POLIT-BAROMETER The early parliamentary elec- tions held on July 11th were marked by a record low turnout. Year 21 Issue 5 1 June – 12 July 2021

For the first time since 2009, GERB are not the first politi- Georgi Karasimeonov (Ed.) cal force.

After a poor performance, BSP remains the third force. FRIEDRICH-EBERT-STIFTUNG – POLIT-BAROMETER









At the beginning of June, the United States Treasury ous means in exchange for information and loyalty on Department imposed sanctions on six Bulgarians un- their part. The American authorities have information der the global Magnitsky Act. Among them are for- that Zhelyazkov offered bribes to high-ranking Bul- mer MRF MP Delyan Peevski, gambling boss Vasil garian government officials, who were expected to Bozhkov, who is in hiding in Dubai, Ilko Zhelyazkov, provide him with information that would be passed deputy chairman of the National Bureau for Control on to Peevski. In return, Zhelyazkov “saw to it that of Special Intelligence Measures, former GERB deputy those who accepted his proposal were appointed to Economy Minister Alexander Manolev, former chair- influential positions and ensured that they received man of the State Agency for Bulgarians Abroad Petar a monthly bribe.” Peevski and Zhelyazkov also had a Haralampiev, as well as the Secretary General of the senior official who in 2019 illegally misappropriated same agency Petar Tomov. funds for their use. According to US authorities, Zhel- yazkov coerced a candidate for Bulgarian minister by It is stated in a message from the US Treasury Depart- threatening that there would be criminal charges by ment that Vasil Bozhkov has “frequently bribed gov- the prosecution if the minister did not provide further ernment officials.” These officials include a current assistance to Zhelyazkov after his appointment. political leader, as well as the former chairman of the now-closed State Commission on Gambling (SCG). Alexander Manolev from GERB has been sanctioned Bozhkov also planned to provide a sum of money for because of the scandal regarding a guest house, which a former Bulgarian official and a Bulgarian politician was built with money from European projects for ru- to create a channel through which Russian political ral tourism, but which he uses as a private residence. leaders could exert influence on Bulgarian govern- Haralampiev and Tomov have been sanctioned for the ment officials. scandal with the sale of Bulgarian citizenship and oth- er official crimes of which they have been accused. According to US authorities, Delyan Peevski participat- ed in corruption in that he used trading in influence At first Vasil Bozhkov thanked the United States for and bribery to protect himself from public control and considering his signal, but expressed bewilderment as to exercise control over key institutions and sectors in to why he was among the individuals sanctioned, since Bulgarian society. In September 2019, the former MRF he himself had testified about the corruption schemes MP worked actively to have a negative impact on the of the previous government. Bozhkov said that Bor- political process in during the local elections isov should have been among the persons sanctioned on October 27th, 2019. Peevski negotiated with pol- because he was the object of his signal. Delyan Peevs- iticians to provide them with political support and ki issued a statement to the media in which he stat- positive media coverage in return for protection from ed that he would appeal before the American court criminal investigation. against the sanctions imposed. He said he was not an office bearer, and so should not fall within the scope According to message of the US Treasury Department, of such sanctions. Ilko Zhelyazkov declined to com- Peevski also participated in corrupt practices through ment, going on leave initially, but he later resigned as his proxy Ilko Zhelyazkov, former deputy chairman of deputy chairman of the National Special Intelligence the State Agency for Technical Operations (SATO - or Means Control Bureau. In addition to the six individ- DATO) and a former employee of the State Agency for uals, 68 companies related to them were sanctioned. National Security (SANS), who was appointed Deputy Sanctions may also apply to all related persons and Chairman of the National Bureau for Control of Special companies that do business or any financial activity Intelligence Means in 2018. Peevski apparently used with them in the future. Zhelyazkov to implement a scheme of bribery that af- fected Bulgarian residence documents for foreign na- The political reactions were diametrically opposed. tionals, as well as to bribe civil servants through vari- MRF stood behind Delyan Peevski, saying that until


evidence of corruption was provided, they could not On the whole, the majority of experts and members of take action. However, the movement issued a remind- the public united in the conclusion that the sanctions er that Peevski is not a member of the party, but was under the Magnitsky law are a severe blow to Bulgar- an MP from the civil quota. GERB gave a press con- ia’s reputation, because they show that there is sys- ference at which they took a stand only on the sanc- tematic political corruption in the country, which re- tions imposed against Alexander Manolev, who was pels potential foreign investors. A number of analysts their member, stating that the party had reacted im- have also described the sanctions as a slap in the face mediately and he had been dismissed as deputy min- for Brussels, because for years European institutions ister. Borisov, however, denied having any connection have turned a blind eye to problems with the rule of with Delyan Peevski, despite a great deal of evidence law in Bulgaria and even supported in recent years about the symbiosis between the two and GERB, especially those in the leadership of the Eu- in running the country and in a number of appoint- ropean People’s Party, despite the fact that there was ments. Borisov said he had met with Peevski only to information about corruption in the country. discuss issues affecting regions in the country with a Muslim population. Borisov rejected allegations that The caretaker government has exposed a number he was the political leader and high-ranking official of abuses and violations committed by the previ- who had repeatedly been bribed by Bozhkov. ous government. The Bulgarian Development Bank, which was set up to promote small and medium-sized Parties that oppose GERB and Borisov unanimously de- businesses in the country, has been used as a “piggy scribed the sanctions as an assessment of the previous bank” by oligarchs close to the government, who have government and systematic corruption in the country. been financed with hundreds of millions in credit. They stated that the decision of the US authorities was Among them are companies linked to Delyan Peevski, well-intentioned support for Bulgaria in solving the GERB-affiliated oligarch Kiril Domuschiev, and Rumen problem of corruption. According to representatives Gaitanski, who is said to be close to Ahmed Dogan and of “There is such a people” and “Democratic Bulgaria”, MRF. The Minister of Economy Kiril Petkov dismissed this can be changed only by the Bulgarian authorities the entire supervisory board of the bank and appoint- and the judiciary, for which deep reforms are required. ed a new team, changing the regulations for loans of up to BGN 5 million to be granted. In the state-owned President Radev described the sanctions as a strong company Avtomagistrali, the law on public procure- sign in support of the aspirations of Bulgarian citi- ment has been circumvented by paying hundreds of zens to promote democracy, justice and transparency. millions in advance to companies that have not yet Radev asked why it had come to us from outside to carried out any activity. A report on this case was is- point out the problems that we know well, but have sued by the National Audit Office, after which the -So been unable to solve. According to the President, the fia City Prosecutor’s Office filed a complaint. The Min- main culprits for this are the previous rulers with the ister of Regional Development Komitova dismissed iniquitous model of corruption they had created. the company’s board of directors and appointed new management. Violations were also found in a number The caretaker government has begun compiling a list of state hospitals, with the most striking case being of people and companies connected with the indi- in being Lozenets Hospital, where illegal transplants viduals sanctioned. The main concern of the govern- were performed. The caretaker government has pro- ment is that state and municipal enterprises should posed to the President to dismiss the head of the State not be subject to sanctions if they have had business Agency for National Security (SANS) and the head of relations with those who have been sanctioned. The the State Intelligence Agency, which was expected af- government stated that the next parliament could ter the two decided to go on four months of unpaid consider adopting legislation to settle the issue of cas- leave before the caretaker government took office. es of sanctions being imposed by another country on The Deputy Director of SANS, Nedyalko Nedyalkov, Bulgarian citizens and companies. was also dismissed, with a number of media reports by experts in the know about the work of the services The US embassy announced that the sanctions were claiming that he was Peevski’s plant in the service and the largest one-off action under the global Magnitsky that he influenced its work through him. Act. During the time when the sanctions were an- nounced, visiting was a high-ranking represen- A serious scandal was caused by the claim of General tative of the US Treasury Department, who had meet- Atanas Atanasov - co-chairman of Democratic Bulgar- ings with the President and Prime Minister Stefan ia, that the former ruling party had wiretapped op- Yanev. Quite purposefully, no meeting with the Chief position politicians during the election campaign, as Prosecutor Ivan Geshev was held. Asked by journalists well as protesting citizens. This information was con- whether they would hold talks with Geshev, Ambassa- firmed by Prime Minister Stefan Yanev and caretaker dor Herro Mustafa said the programme did not pro- Interior Minister Boyko Rashkov. Stefan Yanev stat- vide for such a meeting. ed that he had information that he was also among those who had been wiretapped. GERB said that these 3 FRIEDRICH-EBERT-STIFTUNG – POLIT-BAROMETER

allegations were pre-election manipulation, aimed at stuck to their previous positions. A number of analysts discrediting the party and demanded that evidence explained the intransigence of Sofia as being due to be provided. The prosecutor’s office and the Office of the election campaign in the country and the declara- Special Intelligence Control launched an investigation tion adopted by the 44th National Assembly. It will be and eventually came up with the position that they very difficult to find a solution to the case, bearing in had not found any evidence of illegal wiretapping. mind public opinion in both countries, where people The coalition “Rise up! Thugs Out!” (Izpravi Se! Mutri are reluctant to compromise. Van!) revealed documents that their members had been wiretapped during last year’s protests. In the middle of June, European Chief Prosecutor Lau- ra Kövesi visited Bulgaria, which sparked keen journal- Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Boyko istic interest. The reason for the visit was to fill the quo- Rashkov contradicted the former ruling party GERB ta for European delegated prosecutors from Bulgaria. and stated categorically that hundreds of people had So far, only four prosecutors have been approved and been wiretapped and that he would provide all the the other six rejected. Kövesi held talks with the pros- information to the next National Assembly. The leader ecutorial board of the SJC, after which it became clear of “Rise up! Thugs out!” announced that a new procedure would be conducted for the re- that during the protests the entire office of the organ- maining six seats. The European Chief Prosecutor gave isation had been wiretapped and promised to form a a two-hour press conference, during which she fend- commission of inquiry in the National Assembly after ed off questions related to internal issues. Regarding the elections to conduct an inspection. The parties – the desire of the protest parties to close the special- “There is such a people”, “Democratic Bulgaria” and ised court and prosecutor’s office, Kövesi said that BSP - also stated that they were in favour of the idea this was an internal issue and that there are different of a​​ commission of inquiry. This will be one of the first models in Europe - there are countries that have such tasks of the future MPs. specialised institutions and those that do not.

Even at the end of the Portuguese presidency of the One week before the elections on July 11th, the Con- Council of the EU, Bulgaria did not give the green light stitutional Court ruled on the request by GERB that to start negotiations for the accession of the Republic the introduction of voting completely by machine in of North Macedonia to the European Union. Contro- sections with more than 300 voters be seen as violat- versial topics remain. Sofia insists on ceasing the lan- ing equal suffrage. The Constitutional Court ruled that guage of hatred towards Bulgaria and resolving his- there was no violation of the constitution, as machine torical disputes. President said he had voting is a technical means of exercising the vote, with held numerous talks with a number of European lead- no different weight of votes when voting by machine ers on the subject, in which he had clarified Bulgaria’s or on a paper ballot. In this regard, CEC spokesman position. Radev did not conceal that serious pressure Tsvetozar Tomov described the behaviour of GERB as was being exerted on the country, but Bulgaria could disturbing, as it instills distrust in the election process. not back down from its positions, otherwise it would mean transferring unresolved bilateral issues to the On July 8th and 9th, Bulgaria hosted the Summit meet- EU, and this would not be in anyone’s interest. A step ing of the Three Seas Initiative, which brings together 12 towards reducing tensions between the two countries EU countries in the Baltic, Adriatic and Black Sea regions was the joint visit to the Vatican of the Presidents of for greater connectivity. German President Frank-Walter Bulgaria and the Republic of North Macedonia on the Steinmeier was also a guest of the forum. A video ad- occasion of the celebrations of the holy brothers Cyril dress was made by the President of the United States Joe and Methodius. The visit of Prime Minister Zoran Zaev Biden. The initiative is important for Bulgaria, because it to Sofia ended without result, during which both sides opens up opportunities for attracting new investments.



The findings of the caretaker government about the previous campaign and a number of representatives heritage of the former one exacerbated the election took part in pre-election debates and TV programmes. campaign. GERB fell into all round defence. The dai- This time decided not to run for office, ly disclosure of cases of misappropriation in various saying that he could also be useful from another in- state offices, as well as the Global Magnitsky sanctions stitution. The latter caused some speculations about placed GERB in a very difficult position. That result- whether he was intending to run for President or to be ed in electoral erosion, with many polling agencies the party nomination for Prime Minister. Neither hy- reporting that “There is Such a People” was running pothesis looks likely, however, since Trifonov has no as- ahead of GERB as the leading political force. The may- pirations to become directly involved in the operations oral by-election in the regional city of Blagoevgrad of politics, but rather sees his political project as a tool was quite indicative in this sense – the GERB candidate for changing the model of government. “There is Such there did not even make it to the runoff and remained a People” gave a positive assessment of the caretaker third. The candidate of “There is Such a People” Ilko government, particularly of its economics team. Stoyanov won the runoff election. BSP participated in this elections in coalition with a The election campaign of GERB-UDF featured accu- number of smaller left and centrist parties and or- sations against the caretaker government. It was re- ganisations in order to strengthen the support for the ferred to by the former party in power as the “Election party in the election campaign. BSP propagandised staff of President Radev”. GERB accused the Yanev the thesis that they would be an unsurmountable fac- Cabinet of revanchist action in view of the dozens tor when forming government in the next legislature. of changes in the management of a number of state At the same time, representatives of the Socialists at- government agencies. A week prior to the campaign, tacked the formations that were expected to be at Boyko Borisov paid a visit to Turkish President Erdo- the core of the next parliamentary majority – “There gan. That visit gave rise to various interpretations. The is Such a People”, Democratic Bulgaria and “Rise Up! prevailing opinion of most politicians and analysts Thugs Out!” defining them as formations which would was that Borisov went to Erdogan to ask for support not bring about change, but substitution. The verbal by the votes of some members of the Bulgarian expat crossfire only increased tension between the new par- community in Turkey. Some Bulgarian politicians de- ties and BSP and that will make it difficult to find a fined this visit as humiliating. working coalition formula after the elections. “There is Such a People” categorically stated that they would According to insiders in the party itself, there was not be in coalition with BSP under any circumstances. some disagreement with the extremely aggressive BSP rejected the accusations that they are a party of tone of Borisov against the caretaker government go- the Status Quo, because they claimed that they were ing as far as comparing it to the communists of 1944. the only parliamentary opposition to GERB in the 44th Borisov was not shy to use open manipulation in de- National Assembly, which had shed light on a number fence of his positions. of corrupt practices in the government.

A number of representatives of the democratic com- Only Democratic Bulgaria refrained from making ex- munity were surprised by the EPP support for Borisov treme statements. The Co-Chairman of the alliance after so many findings of enormous corruption during and leader of “Yes, Bulgaria” Hristo Ivanov even com- his time in government. mended BSP for their support for reforming the Of- fice of Prosecution and the Supreme Judicial Coun- “There is Such a People” became the formation charged cil by amendments to the Constitution – a position with the greatest expectations, which is expected to be which BSP declared as early as last year, at the height the core of the future government of this country. This of the protests. time the new party changed their strategy from the 5 FRIEDRICH-EBERT-STIFTUNG – POLIT-BAROMETER

“Democratic Bulgaria” was consistently ahead of MRF “Bulgarian Patriots” – IMRO, NFSB and “Volya” – re- in the campaign, and opinion polls demonstrated that mained under the 4% threshold during the entire cam- they improved their performance. The alliance carried paign. However, they had a strong competitor for the out a very active campaign in the field, as well as on nationalist vote – the “Vazrazhdane” (Revival) Party, Facebook, which is the reason for the increase of the which had surprisingly good results – with the potential support for them. to go above the threshold - in the previous elections.

The sanctions against Peevski confirmed his role be- During the campaign, the party of the sanctioned busi- hind the scene in the politics and the government nessman Vasil Bozhkov “Bulgarian Summer” provoked of this country. Despite this, MRF stood by Peevski, interest too. In the previous elections under a different which goes to show how strong an influence he has name they got almost 3% of the votes. Paradoxically, on the party and indicates the dependencies of MRF the “Bulgarian Summer” party was also on the list of politicians on the oligarch subjected to sanctions. MRF Global Magnitsky sanctions, despite Bozhkov not be- took an opposition line of behaviour against GERB in ing its leader, nor a member. This was explicitly stated the short-lived previous legislature, aiming at clear- by the leadership of the party. Bozhkov organised an ing their image. However, this would be very difficult active campaign on Facebook and announced that he without dissociating themselves from Peevski and ad- would return to Bulgaria after the elections. mitting their mistakes. Maybe by chance or not, only a day after the announcement of the Global Magnitsky Results of the parliamentary elections sanctions, an MRF delegation headed by Mustafa Kar- held on July 11th 2021: adayi visited Turkey and met with President Erdogan. Party/Coalition Percentage (%) The visit was linked with the forthcoming elections and the mobilisation of the Bulgarian expat commu- “There is such a people” 23.91 nity in Turkey for the vote. GERB-UDF 23.69 BSP for Bulgaria 13.51 “Rise Up! Thugs Out!” carried out an active campaign and confirmed their electoral support from the pre- “Democratic Bulgaria” 12.56 vious elections. The coalition confirmed their com- MRF 10.66 mitment to be part of a government of change with “Rise Up! Thugs Out!” 5.03 the other protest parties. In numerous media appear- ances, the leader of the movement Maya Manolova Bulgarian Patriots 3.16 called Slavi Trifonov a friend and Hristo Ivanov – a “Vazrazhdane” (Revival) 2.97 partner. She stated that they maintained a constant Bulgarian summer 1.81 dialogue and that they are fully aware of their mis- sion to change the iniquitous model of government Note: After 98.92% of the election protocols have been in this country. processed



An opinion poll conducted by Gallup in the middle of A more detailed picture regarding the sanctions is giv- June shows a high level of public approval of the care- en by the Talk Online Panels representative survey car- taker government led by Stefan Yanev. 58% of the re- ried out at the end of June. As regards the question: spondents gave a positive assessment of the cabinet’s “Why has Delyan Peevski not been investigated for work and 33.2% - a negative one. corruption so far by the Prosecutor General Ivan Ge- shev and his predecessor Sotir Tsatsarov?” 53% believe The attitude towards the previous government led that the reason lies in their dependence on the sanc- by Borisov is negative – 26.9% of the respondents de- tioned oligarch and 25% are of the opinion that both scribed it as completely unsuccessful, 22.8% as “rela- were appointed to their posts thanks to Peevski’s lob- tively unsuccessful”, and 22% as “neither successful, by in the Supreme Judicial Council. More than 50% of nor unsuccessful”. Just 7.1% of Bulgarian citizens are the respondents do not believe there will be an objec- of the opinion that the previous government was tive prosecutor’s office investigation against Peevski completely successful and 19.8% would call it “rela- and 41% think that they will only simulate some kind tively successful”. The positive assessments were given of investigation. More than 62% of Bulgarians are of to a great extent by GERB voters and those of patriotic the opinion that Ivan Geshev’s mandate as Prosecutor formations that were part of the government. General should be terminated preterm, whereas just 15% voiced the position that he should remain in his The Gallup poll shows no change in attitudes regard- position. 60% of respondents think that the chairper- ing the issue with the Republic of North Macedonia. son of the Commission for Anti-Corruption and Illegal 70% of respondents are against concessions in negoti- Assets Forfeiture (CACIAF) Sotir Tsatsarov should be ations between Sofia and Skopje and 19.3% are of the dismissed, as opposed to 13% of the opposite opinion. opposite opinion.

Regarding the sanctions implemented under the Glob- al Magnitsky Act, the poll shows that 49.2% of Bulgar- ians approve of them, while 31.6% do not.



The early parliamentary elections on July 11th were a former Minister of the Economy in Simeon Saxe-Co- marked by a record low turnout of 38%. Compared to burg’s government and is hardly acceptable to other the elections on April 4th, only “There is such a peo- democratic parties. Trifonov said he would not form a ple” and “Democratic Bulgaria” improved their results. coalition with other parties. From 75 MPs in the last parliament, GERB has now fall- en to 61-62 seats. The first reactions to this proposal are negative. Ac- cording to experts, this is a deliberate provocation of Once again 6 parties and coalitions have found a place the political system, behind which there are interested in the National Assembly. circles, especially from the top oligarchy. De facto, with this proposal of his, Trifonov purposefully torpedoed BSP performed poorly. The negative trend of losing the activities of the new parliament, where his party influence continues. Nationally, the BSP for Bulgaria and the other parties of change were expected to sup- Coalition lost 26.1% of its votes. This is also a severe port the government for deep reforms in the country. blow for the leader Korneliya Ninova. GERB lost more than 200,000 votes compared to the The protest parties – “There is such a people”, “Dem- April elections. The party is in total political isolation ocratic Bulgaria” and “Rise Up! Thugs out!” will not after the numerous irregularities and signals of cor- have an absolute majority of 121 MPs. The support ruption were revealed. During the campaign, GERB of one of the other parties is required to form a gov- constantly claimed that voting with machines could ernment. BSP leader Korneliya Ninova stated that this be manipulated and that it would lead to chaos. time BSP support for a government of the protest par- These fears were not justified; machine voting went ties would not be unconditional, but that they would smoothly, and the level of so-called controlled and expect an invitation for talks on specific policies. bought votes was reduced. It is not ruled out that GERB will appeal to the Constitutional Court against Slavi Trifonov, leader of “There is such a people” in a the elections and request their annulment. However, special interview, before there were final results, with- this would lead to even greater isolation of the party. out following basic parliamentary and political proce- After Trifonov’s initiative, however, it is not out of the dures, proposed his “personal” government with sev- question that GERB will “recover” again and expand eral priorities, led by economist Nikolai Vassilev. He is its positions in possible new elections.


Professor, Doctor of Philosophy, Georgi Karasimeonov is Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung | Office Bulgaria a lecturer at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Direc- 97, Knjaz Boris I St. | 1000 Sofia | Bulgaria tor of the Institute for Political and Legal Studies. From 1991 to 1998 he was Chairman of the Bulgarian Political Responsible: Science Association. Helene Kortländer | Director, FES Bulgaria [email protected] Tel.: +359 2 980 8747 | Fax: +359 2 980 2438

Contact: [email protected]

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FES Bulgaria has been publishing the „Polit-Barometer“ since the quality and neutrality of Bulgarian media is under ques- 2000, analyzing current and long-term political processes and tion, we aim to provide a scientific basis for a political discus- identifying trends in Bulgarian politics with a special focus on sion for Bulgarian and international readers. the political parties as democratic actors. In a situation where

The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung or of the organization for which the author works. POLIT-BAROMETER Year 21 Issue 5 1 June – 12 July 2021

The early parliamentary elections held For the first time since 2009, GERB are After a poor performance, BSP remains on July 11th were marked by a record not the first political force. the third force. low turnout.

Further information on the topic can be found here: