2015. — AP and said that they would receive an automatic could be “held liable for any injuries caused by refund in three days. unsafe goods”. A separate email was sent advising customers “Consumers who have already purchased a Gorilla Glass, used for cell that bought scooters with rechargeable lithium hoverboard, perhaps as a Christmas present, ion batteries that the tradings standards body should contact the retailer and for their written had “raised concerns about the safety of some assurance that it’s safe and in particular that it has phones, is coming to cars Self-Balancing Scooters”. “As a precaution, we a compliant plug with a fuse,” chief ombudsman want to share some additional information about Dean Dunham said. It is illegal to ride the self-bal- lithium-ion batteries, as well as some safety tips ancing scooters in public in Britain, because they Expense is a barrier for using products that contain them, and UK are vehicles that don’t meet regulations require- plugs,” the second email read. ments. — AFP DETROIT: The thin, lightweight annealed glass with a plastic layer in Gorilla Glass doesn’t work every- option for saving weight. Toyota glass on your smartphone could between. Annealed glass forms a where. The side windows of the GT, Motor Corp uses a high-strength soon be found on your car. Corning spider web pattern when it breaks, for example, are made of tempered plastic for the moonroof on its Prius Inc.’s Gorilla Glass is used for the and the pieces are designed to stick glass. Automakers tend to use tem- V wagon, for example. screens on billions of mobile to the plastic layer to prevent injury pered glass on side windows One barrier to the wider adop- phones. Now, car makers are using to passengers. because it breaks into tiny pieces tion of Gorilla Glass is expense. an automotive version to help shave The GT’s windshield is a hybrid. It and doesn’t have a plastic layer that Harshbarger says it costs $2 to $4 weight off their vehicles and has an annealed glass outer layer could hinder someone from exiting more per pound of weight saved improve fuel economy. BMW AG and plastic in the middle. But the the vehicle in a crash. Doug than traditional glass. Ford is saving was the first to use Gorilla Glass last inner layer is made of chemically- Harshbarger, business director of around 12 pounds on the GT, so that year. The material formed an interior strengthened, automotive grade Corning’s automotive glass busi- means a $24 to $48 premium per panel in the i8 hybrid sports car. Gorilla Glass, which is much thinner ness, says Corning it working on vehicle. An expensive supercar like Ford Motor Co will be the first to use and lighter than traditional glass. alternate ways of designing Gorilla the $400,000 GT can easily absorb it for a windshield and rear window Ford says using Gorilla Glass makes Glass for use throughout the vehi- that, but mainstream cars can’t. in the new Ford GT sports car, which the windshield 32 percent lighter, cle. But Stephanie Brinley, a senior is scheduled to go on sale next year. which saves fuel and improves the Gorilla Glass has been used by analyst with IHS Automotive, says The GT also has a Gorilla Glass car’s handling. the consumer electronics industry in launching new technology on high- engine cover. The glass meets US safety stan- 2007. Ford and Corning began end cars helps companies figure out “It’s the newest thing to happen dards, Corning says, and it has working together on an automotive if it would be feasible on other vehi- to glass since 1923,” said Paul endured automakers’ tests on rough glass in 2012. Harshbarger says the cles. She says Gorilla Glass has a lot Linden, a supervisor of body exteri- roads and in wind tunnels. Ford says company is also working with sever- of promise, since it’s both tougher or mechanisms at Ford. That was the it’s tougher than traditional al other automakers that are racing and lighter. “That’s hitting the indus- year Henry Ford started using shat- annealed glass. When engineers to meet stricter fuel economy stan- try’s super sweet spot,” she said. ter-resistant glass in the Model T. shot pieces of hail at Gorilla Glass, dards that go into effect in a decade. Linden says he believes Ford will NEW YORK: Whizboard Store manager ‘Mor Loud’ demonstrates the Hoverboard on Traditional windshields are made up for example, it wasn’t damaged. The “Weight is the enemy,” Linden said. eventually use Gorilla Glass Broadway in Times Square on Tuesday. — AFP of two layers of heat-treated annealed glass shattered. Lightweight glass isn’t the only throughout its lineup. — AP Google CEO seeks to bring Odom’s tops Google millions of Indians online list of 2015 searches SAN FRANCISCO: Lamar Odom’s who aren’t even sports fans bizarre downfall from a former Los because he married reality TV star NEW DELHI: Google’s new chief execu- of web pages that allow them to load Internet users. heard in many parts of the country. Angeles Lakers star to a lost soul in Khloe Kardashian in 2009 while he tive Sundar Pichai used his first official more easily on slow Indian connec- A new virtual keyboard allows users Google also announced a program yes- a Nevada brothel had the world was still a key player on a Laker visit to India yesterday to outline plans tions. Another challenge is the linguis- to type in 11 Indic languages including terday to train two million developers searching Google for answers more team that went on to win its sec- to bring hundreds of millions of Indians tic diversity of India, which has more Assamese and Punjabi, while voice in its Android operating system over than any other topic this year. A ond consecutive National online, including installing free wi-fi at than 20 official languages and fewer searches recognize both Hindi and three years, in partnership with more four-day binge in October that cul- Basketball Association champi- railway stations. The Indian-born Pichai than 200 million English-speaking “Hinglish” - a mix of Hindi and English than 30 Indian universities. — AFP minated in Odom being found onship. He hasn’t played in the said the first train station, Mumbai unconscious in the Nevada “Love NBA since 2013. During Odom’s Central, would go online in January Ranch” placed him atop Google’s stay in Nevada, brother workers and the tech giant intended to cover list of hottest searches during 2015. said they saw him drinking alcohol 100 of India’s stations by the end of The annual breakdown released and taking supplements sold as 2016. Wednesday ranks the inquiries that “herbal Viagra”. The brothel’s owner India is a vast yet challenging mar- triggered the biggest spikes in traf- said Odom had spent $75,000 on ket for Google with only a quarter of its fic on Google’s dominant search two women who took him to a VIP 1.2 billion citizens online, most of engine, excluding queries about suite. whom access the web through cheap sexually explicit subjects. Tragedy tends to generate a lot smartphones which often run on slow The interest in Odom eclipsed of searches. The suicide of come- 2G networks. Many Indian Internet January’s lethal attacks in France at dian and movie star Robin users cannot afford expensive mobile the satirical magazine Charlie Williams made him Google’s top data and instead wait for wi-fi connec- Hebdo and a mobile game called search topic last year. Odom, 36, tions to go online, making the 10 mil- “” that lets multiple players also was Google’s most-searched lion people who pass through the tar- devour cells in a virtual petri dish. person on its 2015 world rankings, get stations each day a captive audi- In the US, two movies, “Jurassic followed by former mixed martial ence. World” and “American Sniper”, arts bantamweight champion “Every day there are thousands of ranked behind Odom. Other search Ronda Rousey and Caitlyn Jenner, Indian Internet users coming online for engines, social networking compa- who was Odom’s father-in-law the first time, taking their journey in ny Facebook and short messaging before transitioning to life as a computing,” said Pichai, who grew up in specialist Twitter already released woman in 2015. Rousey was the Chennai and joined Google in 2004 as a their own takes on this year’s col- most searched athlete in the US, product manager. “We are just barely lective mindset, but Google’s is edging out Holly Holm, the getting started,” said Pichai, who was considered to be the definitive woman who pummeled her last named CEO in August. “Given that India look into what’s on people’s minds. month to take her championship is embarking on the cutting edge of That’s because Google processes title. Google also provided the the mobile revolution, we think what two out of every three search lists for the top searches in a wide we build in India will apply globally to requests in the world, a position variety of categories, including many, many places.” that translates into trillions of movies (“Jurassic World”), televi- Google has also made its Maps and inquiries each year. sion (“Big Brother Brazil”) and YouTube products partially available NEW DELHI: Google CEO Sundar Pichai speaks as he announces the company’s plans for expanding products and Odom’s saga fascinated people musical artists (Adele). — AP offline and created data-light versions services in India at a news conference yesterday. — AP THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015 HEALTH & SCIENCE

Disposal of fetal tissue debated in court, Ohio Statehouse

COLUMBUS: A federal judge has temporarily providers, which generally contract with com- the dispute. DeWine dismissed the proceed- Association. For instance, Georgia law requires ument any decision. A similar bill was intro- blocked Ohio officials from taking legal action panies to dispose of medical waste. ings on the order as largely procedural. “They licensed abortion clinics to bury or cremate duced Monday in the state Senate. The head against Planned Parenthood to enforce fetal DeWine had planned to file an injunction did not address the central issue of whether fetal remains, while Tennessee requires physi- of the abortion rights group NARAL Pro- tissue disposal rules, and Republican state law- in state court to prevent Planned Parenthood the disposal practices of Planned Parenthood cians who perform abortions to document Choice Ohio said the bills were intended to makers proposed new regulations for such dis- from disposing of fetal remains as its affiliates were humane,” he said in a statement. how the fetal tissue is disposed of. A bill pend- “shame women” who get abortions. “It is just posal. The actions at the Ohio Statehouse and have done. But a federal lawsuit filed Sunday Planned Parenthood officials praised the ing in Wisconsin would put new restrictions on the latest in the constantly changing, medical- Columbus federal court comes after state by Planned Parenthood complicated his plan. ruling. “We will continue to fight back against the disposal of fetal remains. State Rep Barbara ly unnecessary legal hoops that abortion Attorney General Mike DeWine’s investigation Planned Parenthood sued the state’s health these political attacks every step of the way Sears, a Republican from suburban Toledo, said providers and their patients must jump into Planned Parenthood facilities. director, accusing him of changing the inter- and our doors will remain open to all Ohioans - the bill she’s co-sponsoring is not restricting a through,” Kellie Copeland, the group’s execu- DeWine’s office found no evidence that pretation of the disposal rule. In its lawsuit, no matter what,” Jerry Lawson, CEO of Planned woman’s choice to get an abortion. “What tive director, said in a statement. House Planned Parenthood made money from abort- Planned Parenthood said it’s never been cited Parenthood Southwest Ohio, said in a state- we’re doing is saying there needs to be a Republicans said their proposals would be for- ed fetuses, but his report released Friday by the Ohio Department of Health, which ment. Meanwhile, Republican state lawmakers respectful way once that’s occurred,” Sears told mally introduced in the coming weeks. The instead criticized its facilities for disposing of licenses abortion facilities in Ohio, for violating proposed legislation on Monday to require reporters. GOP-controlled state legislature is on break for fetal remains in landfills. He accused the organ- the disposal regulations. Ohio hospitals, abortion clinics and other Under a separate House proposal, which the holidays and expected to return in ization of violating a state rule requiring that A health department spokeswoman says providers to dispose of fetal remains by burial had been in the works before DeWine’s report, January. DeWine and officials in at least 10 fetal tissue be disposed of in a “humane man- the agency doesn’t comment on pending liti- or cremation. The bill sponsors said they are women who get abortions would be asked to other states announced investigations this ner.” Planned Parenthood calls the report gation. Judge Edmund Sargus Jr. issued a tem- trying to provide clarity as to the meaning of decide in writing whether their fetuses’ summer into Planned Parenthood after anti- “inflammatory.” The group says its three facili- porary restraining order in the case on “humane” disposal. The regulation of medical remains should be buried or cremated. abortion activists released undercover videos ties that provide abortions follow Ohio law and Monday, effectively blocking any state legal waste is determined on a state-by-state basis, Should the woman not answer, the clinic they said showed the organization’s personnel use the same practices as hospitals and other action until Jan 11. He set a Jan 4 hearing in according to the American Hospital would be responsible for the choice and doc- negotiating the sale of fetal organs. — AP Who’s too old for major treatment? Age not always a barrier

CHICAGO: Irwin Weiner felt so good after heart sur- the melanoma that was found in August. treatments. Physical and mental health are assessed; gery a few weeks before turning 90 that he stopped The nation’s 90-and-up population, about 2 million so is social support - whether there are family mem- for a pastrami sandwich on the way home from the people, nearly tripled in recent decades, and the pace bers or friends available to help during treatment and hospital. Dorothy Lipkin danced after getting a new is expected to continue. Many are struggling with recovery. “We do believe that cancer care should not hip at age 91. And at 94, William Gandin drives himself more than one age-related illness that make them be limited by age,” said Dr Beatrice Edwards. While to the hospital for cancer treatments. Jimmy Carter poor candidates for aggressive and often costly care. many elderly patients are healthy enough to tolerate isn’t the only nonagenarian to withstand rigorous But plenty remain robust enough to give it a try. conventional treatments, advances including more medical treatment. Very old age is no longer an auto- Lipkin, now 93, had hip replacement surgery two targeted, less toxic drugs and minimally invasive sur- matic barrier for aggressive therapies, from cancer years ago in the Philadelphia area. Arthritis made gery techniques are opening the door to others. care like the former president has received, to major walking difficult and painful. She’d been a good Gandin, the 94-year-old, was diagnosed more than 10 MADRID: A protester wears a medical mask reading ‘Public healthcare’ dur- heart procedures, joint replacements and even some dancer in her younger days, and had tried to remain years ago with prostate cancer. Treatment with radia- ing a demonstration against budget cuts and plans to partly privatize med- organ transplants. active, so her doctor recommended the operation. tion and chemotherapy failed to stop cancer from In many cases, the nation’s most senior citizens “Otherwise I was going to be in a wheelchair the rest spreading to his lungs and bones. He’s now on hor- ical services in Madrid. — AFP are getting the same treatments given to people of my life,” Lipkin said. Soon after, she made a video mone treatment that he said is controlling the disease. their grandchildren’s age - but with different goals. doing a line dance to show how well she was healing. The human cost of cuts to “Many elderly patients don’t necessarily want a lot of Disability and death years, what they want is quality of life,” said Dr A normal life A retired Exxon Mobil auditor, Gandin helps take Spain’s prized health system Clifford Kavinsky, a heart specialist at Rush University In the winter, she lives in Florida, walks at least half care of his wife of 74 years in their assisted living home in Houston and is not ready to give up on MADRID: “Either we eat or I take my pills,” decree. That ended the prized universality of treatment. “I’m an eternal optimist - that’s what has Maximiliano Diego recalled a patient confessing healthcare in Spain, which Sagrario Martin, head carried me through,” he said. Weiner, a retired furni- after stopping treatment because cuts in Spain’s of the Spanish division of NGO Doctors of the ture manufacturer representative, had a hardened, public health system forced him to pay for med- World, argues is a fundamental human right. leaky aortic valve - a common condition in the elder- ication from his own pocket. “There and then, this “These people buy things and are therefore indi- ly that can lead to disability and death. Open-heart man started to cry,” the Salamanca-based cardiol- rectly paying taxes, so they are contributing to the surgery is a common option for heart-valve surgery, ogist said of the married father who had suffered sustainability of the health system,” she adds. but some doctors hesitate to perform it in the elder- a second, severe heart attack as a consequence. People like Rosa Milca Sosa Quijano, a 72-year-old ly, said Kavinsky, the Chicago heart specialist. Dr “He cried with fear at the closeness of death... but Uruguayan woman who has been living in Spain Joseph Lamelas, Weiner’s surgeon at Mount Sinai above all, he cried with shame at having to lie to for 13 years with her daughter. She got urgent Medical Center in Miami Beach, Florida, used a newer his doctor,” Diego wrote on the site of an associa- heart surgery last year-emergency care is still approach, implanting a new valve through a small tion defending public health, of which he is a allowed for those without a health card-but can- incision on the right side of the chest. member. This is but one example of the human not receive the follow-up treatment she needs. After four days in the hospital last January, Weiner consequences of Spain’s financial crisis and subse- “I’m alone here,” she said, crying. “I’m an invisi- was back home in Boca Raton, Florida, and was well quent austerity measures that have gnawed away ble person for society.” The end result, health enough to have two big 90th birthday celebrations at what the World Health Organization ranked the experts argue, is that like Rosa people end up less than a month later. Organ transplants are less world’s seventh best healthcare system in 2000 - being given last-resort emergency treatment at a common but not unheard of in the very old. Since an issue of concern ahead of December 20 elec- far higher cost than if they had been followed by a 2013, there have been more than 100 kidney trans- tions. “We have seen an increase in waiting times, GP from the start. Manuel Espinel, an ER doctor in plants in patients aged at least 80, including one in a deterioration in the quality of services, and a a Madrid hospital, said he had had cases of people an 88-year-old, according to the United Network for decimated healthcare workforce reporting coming in with severe illnesses that could have Organ Sharing. Its records show that since 1987, the exhaustion and burnout,” says Helena Legido- been caught earlier-like a man with tuberculosis. nation’s oldest kidney transplant recipient was a 96- Quigley, associate professor at Singapore’s Saw “He had to be in intensive care for 10 days plus year-old. There are generally no strict age limits on Swee Hock School of Public Health, who has more days in normal wards,” he said. “That multi- transplants. Dr Dorry Segev, a Johns Hopkins researched Spain extensively. “Austerity measures plied healthcare costs by twenty or thirty.” Medicine transplant specialist, said frailty is a more have particularly affected the most vulnerable by important factor and his center measures it rigorous- losing access to services and by not being able to ‘Negotiating with patients’ ly, including assessing patients’ grip strength, walk- afford essential medications due to increased co- For Legido-Quigley, the most worrying health ing speed and muscle mass. payments.” reform was the “co-payment” system which saw Ethical issues complicate decisions on providing pensioners pay for part of their prescriptions for FLORIDA: Aortic valve surgery patient Irwin Weiner poses for a photo with his treatments costing tens of thousands of dollars to ‘Invisible person’ the first time, and many of those with jobs fork partner, Lauree Gable at their home in Boca Raton, Fla. Very old age is no the very old and life expectancy has to be consid- Spending cuts-from 70 billion euros ($77 bil- more money out. In her interviews with doctors, longer an automatic barrier for aggressive therapies, from cancer care, to ered, Kavinsky said. “When you start doing proce- lion) in 2009 to around 53 billion euros last year- she said some had started “negotiating with the major heart procedures, joint replacements and even organ transplants. — AP dures on a 90-year old, you have someone who has and a 2012 decree that excluded illegal migrants patient over what medication to give or not to already exceeded the average lifespan in America,” from the system and ended free medicine for give because they cannot afford everything.” “We he said. “How far should we go to keep them pensioners, prompted mammoth protests and had the experience of a patient dying because he Medical Center in Chicago. “They want whatever an hour daily and leads “a normal life.” Lipkin says hav- going?” Dr Joseph Dearani, chairman of cardiac sur- strikes. The government argues that the cuts were couldn’t afford the medication after his transplant.” time is left for them to be high quality. They don’t ing such major surgery at her age should be an indi- gery at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, crucial to drag Spain out of the crisis, and says it But even those who still have access to the public want to be dependent on their family. They don’t vidual decision. Doctors agree. Some 90-year-olds are said a good gauge is whether treatment would like- managed to save 150 billion euros between 2012 health system and the means to pay have been want to end up in a nursing home.” Treatment for fitter than some 60-year-olds but they say other con- ly help patients live well for at least another two and 2014 — though how much of this comes affected. “We had patients who were in the emer- Carter, 91, has included surgery, radiation and a new siderations need to be in the mix. At MD Anderson years. He said costs to the patient, their family and from the health sector is unclear. In the meantime, gency room for two, three days because they cancer drug with fewer side effects than traditional Cancer Center in Houston, the oldest patients are eval- society also should be weighed, so that treatment is though, Legido-Quigley estimates around couldn’t go to the floors above, as they were chemotherapy. It seems to be working - Carter uated by geriatricians specialists in medical care of the given to right patients, and “for the most part, that 500,000 non-documented people residing in the closed as there was no personnel,” says Espinel, announced Dec 6 that brain scans show no signs of elderly - to make sure they’re able to tolerate harsh happens.” — AP country were suddenly excluded following the who saw staff dwindle at the hospital. — AFP

Pressure mounts on Australia Winners and losers in the Paris climate pact

leader over Japanese whaling LE BOURGET: The climate deal adopted er countries. And it requires everyone, despite the bomb-and-gun massacres in chaotic climate summit six years ago in in suburban Paris was the culmination of not just rich countries, to set emissions Paris just weeks before the climate con- Copenhagen, China wasn’t seen as SYDNEY: Australian Prime Minister commercial whaling, and it’s been four years of negotiations on how to get targets and be transparent about what ference. blocking the talks in Paris. Malcolm Turnbull vowed yesterday declared illegal by the International nearly all countries to jointly reduce the they are doing to meet them. to raise whaling in meetings with Court of Justice (ICJ),” said greenhouse gas emissions that scientists China India Japan’s leader Shinzo Abe this week Greenpeace Australia Pacific Oceans say are warming the planet. The talks France The world’s biggest greenhouse gas Indian Environment Minister Prakash as environmentalists urged him to campaigner Nathaniel Pelle. “When were difficult and sometimes teetered on Almost everyone involved in the talks polluter didn’t have to cross any of its red Javadekar blended praise with criticism pressure Tokyo to halt this season’s Turnbull visits Japan, he must the brink of collapse. Every country made heaped praise on France for making the lines. Though a strict firewall between in his post-deal speech, suggesting he hunt. A Japanese whaling fleet set remind Abe that Japan should compromises to get the deal done, but deal come together. With masterful developed and developing countries is had mixed feelings about the outcome. sail this month for the Antarctic on accept the jurisdiction of the ICJ, as some got more than others by the time diplomacy, the French built bridges and gone, the deal still reflects different Knowing its emissions are expected to a mission to resume the hunt after a it promised, and abandon the the gavel dropped on Saturday. Here’s a gave every country confidence that its capabilities of rich and poor throughout peak later than those of other major one-year pause, sparking a “strong” whale hunt.” Tokyo said last month look at winners in the Paris climate agree- voice was being heard. France also the text, a key Chinese demand. Another economies, India made sure the text formal protest from 33 countries, it planned to kill 333 minke whales ment and some who came up short: earned respect for staying the course win for Beijing is that, unlike at the includes some leeway for developing led by Australia and New Zealand. for scientific research this season in nations. It reluctantly accepted the 1.5 While Turnbull’s first visit to key spite of a worldwide moratorium Small Islands degree goal and failed to get the deal to ally Japan as prime minister from and widespread opposition. The tiniest countries were arguably oblige rich countries to provide clean Friday will cover a broad range of The fleet’s departure marked the the biggest winners in the deal. Tuvalu, technology free of intellectual property topics, including defense coopera- end of a year-long suspension Marshall Islands, Maldives, Kiribati and rights to poor ones. other island nations pushed hard for two tion and trade, the controversial prompted by a United Nations’ ICJ things. First, a global commitment to at European Union whale hunt will be on the agenda. ruling in 2014 that the annual hunt least try to limit Earth’s warming to 1.5 The Europeans didn’t come out of “Prime ministers Turnbull and Abe was a commercial venture mas- degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) Paris looking like the leaders they want will discuss all aspects of the querading as research. It was compared to pre-industrial times. to be - and in many cases are - on climate Australia-Japan relationship,” a Australia that hauled Japan before Second, recognition that they’re going to change. They helped form a “high-ambi- Turnbull spokesman said. “This the court in 2010 to try to end the need help to deal with damage caused tion coalition” of rich and poor countries, includes economic and trade rela- annual hunt. “Prime minister by rising seas, more extreme weather but it wasn’t clear whether the alliance tions, security and defense coopera- Turnbull must tell the prime minister and other impacts of climate change. was anything but symbolic. The EU suc- tion, and Australia’s concerns about of Japan to listen to the courts, to lis- They got both, though with some cessfully introduced a mechanism in the Japan’s decision to resume whaling ten to the scientists and to bring caveats. deal designed to ramp up emissions tar- in the Southern Ocean this sum- back the fleet,” said the Australian gets over time, but caved on demands mer.” Marine Conservation Society’s Kate United States that the targets be legally binding. In a joint statement, Greenpeace, Simpson. “Australia has stood up to The deal in some ways looks like a the International Fund for Animal Japan before, they must act again to wish list from U.S. negotiators. It has no Photo shows ice floes in Baffin Bay above the Arctic Circle, seen from the Saudi Arabia Welfare, the Australian Marine challenge Japanese whaling.” new legally binding emissions or finan- Canadian Coast Guard icebreaker Louis S St-Laurent. In the annual Arctic Oil-rich Saudi Arabia argued against Conservation Society and activist Environmentalists from Sea cial targets, which would have prevented Report Card, released by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric the 1.5-degree temperature target and a group GetUp called on Turnbull to Shepherd Australia have vowed to President Barack Obama from accepting Administration, a record emerged for sea ice, which appears when Arctic long-term goal to phase out emissions. It abandon diplomacy on the issue. pursue the Japanese fleet and aim to it without approval from the Republican- Ocean water freezes. When its extent peaked for the year in February lost both battles. However, the long-term “Japan’s hunt is not scientific intervene in any hunt, as they have controlled Congress. It allows countries 2015, it was the lowest maximum coverage since records began in 1979. goal doesn’t specifically mention emis- research, it’s nothing more than done for the past decade. — AFP to set their own emissions targets, rather Scientists had previously announced that the minimum extent, reached in sions from fossil fuels, a small win for the than having to negotiate them with oth- September 2015, was the fourth lowest on record. — AP Saudis. — AP THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015 HEALTH & SCIENCE

Climate researchers employ tool from 1800s: Whaling logs

NEW BEDFORD: Maritime historians, climate project, they include precise longitude and through the vast amounts of information. strong ESE winds thick and snowing. Ther 30. the time ... and we can we can understand scientists and ordinary citizens are coming latitude measurements, weather conditions, The museum has about 2,600 whaling log- Bar 29.60.” On a most basic level, the informa- how the climate has been changing over a together on a project to study the logbooks the presence of icebergs and the edge of the books dating from 1756 to 1965, but the tion from an old whaling logbook can be longer period of time,” Wood said. of 19th-century whaling ships to better ice shelf. “If they’re cruising in the Bering project so far includes just about 300 log- compared to current conditions; for example, The project launched this month is an off- understand modern-day climate change and Strait and there’s ice, there will be a notation books related to whaling trips to the Arctic is there sea ice today in the places where shoot of Old Weather, an ongoing partnership Arctic weather patterns. Whaling ships kept in the logbook that ice fields are present,” from the mid-1800s to the first decade of the whalers saw sea ice 150 years ago? between NOAA and Zooniverse, the citizen meticulous daily logbooks of weather condi- Dyer said. 20th century. But the project is much more than that, science Web portal that is looking at logbooks tions during their often yearslong voyages The project, called Old Weather: Whaling, One entry from the San Francisco-based said Kevin Wood, a climate scientist with of other vessels, including merchant and naval searching the globe for whales, valued for is led by the National Oceanic and whaler Beluga during a two-year voyage to NOAA’s Joint Institute for the Study of the ships. Sifting through the documents is where their light-giving oil, said Michael Dyer, sen- Atmospheric Administration. The whaling the Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort seas from Ocean and Atmosphere at the University of the public comes in. There is just too much ior maritime historian at the New Bedford museum is transcribing and digitizing its 1897 to 1899 is typical of the information in Washington and a lead researcher on the data for a small group of scientists to pore Whaling Museum, which is supplying much own logbooks, as well as original data the logs. “Lat 61.19. Long. 175.42. Fast to the project. By recovering as much weather data over. High-resolution images of historical doc- of the data. sources from the Nantucket Historical ice till 6 A.M. then made sail and worked to as possible, the information could help cre- uments, extracted data and related research Some logs include information about life Association, Martha’s Vineyard Museum, the NE at 8:45 AM Commenced steaming. ate sophisticated computer models of past products are available online, sad Michael on board, such as sailors falling overboard, or Mystic Seaport in Connecticut, and the New Steamed till 1 PM then struck open water. climate and help predict future conditions. Lapides, the museum’s director of digital initia- being disciplined for stealing or other trans- Bedford Free Public Library. The digitized log- Carrying topsail and fore and aft sails. He called it a “virtual time-traveling weather tives. Already, the logbooks of more than 20 gressions, and of course, notations whenever books are being posted online so ordinary Steering from NNW to NE as the ice allowed. satellite.” “We can build an enormously whalers are online. The project is expected to whales are spotted. More important for this “citizen-scientists” can help researchers sift Wind light and variable first part. Latter part detailed reconstruction of the conditions at take about a year, Lapides said. — AP

British company misled consumers In Germany, birthrate peaks over painkiller: Australian court while mothers become older

Company ordered to remove popular painkiller from stores BERLIN: German women gave birth Europe’s biggest economy strug- last year at the highest rate since the gles with an ageing population in a SYDNEY: An Australian court has tricked into thinking that the four comply with the order and replace that of Nurofen’s standard ibuprofen country’s reunification in 1990 with country where deaths outstrip births ordered a British consumer goods products - Nurofen Back Pain, the products with new packaging painkiller and other general pain 1.47 births per woman, the Federal since 1972 and no other country in company to remove several versions Nurofen Period Pain, Nurofen that clearly states the drugs are relief products sold by competitors. Statistics Office said yesterday. It is the the world has experienced such a of a popular painkiller from stores in Migraine Pain and Nurofen Tension equally effective at treating other “Truth in advertising and con- third consecutive increase of the constant birth deficit since 1945. Australia after ruling that the compa- Headache - were designed to treat a forms of pain. sumer issues in the health and med- country’s birth rate, which in 1990 was Berlin estimates that its working age ny misled consumers about the prod- specific type of pain, when in fact, “The Nurofen specific-pain range ical sectors are priority areas for the at 1.45 and reached its lowest point in population will shrink by 6 million ucts’ effectiveness. The Federal Court they were all the same. was launched with an intention to ACCC, to ensure that consumers are 1995 with 1.25 births per woman. The people by 2030 and generous pro- ruled that British consumer goods “None of the four products is any help consumers navigate their pain given accurate information when statistics office said women were also family policies by successive govern- company Reckitt Benckiser deceived more or less effective than the others relief options, particularly within the making their purchasing decisions,” giving birth later. While on average ments were aiming to reverse the Australians by selling Nurofen in treating any of the particular symp- grocery environment where there is ACCC Chairman Rod Sims said in a women were 24.8 years old at the trend. Some experts also see a possi- painkillers that were marketed to toms,” Justice James Edelman wrote in no health care professional to assist statement. “Any representations birth of their first child in 1990, they ble boost in birth rates and a reduc- relieve specific ailments, such as back his judgment. Edelman gave Reckitt decision making,” Nurofen spokes- which are difficult for a consumer to were 29.5 years old on average in tion of average population age by pain, when all of the products con- Benckiser three months to remove woman Montse Pena said in a state- test will face greater scrutiny from 2014. Birth rates differ between means of the recent migrant influx. tained an identical amount of the the products from Australian stores. ment. “Nurofen did not set out to mis- the ACCC.” A separate court hearing Germany’s eastern and western states Germany expects the arrival of one same active ingredient, ibuprofen The company markets a variety of lead consumers.” The Australian will be held to determine any fines even 25 years after reunification, with million asylum seekers this year, the lysine. health and household goods in Competition and Consumer the company may face. This story has women in the eastern part of the majority of which are under 25 years Australia’s consumer watchdog Australia. Reckitt Benckiser referred Commission, which started the court been corrected to show that the country giving birth to more children. old. — Reuters launched the court action in March, calls requesting comment to its action, said the price of Nurofen’s spe- banned painkillers were identical to arguing that consumers were being Nurofen unit, which said it would cific pain products was nearly double each other. — AP World Bank approves $1.5 billion for toilets in India

NEW DELHI: The World Bank has approved a $1.5 bil- “One in every 10 deaths in India is linked to poor lion loan for a state-led sanitation program in India, sanitation,” said Onno Ruhl, World Bank country direc- where millions of people have no access to toilets, tor for India. Low-income households bear the brunt the bank said yesterday. The loan, disbursed over a of poor sanitation and the “sanitation project would five-year period, will be used to support government result in significant health benefits for the poor and efforts to provide toilets in villages and end the prac- vulnerable, especially those living in rural areas,” Ruhl tice of open defecation by 2019, it said. More than said. Defecating outdoors increases cases of diarrhea, 500 million Indians, especially in rural areas, continue parasitic worm infections and other public health to defecate in the open, despite decades-long efforts scourges that experts say contribute to childhood to encourage people to change their habits. stunting and malnutrition. — AP

MUMBAI: An Indian girl holds a can filled with water and walks past railway tracks to defecate NEW DELHI: A temporary toilet made by farmers for their use is seen near the River Yamuna in New Delhi, India. — AP in the open in Mumbai, India. — AP WHAT’S ON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015

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X-cite announces the 7 winners in the “Win More Than $500,000 Cash” promotion

X-cite by Alghanim Electronics is pleased to announce The third week’s winners are: 5th place winner of KD 1,000: Shaima’a Salah You too can be a lucky winner with X-cite! In order to the names of the third week’s winners of the biggest shop- 1st place winner of KD 25,000: Ahmad Ameen Rashwan 6th place winner of KD 500: Zahid Ismail participate and get the chance to win any of the remaining ping festival in Kuwait, which offers customers the oppor- 2nd place winner of KD 5,000: Maha Marzoug Rakhees 7th place winner of KD 500: Ghanim Abdullah Al-Sharifi cash prizes, all you need to do is visit any of X-cite’s 18 tunity to win more than $500,000 Cash in 5 weekly draws Al-Barazi First Place winner Ahmad Ameen Rashwan was very showrooms spread across the country,, or with a weekly grand prize of KD 25,000. This one-of-a-kind 3rd place winner of KD 2,500: Mayaca Shenamay pleased with the prize saying, “Thank God for this amazing X-cite’s smartphone app, and for every KD 25 you will get promotion was launched on November 19th and will last 4th place winner of KD 1,000: Hammad Hammoudah prize from X-cite. I am very happy and wish the best of luck one chance to win great cash prizes. The earlier you make a until December 26th. Hammad in the remaining draws!” purchase, the greater your chances of winning! Bangladeshi Embassy closure Birthday Greetings appy 2nd Birthday he Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh in Sean Arnold De Kuwait will remain closed on Wednesday, 16 HLeon To our little TDecember 2015 on the occasion of The Victory Day of boy Sean, we pray to God Bangladesh. to shower you with the The Embassy will arrange the following program on best of happiness, health Wednesday, 16 December 2015 at Chancery to observe the Victory Day of Bangladesh: and prosperity. We love Chancery Roof: you baby Sean.Love: dad- 9 am: Ceremonial hoisting of the National Flag. dy, mommy, ate Cia, Ate Multipurpose Hall: Lia, lolo’s and lola’s, family 9:15 am: Recitation from the Holy Quran and friends 9:16 am: Observance of one minute silence 9:17 am: Reading out the messages 9:30 am: Discussion on the Day 10 am: Speech by the Ambassador. What’s On - Submission Guidelines South African All photos submitted for What’s On Embassy closure BSK runs ‘Writer’s Club’ for students should be minimum 200dpi. Articles must be in plain text and n the occasion of Reconciliation Day, the should include name and phone South African Embassy will be closed on he British School of Kuwait has things that are important to them. be sent via email to every parent in Wednesday, 16 December 2015. The Embassy run a ‘Writer’s Club’ for many The newspaper combines articles, the school. numbers. Articles and photos that O years but this year the students school news, sporting achievement, The students now feel inspired to will resume its normal working hours on Thursday, T fail to meet these requirements will decided they wanted to create a facts, competitions and more, all writ- create a bigger newspaper next time 17 December 2015, from Sunday to Thursday. Please school newspaper. Dawood Al- ten by students. After working and other students are also keen to not be published. note that the working hours will be from 8:00 to Mekhled was nominated as the editor through the editing process the contribute, now they have seen the 16:00 and the Consular Section operation hours will and a group of eager students from newspaper was launched on Sunday finished product. It is hoped BSK will Please send them to from 8:30 to 12:30. For Emergency calls please con- Years 6-12 interviewed teachers and 13 December. As well as a paper copy, produce at least two more papers [email protected] tact: 94924895. students about themselves and a digital copy of the newspaper will before June 2016 WHAT’S ON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015

CEO and managing director Shiekh Mohammed Al-Thani Al-Thani welcomes the children of the staff Some of the staff with Al-Thani

Honoring the staff of the iPhone 6S launch Ooredoo concludes year with Employee Open Day Celebrating the successes of 2015 at Sirbb Circuit

oredoo Kuwait, a member of the The open day was attended by manage- Barakat and Vardwala Fakhruddin from Additionally, all the divisions and depart- spirit, collaboration, creativity and commit- international Ooredoo Group, held an ment of Ooredoo Kuwait, who thanked atten- Customer Care, Balachandar Devrajan from ments involved in the iPhone 6S launch event ment. All of these factors contributed to Oopen day for its employees and their dees for their hard work and ongoing sup- Finance, Hussam Al-Rifai from Business Sales, on October were awarded for their contribu- being an organization everyone is aiming to families at Sirbb Circuit last week. The day port. Throughout the day, staff members and Fajer Al-Matrouk from Corporate tion to the successful event, which garnered join. We are delighted that our staff and fam- focused on rewarding employees for their their families enjoyed a wide range of activi- Communication, Marian Awadalla from positive feedback across the country. ilies were able to attend this event and enjoy contribution to the company’s success and ties for adults and kids in addition to carting Human Resources, Gopi Bobba from Mijbil Alayoub, Director of Corporate the variety of activities we have tailored for achievements in 2015. This annual event races. The open day also included a special Marketing, Asha Philip and Karim Makar from Communications at Ooredoo Kuwait stated: their interest” Alayoub added that Ooredoo reflects Ooredoo’s commitment to its awards ceremony for employee’s outstanding Technology, Saad Al-Azemi, Tapan Tripathi “We aimed at recognizing the contribution Kuwait had a successful year with many posi- employees and one of the ways the company performance for third quarter of 2015. and Bharatan Shankar Praveen from across of employees this year by hosting this event. tive turns, and claimed several local and uses to acknowledge their teams hard work The winners were Mohammad Tawfiq and the organization for their contribution to We provide our team with a working envi- regional awards for its exceptional achieve- and loyalty. Abdullah Al-Kankouni from Sales, Lama various projects. ronment which encourages high teamwork ments.

Al Thani, Al-Kukhn and Al-Houti honor Fajr Al-Matrouk Al-Thani and Al-Kukhn

Honoring distinguished staff

Al-Thani and Salah bin Eidan The winning team Part of the Kidzania show p32.qxp_Layout 1 12/16/15 6:44 PM Page 1


Teenage Witch Kardashians 04:45 Brave New World 09:45 Jessie 07:50 Style Star 05:40 Nat Geo Amazing! 10:10 Jessie 08:20 New Money 06:35 China’s Grand Canal:photog- 10:35 Aladdin & The King Of 08:45 New Money rapher’s Journey Thieves 09:15 Giuliana & Bill 07:30 The Great Food Revolution 00:20 Fast N’ Loud 11:55 Hank Zipzer 10:15 Giuliana & Bill 08:25 The Toilet Men 01:10 Ed Stafford: Into The 12:20 Hank Zipzer 11:10 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 09:20 Brave New World 03:35 Tanked Unknown 12:45 I Didn’t Do It 11:35 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 10:15 Do Or Die 04:25 Killer Iq: Lion vs Hyena 02:00 Dual Survival 13:10 I Didn’t Do It 12:05 The Grace Helbig Show 10:40 Do Or Die 05:15 Gator Boys 02:50 River Monsters 13:35 Liv And Maddie 12:35 The Grace Helbig Show 11:10 Man V. Viral 06:02 Treehouse Masters 03:40 Auction Hunters 14:00 Liv And Maddie 13:05 Fashion Bloggers 12:05 Car SOS 06:49 Shamwari: A Wild Life 04:05 Property Wars 14:30 H2O: Just Add Water 13:35 Fashion Bloggers 13:00 Expedition Wild 07:12 Shamwari: A Wild Life 04:30 Storage Wars Canada 14:55 H2O: Just Add Water 14:05 Dash Dolls 14:00 The Great Food Revolution 07:36 Call Of The Wildman 05:00 Americarna 15:20 Dog With A Blog 15:00 Keeping Up With The 15:00 Hubble’s Cosmic Journey 08:00 Call Of The Wildman 05:30 How It’s Made 15:45 Girl Meets World Kardashians 16:00 Do Or Die 08:25 Killer Iq: Lion vs Hyena 06:00 Ice Cold Gold 16:10 Violetta 16:00 Keeping Up With The 16:30 Do Or Die 09:15 Gator Boys 06:50 Kindig Customs 17:00 The Next Step Kardashians 17:00 Man V. Viral 10:10 Treehouse Masters 07:40 Fast N’ Loud 17:25 Mako Mermaids 17:00 Hollywood Cycle 18:00 Car SOS 11:05 Tanked 08:30 Auction Hunters 17:50 Girl Meets World 18:00 E! News 19:00 Air Crash Investigation 12:00 Dogs/Cats/Pets 101 08:55 Property Wars 18:15 Dog With A Blog 19:00 Dash Dolls 20:00 Do Or Die 12:55 Bondi Vet 09:20 Storage Wars Canada 18:40 Gravity Falls 20:00 Fashion Bloggers 20:25 Do Or Die 13:50 The Primeval Forest Of 09:45 Americarna 19:05 H2O: Just Add Water 20:30 Fashion Bloggers 20:50 Man V. Viral Belovezhskaya Pushcha 10:10 How It’s Made 19:30 Violetta 21:00 House Of DVF 21:40 Car SOS 14:45 Killer Iq: Lion vs Hyena 10:35 Ed Stafford: Into The 20:20 The Next Step 22:00 E! News 22:30 Air Crash Investigation 15:40 Treehouse Masters Unknown 20:45 Good Luck Charlie 23:00 Keeping Up With The 23:20 Nat Geo Amazing! 16:35 Tanked 11:25 Dual Survival 21:10 Good Luck Charlie Kardashians 17:30 Shamwari: A Wild Life 12:15 River Monsters 21:35 Wizards Of Waverly Place 23:30 Keeping Up With The 17:55 Shamwari: A Wild Life 13:05 Auction Hunters 22:00 Binny And The Ghost Kardashians 18:25 Killer Iq: Lion vs Hyena 13:30 Property Wars 22:25 Sabrina: Secrets Of A 19:20 Yankee Jungle 13:55 Storage Wars Canada Teenage Witch 20:15 Tanked 14:20 Ice Cold Gold 22:50 Sabrina: Secrets Of A 21:10 Shamwari: A Wild Life 15:10 Kindig Customs Teenage Witch 00:10 American Food Battle 21:35 Shamwari: A Wild Life 16:00 Fast N’ Loud 23:10 Wolfblood 00:35 David Rocco’s Dolce Vita 22:05 Treehouse Masters 16:50 Americarna 23:35 Wolfblood 01:00 Chefs Run Wild 23:00 Yankee Jungle 17:15 How It’s Made 00:00 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives 01:25 Tales From The Bush Larder 23:55 Biggest And Baddest 17:40 Mythbusters 00:30 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives 01:50 Food Lover’s Guide To The 00:50 Gator Boys 18:30 The Carbonaro Effect 01:00 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives Planet 01:45 Call Of The Wildman 18:55 The Carbonaro Effect 01:30 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives 02:15 The Food Files 02:15 Call Of The Wildman 19:20 Outback Truckers 02:00 Man Finds Food 02:40 Eat Street 02:40 Yankee Jungle 20:10 Property Wars 00:00 Nina Needs To Go 02:30 Man Finds Food 03:05 The Best Job In The World 20:35 Storage Wars Canada 00:05 Henry Hugglemonster 03:00 Man Fire Food 03:30 The Great Food Revolution 21:00 Mythbusters 00:20 Calimero 03:30 Man Fire Food 04:20 Bondi Rescue Outback 21:50 The Carbonaro Effect 00:35 Zou 04:00 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives Adventure 22:15 The Carbonaro Effect 00:50 Loopdidoo 04:30 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives 05:10 Home Strange Home 22:40 You Have Been Warned 01:05 Art Attack 05:00 Guy’s Grocery Games 06:00 Food Lover’s Guide To The 23:30 Kindig Customs 01:30 Henry Hugglemonster 06:00 Chopped Planet 03:45 Little Britain 01:45 Calimero 07:00 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 06:25 International Open House 04:15 The Weakest Link 02:00 Zou 07:30 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 06:50 Chefs Run Wild 05:00 Teletubbies 02:15 Loopdidoo 08:00 Chopped 07:15 Tales From The Bush Larder 05:25 The Green Balloon Club 02:30 Art Attack 09:00 Guy’s Grocery Games 07:40 Food Lover’s Guide To The 05:50 Charlie And Lola 02:55 Henry Hugglemonster 10:00 The Kitchen Planet 06:00 Teletubbies 00:35 Mythbusters 03:05 Calimero 11:00 Barefoot Contessa: Back To 08:05 The Food Files 06:25 The Green Balloon Club 01:20 How It’s Made 03:20 Zou Basics 08:30 Eat Street 06:50 Charlie And Lola 01:44 How It’s Made 03:30 Loopdidoo 11:30 Barefoot Contessa: Back To 08:55 The Best Job In The World 07:00 Woolly & Tig 02:08 Food Factory 03:45 Art Attack Basics 09:20 The Great Food Revolution 07:05 Woolly & Tig 02:31 Food Factory 04:10 Henry Hugglemonster 12:00 Chopped 10:10 Bondi Rescue Outback 07:15 Jollywobbles 02:55 What Could Possibly Go 04:20 Calimero 13:00 Guy’s Big Bite Adventure 07:20 Jollywobbles Wrong? 04:35 Zou 13:30 Guy’s Big Bite 11:00 Home Strange Home 07:30 The Weakest Link 03:42 Cosmic Collisions 04:45 Loopdidoo 14:00 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives 11:50 Dog Whisperer 08:15 Up The Women 04:29 Mythbusters 05:00 Art Attack 14:30 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives 12:40 Chefs Run Wild 08:45 Doctors 05:16 Food Factory 05:25 Henry Hugglemonster 15:00 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 13:05 Tales From The Bush Larder 09:15 Eastenders 05:39 Food Factory 05:35 Calimero 15:30 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 13:35 Food Lover’s Guide To The LONE SURVIVOR ON OSN MOVIES HD ACTION 09:45 Call The Midwife 06:03 What Could Possibly Go 05:50 Zou 16:00 Chopped Planet 10:40 Starlings 11:25 The Weakest Link Wrong? 06:00 Loopdidoo 17:00 The Kitchen 14:00 American Food Battle 06:30 My Name Is Earl 11:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:15 Robot & Frank-PG15 12:10 Up The Women 06:50 X-Machines 06:15 Art Attack 18:00 Jenny And Reza’s Fabulous 14:30 Eat Street 07:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 12:00 Drop Dead Diva 17:00 Quartet-PG15 12:40 Up The Women 07:37 How It’s Made 06:35 Henry Hugglemonster Food Academy 14:55 The Best Job In The World 10:30 My Name Is Earl 13:00 Once Upon A Time 19:00 Transcendence-PG15 13:10 Call The Midwife 08:00 How It’s Made 06:50 Calimero 18:30 Grandma’s Secret Cookbook 15:25 The Great Food Revolution 11:00 The Tonight Show Starring 14:00 Red Band Society 21:00 Before I Go To Sleep-PG15 14:05 Starlings 08:23 Mythbusters 07:00 Zou 19:00 Chopped 16:20 David Rocco’s Dolce India Jimmy Fallon 15:00 Live Good Morning America 23:00 Taken 3-PG15 14:50 Up The Women 09:08 Cosmic Collisions 07:20 Loopdidoo 20:00 Guy’s Grocery Games 16:45 David Rocco’s Dolce India 12:30 $#! My Dad Says 17:00 Drop Dead Diva 15:20 Doctors 09:53 X-Machines 07:35 Art Attack 21:00 Chopped 17:15 Home Strange Home 13:00 Suburgatory 18:00 Once Upon A Time 15:50 Eastenders 10:38 How It’s Made 08:00 Calimero 22:00 Chopped South Africa 18:10 Food Lover’s Guide To The 13:30 My Name Is Earl 19:00 Red Band Society 16:20 The Weakest Link 11:00 How It’s Made 08:10 Zou 23:00 Iron Chef America Planet 14:00 2 Broke Girls 20:00 Drop Dead Diva 01:30 Hiroku: Defenders Of Gaia 17:05 Up The Women 11:23 How Do They Do It? 08:25 Limon And Oli 18:35 International Open House 15:30 Hot In Cleveland 21:00 Once Upon A Time 03:00 Bolts And Blip 17:35 Up The Women 11:45 How Do They Do It? 08:35 Jake And The Neverland 19:05 The Best Job In The World 16:00 The Nightly Show With Larry 22:00 Tyrant 04:30 Mamma Moo And Crow 18:05 Call The Midwife 12:08 What Could Possibly Go Pirates 19:30 The Great Food Revolution Wilmore 23:00 Helix 06:00 Christmas Is Here Again 19:00 Doctors Wrong? 09:05 Sofia The First 20:25 David Rocco’s Dolce India 17:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 07:45 Marco Macaco 19:30 Eastenders 12:53 X-Machines 09:30 Miles From Tomorrow 20:50 David Rocco’s Dolce India 18:00 Marry Me 09:30 Pim And Pom: The Big 20:00 New Tricks 13:38 Mythbusters 10:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 21:15 Home Strange Home 18:30 2 Broke Girls 00:10 Come Date With Me Adventure 20:55 DCI Banks: Aftermath 14:23 How It’s Made 10:30 Doc McStuffins 22:05 Food Lover’s Guide To The 20:00 The Tonight Show Starring Australia 11:00 Charlie And The Chocolate 21:45 Stewart Lee’s Comedy 14:46 How It’s Made 11:00 Sofia The First Planet Jimmy Fallon 00:35 Come Date With Me Factory Vehicle 15:10 Cosmic Collisions 11:30 Jake And The Never Land 22:30 International Open House 21:00 Hot In Cleveland Australia 13:00 Bolts And Blip 22:15 Waking The Dead 15:57 How Do They Do It? Pirates 22:55 Chefs Run Wild 21:30 The Nightly Show With Larry 00:00 The Terminator 01:05 Seven Days With‚Ķ 14:30 Hatching 23:05 Waking The Dead 16:20 How Do They Do It? 11:55 Miles From Tomorrow 23:20 Tales From The Bush Larder Wilmore 02:00 Psycho 02:00 Emmerdale 16:00 The Elf Who Stole Christmas 00:00 The Weakest Link 16:44 What Could Possibly Go 12:25 Henry Hugglemonster 23:45 Food Lover’s Guide To The 22:00 The League 04:00 Escape Plan 02:25 Coach Trip 18:00 Pim And Pom: The Big 00:45 Doctors Wrong? 12:55 Loopdidoo Planet 22:30 The League 06:00 The Outsider 02:55 Coronation Street Adventure 01:15 Eastenders 17:31 X-Machines 13:10 Sheriff Callie’s Wild West 23:30 Late Night With Seth Meyers 08:00 Marvel’s Next Avengers: 03:25 Midsomer Murders 20:00 Minuscule: Valley Of The 01:40 Call The Midwife 18:18 Cosmic Collisions 13:35 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Heroes Of Tomorrow 19:05 Mythbusters 05:15 Come Date With Me Lost Ants 02:35 New Tricks 14:00 Sofia The First 10:00 Age Of Dinosaurs 22:00 Hatching 19:50 Strip The Cosmos 14:30 Henry Hugglemonster Australia 05:40 Come Date With Me 12:00 Escape Plan 23:30 The Elf Who Stole Christmas 20:40 What Could Possibly Go 14:45 Calimero 14:00 Big Ass Spider Wrong? 15:00 Doc McStuffins Australia 00:00 Bates Motel 16:00 The Outsider 21:25 How It’s Made 15:30 Zou 06:10 Seven Days With‚Ķ 00:20 World’s Deadliest 01:00 Blood & Oil 17:45 A Stranger In Paradise 21:50 How It’s Made 15:45 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 07:05 Coronation Street 01:10 Man V. Monster 02:00 Supergirl 19:30 The Hunger Games: 22:15 Cosmic Collisions 16:15 Sofia The First 07:30 Midsomer Murders 02:00 Africa’s Deadliest 03:14 Grojband 03:00 Scream Queens Catching Fire 23:00 Strip The Cosmos 16:45 Jake And The Never Land 09:20 Peter Andre’s 60 Minute 02:50 World’s Deadliest Animals 03:35 Johnny Test 04:00 The Voice 22:00 Left Behind 23:45 What Could Possibly Go Pirates Makeover 03:45 Animal Fight Club 00:00 Men, Women & Children-18 05:05 Transformers: Robots In 06:00 Unforgettable Wrong? 17:10 Aladdin 10:10 Seven Days With‚Ķ 04:40 Built For The Kill 02:00 Big Hero 6-PG Disguise 07:00 Bones 17:40 Adventures Of The Gummi 11:05 Coach Trip 05:35 Africa’s Deadliest 04:00 No Clue-PG15 05:27 Transformers: Robots In 08:00 Resurrection Bears 11:35 Four Weddings UK 06:30 World’s Deadliest Animals 06:00 Marvel’s Hulk vs. Thor & Disguise 09:00 The Voice 18:10 Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers 12:30 Come Date With Me 07:25 Animal Fight Club Wolverine-PG 05:50 Regular Show 11:00 Blood & Oil 18:40 Jake And The Never Land Australia 08:20 I, Predator 08:00 So Undercover-PG15 06:00 The Amazing World Of 12:00 Emmerdale Pirates 12:55 Come Date With Me 09:15 Built For The Kill 10:00 Hellboy: Sword Of Storms- Gumball Australia 12:30 Coronation Street 00:00 Psycho-18 PG 18:55 Cars Toons 10:10 World’s Deadliest 02:00 Escape Plan-PG15 07:00 Adventure Time 13:25 Emmerdale 11:05 72 Dangerous Animals 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 12:00 Brick Mansions-PG15 00:00 Violetta 19:00 Miles From Tomorrow 04:00 The Outsider-PG15 07:25 Teen Titans Go! 13:50 Coach Trip Australia 14:00 Resurrection 14:00 Sabotage-PG15 00:45 The Hive 19:30 Sofia The First 06:00 Marvel’s Next Avengers: 08:10 Ninjago: Masters Of Spinjitzu 14:20 Coronation Street 12:00 Global Whale Shark Mystery 15:00 Unforgettable 16:00 So Undercover-PG15 00:50 Sabrina: Secrets Of A 19:55 Doc McStuffins Heroes Of Tomorrow-PG 08:35 Ben 10 Omniverse 14:45 Peter Andre’s 60 Minute 12:55 Ultimate Animal Countdown 16:00 Emmerdale 18:00 Vamps-PG15 Teenage Witch 20:15 Jake And The Never Land 08:00 Age Of Dinosaurs-PG15 09:20 Regular Show Makeover 13:50 World’s Deadliest Animals 16:30 Coronation Street 20:00 A Case Of You-PG15 01:15 Sabrina: Secrets Of A Pirates 10:00 Escape Plan-PG15 10:10 Clarence 15:35 The Jonathan Ross Show 14:45 Animal Fight Club 17:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 22:00 The Skeleton Twins-18 Teenage Witch 20:45 Sheriff Callie’s Wild West 12:00 Big Ass Spider-PG15 10:30 Johnny Test 16:30 The Syndicate 15:40 How Big Can It Get 18:00 The Voice 01:40 Wolfblood 21:05 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 14:00 The Outsider-PG15 11:20 Uncle Grandpa 17:25 Seven Days With‚Ķ 16:35 Built For The Kill 20:00 Supergirl 02:05 Wolfblood 21:35 Sofia The First 15:45 A Stranger In Paradise-PG15 11:40 Ninjago: Masters Of Spinjitzu 18:20 Come Date With Me 17:30 World’s Deadliest Animals 21:00 Marvel’s Agents Of 02:30 Violetta 22:00 Aladdin 17:30 The Hunger Games: 12:05 Teen Titans Go! Australia 18:25 72 Dangerous Animals S.H.I.E.L.D. 03:15 The Hive 22:30 Adventures Of The Gummi Catching Fire-PG15 12:50 Steven Universe 19:10 Coronation Street Australia 22:00 The Flash 03:20 Sabrina: Secrets Of A Bears 20:00 Left Behind-PG15 01:00 Live MSNBC Mtp Daily 13:02 Steven Universe 19:35 The Jonathan Ross Show 19:20 Animal Fight Club 23:00 American Horror Story: Hotel Teenage Witch 23:00 Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers 22:00 Lone Survivor-PG15 02:00 Live MSNBC News 13:15 Regular Show 20:30 The Syndicate 20:10 How Big Can It Get 03:45 Sabrina: Secrets Of A 23:30 Lilo & Stitch 03:00 Live NBC Nightly News 14:00 Johnny Test 21:25 Seven Days With‚Ķ 21:00 Built For The Kill Teenage Witch 14:50 Adventure Time 22:20 Coronation Street 21:50 World’s Deadliest Animals 03:30 ABC World News With David 04:10 Wolfblood 15:10 The Amazing World Of 22:50 Emmerdale 22:40 72 Dangerous Animals Muir 04:35 Wolfblood Gumball 23:15 Four Weddings UK Australia 04:00 Live MSNBC All In With Chris 05:00 Violetta 15:35 The Amazing World Of 23:30 Global Whale Shark Mystery Hayes 05:45 The Hive Gumball 00:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 05:00 Live MSNBC The Rachel 05:50 Mouk 00:00 Stewarts And Hamiltons 00:00 The Hot Chick 16:00 Ben 10 Omniverse 01:00 Good Morning America Maddow Show 06:00 Lolirock 00:55 The Grace Helbig Show 02:00 Zoolander 16:45 Ninjago: Masters Of Spinjitzu 03:00 Tyrant 06:00 Live MSNBC The Last Word 06:25 Hank Zipzer 01:25 Keeping Up With The 04:00 Foodfight! 17:10 Ninjago: Masters Of Spinjitzu 04:00 Helix W/ Lawrence O’Donnell 06:50 Girl Meets World Kardashians 06:00 Simon Birch 17:30 Teen Titans Go! 05:00 Good Morning America 07:00 NBC Nightly News 07:15 H2O: Just Add Water 02:20 Giuliana & Bill 00:10 The Border 08:00 Tooth Fairy 18:20 Regular Show 07:00 Emmerdale 07:30 ABC World News With David 07:40 H2O: Just Add Water 03:15 Christina Milian Turned Up 01:00 Air Crash Investigation 00:30 Hot In Cleveland 10:00 Foodfight! 19:05 The Amazing World Of 07:30 Coronation Street Muir 08:05 Austin & Ally 04:10 Pop Innovators 02:00 Wicked Tuna: North vs. 01:00 The Nightly Show With Larry 12:00 Zoolander Gumball 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 07:57 NBC Nightly News 08:30 Austin & Ally 05:05 E! Entertainment Special South Wilmore 14:00 The Ladykillers 19:30 Johnny Test 09:00 Red Band Society 08:18 ABC World News With David 08:55 Sabrina: Secrets Of A 06:00 Keeping Up With The 02:55 Cosmos: A Spacetime 03:30 2 Broke Girls 16:00 Tooth Fairy 19:40 Johnny Test 10:00 Emmerdale Muir Teenage Witch Kardashians Odyssey 04:30 The Tonight Show Starring 18:00 Planes, Trains And 19:51 Adventure Time 10:30 Coronation Street 08:39 Live ABC Nightline 09:20 Sabrina: Secrets Of A 06:55 Keeping Up With The 03:50 The Border Jimmy Fallon Automobiles 20:15 Steven Universe 20:00 That Awkward Moment 09:06 MSNBC The Rachel 20:27 Steven Universe 22:00 Duets Maddow Show 20:40 Teen Titans Go! 10:00 MSNBC The Last Word W/ 21:25 Ben 10: Omniverse Lawrence O’Donnell 21:50 Ben 10: Omniverse 11:00 Live ABC World News Now 22:15 Uncle Grandpa 11:30 Live ABC World News Now 22:40 Adventure Time 12:00 Live NBC Early Today 00:10 Regular Show 12:30 Live ABC America This 01:40 Transformers: Robots In 01:00 InSight-PG15 Morning Disguise 03:00 At Middleton-PG15 13:00 Live ABC America This 02:02 Transformers: Robots In 05:00 Wrath-PG15 Morning Disguise 07:00 A Promise-PG15 13:30 Live ABC America This 02:25 Grojband 09:00 Paranoia-PG15 Morning 02:51 Grojband 11:00 Wrath-PG15 14:00 Live ABC America This 13:00 At Middleton-PG15 Morning 15:00 The Truth About Emanuel- PG15 14:30 MSNBC First Look 17:00 Paranoia-PG15 15:00 Live NBC Today Show 19:00 Jack Strong-PG15 18:57 MSNBC Hardball W/ Chris 21:15 As Cool As I Am-PG15 Matthews 23:00 Her-18 19:38 MSNBC The Rachel 03:40 The Killer Speaks Maddow Show 04:35 Gangsters: America’s Most 20:19 MSNBC The Last Word W/ Evil Lawrence O’Donnell 05:25 Crimes That Shook Australia 21:00 Live MSNBC Live With 06:15 Killers Thomas Roberts 07:05 The First 48 01:00 The Hidden Face 08:00 The First 48 03:00 The Bag Man 23:00 Live MSNBC Live With Kate Snow 09:00 The First 48 05:00 1911 10:00 Nightmare In Suburbia 07:00 Rushmore 11:00 Very Bad Men 09:00 Tea With Mussolini 11:30 Very Bad Men 11:00 The Bag Man 12:00 Frenemies 13:00 Rushmore 13:00 The FBI Files 15:00 We Are Family 04:20 Big Screen 14:00 Crime Stories 17:00 Tea With Mussolini 04:35 Nobody’s Fool 15:00 Nightmare In Suburbia 19:00 71 06:20 Inspector Clouseau 16:00 Very Bad Men 21:00 Jersey Boys 07:55 Late For Dinner 16:30 Very Bad Men 23:15 Mobius 09:30 Little Sister 17:00 The First 48 11:05 Death Rides A Horse 18:00 Frenemies 13:00 Big Screen 19:00 The FBI Files 20:00 Crime Stories 13:15 Saved! 01:15 Ask Me Anything-PG15 21:00 Very Bad Men 14:45 Thunderbirds Are Go 21:30 Very Bad Men 03:00 Million Dollar Arm-PG15 16:20 The Great Escape 05:15 Lizzie Borden Took An Ax- 22:00 Nightmare In Suburbia 19:10 Shattered Glass PG15 23:00 Celebrity Ghost Stories 07:00 The Giver-PG15 20:45 Big Screen 23:55 The Last Goodbye 09:00 Quartet-PG15 21:00 The Blair Witch Project 00:25 The Last Goodbye 10:45 Divergent-PG15 22:20 Cold Mountain 00:50 The Ghost Inside My Child A STRANGER IN PARADISE ON OSN MOVIES ACTION 13:00 The Hunger Games: 00:55 Cabin Fever 01:45 My Haunted House Mockingjay Part I-PG15 02:30 The Heavenly Kid 02:45 Nightmare In Suburbia Classifieds




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Arrival Flights on Thursday 17/12/2015 KAC 284 Dhaka 14:45 Departure Flights on Thursday 17/12/2015 KAC 537 Sohag 13:35 Airlines Flt Route Time KAC 672 Dubai 14:45 Airlines Flt Route Time JZR 176 Dubai 13:45 MSC 415 Sohag 00:05 KAC 788 Jeddah 14:50 AIC 976 Goa/Chennai 00:05 MSR 611 Cairo 14:00 KLM 411 Amsterdam/Dammam 00:20 GFA 221 Bahrain 15:00 JZR 528 Asyut 00:05 UAE 872 Dubai 14:15 JZR 267 Beirut 00:30 KNE 472 Jeddah 15:05 BBC 044 Dhaka 00:10 THY 767 Istanbul 14:45 JZR 539 Cairo 00:40 OMA 645 Muscat 15:30 FDB 072 Dubai 00:40 KNE 481 Taif 14:50 FDB 069 Dubai 00:55 NIA 251 Alexandria 15:30 MSC 404 Asyut 00:55 KAC 673 Dubai 15:00 RJA 642 Amman 01:05 KAC 562 Amman 15:40 JAI 573 Mumbai 00:55 JZR 124 Bahrain 15:00 THY 772 Istanbul 01:05 ABY 127 Sharjah 15:45 MSC 416 Sohag 01:00 QTR 1079 Doha 15:10 SAI 441 Lahore 01:30 UAE 857 Dubai 15:45 KLM 411 Amsterdam 01:35 FDB 058 Dubai 15:10 DLH 635 Doha 01:35 JAD 301 Amman 15:55 KAC 283 Dhaka 02:10 AXB 394 Kozhikode 15:20 ETH 620 Addis Ababa 01:45 JZR 535 Cairo 16:10 THY 773 Istanbul 02:30 JZR 188 Dubai 15:40 PGT 858 Istanbul 02:00 JZR 779 Jeddah 16:10 SAI 442 Lahore 02:30 KAC 617 Doha 15:45 UAE 853 Dubai 02:30 QTR 1072 Doha 16:10 DLH 635 Frankfurt 02:35 GFA 222 Bahrain 15:45 GFA 211 Bahrain 02:30 JZR 257 Beirut 16:30 ETH 621 Addis Ababa 02:45 KAC 773 Riyadh 15:50 OMA 643 Muscat 02:55 FDB 051 Dubai 16:30 KAC 203 Lahore 03:05 KAC 613 Bahrain 15:50 FDB 067 Dubai 03:05 KNE 474 Jeddah 16:35 KAC 381 Delhi 03:30 KAC 741 Dammam 15:50 MSR 612 Cairo 03:10 ETD 303 Abu Dhabi 16:40 UAE 854 Dubai 03:45 SVA 505 Jeddah 16:00 QTR 1076 Doha 03:15 KAC 542 Cairo 16:55 PGT 859 Istanbul 03:55 KNE 473 Jeddah 16:05 KKK 6507 Istanbul 03:20 RJA 640 Amman 16:55 OMA 644 Muscat 03:55 ABY 128 Sharjah 16:25 ETD 305 Abu Dhabi 03:25 SVA 510 Riyadh 17:15 FDB 068 Dubai 04:00 NIA 252 Alexandria 16:30 LMU 510 Cairo 04:05 GFA 215 Bahrain 17:30 MSR 613 Cairo 04:10 OMA 646 Muscat 16:30 JZR 503 Luxor 04:25 KAC 678 Muscat/Abu Dhabi 17:50 ETD 306 Abu Dhabi 04:15 JAD 302 Amman 16:40 DHX 170 Bahrain 05:40 JZR 125 Bahrain 17:50 KKK 6508 Istanbul 04:20 KAC 563 Amman 16:45 THY 770 Istanbul 05:55 MSR 614 Cairo 17:50 QTR 1077 Doha 05:00 JZR 266 Beirut 17:05 QTR 8511 Doha 06:10 KAC 118 New York 17:55 LMU 511 Cairo 05:05 KNE 475 Jeddah 17:25 FDB 5061 Dubai 06:30 JZR 777 Jeddah 17:55 THY 765 Istanbul 05:15 ETD 304 Abu Dhabi 17:30 KAC 502 Beirut 18:00 BAW 157 London 06:40 JZR 560 Sohag 06:10 FDB 052 Dubai 17:35 UAE 875 Dubai 18:00 JZR 529 Asyut 06:50 FDB 070 Dubai 06:30 QTR 1073 Doha 17:40 KAC 412 Manila/Bangkok 07:20 FDB 063 Dubai 18:05 JZR 164 Dubai 06:55 UAL 982 IAD 18:15 JZR 538 Cairo 17:45 QTR 1086 Doha 07:40 RJA 643 Amman 07:05 UAE 858 Dubai 17:45 FDB 053 Dubai 07:45 JZR 177 Dubai 18:20 THY 771 Istanbul 07:05 KAC 786 Jeddah 18:30 RJA 641 Amman 17:55 KAC 302 Mumbai 07:50 FDB 5062 Dubai 07:10 ABY 123 Sharjah 18:45 SVA 511 Riyadh 18:15 SVA 512 Riyadh 07:50 JZR 240 Amman 07:15 KAC 742 Dammam 18:55 GFA 216 Bahrain 18:20 KAC 206 Islamabad 08:25 QTR 1080 Doha 18:55 GFA 212 Bahrain 07:15 JZR 184 Dubai 18:40 KAC 344 Chennai 08:30 KAC 614 Bahrain 19:10 QTR 8512 Doha 07:40 MSR 615 Cairo 18:50 KAC 352 Kochi 08:30 KAC 774 Riyadh 19:25 FDB 054 Dubai 08:30 JZR 238 Amman 18:50 KAC 346 Ahmedabad 08:30 GFA 217 Bahrain 19:30 QTR 1087 Doha 08:40 JZR 554 Alexandria 19:10 UAE 855 Dubai 08:40 KAC 618 Doha 19:35 BAW 156 London 08:45 FDB 064 Dubai 19:20 KAC 362 Colombo 08:50 KAC 104 London 19:40 SVA 513 Riyadh 08:50 ABY 124 Sharjah 19:25 KAC 332 Trivandrum 08:50 KAC 674 Dubai 19:45 JZR 256 Beirut 09:05 UAE 876 Dubai 19:30 IRA 667 Esfahan 09:00 KAC 154 Istanbul 19:45 JZR 534 Cairo 09:15 UAL 982 Bahrain 19:30 ABY 125 Sharjah 09:00 KAC 176 Geneva/Frankfurt 19:55 KAC 787 Jeddah 09:25 GFA 218 Bahrain 20:15 ETD 301 Abu Dhabi 09:20 KAC 538 Sohag 20:05 ABY 126 Sharjah 09:40 KAC 353 BLR 20:40 KAC 1332 Trivandrum 09:20 MSR 618 Alexandria 20:05 KAC 541 Cairo 09:55 QTR 1081 Doha 20:50 QTR 1070 Doha 09:25 KNE 480 Taif 20:10 KAC 101 London/New York 09:55 KAC 351 Kochi 20:50 FDB 055 Dubai 09:40 JZR 189 Dubai 20:15 UAE 856 Dubai 09:55 KAC 543 Cairo 20:55 OMA 641 Muscat 10:05 FDB 061 Dubai 20:20 KAC 561 Amman 10:00 KAC 343 Chennai 21:00 IRM 1180 Mashhad 10:10 OMA 647 Muscat 20:20 IRA 668 Mashhad 10:00 MSR 619 Alexandria 21:05 IRA 673 Ahwaz 10:10 ABY 121 Sharjah 20:35 KAC 671 Dubai 10:05 KNE 461 Riyadh 21:10 MEA 406 Beirut 10:35 FDB 5053 Dubai 20:50 ETD 302 Abu Dhabi 10:25 ABY 122 Sharjah 21:15 GFA 213 Bahrain 10:40 DLH 634 Frankfurt 20:55 KAC 501 Beirut 10:30 OMA 648 Muscat 21:20 UAE 873 Dubai 11:05 JAI 572 Mumbai 20:55 JZR 778 Jeddah 10:30 FDB 062 Dubai 21:20 RBG 553 Alexandria 11:15 MEA 402 Beirut 21:20 FDB 056 Dubai 10:35 DLH 634 Doha 21:45 JZR 165 Dubai 11:30 ETD 307 Abu Dhabi 21:20 KAC 153 Istanbul 10:40 FDB 5054 Dubai 21:50 AGY 682 Asyut 11:40 ALK 229 Colombo 21:25 KAC 677 Abu Dhabi/Muscat 10:50 DHX 171 Bahrain 21:50 NIA 151 Cairo 11:55 UAE 859 Dubai 21:40 KAC 165 Rome/Paris 11:00 JAI 571 Mumbai 21:55 MEA 404 Beirut 11:55 GFA 219 Bahrain 21:45 QTR 1071 Doha 11:00 ETD 308 Abu Dhabi 22:10 KAC 204 Lahore 12:20 QTR 1082 Doha 22:00 OMA 642 Muscat 11:05 FDB 075 Dubai 12:25 KLM 417 Amsterdam 22:05 IRA 672 Ahwaz 11:10 KAC 301 Mumbai 22:10 MSC 401 Alexandria 12:30 SYR 341 Damascus 22:15 IRM 1181 Mashhad 11:25 MEA 403 Beirut 22:20 JZR 561 Sohag 12:45 AIC 981 Chennai/Ahmedabad 22:25 GFA 214 Bahrain 11:25 ALK 230 Colombo 22:25 UAE 871 Dubai 12:50 ETD 309 Abu Dhabi 22:25 MEA 407 Beirut 11:35 GFA 220 Bahrain 22:30 JZR 241 Amman 12:50 KAC 564 Amman 22:25 RBG 554 Alexandria 12:00 UAE 860 Dubai 22:55 MSR 610 Cairo 13:00 FDB 059 Dubai 22:30 JZR 776 Jeddah 12:20 QTR 1083 Doha 23:05 THY 766 Istanbul 13:45 JZR 185 Dubai 23:15 UAE 874 Dubai 12:30 KLM 417 Dammam/Amsterdam 23:05 KNE 460 Riyadh 13:50 UAL 981 Bahrain 23:25 AGY 683 Alexandria 12:40 KAC 205 Islamabad 23:10 KAC 382 Delhi 13:50 PIA 205 Lahore 23:40 MEA 405 Beirut 12:55 ETD 310 Abu Dhabi 23:15 FDB 057 Dubai 14:10 FDB 071 Dubai 23:45 NIA 152 Cairo 12:55 SYR 342 Damascus 23:15 QTR 1078 Doha 14:10 THY 764 Istanbul 23:50 KAC 785 Jeddah 13:00 FDB 060 Dubai 23:35 AXB 393 Kozhikode 14:20 JAI 574 Mumbai 23:55 FDB 076 Dubai 13:10 KAC 411 Bangkok/Manila 23:35 SVA 500 Jeddah 14:30 MSC 403 Asyut 23:55 MSC 402 Alexandria 13:30 KAC 415 Kuala Lumpur/Jakarta 23:40 DIAL161 FOR AIRPORT INFORMATION p34_p34 stars 12/16/15 6:55 PM Page 1

stars34 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015


Aries (March 21-April 19) Libra (September 23-October 22)

Now that your goals are within reach, it is time for some new plans to take You communicate effectively, both professionally and personally. You form. You enjoy independent thinking and finding solutions without help. should find that today is one of those super nice days when things just kind of flow along. Someone is influential in helping you find exactly what you want in your career or self- You will do particularly well in activities that include children, young people and your improvement program. People around you want to help you. Your mind performs better home and surroundings. You could feel real rapport and assistance at this time for circum- and more efficiently when you are calm and cool-it can lead you to sensible and unbiased stances and those around you. You may not be expecting it but some kind of a little boost solutions. Your mind controls your body and soul, so keep it looking upward and outward. in the form of extra recognition or support will be coming from those around you. You A financial adviser is offering an economic update or review this evening in some form of should feel very much in touch with others, as the lines of communication are wide open. lecture. This mini-class will feature an industry expert to help the public understand the All of the support that you could possibly want or need should be there. This evening stock market. It may sound dull, but it’s not for even a moment. there is time for a phone conversation from someone far away.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Having the ability to get your message across to others is at a high point You are an active, imaginative charmer and make social contacts that could now. Your timing is perfect. Playing the role of the one who nurtures another, suits you take you away from your childhood home. You may leave the nest, but you never let go of quite well at this time. You may strongly feel the need to care for others. In this case, you your heritage. You may be gullible, too easygoing or just assume that whatever you have are excellent with volunteer work at this time of the year. You value people that have dis- and give away can be replenished with hard work. Your troubles are few and can be abilities and know they have a lot to offer society. You seek to help in matters of communi- worked through quickly-especially with your good attitude. Lovers, business associates ty gatherings. You may find a good way to help others become organized and to also help and friends involve you in situations that are productive. You are called on to speak, lecture create some convenient timesaving ideas. Today, you may succeed in encouraging one or or teach today. People expect great things from you. You are an original and have special two families to adopt a handicapped person for a couple of hours to show them the lights qualities that help you to move forward and help others. You enjoy the opportunity to cel- of the season. Tomorrow, others will also want to be helpful. ebrate tonight.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

You are feeling upbeat, healthy and natural. Everything points to your tak- Your passion for detail puts you in a slumped-over posture for much too ing the first step in a work project. You should enjoy a great deal of support from those long. Stretch and take a break as soon as you can so that you can finish around you. Anything taking precedence in your life now gets your full attention. It’s really what you start; pull up a stool. You have the ability to think things through to the most a great time to be with others and to work side by side. Someone in a superior position positive end. You dislike working for others and may soon decide to go into business for ACROSS DOWN may ask your advice. You are capable of managing and directing others and you may be yourself. There may be an opportunity to have a business consultant advise you this after- 1. A cry or noise made to express displeasure 1. South African term for `boss'. asked to move beyond the usual this week. You should be feeling quite confident with noon on going into business for yourself. This way you can intelligently decide whether to or contempt. 2. An organization of countries formed in 1961 your circumstances. This evening, music may assume a more important role in your life do a business out of your home or to work from some rental property. Legal problems are 4. Tansy-scented Eurasian perennial herb with to agree on a common policy for the sale than usual. Perhaps a good friend of yours is just getting started in a music career. not as bad as they seem. A snarled bit of paperwork is the only problem today, resulting buttonlike yellow flowers. of petroleum. Whatever the case, you enjoy and support your friend. in some delay. Tonight is fun! 11. Any of the short curved hairs that grow 3. English scholastic philosopher and assumed from the edges of the eyelids. author of Occam's Razor (1285-1349). 4. A loose sleeveless outer garment made 15. A drug combination found in some over- Cancer (June 21-July 22) the-counter headache remedies (Aspirin from aba cloth. Capricorn (December 22-January 19) and Phenacetin and Caffeine). 5. Obsolete terms for legal insanity. Something may help you to appreciate and discover the beauty that is in 16. Buffalo grass. 6. Electronic warfare undertaken to insure your life this morning. Perhaps you did not know that there are owls nested near your Go ahead and allow your creative and intuitive sides to surface-there are effective friendly use of the electromag- walking path. You are at your mental best with sharp ideas and clear thoughts. You will rewards coming your way. Watch for new solutions to old problems or something very 17. A Loloish language. inventive to evolve as a result of all of this. If anyone has a project that they need to have netic spectrum in spite of the enemy's use find this an excellent time to put the finishing touches on any decisions or plans you have 18. A former agency (from 1946 to 1974) that completed by a certain time, you will be the one that they come to for help. You just seem of electronic warfare. been thinking about making. You can be your creative self this afternoon with ideas on lit- was responsible for research into atomic to innately know what others want and need and can take action with very little waste or energy and its peacetime uses in the 7. Being or relating to or like a chimera. tle munchies or souvenirs that could be sold to hotels and party shops for new year’s eve haste. You will be greatly appreciated for your abilities to manage and direct others. There United States. 8. A spread made chiefly from vegetable oils parties. This evening you are able to see the results of your good budgeting. You feel good does not seem to be a problem with too many requests because you are good at saying and used as a substitute for butter. about being able to spend or overspend now. You will have some intelligent help from a no when there is no more room or energy for you to be expressive. Do, however, notice if 19. Belonging to times long past especially of friend regarding finances. the historical period before the fall of the 9. A male human offspring. family members are neglected; take time to enjoy them often! Western Roman Empire. 10. Type genus of the Tetraonidae. 20. (criminal law) Money that must be forfeit- 11. Open to change. 12. A Kwa language spoken in Ghana and the ed by the bondsman if an accused person Leo (July 23-August 22) Aquarius (January 20- February 18) fails to appear in court for trial. Ivory Coast. 21. Someone who works (or provides workers) 13. One of the two main branches of orthodox Professional decisions are good but may take a little more time and Islam. patience on your part. You complete your tasks efficiently. Prepare to reorient your view- A feeling of peace and stability on the emotional leve l co mes into play at during a strike. this time. Being stable and permanent satisfies a deep emotional need. Music could also 14. An interior passage or corridor onto which point and direction during the next six months. You will close the door on many of the 23. Projectiles to be fired from a gun. play a more important role for you than usual and you may find a period of mate rial acqui- rooms open. issues that you have been dealing with for the last three years. You need specialized train- 24. Of or in or relating to the nose. sition satisfying a deep yearning to be free from want. There is a better-than-ave ra ge 22. The people of Great Britain. ing and tools to do even minor maintenance on a car these days; this afternoon, you join chance that you will understand those around you and have a special time with someone 26. A form of address for a man. 25. Imperial dynasty that ruled China (most of the mainstream of the public to wait in line for a mechanical check of your car. It is always 28. A small pellet fired from an air rifle or BB you love. A great deal of support and harmony, along with the good feelings that you are the time) from 206 BC to 221 and expand- good to be as safe as possible in the winter weather. You may want to get all caught up in having, makes this an exce ptionally happy time. Someone younger than yourself comes to gun. ed its boundaries and developed its the social whirl but your timing would be better for this weekend. Possibly a good book or you for guidance. You te ach the actions and things about which you believe. The best 30. The eighth month of the civil year. bureaucracy. movie will take on that more than real dimension this evening. re ward of a kindly deed . . . Is the kn owledge of having done it. 33. French dramatist (born in Romania) who 27. A small informal restaurant. was a leading exponent of the theater of 29. With considerable certainty. the absurd (1912-1994). 31. A three-tone Chadic language. Virgo (August 23-September 22) Pisces (February 19-March 20) 37. A woman gossip. 32. The superior of an abbey of monks. 39. Having or denoting a low vocal or instru- 34. Small branch or division of a branch. This is a good time for clear speculation. You are in a serious frame of mental range. You may see some positive changes now that have come from some real 35. Omnivorous mammal of Central and mind and find yourself dealing with matters of much concern and responsibility. This is a personal work you have done recently. This may be clearing away some old 41. A person who surrenders to (or is taken by) South America. good time to reorganize. You may be feeling a bit on the introverted side this afternoon, projects or making the effort to create new friends of co-workers. The young people that the enemy in time of war. 36. Having an owner. however, and just want to spend more time with your lover or with close friends. It may did not agree with your methods are beginning to see things your way. Your support sys- 42. The protoplasm of the germ cells that con- 38. An extreme state of adversity. not be a time to be outward or to try to make yourself known in the world. Your feelings tem has vastly improved over past situations. Some of the changes could be that you have tains chromosomes and genes. 40. Used of the language of the deaf. are more reflective than expressive just now. To know that you are really wanted and reversed some of your dreamy thinking and have begun to make realistic goals. You are needed helps you to maintain a comfortable feeling; the lack of these things can cause an 43. (football) Defensive players try to break 44. A histamine blocker and antacid (trade also more patient than in the past, especially with young people-good for you! You may instinctive feeling of uneasiness. It really is true that no man is an island. You should not be called upon to teach today-you will gracefully accept the request because there are through the offensive line. name Zantac) used to treat peptic ulcers have to go it alone, unless you so choose. 46. A resource. and gastritis and esophageal reflux. excellent rewards. You spend some time in praising others this evening. 47. A rapid bustling commotion. 45. A coarse twilled cotton fabric used for uni- 49. Used as a lubricant and as a moderator in forms. nuclear reactors. 48. A notable achievement. Word Search Yesterday Solution 51. A pan used for frying foods. 50. Any tropical African shrub of the genus 53. (aeronautics) Designating an airship hav- Protea having alternate rigid leaves and ing a shape maintained only by internal dense colorful flower heads resembling gas pressure and without a supporting cones. structure. 52. Acquire or gain knowledge or skills. 54. (botany) Especially of plant parts. 55. A lyric poem with complex stanza forms. 56. A United States unit of weight equivalent 58. A condensed but memorable saying to 2000 pounds. embodying some important fact of expe- 57. Wild sheep of northern Africa. rience that is taken as true by many peo- 63. Essential oil or perfume obtained from ple. flowers. 59. A science (or group of related sciences) 66. Mar or spoil the appearance of. dealing with the logic of quantity and 68. Having any of numerous bright or strong shape and arrangement. colors reminiscent of the color of blood or 60. Any of several tall tropical palms native to cherries or tomatoes or rubies. southeastern Asia having egg-shaped 69. A Dravidian language spoken in southern nuts. India. 61. Cubes of meat marinated and cooked on a 72. A highly unstable radioactive element (the skewer usually with vegetables. heaviest of the halogen series). 62. A city in southern Turkey on the Seyhan 73. Naked freshwater or marine or parasitic River. protozoa that form temporary 64. Waterproofed canvas. pseudopods for feeding and locomotion. 65. A former copper coin of Pakistan. 75. Bulky grayish-brown eagle with a short 67. The front of the head from the forehead to wedge-shaped white tail. the chin and ear to ear. 70. (prefix) Opposite or opposing or neutraliz- 76. United States sculptor (born in 1904). ing. 79. The act of scanning. 71. The syllable naming the first (tonic) note of 80. A federal agency established to coordinate any major scale in solmization. programs aimed at reducing pollution 74. A state-chartered savings bank owned by and protecting the environment. its depositors and managed by a board of 81. Indian nun and missionary (born in trustees. Albania) dedicated to helping the poor in 77. An ancient city of Sumer located on a for- India (1910-1997). mer channel of the Euphrates River. 82. A small cake leavened with yeast. 78. A state in midwestern United States. Yesterday’s Solution

Daily SuDoku Yesterday’s Solution THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015 information

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Afghanistan 0093 Luxembourg 00352 GOVERNORATE PHARMACY ADDRESS PHONE Albania 00355 Lesotho 00266 Algeria 00213 Macau 00853 Ahmadi Sama Safwan Fahaeel Makka St 23915883 Andorra 00376 Macedonia 00389 Sabah Hospital 24812000 Abu Halaifa Abu Halaifa-Coastal Rd 23715414 Angola 00244 Madagascar 00261 Amiri Hospital 22450005 Danat Al-Sultan Mahboula Block 1, Coastal Rd 23726558 Anguilla 001264 Majorca 0034 Maternity Hospital 24843100 Jahra Modern Jahra Jahra-Block 3 Lot 1 24575518 Antiga 001268 Malawi 00265 Madina Munawara Jahra-Block 92 24566622 Argentina 0054 Malaysia 0060 Mubarak Al-Kabir Hospital 25312700 Capital Ahlam Fahad Al-Salem St 22436184 Armenia 00374 Maldives 00960 Chest Hospital 24849400 Khaldiya Coop Khaldiya Coop 24833967 Australia 0061 Mali 00223 Austria 0043 Malta 00356 Farwaniya Hospital 24892010 Farwaniya New Shifa Farwaniya Block 40 24734000 Ferdous Coop Ferdous Coop 24881201 Bahamas 001242 Marshall Islands 00692 Adan Hospital 23940620 Modern Safwan Old Kheitan Block 11 24726638 Bahrain 00973 Martinique 00596 Ibn Sina Hospital 24840300 Bangladesh 00880 Mauritania 00222 Hawally Tariq Salmiya-Hamad Mubarak St 25726265 Barbados 001246 Mauritius 00230 Al-Razi Hospital 24846000 Hana Salmiya-Amman St 25647075 Ikhlas Hawally-Beirut St 22625999 Belarus 00375 Mayotte 00269 Physiotherapy Hospital 24874330/9 Hawally & Rawdha Hawally & Rawdha Coop 22564549 Belgium 0032 Mexico 0052 Ghadeer Jabriya-Block 1A 25340559 Belize 00501 Micronesia 00691 Kindy Jabriya-Block 3B 25326554 Benin 00229 Moldova 00373 Ibn Al-Nafis Salmiya-Hamad Mubarak St 25721264 Mishrif Coop Mishrif Coop 25380581 Bermuda 001441 Monaco 00377 Kaizen center 25716707 Salwa Coop Salwa Coop 25628241 Bhutan 00975 Mongolia 00976 Rawda 22517733 Bolivia 00591 Montserrat 001664 Bosnia 00387 Morocco 00212 Adaliya 22517144 Botswana 00267 Mozambique 00258 Khaldiya 24848075 Brazil 0055 Myanmar (Burma) 0095 Brunei 00673 Namibia 00264 Kaifan 24849807 Bulgaria 00359 Nepal 00977 Shamiya 24848913 Burkina 00226 Netherlands 0031 Burundi 00257 Netherlands Antilles 00599 Shuwaikh 24814507 Cambodia 00855 New Caledonia 00687 Abdullah Salem 22549134 Cameroon 00237 New Zealand 0064 Canada 001 Nicaragua 00505 Nuzha 22526804 Cape Verde 00238 Nigar 00227 Industrial Shuwaikh 24814764 Cayman Islands 001345 Nigeria 00234 Central African 00236 Niue 00683 Qadsiya 22515088 Chad 00235 Norfolk Island 00672 Dasmah 22532265 Chile 0056 N. Ireland (UK) 0044 Bneid Al-Gar 22531908 China 0086 North Korea 00850 Colombia 0057 Norway 0047 Shaab 22518752 Comoros 00269 Oman 00968 Qibla 22459381 Congo 00242 Pakistan 0092 Cook Islands 00682 Palau 00680 Ayoun Al-Qibla 22451082 Costa Rica 00506 Panama 00507 Mirqab 22456536 Croatia 00385 Papua New Guinea 00675 Cuba 0053 Paraguay 00595 Sharq 22465401 Cyprus 00357 Peru 0051 Salmiya 25746401 Cyprus (Northern) 0090392 Philippines 0063 Czech Republic 00420 Poland 0048 Jabriya 25316254 Denmark 0045 Portugal 00351 Maidan Hawally 25623444 Diego Garcia 00246 Puerto Rico 001787 Djibouti 00253 Qatar 00974 Bayan 25388462 Dominica 001767 Romania 0040 Mishref 25381200 Dominican Republic 001809 Russian Federation 007 W Hawally 22630786 Ecuador 00593 Rwanda 00250 Egypt 0020 Saint Helena 00290 Sabah 24810221 El Salvador 00503 Saint Kitts 001869 Jahra 24770319 England (UK) 0044 Saint Lucia 001758 Equatorial Guinea 00240 Saint Pierre 00508 New Jahra 24575755 Eritrea 00291 Saint Vincent 001784 West Jahra 24772608 Estonia 00372 Samoa US 00684 Ethiopia 00251 Samoa West 00685 South Jahra 24775066 Falkland Islands 00500 San Marino 00378 North Jahra 24775992 Faroe Islands 00298 Sao Tone 00239 Fiji 00679 Saudi Arabia 00966 North Jleeb 24311795 Finland 00358 Scotland (UK) 0044 Ardhiya 24884079 France 0033 Senegal 00221 Firdous 24892674 French Guiana 00594 Seychelles 00284 French Polynesia 00689 Sierra Leone 00232 Omariya 24719048 Gabon 00241 Singapore 0065 N Khaitan 24710044 Gambia 00220 Slovakia 00421 Georgia 00995 Slovenia 00386 Fintas 23900322 Germany 0049 Solomon Islands 00677 Ghana 00233 Somalia 00252 Gibraltar 00350 South Africa 0027 Greece 0030 South Korea 0082 Greenland 00299 Spain 0034 PRIVATE CLINICS Grenada 001473 Sri Lanka 0094 Guadeloupe 00590 Sudan 00249 Guam 001671 Suriname 00597 Guatemala 00502 Swaziland 00268 Ophthalmologists Plastic Surgeons Paediatricians Endocrinologist Guinea 00224 Sweden 0046 Dr. Abidallah Al-Mansoor 25622444 Dr. Mohammad Al-Khalaf 22547272 Dr. Khaled Hamadi 25665898 Guyana 00592 Switzerland 0041 Dr. Abd Al-Naser Al-Othman 25339330 Dr. Samy Al-Rabeea 25752222 Dr. Abdal-Redha Lari 22617700 Dr. Abd Al-Aziz Al-Rashed 25340300 Haiti 00509 Syria 00963 Dr. Masoma Habeeb 25321171 Dr. Abdel Quttainah 25625030/60 Dr. Zahra Qabazard 25710444 Dr. Ahmad Al-Ansari 25658888 Holland (Netherlands) 0031 Serbia 00381 Dr. Mubarak Al-Ajmy 25739999 Family Doctor Dr. Sohail Qamar 22621099 Honduras 00504 Taiwan 00886 Dr. Mohsen Abel 25757700 Dr. Kamal Al-Shomr 25329924 Dr Divya Damodar 23729596/23729581 Dr. Snaa Maaroof 25713514 Hong Kong 00852 Tanzania 00255 Dr Adnan Hasan Alwayl 25732223 Physiotherapists & VD Hungary 0036 Thailand 0066 Psychiatrists Dr. Pradip Gujare 23713100 Dr. Abdallah Al-Baghly 25732223 Dr. Zacharias Mathew 24334282 Dr. Deyaa Shehab 25722291 Ibiza (Spain) 0034 Toga 00228 Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Dr. Esam Al-Ansari 22635047 Iceland 00354 Tonga 00676 Dr. Ahmed Fouad Mouner 24555050 Ext 510 Dr Eisa M. Al-Balhan 22613623/0 Dermatology Dr. Musaed Faraj Khamees 22666288 India 0091 Tokelau 00690 Dr. Abdallah Al-Ali 25644660 Gynaecologists & Obstetricians Dr. Mohammed Salam Rheumatologists: Indian Ocean 00873 Trinidad 001868 Dr. Abd Al-Hameed Al-Taweel 25646478 DrAdrian arbe 23729596/23729581 Bern University 23845955 Indonesia 0062 Tunisia 00216 Dr. Sanad Al-Fathalah 25311996 Dr. Verginia s.Marin 2572-6666 ext 8321 Dentists Dr. Adel Al-Awadi 25330060 Dr. Mohammad Al-Daaory 25731988 Iran 0098 Turkey 0090 Dr. Fozeya Ali Al-Qatan 22655539 Dr Anil Thomas 3729596/3729581 Dr. Ismail Al-Fodary 22620166 Dr. Khaled Al-Jarallah 25722290 Iraq 00964 Tuvalu 00688 Dr. Majeda Khalefa Aliytami 25343406 Dr. Shamah Al-Matar 22641071/2 Dr. Mahmoud Al-Booz 25651426 Ireland 00353 Uganda 00256 Dr. Ahmad Al-Khooly 25739272 Dr. Anesah Al-Rasheed 22562226 Internist, Chest & Heart General Practitioners Italy 0039 Ukraine 00380 Dr. Abidallah Al-Amer 22561444 Dr. Mohamme Y Majidi 24555050 Ext 123 Dr. Salem soso 22618787 DR.Mohammes Akkad 24555050 Ext 210 Ivory Coast 00225 United Arab Emirates 00976 Dr. Faysal Al-Fozan 22619557 General Surgeons Dr. Yousef Al-Omar 24719312 Dr. Mohammad Zubaid Jamaica 001876 United Kingdom 0044 Dr. Abdallateef Al-Katrash 22525888 Dr. Tarek Al-Mikhazeem 23926920 Dr. Amer Zawaz Al-Amer 22610044 MB, ChB, FRCPC, PACC Japan 0081 Uruguay 00598 Dr. Abidallah Al-Duweisan 25653755 Dr. Kathem Maarafi 25730465 Dr. Mohammad Yousef Basher 25327148 Assistant Professor Of Medicine Jordan 00962 USA 001 Dr. Abdallah Ahmad Eyadah 25655528 Dr. Bader Al-Ansari 25620111 Internists, Chest & Heart Head, Division of Cardiology Kazakhstan 007 Uzbekistan 00998 Dr. Nabeel Al-Ayoobi 24577781 Neurologists Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital 25339667 Dr. Adnan Ebil 22639939 Kenya 00254 Vanuatu 00678 Dr. Dina Abidallah Al-Refae 25333501 Dr. Sohal Najem Al-Shemeri 25633324 Dr. Mousa Khadada 22666300 Consultant Cardiologist Kiribati 00686 Venezuela 00582 Urologists Dr. Jasem Mola Hassan 25345875 Dr. Latefa Al-Duweisan 25728004 Dr. Farida Al-Habib 2611555-2622555 Kuwait 00965 Vietnam 0084 Dr. Ali Naser Al-Serfy 22641534 Gastrologists MD, PH.D, FACC Dr. Fawzi Taher Abul 22639955 Dr. Nadem Al-Ghabra 25355515 Kyrgyzstan 00996 Virgin Islands UK 001284 Dr. Sami Aman 22636464 Inaya German Medical Center Dr. Khaleel Abidallah Al-Awadi 22616660 Dr. Mobarak Aldoub 24726446 Laos 00856 Virgin Islands US 001340 Dr. Mohammad Al-Shamaly 25322030 Te: 2575077 Dr. Adel Al-Hunayan FRCS (C) 25313120 Dr Nasser Behbehani 25654300/3 Latvia 00371 Wales (UK) 0044 Dr. Foad Abidallah Al-Ali 22633135 Fax: 25723123 Dr. Leons Joseph 66703427 Lebanon 00961 Yemen 00967 Soor Center Liberia 00231 Yugoslavia 00381 Psychologists [email protected] Tel: 2290-1677 Kaizen center Noor Clinic William Schuilenberg, RPC 2290-1677 Libya 00218 Zambia 00260 /Psychotherapists Zaina Al Zabin, M.Sc. 2290-1677 Fax: 2290 1688 25716707 23845955 Lithuania 00370 Zimbabwe 00263 l i f e s t y l e THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015 Music & Movies Late Michael Jackson breaks new record with ‘Thriller’

ichael Jackson has broken another music record even his label Epic Records, said as he saluted the new feat. after his death, with “Thriller” certified yesterday as “Thriller” scored renewed sales with the release of a reissued Mthe first album to sell more than 30 million copies in 25th anniversary edition in 2008 and Jackson’s death a year the United States. The Recording Industry Association of later. America announced that the 1982 work was its first “30 times The album was certified as 29 times platinum less than two platinum” album, with platinum defined as selling one million months after his death. “Thriller” is also the best-selling album copies-meaning roughly one out of every 10 Americans has a worldwide, with no other work coming close. Exact global fig- copy. ures, however, are difficult to quantify. Jackson’s estate says “What an exceptional achievement and testament to that “Thriller” has sold more than 100 million copies world- ‘Thriller”s enduring spot in our hearts and musical history,” the wide, although some experts believe that figure is inflated. industry group’s chairman, Cary Sherman, said in a statement. Nielsen Music began systematic sales figures for the United “Thriller” was considered a musical and marketing break- States in 1991. through, with the new “King of Pop” seizing on the possibili- British ballad singer Adele recently set the record for ties of then nascent MTV to promote his music through videos fastest sales in the United States since at least 1991, with her and glitzy concerts. “Thriller” produced a string of mega-hits album “25” selling more than five million copies less than a including “Beat It” and “Billie Jean” and landed Jackson a month since its release. But many experts doubt that any record 12 nominations at the Grammy Awards, where he won album will ever match “Thriller” in sales, at least in the Western eight. world, with 21st-century fans enjoying instant access to a The achievement was all the more extraordinary as the huge array of digital music. — AFP music industry was then more racially polarized, with Jackson the first African American artist to enjoy significant airtime on MTV. “It is crystal clear that Michael Jackson is simply the greatest, and biggest, artist of all time,” LA. Reid, chairman of Roll over Beethoven, Croatia’s 2Cellos go for AC/DC

f you were to list the great cello works, you’d probably say likes of guitarist Steve Vai, Chinese concert pianist Lang Lang Young generation Vivaldi, Bach and Haydn andskip AC/DC, Michael Jackson and Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli. “We were young and played “We’ve shown all the different possibilities (of the cello), Iand Coldplay. But then that would be before you heard classical music with lots of energy, but we always had this rock especially when it’s combined with classical music. Who Croatian duo 2Cellos tear up the rule book to give the instru- animal inside of us,” Hauser told Reuters before a show this would combine (Gioachino) Rossini opera with Iron Maiden,” ment a rock-star makeover. Classically trained cellists Luka week in London. Hauser added, referring to the duo’s fusion of the “William Tell Sulic and Stjepan Hauser became overnight Internet sensa- The pair cite Russian composer Dmitri Shostakovich and Overture” and the metal band’s “The Trooper”, which opens tions when their low-budget video of Jackson’s “Smooth English cellist Jacqueline du PrÈ as early influences. Then their their new album “Celloverse” and kicked-off the London Criminal” went viral in 2011, getting three million hits in two musical tastes expanded to Jackson and later AC/DC with its encores. The show started on a gentle-note with beautiful ren- weeks. lead guitarist Angus Young. Hauser goes so far as to incorpo- ditions of songs by Sting and U2, but once the opening notes Fast-forward a few years and they are now worldwide rate a few Young-style antics into the pair’s stage show, - at of “Smooth Criminal” sounded, the crowd went into a frenzy, headliners in their own right, and released their third album one point dropping to the floor and circling around on his which only grew as the pair rocked their way through hits earlier this year, having performed and collaborated with the back, all the while never missing a note. from Nirvana, Guns and Roses, and of course AC/DC. The audience - from children to pensioners - even rushed the stage. A high-energy jaunt through The Rolling Stones’ “Satisfaction” saw the two try to beat Mick Jagger and Keith Richards at their own game. But the pair bristles at the sug- gestion they are a covers band. “When we do something we want it to be something special, something unique, we put our own stamp on it,” Sulic said. Sulic said much of the classi- Nicki Minaj cal musical establishment appreciated what the group was doing. “We introduce classical music, especially to the young generation. The kids love what we are doing, we inspire them so the teachers are happy and the parents are happy.” Nicki Minaj Cello bows shredded, it was time to take it down a notch in London to end the evening with an impromptu Christmas Carol medley sing along and an elegant rendition of Johann Sebastian Bach’s “Air on the G String”. Regretting the missed criticized over Angola opportunity to collaborate with Jackson, who died in 2009, Hauser said the pair would instead like to work with someone unexpected like American rapper Eminem. “Imagine hip hop concert plans and cello. That would be intense,” he said with a grin. — Reuters ights groups yesterday called on US hip-hop star Nicki Minaj to cancel an upcoming concert in Angola, saying Rher performance would endorse the authoritarian rule Cellists Luka of long-time President Jose Eduardo dos Santos. Minaj is due Sulic and on stage on Saturday in the Angolan capital Luanda for a Stjepan Hauser Christmas concert hosted by the Unitel communications firm, which is part owned by dos Santos’s family. Fellow US singer Mariah Carey was criticized in 2013 for performing in front of President dos Santos, who has gov- erned the southern African nation for 36 years. “Nicki Minaj is following in the footsteps of Mariah Carey, callously taking Why DiCaprio money from a dictator... who has effectively and ruthlessly choked free expression,” said Jeffery Smith, of the Robert F Holocaust tale ‘Son of Kennedy Human Rights center. “This sustained crackdown on has never starred basic human rights in Angola has swept up activists, opposi- tion members, journalists, and even musicians.” Saul’ haunts and provokes in a sequel Dos Santos, 73, has been accused of overseeing corrup- tion, misrule and intimidation in a country that suffers endemic poverty despite being Africa’s second-largest oil pro- on of Saul” doesn’t just get under your skin - it goes Rabbi to say the Kaddish and arrange a proper burial. Saul is a nless you count the straight-to-video release of ducer. “Nicki Minaj is a global artist. There is no good reason straight to the bloodstream. There, it churns and shell of a man, and the self-assigned objective gives him pur- “Critters 3” in 1991, which he made as an unknown for her to do business with the corrupt Angolan dictatorship “Sfesters as you try to make sense out of the senseless pose outside of the barbaric tasks he’s forced to commit. But Uteenager, Leonardo DiCaprio has never starred in a and endorse the ruler’s family company,” said Human Rights horror of the Holocaust and the plight of the whether his quest to give this boy some final respect is one of sequel. It’s a rare badge of honor for an A-list movie star, giv- Foundation president Thor Halvorssen. Angola marked 40 Sonderkommando - Jewish prisoners forced to assist the Nazis sincerity, a selfish, desperate attempt to regain some humani- en that Hollywood thrives on action vehicles and comic years of independence from Portugal last month, with dos with the genocide. This isn’t a movie that’s interested in the ty or a manifestation of his madness is a question that only book franchises with numbers in their titles. In a lengthy Santos vowing to bring progress to the country, but critics big picture, redemption or reflection, though. Understanding the viewer can answer. interview with Variety for this week’s cover story on “The accuse him of ruling through fear and repression. Minaj has is not in its vocabulary. This is inhuman cinema of desperation. Revenant,” directed by Alejandro G. Inarritu, DiCaprio appeared in a Unitel clip on Facebook, promoting her Angola It is disturbing. It is immediate. It is haunting. And it’s Film progresses explained why he hasn’t yet headlined a big screen saga show. — AFP something that few will ever want to see more than once. One fellow prisoner accuses him of favoring the dead at with multiple installments (although he was on studio wish Hungarian filmmaker Lszl Nemes has created what feels like a the expense of the living. It’s hard to argue with that. Saul is lists to play Spider-Man, Robin and Anakin Skywalker in “Star new cinematic language to tell this hyper-focused story of a both selfish and selfless and maybe, ultimately, he’s neither. Wars”).” — Reuters Sonderkommando, Saul (GÈza Rohrig) across two days at the But confusion is the only reality here. No one speaks the same Penn thinks ‘e Revenant’ Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp in October 1944. language - a subtlety lost in subtitles - and order only further dissolves as the film progresses. The filmmaking is extraordi- nary and somehow, mercifully, not as visually exploitative as it is a masterpiece reminiscent could have been. Nemes, in his first feature, is a bold, experi- mental voice with a clear vision - a filmmaker to watch and of ‘Apocalypse Now’ study for years to come. Ultimately, the nebulous morality of everyone here makes s part of this week’s cover story on “The Revenant,” “Son of Saul” a fascinating investigation, but in some ways an Sean Penn-who worked with director Alejandro G. unsatisfying one, too. The restraint could be admirable, but it AInarritu on “21 Grams”-shared his thoughts on the $135 could also be dangerous. Is the one creating a narrative of this million epic, and why it’s success is important to the future of horror responsible for neatly presenting a conclusion to the a movie business that thrives on sequels and comic book audience? Not making a statement is perhaps the most tentpoles. Penn was Inarritu’s first choice to portray bad-guy provocative thing Nemes could have done. “Son of Saul” does- John Fitzgerald (now played by Tom Hardy) in the ambitious n’t tell, it shows, and it places the gnawing burden on the rest project about 19th century explorer Hugh Glass (Leonardo of us. “Son of Saul,” a Sony Pictures Classics release, is rated R DiCaprio) who survives a brutal bear attack. by the Motion Picture Association of America for “disturbing Sean Penn: I watched the “The Revenant” with Alejandro We rarely leave Saul’s point of view. In this way, the film violent content, and some graphic nudity.” Running time: 107 and four others. I had the great benefit of being able to see it feels like one long tracking shot. The camera watches him minutes. Three and a half stars out of four. — AP before anything was in the ether, in terms of critics or other from the front and follows him from behind - we grow accus- Leonardo Di Caprio trendsetters. I thought it was a masterpiece. I don’t think I’ve tomed to recognizing him from the blood red X messily paint- had an experience in a movie theater as a kind of stepping ed on his back. Things go in and out of focus regularly - possi- cinema forward like that since I saw “Apocalypse Now.” To see bly as Saul comprehends them. He helps usher the prisoners what happens when bold producers support a bold director into the gas chambers. We hear their screams, but we see his ‘Terminator 2’ to who is such an artist on that level with great actors like that-I face, not theirs. He scrubs the bloody floors clean when it’s was compelled throughout. over. I know it was a couple years ago that Alejandro and I first spoke about it. I remember thinking at the time what a brutal Proper burial get 3D rerelease job it was going to be, particularly for the person playing Everything is loud, harried and chaotic, but somehow Glass. It was just another thing that I was marveling at watch- methodical, too. The guards scream “work!” “work!” and the hina’s DMG has teamed up with rights owner ing the movie: what Leonardo DiCaprio put himself through. Sonderkommando oblige, whether it’s stripping off the pris- Studiocanal to produce a 3D version of James By the time it was going, I was otherwise engaged. I don’t oners’ clothes, offering false reassurances on the way to their CCameron’s “Terminator 2.” The pair plan to release the think the movie has lost anything for it. Tom Hardy is extraor- deaths, or shoveling their ashes into a lake. The converted film at an unspecified date 2016. They want the dinary. Sonderkommando are planning a rebellion of some sorts - release to kick off in China, where “T2” has never been giv- There’s a conversation I’ve heard repeated, when people doing what they can to document the atrocities, which the en a theatrical release. China has a special import quota for used to ask David Lean why he took so long to make a movie Nazis take care to obfuscate as best they can, and coordinat- 3D and IMAX films. and he said, “I want to shoot the script.” The script is rendered, ing with a contact at a women’s work camp. There’s a rumor “Next year marks the 25th anniversary of ‘Terminator 2’ as a great director’s vision might see it. It takes an incredible spreading that there’s a list being made of Sonderkommando and that seemed like the perfect time to bring it back but this amount of force of personality in creating confidence in finan- to exterminate, too. time in an all-new 3D version,” said Cameron in a statement. ciers. It takes an extraordinary clarity of vision to make sure But these are just the background conditions to Saul’s sto- Cameron spent some $18 million on the 3D conversion of his you’ve actually got it and do it with poetry. I think that’s what ry. Early on, Saul spots a boy dying on a slab surrounded by hit “Titanic.” The stereoscopic rerelease earned $343 million in filmmaking ought to be. We’ve gotten so used to copying Nazi doctors. After he breathes his final breath, they order an 2012, including over $140 million in China. — Reuters filmmaking rather than doing it.—Reuters autopsy. This dead boy - who he believes to be his son - becomes Saul’s obsession as he commits himself to finding a l i f e s t y l e THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015 A w a r d s

Tunisian director Leyla Bouzid (center) receives the best fiction Muhr award from Sheikh Mansoor bin Emirati filmmaker Saeed Salmen (second right) raises his best Emirati feature Muhr award next to Sheikh Mansoor bin Mohammed Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Maktoum during the closing ceremony of the annual Dubai International Film bin Rashid Al-Maktoum (center). Saeed Salmen is awarded for his movie titled “Going to heaven”. On the right is the chairman of the Festival yesterday in the Gulf emirate. Leyla Bouzid is awarded for her movie titled ‘As I open my eyes’. Dubai International Film Festival, Abdulhamid Juma. — AFP photos Dubai Film Festival : Leyla Bouzid’s Tunisian film ‘As I Open My Eyes’ wins big

he 12th Dubai International Film kanduras and guthras should be a power- Festival started to wind down yester- ful symbol against an ever-increasing Tday, with a low-key afternoon awards polarization demonizing “the other.” The ceremony which saw Tunisian distaff Egyptian documentary “We Have Never helmer Leyla Bouzid taking home the Muhr Been Kids,” following an impoverished best fiction film award with her debut fea- mother and her children in Cairo from 2003 ture, “As I Open My Eyes.” When delivering until today, was awarded best non-fiction the prizes, jury president Deepa Mehta film as well as best director for helmer pointedly made reference to the impor- Mahmood Soliman. The jury prize went to tance of politics in all worthy artistic Algerian-French coproduction “Let Them endeavors, also acknowledging the strong Come,” directed by Salem Brahimi, a fiction presence of female filmmakers in this year’s feature that looks back at Algeria’s “dark festival-both comments especially appro- decade” in the late 1980s and 1990s when priate for Bouzid, whose critically and pop- religious extremism threatened to tear the ularly acclaimed Venice-preemed pic fol- nation apart. Top acting kudos went to Emirati filmmaker Amena Al-Nowais (left) receives the best Emirati short Muhr award from lows an independently-minded young Egypt’s Menna Shalabi for “Nawara,” direct- Sheikh Mansoor bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Maktoum (center). Al-Nowais is awarded for woman in the final days of Tunisia’s recent ed by Hala Khalil, and Tunisia’s Lotfi Abdelli her movie titled ‘Omnia’. Ben Ali dictatorship. for Fares Naanaa’s “Borders of Heaven.” Unsurprisingly, political talk was rife this In terms of numbers, Emirati pics had a year not only on screen but in the corri- stronger presence this edition than in the dors, restaurants and bars of Dubai. Given past, with seven shorts and four features the wide range of nationalities attending, competing for prize money; “Going to mostly from the Arab-speaking world, nat- Heaven” by Saeed Salmeen Al Murry urally, a key topic of conversation was the nabbed best Emirati film. Among the impact of terrorism, from Beirut to shorts, Basil Khalil’s “Ave Maria,” a French- Morocco, San Bernardino to Paris. Security German-Palestinian coproduction short- is a particularly trenchant subject here in listed for the Oscar, took home the top the UAE, a country widely seen by Arabs as prize, while the jury award went to Saudi a haven from the sort of decades-long Arabia’s Faiza Ambah for “Mariam.” regional instability that has only worsened Following the award ceremony, Variety’s in recent months. International Star of the Year Jake Yet DIFF remains a strong reminder that Gyllenhaall opened up at a cinema chat film culture is one of the few effective conducted by Variety VP and exec editor means of countering the disturbing rise of Steve Gaydos. The closing night film is Saudi filmmaker Hind Al-Fahad (left) receives the jury special global Islamophobia, and the casual min- Adam McKay’s “The Big Short.” — Reuters Egyptian actress Menna Shalabi (left) poses after receiving the best actress Muhr award from prize in the Muhr Gulf short category from Sheikh Mansoor gling in Dubai of Europeans alongside local bin Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum. Hind Al-Fahad is Sheikh Mansoor bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Maktoum (center). Menna Shalabi is awarded women in hijabs and men in traditional for her role in the movie titled “Nawara”. awarded for her movie titled “Peddiers”.

Saudi director Faiza Ambah (left) receives the special jury prize in the Muhr short film category Egyptian director Mahmud Suleiman receives the best director Muhr award Tunisian humorist and actor Lofti Abdelli (left) receives the best actor Muhr from Sheikh Mansoor bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Maktoum. Faiza Ambah is awarded for from Sheikh Mansoor bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Maktoum. Mahmud award from Sheikh Mansoor bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Maktoum. Lofti her movie titled “Mariam”. Suleiman is awarded for his movie titled “We have never been kids”. Abdelli is awarded for his role in the movie titled ‘Borders of heaven’.

Algerian producer and director Salem Brahimi (left) receives the special jury prize English Palestinian director Basil Khalil (left) receives the best short Muhr award Egyptian director and writer Nasser Al-Dhaheri (left) receives the best director Muhr in the feature category from Sheikh Mansoor bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al- from Sheikh Mansoor bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Maktoum. Basil Khalil is award from Sheikh Mansoor bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Maktoum. Nasser Al- Maktoum Salem Brahimi is awarded for his movie titled “Let them come”. awarded for his movie titled “Ave Maria”. Dhaheri is awarded for his movie titled “A tale of water, palm trees and family”. l i f e s t y l e THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015 Movies & Music

This photo provided by Disney/Lucasfilm shows stormtroopers in a scene from the new film, ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens.’ — AP photos This photo provided by Disney shows Daisey Ridley as Rey, left, and John Boyega as Finn, in a scene from the new film, ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens.’ ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ is fun fan service J Abrams may not elevate the language of “Star Wars,” but first words on the screen and the last we’ll say about the big he sure is fluent in it. “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” is no mystery. Jmore and no less than the movie that made us love it in the first place. In fact, it’s basically the same thing. Isn’t that Capable and magnetic what we all wanted anyway? It’s hard to talk rationally about The action is nearly non-stop, as is the humor, which kicks “Star Wars.” It is a deeply silly thing, with a genuine, undeni- into gear when Han Solo (Harrison Ford) finally shows up. Ford able hold on our culture. Chalk it up to nostalgia, collective is in his element - delightful, energetic, funny, brash and fully arrested development or the ineffable. But for many, the mag- Han, bantering with Chewie and everyone with the same ic of “Star Wars” is inseparable from the magic of the movies verve he showed nearly 40 years ago. If only the same show- and, hey, that’s no small thing. case was given to Carrie Fisher, who is woefully, inexcusably These movies make us lose ourselves in the spectacle. They underused as Leia. As for the new characters, Ridley’s Rey is a make us forget our best instincts. They make us love the dream. She is feisty, endearingly awe-filled, capable and mag- advertising as much as the art. They make us kids again. In this netic. She is the new anchor. She is our Luke, and she’s much way, “The Force Awakens,” the seventh movie in this improba- cooler than he ever was. ble yet inevitable series, delivers. It’s a movie made by some- Driver’s Kylo Ren is also a disarmingly powerful presence, one who loves “Star Wars” deeply. Someone who can see more whose wickedness seeps through the mask. Boyega is appeal- clearly than even its creator what made it so special to so ing as Finn, too, even if his character doesn’t quite make sense many people. Abrams has taken everything that we adore on paper. (How do empathy, guilt and personality develop in a about that first film, delicately mixed up a few elements, and man who has been trained since birth to be a Stormtrooper?) churned out a reverent homage that’s a heck of a lot of fun to But that’s taking things too seriously. Others are less memo- watch. From the opening scroll to the sequel-setup ending, he rable, including Gwendoline Christie’s Captain Phasma, and manages to hit each beat of its 38-year-old predecessor. Andy Serkis’s preposterous-looking Supreme Leader Snoke. Abrams has essentially passed the torch on to its new cast And while Abrams captures the lively, hokey and practical by making them amalgamations of the originals. You’ll know it visual fun of the originals, he occasionally slips into generic when you see it. Who cares if it’s “Star Wars” Mad-Libs? There’s blockbuster mode. But those moments pass, and all it takes is a the resistance-affiliated droid, who ends up stranded on a perfect John Williams music cue to transport you back into the Joseph Gordon Levitt desert planet carrying a secret message (BB-8). There’s the cozy blanket of that galaxy far, far away. Loving “Star Wars” with- nobody with the dead-end job and a Jedi obsession (Daisy out reserve isn’t an easily justifiable thing, and neither is the fun Ridley’s Rey), who has a life-changing encounter with said of “The Force Awakens.” They are intrinsically linked. To love the Joseph Gordon-Levitt brought the force to droid. There’s the reckless kid uncertain of his allegiances original is to love this one. On its own, “The Force Awakens” (John Boyega’s Finn). There’s the cocky pilot (Oscar Isaac’s Poe probably isn’t much. It’s not likely to convert anyone, either. But Dameron). There’s the powerful, masked villain, too (Adam for the rest of us - even the most casual of fans - it fits the bill the Star Wars World premiere red carpet Driver’s Kylo Ren). just fine. “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” is rated PG-13 by the The plot is as unwieldy and MacGuffin-filled as one might Motion Picture Association of America for “sci-fi action violence.” ou might expect an A-list movie star like Joseph Complete with a white terry cloth robe, Grinch pajama expect. It almost serves no purpose to go into the specifics at Running time: 135 minutes. Three stars out of four. MPAA Gordon-Levitt to wear a fancy suit on the red carpet, bottoms, a beanie with pointy ears, and a face full of this point beyond the fact that the galaxy is in disarray, an evil Definition of PG-13: Parents strongly cautioned. Some material but when it came time for him to attend the world green paint, he went full-on fanboy, and he wasn’t the army is growing (as is a resistance), and a series of coinci- may be inappropriate for children under 13. — AP Y premiere of Star Wars: The Force Awakens in Hollywood only one. Rainn Wilson and his son, Walter, also went to dences help Rey collect a “Wizard of Oz”-worthy posse to help on Monday, The Night Before actor arrived in a DIY Yoda the premiere in costume, donning “chubby Jedi” and Boba get BB-8 back to its rightful owners. This time, it’s all because costume. Everyone knows Joseph isn’t afraid of getting Fett getups. Keep scrolling to see more photos of the of Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill). He’s vanished. Those are the really into character, and his Yoda look was no different. diehard fans! — Reuters

South Korean fans dressed as Star Wars characters attend a Jedi parade before Promotional staff dressed as stormtroopers attend the film premiere of ‘Star South Korean fans dressed as Star Wars characters attend a Jedi parade before a release of the movie ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ at Lotte Cinema in Seoul Wars: The Force Awakens’. a release of the movie ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’. yesterday. — AFP photos ‘Star Wars’ force finally awakens for fans around the world

tar Wars” fans rejoiced at the chance to see the anything - film, TV show, video game, spinoff, what-have-you - sequel is a must,” singer Tim Omaji said in Sydney. “The story much-anticipated next installment of the sci-fi saga in at least 32 years, ‘The Force Awakens’ pumps new energy can’t end, not yet and I’m excited to see where it goes.” “Syesterday as the movie began hitting cinemas and life into a hallowed franchise in a way that both resurrects Eager movie-goers gathered early at London’s Leicester worldwide, winning mostly glowing reviews. Donning old pleasures and points in promising new directions,” The Square ahead of the film’s premiere in the British capital later Stormtrooper and Darth Vader masks, dressed in capes and Hollywood Reporter’s Todd McCarthy wrote. yesterday. “I love (that) they could gather all the stars from the holding lightsabers, fans young and old turned out for screen-, which collects film reviews from original movies together because that brings us a sense that ings of “The Force Awakens”, some queuing for hours to watch across the world, had found only three negative notices out of they are staying true to the story and I hope they can achieve the first “Star Wars” film in 10 years. Parisian movie-goers got 113 covered by 1400 GMT. The movie, which stars veterans that,” Louis, a Brazilian exchange student, said. “The Force in line before sunrise. “It is a phenomenon which goes beyond Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill as well as many Awakens” opens in most countries this week. — Reuters the film itself, it is extraordinary ... An event like this cannot be newcomers, has been shrouded in secrecy. “I was brought up missed,” said Benoit Alix, wearing a Stormtrooper mask. with (“Star Wars”), I was practically bottle-fed with it,” jedi- Most critics heaped praise on the film in the first reviews, dressed Quentin Encina said in Paris. “I have loved it ever published yesterday after an embargo. “As the best ‘Star Wars’ since I can remember,” added the 24-year-old. “For ‘Star Wars’, a

A young fan dressed as a Star Wars character arrives at the A Star Wars fan waits with his mock light sabre for the start of the movie premiere of ‘Star A queuing fan wearing a Yoda mask poses ahead of the European Premiere of “Star Wars: Australian premier of ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ in Wars: The Force Awakens’ in Helsinki, Finland yesterday. The Force Awakens” in central London yesterday. Sydney yesterday. l i f e s t y l e THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015 Music & Movies

In this photo provided by Courtesy Castle Rock Entertainment via the Library of Congress, a scene from the movie In this photo provided by Columbia Pictures via the Library of Congress, a scene from the movie Ghostbusters, featur- Shawshank Redemption, featuring inmates Red (Morgan Freeman), left, and Andy (Tim Robbins) share a quiet moment ing, from left, Harold Ramis, Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray and Ernie Hudson. in the prison yard at Shawshank. — AP photos ‘Top Gun,’ ‘Shawshank’ added to National Film Registry t’s a bro-centric year for movies added to the prestigious captured by W.K.L. Dickson, who led Thomas Edison’s inventor National Film Registry. Two of the most popular male- team. Still images were published by Harper’s magazine, but it Ibonding movies of all time - “Top Gun” and “The wasn’t seen as a movie until 1953. Shawshank Redemption” - are being added to the collection of films preserved by the Library of Congress, the library Motion pictures announced yesterday. They’ll be joined by an all-male quartet Another quirky artifact is “The Story of Menstruation,” an that’s about to get an all-female reboot - the gang from educational filmstrip sponsored by tampon maker Kimberly- “Ghostbusters.” Each year, the library picks 25 movies to pre- Clark and produced by the Walt Disney Co. Seen by approxi- serve for their cultural, historic or artistic importance. The list mately 93 million American women from its 1946 debut until is always eclectic and, as usual, includes titles that are older, the late 1960s, it was noted for its progressive, science-based experimental or otherwise obscure. approach. With the advent of sound in motion pictures, And then there are the crowd-pleasers. “The Shawshank Hollywood studios began shooting Spanish-language ver- Redemption” is a mainstay atop the Internet Movie Database sions of some titles, and “Dracula” (1931) is one example. Shot poll of the top 250 movies of all time. Its exalted ranking - “The at night by a different crew on the same sets used for the Godfather” places second - is somewhat curious. “Shawshank,” English-language “Dracula” starring Bela Lugosi, the Spanish a deliberately paced, well-crafted prison drama about the version is considered by some to be superior. friendship between a wrongly convicted man (Tim Robbins) Other titles selected for preservation include the ambitious and a savvy fellow inmate (Morgan Freeman), was considered Peter Sellers comedy “Being There” (1979); “Black and Tan” a box-office disappointment upon its 1994 release. It was the (1929), a short musical starring Duke Ellington; director first feature for director Frank Darabont, who adapted the Douglas Sirk’s lush tearjerker “Imitation of Life” (1959); “The screenplay from a novella by Stephen King. Nominated for Mark of Zorro” (1920), a silent swashbuckler starring Douglas seven Oscars, it won zero. Fairbanks; “Portrait of Jason” (1967), a groundbreaking study of a gay hustler; and “Winchester ‘73” (1950), one of several Westerns directed by Anthony Mann and starring James High-concept Two years before “Top Gun,” director Ivan Reitman’s A new version of “Ghostbusters,” with a female spook-hunt- Stewart. The most recent registry addition is the critically laud- But its popularity increased thanks to home video and “Ghostbusters” was also a box-office smash, setting a standard ing crew led by Kristen Wiig and Melissa McCarthy, will be ed film noir “LA Confidential” (1997), bridesmaid to “Titanic” at countless airings on cable television, where viewers came to for high-concept, effects-driven comedy that was rarely dupli- released in July. The film registry, which began in 1989, now that year’s Oscars. The library has yet to select “Titanic” for appreciate the elaborate plot, poignant score by Thomas cated. Reitman’s gift was allowing improvisational comedians includes 675 titles. The library works to ensure that original preservation. — AP Newman and Freeman’s soothing voice-over narration. The including Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd and Rick Moranis to riff 35mm negatives will be preserved, either by the library itself almost comically macho “Top Gun” (1986) was an instant their way through the movie’s ridiculous spectral set pieces. or another organization. The library maintains the negatives at blockbuster and remains a cultural 1980s touchstone. “Making ‘Ghostbusters’ was one of the great joys of my life,” its vast audio-visual conservation center built inside a Cold Applications to naval flight schools soared post-release, and it Reitman said in a statement. “It’s an honor to know that a War-era bunker in Culpeper, Virginia. The oldest film added elevated Tom Cruise to a new level of stardom. Its visual style, movie that begins with a ghost in a library now has a spot on this year dates to 1894. Known as the “Edison Kinetoscopic from action maestro Tony Scott, helped influence a generation the shelves of the Library of Congress.” Record of a Sneeze” or simply “The Sneeze,” the frames were of directors. Scarlett Johansson to star in comedy ‘Move That Body’

ony Pictures is negotiating with Scarlett Johansson to star in the R-rated comedy “Move SThat Body.” Producers are Lucia Aniello and Paul W Downs through their Paulilu banner with Matt Tolmach and Dave Becky. Sony acquired the script by Aniello and Downs in a bidding war this past summer. Aniello (“Broad City”) is set to direct, while Downs is attached to co-star. The script, which landed on the Black List on Monday, centers on five friends renting a beach house in Miami for a bachelorette weekend and accidentally killing a male stripper. Johansson will next be seen in the Coen brothers’ comedy “Hail, Caesar!” followed by Marvel’s “Captain America: Civil War” and Disney’s “The Jungle Book.” Tolmach’s background as a producer and Sony exec includes R-rated comedies such as “The Other Guys,” “Step Brothers,” “Pineapple Express” and “Superbad.” Dancers wait to perform in the choreography and staging by Vladimir Vasiliev, celebrat- Maria Alexandrova, right, performs as Vladislav Lantratov and Marianna Ryzhkina, sec- Johansson is represented by CAA, LBI Entertainment ing his 75th birthday anniversary in the Bolshoi Theater stage in Moscow, Russia. ond from left, look at her during a rehearsal. — AP photos and attorney Kevin Yorn of Morris Yorn. The news was first reported by The Wrap. — Reuters Bolshoi ballet film shows world of dance, Kremlin politics

n the stage of the Bolshoi Theater, the dancers were all with Tsiskaridze, Filin and Dmitrichenko,” she said over a coffee perform “A Legend of Love,” she and the four other lead elegance and grace, leaping through the air and lifting latte and fresh orange juice after a rehearsal. “We grew up dancers ran through the full ballet in a rehearsal hall. Their Otheir partners with seemingly little effort. But up close together.” What fascinated filmmakers was that each of the fig- bodies glistened with sweat and their chests heaved from the in a rehearsal hall a few days before the performance, prima ures engaged in the power struggle within the Bolshoi had physical exertion. When a lift or combination was less than ballerina Maria Alexandrova and the other lead dancers were powerful, rich and politically connected backers on the out- perfect, tempers flared. emotional, quarrelsome and at times gasping for breath from side who wanted to influence the theater. the sheer athleticism that ballet demands. This inner, turbu- Incredible physicality lent world of Moscow’s famed ballet company is the subject of Russian society The film’s director, Nick Read, said it was this exertion and a new documentary film centered on a shocking 2013 acid The Bolshoi has a special status in Russia, where it is con- emotion that impressed him the most. Ballet is usually shot attack that nearly blinded the company’s artistic director and sidered a national treasure and a symbol of Russian culture if from a wide angle, but he decided to move in close to show sent a star dancer to prison. not of Russia itself. And as a state theater, it has close links to the dancers at work. “A lot of the material is there to eulogize “Bolshoi Babylon” explores the infighting and political the Kremlin. “It’s hard to imagine that in a theater as famous as their incredible physicality and ability and determination and Sony sets three writers intrigue that culminated in the attack, including the extent of La Scala in Milan, for instance, you’d have the president or the dedication,” Read said, speaking from London. In contrast to Kremlin involvement in the state theater. But most of all, the head of the government summoning the new director to his the dancers, Filin does not come off well in the film. “He’s a for ‘Barbie’ movie film celebrates the resilience of the dancers and the efforts by office to discuss the theater. Or that you’d have ministers who very closed character, a very evasive and ultimately divisive the Bolshoi to heal and restore its reputation. The theater was are behind the scenes kind of lobbying to try to make sure character,” Read said, noting that it was only when filming was ony has set three scribes to pen three different scripts for torn apart when artistic director Sergei Filin had acid thrown that their candidate is the head of the ballet company,” said in its final stages that Filin agreed to be interviewed. its “Barbie” movie, the studio’s take on the classic Mattel in his face while returning home on a snowy January night Mark Franchetti, a veteran Moscow-based British journalist Filin describes managing the ballet company as emotional- Stoy. Sources tell Variety the studio is using the multitrack and a popular soloist was arrested on charges of organizing who produced and co-directed the film. “That’s what the ly trying, thankless and “hellishly hard work.” He ends by say- strategy and has hired Bert Royal, Hilary Winston and Lindsey the attack. Bolshoi is like.” ing he regrets ever taking the job. After the filming was fin- Beer to each write their own scripts for the live-action feature. The film asks whether the Bolshoi is a mirror of Russian ished, the Bolshoi announced that Filin’s contract will not be With Sony already having dated the film for a June, 2017, Special status society, where corruption flourishes. Bolshoi general director renewed when it expires in March. He will be replaced by release, the studio had to try a different strategy after being Pavel Dmitrichenko was found guilty after a bizarre trial Vladimir Urin, who was brought in after the attack, speaks Makhar Vaziev, who directed the ballet at the Mariinsky underwhelmed with the script Diablo Cody recently turned in. that often focused less on the crime than on Filin’s divisive openly in the film about the need to curb government inter- Theater in St Petersburg before moving to La Scala in 2009. Jenny Bicks had also penned a previous draft. management of the ballet company and his casting decisions. ference and make sure “the most talented dancer will dance.” Alexandrova said she has great respect for Vaziev. “To leave Laurie MacDonald and Walter F Parkes are producing the Among those to testify in Dmitrichenko’s defense was princi- Franchetti said the emotional nature of some of the dancers sunny, warm Italy, where everything is different - sunny, open project, along with Amy Pascal. Royal wrote the script for the pal dancer Nikolai Tsiskaridze, who had been publicly critical and the drama inside the theater also struck him as very and calm - and to choose Russia, where nothing is calm. That’s Emma Stone pic “Easy A.” He is repped by CAA, R.E.D. and of the Bolshoi management and had been maneuvering to Russian. On the other hand, he said, he found the world of the an extraordinary step,” she commented. “Bolshoi Babylon” airs Hansen, Jacobson. Winston has written for various TV shows take over the theater himself. He was fired in the aftermath of Bolshoi ballet to be “quite hermetically sealed,” inhabited by on HBO on Dec 21 at 9 pm EST. — AP including “Community,” “Happy Endings” and “Bad Teacher,” the attack. 250 dancers obsessed with their art. which she also executive produced. She is repped by UTA, Rise Alexandrova, the prima ballerina, said it was painful to “We live in a complex country, which puts its mark on Management and Morris Yorn. Beer was part of the recent watch the company being split into camps. She said she everything,” Alexandrova, who features in the film, said during “Transformers” writers’ room, which helped create the outline refused to take sides because it would have been inconceiv- the interview. “And it’s a complex theater made up of beauti- for the future of the franchise and devised ways to expand it. able to betray dancers she had known since they were all chil- ful, strong, ambitious people with strong characters. We have She is repped by WME. Deadline Hollywood first reported the dren. “They were all my partners. I danced with all of them, no other kind here.” In the week before Alexandrova was to news. — Reuters ‘Top Gun,’ ‘Shawshank’ added to National Film Registry


Performers parade in Hong Kong yesterday to promote a funfair and festival taking place during the Christmas festive season. — AFP Right at Home: Holiday decor with sparkle and dash

ven if you practice restraint in your everyday home decor, ter glue that comes in a bunch of colors and is easy to dab or For those looking to decorate outside the traditional you might be inclined toward a bit of sizzle and sparkle swab. red/green or blue/white realm, Target’s got a collection of glit- Ewhen the holidays roll around. The season is a great Making a tabletop holiday village is easy and inexpensive. tery faux bottlebrush trees in colors like copper, orchid, excuse to let your festive flag fly, so to speak, and few things Got some plastic toy animals lying around? Give them a coat of turquoise, purple and mocha. Seasonal greetings stenciled in say “festive” like decor that’s got some glitz, glitter or gilding. metallic paint. A stack of newspapers or old magazines? metallic sequins bring sparkle to the sofa on throw pillows. “My go-to holiday look each season? Winter wonderland meets Transform them with a few folds into trees, and spray them Dress the base of the Christmas tree with an organza skirt glamour,” says New York designer Genevieve Gorder. with glitter paint. dusted with glitter from Kohl’s. Or Zazzle has a snazzy one in She uses metallic and glittery spray paint to add personal- You can build a few houses out of chipboard, paint and shimmery lemon yellow. Sparkly ruffles give a little kick to a ized flair. If you’re on a budget or are fairly crafty, this is a good powdered glitter, and create your tableau; it’s a fun project to tree skirt at Brylane Home. option. Jazz up stuff you already have like terra cotta pots, tea do with kids or friends. Martha Stewart has instructions online. You can set the holiday table with subtle shine using Sandy light holders, candlesticks, picture frames and serving trays. Z Gallerie offers boxes of gold or silver acrylic “ice gems” Chilewich’s brass or silver Drift placemats, which have an angu- Valspar has a line of paints that stick to most materials, and that look like ice cubes. In a clear vase, they’d be a great base lar, geometric design inspired by woodblock prints. Add a few come in both opaque and translucent finishes. for white painted branches or greenery. Or scatter them along slim white, copper or silver glass trees from CB2 for a If you gather bare branches on a walk or buy some from a a faux fur runner with some tiny twinkle lights. The retailer also tablescape that’s minimalist yet merry. Bring the bling out- garden center, find instructions for glittering them up at has a series of silver-plated ceramic penguins, and sexy star- doors, too, with large-scale decorations. Wayfair has a set of . After painting them, spray with adhe- burst ornaments with a retro vibe. sparkly, lighted gift boxes. Frontgate’s gold, silver or red orna- sive, and then dip them in both glitter and clear crystalline Paper poinsettia balls from Joss & Main in a dramatic mid- ments come with fiber-optic and LED lights. — AP This photo provided by Joss and Main shows a Baroque sprinkles. The sprinkles add an icy extra touch. night hue and edged in golden glitter bring baroque elan to paper poinsettia ball ornament in a midnight hue, If you’re tight on work space (glittering is a messy business), the mantel. Filigree-wrapped balls and mini tiara ornaments trimmed with gold glitter, adds drama to holiday decor. consider glitter in a tube. Jo-Ann craft stores have Stickles, glit- add royal style.

This photo provided by Joss and Main shows ball orna- This photo provided by Z Gallerie shows silver plated In this photo provided by Z Gallerie, acrylic ‘ice gems’ look In this photo provided by Valspar, designer and television ments that are banded in glittering filigree, that are a chic ceramic penguins that add a dash of chic swagger to holi- like ice cubes, and would be a cool base in a clear vessel personality Genevieve Gorder suggests embellishing and elegant addition to the tree. — AP photos day decor. with greenery or bare branches. items you may have around the house, like trays and votive holders and picture frames, with glitter and metal- lic spray paint. 1,000 jogging Santas run

Participants take part in the 6th for charity in Sweden edition of the Santa Claus ‘Papa ore than 1,000 joggers dressed as the Children and the Red Cross. Noel’ rally in Turin. Around fif- Santa Claus wearing red suits, boots “It was the first I ran as a Santa and it was teen thousand people took part Mand long white beards ran through a lot of fun,” said 26-year-old Elin. “The Santa in the charity event for the the streets of Stockholm for charity on suit was cosy and warm. It was a good Regina Margherita Children Sunday. “It was brilliant. I’m a Santa enthusiast opportunity to run as a Santa for good caus- Hospital.— AFP and an avid runner, so its the best of two es,” The race had no official winner. In true worlds,” said Andreas, a 27-year-old partici- Santa spirit it had the goal of bringing aware- pant. The three-kilometer (1.8-mile) run was ness of the poor and needy during the holi- organized for various charities including Save day season. — AFP