Oklahoma (Homoptera, Membracidae) CLIFFORD J. DENNIS, Wisconsin State University, Whitewater Treehoppers are mostly active, rather abundant and often bizarre . They inhabit a variety of trees, principally oaks, and herbaceous vegetation. As would be expected in Oklahoma, the tree-inhabiting forms largely are found in the more wooded eastern sections, while those that frequent herbs or both herbs and trees are found rather widely distributed. Until recently Oklahoma treehoppers have been neglected. References occur in certain of my previous papers (Dennis, 1960, 1962, 1963, 1964a. 1964b) . This paper includes keys for the determination of Oklahoma species as well as county distribution records and host plants when known. Speci­ mens collected at both "black" and "white" light traps previously have been reported (Dennis, 1964a). This work was supported in part by Frontiers of Science Foundation of Oklahoma. Special thanks are due James Harlow, Executive Vice President of this organization. The following people loaned material for study or participated in collecting: George Byers of the University of Kansas, W. A. Drew and James Shaddy of Oklahoma State University, Dan Shorter and LeRoy Rader of Northwestern State College, Thomas Gray and Foster Mayer of Southwestern State College, E. Phil Rouse of the University of Arkansas and two of my sons, Al and Roy Dennis. Rich­ ard Froeschner of the U.S. National Museum prOVided collection records. To all of these I wish to express my grateful appreciation. KEy TO SUBFAMILIES-

1. a) Scutellum distinctly visible ____ .1. Centrotinae b) Scutellum concealed by pronotum ______..2

2. a) Tibiae of first two pairs of legs foliaceous, tibiae of third pair of

b) ~~a~~fl:..-·l;P··str,;'pi~··:::::=::::=::::=::::~:~:=::::=::::::::::~::=:==:::::::~:~:~:..~_~~~~~~; S. a) Hind tarsi shorter than others _____ m. Hoplophorinae b) Hind tarsi at least as long as others _____ IV. Smillinae I. SUBFAMILY CENTKoTINAE Jltcrocettt"'-' coryae (Fitch) is the only species of this subfamily known from Oklahoma.

-All determination. have been mad. by me. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 51

II. SUBFAMILY MEMBRACINAE Key to species Pronotum with two prominent yellow spots behind hom _...... _ _ _ .Bt&CMnopa binotata (Say) Pronoturn lacking prominent yellow spots __ _...... __ _ Campylmach.4a latiJ)68 (Say)

lll. SUBFAMILY HOPLOPHORINAE Both the homed and unhorned forms of Platycotia vUtata (Fabricius) represent this subfamily in the fauna of Oklahoma.

IV. SUBFAMILY Key to tribes 1. a) Elytra entirely free and uncovered by pronotum Ceresini b) Most or all of clavus and often part of corium covered by pro- notum _ _ 2 2. a) Hind wing with terminal cell usually sessile, its base truncated, rarely with terminal cell an elongate triangle with a short petiole...... Telamonini b) Hind wing with terminal cell a petiolate, equal-sided triangle 3 3. a) Base of corium with two longitudinal veins contiguous at their bases _ Polyglyptlni b) Base of corium with three longitudinal veins, usually contiguous at their bases SmUilni


Caldwell (1949) revised this tribe using male genitalia as a basis of revision. Dennis (1952) further modified generic assignments. Since keys based on male genitalia are of no use when one has a female to identify, this key to Oklahoma species does not use genital characters. It can be used for both sexes. 1. a) Base of corium with three longitudinal veins beginning near the base; pronotum not much elevated in front __..2 b) Base of corium with two longitudinal veins contiguous at their bases; pronotum much elevated in front 3 2. a) Elytra with five apical cells, veins usually dark ___ ...... _ __ ,AcutaliB tartarea (Say) b) Elytra with four apical cells, veins usually very indistinct .. _.._ __.._ .Micmtalia calva (Say) 3. a) b) ~~~~~ ~~~p~h~=r:~~~... ::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::~::::~::::~:~:::::::~::::~==:~::: 4. a) Front of metopidium nearly vertical, its ridged sides meeting ahead of the middle of the pronotum _ TOTtwtilua .t&ermu (Fabrlch18) b) Pronotum not as above ___ _..__ .5 5. a) Metopidium seen from the front regularly narrowing to the peak; posterior median carina of pronotum not reddilh; femora often black ...... 8tWtocephala '"tea (Walker) b) Metopidlum seen from the front noticeably broadened above the head; posterior median carina of pronotum otten reddish; femora not black _. ._ __._.__BpWVtUU Im"ItUl (Bay) 52 PROC. OF THE OKLA. ACAD. OF SCI. FOR 1964

8. a) Suprahumeral horns minute .._._..__..TorltstilU8 curvata (Caldwell) b) Suprahumeral horns not minute __.._ .._ _._ __..7 7. a) Pronotum brown with 11ght transverse bands _____ 8 b) Pronotum green without transverse bands ______..9 8. a) Pronotum very hairy, with two dark brown transverse bands; elytra clouded __..___ _...... diceros (Say) b) Pronotum scantily haired, with sides ferruginous and lacking defi- nite dark bands; elytra hyaline or nearly 80 ____. ___ _ 8tictocephala. albe8cens (Van Duzee) 9. a) Venter black; pronotum of male often strongly marked with black ...... _ 8tictocephaZa basalis (Walker) b) Not as above _ ____ 10 10. a) Metopidium densely haired __ 8pi88i8tilua borealis (Fairmalre) b) Metopidium at most scantily haired ____ 11

11. a) Larger, females 9-11 Mm. long, males 8.0-9.1 mm. long _ 12 b) Smaller, females 7.3-8.3 mm. long, males 7.2-7.4 Mm. long 13 12. a) Pronotum with metopidium concave ...8tictocephala. tau-rina (Fitch) b) Pronotum with metopidium convex or straight __ ...... ____ 8tictocephala bubalus (Fabricius) 13. a) More robust; suprahumeral horns longer, somewhat recurved and elevated; 8-9 mm long _ 8tictocephala constans (Walker) b) More slender; suprahumeral horns shorter, only slightly recurved and elevated; 6-7 mm long 8tictocephala palmeri (Van Duzee)


Key to genera

1. a) Pronotum with dorsal hom or crest _ 2 b) Pronotum without dorsal hom or crest; either low and rounded or high, compressed foliaceous ____ 6 2. a) Pronotum with hom on anterior part situated above or in front of the humeral angles _ _ _ 3 b) Pronotum with a crest, most of which is situated behind the hu- meral angles ______. 3. a) Pronotum with hom extending anteriorly _ Thelia b) Pronotum with hom erect, compressed __ GlossOftotus •. a) Pronotum with crest quadrangular, slightly sinuate or rounded above, variable but not definltely stepped, pyramidal or lobed ...... --_ _._._ ___ _...... TeZamona b) Pronotum with crest neither quadrangular nor slightly sinuate nor rounded above but definitely stepped, pyramidal, or lobed _._ _._5 5. a) Pronotum with crest having dorsum definitely stepped, anterior lobe high and rounded, posterior lobe lower and quadrangular_ .. _ ---.- --.- -..-.--- - ..-.--.----- __. ._.__._._ Heliria b) Pronotum with crest pyramidal; posteriorly may be slnuate, with a allght step on the posterior slope, or with sinuation or step absent ._.__ Palotlica

8. a) Pronotum low and rounding in frontal aspect CarynotG b) Pronotum high. compressed and foliaceous .__-ArcMaiG BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES

Thelia Tehlia bimaculata (Fabricius) is the sole representative of this genus in Oklahoma.

Key to species of Glo8aonott.., Pronotum with horn constricted near base in lateral aspect, obscure- ly marked acuminatU8 (Fabricius) Pronotum with horn broadest at base in lateral aspect, with a pale median narrow stripe down posterior face of horn and dorsal carina to apex tumeulatU8 (Emmons)

Key to species of Telanuma 1. a) Pronotum of female wholly bright green; pronotum of male yellow with entire front brown, an oblique brown band from top of poste- rior margin of crest to lower edge, apex brown unicolor Fitch b) Pronotum not as above _ 2 2. a) Pronotum with crest very large, usually quadrangular, may over- hang the metopidium __ 3 b) Pronotum with crest smaller, usually rounding, if somewhat quad- rangular placed well back on pronotum . 3. a) Pronotum with crest vertical in front, % to %. the length of the pronotum, color a uniform, pale testaceous with a creamy stripe on posterior face of crest _ extrema Ball b) Pronotum not as above _ ampelopatdta (Harris)

4. a) Pronotum with crest almost three times as wide 88 high or very low, long and rounding from the metopidium with a definite angle 6 b) Pronotum at most twice as wide as high 6 5. a) Pronotum with posterior angle of crest prominent in female, obso- lete or rounded in male, color dirty yellow with a greenish cast ...... _ _...... reclioota Fitch b) Pronotum with crest very low, posterior angle obsolete or round- ing, color pale mottled with brown or black _ weatcotU Goding 6. a) Pronotum red, maculate with white decorata Ball b) Pronotum not as above 7 7. a) Pronotum of female pale green or brown, male often dusky, both sexes with a coppery sheen, irrorate with white ...... _ _...... 'monticola (Fabricius) b) Pronotum not as above _ 8 8. a) Larger, female 10.5-12.0 rom long; male 10.0-10.6 mm long ...... _ _ _...... spreta Goding b) Smaller, female 9.5-10.0 mm long; male 9.3-10.0 mm long ...... _ _...... tili6e Ball

Helfna H elirfa criBtata (Fairmaire) represents this genus in Oklahoma.

PCIlonica Palonica is represented by Palonica pyramUla-ta (Uhler).

OarytlOta Carynota mera (say) is the only species of th18 genus to be found in the state. M PROC. OF THE OKLA. ACAD. OF SCI. FOR 19M

Key to species of Archa31a 1. a) Pronotum high and follaceous, overhanging in front _..__ __ ...... ______.. galeata (Fabricius) b) Pronotum not overhanging in front __ ___ .2 2. a) Front of pronotum very nearly vertical ___ bel/ragei Stal b) Front of pronotum sloping posteriorly _.._ pallida Fainnaire T1uBE POLYGLYPrINI Key to genera 1. a) Pronotum neither elevated nor rugose; elytra with terminal cell transverse Vanduzea b) Pronotum elevated and rugose; elytra with terminal cell _. triangular _ 2 2. a) Pronotum strongly elevated and with a deep median notch ...Entylia b) Pronotum sJ1ghtly elevated and sJ1ghtly depressed before the middle ...... Pubilia Key to species of Vandtuea Females Larger, 5.6-6.1 mm. long arquata (Say) Smaller, 4.2-4.8 mm. long triguttata (Burmeister) Males Larger, 4.3-4.9 mm. long; abdominal tergite IX with oblique trans- verse carina not reaching the middle of posterior margin ...... _ _...... arquata (Say) Smaller, 3.6-3.9 mm. long; abdominal tergite IX with oblique trans­ verse carina extending to below the middle of the posterior margin ...... triguttata (Burmeister) Entylia EntyZia bactriana Germar is the only Oklahoma species of this genus. Key to species of Pubilia Pronotum with conspicuous. elevated longitudinal ridges ...... _ _ _ _..... concava ( Say) Pronotum with conspicuous. elevated reticulations ...... reticulata Van Duzee TRIBE SMILINI Key to genera 1. a) Corium without cross vein connecting the two inner longitudinal veins ____..__..__ _...... Bmilia b) Corium with cross vein conecting the two inner longitudinal veins...2 2. a) Pronotum with dorsum regularly rounded, not at all compressed or elevated ______OphidennG b) Pronotum with dorsum compressed, usually moderately elevated, may be strongly elevated __. ._ __. __ 3 3. a) Pronotum moderately inflated before and behind mld-dorsal foveae .....__.._. __.. ._.. __ _ _.__._..... Xantholobus b) Pronotum very slightly or not at all inflated __. Oyrtolobus BmtJta The genua 8ma. is represented in Oklahoma by Bmtlia CGmelu Ger- mar. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES

Key to species of Ophtderma Females 1. a) Color bright green _ 2 b) Color gray, brown or black with lighter markings _ 3 2. a) Larger (7.3-8.0 mm.); pronotum usually marked with reddish pos- teriorly llava. Goding b) Smaller (6.2-7.0 mm.); pronotum not marked with reddish ...... _ _...... evelyna Woodruff 3. a) Color rich brown with prominent, broad, yellow marginal vitta about halfway along pronotum ./lavicephala Goding b) Not as above _ 4 4. a) Eytra with dark band across the middle 5 b) Elytra without dark band across the middle 7 5. a) Larger (7.4-8.8 mm.) 8alamandra. Fairmaire b) Smaller (5.7-6.2 mm.) 6 6. a) Pronotum gray, without reddish shades; length 6.0-6.2 mm ...... lJ7'i8ea. Woodruff b) Pronotum testaceous to reddish-brown; length 5.7-6.1 mm _...... de/'nita. Woodrnff 7. a) Larger (7.4-8.8mm.); more robust; pronotum moderately hairy ...... 8alamandra. Fairmalre b) Smaller (6.3-6.9 mm.); more slender, pronotum densely hairy ...... pubesceM (Emmons)

Males 1. a) Pronotum light brown, anterior half usually mottled with yellow­ green, vittae and longitUdinal dorsal stripe usually present on dor- sal '::arina white to yeJlow evelyna Woodruff b) Pronotum not as above _ 2 2. a) Pronotum rich brown with prominent, broad, yeJlow marginal vitta about halfway along pronotum _ /lavicephala Goding b) Pronotum not as above 3 3. a) Elytra with dark band across the middle ..4 b) Elytra without dark band across the middle _ 5 4. a) Smaller (5.0-5.5 mm.); more slender; pronotum light reddish-brown to dark brown to black, pattern well defined or obscured, scantlly haired __ _ delinita Woodruff b) Larger (5.5-6.0 mm.); more robust; pronotum dark brown to black, pattern usually distinct, moderately hairy _ g7'i8ea. Woodruff 5. a) Pronotum reddish-brown to black, vittae usually bright yellow, may b) ~~~l:.r:s6:;;e.:~: .. :=:~:~:~:~:.~::::=:::::::::::::~::::~:~:~:~::::=:~::::~::~~.~ ...~.I 6. a) Smaller (5.5-6.0 mm.); pronotum dark brown to black with vtttae distinct, moderately hairy ____- {/1'f.3ea. Woodrutt b) Larger (6.0-7.5 mm.); pronotum not as above ___ __7 7. a) Smaller (6.0-6.5 mm.); more slender, pronotum densely hairy, vit- tae distinct ..__._...... _._..__...._-....-_.....pube3ceM (Enunona) b) Larger (6.8-7.5 mm.); more robust; pronotum moderately hairy, vittae varying from distinct to almost obscured ..---....------.-. ____._..__..__•__....__._.. ._._._...._...... _ 3ala.nuuc4ra. Fatrma1re PRoo. OF THE OKLA. ACAD. OF SCI. FOR 19M

Key to species of XantholobuB Females 1. a) Pronotum strongly elevated behind the humeral angles ___ ...... _.______:muticu8 (Fabricius) b) Pronotum lower ______..__ _._..2 2. a) Larger, at least 1.0 nun. long; pronotum light to dark brown with lateral narrow yellow border _____ ..lateralis Van Duzee b) Smaller, not over 6.5 mm. long; pronotum not as above _ 3 3. a) Length 6.9-6.4 mm.; pronotum pale yellowish, markings obscure _...... ______...... intermedius ( Emmons) b) Length 4.0 mm. or less; pronotum dark brown or black, often in- tensely so with obscure anteapical vitta nitidus Van Duzee


1. a) Pronotum dark fUSCOU8 to black with lateral narrow yellow border ...... ___ _ lateraHs Van Duzee b) Pronotum not as above _ _..2 2. a) Larger, 6.8-1.1 mm. long __ muticus (Fabricius) b) Smaller, not over 6.4 nun. long ___ 3 3. a) Length 5.0-6.0 mm. .. intermedius ( Emmons) b) Length 3.0-4.0 mm _ _ nitidus Van Duzee

Key to species of Oyrtolobu8 Females 1. a) Pronotum green, without anterior oblique or anteapical vittae _..2 b) Pronotum not as above ____ 4 2. a) Smaller (6.3-5.8 mm.) __ inermis (Emmons) b) Larger (6.5-1.6 mm.) ____ 3 8. a) Pronotum pale green, irrorate with white or paler green ...... ______dixianus Woodruff b) Pronotum not as above helena Woodruff 4. a) Elytra with prominent dark band across the middle __ ...... __-____ _...... pallidi/rontis (Emmons) b) Elytra not as above _ _._._ __ __ 5 6. a) Pronotum brown with broad marginal yellow bands extending % of the way back; anteapical vitta yellow _._ Ila-volafus Woodruff b) Pronotum not as above _ ..______._ _ __..6 6. a) Larger (8.. rom. or longer); pronotum abruptly elevated behind humeral angles ..______._ ___ -tube'r0n8 (Fainnaire) b) Smaller (1.1 rom. or shorter); pronotum not as above ....._...._.... _..._ .._..7 7. a) Larger (1.4-1.1 rom.); pronotum without anterior oblique vitta. .. _._-_...._..._.__..__....- .._.-..._._-_._._....._.._ .._.... arcuatl&8 (Emmons) b) Smaller (1.0 mm. or shorter); pronotum with anterior oblique vttta _...... __...._ .....__.__...... 8

8. a) Pronotum deep reddlsh·brown with a prominent mid~orsal spot; pronotum tapering to the apex which attains, or almost attains tip of elytra ... _ 16fI6lttnJtu (Fitch) b) Pronotum not as above .. __._.._9 BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 57

9. a) Pronotum pale yellow green. vittae obsolete. metopidium showing gradations from no spotting through a dark spot on each side to being almost entirely dark ___ macuUlronttB (Emmons) b) Pronotum not as above __ _..10 10. a) Pronotwn with anteapical vitta _____ 11 b) Pronotwn without anteapical vitta ___ 17 11. a) Elytra almost Wholly reddish-brown _ !uscipenntB Van Duzee b) Elytra not as above ___ 12 12. a) Pronotum gray before the anterior oblique vitta, gray to reddlah behind ___ gmeus Van Duzee b) Pronotum not as above _ __..13 13. a) Pronotum highly arched, pale brown; metopidium often with black mottling; anterior oblique vitta bordered narrOWly with reddlah be- fore and a wider red stripe behind .fuligino8U8 (Emmons) b) Pronotwn not as above _ ___ 14 14. a) Pronotwn with a rather prominent brown or reddish-brown V-shap- ed mark between anterior oblique and anteapical vittae 15 b) Pronotum not as above _ __ 17 15. a) Pronotum strongly arched, with inflations before and behind mid- dorsal spot __ /unkhoU8eri Woodruff b) Pronotum not as above _ _ 16 16. a) Mid-dorsal spot closely approaching anterior obllque vitta, nearly cutting off the anterior arm of the brown V claru.! Woodruff b) Pronotum not as above 0014 (Say) 17. a) Pronotwn with prominent reddish-brown supra-humeral bands, an­ terior oblique vitta bordered before by a narrow black line and behind by a brownish-black line arising broadly at the pronotum margin and narrowing superiorly __ di8coidaltB (Emmons) b) Pronotwn not as above _ .fuligino8U3 (Emmons) Males 1. a) Pronotwn with yellow or green markings 2 b) Pronotwn without yellow or green markings 4 2. a) Pronotwn greenish-yellOW anteriorly, brown to black posteriorly ...... ______helena Woodruff b) Pronotum not as above _ 3 3. a) Pronotum bright green anteriorly with a broad anteapical brown band; irrorate with pale yellow, pale green or white ...... ____ _...... dixianU8 Woodruff b) Pronotum brown with broad marginal yellow band extending % of the way back; anteapical vitta yellow · -flavolatU8 Woodruff 4. a) Pronotum with distinct light border from eye to anterior oblique vitta ______._..6 b) Pronotum not as above __..6 5. a) Smaller (4.7-5.2 rom.); elytra mostly hyaline __. __..______._ _ _._. lunkhotuJen Woodruff b) Larger (5.5-5.7 rom.); elytra usually enfumed -..__. __..__.. .__._.._._..._ ....._...... _ .._...... _ .._.._..... dilrcofdalw (EmmoD8)

6. a) Pronotwn with anterior oblique vitta completely obliterated trom basal % almost to dorsal carina; mld-elytral band often indicated __.. .._ .. _._ pallidflrOfltw (Emmons) b) Not as above _.. ..___ _._.__.__._7 M PROC. OF THE OKLA. ACAD. OF SCI. FOR 1964

7. a) Pronotum before anterior obUque vitta pale yellow-green, mottled with Ught brown or pale green, metopidium otten with a pair of darker spots or one large spot, anterior oblique Yitta frequently ap- parently transverse _ maculi/rontis (Emmons) b) Pronotum not &8 above ___ _..8 8. a) Elytra almost wholly reddish-brown _ /uscipennis Van Duzee b) Not as above ___ _ 9 9. a) Pronotum abruptly elevated behind humeral angles; longer (7.2 mm. or longer) _ tubero8U8 (Fairmaire) b) Pronotum not &8 above; shorter (6.4 mm. or shorter) 10 10. a) Pronotum with mid-dorsal spot and anterior oblique vitta confluent ...... _ _...... 11 b) Pronotum not as above 12 11. a) Pronotum brown to black, border pale from eye to anterior oblique vitta _ discoidalis (Emmons) b) Pronotum dark testaceous, densely irrorate with black on metopid- tum and before anterior oblique vitta (Jrcuatus (Emmons) 12. a) Pronotum with vittae and mid-dorsal spot rather obsolete ...... tenestratus (Fitch) b) Pronotum not as above 13 13. a) Pronotum with brown V-shaped marking between anterior oblique vitta and mid-dorsal spot __ 14 b) Pronotum not &8 above _ __ 16 14. a) Anterior oblique vilta and anteapical vitta approaching and often confluent at margin of pronotum; arms of V of nearly uniform width _ vau (Say) b) Not as above _ 15

15. a) Smaller (4.6-4.8 mm.) _ ClaTU8 Woodruff b) Larger (5.9-6.1 mm.) griseus Van Duzee 16. a) Pronotum before anterior oblique vitta concolorous brown to black ...... _ _...... inennis (Emmons) b) Pronotum irrorate or mottled before anteapica1 vitta 17 17. a) Smaller (5.1-5.7 mm.) __ /uliginosus (Emmons) b) Larger (6.2-6.4 mm.) _ arcuatus (Emmons) The follOWing list enumerates county distributions and host records of Oklahoma treehoppers.

CENTROTlNAE lIIicrocentn&3 c(Jryae (Fitch) County record: Pontotoc. Hoat: Unknown.

MEMBRACINAE CamwlencA", IGtipea (say) County records: Alfalfa, Atoka. Bryan, Caddo. carter, Choctaw, Cleveland, Creek. Custer. Garfield, Garvin, Harper. Hug~, Johnston. Kay, Kiowa, Latimer, LeFlore, Love, McClain. McCurtairi. McIntosh, Marshall. Noble, Nowata. Osage. Pawnee, Payne, Pittsburgh, Ponto­ toc, Pottawatomie. seminole. Sequoyah. Hoata: alfalfa, black locust, "grass", Uttle ragweed, PIJOrtJlea f8fta/lora Pursh. ''Weeds''. white sweet clover. yellow sweet clover. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 69

Enchenopa binotata (Say) County records: Cotton, Creek, Delaware, Dewey, McCurtain, Noble, Pawnee, Payne, Pontotoc, Seminole. Hosts: black locust, buck brush, chinquapin oak, redbud, Sm,~ sp. Smilax rotul1difolia L., white sweet clover.

HOPLOPHORINAE Platycotis vittata (Fabricius) County records: Choctaw, Latimer, McCurtain. Host: post oak.

SMILIINAE, CERESINI Aclttalis tartarea (Say) County records: Choctaw, Johnston, McCurtain, Pontotoc. Host: "weeds." Micnltalis calva (Say) County records: Adair, Bryan, Choctaw, Cotton, Creek, Custer, Dela­ ware, Dewey, Garfield, Hughes, LeFlore, McCurtain, Marshall, Mur­ ray, Noble, Okmulgee, Payne, Roger Mills, Sequoyah. Hosts: alfalfa, honey locust, giant ragweed, ironweed, "marsh weeds", post oak, yellow sweet clover. Spi.!rsistilu8 borealis (Fairmaire) County records: Alfalfa, Bryan, Carter, Choctaw, Cleveland, Dela­ ware, Garvin, Johnston, LeFlore, McCurtain, Mayes, Payne, Sequoyah, Tillman. Hosts: alfalfa, "weeds." S. /estinus (Say) County records: Alfalfa, Atoka, Caddo, Choctaw, Cleveland, Co­ manche, Creek, Custer, Delaware, Dewey, Ellis, Garvin, Jackson, Kiowa, LeFlore, Logan, McCurtain, Murray, Noble, Okmulgee, Osage, Pawnee, Payne, Pushmataha, Sequoyah, Tillman, Tulsa, Washita. Hosts: alfalfa, cotton, sweet clover. Stictocephala albe.scens (Van Duzee) County records: Caddo, Dewey, Pontotoc. Host: White sweet clover. S. basalis (Walker) County records: Alfalfa, Mayes. Host: sweet clover. S. bubalus (Fabricius) County records: Alfalfa, Beaver, Cherokee, Cleveland, Ellis, Garvin, Kay, McCurtain, Noble" Osage, Payne, Pontotoc, Roger Mills, Seminole, Sequoyah, Texas, Washington, Washita, Woodward. Hosts: black locust, white sweet clover. S. constans (Walker) County records: Caddo, LeFlore, McCurtain, Pontotoc, Washita. Hosts: haw, southern red oak.

•l;j. diceros (Say) County records: Alfalfa, Pushmataha, Sequoyah. Host: unknown. S. INtea (Walker) County records: Atoka., Cleveland, Garvin, Hughes, Johnston, Le­ Flore, Love, McClain, McCurtain, Marshall, Murray, Noble, Pawnee, Payne, Pontotoc, Pottawatomie, Seminole. 60 PROC. OF THE OKLA. ACAD. OF SCI. FOR 1964

Hosts: alfalfa, poat oak, Pmnu.s "p., P80ralea tenuifloNJ Pursh, "weecU," white sweet clover, yellow sweet clover. s. palmeri (Van Duzee) County records: Latimer, LeFlore, McCurtain, Pawnee, Pontotoc. Hosts: chinquapin oak, "weeds." S. taurina (Fitch) County records: Adair, Cleveland, Delaware, Latimer, McCurtain, Mayes, Osage, Pontotoc, Woodward Host: unknown. TortiBtilu8 curvata (Caldwell) County record: Latimer. Host: unknown. T. 'nermiB (Fabricius) County records: Atoka, Bryan. Canadian, Carter, Choctaw, Cleve­ land, Custer, Garvin, Jefferson, Johnston, Latimer, LeFlore, Love. Mayes, Murray, Noble, Payne. Pittsburg, Pontotoc, Pottawatomie. Tillman, Washita. Hosts: alfalfa, P80ralea tenuiflora Pursh, smooth sumac, Virginia creeper, "weeds," white sweet clover.


Archa8ia bel/ragei Stal County record: Ottawa. Host: unknown. A. galeata (Fabricius) County records: Atoka, Choctaw, Pittsburg, Pontotoc, Stephens. Hosts: blackjack oak, chinquapin oak. post oak. A. pamela (Fairmaire) County record: McCurtain. Host: unknown. Carytlota mera (Say) County records: Choctaw, Pontotoc. Host: bitternut hickory. Glo88otaotus acuminatUB (Fabricius) County records: Carter, Pontotoc. Host: unknown. G. turrlctUatN8 (Emmons) County record: LeFlore. Host: unknown. B el'ria cristata (Fairmaire) County record: Pontotoc. Host: unknown. PalOtdca pyram'dattJ (Uhler) County records: Carter. Latimer. Payne. Host: blackjack oak. TeZaftlOM ampelop!idu (Harris) County record: Pottawatomle. Host: unknown. 2'. d6coroto Ball O>unty records: Ottawa, Pottawatomle. Host: post oak. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 61

T. extrema Ban County records: Latimer, Washington. Host: blackjack oak. T. monticola (Fabricius) County records: Carter, Creek, Hughes, Kiowa, Murray, Noble, No­ wata, Ottawa, Payne, Pontotoc, Pushrnataha, Washita. Hosts: bitternut hickory, chinquapin oak, post oak, Smilax 8p. T. recUvata Fltch County records: Adair, McCurtain, Washington. Host: sweet gum. T. spreta Goding County records: Pottawatomie, Woods. Host: unknown. T. tiliae Ball County record: Pontotoc. Host: chinquapin oak. T. unicolor Fitch County records: Creek, Delaware, Mayes, Pontotoc, Pushmataha. Host: bitternut hickory. T. westcotti Goding County records: Delaware, Kiowa, McCurtain, Pontotoc. Host: unknown. Thelia bimaculata (Fabricius) County record: Delaware. Host: unknown.


E'ltylia bactTiana Gennar County records: Atoka, Bryan, Caddo, Choctaw, Delaware, Johnston, McCurtain, Marshall, Ottawa, Payne, Pontotoc, Woodward. Hosts: cotton, giant ragweed, sweet gum, "weeds." Pubilia concava (Say) County record: Pontotoc. Host: "weeds." P. reticulata Van Duzee County records: Caddo, Garvin, Payne, Pontotoc. Hosts: alfalfa, black locust, ironweed, post oak, "weeds." Vanduzea arquata (Say) County records: Grady, Pawnee, Payne, Pontotoc, Seminole. Hosts: black locust, sweet clover, ·'weeds." V. triguttata (Burmeister) County records: Beaver, Beckham, Blaine, Caddo, Cimarron, Cotton, Creek. Custer, Dewey, Ellis, Greer, Harmon, Harper, Jackson, John­ ston, Kay, Kiowa, Love, McCurtain, Noble, Pawnee, Payne, Seminole, Texas, Tillman, Washita, Woods, Woodward. Hosts: alfalfa, bur oak, HelianthU3 3fJ., Paoralea tenufllora Pul'8h, "Weeds," white sweet clover, yellow sweet clover.

SMILIINAE, SMILUNI CyrtoiobuB arCtCatus (Emmons) County records: Adair, Choctaw, Cleveland, Coal, Delaware, Latimer, Marsball, Muskogee, Okmulgee, Pontotoc, Pottawatomle, Sequoyah. 62 PROC. OF THE OKLA. ACAD. OF SCI. FOR 1964

Hosts: blackjack oak, post oak. C. ckJrua Woodruff County record: Latimer. Host: unknown. C. d"coklal" (Emmons) County recorda: Latimer, LeFlore, Washington. Host: unknown. C. dimllus Woodruff County recorda: Atoka, Carter, Coal, Creek, Delaware, Haskell, John­ ston, Lincoln, Love, McClain, McIntosh, Marshall, Muskogee, Ponto­ toc, Pottawatomie, Pushmataha, Sequoyah, Washita. Hosts: blackjack oak, bur oak, post oak. C. lenestratU8 (Fitch) County records: Adair, Caddo, Carter, Cherokee, Choctaw, Love, Mc­ Curtain, Murray, Pontotoc, Pushmataha, Stephens, Washington. Woods. Hosts: blackjack oak, post oak, Shumard's oak, southern red oak, "weeds", white oak. C. IkJvolatlUJ Woodruff County record: LeFlore. Host: unknown. C. luligino8us (Emmons) County records: Adair, Atoka, Caddo, Coal, Cherokee, Creek, Dela­ ware, Haskell, LeFlore, McCurtain, McIntosh, Mayes, Muskogee, Ok­ mUlgee, Osage, Payne, Pontotoc, Pushmataha, Sequoyah, Stephens, Washington. Hosts: blackjack oak, black oak, post oak, Shumard's oak. O. /unkhofuum Woodruff County record: McCurtain. Host: unknown. O. IU8cipennis Van Duzee County record: Ottawa. Host: unknown. O. gmeus Van Duzee County records: Johnston, Pontotoc. Host: blackjack oak. C. helena Woodruff County records: Payne, Pontotoc. Host: post oak. O••nem~is (Emmons) County records: Atoka, Haskell, Latimer, LeFlore, Love, McIntosh, Muskogee, Osage, Payne, Pontotoc, Seminole, Sequoyah, Washington. Hosts: bitternut hickory, blackjack oak, post oak, Shumard's oak, smooth sumac. O. maa&U/TOfttia (Emmons) County records: Atoka, carter, Choctaw, Cleveland, Coal, Johnston, McCurtain, Marshall, OkmUlgee, Pittsburg, Pontotoc, Seminole, Se­ quoyah. Stephens. Hosts: bitternut hickory, blackjack oak, black oak, post oak, ShU­ mard's oak, '"weeds," white oak. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES

c. pallidifrontis (Emmons) County records: Atoka, Carter, Choctaw, Cleveland, Coal, Hughes, Johnston, McClain, Pittsburg, Pontotoc, Seminole, Washington. Hosts: blackjack oak, chinquapin oak, post oak, "weeds." C. tl'ber08U8 (Fairmaire) County records: Atoka, Carter, Choctaw, Coal, Creek, Hughes, John­ ston, Latimer, Love, McClain, McIntosh, Marshall, Murray, Musko­ gee, Nowata, Okmulgee, Ottawa, Payne, Pittsburg, Pontotoc, Potta­ watomie, Stephens, Tulsa. Hosts: bitternut hickory, blackjack oak, black oak, chinquapin oak, hackberry, post oak. C. val' (Say) County records: Adair, Caddo, carter, Choctaw, Cleveland, Hughes, Johnston, Latimer, LeFlore, McClain, McCurtain, Marshall, Mayes, Payne, Pittsburg, Pontotoc, Pushmataha, Seminole. Hosts: blackjack oak, chinquapin oak, post oak, Shumard's oak, sweet gum. Ophiderma. definita Woodruff County record: LeFlore. Host: unknown. O. evelyna Woodruff County records: Cleveland, Creek, Delaware, Johnston, LeFlore, Love, McClain, Okfuskee, Payne, Pontotoc, Pottawatomie, Pushmataha, Seminole, Sequoyah, Washington. Hosts: blackjack oak, post oak, Shumard's oak, smooth sumac. O. flava Goding County records: Payne, Pontotoc. Hosts: blackjack oak, black oak, post oak. O. llavicephala Goding County records: LeFlore, Mayes, Payne, Pushmataha. Host: unknown. O. grisea Woodrnff County records: Garvin, Pontotoc. Ho~ts : black locust, black oak. O. pubescena (Emmons) County records: Adair, Atoka, Carter, Cherokee, Choctaw, Coal, Cleveland, Creek, Delaware, Johnston, Latimer, McClain, McCurtain, McIntosh, Muskogee, OkmUlgee, Osage, Payne, Pontotoc, Pottawa­ tomie, Pushmataha, Seminole, Sequoyah, Washington, Washita. Hosts: blackjack oak, post oak, Shumard's oak, smooth sumac. O. 8alamattdra (Fairmaire) County record: Pontotoc. Host: unknown. 8milia camelU8 (Fabricius) County records: Caddo, Carter, Cleveland, Comanche, Creek, Dela­ ware, Dewey, Ellis, Garvin, Grant, Hughes, Johnston, Lincoln, Love, McClain, McCUrtain, Marshall, Okmulgee, Payne, Pontotoc, Potta­ watomie, Seminole, Sequoyah, Stephens, Washington, Washita. Hosts: blackjack oak, chinquapin oak, post oak, Shumard's oak, southern red oak. Xantholobua intermed",", (Emmons) County record: McClaIn. Host: blackjack oak. 64 PROC. OF THE OKLA. ACAD. OF SCI. FOR 1964

X. lateralw Van Duzee County record: Pontotoc. Host: bitternut hickory. X. mutku.! (Fabricius) County records; Custer, Mayes, Payne, Pontotoc, Tulsa. Hosts: blackjack oak, bur oak. X. nitldus Van Duzee County records: LeFlore, Pushmataha, Sequoyah. Host: "Brush." LITERATURE CITm Caldwell, J. S. 1949. A generic revision of the treehoppers of the tribe Ceresini In America north of Mexico, based on a study of the male genital1a. Proc. U.S. Nat. Museum 98 (3234): 491-521. Dennla, Cl1ttord J. 1952. The Membracidae of Wisconsin. Trans. Wis­ consin Acad. Sci. 41 :129-152...... 1960. The genitalia of the buffalo , 8tictocephala bubalU8 (FabriciUS). Amer. Midland Naturalist 64 (2) :459-473...... 1962. Headstand mechanism in Telamona unicolor Fitch (Homoptera, Membracidae). Entomol. News 73 (2): 44...... 1963. Membracidae in a southern Oklahoma woods. Proc. Oklahoma Acad. Sci. 43 :95-98...... 1964a. Observations on treehopper behavior (Homoptera, Membracidae). Amer. Midland Naturalist 71 (2): 452-459...... 1964b. Membracidae of southeastern Oklahoma. Proc. Oklahoma Acad. Sci. 44 :47-51.