14 - April 25,1991 — Union County Classified rente A Forbes Newspaper

USPS 136 800*Second Class : Vol. 98 No. 18 Published Eveiy Thursday Thursday, May 2,1991 Postage Paid Cranford, N J. 50 CENTS

CLERICAL— Temporary DRIVERS- full/part time, MANAGEMENT CANDI- PUBLIC RELATIONS/ LINGERIE- $$$ Earn DUNELLEN- ex- part time. 4 hours per with own vehicle, high DATE: We will train at our MARKETING- P/T 9am- 420 $75 to $100 eve. Demo. perienced mom will care f 410 I day, Between 8AM-4PM. earning potential. Com- expense for permanent 1pm, Mon.-Frl. $5/hr. plus EMPLOYMENT , Beautiful lingerie by for your child. Reasonable Hours flexible. Call Linda mercial vehicles a +. Call position in Somerset/ Mid- bonuses. NO exp. nece- ;i Cameo. No delivery. Free . CHILDCARE I .rates, fenced yard, lunch In brief Art Kiamie to replace I HELP WANTED I 526-0880. 707-O605 dlesex County &jth an in- ssary. Car required. No. WANTED I kit. Will train. Call 908- I PROVIDED I & snacks provided. 752-. ternationally kr\own cprn- Plfd. Area. Call Dennis at 526-8724 4295 CLERK/TYPIST- Full ELECTRICIAN'S HEL- -pany that is a leader In tlme temporary position in PER— for small, growing 668-0600. EDUCATION GRADU- ACCOUNTS REC- the field. We're looking NOTICE: Al EMPLOYMENT LOCAL ROUTE- The NOTICE: All CHILDCARE Sales Dept. of phar- company. Specializing, In RECEPTIONIST- Ame- fasting growing multl- ATE— w/11 years experi- Kudos Chief Bucky Brown EIVABLE— experienced, for outgoing, confident In* WANTED adverttoements maceutlcal company irr~*resldential/"old work". rican Maid Service In billlon dollar Industry PROVIDED advertisemerts ence In chtldcare, will 9AM-5PM, Good working dlvlduals with high "ambi- are PAYABLE IN AD- are PAYABLE IN ADVANCE The Chamber of Commerce So. Plainfleld. Excel.-dean, non-smoker, with tion who truly enjoy work- Raritan hiring for Wed., everl No selling! Handle care for your.child in my ' conditions, good benefits. typist & knowledge of aptitude for problem solv- VANCE by cash, check, by cash, check, VISA or home. Call 925-3381 presented seven Pride in Apply in person Raritan ing with people. Some Thurs., Frl, 7arn-3pm. name brand products . WordPerfect a plus. Apply Ing, customer-relations. Good phone skills, ap- VISA or Matter Card. For such as Frito-Lay, Ocean Master Card. For a quote EXPER WESTFIELD Cranford Awards and. eight at Fire Department Health & Extended Care sales; retail or public rela- 633 Rte. 28, Raritan, NJ In person: Q & W Lab, Send resume to: P.O.. Box tions experience a plus pointment scheduling, a quote on, cost, please Spray, Welch e, etc.on cost, please call MOM— to care for your' development . awards for 08869. (908) 526-8950 111 Coolidge St., So4536. , Warren, N.J. 07059- but riot necessary. Start- etc. 707-0330. call 1-800-334-0531. Census shows part time 1-800-334-0531. child in my home. Ages community service at its 31st Plalnfleld. 4536. ; Ing salary to $600 per RECEPTIONIST- part earnings of $38,000 per Vk & up. Safe, fun & ed- ADMINISTRATIVE AS- year. Requires cash In- ucational envlrnmt. Excel annual banquet last week. By Cheryl Moulton CONSERVATION WOR- — EXECUTIVE ..week plus bonus potential time doctor's office in GREEN THUMB PROG- A-1 CHILDCARE — SISTANT- P/T all office KERS- Youth ages 16 or upon, assuming Manage- Warren. Please call Sha- vestment of $21,540. Call-: refs. Julia, 232-4362 Pages A-2.A-3. Art Kiamie, a 28-year veteran of duties. Book keeping & ' ^SECRETARIES *' RAM —Is seeking posi- 1^800-225-9733, Operator Qualified, reliable, Insured older to perform labor In-, Great opportunities In fopment responsibilities. ron 753-2662. tions for dlsadvantaged FAMILY DAY CARE Is FOR THE PRECIOUS the township fire department was PC experience, pleasant tensive tasks throughout Send resume to: TheRETAIL SALES- FT/PT '6. ' ' •• • telephone manner. High- Fortune 100 companies. workers, 55 yrs. and available from MONDAY NEEDS YOUR CHILD designated the new fire chief, ef- the County Park system Immed. need.for secretar- Management Institute, permanent position av- older, willing to work 20 MORNING INC. DESERVES- will be land Park. 214-1240. PO Box 764, Gr«en ailable" for detail oriented, fective yesterday. June 24 thru Aug. 23. Call • |es w/Wordperfect, DW4, hrs. per week. Federally 526-4884, 668-4884 given at QUALITY CARE, Beauty pageant AGENTS/APRIL ONLY- M.. _r . oSha ^ ..y. a t 7 2 2- Hewlett Packard & Wang. Brook, NJ 08312-0784. "people" person in ourfunded, non-profit or- C 430 A BABYSITTING- My a private home day care. The question of who would step . receive $400. of free linge- 1200.EOE. upscale Home Decorating ganization In Central Jer- Arts & crafts. Many other MEDICAL OFFICE : CHILDCARE I Cranford home. Full or Local, women will participate into Fire Chief William "Bucky" rie to start your own On-, DELI CLERK- Monday We will provide FREE Dept. Experience or In-, sey. You provide the lobs, activities. Licensed &. dercoverwear Business. POSITIONS AVAILABLE terest In fabrics and dec- I WANTED I part time. Experienced & in the Union County Scholar- Brown's position after his retire-' : to Friday, breakfest / training & cross training. we pay the salary. Skills state approved. Pis- Call Unda at 526-0Q58 Receptionist orating a plusl Good pay, Include office work, lib- references. Lincoln Park' ship Pageant Saturday evening lunch; holidays closed, We offer top salary, Med/ area. 272-0845, leave cataway area. 885-1327. ment due to illness became a Banking Life Ins., Holiday/vacation Full time & part time posi- 30% store discount, rarian, domestic, child- at Union County. College. Con- Call after 3pm. 548-6805 tions avail, dlerslfied CHILDCARE- for Infant message LOVING MOM will care torjic few dared to speculate on. or 549-7767. ; pay & excel, working con- medical, paid vacation & care, etc. Call 908-756- & preschooler In my testants include a Cranford TELLERS duties include greeting holidays. Fabric Land, 7381, Mary Wood or 756- BRANCHBURG- Lots of for your child in my Over a year ago Brown revealed ditions. Call today. North Edison home. Tue, Bound Brook home. Near resident Page A-10. This banking lnstitutuin_ DENTAL ASSISTANT/ MANPOWER, INC. patients, computer • regis- No. Plalnfleld, call Susan 0161, George Bache. Tots Day Care. 2 certified he was losing his vision due toa n tration, answering tele- Wed, Thurs. 7-.30AM-6PM. Rts. 287, 28 & 22. Ex- currently has op-LPN/ MED ASSISTANT- Metro Park 755-4700 Phone. 769-5299 before & experienced teachers undisclosed eye disease Although portunities for1 Full & part 549-6880 phones, filing & complet- MASTER CARPENTER- to care for your infant or perienced. Excel, refer- Mpn, Tues, some half day needs work. 14 yrs. expe- 8PM . ences. 469-7361 anytime. Capt Kent. Kirkman was ap- lime Tellers |n the follow-.,- Sat. for oral Surgeon. Cranford ing Insurance forms. Call ROUTE SALES- excel, young toddler In Branch- pointed acting adrrtinistrative ing convenient locations: 272-9120 Lorraine 499-0606 oppty. with growing rience In all: phases of FULL TIME QUALIFIED burg-norne. A warm, tovr LOVING MOTHER- will Scholar 722-0850; 725-0384 eves construction. Clean cut', chief by the Township Committee, FULL TIME ' Iv. msg. & name. Medical Assistants company, Base, salary CHILDCARE— wanted Ing & caring atmosphere care for your,children In FILE CLERK— Part time, part time positions avail- plus commission. Be In dependable. Own tools & for 6mo. old in my Quail- provided. Call 526-4766 my spacious home w/ Cranford High School vale- Brown continued to oversee ,the South Somerville flexible hours. To set up able assisting orthope- business for yourself with trans. 549-0911 ••-... brook home. 545-6673 or eves. 218-0569. fenced yard. Call 908- DID YOU filing system for new of- dictorianAmy Morneweck will day-to-day operation of Hie fire dist, dermotologlst, or none of the overhead. PORTUGESSE NORTH PLAINFIEILD- CERTIFIED TEACHER- 241-8882. department A call to the dep- KNQW. ... fice. Retirees., welcome. cardiologist w/patlents Must be able to drive WOMAN- looking to receive a National Merit PART TIME This little ad can be read Call 781-6045. Chlld care wanted for 3 will provide quality child- PISCATAWAY- Res- artment Monday revealed Brown during office hours. Call standard shift & have clean your home, part or month old daughter, In ponsible., dependable Scholarship. Page A-2. : Whltehou8e . in more than 147,000 G/FRIDAY- small firm dean- driving record. If In-' oare In my South Plaln- . was "cleaning out his desk," and -Stirling ... Plane 499^0606. full time. References, ex- our N. Plalnfleld Home M- fleld home. Non-smoker, chlldoare with lots of TLC. homes In 15 publications has. position for bright, terested apply In person perience & own tfans. declined commenting_Jiat this throughout Somerset. MEDICAL REC- F, Live out, Salaiy,n.e0- current references:- Call •Lundh, snacks & ac- 1 detail ,.oriented; self- to; Maier's Bakery, 253 Call 820-8738 : ; : EPTIONIST- Grow With Otlable. 755^7644.. : i: ^ Barbara 753-6483; • * tivities. References.' CalL .. .::: ::"!::~:;r;i:L.-ZZ '-.... ; • •••'•• PtiottrbyistannoDevBrson—- "timer r: ./ . For immediate considera- Middlesex -and Union Wagner St., Middlesex. WORDPROCESS1NG- tion, you rriay respond to Counties?':lt caught your, this family practice. We 463-0362. Garwood Arthur Kiamie EQE. * ••••••••^•:. :' --••••• Desktop Publishing In my SUMMER JOB OPPTY- CHILD CARE IN MY- VISIT: Fir8i-alder> JimRowe, left, Peter' Esteve and Jean Seals bring presents to Laura our VOICE BOX service, need;an experienced rec- Looklng for energetic,, re- PISCATAWAY HOME- PLAY & LEARN CHILD- While no formal announcement call (201) 267-0003, & bookkeeping, mailings & eptionist with computer & SALES- Entryrrevel. home. Professional nOw One incumbent and three 1978 and holds a two-year degree clerical projects. PC/WP working at home. Avail-, liable person. High Rellable mom. 'Infant, CARE— experienced, cer- Robinson and her newborn son Joseph, whose birth they assisted. See story an Page B-15. was made of the appointment of in fire service. He also is a prin- enter 8057. If you qualify, 1-800-334-0531. typing skills, Afternoon/ Would $1300/month, P/T School age or older. Who toddler. After school.-Full tified teacher opening newcomers were elected . to a representative will con- experience helpful. Will evening/weekend hours do some damage to your able to work on wordp- Kiamie to the Chief position, the cipal of the Kiamie Real Estate We Get Resultsl train. Call 486;7600.. - enjoys baby-sitting. To time. References pro- family, daycare home for 2 the.Board of Education while . tact you. We are an equal available: Medical ex- bills? We seek positive, rocesslng projects, large governing body April 23 passed a .or small. Latest equip.- care for children, ages 3 vlded. Call 572-4375. tro A yr. olds. Educational voters defeated, the school Agency here in town. opportunity employer m/f/ HAIRDRESSER— Mar- perience a +, Call Mon- ambitious, highly moti- &9. P/T, 8:30am-2:30pm, resolution; which legally places DO YOU WANT TO BE day thru Friday 9am-2pm, ment(IBM PS 2/70. Lazer CHILD CARE NEEDED- & fun activities provided budget..The average salary His salary as chief has not been BUSY?— do you enjoy tinsvjlle. .Full service vated people." Call 821- M-Th. References & own' in a loving home. Scotch him in the position. According to salon, friendly atmos- 908-685-4455. 6800 for appt. Jet ). Prefer to es- transportation a must. for 2 yr old P/T & for.5 yr increase for teachers this year i ' . determined to date. According to BOOKKEEPER- FT.Var- the challenge of true cus- tablish steady service with Plains area, 232-1306. Kiamie there will be an official tomer sservlce? Aut-phere, wonderful clients. Near Unaml Park. Call old F/T now & after is $2,622. Pages A-8 and A-9. iford school election results Mayor Ed Force, the salaiy could > led responsibilities. In- Great Job for the right PARENTS & OTHERS- SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS 1 or 2 cos. For accurate, induction ceremony May 14 omotive after market 276-2373. school in the fall. Must PLAYCARE- Certified Blootningdale Brookslde Hillside Livingston Orange Walnut Absentee TOTAL go as high as $62,000, but "if the cludes computerized cus- person. Call 469-4224. Work 2-3 evenings andNEEDED— Will train. prompt service call 789- live within ,Crlm School tomer service. Req. bkpg. wholesaler looking for earn $15-$20 per hour. 'Hospltalization program teacher/mom will care for BUDGET Continuing controversy over the consolidation takes place, the fire customer service person WANTED— 1 eve./ Weeks District in Martlnsvllle. M- exp., 35 WPM, pleasant HAVE A GREAT 10911— Fun, rewarding and excit- available. Yearly In- baby sitter from Mettlers your children In my South proposed consolidation of the fire chief wil} not have all the addi- with the right stuff. Send Start your own business Fi 8am-5pm. Call 908-Plalnfield home. • Organize Yes 123 248 123 140 161 124 18 937 phone personality. Bene- ing. Call Kathy 276-6046 creases. Salary commen- Ave./Morrls Ave area of 725-4428 or Llsd at 609- Honor society and police departments under tional administration work to do, fits. 302-0909. resume to: Box #9 c/obuy Joining Discovery M^W-F 9-11AM. PS -you surate w/experience. Call Y 425 V activities. Call anytime. Forbes Newspapers, P.O. Plscataway to babysit .737^7498. •'No'. ,.' ;/'; ;. • - . . 189 309 173 228 212 198 21 1,330 one public safety director is still and therefore the salaiy will be Toys. Call Val 381-5851 will love this jobl 658-4044; 464-5953; 463- I EMPLOYMENT I 13mo old. Our home or 753-3725. . Fifty students at Cranford BUS DRIVERS-Reliable Box .699, Somerville, NJ for details & training, PART TIME CHURCH 3433 between 8:30AM- unresolved. The issue of leaving less." There was no indication charter coach drivers w/ 08876 I RELATED I yours. 463-1281 Dlanne CHILD CARE- Leave SOMERSET- Quailb- High School were inducted THREE-YEAR TERMS .... • - '• .• INSURANCE- Agency SECRETARY- 20 hour 5PM for datalls.EOE. eves; wknds. : ' the "chief' title in place became a when a decision Would be made bus license #l. Minimum \pPPORTUNITIE&J your precious with me. . rook. Small group, lots of into the National Honor Soci- *Edna Silvey 138 297 157 182 183 160 ' ' 17': ••1,13' 4 3 yrs. exper. Part time seeks experienced agents work week. Some exp. w/ SECRETARY- 12mo. without worrying. I'm a , major issue and late last week it on the salaiy figure. TLC, crafts & activities. 2 ety. Page: A-15. : days available. Retirees, w/life & health licenses. PC needed. We need reli- position at Plscataway loving mom who will take Robert Mllkotky 124 ••': '• 237 '' •• 109 .••-144 '. ••• 171 125 16 926 DRIVER ability & amiability. Posi- Regional Day School, a INTRODUCING- WHEEL OFF IN 1/2 yr> old +• openings. was announced any consolidation One of Kiamie's first goals will bus & truck drivers. Call Fully vested renewals, A NEW CAR dood^care of your child In MaryZanea / . , ;• '. 96 231 107 135 ~132 115 17 833 high first year commis- tion open 4/1 • 356-0247. Special educalton school. "Camep" to NJ, A direct State^ertlfled, Insured. Would not include elimination of be to "evaluate each aspect of the 549-0127 . Raritan. 526-2562. Please call 563-0673 Reliable Driver needed for sions & bonuses. 382- Requirements, good sales company that offers Bohdan LUkasohawaky • :-'-i«6:.:/' 145 114 129 88 98 '•• 5 664 the chief position. fire department's operation in an interoffice deliveries in PART TIME CLERICAL- . -,...... filin. g telephone a beautiful & quality line broken records CARPET 8882 tv n f n WEE PEOBXE- 298 • 142 173 212 166 29 1,217 objective and business-like man- Central NJ. Valid driver's No. Plalnfleld. 20 hrs/ wk. P, 8'u '" J of knit leisure clothes & CHILDCARE- in my *Andf«w Pnhiii .'. • • • . 18* R70 188 233 131 22 1.13Q years 6t: service 4§ R itre captain. ner" in order to determine what development. Over 750 AUTOMOTIVE or part time, breakfast & Camp. Ages 2V6-8 yrs. B Ato with company owned van ASSISTANT general office duties. 808-8B5-8752. EOE/AA., tant commission. Earn : changes nteed to take place. In- three meet re^prdgAand cap- • •;.GeorgelYflung';,;. .w;:;l,,.rtl...... ,...,•; ,68.;... . -40 54 ,. .,...7. ,. One of five senior captains witiun yds. Stalnmaster left. and station wagon. $1000 kit tree. Call Pam CONNECT I~S7H lunch Included. Experi- weeks: 3 sessions; 2,3 or •'••• &-- dicating the township fire dep- Close out $6.88. Also ence & references pro- 5 day fgll jar extended day f^rfed six flret ^tsfeTat f jWinfFwr'"1'*'!'.'''?*^,'""'. •^•''•*' V' lpV .' •;M~\ the dejjartjnjjnj; Who walifliEid fm New Hope based land- atjfitent W a ^prdtld traditional some-builder's-grade at Fult time (7:30-4:30) with, vided. Mary 988-3941. avail. 469-7029 .., reJays Saturday, t'age B-l, the position of chief, he received $4.75 & commercial can-, scaper needs Somerset Newspapers,' PO Box'Stirling Stables; 2 eves./ service, endowed with great occasional overtime and County employee for a bachelor's degree in ad- pet at $4.99. Shop at benefits package. Job 699, Somerville, NJ 0B876 wk. plus weekends. Eng- tradition," he said, " We want to home. Call Eddie. major jobs In Bedmlnster lish Horsemanship & ministration from Kean College in requires some lifting.' area. Growing season or PART TIME RETAIL build on that but not be burdened Please call for considera- SALES HELP- Mature, knowledge of horse care Soldier returns 254-7904 full time possible. Gar- required. Call 766-5955. by any traditions that may not CLERICAL PART TIME- tion: ! dening experience, valid out-going person. Ex- address current communiiy perience with home fur- E6E. Marine Josh Siano has ret- PelliCcio, Silvey, Bonhag win^ and budget loses Require Individual to driver's license, nlshlngs/antiques deslr- needs" and the importance of the handle Incoming & out- MCCCORP MOTIVATED. Contact: • STOCK PERSON urned home after serving six By Rosalie Gross Kevin Ellenburg able. 704-0909. firefighters to "be there" when a going mall & other clerical! 116 South Avenue months in the Persian Gulf. duties for large medical; PART TIME: AVID In an: "high" turnout for a citizen is in need. 1 Garwood, NJ 07027 215-862-2620 We are looking for a PageB-8. practice. Mornings, 5 WRESTLER SEEKS dependable, reliable, or- school election, Cranford voters Stressing his goal to develop a days per week. Sendl (908)789-3606 LIBRARIAN- chlldrens, WORKOUT PARTNER anlzed Individual for Tuesday resoundingly defeated "consensus of the men," he reali- replies to: P.O. Box 6130, EOEM/F • part time, MLS or Media' TO ASSIST WITH Sght warehouse work In ISGQVER where to buy it, Fund drive the $26.6 million budget by a zes the fire department cannot Bridoewater, NJ 08807. Specialist for summer UNIQUE WRESTLING our Garwood location. margin of 393 votes and elected story times & some adult WORKOUTS- EXPERI- Job requires lifting. move ahead "if it is Art Kiamie's ENCE HELPFUL BUT The Cranford First Aid Andrew Pelliccio, incumbent DRIVERS reference. $1500/BO.. department" Expressing his Send Resume: Director, NOT REQUIRED. SAFE, sell it, fix it, furnisti it, Squad begins its annual fund: Edna Silvey and Tdnj Bpnhag to belief public safety and the & Well Rounded EASY DAYTIME WORK- Full time (8100-4:30) with DATA ENTRY Diversified Person to So. Plalnfleld Public Libr- occasional overtime and drive this week. Page AT2. the Board of Education for three- community has always been' a ary, So. Plainfleld, NJ OUTS AT YOUR PLACE, Work for a Pizza House benefits package. Duties yearterrns.' Part-time 07080 $25/HOUR, 2 HOURS Include organizing and pack it, explore it^ hear it, priority, he said he also believes Duties will Include: PER WEEK. JOE CAUCI, moving stock, ana addi- With 18 percent of tie town- "the greatest asset we have is not Local non-profit thrift 1. dally delivery P.O. BOX 626, PLUCK- consignment store MARKETING/MANAGE- tional warehouse res- lane noise ship's eligible voters going to the the firehouse or trucks—it is the and 2. pizza prep & counter MENT- World wide EMIN.NJ 07978 has a position to as- ponsibilities, Please call compute it, eat it;..in the polls, the budget was defeated men." Hours: flexible leader In the financial In-: tor consideration: Town elders responded to sist in store opera- dustry looking to.expand PART TIME- wear and 1,330 to 937. This is the fftUi cpn- A lifetime township resident Experience preferred,' show ladles fashion Jew- allegations that they have not tions 4 days a week. but will train its professional sales & lery. Two eves! $'125. No secutive year that the budget; has Kiamie lives on Woodside Avenue marketing staff In Central MCC CORP been; supportive of the air-, been defeated, but heyer by such with his wife Yvonne. They have 9 a.m.-3 p.m. '....: Applicants call: Jersey area. First year In- Investment. We train. Ex- 116 South Avenue plane 'Stop the Noise' cam- Maria <3> 276-1919 cellent future.; Manage- a decisive margin, which : has three children and one grand- May-Sept. apply In person: - come up to 40K If quali- Garwood, NJ 07207 paign. Page A-14. fied plus bonuses. Send ment available. 756-3068. ranged from 13 to 95 votes in daughter. 908-789-3606 Forbes Newspapers FOUR STAR PIZZA resume to: Mr. Alan Kan- PEST CONTROL recent years. Nearly 50 percent of 276-0222 408 CENTENNIAL AVE. del, PO Box 197, South TECHNICIANS- Lice- EOEM/FV the voters rejected the budget, CRANFORD Bound Brook, NJ 08880. nsed in 7A & 7B. Will train SUPERINTENDANT- which would have raised taxes an EQE righrig t candidate. Call 322- Apt. houses. Experi- Rabies clinic Town asks 6303 for appt. average $215 per residential Andy Pelllcclo Edna Silvey Tom Bonhag enced. Own tools. Plumb- CLASSIFIED The township will hold a household. DIRECTORS POSITION Ing, , Advertise In the Classtfledl free rabies immunization PHOTOGRAPHERS .Good apt. Benefits. CONN E C T_LJO N , ;.;.". The school board will meet with The two newcomers will-replace "feels good, but a little tired." He sync on applying a budget review library to Helen K Baldwin Nursery School seeks (FREELANCE) RefeTeMes. Start $360/ clinic for residents' dogs and the Township Committee, which said his first priority is to come to study. That will be a top priority." dynamic and innovative leader to Wk. 722^9425 cats May 11 at the Orange Ellen Heller, who resigned two TELEMARKETING- is empowered to determine the months ago, and Richard Nich- a speedy resolution with the Schools superintendent Robert administrate school of 100+ children. Early Forbes Newspapers,, A Avenue Pool. / amount of budget reduction and Paul, who said Tuesday night that Childhood degree required, 3 years minimum Division of Forbes. Inc., work from home. Part olls, who is retiring from the Township Committee over the pay back needs experienced pho- time days,, flexible hours. the specific accouhts. The twoboard. budget He also Wants to launch a he expected the budget to be teaching experience. REAL ESTATE tographers to Work on an Experience necessary. it80Q*334t0531 for advertising information bodies have until May 22 to deter- "public relations campaign to defeated, said the board "needs Send Resume And References To: "on-cair'basis, when Must be assertive. Hourly New chief mine a final budget figure. Trailing Bonhag by 204 votes bring faith in the board back to eveiy cent we have in the bud- prior debts CAREER need arises. Must have Irate, phone expenses & was former board member Robert N. Union & Springfield Avenue proven photographic abili- bonus program. 781-0122 Pellicdo/ in his second cani- the public and Township Com- get" The board and Township Cranford, NJ 07016 • : ties, able to do own pro- A new president was in- paign for a school board seat, led Milkosky. Newcomers Mary Zanes mittee" Committee generally meet the By Cheryl Moulton Aro you in acthw nwmbof i cesslng and provide' us TRAVEL AGENT- full or stalled officially at Union the field of candidates with 1^17 . and Bohdan Lukaschewsky polled week following the school elec- Attention: Personnel o( your Community? Do part time, 2 yrs. experi- A budget bombshell has fallen Vpu Ilk* ptopla with black and white County College Friday amidst votes. Silvey, who has been the 833 arid 664 votes respectively. Silvey, who is completing nine tion. Two years ago, the Com-on an unsuspecting library board, Applications must be In no later than June 1,1991. ihvolvament? Thoae prints, and be flexible with ence. System One a ;+..;' a colorful academic ceremony. years on the board, said she is hl)l ^ hours. -Send resume • to: 'top vote-getter in her previous There: had been seyen .nUafifijUrnmed^ who^hdthlh rewarding to you In the Sharon Wilson, Forbes B^e Threei victoriesvictoriej, gameted 1»12(4 didates for the three T ready for thlf~cliallen|jes^afteadr year the school board arid 'elders township expects them to pay Jeal Ettats Dald..H«lpln0 Newspapers, P.O. BoxTYPIST- Accurate typing votes, and Bonhag, a member of George Young withdrew less than which she said, will involve , compromised on a $71,000 cut fol- back debts incurred back as far as BAM paopla to obtain hotnM & 699, Somerville, N.J. skills required. Diversified "money and knowing what Tren- lowing the board's appeal of a (Hasty!**. That'* what Real 08876. duties. Good benefits; Youths' day the township's Citizens Budget two weeks before the election. 1985. Eatate I* all. Bboutl the Send resume to: Box 21, Advisory (^mmittee, finished This was too late to have his ton will tell us to do." She also $97,000 reduction by the Com- Although the township assumed BONUS l> obtaTnlng your o/o FORBES NEWS- High school juniors got a said the township elders should MERCHANT own financing & personal PROGRAMMER- excel- right behind Silvey with 1,130 tal- name taken off the ballot or to mittee. the debt from the 1985 renova- growth tool If you have lent oppty. for Prog- , PO Box 699, first-hand look at municipal lies.; •• \>.v- ••:'.. .. '•••' , • v:^'••.•; have the lever over his name not make any reductions in the A total of 2,396 of Cranford's tions on the library and the park- your Real Estate lloense & rammer In Business Ap- Somerville, NJ 08876 government at the annual school budget "Its where it are looking for.a n active pllcatlons. Business They will be sworn in at the looked. He received 331 votes. 13,290 registered voters went to ing lot built last year, Mayor Ed SALES REP office with ample Basic, Unix experience VAN DRIVER- 8AM & Youth in Government program board's reorganization meeting at Pelliccio, who said he has been should be," she said. the polls Tuesday for an 18 per- Force made no bones about the opportunity time. Call for needed. Business ac- 3PM with special license. last week. Page B-15. fact the debt for these improve- a confidential Interview 7:30 p.m. Monday when a new campaigning for a seat for two Bonhag, who chaired one of the cent turnout This contrasts with Entry Level counting knowledge re- Start Immediately. Edison president and vice president will turnouts of 13 to 15 percent the ments should be assumed by the wtth VHa ZoHak, Broker of > quired. Good pay. Bo-school. Call 549-0127 years, commented immediately CBAC subcommittees, said the This position offers an excellent entry-level sales record at 272-2570. nuses, Pension Plan. 8AM-5PM be elected. The board's monthly after the results were in that he "majority (of the board) will be in previous two years. library. While this announcement opportunity to join one of New Jersey's most Meeker Sharkey ; Health ; Insurance. Send Positions workshop will follow. landed like a Scud missile on lib- successful commercial banks. Your duties would resume to: Universal WORD PROCES8OR- rary board members in at- Realtors Business Systems, Inc.with good people skills Involve promoting our VISA arid MASTERCARD 124 South Avenue East Democratic candidates for 9 tendance at the April 9 budget programs to local retailers. The person we select 185-J Industrial Pkwy., for service oo. In Brld- the Township Committee hearing, there was little doubt must have a car and valid N.J. drivers license. Cranford, N.J. Somerville, N. J. 08876. . gewater, 5 days 9:30- nomination in the June prim- State ^shortchaiiges town in tax distribution Force thoroughly investigated the This Is a salaried, position with an excellent beh-' 4:30.-Call 231-1810 bet- ween 9 S.5PM , _^._._ ary comment .orL.Pjge.. B&; : issue and came prepared to •eflt8~packag07"For more information, pt«a8B"cair" HBy Cheryl Moulton— —— - be-paid- xllrectly to Trenton-and However, after - more careful appropriation. He included a our Personnel Department at: Norman Albert speaks against draft letter for governing body demonstrate just how the debt YARD HELP- for a fast The township has been "short- would be returned to the muni- review and comparison of funds could be paid back over five growing Lumber & Home the consolidation of fire and changed" by the state when it cipalities proportionally. The returned to surrounding com- members to review Which.reaf- SUMMER WORK Center. Seeks bright, am- police departments while firms the township's position, and years. bitious Individual for entry comes to the distribution of local percentage of money returned munities, the picture changed 931-6544 ... - • ,<•• i Lydia Allen urges residents to would be based on the declared considerably. Westfield, for in- knowledge of the "skimming," to According to Force many ex- level position. Will train. fight the proposed Rahway franchise and gross receipt taxes. • Full time positions (spme PT) Apply In person: Weatfleld The state has virtually been value of personal property each stance received 118 percent, state officials. penditures involved in the opera- • Resume experience for all majors Lumber, 700 North Ave. incinerator. "skimming" off the top an alarm- taxpayer had in each municipality Roselle Park and Scotch Plains Included in this letter is the tion of the library have been as- E., Westfleld, 232-8855. sumed by the township. Township • Starting rate $10.2S ; ing amount of monies the town- compared with the value of all received more than 100 percent mounting "frustration" by the Guide to inside such properly taxpayers had in and Uni6n over 97 percent township officials in trying to auditor John Laezza, recently ev- UNITED COUNTIES • 10 Scholarships awarded by Aug. $i ship should have 'received, ac- aluated the township budget and TRUSTCQMPANY Adt In Classified cording to township tax assessor the state. It is a complicated and "Suddenly," said a perplexed determine "by what formula the • Interview now, work begins after finals Classified C-lbC-12 Duryee, "our 84 percent.doesn't state distributes these funds." inquired why the library had not dontcott — Editorials... A-4 JohnDuryee. confusing system, but one the assumed major debts incurred in Four Commwc* Drive, Cranfortf, New Jersey 0T01B The path this relatively mis- township has to abide by, said look very good at all." Duryee further discloses the for- Eijual Opportunity Emptoytr, M/F/H/V Entertainment B-9 toB-1 3 . In fact Duryee revealed, if the mula the state is using "seems to 1985 and 1990. The issue of the 688-9393 Garwood A-8, A-9 understood tax appropriation Duryee, who presented the startl- ing findings to the Township township had been funded at the change with each appropriation state mandated monies the town- Kenilworth A-6.A-7 takes can be described as from same level as Westfield in 1990, bill," and the Division of Taxation ship is required to hand over Cranfbrd, back to Cranford by way Committee April 16. each year to the library, can go as Letters A-4 Cranford initially was en- over $965,000 more would have "won't say whafiMs." To illustrate Obituaries -B-6 of China. Although companies like been included. In a letter to the this point he said the township 15 percent over the prior year's N.J. Bell, Elizabethtown Gas, Eli- couraged by the fact the state sent budget Public notices B-14, B-15 back 84 percent of its "potential," Township Committee, he has received $2377,495 from the state Religion news ...... B-8. zabethtown Water and Public recommended the governing body in 1990, and should actually have Board members were shocked Social news A-10, A-ll Service & Gas (PSE&G) pay exy when.other municipalities in the contact state elected officials and received $2,830,195, which "leaves and dismayed by the proposal, but Sports B-l to B-4 cise tax, over seven years ago the state received a estimated 72 apprise them of this mis- (Please turn to page A-7) (Please turn to page A-7) state determined the tax should percent of the funds collected*

\ ,•'/ "Tfiursday; May 2,1991 CRANFORD CHRONICLE A-3 A-2 CRANFORD CHRONICLE Thursday, May 2,1991 First Aid Squad fund drive Chamber recognizes goal is $70,000 for upkeep volunteers, businesses Cranford First Aid Squad's an- explained. Four residents and two civic Cleanup and with organizing nual ftind drive is in progress. "Running costs for the squad organizations received community county-wide conference onjriyer . Solicitation letters were sent this include $20,000 for insurance to service awards at the 31st annual maintenance held at Union week to township residents. operate the ambulance/uniforms Chamber of Commerce banquet County College in-April. In addi- ; . T7fipnl=:2$r=in~ addTtionr—Robert rtionYsne said fund drive chairman Jim jackets and jump suits as well as Biach was honored posthumously Sense drug awareness program. Rowe. "Although we are not buy- fUll dress uniforms for . each. for his service to the Cranford Two civic organizations also member," said treasurerrPatricia" irignew rigs this year, we foresee . community. Approximately 100 received honors. Neil Mag&rgal of r large capital expenditures to keep Williams, "also training expenses _.^turned out to honor the recipients Algonquin Drive accepted,'•- Jthe | our building and equipment in to keep each member certified by who were feted for displaying un- award for Residents Against"the top working order. state standards. In addition we usually high levels of service to Mall (RAM), a grassroots or- •. "Some of the expenditures we maintain our own supply of train- the community. ganization that sucessfully ing equipment to offer CPR and have encountered include a roof ': Mayor Ed-Force presented the blocked the establishment of a repair, bay floor repair due to Standard First Aid classes to mall on Walnut Avenue property Cranford residents." '.••."if posthumous ,award to the family river erosion, and the painting of of Biach "who had served on owned by Hartz Mountain Inr Amy Momeweck the interior, of our building," he "We also keep a supply of hos- dustries. His wife, Debbie,. ac- - . pital equipment inctydtyg crut- numerous boards and as chair- man of his re-election committee. cepted the award on behalf of the (Jp^ ches wheelchairs, walkers, com- Sunny Acres Civic and Improve- *>v modes and hospital, beds, all of- Meryl Layton, owner of Cran- ment Association which is cele- Amy Momeweck receives fered to Cranford residents free of ford Book Store, Was recognized brating its 50th anniversary arid charge," added Rowe. . for her work on the. Downtown Management Corp. (DMC) and as was instrumental in the creation National Merit Scholarship "Total man hours for 1990 were of RAM. 4,328 hours. Total squad calls a director of the Chamber of Com- merce. Ann Beams, president of Community Development A- Cranford High School senior Star Ledger scholar for tlnion amounted to 1,3(55 last year." said wards were presented to in- class valedictorian Amy Mor- County and will receive a $1,000 Capt Dave Ellis. the Parent Teacher Council, thanked Layton for her support of dividuals or organizations that neweck is the winner of a Na- renewable scholarship. "We are on duty 24 hours a day, have undertaken significant rem- tional Merit Scholarship. Amy, daughter of Leslie and seven days a week to serve in town PTAs and the PTC scholar- ship fund. odeling or construction projects She will major in math and Sam Morneweck Of 28 Dartmouth emergency situations, service calls which have contributed to the Latin at Oberlin College in Ohio Rd., is president of the CHS Latin and transportations (usually after Tony Mack also was recognized community's appearance, social and plans to be a college math club and drum major in the mar- 7 p.m>). All of this is done free of for his work with the DMC and or economic Well-being. They instructor. ching band. She is first chair oboe charge to anyone in Cranford re- more specifically for "his con- were awarded to Appraisal As- Amy is one of 1,800 winners of and was chosen for the region quiring our services. Those in- REMEMBERING: Anne Santulli, left, of the Cranford Chamber of Commerce reminisces with tributions to the renovation of William Biach and Evelyn Blach Lamborn, brother and mother of the late Bob Blach, member pf sociates for rehabilitation work $2,000 Merit scholarships nation- orchestra and all-state chorus. terested in joining the squad Eastman Plaza. Mack spear- completed at 29 S. Union Aye.; wide. A total of 6,000 students will ..Last year Amy received the should call 272-7716," Ellis said. numerous civic boards, who was remembered at last week's Pride in Cranford Award dinner. headed the fund-raising campaign Cranford Baseball League for the CHAMBER BUSINESS: Award winner Joanne McFadden, receive scholarships through Na- Bausch and Lomb Award and Below is the Chronicle building, renovated by DITulllo & LaCorte Associates, who were given a in addition to overseeing several erection of lights at Memorial tional Merit sponsored by the achieved a perfect score in the community development award for-the work. phases of the streetscape. Field; and Crestmont Cleaning & . left, of the Chronicle, staff and downtown manager Marta Per- corporation itself, by businesses fourth level, of the national Latin Chambers slate ' ^ Joanne McFadden, president of Supply Co. for remodeling com- son discuss the new DMC tabloid they are working on. and by colleges. . exam. She received a monetary . Walnut Avenue PTA and a mem- pleted at 6 South Ave., E. She also has been chosen the award last spring from the Phil- business expo. ber of the Cranford Girl Scout Mack was cited for renovations adelphia Classical Society for Association service team, was at 105-107 N. Union Ave. and outstanding, achievement for two The Central, Jersey, Cranford, cited for. her volunteer commit- DiTullio & LaCorte for renova- Five youths consecutive years on the society's Suburban, Union County, Union . . •.' Prwtos by Dtanne Deyereon. ments and professional associa- tions to the Chronicle building. competitive-exam- She has com- Township and Westfield Cham- tions; McF.ad.deij is editor!1of the Elberori--Development Co., Inc. :1 ; »peted in math, physics and bers of Commerce have planned^ SIGN IN: Pride In Cranford Award winner Mery],Uytprtjgjecks 7 new DMC tabloid and & board was recognized for its renovation, arrested -:: chemistry leagues. . •. . joint Business to Business Expo in with husband Frank Murphy at last.week's Gharnrjer of member' of the Uniorf County and construction at the Drug Fair/. Amy is a member of the Na- for Tuesday'from 5 to 7:30 p.m. at Commerce banquet at Schering-Plough Corp. ' : chapter of NJ. Association of Blockbuster Video property. in burglary tional Honor Society and has par the Clinton Manor, Union. . Women Business Owners. . Harmpnia Savings was recognized ticipated in ,the law club's mock Chamber. members will display Mavis Serafin, co-chairman of for its new drive-in bank on Five township youths have been trial team two years. She was their services and wares as well the River Maintenance Com- Springfield Avenue, and K&O for arrested in connection with a student director of the fall play at as network with other business mittee, was feted for her in- new office condominium units at March burglary to Hillside Ave- CHS for three years. She was edi- owners and employees. . volvement with Rahway River 190 NorthAve, nue School. tor of Prologue, the school literary One hundred twenty businesses P6lice said four 13-year-olds and magazine. will be oh display. For reserva- a 14-year-old, all pupils at the She participated last summer in tions, contact the local Chamber school, were arrested following an a selective four-week college level of Commerce. Admission is open in-house investigation by school math program at Rutgers Uni- to the public at. $15, and for officials of a burglary that oc- versity in problem solving. members it is $12, curred sometime between March 27 and April 1. A radio and three cameras were reported stolen at Oiir policy on corrections the time. The CranfordChronicle vM promptly correct errors of fact, context Four of the youths were charged or presentation and. clarify any news content that confuses or mis- with burglary, theft and criminal leads readers. Phasereport errors £> Chronicle editor Pa trespass. The fifth, age 13, was charged with possession of stolen Jm^MM^n^ NJ. 07016, 276-6000:. >^tons a^ela^ in this space on this « property after he allegedly knew convenience and courtesy to our readers. that one of the cameras he had •Past president Mildred Leonard pinned a corsage on Gertrude purchased for $14 may have been Nunn at 'Village Improvement Association's recent 95th stolen, said Detective Lt Milton niversary celebration. • Mason. -.', ,. . • . .. '••'••• Mason said the cameras have been recovered but that they could not prove the youths had I'm starting y taken the radio. The youths were released into Ivy League education at UCC. the custody of their parents. The matter has been referred to the ic rcr Cb«r Wn. YCUIM family court in Elizabeth. OPEN HOUSE KINDERMUSIK(4and5yMrold>) ' Saturday, May 4,1091 1:30P.M. (ending at230) CUSTOM Monday, May 6,1991 9:30 A.M. (ending at 10:30) Monday, May 6,1991 1:30 P.M. (ending at 2:30) PYNAMIC DUO: Neil and Debbie Magargal, who accepted KINDERMUSICK BEGINNINGS (3 yoir okta) KITCHENS Saturday, May 4,1991 - , 11:00 A.M. (ending at noon) COMMUNITY SPIRIT: Dinner chairman Joe LaBracio enjoys a awards for two separate civic organizations, pick up programs FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH light moment with awardee Mavis Seraflh at the party. for the April 24 ceremonies honoring winners. & BATHS 125 Elmw Straet • highly «uc£«uKil pregmm (or 4 1.5 year old* which dtvclop* mutlo ritadlneu & batlo tchopl . UmHed classes and Enrollment Classes begin the week of September 23,1991 KINDERMUSIC of Union County . UcaciMd « CwtlDad by Mutlo RMOWCM International MAKING A POINT: Mayor |d Force, left, discusses Down- ';•.': :••'-• May For more Information call Monlc* Falling . chair- His stereo CwtHltd Mutlo TMchw, 8tata ol NJ town Management Corp. Improvements with longtime 789-3O69 man Tony Mack who was recognized iwlce at the event. Monthly •Jf Sunday, May 5, from 12 to 4 is playing Visit Our Showroom & See The Latest This Mothers Day a new In Traditional & European Designs tune!

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STATI »A«M hanging plants * animals * perennials "I sold my stereo component system in Moke Mom just 9 days. I received 7 calls. Forbes Dreyer Farms Even Sweeter with Newspapers Classified Connection 831 Springfield Ave. • Cranford worked for me because I reached a INSURANCI Uncommon Scents from Belt's large audience of serious buyers." A great college education can cost a lot of money. But it doesnt have to. My first two C.S., Raritan years of college will be oneof the best values anywhere: I'm going, to Union County College. Chantilly Arpege I can major In any of dozens of transfer programs - programs that have given UCC students junior-year standing at more than S00 four-year colleges and universities. And . Spray or Powder Reg. 19,00 44 SHE'S NOT A BAD STUDENT. sorro of trwse Include tr« great names In hlgrw education. Now Only Another My family and I will save thousands of dollarelntultJonandhouslng. Icaneven work Only while(study because UCC has convenientlocations and flexible class schedules. BUT I'D LOVE TO SEE THOSE C'S 1 $ 75 Classified —If you !* rj»aflnJrjgtoclag>W1hlr)g»r^ Gei-started today* $12 V J J pasting and doing groat in school? for by calling 709-7500. ' ' your child, it could be Sylvan Learning Center, First, we (cm to pinpoint urengths and weaknesses. Then, we customize prognum which include lots of Connection Individual attention, motivation and rewards. The rest lit: improved teaming Pavlova Shalirnar sUtauriuudyhabitJulnatuedconi^ So.lortlu '21.50 Value Eau Dc Toillette Spray To place your ad, just call learning skills thai will help your child now mid throughout his Hie. COUNTY Special $1 /I 25 YOUR PERSONAL JEWELER SINCE 1945 Sylvan'is the answer. Getyout>FREEcopyotSylv

. I A-4 CRANFORD CHRONICLE "Thursday, May 2,19917 — Thursday, May 2,19&1-GRANFOR0 GHHONIGLE-A-5

• • •' • •• •• ' ' • ,i A Getting rid of junk Time to move on Forbes group Viewpoint To the Editor; I Commentary To the Editor: I would like to take this op- educatioa It is important to have After reading the recent article first of the three TVs of solid waste names VP is reductioa By reducing our portunity to thank the people of public participation at all these 7 PRIDE /W CRANR9RD AWARDS, about the possibility that cleanup ICenilworth for putting their faith Cranford's pride week could return to Cranford, I production, and consumption, of meetings. r solid waste we have less to put -in me and electing me to the JoAnn Dillon of marketing Waldb&um's defeated by coalition was tempted to send a long- Kenilworth Board of Education. Cranford Chamber of Commerce last week honoredJ^ven winded > dissertation to the out at the 'curb. So don't buy 308 Faitoute Ave. To the Editor . products that you know will break During my four years as a board • •• - Kenilworth Jim Hayden has joined Forbes winners of its new Pride in Cranford Award, which strppjants, Chronicle asking why people member, I have devoted many Newspapers as vice, president of the Citizen of the Year honor. Also recognized were eight reci- Over the last few years I have . Feder for seeing through the ' thihk that government should be and become junk in a week, don't heard many times that "ydu can't smokescreen of Waldbaum's app- buy something just because it's on long hours to this position. I have marketing, it was announced last pients of Development Awards. _^_j •__ Rig Business" Well, I apt ' responsible for ggetting rid of to admit, many times it has been week; by chief executive officer -lioAtinn Thov Imow thrct WTIII ld -sale-unless-you-need-itr-ilgfatJor- 7 —This^year theChamber decided to "spread^e TecogniHolf^tjy Monday night (actually Tuesday ^»*\*OXtw\J9 C* J. HvT w\MM%J W , %mlav" Vf Qfi personal—consumer very-Trustrdting—but—also very (Jhucfcl#ons~Hayden will manage" baum's attorney Brian" Fahey less packaging, and buy better selecting a number of volunteers who "make this community a morning) we proved that state- 'purchases. After all, government qualify items that will last longer. rewarding. „ all advertising sales operations for better place." The public was invited to submit nominees. The ment incorrect as Waldbaum's failed again to show need and 'didn't force us consumers to pur- My goal four years ago was-to . the 15-publication group. prove that this supermarket (They may cost more initially, but winners reflect the true spirit of this township—one of helping application to . build a super- chase the junk that we buy and tend to cost less than buying two help improve the curriculum of Commendable "Jim brings a wealth of ad- market was denied for the second would not be a detriment to the 'then decide to discard. I never Harding School and yet keep the vertising sales and sales man- one another and preserving the family atmosphere here. "' public good, or be contradictory to lesser quality items in an equal To the Editor: . Among the winners were the late Bob Biach who served on a time. ' ^ 'did understand why government time frame.) ' budget down. During this time we agement experience to our or- Waldbaum's was defeated by a our town zone plan. Arguments, : did that But after some thought, I have seen improvements in our The Spectrum department of the ganization," Lyons said, "and I'm number of governmental boards until his death last July; Meryl by supporters, that the.lotiiad My feeling has always been that April 25 isueof the Chronicle coalition of groups that included : decided to keep my comments if there was not easy outlet to get math program and our-language sure our readers and advertisers, Layton, owner of Cranford Book Store, who has supported PTA area residents, downtown mer- been vacant too long, would look ~ ~ '. apolitical—after all I've already arts program, a new math super- presented such a thorough, present arid future, will enjoy efforts while very active with theil?o^ntown Management Corp. better with a building on.'ft, or ff- rid of our garbage, we would by beautifully written article on the chants and other concerned citi- got yelled at by a Cranford resi- . necessity cut down on its produc- visor position was established, direct benefits from his skills." (DMC) and the Chamber; Tony (Mack who served as DMC zens df Cranford. Many thanks are would be nice to have a super- dent for meddling in CranfOrd's and a computer curiculum was Green Thumb Garden Club, it Hayden began his newspaper market in Cranford are certainly . tion. Just like all other utilities, made me feel good about our chairman for many years, leading it through several streetscape in order. affairs when I lamented the loss we should have to pay for the developed, along with a computer career 31 years ago as an account Jim Hayden projects and the renovation of Eastman PTsiza; Joanne McFad- Thank you to my neighbors that not appropriate reasoils for gran- of the trees at the library. I don't teacher. There were also major town all over again., . executive • for classified ad- ting a major use variance. garbage that each of us creates. Athough I am not a member of den, Girl Scout leader and PTA president at Walnut School as took the time to attend numerous want another phone call. Maybe then we will realize the revisions made in our in- vertising with the Los Angeles the Newspaper Advertising Sales meetings, sign petitions, make Only a week has gone by since ' While these cleanup weeks may strumental music program and the organization I am proud of the Times. He was first promoted to well as editor of the DMC's new publication Cranford Down- our victory,and already 'there has shortsightedness of cleanup weeks beauty this group of dedicated Association, served on the boards towner; Mavis Serafin, co-chairman of the River Maintenance phone calls, write letters and 'give short-term relief to excess and begin to set a good example still we were able to provide an (sates management in 1977, and of the Philadelphia Advertising worked together against this been talk of Waldbaum's not giv- waste in our homes, I hope that austere budget for the residents of people have brought to. our town, «suDsequently headed sales de- Club; the Variety Club, chaired Cofnmittee and active member of Common Sense drug aware- ing up. Well, if they plan an ap- for our kids; after all; they're the and fair beyond its confines. ness group. threat to our neighborhood. j people are finally beginning to ones who will have to live with Kenilworth. However, there are partments in major newspaper or- the communications sub- Maintaining our quality of life and peal or go to the.Planning Board,. realize that the answer to junk's our garbage. still areas needing attention. Probably the article was written ganizations in the East and West, committees for United Way and Two groups also were selected for 'Pride' awards—Residents the new friendships we have Waldbaum's can count on this piling up ih. the house is to stop I hope pur future boards of ed- by a member of the cjub. If not, it including the Philadelphia In- the Red Cross, and, he notes, proud neighborhood to stand up 1 Bill Nierstedt is still m6re'commendable for the Against the Mall (RAM)* for its persistence in fighting rede- made is our reward. buying the stuff in the first place. 320 Hickory Ave. ucation continue in this direction, quirer and Daily News. He joined coached the Philadelphia News- velopment of the former Beecharn site into a mall by new Thank you to the downtown and be heard again. j While a lot of us talk about recy- excellent coverage the.group so Forbes after a two-year en- papers softball team for five . Frank Vultaggio Garwood along with constantly asking deserved. Was it a staff writer for owners Hartz Mountain Industries, and Sunny. Acres Civic Imp- merchants who realized that a cling, we tend to forget that the questions and demanding ans- treprenurial venture which also seasons. ; 2 Burchfield Ave. 1 our ? Whoever wrote the involved advertising sales. V rovement Association, in its golden year, which also joined that supermarket, located outside of wers. I am, however, sorry that I article deserves a byline, Please He will work from the Somer- ; . Hayden, a former president of ville officer ~ - fight - • '.;••:... • • ••' •• the downtown- business district won't be able to continue with credit the writer. He or she richly . Development Awards went to Joe Baldoni and Warren Hans- would have a negative impact oh them, but it is now time for me to Cranford. deserves our thanks. com for streetscape improvements to their office building on S. l Couldn't wait to tell Dad move oa \ Lucille A Huestis Union Avenue; Doug Wobdson of Cresttnont Cleaning Services Thank you to Ron Ginsberg, A ratable? " \ My sincere thanks and I hope Warren Hariscdm and Dennis that the people of Kenilworth will • 28 Nomahegan Ct for an .addition to his South Avenue building; Frank DiTullio Bucking the corporation To the Editor To the Editor Editor's note: The club, history was Mahoney for mounting the lega.1 •; In our day-to-day living, we en- thoughtful and serious. At others stay abreast of all future activities and Paul LaCorte for renovations to the Chronicle building; To the Editor: opposition, to Waldbaum's. With- I was very disappointed to read conducted by the future boards of vnitteri by current president Bar- CASSETTES-CD'S their view public? I don't think counter many negative situations he's fun, silly and still thoughtful. bara Pyne. ..;'.'. .'•'•• Jack Sievers of Elberon Development Co. Inc., owners of the It was . appalling to read that out the testimony of their experts that Waldbaum's will not be al- He does many things for the GIFT CERTIFICATES Waldbaum's attorney is consider- that A&P would carry this issue lowed to open* a mud} needed ! and people. We become over- Drug Fair property on South Avenue; Harmonia Savings Bank the. record would show only whelmed with the news reports church, community and families ACCESSORIES for its new drive-jn facility on Springfield Avenue; Mack again ing other options, in order to get farther if they knew they didn't Waldbaum's biased testimony. supermarket in Cranford. have their support When we we hear and see on television or in a quiet subtle way. Doing kind WAY OF EATING for his Nbrth Avenue business; Robert O'Sullivan and James approval for a mega-supermarket : Thank you to the people living Wouldn't it have been a ratable? things for others is my father's The Zoning Board of Adjustment* rejected Pathmark's application I sat through: several •: meetings we read in the papers and mag- Keefe,, principals of, K$Cviqr their new North Ayehue^ office for expansion they went- . ,__in other Cranford neighborhoods ,,' azines. . The most sensational way of life. WAY OF LIVING building. In addition tiieCraitfqrd Baseball League was cited for rejected the application twice. Let that' signed our petitions and. on this issue and I wondered why My father is a great dad. There Waldbaum's die; we don't need it sewhere. Grand. Union also exited it was necessary to talk about the .; stories, usually the most tragic or Thousands of Titles its installation of lights, at rMeitiorialFielcL ' graciously When their, application supported our cause.' You un- J • .horrible, headline thVnews..It's are many joyous memories his WAY OF FEELING The vote at the- last meeting was • ; derstand tfiat it was Lincoln Park, "PTTCerand size Of homes in Rpse : They-aihafre-the Pndecof£!jrariford. WJs^alut 4-%^Ut:i)^sit^Seri was'* there was denied. ~ :-'—^~r~t—-~~-*™«i ;.Jsad_^that. the positive people and foorrchildren have.thanks to him Our Programs STOCK & ON SALE If the governing body does sup- areas Toeing pressured by Big their ihiluences in our lives take a and my ^mother toor PRSnrhikinff and the motion by Geraldihe Business-this, time and that, in the. We need a supermarket in in the Watchung Reservation to LEARN: arc Permanent Oldies - Jazz - New Age _Mattson for approval set condi- port Waldbaum's, the voters Cranford how. back seat to the negative. In these -fliture, -it—could- be any neigh- , times when it's • hard to find jumping in a pile of leaves Dad •Nutrition Guidance Life Style Changes tions. would like to know; our only rec- borhood in Cranford. .'•••' -~ Naomie Heuehau just finished raking, and having Calendar of meetings I'm tired of hearing the rumors ourse is the polls. How long can something positive, I'd like to Have individual or small Thank you to board chairman . 8 English Village share a positive aspect of my and him jump in with you. From the • To Overcome Compulsive f>roup counseling. Join our H- 433 South: Ave.W Mon-Sat 10-6 : that some influential member of the average citizen buck a multi- Richard Johnston and Richard four of us wrestling in the living Thursday, May 2 the governing body is either for or billion-dollar corporation? many other people's lives. & Binge Eating 16 weeks weight control Westfield (opp. Midas) Thurs'til 8:30 7:30 p.m. Cranford Mayor's justment My father will be celebrating his room to having a story read to us programs. We're more than 6544110 Wednesday, May 8 against Waldbaum's. Isn't it about Estelle Kameika Committee on Airplane Noise, time the governing bodv made 60th birthday May 2. I want to in bed. From standing on my • Effective Exercise just a diet. Municipal Building 8 p.m. Kenilworth Board of Ad- lOgThomasSt Conservation starts at home dad's feet while he danced ar- justment . honor a man who has touched • Behavior Modification 8 p.m, Kenilworth Planning To the .Editor: . ,.,mariy people's lives; Too often we ound the living room to dancing; 908-889-7272 Board, Borough Hall ; Thursday, May 9 Disturbing news about government School was in operation then. with my father at my wedding HELP GET MOM IN SHAPE 7:30 p.m. Cranford Mayor's With the alarming increase in With traffic handled efficiently v: wait until the person is npTonger • Stress Reduction Monday, May 6 the cost of township employees' .•••,'with us to tell them how im- reception. WITH THE BIKE OF THE MONTH. To the Editor: there were no hazards to child- Now that the four of us are YO-YO DIETING 7:30 p.m. Cranford Board of Monday, May 13 health benefits and pending dec- (,,portant they are. I didn't want to V Barbara A. Potashkin, M.S; Education reorganization meeting The report in your last issue were stacked against Waldbaum's ren. If Cranford managed then, "grown up" we still have quiet, DIETF0S REG. 334.95 NOW ONLY 299.95 7 p.m. kenilworth Borough about the zoning board's rejection from the very beginning. rease in state funding to our why not now if Waldbaum's sit- ;, wait any longer. . DtetMlwXiltritimist. • ARTIFICIAL FOODS followed by monthly workshop at Council workshop, Borough Hall school system, it is inconceivable When people speak of my dad, serious times and silly* fun times $46 South Ave., Fanwood, NJ. (On sale for the month of I of Waldbaum's application was Since it requires the approval of uated, on South Avenue? with Dad. I'm sure there are 8 .•: .' •'.••". • ' 8 p.m.. Kenilworth Board of Ed- the most disturbing news about that our township administration Westfield has two supermarkets •..,'. they usually will say "Jim Brady, 8:15 p.m. Cranford Board of Ad- ucation, Harding School a majority (five) of the nine would forego the tax ratable pos- ; oh he's a great guy." It's one thing many more memories to be made. the functioning of local govern- members for an application to be in the center of town. The trucks As I stated in the beginning, I justment, Municipal Building sible with the establishment of a supplying them have much nar- !|,for me.to think ne's "a great guy," Tuesday, May 1 Tuesday, May 14 ment that I have read in a long approved, the disqualification of Waldbaum's market here. ll'm his daughter. It's when others didn't want to wait to tell you how time. Regardless of the decision themselves by any members is an rower access streets than our important you are, Dad. 7:30.,.p,m. Cranford Township. ..„., 8( .Qr^ford Township •.Jfys, als^dj^cpuraglng.-that the South Avenue. In addition^, both V.tell me, that it becomes more 1 ommitt^^woWc^^MutiCi^; v^kshppVMumcijpal^^'^^ or the merits, pf^thfi appUcaJton,,, « objections' awfctactycs ,of pne. in- ^ '60th"birthda^i' you're a ,sto,res h^yejmpressiw, i^ift^ntial •JM: ; 1 1 1 •. • •'-, ^•s^ry^i»mj£r*lW^^ .the z0nmg board c%rne «ff ipoUfeig **] ippjici diviauial would negate so great an ;:: j^ytathei : is' slight in sttttire. Building like a kangeroo court tThe cards _ ing on for moYil property bordering their/ P^Wng 8 p.m. .Garwopdv Boardo{' M- .(^uncil< Borough Hall; advantage,to so.many tax paying ,,.W.hat he doesn't' have, In 'height, .too.' didn't; these' 'members withdraw lots with iio seeming: disadvant- ,)•;;••..- • ~]cltlzeTis. . ..••.•" : he bakes lip' for inh'eart and Mafianrie English earlier and. allow some other citi- ,age. •."'. ''.•• •"' •; '' ../ ' .' ' V -j,., spirit My father is a gentle, caring 311 Second Ave. With the present emphasis on & zens to participate in the process? Every, day the small borough of man At times he is quiet, Garwood Alive with the love ofa lifetime The chairman says that a supe- energy conservation, and en- Garwood is reaping the benefit of man. At times he vironmental protection, why Cranfordites' shopping at its two rmarket would be a convenience, should we be driving 3.4 miles, or Last week my parents celebrated their 50th wed- married. I suppose many had their doubts. but Waldbaum's did not prove supermarkets. With , the treme- -Oi ding anniversary. They have come a long way toge- 2.5 miles to do our food shopping? ndous increase in our property Mom...quiet, reserved and shy...seemed an unlikely there was a need. Why should an . Conservation starts at home. JRemedy for violence ther, but the basis of their love lies in the garden partner for the outgoing) adventurous, devil-may- applicant have to prove a need? taxes over the past years, Wouldn't '. jVi they sowed long ago. '•'••• care fellow she married. They both insist each "just Let the marketplace determine if We moved to Cranford in 1948 it be reasonable for our town el- ' _ j r To the Editor. and found three supermarkets ders to.grant us the advantage of semblyman Cohen does this by They walk slower now, and they tend to forget knew" thtey were "meant to be." And they were. there is a need But if need is to , io An abortion clinic in Wood-, trying to restrict the legitimate things. Oftentimes I gaze at them and wonder Where Mom carried their wedding picture with us to be a determining factor, there is here. When the Acme was on the a ratable and a supermarket in ni bridge apparently was set on fire Miyati Exclusive Chro-moly frame and Unlcroum fork, Sealed Headstr, corner of Miln and Alden streets, our own town? protest of pro-lifers outside abor- time has gone Even after all these years, through dinner and throughout the evening my eyes would always need for some competi- by an arsonist Immediately, As- tion chambers, and by trying-to Dia Compc.Low ftoftle Cantilever Brakes, Araya.700x 35c Rims, Gel Saddle, and theSunfour XCU there were 850 children at St Martha Gallagher May 3-4-3,1991 WIENNEN ARENA the hard times, the impossible times, the painftil linger on their faces of long ago. The camera had tion, the thing that the most vocal 1 semblyman Neil Cohen (D-Union) give so-called abortion rights the 21-spced drive train system. . • . Michael's School and Cleveland 39 Beech St Jc Morrlttown, Naw Jersey Facility of the Mprrls County times...they rely on each, other...depend on, each detractor fears. Having a choice of urged stiffer penalties for anyohe status of something.special and Park Commission other...love each other. I'm just beginning to under- stores is more than a conveni- convicted of damaging abortion legally permanent From Q.W. Bridoe take 80 VV. to 1-287 S. to exit #32. Right onto Rldgedale Ave. to First traffic 'Democracy in action?' signal. U« to 181 E, Hinover Avo: , -stand-this-Mnd-n>f-^nduring-love.-this-^)atientr-rei -clinics^. —While-jt-is-unwise-and-illegfll-to- -From-BI.-a2-*-SomiHvlll«-Ai'«a^3ay^^lo-exll *H?R Fnllow Rldoedale Ave.left gt 2nd alppal to 161 love that survives despite everything that threatens Either the board did very little To the Editor: The remedy for violence against destroy an abortion clinic, no one 6. Hanover Ave. ' , '•• ' • . . . to shake its foundation. in the way of independent studies, Is this democracy in action? The ommends a supermarket in Cran- such enterprises is not stiffer has died from such activity. On THE LEADING FOLK ART SHOW IN THE NATION HAWKING or else they didn't trust their own zoning board voted 4-2 in favor of fordj and if the only available site penalties. The. remedy is remov- the other hand, 26 million unborn OVER 100 QUALITY FOLK ARTISANS FROM ACROSS THE COUNTRY consultants. The lack of popular is the one chosen by. Waldbaum's, . - Friday evenings, 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Adm. S6.00 (Early Buying Privileges) CRANFORD Waldbaum's application to build a ing the Cohens and Florios from children have been killed since Sat. & Sun. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Adrn. $2.00 • Children under 10 Adm. $2.00 Shenanigans support should not be influential. much-needed supermarket in wouldn't it, be logical for the zon- office for promoting real violence abortion became legal in 1973. Grained (ranras and boxes; ScherenachnIHe; baskBta; pierced lamp shades; country and Good government cannot depend ing board to reconsider some of against unborn children through Have we,Americans became so period tumlture; Windsor chairs; grained and painted furniture; rag nigs; samplers; BIKE Cranford; but the application was teddy bears; redware; aponfleware; salt glaze ; theorems).frakturs; tlnwaw; By Cheryl Moulton on who makes the most noise. denied because five favorable the existing requirements? Would legal abortion. desensitized that we value pro- blaokamlth; carved toys: slgna; weatharvanea: decoys; Shaker boxes; pantry boxes; folk Was a count done on the traffic residential housing be a viable Gov. Florid does this by saluting perty more than human life? art watercolora; stenciling; whlrilglgs; floorcloths; dummy boards; quilts: country tex- votes were required by law. Since tiles; flreboards; herbal; wreaths and potpourri; candles; braided and hooked rugs; and SHOP created on South Avenue. by three members had disqualified "use of that land? What about im- abortion by declaring Jan. 22 Ron Goodrich all country needs for sale. . ' ' HMmMayVuy Pathmark? As busy as this market themselves, why didn't the Town- pact upon schools? Freedom of Choice; Day. As- 18 Riverside Dr. rt I see the love in their eyes. They have weathered is, I doubt if more than 1 percent ship Committee appoint three al- Is anyone except worried tax- BETTY LONG RHONDA BLAKELY -^105 N. Union Aver, Cranford of the cars on South are grocery Ft* Art Shows © much, but love still shines there, as does loyalty. No, ternates to serve during these payers concerned about the loss (31 3) 634-41 51 P.O. Boy 111 Ortonvllle, Ml 48462 (313) 634-41 53 they are not young anymore. But Dad still sees Mom shoppers. months (or is it years?) of pro- of a ratable by this rejection of 972,0184 as the young, beautiful girl she was over a half a I applaud those who took part in ceedhTgs. It is most unfair to those Waldbaum's? Couldn't Cranford century ago. Mom still sees Dad the way he looked who sat and listened to benefit from the employment as a^oung_man...wavy blonde hair, crystal blue eyes with them, but the decision (or hours^bf irrelevant wrangling and potential in a local supermarket? looking up at her as^he'stood on her stoop some five lack of one) has a bad smell about who came to a favorable decision Waldbaum's would be a "con- decades ago, asking for her hand in marriage. it ... that their opinions should become venience" but also an asset to the FLOWERS & GIFTS There was no big celebration to mark their an- HGSpecht worthless because of a tech- entire community. ; captured forever their anticipation.of the future, the . 14 LaSalle Ave. niversary. No fanfare, ho huge mountain of presents strength of their love and the: promise of "till death nicality. It's time for the silent majority Give her the very best Flowers from or bevy of friends to take part in the merrymakirig. do us part" Further down the road there would be Those who abdicated res- to let your elected representative For weeks before I felt sad about this, wishing it hardship, sickness and rough times, but they would ponsibility, but did not voluntarily hear your views. Don't call me. Rekemeier*s Dear Friends: could be different Instead there were just four of make it World War II would interrupt their life for resign, determined the outcome. I Call them. Write'to the editor. If us...Mom, Dad, my beloved and myself. It was a several years, taking Dad across the world from his . Shortsighted call it an outrage. you do nothing, nothing will hap- I decided to run for the Township Committee and.not sit on the sidelines any longer. Taxes continue dterflil ey£Xiui&J,filledJwth Jove, laughter, i wife and ygung son. But life cannot change destiny. Majority rule has been twice pen. " ...:•.•.•• ',.:_• ; . . • Fresh Flower rise, seniors are being driven from our community and Clean-Up Week is a three year old memory. We need some niscipg, tea*S.i.andenchantmen t . ^ "~ ignored. me ,vote^qfnaie~sttting": ;—If^u^on'Hmow^hati0~Say-or— TTheywere meant to be. It dawned oh me how close I lepentierifidjSas^^ '•••"••••-•"--•••••"* ••w--———•-—-— ,.~,^,,x From the moment we arrived to pick up Mom and came to,t neve^beinjj^bi g bornb . CalClll it fateft , kismetkismet, good Cranford is very shortsighted in members was rejected. The maj j write; quote Geraldine Mattson. _ Arrangements ^ :'~ . . ,- • . .->,• rr ••• . •,,-: -^ ^- • • • ••.• • • f L . " ' . • ". Dad I could see that this night would be speciaL-'fortune, destiny...i3ad never dohWed'fie would^Qoftie denying^, pehtjission to Wald- ority of Cranford. taxpayers desire She said it all. Mom stood at the top of the stairs clasping their home to the girl helSveJf-He just knew. , , baum's to opSn a store. It has lost the supermarket, but a minority ' Edward and Margert Coe • Corsages When I decided to run, I first had to appear at the democratic "Screening Committee." This group insisted that if wedding picture close to her heart as Dad Held up Sow did they make it this far..! wondered. How a ratable on land that is currentiy who oppose it swayed the vote. 217HollvSt elected I had to vote the same as the other Democrats on matters, before the Committee, no matter what I believed to be one picture after another for us to see. Since I was a does love survive? By evening's end I knew the unproductive. The majority had put tb^ir faith • Blooming Plants right. I was told that it was a yes or no answer. The demanded "blind loyalty". - • - little girl I had looked at these very same pictures of answer. The tough times, the painftil times, the Cranford residents have lost the in the democratic system and did We have space convenience of supermarket in • Silk artd.Dried Flower Mom and Dad...and I knew them well...but that night trying times become like a treasure I found so very not attend hearings, and they When I was told that I had to pledge to vote for Dan Aschenbach for Mayor, that was too much for me. That is one it was if I was seeing them for the first time. How long ago on the beach. To me it was a sparkling sea their hometown. How many other would have left long before a 2 To the Editor:;••.--. •Arrangement citizens, like me, have lost faith in I believe^Cranford should have a vote I could never promise. Blind ambition and a 365/day campaign doesn't qualify you to sit in the Mayor's chair. The had I missed the glow on Mom's face, the love that green "jewel,jewel," truly a treasure of the se.onsea...onee I a.m. vote. •'••'. supermarket" Why should we go shined bright in her eyes as she looked up at the raced to share with my parents. They ohooooed and the judgement of our township When are we going to hear the J • Many Gifts For Mom Mayor must lead Cranford and build coalitions. That is the person I will support for the position. man she loved? How had I not caught the look on authorities? voice, of our elected Township outside oiif town to do food ahaaed over my find, tucking away the "treasure" so shopping? We have the space to Come and See! Dad's face as he gazed down at his bride,«the adora- jt would nott get losl t They never toldld me thth e treast - Julia Amgott Committee who appointed this During this primary, I will presently approach for solving bur problems and cutting costs. The citizens advisory tion so plainly evident? It bad always been hard for ure was just a piece of an old Coke bottle, ham- 17 Penn Rd. board, one-third of whom were build so let's get with it OPEN MOTHER'S DAY Patricia Reilly board put us on the right track. We must go further. We must regionalize services with nearby towns and be more me to envision my parents "falling in love" romanti- mered by the sea and thrown back on th^e shore, inactive? .If the master plan rec- 8 AM - 2 PM cally. That night.for tile first time I was able to set The times of our life, blessedly...are like that old - ICraigPl. economical. rhftir role as parents and see them as a man pj^ of Coke bottle. The sharp, lagged edges of life's and a* woman, and what a revelation it was. harsh lruttruth: s are magically smoothed and shined by IN A HURRY? ._„.—our^TivlrarTriieriris"threatened by a planned incinerator in Rahway, which will poison the air we breath. Pollution FORBES NEWSPAPERS PATRICIA ANDERSON Over a candlelight dinner at a nearby restaurant the passage of time...until they are but a'jeweL.a A DIVISION OF FORBES INC. CfjeCrantorb FAX YOUR ORDER! won't stop at the Cranford border. I want to work with the Concerned Citizens of Union County to develop alternatives treasure for us to gaze upon. What a blessing to look Editor the evening unfolded magically. Drifting back MALCOLM S. FORBES, JR. including recycling and composting. through the years to a time before I even existed, back and see the humor, the joy and the simplicity of ROSALIE GROSS 908-277-0107 the past Editor-in-Chief Mom and, Dad recalled the first moment they met, News Editor In our community the future of our downtown and the pending health Insurance problems for our employees must each describing their thoughts and actions right I remain in' awe of the 50 years Mom and Dad CHARLES A. LYONS have spent together. As we lifted our glasses in a President and Publisher Serving Cranford, Gttrwood CHERYL MOULTON, be discussed. Over the coming weeks I will present my qualifications for the office, in seeking your support. before they began "keeping company." Mom, unsure toast that night, Mom and Dad looked at each other . < and Kenilworth PETER WAMSTEKER of dating a man 10 years older, backed out of their JIMHAVJDEN , 216-8000 Reporters and kissed. For a few hours they were Gabe and Vice President, Marketing PAX: 276-6220 date at the last minute, leaving a note that said she Virginia to me, a man and a woman who fell in love, I welcome your suggestions as we work together, regardless of party, to improve Cranford. had to work She watched from a window as he * EDWARD F. CARROLL Published every Thursday by Forbes News- KAREN KASSINGER, much like my beloved and me. April 26 was more ExecutlveEditor papers, A Division of Forbes, Inc., 102 Wal- JOHN SCHNEIDER opened the envelope, read the contents, his shoul- than an anniversary...it was a tribute to determina- nut Ave., Cranford, ttj, 01016. Second class Sincerely, GEORGE GANNON postage paid at Craoford, NJ. POSTMAS- Advertising Soles ders slumping for a moment As he turned and wal- tion, resilience, spirit, faith, patience, loyalty, trust / V FLOWERS & GIFTS -• . • -J • Circulation Director TER: please send address changes to Forbes ked back down the street, something tugged at .her and friendship—a tribute not to ilme...but to love, Newspapers, Fulfillment Office, P.O. Box ANN POLICAY • 276-4700 heart ' . * • • • And so, as waiters and waitresses sang a special LENA B. MOORE 161, Bedmlnster, NJ. O7B21. Classified Advertising 116 NortNo h Ave. Cranford General Manager Subscription rates by mall one year within Summit • 277-6333 Lydia A. Allen Over the next few months Mom could not get Dad song, creating a celebration...! snapped a picture of Union County $20.00. Out of county $24.00. DEBRA CURIA 13 Ashwood Ave. Mom and Dad...eyes glowing, faces still alive with the Out of state $21.00. • 241-2700 out of her mind. They met again at a picnic and they Office Manager' 130 W. Third Ave. Roselle danced every dance. That night, fate made sure they love of a lifetime', once more captured in a picture Roselle Park • 241-9797 Paid tor by the Committee to Elect Allen, M.H. Schopfer, Treasurer, 751 Walnut Avenue, Cranford, NJ. 07016. would never part agaia Seven months later, they forever. 1433 Chestnut Ave. T~r

—i_ Thursday, May £.'1991 CRAWFORD CHRONICLE A-7" Saul Seltzer to receive NJ Engineer of Year award An engineer who built a multi- tional Group Exchange Program. million dollar development busi- Seltzer is a past president and ness from "nothing more than a active member of the Kenilworth slide rule" has been chosen En- Rotary Club and past president of gineer of the Year by New Jersey Kenilworth Manufacturers As- Society of Professional Engineers. sociation. He has published sev- Those are the words fellow en- eral articles for th£ Contractors gineer Barbara Altenberg uses to Magazine of the Associated Buil- tj^^^c^gl A-6 CRANFORD CHRONICLE Seltzer Construction Corp. of tered professional engineer and Thursday, May 2,1991 Kenilworth. She adds that "hard professional planner in New Jer- work and technical understand- sey and has served as consultant -I—•> ing" helped him along the way. to the Kenilworth Planning Board "But most imporjantly," says Al- arid, the borough. He was ap- *f echo, Rhyner,Schultz win; budget vote split tenberg, whose Union County pointed to the newly formed chapter nominated chapter pre- committee to review and revise sident Seltzer for the honor, "we zoning ordinances. ,. Borough residents voted their are nominating Saul because he is pocketbooks in Tuesday's school concerned and active citizen in In 1982 he won the Outslajnding election, approving the Harding his community and in the Society Planning . and Architectural School budget, which will have no of Professional Engineers." Design Award from the Union tax increase, and defeating the County_ Planning Board and regional high school budget, Seltzer will be honored tom- orrow at 7 p.m. during the en-Community- (Development Award which was slated to raise borough from the Cranford Chamber of property tax an average of $155. gineering group's, 67th •;annual conference in Atlantic City. Commerce for renovating and At the same time, voters ousted adapting the former Cleveland incumbent school board president Seltzer manages the engineer- School for business Use. Seltzer is Carmine Rossetti and elected the ing, design and construction ac- listed in "Who's Who in New Jer- other three 'candidates: in- tivities of the kenilworth firm, sey" and was named a Paul Har- cumbent Patricia Fecho, William which builds specialized in- ris Fellow in 1985 by Kenilworth 4 dustrial and commercial build- Schultz and Clifford Rhynei . The Rotary. . .. • ••• winners will be sworn in at the ings. board's May 13 monthly meeting He is actively involved in legis- Seltzer earned an engineering and new board officers will be lative and educational issues of degree from University of Mary- elected* his profession. land in 1952 and has engaged in Newcomer Schultz was the top .This year, as president of the graduate studies- at Johns Hopkins county chapter, he led a series of University and Rutgers Uni- VESTED INTEREST: Flexi-Van Corp. president George Elkas, vote getter with 481 tallies. Fecho, left, presents $5,000 check to police Chief Brent David to who has served three years on tjie "teach-ins" in county?high schools versity. After graduation from board, polled 426 votes, and WINNERS in Tuesday's school board election are, from left, Patricia Fecho, Clifford Rhyher and designed.; to educate children Baltimore Polytechnic Institute, purchase bullet-proof vests for police officers. about the engineering profession. he served in the U.S. Navy aboard Rhyner,. an unsuccessful can- William Schultz. SAUL SELTZER is his peers' choice as Engineer of the Year. didate last year, was elected with In the past, he has hosted young the aircraft carrier Midway. He 393 votes. Rossetti trailed him by School business administrator professionals frorri Japan and and his wife, Sylvia, reside in 23 tallies. Schultz arid Rhyner wilF Vincent Gonnella said yesterday, Public lot considered Parking plan is proposed England for .the; Rotary Interna- Watchung. •'}'••• fill the seats held by Rossetti and : "The Board of Education did STAND IIP STRAIGHT! JoAnn Dillon, who did not seelir present a budget that ack- (Continued from page A-l) • . re-election! nowledged the concerns of both Would make more sense and save Fifty-five Brearley students taxpayers and the children: of parking sidentifthey are caught > It's Perfect Posture Month The $5,4 million school budget Several residents have com- the borough money since police Kenilworth,. and the tpwnspebple By Peter Wamsteker headquarters would not have to _ was approved by a scant 321-311 acknowledged that and came outj plained about Flexi-Van's trucks ; on third quarter honor roll -margin following- a defeat last North: 2l5t .Sbreet residents Who using other borough roads. The be converted to accommodate the••"' favorably for the budget The have '"complained"~ about in- state-mahdated dispatching Fifty-five students at David Syers, Michele Venturo, Kimherly It's time to get the facts year. The 1991-92 budget will board did their job and made that - adequate parking conditions on police intend to send license plate straight. Good posture can' equipment. — Brearley High School are On the Weiss'.-' •••• ••• ,•'•- • result in a zero tak increase. Half known. They presented a budget their street should be relieved to numbers to the company/said of the school budgets in the Coroione. • He also asked councihnen to third marking period honor roll. Grade 10: Sandra Barbosa, Lisa hehj you.feel more energetic.. that was fair to everyone." know that Borough Council is consider drafting an ordinance They are: r~ :•'• Brede, Natalia Cavaliere, Maria It can decrease those aches county we're defeated. considering opening the muni- At last the April 22 workshop The: $36 million regional high meeting Corcione Urged couh- that would oppose a federal Grade 9: Jason Broski, Ida Cino, Donna Commerci, -Marc and pains. And, it can make cipal parking lot during certain Comerci, Jennifer Dolly, Ross Er- school budget, which supports hours for residents with permits. cilmen to draft a resolution sup- government proposal to ad- Durante, Vicki Haddix, James you look younger. four schools including David porting a move to locate the 911 minister Community Development razo, Caroline Evans, Kimberly Harper, Eric Kutter, Irene Pic- Council public safety chairman Lyons, James Mattie, Monali Kenilworth Brearley, was. rejected in the emergency dispatch center with block grants through the state cininni, Craig Rapczynski, .Greg- Check your posture today. Jeffrey Corcione said last week instead of the county. Patel, Dominick Petracca, Dani- ory Ricks, Frank Ruggiero, Eli- • ' . •'. Photo by DlaniJ Mafflerd borough by a 381-321 margin. that he is studying the current the county. Poor posture can be cor- election Local taxes would have increased He "Said the central location elle Renda, Denise Renda, Jen- zabeth Scheuerer, Jennifer Tor- GATHERING PLACE: Lori Bower discusses strategy during a by an average $155. parking situation which to some nifer Rogoshewski, Elizabeth torello. rected. A doctor of chiro- residents has reached crisis practic is a specialist in card game at the newly opened weekend center for borough The regional budget was def- youth in the building. Below, Chris Reino plays hok results proportions. State 'shortchanges' town Grade 11: Christine Czander, spinal care and can help you eated for the second year in a row Under local parking laws, over- Piha DcVito, Angelo Grecco, Sang Straighten Up and Stay hockey. Center is open on alternating Friday and Saturday BUDGET following a 13-year string of app- nights for grades 7 anti^ 8 arid high school students. night parking is prohibited in SAMPLE parking sticker to (Continued from page A-l) Kim, James McMenamin, Cheryl Healthy. rovals. The total vote in the. six municipal lots. But residents, be usecl If overnight resi- ftinds toth e township and "if that McSweeney, Michael Ring, Eli- Yes 321 municipalities in the regional^ some of whom do not have many questions unanswered." is asking toomuch , at least tell us« zabeth' Rizzo, Robert Taylor district was 3,133 no and 2,734 yes dential parking is permitted Stressing it is "all very well to v This Perfect Posture message driveways, have asked why they in the municipal lot. what basis is to be for future . Michael Toth, Joseph Trentacosta, No 311 for a margin of 399 votes. The can't use the municipal lot which philosophize on being open with distribution" Andrea; Vlha, Mathew Voorhees, is brought to you by: budget passed only in Berkeley is currently vacant at night taxpayers" and to tell them where If the state had calculated , Sharina Western, Jennifer Zali- Heights and Springfield. th%#3Qney.comes from and where THREE-YEAR TERMS ' At la?t; 'month^Colmcil'rnSeitlhg;'•.; ment.' He "'' •--•."• night .•••••'..'•'• residents and the owner of Apples According to Corcione, Chief Cocktail Lounge concerning Brent David said that he could complaints tlie residents have had Town asks library to repay Borp to spend $500€ not find a reason why the lot had about limited parking, noise and, (Continued from page A-l) the mayor why the library had not *••» .*.•* * \ i * * Justin time for Mother's Day! ********* to be closed at night thus creating vandalism to their cars. rallied long enough to question assumed this debt Force asked Denise Durham the possibility1 of opening the lot; Corcione also reported that the motives behind such, action. Grady to "get the numbers toge-v to repair sewer lines to residents with permits. truck drivers for.Flexi-Va n who Vincent SarnowsW, a longtime ther," and until the meeting did Denise Durham is Corcione emphasized that the fail to use the leasing company's board member, suggested with not know the library board" would j£_proposed-trwdtj»ute-will4je^p^ Student of Month Three hearings and one year sewers to establish illegal hook- still be studied by rimanded by the company pre- However, subsequent to that Track star Denise Durham, 18, ups and to determine the largest proposal are been "nice".. to have seen the later, Borough Council has Council and the police depart- (Please turn to page A-7) report prior to the budget hearing. township administrator Ed Mur- of Kenilworth is the Student of reached an agreement with infiltration and inflow entry -phy had asked Grady to prepare a the Month for April at David Rahway Valley Sewerage Auth- points. The borough has until Dec. Library commissioner and board ^member Carolyn Vollero said she sheet with a five-year plan on Brearley High School. ority (RVSA) to conduct studies 31 to complete the tests. — what the library would be res- In addition to her sports achr and make repairs to authority- The borough is also required /'should have known" what Force 15.6 Cu. Ft. Capacity «was proposing and not been .•ponsible for if they had topa yievemen^ts in track, gymnastics COME IN FOR AIR CONDITIONERS owned sewer lilies. under the agreement to allocate back the debt and cheerleading, she is active in Refrigerator Kenilworth, facing more than $500,000 hi this year's capital Borough briefs ^caught unaware. the Spanish Honor Society, In- Force maintained, "It's an ave- Library board member Paul $500,000 in fines for an un-budget to improve the; sewer in- LaCorte asked if any other town- ternational Club, Key Club and at LOW PRE-SEASON PRICES! determined amount of alleged frastructure- A $25,000 bond down iue we should explore; we have chorale. • . , start instituting cost savings." ship department would be ex- excess wastewater, flow between payment is required in the capital Brearley 'Gets Smart' pected to assume debts incurred Denise's track accomplishments 1988-90, has agreed to spend the improvement fund and needs to Sarnowski, however, added yet "Get Smart," a wackytale of high stakes international espionage in the past arid was told "No" by include fourth in high jump in an same amount to make renovations be made no later than June 17. another view to the unfolding r Grady. . •'.'.;••.' .' •:,;.••. '. '•• '• ". ^ y.-^ invitational competition, first in ONLY to the borough's infrastructure. In The agreement calls for the bor- bsed on the hit television series, will be presented by students at ; cenario; "It all depends whether David Brearley High School M[ay 9 and 10 at8 p.m. in the school Grady, while explaining to lib- high jump in the Mountain Valley turn the authority has agreed to ough to make all repairs before ou want la good library or a great Conference, second in the 55- Dec. 31,1992. auditorium. 1 rary board members,'. "The tax- waive additional hearings regard- ibrary, and I do not think the lib- payers pay .for this one way or meter dash in the conference, ing the alleged excess flow. Borough attorney Bradford Eric Cunado. Irene Piccininni, Bob Taylor, Wendy Turriziani, ary is looked upon favorably by fourth in the county in the 55- »439 Jon Strahlendoif, Joe Trentacosta, Don Coraggio, Ava Cavaliere anbther," proceeded with detail- Under the agreement; signed Bury, who negotiated the agree- ; ome members of the Township ing a five-year plan for paying the meter dash, third in the high April 23, Kenilworth has agreed to ment with RVSA officers with the and Jessica. Brooks will be featured players. Call the school, i Committee." jump in state group I and fifth in '272-9100, for ticket information. debt •••:•••.•/•• '•'•;- . ;'.. •••..:• allocate $100,000 in this year's help of borough engineer Michael Governing body member Ed Vollero objected: to the way the the 55-m.eter dash in state group I. budget to repair the sewer system Disko, called the agreement Robinson disagreed with this say- proposal. \vas handled, indicating, She was named to the all-county Model Library looks to save $25G and reduce excess wasfewater "satisfactory" for both sides. ing, "We all want great public "This was not discussed by the and all-conference first track 3.86 cu. ft. freezer. Equipped for flow. "•.•'.. He had argued that rather than St Jude bike-a-thon works, police, fire, recreation Township Conirhittee and I have a teams. optional Icemaker. Adjustable The amount represents "start- fine the borough; the money departments and library. 1 hope She plans to attend college, but shelves. 2 door shelves and 2 dairy by reducing operating hours The annual bike-a-thori to benefit St Jude Children's Research Jrou are sensitive to the balancing problemwith.it" : compartments. Recessed door up" costs . and requires that the would be better spent making Hospital will be held May 11 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the mini deciding which one. borpugh^cc^uat_TOetex,^je a ; ad; we are trying to do here." handles. ^ >The reductipn. of 14rhqurs ;per Social Security contributions" the .borough's park at Lincoln Drive and Roosevelt-Lane,. —••--.-••••<-—<•• —-r—.—-....~ **** v i video inspections of Kenilwqrth's sewer-lines. week at KehilworOi i3bjary, ^for library employees. Library All riders will receive free bicycle registrations from Kenilworth , shad transpired prior to the meet- LOW CO which goes into effect this week, director Adriana Bernstein said PBA Local 135 and refreshment will be served. Applications are jng Was; explaiped by township is designed to save $25,000. the trustees were unprepared to Administrators at Harding available at police headquarters or call 276-6647 for details. finance director Tom Grady at the M<»del WWA5(i(>y Library trustees decided last handle the dost Coordinators are police Chief Brent David and office Henry Moll April 15 library board meeting. AUTO INSURANCE (> cycles', including Permanent Press. ONLY month that a cut in service is the of the PBA . !$ water level selections. 3 wash/ In addition to the cut in hours, 'According to Grady, the $274,000 WE MAKE HOUSE CALLS rinse temperature combinations. only option to reduce costs and the board also will reduce the receive three-year contract debt assumed by the townshipfo r 1 hope the cutback is temporary. A Fjlter-FId " filtering system. library materials budget for books, renovations in 1985 and the • Lovy Down ';; HSttDiS&H • Take Months to Pays $29? decision will be made near the videocassettes, audiocassettes and A three-year contract with the $63,644. That will increase by 6.66 $180,600 parking .lot completed end of the year whether to con- three members of the Kenilworth percent the following year to Ambulance goal yeached Payment •UJ33Xi8U3 • Over 20 yrs. Model DDES 100 magazines. last year prompted Laezza to ask 2 cycles—Timed regular cycle up ONLY tinue curtailing operating hours Principal and Supervisors As- $67,881 and by 7.55 percent in Councilman Lawrence Clementi announced last week that a • Instant; I.D. Cards 9MVBIMIYM Experience in 1992. Bernstein said the library will to 130 minutes and Permanent sociation (PSA) has been app- 1993-94 to$73,009 . recent donation of $10,000 from Schering-Plough Corp. for the Press cycle...3 drying selections.

continue to serve the community's (••'••'" ' '. . ''•''. •..-' '' Beginning this week, the library roved by the Board of Education. O'Brien, whose current-year rescue squad's ambulance drive is just enough to purchase a new , BROWNSTEIN AGENCY Removable up-lront lint filter. will be closed Mondays and will reading needs as best it can. She It will provide an average 6.9 li8We« Clark 382-8882 or 382-8886 $249 said,"The public shouldn't be al- salary was part of the negotia- rig. The purchase price is estimated between $70,000 and $80,000. English teachers be open Saturdays only from 10 percent salary increase over the tions, will receive $42,800 for a.m. to 2 p.m. Hours weekdays are armed by this news. The library three-year period beginning July GE MICROWAVE GE 3-Cycla DISHWASHER GE 30" GAS RANGE will continue to buy new books. 1,1991 and ending June 30,1994. 1990-91, retroactive to last July 1. •win NEW grants Tuesday and Thursday, .10 am. to We'll just have to buy on a smal- She will get a 7.47 percent raise Craft fair 8 p.m., and Wednesday and ler scale." Individual annual increases for 1991-92 to $46,000, a 6.8 per- 'two Cranford High School Eng- Friday, 10 to 5. Summer hours, range from 6.17 percent to a02 cent increase in 1992-93 to $49,136 A craft fair will be held Sunday from 9 am. to 5 p.m. at St lish teachers have been awarded ONLY ONLY ONLY which had been in effect for 10 To counter the reductions, the percent and the dollar amount of and an 8.02 percent raise in the Theresa's School. It is sponsored by the school sports committee.' f fellowships by National Endbw- CASSETTES • CD'S weeks, will be extended from library will continue to seek the increases range from $3,136 to last year of the contract to $53,080. Refreshments will be available. I ment for the Humanities, a fede- June 1 to Sept IS. This means the private and public sector funding. $5,128. The overall package will ral grant-making agency, topar - GIFT CERTIFICATES library will be closed every Sat- The library is in the process of cost $37,000 in ihcreased salaries Board attorney James Granello ACCESSORIES 279 'ticipate "4n the 1991 program of Model urday during that- time. The last applying for a grant from the state over the three years. said the board reached an im- I Summer Seminars for School Model JE144S Model GSD570 passe last November when it Pancakes JGBS03P Saturday the library will be open library, but even if successful, said The PSA contract covers prin- .Teachers. •'.". >4 1,4 cu. ft. cavity, Easy to use electronic 3 cyclu/3 cycle options Including energy started negotiating with O'Brien. 1 Lilt-off, enameled oven door. willbeMay25, Bernstein, it would not cover cipal Fred Rica, supervisor of The monthly pancake break- Eileen Dachnowicz will.be an touch canlrols with digital display and clock. saver drying 6pllon, 3-level wash action, normal operating expenses but After a mediator was assigned, Time Cook 1 &1. Temp CooW Hold. 10 10-year Mil wirranty on PermaTuf tub and Separate broiler compartment. 4" high In addition to the weekly cut- instruction Albert Leick and math fast at American Legion Post I NEH summer fellow at Cornell ; iihwi $iO QQ bpcksplash matches counter b»cluplttsh. only special projects. supervisor^ Marcia O'Brien. the PSA and the board "started /University in a six-week seminar Power Uvels, Cook 'N Walch. Auto Start, door liner, ... back, the board voted to close the talking about a multi-year con- 470, 238 North 14th St, will be KVV> ^ ' yl/ 0 iiiiitiiiiiini lii«vy library for the July 4 weekend, the According to Bernstein, "The Rica, who earns $66,015 this held Sunday from 9 a.m. to 1 'titled "Reading James Joyces year, will receive a 6.2 percent tract It was fortuitous that both last two weeks in August and board hopes (hat the cutback in things came together." p.m. The menu includes pan- i Ulysses." Julius Gottilla will par- Thanksgiving weekend. hours will,•through lower utility raise next year to $70,115. His cakes, eggs, bacon and sausage , ticipate in a four-week seminar at ROSELLE PARK APPLIANCE #^<« Cassettes,...... *7.99 Old Applinnco Discmdocl . According to the trustees, the bills and reduced employee salary will go up 6.6 percent in The board has not yet reached at a cost of $4 for adults, $3.25 ' Jacksonville (Ala.) State University (unless already marked lower, long play or doubles) SALES. SERVICE &PARTS budget crisis was precipitated by hours, enable them to pay the1992-93 to $74,742 and by 6.59an agreement with Harding for senior citizens and $2.25 (titled "The achievement of Rich- At No Aclclitionnl Cost percent in 1993-94 to $79,670. a decision by Borough Council to 1991 employee insurance pre- School superintendent Anthony children. ) ard Wright" Both teachers will 433 South Ave.W Mon«Sat 10-6 286 W. CLAY AVE. charge the library for the first miums and Social Security con- Leick, who earns $59,944, will Richel, whose salary this year is j receive a stipend from NEH to Westlleld {opp. Midas) Thurs 'til 8:30 time for its insurance premiums tributions." get a 6,17 percent raise in July to $69,646. (cover, travel, study and living ex- 6544110 penses. . ROSELLE PARK 245-0775 Thursday, May 2,1991 CRANFORD CHRONICLE A-9 Two-family house receives official OK after 50 years The Board of Adjustment has than the required number of approved the conversion of a parking spaces and conditioned single-family .dwelling at 453-455 the approval on providing two off- Third Ave. into a two-family street parking spaces. '•.,-".• . Eighth graders to present The board also has.adopted new r*e house. • . rr^errunanfanousrrwrffcrfikr a^_Deve»- loper's Assistance Handbook in an Thursday, May 2,1091 '. month's meeting gives* official The stage is set at Lincoln eographed by Marguerite Modern, A-8 CRANFORD CHRONICLE sanction to the use. of the house effort to improve the application School for the eighth grade class Tamara Benc is scenic designer for two families as it has been process. • 7 , performance of "You're a Good aha Patricia Novy is art director since approximately 1940. The Members discussed a memo Man, Charlie Brown" at 7:30 p.m. Costume and make-up director is board determined that even from borough attorney Robert tomorrow. . Kathleen Dangeleit assisted by though the property owner had Renaud regarding the need for The musical, based on the comic Robin Marko. Technical director Voters elect Kjetsaa, Riissamano, never requested or obtained a vendors who. sell goods from strip "Peanuts" includes cast is Dennisr Warchol and. set con- . certificate of occupancy for a two- trucks or on vacant properties to members William Malcolm as struction is supervised by Fred dwelling unit in all that time, tax obtain certification. The borough Charlie Brown, Heather Fiirs- Moebus. Francine . Schick is records and other evidence in- planning adviser,, construction of- tenburg as Lucy, Anthony Goodell coordinating ticket and booster UrricoV Warchol; budget beaten ficial and police chief will for- sales and Lucille Bonfanti and By Donna Hendel dicate that the house has been a as Snoopy and Michael Liccone as Speaking about the defeat of the for the election, or 22 percent o two-family residence. The matter malize procedures and regula- Linus. Heather Marko is Pep-Sharon McHugh are in charge of Chronicleassociate school budget, business ad- Garwood's 2,190 registered voters. surfaced when the owner, Nettie tions for vendors to follow that permint Patty, Christopher Lefe- refreshments. Garwood voters elected Ralph ministrator Louis Cirangle said, "I This compares to last year's 30 Brumer, attempted to sell the would .'. allow seasonal sale of bvre is Schroeder and Christine Tickets at $4 for adults and $3 Urrico, Mary Ann Kjetsaa and in- guess voters are simply feeling percent turnout , ,« house. merchandise while not degrading • Moore is Frieda. - for children are available at the cumbent Dean Russamano to frustrated and angry. I thought it Toth will be sworn in May 7 At the same time, the "board the appearance of the borough or The show is directed and chor- school office or at the door. was a reasonable and good bud- harming local businesses. . three-year terms'on the Board of along with re-elected incumbent denied a request to allow fewer Our 66th Anniversary Year! Education and Carolyn Warchol get,, and it did come in below'. Natalje Waldt of Springfield and SCOUTS1 HONORS Richard Marko of Pack 75 Is named cap." to an unexpired one-year term in new member Carmine Venes of Outstanding Cub Scout of the Year for 1990 for the Colonial ^X Tuesday's election. Incumbent A total of 479 voters turned out Mountainside. District of the Watchung Council and Gregory Lombardo of Patricia Marseglia was defeated. OPEN THURS. NIGHTS 'TIL 8 P.M. A COOLCOUPON The local school budget and the Troop 75 receives commendation certificate as an outstanding regional high school budget were scout. Awards were presented at recent district dinner. BUY YOUR RHEEM CENTRAL roundly defeated. The $2.59 million-budget, which AIR CONDITIONING UHIT FROM came in under cap according to REEL-STRONG AND SAVE BIG BUCKS state guidelines, was defeated for the third year in a row by. a mar- OPEN TO OPENSONDIY PLUS gin a 234 to 124. The school board 124 PJ. now must meet with the Borough THE PUBLIC FACTORY Council to review the budget and InPSE&Q agree on reductions. MATTRESSES AND BOX SPRINGS MADE ON PREMISES REBATE PROGRAM Borough'residents rejected the Photo by George Pacdello . regional high school budget by a _ $$$$$$$ % $ COUPON $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ *•- 'Uim MM A MA U.S. SAVINGS BOND OFF MAKE YOUR SOUVENIR FROM SAUDI: Danielle Heyder tries on a gas mask thatArtctrew Mulligan brought vote of 280 to 175. Running un- With Purcha«a of Any With this ad BEST DEAL THEN back from Saudi Arabia. The husband of teacher Mary Mulligan, Andrew visits; Lincoln School to opposed as .the- Garwood...rep- resentative to the regional board BENEFIT SCOTCH PLA1NS/FANW00D KIWANIS Promium Badding Sot Expires 6/30/91 TAKE '100 OFF thank the children who wrote to him during the(Persian Gulf War. ' was Joan Toth, who garnered a totallof 4151:votes.. The.regional , May 11 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ COUPON $ $ $ $ $ $;'f .!$,$. WITH THIS AD budget was rejected overall by ELECTED to the Board of Education Tuesday are,'above, Expires 6/30/91 Teacher pay hike averages $2;622 four of the six communities in the Mary Ann Kjetsaa and Dean Russamano; below, Ralph Urrico district for the second year hi a and Carolyn Warchol. • '•'.• terti Teachers in Garwood schools will receive an ave^ degree guide and one is on the highest level, row.., .'' • i ••' '" '• .. -. ' 80 Quality Deaieri rage salary increase of $2,622 this year under termsmaster's plus 30 additional graduate credits, The local school budget carried of the three-year contract ratified unanimously last • The average salary in Garwood in 1991'92 will be an average tax increase of $110 Elm Street Field, Westfield, N.J. SAVE M u. 70%Off and the regional budget would month by the 30-member Garwood Teachers As- $34,619 and will increase to $37,562 in 1992-93. 5 Miles South of Rte. 22, 6U : ton. Sugg. Retail Prlc« . have hiked taxes here by $60. Lawrence Avenue near the center . • Split Queon for Tight Spaces sociation. •" Under the contract agreement reached in January, The three three-year board • Special Sizes • Platform Bed Mattre*«e* of the picturesque town of Westfield. • Brass Beds • Convertible Sofa Mattresses • REBATE OFFER The average salary here in 1989-90 had been members agreed they were join- . HI Risers • Water Bed Mattresses , $29,138. The average for the current school year is ing an already competent team. Rain or Shine • Admission 13.00 We are a partidpating dealer in the ..-„-^.-^ „ gives figures for Urrico, who led the balloting • California King Sizes • Electric Beds $31,760. ••"••. •'•• : PSE&G air conditioning rebate program. teachers with bachelor's and master's degrees; The with 249 votes, was-disappointed 12.50 with this card or ad • Children Free • f REE — Delivery Jerry Restaino, a field representative for New Jer- steps do not correspond to years of service. The in the small voter turnout but • FREE —^Set-Up sey Education Association, said the average raise in guide was "compressed" in 1988-89 when teachers happy with the outcome. "We REEL-STRONG FUEL CO. Union County for contracts negotiated as of Febru- with two to four years of services were placed on the must remember that we're all • FREE —Bedding Removal ary is $3,465. Two of the reasons for the lower ave- same step, those with five, to seven years were ion the fighting for the same thing: the OPEN SUNDAYS I2-5 E.HANOVER "Dependable, Friendly Service Since 1925" rage here is the retirement of several senior teach- next step and those with 8 to nine years were com- GARWOOD 549 Lexington Avenue, Cranford betterment of education for our (Hop «at;..'tl|0ttl)8l. 518 NORTH AVE. 319 ROUTE 10 EAST ers in the last few years and the fact that only one^ bined on one step. '.'•••••; children. I'm ready,to work with Post Office Box 490 VimMc • O74L AOAA ' W««H»I.I Fourteen of the 30 teachers earn salaries bn the •*•*>***». Z/O~U#UU third of local teachers have advanced degrees com- GGID ^ AU Conditlooinfl • • IUH M^M , . • •..«..—— . 789-0140 m — on the ros |- , •••• ::'W'' ' • ' • . " ' . . ™ ^^^^ '.^•___ __, ^^ ^^ ^^"^^'M l09Q-01. Of the 30 teachers, 20 are on the salary schedule Four other senior teachers earn off-the-guifie "I hope I can do a good job for dor bo< , r- oh nno I for bachelit^ ita$grfe&^^lte^ These the kids," said Russamano, who aries because they have earned 15 graduate credits range to &• Kigh of $36,643 this year'for a bachelor's pulleU in 214 Votes. He.was ap- beyond a bachelor's. Three teachers are on the mas- degree and $48,141 for amaster's. pointed to the board last August of everything "Kjetsaa, who came in second with 222 votes, added that she was .: A happy with the results. "I'm look- Garwood school your community has Salary schedule for teachers ing forward to working for the town of Garwood," she said. She election results ran unsuccessfully last year. Bachelor's degree Masted Washington Lincoln AbsL TOTAL, to offer STEP '89-90 '90-91 '91-92 •92-93 '89-90 '90-91 '91-92 '92-93 Warchol, who claimed 213 votes over Koenig's 162,. commented, BUDGET 25,300 26,000 28,000 29,800 ' 26,600 27,336 29,439 31,516 119 54 •••• . 1 " "I'm just very pleased that voters Yes GHILD BIRTH CENTER Z 25,800 •27,724 . 29,813 31,916 27,100 29,121 31,316 33,525 considered me a worthy can- No 170 97 3 26,300 29,261 3.0,391 , 32,535 27,600 29,658 31,893 34,143 didate. I'll try to make sure the THREE-YEAR TERMS v Muhlenberg's NEW Child Birth Center, 26,800 . 28,799 30,969 33,154 28,100 30,196 32^472 34,763 needs of the children always 144 64 214 located in the Fitch Memorial Pavilion, • 4 • ' come first" The new board *Dean Rueamano 6 : 28,600 35,380 • . 5 - ; 27,300 29,336 31,547 33,772 30,733 33,049 members will be swpm in at the ; Patricia Marseglia 126 59 4 189 is designed for ultimate patient privacy 31 126 6 27,800 29,873 32,124 34,390 29,100 . 31,270 33,627 35,999 reorganization meeting at 8 p.m. •!•• Poflfly Garner •:. Y-89. ••'•" 6 and celebration of birth as a family •T'.I 28,300 30,411 32,704 35,011 29,600 31,808 34,205 36,618 May 14 followed by the monthly *Mary Ann KJetsaa •""•147' 72 222 ; 28,800 30,948 33,280 . 35,628 30,100 32,345 34,783 37,237 workshop. Urrico, Kjetsaa and Juanita Austin 61 • 64 •'". 120 event,. Built around a two-story atrium, Warchol will replace Marseglia, "Ralph Urrico 160 do 249 the center is custom decorated for the •'' 9. ' 29,300 31,486 33,859 36,248 30,600 32,882 35,360 37,854 George Hoff and Robert McCaiv ONErYEARTERM 10 ,29,800 32,023 34,43,6 36,866 31,100 33,419' 35,938 .38,473 .'.rick.' •' • ;• . .; ..;. '. ". •• • comfort of parents and their visitors. UndaKoenlg •'.''••94.'' ..' 81 162 30,600 32,882 35,360 37,354 31,900 34,279 36,862 39,462 11 Marseglia trailed Russamano by ••• 7,134' .•"•• *Carolyn Warchol '•••'W , 5 • 14 Single /8 Double patient rooms with • '12 ::.;•• 31,300 33,634 36;i69 38,721 32*600 ' 35,031 37,671 40,328 25 votes with 189. Peggy Garner polled 126 and Juanita Austin 120. individual showers and bathrooms; • State-of-the-art ultrasound and fetal monitoring equipment; • Combined Ialx>r/deUveiy/reooyery suites for a Do you take full advantage of all your community has more comfortable and private birth experience; to offer? Garwood briefs ~ • New Nursery for improved visibility Each week the Cranford Chronicle points out what you need and safety; to know to live In and enjoy the uniqueness of Cranford, Psychologist to address club • Conventional delivery joom available; Garwood and Kenilworth. Activities. Entertainment. Events. Meetings. Issues. Sales. • Muhlenberg's Cesarean section rate is among Dr. Jeane Tyler Devlin, a psychologist with a practice in West- Complete concise local news, sports and shopping the lowest—and therefore best—in the state; field and North Palm Beach, Fla., will be the guest speaker at the Information. Mailed to your home for little more than the Garwood Woman's Club meeting at 8 p.m. Monday at the VFW • In-room bonding with baby 24 hours a day or post, South Avenue; at mother's request; price of a stamp. , ' ; Devlin, who also conducts seminars throughout the country and • Family link programs including prenatal tes articles on personapersoi l growth and stress reduction, will dis- cuss the power of laughter aruTpTay as a¥urVlval technique in the education classes and special seminars; V Your newspaper about your neighbors. Order today! j facie of stress. . . •... .,'• /i:. .• •,••-'•••. • . ;.•'-.• '•• . • VIP dinner fornew^morris anddads; Clip, : FORBES NEWSPAPERS Women interested in attending and becoming a member may ISfeo; Special Care Nursery for babies needing I visitation hours for gtandparents •',v •/.'••. .''•:.•',-:.-,". ••':•• •• ..;'.; : ";•;'•.•/• ,••.:. .,• • •'.•'- . ciip&Maiito: I call Fran Harris, 789-1835, by tomorrow. special medical and nursing care. Circulation Department I siblings. P.O. Box 757, Bedmlnster, N.J. 07821 To find the Otetetrician, Gynecologist icle Subscription Rates Borough buys equipment Payable In Advance and or Pediatrician thafs' right foryou > call R)r more information or to arrange a tour are Non-Refundable Borough Council last week approved a $260,000 bond ordinance the |FREE Healthlink Physician Referral ^ ^ cbi^ Birth Center, call 668-2353. for several improvements and capital purchases. ., IN COUNTY Service at 668-3000. P Enclosed Is my check for $. • i Year $26 The financing will fund a sweeper and plow for the public • 2 Yeard $34 works department, a cascade system for the fire department, Q 3 Years $45 inhalators for the police department, a computer and radio Q My charge card #.^ system for the, police department, and typewriters, fireproof file MUHLENBERG REGIONAL IN NEW JERSEY MEDICAL CENTER, INC. Exp.. • 1 Year $24 cabinets, computer software and telephone system for use in Q2.Years $39 Borough Hall. . fcirk Avenue & Randolph Road, Plainfield, NJ 07061 The borough will make a down payment of $13,000 and issue Signature ' P3 Years $55 bonds for$247,000 . OUT OF STATE • 1 Year $27 NAME_ D 2 Years $45 • 3 Years $60 CPR classes ADDRESS. Single Copy - 50* Garwood First Aid Squad will sponsor an American Red Cross -APT. #. * Senior CHIzena * cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPU) class on three consecutive Tuesdays starting May 14 at 7 p.m. in the squad building. In- We offer senior citizens a $3.00 dis- count off our one year subscription terested persons are asked to call the squad at 789-0300. rates. There Is no discount for the TELEPHONE. two and three year rates. If you are a senior cHlzen, place your medicare no. In the space below and take Fire auxiliary $3.00 off the one year rate. . The Ladies Auxiliary of the Garwood Fire Department is meet- RECOGNITION: Planning Board chairman Rodney'Van: Natta , , . MedicarModlcdroe nno., . ; - . • .| Photo by Wane Matflerd' ing at 8 tonight at the fire house. Hostesses are Carol Severage, presents resolution to Frank Spera, chairman dijrlng his entire L ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^mak ^MtaM MM rn^gm MtaM '^M^M MMMM mt^mt MM MB^< *m^ tm^mt (MM QUEEN FOR A PAY: Laurie DeStefano Is Miss Garwood Mary Ann SSeverage and Maryann Boyle. . eight-yeeir tenure oh the board, In recognition of his service. ^jbll^^«(^BomK«^M«<»fcig»-Oirorid«»Wdi«li»JCnrool^» Baseball League at Saturday's opening day ceremonies^ A; Van Natta cited Spera'a leadership, commitment of time, ex- perience and judgment. double header ppened the spring Season. A\t>.l\>lil(»H OrtOKIlS INC Middl«M« County StaflltV .-. '

... A . i -4-1 A-10 CRANFORD CHRONICLE Thursday, May 2,1991 Thursday, May 2,1991~CRANFORD CHRONICLE A-lf Thirteen women to vie for pageant crown Seniors9 activities Thirteen young women from Union County will be contestants TRUM here this weekend in a prelimin- Thursday club to observe anniversary ary to. the Miss New Jersey Pag- eant The Miss Ltnioh County The Thursday Senior Citizens Members celebrating birthdays- Festival Scholarship Pageant will be held Club will celebrate its sixth an- at this month's party are Clara. at 7 p.m. Saturday at. Union niversary at a party May 9 from 1 Gaffhey, Ann Gallucci, John FejP Arfkens are honored County Colj^e. It is sponsored by to 5 p.m. at the Coachman Res- rone, Anthony Mazzeo, Josephine to benefit taurant . ••• O'Neil, Annette Arthur, Marie Del and a local pageant committee. this—month—include Nero,—Lloyd— Gokelet,—Terry- The winner* of Saturdays-event entertainment by the Side by Greener, Irene Janowski, Adeline will enter the Miss New Jersey Siders seniors chorus May 16, Griffin, Bill Babos, Carol Wes- A spring festival to raise at dinner celebration Pageant July 13 in Wildwood, a "brown bag" bingo May 23 and lowski and Mike Mikus. •funds"for a new senior citizens preliminary to the Miss America demonstation by the Union bus will be held Saturday from A 50th wedding anniversary dinner party was held competition in September in At- County Sheriffs Office canine unit Trips are planned to Virginia 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at First April 14 at the WestwoodJot Mr. and Mrs. H. Alan lantic City. ; • May 30. All are at 1 p.m..at the Beach May 19 to 23 and to Mon- Presbyterian Church. Arfken of 47 Munsee Dr. . •__-.'.• ' ,' Contestants include Arlerie ••—i Community Center. mouth Park Race Track June 18. The. event will feature The party was given by their sons and daughters- Susan, Tami of Cranford; Kathleen handcrafted gifts, home baked in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Arfken Jr. of- Chattanooga, Kennedy, Roselle; Raquel Liggon, items, jewelry, plants, house- Term.; and Mr. and Mrs. William Arfken of Monroe Plainfield; Patricia Kukan, Moun- Master gardener to address seniors wares, books and new and T.oWnship. Also participating were the couple's six tainside; Glennidka Jurado, used items. Hot dogs will be grandchildren, George, Christopher, Kathy, Edward, Rahway; Robyn-jo Wyatt, Roselle Irving Wilner, a.master gardener business meeting will beheld at 1. 'available and children can Erik and Jamie. \ Park; Darlene Ford, Westfield; in the Rutgers Extension Service p.m. tomorrow. have their faces painted. A Approximately 100 guests attended from several • Kathleen O'Brien, Linden; LuArin program, will address the Friday Members who will be honored at handmade afghan will be raff- states and Canada. Schnable, Fanwood; Kimberly LOCAL PARTICIPANTS Jn the beauty pagent here Saturday Senior Citizens Club May 10 fol- this month's birthday party are led along with other prizes. During the celebration, pictures and letters of in- Kolas, Roselle Park; Leslie include Arlene Tarhi, left, one of;r13 contestants and Patti lowing a hot dog luncheon at Anker Gustavsen, Jack Comrie, Ed Anyone wishing to make a teresting experiences sent by guests were shown on McCafferty, Roselle Park; Kim- noon. . Czeh, Marie DeCicco, Barbara donation toward the estimated LaTerra Cotroneo, a former Miss New Jersey. Lorraine Kowalsld of the county WagstafT, Jim Yanuzzi, Florence a.VCR and a congratulatory message was read from berley CroWders, Long Valley, and HELPING THE CAUSES: Presidents and vice presidents of the five Cranford senior citizens $35,000 bus may send a check President and .Mrs. Bush. . Janet Reynolds, Roselle. visiting nurse service will speak Johnsony George Gabriel and Ann made out to the Senior. Citizen clubs, from left, Julie Lacroix, Joe.D'Amato, Eleanor Sherrier, Frank Romeo, Barbara PawlicK and May 17 on ''Hot, Cold and Being Flanagan. Mr. Arfken and the former Rhoda Campbell of Miss Tami, 23, is the daughter of Bill Gilliam, present $250 check to chairman Jerry Dobbins for Memorial Day and July 4 parades. Bus Fund to the Cranford Elizabeth were married April 16, 1941 at First John Tami of Prospect Avenue. Old." The Side by Siders choir' Space is available on the Sept Recreation .and Parks Dep- Presbyterian Church, Cranford. She graduated from Cranford Members of WMC win 10 Officers also gave $500 to recreation director Frank D'Antonio toward the purchase a hew bus for will entertain May 24 The club's 15 to 19 trip to Wildwood Crest at artment at the Community Mr. Arfken had been employed 17 years as man- High School and from Union seniors. Other donors may call 709-7283. I a cost of $220 for transportation, Center, 200 Bloomingdale Ave., ager of Gwilliam Machine and Manufacturing Co., County Vocational Center . with lodging and three dinners. Call or call 709-7283. ' . Kahway, until retiring 11 years ago. Mrs. Arfken was honors. Her talent performance arts day first-place prizes Thirteen meiribers to mark birthdays 276-2849. employed 21 years as secretary for Transcontinental will be flute playing. . Wednesday Senior Citizens Club program, "Games People Play," at .'. Mr: and Mrs. Pallls Gas Pipe Line Corp., Linden, retiring 12 years ago. • The mistress of ceremonies will Wednesday. Morning Club and is also (entered in statewide Especially for seniors < \ 1 p.m. May 8 and Toby Marx, Mr. and Mrs. Arfken are past worthy matron and members received 10 first-place competition. . has 13 members celebrating be Patricia LaTerra .Cotroneo, a Cranford residents 60 years or older are welcome to attend the birthdays in May. director of gerontology, at Union. Monday club to visit PoCOnOS lodge past worthy patron of Azure Chapter 87, OES. Mr. former Miss New Jersey who blue ribbons last week in the For the American home life following special activities next month at the Community Center, 200 County College, will discuss Arfken currently is worthy patron. He is a member Creative Arts-Achievement Day department there were first-place They are Elaine Barbuto, Frank Theresa A. De Roscf resides in Roselle Park. Laura Bloomingdale Ave. For a complete listing of programs and services for Benes, May Beries, Thomas Cam- memory at the May 15 meeting. the Monday Senior Citizens rabbit fur at the May 20 of Azure Masonic. Lodge 129, Salaam Shriners Sinnott, last year's pageant winner competition of the Sixth Disstrict, awards in to Margaret senior citizens, call the senior citizen programmer-coordinator, Trips on the agenda, which are Temple in Livingston arid is a past;director *qf_the N.J. State Federation of-Women's Goe fora crocheted baby carriage- ; cia, Catherine Carey, Margit Cic- Club has a day trip planned May meeting. and^Miss-March 1991, will assist 709-7283, . ' , . alese, Edythe Finston, Gladys open to the public, are Cape Cod, 15 to MtAiry Lodge in the Pbc- Six members who will celebrate i become the bride Old Guard in Westfield, Mrs. ArfkeiTis a member of lunette Falls, Miss New Jersey Clubs. There were also three, blanket, to Shii Foppert for a _ June 9 to 13; Wildwood Crest, Wednesday Morning Club;- ' . second-place awards and an knitted adult sweater, and to. - Tuesday, May? Friday, May 17 Herman, Marie Newhard, Rose onos. their birthdays, at this month's * 1990, in crowning the winner. Romano, Julia Reale, Kay Wilson Sept 2 to 6, and Paramount Hotel, Lunch will be served, and the party are Louise Heyburn, Mae ~ Debra Naley Minenna, a former i honorable mention. All first-place Marion Vossler for her sculptured - 9:30 a.m. "Walk for the Health of 12:30 p.m. Lorraine Kowalsld, Jan. 13 to 17, Call Nat Amsterdam, of Thomas J. Pallis awards will be judged in state- radish garnishes in the cooking It" through Warinanco Park. health educator for Visiting Nurse and PaulYokubaitis, Sammy Kaye Orchestra will, en- Larson, Ann Mauriello, Margaret.% state winner, will entertain. The Jbhn Jacobson will present a 276-617a I tertain. The cost is $42 arid a bus Muccione, Alba Porta and Mary' Theresa A. De Rosa, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. program will .begin With. "God wide competition at the annual category. Also for the department Wednesday, May 8 Service, to present "Hot, Cold & convention of NJSFWC in-Par- there was a secondrplace awaird 12:30 p.m.jJpho Jacobson, author Being O1C ••' . __* will leave at 8:30 a-rh, from; Miln ri Joseph De Rosa of 1 Willow St, was married rec- Bless America" sung by Cranford Street Call Pat Dick, 233-6159. : lfr jdining / ently to Thomas J. Pallis. He is the son of Mr. arid firefighter Adolph Ruegamer, ac- sippany May 14 to 17." to Rose Marie. Salzman for a knit- and etymologist, to present on - Monday, May 20 Yoga demo slated at class sign-up The club scrapbook received ted adult sweater and ah. honor: "Games People Play" 12:30..p.m, Mary Ann Stanfani, 'fr Mary Ann Stanfani will present the club may call 709-7283. MrsrJohn Palais of Dover. . . . companied by his daughter, of preliminary yoga elongation 'a demonstration of and : the district first-place award. The able mention to Mrs. Foppert for Thursday, May 9 professional rabbit h andler, to. Lectures and demonstrations of —The -ceremony—was -performed by^Msgr^James- Susan.;. . • .'••' .'. •-.;•': -'.'.. • •••-• iyoga: witt_be_ presented this Sat- breathing exercises and medita- Tahaney at St Michael Church A receptionlfollowed Admission is $7_for adults and book documents the activities of ah original design cross stitched 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. Health main- give an ehtertaihing demonstra- urday and May 11 at 2 p.m. at tion relaxation. ~T~'- t.'.^-w*«*»*.».? •* <*....>..,*,.;. at Gran Centurions, Clark $5 for students. . the club during its centennial year sampler. Mrs. Foppert and Miss tenance program: including blood tion of spinning and weaving pressure reading, weight and rabbit fur Nicole's Institute Yoga Center in Open house for registration will Maria Andrus, sister of the bride, served as matron Vossler are department co- conjunction with registration for be held Saturday from lS:30 to 4 of honor. Lorraine Volturo, Kathleen Ward and chairmen. . counseling, by appointment 12:30 p.m. to 3i30p,m. Health Friday, May 10 maintenance program including summer classes. '• . • • p.ni.; Monday, 6 to 7 p.m.; Tues- RALPH BRUNETTE Camille Widdows served as bridesmaids. The bride's WMC members also excelled in blood pressure reading, weight The summer session of Hatha day, 4:30 to 5:30; Wednesday, 5:30 niece, Jillian Widdows, was the flower girl. Bvangelo VIA brings home six first the fine arts category; Barbara Irving Wiimer, master garclenet, to speak of the "Ins & puts of and counseling, by appointment yoga will begin May 13 at Nicole's to 8:30; May 10, 10:30 to 1, and Pallis, brother of the bridegroom, served as best Walker received a first-place Institute in Blue Ribbon Plaza, May 11, 12:30 to 4. Call. 789-6426 man. Bryan Cullen, Louis De Rosa and Theodore award for her color photography Gardening" Tuesday, May 21 for more information and a i:-. Complete Nail Gare prizes at district arts day Tuesday, May 14 9:30 am. "Walk for the Health of North Avenue, Garwood. The ex- Pallis served as ushers; Thomas Duncan was the of amarylis flowers and Ruth panded program will offer 22 brochure or to schedule an ap- & Nail Art ring bearer. . Mysiak two firsts for a color . 9:30 a.m. ''Walk for the Health of It" through Holmdel Park, lunch pointment for registration. Members of Village Improve- The club's press book received It" through Roosevelt Park . to follow. classes a week with the addition Vv /•";,; ••.:•• •-; Mrs. Pallis is employed by AT&T as a video pro- ment Association won a total of third place. Mrs. Schultz writes photograph of people and a black and white scene. 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. Health main- Friday, May 24 duct manager for Computer Systems Division.-Her six first-place, three second-place the club's articles for newspapers 12:30 p.m. Side-by-Siders to sing y Manicures • Pedicures husband, a graduate of Bryant College in Rhode tenance program including blood. and one third-place award in the and Mrs. MacWhirter. assembles In the applied arts category, pressure reading, weight and a medley of/'Oldies; But Goodies" Tips • Acrylics Island, also is employed by AT&T Computer Systems m<-:m*«m April 23 Achieyement Day in thebook. Doris Taber, department chair- including selected sing-alongs as an operations manager. counseling, by appointment Silk wraps • Gels Rahway for clubs of the Sixth In other VIA news, Irene Czeb- man, received four firstrplace Wednesday, May15 Monday, May 27 The couple is residing in Morris County following a District of NJ. ; Federation of rowsW, Marie Newhard and Sally awards for scratch board drawing, Memorial Day holiday. Center wedding trip to Aruba. , [• / 12:30 p.m. Toby Marx, director of Women's Clubs; \^'^.'..-. •,1..<^J:..-,.-,; Goodwin; recently .filled 135. dec- tole. Rajnting, s<£nciling aftdjewej:;;. gerontology >-prbgram at; Union closed.-no senior bus-service' . >w. Women competenMri;!,Ahiei3Cian'' orated, cans withtfhqmemade r#g- ryv,M£ry Spicer. had a,first former- County College, to present "Ke6pi'v dii k Gift Certificates .^ " L home life and art ^atBg^ri!e^OB^^| uianifikfd dieteticr coo.Jqes(i-'. ':-J. ij-v claim' caW coordinatopifbr^Dbver; Scheilkfer-Kennedy professionals. , " honorary and shut-in members of vanceddiass. "':...•' •;• ••-•. "\ ,\ .,- ^ 12:30 p.m. Side-by-Siders to1 sing General Hospital,' to speak on' What can be cdnpeived...cdh be created. Twelve . VIA members par- VIA and to Cranford Hall Nursing Second-place awards went to a medley of "Oldies But Goodies" various types of claims and how to ticipated, including Teresa Ab- Home and Cranford Health and Gertrude Ranlet for paper art- including selected sing-alongs handle them ' 25 NOtfTH AVE. E. • CRANFORD • 27Q-294O betrothal announced Social news raham, district American home Extended pare Center. , beginner, and to Mary life chairman, and Yolanda VIA's monthly meeting will be Spicer for advanced theorem. Rebecca Lynn Kennedy of Rosette Park is engaged, The deadline for wedding and engagement Schultz, co-chairman. held Monday at 12:30 p.m at SISTER SUSAN Lynn MacWhirter won first Granford Library Refreshments Formal department activities of to marry Eric Laurence Schenker, sbn^pf Mr.Tand announcements is 5 p.m. Friday. An/article may k the club year have concluded but Mrs. Edward Schenker of Cranford. The future bride be submitted to the Chronicle either by. mailing place for a cross stitch picture for will be, provided by'Mary Stine, READINGS it to P:O. Box-626, Cranford, or dropping it off a child's room, first place for a Marie "Leahey arid- Mrs. Fakel- the. music department will have a is the daughter of Sheila Kennedy of Chino, Calif* picnic Wednesday at'the home of Gamblers Established 1962 and the late John Kennedy III. at the office at 102 Walnut .Ave. Forms are pen arid ink picture, and second mann. ',; ••>. '.'• , :'.': ••. . :. '• .••- ' '• Advice on ail problems of life. BRIDAL SHOW SPECTACULAR available upon request place for color photography. Also The literature department, Ethel Heim and the literature Spree Miss Kenhedy graduated in 1980 from Portsmouth department will socialize next From $49 Net Attar Rabitu. • One visit convinces you she is High School in New Hampshire and in 1989 from Black and white photographs are preferred, winning" first-place awards were chaired by Mary Kiley, will meet $5 battors or S1 Slot* Includes truly a gifted lady. but good quality color pictures are acceptable. Eleanor Fakelmann for an oil next • Thursday at 10:30 a.m. at Thursday at the home Of Margaret R.T. AIR • Hotel • FOOD Rt. 22, Mountainside Muhlenberg Regional Medical Center, School of Gill 'with Marjory Cook co-hostess.... . ' OBINKS • .OOLF •'• Tarot Card Readings Nursing, She is a registered nurse at Overlook Hos- There is no charge for publishing announce- "painting, Josephine D'Arcangelo Mrs. Leahey's home to. discuss & Mbre - Arriehltles Vary Available for Parties & Banquets pital. Mr. Schenker, a .1980 graduate of Cranford ments or pictures. for banana bread and for a child's Margaret Atwood's "Cat's Eye." We Don't -MAY 6 - 7 P.M. High School, is vice president of Premac Inc., Rah- Birth announcements may be telephoned to carriage blartket, and Mrs. Schultz d-800-253-2632 FREE ADMISSION for stuffed mushroom novelties. 272-9791 : way.. • •• .:•''••'''•'••' ' •'.•••' thei office, 276-6000. JCASINO ACTION INC. 115 North Ave., W. Wedding Cake by Roma Second-place awards went to Cranford Discounts and Door Prizes The couple will.be married in August " Caribbean Sprco Programs Available Gare Where of Roselle Park Mildred Leonard, for color photo- FEATURING: BROADWAY STYLE graphy and Marie Knoeller for FASHION SHOW BY: photography. Sumar Wedding Band You Supreme DJ Wedding Gallery By Song rungs SPECIAL ATTRACTION Tuxedos by Barry Formal Wear Margie's serving Lunch Lingerie & Cruise Wear EXHIBITORS: Dinner- Town & Country Travel Prldo of New Jorsoy Or ship aWatMibrd vt&, a personal computer, silk flow- ERA Sunday Realty a dance May 11 from 8 p.m. to ers, a Royal Doulton figurine, a music box, a rocking chair, Cocktails Addod Attractions Rosarian slate 3 nights £g:; Bought . Mdna Lisa's Bridal Favors Elnhom Florist Fashion show midnight at Immaculate Heart of an emerald ring, a watercolor painting, a cuckoo clock, an Tupporwaro Margie's Place at Aldeh Street Kristal Umoslne to be revealed Mary Church, Martine Avenue, Join Us Fot Just Perfect Invitations Mary K Soroptimist Club International Scotch Plains. Admission is $a and N. Union Avenue, is now Herb Heller Productions and many others of Elizabeth will sponsor a fashion open for dinner Thursday, Friday FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: A new slate of officers will be show, at noon Saturday at the Call 6884976 or 65M149- PACKAGING PLUS ^ Them! LIMITED SEATING announced at Monday's meeting and Saturday evenings. The for- SERVICES Mother's Day . Gift for the Bride-to-Be 257-8544 Produced by Consult Bridal Expo. Westwood. Tickets at $25, includ- mer Jimmy's restaurant has been the right way. at 8 p.m. of the Rosary Society of ing lunch, may be ordered by cal- League delegates under .new management for the We pack it, wrap it, and ship it May 12 1-9 PM St Michael Church ling 926-0964. Tickets will not be last five and a half months.. -^ YESIWEHAVEi Members will celebrate the available at the door. Fo«n InlxtUon EqulpnMnt • Curtom-SIx* CntM -Bubbl* Wnp a Cuthlon Foam Neio/y Remddeled facade crowning of the Blessed Mother Three members of Junior Legue According to owner Margie Ob- 111 South Avenue East We'll " and the Rosairs choir will sing. of Elizabeth-Plainfield are at- olesheva, a new chef recently & banquet room joined the: staff. Chef Tom, who FAX 272-2507 Do-H-Youm.HSuwlto.1 Tickets will be available for the Chinese auction tending the 69th annual confer- M-F»«,SATS-12 installation dinner'June 3 at Gal- ence of the Association of Junior has 35 years of cooking experi- Reservations Encouraged Replace EXPERIENCE loping Hill Inn, Union. , Union Hospital Guild Associa- Leagues International May 1 to 5 ence, will prepare German, It- alian, French, Russian and Eas- tion will sponsor a Chinese auc- in Orlando, Fla. They are pre- SPECIALIZING IN THE RNEST tern European cuisine along with NORTHEBtLTtAUANCUISINE, Them! benefit the hospital's programs T«-»«i R»^fnriAllo anrf com- his-homemade_desserts, Margies Joanne Santoriello and com- is open Only for breakfast and May Day events, and services. It will be held at the munity services council director Elks Club, 281 Chestnut St,: lunch Sundays through Wed- Carolyn Ferolito of Cranford. The nesdays. For more information, herb sale planned Union. Tickets are $4 and may be theme is environmental issues. 276-5749 E3 purchased • in the hospital gift call 272-6336. All m ask to that you brlno In your with May Day events and an herb shop. 28 NORTH AVENUE W •CRANFORD flower* and a tales slip not more than sale will be featured from 1 to 5 five days old. In the case of a wire p.m..'Sunday'-lit. MUletvCory House order, Just the sales slip hot more than Nicole Hadassah officers to be installed five days old. Museum, 614 Mountain Ave., NOW meeting GEMINI s Westfield. New officers of Roselle- Qutgoing presidents are Mrs. Weaving ribbons around a A demonstration of conscious- Cranford Chapter of Hadassah Shafniah and Mrs. Tarler. Mrs. LIMOUSINS 592 Springfield Ave. May is Better Hearing Month We want you to enjoy flowera the AMERICA'S FLORIST WAY. No Its, maypole and children's games ness raising will be presented at a will be installed at the annual Samolsky is chairman of the Carryina a large selec And or Bute... OPEN will begin at 2. May Day traditions lion of Bridal Gowns to Westfield meeting of Westfield area chapter donor dinner Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. nominating committee and Marge every price range. FOR will be demonstrated by museum of National Organization for at;Richfield Regency, Verona Ganek and Judy Daniel are donor 1-800-842-9004 Now Thats A Guarantee! 11 volunteers and visitors will be Classic Uara — Lincoln Stretches at B. Kubiclc Hearing Aid Center REGISTRATION Women (NOW) at 7:30 p,m. Wed' chairmen. (AM Color* Avaltabta) able, to participate. The house will 35 Alden St MAY 4 & MAY 1 hesday at First Congregational The event culminates a year of Waddings Are Our Specialty "AMERICA'SFWRIST" Cranford, NJ • Theatres •Alrporto Special discount on Siemens Hearing be closed May 12 for Mother's fund-raising activities for the RELEASE pay, but Will reopen the 18th. Church, Elmer Street, Westfield. Hadassah Medical Organization 201-276-2299 • Corporate Account* The public is welcome. Aids and Starkey Hearing Aids I Stress and Tension by its more than 350 members. 22 CLASSES/WEEK These., funds support medical OPEN EVENINGS Also Coupon special on Duraceil Activair | Beginners & Advanced projects that benefit people ar- Bridal showcase Tues & Thure Hearing Aid Batteries, Luxurious exerclae room )LWV dinner with carpet Men, Women, & Teens Camera Club ound the world. scheduled Monday i New and prospective members I Incoming officers are president Receive • rHtt ' "Juit Dili R.O-WEH8" are invited to the annual dinner A workshop on posing and Adelaide Kupfer, education vice Engaged couples, their families hieeting of Cranford League of directing models will be pre- president Libby LuhnskL. ftmd and friends are invited, to attend a To Place Ad Here package with every two packages purchased I 12 W. Main St., SomerVtila. NJ 08876 Babysitting available Women Voters at 6:30 p.m. May 22 sented at Monday's meeting of raising vice presidents Adele free bridal show by Consult Bridal Custom Headpiece and Flowers (4 battery pkg.) 9 Hamilton St., Bound Brook, NJ 08805 • at the home of Elaine Gutherz, 52 Cranford Camera Club at 7:30 Shaftnan and Esther Tarler, Expos at L'Affaire, Mquhtainside, • Bridal Party Accessorial • Silk flower* Please Call Battery sizes #675, .#,13, #312 (201)358-9377 1HB00-872-3837 Mendell Ave. Members Will bring p.m. at the Community Center. membership vice president Carol Monday at 7 p.m. • Custom Ribbori Printing • Invitations ja covered dish./ The speaker is David Wilson. Schwartz, program vice presidents On hand will be dozens of wed- • Wedding fc Shower Favora Annette I SUMMER PROGRAM STARTS MAY 13th ding specialists including all as- Jfuiri/i III/W if t/iri or Vour Can Do-lt-l'aur—tf Did you know that Petapeddlers - Americas C ' . .. .;,; .-, ,.t •;•. • , Rae Kane and Roberta Philips, pects involved in, wedding plan- Classes are forming now '• Reservations are being ac- ning. Door prizes arid refresh- Mount TuM.-Frl. 9i3O-B, Thun. 'ill Ti3O, not charge for local deliveries FOR DETAILS, BROCHURE & REGISTRATION • 789-6426 treasurer lirida Samolsky, cor- Bat 9tS0-4 Or By Appointment i 10 Central Ave., Westfield • 233-5512 j cepted until May 12 by Vita Lee, responding secretary Elaine ments.will .be available to all and 1-800-334-0531 NICOLE'S INSTITUTE ^76-8487. For; further information Catholic singles Cohn, financial secretary Sofia brldes-to^be Will receive a free 300 North Ave. • Garwood Barbara Bartell Hearing Aid Dispenser Lie. #536 I They Are Ftee»..Try Us! Blue Ribbon Plaza, 94 Nortri Avt'.. QARWOOD about LWV call president Ina Young Single Catholic Adults ; parish and;' recording secretary bottle of wine. Call 257-8544 for 789-3330 Glardina, 276-1586. Myra Stein. " reservations. Coupon Expires May 31.1991 | Club for ages 21 to 35 will sponsor ;•:• :•; /•.

A-12 CRANFORD CHRONICLE Thursday, May 2,1991 2, 1991" CRANFORDGHRONICEE Television stars to appear SINCE 1891 -TMESTANDAflOOFOUALITVFOFMOOYEARS" w«stfl«ld area at Midland Run on May 19 IN TOWN SPRING PLANTS A growing host of show business chamber Of commerce 1500 VARIETIES i.rnifi jigga and sports celebrities will be among the attractions at this year's Midland Run May 19 at ANNUALS^ AT&T's Moorland Farm in Far • mniuvu Hills. More than 4,000 runners are WESTFIELD expected to eompete-m-varioils" /v VEGETABLES races throughout the day, and 15,000 spectators will be roaming >wi4Mcit$.5r/u.99« the grounds of this 14th annual GARDEN 69, run. • GERANIUMS - MI 25.000in (colon-4 Inch Pots-t*i NEW GUINEA IMPAT1ENS -16 Vvittii* «Indi poa nt The Midland Run raises fluids Stroll along flower-lined streets and browse in our HANGING BASKETS ti.f) • H.19 - $9.M for the non-profit Midland School, unique shops while viewing displays provided by The bea MSXL GauwUMtVi tnt EW-U.M HERBS 8. PERENNIALS North Branch, which educates landscapers and gardeners. And visit any INTOWN and rehabilitates children with Light The Light .learning, communications: and/or store displaying balloons to enter our contest for free behavioral problems. plants, j Over the years, attending the Midland Run has become a rite of SATURDAY Spring for thousands of area MAY4TH families interested in competition HOSTAS& Running, rubbing elbows and get- jting autographs from celebrities, DAYL1UES OVWIMVAWTM 'taking a carnage ride, tailgate COMPARE OUR SaECTIOM ? PERENNIALS & HERBS "picnicking, and generally enjoying OVER 600 VARIETIES Of DAYUUES • iNERttO VARIETIESBf HOSTAS HUNDREDS Of VARIETIES AT m 5a colorful day in the country. COWARE OUR QUAUTY ln]lnchpott-SHC«naUMl$ HEIDI BOHAY, star of the ALL HQSTAS t OAVLIUES ARE GROWING IN CONTAINERS HUNDREDS Of VARIETIES AT J1.H • Children under 10 are admitted PLANTANYT1ME Of THE YEAR-NO PLANTING SHOCK • kjl I CtUOM television show "Hotel" COMPARE OUR PRICES '' «U0 HUNDREDS Of VARIETIES AT UM. •free; others are $5 each. HOSTASFROMH.M-DAVULIESSTARTATtJ.H SCtWEJ OaMUUW t Smn) ync pttna In OuvB of «nn • For the youngsters . and a celebrity co-chair- j Children at this year's run will man of the Midland Run, ;meet Thomas the Tank Engine, will be at the May. 19 event NEW JERSEY BOTANICAL GARDENS CRANFORD JAYCEES Ijorte of the stars of the popular for visitors seeking photos JPBS Sundav morning television and autographs. / , PLANT SHOP Five Mile Run 1100 DUKE'S PARKWAY WPST - SOMUnVILLE.N.J. 001170 j program '-'Shiiriing Time Statioa" OPIN 10 5 MON IMu SAT • SUN 12-5 APRIL-JUNE S JUl Y • EVE By DAY DURING MAY 10 5 OUR PhONl (339) ??5 01. J JAlso on hand for the young set He will be oh the grounds for th.6 One Mile Fun Run jand their (camera-toting parents morning, but will leave at midday Jwill be Bert, Ernie, Big Bird and to make his draft picks for the 5 Cookie Monster of "Sesame 1991-92 season in New York; Sunday-May 5, 1991 :! Street" fame; the Simpsons, Heidi Bohay dnd Michael i Mickey and Minnie Mouse; •NJV Spound, television stars flnomth e 1:00 p.m. - One Mile Fun Run 1:30 p.m. Five Mile Run ] Nets mascot Duncan; the Toys 'R' program "Hotel" will visit the Come out and help the Cranford Jaycees and Common Sense run JUs Giraffe; McGruff, Somerset children of Midland School the against Drug Abuse. Let's show our youth what a healthy mind and ^ County's crime prevention dog Friday before the run and will at- body can do, It's just Common Sense! i character; assorted clowns, tend the run May 19 as .weli^'to Timing by Mogendorf Finish Systems. ! j mimes, puppeteers, and a.special sign autographs and be available i guest appearance by America's for photographs. Heidi's sister RACE INFORMATION A favorite "Turtle" personalities, Tammy attended Midland School, Start and finish at Springfield Ave, Cranford (opposite Municipal Bldg.) Michaelangelo, Leonardo, Don- and both Heidi and her husband . Parking and restrooms are available. Flat and scenic course. Mile splits. atello and Raphael. are avid supporters of the school; Water stations. Post registration and Tank top pick-up begin at noon. Also for youngsters will be three Visitors also will be able to Refreshments and Awards Ceremony following race. lollipop races for those under 11, meet. former Giants all-pro line- ENTRY FEE: $7.00 Pre, $9.00 Post $4.00 Fun Run a two-mile walk for the entire backer Harry Carson who will fire, One mile fun run FREE to all Cranford Students family, and celebrity entertain- the starting gun for the 5K race \ ment from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m; and then mingle at the autograph Celebs' preview tables. Chris "Mad Dog" Russo, pop- Other members ofjhe honorary ular WFAN sports radio per- celebrity committee^ who will sonality, will run in the 5K race at roam the field for the day include SPONSORS 11 a.m. and will be available to Tate George, Nets guard; Herb United Counties Trust Co. New Jersey Bell sign autographs throughout the Welch, former Giants corner back, day. now playing with the Detroit Cleveland Plaza Associates Schering-Plough Corp. Russo's cb-chairinan, Willis Lions; Cousin Luke, pro wrestling Gold Medal Fitness Reed, senior vice president of the and television star; Super Bowl First Presbyterian Church Nets and 1970 Knicks MVP and champion Giants Lee Rouson, a Chubb & Son all-star center, will fire the start- running back, line backer Bobby NJ. Division of Highway Traffic Safety ing gun for. the 15K race at 9 a.m. .Abrams, and safety Adrian White. Madan Plastics > ?](yi6o on the grounds will belBric Auto Workers Region 9 .;. ; •(iqqu-rf. tegaJ '^intri Miirdock of Providence baseball, All State Legal Supply :..&hbfenix Cardinals wide receiver g f ueiJCo. Rotary Club of Cranford Ricky Proehl, Lance Miller of Vil- ESSES ONLY FROM $33 lanova basketball, and Phil Suburban Cablevision Sparkling Springs Water to collect McConkey, former wide receiver Of the Giants. • Bed Frame with each set Others attending include mem- • Immediate Delivery & Set Up shoes for poor bers of the former N J. Generals football team, and members of the • Removal of old bedding. New Jersey Podiatric Medical Nets cheerleading squad. Association and Dr. Victor E. Sabeh of Cranfoiti will cooperate SEALY POSTURPEDIC X SETS UP TO 50% OFF CRANFORD HIGH SCHOOL K-8 SCHOOLS in a "Shoes for the Homeless" EVERYONE campaign ' to collect shoes for Clean Air Week MONDAY, MAY 6 - Freshman Workshop -Part 1 TUESDAY, MAY 7 - Hillside School PTA needy, homeless families in PREMIUM Strategies for Raising Alcohol INVITED v discount offered Genesis Program Students Newark.' V ••.•-.••;•. :••••• .. DELUXE and Drug Free Children More than 100 Essex and Union 'Steamatic Inc. of Cranford, ah MONDAY, MAY 6- Faculty Workshop TUES.«MAY 21 - 7:30 county podiatrists will be collect- ULTRA FIRM WEDNESDAY, MAY 8-Walnut School environmental cleaning company FIRM THURSDAY, MAY 9- Senior Assembly if High School Auditorium ing children's, men's and women's focusing on indoor air quality, is FIRM Model #8563 Oman the Robot" shoes in a container in their of- Model #4117 Model #8553 helping the American Lung As- Twin A MONDAY, MAY 13- Freshman Workshop - Part 2 MONDAY, MAY 13 - Hillside School "DON BARTLETTE" fices during the month of May. sociation sponsor Clean Air Week Twin Twin The shoes Will be sanitized and May6tol2. ea. pc. Genesis Program Students "Alcohol on trial" Refreshments crv then donated to the city of New- ea. pc. ea. pc. During the designated week, Reg.$179.95 •WEDNESDAY, MAY 15 -^Cathy's Cable Kids WEDNESDAY, MAY 15 - Brookside School ark for distribution. ; . Steamatic will donate to the Reg. $99 Reg.$239.90 Individuals wishing to donate Workshop and Video Substance "The Illusion Maker" WRITE TO US American Lung. Association 10 tM shoes are asked to tie each pair percent of the. cost of any service Full ea. pc. Reg.459M ... full ?a. pc. Reg. 339 > Abuse Production together by their and write M FRIDAY, MAY 17-Hillside School . - L FOR A FREE provided to persons who mention Full ea. pc. Reg. 159 *89 U $ W •TUESDAY, MAY ii - High School&Parent Workshop the size of the shoe on the soles. the association and Clean Air Queen 2 pc. set Reg. 599 $299" Queen 2 pc, set Reg- 799'° 399 "Good Clean Fun" The doctors will sanitize them Queen 2 pc. set Reg. 499 M $ >a Guest Speaker: Don Bartlette COPY OF Week. Services include resi- Kino 2 PC. set Reg-m90 *449 King 2 pc, set Reg 999*,:.. 499 FRIDAY, MAY 17 - 7th & 8th Grade and transport them to Newark. dential, commercial and in- Shoes may be brought to Sabeh's • .,' •. :'.• ' . , Dance.' • •" •; •; dustrial cleaning of air ducts, *DFY — Drug Free Youth will participate (Sponsored by Recreation Dept.) "SUGGESTIONS TO office at 45 South Ave. W. May 6 to carpets and furniture, and res- POSTUREPEDIC Resource Packet Developed and Distributed by DFY 31. Call 272-5110 for more in- POSTUREPEDIC POSTUREPEDIC MONDAY, MAY 20 - Walnut School PREVENT UNDERAGE toration after fire or water dam- in High School . ' formation. age. Call 272-8989. PREMIUM ULTRA FIRM "Tug Free of Drugs" PREMIUM PILLOW PLUSH Angelo Plerri, Student Assistance Counselor Jeff Lambert, Substance Awareness Coordinator DRINKING PARTIES" Model #1950 Model #1080 Model #1140 Sambuc Romana Twin Twin Twin so ml ea. pc. ea. pc. ea. pc. UPCOMING Look For It Reg. $359.90 Reg. $279.90 Reg. $299.90 EVENT GRADUATION Soon! Full aa: pc. Reg. 379«>,,.,. t8.9^ Full ea. pc. Reg. 399"* Wolfschmidt Johnnie Walker Baca Dewars $ M phu $2.00 mfg, rabii* Red Rurri Queen 2 pc. set Reg.899" 449 Queen 2 pc. set Reg. 999<><> Queen 2 pc. set Reg. 1199" 599 g 1.75 Uer 1.75LRer 15 95 750 ml Liter King 2 pc. *et Reg. 1199"'. *599 King 2 pc. set Reg. 139.9»«. King 2 pc. set Reg. 1599" . *799 $ii9 $13" This Page Is Made Possible By The Following Public-Spirited Businesses 3 Old Courvolsler n'sCreme Bushmills vsCogn queur Rowe's South Avenue Sunoco Bell's Pharmacy 750 ml Abby's Shell Service Prime Cut Crane's Ford Chapter NSDAR 750 tnl "50 ml SOFA* DAY South & Lincoln AVenues • Depend On Us, Wo Care North & Elizabeth Avenue 17 North Union Avenue Hair Design For Men & Women Crartford, NJ. 07016 Cranford, N.J. 07016 $fiO9 908-272-6878 Cranford, N.J. 07016 13 North Avenue East Centennial Exxon 908-276-0062 908-276-9788 464 South Avenue Union Hospital Foundation Cranford, N.J. 07016 (comer of Centennial & South Avenue) *^W Berkshir* White Iron, Brass Dpoley Funeral Service 908-272-5596 Cranford, NJ, 07016 695 Chestnut Street H & B Automotive Service, Inc. Union, N.J. 07083 Caring & Courteous SeiWce Bob Evans Agency 908-272-5286 &Wood 105 North Union Avenue 1170 Rarltan Road ' 808-687-1900 Personal & Commercial Since 1955 Cranford, N.J. 07016 Cranford, N.J. 07016 Brown's Hallmark §4 Liter 908-276-0255 202 Centennial Avenue WM, Denis A. Dankosky Insurance Agency 908-272-4788 Cranford, N.J. 07016 117 North Union Avenue 104 Walnut Avenue Cranford, NJ. 07016 Carlo Cranford Book Store 908-276-8812 908-272-5575 Cranford, N.J. 07016 Books For All Ages & Interests Harmonla Savings Bank Chab 908-276-0088 Schaefer 99 = 32 North Avenue 18 North Avenue West Cranford Golden Touch Jewelers Bridals By Athena j 24-12 oz. Cans plus $1,00 mfg. rebate Cranford, NJ. 07016 Cranford, N.J. 07016 8 North Avenue Bibby's Coach and Four Restaurant 908-276-0390 35 Alden Street (off North Avenue) 24 North Avenue East 908-276-1990 ' Cranford, NJ. 07016 Cranford, NJ. 07016 | Glen Ellen 908-272-4326 £Chardonnay Becks ITU IG.V»Mh»«*M. Cdtoik Cranford, N.J. 07016 Camelot Cruise Center 908-276-2299 24 * 12 oz. Bottles 908-276-4765 Your Cruise Specialist Better Sunoco Station Tony's Cafe •7S0ml *4 1.5 Liter 113 Mlln Street 401 North Avenut East 21 North Union Avenue Baron's Drug Store Busch JJ 99 Cranford Sandwich Shop Cranford, N.J. 07016 Cranford, N.J. 07016 34 Eastman Street 110 West North Avenue Cranford, N.J. 07016 zTotfs Champagne Freixenet 24-12 or Cans 908-272-5153 908-272-6980 Cranford, N.J. 07016 I Brut or Extra Dry Cranford, N.J. 07016 908-272-2874 908-276-6100 Cordon Negro Coors Returnables H n" 908-272-6445 • Gray's Memorial Funeral Home HiWny Sleep Center Perrottl's Quality Meats Butler Travel Associates 1750 ml M" 24 -12 oz, Bottles (plus $1,60 Deposit) • Over A Century of Service 23 South Union Avenue 25 Alden Street Shapiro's 392 Cranford Hotel 12 Springfield Avenue Oood through 8/W01. All ul« UMW «M oa«h ind turf, cMvwy avalMbla, gill wrapping tnd liquor Cranford, N.J. 07016 Cranford, N.J. 07016 19 North Union Avenue ^^ la KtStblm, Man«g«iMht nwy llmK quintltlH. Not r««poo»U)l« tof typo wrofi. Thl» oc ROUTE 22 WEST • GREEN BROOK, NJ • 469-0001 1 South Union Avenue Cranford, N.J. 07016 Cranford, NJ. 07016 908-272-4980 908-276-8887 I Cranford, N.J. 07016 908-276-0092 908-276-3270 908-276-2121 Swan Dry Cleaning I DITTRICK'S DISCOUNT WINES & LIQUORS Tho Finest h Care Four Star Pizza Cranford Car Wash Michael M. Mason General Contractor Cranford Sport Center 550 South Avenue East 100 North Union Avenue 44 North Avenue East 48 Centennial Avenue P.O. Box 1617 I 2 North Avenue • Garwood •789-0525 Cranford, N.J. 07016 Cranford, NJ. 07016 Cranford, N.J. 07016 Cranford, NJ. 07016 Cranford, NJ. 07016 _ Mon.-Sat. 9 am to 10 pm • Sunday 1 to 8:30 • 908-276-1869 908-276-3300 908-276-1919 908-272-2990 908-276-4048 ,L M mmi'im- Valuable Coupon Good Thru 5/7/91 m tm» mm mm J ?' I

A-14 CRANFORD CHRONICLE Thursday, May 2,1991 Senior citizens receive help Town elders respond to complaints of airplane noise unit Thursday, May 2,1991 CRANFORD CHRONICLE A-15 TowTnumn elderplHf«rSs Prefltficreated theithAir ownn "flimlanf"airplanei avoiauniHd r-rtnfVnntafrrconfronta&mm, fartherftirflipr . nmssinpressinPg bhyv VnnKrauswe saicoifdl chish>e ho>had) nnnoft hmtiohbrought

POODLE Na TONY PICA'S JANINNE'S SALON Where EXPERT SHOE REPAIR Complete Since 1970 Service • Leather Repairs install, and the kind it replaces. and Photo Pcumper That^s good news for a change to See your Elizabethtown Gas Quality Finishing • Accessories & Shoe Dyeing clean, efficient natural gas heat representative for details. Count Service SOME SERVICE DONE WHILE YOU WAIT your FREE Had it up to here with unpre- Senior Citizens 10% OFF Any Repair ForaFEEE;^ Hours: Mon-Sat 8:30-6:30, Friday 8:30-7:00 dictable oil prices? Change for ff. Pooch! REFRESHMENTS. Closed Monday '''. BRING THE FAMILY! the better...to natural gas heat. Home Heating Survey, mail Flea Collars • Sprays • Dips Natural gas is produced right; EXPERT TAILORING AVAILABLE Powder • Dog Food the coupon below or call on Premises here in the United States, so its Wednesdays & Friday 3:30 til Closing GROOMING BY APPOINTMENT PROFESSIONAL DEMONSTRATION price isn't dictated by world toltfree: Full Time In June : 276-2325 MAY 4— 10 AM. eyents. Natural gas prices aw ,'.'••• ''' \-'''"\'' ''lst;Qua///' ', Craftsmanship at Reasonable Prices Closed Monday PERFECT FOR PATIOS, won't be hit with sudden price 34 N. 20th St. 1800-6240400 19 North 20th Street 709*0007 Kenilworth • Kenilworth, NJ DRIVEWAYS, WALKWAYS increases. And you only pay for Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM AND POOLSIDE! Natural gas price converted toper-gallon natural gas after you use it, not ' . ^^ ^^, ^^^^m • w HV ^W W •• ••• ^M '^^^^^V i , u equivalent, baaed on the amount of natural "up front," like oil. I gas needed to produce heat energy equal to Expires June 30,1991 • TRI-COLOR^, Family Rings Grinnell concrete pavingstones are the that of a gallon of heating oil, I Wtth'thls.'Ad'•:' ' t, I 's Vacuum superior choice over poured concrete, Soune: NJ Board of Public Utilities. Switch to natural gas heat lizabethtown Gas An NUI Company ; the Add genuine asphalt and clay brick. They never wear out I perfect gift or synthetic now, at off-season prices. for Mothers and atones NO CRACKING! NO FADING! We've got the energy to help you. . Buy 1 Set of Prints Grandmothers! NON-SLIPPERY! NOUP-KEEP! With the winter heating season I SALES • SERVICE REPAIRS And Get a 2nd Set : just over, now's the time to get ALL MAKES • ALL MODELS QN SW- NOW THRU MOWER'S VAY To: Elizabethtown Gas | I CMMAMI CDCC I GRINNELL FACTORY REPRESENTATIVES ON-HAND the best value on a brand name Residential Services Pept. . . New ft Usocl Prices Starting at:t: . , *-jio75 find out how edsy it is because pavingstones furnace or boiler. One Elizabethtown Plaza , • 14kk (reg. 105.00) OnlOnlyy *f O are set in sand, hot mortar! No specjaltools I Union, NJ 07083-9897 | (When Original Roll Is brought in for Developing) | BAGS » BELTS » HOSES llio FLOOR ACCESSORIES I'd like to hear some more Good News about Expires June 30,1991 -WithAd ' 10k (reg. 85.00) Only 63 Get an Energy Conservation a change to natural gas heat. Please have a ALL MAKES OF SEWINS MAGHINfS REPAIRED I I representative call to arrange a FREE, No- He have a Largo Assortment Rebate up to $200 (or more). Obligation Home Heating Survey. MIELE VACUUM pl$TmBOTOR The newest import Irom Germany comparable to the Eleclrolux of Mother's A Grandmother's charms, Choose an energy-effficient earrings, bracelets & necklaces. 241^2021 ' ' i '•''•• natural gas heating system, and . Name • 482-484 BOULEVARD

••'...' '. • 23 N. 20th St. Kenilworth • 272-0154 you may qualify for a rebate I 700 Boulevard, Kenilworth KENILWORTH 276-6513 based on the kind of system you I Address BUILDING PRODUCTS City stale zip -, t.i .I,,I ,. .., . ,i J • i|.....yi.nT. I | • •••• M • | jn i| >• )• .-T

Phone CALL FOR Registration, Details or Directions. Valid oitJy far euttomtn ofElitatxthUfUin Oat in eru- to four-family home* Availability aftrurgy co^utnmlUin , HhaUt it UniiUd by' thi NtwJItnty BoardofPubiio 1100 FAITQUTE AVENUE ROSELLE PARK, N.J. 07204 241-43381 VtilitiiHoapM-dittrmitudUuttiHtBBl. • YOUR AUTHORIZED GRIIMNELL DEALER • • A-16 CRANFORD CHRONICLE Thursday, May 2,1991

*-• Lady Cougars break track records,

The fifth of May is: Mexico's Independence Day. And count on our Deli, Seafood and Butcher's Corners for free capture 6 firsfe Throughout Mexico, the celebration has all the excitement and Mexican recipes. , pageantry of an American fourth of July. As for freshly made Mexican specialties, just visit our Deli Corner By Maggie Morrow ' Buenaventura and Lauren Flynn Saladino came in third in 90. Team correspondent to run a record breaking time of Gardner scored more points when Arid at Kingcrcinco de Mayo has become a festive annual tradition for our freshly made Gazpacho, Guacamole Dip, Mcante Sauce, . The Lady Cougars broke three 4:21 in. the mile relay. IVforrow, she came in second in the 100- complete with colorful decorations, costumes and special visits by a Mexican Corn Salad and more. "meet records and captured•' six Maria Vassalo, Jennifer Schulze meter in 13.2. Morrow and Hunt strolling mariachi band. Check our special Cinco de Mayo edition of 'first places at the Millburn Relays and Leah Hunt came in first in came in first and third in the mile In addition, our El Galindo and Kings Cinco de Mayo Sweepstakes Saturday/. . the 4 x 880,with a time of 10:30.6. in 5;2&. and 6:07 respectively. Shelf Talk-'for day and times. each gives you a chance to win a 7rday, 6-riight trip for two to Kfisti White and Garolyn Gard- Vasallo, Hunt, Pechillo and Mor- Pechillo won the 400-meter in 63. ner set the first record when they row also made up the winning White won. the 100 high hurdles in Bring your family or come with a few friends. Aisle after aisle, Canciin, Mexico including round-trip airfares and hotel Jumped a combined height of 10 distance medley team who fini- 22.3' Morrow came in first in the you'll discover Mexican specialties galore including Taco Shells, ..••'-• feet in the high juttip. Cranford's shed in 13:37.6. Cranford's sixth 800-meter in 2:23 and Vassalo accommodations. And all the details are yours any time before our first place came from White and Tortillas, Burritos and Chimichangas as well as Mexican Shrimp, spring medley team of Gardner, bame in third in 2:37. Gardner Sweepstakes deadlines at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 5. White, Denise Pechillo and Mag-Gardner who wdn the long jump and Elissa Cagan came in second Scallops and Habanero Chilies, the world's hottest peppers. So come to Kings this week for all the flavors of Mexico and two- gie Morrow set the sebond record • in31-4. '. ••'. , •.•••;: • ••... - '• '• and third respectively in the 200- Make a point of picking up our free brochures filled with facts and with a time of 4:21.4 Gardner and Hunt, Schulzej Audra Diziki and meter in 28.1 and 29.3! Hunt came chances to win a week under the Mexican sun. Pechillo then teamed up with Lizs. Karen Bitz came in third place in in second in the two-mile in 13:47. tips on Mexican Beans, Mexican Peppers and Mexican Fiesta Ideas. Who knows? You could be one of our lucky winners^ the 4 x 1,600 with a time of 24:51. Qndrof threw 26-1 in the shot put,' Cranford also captured third getting first place, followed by place in the discus with LaUren Hegna who took second with d BUTCHERS CORNER DAIRY CORNER GROCER'S CORNER DELI CORNER COUPON CORNER Boosters to hear Flynn throwing 96, and Amythrow of 25-4. Hegna throwing 85. Flynn and Cranford swept the discus with. USDA Choice Beef Baja Old El Paso 12-Pack El Galindo Tamale new grid coach White came in fourth place in the Flynn first with 96-4, Hegna.sec- javelin with throws at 82-11 and Shoulder $^49 $ • Regular, Cheese or No-Salt ond with 85-1 -and Ondrof third Tortillas tbz. Taco Shells Tortilla Cranford High School's new 80-5 respectively. Laurie Oridrof with 74-9. White won the javelin 59 $ 49 varsity football coach Nick and Hegna competed well in the London Broil ib JL Santa Barbara Salsa —16 bz. 2/*3 4.5 oz. pkg, 1 ; Charles Chips and Flynn came in second throw? $ Chips 15 oz. Brb\to will be guest speaker shot put Bitz, Buertaventura, Rump London Broil lb. 2.99 $ Taco Season Mix (1.25 bz. pkg.) or p 3 $ ing 100-4 and 82-Vfc, respectively. $ Price's Jalapeno Dips _14 oz. 2/ 5 c .10 pz. 2.99 when Cranford Booster Club Jamie. Saladino and Marie Gray Sirloin-Tip London Broil lb. 3.29 Chili Season Mix (1.4 oz. pkg.) 2/99 fPOPCORN 49 Gardner and White teammed up Tortilla Chips ^-, 12 oz. *L39 '4 oz. bag With this holds its monthly meeting at 8 competed in the 4 x 100 finishing Thick N' Chunky Salsa Hot, C again and in the high jump. White Azteca 5.6 oz. 6" Flour Tortillas __6 oz. 99 , Coupon p.m. Wednesday at the Com- , in :57. Saladino and Gray then USDA Choice Beef „.Medium or Mild __1 lb, jar S1.59 won with a leap of 5-3 V4 and 6" Corn Tortillas- munity Center. •.'.-, , teamed up with Cars Macaluso Gardner jumped second with 4-8. Salad Shells Nachips______7.5 oz. pkg. *1.19 Monterey Jack Cheese Plain or •Good 4/28/91-5/4/91 Plans for the Booster Club's and Amy Golden in_the freshman Top-Round : LU145 4x200 in 2:05. . The girls were slated to faqe Farm Rich Jalapeno Pepper lh. *5.99 annual senior awards dinner Scotch Plains this past Tuesday $ Old El Paso Something New! Goldwater's * • Limit.one coupon/item per customer to be held June 5 will be fin- v. ' .'• • •• •'•':•• photos by Daiyi Stono London Broil ib Non-Dait:y Creamers 32 oz. 1.19 "I'm proud of the girls," said : and will host Union Catholic next $ Pineapple Salsa _j__12.5 02;. H99 alized.' Plans for the 1991-93 head coach Ray White. "I couldn't OUTI Brearley first baseman Luan Ahrtieta] Wakes the out in the Bears' 8-1 rout of A.J. Johnson. Boneless Sirloin Steak __^lb. 3.99 A'xelrod '•;• ,.:•'•& • --'• • '••-'• • .;...• • •'• •••'. Reiried Beans Tuesday, . 6v 9 ^lf^Ki __school year' will be discussed. have asked for a better effort and Store-Made Kabobs Skewered ~Non^Hbg^rt^-=^8-ozV 2799* Tib? can . ";"•/"::'-?^-~;-: ~•"••'-• 7 $ Parents :"~'i^"f uhdercla^smiB'n ~ Breakstone Sour Cream 8 oz; 69* Fresh Gazpacho. b. 5>»9 •their hard work is paying off." ^ With or Without Vegetables . ; Sunshine Hi-Ho and incoming^freshmen, are April 23 the girls improved their $ Temptee Whipped Tab* A&W Root Beer or Cream Fresh Blackbean Salad . *5A9 Steak From the Sirloin _Jb. 3.99 C invited to come, to find out ,'•• dual meet record to 3-0 when they Bears win $ Sodav Diet Coke or Coca-Cola " Bean Cuisine Dried Soup Mix ; Whole Wheat Cream Cheese _4 ozL 69 $ . what the Booster Club. is all Lamb From the Leg Jb. 3.99 6-P^ck______6/12 oz. cans 2.39 Blackbean or Mesa Maize 15 oz. *4.2? beat the Summit Hilltoppers GHSlinksters Pork From the Tenderloin lb. $3.99 Light n' Lively ICRACKERS 69 about and to get involved. The 81-41. Gardner, won the long jump .8 oz. 89* Dole Pure & Light With this three more Chicken From the Breast lb. MA9 Cottage Cheese . $ • 12 oz. box V group works for the benefit of. in 16-2 V6, with teammate White Juices _qt. 8 oz. btl. 1.5? With love from Kings Coupon all sports at Cranford High coming in second with 15-6. Flynn riaise record Mexican or Regular Freshly Made $^49 School. came in first in the 400 inter- Kings Country Farm Fresh Poland gal. jug on diamond, Cheez Whiz8oz Quesadillas 4 oz Zi • Good 4/28/91-5/4/91 LU146 mediate hurdles in 76, and Jamie to 10-0-1 Whole QQC Spring Water • • Limit one coupon/Item per customer • * upping to 9-1 Land Q Lakes 89 Hormel Homeland the Cranford . High School Chicken Legs ib. 5^-7 American Singles _____ 12 oz. $1.79 New! Post linksters raised their unbeated The Bears won their sixth American Singles __. Dino Pebbles __12.5 oz. box $2.89 record to 10-0-1 by defeating three Family Pack, 3 lbs. or more Dole Pineapple Blends Vi gal. *1.99 Hard Salami ib. straight varsity baseball game this $ l Nabisco.Oreo Cookies Regular or DiLusso Genoa Salami _Jb. $7.59 •Promise more opponents this past week. past week by blanking New Drumsticks 3 lbs. or more lb. 1.09 Newman's Lemonade A gal. H.69 $ The local team edged Roselle Thighs 3 lbs. or more _Jb. *1.19 Double Stuf _lb. 4 oz. pkg. 2.29 Pre-Sliced Pillow-Pack Providence 1-0 Monday (makeup Pam Cooking Spray Bonus Pack, $ Catholic Monday and routed game) after beating A.L Johnson Kraft Pepperoni . ' • ' '. .8 oz. 249 JMARGARINE Kearny last Thursday and Eli- Fresh Western Grain-Fed $999 2 oz. Free! 8 o/. can *2.4? • l-lb. qtrs. . 8-1 and New Providence 2-1, up- Boneless Center-Cut 4Mi £ Q Velveeta With love from Kings Baked and With this zabeth April 23. This, marks the ping their record to 9-1. 1 lb. Jkd Maxwell House Glazed Turkey Breast _Jb. $ Coupon best start for the Cougars in more Against A.L Johnson April 23, Pbrk Chops ib. «3 .Good 4/28/91-5/4/91 than a decade. the Bears took the lead 2-Q in the Kings Pork Spare Ribs -....'••., ;^,;^/ SIGNATURE CLUB '•••i; .;Llmlt"oBe:ii per customer > Golfi Club against Roselle Cath- with a single and, advanced to' rentn Roast (12 oz7)! SPECIALS J otic. Jim Kyje fired 3-over-par 39 Second bn'a^a'Crififife MntHiVpori Fresh Store-Made Decaffeinated Coffee Regular (8 oz) lake advantage of our weekly to lead all players in the match. Dayon. Luan Ahrrietey walked and- Entrees 9 5/8 oz. £il 3 $ • All Varieties Eric Nowicki came in with 44^ went to second on an error. Both Cheese or Chicken.Enchiladas, Fiesta pr French Roast (7 oz.) ___: 3.99 members-6nly savings. :Doritqs while Kevin Cassidy shot 45 and scored on a two-run single by Pork Sausage ib Derek Farbanec registered 47. Chris Carey. Italian-Style, Sweet or Hot, Lasagna or Tortilla Grande Hefty 16-Ounce JOIN THE CLUB, _pkg. of 20 *L19 •TORTILLA Roselle Catholic's record fell to The Bears extended their lead No Preservatives Lean Cuisine Mexican Entrees Plastic Cups WS FREE! ' With this 8-3 with the loss. ' . ... Hefty .Foam Plates Flat (pkg. of 50) Coupon to 6-0 by scoring four more runs Veal Sausage Sweet or With Fiesta Chicken, Beefsteak Ranchero, Members Save i CHIPS is oz Against Kearny Kyle fired 41 to m the third inning, sending 10 Peppers and Onions lh. *3.99 Chicken or Beef or Blue (pkgv of 40) __^ *1.69 USDA Choice lead the 175-216 victory. Brian batters to the plate. Dayon led off Enchilada S'A oz. %\39 "New** Camay Soap 4.5 oz. bar 69* Hartmann came in with 43 while with a triple to right center. Ah- Turkey Sausage lh: *2.99 Porterhouse ;Goqd 4/28/91-5/4/91 LU148 $ Lever 2000 Super Bath Soap 00 Vinnie DiGiano posted 44 and metaj reached on an error scoring Nathan's Beef Franks .lb. 2.99 Inland Valley Fajita Fries 40 oz. 2/*5 $ Calavo Mexican ?.-Padc 14 oz. pkg. 1^9 or T-Bone ^ • • Limit one coupon/Item per customer . Paul Subacipus 47 at Galloping Dayon. Carey singled home Ah- Avocado Dip ______6 oz. $1.99 Tide Hill/ ..'••.. •' . •. ,. • •: •; .••• • ... metaj and moved to third on Mike SEAFOOD CORNER Detergent ..L.8 lb. 8 oz. box$ 7.5? Steak m lbs, or more In the Elizabeth match, which Archibald's double. With two out, Old El Paso Cascade : "• • ':' ' ' '•'•"•""' '" " ' '"' "7"" Any Kings Country Members save the Cougars won 188-245, four Tim Kaufmann singled home #1 Mexican $ Powder ___3 lb. 2 oz; box 2.}9 :Hi-r>ri sophomores scored for Cranford. Carey and Archibald: - Medium White Burritos or Dawn Liquid Farm Fresh DiGiano posted the low score, 43, The Bears added single runs in Shrimp ea- DisH Detergent pt. 6 oz; btl. $1.29 iTOWELS at Galloping Hill. He was followed the fourth and sixth innings. In 10 Chimichangas 4 5oz. $ TVji-key With this by Eric Sheara with 45, Nowicki the fourth Dayon led off with a Downy Sheets ^_pkg. of 40 2.19 : roll of 96 Purchases will be weighed by the pound Beef, Chicken or BreaSt Whole or Split Coupon with 47, and Subacious with 51. walk and later scored on a two- Prey. Froz. 51-60 ct. avg. $ This afternoon Cranford hosts out triple by Archibald. In the Cheese Enchiladas. .10 oz. 2/ 3 Fresh • Members Save One Pound '.- "."'"'•' •' ' •' *4.99 FLORAL CORNER • Good 4/28/91-5/4/91 Brearley Regional at Echo Lake sixth Dayon led off with a single, Lender's Regular Bagels : ;• .• :.••• ,;• .•;;•. LOW and tomorrow the Cougars will advanced to third on errors and Fresh Mexican '•• -• . • Mexican Except Soft 10 oZ; 79* 99 Catfish Fillets $| 00 * • Until one coupon/Item per customer • travel to Ash Brook for a match scored on an RBI infield out Large Bay Scallops ___lb. *6.99 Green Giant Vegetables lib, or more ,....,-. ; _ JLOFF Photos by Diapne Deverson with Berkeley Heights. Monday Kaufmann pitched the complete Cactus Garden 4 Pingry will host Cranforci atBas- Fresh Long Line-Caught Corn or Mixed 16 oz. 99* Fresh ' •Members. Save'• game allowing only four hits and Yellowfin Tuna Steaks __lb. $&99 Ellio's Microwave Ninja Planted in a Festive Handmade j Minute Maid POWDER PUFF: Cranford High School senior Andrea Tiplltz king Ridge-Gountry Club, Cran-- one run. He struck out nine while Fresh Swordfish Steaks _lb. S8.99 Mexican Ceramic Pot chases junior Christine Plpchlck in Sunday's student gove- ford will participate also in the walking three, raising his record Cheese Pi*™ 71 oz. *1.99 : Premium Choice Watehung Conference champion- Tropicana Frozen . Succulent Jade Plant ___6" MS9 rnment benefit grid game at Memorial Field. Below, junior ON THE MOUND: Bear pitcher Tim Kaufmann hurls toward to 3.-0. The Bear defense did not Fresh Mexican Statice hu. H39 OFF Alleen Bracuto and senior Terry Sprlclgo vie for the football. ship Monday at Suburban Golf Brearley's April 23 victory over Clark's A.L. Johnson. commit an error behind Kauf- Orange Juice 12 oz, 99* Fillets 1 lb. or more IORANGE Club. Clay Cactus Garden______5" H39 About $1,000 was raised for, drug awareness. mann. Aunt Jemima Cinnamon Hebrew National Members Save Coup°n At New Providence last Thurs- Mahi Mahi • French Toast ____12.5I oz. *1.99 Send Mother's Day Flowers Via : JUICE Teleflora To Anywhere In the Midget day the Bears defeated their hosts Fillets ib Aunt Jemima : 00 Cougars win 4 straight 2-1 behind the five-hit pitching Economy Waffles __i_15 oz, *1.99 World! Dial 575-8873, 467-4344 or Beef Salami : Good 4/28/91-5/4791 LU1S0 performance of Carey who de- Fresh North Atlantic (908) 781-7531 any day from 8 am OFF * • Until one coupon/Item per customer • feated New Providence last year Pepperidge Farm to 6 pm. Charge your order with your or Bologna 12 2-0 in the first round of the Union Flounder Visa or MasterCard. matches at tennis nets County Tournament $£99 Layer Cake 17 Pre-Packed Fresh Members ; Salted or Sweet The Bears scored first in the Fillets ib. \3 take the next two; sets and get the third inning when Peter Ac- Gazpacho : Hotel Bar $]89 By Al Lies win tot Cranford. Markowitz also comando led off with a walk , FARM&R'S CORNER iBUTTER with Dan Aaron served up five aces in the match. moved to second with one by SOUP 16 oz v With this 1 Jt Last Thursday Cranford beat Dayon and scored on a RBI Coupon — We have-two-excellent doubles y Dole Iceberg With tovefrom Kings Mentbers Price combinations, Joe Cassidy and Iig.Or'Winnint g at first"fit dmlbleTjy Cafey7New Providence Dan Clancy at first doubles and singles was Sebastien Brismeur, tied the score with one run in the Lettuce hd. Mushrooms •Good 4/28/91-5/4/91 Seth Markowitz and Dan Aaron at at second singles Jeff Gittlin, at bottom of the third, All-Natural, 12 oz. i . • ,•.'.'• • \ second doubles. If they get a good thirtjl singles Mullen, at first The Bears scored the go-ahead Florida Bell Members Save 90* * • Limit one coupon/Item per customer » * draw in the county tournament, douwes Cassidy and Clancy, and run in the sixth inning when Ar- at second doubles Aaron arid Mar- chibald led off with a single, was Members Price they can go far," said Jim Farrell, Green Peppers ib.99 RLB Cranford's varsity tennis coach, kowitz. sacrificed to second by Don The 1991 team is loaded with Sammet After Kaufmann walked, Habanera Chilies "The World's :Zap-A-Pack after four consecutive victories at Hottest Pepper" _pkg. *2.99 Salad Mixes $|29 $19! home this past week beginning veterans. Senior. captains are both runners advanced on a wild C pitch and a stolen base. Jose Chayote Squash 24 size _ea. 69 Italian or Mixed with the April 22 win over Brismeur, Mullen and Cassidy. iCHEEZ Kearny. 1990 state wrestling champion Rodriguez got an RBI sacrifice fly Members Save *L00 :WHIZ' 16 oz Whhthis Willie Carpenter, also a senior, to deep center scoring Archibald California Haas Members Save' . yv fiixj 10 oz. CoUpon In Monday's match against Eli- with the winning run. Colorful zabeth,, the two Dans, Seth and has seen action in several mat- Joe came through again to lead ches. , Carey struck out seven and ea. 99 Gladiolous bu 00 Other team members are junior walked three in out-dueling Ernie .Good 4/28/91-5/4/91 LU1S2 Cranford in a 3-2 victory over Eli- Jumbo Sweet OFF • ' •- •••.•'• . zabeth. The Cougars first doubles Leo Rinaldi, sophomores Krispin .Schmidt who pitched, a three- California Members Save • • Limit one coupon/Item per customer * • combination won.-.64, 6-2. TheLeddy, Tae Kim, Matt Moran, hitter. Carey's record then stood Vidalia Onions ib PS. AH prices effective through second doubles also came out on Mike Elwertowski, Kevin Iglesias, at 3-1. 89 00 May 4, 1991. We reserve the right Len Goldfeld and freshman Brian "The boys started to mature as a Juicy Florida Limes 2 Ib. bag *i.59 Daisies top 6-1, 6-0. Scott Mullen, at third OFF to limit quantities; we do not sell to singles, also won for the Cougars, Silkensen. team this past week," said coach Washington State Ralph LaConte. "We played three Signature Club items available at Kings in dealers; and we cannot be beating his opponent 7-5,6-0. "Besides a solid group of seni- Red Delicious Apples _Jb. 99< responsible for typographical errors. ors, we really have a good group very good ball games this past Garwood, Short Hills,,Bedminster and "We needed Mullen's victory to 1 week and the team seems to be on Sweet Ripe South American Wayne only, Not all items available in all stores. win the match," Farrell Said. "He of sophomores, ' Farrell added. started out slowly with a 7-5 set, "We're looking forward to the a roll. Our pitching, defense and then he really zeroed in with a county tournament May 2 and 3 hitting are all coming together." Cantaloupes $199 shutout" and the states May 16." The Bears were to host Pingry 12 size ea. A Friday Cranford squeaked by Last year's team was 11-8. After yesterday, St Patrick's today and Hillside tomorrow at 4 p.m. They Pick Up Your 3-Day Pass Union with a 3-2 victory. Winning Monday, the Cougars were ranked convincingly again was Mullen at ninth in the county with a 7-4 will travel to Springfield Monday Tickets to the Essex Horse Trials third singles. He also has won record. They were slated to play and host St Mary's Tuesday. at the Courtesy Corner. Celebrate Cinco de Mayo four matches in a row for his Plainfield Tuesday in a makeup The team's depth and en- Tickets are$ 2d per carload. Essex game and Westfield yesterday. durance will be tested with this with Jere Dudley, our 300 South Avenue, Garwood personal record. Pulling off a Horse Trials takes place May 17, 18, Deli Corner Sales Manager huge upset were Aaron and Mar- Cranford will travel to Union series of games but LaConte is & 19, at Hamilton Farms, Route 206 for all Kings Super Markets. Monday-Saturday 7:30 am-10 pm, Sunday 7:30 am-r9 pm kowitz at second doubles. Losing Catholic Monday and host Sha- "confident that things will work in Gladstone, New Jersey. the first set, they fought back to bazz Wednesday at 4 p.m. out for the Bears." -JJJ. J-

~B-2~CHSNF0RDcmtONICEE Thursday May^rt991 Thursday May^rl99l-CRANFORD CHRONICLE: B-3— Cranford BaseballJLeaffue action far the week Local high school softball teams record losses Davidson, Devon rOebaur and Kevin Tardls. The Lady Bears played great Eagan and Melissa Torna led the Faced wtth a 4-0 deficit, the "Cardinal kids" led and scored to round put the 8ox offense.. Andy Jobe. defeated the Brewers 12-1. Jobe Bear- Cougar Scoreboard five runs in the first inning. Ryan Heck, Keith Qltbertson and-Danle) By Laurie Colarusso AA division Memorial league fought back behind the leadership of the . The "M&M boys," Messner and McKenna, pitched all six innings, striking out 10 Brewer defensively; but just couldn't get Bears with three hits, apiece. The Helmstetter pitched weB for the Mohican, Erin Malkowski pitched a strong "M&M boys,", • Eric Messner arid Finn shutout the.Cards, over five innings on two batters, as he earned his first victory of the and Kim Eagan their bats going. Senior Joan Lady Bears lost 22-5 Thursday BRUINS 2, MUSTANGS 15 striking out nine batters. Aiso playing well for Scores from April 23 to 29 game, striking but seven batters. McKanna. Messner opened the scoring for the hits before being relieved by rookie Terry . season. Shaun Weeden and Kevin Fe^iey had J the Mohican were. Tommy Newman who did a. ANGELS 6, BREWERS 1 Cheeka picked Up the loss. to New Providence^ and 124 The Cranford Sunoco Mustangs defeated Sox In the fourth by clubbing his third homer Donovan In the last Inning. big days at the play for the Giant*. Also play- More losses than wins were The Lady. Cougar defense was in the Bruins 15-2 last Thursday, Mike Feeley nice job behind the plate. Brian Ponto, Mark The Angels rallied for four runs In the firth The Lady Cougars were to face April 23 to A.L. Jb: at home. of the season over the left field fence. Doubles The Cardinals were led. by first year player ing a part In the 10-hlt Giant attack were Jeff recorded by local high school peak form and did not commit won his second game of the year by giving Blrkel and Ted Dootey who turned In the inning and broke open a dose game en route' BASEBALL by "Spanky" Galllott and Andy Nordstrom Craig Frost who singled twice and scored Weber, Carmine DeNicola, Dave Pean, Kevin Kearny yesterday away. They will Tina Kaufmann am e Pap- three hits in five Innings of work. Hitting for the defensive play of the day to stop a rally- Erik to a M victory over the Brewers last Friday softball players this past week, any errors. Offense was at its best produced a second run: while making many, fine defensive plays at Fontana, Brian Boyle and Casey Brooks. '. Brearley 8, A,L Johnson 1 iSses res- Mustangs were Doug Petschow, Mike Gar- Boll. Devon Ktebaur and Kevin TardH pitched night under theifghts at Memorial Field. -In'the sixth Inning down 4-2, rookie Frank. After being rained out of two in the first inning. Francie Lit- host Elizabeth tomorrow, travel to pandrea recorded the second base. Joe Muccla singled In two runs For the Brewers, Billy Hanten and Beau glles and Tom O'Nell vvtth two hits. Petschow, well for the Pawnee, striking out 11 batters. Chris Sands'handled the pitching chore for Merentlno opened up wtth a single,'followed Brearley 2, New Providence 1. Irvington Monday and play Union pectively, dropping the Lady while pitcher Brendoh Matuslak also singled Macksoud shared the mound. duties', combln- earlier softball contests, the Lady terio led off with a triple; Col- S^JUAtVlCid -Playing well dataralwaly for ttt» Pawnee ware' -- the'Angels and limited the Brewers to tour •t •• ' ^ Brearley 1, New Providence 0 Wednesday at home, all at 4 p.m. ^oy^Nordstrom a second double of mo game. as did taammato -Joe-OeGawdila-who—te Cougars lost 9-3 to South Plahv arusso brought her home with a Bears to 1-9 for the season. . drove In two runs each. Joe'Marmo, Feeloy. "DarTPyne. Justln"Baker; "John Mocksayage, -hHsrWhlle striking ouMO.-fceading-the hitting Messner tripled to toft center arid McKenna scored. With this victory trie"Red" Sox Imr Offenstvety. the" Brewers received line per- mtm — Held Friday but beat Breariey 54) ^e^==^ Jerry Schllcting, Currid and Usnock also hit. Joey Jones, Nick- Lonowjch, Dan and Greg attack for the Angels were. catcher Joey i J J TT J singled to drive in the fifth and final run. proved the|r record to 6-1. - formances from Hansen, Macksoud, Chris today and to Hillside tomorrow, for the Mustangs. • Swider and Robert Thelsz. '.•'.'. . McComb, Sands and Kevin O'Donnell. Also Cranford 1, St. Mary's 0 ; SaturdayStd . " and Michele Merola, who hadd twto" - *UC T pla"'"'y" th" e Lad*" y Bear" s "los t' ~ ~" " *" -"- - ' Andrew Schmttt doubled early for the Scot Johnson, Tom Lucash and Richie Horn. The Bruins were led by Adam Thermann hlttlrig woll ware Outfielders Eric Patterson and three games this past week. host Dayton Monday and face offense. On the day, Eric Messner picked up GIANTS 8, YANKEES 6 STANDINGS Cranford 14, Plainfield 3 : : , .: The Cougars could not get star-. singles_for the day, added two .who cracked a double. Terry Walsh, and CJ. CHEROKEE 10, CHICXASAW 0 Jon Itzel, Ron Roberts. Playing well defe- Elizabeth Tuesday. All games are three RBI with McKenna and Galllott driving . In a game that wasn't decided until the last ted offensively against a tough RBI to cap off the first inning of- Monday Brearley faced Dayton Kroyer also had Bruin hits. Phil Desiderio. The Cherokpe extended their winning nsively were second baseman Pat Maher and home one each. •'..•''•• pitch, the Giants capitalized on a gutsy pitch- Blue division but lost 14-11 due to errors. Kim set for 4 p.m. handled the pitching with Steve Pattern for the streak .with a victory over the Chlckasaw. . third baseman Michael Bazllus. • GOLF . South Plai " •" team• .• Kell- -y fensively for Cranford. ing performance by Kevin Feeley and some . Bruins. . .'.••.'• Robert Sands led off the Cherokee wtth a The Brewers were led by the fine pitching of Red Sox pitcher McKenna, relieving Mess- Quigley aric, \V jflicole ttertiarco . • • • ••. excellent last Inning defensive plays, to defeat Angels 8 Brearley 210, A.L. Johnson 214 home run. Rookie David Krauter blasted rib Richie Horn who struck out nine Angels while ner In the fourth, shut out the Dodgers over .'' : "i thaYankeesB^. shared the: Jmoiind for Cranford ' .-. ' ~~ ~~ MUSTANGS 19, COUGARS 3 first triple of the- season, while Vines Desl. going the distance on the moUnd. Pat Pepe the last three Innings giving up only one hit Yankees • •' • .4 •' 3 North.Plainfield 191, Brearley 240 while shutting them, down over the final three As a result of some fine hitting by Feeley. and allowed'only five hits. The . had a perfect day at the plate for the Brewers : The Cranford Sunoco Mustangs defeated derio. Ryan Schmrt, Matt Brady and Kyrtaj Athletics .:••••'. 3'-., 4 . Cranford 195, Elizabeth 245 innings to pick up the victory. Joe Rlnaldl, Casey Brooks, Mike Hammer, Bowling the Cougars last Saturday 19-3. Torn O'Nell Shah all chipped In singles. • Christopher . wHh a single and a double and scored the Dodgers ' Cougar offense was led by Aileen .

2 ' ..'•' 6 Andy Jobe and Kevin Fontana, the Giants \ ' •-.• • Crariford 175, Kearny 216 won his second game of the year pitching five Furino and Devin Levonas each belted a. lone Brewer run. Also hitting safely were Tom Daly, who had a single in the " ' RED SOX 3, CARDINALS 8 carried a four-mn lead Into the last inning. Innings while striking out eight Todd Prutz- double. Also playing well for the Cherokee Lucash and Steve. Gachko. Catcher Ryan Gold division Cranford 175, Roselle Catholic 178 second inning and blasted a two- High, games were bowled J by Joan Bul- The Red Sox of the Welngart Financial With the Yankee bats suddenly erupting and CRANFORD BOWLING Sharpshooters 86 124 man pitched one inning of relief striking out were Craig Corczyca, Matthew VehdlttJ, Robert Matlosz and shortstop Billy Hansen led a thaupt, 170; Barbara Da Qulno^UO; Mary Planners jumped out to a 13-0 margin after the game on the line, terry Pott* turned In an run homer in.the fourth inning. two. Mustang hitters were led by Joe Marmo ' Levonas and Dan Daly.' • strong Brewer defense. Red Sox ..: 6 1 Stolte, 169; Cathy Massonl, i58; Rosemarle Dye Innings and coasted to a 13-5 victory over outstanding defensive play In leftfield, result- SOFTBALL Also, Laurie Colarusso had a High series were bowled by Al Judd, 637; , and Jerry Schllcting with three hits each. Fine pitching for the' Chlckasaw was done Giants '.'••' 3 " ' '4 Meeker Sharkey 144 80 Lutz, 156; Dottle Metchnlk, 155; Mary.Car- . ANGELS 4, DODGERS 2 trie Cardinals:. ing In the tying run being thrown out at sec- single and Kerrin Reilly con- Sal LaPlaca, 569; Joe P;, 558; Frank Vtteka, O'NIol, Prutzman and mike Feeley each had by Tommy Arthur and Jack Howard. Arthur Brewers A.L Johnson 12, Brearley 1 D&M Meats 84 valho, 153. High series were by Da Qulno, The Meeker Sharkey Realty: Angels won The Sox were led at the plate by Marc ivory, ond base and the Yankee threat ending. '• ' ' '•.'.?•' 5 140 554; Woody Sllkor, 545; Nick Prato, 531; two hits. Jeremy Usnock, Steve Bazilus, Tom also- smacked two singles for his team. 1 tributed a single and a RBI. This, t , . , 469; Massonl, 452; Stolte, 434; Metchnlk, 425; Phil Galllott and Terry Donovan who ail doub- Josh Evans and Brian Cumbky shared the Cardinals 2 5 New Providence 22, Brearley 5 Phoenlx Jeweers 134 90 F.MImlhov, '516; Julio Welner, 499: Carol Small and Vlnce Currid each chipped In with a their sixth game of the season by defeating Carvalhb, 421; Bulthaupt, 409; Lutz. 407. led and singled and drove In three runs each. -'• however, was. not enough to beat Capodlce, 496. High games Were rolled by La hit. Doug Petschow also scored five runs In. CHEROKEE 10. COMANCHE 4 • the Viking Plumbing Supply Dodgers 4-2- mound duties for the Bombers, combining to Dayton 14, Brearley 11 Seney Electric 128 S8 Rookie Tim Meyer reached base three' times strike out seven Giant batters, On the of- South Plainfield. Placa. 242; Judd, 242;.MImlnov, 233; Sllker, ' six Innings of play. . • The Cherokee,. sponsored by Victor Dennis Saturday afternoon. The Angels were led by Adams league CranfordElk 126 98 wtth a single, double and a walk driving In a South Plainfield 9, Cranford 3 219; Capodlco, 205; Joe P., 199; Vlteka, 197; The Cougars were led by Andy Newklrk with Realtors^ recorded their fifth consecutive vic- the pitching of Greg Bazllus and Eric Pat- fensive side, Cumlsky hit a monstrous home- Saturday Cranford blanked the * i— LIVINGSTON-WALNUT "> WHITE SOX 16, RED8 5 • 124 100 two hits. .Greg Dbrsett Anthony Vlso, Nick tory by beating Terry Paquette's Comanche. • terson who cpniblned to strike but 10 Dod-. run. — • . run In the bottom of the sixth, while Evans, Cranford 5, Kenilworth 0 Lady Bears in the first round of "°°'-strong|Fyei Don WkJdows, 194; Goorga Bauor, 191; Tom The vyhlte Sox exploded for seven runs In 102 . Williams and Joe Spbln had hits for the Vlnce Desiderio started off the garne by bolt- gers while allowing just five hits. Angel offense Other Soy hitters Were Andy Schmttt wtth a Chris Thee. Sean Fltzpatrick and Luke Weeks Hull Vlccl 122 Conway, 181; Wolnor, 180. the .fifth Inning and went on to win 16-5. Lead- the. Union County Tournament Cadavers 135 , 54 . Cougars. '••'... ing his first home run of the season. Chris- was powered by Greg Bazllus who had a per- double and Zwalks. Eric Messner who doub- also hit safely to aid the Yankee effort. Mason Umo 119 105 led and singled, Finn McKenna with a doub- GIANTS 12, BREWERS 1 ing the way for the Sox were Pete' Lyons, TENNIS The Cougars scored all of their 130 59 topher Furino cracked two. triples and a single fect day at the plate by beltlhg out two con-, Global Carpet 119 105 GARWOOD WOMEN Bypasses while Robert Sands smacked a double. Kevin socutlvo homo runs In the first and third In- led and three runs scored. Jason Harris sing- The Giants, behind the three-hit pitching of New Providence 3, Breariey 2 EAGLES 26, BRUINS 15 (Please turn to Page B~4) Clark'Lanes 116' 108 Psychos ; 130 59. The Eagles soared to their first win .In the. Levonas and Dan Daly each chipped In a nings. Also contributing to the Angel offense, Brearley 3, Middlesex 2 116 108 77.5 Athletes Feet 108 81 third game of the season. Behind the hitting of single. . Sands, Furino and Ryan Schmttt were Joey McComb, Eric Patterson, and Jon Seton bowlers Cranford Hotel ' Garwood Rest 146.5 Patrick Moribaldl, Patrick Patel, Blan Jobe, combined to strike out 18 Comanche batters tool. .The Angel defense, led by the fielding of. North Plainfield 5, Brearley 0 Cranford Sunoco 114 110 Garwood Lanes 132 :92 Plnacollan 104 85 Brian Maher, Ryan' Greenwood and. Dan Di- while only giving up three hits. Also playing Chris Sands, Jlmmy-D'Arcy, Kevin O'Donnell, '•••'',• Cranford 5, Irvingtoh 0 Toll Engel 111 113 Jo Nik Carpets 117.5 106.5 Oophers 101.5 87.5 ablo the Eagles had 11 hits. Greenwood, great defense were Matthew Vendlttt. Matt Pat Maher, Michael,Bazllus, Brian Reppert, in third place Cranford 3, Union 2 Modem Barber 111 113 EZ Sockets 116 108 Split Personalities 99.5 89.5 Moribaldl and Mike Morettl each scored four Brady, Robert Levonas, David Krauter, Kynal Rob Orslnl and Ron Roberts helped to pre- 97 times for 12 runs. Pitching for the Eagles were Shah and Craig Gorczyca. ,' • serve tho Angol victory. : . Cranford 3, Elizabeth 0 In its 15th Season, the bowling Dutchy's Landscape 110 114 Lucky Girls. • . 10B 118. Sprained Anklos 92 Brian Maher, Mike Morettl and Dave Penta. . Fine pitching for the Comanche was done Rookie Rob Seager started on the mound team of Mother Seton Regional victor Dennis 167 117 Dittrlck's 97 127 Walking Wounded 91 98 by Derrick Brooks, John Lyp and Eric Olson. Outstanding defensive play was. exhlBtted by for the Dodgers then turned over the pitching High School, Clark, placed third Wan Lumber 107 117 The New Girls 94 130 Ecchomotlcs 82 107 .'Jobe who caught a fly In right flold.got the - Lyp blasted a triple for the Comanche. Susan ' chores to Brian Bolrne. George Fulling led the BOYS'TRACK 103 121 K&B Welding 87 137 The Digits 80 109 double play by throwing out the first base Flamlnl and Tommy Connelly both hit safely offense. assisted by Dave. Markowitz, Matt Dayton 72, Brearley 59 in the RED division Of. the Cathy's Ceramics runner to end the game. Second basemen for their team. . •• . •' •. . Portor and,Jason Collneri. Jon .and Ryan Summit 71, Cranford 57 Greater Middlesex Conference Reynolds Plumbing 102 .122 BowUisgged 75 114 Brian Wilson and DIFeblo handled many fine Hogna, Tliin Ford, John Daly and Scott Wilson • Bowling at Caroller: Lanes, North RWS Sunoco 98 128 ', Linda Kalsor-rolled last Week's high' series . ivees 72 117. plays. Justin. Heck and Tony Smith also MOHICAN 4. HURON 2 holped the Dodgera defensively-"'. . Of 609, with high games of 213, 157; followed Glonon Brunswick, the team's final record Robbins & Allison 94 130 by Joanne Howes, 503;. 199, 162; Elinor Scrubs 70 119 shored up the defense. In the most exciting game of. the season,. GIRLS'TRACK 11T8-3. Cap^Cadecs 90 134 Bamy, 498; 176,, 170, 152; Mary Zebrowskl, . 70 Bruin.hitting was led by Mike Montague and the Mohican held on to defeat a persistent YANKEES 6, ATHLETICS 2 Handicapped 119 '485; 174, 174; Janet Majko, 475; 181; Edna Dave. Radakovichi Pitching for the Bruins, wore Huron team 4-2. Tbe Mohican took an early 1- ,. Tho Butcher. Block Yankees took advantage' 10^4 Dayton-69, Brearley 62 Senior Kathleen Pagurek of cranford Barber 88 136 Pltis & Needles 63 126 Weed & Feed Oliver, 462; 179, 157; Patty Yutz, 457; 179; Dave Radakovich, Tom Frommer, Tyrone 0 lead In the first Inning when Daniel Helms- of strong pHchlrtg by Josh Evans and. Brian Cranford 81 .Summit 41 159 Cranford had a high game of 214 just for Kicks 65 Lois Gloss, 454; 176, 171. Other high games ' Clark and Chris Kroyer who did a fine closing tetter smacked art RBI double after Tom.Pollto Cumlskoy to avenge an eariler loss to ihe Lawn & Tree and a high average of, 155. Pag- were bowled by Jeanne McComb, 182; Jay .High series Were by Eva Palmer, 505;.Sue out the game. .'••••, . and Pat Galliot and singled. The Hurons Brown's Hallmark.Athletics. Gabe Stein and Covers 5,000 Sq.FL Those.Bhootlng"600 series were Kevin Fdr- Malle, 176; Mary Ann Boyle; 1?5,164; Patricia Mlkotacyzk, 501; Marie Evaristo, 483; Pat El- - Jim Zlelenback pitched well for the A's. .•'.-.'..• Fertilizer VpLLEYBALL urek • was .named to the Greater rstormed back Intrie bottom of the flrsf With a Middlesex C!(mntv Alt-Confetorir**-festal.-224i^422420, 224, 2044 ; Paptt LaSaMaLSM , 20209,1549 i54, Guerrlero, 170; Belle McMillan, 169; Usa . Koury, 479; Ruihanne Delia Serra, 470;,Cathy EAGLES 9, BULLDOGS 4 run produced by a Matt Smalt single and a ' , The A's pushed across a riin In the first - Elizabeth 2, Cranford 0 !Sa^-- ^ 288; ; Dom Fowlero, , 2202,, 222.'217, ; Jim Aker. Montgomery,. 466; Maureen Chlllnskl,' 459; In game called by darkness aftor four In- Brett 6'Malley double. In Ihe third Inning Jeff Inning on a pair of Infield singles by Dave • bowling team. ; . Fralzor, 165; Marie Haftung, 165; Marge ^ Gjanford 2, East Side 1 218, 222, 192; Rich Sorge, 199, 225, 201; Ed Batbara, Heywpod, 456. Hlgh.games wore by nings, tho Eagles Won their second game last Henoch walked, Ryan Helmstetter and Ryan Beccerra and Danny Holland. WHh only one . Kennedy, 158; Margaret Benkovlch, 155; Patty. Covers 10,000 Sq.FL 111 Other team members include se- Stoerger, 177, 234, 209; Pat Topetro, 201, Wall, 151, 150; Evelyn Lawler, 152; Laura Llrt- Palmer, 229; Montgomery, 189; Chlllnskl, 180; "tek by out-hitting the Bulldogs In an upset : Heck singled for the Mohican, setting up a out In the home-half of the Inning, the Yanks- ; 5 Irvlngton 2, Granfofd 0 *•• 205, 197; Chick O'Hanlon, 186, 217. 199. Mlkotaczyk, 179,164; Pat ElKoury, 176; Rlmll, Mike Morettl started the attack With a sharp knotted the score on a bases-loaded walk but .. " ' : " #25935 ' . ' .-. Ill nior Kristin Pagurek of Cranford ter, 153; Jerry Chlnchar, 1.51. '..;.' throe-run triple by Pat Galliot. Rolling games of 200 or more were Al Hatoff, single to left field, then Brian Wilson and Brian . pltchor Stein worked out of the jam with no Give Your Lawn &Tre«« and Dawn Zielinski of Kenilworth. Two weeks ago, Wall rollod a high series of 170; Evaristo, 169, 188; Plowcha, 167; Delia John Byrne Jr., Bill Wood, Mike Pechlllo, Bob Maher Joined In with a single each..Pitching Fine pitching' by Mohican Tom Pollto, Ryan further damage. '.'••' the feedtvg they need with 596, with high games of 214, .214/166; fol- Serra, 165; Laurie ElKoury, 164; Chelland, Blndlln, Ray Hensel, Ray Witman. Joe Rorlo, ; for the Eagles was shared between Brian Heck, and Keith Gllbertson helped stop Huron Covers 15,000 Sq.FL IQlorion10-e-4.«a24S45 lowed by Joanne McComb, 560; 21S, 179,. 164; Faraono, 162; Janice Alban, 161. • '•'.• In the A's third, Yankee catcher Eric Carl Thul, Dutchy Prutzman, Pete Mast- Rellly end Brian Maher who combined for. a rallies by striking out 14 batters. In the bottom .•' .•' *G25933 • . \/ 166; Gloss, 520; 189, 166,165; Hartung, 51.5; Schrolbor throw put his third base runner of. rostofan, Mike Pasquale, Dennis Sumenek, no-hltter. In the field, Ryan Greenwood at first of the last Inning Brett O'Malloy smacked a 179, 176, 160; Donna Bonko, 606; 189, 162, the season to avert what might have been ah Grows a luxury lawn:..and keeps it Terry Newton, Jim Dlxon, Nick Rugglano, BROOKSIDE PfA base and Patrick Patel at thlr&base handled triple, Kyle Ward worked out a walk, and Chris A's rally foaturing singles by Brian Harloy arid 155; Ellen Boyle. 488; 167, 163, 158;-Zeb- Shaw lined a single for the Huron, closing the weed-free. Kills dandelions, chick Soccer action in the area Warren DILorenz, Sam Hays, Brien Hendry, many: fine plays. Brian wiferon, Randy Boccorra. rowskl, 483; 190, 156! Lawlor; 482; 169, 164;, score to 4-2 but Keith Gllbertson struck out Rick Rowe,' John McKenna, Don Horvath,' Tom Woedon, Tony Smith, Jeremy \piatt Dave WHh the game tied at 1-1 starting the. bot- weed, plantain, buckhorn and many Linda Kaiser, 474; 191, 180; Yutz,.466; .190; Ambush two. batters and made a fine defensive play to Young, Doug Albert, Lou Rlzzo, Sal Vendttto, 49.5 24.5 Perils. Brian Jobe and Justin Heck played the. tom of the third, the top of the Yankee ordor other lawn weeds in active growth. Mlllburn Blast defense, the Mlnutemen Were tltoe came up from mldfleld to score the final Benkovlch, 464; 161, 156; Carol Rlley, 458; end the game. Playing well for the Huron were Jim Delfinls, Mike Brlnker, Jim Kuhleweln, Joo Shallmar 42.5 31.5 dofci'so to hold the Bulldogs to four i went to work. After a leadoff walk to Pat unable to capitalize on' their opportunities. goal of the game. Bobby Laskowski and Mark 174; Barny 451; 177, 151. Othor high ganies Joey Viola, Carmen Plrillo, Greg Spaltro, /^UMECREST Granford boys Weber and Paul Toth. 39 35 Burko, Chris Thee stroked a solid hit to laft With no time left, the Blast were awarded a Keogh made some' excellent passes. were bowled by Guerrlero, 170; Malko, 165; Obsession Bulldog pitcher Dave Smith did a rjooHjob Robert Wise, Matt Esodla. Florlo Bontoldl and contor.:Tho A's threatened In-the fourth Inning penalty shot which was defended by goalie throughout the game. Laure Hynes, Elizabeth Laura Halplni 160; Diane Guertln, 156; Edith Heaven Scont 37.5 36,5 to keep the Eagles In check- during the ea iric Mendlesbn. Also playing well for the but Cumlskoy pitched his way out of a bases- Traveling teams Mike Smith who had a busy day at the net, Sweeney and Peter.Sevlgny turned In .fine Guerrlero, 154; Oliver, 155; Fralzor, 152! going by allowing one run in three Innings. Mohican were Tim Mamrak, Mark Zlrkel, Brian MONDAY A.M. SENIORS Tatlana 35 39 loadod situation after giving up singles to Forward line consisted of Andretta, Lavegllo performances for the Toads. Eric Lelsslng, Ponto, Ted Dooley and Tommy Newman. Gforibn EASYSHjiEAP CELTicS6.RAHWAY2 UzClalbomo 31 43 Chris Barah and Chris Faltoute. The A's cut and Ferrelra. Mldfleld was placed by Tag- Brian Snyder, and Mike Estabrook also played STANDINGS the Celtics began the second half of their llalavore, Evaristo, Steinberg and defense by - Go Getters • 115 HILLSIDE PTA Lauren 31 43 the load to 3-2 In the fifth when Willie Cor- spring season, with- an impressive victory . well. Joshua Zullck put endless pressure on HURON 4, LENAPE2 blsloro singled and scored, on Mike Hynlc's Lawn Lime Jenkins, Thompson, Morano, Padllla and Toads defense. Goalies Adam. Augensucker Right Aimers 111 99 Passion 30.5 43.5 Blue division Deluxe away. The winners used various formations ' Nazzaro. : • In one of the most well-played games of the ground out. Neutralizes and a combination of finesse and power to. and J.R. Ffankel made several critical saves Go Get Em 111 99 Newcomers 52.5 34.5 40Lb.Bag for the Toads. : Gators 4 1 year, the Lenape and the Huron battled to.a 2- Tho Yankees added three Insurance runs shut down the Rahway'offense and hammer • ThreeTops. 109 101 Hillside Ahgols 48.5 38,5 High series were bowled by Natalie Mah- 2 tie after six full Innings. In the seventh inning after two outs In the flftri. Five consecutive hits Grass Food solid acid and shots on the Rahway goal. The trigger men for . PATRIOTS 3, RAHWAY 3 Spartans • . z Three of Us 108.5 101.5 Plnottes 46 41 ohoy, 477; Ruby Meesples, 436; Jodee '"...' •'*.•• the Huron pulled out a victory against the very by ThbOi Evans, Gumlsky, Sean Fftzpatrick A goal In the final minutes enabled the Pat- releases:;:.';.'.. Cranford's success were- the. midfielders, Rowdies 42.5 Newman, 455; Barbara Harriett, 433; Helen Hawkey es- ' •' . • ' 2 • ." . 2 riots to walk aWaV'^fltri' a tie against an agg- Granfordgirls Three C's 104 106 44.5 tough Lenape team; Pitchers for the Lenape and Luke Weeks put tha game on Ice. , ,v. Robbie SchlReer and Robert Sands controlled' Baor, H34; Donna O'Donnell, 395. High Feeds 5,000 Sq. FL 799 149 "Grovy'Power* ressive Rahwway learn. The first half .belonged 101 37.5 49.5 Razorbacka .•.::.•, . . ,' 1 ; Who Mlstlts ; . :. 2 .were Anget Navarrette, Ryan Kullk .and. Andy . the sidelines ' with. aggresslya play, ,and, ao^ 109 games were rollod by Mahoney, 200, 160; 3 Bausch, together they fanned 13 Huron bat- ATHCETICS 12, CARDINALS 1Q '>; curate,throw-ins'. PairlckMaher was outstancF" . to tho Patriots who demonstrated skimul,,aocr, Hey You 100 110 Rascals . • ' 32- •• 55 Huskies ••''••••..• 1 •••' iTiraveling teatais • O'Donnell, 153; Hamett, 173, 150; Baer, 155, ters, walked seven and allowed jonty eight ! The A'a defeated the Cards for their third. Ing In the middle and contributed three assists car play. Midfielders Tim Meyers, Dan Hlgglns Cougars • '..•/• 1 ' 3 Bevs 99.5 • 110.5 150; Kloopsles, 167; Newman, 158,151. V hits. Hitters for the Lenape were Navarrete, win ol the season wHh a dramatic como-from- and many fine passes. The Cranford forward and Ron Kullk played well supporting forwards John Healey's and; Ryan 'Kullk's goal apiece - Ryan Kullk and Paul Vandermelren. Part of the behlnd. victory In a game that had seven Feeds 10,000 Sq. Ft were swarming on Rahway's riot for much of WESTFIELD 2, MAGIC 0 Gold division . for a two-goal halftlme lead. )ough defense that recorded seven put-outs In changes. . . .'.'.'• *Q255B4 • , the. game and took turns with breakaway Magic played an electrifying game against a the field were Tom Alexco, Matt and Chris Both teams battled back and forth until tho The second half saw Rahway come out Mustangs 1 passes from the mldfleld.'Dave Becerra had a stubborn WestAeld team. Although playing a '.''••: ' ' S Symanskl, Joey Slragusa and Jim Woglom. . bottom half p' 'he fifth Inning, When the Car- hat trick, Jon Itzel scored twice and Casey playing a physical style of soccer. The Pat- tough head'to-head game and allowing West- Falcons 1 riot's seemed to' back off a bit allowing Rah- •..'• ' '4 Pitching for the Huron were Matt Small, dinals exploded for five runs foaturing a three- Feeds 15,000 Sq. Ft X|19' 9 Brooks,, scored on a crossing pass from field to cross mldfleld only once In the second way to score three times against the .defense Wildcats ' ' '4 • 2 Jonathan Martin and Carmen Plrillo; .together run homo run by Brian Wolngart. Tho A's 10LbS. 4.99 Becerra. Ryan Hegna kept the ball alive at left half, Magic fell by two second quarter scores. A NEW DIMENSION came up In the last Inning needing three runs The richer, longer lasting formula for aH- wing "and a few. scoring chances which barely of Rob Brunner, Jim Doane, Andy Hubbuch Eagles • • " 4 they struck out 18 Lenape batters, walked four • Magic offensive unit of Becky Taylor, Nicole ' 2 ' to tlo and got ftva.fo' take, the load. After a and Chris Sbaratta; • season beauty. Guaranteed not to burn. missed. ' • •• • ' . . '•••."•• :, Slarace, Laura Johnston. Beth Gallagher, Bulldogs . '"2 '. • ' 4 and. allowed nine hHs. Hitters for the; Huron were Martin, Small, Plrillo, Brett, O'Malloy, single by Willy Corblslero and: two walks, 25 Lbs. 6.99 .'„ The strong Cranford defense, consisted of Strong defensive play by stopper Brian Har-: Megan Zambell, Lauren Zuravnsky, Lauren INKJTGhfENS Bruins .' • . o 5 Chris Shaw, Robert Wise and Matt Es.6d.la. Kevin Hopkins came through with a cluich Tim Styier, Ed Sweeney, Chris Johnson, ley helped generate good passing between Stanley, Devon Murray and Bethany Dlttmar. Huron combining for four put-outs In the Held two-out single.. Danny Holland delivered the Shaun Jonspn . and keeper Devin Webaur. Mike Tretola and Jeff Baer with Baer scoring repeatedly plummeted the Westfleld goal wtth Minor league were Joey Viola, Kyle Ward, Greg SpaHrq, crucial blow, a'llno drivo double Into the gap Introducing Natural Organic These defenders succeeded In limiting the an exciting goal to tie the score. Goalie Gen- fine shots. Goalies Christine Bender and Cesare Somma, Florio Bentolde and Eric followed by Gabe Stein's single making tho ~ Rahway- scoring-.ORBQttj).n!yes_ and making 'naro Somma turned In a solid performance Bethany Dlttmar played a fine game In goal. score 12-10. Jim Zlelenbach shut down the Mendelson.' Fertilizers For A Safe Environment some long, clearing passes which returned with a few good saves that-kopLjHe game Tracey Mulvaney, Samantha Morano and CROW 9, SHAWNEE 8 cards In order In the bottom of the sixth with the play to the offensive end of the field. • close.'. ••...'.•'.•• ' •' • .'••.''• Shannon Murray, Nicole Pepe and Andrea. fine defensive plays by Dave Becerra, Brian " The Edrich Remodeling Crow with some Gfonon Natural Rosenkrans played a strong defensive gaine timely hitting defeated the Shawnee 9-6. Joey STANDINGS . Harloy and Chris Baran. Organic Lawn Food |«gg CRUSHERS 4, WESTFIELDT RANDOLPH 6, AMERICANS 0 and repeatedly forced the play to the offense. •Unlsh, Jeff O'Donnell ahd Andy Klndler shared Glonon Starring for the A's were Hopkins, Holland, . The Crushers (3-2) played their best game N. BRUNSWICK 7, AMERICANS 0 the mound duties striking out 13 batters while Unaml division FMds SiOOO Sq. Ft>o2B7i511 Stein, Braan, Mike. Drlscoll, Chris Faltoute, Glo of the Vear wtth a convincing 4-1 victory over The Cranford Americans had Wo tough WESTFIELD 3, SOC-HERS 2 giving up Just three hits. Leading the Crow Corblslero and Hariey, Stew, Hopkins and back-tc-back; loses last week. This was the Huron ' . ' '. • .1 Westflald Thunder. In a somewhat controversial game, the attack were Andy Klndler, Adrian Meyer, Eddie "•' '; •• 3' Starter GtorMM Natural Organic Zle'lenbacih-handled the pitching. •'.•'• The game started off Westfleld's way with a first time In at least two years that any team, Cranford Soc-Hers fell victim to an aggressive Feeley and Joey Unlsh who connected for a .'•'•.•' 3 1 Crow • "Cardinal stars were Brendan Keeley, Woln- Tomato/Vegetable 799 shot them out of the game. ' Westfleld team that edged past the home solo home run to put the Crow up 7-6. Jeff Fertilizer goal early In the first half. But a centering pass Iroquols 2 3 gart,'Justin Matuslak, Joey Muccla and Gene- This has been the toughest opposition O'bonnell blasted a two-run home run to seal Food 20Lb.Bag #025725 I • from winger Ryl Fernandas was tipped In by a • team Soc-Hers. • ••• 8hawnee" .' ''". 1 . . 3 rra Somma. Wolngart and Matuslak pitched a. ! waiting Donnte Mahoney to knot the scoring since the forming of the team In the fall of' The Soc-Hers dearly dominated the first ..the Crow victory. Also hitting safety ror the strong game for the cards.. Lenape • ' ' ." 1 ' 4 #028778 Sq. Ft before hatftlme. ; ••1987. ': '• .'. -. ' •-": • •••'•'•. • haH, scoring 'two goals minutes apart by right' Crow were Frank Buovino and Jeff Gawley. ;' The second half was all Crushers as they wing Diana Richards. The first goal was, The Shawnee pitching duo of Ryan Chlckasaw 0 , aHalps young grass, grow to filorran Composted |7Q :. ' ' 3 . RED SOX 5, DODGERS 4 swift, healthy maturity. For • • scored .three times. Winger Jay Whalen's CENTENNIAL 8, WESTFIELD 0 scored on a shot past the Westfleld goat- McGlynn and John Mlccto pitched well striking Cree .0 .4 The Rod Sox staged another late rally In the new lawn, when ovtrseadinq Cow Manure 40 uxBagl -cow ' centering shot was headed Into, the net by tender Into the right corner of the net and the out 10 Crow batters. Leading the Shawnee . last Inning to defeat a scrappy Dodger club 5- an •MabNahed l»wn, or under 1 Femandes. The Fernandas brothers, Paulo second, a high booming blast over the attack were Evln Elkoury, Peter Epple and Jeff newryptmtedBod. Highly arouile. N«tura'« ull bolldor and condHtow lor' Hillside division 4. The Dodgers were led on the mound by We Wi«* »hurbt tnu, Odbrim. WNd-fre*. r^vbumlng. and Rul, combined on the next Cranford goal Midget division goalie's head, Westfleld then answered wHh a Bauman. Also hitting well were Ryan McGlynn, bailer Dave Markowitz who no-hlt the Sox for with Paulo's timely pass setting up the play. controversial goal to end the half 2-1. : John Mlcclo and Craig Karplnskl.- .., " •• •• • •*--.- -0 — three Innings while.picking up eight strikeouts. Cherokee 0 Ttie Crushers. ,Iced ; the garne 6n.%Shaun : The second haH was all Westfleld as they '• We»b^nV«xurate r^s to Adam^BucclareW : HAMMERS; 3, SKYMASTERS0 Cheyenne 3 0 On the game, Markowitz finished wtth I3'«trik^~ ' came to life. They scored two goals, the sec- MOHICAN 21, PAWNEE 7 whQ scored the goal. ':'•'•;•:• " . Following a hard-fought scoreless first half, ond and winning goal a result of a ball kicked The Mohican let loose with an 1B-htt explo- Mohican ''..••' 4 1 eouts rendering seven hits. . Route 202 123B Valley Rd. the Hammers scored three times to defeat the 22 Prospect St. 2322 Morris Avfe. Main SI. , ; ;The Cranford defense was led by keeper out of Cranford. goaltender Urdn Frelnd's sion to beat a tough Pawnee team. Hitting The Dodger offense struck for a quick four Skymasters 3-0. Gillian Murray and. Lauren Mohawk 2- 1 Stirling •Jlk Fekete, Scott Van DeWater, John Bedson, . hands. The home team almost evened up the well for the Mohican were, Keith Gllbertson, runs on the hitting of Rob Segear, Jason Madison, N.J. Union, N.J. NeshanicSlalion Bemardsville,N.J. Slgnore(la tallied goals, while Jason Pedde. Comanche 3 2 tirlari rieppert, Kevin O'Donnell, Terry Don- game on a near miss by left wing Abby Dreyer Ryan Helmstetter, Tom Pollto, Daniel Helms- Collnleri, Jon Hegna and Brian Belme. The David Stanley, Michael Cuppari and Tommy 22M131 647-1239 ijiv>in arid Kevjn Feeley. The mldfleld play of |ust before the game ended. tetter, Tim Mamrak, Pat Galliot and Jeff Hen- Pawnee . '' •' . 3' 3 Dodgers are sponsored by Viking Plumbing 377-1000 68B0070 369-5511 Flanagan pressured the Skymaster defense. •••/ letC'Schulie. and Andrew Kbval helped the - Playing well for the Soc-Hers were forwards roch. Hitting well for the Pawnee were Jason Apache Supply Co. •'••;•• Mark 8eldenateln and Michael Welneke . 0 5 .'•' ;dnj8her8'otfenslve attack. . Richards, Dreyer, Jill Redlund, Regan shared the shutout In goal. Anchoring the Stompnlewlcz and Amy Matz, midfielders Hammer mldfleld and defense were Thomas ' WARRIORS 2, DENVILLEO Erica Platt, Kirn KaMrleder, Lynsey Borges and v Cartwrlght, Mathew. Nazzaro, Kim Olsen, Mary The flight leading undefeated Warriors came Heather Simpson and'defenders Alana Doty, .. • • • • ••'.•••. • ' • "^ Beth Zanko, Andrew: Bobiicky and Chris- Amy Pldgeon and Jenny Sands. QoaMender home from a long road trip to Denvlllewlth topher Frost. •i their fourth victory against one tie. Sixteen Frelnd made many .fine saves for a crowd- • HIGH SCHOOL minutes Into the game, right halfback Peter David Coughlln turned In an outstanding pleasing performance. .. Dlttmar received a cross from left wing Bubba ." pertormance In goalie for the Skymasters,. as ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Baker and scored the flrt goal on a welt- did Lauren O'Donnell, Matthew Reriaud and 1•FIHGEtf# ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Joshua Zullck In the field. They were Joined by EFIKEtiS - placed leader. In the second quarter center Ryan Smith, Luke Russo, Marco Cusomano,

•••'•'••• •'• ' ' '••''.'••'•• • • '- . ".^': • ' halfback Mike Swackhammer dribbled through ._ GaorgB Hollan, Tom Pacchla, Michele Patrino, . — • • • .. • . .,....' ... . • *- goalie. Qranford continued to dominate in the" . "Ooey Upman, A.J.Meeks, EllzaBethTatBerg second hair with forwards Jeremy Platt, Randy and Deborah Wechselblat. '•,'•• A Weeden, Tim Ryan, Kenny Hartmann and of the Week Hickory Manor PETEULOZAS Baker thrilling the Cranford fans WHh nume- ELECTRIC TOADS 3, SKY LORDS 1 The Electrip Toads came away with an ettdt- Cranford High School Ath- Aristdkraft creates a relaxing JIM KYLE Senior Edison rous shots on goal, Midfielders Matt •>:• Kawczynskl, Scott Friedman, Swackhamer ' Ing 3-1 victory against the determined Sky letes of the Week are Ryan moocj In mlc^tone CranftMtl High School and Dlttmar controlled the tempo of the game Lords. Jeff Baumann led the way wtth a goal LoiUey, baseball; Kevin Cas- on a well kicked penalty shot. David poghlln. with Hickory Manor. Unique ini' with exceptional play at both end3 of the field. Coming off a superb Junior season, Ulozas Is quickly evened the score. Lindsay Elegna sidy, golf, the team, softball; "country cathedral' arches • The defense, which has allowed only one opened the second half scoring with a power- Dan Aaron and Seth Mar- Jim Kyle, a senior at Cranford High School, Is off to a hot start for the Edison baseball squad. goal In five games, was led by backup goalie highlight this traditional yet a four-year starter on the varsity golf team. : ful kick, despite fine goattendlng by! Joe kowitz, tennis; Mark Chandros, The Eagles' sturdy catcher has 18 hits In tils ' Danny Vazques who shut down the Express Uobman. Sky Lord mid-fielders Marco Cus- •versatile style. For distinctly 1 boys' track; Maria Vassalo and 1 Captain for the last two years, Kyle as of Mori' first 33 at-bats (.545), Including four doubles, offense and excited the Cranford crowd vytth a umaho, George Holan, A.J. Meeks, Tom Pac- beautiful cabinetry that s at great save on a penalty kick. Mike Feeley, Leah Hunt, girls' track; and day has led hla team to a 10-0-1 record wttfi an two triples, a home run and 12 RBI. A four-year chla, Elizabeth Patberg, Michelle Petrlno and home In the kitchen, the •Danny Martin and. Jason Michaels ell had a Deborah Weckolblatt contributed fine efforts. Connie Barahona, volleyball. sensational game on defense for the Warriors. average of 40 for this season. He plans to regular, Ulozas has also thrown out six of 12 Luke Russo, Lauren O'Donnell and Ryan bath, or any room of the attend the University of Maryland where he would-be base-steaters and he already owns ' Smith put up a tough defense, but Mike vtt- house, choose Aristokraftl hopes to start on the golf teanv the school records for career RBI (60) and hits " MINUTEMENS, NEW PROVIDENCE 0 '. The Mlnutemen continued their winning :(90V •'• ' •. •'. •;• •;••.• •; r ••..- .-,,••• -.•;.•• • ways with a 5-0 shutout against the New.

' • ' . • • • •''.•'.'. '•-. ' •.'• ...• : '••"'. ' "" •' •"• •' Providence Rebels.. The Mlnutemen controlled ."''! most of the game. They scored their first goal Ml • 10 minutes Into the game with Dave Lavegllo ' . • ••••'•.'• ' •- •• ''...'••' ; A 'scoring on an assist from Anthony Evaristo, : Create a beautiful Hdttay Manor Utility cabinets are available with i Who scon scored the second goal. At the end rxrtch wtth components liko leaded optional rollout trays or shelves for,.,, of the first half, the score was 2-0. In the glass doors, crown and base shoe plenty of easy-access storage. second haH, the scoring was done by Lave- mouldings, and linen range bases. YOUR : 7 glib.. Evaristo and Donnle Andretta with an ; assist by Evaristo. Forward line consisted of FREE 'Andretta, Lavegllo and Ferrelra. Mldfleld was SPORTING GOODS • played by Tagllalavore, Evarl3to and Stein- FISHER'S CHARTER SERVICE Measuring • Estimates • Delivery* Computerized Layout Service SINCE berg. Defense was controlled by Jehklns, THIS SPACE Sportflshlng Charters For Trout .Thompson, Morano, Naaaro'and Padllla with & Salmon On Lake Ontario 1909 COMPLEX goalie Mike Smith, who had to make several Full Time Guide Strvtce . CRANFORD EDISON 513 W. UNION AYE. (RT 28) ; dMng grabs to preserve the shutout. WAITING FOR Full or HaH pay Trips Available 7 days a weak (315) 62«-2740 336 CENTENNIAL AVE. 1177 INMAN AVE. BOUND BROOK; NEW JERSEY MILLBURN 4, MINUTEMEN 1 YOURAD I In a battle for sole position of first place In C«pt Brian Plitwr 276-0505 757-6600 201-356*0604 their flight, the Mlnutemen came up short In a BUILDERS' GENERAL . well-played game by both sides. The Mln- utemen went Into the Second half trailing 2-0, SUPPLY COMPANY Mon., Tucs., thurs., Fri. 8:30 AM to 9 PM with a right shot from the 18-yard line, Ev- SPORTING GOODS CO. Wed. & Sat. 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM aristo gave the Mlnutemen one goal, making the score 2-1. With numerous attacks on the CHRONICHB-ThursdajrMay 2,-1991" Recreation softball in the area Cranford Baseball League Albert against consolidation Allen urges residents to oppose incinerator MARINERS 17, INOWH8JB-- ~ (Continued from Page B-2) 1 Sharkey, Sarah Uface and Meredith Clor- by> Brozek, Atyssa Wright and Donlso Hey- the plate. ' , The Mariners upped their redoffiSfcfcl with, Lydia Allen called upon Cran- Allen is concerned over reports recycling, 20 percent composting" Cranford girls kowskl. Jill.Knight pitched six Innings (of the wood. Scoring that Inning were Weiss, Con- The Emeralds kept coming back scoring Kevin Pemoulle, Paul Harrison and Chris their, last victory. Gaining the Win J£ traijMari> • of police, fire departments ford residents this week "to join from the Rahway group that if and 20 percent land filling" is a Sapphires striking out seven Rubles. . roy, Koehler, Megan Guthrie and Heywood. . two in the fourth- on Haxman's single. Light- Nostrand. Also, providing timely hits for the. ners were Mark Stlansen with one |3t and one Sox were Eric Lapera, Colin McFadden and constructed the facility will better alternative. I am sure the Leading the Rubles were. Donna Pollto, The Sapphires rallied for four' runs In the.' cap's triple, and Lauren Schustertnan's single. run over three Innings. Hurling fine relief wore in opposing the incinerator in Josh Barr. Kevin Pemoulle went the distance Norman W. Albert, Regular Major league Murray. Trida PoUto, Losl, Gordon, Mindy sixth as Nicky Olesky singled, Jessica Renaud In the fifth, they pushed across eight runs in a Paul Whltehurst, Billy Provod and Jack ditionally, how soon will it be Rahway which will be a health produce dioxins which will be bond people and those who make for the White Sox allowing rfnry four hhs while Weiss, Christine Ricdp and Megan Yesko. walked and. Melissa Nbrdstrom and Melanle hitting flurry which featured hits by Krlstl Pb- McFadden. Leading the powerful Mariner at- Democratic Organization can- before a public safety director inhaled by Cranford residents.. the money building and financing striking out 12. I .. • hazard for our community." Allen, Leading the Rubles on defense were Carlo Dlnsmoro came through with run scoring hits. cptta, Cori SatUas, Jenny Groellng, and Ught- tack with three hits apiece were Paul Wrjlte- didate for Township Committee, The Red offense came off the bats of John- uses up any savings by increasing running for the Democratic "The reports of mercury and lead these systems are in favor of PANTHERS 5, LEOPARDS 4 Fernandez, Cindy Ross, Mandy Ross, Pattl Knight and Donnelly split the pitching for cap's grand slam home run. • • hurst, Lauren Porter, Cris Salle, Jimmy Ad- Bablneau and Evan Man, Dan Trouts and said.last week he is opposed to staffing and equipment? • nomination for . Township Com- contaminants in our air should construction. The average citizen, The Panthers scored their first victory of the Turowski and Megan Coneery. the Sapphires. Brozek started for Amethysts Hitting stars for the Amethysts were Kristin desso and Jack McFadden.. Getting one hit .Matt.Raush. Red pitching was split between apiece were Stlansen, .Nicole San Marline, the proposal to consolidate the however, knows that this type of season against trio Leopards In an extremety and picked up her second victory with relief Brownlee. Brozek. Weiss, Noreeri Rellty, "Third, the Township Committee mittee, said she picked this sub-, give us all pause for concern. Jesse Plrcher and Trouts. , _nmia_Udtuir RUh^Prtiurvi and Kevin Douataa police and fire departments gynirrfmrrrWulsji'. '. ' —- "Kasey Conroy anO~K0BnlBf.- Cuiuuy- was. Uiu should rr>r*usjnn changes within jec't to start her campaign because There is also no plan for disposal burning is dangerous and should there run for run to tie the score for. each of Trjda Poltto hit for the cycle and Melissa "" Fdrthe"iridlansrNick FeVete'and RyanOte^" under the-uhibreHa-of" apubliVF winning pitcher with relief help from Denlse ASTROS 10, RANGERS 6 r the system to cut costs and'irn- of theneed for immediate^action.: of the ash whichwilFbe generated- not be permitted^— —- the first four innings. The Panthers broke the Murray added two doubles and a. triple to AMETHYSTS 28, PEARLS 4 ski hit their way to base: Olesld and Tyler Heywood. For the Emeralds, Megan Ughtcap David Pavlak returned from three weeks on safety department prove services.. For example, from the facility." she explained. tie In the fifth when a single by Lynsey Borges power the Cranford Sport Store Rubles to The Amethysts won their third game, in a Ward pitched for. the Indians.. "A small but dedicated group 1 Pressure? drove In nine runs with two home runs and a the disabled list and helped spark the Astros "There are simply too many scored on a Triple by Christine Cavlcchloll. their third straight victory. Donna Pollto picked rbwTbehlnd the pitching of Deena Brozek and : WHITE SOX 7,-ROYALB «^ -- r there should be monthly meetings called the Concerried Citizens of -Allen said that alternatives in- triple.' ' • • . ',""~~ to a victory over the Rangers. Pavlak singled • Can't take a shower Dlaria Ueberman also drove in a run In the-up the victory In her 1991 pitching debut. Lauren Weiss. Brozek pitched the first three The White Sox and Royals completed a rain negatives attached to the creation in the second, In his first at bat of the season, between the heads of the police Union County are waging an up- cluding "a plan of 60 percent and flush ihe toilet - second with a triple. Other base hits for the- shortened game Sunday and the Sox held on of a public safely director position The Pearis opened the scoring with two •Innings to record her third win of the year. GARNETS 17, TOPAZ 11 and made a fine relay throw from left field to an fire departmetns to better hill battle to stop the burner in Panthers were hit by Beth Pyne. Caren Dehv for a 7-6 victory. The White Sox scored five at the same time? runs in the first, but the Rubles came back in against no losses. Weiss recorded her second The Garnets recorded their fourth victory of assist In nailing an advancing' runner at third. to justify the change. First and coordinate services. Additionally, Rahway," Allen said: "Since pol- yen, Mary Kokle an.d.Abby Dreyer. the half on hits by Murray, Pollto, Carrie Gor- times In the fourth Inning to fake a 7-4 lead • Can't water the lawn save. . • ' • .' .. the season. Jessica Dreyer on the mound Casey Washak struck out 13 Rangers and foremost, we, must.recognize and lution won't just stop at the Cran- Need A Fruit Basket For the. Leopards Lauren Chamo, Mellsa don and Carrin Fernandez to take a 4-2 lead. The Amethysts loaded the bases In the first kept ihe Topaz scoreless for the first three but had to halt a Royal ratty In the bottom of the. Township Committee should the way you'd like? Perez, Adrlenhe Furlno, Dobra Noble, Sheryl allowed only four walks, while earning his preserve the excellence of the The Pearls took the lead back In the second but only one run scored as.Pearl left fielder Innings. She allowed one triple to Tarn Plo the sixth to get the win. ; '.. focus, on important issues such as ford line, our residents should let In a Hurry? Colarusso, anri Collen Carney all got hits. socond victory of the season. Astro batters services provided by both dep- • Are you fed up on. walks and a bases loaded Single by Maria Amy Grutzmacher hauled In two long fly balls ariello, gave up three walks, and struck but Steve Laface and Donny Mahoney each had the county arid state be aware of . An excellent pitching job by Dreyer for the stroked the ball war as John Morris, Kevin, the improvement of fire depart- living this way? Carnpanelll. The Rubles retook the lead In the to end the Inning. The Amethysts scored six In nine. .''•••''. Knight. Greg Winter, Mike .DIGIano, Rich Win- two hits tor the Sox. Also contributing were artments currently. As the Citi- our opposition. In Passaic and ". Where 6lse but Panthers and Collen Carney for the Leopards second on hits by Cindy Ross, .Eileen Losl, Josh Barr and Chris Folnthel. Kevin Pemoulle ment emergency first response the second behind key hits by Noreen Rellty. • "The Garnets scored 14 "runs In their first ter, Danny Springer and Washak contributed zens Budget Advisory Committee kept the fans on the edge of their seats. Gordon and Pollto's grand slam home run. went the distance for the Sox* allowing four'. capability, coordinated with the Bergen counties, citizen opposi- Kacey Conroy and. Aiyssa Wright hree Innings. Leading the attack were Glnny hits. Ryari Uirlch and Steve DKta played well in THE FLORIDA Not to be denied the Pearls came back with hits while striking out 12. . noted, the police and fire dep- tion stopped a burner. We can do Then...Call Us At The Poaris rallied with two out In the bottom Colarusso, Jessica Dreyer, Nicole Allan, Tare the field. Greg Clerkowskl and DIGIano shared First Aid Squad, rather than was- three In the third on hits by Rachel Severs and artments 'provide excellent levels of the second when Rachel Severs, Heather DIFablo, Jennifer Fttzherbert, Michelle Rogers, the catching duties on a warm Saturday night. Leading the way for the Royals, was Pat ting time and resources on in- the same starting in Cranford." FRUIT SHOPPE Campanelll. Murray's bases loaded doubled Hensler lined a single to left S.J. Mariano Kelly Harriet arid Katie Wilson. ' Martin. Courtney Reynolds and Dion Roy had of services to the residents of 226 South Ave. 789-9163 G Senior division keyed a six-run third, as the Rubles took the For the Rangers, rookie Matt Tosukri pitched creasing bureaucracy.. - • singled to drive In Severs and Sarah Kyle The Topaz, broke out of their no-hitter In the big hits In the Royals' sixth Inning rally. John Cranford.' These dedicated ser- load for good on tilts by PattJ Turbwskl, wall for three Innings. John Karmel pitched Fanwood 686-7714 single home Hensler.. fourth inning on a walk to Valerie Eurell, Sing- Podde pitched a good game for the Royals, "Finally, there should have been Mandy Ross, Megan Coneery and Megan the last two. Innings, while going 3-for-3 toai d vants of our town have earned the RUBIES 15, SAPPHIRES 3 The Amethysts broke'the game open, with les to' Ellen Elchenlaub and Picariellp and • picking up eight strikeouts and keeping his rank and file representation on Yesko. • his cause. Kevin Knox and Todd. Mariano right to have a say in the opera- Posture test, free Carrie Gordon pitched a two-hitter, striking six runs' In the third and 13 runs In the fourth walks to Adrienne Petrlno and Neha Korde. team In the game. ' the Research Committee and the 322-7606 Insured • Lie. No. 3932 Shared catching chores. Bill Crecca played an WHITE SOX 6, TIGERS 4 tion of their, departments. Morale out 10 and walking seven to lead the Rubles . Leading the Pearis were Kara .Decker, Inning. The key hit was a bases-loaded triple They were held scoreless In the fifth and er-' exceptional first base, receiving support from Baskets For Every Occasion The White Sox scored two runs In the top of meetings should have been open • Call Today For A to a 15-3 victory over a tough Sapphire Squad. Severs, Campanelll and Courtney Silvern. to the fence by Lauren Weiss. upted again In the bottom of. the sixth scoring Colin Orshak, Dan Vaupel, John Daquirio, Pat must, be preserved. One look at 1 pamplets offered Packed While You Walt or Order Ahead tho sixth to beat the Tigers 6-4. Kevin Pern- • to the public. It is only when op- Melissa Murray led the Sapphires with two hits - Loading the Rubles on defense were Christine' six more, bringing the final score to 17-11. Brown, Brian Keeiman • and James Pug- the current fiasco in Linden oulle had the game winning hit, a double to FREE ESTIMATE and a RBI.. • . Rlcclo and Mindy Weiss and on offense Pollto, AMETHYSTS 22, EMERALDS 14 Garnet score would have been higher had It aczewskl. • shows the thin ice on which we. tions are weighed in open forums Dr. David Bigden, a chiropractor ^j We've been correcting . The game opened with a booming triple to Murray, Losl, Gordon, Turowski, Cindy and Both teams had their hitting shoes on as left center, to drive In Pete Lyons who had. not' been for an outstanding catch by Topaz MARINERS 10, BRAVES 1 wacked. Adding to the White Sotx offense was with all views expressed that with offices at- 230 Centennial. loft center by Donna Pollto, after a walk to Mandy Ross, Coneoly and Yesko. the Amethysts won their fourth game In a row . left fielder Angela DeCandla robbing Droyer of 3] pressure problems for 1 The Mariners notched their sixth win of the Mike D'Arcy.'who'had his.first hit of the ; responsible and fair decisions can Ave., is offering posture checks Murray, Trlcia Pollto singled In a run and following an opening day defeat. . . 3 j] years now with many a bases-loaded triple. ..—^ ~ -""W soason with, a 10-1 victory over the Braves. season, driving In the Sox third run. Colin ; walks to Eileen Losl and Gordon fenced In the AMETHYSTS 11, SAPPHIRES 6 The Emeralds scored four In the bottom of "$econd, the creation of another be made and hidden agendas and and distributing free information Pet* STANDINGS The'hitting star for the Mariners was Paul McFadden, Donny Mahoney and Steve Laface jj- happy customers!- second run. The Sapphires tied the game In _T.ho Amethysts and Sapphires were In- the first when Megan Kovalus singled, Sally level of bureaucracy will not political appointments can be av- in observance of National Perfect the bottom of the Inning on' the hitting of Whltehurst Contributing to the Mariner attack also had hits for the White Sox. : Cranford volved In an exciting offensive an defensive Flaxman walked and Megan Ughtcap hit a Amethysts •4 . . 1 produce savings. The interim oided." :: • • Posture Month- Nordstrom. . • ' game. Sapphire Melanle DInsmore started the were Lauren Porter, Mark Stlansen, Jimmy Pete Lyons, pitching In his first game for the booming home run. Leslie Budne followed •;• ' 1 Garnets J ' • 4 •'•• Addesso, Jack McFadden. Nicole San Mar- report of the research committee He said stress, improper pos- I M. Cross Gordon cleared the bases in the third Inning first Inning with a single to left field. Dlnsmore with.a double and scored on Jessica Snyder's Sox, went three strong Innings, allowing 'only 4 • 1 tine, Dave Heuer, Billy Provod, and Brian' one hit while striking out four. He also had a 382-1755 with-a long drive to right, but she was thrown scored when Katie Donnelly hit a hard single RBI single. . Rubles headed by Mayor Ed Force and ture, sedentary lifestyle, excess Turowski. Playing fine defensive, ball for the long triple to left center In the third Inning. ENVIRONMENTAL TIP out trying for a double. The-Rubles broke the past third base. Shannon Slattery double The Amethysts took a 6-4 lead In the see- . Topaz " . ••• . . '' 3 2 commissioner . Barbara Bilger Weight ahd even exercise are fac- opiumbing & Heatii game open .with a six-run fourth Inning capi- home Donnelly. In the bottom of the firstthe ^ 1 Mariners were Cris Salle, Kovln Halupka and Paul Harrison finished the game for the Scot, Use your own cloth or string • QOCKROACHES ond. Doena. Brozek. singled and came home • . • 2' CARPENTER ANTS Pearis 4 Kevin Douglas. Jimmy Addesso pitched a fine picking up six strikeouts and allowing no hits.. claimsa savings of under $113,000. tors that can contribute to or J We specialize In talizing on eight walks and a Murray base hit Amethysts took a 4-2 lead when Lauren Weiss, on tauren Weiss' horrie run. Walks followed bags for your grocery shopping. • WASPS/HORNETS Emeralds •.•' ' " V •: 3 two hHtor. . • per''year which is mbstly ac- directly cause back pain. Educa- FLEAS/TICKS Playing well for the Sapphires were Shan- singled, Kacey Conroy doubled, . Deena by RBI singles by. Aiyssa Wright, Kristin Dave Eurell had the lone hit tor the. Tigers U underground 3 Hitting safely for the Braves were/ Richard Bags are available from: Seventh RESIDENTIAL/ ' non Slattery, Melanle DInsmore, Stephanie Brozek doubled and Beth Koehler singled. Brbwnlee and Beth Koehler brought In four Opals • ' 1 and scored twice. Yapan Parlkh pitched five' complished through attrition^ The tional material and pamphlets are MICE/RATS Pollack and Billy Harriett. Handling the mound Innings for Tigers before being relieved In the Generation; 10 Farrel St, Burl- water mains. Karmoi, Lori Modral, Lisa Ponsoda, Meghan From then the Amethysts led the way, scor- more runs. The Amethysts scored 13 runs In a Sapphires; 4 same savings can be achieved available by contacting Bigden, COMMERCIAL o chores for the Braves wore Mike Vendlttl, Pol- sixth by, Kevin Slattery. They combined for McLean, Nicky Olosky, Jossca Renaud, Erin ing six runs In the third Inning behind key hits wild third Inning which saw 18 girls come to under the current structured Mr ington, Vt 05403. (Please turn to pageB-15) lack and Billy Harnott. nine strikeouts. 272-2303. Safel • Effectlvel •Affordablel

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• I • {, •l: Thursday May 2, 1991 CRANFORD CHRONICLE B-7 B-6 CRANFORD CHRONICLE Thursday. May_2T 1991 Obituaries Judge Bell imposes penalties for various driving wrongs During recent Municipal Court Zbigniew Piekarz, 29, and Vincent voked for six months. They were Wilde. The Most Powerful proceedings, Judjge James Bell Buley, 39, all of Cranford, were ordered to attend IDRC for 12 Joseph Canavan, 26, of Clark, Kenneth Forrestal Jean van de Sande Rosemary^ Szezech penalized drivers for driving fined a total of $646 apiece. Each hours apieqe. Stephen Smorong, 20, of Linden, offer we've ever made. Longtime Cranford resident while intoxicated (DWT) or driving one's driver's license was revoked Thomas was arrested Feb. 17 by Richard Ciuba, 20, of Roselle, Former Cranford resident Jean and Rick of Bricktown; four Rosemary Petrol! Szczecb, 51, of Kenilworth for eight years before Randy Miller, 38, of Cranford, Al- Kenneth N. Forrestal, 70, died at Crocket van de Sande, 75, of Garwood died April 22 at Union moving to Garwood six years ago' with a suspended license. for two years. Maloney and Buley Zsak. Jastrzembski was arrested Rahway Hospital April 23 after a daughters, Ruth Wells, of North Frank Archie Jr., 23, of Eastr were sentenced to 30 days of March 19 by officer Craig Marino. bert Bourguet, 19, of Roselje Park, Recycling Mowers Save $25 to $75 on walk Punta Gorda, Fla, died April 6 in Cape May, Susan Kruse of Nep- Hospital. . Surviving are her husbnd, Gary McEvoy, 33, of Linden, brief illness. a hospital there after a brief il- Daniel; three sons, Daniel Jr. of. Orange, Leona Brown, 33, of community service each. Taylor was arrested March 3 by Recycled dippings help the^ mowers. <*»< k*~cr<*i, •>>»•< <•» Mr. Forrestal had been the tune, Donna Lee Blaszcek of Mrs. Szezech had been a bakery Cranford and Raymond Karp,31, Maloney was arrested Oct. 27 by officer James Switek and Ford- Robert Browne, t 25, of Ed ison, environment. Recycling' *299* '399* ; lness. Mansfield and Marion Pat Craven Watchung, Patrick and Joseph, Wk Pawlik, 30, of Clifton and available on alt Hi-Vac equipment.^ 21" push 2t-MMpropefad "van de Sande was assistant clerk for King's Super Markets for of Kenilworth pleaded guilty to officer Stephen Wilde. Piekarz ham was arrested March 24 by of- Recyder Bacydw years, retiring in 1982.. He held a ot":Bricktown;-four-sistersr-Ruth five years. -->— - .-._ separate incidents of-DWI and was~afrested"3anr~13 by-oilleer lieer James WozniaK.— Mowers. Riders, Tractors. &KnyLnMMHf?i3ft>e vice president of the Charlotte Griswold of Hemet, Calif, Marion Figueroa of Parlia . . . fined a total"of $516 each. degree in_ electrical engineering Promenaders Square Dance Club Born in Newark, she had lived Services were held last Thurs- reftisal to take breath tests, and Anthony Dobbins and Buley was Ten men pleaded guilty to sep- from City College of: New York Whittaker of Fort Myers, Fla, were, fined $662 each. Each one's arrested April 7 by Baer. arate incidents of. driving with Total Protection Inc. of Port Charlotte, Fla., and a Winnifred Hobart of East Long- in Irvington for six years and day at Dooley Funeral Home. Summonses were issued to Bonus Offer and another in electronics from member of the Burnt Store driver's license was revoked for Paul Galinis of Carteret was suspended licenses. ' Warranty meadow, Mass., and Ena Gaudette Smorong March 5 by ofltcer You provide usual maintenance, For a limited timo.purchase Penn State University. Prior to six months and they were ordered fined a total of $546. His driver's Wayne Morrison, 29, of Roselle a mower or rider and Presbyterian Church, Punta of Punta Gorda; three brothers, wo cover ALL repairs FREE tor . to attend the! Intoxicated Drivers license was revoked for eight pleaded guilty to two counts of the Steven Gachko, Ciuba Jan. 28 and $50-5100 ol Snapper owning the service station, he was Gorda . , 2 years. No questiohs asked! employed as an electrical en- Roderic w k Crocket of West Sims- Thelma Lowry Resource Center (IDRQ for 12 months. Galinis was arrested Feb. infraction and was fined.a total of Miller Dec. 30, both by Marino, accessories, and - Born in Somerville, Mass., she—hury, Conn., David Crocket of hdurs apiece. Bourguet ' March 17 by , state (Applies to walk mowers 4 hp and receive a 550-$it)0 gineer at RCA International, 7 by officer Peter Graczyk. $1,266. His driver's license was up, riders 8 hp and up.) U.S. Savings Bond. moved to Connecticut, then had Easton, Pa, and Donald Crocket Former Cranford resident Born in Newark, she had lived Archie was arrested March 8 by Jeffrey Thomas, 32, of South revoked for another two months trooper R. Rochinski,' Canavan Clark. lived in Cranford for about 12 of Westport, Conn- Thelma Lowry, 62, of Newark Bagging Modtl 21367B shtwm. Rwydef KH opiiorul.' During World War II, Mr. For- in Cranford for many years before state trooper Dohn. Brown was Plainfield, Andre Jastrzembski, 21, and he received a two days' sus- Jani 19 by Dobbins, McEvoy years and in Wesifield for many Memorial services died Friday in East Orange • Powerful Warranty • Environmentally Powerful Savings • Powerful Bonus restal served in the Army and were held returning to Newark. . arrested Feb. 6 by officer Donald of Secaucus, Herbert Taylor, 36, pended jail sentence. He was or- March 27 by Baer, Browne June 2, years, before moving to Punta General Hospital after a brief il- Lawn tractor prices worked on the Manhattan Project April 9 at Eagle Point Estates, Surviving are a daughter, Alexia Zsak and Karp was arrested Feb. and Mark Fordham, 33, both of dered to serve two days' com- 1988 by Lt Jerome Andrews, Gorda eight years ago. Punta Gorda Memorial donations lness. , 28 by officer John Baer. Pawlik Jan. 17 by Switek and StrefXO. . in Oak Ridge, Tenn. He was a Surviving are her husband, Jer- Jones of Orange; a sister, Dolores Union; were fined a total of $396 munity service. Morrison was is- R&rprienuvl* slartatW may be made to Eagle Point Oar- Ms. Lowry had been a transit Pierce of Orange; and two grand- Eight more men pleaded guilty apiece for first offenses and each sued summonses Sept 3 by officer Power Feb. 22 by officer Paul S member of Azure Lodge 129, ome.C; three sons, Jerome of den Club, 10303 Burnt Store Road, clerk for. Hudson City Savings 929°° children. to DWI. Robert Maloney, 25, man's, driver's license was re- Robert Peters and Aug. 25 by Cymbaluk. Uo«Si066T F&AM, Cranford, a 32nd-degree Neptune, David of Miami Beach Punta Gorda, Fla, 33950. Bank, Orange, for the last three mason of the Valley of North Jer- years. Earlier, she was employed Services: were held yesterday at sey, a charter member and. past^ as a nurses' assistant with Garden New Hope Baptist Church, New- exalted, ruler of Cranford^EIfe Stanley Wisneski State Extended Cai=e Center, East ark. Arrangements were by Police confiscate 3 weapons during motor vehicle stops 2006, and a member of the Ame- Orange, for many years. Whigham Funeral Home, Newark rican Legion in Rahway, Stanley F. Wisneski, 76, of Lodge 2004 and St. Theresa In separate incidents last week, police con- "During the course of the investigation it Martel, drive his '82 Oldsmobile through a Born in Brooklyn, Mr. Forrestal Kenilworth died April 23 at home Church where a funeral Mass was fiscated weapons from three motor vehicles was determined, that both men may be illegal stop sign on Casino Avenue. He was later p CwHt: No monthly paymewft had lived in Granford since 1953: alter a brief illness. offered Saturday.. Lorraine Paszkpwski stopped for motor vehicle violations in the aliens with fraudulent credentials," said stopped at Prospect Street and Linden Place »M\ October 1&J, IttW«*t 1m JJWO AveS: He was a former manager of the Kenneth Forrestal His wife, the former Kathleen township. '••'••..•••'.•.' O'DonnelL He said that the Department of and charged also with failing .to produce his able, requires 10% down payment See your SNAPPER Cranford Little League and a Mr. Wisneski had been an auto partlclpWrrtg Snapper dewer ior full msih mechanic for Maxon Pontiac, Dougherty, died in 1983. Surviving Lorraine Smialkowski Pasz- offered yesterday. . In the first incident, two men were arrested Immigration and Naturalization Service will driving credentials. ' former coach of the Roselle Ame- Bayonne, Michael G. of Hillside 1 are two sons, Paul S. of Neshariic kowski, 70, of Kehiiworth died Surviving are her husband, investigate. ~ ; • "The officer saw the passenger acting sus- l d W rican Legion baseball team. He and James V. of Cranford; and Union, for 12 years, retiring 11 and Stanley Jr. of Kenilworth, last Thursday for possession of a 10-inch knife years ago. ..'.'. Sunday at St Barnabas Medical Joseph P.; three sons, ..Paul of: after, they were stopfJed on Georgia Street Separately, police confiscated a .22-caliber piciously," said O'DonnelL "When he shined also was a lay minister and vestry four grandchildren. ;;•'•. three grandchildren and a great- Center, Livingston, after a brief: Kenilworth, Alan of Warren. the flashlight into the car he saw the gun on member, of Trinity. Episcopal A memorial service was held Bom in Bloomfield, he moved grandson. near Fairfield Avenue. handgun from two men who were arrested Bernardsville Metuchen iliness. ; Township and Robert of Roselle Monday after driving through a stop sign on the floor at the feet of the passenger." Malone Power Equip. Church and a member of Cran- Sunday at Trinity Episcopal to Kenilworth 43 years ago. He Arrangements were by Mas- The men, identified as Carlo Fajardo, 18, of . In the third episode, police confiscated a Mrs. Paszkowski Had been an Park; a. daughter; Diane Pehn of Casino Avenue. Quimby Lane • Metuchen Mower Inc. ford Senior Citizens. Church with arrangements by was a member of Springfield Elks tapeter Suburban, Roselle Park. assembler, and inspector fqr Wes- Kenilworth; two sisters, Tessfe Long Branch and Carlos Castillo, 20, of Cali- knife thafhad been welded to a pipe Saturday 212 Main St. Dooley Funeral Home. Memorial fornia, were stopped at 9:25 am. after crime Investigators said the men, identified as (908) 766-6565 . Surviving are his wife, the for- tern Electric Co., Kearny, for StanecM of Clearwater, Fla, arid' at a DWI checkpoint on North Avenue near (908)548-0503 ..'_ . mer Gary Hilton; four sons, Ken- donations _may be made to the many years. Helen Smialkowski of Kenilworth; prevention unit officer Robert Segear noticed Jonathan Martel, 20, of Manhattan and Ale- Elizabeth Avenue and arrested the driver, neth Jr. of Princeton, Kevin D. of church's endowment fund. Born in Newark, she moved to . and three grandchildren ' that the 79 Chrysler they were driving in had xander Kringel, 21, of Linden Place, Cranford, identified as Christiano Caetino, 24, of Elt- Bound Brook Irma Hellinger not been inspected, said Detective Lt William 'were arrested at 3 am. by officer Craig Middlesex Kenilworth 28 years, ago. She was -zabeth. Lawnmower Repair Shop Middlesex Power Equip. F Cranford resident Irma many years before, moving to a parishioner of St Theresa Arrangements were by Mas- O'DonnelL Marino and charged with unlawful possession Caetino was charged also with driving while 237 W. Union Ave. Nicholas Mankiw tapeter Suburban, Roselle Park. of aweapon. , 635 Route 28 R. Hellinger,-35, «of Whiting died .Whiting in 1974 She was a mem- Church where a funeral Mass was Segear also charged Castillo with driving an intoxicated and taken to the county jail in lieu (908) 356-0846 (908) 968-0778 Cranford and served as a district April 22 at Kimball Medical Cen- ber, of Christ: Lutheran Church,: uninspected motor vehicle, he said. According to the report, Marino had seen of $500 bail. 7 Former Cranford . resident . tei\ Lakewood, after a long illness. Whiting, and thejQrderioX Eastern Nicholas Mankiw. 73, of Columbus chairman of the United Way of Star; Azure Chapter 87, Cranford, Clark _'._: '•;}•' ••••'. Piscataway and Brant Beach died April 23 in Cranford. Miss Hellinger had been a regk^ where she was a past matron. She Clark Power Equip. : -- - Stelton Mower Cooper Medical Center, Camden. Surviving are his \yife, the for- stored nurse at Exxon Co. Bayway^ a^ 1132 Westtield Ave. mer Dorothy Sawchak; a daugh- also was past grand..'officerof the 1203Stelton Rd. Mr. Mankiw was a retired elec- Refinery, Linden, for 33 years, New Jersey OES. •'•.-. .,- . (908) 381-3777 . , .' (908) 985-1117 Hcal engineer, employed by ter, Margaret Stahler of San retiring in 1974 She was a 1936 A 29-yqar-old Cranford man was Kodan was taken to the Union find the place on a map but when hinges^ O'Donnell said dresser . Western Electric Corp. in Kearny Diego, Calif; a son, N. Gregoty of graduate of • Columbia Presby- Cranford Fire Department res- nue resident with an electrical charged April 24 with burglary of shie returned with it she saw him drawers in the master bedroom' A brother, Howard W. of Whit- ponded to: the following calls last garage door malfunction. i County Jail. Bail Was set at $5,000. Fords for many years before retiring five Wellesley, Mass.;. two sisters, Mary terian Hospital, New York City.. ing, survives. Services were held a Centennial Avenue warehouse. Separately, police said that a leaving in a maroon colored car, had been ransacked and jewelry Raritan Kumian of Fords and Pauline week: April 27: Firemen extinguished Fords Lawnmower years ago. He was a member of Born in Bayonne, Miss Hel- last Thursday at Anderson & The man, identified as Michael burglary attempt was thwarted O'Donnell said. had been taken sometime be- Somerset Lawn & Garden the Telephone Pioneers of Amer- Poplawski of Bayonne; a brother, April 22: Firemen disconnected a car fire on Glen Avenue that Kodan of 109 Myrtle Ave., was ar- last Thursday by a Prospect Ave- The suspect was described as a tween 1 and 2:45 p.m. He said a 769 King Georges Rd. 201 West End Ave. linger had lived in Cranford for. Campbell Funeral Home, Whiting. the batteries' of two cars and stood originated in the • engine com- ica, Kearny: William of Kandallstownv Md.; rested inside a warehouse behind nue resident who confronted the white male with brown hair and a. witness gave a "vague" descrip- (908) 738-1955 (908) 722-0250 Born in Bayonne, he had lived and two grandchildren. by to make sure a fuel spill did partment and traveled to the in- 4 Centennial Ave., at 3:15 a.m. by prospective burglar. medium build, standing, ap^ tion of a car seen in the area, in Cranford for many years before Services were held Saturday in not ignite following a collision at terior of the car. Firemen ex- possibly.matching the one used to Hillsborough Jackson and Commerce drives. tinguished a brush fire, confined officers Donald Zsak and Paul The resident, Sarah Harrington, proximately 5^9. He was wearing a Scotch Plains moving to Columbus and Brant St Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Dianne Ozl Cymbaluk, said police. told police that she heard some- shirt and tie, according to police. drive away from the Prospect Hillsbdrough Lawn & Garden Beach-five years ago. He was a Cathedral, Carteret, with ar- April 23: Firemen extinguished to the hedgerow of a Retford Ave- Kodan, a stock boy at Krauszer's one attempt to enter her house Within the hour of the same day, Street residence. Anderson Lawnmower rangements by Winowicz Funeral Dianne Lee Ozl, 35, of Cranford, liyed in Avenel for 12 years before a brush fire in a wooded area nue residence. An alarm mal- 820 Route 206 1716 E. Second St. past president of the Ukrainian function occurred on Amherst convenience store on South Ave- through the front door at 1:03 p.m. police were told a Norman Place Investigators are continuing to (908). 874-8300 National Home of Bayonne and a HomeV Trentoa Memorial con- died Saturday in Overlook Hos- moving to Cranford in 1967. She near Crane Parkway. There was a nue, had allegedly smashed a but stopped him by opening the residence had been broken info (908) 322-1945 pital, Summit; from the complicar was a parishioner of St Michael false alarm at 100 Alden St Road. Firemen disconnected a pursue leads in these and three member of Brant Beach Yacht tributions may be made to the window to gain entry, to. the door herself and asking him what and an undetermined amount of other burglaries which have oc- Club. Mr. Mankiw. was a ; former American Heart Association, 2550 tiohs of diabetes. Church where a funeral Mass was Firemen extinguished a fke con- :car battery following a motor he wanted, said O'Donnell. fined to the engine compartment vehicle, accident on Gallows Hill warehouse used by American jewelry had been taken. curred to residences on the bor- Martinsville Westfield Republican committeeman in Route^ 1, North Brunswick 08902. offered Tuesday. Securities and Locksmith and "When she confronted him oh Investigators said the home- Mclntyre's Lawnmower Miss Ozl had been the owner of of a car on the Garden' State Road,' . •'..•.."•'. '.•"•••.•.•,' • ' .,'•;,:'.;• ' der line of Westfield and Cran- Martinsville Power Mowerl Surviving are her parents, Steve : ; another company, according to the sidewalk the suspect said he owner, Connie Nordstrom, wife of Dee's Tees clothing store here and Lillian Anderson Ozl, with Parkway? " _'; •.:; ' -.' •'" . April 28: An alarm system mal- ford. 1948 Washington Valley Rd. 235 Elmer St. from 1980 to '82. She graduated in functioned on Amherst Road. Detective Lt William O'Donnell, was looking for a 'Pearlman former mayor Douglas Nordstrom, (908)232-2528 whom she lived; a brother, April* »24: An air handling He said police arrested Kodan Street" which doesn't exist in returned home at 2:45 p.m. and "Right now we have ho direct (908)302-1566 Louis Paterno 1978 from Georgian Court College, Steven, of Manassas, Va.; and her equipment malfiinction created, a Firemen extinguished a gas grill Lakewood, arid was a member of fire on Dorchester.;'^yemfe b^ford'he had a chance to take Cranford," he said. found a door leading to the sun proof to link any of them," A funeral Mass is being offered at Born in Newark, he resided in pUgd>tedtl p ^ smoke condition, at 27^mmerce Harripgton offered to help him porch had. been ripped off its the Georgian Court Ahimnae As- Ozl of Woodbridge. Dr. Firemen" shut'. oflrtiie'' "air Firemen shut off gas service TO a 9 a.m. today at Church of the As- Cranford for 37 years. . sociation. Canterbury Place residence after sumption, Roselle Park, for Louis Surviving are his wife, the for-, Arrangements - were by Dooley handler and ventilated the build- Funeral Home. ing. Overcooked food sent smoke responding, to a report of natural R. Paterno, 71, of Cranford who mer Elizabeth Delano; two sons, Born in Plainfield, she had gas odors in the-area v: died Sunday at Overlook Hospital, Thomas of San Diego, Calif., and, throughout & Burnside Avenue Police investigate connection Summit, after a brief illness. James Delano of Los Angeles, residence;, firemen ventilated the Calif.; a daughter, Linda Kijula of Ms. Caravello house.;.. •;.,.' ':.• -•••' '• .:; .', •;-:-,- . Mr. Paterno retired in 1988 after Fords; a brother, Frank of Santa April 26: Fire inspector William of thefts tc> Westfield series Singer assisted a 22-yeaivold man 35 years as a mason for BMPI Ana, Calif.; three sisters, Donetta Garwood native Josephine Car- vivors. •'.' ••••'•• •; •' ••/•.'• ';';'•.:, • '• • • Margaret Ault of Cranford has . Local 34, Westfield. He was a Rich of Garden Grove, Calif., avello, 73, died April 22 at Muh- Services were held Monday at who complained of chest pains; been" elected community rep-, An undetermined amount of bedroom, according to the report World . War II Navy veteran, a Jennie Tucci of Riverside, Calif., lenberg Regional Medical Center, Woodbridge - Memorial Gardens he stood by until the. First Aid resentative for the Union County, jewelry was taken April 15 from Investigators said the second member of the Union County and Phyllis Cordi of Cranford; and Plainfield, after a long illness. with arrangements by Higgins Squad and METS iinit arrived. Commission on the Status of two township homes and police burglary occurred sometime bet- Boxing Association and a former four grandchildren. Born in Garwood, she had lived Home for Funerals, Plainfield. Firemeh assisted a Retford Ave- Women for 199L V are investigating possible connec- ween 8 am. and 2:40 p.m. when it longtime manager* of Cranford Arrangements are by Dooley in Westfield for most of her life. tions to several house burglaries was reported at 107 Wilshire Dr. Boys Baseball League.. Funeral Home. There, are no immediate sur- ffi Cranford-Westfleld bor- The victim, Edward Grunberg, iit..weeta!.!,J:.. told police that the front door of eOTgalors said this first burg- his home was open when he ret-' TRACTOR TRADE-UP DAYS laiir,, reported at 11:10 am. at 36 urned home and the hallway Joseph Ruggiero DEDICATED TO DIGNIFIED Etiirfleld Way, occurred while the closet and bedrooms Were ran- Joseph Ruggiero, 43, of Kenil- SERVICE SINCE 1897. resident was.at home. sacked. In additioh to the jewelry, a set of flatware also was taken, worth died April 24 at West l|^Ii^e( said the hohieowner, NOTHING'S EASIER Chester Medical Center, Valhalla, Edward Cumrnings, was in the police said. N.Y., after a long illness. basement when he thought he Mr. Ruggiero had been a chef heard his wife upstairs. When he The detective Bureau is working called for her and she didnt with investigators in Westfield to for .20 years, most recently work- explore any connections between 5 REASONS TO answer, Cummings walked up- H3O13 ing . at Dee's Restaurant, Union, stair?, found the front door open these burglaries and a series of H5518 for 15 years. and noticed that jewelry had been similar thefts in Westfield in Born in Italy, he settled in taken from a box in the master recent weeks. ; Newark 38 years ago before mov- FUNERAL DlRECTtiSS BUY A HONDA NOW! ing to Kenilworth 20 years ago; He was a parishioner of St Theresa FRED H. GRAY, JR. • Easy To Operate—Honda's Church where a funeral Mass was DAVID B. CRABIEL offered Monday. WILLIAM A. DOYLE Police charge 16-year-old quality, reliability, and technology Surviving are his wife, the for- PAULETTE J. CRABIEL make your work easier. mer Lucille Rozzo; a son, Joseph Jr. at home; his mother, Raffaela, with possession of cocaine and two brothers, Angelo and • Easy Tjrade—Your old tractor is A 16-year-old Cranford youth imately 15 cleaf. plastic vials Frank, all of , Kenilworth; and was charged Sunday with posses- 3000 SERIES worth money in trade towards a 5000 SERIES three sisters^ Carmela LaFerrera WESTFIELD: 318 East Broad St., Fred H. Gray, Jr. Nfgr. 233-0143 bound together underneath his RIDING MOWERS and Angela, both of Kertilworth, CRANFORD: 12 Springfield Ave., WUllam A. Doyle, Mgr. 27641092 sion of cocaine and possession of •foot •;,.;.•.••/ • ,; • • . • \ .••.. • new Honda. MULTI PURPOSE TRACTORS and Rosina Corte of Florida. cocaine with intent to distribute The youth was remanded to the after he was arrested at the juvenile detention center in Eli- —~Arrangements:~wero -by--Mas^ •Easy Demo Program— "Try tapeter^uburban, Roselle Park. Johnson Avenue playground, said zabeth, said-police—~ : ..__:_. police. Sefore^Vbu Buy" The youth was, ;arrested at 7:22 H6522 Johanna Swider Funeral Service, Iiic p.m. by Sgt Gregory Drexler and Chemical spill • Easy Financing—No Down Place a garage sale ad in Forbes Newspapers Classified Connection officers James Wozniak, Robert Payment, no payments and no interest Longtimei Cranford resident Caring & Courteous Service to the and you have our Segear and Robert Colaneri, after not hazardous Johanna Choromanski Swidef, 70, Granprd/WesifieldArea Since 1913 "RAIN" CHECK GUARANTEE police received an anonymous until October 19911 died April 24 at Union Hospital. call from a resident, said Detec- A chemical spill. in the Rahway Mrs. Swider retired in 1987 after If irralns the day of your sale, we'll reprint your ad for FREE , tive Lt William O'Donnell. River here Saturday was deemed •Easy Service—Honda Power The caller told police that an Organic and not hazardous, ac- 15 years as a cashier for Path- on whatever day you reschedule your sale. cording to NJ. Department of Equipment professionals back every mark. Prior to that, she had wor- individual was in possession of Westfield Now that's a slick deall crack-cocaine, he said. Enviiunmental Protection auth- ked in the cafeteria at Cranford orities. sale with service during and after High School for many years. Mrs. When police arrived; the youth 556 Westfield Avenue began to walk away,. O'Donnell Cranford Fire Department of- 4000 SERIES your purchase. 6000 SERIES Swider was a member of UFCW 23341255 ficials said a hazardous materials Local 1262 of Clifton. said. After police called him three LAWNtRAQORS COMPACT DIESEL TRACTORS Joseph F. Dooley times, the youth began to run and boom was placed across the river Born in Bridgeport, Conn., she to stop the chemical flow while Complete Line of Attachments * 30" to 60" Cutting Widths * 11 HP to 22 HP Models had resided in Cranford for many Was seen throwing something to ; theground. state DEP and county Haz-Mat of- • years.:' .'...''..• ;!.', •.'. •.:" ' .'- When he finally was ap- ficials investigated. The boom was •* Survivors include a daughter, prehended police said the. youth removed after the material was Trade Up Today At One Of These Honda Power Equipment Dealers Janet Darcy of Elizabeth, and attempted to conceal approx- deemed not hazardous. three grandchildren. BELLE MEAD BOUND BROOK METUCHEN SOMERVILLE UNION Only $12.00 buys you up to 6 lines In 15 publications! Chestnut L/M & Equip. Inc. Private services have been held Hillsborough L&G Equip. Rick's Cycle Center, Inc. Metuchen Mower Inc. Lin-Gate Equip. Call 1-800-334-0531 or stop by these offices: 421 Chestnut St. at Dooley Funeral Home and a 820 Route 206 14 West Main Si. 212 Main St. Sales & Service 3545 U.s; Route 22 (908) 689-5270 memorial service will be held at a SOMERVILLE BOUND BROOK BEDMINSTER PI8CATAWAY Westfield man charged with lewdness (908)874^300 (908)356-1193 (908) 548-0503 time to be determined. (908)534-6122 44 Franklin Street 16 Maiden Lane 1400 Route 206 N 211 Lakevlew Ave. Investigators said a 25-year-old E. BRUNSWICK RINGOES WESTFIELD A 34-year-old Westfield man was BELLEVILLE The Eardly Peterson Co. CRANFORD WESTFIELD Raritan woman was walking with East Brunswick Honda Walts Outdoor Center SUMMIT 8COTCH PLAINS i charged Friday with public The Motorcycle Mall 224 Elmer St. two friends on the bicycle path 165 Washington Ave. 307 Crpnsbury Rd. Larlson Lane Summit Honda HOSPITAL CONSTRUCTION Cranford 1719 2nd Street 102 Walnut Ave. 231 Elmer Street lewdness after he exposed himself (908)232-5723 when she saw Balaber sitting on a (201)751-4545 (908) 257-6946 (908) 782-5654 312 Broad St. . Damon G. Douglas Co. of Cran- 218 North Avenue to three women on the bicycle (908) 273-0333 ford is the contractor for a new path at Balmiere Parkway. log with his pants pulled down 70,000-square-foot office building 276-0255 V The man, identified as Mark around his ankles looking at the. HONDA. under construction across the Francis J. Dooley Jr. Balaber, 34, of Ross Place, had women and masturbating. . ** Not all dealer* carry all model* iet your local <»«ler for availability. toies Newspapers tS« your ikiler for r opHmum pethwtuntt and «afay. plrasr «ad ihc ownert manual h«fo« onenilnn your Honda IV.wtr Kqulpnwm. fall, it will house several of the B»rt«W • South Raporitf • Oi«en Brook.North Plalnflsld Jounul • Highlan_ ,d Pw, k HMil, d • Th»i HW^tedntlnttwPnw • by Lt Jerome Andrews and of- mother's home, O'Donnell said. Equipment (D 1991 Anwikan Honda Mtuor Cu, Inc. Cranford ChronW* •PowMlIn Foou» • Sootoh Pl«lnt-FanwoodI ProPr»wM •• ThTh«» WMtfl*l WMtfltkdl RtoorR»oord •• 8omtn«8oiMra«t( CCountM y ShOpfMT • I Balaber was remanded to the hospital's non-medical depart- County ShoptMr ficer Robert Peters, according to ments. •••'••'•• . • Detective Lt William O'Donnell. county jail in lieu of $1,000 bail. . 2,-1991- Marine relieved to be home from mine fields of Gulf war • Allcock to lead

By Peter Wamsteker choir in concert Josh Siano, a combat engineer with the U.S: Marine Reserve, was The Kean College choir, under relieved to be home last week the direction of former Cranford after spending nearly six months resident Stephen Allcock, will 4. • > in the Persian Gulf. Reception to honor director present a program of famous The 19-year-old Indian Springs choruses and arias at 8 p.m. next Road resident probably had the Thursday in Wilkins Theater. The most Triskyrif not/the T hardest,-job- of fta 1HI winINhirsery School •oncert is open free to the public. of the war when he and his unit The program^will includemusic cleared not one but two mine Mary Wells, director of Helen K. - terim associate pastor, will speak by-Mozart, Brudkner and Vaughan fields leading to Kuwait City. Baldwin Nursery School, will be at both services and at the.recep- Williams: . . . Traveling in armored personnel honored Sunday following the 11 tioa prime Time and nursery Allcock, an instructor of music at carriers, Josh and 12 other Mari- am. worship service at First school workers will be honored at Kean, said the 40-voice choir also nes spent nearly three days den- Presbyterian Church. A reception both worship services. Prime will perform his own composition, otating mines under a heavy bar- .for Mrs. Wells, who will retire in . Time: is ah after-school activity for "Choral Fantasy on Greens- rage of artillery and small arms June, will be held in Bates Hall. children who come directly from leeves." fire before'the war ended. The Rev. Susan Moriarty; in- school and stay until parents are Folk songs and spirituals are on At any monient during the fight- home. . the program, too, and the ing his carrier could have been The spring parents' program will women's chorus Will perform. blown up. His commanders anti- Workshop slated take place at 8 p.m. tomorrow at cipated that 85 percent; of his unit nursery school. Displays of child- would not return. But .instead of at SEEC meeting ren's work and a slide presenta- Bird slide show worrying about his life, Josh was tion will be shown te- parents of, more concerned about not letting Deborah Little of Huntington current. enrolleeS; .-Refreshments slated at library down4he Marine Corps. Learning Center will lead a will be served. ^ "I didn't want anyone to say workshop at a meeting of Special The 9:30 am. adult forum wilt Residents are:invited to'the an- these Marines were not as good as Educated and Exceptional Child feature Sol and Harriet Koved of nual meeting of Friends of the the ones before," he said.. (SEEC) at 7 pin. Wednesday at Cranford. The Koveds will talk Cranford Library at 7 p.m. next Josh said his training, three Orange Avenue School caifeteria. about their visit to Israel where Thursday. It will feature a show- TUNING "UP: (Getting ready for next week's concert at Hillside months in boot camp, one month SEEC is a support group for they both taught English. The ing or slides of birds in New Jer- Avenue School are, from left, front, Brian jobe, Charles Hol- in combat training, and another parents of special needs children. public is invited. sey, Colorado, Florida and New land; rear, Greg Sowa and Chris Lowe. month in combat engineering i Therfe will be a conversation York by Harvey Neyalls Jr. of school gave him the confidence to circle Wih—k^child physiologist Cranford, an . amateur or- fight the Iraqis. May 23 at 8 p.m., at Sue Heck's Mr., Mrs, Daniels nithologist and photographer. . Concerts ahead at HAS But even with the extensive home. Call Mrs. Heck, 272-5885, or Officers, will be elected during training, which he said prepared Patty Busick, 276-6173. chair benefit gala the business meeting and' the Hillside Avenue School will present its annual spring concert L program will begin at 7;30. . next Thursday at 8 p.m. when the seventh and eighth grade band him to deal with every conceiv- Mr. and Mrs, Donald Daniels of able problem, he didn't think he and.chorus will perform. . ' . ; Cranford are general chairmen Three choral groups will perform under the direction of Rodney would be sent to Saudi Arabia for Catholic Community Services' Glee dub concert "I would have bet money ag- Osceola to host SbmerviHe. The seventh and, eighth grade chorus will sing "Sepr- "Broadway Gala" set for May 18 at tember Song" and "Celebration" plus other selections. The girls ainst our going. No one thought Atrium at the Harborside, Jersey to feature quartet they would send a Reserve unit fellowship lunch chorus will perform "Sing a Rainbow" and the select chorus will there," he said. . . city. :••'• ; Music for a While ensemble will sing two. show tunes. • ••••.« (Dsceola Presbyterian Church, Proceeds from the gala will DANCE CONCERT: Students from Yvette Dance Studio who will perform In a dance concert Instrumental groups will be directed by Thomas Sicola. The Once he was told, however, Josh Clark; will host the May Fellow- be.featured at the Westfield Glee y said he began to train harder than benefit the endowment fund of Sunday at 1:30 pympathy A Kiss ked Us," he said. "It was a good spend the summer traveling a- once-a-month Sunday class for 3- ated at First Baptist Church; 170 22nd Street The public is wel- A special emphasis has been from all our dear friends and relative*. One Good the reunion^ He-said his brother in the the orchestra in Latin music, big Your liipport, prayer*, kindness < and Before feeling knowing we were ap- round the country before return- and 4-year*olds from lp to ll a.m. Elm'.St; Westfield. The office is come. . • • ; • flowers, .either in soft watercolor Cop will remain in Saudi Arabia for at preciated, that what we did wasn't To register, "call the temple of- open Thursdays, 9:30 a.m. to 2 The club's traditional meeting band sounds and contemporary generotlty during our. tlme.of bereavement ing to the University of Ten- Chronicle! or bold ala prima technique. She music. Tickets are $17.50 and $20. helped us more than words can express. Dying R least another 20 days. • wasted," fice, 276-9231. p.m. Call 233-0266 V/TTY. night of Monday is being changed has been represented in galleries Sincere (hanks to the Kenllworth Police • In an interview last week Josh, nessee. ••'. :Call499-82261 Department, kenllworth Rescue Squad, But even more welcome was the to Thursdays because of the clos- in New Jersey, Lbs' Angeles and the M.E.T.S.. Emergency Staff of Union Toy Out For dressed in a light gray Marine , ing of the library Mondays as an Philadelphia and has designed Memorial Hospital, Father Olln and the Corps T-shirt and blue jeans said economy move. 'Annie' benefit Parish of Saint Teresa In Kenllworth and Soldiers Justice Hendry proposed for group office greeting cards. r Maitapeter Funeral Home In Roeelte Park. that the military is a tradition in • the School of Nursing and: al- We thank you. May God Bless you all. R R his family. His dad served as a . Pinion Count)) umni association of Elizabeth Wife Carmela, Children Joanne, The spring education meeting of the annual eleotibn of officers and Music Club to present public concert Robert, Susan, and William P. Marine during Vietnam, his' the North Jersey chapter;of the directors for 1991-92. Gladys Gerieral Medical Center will Oscar Ninja Turtles- grandfather was in the Navy and Juvenile Diabetes Foundation wilt The public is invited to a con- Walt. Whitman and Kurt Weill. sponsor a performance of "Annie" Scott joined the Marines after a Hendry of Cranford is" the treas- SCOTCH PLAINS Part II take place Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. urer on the slate to be presented. GRACE cert by Westfield Musical Club at Pianist Mrs. Joseph Tammam will tonight at Cranford Dramatic R year at Union County College. He at Millburn Library. The topic for that evening. The meeting is open CHRISTIAN CHURCH United eimrch of Christ 8 p.m. Wednesday at First Baptist perform an etudeby Chopin and Club. Call 558-8144. said he always knew he wanted to : v,/:& •'••• Church, 170 Elm St, Westfield. "Ritual Fire Dance" by deFalla. the evening will be "The Diabetic to the public. Refreshments will .213 Center sSt. be a Marine, eventually enlisting Foot" presented by Dr. John A 1800 RaritanRd., Scotch Plains The event marks 'Natiorial: Music after his freshman year at the beserved. PEACE . Garwood Olin and Dr; Jean M. Roniger of . (By Union Co. College) 'Week. ••.••'••:.••'• '. • ' • • '• ' • ' • • University of Tennessee where he Boonton Podiatry. For ftirther information, call the FELLOWSHIP 789-1285 •.;;• The program will open with a Book Sale Sunday is studying business. Asked if he Preceding the program will be chapter office, 992-0375. 889-1690 string ensemble, including Mrs. v would do it all again, Josh said he 9S0 RARTTAN ROAD Charles Ammann of Cranford, in Temple Beth-El library will CRANFORD; NEW JERSEY 07016 Rev. Doug I^ovcjoy-Ciirtcr Piistor ; works by Haydn and Borodin. sponsor its eighth annual book For AH Minister Doug McCullcy (201) 276-P74O sale Sunday from 9 aim. to 3 p.m. Vocal soloists are, soprano Mrs. !••••• Piltort Don 8: Virgihii Rnudicn Worship and Sunday Sclioul Edward Mcloskey arid baritone at the temple, 338 Walnut Ave. Sunday School 9:45 A.M. Sunday - 10:00 A.M. Worship 9:30 A.M.. Donald Boos. Mrs. McCloskey will Many categories of books, both old Sunday Worship 11:00 A.M, Wednesday r 7:30 P.M. Teaching Child Care Available'. sing "Deep River" and "Wade in and new, will be sold. at prices /rip.: Water" plus other selections starting at 10 cents. Proceeds will benefit the library. '. ~~ Your children will learn of God's and Boos will perform songs b7 KENILWORTH Raritan Road love and gain a biblical foundation for life's decisions In our Sunday GOSPEL CHAPEL Baptist Church School. SPONSORED BY Newark Ave. & 23rd St., Kenllworth 611 iiaritan Road., Cranford 908-272-6131 (Adjacent to the Days Inn) ELIZABETH GENERAL MEDICAL CENTER Thumann's Sunday S«rvtce«: Bell 11 AM - Family Blblo Hour and 272-7088 Bologna Peppers AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY Sunday School For All Ages •——-7:00 PM ^EvenlhoServices—:— Pastor Steve Nash Sunday Service Baptist Monday, 7:30 PM - Boys Brigade Sunday School-9:40 A.M. Wednesday, 7:30 PM - PrayW and Bible Study Sunday Worship-U:00 A.M. . SATURDAY, MAY 11th Friday, 7:00 PM-Youth Meeting Wed. Evening Bible Study-7 P.M. Boar's Head Call For Mora Information We irt h Tdcmluf wiih ibe Comeiwtive Biplkl AaocUlk Ghurch Liverwurst Cantalope SUNDAY, JUNE 9th 5 Houfs Open Bar 170 Elm Street Cockpll Hour. Screenings'by appointment only WesHleld, New Jersey 07090 7 Course Dinner, Redeemer Lutheran Church 233-2278 Saturday ** May 4 ** 6 pm 79* SCOTCH PLAINS Clark and Couperthwalte Place Tiered AVcddlng Cake BAPTIST CHURCH (Ne«rVC») MODIFIEDS * SPORTSMEN Silver Candelabras and Flowem Call 820-8979 (N«rVMC») Church School 9:00 AM Make Your Own Large Aasortmem 333 PARK AVE. SCOTCH PLAINS Westfield, NJ Warship 10:30 AM I'laminR Jubilee Show, Private Bridal LATE MODELS * ROOKIES Sausage & Peppers of Annual and QQ* Rooms, White Glove Service 322-5487 •• ;'' ' •' 232-1517 •:.>'•:" Dr. Robert L Harvey, Pastor • Sandwich Vegetable Plante fj^k Rev. Paul E. Krllsch, Pastor PLUS SEASON OPENER - ma- Pastof James A. Brlx Roger Borchln, D.C.E. '. $ 00 Mr. Charles L Hutchison- Hanging Baskets 5 The two part screening program is FREE and includes: Sunday Worship Services GREAT AMERICAN STREET STOCKS director ol Christian Education 8:30 am & 11:00 am Suhday School.,... ..9:30 AM PLUS AT 1 PM SEASON OPENER • physical exam by a qualified physician ^ Worship 11:00 AM Sunday School and California Our Own Youth Meeting >...... 7:00 PM Adult Bible Class 9:50 am MICRO STOCKS Broccoli Storemade 1/4 lb • breast health education and consultation' with a registefed Wednesday: Prayer Meeting.. 7:00 PM ^ . Nursery Service Provided Chuck Patties nurse ; Thursday: Christian Weight During Worship Services and Education Hour LoSs Grpu<> i,....7:00 PM Christian bay School Nursery . MAJOR FUTURE EVENTS $C99 If a mammogram is indicated, it will be scheduled for a Child care provided. Through Grade 6 ;••• Memorial Day, Monday, May 27, 2 PM <•# a dozen later date in The Breast Health & Imaging Center. The fee Modified 91 Lap Syracuse Qualifier Id Fashioned Low Prices Shop us eve The First TERRILLROAB CALVARY r super value & full service FOR ELEGANT for the mammogram is $40 and is due on the day of the .. LUTHERAN CHURCH and Great American Street Stocks breast screening. Presbyterian Church BAPTISTCHURCH MOTHER'S DAY oE Cranford 1340 Terrlll Rd. Scotch Plains 108 Eastman St., Cranford Saturday, June 25 at 6 PM Committed to the good health of women in our community SEAFOOD BUFFET North Union & 322-7151 276-2418 I 200 LAP MODIFIED Chef Carved Prime Ribs, Turkey*, Him, Lamb Springfield Aves. I p Th»R«.C.PatiSlro(4i*)«.Di),P«Jor IOPJL M^MODJFIEpSLSLSPPRISMJN Shrimp, Clatns, Viennese Table & Freah Fruit The Breast HeaM kev. David E. Buck, pastor Tht Rw, ChUnt Mgm, Atifat Mor Bedding & Vegetable phis Opa-Opa Drink. 276-8440 'Sunday:' ''•:' .' • '. •• SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES LAWATCH••-- Every Week— Miller Genuine Draft Plants 990 & up iMC & Imaging Center 8:45 AM-Sunday School SUNDAY WORSHIP 11 »0 AM . MoWng Worship 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 am. ! Modified Country;.. 136 So. Plalnfleld Ave. 8:30 A 11:00 A.M. «15 AM - Church Tralnlna SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL & } Cable Series So. PlalnJIold 925 EASTJERSEV STREET, ELIZABETH, NEW JERSEY 07201 SUNDAY SCHOOL & ADULT FORUM 7:15PM -Evening Worship ADULT FORUM \\' Noxt To Drug Fair : across from Post Office *j«v: -y :'•'' • '•.-.• ;••••'• 9:45'a.in-. ••„•: :\ i '• Now Asphalt A Congregation of the Evangelical Oak Tree Ave. MINISTER: Bmct D WiUUmi 7«0 PM - Pmy*r Msrting R0UTI3inJLMINGT0N.M No Dust-No Dirt INT. ASSOC, SHUM Morurty Noruny CM ProWoW Lutheran Church In America 755-Food (3663) |iv.\* c5»^ * I MILE NORTH OF FUMINCTON GROX v 4 755-3660 (Dell) wnmmnmummmm B-10-CRANFORJ) €HRONietE-Thursday May-2r1991- —Thursday May2, 1991-CRANFORB eHR©NIGLE~B-H- We love to do dishes on Mother's Day. COACH N' PADDOCK ROUTE 78 |UIT 12) 4 Mild Nut ,| CLINTON. H.I THURSDAY 201-735-7889 — --•LI- • LUNCH 'DINNER •COCkTAILS" Eggs Benedict French Toast Omelettes '//Wedding? fc» WEDOINGS • BANQUETS • PARTIES FOR ALL OCCASIONS NIGHTS ; J ) (/Anniversaries A T 1\/1S ?#^v' .-"i -#^ Friday Night Dancing Showers May 3 -Jim Hoffman ^ "Call for Information— ~-BluFBeavers & Elaine Prime Rib Stuffed Sole & Shrimp Roast Turkey 1047 U.S. Route 22 East s \ I I II I I'. K I 1)1, I \\ \ ! ! H M \ Mountainside, NJ 07092 So throw in the dish towel, sit back and be served Reserve Now! ;(&08)233^5542 May German Fest Mother's Day Brunch from $9.95 • Seatings 10:00 • 11:30 • 1:00 Saturday May 25 7:30-11:30. JJEMINGWAY Complete Dinners from $15:95 • Seatings 2:30 • 4:30 • 6:30 SUNDAY, MAY 12, 1991 307 E. Main St. ZBOSZSS 2SS2ES Seatings at 12:00 Noon 2:00 PM and 4:30 PM Price $22.00 for Adults Bound Brook, NJ $11.00 for Children 10 and Under 271-0880 Join us Thursday nights, Irom Park Avenue Reservations Soup Scotch Plains 322-4224 Fresh Fruit 9 pm to 1 am for j^ood fooii. drinks Salad Bar Sunday & Wednesday Nights Daily Lunch Specials Homemade Bread and Rolls $ Mothers Day at Cataris is like going home. You and live entertainment and free tfiveawa Relish Trays on Table from 3.25 your family will be greeted and served by Cataris family of . . Choice of Entree KIDS EAT FREE All Dinners Include Soup, Salads-Potato, Veg. cooks;: servers, and management. Our family atmosphere, in our new lavish gardens. One dining adult per child. Served with Potato or Rice SrVegeteble du Jour & Our Homemade Bread , great service, and the fairest prices in the area are just a Viennese Style Dessert Tabled Chopped Steak .....W.95 Chicken Francalse $6.55 few reasons for spending Mothers Days at Cataris. We will Monday Nights Thursday Night$ Every Tuesday Broiled Porkr Broiled Seafood be featuring seafood, meat, chicken and pasta^specials, Chops..,...:.; ..$6.45 , Combo .: .....$7.95 from old family recipes. There will be a flowers for -the All-You-Cin-Eit PRIME RIB All-You-Cin-Eit Stuffed Mushroom w/Crabmeat.... $6.95 .. BABY BACK NIGHT BARBECUED Moms, and Frankie will be there to sing for you;. Please •_•-!•• make reservations. We will be serving between 1:00-7:00. RIBS $7.95 CHICKEN 266 West Union Ave. • Bound Brook N TRY C L U B K\CKLEY'S 469-4552 or 356-9742. with.. Just off Rts. 78 & 21 on Rt. 31, Clinton the only place for ribs For Information & Details call 908-735-4200 J776 South Washington Avenue. Piscataway 463-IOOOv

FOR INFORMATION iREQARDINGi THESE RESTAURANT PAGES> This weekly. column Is devoted Mother's Day to sharing with you, our readers,' > the different kinds of delightful, Brunch Buffet MICKI PULSINELLI delicious cuisine in our area.. Mother's Day Seatings ±1 a.m- and 1 p.mf • "AT . ••• Confetti Eggs, Eggs Benotilct; French Toast, Assorted *g- r%°C : Buffet I)ig Breakfast Meats, Home Fries, Beef and Broccoli, I "%'- . . Treat Your Mother with Unlimited ..•"•• per ttenon 968-5700 Champagne Chicken, Cheese and Blueberry Blintzes, M. *-^ .'..••.'•. SHRIMP • SALAD BAR Make Mom's Day Special ' Spinach Salad, Tossed Garden Salad, Fresh Fruit, £T\ " " "FRUITS • CHEESES • MEATS O'CONNORS ; •••• AncTa large variety of appetizers,including . i! at - ; Danish, Coffee Cake, Croissants, Choice of Juice, -W%' chHdrsn with a Delicious Meal Served | ; under p. SOUPS and COLD SALADS BEEF N ALE HOUSE Then visit our Carving Station Featuring Coffee, Tea or Milk. 708 MOUNTAIN BLVD. THE BLACK HORSE INN In an Elegant Atmosphere . Complimentary Glass of Champagne for Mom. ROAST BEEF • BAKED HAM • ROAST LAMB \ ' • • . ..• •. •• . •,.'•.• In addition our chel Is offering a bountiful selection A bountiful display of delicious food expertly • . of hot dishes Including: . WATCHUNG, N.J. Enjoy Gourmet Dishes such as .. • .. prepared by our fabulous Chefs and displayed with VEAL • SEAFOOD • CHICKEN and PASTAS Mother's Day Dinner »; • with a largo array o( ' . 908-755-2565 culinary artistry. The best seafood this side of any ocean, . Roast Spring Lamb, Baked Virginia Ham,. / Lqunge seating 4:00 and 6:00 BREADS • POTATOES and VEGETABLES It's gratifying to'write about a restaurant that has been around a number of Mouthwatering salads & Platters-Splnach,Gravalox, Veal Cordon Bleu, Prime Ribs and Steaks, Dining Room Seatings 3:30, 5:30 and 7:30 Complete your feast. With umllmited years. Chances are that the people, who read this column have already been CAKES • PIES • CANDIES • And a visit to pur Ice Cream Stand . Calamarl, 12 in all., : there and all I'm doing is reacqualntlng them. I'm talking about O'ponnors • Roast Turkey, Seafood, and many others. Choose from these and other exciting specials: Coffee and Tea also Included Beef N Ale House in Watchung, a restaurant that has been open for 20 years Mother's Day cold Seafood station: Crab legs, New Zealand CHILDREN 12 & Under •now. • • • '..'•••'.'••.••' . •' .. •. '-. . Stuffed Boneless Breast of Chicken 11.95 Veal Cordon Bleu 14.95 Mussels & oysters on the Half Shell, 5 zesty Stations to tempt you. Seating 12:30 •2:30 •5:00 •7:00 •10.95 Dinner O'Connor's was one of the first steak houses In Central Jersey. Many have Shtjmp Stuffed with Crabmeat 14.95 Broiled Seafood Combo ' 18.95 opened since then, but not all have survived. They have survived because they Saute Station Includes Mussels In Green Sauce Pasta, continue to do what they do best, and that is serve quality beef in pleasant ; Reservations.Suggested Prime Rib of Beef . 14.95 New York Sirloin Steak 15.95 at the '•. :;— ; • shrimp scampi, and more. . surroundings at affdrdableTjrlces. " .- . • . .••.'.••••••'•,• Filet of Sole Jardinare 13.95 • . Court Cafe There is nothing fancy on their'menu so you won't find nouvelle cuisine Carving Station: Roast Prime of Ribs here. Forget about cajun or French cooking; they prefer to leave that type of' •:• & Roast Turkey,. Roasted to perfection, carved to your order. (Julienne of Vegetables) Make Your Reservations Now Specials Include cooking to others, the emphasis here has always been on good Ingredients Lobster•'• Prime Rib and freshness. The steaks corhe from their own retail butcher shop, which Is chafing Dishes Include our famous Seafood Newburgh, Dinners Include Green Grocery Salad. Bar and choice of potato. 908-873-3990 on the premises, and the fish la purchased dally. . ...'•'.'•• 1714 Easton A.vcniic, Mew Zealand Lamb Loin in Pastry Steamed Little Necks, crabmeat Au Gratin, Mixed Vegetables, ,.'';;•.'.• Another attraction that ha$ withstood the test of time Is their 50-item salad Somerset, NJ. (txitiottKt,2»7) 600 East Main street Bridgewater, NJ COLONIAL VILLAGE Poacheid Norweigian Salmon /"and bread bar that Is IndildBijOpijM ^iTJQ§C?- Ten years ago almost all. Rice, 10 Dishes to excite the palate 1745 AMWELL ROAD, MIDDLJESEBUSH/SOMERSET, N.J. Cpnfit of Duck «ffctaurants had a salad, bar. ATpresentn can onlyihlnk of two others that have ;'olie arid they, too, are doing well;'. . ,-•••,•>. Desserts for ttie sweet tooth J Rice Plidding, Black Horse Inn sundae Reservations Recommended. or choose from our regular menu The building Itself Is a survh/dr; Dating back to the middle 1800s, It started er erson u mt ea as a restaurant and inn for entertainers who traveled to and from New York. Every Wednesday18.^?* P P "» t Past.visitors.Included the comic team of Laurel and Hardy, Mae West and heavyweight champion Jack Dempsey, to mention a few. ' A story on the menu tells, that when the restaurant was. being built, "dozens of Colonial musketbalis, wagon wheels..^nd rings of stone for campflres.were unearthed.'1 Manager Dwight Newell once told. me that A Gift of Love <£ Appreciation Mother's Day underground tunnels used during prohibition are still intact. Brunch Buffet Trie present-building has six dining rooms to accommodate large parties', On Mother's Day banqdets and weddings. The restaurant also offers a cocktail lounge with live boqel/ atthe^Court Rooms entertainment on most Fridays, and, as I mentioned above, a retail butcher shop and delicatessen. ' •' "'s - ;.•_ _'„,' '_: • The BAGEL wr PEDDLER Full Selection of Breakfast & Lunch Items Including ^On'ow Wall Is the original brick facade: reminiscent of the;,19thTcehtury y Brandi .•', Carving Station, Smoked Salmon, Eggs architecture. The other walls are draped with light-colored and set off. , HAM-4PM, ,;••• ,"' ' . 1 THE BLACK HORSE INN 11 Varieties Baked Fresh Benedict, Omelettes made to bfdif,- wHh; a chali rail around the entire room. A brass rail with green valance separates the country style dining areas. • , Route 24 Mericffiom, NJ (201) 543-7300 Champagne & Corsage For All Moms Fresh Pastries, Bagals and more... Plus tax* GrOtultM Hourly On Premises O'Connor's menu has eight appetizers from potato skins ($4.25) to a Choose Your Entree From Our 11:30-3:30 pm dozen little neck steamers ($8.95). Other side orders include two soups, • Cream Cheese •Spreads • Lox sauteed fresh mushrooms and fresh vegetable of the evening. Choices for Fabulous Selection of Fine Foods • Juices & Soda •Sandwiches To Go dinner Include four seafood (stuffed North Atlantic flounder for $13.95 and surf For Your Convenience & Satisfaction OPEN: Tues.-Sat. 7-5, Sun. 7-1, Closed Monday •.:$ 95 SQ95 • and turf for $26.95), three choices of chicken ($11.95 to $13.95), veal 16 person \J children We Will Have.,. . 53 Main St. Village Plaza, 1075 Easton Ave. parm'esan ($13.25), lasagna ($11.95) and pork tenderloin ($12.95). Carving Sectioni w/4 Stlectlons, Indudei: (Beef, Lamb, TUrkey, Ham) i Kids under 5 eat FREE! ' The balance of the. menu Is devoted to beef.' There are 11" different . • Seafood Station • Omelette Station Somerville 526-9733 Somerset 246-9045 18 East Main St. •Someryille, New Jersey choices, from London broil ($11.95) to.a one and one quarter pound T-bone (All you can cat Shrimp) (AnyStyle) ; 1 r for $18.95. Selections include prime rib, rib steak, top sirloin and, of course,' • Pasta Station . • Complete Salad Bar, flFRlE! i ""FRIES" FREE!^ (908)725-7979 FAX (908) 218-0588 filet mlgnpn for $17.95. If you are confused about the different cuts of beef, CARPACCIO..... Buffet Complete with Vegetable, . there Is a display case in the foyer that displays, raw, the items available on : ••••'• .Potato, Dessert; Fruit & Coffee .'•'. I 5 Bagels 11 5 Bagels 11 5 Bagels i the menu.; . • . : For Mother's Day 1 My husband ordered the house-made soup, a.good beef barley, for $1.75;. $ J95 Of Comparable '• Of Comparable '.' Of Comparable $ 'Adults ' Value i . Value .. Value It was filled with barley, carrots, beef and celery and served piping hot In a ^(Children Served with Salad and Vegetable Du Jour I When You Buy I I When You Buy | | When You Buy | crock. I ordered the little heck steamers/There were more than a dozen fresh We will be happy to split any ol our pasta selections aa an appetizer little necks. GALL TODAY FOR RESERVATIONS " One Doz. Bagels One Doz. Bagels One Doz, Bagels After ordering our entrees, filet mlgnon for my husband ($17.95) and/ Sheraton Regal Inn ' ' WHh Cdi WlU Cb shrimp scampi ($13.95) for me, we made atrip to the salad bar. The 50-item CHICKEN FRANCESE [ . . • . 11.95 _^,gingsbridge Road, Piscataway, NJ. 5£ salad barcontalnsTEiverythIng -IrnaglirableHrom-olivesr-greengrveQetableBr- W0ATONI VODKAS- ^_r—_^...-: 8.05 •-Bon«lM»-bi»«>t-o(-ehlcl<«Orefl0.-whH0"Wli»— Fresh Tom»to, Crearn and Vodka • and lemon ' 1 . • salads and several choices of bread. We chose lightly because we were here PAGUA E HENO . B.OS •:•'i"U'. 908-469-5700 to sample the entrees. , CHICKEN PARMIC1ANA 11.95 Homemado pasta wtth mushrooms, proscuilio, Breaded bonelew breast bf chicken, with tomato Thefllet mlgnon,' cooked as ordered, medium fare, Was thick, juicy, and RoMandertam . and mozuralla cheosa , FETTUCC1NE ALFREDO . 9.95CHICKEN VALDOSTANA 11.96 dellciously tender. Nothing was left for the doggie bag. Pasta with cream, egg, butter and romano cheese My shrimp scampi consisted of eight large shrimp, baked with olive oil, Breast of chicken with muihrooms, proscultto TORTEUJNI. • 9.05 (online cheese and whlto wine ,' garlic, parmesan cheese and herbs. I like garlic and I was pleased with the vrtth Meat Sauce Stuffed Chwje pasta with Rt. 1 ' 4901 Stelton Rd. homemade meat sauce . CHICKEN SCARPARIELLO .. . 11,98 scampi sauce, and that was wKhout having to ask for extra. PENNE AUA ARRABIATA ••:• . . . • 9.95 BorMless braast of chicken isutaed with 0 LOW CALORIES VEALMAB8AU 14.95 STUFFED FLOUNDER 14,95 and others. Veal acalopplne sauteed with mushrooms and • Wtth crabmeat »tufflng .: Thurs. - Prime Rib....:...... <....^109S • HIbachi Steak • Sushi Bar MOTHERS Marsala wina SHRIMP SCAMPI 17.95 Bmnch - 10:30 AM - 2:00 PM House • Teriyakl Dishes Assorted Desserts & Coffee or VEAL SORRENTINA - ', 14.95 with a butter, garlic and wine sauce over capelll Friday — Bonelss N.Y. Strip Steak Corned Veal with eoflplaht, proaclurto and fontlna cheeae Dinner Buffet - 3 PM - 6 Tea included LOBSTER TAIL & SHRIMP SCAMPI 19.95 • Seafood VEAL MILANESE GIARDINBRA 14.95 and Shrimp ScampL...,...... $1395 firtaded veal cutlet topped with amioala salad served over capelll • Cocktails • Japanese Drinks Out Mdhy Specials or CAUMARtMARINARA . 11.95 r Order from Our Specia VEALDECASA 14:95 souteed In a light tornato sauce over ; ,J Tatami Robnis • Party Room • Salad Bar , Veal with mushrooms, prcscultto and peaa In a llngulnl Mothers Day Menu „ -COUPON CHqdseFrothbut l&guiarMenu pink sauce ADULTS...... $14.95 CHILDREN;;.$195 LOBSTER TAILS 1».9» To Order From !ON- - - -, r - « -COUPON ( r;— rCoupoN_- Under 10 Call For Reservations broiled with butter and lemon Make Reservations Our Butcher Shop $ Half Price Dinner Plus tax and gratuities Call 755-2575 i 3.0QOFF J Glass of Champagne or OPEN 1 DAYS A WEEK, Ludch 1 l!30-3t30 Dinner 4IOO-UIOO Now!! [ Buy on* dlnnar at rogular pile* & 0»l socond THINK t*~f*~~i~ 1860 Easton Avenue 229 Bound Brook Rd. ... I . '..•,:.:". Casual ••„•:•• I Any Check of $20 or '^other's Love" QF Uav-BT S Somerset, N.J. Middlesex, NJ 08846 708 Mountain Blvd. «HffiF¥yaHdUon,.Tt\ur«6 . Italian Dining CoupooNoi Valid oo Saturdays w Holiday*. i «rttr) any entree Spiral Jun« 28,'HI irtthB Quality Inn 560-4700 Watchung • \ | on Mothers Day ONLY No loparato chaekt EAT IN PR TAKE OUT c»nnab««ort>bift*dvi*h any **« o**". I On. Coupon p«r P»rly II Cannot b* «omblrod with any other oHsr. Not lo b» uiod In combination 681 BoundbrookRd., Middlesex, NJ (201) 968-324a 755-2565 One coupon p«r tabla A Family Place Restaurant & Pizza

Dally Specials, Seafoods & Meats Fresh Homemade Pastas & Sandwiches Buy 1 Pie CATERERS and receive Off Premise Catering Price EXQUISITE CAKES & DESSERTS 2nd Pie at... • Picnics . Must be of equal or lesser value. Not to be combined with .my other otter. With coupon good at both locations — Exp. 5-31-91 Graduations This Week's Special -Rosalle-Plzza- Pool Parties 8" Raspberry Mousse 547 .E: 1st Ave., Resells 18W. MalnSL, SonjUvflie Cake 'CalTfor Information 1-4623 OR 241-4622 707-4443 (FAX) 707-1815 1047 U.S. Route 22 East Mountainside, NJ 07092 THE. (908)233-3040 Reg. $12,70 • Expires 5/8/si SPECIAL Come Celebrate 900 Lincoln Blvd. PATULLO'S .1 iddlesex,_NJ GREENHOUSE RESTAURANT (Day MOTHER'S DAY (Next to Blvd. Foods) . 1 NORTH VOSSELLER AVt • I0UN0 a.flOOK 356-2692 • 356-9888 "Buffet Sunday • May 12th (908) 469-1654 FRIDAY 1VTTE SPECIALS lOdcnman at We Are Now Serving Lunch & Dinner 2 V/ Served Noon'til 7PM Soups Lobster Blaquo & Clam Chowdet In Our Fireplace Room In a N J S OWN BIG APPLE Featuring: — TABLE SERVICE — Crabmeat Cocktail ....$6.95 Stuffed Flounder „.„ $13.95 BUZZY'S Fresh Shrimp •Roast Duckling SIB Enjoy a Special Mother's Day at King Crab Log»...... «$13.95 stuffed Shrimp $13.95 iNow Appearing I Loin of Pork • Roast Spring Lamb Food & Spirits Stuffed Lobster . y^ Fra Dlavolo In Our Lounge •Baked Virginia Ham Complementary WSZ&ta •Seafood Thermldor GllSson IFSMI with Unqulnl...... $14.95 "DAYBREAK" "Corsage For Every Mom" Mr COACH N'PADDOCK (Raw or steamed),.. $6.95/doz. 2 Lobster Talta...... $13.95 Chef Carved / . - '..^ ' GastonDeli • - f - itfSSm Coming Next. Week » OPEN 7 DAYS • featuring "IMAGE" Roast Turkey And Roast Beef Entrees Starting From $8.95 , / 86 North Gaston Ave. (across from Bakery) Somerville Champagne Brunch • ' • • . AND ..•'.• ••'• . . PARK IN OUR LOTI Fax 704-1332 j FRIDAY & SATURDAY NITE . An abundance of other delicacies 752-2229 11:00-1:30 $14.95 Weddings • Showers Rese/vatfons Accepted A Sumptuous D*ss*it TabU and Bavarag*. . 200 Stetton Road • Piscataway. Seating 1:00-7:00 Children $7.50 SIMMY & THE JAMES BOYS - i95 Westfield, • Two Paste's i FETTUCINI ALFREDO ,...... ;....>...... ,...... !...... $7.95] Inn Season (Behind White Diamond) 232-9749 | •STUFFED PEPPERS $6.9S | • Shrimp • Carving Station WANG'S KITCHEN featuring 22 • Fried Calamari GELTNBSE RESTAURANT Unlimited Sunday Brunch p/person 3221 Route 27, Franklin Park • • ••• Unlimited • Lobster Stuffing JLX per person \J . children under 6 .- All Our • Herring &.Lox (FormerlyA-ikitcheii) : Unlimited Dinner Buffet - 10:30-2:00 Regular Dinner Menu featuring Products Made • • AssorTe^TSaiads (908) ^$^i^ ! 'Wune^KibsbfBeef ' Fresh To Order • Dessert The Finest Traditional Chinese Cuisine PRIME RIB DINNER 11.95 from Sandwiches , (complete with soup, salad, coffee & dessert) 1 \J per person Reservations Requested RATED w * * HOME NEWS Rt. 206 South h Children's menu available s Entertainment on Friday Nights Hillsborough 1270 Route 28, North Branch / 359^)088 Pizza Plus TRY US"FOR LUNChTl"3~M MONGOLIAN BAR-B-Q ^A SPECIAL TREAT FOR EVERY MOM! 685-0444 572 Boulevard Ih KenHWoHh. 276-7775 • CONTINENTAL—ITALIAN CUISINE Treat OpcnT.pays (16 items) & Mothers Day* May 12 •1-10 PM • Reservations Your Mother & Dinnrr ANY WHOLE BUFFET & SALAD BAR Now For • •••'••'••' Suggested 12" SUB SANDWICH OR I to Something AU You Can Eat ANY URGE PIZZA a Your,Hoists: TThie Vicci's, Engels, Stones Exp. 5-17-91 -.. • Special on LUNCH 11:30-2:00 and Tolls invite you to take Advantage 570B Union Ave. • Middlesex Cannot be combined w/any other offar . r * Monday * Ail you can eat Prime Rib 469-1558 or 469-1554 Try Our Mother s S KORNERZ? . Sun. 4-9, Closed Mon., Sat-Sun...... „..;..;...... ;..$8.95 ^Tuesday * All you can eat Pasta's ...... w...... BAR AND RESTAURANT Tuei., & Wed. 11r10; Thuf., Frl., Sat 11-11 Wed, & Fri. Specials PINNER . 5:00-9:00 • Wednesday * All you can eat Chicken & Ribs $9.95 $i Join us in our cafe for r—COUPON— —i Fri,, Sat. & Sun ...;;.$13.95 ''Casual Comfortable Atmosphere Children under 8... $6.95 * Wednesday Nite - live Music, .no cover BLACKBOARD SPECIALS * Thursday - Saturday live Entertainment No Cover Restaurant MOTHERS DAY AT * Sunday - 8:00 New York original COMEDY Show Available for Lunch & Dinner Also serving fresh homemade pizza whole or by the slice APPETIZERS Any Item Lunch Special I Days A Week Crabmeat Stuffed VVith Every 5 Orders get Mushrooms -$5,95 On Our Menti Stuffed Shrimp 95 Escargot 5495 with crabmeat...... ONE FREE Scampi Eat-in or TorteUini Kathryn - $5,25 Take Out OUR REGULAR MENU & TAKE OUT BBQ Baby Back Ribs 10 SERVICE ALSO AVAILABLE Any DINNER SPJBCIALS , Expires 5/17/91 . Chicken Sottrentino ...... V Major Credit Cards .Honored 10% Off Order Roasted 1/2 buckling L'Orange - $14.94 »w< Just a Jew of our many dinner specials Broiled Twin Lobster Tails - $22.95 Get 1 titer Soda FREE • Veal Windsor - $14.95 • Stuffed Sole - $13.95 with Any Purchase over $20.00 fWT, -WS V, First Dinner Regular Price MAIN ST., SO. BOUND BROOK Get 2 Liters FREE Mafce Your Vi Price for Any 2nd Dinner . with Any Purchase over $30.00 Reservations Now! of Equal or Lesser Value with this ad

Off Premise Catering Bring ad to receive this offer »d.f> s;i<^ j it«ttt^ioii Garden Weddings 100 Oak Tree Ave., So. Plalnfield Mon.-Thurt. 11:00 AM-10:00 OPEN 7 DAYS Cocktail Parties Frl,.&it. 11:00 AM-10:00 PM Sunday 12:00 Noon-8:00 PM Take Out Available Galas: Social/Corporate 757-5306 Call for Information 1047 US. Route 22 East Mountainside, NJ 07092 NEW!!! ' DOUBLE TREAT THURSDAY FRIDAY (908)2334198 EXPRESS NITES NTTES: NITES: WED/THURS. 6-9 P.M. 6-9 P.M. LUNCH PRIME RIB & GRAND BUFFET Ladies Night — ENTERTAINMENT IN OUR LOUNGE SHRIMP • Routl lkc( diving Station t Soup & Sandwich In Our Lounge BUFFET • Ham Citving Station Great Dinner Values! Our Mother's Day We'll also be • aicken Dishci» Hot & Cold Subds Sandwich Mania 5PM-11PM Choose from » Veal Dbhci • Utcads STEAKS • CHICKEN • SEAFOOD buffet will feature "••.'• offering a 9S • Prltne Rib Carving Station » Seafood Dtlhei . &PAMQAKES OnIy*3 •PAH Popular Drinks • All The Shrimp You Can Eat • Coffee * Deiurt everything from Roast Beef, Baked Ham. Holiday Dinner Menu in lronwood s • Pasws • Chicken Dfahes Italian Sptckhits Including Choose From A Large '3' Appetizer Freili Maaamlla DINNER ENTREE 1 Eggs Benedict and an assortment of other Restaurant, featuring appetizer, salad, • Hot & Cold Salads • Veal delicious entrees to a dessert table covered your choice of entree and dessert. We'll make Selection of Your Selection Dishes • Breads • Seafood $ I With The Purchase of Any Favorite Sandwiches, Dishes • Coffee • Dessert • Dinner Entree | with cakes, tones and creamy mousses. sure Mom's Celebration is the best ever. •4" Dinner Specials 10 I twrfllk PtncpkM. Orrtltttos Prepared Monday thru Friday Adults '12* (Children 10 & under $5.30) I (Of Equal or Losser Value) I INTEBMnONAL . Uv* Entertainment , wtth Your Choice of Ch«we , , Adults Children 12... ' • Children Holiday 11:30-2:30 PM (Children 10 & under '6") I Afior 3 PM, One Coupon Per Table I I Monday thw Friday. Anytime . I under 3 — Dinner Menu. By The ThMe G'J ; I Not Valid With Other Coupons. Expires 6/29/91 J • Not V«Hd With Other Coupons; Bplre* 8/26/91 jj $19,95* . — and under COUPON $9.95 Free.. $17.95** and up 1B ALTTcBRiAKFAST RESTAURANT Seatihgs from 11:30 am-5:oo pm Reservations Required SATURDAY NITES: ; (908)766-8200 COUPLES NITE TREAT ANOTHER $ ANY 2 OR MORE 75 COUPLE TO DINNER FREE 4 50 PARSONAGE ROAD I Includes 1 Bllnfc w/3 Potato Pancakat | LUNCHES Purchase your two entres and receive their two • Served with Sbur Cream • MENLOPARK Mutt Be Frpm Entree Selection. entrees FREE: We will deduct the two entrees of 1 & Strawberry Applesauce ' One CoUpon Pw Table. Menu Items Only. 185rtiadisbnville'Road BaskingRidge. NJ. 07920 lesser value from your check. AH Specials Cannot Be Combined I Valid Monday thru Friday. Anytime. • 548-3020 I Exolres 8/29/91-Oow Not Include Side bfdow • 'Tax and Gratuity Nor Included Conveniently located '/> mile from Rte. 287 ' 'Children's Menu Available •Offer expires August 31,19931.1991 FFNN I With Any Other offer INol Valid With Other Coupons. Expires W29/91 I L W«i^ M^NoW»^<^olld*y£ • Jj 7 AM-Mldnlflht SUrvThur, 7 AM-2 fri & Sat COUPON — Reservations Suggested— ITTTTiTTlTT

B-14 CRANFORD CHRONICLE Thursday May 2,1991 Thursday May 2,199rCRANFORD CHRONICLE "B-15" r —i • PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE] PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NQDCE PUBUC NOTICE Administration of Public Assistance 3.82164 High school juniors step into shoes of township officials . Salaries and Wages. 3,825.00 Neighbor near Adams fields 4.00000 . 3.81600 1991 272 74. .a. Other Expanses 800.00 50000 49000. 217.38 OARWOOD MUNICIPAL BUDGET Menial Health program: (M.J.S.A. 40:5-29) . • I'' ' Municipal Budget ol the Borough ol Garwood, County ol Onion lor the Fiscal Year IWi, „ . . • .. , „ ' •• .. li is hereby certified Ih.l Ihe Budget and Capital Budget «nne«ed hereto and hereoy mane a part hereol i» s.lrue copy ol Ihe Budget and Capital Budget approved by. Contribution to Union County By Cheryl Moulton complains about bright light Psychiatric Clinic. 1.000 00 1.00000 1.000.00 resolutoresolution ol the Governing Body on the 9th day ol April. 1991 and that public advertisement will be made In accordance wllh the provisions or N.J.S. 40 A'4-6 and N.J.A.C. 1.000 00 Recreation and.Education ''5'3IM* mj 4i Idta\) ' '' • • ' . Board of Recreation Commissions. When it came to "running the Certified by mo . Salaries and Wage* 10.586.50 1 913.50 This 9 • • . 49,000.00 23.637.00 23.637.00 21.91788 1.719.12 of 6.5 million lumens. Rollo said Board, via the township building General Approprlalions For: . • , ' • • . ; • ' , : Consolidated Police and Firemen's Pension Fund. 5,800,00 4,366.0a 4.366.00 . 4.385.84 .16 tion-packed day bright and early, 98.000.00 98.000.00 39.849.85 58,160.15. this has produced a blinding glare 1. Appropriations wllhln "CAPS" ' • • ' ' • , ,,„,..„ Police and Firemen's Retirement System of N.J. 106,500.00 at 8:15 am., with a general meet- department, which then will be (a) Municipal Purposes (llemH-t. Sheet 211 IN.J.S.40A;4-45.2i ,, , • ' •. . • 2.780.459,00 Total Deferred Charged and Statutory which prevents, drivers from delivered toth e board foraction. 2. Appropriations excluded Irom "CAPS" ' . • • : , .- ' ' , . , ' • ... ' Expenditures—Municipal WIlRlrv'^Caps" 202.010.00 163.009.00 , . '- ' 163.009.000 103.138.90 59.870,10 ing By 8:45 they were on their (a) Municipal Purposes (Item H2. Sheet 30) (N.J.S. 40A:4-45.3 as amended) ;...••.. ' . 774,976,32 (H-'l Total General ApproprlalloriB loi ,j- ~ ~ • way, led by township department Total General Appropriallons excluded from "CAPS"(H«m O. Sheel 31) ; , 774.976.32 Municipal Purposes Wllhln "Caps" • : 2.780.459,00 1.898.43400 1.894.934.00 1.674.098:05 220,835.95 heads to get a bird's eye view of 3 Resorvo for ijncollected Taxes (Hem M, Sheet 31) — Based on Estimated^96,5 Parcenl olfax' Collections . 250.O00.O0 (A) Operation*' Excluded Irom "Caps" " ' "~* ' 1 : what the township does each day First Aid Squad fund drive '— -4. Total Gonoral Appropriations (Hem 9, Sheel 31) ' • ' • ' ' ' . • ' ' . . ' . .- _- 3.B05.435.32 Municipal Court • ' • ' • • . 6 Ltjss Anticlpalod Rovonues Olhor Than Current Properly Tax (Hem 5, Sheet 13) (I.e. Surplus, Miscellaneous Revenues and RecelDjs_ • -• Salaries and Wages . . 43,600.00 ••--.. . . to keep services running 1.3B6.JB0.18 • Uom Dallnqueril Taxes), . "" ," : Other Expenses - ' 5.70O.O0 Contribution Tol. - , . . smoothly-. • 6 Oilforonco: Amount to bo Raised by Taxes lor Support of Municipal Budgol (as follows): . ; 2.418.955.14 Public Employees Retirement System 1,914.00 1,914.00 1,914.00 goal is $70,000 for upkeep (al Local Tax lor Municipal Purposes Including Reserve lor Uncollecled Taxes (Item 675.OO 24.795i50 ment, roads", etc." . '• Purchase of Police Vehicles (P.L. 1985 Ch 22) 17,000.00 . 17,000.00 13,929.25 3.O7O.7S Rowe. "Although we are, not buy- terested in joining the squad Ovprcupondlturos ' books 6r seeing their own license . • : Contractual services /or rjaroaoe and trash Decrease In Federal Revenue Sharing ing new rigs this year, we foresee should call 272-7716," Ellis said. • . . •" * • - ' ' ... .' . removal,.fire hydrant service, aid to volunteer lire . - -'.::-.••-".• -Ihls gives you thebasic.VCAP." or.lho amount of appropriations Increase allowed over Ihe 1990 Total General Appropriations. .'•'.'. > . ••!.'. ' .- " •:--—-..;• -STANDINGS •• Malntalnence of Free Public Library: . -' ^luncheon./. ... ,">'-", '•[''•'.: ''' '••.•.•., ovan of CHS (mayor), Mary Kate the interior o.f our building," he , . In addition lo the Increase allowed above, any Increase funded by Increased'valuations from rie* construction orlmprovemenls is also allowed., "done" of Force. When it came to Dominick D'Antohlo, Casey Drex- .. * ' '• • Salaries and Wages 34,000.00 23,800.00 23,800.00 22,596.50 ----i.aowb' •Also, the "CAP" may be exceeded If.approved.by referendum.. ' • .'•:.. . ' ' . 'Q "Other Expenses •"...'• "• • 39.100.00 26.980.00 28,960.00 25.931.54 3,048.46 Turowski of CHS (deputy mayor ler,.GoriFiamingo, Sylvia-Haller,- -explained.-^ '~ i_ -) Tho actual "CAPS" fbr this municipality will be reviewed and .approved by (he Division ol Local Government Services In Iho State Department of Community Allalrs. . "A '• fare featuring pizza and hero solving;the actual.problem of a TOUnfj tjuns Public Obligations Reglslratlon'Ac.t (P.L. 198] Ch,243) and commissioner of public "Running costs for -the squad but the calculations upon-which this budget was prepared are as follows:' .... &. ' * Harmony Harrington, Kristen 1. • ' .- . • • o -••."..• Financial-Administration: -.- ''...' . sandwiches accommodated the resident vs; flooding on Columbia Breakaway Yogurt Total Gonoral Appropriallons for 1990 ... . ' . • ' ' •• .... '• ;" 3,783.878.48 Other Expenses ". - - . • . -1,100.00 1.100.00 . 940,00 160.00' teenagers appetite at lunch time, works), Megan Murphy of CHS Avenue, "Mayor" Donovan res- Iwanski, Sarah Johnston, JefTery include $20,000 for insurance to;Pythons . 1 :- o : • "vceptlons: . • . • ' . ' • Uniform Conalruollon Code . • . ' .' • ' ' - Loss: ' • • ,""". •' ' ' . . • . : : , ^ "'•'". Approprlstlon8 Offset by Increased- ' . . as did generous helpings of ice (commissioner. Of public affairs), pectfully declined "the "right to Knight, Forrest Paddock, Rachael operate the ambulance, uniforms Dlttricks Uqitora 1 Total Stale and Federal Proorams — Excluded from CAPS 41,002.48. P Foe Revenues'lN.J.A.C: 5:23-4.17) , . ' , ' Julie Mankowski "of Mount St Padua, Christine^ Pipchick, Mike which include winter and summer 1 Maintenance ol Free Public Llbrary.JoInt Library or Private Library . . . 52,780.00 Slate Uniform Construction Code . ' cream cake. After a lesson in how "handle" the problem, -handing Wostwood . : .. 0 . • ' • . Total Capital Improvements — Excluded From "CAPS"- ••.'.•• ' . 100.00 .' •, Cbnstructlon Official: • •'• • '. ' -. Cranford local government works Mary's (commissioner of finance), the microphone toForce . Prodeline, Ann Rivera, Kimberly jackets and jump suits as well as p&LLdcksmHh 1 1 '• • . Total Municipal Debt Service — Excluded from CAPS •••-..• 187,660.00 19.896.00 19.896.00 Salaries and Wages 19,896.00 '•.. .'•'•'• Robert Willis of CHS (com- Rowe, Greg Shannon, Allan 1 Emergoncy Authorizations Excluded from "CAPS" . 2,600.00 . . Subcode Olllclels: ... ' . . . . ' . .. by Mayor Ed Force, township After residential woes were full dress uniforms for each Direct Connection 0 : Reserve for Uncollected-.Taxes . • ' . : 236,000.00 Plumbing Inspector: .- department heads took their missioner of public safety), Aileen Slayik, Rick Smith, Jeremy Tum- member," said treasurer Patricia Garwood Rest 0 1 Olhor. • ' • • •''>•'••• ' • '• Salaries and Wages . , 718.00 . 718.00/ 718.00 heard Force ^tupped, "The Public A'sslslanctHStale Aid Agreement): . . 6,000.00 • Electrical Inspector: charges! back to the Municipal Bracuto of CHS (township ad- Imayor* took his job very seriously, bokon, Richard Van Jaekel, Ad- Williams, "also training expenses Starlight Cloanora 0 2 . Sewer Authority-Sewer Charges ' . • . • 578,000.00 ' , Other Expenses ;„ ' ' • . . 3,500.00 3,500.00 1,782.00 1,718.00 ministrator), Adelle Parsons of riane Weingart; Union Catholic Municipal Court ' ,' . ' . ' . , 4O.45Q.OO . Fire Protecllon Olflclal: Building for a two-hour crash fell right into the grove." On a to keep each member certified by Ironbound Glass 0 0 2,986.00 2.986.00 Total Excopllons '• ' ',,'•. ', • ; '• 1.144.592.4B Salaries &nd Wages , - ... 2,986.00 course in individual department CHS (township attorney), and more serious note Force read a students Pennylynn Baraoidan, state standards. In addition we Rose L Pub 0 1 Amounl for1 which &% "CAP" l» Applied ' " . ' • 2,639.284:00 Municipal Purpose ••'.'. •„ • Jobina Delgado of Mother Seton Kenneth Docimo; Mother Seton ' 5% "CAP" , . : . • ' ' '. . .. ' , • 131,984:20 Tax Assistance Act . procedure. One department head proclamation explaining the maintain our own supply of train- •Pollco:' .; . • •' • stood peering over the crowd, (township clerk). students Maria Buontempo and ing equipment to offer CPR arid Allowablo Operating Appropriations belore additional , . Salaries and Wages 6,284.06 . ' '6.131.48 6,131.00 8,131.48 - reason for holding the special day Garwood women . Excopllons per (N.J.S.A. 4OA:4-45.3). . • . . , ... . 2,771,248.20 32,000.00 . 32,000.00 Gisela Goncalyes; and MoUnt St. Supplemental Safe Neighborhoods Program 44,516.26 32,000.00 saying, "I've lost my sheep." It The eight took their places next Standard First Aid classes to Add: ' ' . ' ' ' ' , ' . ' -. . . . • • . . ' • 2,871.00 ., 2,871,00 2,871.00 2,B71'.OO "" '• and the "wish to foster a know- Incroased Valuations from New Constructions Improvements • • . < • . 9,211.50, Supplemental Fire Services Program . '. took 45 minutes for her "sheep" to Mary's juniors Valeria de lps Rios, Cranford residents." ; STANDINGS Jbtal Operations — Excluded from "Caps" . 538,071.32 1,461.082.48 1.462,582.48 . 1,352,680.69 109,901.78 to their counterparts and took ledge of local government in Maximum Allowablo Appropriallons Alter Modlllcatlons .. • . , • • 2.780,459.70 find their way back to the fold, Kelly Anne McGrath and Laura "We also keep a supply of hos- D&L Locksmith 1 0 ' Detail: ... • . . . ' '•' charge of the meeting. From pas- youth." : 83,884.06 . 102,954.48 102,95448 101,750.98 1,203.50 and an audible sigh could be Walsh; and Brad Nussbaum from Garwood Lanos 1 0 ...-••. • .'. -.., . RECAP OF SPLIT FUNCTIONS . ' Salaries and Wages sing resolutions, making pro- Each participating high school pital equipment including crut- In order to comply with statutory and regulation requirements, the amounts appropriated for certain departments or functions.have been split and their parts appoar Other Expenses . ' • • 454,187.26 1,358,128.00 1,359,628.00 1,250,929.71 108,698.29 - heard from their shepherd. Solomon Schechter. Centennial Houso f 1 In sevoral places. . • ,-"•'..• , . . ' ' • (C) Capital ImproverfienlB — Excl. Irom "Caps" clamations, approving, past min- student received a plaque and an ches wheelchairs, walkers, com- . ' Those appropriallons which have been split add' up as follows: ' Capital Improvemwit Fund • '56,000;00 ' • 100.00 100,00 100.00 modes and hospital beds, all of- Rowo'g Sunoco 0 1 EXCLUDEO •'• . Tolal Capital Improverrients Excluded From "Caps" 58,000.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 . WITHIN CAPS FROM CAM TOTAL (D) Municipal Debt Service — Excl. from "Caps' fered to Cranford residents free of Olive Garden 0 t .- 115,000.00' » Pollco: • ' . ' • • . • • • .••••'• ' • ' '• • • Payment.of Bond Principal ' 115,000.00 '•• 115.000.00 115.000.00 Salaries and Wanes , : ' ..- . 826.837.00 6,284.06; . 833,121.06 Interest on Bonds , ... 63,305.00 72,660.00 72,660.00 72.660.0l3' ' Two elderly sisters maintain play lot on Hawthorn Street charge," added Rowe. •'''••• •. ' • CURRENT FUND-ANTICIPATED REVENUES , Total Municipal Debt Service— "Total man hours for 1990 were PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE '•• Excilibed from "Caps'" . '. ' , '. •: ' ' r178,305,00' . 1187,660.00 187,660.00 ' 187,660.00 v : :: Realized. " (E)"Deferred Charges — Municipal ' ••' '.•• 'lam a bif T6(i 'but maintain it they,,^,,Fot ^^^^g Township Committee members 4,328 hb&rs.' Total sqUad calls DEFENDANTS ' AntWpaled In Cash Excluded from "Caps" • amounted to 1,365 last year." said CIVIL ACTION. WRIT OF EXECUTION FOR SALE OF . GENERAL REVENUES . . . 1M1 InilMX) (1) DEFERRED CHARGES: By Cheryl Moulton with spring coming it won't be pasy toresee d were sympathetic to the sisters' plighti'thecost MORTGAGED PREMISES - - 500,000,00 Special Emergency Authorizations — - ' < 1. Surplus Anticipated ' 450,000.00 , and mow the large area, but they fully intend of putting up the fence stood in the way.Capt Dave Ellis. By virtuo of tho abovo-statod writ ol bttoculion lo mo 500,000.00 5 Years (N.J.S. 4OA:4-55), 2,800.00. 2,600.00 2,600,00 2,600,00 Sid Everett may have died over a year ago di roc tod I !jhall oxpoao for salo by public vonduo. in Room Tolal Surplus Anllcipaled 450,000.00 "We are on duty 24 hours a day, Total Deferred Charges — Municipal . but the proof of his labors lives on, thanks to to take over where Sid left off, even down to Township engineer Karen Kramkowski es- 207. in tho Court Houso, in tho City oJ Ellzabolh. N.J on 3, Miscellaneous Revenues: . • Excluded from "Caps" , ' . • • . 2,600.00 . 2,600.00 2.600.00 2,600.00 WEDNESDAY, tho 22ND DAY OF MAY*. A.D- 1091 Licenses: - ' . raking fall leaves and carting them awajrV timated a stockade fence 125 feet long would PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE' al two o'clock in Iho afternoon ol said day. 13.500.00 10.000,00 10,000,00 I two Women \yho believe in a promise. Alcoholic Beverage' (H-2) Total General Appropriations for Municipal . . - Tho property lo bo sold is located in iho Borough ol 7,000.00 6,500.00 9,214.00 Keeping the area in a "park-like setting" is cost $550, without labor. Mayor Ed Force, Cranlord. Now Jersey 07016 • Other,-,. ; • Purposes Excluded from "Caps" '. 774,976,32 1.851,442.48 1,652,942.48 1,643.040.69 109.901.70 Some 17 years ago Mr. Everett turned a Garwood. in tho County ol Union, and Stato ot Now 7,000.00 6,500.00 8,723.00 ' Bids will bit available lor pick up on Monday. April 22 1091 Fees and Permits . ' ' (O) Tolal General Appropriations— Excluded : , something they are happy to do, but they have while riot vetoing the idea of a fence, thought Jorsoy. Commonly known as: 78 North Avonuo. Gflrwood, township-owned lot next to his Hawthorne at oilhor tho Cranlord Board or Education Business Ollico at • , Finos and Costs: ... From "Caps" , 7,74,976.32 1,651,442.48 1,652,942.48 1,543,040.69 109,901.79 Now Jorsoy. • 60,000.00 60,000.00 66,884.50 132 Thomas Strool. Cranlord. Now Joraoy or tho Ollico ol Iho Municipal Court - ,> . (L) Subtotal General Approprlatlqns (Hems (H-1) and (O)| 3,555,435:32 3,547,876.48 3,547,876,48 3.217,138.74 330,737,74 Street home into a park It took him five years asked the townshipfo r a favor in return. ' of a solution to the solution. He recommended Tax Lol No 24 in Block No. 31, . ' 7,000.00 • 7,000.00 12,914.06 Township Clork at 8 Spnrtfjlleld Avonuo. Crnnford. Now Jorsoy Interest and Costs on Taxes . (M) Reserve for Uncollecled Taxes . : 25O.0O0.0O 238,000.00 236,000,00 236,000,00 ' " '' Noarost Cross Stroot: Situato on tho northorly sido of 270,000.00 283.000.00 .275,076.00 township Community Development officer In complianco with P.L, 1977, C. 33, blddors must, submit a Franchise and Gross Receipt Taxes . 3,783.876.48 3,453,138.74 330,737.74 to accomplish the task, but he did. it He be- Ann Everett, widow of Sid, and her sister North Avonuo 300 loot oaslorly from tho oastorly sido of 232,744.12 232,744.12 232,744.12 9. Total General Appropriations . 3,805.435,32 '. 3,783,876,48. ; Replacement Revenue • Business Personal Property (N.J.S.A. 54:110) Michael Bohdan look into a state or federal list'of namos and oddrassesol all slockholdorsor pannors own- Oak Stroot. ,. 46,000.00 40,000.00 52,950.75 lieved every citizen should do what he can to Yolanda Colomban have asked the Township ing 10 porcont or more of tho corporation of partnership Cost of'&ewer Treatment ' . . Thoro is duoapproximaloty J615.i330Owith lawful m- 10,000.00 10,000.00 . 14,923.00 Uniform Fire Safety Act (P.L. 1983 Ch 383J Committee for a fence. It seems the park has grant for the fence. A deposit ol 10 oarconl or tho total bid in tho torrh ol .1 cor- torost from Docombor 5. 1900 and costs. 15,100.00 16,109.88 beautify the town he lives ia. He continued to Public Employees Retirement system of New Jersey • Refund . DEDICATED ASSESSMENT BUDGET ' ..',-. tilled check or bid bond lor 10 porcont shall accompany iho 42,400.00 42,490.10 But the possible solution to the solution met Ttioro is 3 full legal description on fito in tho Union Police and Firemen's Retirement System • Refund Dsdlcatlon by Rider — (N.J.S. 40AH-39) "The dodlcalod revenues anllcipaled durlnrj Iris year 1991 from Dog Licenses; Slate or Federal Aid lor Maintenance ol Libraries; maintain the three-quarters of an acre, re- become so popular with youngsters who want proposal, DQPOSIIS lor.all but tho lowest biddor will bo tolurn. County ShonfCs Oltico. 3,770.00 T.V. Franchise Tax . . Bequest; Escheat; Federal Grant; Construction Code Fees Due Hackensack Meadowlarids Development Commission; Outside Employment ol Oil-Duty Municipal Police Iseeding and mowing it himself. He mowed it to play ball, their own yard has been invaded. with a problem; Bohdan cannot help. Un-edwllhln.threc 13) days.ol Iho contract award. ThoShorifl rosorvoa iho right-to ad|Ourn this salo. Dedicated Uniform Construction Coda Faas oliset wllh Appropriation* Olllcers; Unemployment Compensation Insurance; Reimbursement ol Sale ol Gasoline lo Slate Automobiles; Slate Training Fees • Uniform Construction Code Act: Housing Bidders aro roquirod lo comply with Iho requirements ol PL Ralph Froohlich (N.J.S.40A:4-M and N.J.A.C. S.23-4.17V ""d Community Development Act ol 1974, Recycling Program are hereby anticipated as revenue and are rwreby appropriated (or the purposes to which said revenue Is dedicated so much he wore out his own mower and the ;Not that they mind, but the flower gardens fortunately, Hawthorn Street is not within the 1975. C. 127 ' .' ..: ShoriH 10.000.00 10.000.00 ; , The right IG rouorvorj to rojoct any or all proposals .inn to Uniform Construction Code Fees by 8|a|U|8 or oiha,- legal requirement." - •". , .-. ' •.- • • .... ;..:..':•. '..,,: low-moderate area required to be eligible for Francis C Accisano. Altorhoy • ' • . Special Merits of General Revenue Anticipated wllh township eventually gave him one not in use. and the windows take a beating. So, hoping to waive any Intormaluioc in tho proposals.rocoivod.. CX-368-O5IDJ &CC) ' . Prior Written Consent ol Director of APPENDIX TO BUDGET STATEMENT . The Shade Tree Commission eventually alleviate the problem so everyone can be a grant No bids will bo accopiod alter Monday May 6.1091 al 10:00 $7? 52 CC6-4VApril 25. May 2.9 16 1991 Local Government Services: ".. • • CURRENT FUND BALANCE SHEET COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF a.m. '- State and Federal Revenues Qlfsat with Appropriations: ' DECEMBER 31, 1B90 1 CURRENT FUND OPERATIONS AND happy, a solution was reached. Both ladies By Order ol Iho Cranlord Boars ol Education and Iho 14,850.00 14,850.00 ' took over the care of the two dozen trees on Now the ball is back in the township's lot Supplemenlal Safe Neighborhoods Program (N.J.S.A. 52:27f>118.11 to 118.16) 14,668.00 . CHANGE IN CURRENT SURPLUS Township ol Cranlord BORQUQH OF GARWOOD '2,610.00 2,810.00 PUBLIC NOTICE Supplemental Fire Services Program (N.J.S.A. 52:27D-118.17 to 11?.23> 2,610.00 .,' . ' • •,' ' ASSETS '-.... , . ' YEAR 1990 YEAR 1969 the lot, leaving Sid time to beautify the area feel if a fence were erected, the children Literally. However, regardless if a fence is put Joanotlo Flora Nuon Tho Mayor and Council of tho Borough of Garwood will Municipal Purpose Tax Assistance Act Surplus Balance January 1st 764,135.69 638,623.69 Business Admimstralor'Board Socrotary .8.131.48 . 6,131.48 even more. Sid Everett had a rare concern for could continue topla y ball, the flowers would up or not, both ladies assure, "We will still Balance of Prior Year Allotment , 6.284,O« Cash and Investments . . 1,572,133.20 CURRENT REVENUE ON A J20.91 ' ' cc3-ll-Mny2. 1001 hold a public hearing pursuant to N.J.S.A. 33; 1 -31 al tho Municipal Buildlnq. 403 South Avonuo. Qarwood. Now Other SpecUl Hams: Receivables with Offsetting Reserves: CASH BASIS: - public land, such a concern that when he hot get trampled when the kids chase a foul clean it as we've done for many years," but 3,770.48 3,770.48 T.V. Fruhchlse Fee . . Taxes Receivable 117,490.75 Currant Taxes SHERIFF'S SALE Jorsoy on May 28. 1991 at 6:30 p.m. at which tlmo and 2.210.00 3,520.00 ball, the windows would be safe and everyone then all anyone has to do is take a drive up placo a roaoonablo opportunity to bo hoard shall bo at- Licenses • Alcoholic Beverages • Additional . . Tax Title Liens Receivable . . 25,670,47 •(Percentage collected: ' passed away his wife and sister-in-law took SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY 160.704.00 Supplemenlal Municipal Property Tax Relief Act Property Acquired by Tax Title Lion . . ,. 1990 98%, 1989 98%) . 6.599,766.20 5,908,392,52 over the job he cared s6 much about would be happy. But there is a problem with Hawthorn Street to see the proof of years of CHANCERY DIVISION . , . tordod Garfiolds Sports Loungo and Rostaurant. Inc . 501 752,816.08 North Avonuo, Garwood License No. 2006-33-013-002 lo ' Total Miscellaneous Revenues . ..',.. 871,480.18 Liquidation - 24,604.00 Delinquent Taxes , - 84,834.86 71.396.64 UNION COUNTY . Other Receivables ' . 20,168.03 Other Revenues and It isn't easy for two elderly ladies tomain - solving the problem. . labor." DOCKET NO. F-2514-89 show cause why thoir plonary retail consumption license 65,000.00 4: Receipts from Delinquent Taxes . Deferred Charges Required to be In Additions to Income •' 1,110,677.09 1.065,646.43 THE CENTRAL JERSEY BANK AND TRUST COMPANY. 3hould not bo rovokpd or suspondod 1,376,673.72, 1991 Budget - 2.600.00 By ordor ol iho Mayor and Council of tho Borough ol Gar 5. Subtotal General Revenues (ilemB 1, 2, 3, and 4) 1,386.480.18 Total Funds 8,559,413.84 7.684,059.38 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICr: PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE A BANKING CORPORATION OF THE STATE OF NEW Deferred Charges Required to 1)0 In : JERSEY wood'ISGuing Authority 6. Amount lo be Raised by Taxes for Support ol Municipal Budget: : EXPENDITURES AND TAX Pudgets Subsequent lo 1991 7,800.00 qulromonts of P.L. 1975. C. 127 concerning alfirmativo •• : PLAINTIFF' By: Dons Polidoro (a) Local Tax (or Municipal PurposeB Including Reserve for REQUIREMENTS: 3 YEAR CAPITAL PROGRAM • 1M1-1M3 2,418,958.14 '2,491,060.40 . tolal Assets 1,770,466.45 action.- - ' , ' • ' • , . vs . Borough Clork Uncolleoled Taxes Municipal Appropriations 3,547,876,48 3,247,812,21 (Continued from page B-14) SUMMARY OF ANTICIPATED FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS. Thoblddrjr. If doing business under a trado namo or MEED REAL ESTATE PARTNERSHIP. A NEW JERSEY J8.16 CC4-1l-May 2:1091 Tola).Amount lobe Raised by Taxes lor Support . ' LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND SURPLUS ~' School Taxes (Including Local Local Unit Borough ol Qarwood partnership, must submit the bid under the exact title of 2,418,958,14 2,658.229,39 1 GENERAL PARTNERSHIP. ET ALS.. .. of Municipal Budget' • '• . . ' , •Cash Liabilities . . 853,475.03 and Regional) 2,953,836.23 2,572,216.85 Union County, New Jersey Iho trade namo of partnership, and the bid must.bo sign- 3,932,903.11 7. TOTAL GENERAL REVENUES 3,808,435.33 Reserves lor Receivables 167,933.25 County Taxes (Including Added od by either the owner or a partnor. and.. II a corporation, Surplus . , 729,056.17 Tax Amounts) . 1,325,696.56 1,062,214.41 the oxoct corporato tide must besot forth, A corporation CURRENT FUND—APPROPRIATIONS .Other Expenditures and • - • , 2 BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS ' 4 5 6 • BONDS AND NOTES must also affix Its corporate seal and indicate the namo Tolal Liabilities, Reserves ' :-. - ' • AppropHalad Expended 1990 Deductions from Income . 2.942.38 30.680.22 ProJ»ct Title Estimated 3a 3b Capital . Capital Qrantt*ln> 7a 7b 7c 7d of Iho State In which It became Incorporated and tho Total lor and Surplus 1,770,466.45 Total Expenditures ' Total Cost Currant Year Future Years Improve- Surplus Aid and General Self , Assessment School narnos and titles ot the corporate officers authorized by ForKMO 1990 Liquidating School Tax Levy Unpaid 235,800,00 . and Tax Requirements , 7,830,355.67 6.932.923.69 1901 ment Fund Other Funds corporate resolution to execute agreements In its behalf. Aa Modllled 75,000. 3,750. 71,250. "Balance Included In Above ' Less: Expenditures to be Sidewalks and Curbs Tho successful bldderwlll be required to execute pro- 8. GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS dnergafiey By All- ftW« -Slr»«t Improvements,. 175,000. 8,750. 166,250. ': ' "— •- parly contracts forwarded by the Borough Allorney's Ol- "• "Cash Liabilities'" ."•" •' 235,8O0.:0O' Raised by Future Taxes 13,000.00 ; fortMi lor 1BM Transfer! Charoed Deserved 50,000. ~: 2,500. '"• 47,500. '• • ' '; ~ ~ Total Adlusted Expenditures Oil Ice Equipment ' llco.withtn ton (10) days of their receipt. In addition, all (A) Operations • wllhln "CAPS" Road Department and Tax Requirements . . 7;830,355.67 6,919,923.69 proper Insurance requirements must also bo mot and said General Government Equipment. .- 200.000. 10.000. 190.000. information roturnedwlth the exocutod contracts also- lower rate makes Sdrplus BalanceTJecember 31st 729,058.17 38,000. Administrative arid Executive 764,135.69 Fire Equipment 40,000. 2.000, wllhln Ion (10) Says 89,900.00 82,500.00 82,500,00 79,388.77 3,111.23 60,000. 3.000. 57.000. Salaries and Wages Propoud UH bl CUmnl Fund - Police-Equipment Tho Borough of Konllworth or 113 roprosonlalivo shall 66,998.00 64,244.00 62,744.00 50,276.98 12,467.04 Other Expenses Surptui In 1M1 Budoel TOTALS - ALL PROJECTS 600.000. .30,000. 570,000. ' bo tho final iudgo as to whether or not Ihe work perform- Elections: od fully moots tho Specifications and Iho requirements Surplus Balance December 31, 1990 ' • 729,058,17 $788.42 CCMI-Moy 2. 1091 Other Expenses 1,350.00 1,300.00 1,300.00 1,001.12 368.88 lor which they are Intended. - ... Current Surplus Anllcipaled In 1991 Budget 450,000.00 our Home Equity Loan Financial Administration: SUMMAP.Y OH SYNOPSIS OF 1 WO AUDIT REPORT - BOARD OF EDUCATION The successful bidder shall guarantee his.oqulpmonl 18,50000 ' iy,ooo.oo 17,000,00 17,000.00 Surplus Balance Remaining 279,058.17 Other Expenses , ' OF BOROUGH OF OARWOOD AS REQUIRED BY N.J.S. 40A:5-7 CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY and work porformod to be'free from all defects In Assessment of Taxes: - NOTICE AND INVITAITON TO BIO. workmanship and material and shall correct any rjuch 10,070.00 10,070.00 10,070,00 ~' COMBINED COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET ' Salaries and Wages - 10,700.00 1f»1 . .. ., The'Crantord Board of. Education invilos your soalod doloctal his own expenso.or thai ol his Surety. 1,000.00 1,000.00 224.00 776.00 DECEMBER DECEMBER Other Expenses 1,000.00 CAPITAL BUDGET AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM proposal lor: ; . ' Tho Borough Council reserves the right to reject any Collection of Taxes'. ASSETS •'•••".' 31,1990 31.1989 or all bids and to waive any or all informalities In tho Bids. ilS-Becllon la Included-WlthJheJMinual Budgel.pursu>nt,to.N,J,A,C, 6:3ft4- ILdfiesjioIJn Itsejlconfer any_authorlzatlon to ralse.or expend funds. Rather, It Is a dpou- 1 : more interesting. '•• BID 92-3 - ATHLETIC SUPPLIES Salaries and Wages ' -37300.00- -32,980.00- menl used as part of the local unit's planning and management program. Specific authorization to expend funds for purposes described In this section must be granted -CashBhdlnvMtmenls " ~ $1,705,091.69.-: $1,878,104.79 -. BOROUGH OF KENILWORTH Other Expensed 3.250.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 elsewhere, by. a separate bond ordinance, by Inclusion of a line Item In the Capital Improvement Section of this budget, by an ordinance taking the money from the Capital Taxes. Assessments and Liens Receivable , 145,258.18 103,929.56 BIDDERS ARE REQUIRED TO COMPLY WITH THE- . ' By: Margaret Adler Legal Services and Costs: Improvement Fund, or other lawful mea'ns. • - • ' i? ' Property Acquired lor Taxes • Assessed Value 24,664.00 24,604,00 REQUIREMENTS OF P.L. 1075. C-127 Borough Clork 10,800.00 Accounts fteoelvable . , 252,125.22. "9,726.10 -* Sealed proposals will bo rocotuod by Iho Board Sll^ d Wge 11,300.00 ' 10,800.00 10,600.00 ' CAPITAL BUDGET ' , " • - • $32.64 ; . '. - GCIO-11-May 2. 1091 14,000.00 11,770.70 2,229.30 Deferred Charges to Future Taxation .,Gonoral Capital 1,055,875.00 983,725.00 Secrelary al tho Board ol Educatlon.Olllcoa. 132 Thomas Other-Expenses -15,000.00 . 14,000.00 —A plan for all capital expenditures for the current fiscal year. . Delerred Charges to Hevonue ol Succeedlno Years " 10,400.00 13,000.00 . Street. Cranford, No* Jornoy. until 10:00 am provailing Municipal Court: - . ' If no capital budget Is Inoluded, check the reason why: 38,000,00 36,016.00 36,013.88 1.12 lime, on May 15,1991. thoh publicly oponod nnd road BOROUGH OF GARWOOD Salaries and Wages II Tolal capital expenditures this ye«r do not exceed $25,000, Including appropriations for Capital Improvement Fund; TOTAL ASSETS . . S3,283.354.09 $3,243,080.55 RESOLUTION NO. 91-185 4,450.00 4.435.00 4,106.84 328.46 aloud. Other Expenses Capital Line Items and Down Payments on Improvements. . • LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND FUND BALANCE „,„;„„„ Specifications may bo obtained at tho Board of Educa- Introduced by: Councilman Crincoll Engineering Services and Coats: H ' No bond ordinances are planned this year. - ' • 2,500.00 2,370.00 2,370,00 2,370.00 Bonds and Notes Payable $755,000.00 $8/0,000.00 tion Business OMIco al no cool. Salaries and Wages CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROQNAM . ' WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council ot Iho Borouoh Ol 4,200.00 4,000.00 . 4,000.00 1,320.00 2,680.00 Improvement Authorizations 255,713,20 180,633.92 The sealed proposala may Ho dollvorrjd personally al Other Expenses —A multi-year Hat of planned capital prelects, Including the current year. • Garwood has heretofore adopted Rosolutioh No.91-152 Other Liabilities and Special Funds • 1,269,525.06 1,247,372.39 the lime and place npoclliod, or by Iho U.S. Mail Howovor; Public Buildings and Grounds Check appropriate box fbr number ol years covered, Including current year: adopting a Dolorred Compensation Plan: and - 61,400.00 86,300.00 56,300,00 39,774.04 18,625.96 nesurve for Certain Assets Receivable- 223,174.21 163,351.89. the Board of Education will not bo rosponclblo lor lato Other Expenses a 3 years. (Population under 10,000) . . • WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the Borough ol Fund Balance . 779,941.52 781,731.35 mall deliveries, and no bid shall bo accoptod altor tho Municipal Land Use Law: n 6 years, (Over 10,000, and all county governments) • Garwood has determined that the services to bo provid- snecllled time lor opening all bids. (N.J.S.A. 40:550-1): '71 .years. (Exceeding minimum time period) . ' TbTAL LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND FUND BALANCE $3.283.354.09 $ od constitute extraordinary unspoclfiablo services as pro- Planning Board: Tho prooposul must bo tubmlltod In a soalod (yivolopo n Check l( municipality Is under 10,000, has not expended more than $25,000 annually lor capital purposes In Immedlalely vided In tho Local Public Contracts Law. N.J.S.A. 12,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 6,264.00 6,738.00 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS AND CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE CURRENT FUND with the specill.callon numbor. on tho outaldo ot tho Other Expenses ' previous three years, and Is not adopting CIP, . , 40A:1M. et seq. and tho regulations promulgated Zoning.Board of Adluatment YEAR 1090 YEAR 1969 envelope and addressed as follows: thoroundor: and .' • 6.800.00 8,500.00 4,716.86 1,783.14 Other Expenses 6,500.00 NARRATWE FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM REVENUE AND OTHER INCOME REALIZED Cranlord Board ol Education WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of Iho Borough of Shade Tree Commission Ills a requirement that a Promoted Capital Improvement Program be made part of the ,1991 Municipal Budget. These promoted Improvements are estimated and way Fund Balance Utilized $500,000.00 . $410,000.00 • P.O. Box 64,6 Qarwood has doterminod that the services to bo provid- 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000,00 2,616.00 4,384,00 Other Expenses Miscellaneous • From Other-Thah Local Property Tax Levies 1,126,091,74 1,065,175.45 .132 Thomas Street ed are specialized and qualitative In nature requiring ox- Insurance ' be adjusted. CAPITAL BUDGET (Current Year Action) '. Collection of Delinquent Taxes and Tax Title Liens 84.834.86 71,887.82 . Cranford, New Jorooy 070160646 porlise. extensive training and proven reputation in Iho Group Insurance Plan for Employees 239,000.00 70,800.00 - 70,800.00 70.800.00 6,644.224.13 5.908.392.62 ' DID SPECIFICATION 02-3 Meld ol endeavor: 21,000.00 21,000.00 , ' .'••'. MM •• • • • • •-. >••' . ' Colleullon of Current Tax Levy Worker's Compensation Insurance 82,500.00 21,000.00 ' Local Unit Borough of QanKood By tho Order ol tho Crantorcl Board ol Education. : NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that sublect to 40,000.00 40.OO0.00 TbUl Income $8,356,050.73 $7,455,435.79 Other Insurance Premiums 117,000.00 ; 40,000.00 - . -...••-. ' ' Unlori County, New Jersey , Joanotlo Flora Nixon . Iho approval ol the Division ol Local Government Services Public Safely ' EXPENDITURES . School Guolnoas AdminliitralorlBoard Socrotary ol the Department of Community Affairs of the Stato or F|re ' " . ..••••< ' 4 PUNNED FUNDING SERVICES FOR CURRENT YEAR - 1W1 6 Budgst Expenditures: . $16.83 ' ' ' ! CCO-H-May 2, 1901 Now Jorsoy. the Mayor and Borough Clerk bo and are :' 1,600.00 -1,800.00 1,600.00 1 $3,547,876.48 $3,247,812.21 Salaries and Wages 1,600.00 AMOUNTS, TO BE . Municipal Purposes horoby authorized and directed to enter Into the 1,325,69858 1,082.214.41 Other Expenses , ESTIMATED RESERVED it 5b So Bd '•' 6« FUNDED IN County Taxes . BOROUGH OF KENILWORTH aloromontlonod Delerred Compensation Plari and sor- Available only at 43,800.00 40,800,00 40,600.00 40,846.48 84,52 2,953,638.23 2,572,216.85 Fire Hydrant Services PROJECT TOTAL .. IN PRIOR 1M1 BudMl Capital Im- . Capital Grants In Aid ' Debt FUTURE Local and Regional School Taxes COUNTY OF UNION, NEW JERSEY vlcos agreement as extraordinary unapocltlable servlcos 30,376,00 38,37600 27,764.24 8,610.76 PROJECT TITLE • 46,873,00 30,680.22 . Miscellaneous 37,900.00 NUMBER COST YEARS ' Approprlaltong rjrovernent Fund Surplus and Other Funds Authorized VCARS. Other Expenditures INVITATION FOR BIDS - pursuant to the Local Public Contracts Law of Ihe State $6,032,923.69 Uniform Fire Salety Act (P.L. 1983 Ch 383) Sidewalk and Curbs 25,000. 1,250. 23,750. Tolal Expenditure! $7,874,266.20 Sealed bids will be rocislyod by the Borough Council ol Now Jersey; and United Counties Trust Company Fire Olflclal: 60,000. 2,500. 47,500. ol the Borough ol Konllwo'rlh. County ol Union, Now BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Borough Clork 8,500.00 6,800.00 8,800.00 6,170.00 3,330.00 Street Improvements Salaries and Wages 40,000, 2,000. 38,000. Excess In Revenue $41)1,764.44 $522,512.10 Jersey, on Tuosday, May 14,1091 ot 10:30 a.m.. pruvoll- bo and Is hereby authorized and dlreolod lo publish a 6,500.00 5.000.00 8,000.00 3,611.82 1,388.46 Office Equipment Other Expenses Road Department Equipment 160,000. 8,000. 152,000. Expenditures Included above which ore by Statute Doforred Charges to Ing time at the Municipal Bulldlnn. 567 Boulovard. nollco ot the award ol this contract pursuant lo law. Police 20,000. 1,000. 19,000. Budget ol succeeding Year 13,000.00 Ksnllworth. N.J. lor: Adopted: April 23, 1991 . APPLY BY PHONE B28JJ37O0 704,748.00 704,746.00 681,947.46 62,798,84 Fire Equipment Salaries and Wages 50,000. ' 2,600, 47,500, $481,764.44 $535,512.10 "RECONSTRUCTION OF NORTH 19TH STREET, 44,650.00 36,127.47 6,522.53 Police Equipment Statutory Excess to Fund Balance APPROVED: Thomas J. Dolly other Expenses. - 89,400.00 44,080.00 KENILWORTH. NJ11 TOTAL ALL PROJECTS 345,000. 17,250, 327,760, Fund Balance, January 1 764,135,60 638,623.60 Mayor Flret Aid organisation • Contribution 5,000,00 Plans and Specifications lor this work may bo examin- ATTEST: CALL 1-800-660-8282 $1,245,900.13 $1,174,135.60 Emergency Management Services ed and procured at the ollico ol tho Borough Ennjnoor Doris Polldoro. Borough Clerk 1,800.00 1,800.00 538.77 961.23 3 YEAR CAPITAL PROGRAM • 1M1-1M3 600,000,00 410,000.00 Other Expenses 1,600.00 Less: Utilization as Anticipated Revenue 2005 Route 22. Union, N.J, Plans and Spaclllcalions may $18.36 CC/IIMuy 2 1091 This Is a limited alter to qualified borrowers wllhln our trade area and Is subject to change or withdrawal Streets and Roads Anlkilpaied Praleol Schedule and Funding Requirements $745,900.13 $764,136.69 be purchased for the paymont ol $25 00 chock mado Local Unit Borough ol aarwood Fund Balance, December 31 at any lime and without prior notice. Road Repair* and Maintenance payable to M. Dloko Asaoclatos. said coat bolng the " BOARD OF EDUcXVlON 246,300.00 239,049.63 9,890.47 Union County, New Jersey "" •'• ' . RECOMMENDATIONS Salaries'and Wages 281,500.00 246,300.00 reproduction prico ol Iho dooumonls. and la not CRANFOHD, NEW JiRsCY ' Annual (wrcentatje rate may vary Maximum lifetime rate cap Is 8% over the initial interest rate. 43.800.00 38,613.86 8,288.14 . That an encumbrance accounting system for the Current Fund be maintained. Other Expenses 48,800.00 43,800.00 returnable. PUBLIC NOTICE The $50 processing lee will be waived through 6/30/91. Thero Is a $200 appraisal (aa charged on 1 FUNDIHO AMOUNTS PER BUDGET YEAR Snow Removal: That the General Fixed Assets Ledger be currently maintained and thai a physical Inventory ol properly be taken Each bid must be sccompaniod by a Quarantoo. payablo 1,500.00 1,600.00 1,60000 JOINT DID: GRASS CUTTING SERVICES - 1001-02 credit lines ol 450,000 or more. Other Expenses 1,800.00 ESTIMATED ESTIMATED and reconciled wllh the property records on a periodic basis. , • to the Borough of Kenllworth, Now Jorsoy, In tho amount . 88,000.00 85,000.00 58.000.00 45,277.14 9,722,86 , DID NO. 92-2 . • Street Lighting . PROJECT TITLE PROJECT TOTAL COMPLETION U lib Bo M 6* 81 The above summary or synopsis was prepared Irom the report ol audit of the Borough ol Oarwood. County ol Union, of 10 percent of tho bid, not to oxcood $20,000. which Sanitation • • NUMBER COST TIME 1M1 MM 1M3 1BS5, MM lor the calendar year 1900. This report of audit, submitted by Suplee, Clooney 4 Company, Registered Municipal guarantee may be provided by Crjrtlliod Chock. Cashlor'u SECOND NOTICE 1 ' 'anllary Landfill Sidewalks end Curbs 76,000. Continuous 25,000, 25,000, 26,000. Accountants and Certllled Public Accountants Is on file at the Borough Clerk's Office and may be Inspected by any Check, or Bid Bond, at the option ol the Dlddnr Cranlord Board ol Education Townuhlp ol Cranlord Dumping Fees ' • J44.0M.0O Continuous 50,000. 50,000. 75,000. t33 Thomas S!r«j|. e Spilnoliold Avtnuv UNITED COUNTIES Street Improvements 176,000. Interested person. Each bidder, must also submit with tho bid a Corllllcalo Sewer BysUm Ofllca Equipment 50.00a 40,000. 10,000. ••.•••• .-.-.. Clark from a Surety Company slallno that such Suraly Com- P.O. Boa 648 Cranlord. N«w Jtrssy 07016 1,500.00* 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,300.00 200.00 Other Expenaea Road Department Equipment 200.000. Continuous 160,000. 20,000. 20,000. ....••••••-• CC5-1fMay2,1U91 pany'will provide Iho Contractor with a Pudormunco Cranlord, New Jaraty 07016 @ Drainage: Fire Equipment 40,000. 20,000. 20,000. Bond, If awarded Ihe conlract. In an amount eaual to 100 Staled pro|M}Aalai lor providing Gr«u Culling Services lor TRUST COMPANY, 338.28 1,661.78 Other Expenaes 2.000.00 3,00000 2,000.00 80,000. 10,000, th< yu> commnd undlno Juna 30.1M2 Police Equipment 60,000, TOWNSHIP OF CRANFOHO 1|HOwi«MABOr»H iesilpermarliotwuii : fttttni ol.the tolal bid and a 10 percent Maintenance Health and Welfare less than Ihe required distance Ip line railroad (VI.C..1S.). Bono1 tor a.one-year pqrlod. lor ihe following will be rocalvad by IK« Cranlord Hoard ol MEMBER, FDIC TOTALS - ALL PROJECTS 600,000 345,000. 135,000, 120,000. NOTICE Board ol Health Denied. Each bid must bo enclosed In a aoalod onvolopo mark- Educallon. 133 Thomas Strinl. Cranford; New Jurtey 07016 on 1,800.00 1,498.80 1.10 Al a special meetlna held on Monday, April 24,1091. . salaries and Wages 1,500,00 1,500.00 Roman Chapalsky ed wllhlhe name and location of Iho p'r.oiocl and hand or bdlors Mondty, May 6. 1001 al' 1000 a.m. provalllna llmo 1,030.00 1,030.00 t m« CranloS Zonlno Board ol Ad|uslment took the follow- Other Expenses 37,570.00 1,010.00 Vice Chalrporson delivered gr sent by Cartlflod Mall lo roach Iho Borough Cranlord Board ol Education Township ol Crtnlord Dog Regulation • $6.63 cc6-1IMay 2, 1901 Council prior to Ihe stated tlrmi ol tho opening of tho bids. 133 Thomas Slraol a Springfield Avwriuo 3.200,00 2,200.00 (Please turn to page B-15) nAoJloailon M-Mfc Waldbaums, Inc., Applicant, 555 Olhor Expenses 3,200.00 2,200.00 P.O. Dox 648 Crunlord, NeuiJomuy 07010 Soulri Avenue. East, Block 511, Lot 1 lor a use variance ' Tha successful' bidder must comply with tho ro-

• 4 ^ \ i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \

May 2,1991 - Union County Classified - 1 B 16 CRANFORD CHRONICLE Thursday M02,1991 Forbes Newspape New UCC president seeks more cooperation in education schools to continue to fulfill their cases even an: associate degree," Thomas H. Brown, president of Brown announced he will ad- Br6wn said! "Clearly the Ujiited vocate the creation of a "bridge educational mission by having Union County College, in his in- Union County College offer cli §tates has moved from farmer- augural address Friday called for program" for gifted and talented TaT55reTto clerk-technician. Union- students of Union County high ses most high school cannot afloftT increased cooperation and link- to provide." • . I County is in the midst of a major age between secondary schools schools. / transformation into a post- and all segments of higher educa- "These students, with the per?, Brown also called for new part- industrial, service-industry ec- tion, -j •.. • • mission of their high school prin- nerships with business, industry onomy. Now is .the time for Union "In the 1990s, Union County cipals, would be able to take and government to "promote ec- County College to re-think its ac- credit courses at Union County onomic development as well as College, along with our local high : delivery systems—more schools,-Kean College, our—College^ Sh"o*=5lniultanCDtisly-b(r: ing—and .new chancellor, Dr. Edward granted concurrent credit toward retraining through the 1990s." _ . • • •• • A N I—=© Goldberg (incidentally "aUnion graduation from their high ,;.rBy the year 2000, 70 percent of weekend dasses-a newj „- schools," the UCC president said. all job classifications in the Uni- week semester for ^selected ac- County resident), must unite in a ted States will require some post- ademic programs. These ideas, new spirit of rationalization and "The bridge program would en-, "cooperation,'* Brown said. " courage these" students~to~get~a: , —«j4 « i jtvrUxH- and rnflny* rnorp, win ftnanm 1 6610 head-start On their college educa- ences, though not necessarily a Union County College to educate The seventh president of Union We're#1! OR TOLL FREE IN NEW JERSEY County College added that coope- tion while enabling the high four-year degree, nor in some the workforce of the 21st century. Union County rative efforts are not new, but Named Best Weekly Classified there had been in recent years an 1t800t334*0531 edition increase in the number and vari- By N.J. Press Association ety of programs that provide a connection beween . secondary CHEVY 80 CORVETTE-. DODGE 7 2 CHAL- FORD'87 TEMPO- GL MERCURY 79 CAPRI- OLDS 82 FIRENZA- 4 PONTIAC 79 TRANS PONTIAC 85 6000— 4 PONTIAC, '80, FIRE- schools and all segments of higher 11O 29k miles, white doeskin LENGER^ 318, auto AC, Sport, 5 spd., AC, 55K 88K, body great, runs speed hatchback, new AM— 4 speed, t-tops, 4.9 cyl, auto, AC, 93,500 BIRD— auto, V-8, PS, PB, Inter., all options. Garage AM/FM, Dunlppj QT's, mi., excel, cond. PS, PB, well, new tires & rims, clutch, bearing & pres- liter engine. $1600. Call mlles.-excellent running AC, Pioneer AM/FM cass. education. AUTOS kept, excellent cond., posl-rear, Rallye rims & r. defog., alum, wheels, needs minor brake work. sure plate, no rust, excel- 756-4918. condition. $2400/BO. Call White w/new maroon Inte- _J?Union County. College, the FOR SALE 100% orig. Adult owned. extras. Orlg. cond. $3000/ AM/FrVT cass. Asking $550 firm. Call after 5PM, lent condition- $1600. PONTIAC 79 TRANS- 469-2171-after 6PM . rior. Runs great. • $2400. starship of New Jersey community $15,000. 789-6415 eves. - BO. 908-494-8843 Iv. msg $3600. Call 699-1032. 753-7358 '_•. Days 725-1545 or eves AM— Black on black, 4 PONTIAC 85 FIE.RO Call 526^4875. colleges, is the essential link CHEVY 82 CAMARO- DODGE 79 MAGNUM- HONDA '85 CIVIC CRX- MERCURY 8»- COLONY 722-2660. spd., 6.6 lite, excellant SE— 5 spd, AM/FM, AC, PORSCHE 83 944- 5 ACURA '87 LEGEND- 4 Runnlng condition. First 5 spd., AC, cassette, ask- PARK WAGON- loaded,. OLDS 83 WAGON- cond. $6500. BO.- 609- tilt, P/wlndoWs, new speed, PS, PB, P/win- between our Union County sec- dr. Sedan, AM/FM stereo Dark blue, 4 speed, 72K CRANFORD CONNECTION: Mayor Ed Force, left, and Rabbi miles, - very good condi- $500 takes it away. 276- Ing $1900. Call 647-0805 all power, 9 pass., lowCustom Cruiser, 8 pas- 397^4347. Donna. - brakes, excel, cond. 32K dows, sunroof, AC, alarm, ondary schools and our major Recycle clippings to feed your lawn instead of bagging cass., excel, cond. Tilt tion. Asking $2300. Call 3746 after 6PM or 805-8850. mileage. $6000/BO. 908- senger. Wood grain, 82k AM/FM cassrflose bra in- Ronald Hoffberg of Temple Beth-El flank Thomas Brown after : sunroof, $io,750/B.O. PONTIAC 79 TRANS- ml. Must sell. $5000/B.O. four-year institutions of higher them for trash collection. ' • / ... 526-0150 after 5PM. DODGE 81 ARIES— 4dr, HONDA 81 ACCORD- 221-C156 after 6PM miles. Good cond., oneAM- Red. auto, 6.6 litre, 233-5886. leave message. cluded. Asking $9200. learning, and thereby, is in a 908-233-0820. owner. $2500. Call 908- Call Bill at 707-9235. . participating in his inauguration as seventh president of LJnlon Get healthier grass, plus the satisfaction of Helping to . CHEVY 82 CAMERO 4 cyl, auto, AC, 29k orlg. FOR parts, 4 dr., PS, PB, MERCURY 86 TOPAZ P/window, PS/PB, AC. PONTIAC 85 FULL SIZE unique and key position to pro- Z28— PS, PB, PVwIn- miles. $1195/BO. Call AC, new radiator & 5 *QS- Well maintained, 276-6705. cruise, AM/FM cassette. STATION WAGON— 9 RENAULT, '85, ALLI- County College. , ACURA 86 LEQEND- ANCE- 4DR, PB. PS, vide leadership into the 21st cen- alleviate landfill overload. . . dpvvs, auto, 6 cylv. Very 494-1462 •••• speed. Good running Auto; PS, PB, AC, P-OLDS 86 CUTLASS excellent-condition, new pass, V8, auto, fully Sedan, AM/FM stereo. good condition.' $1800. cond. Body rust. $350- Mirrors, Tilt wheel, AM/FM SUPREME— white, with exhaust, engine needs loaded, cloth Int, 74K ml, AC. AM/FM cass. 73K ml. tury," Brown said, "In a new era cass., pristine bond, gar- DODGE 82 CHARGER— Ask about our recycling walkmowers, riders and . . Call 534-1192. 2.2 litre 4 cyl, 4 spd, runs 908-369-3593 after 6pm. . cass. Must Sell. Best gray vinyl top, 2 door, work; 105K miles. $1100/ excel cond. $4400. 277- Excellent running condi- of stringent fiscal restraints, . aged, tilt, sunroof, mats, tion; Call 707-19231 725- tractors. • •••.. •. • CHEVY 82 CHEVETTE- good, red, high miles, HONDA 85 PRELUDE- offer. Call 281-7459. power, AC, stereo, 67K best offer. Ken 548-3976 3775 weekdays Inaugural speakers accent cooperation, not competition, V6, cruise, $10,750. 60k ml, $5500. 276-6409 4544. •-,•'•• 78K miles, good condi- Asking $500 neg. Call 5 Speed, excel cond, AC, MERCURY 87 SABLE PONTIAC 81 BON- PONTIACV85 PARI- among schools is essential be- Conversion kits available for Hi-Vac equipment. • call 647-3960 eves. • , • OLDS 88 CUTLASS SAAB 87 9000 TURBO.- ACURA 88 INTEGRA tion, no dents, $500. Call 561-1064. new clutch, plus extras. LS—fully loaded w/power NEVILLE- $450, MER- SI E N N E ST ATI O N cause our broad goals of educa- 725-2638 after 5PM and CALAIS- excel cpnd, 1 CURY 74 COUGAR- WAGON- seats 9, air, all 45K ml, auto, great cond, Snap-Credit gives you nomonthly payments for 90 days. LS— auto, entire power DODGE 85 CHARGER- $5500 or best offer.-322- roof, digital dash, keyless driver.- prof business Car, leather Int; AM/FM cass schools' cooperative spirit tion are independent and inter- ask for Brian . ' 2.2 liter, 5 spd, AC, excel- $450 or $800 for both or power, loaded, security package, 59k miles.. 9616 entry, Mfchllen tires, 4 door, white, sunroof, stereo w/equalizer. sun- twined." , . Ask your dealer for details. •' . . Excel, cond. Price neg. CHEVY 82 MALIBU lent cOnd. T owner, 55kHONDA 88 ACCORD Exce. Cond., 63k miles. best offer. Minor work system, excel cond, very AC, 52K mi, asking needed. Call 937-6794 clean. Call 889 9652 roof, well maintained, as- A cooperative spirit among allhas been home to . many in- Call 873-1386 CLASSIC STATION miles; Asking $2750. Call DX— 5'spd, stereo cas- Asking $6500. 722-7173 r klng, $12.500. 781-9555 WAGON- AO, PS, PB.889-796, 8 $5500,276-9662 - PONTIAC 82 J200O- 4 PONTIAC 86 6000STE— levels! of education in Union dividuals, young and not so young, AMC 74 GREMLIN — sette, 37k miles. $9000. after 6PM SNAPPER AM/FM stereo, cruise, 84k DODGE 86 LANCER Call 356-6618. MERCURY 89 GRAND OLDS 89 CIERRA- cylinder, 4 door, auto, Fully loaded, 78k, ex- SUBARU 84 GL— 97k County was. the theme of in-whose talents and gifts require Meeting to_resume _TUn8 well, S400/BO. 906- excel cond, 3.3 Liter eng, good cOndtlon, $675. Call cellant cond;' Inside/out. miles, excellent condition, augural addresses a.delivered the nurturing available at this ALUM 8796 . miles, new brakes, muffler ES— perfect (amlly sports HONDA 88 CRX HF- 5 MARQUIS-9400k miles, & many new parts. Orlg. sedan, auto, ^AC, P/wln- spd, sunroof. AM/FM excellent cpnd., full many extras, white, blue 369-8891 days. $6000.234-3210. . all new tires & muffler. The Board of School Estimate of AMC 79 CONCORD- 2 $1200. Call 276-6483. Friday by Elsa Gomez, president institution." owner. Asking S1890/BO. dows/doors, stereo, cass, AC, 1 owner, 53K power, AC, balance of Int, 25K ml, orlg owner, PONTIAC 84 FIREBIRD PONTIAC 86 PAR- Union County College will resume door, small 8, PS, PB, AC, 968-8913 • $10,500/BO. GMAC fin- SUBARU 85 GL 4WD of Kean College, and James Caufield added that "Union cruise, sunroof, excel. ml, great cond. complete factory guarantee; Asking Auto, V8, PS/PB, P/ Win- ISENNE- 54kTmlr_4,idr. clean condition, great COrid. $3100. 606-4232 ancing avail. 463-9023 TURBO- .4 door, 5 : Caufield, Union superintendent of County College is truly a jewel in its meeting adjourned from Feb. CHEVY 84 MONTE maintenance records, $13.800. Call 752-2163. dow, T-top, AC, lots of AC, AH elec.j TlmlFm 14 to tonight at 6 in the Free- 'transportation, $750. Call CARLO— auto, PS/PB, days: 722-7253 eves. OLDSMOBILE 84 CUS- extras. 74K mostly high- Cass. New tires, $4395. speed, sunroof, fully .schools, at; ceremonies for • the /•_ the crown of-education in this 7ei2-7486 asking $6200. 321-0718 MITSUBISHI .87 loaded, only 47K mi, oYily installation ofThomas H. Brown "county- Its character is such that holders' Conference Room, Union • T&J Lawnmower AC, AM/FM.cass^.V8, 48K:. DODGE 87 DAYTONA- HONDA-89 ACCORD TRECIS-Ui^ man- TOM CRUISER— 9 Way. $3700/ BO. Call Kim "874-4894. -, AMC 81 CONCORD $4950. Call 908-232-1953 as the seventh president of Union students are made to. feel com- County Administration^Building,—. • miles, clean, very, good^ AutOilPS/PBi AC,_ neW LXI- 2dr, green 5spd, "a shift 5 speed, 14k.• Pass;, loaded, ;66k, wood 276-9574. : :;. ' PONTIAC 87 SUNBIRD ~WAGON—-~e cyUnder, . cbrid, "runs. great." Askings tires, stereo, excellent loaded Including electric milesrbrownrA/GrAm/FM grainy wire wheels,-roof- PONTIAC 84 GRAND CpNVEnTIBLE-^ 5spd, -SUBARU :85----GL,-4ldopr_, County College. '/• . fortable, yet, are challenged and Elizabeth, to consider the amount , auto, good condition, rack. Book value $4425. & Garden service $3200. 889-9679. condition, $55^00.'Call Dot moonroof, only t4k miles. Cass. grearcond. Shee-p PRIX- 2 dr, custom P/wlndows, AM/FM, tape, sedan. Auto, loaded w/ of money estimated to be neces- $575, Call 369-8891 days. Price $3995; 322-7260. factory options; PS, PB, "Even though I have known your given employment skills or the 272-7214 CHEVY 84 Z28- auto, 885-5500, extentlort 296 perfect cond. Must sell Skins. $2700- 232-6304. sport LE, V8, PS, PB;~P/ 47k mllles. Excellent con- new president for only: a short academic preparation required sary for the operation and capital 332 North Awe E • cranford, H.I. 272-: -AUDI '87 GT- Red, all V8, PS, PB, air, runs days or 281-7962 eves. lost job. Asking $11000/ NISSAN '87 MAXIMA- OLDSMOBILE 84 DELTA wlndows, AC, P/sunrobf, dltlon. Asking $8000/BO. AC, tilt, PTwindowSjJocks . Options. $8000. Excellent great, great cond, 77K ml, Call 560-8891 •-. • GXE 4DR Sedan, Pewter, TO_BROUGHAM- 2 AM/FM oass. alum. Call 722-2756 & mirrors; rear defog; AM/ time, I have come to. value his for further education." outlay expenses of Union County 1/4 Mill! West of GS Pkwy. Exif137 DODGE 87 SHELBY FM stereo cass., high "condition. Must sell- asking $4000/BO, Call TURBO Z- Bright Red! HONDA 89 CIVIC LX- door, fully loaded, good wheels. 66k ml. Orig. PONTIAC 88 FIRE- ihnovative insights and wisdom on College for the 1991-92 fiscal year. transfered. Call 908-604- Phil at 272-2454; eves. condition. $3500/BO. 369- mileage, but In mint cond." Absolutely mint thru-out, 16 valve, Auto, Loaded, owner. $3700neg. Must BIRD— V6 engine, fully Orlg. owner, must sell. how we can work together to 5612, days; 908-781-1617 272-7894 42K- ml, 5 spd. Loaded. 22k miles, stereo cass., NISSAN 83 SENTRA— 4715 after 8pm. see. 754-3296 after 6 loaded, alarm system, ex- eves./weekends. Asking $1500/BO.- Call improve the educational process CHEVY 85 CAPRICE Must see & drivel $7600/ AM/FM, velour seats, flip Hatchback, sunroof, 5 wTiflr gl Tbjuq cellencellentt conditioncondition,, 32 32KK Shawn 231^6644 9-5PM for the citizens of Union County," AUDI, 1982 5000 S — CLASSIC- 4 door, V8, BO. 356-1988 side rear seat. 422-8596. spd,. amAm, tilt wheel, OLDSMOBILE, '84, CUT- AM- 5 0L whUe ^Ith milesil , assume paymentst . Power seats/Windows/, auto, AC, cass, cloth int, $10.500/BO. PS, 85k, 35mbg, Excel. USS SUPREMEr- 2DR, AM*— J.UL, WllllO Wllll QKO oVc R-lQR TOYOTA 83 CAMRY Gomez said. "It is his coupling of EAGLE 90 TALON TSI $140 sensitivity, common sense and brakes. Leather Interior, 52K ml; 1 owner, $4900/ AWD TURBO- black & HONDA 90 CRX Sl'"W^&JS?"- °- V-6, auto, AC, AM/FM, white louvers, automatic, 908-276-5136 LE- auto, air, PS, PB,, Cooks from 9 to 90, share your special summertime recipes low mileage. $199.5. Call BO. Call 277^775 week- sliver, 5spd, stereo tape, sunroof, AC, AM/FM wire wheels, Landau roof, PS, PB, P/ windows, T- PONTIAC 88 GRAND AM sunroof, AM/FM , cass., experience, and humor that in- 752-3436. - days 10,900 miles, Excel, cass., 31mpg., 12k miles. NISSAN 84 SENTRA spotless. Cruise. Asking tops, AC, cruise, AM/FM sEr- turbo, 2.5 L, all cruise, good condtion. spires me to believe with growing AUDI, 198 6 5 000 cond., Garaged. $15,000. $10,500/BO. 234.-4178 WAGON— aUto, AC, AM/ $2500. Call 609-397-5798, cassette, excellent, condl- power, auto, AM/FM ster- Orlg. owner. S3300/B.O. CHEVY 8S CORVETTE- 908-233-2138 Matt. certainty that together we will TURBO- Fully loaded, 4 + 3, loaded, garage Call 968-5305. days; 704-3467 eves. FM, 98k miles/excellent after 8pm; tion. First $4000, takes it. eo cass, low mileage, i^ with our readers in... |O"d«lon Inside & out. 789-9528 garaged, gray, $7500. meet the challenges that face us low mileage, $9800. Call kept, excellent condition, FORD 78 GRANADA- HYUNDAI 88 EXCEL PLYMOUTH '75 DUS- 781 5642 TOYOTA 84 CAMRY- 752-3436. 62K miles, $11,000. Call $1500. Call 276-9256 TER— Runs.well. Good PONTIAC 85 1000- 5 ' •. in the coming decade." V6, black, excel, running GL- 5 dr. hatch, 5spd, door hatchback, auto, np PONTIAC 88 LE MANS— auto, 4dr sedan, AC, PS, BUICK 77 SKYLARK— • 873-1636 cond., PB, 4 door, asking AC, AM/FM cass,, new NISSAN 86 SENTRA- transportation. Asking J PB, P/doors, P/windows, Union County College, Caufield $300 BO. Call 560-3977, body damage, needs white, 2 dr, excel cond, said, is a critical component V8, auto," PS, PB, air, P/ CHEVY 85 SPECTRUM- $450/BO. Call anytime front tires, 56k miles, 81K ml, air, radio; new tune up, 31K original low mileage, $3495. Call sunroof, AM/ FM stereo windows, low miles, much 2 door hatchbackj 103K 463-7148 or 9AM-5PM, Excel, cond. $2500/BO. tires, muffler. $2800. Call leave message; miles, $500 FIRM. 756- 968-0054 cass., 72k mi, $4506/BO, among the educational institu- recently invested, excel miles, great MPG, reli- 949-6795. Call 789-0788 908-654-4760 after 8PM PLYMOUTH 77 VOLARE 752-8021 after 5PM. —1 owner, runs good 7085 tions that serve Union County, cond, $1500. After 6PM, able, needs light mainte- FORD 7 8 THUN- HYUNDAI 88 EXCEL NISSAN 87 MAXIMA PONTIAC 88 LEMANS- 699-1786 leave message nance, 1 owner. $1300/ asking $250. Call 548- complementing the services of the DERBIRD— 2 door, V8, GL-r-4 dr, red w/gray Int, SE— A|l options, auto- Advert/se In tho CtessJffedl Advertise /n (he Classified! . BUICK 79 RIVIERA- BO. 781-1826 or 984- PS, P/wlndows, T-rbof, auto, air, AM/FM cass, matlo, sunroof, new tires, 6707. 21 school districts that serve the 3906. • 526-8450 •;• pre-college needs of its citizens. White/red. . Car has only good condition, $1000 oc. PS, P/ sunroof, 46K~rr\rr—garage kept, low tnlles, PLYMOUTH 78 SAP- 100K, New engine.. V6. CHEVY 8.6 CAMARO best 9ffer. Call 359-4085-, $3400. 908;981-0192 until perfectf-condltlon. $8500. PORO- 2 door, !4-ycyl, "We, and I speak for ail of the LoQks & runs very nice. Z2B4 V8. PS, PB, AC, T- FORD 79 FAIRMONT 5:30PM/ leave message Call Phil at 765-9350. 67k, PS, PB, AC, Cruise, public schools in this county, have Must sell. $2000/BO. 356- top, alarrn, phone 8500, WAGON- auto. 6 cyl,. LINCOLN '84 CON- NISSAN 89 240SX loaded, runs good •, Slice of Summer" 1988 48k miles. Call 753-0635. needs brakes. $800. BO. come to rely more and more AC, PB, PS, P/wlndows, TINENTAL- 38K orlg. COUPE— auto, AC, AM/ ;. heavily upon the services of BUICK 83 LESABRE after 4PM 87K miles, radio, clean. ml., Doctor's car, roadster FM stereo, sunroof, 35k756-2268. Till 9pm only. NO MONEY? LIMITED- 82K ml, new CHEVY 86 CAMARO-Z- $1350. 722-7130 roof, all options, wire mllejs, Asking $9800. Call PLYMOUTH 87 TURBO- Union County College," Caufield trans & exhaust system, auto trans., AC, all power, 28 charcoal grey, excel- FORD 79 MUSTANG- wheels. Garage kept. 654-3635. said. :"We have never been dis- $3000/neg. 908-968-1167 lent condition, T-tops, AC, $6700/B.O. 379-7040. NISSAN 89 240SX- 5 cruise control, only 31k after 5PM & weekends converted to '83 Mustang miles. $4900. Call 276- appointed. Whether it be the still PS, PB, Pw, 5 spd., new QT, high output V8, auto, LINCOLN 78 VERSA- spd man, AM/FM stereo, NEED A CAR? BUICK 87 PARK AVE- tires $ battery. S4850/BO. 0540 after 6PM .< unformed carper goals or the ec- loaded, too many new ILLES- Auto, sunroof, AC, new battery, new PLYMOUTH 90 USER • onomics of higher education or Cookbook '91. NUE— Leather, convert- 560-8567. parts to mention. Newclean, fully loaded, good front & rear brake Job w/ Many makejs and models available. If you have need of a ible top, full power, ABS, RS— Turbo, red, 5 spd, ' for a variety of other reasons, it is CHEVY 87 CAVILIER paint, Ultra Blue Metallic. tires, good transportation, warranty, silver notch PS/PB, P/wlndow, AC, car and funds are limited, don't hesitate to call. We need 44K ml, orig owner, war- Z24- 6 cyl; black w/grey Car's like new. Must seel $2300. Call.752-7688. back. 49,600 ml. Asking . to Union County College we turn, ranty. $8900. 232-2966 AM/FM cass CD, + people who can qualify to make payments on our Inter., auto; P/everytnlng, No tire kickers. S3200/BO LINCOLN 79 CONTINEN- $8,775/BO. 873-1137 many extras, 24K miles. jand to Union County College our CADILLAC '76 SEV-cruise, sunroof, new tires Call 218-8913 eves, or TIAL MARK 6- 2 door, NISSAN 89 240SX- mid- $13,500/BO. 763-4786. inventory. students and parents more and ILLE- Gold/white, 95K & battery. 73k miles, 526-7716 days llght blue, automatic night blue, auto, air, AM/ ri more frequently turn." mi., beautiful. White $5100/BO. 750-5443 days FORD 80 MUSTANG- trans., AM/FM cass., FM cass, 6K mi, mint PLYMOUTH, '90 USER ;; Gomez said she and Caufield leather int. Luxury pkg. or-937-4614eves Auto, 91K miles, clean, 4 $850. Call 906-8796. cond, $13,000/neg. 276- TURBO- Loaded, 5 spd, FEATURE CAR $2495/B.O. 707-8150, CHEVY 90 LUMINA cylinder, new tires & bat- LINCOLN 79 MARK 5- 3898 after 5PM raspberry. Immaculate in/ 1984 NISSAN see in Brown's inauguration "a tery & stereo cassette after 6pm. EURO— loaded, 4 door, runs but needs work. OLDS '85, DELTA 88— out. Garaged, warranty SENTRA . new and widened commitment to CADILLAC 79 SEDAN excel cond, was $17,450, player. Asking $1000. Call Included. $11,800 or B/O. 561-0889. $700. Call 704-8219 leave Royale Brougham, 2 dr, 2-DOOR, 5-speod, 4-eyllndsr, c serving the educational needs of DEVILLE- 49k miles, now $10,900. 359-1125 message. only 30,000 ml. Loaded, Call Keith, 469-2916. MS, PB, AG, AM-FM. 74,500 $ the citizens of Union County. blue, leatherint., good after 6PM; 474-4664 days FORD 84 MUSTANG LINCOLN 79 TOWN A-t cond. Asking $5,300, ml. VIN. #6U10275O. condition. $2800. Daytime GT- 5.0, AC, PS, PB, P/ PONTIAC 'B0, SUN- '$ "There is always strerigth in CHEVY, '80 MALIBU- COUPE- 39K orig miles, Call 725^8454. BIRD- 125K ml., 4 cyl., $ only 232-4848. Station wagon, rebuilt door locks, AM/FM cass., loaded, perfect leather OLDS 67 442— Great ;'numbers, but the true ability to Send us a redpe in brie of the categories below and we'll put your recipe in a T-tqps, silver, auto, 47k manual, no air, reliable- 3200 CADILLAC 82 SEVILLE- engine. $1000 or be^t Int, very clean, very good orlg. car. Gold, blackvlnyl $600. Call after 6, £ initiate change comes in a com- Immaculate, 4 door, 2 offer. 704-0555. orlg. miles. Garage kept, Price excludes lip-smacking, good ote' summertime recipe booklet that will appear in the $5200/BO. 272-7327 cond. Asking $3350. 233- top/lnt. Auto, PS, AC, SSI, 272-0714. fmon understandirig and commit- tone PT leather, moon- CHEVY. *B1, MONTE 5771 $6700.908-281-0803 tax & tags roof, new vogue tires, ga- % ment to effect change," the pre- June 5-7 Issue of your Forbes Newspaper.* CARLO— V6. auto, PS, FORD 85 CROWN VIC- LINCOLN 84 CON-OLDS 78 CUTLASS PONTIAC 79 FIREBIRD ijsident of Kean College said. raged, 79K original miles. PB, AC, AM/FM stereo, TORIA— excellent condi- TINENTAL— silver gray, CRUSIER WAGON- FORMUU— auto, p/wln- $3995. 233-0674 eves. ij "Today Dr. Brown, super- 70K ml., One owner, mint tion, 66K miles, $3800/ excel cond, new tires, Excellent running condl- dows, PS, PB, AC, AM/FM For availability and Your entry will be judged by a panel of well-known local chefs. You could win.... condition. Asking $2495. BO. Call 789-3462 new brakes, loaded, runs cass stereo, runs real : intendent Caufield and I stand CADILLAC 83 COUPE tlon $900/968-6340. Information call DE VILLE— 2 door, blue After 6pm, 232-5340. FORD 85 MUSTANG erfectly. Asking $3900. well. $2700. 968-5268 $ before you as the symbol of a g OLDS 82 CUTLASS SU- after 4PM cream puff; 14k easy CHEVY, '86 COR- LX- auto. 4 cyl, AM/FM, all 232-2427 PREME— Clean, runs ?; continuum of commitment, a miles; Asking $13,500. VETTE- Silver, Z-51, 4 cassette, 72K miles, excel LINCOLN 84 TOWN- good, 98K original miles. PONTIAC 79 FIREBIRD- |! seamless -.thread, if you will, to Original owner. 846-4914 plus 3 man. trans., Bose cond. very clean In/ out. CAR— silver & charcoal, Asking $1600. Call 908- auto, V8, 2 door, AM/FM. CADILLAC 84 CIM-stereo. Loaded. 56k ml.. Good for student. $1950. velor Interior. 50k miles. great speakers, good 3190A Route 22 West i! Union County^ new educational 754-7783 after 5PM . 231-0588, leave message. • - ERON~r.-4dri .4...cyl, tilt, Pampered $12,900. Call excel, cond. new tires. Body, must sell, $2000 or agenda. As the chief academic of- Grand Prize ••233;9175;~ ""•"—' Somerville, NJ 08876 ficers of three levels of education, First Prizes Second Prizes PS, PB, P/wlndows, AC, FORD 86 TEMPOS 2 dr, $7495. Call 725-6288 Ads In Classified best offer. Call 752-825.8. 36k miles. Runs & looks CHEVY, '80, CAMARO— 4 cyl, maroon, al power, we represent a renewed and MAZDA '87 RX 7SE- 5 PONTIAC 79 FIR- • Cappuccino Machine (dessert winner) Dinner for two at^ktcal restaurant... Catered gourmet picnic for 10 ::reXc8llentr$3800 will talk. PS, Power disc brakes, AC, stereo, clean condi- Spd., Sunroof, louvers, don't cost-* revitalized cooperative spirit auto, AC, AM/FM cass. tion, $3300 neg. (908) EBIRD- auto, V8, ; • Bread Maker (salad winner) 704-1166 AC, AM/FM cass., excel, They pay! between all levels of education in • Wyckoffs,Westfleld from The Court Cafe. Forget hot dogs Many new parts Including 232-1020. loaded, $1300/BO. Must MOTORS "725-5800 CADILLAC 87 SEDAN cond. $5900. Call 369- Selll Call 272-4920. DE VILLE- white, Im- engine. Asking $2000. FORD 87 ESCORT- 4dr, 3403, after 6 pm. . the county." .; • $200 worth of meats from • O'Connors Beef & Ale, Watchung and hamburgers when The Court Call 781-7017. , Caufield pointed'out that Union maculate, garage kept, auto, hatchback, 48k MAZDA 84 RX7 GS— 5 O'Connor's butcher shop, Watchuhg and more CHRYSLER 88 NEW miles, AM/FM, AC, used AT SOMERVILLE DODGE... County public schools look to Cafe's celebrated chef prepares a gala luxury package, leather speed, beige,' AC, AM/FM (entree winner) meal for you and 9 friends. interior, $890O/BO. Eves YORKER— 4 door,, bur- car warranty, great station cassette, bra, excellent, Union County College as the most 526-4033 gundy, beautiful cond, car. $3400. Call 953-9029 condition, must seel still under warranty, new or 654-7396. NEGOTIATE YOUR BEST DEAL appropriate starting point for • Disc player (kids only: cooks from 9?15) CADILLAC 89 BROUG- $3700/BO. Call after 5PM, tires, well kept. $7800. FORD 87 TEMPO— air, 526-8997 : > On a new Dodge Spirit, Caravan, or Ramdiarger Purchased or Leased from Somerville Dodge Stock, many students beginning a post- HAM-' rear wheel drive* 898-0241, Bart . secondary program. .-' •-•-- blue w/white leather Int. AM/FM cass, new tires, MAZDA 85 GLC- 4DR, $ "It has been said," the Union moonroof, Vogue tires, CHRYSLER 89 CON- -new brakes, cruise, rear auto trans, AM/FM cass., GET YOUk 2#000 ^* PRESENT THIS COUPON FOR Send your entry today! Recipes must be received by alarm. 12K ml. All options. QUEST TSI^« Loaded, defrost, 71K ml, $4300/new brakes & battery, 46k • superintendent.of schools• said; Asking $19200. 382-8882 mlnt-cond, low mileage, BO. 753-7926 miles. Excellent Condi- •••••• on Ramcharqer "that all students are gifted, some Tuesday, May 14. Use a separate or facsimile coupon for or789r1006 transferable warranwarranty, FORD 89 ESCORT GT- tion. $3300. Call evenings just open their package earlier each entry. Only one recipe per category may be entered. CHEVY '87 CEL-asking $12,500/BQ/BQ.. 2276- black, 5 speed, sporty & after 6PM. 369-3287. • FULL $1,000 - than others. Union County College EBRITY- White, PS, PB, .761$ after 6PM economical. Cruise, AM/ FOR KIDS ONLY: Air, 4 cyl., stereo, AM/FM, FM cass, sunroof, custom MAZDA 87 626LX- DATSUN .(NISSAN) \79 Wheels. $7000. 968-5921 Hatch, excel cond, 5 spd, FACTORY on spirit new tires. 1 owner. Hwy. 280ZX- 80K, AC, CB^. stereo, garaged, new & Fedash designated Kids, 9-15 years old, can miles. $4,450. Call AM/FM, running condi- 89 ESCORT LX extra tires. 31-35MPG, 233-5566. tion, new brakes, best SW- auto. AC, cruise, 62K hwy ml, AC, all Hillside Avenue School art enter favorite family recipes CHEVY 69 CHEVELLE- offer. Mercury 78 Mar-PS, PB, AM/FM. Very power, $5500/BO. 271- teacher John Fedash represented that they've cooked, lunch 2 door hardtop, auto, PS, quis, run well, all power, clean. 56k miles, $3900/ 0205 leave message ••••••••••••••••• cut along dotted line ••••••••••••••••! Pratt Institute and its president at coupon bucket seats w/center $800,908-233-7498 BO. Call 980-0227. . console, 1 owner, asking MAZDA 89 626- 4 door, bag treats or |after-school FORD 89 PROBE LX- Rt. 22 East u , * n the inauguration ceremonies $2300. 231-1769 after DATSUN 77 280Z- 5 speed, AC, low miles, April 26 of Thomas Brown as 5spd, 42k miles, excellent dark grey w/grey Inter, Immaculate, 1 owner, rea- Somerville, NJ Dnte MAY A 19 9 snacks they've created. This • 6PM :,' auto, AC, cruise, AM/FM president of Union County Col- condition, garage kept, sonable. Eves. 908-359- category judged by a panel separate coupon for each CHEVY 7 0 MONTE sliver. Asking $6000. Call cass., all power options. 1923 Pay To The OO lege. .• .'•.,•"' •'••••.;•••'• CARLO- original owner, 821-8240. Faotory alarm w/remote. 300 A graduate of Pratt, Fedash has of hungry kids. good cond. $4200. Call alum, wheels, digital MAZDA RX, '87 Order Of _ been teaching in Cranford for 30 201-846-4914 DID YOU dash. 39k hwy miles. Ask- TURBO- Black w/gray (Fill In your name) Name CHEVY 76 CORVETTE- KNOW..; ing $8795/BO. Call after Interior, 5 spd,, loaded, years. He also holds a master's speclal order, 45K original This little ad can be read 6PM 908-381-7774. 39,000 ml. Many extras, degree from Columbia University miles, red, excellent con- In more than 147,000 Asking $10,500. Call Tony Address FORD 89 TAURUS GL- 725-0709 or 788-7984. and has additional graduate dition. $8500. Call Gary homes in 15 publications throughout Somerset, AC, PS, P/wlndows, AM/ credits from Rutgers University 234-2623 FM cass., cruise, grey, MERCEDES 78 280SE- CHEVY 79 CAMAHO- 3 Middlesex and Union Show car, new engine, and Kean College, Counties? It caught your 69k miles. Asking $5500 Daytime Phone ^J Spd. 6 cylinder, PS, light Call Bill (201) 299-0750W 78,ooo mis., loaded. Red to be eligible for the prizes. blue, white Interior. Good attention, didn't It? w/tan Int. Excel, cond. Call YOUR ad In today! or (908) 781-1015h Oiler valid on any new 1991 Docile Spirit. 1991 Dodne Caravan, or 1991 Dodge Ramcharuer purchased or leased Irom stock. Entries must be received condition. $975. or BO. $11,000/B.O. 526-6327, 5/2/91 lo 5/8/91. One |1) chock per transaction; no other discounts, apply Check {ion-negotiable lor. cash Hearing Society Check Category: 908-685-0156. 1-8OO-334-O531. FORD 90 ESCORT LX- 526-7052, leave message. We Get Results! white, 5 spd. AM/FM ster- The Hearing Society offers free Salads eo cass., 2 dr, hatchback. MERCEDES 86 190E- *Nol all entries may Appear In *3j^|(bJJiSS5 «rui CHEVY 79 CORVETTE DODGE 67 DART- 1 , Black, loaded, excellent lip reading and sign language Forbes Newspapers duplicate entry, the firstflr one,receive d W°d6nomoand? d^ D Entree owner, blue w/whlte vinyl Must sell to pay off loan. A DIVISION OF FORBES INC L82- red with white condition, 90K miles, Rt. 22 East Somerville, NJ lessons and Other programs to dVate«^>^d In the contestfClSS^'" ^Redp D Entree i leather interior, 4 speed, top, auto, AC. PS, 52K ml, $5S00/BO. Call 560-9775. I entered In the contest. neap°° " »hnB Newspapers • Dessert.s I $10,500 negotiable. Must PUBLISHERS OFi Somerset Me*ffenier-a«i«!le •bound Brook Chronicle • M(ddl*«ex Chronicle • low mileage. Adoptions perfect condition, $1500/ sell - new car is In. Call help persons with hearing dis- town, of person entering. ™\°^o ot the Judges D Desserts • FORD 9 0 PROBE orders. The organization is loc- Plscatawty-Dunelten Review • Metuchen-Edlion Review • South PUlnlleld Reporter • Green Brook- Kids'Cooking must be seen. $11,000/ BO. Call 763-0166 any- TURBO QT- white w/ 613-0381. North Plilnfleld Journal • Highland Park Herald • The HIUt-Bcdmliuter Press • Cranford I employees are not B Iglble.- w ^ ^^ awarded In lieu .—. |^|jjg* Cooking I best offer. Call 526-6108. time or leave message grey Inter., sunroof, fully ated at First Baptist Church, 170 Chronicle • franklin Focui* Scotch PUIm-Fanwood PrtM • The Weslftdd Record • Somerset loaded, extended war- Elm St, WestfleW. The office is County Shopper • Middlesex County Shopper. ' . ranty transferable, Advertise IflthoClassitiodl 526-1444 Advertise in the Classified! open Thursdays, 9:30 am. to 2 $13,500/BO. 755-4963 OPS.N MUN (HI'I !). !,AI 9 d eCDLr UUILl BY MITSUBISHI p.m. Call m0266 V/TTY.

!:!• • '<\: 2-— May 2,1991 ^Unton County Classified- May 2,1991 - Union County Classified — 3

KAWASKI 82 CSR-MOPED, 8 7 HOT- E 650cc 4 cylinders, excels OMARINA- black, w/ lant cond. 10k miles, new helmet, excellent condl- tires. $900 BO. Call or tlon. $375. Call 272-7575. A UTO Ivl OT1V E fe£« j leave msg 526-3765. MOTOR HOME- 82 INDEX SUZUKI 80 QS CYCLE— Chevy Real Lite, Bleeps 6, 250T, 3500 miles, 4 very clean, AC, AM/FM AUTOMOTIV CONNECT I ON ^ALL JUNK CAR^S stroke, 2 cylinder, stored stereo throughout, many Before You Get Automotive Connection WANTED.- 752-0466. since 1985. $125 firm. extras, $14,000©O. 271- FORD 86 AEROSTAR Call 968-1325 anytime. . 110-AUTOS FOR SALE C O N I ON FORD 89 CUSTOM PLYMOUTH '78 VAN- JUNK CARS BOUGHT- 5818 C VAN- Y6. auto. AC, 4VAN- Color TV, AM/FM V-8, auto, AM/FM, new 140 \ Whltehouse Auto. Call 115-CLASSIC CARS captains chairs, loaded, cass. radio, front & rear brakes, radlals, oil pump, SUZUKI 82 G3 580— 4 TOYOTA 84 SUPRA- 5 FORD '69, MUSTANG FORD 79 F2S0- 4WD, •\MMISCELLANEOUS \ 534-2519 cylinder,. 6 speed, 10.500 Really 120-TRUCKS FOR SALE speed, loaded, excellent FASTBACK— New ex- 351 motor, 2 barrel. Motor orlg owner, highway ml, AC, P/locks, P/wlndows, runs well, high mileage ( ISO A excel cond, $4900. Belle PB, custom Interior, VCR $750. Call 805-0021. JUNK CARS TOWED miles, excellent condition, 130-VANS FOR SALE thru-outl Pampered 103K/haU8t/tlre8. Excel, cond. in excellent condition. AUTOMOTIVE I AWAY FOR FREE— tow- $1500. Call 560-0243 BOATS & -fjfft-Mnq^-mitt^iriun Mnpt MnAriw framn rail. New May nfr^d palnt_[ob._ Mead, 874-3701 hookup, under 20K miles, TC0-- MISCELLANEOUS AUTQWOTIVE^ rrfiilnn, tilt Hn | gna fnnka Ing at very reasonable anytime or leave mes- ^ACCESSORIES I sell. $4500/BO. 356^1988—paim~)obrA8kmg-$3000r$i400/BO>'C1ill Larry 466^ n -saga. ^_ _ 150 - AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES $19,500: (908) 534^1703.- "Wrapped Up" 160 — MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE VOLKSWftftPM ^w Call 271-0939; 231-0240. . 1683 leave message. KNOW... 442-0718 YAMAHA 82 MAXUM-T GOLF- 41K mlles7 air, FORD '66 MUSTANG FORD 85 F150r- 4WD, HOBIE HOLDER 14 170 - RECREATIONAL VEHICLES Thlsllttle ad can be read PERONE'S AUTO SAL- 750 cc, 7k miles, Needs alawn, cassette, $4400. excellent interior, new auto, plow, AC, new atter- In more than 147,000 VAGE— cars & trucks, some work. $750. BO. SAILBOAT WITH 180 - BOATS AND ACCESSORIES Call 908-654-4760 after from end, new rims & aln tires, aluminum homes In 15. publications wanted. Highest prices 322-5369 after 6PM. TRAILER & COVER- In A Project 8PM tires, runs good, needs wheels, new stereo, 82k throughout Somerset, paid. Free pick up. Con- used only 2 seasons. VOLVO 84 DL— 4 door paint- $1600/BO. Call, miles. Good Cond. Middlesex and Union tainer service available. Excellent condition. Real Estate Connection seda° burjundj; Z 548-6793 ___ $6500. w/outt jpfow Counties? It caught your 563-1630 I 170 $3500. Call 276-5830 210 - HOMES FOR SALE mlleade. excel cond, MGB 78 CLASSIC CON- $5700: Call 725-8975 HOW CAN WE SELL A attention, didn't It? {RECREATIONAL KAWASAKI '89 TS JET You Can't Handle. 4900. Scotch Plains. 908- VERTIBLE- excellent FORD 86 F-150 XL— 4 Call YOUR ad In today I SKI—, low hours, adult 215 - TOWNHOUSES AND CONDOS 654-8228 . ; running condition, $3700 wheel drive, 8 cylinder, 1-800-334-0531. C160 ^\ I VEHICLES driven, great Summer fun. FOR SALE VOLVO 88 240 DL- Im- w/addltlonaj parts. ,846- auto, C7D, 40K miles. We Get ResultsI IMOTORCYCLESl Excellent condition, For 220 - COMMERCIAL PROPERTY peccably. kept. Garaged,491 4 truck equipped with every LEER "89 CAP- Toyota I FOR SALE \ 20 FOOT PROWLER Info call 908-271-4812. A FOR SALE $8500 firm. Call after " factory options, garaged XCAB, tinted glass. New TRAVEL TRAItER- MARINE GAS TANKS- 225 - ACREAGE AND LOTS 6:00PM ask for Joanne with cover, excel cond., cond., must see/sell. Sleeps 6. Large refrigera- (2) 50 GAL. Material 5052 908-369-8456. $7600.234-1274. GOOD FOR SO LITTLE? $750/B.O. Free matching HARLEY 74 SPORTSTER tor, stove, oven, bath- alum, thickness .100 230 — OUT OF AREA PROPERTY VW '89 JETTA GL- 5 TRUCKS FORD 88 RANGER Tonneau. Call 722-3364. XLH— Low milage, excel, room w/shower. sink & meas. 30"W48"L81/2»H-. 235 - MOBILE HOMES AND SITES XLT- 25K, 4WD, 5 spd, cond. many extra, scrlfice toilet. $2,800, 359-3775. $100 each. 381-0492. spd., 35K mi., 4 dr., PS,I FOR SALE I Peterbllt 73 Tractor— 240 ~ REAL ESTATE WANTED PB, AC, factory stereo, cap, V6, AM/FM stereo. $2500. Call 359-5862. AIRSTREAM— 31' trailer, OWENS CABIN $8375. Delta Toolbox for 350 CummlnQ8 13-spd 245 - BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES sunroof, Black, $8450. trans. $5500; Frelghtllner HARLEY DAVIDSON 83 1977, rear bath, loaded, CRUISER— 25', new 350 250 - APARTMENTS FOR RENT Cal—..l 549-4637„,„ ^~... CHEVROLET Heavy Duty small: plckup-$75 Call 85 Tractor Catlplllar cab- FXR— excellent condi- awnings, excellent condi- chevy engine, wood, vw -on rARBini FT Pickup V-8, 350 engine Anthbnf at 722-5216 or over. A1 cond. 9-spd tion, orlg. owner. $6000- tion, ready to go. $9,900. sleeps 5. Ready for water. 255-HOUSES FOR RENT Call 985-3144 908-457-0870 Best offer. 846-4941. - S 260 - TOWNHOUSES AND CONDOS EMue best seM^ AIV^M Restored. Auto. PS. PB. 725-0991. trans. $15000. 752-0893 al\IA UMactsecurity.' truck^mate tool box. New FORD, 1986 E-350 Box HONDA '83 NIGHT* APACHE POP UP CAM-PEN YAN 23'— ref- FOR RENT 10.000 ml..Ti 5,000 Cal I""* tlJr^°t«^ battery Truck- Excellent condl- TIRES- 4 Radlals, like HAWK- ,650. 7,631 ml.PER— good condition, urbished in 1989. Motor, 265 - ROOMS FOR RENT • ^rSiaw rft*r^pyj $1500. 241-7950. tlpn. Asking $8,500. Call new, 195-70 SR 14$450/B.O, . Needs work. sleeps 6; 3 burner stove, outboard & Interior. Excel mounted on 5 bolts, 14in, Call 548-7564. sliding windows, 2 extra condition & ready for 270 - OFFICES FOR RENT H1 RARRIT O7k CHEVY '83, 3/4 TON after 6 p.m., 908-996- Mercedez Benz wheels. 275 - COMMERCIAL PROPERTY tires. Asking $1500. Call water. $4200/BO. Call 3 sunroof AMMS PICKUP-. V-8, aUto. 4278. •.,•-. Call 232-5230. eves, days HONDA 85, V65 SABRE .752-8493 after 4PM, 874-4130 FOR RENT . w/power booster Good condition $2450 or QMC '87 HIGH SIERRA 643-11(61 Allche. 1100CC- Hbndallne RUNABOUT; 12'— Fiber 280- VACATION RENTALS Excellent condition? Great 0"*-756-0330. PICKUP- 4WD. 350 en- fairing. New battery. COLEMAN POP-UP- body. $750. 272-1931. CHEVY 54 10' RACK- gihe, auto trans, fiber- UTILITY CAP— heavy Cover, good tires. Ex- Queen bed, fully lass, mariner motor 8HP, 285 w- MISCELLANEOUS RENTALS duty, Reading fits S-10 or cellent condition. Very equipped, canopy. Great g hrs old, like new, an- S vw H7 .IFTTAmi n"iT BODY—6 cyl, 6 volt, ex- glass cap,, chrome rims 290 -WANTED TO RENT SJck^FM stereo" torior is parttklly restored, w/33 In.tlres, AC, AM/FM S-15 Pick-ups. $250. call fast. $2500. Call 722-0805 condition. $2500. Call chor, life preservers^ kl 81 295 - ROOMMATES WANTED sunroo«?= f PS^IPP^RB UMI^; RanlastlnigSB.Nobat- caSs. 16,500 m,. $9300/ 908-782-6781; 782-3391 after 4:30 526-6741. . . $1200 takes all. 752-0072 B p. Better ha ne THE LUCKY WINNER.. .Fred Brody, center, accepts the Sen movlna over se« teteryfV-. BO. Call 526-0391 BO. Better than new and WATER TANK— 28 gal. 1PM loaded. Call 756-8177. Material 5052 alum, Classified Connection keys to the new Mercedes Benz he won in the Westfleld $6000 4391379 afteCHEVr Y 76 HALF TON GMC 74 DUMP TRUCK- thickness .100 meas. 60" Jaycees raffle from Donald Maron, the sales manager.jot PICKUP*- $400. Call good work-truck. Make A 16-valve duai-overheaded-cam fuel-injected ragtop with L 12' Dla. $40. Call 305 AUCTIONS dimming Motors of Elizabeth, the first Mercedes dealer- 788-1665: : —~~ffCl|722^0805 -driver-side Talrbagr Supplemental Restraint-System,-front- 381-0492. 310 GARAGE SALES ship In the area which sponsored the prize and was found- CLASSIC CHEVY 83 S-10- V6, GMC,'90, JIMMY- 4x4, wheel drive and optional removable hardtop. I BAZAARS AND SALES 5spd, AM/FM stereo full size, SLE trim; loaded, 312 ed In 1930. The dealership sold Packards and also is a CARS ANTIQUES cass., AC, utility box, new L o w m 11 e a g e. Call 314 BMW dealer. Looking on, left to right, are: Jaycees Chair- brakes, shocks, clutch. 752-5829. •'•' - 315 FOR SALE M 8t 8el1 It may be Check Our 316: FREE TO GOOD HOME man of the Board David Rehrer, Jaycees President Vincent BUICK 62 ELECTRA •£?""}_;"!*'•• ^ - INTERNATIONAL 79 mm DIRECTomr 225- Wildcat 440 en- $20 ••• 340 LOST & FOUND $2500. May take over ga- cap, short bed, 43K miles, Ing $5000/ BO. Call 908- Salw& Services 345 BRITE SPOT rage rental, $58/rrio., Asking $8500. Call John 968-7869 908-234-0109 1909 231-6618 reading PERSONALS 276-7935 eves: ' after 6:30PM, 725-8017 JEEP '79 CJ-7— V-8 350 Lexus ready for'91 after AUTO BODY TOWING SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS CHEVY 55 4 DOOR CHEVY 86 SUBURBAN- auto, 79K mi,, AM/FM "Pro" Who Knows 355 WAGON— 3 speed, 6 cyl, 2WD, 454 engine, PB P/ cass. New tires/engine, Classified 360 ESCAPE just driven back from NC, window, AG, auto. AM/ runs good looks badl ON TIME TOWING I 365 SERVICES record performance in '90 42K mi, mlnimul rust. FM, Bucket seats, $6500. $190p/B.Q. Call 908-874- 24. HOUR SERVICE 367 HOME IMPROVEMENTS $3850.549-9860 Call 233-4629 after 5PM 3677. looking for a How To Do The Job! CHEVY JUNK CARS & TRUCKS WANTED 370 LANDSCAPING, TREE CARE CHEVY 64 CORVAIR- ** BLAZER- 4 JEEP '86 WAGONEER MEMBER M.C.A. 372 PLUMBING, HEATING After a banner year for sales Power and Associates award as Convertible, auto trans, WD, AC, 8000 miles, ex- LTD- woodgraln sides/ "bargain." newllfters, tires, batterv& cellent condltlonl Take rear, 4DR, 4 WD, 6cyl, w/ & COOLING of its products, Lexus, the the most trouble-free nameplate over lease paint. Sold floors Low . no money selfic trac. All power, Air, 752-3582 375 INSTRUCTIONS luxtiry. division of Toyota Motor in America. To finish with a orlg miles. Stored last B downl After. 5PM, 563- AM/FM cass.. tilt, cruise, Advertise in the Classified! 377 INCOME TAX Sales, USA, Inc: is primed to record performance in such a yrs. $5400/BO. 716-0362 t827 'Leathe oalll°rr lnint.f , "«•«'"'»«••.Ky> 380 LOANS & FINANCE match and exceed that competitive market is an DODGE 8 6 RAM- entry, remote mirrors (r&l) 382 INSURANCE performance in 1991. example of the strong CHEVY 70 MONTE CHARGER— 2dr pwn 48,000 ml., org. owrier. E CARLO- orlg owner. Ex- AC to win a oka • 46k ^

when moving, all ads to addresses outside bur local billing area. > vehicle, must sell. Asking Fill In 1 character per box, » $2300. 846-4914 EXTRA CHARGES: allowing for spaces and punc- • CHEVY 79 VAN- auto, 6 • Blind Ads, $3.00 for Box Rental $2.00 mailing charge tuatlon as necessary. Re-1 oyl, excellent condition. • $23Q0. Call 201-846-4914. (Box held for 30 days) member to Include phone B • All capital letters $1.00 per week number' ' . • ! • • •'"•'' • CHEVY 80 C30 1 TON- Ml V8, PS, PB, AM/FM, auto. • All bold type faces: $1.00 per" week 4000 pound tow package, Mall with check or money order to twin battery system, side & rear windows. $2800/ ba. additional line add 51.00 FORBES NEWSPAPERS B.O. pall 572-1700. CLASSIFIED CONNECTION CHEVY 82 C10 CON- 8:30 A.M.-8:00 P.M. Monday,Thursday & Friday P.O. Box 699, VERSION VAN- blue & 8:30 A.M.-5:00 P.M. Tuesday & Wednesday Somerville NJ 08876 White customized, captain chairs, raised roof, CB, 9:00 AM-1:00 PM Saturday flame . • loaded..In excel cond. «M $3500/80.549-5274 FAX: (201) 231-1385 Phone. OR CALL TOLL FREE AND USE YOUR CHARGE CHEVY 85 C20 VAN- FForb*t Newspapers ZonZ e 1ClaaaHkdlNhd Connection Includ**: Address / auto, PS, PB, air, body In excel cond. high mileage, Somerset Messengefcfiazette Highland Park Herald 1-800-334-0531 runs well, S3100/BO. Call City. . State, „ Zip __ Whether you're looking to buy or Bound Brook Chronicle South Plalnfleld Reporter ,725-8975 Middlesex Chronicle The Hllls-Bedmlnster Press / Exp. Date__ CHEVY 88 ASTRO PD Review Franklin Focus VAN- blue, AM radio, Metuchen-Edlson Review air, heavy duty suspen- sell, check the Classifieds first! and sion, oversized radiator, Green Brook- PS, PB, low mileage. As- Middlesex County Shopper king $6500. 233-7206 North Plalnfleld Journal Somerset County Shopper FORD 83 VAN ECONO- LINE— automatic trans., 2 tanks, 4 new tires, Cranford Chronicle Scotch Plalns-Fanwood Prew $1700. Call 906-8796. The Westfleld Record ' FORD 85 160XL- top Of line, conversion van, 4 captains chairs, sofa/ table, large; windows, 31a excel cond, original owner. S6000.359-7138

•;.)•• 4—May 12,1991—Unton County Classtfied May 2,1991 — Union County Classtfled — 5"

SOUTH PLAINFIELD- 4 CRANFORD— 1 bdrm RINGOES- Near Fleml- year, .old attached Col- condo in park setting. ngton. Owner offering 4 bnla|U3rbdrms Including a New kitchen/bathroom. unit townhbuse. Rental In- r24xT2 (master bdrm suite, Walk to train to NYC. Low come will easily carry this REAL ESTATE 12 Wbath, LR, DR, family maintenance fee. Asking prestigious property at room, eat in kitchen, at- $104,000.. 709rO292. $435K. 359-1923 eves. tached garage. Asking HILLSBOROUGH- CON N E e T i o N $147,000,769-9142. Brookslde Sq. 3 bdrm. SOUTH BOUND Condo, 21/2 baths, CAC, BROOK- Multi family CRANFORD NORTH PLAINFIELD- 3 SOMERSET home In nice area. Good large End Unit. Full bsmt., tenants & rent rpll. Seri- 210 OPEN HOUSE bdrm Ranch, 2Vi bath, LR NO QUALIFYING 215 large closets, $120,000. HOMES SUN. 1-4 w/fireplace, DR, Lg. ElWt., TOWNHOUSES & ous inquiries only. Call 8 Hamjlton Ave. den, fin. bsmt., brick ASSUMABLE By owner. 874-8885. 369-6179, leave message FOR SALE Distinctive home with VA MORTGAGE CONDOMINIUMS HILLSBOROUGH- large io, 2 car gar, lg. corner -l_hdim condo. offers LR i l & 17SQ007i4SS7S work & special features additional rentaf units, .DRrbid kitchenHaundry— AdsWCtassHled _BASKING RIDGE which have to be seen. PISCATAWAY- By gross monthly income BEDMINSTER- BY area with W&D, close to dontcost — • EXCLUSIVES- Luxury LR, DR. Family room. Kit, Owner, Just Listed. 3-4 $2500/mo, new kitchens, OWNER, SUPER pool & tennis. $89,900. Ntwi Contfnl Qanaratad by Ad Department • . Contemporary Cathedral 2 baths, 3 bdrms (Master bdrms, spectacular rem- new baths, a terrific deal, VALUE— Sunny con- Call 874-3618 They pay! Design on 4 acres, BR suite). odeled ElKtt & bath, fini- loan assumable at 10%temporary erYd unit In The SOMERSET— Quallbrook $475,000. 5-Bdrm + 5 WESTFIELD $599,000 1 By owner $259,000 shed bsmt, enclosed Interest. Monthly pay-, Hills, totally upgraded, 2 Ranch. 4 yrs. old, End When you buy a co-op, you and your family must be approved room Professional suite, 2 porch. $147,900. No real- merits at $956. Includes bdrm, 2 V4 bath Town UrtlL. 2 bdrms, 2 baths, . fireplaces, over 1 acre, EDISON— By owner, Wander down a quiet lane and.find this charming (ivo Signing the agreement: Co-ops or Condos: by the building's shareholders. The most common reason people 572-4828, Cont, 3 bdrm, tors please. 752-8990 PITI. house, lg. eat-In, skylit kit, garage,'CAC, LR w/flre- bedroom, three and one half balh colonial home. Set In $439,000. In-Town 4 MET 2743 . $159,900 sunken LR, • attcha gar., place, reauy kitchen, for- ono of Wostfiold's finest neighborhoods, It Is a residence are turned away is that co-op boards are afraid that certain bdrm Colonial, lust listed 2 bath, 2 car .garage, Co-op deck, air. BIG ROOMS. SO. PLAINFIELD- by walk to pool, tennis, Jac- mal DRT Targe yard, cul- of elegance and sophistication, but also abounds In com' prospective owners will not be able to afford the maintenance fees. . for $338,900. BOOTH owner, Custom built ex- Coldwell Banker uzzi. $157,000. Call 908- Plainfield/North fort and liability. The quiet cukto-sac location assures OPEN HOUSE. SUN. 1^4, de-sac. $127,900. Call PJainfield border. when are you obligated? some basic differences Since a default by one owner affects all shareholders, it is under- AGENCY, INC. 908-766- ecutive ranch, marble 781-6098 (908)873-3744. you of privacy and serenity, as well as being a great place 2100 •• • , 77 FAIRVIEW AVE. HEUV SCHLOTT Spacious" gnd elegant You've found the home that meets all your dreams. and de- . Condominiums standable that boards are quite exhaustive in delving into an U-SELL P, FT, M. Bkr.fireplace & chimney, huge WESTFIELD— by Owner. In which tp raise a family. SRl-1382. LR, formal dining, eat-In REALTORS 201-321-9100 BRIDGEWATER- Pres- contemporary two sires— at least the important ones—and you're ready to make an applicant's finances. BEDMINSTER EXC- 469-2800. Our bank now ' MetrO'Park/Metuchen Wychwood Co-Op. BeloW bedrooms, two full The best way to describe a condominium is to imagine your LUSIVE- 5, bdrm Col- pays all your closing kit., 3 bdrms., 2 car gar., tigious Townhouse, con- market. Let me snow you offer. So, what's next? "It's at this point that you sit down with the To maintain your rights, you must pay a certain portion of the fenced yard, central air. veniently accessible to baths, 21' living room, building as a pie in a pie dish: If there are ten condo units in the onial on 2+1- acres, costs, except prepays., n SOMERVILLE- 2 bdrm" how this beats renting. formal dining room, eat real estate agent who showed you the property and prepare a upkeep .and the expenses. The standard procedure is to assign tremendous opportunity! qualified. Reduced to sell $169,900. Cape, 50x140 lot; fenced. major hwys., shopping Call 232-5853 for appt sales contract," says Howard Reynolds, president of the Somerset building, the pie would be cut intcrtenpJeces. Each < individual Call 754-9343. malls. 2 bdrms., 21/2 In kitchen, garage. SCOTCH PLAINS such costs according to the number of shares you own. usually $475,000. BOOTH AG- 1 bath. Good neigh- Three exposures, Counly Board of REALTORS. "A sales contract is the formal would own a single piece of thejifje, and tnen all of you together- ENCY, INC. 908-766- GREENBROOK- 3 Br. borhood. Move In cond. baths, Air, Fireplace, : 322-9102 own the dish in which thej)ie_sJK:'.".. \ / determined by the size of your apartment.. . .. ranch, just painted, new SOMERSET- 3/4 bdrm. $125,900. Call 722-1418, garage, full bsmt. Asking .f 220 ^Y beautiful terrace. Mint presentation ofyour-bld tojhe seller and contains all the provisions 2100 condition, loaded with When you purchase a^ooridominiumSyoiy own a specific portion Unlike condo expenses, the expenses of a co-op usually, include deck. DR. Kit., LR., great Cape Cod. 2 full baths, Iv: message. $159,500. 1800 sq.ft. of COMMERCIAL I of trW.sale, from the priceib whether the bedroom drapes are part a mortgage on the building for the common, arenas, and real estate BERNARDSVILLE- family neighborhood. Fin- CAC, finished bsmt., ga- .'living area. Call after 7pm, -upgrades. Easy access of the deal. . . • .''••••* •'•''. of a development. Comnjgw areas—outside walls, parking lots, Great start 3 bdrm Ranch, ished basement. By rage. Private yard w/ SOMERVILLE- by 609-466-0301. . I PROPERTY I to- Rt. 22, 78 and plumbing, wiring, hallways, parks, lobbies, amenities such as golf taxes (you pay a portion of the taxes rather than individual taxes on $489,000.. Stone Carriage owner $159,900. Call 968- gazebo & fruit trees. Dead Owner. Executive neigh- \}-FOR SALE J transportation. Monthly, "The agent will probably begin with a standard contract; that . your unit). Your monthly maintenance fee afsd covers your share of House on over 5 acres 3755. end street. 80x125 lot. borhood. .3.bdrm, IVi CRANFORD- 1 bdrm maintenance includes courses, tennis courts, swimming pools and riding trails—are own- Condo. E.IKIt, all appli- Modular Additions: contains more provisions than most buyers and sellers need, and . repair and renovation costs. with approx 10,000 sg ftHIGH BRIDGE- 3 $164,500. Call 469-3859 newly- remodeled baths, MIDDLESEX- By owner. heat, A/C, gas and ed by everyone who lives there. Common areas are paid for and of space, $775,000. LR, DR, FR, new furnace, ances, carpet. Ample then tailor it to address your specific situation," continue! Reynolds: Thus, monthly maintenance fees tend to be higher than those of bdrms., new w/W, stove, Commercial investment,, taxes, (deductible). . "Askto see a blank contract before yog begin viewing properties maintained through t}ie condominium association, to which every BOOTH AGENCY, INC. SOMERSET- 4 bdrm AC. Large patio. Attached parking. Walk to train/ remodeled colonial,' 4 Of- r INSTANT ADDITION equivalent condos. Also, it might be harder to obtain financing at 908:766-2100 hot water' heater, freshly gar. $159,900/BO. 685- shopping. Asking so you can familiarize yourself at your leisure with the points you owner belongs. You pay a monthly fee to the association for the painted, attic, bsmt, large Split, LR, DR, ElKJt, huge fices. $95,900.-HELP-U- $69,900 the same rate as that for a condo. Owning a co-op Is almost like • master BR, new. rec room 2117 . $84,500. 201-762-6312 SELL. P, FT, M, Bkr. 469- will need to consider.. In the excitement of the negotiating process, maintenance of the common areas, based on the overall monthly BRANCHBURG- 5 yard. Across from Park, 2 to your home. cost The monthly maintenance fee is not deductible from income owning real estate, in the. eyes of some lenders. However, the loan bdrm,.2 V6 bath Ranch. ml. to Rte8. 78 & 22, ask- w/9' bar & pool table. 2800. Our bank now pays contract details can be overlooked.'" all your closing costs, If you aria thinking of adding onto your ; to you is a personal loan, and the loan, instead of being secured LR., D;R., kitchen, F.R. ing $87,500. Call 908- Large fenced yard 7508697 • taxes. ' • .. , .. ..•' • •'"..• ' • •• ' •- '••" " 82x100. By Owner. Advertise in the Classified! except prepays, if quali- current house, let us show you a mod- When the time comes to fill out the contract, the real estate by real estate. Is secured by stock in the corporation that owns the . w/fireplace, CAC, garage, 725-8962. *-n . Brokers protected p The size of your condo determines what you pay for mainte- full, o&llar, 1 acre. $189,900,249-4717 fied. • . • ._ ular addition first. They offer: agent will go over each provision with you, deleting parts of the building. There are some lenders who are familiar with and even HOLLAND TOWNSHIP contract thai are not applicable and adding points that are. Major nance. If you own a larger unit, the more votes you* have in the $219,000. 722-3199. OPEN HOUSE-May 5 & • BETTER QUALITY condo association, and the more you pay in maintenance fees. specialize in co-op financing. \ BRIDGEWATER- 3 provisions included in the sales contract include an agreed-upon 1 12. 1-5 or call for ap- • Because of excellent quality control, a Norris Treat/ You receive an actual deed to a piece of real estate when you < Under the terms of Section 216 of the IRS code, you may deduct • bdrm Ranch, 2 car ga-pointment: Low taxes, by Nationwide Modular Addition boasts superior construc- sales price, amount of initial earnest deposit and terms for payment your proportionate share of the municipal taxes and the mortgage rage, 3 baths, CAC & CV, owner, energy efficient, 4/ tion. .Why? Each addition Is assembled Indoors In a ^UhBremainder^afflounLotj^ buy a condo. Thus, owning a condo is exactly like owning any family room with fireplace, controlled environment (nover any weather worries). ^other-piece-of-real-estate~except-for—the vcommon-ownership- interest paid by the co-op corporation. In addition, you can deduct 5 bdrm Ranch on almost HOUSE OF THE WEEK the buyer to withdraw from the sale if, specified mortgage terms .finished bsmt. \ Vir acre 3 wooded acres w/stream • The. work Is performed by h'fjhly-skllled, experienced elemenl You pay real estate tax on a condo just as you would on ~~therihterestthat"you pay onyour purchase loan- by using the stock '+: $210.000. 231 -0240. ^professionals. And^of cottrae, your fayome nartlo brands cannot be arranged, specifications for prorating taxes, the date of 6 Inground pool. Minutes a single-family residence or vacant piece of property. You also as collateral as well. .. '•...'•'.. '••' '"~"'••.. CRANFOFtP are avallabloln carpolj vinyls^ appllanc6sTWall"covo'rlngs~ the closing of the sale, and the date when the property may be BRIDGEWATER— B\- to Rt 78. $199,000. Direc- windows, etc. ' .• . enjoy all of the tax deductions available to single-family real estate The biggest difference in owning a co;op Is that you may not tions: Exit 11 frprn'Rt 78 occupied. This list is far from all-encompassing; All aspects of (he Level, 4 bdrms, 1 1/2 $179,900 owners. And getting a mortgage is no different from getting have all the freedom to share,. sell, sublease, remodel or utilize baths,. den, Rec room,to Little York Tavern, terms of the sale and financing are included in the contract. • REASONABLE COST financing for a single-family, home. ,. , your property that you do in a condo, or in a standard single-family 20x40 In-ground pool, make left & stay left, 1 • High quality Isn't tho only reason people soloct Norris Once you are satisfied with the contract, the agenLwill deliver it central air, 1 acre, asking mile to 471 UtleVork/Mt. Treat/ Nationwide Modular Addition. Since modular or As a condo owner, you pay your own monthly mortgage pay- - home. Also, your ability to sell a co^op is restricted by the necessity : tcr-ther1isting agent""or~thef~sellers—who-then^-have-the-tight-to- ; —L$2l9.900, Call;722jB65jL.l_ Pleasant Rd. 908-996- . factory-built additions make so much sense.' tholr costs ments and property taxes, plus the condo maintenance fee. ^brfl^fi;;"ppa^y;. ' " _ ''''/'" " -areconslderably-less—— often-as-much-as-20%-less,-as- negotiate each point you have outlined. This process continues BRIDGEWATER- BU ' Your maintenance fees can, and often do, increase—even if you Condo purchase prices may be higher than • for co-ops, and owner, brick Colonial, 4 MIDDLESEX- 3 bdrm coWiparod tp traditional housing construction costs. And until both parties are in full agreement. "Remember, until an THEF|RST-flME|UYER financing is much easier! . do not benefit personally. Condo associations might vote to resur- condo dosing costs tend to be higher than those for co-ops, bdrm, ,2 .bath, DR, family Ranch, new kit, new bath, agreement pn every point is reached between the buyer, and the ' Buying one's first home Is an awesome responsibil- face the development's tennis courts each year. You might never because condos are treated like actual real estate while co-op room; fireplace, deck. new w/w carpet, Owner ity. It's probably taken a long time to save the down seller, nothing Irreversible has happened," says Reynolds.. $197,000. OPEN HOUSE will help with closing • FAST OCCUPANCY . play even one set of tennis, but still you will be assessed your sales are transfers of shares In a' corporation. jCpndo "down pay- payment, and the mortgage may represent may years' • It takos just two weeks from the day your addition Upon agreernflntrand signature of the contract ancTreceipt of the SUN, 1-4, 744 HAWT- costs/ down payment, income. Th& purchaser wants to get a good deal, but proportional share of the cost. ments generally are higher than those for co-ops, except in HORN AVE. HELP-U- $121,900.968-5754 - orrh/os until tho day your family movos ln>;.And there's buyer's earnest money, both parties are legally obligated to the exceptionally restrictive Co-op buildings. may not know enough about the real estate market to tSo moss. All tho moss Is left at the factory! terms of the sales agreement. Commonly, the agreement outlines All condos have some restrictive Covenants that regulate how SELL, P, FT, M, Bkr. 469-MIDDLESEX- by owner, recognize It. That's why, knowing their .limitations, much remodeling you can do. .Check first with the association. But condo monthly maintenance fees tend.to be lower than 2800. OUr bank now pays New executive colonial, many first-time buyers seek the help of a real estate > COMPARE that the contract is pending based upon legal review and a those in co-ops. The latter add an owner's share of underlying all your - closing costs, 100'x550' lot, stream. agent. professional property Inspection.for the buyer. Typically, the buyer • Comparo all this to stick-built additlons...Quallty • • . . ..' ' ' . ' CO-OPS • , - ' '; ' ' mortgages and real estate taxes to the cost of upkeep. Condo fees exoept prepays, If quail- $309,900, 4 1/2% financ- They know we.have the "Inventory" of homes-for- fled. ing, 10% down, easier ...Cost...Construction, tlmo. Norris Treat/ Nationwide has five working days in which to. accomplish these matters, In contrast, xio not include mortgages. sale to help them find the features they need and want wins every tlmo! If wo don't already havo a plan that although, like all provisions, these too are negotiable. |f you own a co-op, you do not actually own the apartment, you qualifications for a quali- In' a house. Many of these prospects don't even know The question marks are maintenance fees, monthly mortgage or BRIDGEWATER- Colo- fied buyer. HELP-U-SELL, suits you, wo can mako pno. Select a basic plan and The Somerset Board recommends hiring an attorney to review own stock in a corporation that owns the building in which the co- nial, 1 plus acre, deck, how. much they are qualified to spend. We go through make it you! . • loan payments, down payment, closing costs and tax .deductions. P, FT, M, Bkr. 469-2800. the contract and handle the closing. "No matter how straightfor- op you live in is located. You have the right to occupy that patio, CAC, finished the dollars and cents with thorn, offering advice and Flroplacos, porches, docks, garages, lofts...your person- You should compare the total monthly outlay and the tax advan- encouragement. ality, not ours! Movo up...Hove up to... ward your sales contract may seem, unanticipated complications apartment and the right to use the common areasi guaranteed by a bsmt., LR/ DR, large Fam. MIDDLESEX- By owner, tages of each, as well as the purchase prices, to see which will Rm;, Eat-In Wt, 3 bdrnis, 752-2168, Young "Move And where do we get this "Inventory" of salable' ' , SINCE.1956 •— : y ^ can cause heartache at the last minute—complications a lawyer legal document known as a proprietary lease, or certificate of 11/2 baths. $250,000. Gall In" 3 bdrm Ranch, fenced homes? From smart homeowners like you - who know y M better suit your Individual needs. v This 3 bedroom Colonial has'a living.room with a handsome slate may have been able to foresee and avert," cautions Reynolds. beneficial interest. after 6 prh, 526-9405. yard. $137,900. OPEN ' hearth fireplace. The dining room has two built-in knotty, pine cabi- we offer professional marketing service, a pool of BRIDGEWATER- Great HOUSE. SUN, 1-4. 407 eager prospects and the experience to get thp seller a (II) NORRIS TREAT (()) nets. The kitchen has a pantry and opens to a screened side porch. good deal, too. • . Cape, 4 bdrm, 3 bath on FULTON ST. HELP-U- . Vinyl siding and new roof. Call us today for your tourl ; •«' 1.6 acres. WOWI SELL P, FT, M, Bkr. 469- You'll get' a good deal wheri you list with Barton W CONSTRUCTION ^W b $299,000. BOOTH AG- 2800. Our bank now pays Realty. ... • •- — NATIONWIDE HOMES— :—" • ENCY, 908-766-2100 all your closing • costs, 1-800-8-MODULAR except prepays, if quall- 'Yes, you can buy a home in New Jersey" CRANFORD- By Owner. fled. • // busy dial 908f537-799"l Beautiful 6 rm. Duplex, NORTH BRUNSWICK-: •.;: •••! completely remodeled on $110,000. 4 rm. Bun- REALTY,4 INC. Barton Realty Clinton and Hampton, NJ cul-de-sac, walk to pool/ galow, 2 bdrm8. Large lot, 232-8400! •'. tennis, near GSP &In-ground pool, low taxes, 106 N. Union Ave. •Cranford • 272-4020 School. New deck. Avail. must sell. Call 297-1997 •44 Elm Street ~* Immed. No points to after 7PM __ REALTOR' Westfield. N,J. . ' CRANFORD ' John Northup to Marie Fox, prop- Elnora Marasco to Thomas & Jo- 1910 Washington Valley Rd., LJnpl Corp to William S Stewart, Estate of Wilbur A Trlshento Sco - ' ' buyer; Financing avail, to all'qualified buyers, Ftorette Applebaum to Joseph J erty at 117 2nd St., $105i00P sephine Destefano, property at 138 $70,000 property at 384-D Three Bridges tt M Glenn, property at 227 Dead- AdvertltolntheClanModl Shirley Dowgin to Paul & Donna Morton Ave., $117,000 tree Run Rd., $177,000 $125,000. Call 908-232- & Regatta Solomtta, property at 8 Rd., $215,000 7997 or 908-276-1053, Carol Ct, $280,000 Koleszar, property at 533 4th SL, David & Karen Ashbumer to Ed- FRANKUN V NCV Dev Inc to Henry J Jr & George F & Theresa I Keves to Linda & Gordon Butler to Stephen $135,000 . ward Miller, property at 3114 Park James M & Ginger Hennlng to Laureen Janssen, property at 7 Wy- Citizens Fedl SLA. property at 411 P Mooney, property at 428 Casino Ave.. $120,000 Honore M Monroe, property at 100 ckoff Way, $225,900 Sunset Rd.,_$50,100 Ave., $170,000 .-" EDISON Michael & Rose Galassoto Jam - Aimwick Ct., $86,000 Joseph C & Carol J Smaitz to Alan P Brache to David R & Deb- wm Joseph & Judith A Sheehan to Nazarldad Alonzo to Bernard & ' es & Michelle DeMarco, property at Bruce T & Lorraine M Bills to Douglas & Ida' M Petkus, property bie L Mohn, property at 21 Pine David A & Lori L Pytlowany, prop- Kathleen Eskln, property at 33 Broo- 119 Walter SL, $146,000 James Maimone, property at 94 Cr- at 912 Case Dr., $213,500 Brae Ct., $190,000 erty at 42 Iroquols Rd., $152,000 kvilleRd, $113,000 • . abapple Ln., $91,000 NCV Developers Inc to Tarn T Robert E & Mlndy A Balewlcz to BEDMINSTER Ronald F & Deborah Okoren to Campos A&M Bldrs to Chih-Chlen Peter P & Betsey A Gyengo to Tran, property at 5 Corte PI., Paul A & Bonnie Altleri, property at Daniel V & Wmberty Gautteri, prop- & Kuo-Yun Kuo, property at 197 Raymond H & Nancy Lechleider Maureen Canning, property at 11 $247,000 9 Wiggins Ln., $257,500 erty at 461 Orchard St., $212,500 Compton Ave., $390,000 to Alan BHterman, property at 70 Emerald PL, $168,000 Clifton L & Roseanne Deblaslo to Nannette S Qulnn to Manuel & Richard & Dorothy Shlpman to Academy CL, $130,000 Thomas. J & Ann E Meehan to Andras A Farkas, property at 52 Monica Betblde, property at 15 Albert & Barbara Gore, property at Kenneth R & Janet E Gaynor to MeMn L Ftoumoy, property at 58. Michelle Ln., $255,000 NORTH PLAINFIELD Wade Ave, $158,000 30Crestwood Ave, $163,000 Georgia T Dabrowskl, property at 10 Fisher Dr., $89,000 > Alexander John Addud to Larry O Howard L & Beverly J Smith to Bonnie L Tedesco to Antonio & ' Glovannlno Mastrolannl to Lau- Cedar CL^ $110,000 •'•... David R & Leslie H Wilbur to Carl- & Nancy J Singer, property at 1189 Michael & Diane E Kosec, property hasseleaedustobeitsbroker, recqgnizingourcommitment Emilia Terxefra, property at 390 Wal- reen Kahn, property at 8602 Hand Patricia Mangnanti to Martha L ton & Shellye Crawley, property at 4 Millstone River.Rd., $152,500 at 587 Flsk PI., 139,000 FIRST ASSOCIATION OF IWDEPENDENT REAL ESTATE BROKERS, INC. nut Ave., $150,000 Rd.* $113,000* . Kemplln, property at 27 Crestmont Gary Ct, $205,000 Clifford K KJtashlma to Mark Zap- Somerset Equity Assoc to Duane Harold & Doris Uebes to Charles Rd., $129,500 ' Raymond A & Margaret Varela to pacosta, property at 360-A E Moun- Powell, property at 401 W Hwy 22, Each Offibe Individually Owned and Operated FANWOOD & Wai Yin Tlu, property at 11 Jonat- Michael Q Furgeson to Joan A Beverly J Lamar, property at 6 Heln- tain Rd.. $261^000 : • - $44,290 -..: •••••: . • • .:.r':X. •' 1 V Lawrence & Elaine Grolemund to han Dr.,'$236,000 DeNlcola, property at 10 Dunbar rich Rd., $173,500 Rohlll Village Inc to Gary D & Robert & Mary Lou. Relnman to Ct. $109,000 • ' Nobody works harder for you than Burgdorff. 8 ROOM PROFESSIONAL OFFICE FabJo Araneo, property at 28 Glen- Gerald & Marsha Dalley to Robert Ethel Astrln to Jeffrey & Barbara Heidi R Aronson, property at 6 Oder Mary LOU Relnman, property at 18 BRIDQEWAfTER SOMERVILLE $269,000. wood Dr., $156,000 & Cecelia Eskay, property at 12 La- Bemhardt T & Reldun Karlsen to Laporta, property at 12 Layne Rd., . U.Ct; $225.900'•:• Louise Ave, $57,000 $289,000. . ATTENTION LAWYERSI David L & Bonnie M Heaven to ngstafl Ave., $85,000 • . Donald L & GoWIe Morchower, pro- . $'165,000 : William S & Karen m Emhof to Gary F & Linda J Hughes to Brian Uno L & Lamchek Yvett Emmas, Francis Sablno to Adele Purick, perty at 34 Gatehouse". Rd., . Jozsef & Irene Nemeth to Cecer- Leonard & Helene Caliguarl, prop- P & Murano Teres Hogan, property property at 179 Midway Aye.,. property.at 750 Old RarHan Rd., $415,000 ne Riley, property at 310-312, erty at 9 Sebrlng, $180,500 , at 185 Maple Ave., $156,000 $150,000 :. $120,000- Martin & Estelle Ceresnlk to Jose- $245,000 David Hultholm to Keith D & Carol Somerset Equity Assoc to U- Elmer J Jones to Mark S Hlltweln, Daniel Prop to Bela Gyantar, pro- phine Sudd, property at 55 Moun- Greta W Stantpn to Mark Frank A Martin, property at 16'Sugarmill Chuen Chu. property at 401 W Rte property at 85 Shady Ln., $141,000 perty at 9 Vallata PL, $360,000 tain Ct., $72,224 Calne, property at 24 - Summerall Rd,, $408,000 22, $46,350 . Manuel & Jane DeCastroto L^w- . Rd., $153,000 . BRANCHBURG Majestic Knolls Incto Ann e Marie John M Barber to Jean F Barber, QARWOOD .•"•'•" rence Tagtlaboschl, property at 11 Robert E Tschlppert to Frances L Meegan, property at S Tunlson, property at 111 Belmont Ave., Lyle K & Lynda Z Mulllnsto Nor - Sander Friedman to Yoshlhlko & Wllshlre Rd., $137,000 Harris, property at 101 Wisbech PL, $204,900 $37,550 man J & Barbar Szydlowskl, prop- Yasuka Kousaka, property at 250 Jeffrey & Heather Anderson to $119,200 ,_ Larken Assoc to Lawrence A & Raymond J & Arlene M Seltz to erty at 21 Arrowhead Dr., $280,000 .WJHowAve.,'.$133,000...' Kumar Shh/avamakrishnan, property Ellas Sfelr to Joseph E Baakllnl, Eleano Myhowich, property at 4 Up- Charles M & Joyce L Green, prop- One block to Courthousel Off-street parklngl at 708 Wood Haven Dr., $110,300 Thomas J & Myrna T Nicholson to Splc & Span! 5 bedrooms. Ideal mother/ property at 116 Hlllcrest Ave., dike Ave., $190,990 erty at 420-422 Catalpa Ave., daughterl Family room & den. Amuat-seel! First time offered] Call qulckl SCOTCH PLAINS John H Jr & Anne R Clarke, prop- $10,500 $127,500 John J Haman to Vincent M & HIGHLAND PARK erty at 707 Case Rd, $249,800 RANALD C. BROWN RANALD C. BROWN Raymond L Poole to Joan G Poo- MANVILLE . Edward Mazzetta to Ahmad & Arv S«Wifl»Wfldd C/taC/tanll t RK6mm*ndRK6mmn "StUttltd Clltntt Rtcommtnd U." Deborah C Dells), property at 1230 Robert & Jane Wilson to Max Pfe- Roger W & Julie S Wiehl to Stev- le, property at 70 Johnson Rd., Mariane Waida to Henry J Waida, rfa Hussaln, property at 88 Hudson 1834 Washington Valley Rd., Martln»vllt», N.J. 1934 Washington Valley Rd., Martlnsvllle, N.J. Cooper Rd, 250.000 ffor, property at 125 Magnolia St., en M Mahoney, property at 143-B $91,250 property at 12 Valerie Dr., $60,000 Ave., $148,000 REALTOR (201)469-2333 REALTOR (201)469-2333 Michael & Marybeth Masslmlno to $135,000 , Whltton Rd., $205,000 Steven J.& Susan Przybylskl to Dennis F & Caryl M Amorim to; Steven R & Elizabeth Graham to William A Conway, property at 2122 Joel & Elinor Brooks, property at Henry & Andrla Kiel, property at 158,000 • ' . METUCHEN BRIDGEWATER Michael J & Jean Bartolorne, prop- 176 Klngsberry Dr., $138,500 erty at17 S 8th Ave., $120,000 134-38 Netherwood Ave., $134,000 1548 Front Street Inc to Nathan C Albert Sander to 604 Fountain William G & Patricia Hack to Rich- BEST BUY THIS SPRING! Heiss Construction to Michael & Prudential Residential to Francis LANDSCAPER'S DREAM • Manglrts,-property at 16 Malanga Ave, Realty Corp, property, ard J & Carolln Schwartz, property Stanley J & Louise Bednarskl to ENJOY Retiring owners wants fast sale on this Immaculate 2V4 MARTINSVILLE $254,000. at 9 Brian Dr., $254,500. Keta Pappas, property: at 130*Pros- RobsrtD & Reglna Petrone, prop- G Jr & Sherrie Kane, property at Ct., $129,900 $990,000 '• pectSt, $100,000 •'.••• 150 Sanford Ave., $146,500 youtBurrimer evenings on the large'dflfck of this newly, bath home. Large family room with sliding doors to patio. CHOICE BRIDQEWATER TOWNSHIP SCHOOLS Joanne Bedrtar to Robert Joseph Charter Land Dev Inc to CMC erty at 723 Boesel Ave., $114,000 listed 3 bedroom split In Westfleld. Eat-In kitchen, CAC, Quiet young family neighborhood. Located just around the MIDDLESEX Construction Co Inc, property at Bri- Steven F & Colleen A Ohara to Boyd J Casterllne to >Joseph P & Edward & Patricia Danleli to Pru- Bednar, property at 421 William St., Jill Hornyak, property at 347 Smlth- dential Residential Servi, property, at friendly neighborhood arid more are .waiting for you. comer from school In Scotch Plains. Only $199,900. $76,000 Joseph & Marisa Marotto to Rob- dgewater Ct, $40,000 Joann Mazelka, property at 837 Ke- $197,900. Westfleld office, 233-0065. Westfleld Office, 233-0065, ert & Patricia Baker, property at 24 Russell N & Eileen Truscott to woldRd., $116,500 nnedy Blvd., $100,000 • 150 Sanford Ave., $158,250 Starlit Dr., $164,000 VYESTFIELD Jeffrey & Catherine Bogardo, prop- Michael & Marie A Radwanski to erty at 109 Chestnut SL, $138,000 GREEN BROOK George C & Dorothy L Simpson, RARITAN Stephen E Markowfe to Lellanl M PISCATAWAY . William B lanlero to James P But- Dornfeld, property at 523 Alden Morel & Segal Incto Kennet h T& property at 145 S 6th Ave., Margaret T Nuckols to Mitton C Cah/ert Woods to Hugo & Kathy ler, property at 17 Methven Ave., $149,500 Ave., $385,000 Car Detiengerdes, property at 338, ; Nuckols, property at 32 Woodmere: VA acre of meticulously landscaped; grounds Toranzo, property at 194 Brewster $i85t000 w/sprlnkler system. Immaculate Interior, tast- Walter E & Patricia Eckhart to Ho- Greenfield Rd, $164,900 St., $150,000 Ave., $200,000 , Louis R Defalco to West Holding MONTGOMERY efully decorated! First floor family room + ward J Drew, property at 221-223 Summit Trust Co to William G & Kevin Stephen Knox to David A Anthony Ferrara to St George Gr- Inc, property at 40-50 W Route 22, Marjorle Rlcksgers to Laura E Je- Florida rooml 4 bedrooms - 2V4 baths - 3 car LSnox Ave., $435,000 Patricia R Hack, property at 706 BHtone, property at 13 1st St., 4. bedrboma - 2Vb baths, 1BV4 x 16V4 master eek Orthodox Church, property at 9 $1,250,000^^^ .„.__ nsen, property at 10 Acorn Ct., attached garage • a great buy In Branchburg Noel Trading Thompson to John Hawthorne Ave., $155,000 $111,000 ,. bedroom! 3 zone hot water heat - central air • at only $359,000. . Kroeger Ln., $178,000 •„ Albert M Doswald to Kenneth V -Elizabetn Dever^to Domlnlck Se- $300,000 conditioning! Park-like settlngl W & Margaret V Tarte, property at RANALD C. BROWN Starpolrvt Dey to John & Dawn Crane, property at 815 Parfaidge bastian, property at 365 E Rte 22, Riverside Farms Inc to Albert & SOMERVILLE 224 Prospect SL, $132,900 RANALD C. BROWN "StUtHad Clltnlt flocommond Ut" Blazler, property at 132 Nebula Rd., $190,000 Jenny Intemoscfa, property at 161 Robert & Dorothy A Tull to Philip Robert N & Dorothy W Shriver to Dr., $190,000 "StVttltd Clltnt$lt*eomm»nd U$" 1934 Washington Valloy Rd., Martlnsvllle, N.J. $125,990 Mountalnvlew Ino to Kap S & Hy- Berkley Ave., $320,000 J & Oalre Rybczynski, property at 1934 Washington Valley Rd., Martlnsvllle, N.J. Joseph M & Gatto Mary Dajzo, pro-. REALTOR v (201)469-2333 Starpolrrt Dev to Alan Chozick, . Dayld L Drake to County of Som- 204 W ClUf St, $144,000 REALTOR (201)469-2333 perty at 265 Scotch Plains Ave., ahg H Yoon; property at 15 Ryan HILLSBOROUGH property at 137 Nebula Rd., Way, $480,000 ' John & Mary Anne Bekusto Cou - erset, property at 365 Bridge Point Michael & Unda J Relnhardt to $171,400 $129,990 Rd., $2,200 Anthony P & Jacalyn M Yudd to, PHH Homequlty Corp to Patrick J nty of Somerset, property at 655 Alan M Schwartz, property at 82 Robert & Doris Mack to Michael. Rylarid Group Inc to Ethel- M As- Dennis M & Sherry W Koye, prop-, Scagllone, property at 956 Severin Amwell Rd., $16,500 Delaware Ln., $143,000 Tenore, property at 312 Oak PL, Dr.. $230,750 Edward D Rosa Jr.to Jody M trin, property at 6-B Castelton Rd., IMMACULATE! ON A QUIET COUNTRY ROAD erty at 411 St Marks Ave., $215,000 Thomas C & Deborah R MlHer to HILLSBOROUQH *42]OO0 $146,145 SOUTH BOUND BROOK Dorothy H Anderson to Edward L Pamela E & Mark Ansbroto Yog - Weber, property at 412 Bradford Peter C & Melanle Szliagyl, property William Waer to Bossle McMillan, Rylartd Group Ino to Maria L Wr- Parsons, property at 228 St Paul esh N a PrtO Y Patel, property, at 57 Ct, $39,370 at 212 Grove SL, $160,000 property at 640 S Randolphvllle Rd., Tunlson Ln.. $34,270 zecky, property at 6-D Castleton 81, $213,000 Gloria Macksoud to Jane L Fenek ON A HILL $169,500 . Calton Homes Inc to Robert J II, property at 620 Cronwall a., Rd., $149,900 ' ' IMMACULATE Burch, property at 3804 Vroom Dr., $112,000 ••'••.. Robert B & Lisa R Stockman to SOUTH BOUND BROOK in Mountainside is this classic split level home waiting for soaclous split level home In family nolohborhood In Pan- bUNELLEN SOUTH PLAINFIELD . $172,415 i Woodfield Estates to Eric B & Jonathan L & Christl Roberts, prop- Robert L & Lynn Lamentto Rob - new owners. Offering a remodeled kitchen, updated bath, wood Walk to all schoolsl Sunken living room, 214 baths, Colonial Natl Bk to Garry Frlsoli, Arilne Anthony to Richard & Betty Providence Dey Corp to Mueller Debra L Andrew, property at 135 erty at 115 Cherry Brook Dr., ert L Lament property at 35 S War- 3 bedrooms and fireplaced living room plus a family room prpperty at 79 Hlllcrest Aye., Lou Hamilton, property at 115 Baker Oral Pro8tnetlcs Inc, property at TerhuneLn., $226,090 $265,000 ' ren St, $B2.B00 2 car aaraae. Lovely property with many flowering trees and rec, room plus a family room and rec. room! Bring the $113.0001 _ Ave., $125,000 amf shrubs. OfferecT at $239,900. Westfleld office, kldsl $241,000. WesHleldO«ice, 233-0065. ^ . 233-0065. . Uvaly 2 *toy colonial on umr tot, 3/4 btdrooma IVt, baths, EIK with breakfast nook, DR, full bwa- m»nl, »ncloa*d front porch, 2 level dock, tanotd FANWOOD backy*rd,1c*r.oar*a«w«hWLt130,eM. ' ' Co^intiy kHch«A, thr«« bsdroomo, two bath*, r«- centty rtmodektd caps on ivMralllc toad. 'DIRECTIONS; Main tlr««tVaal to So. Bound Brook, O««r«d tor $157,900 • , (908)322-7700 tight to Canal Ro*d, 1»t l«lt to Ellub«th St., cornsr |ta«bMh and Clinton Bt, HARDQR0V6 REALTY, INC. HARDanOVe REALTY INC. 722-5548 Evat. 908-388-3333 WESTFIELD 48 B»0B38 (908)233-0065 y.:'-K^\-^A:ii>2-Pi^*^^!i^ii^iS^^ 1-'- r 6 — May 2,1991 — Union County Classified — Onlon County CtessHted—7

BRANCHBURG- 3 bdrm CHESTER^ Completely ORLANDO— 15 minutes EASTERN PA- Beauti- ORTLEY BEACH— Rent KENILWORTH- 5 to Olsney World. 1 mile to C 228^ ( 23O A fully restored Victoria 1 & enjoy at the same time I 248 • I rooms, 2 bdrms, dis- Ranch, LR, DR, great furnished shared office space for rent in Chester Universal Studio. Beauti- I ACREAGE JUT OF AREA I Br, With W/D, D W, & off newly .renovated Duplex, hwasher, off-street park- room w/stone fireplace, fully furnished, 2 bedroom ing $700 plus utll. 1 1/21V4 baths, .patio, 2 cararea. Lovely office condo- I &LOTS I I PROPERTY I street parking, $400. Plus—Steps to beach. Low minium , complex w/spa- condo, 2 bath, CAC. pool., utilties. 215-252-7843- maintenance. Present {OPPORTUNITIES I mos. sec. Avail. 6/1. Call gar, 1 acre, $1200/ mo, Weekly & monthly rate. 276-2258. 1V4 mo security + refe- cious parking, conference FINGER LAKES AREA- room, all services (phone, 463-3969. MANVILLE- 3 rooms, rences. 534-4944 BRIDGEWATER— Foot- $10,000 CASH- Appip 908 232 lELI- BRIDGEWATER- 3 fax, Xerox) Including light ORTLEY BEACH— 2 fam- hill Rd., 7 lot subdivision, roved lots. Clear title. - - $500/mo. plus utll. Off- secretarial back up. farm TJouie. $65,000. exp a must. bdrms. 1 % bath, 2 car ily, weekly/ weekend effi- 8.95 acres, Prime area. Immediately available. Gross 100K/yr. Catering garage, 1 -I- acre, porch, 879-8020 • • clenty apts. Open May- Other like listings. LEW Oct. Each sleeps 5. Near $955,000. Anne Uacko, Bushkill Fa(ls/Dlngman'8 Real Estate. Coming, NY POCONO AREA- Pike equipment value 6K- Long , 359-5609. finished bsmt 'with extra CRANFORD- 1000 TO PO Box 343, Walnutport, Ferry. V4 - 1V4 acres. Ap- 607-©37-5637 County. 5 wooded acres lease, Middlesex Cty. rms, $1150/mth. 215-459- 1500 SO. FT. In well Ocean, Bay, store. Rea- PA180B8. pointment only. 1 (717) adjacent to State land. Asking 70K. 968-5722. MANVILLE— Efficiency, 1134 after 6pm. known building, parking sonable. 1-908-349-4043 3fltOGEWATEK- for .892-5414. FHEE BHOCHUHE— 01 Road & utilities in com- seml-furnlshed. 1 person aval). utJI.jaupplied, reas- ORTLEY BEACH- sale. Two building lots, CRESTWOOD^Whltlngr 8A i $55.000 GREEN -onable. .-7B8-7 Beach- block, Cleans each 50x175. Planning pertTes. Prices have never ' bedroom house for rent; NJ. For Active Adults been better.. Now Is thePOCONO LOT— Beauti- 22, store for rent, in ff Major appliances In- CRANFORD- Medical bdrm., sleeps 6, Season Board approved. Call (55+). Over 7,500 Shopping Center 1000 MANVILLE— Just rem- suite, In well known & half season rentals. Call 725-7176 homes. No congestion. time to Invest In your ful lake view. Vb acre perc odeled. 2 bdrm apt, sun- cluded. 3 minutes from summer home. Whether tested. Ready to build onl sq.ft. "• Heavy traffic. Avail. Commons. 752-1651 Medical Building, limited 908-232-2877. CLINTON TWP— 15 acre 40 styles from $25,000 to Immed. $950/mo. Also, room, heat Included. Av- LIVING ROOM- 6 piece NEAR ANTIQUE- POOL EQUIPMENT- 3/4 buying or renting, call Priced right! Wild Acre allable Immediately. f BOUND BROOK- 2 to certain practices, ORTLEY-LAVALLETTE- CRANFORD, 1034 RAR- BEDROOM SET- Boys. COMMODORE 64K EXERCISE MACHINES- home site. Panaromlc $159,000. Beautiful, area. Call Tom at 908-Pizza Business, In Shop- 3 br., sleeps 8, 1 house, ITAN RD- Sat, Sun, 5/4 pine Set, earth tone, Charmlng pine hutch HP pump-$50 D.E. filter sefene, secure. FREE today. ZACHARIAE ping Center, 1200 sq.ft. ALSO 1 Br. available 5/ bdrm in 2 family home. reasonable, 789-8961. Twin bed, dresser, night pOMUPTER- w/1541 (2). 1 Electric roller $65; 1 view. Call 908-725-5266. REALTY 1 -800-633-1143. 699-0326 Nice area. $750/mo + CRANFORD- Private from beach $650 per \ 30S 1 &5/5,10-4. Ralndate 5/11 table, mirror, lamp, $350. disk drive & six game pro sitting down rower $35. $500. Good condition.' cupboard (warm cherry 2400 gal/hr. used 1 picture- brochure. Avail. Immed. $35,000. 20. Heat & AC Incl. Call Call 908-668-1201 season-$i30; Sklmmer- HEARTLAND REALTY GREEN ISLAND, TOMS POCONO MTS FOR- 725-0272 or 356-7214. utll. Avail 6/1. Before room In newly decorated week. Sep 1/2 price. Call I AUCTIONS I & 5/12. Household, antU Infant frontpack, $10. grarns, Barely used. Very good cond; roller is color), excellent condi- Ads In Classified RIVER— Waterfront L- Call 668-9778; office. By month or lease. 356-8046 or 830-4322. ques, Jewelry, something Baby swing. $10. 359- like new, original $350. tion, asking $600. Call $15; Cover 21'-$35. Call ASSOCIATES. Realtors; ECLOSURE SALE- PIZZA BUSINESS- 5PM, 644-3870; After 1200/BO. Call 359-4281. LOVESEAT^ rocking 218-0271. ranch, mint condition. Three acres by owner. 15 MIDDLESEX— 4 fins. SPM. 356-1711 Includes utilities & copy for everyone. No early 2260 COMPUTER MONITOR— 789-1455 chair; ladles & rabbit 234-0438, 9AM-4PM ' dontcost — PO Box D, 480.Rt. 530, Great Martlnsvllle loca- 2nd floor & full attic. WAV POCONOS- Bio Bass •V ••• ~ " / birds Whiting, NJ 08759. 1-800- Asking $275,000. Call minutes to_DWG Brldqe. MANVILLE- Avail. June machine. Fax avail. Walk Lake. Spring & Summer — BEDS & ACCESSORIES; Magnayox 13* RGB color FIESTA WARE- large Jacket; Trumpet like new. NEAR ANTIQUE- Pine POOL FILTER PUMP- They pay! 908-255-3270 tionl Offered at $190,000. carpet, off street parking, ELWOOD G. HELLER & jelly cabinet with single Hayward, SP 1575-1, 3/4 631-5509 Lease/Terms available! prefer .1-2 persons, VA 1, unfurnished 3 bdrm. RR. Call 516-568-8871. Getaways. 3 bdrm lake- EDISON, 8 MARLIN AVE #CM8762, 1yr. old, great quantity, original, Call Call 755-3560. DUNELLEN- 1,000 sq.ft. SONS- Auctioneers & Ap- drawer, 2 doors, original HP., 3450 rpm. New, over payments, $140, RANALD C. BROWN, mo security. $650/mo. Ranch, full bsmt., walk to front, Cable, VCRr boat, praisers. For info, on auc- EAST (off Grovey- May oak pieces: Wash stand w/Atarl, Commodore, Tl, 234-2559 leave message. MANTLE PIECE— fake monthly. Call now. 1-717- stores & church $975 professional office in fishing, troutstream, 4, 9AM-4PM. GE washer, IBM, RQB/CGA. Apple II. w/logs, good condition, gallery, excellent condi- never used. Retail $200 Realtor, 469-2333. 781-9556 leave message, . tlons or consignment with towel bar, $325. 3 FISHING BOAT- Alum. tion, asking $700. Call asking $125. Call 646-8594 plus utll. Adults pref. No large Colonial house. lodge, pool, beaches, GE gas dryer, like now; drawer filing cabinet, BENNINGTON PINE King $125.722-3195 V Hull,14'. Set up for foot about 50yrs. old. $95. MIDDLESEX- Downsr sales, Robert E. Heller, 234-0438, 9AM-4PM 276-3813. POCONOS- 1/4 Acre RARITAN- Salorr for pets. References, 11/2 Convenient location. Off tennis. Wk/ wkends. DR set; 3 wall units; $175. Phone fable, $125. bdrm. set— 5 pcs., good COMPUTER: AT&T controlled trolling motor, Chuch 908-654-0256. sale; Corner of Wall & talre, 5 rooms, 2 bdrms. street parking. 2 MOS.Summer Weeks $575. (908) 236-2195; 704-0555 loveseat; wall mirror; steel OAK PEDESTAL PORTABLE SINGER near lake community; mos. sec. Call 722-7199, PUBLIC AUCTION SALE Walnut "East Lake" cond. $600; Cherry bdrm; 6300- 30MB hard drive, swivel Bass seat $400 w/ MAPLE BEDROOM Somerset St., 800+ sq ft. $665/mo plus all utilities. after 4pm. FREE RENT.752-0313. Spring rates, May mid- closet; mlsc household : COLOR MONITOR, 8 Mhz TABLE- 48". w/4 chairs, MACHINE- LARGE BEAUTIFUL DECK!!! private, pool, tennis, play IVfe mo. security. No pets. ..• Somervllle Inn dresser with mirror, $275. set dbl. bed. chest, dres- 9.9 Mercury englng $900. 8ET— 4pcs.— double ground, city water; sewer, Moving South! Gall 526- MANVILLE- Duplex. 3 week specials. Call 201- HILLSBORO- Moving/ Maple pieces: Hutch, ser, end table $250; 201- XT, 360K floppy. drive. 722r1854 or 722-7500. . needs some work $300; 2 also protector screen. 7526: . • References. Available 6/1. DUNELLEN- .650, sq.ft. 992-4903 •••'•. 961 Rt. 22 West bed, excel, cond. $200. stenciled straight back Call 276-9116. $25,000. 908-213-1896. l^ "M bedrooms $1100; 2 bed-Office/Store on. busy Ht. Brldgewater, NJ Garage, sale multy family, Boston "loop back 543-2765. ' $875 or best offer. Call FORMAL DRESSES, Singer sewing machine after5p.' '.' UMLIM1TED INCOME'-.^,,.^ . -,-- - rooms $1000/mo. Im- POCONOS- Mountain Van Llew off Beekman "rocker, $250. 707-1526. chairs, good cond. $120/ QUASAR 2 CONSOLE 28. New Plaza. Off-street Mon. May 13,1.1AM good quality, sizes 4 & 6. C1955, $100. Call both. 201-543-2765. POTENTIAL- Recession MIDDLESEX-- M ddles- maculate side by side parking. 1 MO. FREE Chalet, luxuriously fur- Preview Mon-Frl 3PM- Wood Field Estates. Cherry"bow back" rocker BIKE- 16" boys, $20; COMPUTER- IBM Reasonably priced. Call 725-0562. TV— 21", color picture, 2 proof business venture •* Village; Spacious 1 units avail. 5/20/91; new nished. Plan a Spring Get 8PM, May 6-10 & 9AM on Clothing, toys books eve- OFFICE DESK- 60 x 30, W high, 4' long. Mah- can be yours. Only busl- Mm .Garden apt $680/ RENT. 752-0313. Butcher block bar w/2Compatible, complete 543-5983, MOVING- garden & dark brown, 5 draw with f 235 ^\ ln ud condition, modern klte- DUNELLEN- Approx. Away Weekend or Sum- Sale Day. Catalog, will be rything'else. Sat 5/4 10a- Charles 8 after leather stools, mirrored system, hard meg drive, ogany, good cono., $100. \MOBILE HOMES] ness minded need to call. __, .°' «?_J*••* * hcns, baths, finished mer Vacation. Enjoy fav- 5p. Rain date Sun. • 7PM only. FRANKLIN FITNESS laWn equip, chest w/ swivel chair. $100. Call Call: 469-9364. 908-789-3710 H.W. NO PETS. Pool 700 sq. ft; office space, 3 aval). - front-$i 50; Vertical blinds,' floppy, 640k, monitor, CENTER— membership dresser. Stereo. Car basements, skylights & orlte activities. 231-1445. double, peach, rose-$50/ business software Inc. 668-5137. after 6pm. I & SITES J WAVMF rniiMTV PA— available. Call 356-5550 ample sldeyard parking; rooms, 2nd. floor, excel- ' Entire contents of Inn &METUCHEN- 267 for a great price. • Extra radio. New cameras. Tea REFRIGERATOR- 10 CU WAYNE COUNTY-, PA.— | mauia* lent location, center of SEASIDE HEIGHTS- 2 - kitchens CENTRAL AVE., 5/4; 9-ANTIQUE WOOD EN- ea. 463-7892. $425. Steve 253,0126. bonuses Incl. Offer no set. Handicapped walkor. OFFICE FURNITURE ft, $100; Wall unit, all nnvn the 2 BDRM short term w/ 4pm. ESTATE SALE. TERTAINMENT CEN- wood, $325; Stereo tape Motel, Restaurant, Liquor _*^ ™™H*' p, .. one month extensions. town. 968-2063.. • ' 3 room apartments, . Furniture— Victorian & BIKE— 1988 league Fuji. COMPUTER— Laptop longer avail. 805-9065 for Paintings, etc. 968-2387 USED— This Is a going BRANCHBURQ— Liberty,' License, separate large. 'MIDDLESEX- Private Call for details. THE HIGHLAND PARK- 500 sleeps 4-6 adults ea apt. early amerlean, oil paint- Opened 38 boxes, filled eo right side, space for Alloy wheels, 12 speed/ •PC, Toshiba T1100+, 2- details MOVING- household out of business sale for a deck, turntable, speakers, 12x60, 2 bdrm, covered Apt. AH on 2 1/2 apres. home, professional PRUDENTIAL PIONEER sq.'. office on. the Main 1 block from beach. $395. ings, prints, Carpeting, tables with: Character TV in the middle, bar on Fuji vallte tubing. Good 72 OK floppy. 640K Ram. items, garden tractor, 2 person office. Prices are $250; floor lamp $50. Owner retired. $205,000/«-epuple, preferred, 2 mugs; Willoware; .99 lids; the left aide: 572-3385 FRANKLIN FITNESS 752-2914. patio,, shed, central AC, REAL ESTATE, 658-4300 Street (Rarltan Ave.) ofper week. 201-725-3778/ lamps, etc. Bar— tables, condition, S200/BO. 233- Internal modem 1200 CENTER COUPLE lawn equip, tools, freezer, 1/1 Oth of new. We have 2 Public Service gas, newB.O. (908)725-0039 bdrms. Includes utlltJea, 793-3384. Weekends. chairs, booth, bar, refrig,. Depression. Glass; stem- 6008. ' •'.'•' BPS, DOS 3.3, $675/offer. ' desks, 2 file cabinets, 2 • ' $650, 1 month security. Highland Park; New facil- ware; Pewter & morel ANTIQUES- chairs, pic- MEMBERSHIP- $725 or firewood, furn, Xmas REFRIGERATOR- 19.2 furnace, extras. $35,000. PISCATAWAY- house ity with parking in excel- ST. MAARTEN- Beauti- decor, etc. Dining halls— ture frames & more best 908-234-2384 best offer. Call 469-2493. decorations, formats size work tables, 2 closed cu ft, freezer, Ice-maker, 756-2765:215-493-2061 r _ "V Call 537-2022 after 6PM. on FARM, 7 rooms, fire- ful villas on sparkling Car- 1 mirrors, chanedseliers, Also serious reductions. BLUE VELOUR SOFA- storage cabinets, 2 open lent location. Available im- No checks,- no early offer. Call 725-7723 even- $350., Floral- Sofa $300., COMPUTER— New In 7, etc; 369-5343 ", $75. Stove, gas, 4 burner, EDISON- 1968 PRIN- I .*.—3Z° .— I MIDDLESEX- Private place, DR, available Im-mediately. Call 719-7948, ibbean. 1-4 bdrms., maid, paintings, tables etc. Ings. FREEZER- 18 cu. '. racks w/5 shelves 24x36. 30" oven, broiler, $60. pool, all amenities. By sale's; numbers at 6 AM. Wool Graded Rug $275., box, IBM clone-by Nexus Needs paint, good work- MOWER- used & CESS, 12 X 50. Very \ APARTMENTS I home, professionalmediately. Call 463-8086 9-5 ask for Mr. O'Brien. , Kitchen— confectionary WANTED WAR RELICS- Systems. Fully stocked. 1 Credenza, 1 bookcase Excel running cond. 873- for details owner 271-0297. . ovens, walk In refrig., 9ALE BY LOIS LEBBING. ' Dining Room set $250., Ing cond.-$25; COPIER, spreader. Good condition. and 1 Savin Copy Mach- good condition, fur-I FOR RENT I couple preferred, 2 METUCHEN- 2 to 6 LI.S. - German - Japanese Litton Microwave. $175. Call 908-752-7704, leave Sharp plain paper, Model $45 for both. 563-1578 1816 : • nished, porch, shed, SOMERVILLE- Ranch, room offices, prime loca- stainless steel table, MIDDLESEX- 476 message if no answer ine w/enlarger & reducer.. I rwnncrai j bdrrT^a includes utIIUea. ST. MAARTEN— Luxury swords, helmets, dag- 725-6525. 218-0145.' SF740, excel. cond.-$225. MUST SELL! Two round REMEMBER MOM— with washer/dryer, 2 AC,; Immaculate 3 bedrooms, tion, near train & bus, off ocean _ front.„ 2 _bdrm, 2 _ mixers, buffalo chopper Union Aye. 5/9. 10am-gers, medals, uniforms, Every Item Is metal con- a beautiful live plant or , double electric stove, side ^ ' • —' $650, 1 month security. w/attachments, assort- •5pm.-Rain date-5/10.-Up- BLUE VELVET Sofa Bed; COUCH— Brand new 722-1854 or 722-7500. arch steel buildings, one struction & In good cond. 7 Call 537-2022 after 6PMr~ 11/2 baths. No pets. street parking. Call bath villa. Upper & lower brown cordaroy look, very Is 40x60*. Easy to erectl silk arrangement on.Moth- by side refrigerator, wall & bath, partly furnished. Security & references. ARNOLT, 548^400. ment of plates,, pots,- pans to 50% off toys,.., 2;fltlbdTil FURNITURE- 3 sofas, Will sell part or all. 908- Expanded cape features, LV, RM.JR. DR. EFF KIT, 4 MONTGOMERY- 2 decks. For glorious sun- after 5PM 272-5432. wood grain table w/2 Ivs.•large pillows, Must sell Maintenance free! First 654-5666 for info or visit. ers 'Day. Come to to Wall carpeting, etc. Near park. Non-smoker. $1250/mo. RANALD C. set. Pool, maid service. etc. Banquet equipment. plush, books,, clothing. chairs, marble top .coffee Blrdhaven Greenhouse at BDRMS, high dry basement' Wlaundry section and $22,500/BO. Ask for Bob Upstairs.. Mature person/ bdrm, garage, yar'd, MIDDLESEX/SOME- Miscellaneous— hostess & 3 chairs, all very good Please call 789-2192. table, lamps, dishes. Al'l come,' First' servedl Seri- PICNIC TABLES & beautiful setting, $725/ BROWN, Realtor; Close to~~.caslno3 & fine Bea Skydell dolls & toys. cond. 846-1696. • . . . $250 or Best offer. ous buyers only.-Atlantlc Catalpa Dr., Brldgewater 549-3583 or 287-6727. couple. 1 mo security. 469-2333. RVILLE- 200 & 450 carts, cashier station, PISCATAWAY- 594 Dial excellent condition. Call BENCHES— $75. Man-Twp. for.a good selection. PLAY RM. V/z baths, large fenced in back yard, GAQ. Also will assume mortg- mo. Eves 908-359-1923 restaurants. 654-0753. Building Systems 1-800- 908-356-6561 square feet available. Ex- neon signs, doors, toilets, AVe., Frl-Sat, 5/3-5/4; 9a- 3*5 BOOKCASE- glass COUCH- Green/gold 232-3682. after 6pm. vllle. For details. Call 658-3142. •";•• All this for ...... ;.„ :.:. •....„;..•;.'.... $169,900.00 age If necessary .__^__ NO. PLAINFIELD— 2 WARREN- 2 bdrms., LR, cellent location. Call VISTANA RESORT-. sprinkler.system etc.. At- FOR SALE door8,42 x 15 x 62"-$75; tweed contempory. end 942-1234 Brian 722-0196. _B.OUND_BR_OOK- i bdrm. Somerset St. $675/ DR, Kit.,•_ basement, gar- _FJprlda. 2 ml. from Dis- 5p, Giant sale all Kinds of FURNITURE- bedroom RINGER WASHER- 10 HIGHLAND PARK— fully bdrm, LR, DR, kit.TYath, 52fr366i or S2&0694. _^ tached to property— gas Dres8er.-$50; Typewriter-:. ..tables & lamps, $600. Call set,-solid wood, dresser, m6.Tutllltles:?61-T268 age. No pets. $875 plus ney?^bdrnr Vlllaf2 bathSr fiFf^S^apliftS ff^-'- $^hkS45S -526r2Z7.6-after_6PM,_.. 1._. PIT SECTIONAL SOFA- "8pd bike, Shwi.nn bike furnished mobile home WAV carpeting, off-street MIDDLESEX- By owner,. =armolre,=2 jnlghtJables.- ilBCB.-idark brbwrt yel- NO. PLAINFIELD- 2nd uW\t Available 6/1. Call New luxurious office TV, VCR, 7. pools, tertnls. new hoses, sfgns'etc. PlSCAtAWAY- 6 qfiyr.raftrnatlri hnd, weed for 1 person. $350/mo + parking. $750/mo. Utll., floor, 2 bdrms,. $675/mo, 968-1529. health club, for details call BOOKSHELVES- (2) COUCH- Tufted w/ Lamp. 2 marble tables. voi, excellent condition,' whip, wrought iron chairs not IncLRrof. couple pre- condos, Rt. 28, 1.7 acre. Directions- Rt .287 H toThanes ave. OFF Steltort 2 DESKS- 2 Dressers 2 frultwood trim. Marble pocket novels, war. his- 272-8337 heat. 572-1822. plus utll. 1 1/2' mos'. sec. 297T8721 • & Halnes. Sat 5/4 10a-4p. LaTdl mta 2 bikes «»" double dopr cabinets Wall mirror. Excel cond. $800. Solid 40 In. maple &. outdoor furniture. Call ferred. No pets. 469-1588. $99,000, 100% financing Rt. 22 W. 1 mile on right underneatn- A" wood- cocktail table & 2 end round coffee, table, $200. KINGWOOD TWP. 1971 Avail. Immed. 968-1249. side, across from o|d .Ralndate 5/5. 6 Families;. Consol record Dlaver' walnut finish. Excellent Best offer. 885-1793 722-3682 . HALLMARK TRAILER- 2 f 260 available for qualified WILDWOOD CREST- P tabjes. 2 crystal lamps. FURNITURE- Moving, all. 722-3364 Call 356-1607, „ 115 Milri Street BOUND BROOK— 2 bed- NO. PLAINFIELD- bright Dlamond Beach, 2 bdrm, Howard Johnsons Ciornputers-Toys-rnower- 24^l TTV,.pluV DUj8rnlscs mlsc Jtenferns^' bedrooms, good condi- rooms, eat-ln-kitchen, liv- I TOWNHOUSES&&\ buyers.; HELP-U-SELL P, ^ ______Excellent cond. 369-4715 must sell contents of Cranford . spacious 1 bdrm, heat & FT, M, Bkn 469-2600. 2 bath Condo. Ocean Terms— 25% cash dep- blke & more.. ' after8PM •.•-•: . tion. Call Joanne 908-996- ing room, off-street park- hot water Included, no 1 CONDOMINIUMS psit or certified funds, SO. BOUND BROOK, AID rnuniTinupn BOWRIDER— 85 Renken home. Call mornings 276- view, all an.emltle8, 20 0MC 1589 D.S. KUZSMA 3140. pets, off street parking. \_ FOR RENT MIDDLESEX— Executive washer, dryer, TV, VCP,. Visa MC, cash only. Ad- 222 BATHGATE AVE., WITH MATCHING' " IB/OB, full can- DESK- 46X21 $65; 24' RFALTY E»ch ofllce U Independently owlted »„ optrlled. NO. BRUNSWICK- 14 X monthminth. Cal^l Call 356-2342 Office space 200-225 electric grill. 2 pools. ditional terms announced Sat. '5/4: .9-? 3 FAMILIES, ^ F^ Vas. less than 500hrs.Ext. Ladder $35; Crib G.E. ELECTRIC 30" sq.ft. Will divide. Very $10; HI Chair $10; Red 70 custom, 2 bdrm., 1 1/2BOUND BROOK—2 bed- NORTH PLAINFIELD, BRIDGEWATER- Spring & summer rates. at sale. (off Edgewood Terr.) RANGE— self cleaning, Find your hidden Hours: 9:30 to 6 p.m., Thurs, 9:30 to 8 p.m., Sat, & Sun. til 5 p.m. flexible terms. 469-8401, wood Chaise $10; and bath, fireplace, breakfast' rooms, eat in kitchen, off- GREENWOOD GAR- Beacon Hill, Hovnanlan. 2 654-3635, 233-1585 or Auctioneer . Household, clothing, brlcr oven timer, good running bar, all appliances. bdrm Townhouse, 2Vfe ask for Sandy! 232-6829 M.Theo a-brac, etc. Misc. Call 725-8545. order. $65. Free, hood w/ DENS- Well-maintained PISCATAWAY- OFFICE purchase. Avacodo $62,900 neg. Call 297- th> Ca 1 bdrm. garden apts. baths, LR, DR, eat In kit, 908-264-6294 DID YQU 4729. " OR RETAIL. 6,000 SQ. SOMERSET- Nantwlck AIR CONDITIONERS- KNOW... green. (908) 534-9689. TREASURES ^' $650.41/mo. Includes W & D, refrlg, Central air. FT. WILL DIVIDE. Court (Regency Homes/ TRAILER HOME— Rt. 28, BOUND BROOK— 2nd heat & H.W. NO PETS. pool, tennis, clubhouse. 285 Quallbrook, off Willow This little ad can be read GIFT BASKETS- Cus- North Branch. 45VU\ 756-1167. $1100 + Utll. 231-9225 FORMER BANK AND | MISCELLANEOUS In more than 147,000 tom made, free delivery to. Spend an hour ...spend a day I Find those Advertise fir, 4 rooms, off street DENTIST OFFICE. 981- 5 I Avenue). Saturday May homes In 15 publications excellent condition. Cent- parking w/garage, yard, PISCATAWAY— 3 rooms HILLSBOROUGH- 1 RENTALS 11th. 10AM-4PM. 2nd; Somerset Medical Center oldies but goodies at great lotu prices! ral air, furnished. Call bdrm, 1 bath. WAV car-1313. 310 throughout Somerset, and Muhlenberg Hospitol. in the Classified! bsmt. w/W&D -hook-up, COMPLETELY furnished, Annual Block Garage CA^JNSTWIN BED- Middlesex and Union 469-0252 attic, porch w/prlv. en- pet, AC, pool & tennis. SOUTH PLAINFIELD- GARAGE SALESs\ 3 d New Baby Baskets a 1 bdrm, air, all utilities I c Sale. Rain or Shine. AIRPLANE:-Does. your -^eP ^' Counties? It caught your ranee. $650/mo + utll. incl. Avail 6/1, 2nd floor, $725/mo + utilities & Professlonal office in FANWOOD- garage for Come Ear|y for Your Best m . Sepeclalty. 356-5832. CAnd have a lot of fun, tooiy 271-0175 security. Avail May 15.prestigious medical buil- cornany need amodestly attention, didn't it? off-street parking, long or rent near railroad.station. Buyslll ' priced executlVealrplane? Sc,n|r $25 All'ln .'. Call YOUR ad in today! HEDSTROM SWING Call 908-874-3362 ding. Flexible arrange- nd Ca after 4PM 752 Forbes Newspapers BOUND BROOK— Large short term lease, security $55/mo. Call 232-3381 NOTICE: All GARAGE SOMERVILLE 3 KIRBY We sell exqbllantvlow cost P5 - " - " &800-334-0531. SET- W/glider. 2 pas- & refs. Professional pref. HILLSBOROUGH- 2 ments for full/part time SALES advertisements senger swings, 2 school- 2 room efficiency, off- shared use spaces. From AVE.— YARD SALEI Frl. (pre-owned£*executive '*''*• ". . '——: We Get Results! street parking, heat In- $750.469-1270 bdrm., 2 bath Condo, Den are PAYABLE IN AD&- Sat., May 3 & 4, 9AM- airplanes & ca^Tirovlde- CARPET CLEANER/ yard swings, galvanized w/fireplace, w/w, CAC,1-7 offices available. Price 295 DINETTE SET- 35 X 48 eluded, $500/month. Call RAHWAY- 2 bdrm apt. negotiable. Near major VANCE by cash, check, 5PM. Ralndate May 10 & pilots & maintenance. RUG SHAMPOQER- slide. 2 yrs old. $50. 722-4311. "-• appliances, storage, ROOMMATES 11. Misc. Items, wooden Flnanclng also avail. Call Hardly used. $1300. woodtohe formica table, 7S5-6692 CLASSIFIED In nice neighborhood. VISA or Master Card. For bsmt. Pool. Call regional medical center. extension leaf, plus 4 BRIDGEWATER— 4 Available July 1st. $696/ a quote 6rt cost, please craft'Items, • . ;'. 908'996-7656: ..,''"• • ••' Please call 908-968-9451 IRISH WOOL- 22 balls O M IM O. 1 O .281-0,166. Call Dr. Thornton at WANTED chairs. Best, offer. Call T O N room, new kitchen,. $730/ month ••+ utilities. Call 753-1800. call 1-800-334-0531. AMANA SIDE BY' SIDE ' 'CARPET ' 29V-8174T of 50 grams each. PLease mo. 1 .V&ma security. No •908-382-8116. . . _ SOMERSET- 2 bedroom REFRIGERATOR/ , . ' y •.. call for price. 231-6871. WATCHUNG- app- l/[: 312 ~\ vus' completed another DINING ROOM The Marketplace At Your Fingertips pets. Call 647-9450. ROSELLE PARK- condo. 1 bath, central air, NOTICE: All ROOMMATES BELLE MEAD- Moving FREEZER— 22 4 cu ft KENMORE Washer & refrigerator, washer/dryer. roximately 500 to 1375 CHAIRS- 6 W/gold CALIFON- 1st floor apt. 8paclous modern apt. sq. '. professional build- WANTED advertisements Garage Sale, 51 Kilmer. BAZAARS w/ice maKer. 755 949B. development. Over 750 nauglhlde seats; 5' coffee elec. dryer, heavy duty, on ground level. Large DW, AC, WAV, $695/mo. Upstairs. Available July 1. are PAYABLE IN ADVANCE Saturday 5/4 9am-5pm.I & SALES I . ^ , large capacity, used 6 Here's Where To Start: $865 mo. plus electric & ing. Easy access to route .- _, B40- talnmaater e(t> table;, wroght Iron trivets Kit., elec. range, refrlg., Utilities. Lease, security. 78 & 22. Ample parking, by cash, check, VISA or Only. Sender 212 Cablnet-$175; Close out $8.88. Also & 2 bikes. Call 359-3047 mos. Maintenance con- wood cabinets, 3 bdrms, No pets. Couple pref. security. 218-2985. Master Card. For a quote Earth Producer guitar. , builder's grade at tract valid. $550/both. 305: Auctions 241-8044 Or 635-5595. SOMERSET- Wngsberry avail, immediately. 561- BOUND BROOK, 235 u DINING ROOM SCOTCHPLAINS $139,900 carpet, modern bath, 2600 or 232-9323 on cost, please call WEST MAIN ST (off Vos- BASEBALL CARD head-$175j Drum8-2 sets _ commercial ^N 725-0190. after 6. 310: Garage Sales bsmt. storage, W/D ROSELLE PARK- 1 2 bdrm. Townahbuse, 2Vs WESTFIELD ADDRESS— 1-800-334-0531. SHOW— May 18th,Ludwlg, 1 set/Rogers, * i h HUTCH- solid maple, KITCHEN CABINETS- hookup, heat & water fur-. seller)- 5/4, 9-5; 5/5,10AM-3PM. Readlngton $425. Dark pine TV wall bdrm. & Efficiencies. Heat bath, garage, .eat In kit,High exposure profes- 9-12. ESTATE SALE: fur- ;Call 685-2295 full set, medium oak with 312: Bazaars & Sales nlshed.. Off-street parking. & hot water supplied. LR, DR, W & D, refrlg, sional bunding with ample School, Whltehouse Sta- 254*7904 unit, double bed, night butcher block counters, All services provided by BEDMINSTER- Prof niture, bric-a-brac, china, tion. Table $30/8 ft; ATTIC FAN- 31" Dla. table, dryslnk. All ex- 314: Antiques New w/w carpet, painted, central air, tennis, $1100 parking. Comer unit 1800' bell collection, mlsc CHILD CRAFT- Crib excellent condition, owner. 11/2 mos. sec;.nice bldg. Private parking. + utilities. 231-9225 male/female. Non-smoker Admission $1. 534-9750 41" sq. 1/3 HF cellent. 722-6753 divided & carpeted. Forto share 2 bdrm, 2 bath with matching dresser. $1000.873-1816 315: For Sale $925. 908-832-2164. No pets. Call 241HB869, SOMERSET- Quallb- appointment to view call BOUND BROOK, 410 CRAFT FAIR- Flea 90. Call Call for Price: 707-0413. DINING ROOM SET- 6 Condo In The Hills. $475/ CHURCH ST.- RAIN OR or 8 pieces; good condl- KITCHEN CABINETS- CRANFORD- 1st floor, 2 after 4 pm. or Iv. mess. rook. 1 large bdrm with 232-3031 Market, Mother Seton CLOSED BUSINESS- Etc. 494-1617. mo. + 1/4 utll. Avail 5/1. SHINE, Sat, May 4, 9AM- H.S. , Clark NJ at GSP tion, $200. Eves & slnka, wall unit, Jenn-AIr family, .1 bdrm, Ig spac- bath In new 2 bdrm/2 Call234r2172 left over greeting cards, wall mounted microwave, ous rms, 3 blocks to train. bath condo. Non-smoker, 2PM, furniture, house- exit 135. Opposite Ram- BABY ITEMS- Travel weekends 885-1417 SOMERSET- 1 BR., LR, hold, baby Items, crib, tender $40; car seat $20; baseball cards, gifts, car telephone, type-, New furnace. Avail kitchen, heat Included. $460 + utlls. Available MIDDLESEX- Male/ ada Inn. Sat 5/4 9a-4p. DINING ROOM TRESTLE I COMMERCIAL I Female to share 2 bed- walker, more. . wood high chair $10; many other • Items . 754- wrltefa, office chairs, Immed. $750/mo Incl $625. per month. 1 1/206/01.271-4817. carriage $15; honey oak 8275lv.msg; TABLE & Benches, Pine, drafting table, many more elec. 276-9298, 276-9662 month security. 937-9335. I PROPERTY I room modern apartment. BOUND BROOK,. 428 72 In.; 2 leaves, opens to $400/mo. + V& utilities. & brass crib, best offer; COCKTABLE TABLES- mteo Items. 754-6717 DUNELLEN- 1st floor. SOMERVILLE- 1 & 2 LONGWOOD AVE., Sat. bedding $75. 463-0875 96 In. Gla83 top w/beve^ V FOR RENT J Smokers OK. Call 563- 5/4 & Sun. 5/5; 10-4. 20x20 glass top, Medi- led edges. Excel, condi- KITCHEN SET- $200., Lovely 1 .'bdrm. In 2 bdrms, 1st. & 2nd. floor f 205 ^ terranean style, $50 each. Flatware- Oneldacraft apts. Near hospital, priv- ROOMS I 4725. MOVING SALE! BEAUTY SALON EQ- tion. $1000. Call after family, private entrance, BERNARDSVILLE- 930 China Norltake; Corinth 5pm, 356-6419. stainless 8 settings $100., walk to train & bus, $700/. ate house, no pets, sec- sq. ft. plus basement. NO. PLAINFIELD- (out- BRIDGEWATER 521 & f FOR RENT J 517 FOOTHILL RD.- pattern. Serving for 12+, Other Items. Call. 232- mo. Avail immediately. urity & references. Call BOOTH AGENCY, INC. side Sleepy Hollow area) make room selling Styling $250,725-7633. 4567. Call Vlnnie or Jeff, 302- 526-1632. M/F to snare 3 bdrm Sat., May 4, 9AM-4PM. 2 Chair, Dryer Chair, both. DOUBLE OVEN- Glass 908-788-2100 see through. Kitchen KITCHEN SET- solid 1990 or 752-6533 BRANCHBURQ- Fur- house. $300/mo + 1/3 households. Wide variety ..' ...6f position and $725. 11/2 yr old excel, COFFEE TABLE- glass SOMERVILLE- 1 bdrm, SOUTH PLAINFIELD- Utilities. 756-6539. of Items. cond. Also avail one white with solid brass edge; 42" white sink, Both $150 BO, pine table, 3' x 4', bench DUNELLEN- 1st. floor, 5 $600/mo. Includes all uti- nished room, Kitchen Offlce8 for rent, with or career Is advertised In' 908-752-9014 after 7p. & 2 arm chairs. $350; Call privileges. Next door to classified. When you're porcellan shampoo sink. round, solid dark wood rooms (2 bdrms). Spaci- lities. Convenient to without warehouse. Cate- By Belvldere. $125. Call 781-6936. . ous apt in good location. trains, buses & shopping. Rarltan Valley Comm. ring to the small business Advertise ready to make a base, exquisite, paid DRUM SET- 5pc. $750/month. Call 359- College. Call for further 756-6969. . $1100, asking $525. Call Royce, new heads, in-LAWNMOWER- Snap- Call 725-4652 eves. person. Minutes from move, get the 781-0565, Iv. message. Circa 1712 and waiting to be restored with love. 10 rooms, 2 baths, Moved to 1189 eves. Information 526-4432. Route 287. Call 668-5222. In the Classified! classified habit. BEDROOM SET- 5 pc, cludes hardware & 2per model P21507B. 5hp. SOMERVILLE- 2 BR , cymbals. $250. 534.1192. Self propelled, used only its present site In, 1847. WSF 3039. DUNELLEN- Duplex, 2 W/W Carpet. Good BRIDQEWATER- Large $500. DR set w/hutch COMIQ BOOK COL- 1 season. UkeNew$375. Bdrm, 1 Bath, new carpet. no pets $675. pet1 furnished room for work- $500. Water purifiers $40. LECTION- over 2000 No Pets, 1. V4 month ing lady. Kitchen privi- f 280 :\\ VENDORS AND SHOPPERS End tables $25. Brass DRYER- electric H.D. 908-685-3677. Most major Marvel titles, white, excel cond, $125. LIVING ROOM LOVE leges. Non smoker. Off- 1 VACATION lamps $10. Organ $30. early 80's-present. Mint or WESTFffiLD SCHLOTT plus ftM^l Street parking. Call WANTED Rocker $10. 725-5192 Freezer, 10 cu ft, white, SEAT- sofa & chair, large Maria dadayys 526-5225 1 RENTALS J near mint. Valued- $4500, upright, works, $75. 756-country print, earth tones, GARWOOD- spacious 1 eve. 369-33722. 725-8906. asking $3700.276-3898 264 East Broad St. FiEALTORS" 14th Annual BEDROOM SET- 7 9624 after 6PM & week- colonial, good condition & HILLSBOROUGH- Fur- ends clearr, $300. Call 752- . 233-5555 nished room with kitchen BEACH HAVEN AREA- piece walnut, excellent COMICS FOR SALE- STEP Alumni Association Flea Market -condition, $495. Sofa, new books, subscriber 4157. j £550/mo. plus utilities. & laundry use. Off-street Newer, Ig oceanslde, 3 ELEC DRYER- Whlrl- building In quiet "area, no parking. Male. only. Call chair & coffee table, $95. discounts. For Inquiries pool good cond. $75. LIVING ROOM SET- Security required. Call bdrms, 2, full baths, 356-6383 call 908-^22-4765 Entire room. Dinette set. pets. 789-9198 no fees. 725-1843 . 359M)238. washer, free badges. THIS WAY SATURDAY, MAY 11 BABT Swing $15., $650-$725/wk. Wknds & Walker/Rocking Horse Elderly woman moving. HIGHLAND PARK- 1 SOMERVILLE- clean 3 NO. PLAINFIELD- Fur- (rain date May 19) BEDROOM SET- 7pc,COMMODORE 128- $25., Carriage/stroller Call 609-466-4014, person, 3rd. fir' efficiency rooms & bath, first floor, nished room. Kitchen Mem. wknd $120/ night, 3 TO fine pecan wood, king wlth 1571 disk drive, $50. 908-685-1368. after 7pm. apt. $415/mth utlls In- garage, $585/mo. plus privileges. Young busi- night twin. 232-4909, UNION COUNTY COLLEGE bed, all very good $350: monitor, modem, Joy cluded. Security deposit utilities. After 6PM, 725-ness woman. Non- HILTON HEAD- 2 bdrm, also Zenith remote TVstick, Panasonic printer; In Your New & reliable refs. 937-5246 1906 smoker. 756-0294. 2 bath, air conditioned 1033 Springfield Ave., Cranford console 24" wood cabinet lots of software, $400/BO. Advertise In the Classified! after 10:30am-6pm. • Condo. Beach,' pool & THE TOP $175:234-0479. 753-8595. \[ Condominium SOUTH PLAINFIELD- 1 PI8CATAWAY- room In tennis on premises. Golf INFO CALL^7p9-7506 KENILWORTH- 3 room bdrm. apt. $575 plus utili- private home. Avail. - OF ties. WAV carpet, AC, call nearby. $550/Wk. Call apt. Just painted, new 1 Immed. Kitchen privi- 889-2292 , g Villa® carpet & tile. Close to 754-0090, Mon.-Fn ., 9AM- leges. Female Non- 5PM or eves. 232-0923 LAVALLETTE- Ocean YOUR FIELD! Con&ormntums; transportation. $550 plus smoker. Call 752-0483, block, 2 & 3 bdrm. utilities. 276-6513 days, SOUTH PLAINFIELD- 3 after 5pm. houses. AC, color TV, MAKE THE CONNECTION -FILL IN THIS COUPON Old World charm & quality renovations make English Village 272-5741 eves. . ,:;bdrms., 2 baths, LR, DR, deck, walk to everything. Kit., air cond., $925/ mo. PI8CATAWAY- Sleeping Union County's premier condo conversion starting as low as KENILWORTH- 5 1 1A mos. sec. No pets. room for working gent- $725 & $825/wk. Call $4 ; rooms, 2 bdrms, large Avail, how. Call after 4PM, lemen. Call 463-0044" 685-0193 kitchen, \ierv private, off:769-8715. LONG BEACH ISLAND, RESTRICTIONS: street parking, $625 + SOMERVILLE— Resident SURF CITY- Sleeps 10, utlls. No security deposit, SOUTH PLAINFIELD- tJal area, hear shopping & CAC, .washer/dryer, gas 1. 6 line limit no lease required. Ayall- cory, 1st floor, 1 bdrm, in transportation. $80/up, 1 • Prestige able 5/91. Call 272-2311. quiet 2 family home, security. Kitchen, parking, grill. Call 709-4676. 2. Must be paid in advance- $525+. 757-0165 or 302- safe & secure building. • Owner Supplied Financing LONG BEACH ISLAND- cash, check, VISA, or Adwrtlao fit the Cfanffied/ 1656 Manager, 722-2107. Beach Haven. June-Sept MasterCard (no refunds) to qualified buyers. wks avail. New decks. 1 WE8TFEILD- 3 Br,SOUTH PLAINFIELD- Good location near train block off Ocean & Bay. 3. No Copy changes • Peaceful & serene estate Prlvat* house. Kttchan &.Lots of parking. 3 bdrms, station. Call 10am-5pm laundry facilities, utilities; 4. Offer limited to like grounds. 232-8777. After 5PM 232- sleeps £T722-7ff46 BROOKSIDE inolude'd, non-smoker noncommercial ads GARDEN APTS. 9749. preferred. $325/month. LONG BEACH ISUND- • Easy walk to NY train, Call 754-8417, Beach Haven Park, Somervllle, N.J. Fill in 1 character per box, allowing for spaces and 5. General Merchandise For Sale town shops. ( 288 A , spacious, comfortable Limited Tlme.offer house, all conveniences', punctuation as necessary. Remember to Include phone Only. No Real Estate, Garage • 27 varieties of layouts NO SECURITY HOUSES f 27O 5 bdrms, 2 baths, sleeps Sale, Pets or Automotive ads I FOR RENT I I 10. Families only. Avail. THIS SPECIAL ON GENERAL MERCHANDISE FOR SALE ONLY number. No abbreviations, please! • Elevators available DEPOSIT OFFICES July 27-Aug. 18. Call 908- No Security Required FOR RENT 548-4465. Want to get rid of that bike the Wds have outgrown? How about that chair that Modem, air-conditioned BOUND BROOK- ViV&t dudu- - V doesn't match your new furniture? Or that trumpet you haven't picked up In ages? If Mall with check or apartments available plex, 2 bedroom, fenced MARTHA'S VINEYARD- ~ JOB you're selllng...we can connect you with a buyer and even better, we've got a Name. 1BR-$816&Up ' yard, 2 car driveway, W/D BERNARDSVILLE- Edgartown. Lovely 2 v 2BR-$675&Up hookup. $885/mo.+utll. 1 Space from 568to 180 0bdrm, 1 bath, well- OPPPORTUNITIES bargain for you! money order to: equipped cottage. Bike- to Address. Includes heat month security, No pets. sq ft, BOOTH AGENCY, ABOUND IN Now you can run a 6 line For Sale ad In Forbes Newspapers Classified Connection Avail 5/1. 356-9472. INC; 908-766-2100 town & beach. Terry tick- for 2 weeks for only $7.50. Your ad will appear In 15 publications and reach more Forbes Newspapers Contiommiunis and hot water ets avail. May-Sept., EMPLOYMENT BOUND BROOK- Dup- BRIDGEWATER- 4000 $35O-65O/Wk. 464-4231. than 147,000 potential buyers. Remember — someone Is looking for what you don't Phone 217 Prospect Ave. Office located at: CONMICTIOU Classified Connection 129 Mercer St., lex, nloe area, 6 rms,sq.ft. Office space, new want Wo connect buyer and seller. CRANFORD, NJ 07016 CAC, professional people, haat & air condrtlonlngl MYRTLE BEACH- 2 Somervllle references, 1V6 mos sec Asking $7.60 sq.ft. wHh bdrm, 1 bath condo. < City State: Zip P.p. Box 699 Hours: Mon-Frl Avail Immed. $975 + utll. adjaoent 3600 sq.ft. Sleeps 6. On 1st tee of _Call your Ad In - Toll Free! 1 8AM-5PM . 489-6155 or 663 1971 Warehouse at $4. sq.ft. w/ Somerville, N J. 08876 U* by A|>pl 1W, 8*1 - 0p«i Hoti* 1W, 0d* ImM by ippl r Deertrack Golf Course, 1 Exp. Date: Sat & Sun. 10 AM-3 PM loading dock. Leased mile from beaoh, Health & r sm VISA/NIC #. together or separately. 1-800.334-0531 '\? ~ * h^L. DWECDONS: From Uw QtfdaH State Pwtomy, North of South male* Exit 13T,"mtk« righ AdnrtiflnthtCliulfitdl swim club. $440 - $525 tSSSSorto North A». to Noht Turn itoM at DgM (BbaMtti Av«.) to bllrtW. Oo on* block. Maki 725-2909 RANALD C. BROWN, per week. Call for broch- !__.'__,„; „_ ! :• I Ml onto Protpfbt Aw.to EnqHi R ViMay, ^___ ^_ , . R«aHor,46IM!333. ure. 789-0173. -USE YOUR CHARGE- May 2, 8 — May 2,1991 — Union County Classified J & D MAINTENANCE PAINTING & WALL RESTORATIONS & WINDOWS & DOORS- COMPLETE CARE YARD HIGH PRICES PAID-Kor WANTED 87 OV- CUSTOM SUPCOVERS HOME CLEANING CARE INC-small jobs our PAPERING- "Spring RENOVATIONS- Comp- Replace drafty windows & SYSTEMS— Tree service, quality postcards, sheet ERWEIGHT PEOPLEI We Draperies, reupholstery. FOR PEOPLE ON THE specialty. Same day ser-Special" $50 off painting ' lete home or office, start doors, all types of home lawn .maintenance, land- music. Old toys, baseball pay youto lose 10-29 lbs Your fabric or ours. For-GO— Insured, bonded, vice. Interior &. exterior and 20% off wallpapering. to finish. Drywall, all improvements available. scape design. Sprln j supervised. Monday1, to CLASSIFIED ippairs-Also Cleaning Sr FULLY INSURED. Will phases of carpentry, kit- The time is right & so are cleanup. Insured, free es- items, cameras, military, merly at Stelnbachs & a month. 24 hrs recording chen remodeling, win- ^m0:WRBW^I>%ii&^0r m. W -,E,MMP'^^^ I ANIMALS Jtypewriters. TV's, Worlds all NJ 201-893-3974 Hahne's. 42 yrs. experi- Saturday. Gift certificate. Citizen Disc. 297-4340. beat any written OBtl- our prices. Call Pro Tectimate. One Cut Free! y%ms, -fountain pens; 272-- ence/Senior citizen disc. 245.1945. , ' L) V • "latei. WHI work week- dows; doors & skylights General Remodeling (908) 874-5083. . KITCHENS, BATHS- re- ends. Call Chris 873-1389 Installed. Call 753-1394. 560-8776 5777. J Shop at home service. HOME CLEANING- $35 C ON N O N modellng, alterations, COMPLETE LAWN <4 GO N N E C T I 0 N AKC YELLOW LAB { 3S8 W. Canter 757-6655. and up: Condps, Town- SHEETROCKING & TAP- cabinet refaclng, counter- PAINTING, EXTERIOR- ROOFER- Fred Britten. WORLDS GREATEST YARD CARE- "Keeper PUPS— Pgppy shots HOME MOVIES ELECTRIC A-1 Electric houses & Homes. Will A1-REMODELER- small B&D INSTALLATIONS- DECKS BY TOP DECK- Free estimates, fully in- WANTED(70s/80s) Fun ING- No job too big or repairs to major rem- tops, formica, Corlan, tile $250 off complete house PAINTERS- All areas of of the Grounds". 7?>:~ *~ ROLEX WATCH 18kTIRE;- 4 Steel belted FREE RABBIT & CAGE- RIDE-ON LAWN giiven 'guaranteed, best of ANNOUNCEMENTSrsl Co. Inc.—. No Job toomake it sparklel Insured, 20% off any lob during Reasonable rates, free work, skylights, finished sured, all work guaran- painting. Interior, exterior, moments of teenage too small. Over 20 yrs. ex- oddellng. Quality work, March & April. Siding, painting, preserve wood 1892 • _ LADIES PRES- dunlap. sp205/70 HR14 Call 356-8209. MOWER- New, 8 horse the best. Born 3/26/91. small, no challenge too Bonded & references. estimates. Call Joe 271-basements, drywall & tap- roofs, deck painting, teed. Let a roofer do itwall coverings, power power engine, $450. Call family. life at beach, dis- perience. Call 725-3707: reasonable prices: 20 windows, roofing,' doors, 2813 after 5PM., CRANFORD LAWN IDENTIAL— Diamond NEW. NeW tubless sport GE WASHER- needs $450-$500. Call 369-3954. cos, parties. Please write great. Residential & small 873-1389 or 356-1761. years exp. References ing, decks. References on blacktopplng. Call Chris right! Business, 874-7111. washing, water proofing, dial, like new, Asking fadial 1758-M4... 1, 5'new motor. Sony 13" TV,276-4686 after 5PM. business specialist.- All decks, kitchens, baths & request. No job too small. Home, 874-3371. staining, day and night BL'lJE POINT & SEAL to: S. Brown, BBC, 630COLLEGE SCHOL- HOUSE CLEANING- I avail. Free estimates, fully additions. We offer 100% DID YOU 873-1389. $7JS0zrCa $55-. 16"722-1854 or 722-7500. TRAILERS- Utility. Land- gree. Healthy & Happy 11 for all your Indoor needs. 4478. Fully Insured.. Garages^; Call Maryann 560-9235. us & Discount Grass Cut- Free Estimates. 755-8553. girls bike, $35. 234-2821 Call 908-832-7407. I FOUND I Palace, September 1991. 572-6750. - basements, humidifiers"^-356-89,15, . remodeling, painting, 'Professional, fully In- WASHER- $75. Dryer, FENCES— PRE-SEASON scape & construction. Call Tom 722-6022. decks, general, repairs, ting will beat it. Free es- or 766-4241 Quality trailers at-reason* Leave from Mariville. via ELECTRICIAN— Llc.# decks. No job too small. CARPENTRY- Concrete, PAUL A. MILLAR PAINT- sured, superior refer- $65. Stove, $75. Ref-SALE; — Custom wood: SMALL BEAGLE MIX Northwest Airlines from LAWN CARE & CLEAN- Free estimate. Very rea- 469-2988 ences. Other related ser- tlmates. Call 271-0254. LAWN SERVICE- Yard SOFA & LOVESEAT- rlgerator, $170. Can deli- C C A -S p r u c e - C e d a r<' able prices. Call Gary's PUPS— 3. Loveable & 10062. For eyenlngs & 367 Call Gary at 654-0733 masonry,; drywall, paint- ING— Meticulous Int./Ext. B & J'S LAWN MAINTE- clean up, hauling away of DOG.— Tiny With lond Newark, evening flights, UPS- Very reliable. Ask sonable. Call 272-4295. PAINTING & PAPER Services. 40 yrs. experi- vices available. UNIVER- . bronze velvet,- like newver: Color console TVStpckade-Vlnyl Chain Equipment Sales (908) very playful. 9 wks old, weekends. Bonded & In-for Jeff 561-7019: HOME ing. Finished basements, NANCE— Program based basements, attics and 439-2666. black hair and curly tail, Sun., Sept. 22, return Parages, baths, additions, HOME IMPROVEMENTS HANGING- Interlor/exte- ence. Gutters cleaned, SAL BUILDING MAINTE- $300pr; 2 wing, back $100.' 722-6329. ' . Link. Call THE FENCE- shots, healthy, vet Thursday, Sept. 26. $435 sured: Reasonable rates. on your Individual needs. garges. Call 828-538.7 OR ' checks/ Looking for good- white bib,.brown feet, 2 Commercial, residential, MAGICIAN DOUG IMPROVEMENTS ully Insured, DMI Con- rlor. Quality workmanship Windows washed. Fully in- NANCE. For FREE ESTI- 561-9333. chairs; Autumn tones WATERBE0- super MAN anytime 908-381- TREES & SHRUBS- brown dots over eyes, per person, double oc- JICS MATE Call 281-7611. 0. Quality &. dependability at homes. $225. 785-3231. Industrial. Call 725-7287. THORNTON- Available structlon, 757-7929; ': ALL TYPES for 25 years. No job toosured. Free estimates. affordable rates. Free esti- $50ea. Ethan Allen occa- single; with heater, like 1044. . v .. . White pine & Norway very friendly. 463-1558. cupancy. Need $60 dep- WALLCOVERING small. Insured. Free esti- Call Paul at 908-846-7186 FREEZER LAMB- Jer- spruce, balled & bur- EX-SINGER howl Parties, schools, Roofing, Electrical, WINDOW GLASS RE- mate, fully Insured. Call, LAWNCUTTING & slonal pieces, 234^)479. new, hardly used, $75. River Rd. Plscataway. osit Immediately to hold' restuararits, college 1ST IN QUALITY- CUSTOM STORM mates, prompt service. SOFA BED— Innersprlng sey Fresh. Packaged, lapped .+' other assorted reservation. Only 9 seats REPAIRMAN- Will fix INSTALLATIONS DOORS— Factory direct Plumbing, Carperttry, REMODELING. MEET- PLACED ON SITE- We 885-1534 or 572-9640. CLEANUP- Resonable Call 756-1969 FOUND- black & white dorms, seniors clubs. Call, MUDRICK'S PAINTING. Sheet Rocking Spackllng. Bob Stelnman, 526-3382. rates. Free estimates. mattress, $175; Litton WEDDING GOWN- Size frozen, & delivered- to trees & shrubs. Sold Pt=T CARE leftl 356-1607, Irene. any'machine In home. 30. prices, extra heavy duty. ING ALL YOUR NEEDS- repair, re-putty & paint old kitten In Margate Apt. years experience. Call Doug 908-233-9572 No job too small. Free & and Lie. #7478. Free Esti- windows & trim. Very rea- BONACCORSO'S NUR- Also gutters cleaned. Call microwave, $40; Club 8; bodice,, chlffonella your home. Reserve now under wholesale. Call Would you like to get" courteous estimates, In- Design your own style, PAINTING & PAPER- from kitchens & baths, to SERY- Top Soil and All for June delivery. Call for River Hill Farm 369-4624. Complex, Edison, has 3 MYRTLE BEACH, SC- 361-3173.24 Hr. Service. MASON CONTRACTOR mates, all terms. Credit HANGING- Reasonable basements' & decks'. Allsonable. INSURED. Call ' ,ey|n 574-9335. chair, $25; small items. and mushroom pleating, away? Reliable,-, . . Low Spring Prices terior & exterior. Midd- Interior Painting starting at $233 Installed. Types of Landscaplni mtiw PONY RIDES- PARTIBS, -FREE AT-HOME ESTlMATES- ShlrtS, -rK&MOTS••!~.-.p.•'••:• •'. winner. Hunter/ Dressage/ VIEW757-5347. LUG-AROUN0 ONCE YOU'VE SEEf 241-8555 BIKE- Ladles 3 speed, MULCH FOR SALE- ANTHONY'S PAIN- PICNIC AND FAIRS, CALL 241-6622 233-0822 needs minor repair &, $1.4/yd. We deliver. Call; X-Country. Outstanding Advertise GUTTER MAN- Cleans^ CLOVERLAND 996-3140. 486-6214 573 W. WESTFIELD AV. temperment, no vices. TING— specializing In In- A&M BUSINESS SERVICES FO" i»t SEST PRICES ". UWON COUI AfiwUsalntheClaaslftodl cleaning. 232-5635. After Dauman Wood at 908- In the Classified! terior &. exterior. Roofing, repairs & Installs leaders PORTUGUESE woman ^ "Quality Doesn't Costi, ROSELLEPARK $3000. Call 908-439-3660. - Geittral£jfewyif SAVCTHS COUPON FOR PtSCOUNT-CMJ. TODAY • Stnlor atom Discounts 5PM 283-3922 A WONDERFUL FAMILY gutters cleaned & In-& gutter. Free estimates. will clean your house. HCAR QAM>CM STATE PARKWAV CUT 137 tCOANCFI Of VAiLtlftOJ EXPERIENCE- AUST- stalled. Minor alterations. 709-1610. Own transportation. Good RALIAN. EUROPEAN. Free estimates. 752-6441. GUTTERS & LEADERS references & experience. LANDSCAPING SCANDINAVIAN, JAP- C. Mendes 355-9315/ : COLLISION REPAIRS FUEL OIL TO ADVERTISE ANESE HIGH SCHOOL APPLIANCES ELECTRO- cleaned & flushed. Siding ACCOUNTING BUILDERS EXCHANGE STUDENTS STATICALLYHPAINTED- power washed. Mildew re- POWER WASHING- ARRIVING IN AUGUST. like original factory finish. moved, any surface. Homes, buildings, BEGOME A HOST FAM-. Durable two/part epoxy Please call Tom Hanson swimming pools, acid BENNER'S ILY/ AMERICAN IN- paint. Call 469-4438. Painters 469-5952. washing., Decks - wate- s.o.s. ACARTHUR FUEL TERCULTURAL STUDENT ARTIST/DESIGNER- HANDYMAN PROF- rproofing. Free estimates, AUTO BODY insured. 754-7415. ;-; YOOfl LEADER W SEHVKE FIND OUT HOW COST Total EXCHANGE. CALL -1.-800- brochures, catalogues, ESSIONAL- 20 years ACCOUNTING Since 1920 S1BLING. desk top publishing, let- experience. Call Ed RESUMES PROFES- Specialization In: CHARLES (908)287-2521. ; : Colllson Experts Lawn Care AAA COMEDY MAGIC terhead?, logos. Ex- SIONALLY PREPAREPT- ... e Accounts Receiyjible . • Fuel Oil EFFECTIVE YOUR AD teremely experienced, CONTRACTING Direct Repair (or FUN- with live rabbits,' HANDYMAN SERVICES- Includes resumes, cover ••.••• e Accounts Payable • Complete heating Complete Service Or colored doves, Exotic ani-' creative & dependable. Qua|lty work at reason- letters & envelopes, & In- DECKS • WINDOWS Most Major Inc. Cos: CAN BE RIGHT HERE, mals. Birthdays. All 233-7430 after 5PM able rates. Free Esti- terview tips. Call 908-753- e General Ledger . • Repairs & Service "JUST A CUT" • Computerization ALTERATIONS • ADDITIONS laser frame machines events. Call Mr. Magic BASEMENT WATER mates. Fully Insured. Call 7491,">. ' '. . . .'."',•:'" •. e Collections ROOFING • SIDING oven baked spray tooth • Air Conditioning CALL ANNETTE AT Reasonable Rates now 322-7077. PROOFING -drainage .John at 668-8518. ROOFING & PAINTING- Prompt, FREE Qaoted->— AFFORDABLE PSYCH-, work. Free Inspection & HANDYMAN- Complete Gutters cleaned and in- (No Job Too Small or Largo) 272-4733 606 South Ave E 1245Westfleld.Ave. 231-6689 OTHERAPY- jncrease' estlmant. For the per- . Reasonable Hales home improvements. stalled. Slate repairs. Commercial Residential CLARK 889-5244 self-awareness.' Experi- manent solution to your Decks, porches, painting Fully Insured. Free esti- Call for Free Initial Consultation Cranford ence personal growth. water problems, call Interior & exterior, car- mates. Call Vinnie 572- FREE, ESTIMATES 10% Discount For Senior CKteens ''••%: : 276-1111 396-8100 Find new solutions to old 769-0015 perttry work. No Job too.7119:. •;,•••. .,".'.• ; (908)828-1089 Qharles Pijanowakl problems. Bernice Krusch BY small. Free estimates. ACSW, 369-7638 NANCY BOSS- Invita- Call Steve 752-7863. Advertise AIDS HOT LINE-Can it FUEL OIL HEATING & AC LANDSCAPING tions, certificates, menus', HANDYMAN- Husband In the Classified! AIR CONDITIONING BUILDERS CONTRACTOR be transmitted from a place cards, gifts, Styles kiss, a hug, or casual hates to paint? Leaky fau- Include Italic, Copperplate cet? No job too small. 1 iCF.NSFr contact or even transmit- & others. (908| 232-4554. SALD'ADDARIO 1 ted to. your loved ones? Call Frank Granger day or '.jr'jr/jc •• • • IrJSUi! [) Professional Landscape CARPENTRY/RES- MCDOWELLS Heating & Air nESinENri. For the true facts on AIDS night at 968-745U MICHAEL M. MASON TORATION- general PJtheDJ Conditioning, Inc. COfi'MERCI Design & Construction call 1-900-535-9700.ex contracting, slate Work, HANDYMAN- Interior & • Since 1928 301. ex 302 Spanish. SERVINQ RESIDENTIAL-COMMERCIAL decks, kitchens, rem- exterior painting, window UNION a MIDDLESEX 1 Avail. 24hrs. $2.00 per Weddings and ," Gontractor Family Owned & Operated odeling, wallcoverings. cleaning, yard cleanup & (908) 494-5292 COUNTIES Spring Cleanup* • W«kJy Uakttsnanct • Far- mln. Call Richard SchuHz 908- grass cutting. Free esti- anniversarys, •. .*•'* ,* •:*•*•• • Budget Plans fOR OVER 40 YEARS mOna • Tra* & Shnib PUntog • Top*t)U • mates. Call Mr. Jerry "WE BLOW THE C0MPE7MJN' AWAY' Additions • Alterations • Hwllnflft Cantn l Mr CondHlonlng Uulch • StoM • aa TVMI • D«cm • Porcho* ALLOW ME TO GIVE 359-8556 reunions and . FREE ESTIMATES • Service Plans • Pslkw • Mtiovy • Sld«w*lk« • Driveway* YOU the gift of a lasting •369-8604, • SALES, SERVICE, INSTALLATIONS Decks • Kitchens • Baths • OUBolton AM CLEAN UP SERVICES graduations. Rooflhg & Vinyl Siding • W«ml AV fUCIMCM >*".' e relationship. Personal- HANDYPERSON- Hel- • SPEOAUaNG IN CUSTOM DESIGNS • FuHy Insured • • Plumbing/AC • onto Qu Coxwralon •••• OF ALL TYPES- Will • *100°° OFF ized, 16 yrs. experience. per, Troubleshooter. Long TORT YOUR NEEDS Bathroom Remodeling • Hwling sytfun* ctuiutd t SMVlod cleari up anything! Ga- "You Supply The • 8h««l MMal Fabricatloti Any Lsndscap* Call Judy Vorlo'8 Cpmpat- & short term. Call Dave, [Quality Work • Reasonable Prices • Eltdranla Ak Ckvun. rages, attics, cellar, yards. • FREE ESTIMATES . Additions & Finished Basements 450 North Ave. E. • SALES . Work ol $10& Ibles 808-707-9086. 908-755-3455. Party. We'll • Hwnldltera • SERVICE or Mor* Real Estate closing & es- ON ALL NEW INSTALLATIONS Replacement Vinyl Windows • Mdntwanc* S«vlc* Contridi Place a garage sale ad in Forbes Newspapers Classified Connection BROKENHEARTED? Westfield tates. Complete demo . Supply The Tunes." 276-4048 PREE ESTIMATES - FULLY INSURED LONELY?.-, Nothing • CALL ABOUT OUR PRE-SEASON SPECIALS "FINANCING AVAILABLE" I and you have our es avail. Free estl- Advertise In tha C/assffledJ Family In Cranford 37 years * • 722-4284* .* 233-3213 niACmtaaaonnousuutatast ., 1396-8764 For full Rwo* 0/ SwvfcM CaH 753-1394 GUARANTEE . Fully Insured, We 1-908-276-6528 • SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ance Ifnel .. . for rent. 722-7763. If It rains the day of your sale, we'll reprint your adtor FRE E (Soulmate8) Dial 1-900- LANDSCAPING 786-7710 • TOTALCAR ARCHITECT BUILDERS ELECTRICAL FUEL OIL TO ADVERTISE on whatever day you reschedule your sale. CLEANING- DON'T HANDYMAN CONFUSED ABOUT SPEND THE WEEKENDS . Now that's a slick deal! DIVORCE? Divorce CLEANINGII Call Linda SERVICE CLEANING Counseling For Women & 545-5930 Somerset area. •WASH & WAX A.BUONTEMPO AI ELECTRIC CO., INC. RKKL-S'l'ROING MICHAEL'S LANDSCAPE Support Groups oall: *!SHAMPOO Carpentry, Palntlhg ASFOUR& ASSOCIATES Gen. Builder Since 1950 & IRRIGATION Susan Ruth Unlimited, CLEANING- Experl- No, Job Too Small Serving Union County* enced, reasonable, de- Home Maintenance *CARPETS FUEL CO. 908-658-4643. • New Homes & Additions No Challenge Too Great VldnHy Sine* 1925 Distinctive Landscape Design pendable, beautiful work, Ca/i For . and Planting DATEFINDER- Singles excellent references. and Repair I Appointments Architects/Planners • Fire and Storm . All Work Guaranteed CALL TODAY - YOUR Personal Ads- Our 7thPlease call 526-0491 Damage Construction Underground Lawn Sprinkler yearl Largest Ustlngl Free '{^' Gil • \j 100 Hamilton Plaza A/Isa/Mastercard Accepted QUALITY WORK • Concrtt* Pavingand : AD CAN BE SEEN Systems Designed, Installed copy 201-526-3004, 24 Home & Small Business Specialist Most Mqjor Brands CLOWN- "Jingles the 272-8321 Paterson.NJ Masonry Work and Services hrs. or P.O. Box 1058,Clown" for children's Houses Designed and Remodeled v Alt' Conditioning • ^ Humidifiers by 24,500 Households Plscataway, NJ. 08855, • Cellar Drainage & Pumps CALL PAUL AT Oil & Gas Burners f Heating & Cooling Complete Lawn Maintenance parties & special events. Call Jack * Additions • Add-A-Levels i> Fuel Oil ^ Air Cleaning RHers FREE— In home skin/hair Storytelling, magic, face • KHcherm > • Bathrooms • Comm. &Re8. . 1-800-334-0531 Spring Clean-ups. Only $12.00 buys you up to 6 lines In 15 publlcatlonsl care clinic. Introducing & painting. Call 494-5967 272-8282 •'Garages ? Docks Attorations . SALES - SERVICE Gall 1-800-334-0531 or stop by these offices: demonstrating new prod- Fully Insurnd •free Estimates INSTA14LA11ON uct line With all natrual COMPUTER AC- Days ' Nights & Weekends Bonded & Insured 276-0093 COUNTING SYSTEMS- . •.••••..: ••••.•.•:.27^t7r"-; •••-'•:••'• 276-0900 SOMERVILLE ' P'SCATAWAY Ingredents. Call 24hr. (201) 3454624 (908) 789-9482 Lie, #8460 Free Estimates Fully Insured BOUND BROOK H^pMINSTER 654-2077. .,•'••" We specialize In both Uetnt* 0216O 849 LEXINGTON AVE. CRANFORD 44 Franklin Street 15 Maiden Une 1400 Route 208 N 211 LakevlewAve. Custom & Off the shelf RENOVATIONS I'VE LOST 40 POUNDS accounting systems. We Kitchens & Baths; SCOTCH PLAINS CRANFORD WESTFIELD In nlrje weeks! Need 10 have over 6 yrs. of experi- BUILDERS ENVIRONMENTAL GLASS HOME IMPROVEMENTS LANDSCAPING overweight Individuals to ence designing & modK- AUTO DEALERS 102 Walnut Ave. 231 Elmer Street Basements 1719 2nd Street lose Weight and launch Ing accounting systems. Conntnn:tion& local Introduction of rev- We are; experienced w/ SPRING FOR C.O.D. Builders olutionary program. Kerry both Single-user & Multi- AIR DUCT BDJ.HOME R&W LANDSCAPING 1-800-658-7961 user systems, Let us Com puny A NEW DECK REILLY CLEANING show you how to save CUSTOM ORIGINAL DESIGNS I'VE LOST 40 POUNDS 10% Discount HOME OR OFFICE IMPROVEMENTS, Inc. Commercial & Residential In nltie weeksl Need 10 huge amounts of money OLDSMOBILE, ING. • ALTERATIONS & & time by computerizing Tom Sacco with this ad! • Reduce Dust Mites, Bv«ythliM In GU»^ Complete Interior and Exterior A DIVISION or •founts INC. overweight Individuals to & time by compug ADDITIONS Remodeling and Rebuilding Spring Clean-Ups R«vi«w • M«tuch»rv£dl»on lose* weight and launch w/a straight forward Eng- 275 Greenbrook Road AUTHORIZED Bacteria, Fungus, Mold, Mildew & •' Store Fronts 'Aluminum Entrances Msttenoor-QarettM«enq«aBMttoe • Bound Brook Chroniclee • Middlesex ChronlotChronlolo* •. 7 • DECKS Aluminum Door Repair • Mirrors • ttovtaw • South Pklnrteld Roporter • Gr«n Brook-North PWnfleld »toum»l • Hlflhl«nd Pwk HMM ^^JjJ?I ^ } local Introduction of rev-lish speaklno accounting Qualify and , Odors by 90% Fertilizing North Plalnfleld, NJ 07060 • ROOFING Thermoparw* • Storm Window Repairs • Siding Cmnford CChiwnlclh * •FmnWIn focu» • Becloh PWn»-Fanwood Praia • Tha W»rt«»W Ftaoort • 8om«rM» County 8hppp*r • MkldlaMx olutionary program. Karry system; For a free con- Craftsmanship^ OLDSMOBILE ALSO ^ CountCutyy SShoppeh r (602)833-1718 sultation call 422-9700. 1908-561-8685 • SIDING " Table Tops • Plexiglass ' Addition* Weed Control SALES & SERVICE • BATHROOM & • CARPET CUEANING « FURNmMoEANING • DRAPERY CLEANING RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL Porch KITCHEN Enclo*urbo Lawn Maintenance CALL STEAMAT1C CLEANING SPECIALISTS INDUSTRIAL 232-7651 REMODELING WFOR FREE ESTIMATE 24 Hrs • 7 Days/Week Replacement Windows, Storm DOOM <•,..•' FREE ESTIMATE Fuav FREE (908)272-8989 276-6765 —Fulfy Iniured • Free Estimates- 560 NORTH AVE. E. INSURED ESTIMATES Spontor ol Ctoirt Air W**W1I« 851-0888 after 6 p.m. Cult Bruc« ab (0OS) 874-3880 or AMERICAN ± LUNO ASSOCIATION 908-382-6487 WESTFIELD Charles O'Donnell 1 WALNUT AVE • CRANFORD Toll ¥t*» 1-«OO-7»4-3381 May 2,1991 - Union County Classified - 11 10 - May 2,199t--Union County Classmed

CLASSIFIED III DIET_ ADVISORS- work MEDICAL REC- SENIOR REPORTER- WORDPROCESSING- EXPER WESTFIELD PINE LANDSCAPING—' ATTENTIONHL _ G/FRIDAV- small: firm 372 NOW HIRING from home helping oth-has position for bright, EPTIONIST -Grow with for NJs leading weekly, Deqktop Publishing in my r 433 MOM— to care for your Lahdscape design & In- - 410 Minimum 5 years experi- home. Professional now. child In my homer Ages 7 stallation. All phases of PLUMBING, f 375 377 SUPERVISORS ers. Full training. Ex- detail oriented, self- this family practice. We CHILDCARE Any item you no longer can use and want to give free _ to HELP WANTED for' exciting new Party cellent advancement & starter. General office need an experienced rec- ence, including dallies. working at home. Avail- 1V4 & up. Safe, fun & ed- ' landscaping, Including I INSTRUCTION INCOME TAX Ambitious all-rounder who. PROVIDED ucational envlrnmt. Excel hydroseedlng. 15 yrs. ex- HEATING, Plan. Hire, train & moti- income. Very rewarding, skills; typing, phone," eptionlst with computer & able to work on wordp- perience. Try us for your &COOUNC someone who can may be advertised FREE of charge by using vate sales team. Good 356-8539. bookkeeping, mailings & typing skills. Afternoon/ thrives on challenge. rocessing projects, large refs. Julia. 232-4362 Spring cleanup. Afford-- earnings! No Investment time clerical projects. PC/WP evening/weekend hours Desirable rural area. or small. Latest oqufp- EXPERIENCED Loving ADMINISTRATIVE AS- Free training & kit. Get In experience helpful. Wli avallarJle. Medical ex- Competitive salary. EOE. ment(IBM PS 2/70, Lazer NOTICE: All CHILDCARE Mother, will care for your able rates. 968-5670. A NEW GUY IN TOWN- ABC DRIVING SCHOOL ABC TAX— Seniors: the coupon below! SISTANT- PfT all office wSh^nvehlSar hlah PROVIDED advertisements need assistance. In claim- on the ground floor. Call wrnlng potlntial Com- trak Call 486-7&0. ~) perlence. a + .Call Mon- Cair Janet Flnley, 908- Jet printer). Prefer to es- child In my Westfield Maln St. Plumbers Inc., -Licensed by NJDMV. duties. Book keeping & are PAYABLE IN ADVANCE 24 hr. service. Free eat. Special attention given, to Ing your NJ. homestead 1-800-S77.-7115 M-F, merclaPvaWsa+.Call HAVE A GREAT 19911- day thru^Friday 9am- 782-4747, or write, Hun- tablish steady service with home. FT/PT. All ages. PRECISE PC experience, pleasant 9:00-7:00. ' hoon, 908^58-4455, terdon Democrat, Box 32,. 1 or 2 cos. For accurate, by cash, check, VISA or Reasonable. References. Fully Insured. No job too nervous people. .Call rebate? Pick up & delivery telephone manner. Hlgh- 707-0605 Start your own business small. Batha remodeled. available. Reasonable fee. AUTO MECHANIC- FT. buy joining Discovery Flemlngton, NJ 08822 prompt servlbe call 789-Master Card. For a quote 232-5705. LAWN CARE (201)756-8566 Fill In 1 character per box, larw Park. 214-1240. DRIVER— for local Taxi PART TIME CLERICAL- STABLE WORKERS/ 9531, Water heaters, boiler con- BECOME A PAR- Call Bob 469-2319 6-8 yrs experience with ' ServlOT Tues &Wed. 14i Toys.- Cair Val 381-5851; No. Plalnfleld. 20 hre/ wk. on cost, please call FOR THE PRECIOUS i Free to( Sood Home j allowing for spaces and AIDE— needed by senior TRAIL GUIDE- Lord Please Call versions & repairs. 418-ALEGAL— Joirt Amerlca's- cars, light' trucks. Dive- hrs a day Must have tor:detalls & training. Rex hrs. Typing, tiling, 1 •800-334-0531. NEEDS YOUR CHILD > citizen on oxygen flexible Stirling Stables, 2 eves./ .1990. Uc# 5235 fastest growing profes- punctuation as necessary. rsified work. Must know clean driving record. Call IF YOUR LOOKING TO ge.neral office duties. DESERVES- wl|l be 38O ,' • • ( hours & days. Varied wk. plus weekends. Eng- 276-9391 sion. Work With Attorneys. Remember to Include phone the trade. Own tools. 232-3778. Knowledge of German I EMPLOYMENT I A LOVING, SAFE FAM- given at QUALITY CARE", COPPERHEAD PLUM- tasks Includelng food Small shop, good sur- CHANGE YOUR CAR- lish Horsemanship & a private home day care. Thank you BING, HEATING, DRAIN Lawyer Instructed home LOANS & I EDUCATION- Ml «mi ^ER- ThW b^ to knowledge of horse" care . I RELATED I ILY ATMOSPHERE- for number. 6 line limit. NO ani- shopping, apt. cleaning, roundings. Call Mon-Fri, Aris & crafts. Many other SCREENED TOP SOIL/ CLEANING- Affordable study. The finest par- FINANCE laundry etc. Wages neg. : required. Call 766-5955. •your "munchkin" at • mals may be advertised. 549-0129 \OPPORTUNmESJ activities. Licensed & MULCH- Grade A mate- quality - free estimates, alegal program available. Please call 755-9464 EOE. . Kathy's. Exper Westfield state approved. Pis- rial. Specializing In new24 hour, emergency ser- Free, catalogue, 800-362- Plalnfleld area. BOOKKEEPER- FT. Varr mom. Meals, snacks, I : 9 SUPERINTENDANT— LOCAL ROUTE- Hand- cataway area. 885-1327. lawns. Fast free delivery. vice. License #8917.. 7070 Dept. LE721 CASH LOANS— Up to l - Send to: FREE ITEMS led responsibilities. In- Ch urch, PTA PHOTOGRAPHERS CPR. Near Tamaques Please call 752-8808, ASSISTANT TO CONT- cludes computerized cus- Apt. houses. Experi- ling Troplcana, Welch's, Call 908-302-1457 ENGLISH RIDING LES-10K, no collateral, no helpful. Salary training full (FREELANCE) Park. Refs. 789-3234 LOVING MOM will care SONS- available from credit checks, fast results. FORBES NEWSPAPERS ROLER— part time, tomer service, Req. bkpg. enced; Own tools. Plumb- Shasta, etc. Full company A-1 CHILDCARE- for your child In my TREE & STUMP RE- DRAIN/SEWER CLEAN- heavy, telephone work on benefits. 908^54-507% ing, carpentry, painting support. Census shows ING- 24 HOUR HOT ARICP certified instructor. 1-800-388-8878,.Ask for I CLASSIFIED CONNECTION exp., 35 WPM, pleasant A Qualified, reliable, insured Bound Brook home. Near MOVAL —Is your stump a old receivables & update skills. Good apt. Benefits.. earnings, of $38,000 per WATER HEATERS. Truppl Self-Insured. Ride Indoor 23b. • •'• ."-''•••• • . , phone personality. Bene- 8337 for appointment. * FAMILY DAY CARE Is Rte. 287, 28 .& 22. Ex- pain In the grass? Free files; Jim B. 272-4411 flts. 3024)909. References. Start $360/ year. Requires cash In- Plumbing, LIC # 8707. on your horse or mine. SCHOLARSHIPS- Fin- P.OiB6x699r INSURANCE- Agency needs experienced pho- available from MONDAY perienced. Excel, refer- estimates Fully Insured.. Great opportunities in top Wk. 722-9425 vestment of $21,540. Call MORNING INC. CALL 90Br754-3750. Will traVel to your barn. All ancial aid, grants and Somerville, NJ 08876 ATTENTION MOMS & BUS DRIVERS- Reliable SBB^ experienced agents tographers to work on an ences. 469r7361 anytime. "JUST STUMPS" 634- I RETIREES- perfect Fortune 100 companies. TRAVEL AGENT- full or toll free 1-800-225-9733, 526-4884,668-4884 level, specializing in be-loans for Virtually any charter coach drivers- w/ w/iifa.& health licenses. "pn-caM"basls, when LOVING MOTHER- Will 1318. . .' MICHAEL A. KRUPSKY, home business op- Immed. need for secretar- part time, 2 yrs. experi- Operator 4. ginners: Trallerlng also student are available.. bus license #|. Minimum Funy vested renewals, need arises. Must have care for your children in TREE MAINTENANCE- INC.- Plumbing & Heat- portunity with Christmas ies w/Wordperfect, DW4, ence. System One a + BABYSITTING— In my Ing: Boilers Installed & re- available. 781-0059. ; Results guaranteed. For 3 yrs. exper. Part time h|gn flr8t year commls- proven photographic abili- BE ON TV- many my spacious home w/ Tree removals, shrub, - Any Questions Call: Around the World. Ame- Hewlett Packard & Wang. Call 789-3303., needed for commercials. Hlllsborough home. Ex- paired, hot water heaters FRENCH/SPANISH free Information call All I days available. Retirees, 8|Qns ^ bonuses. 382- ties, able to do own pro- perienced mom w/refer- fenced yard. Call 908- pruning. Commercial & ricas largest direct selling bus & truck drivers. Call ft cessing and., provide us UNUSUAL WESTFIELD Now hiring all ages. For residential. Quality work replaced, drains machine TUTOR- Teacher of 20 Buslnessware Associates I company seeks qualified We will provide FREE ences & experience. Call 241-8882. cleaned- Fully Insured. NJ yrs. with M.A. Call {908) 985-4999. Address 549-0,127,, . . with black and white OPPORTUNITY- Local casting Info. call at fair prices. Over 20 yrs. 1-800-334-0531 Ind. to become area training & cross training. organization seeks' very (615)779-7111 ext T-536 281-0250 MOTHER OF 2- my Uc.#8486. 469-2656. 560:0738. CHRISTMAS AROUND LANDSCAPING prints, and be flexible with experience. Call 658-3266 . State. .Zip. supervisors. Offering new We offer top salary, Med/ hours..- Send resume to:. special person, depend- BABYSITTING- My Plscataway home. Full or Or 321-0077 (Ad copy must be placed • high" commission, op- THE WORLD DEM- ASSISTANT LINGERIE- $$$ Earn part time- Fun, safe, reli- PLUMBING, HEATING & PERSONAL COMPUTER Life Ins., Holiday/vacation Sharon Wilson, Forbes , able and versatile, with $75 to. $10.0 eve. Demo. Cranford home. Full or DRAIN CLEANING- .24 TRAINING- Learn DOS, YOUR HOME SWEET S :'•:"•'•••.:• ' . by mail using this coupon.) M portunity for Unlimited' In-' ONSTRATORS- Work pay & excel, working con- part time. Experienced & able care for your little from home your own Newspapers, P.O. Boxgood secretarial skills, Beautiful lingerie by one: Call anytime 463- PACK UP AND hr. service. Same day Word Processing, Spread come. Be your own boss, ditions. Call today- New Hope land- computer friendly, Who references. Lincoln Park set your own hours. Free hours. No Investments,; Cameo. No delivery. Free 3201 "ESCAPE" service. Free estimates. Sheets, Desktop Publish- MANPOWER, INC. can handle ' office res- kit. Will train. Call 908- area. 272-0845, leave Lie; #7337. Call 725-8239 training & sample kit. collections or deliveries. Metro Park County employee for message -• ing, etc. Reasonable Free training' & $300 ponsibility efficiently. Call 526-8724 PISCATAWAY- Res- or 356-1029 . rates. Call 272-3679. Previous demonstrating 549*880 major Jobs In Bedmlnster PUBLIC RELATIONS/ ponsible, dependable exp. .helpful. For details sample kit. Pat 469-2482. - Cranford MARKETING- P/T 9arrK 233-2113 or write: Direc- MODEL, ACTOR- BRANCHBURG- Lots of area. Growing season or tor, 301 North Avenue Tots Day Care. 2 certified chlldcare with lots of TLC. RECYCLE: Use Forbes Newspapers Classified Connection call Denise 409-1243 . 272-9120 full time possible. Gar- 1pm, Mpn.-Fri. $5/hr. plus Beglnner models $75-. Lunch, snacks & ac- . CONSERVATION WOR- bonuses. NO exp, nece- West, Westfield. $125 hour. Television & experienced teachers "¥" KERS— Youth ages 16 or dening experience, valid to care, for'ydur Infant or tivlties. References. Call DRIVERS ssary. Car required. No. VAN DRIVER- 8AM &commercials $366.60 day. Advertise REAL ESTATE older to perform labor In- FRIENDLY HOME PAR- driver'si loen.se,. young toddler In Branch- 463-0362. > '; \ '•••,. & Well Rounded ; TIES— h&s openings for MOTIVATED. Contact: Plfd. Area. Call Dennis at 3PM with special license. CALL TOLL FREE .1-8.00- PISCATAWAY- Cer- in the Classified! C . ,.-•-. . sessions;.. 2, 3 or 5 day - • •- Design to Plantirtg .:., „. AGENT^LUED VAN UNES !»iExcavatlng;&;AddJtlons: •• • j a riu; NURSE'S AIDE- seeks jpr MS for growth and Gall Director CHILDCARE NEEDECT- full or extended day avail...... irw, ASfctor'JOE" position at Plscataway position caring for sick, . for 2 yr old F/T & for 5 yr. 469-7029 Fuiiy Free Est. . Westfield ^68-322-7436 advancement. Theypayl Brook, NJ 08812-0764. DUN ELLEN- ex- CRANFORQ FREE ESTIMATES 276-8689 Regional Day School, a elderly, baby, children. old F/T now & after perienced mom will care WORKING MOM- At- After 6:00 PM or Leave Message Interested ap- Special educalton school. Evening or night. Very Insured (9Q8) 469-6888 TEL 2764)898 388-5866 Days 353-7886 Even. 233-3213 after 1:00 p.m. : MARKETING/MANAGE- school In the Fall. Must for your child. Reasonable tention, will watch your plicants apply at MENT— World wide Requirements, good ood references. Call live Within Crim School rates, fenced yard, lunch school age children In my leader In the financial in- typing, filing telephone §74-8735 District In Martlnsville. M- Garwopd Wal- ; & snacks provided. 752- Plscataway home this CRANFORD PUBLIC SCHOOLS dustry looking to expand skills; HS diploma; Call F, 8am-5pm. Call 908- 4295 .'.-. summer. Call 271-5094 MASON TO ADVERTISE PAVING PLUMBERS TO ADVERTISE TREE SERVICE : greens or call Mr. SUMMER HELP J . its. professional sales & Dr. Howard Helfman at 725-4428 or Lisa at 609- , marketing staff In Central 908-985-8752. EOE/AA GREEN THUMB PROG- Blbwe for inter- Custodial and Grounds Work - 40 hour week. Maximum RAM —Is seeking posi- 737-7498. . • • • view at: ten (10) weeks of employment. Jersey area. First year in- come up to 40K If quali- SECRETARY- County tions for disadvantaged FULL TIME QUALIFIED OMPLETE Donald S. Rockefeller Ellis Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and possess a fied plus bonuses. Send Riding Stable, 35 hour workers, 55 yrs. andCHILDCARE- wanted ONSTRUCTION valid N.J. drivers license. Positions begin June 10, 1991 resume to: Mr. Alan Kan- week Including weeknds. older, willing to work 20 for 6mo. old In my Quail- Everyday, people have PLUMBING & HEATING INC. 789-1990 through September 6,.1991. ... hr8t per week; Federally O Tree Service del, PO Box 197, South General cleric experience brook home. 545-6673 CCOMPANY Bound Brook, NJ 08880. necessary. Call 766-5955. funded, non-profit or- VILLAGE HARBOUR something to say... Apply; Mr. JohnToath/Plarit Engineer Complete TO PLACE YOUR ALL TYPES OF TREE CARE ganization . In Central Jer- Masonry & Driveways & Wood Decks 300 South Avenue '••'.••'.• Lincoln School ' . EOE: E.O.E. . WATERFRONT- 3 bdrm CALL TODAY - YOUR Plumbing & REMOVAL sey. You provide the Jobs, contemporary with easy Carpentry .'•....'. Sealcoated ,' Garwood Mall 132 Thomas Street • . we pay the salary. Skills • Firewood : , .Cranford, N.J. 07016 •;.... PART TIME CHURCH Ada In Classified bay access, convenient to. Steps • Porches • Sidewalks AD CAN BE SEEN Curbs & Railroad ties SERVICE AD HERE, EOE-M/F include office work, lib- Atlantic City, parkway & Heating •Woodchips (no phone calls) SECRETARY— 20 hour rarian, domestic, child- "Look! I found it in the Classifieds." Ceramic Tile Call 7 am r 10 pm '•;...' work week.. Some exp. w/ dqnt cost — Long Beach Island. Services Salary; $7.0t) Rer hour care, etc.' Call 908-756- Kitchens • Bathrooms by 24,500 Households • Snow plowing PC needed. We need reli- They pay! •$1.30/8. Call Realtor 1-800- (201) 759-9324 CALL ANNETTE At A. • thpShoppcfV. 1 Deadline tor Application: Friday, May 10,1991,4:00p.m. 7381, Mary Wood or 756- 735-1901 The Van Dyk """"Basement Remodeling, State Lie, • Landscaping r ~ ability & amiability. Posi- 0161, George Bache. Free Estimates Fully Insured 1-800-334-0531 /•wtV Center 1 References required • AWEOH '., tion open 4/1.356-0247. Group. .?-. ReferencesQIadly Furnished 276-8677 1-800-334-0531 245-1203 755-0964 ~ PAVING 7 Raleigh Ave. • Cranford INSURED- FREE ESTIMATES

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UBARU THIS WEEK & SERVING CRANFORD, GARWOOD and KENILWORTH A Forbes Newspaper USPS136 800SecorTaClass Vol. 98 No. 19 published Every Thursday Thursday; May 9,1991 Postage Paid Ctgnford, j?.J. PAY JUST ONE PRICE• •• Tpwii Committee and school board In brief to seek budget consensus May 15 The Township Committee will ders, battle weary from months of came to any of the school budget meet with the Board of Education bringing the municipal budget workshops. v Memorial Day at 8 pm Wednesday in the down to a zero tax increase, had After a board discussion about Organizations that wish to Municipal Building to come to a little empathy for board members the town's list of 40 questions, I participate in the . annual consensus on the $26.6 million who anticipated cuts would be newly elected school board pre- Memorial Day parade are school budget that was defeated minor. sident James Van Horn said, "We !askejl-to call co-chairmen Tim by 393 votes in the April 30 school At school board offices in the need to get a cooperative spirit Korner, 276-9673, Dot or Mike election. meantime, administrators are with the Township Committee. It kMikus, 276-8345, or the rec There was little doubt at Mon- busy answering the 40 questions. was not pleasant last year. We reation department, 709-7283, day's Committee meeting that the "We've already given them vol- have to provide as much informa- by May 20. The parade will governing body, was prepared to umes," said school business ad- tion, if not all, as soon as we can." a huge dealer but in form ait 8:30 am. May 27 at look for substantial cuts if school ministrator Jeanette Nixon. Another topic at the school Wabiut School and proceed to board members could not sub- Board members at Monday's meeting was the disputed matter friendly environment" Memorial Park for services. stantiate increases. Mayor Ed school workshop meeting felt most of the town's, first payment of tax Force stressed the need to "find of. the questions had been an- revenue to the school board. Ac- out if the • increases serve the swered in documents submitted to cording to state law, municipal- purpose they are there for." He the Committee following the bud- ities must turn over 20 percent of Pay for play said the school board will have to get defeat Some of the requested the annual school tax levy within justify if the increases are "really data, such as an inventory of all TTi Town officials plan to in- 40 days of the start of the school [stitute new user fees for seve- heeded to provide thorough and te&ching supplies, they felt was .fiscal year July 1. The Cranford BRAND NEW'91' BRAND NEW'91 ral recreation programs. Page efficient education.*' impossible to compile by next school board the last seven years BRAND NEW91 He declined to say the amount week. Board members also re- has agreed to waive that re- .Ar3. .•••',••."•.;.. ,; '.'. of cuts the governing body would sented the fact that not one (Please turn to page A-2) be looking for, saying that it would Township Committee member TERCEL COROLLA "depend on the explanation of Winning voices increases." He said Tuesday the Toyola *Or S«d«n. 4Ctl big. AUTO, ta Brajiaa, FW W Moo, Crat, WN Cwi reduction would" be "at least over •B. VM. MtOOtOeOS. M9RR tKUO. ToyoU «* Sadan. *A< Gng. AUTO, . Cranfbrd High School's School board elects P— BeglDlac Brafca«s AM, FVO. n> $100,000." The governing body and Dafco. 6t Cfcdc. Fui Cnt Fu> Spa™. V \ m.-^ (Madrigal Singers were rated foyott M*. 1.M.B0HC AWFVI SUrao Can. CMh H. Buctata. ConaUa. M W|»i.X> BaMry t AaamaW, Crpt UaU. Mil Cvra, BIS school board compromised on a Mkigav atd VN. «MU29K Cw JlOrnt, ftr Da*o, in, CnK. R UU. B/ The second confirmed case of rabies in a raccoon was found in (Please turn to page A-13) 8 MUg*. HaOak. WM ton, V* Wpaou Crulae, Campus news CWfi M. «d VIN. tmtiMM. USW, K4.org. Prloa Ineb (ISW Urn Dabata, the Brookside area of the township last week. The State Dep- Uaida JO Hal*, I.U. EFI «V Ena 6-Spd Man Tram. P»» BraVa«, Man MU> Sttg. FWO, Radlala, Trip Maw, Opt, Halootn Maida 44V Sadan. <-Cy( Ena IMpd Man Trana, Pw SM t Dbo Diakaa, AIR, AU/FU Slarao Cms! Cnjlaa, Dig Ctock. n Mala, Haadlanva. Fold Doon Raar Sa*. Br Dafao. Carrjo Cv», Cmola. aid WN. »UO3«agl. USHP: 17200 Rr CMog, 1/(llau. Clotti M, Radall, Cipl, Buckala. Connla, Vrt Cvra. W Wlpara, alol VM. #U5157520. USJ1P; 113,022, Ptfca College students from Cran- artment of Health is recommending all domestic cats and dogs be IndatlSDOMFRRabate. ford, Garwood and Kenilworth vaccinated in order to protect both residents and pets from the have earned academic dis- fatal disease. Town budget tinction. Page B-7, The township health department has scheduled a free rabies immunization clinic Saturday at Orange Avenue pool. In order to aid in the administration of the vaccine, only cats will be im- introduced 0,990 Life members munized from 9 to 11 ani., followed by both dogs and cats from .'.'., :•• . ". ."..•• ; Photo by George Pacclello' noon to 2 p.m. Animals must be leashed, restrained and ac- BRAND NEW'91 IBRANDNEW'91 Cranford First Aid Squad companied by an adult ' with zero recognized four life members LONG WAY DOWN hampers Anne Marie Meola in getting out On April 26 a Brookside area resident returned from work to at a recent dinner. Page A-12. of her."secohd-fl'por Nortfi Avenue apartment after multiple find a dead.raccoon wedged in a rear.yard picket fence and MPV it sclerosis changed her life; • increase Mud«V(kS>dan.ftCy«24SM Angelo Pierri, substance Woman fe^es homelessness despite gift of chair For the first time in as long as ataala SOr IWeK Man/ Eng. Mod Han . Trana, Fw RiP 9>a t DMo Ba*aa. P»> V*v abuse coordinator at Cranford township officials can remember dtftdaVnwWWIHna, AH, T/rjaaa. Rr Da- High School, is leaving the By Georgia Vosinakls tog. FWO. AWFM SlOu, Dig Ctook, Tat, Johnson, who is studying to become a pas- the municipal budget has been CnAti, Opt. BucMs. ODnHteTSlnnoot, B/S position in June after six "In the last eight months, my life has gone MUga. UK TOm. BjdUa. AfcyW*. Alarm. Rr Chronicle associate tor, contacted the Phil Portnoy Humanitarian introduced at a zero tax-point Wpar. MtMpm.E*(iaukMpm.E* ,, RamCnaH H UrnUrn,, years: Page A-2, from independently surviving to soon-to-be CMhh IIr** «P<«PB, Pwr SlAWnd/Lok, 4-Dr Silver, 4-Cyl, AUTO, PS/PB, AIR, T/Glasg, soon could be homeless if existing assistance through the efforts of Union residents Ronald held prior to voting. 4-Door, AUTO trans, 4-Cyl,' Pwr Slmg/Brakas, - AIH,-T/0»m, Rr Oil, MilfU tta. UJU3 ml VIN.#OW- ... -Rr D«l,»C*MMI*v8uri- Roof,- etc.- 27,860 ml. • or helmet Page B-16, come. 381442. :.-•. . . ' '••• . •. . . VIN,#K1763538. . Johnson and Phillip Portnoy, both of whom After, months of intense work on Pwr Windows/Locks, AM/FM Sleroo, B/S Mldgs, agencies cannot prpyide the aid she so des- (Please turn to Page A-9) Rr Delrosl & Moral Rental miles vary from 7B96 '8» EXCEL , J53B7 perately needs., also are handicapped. the part of Township Committee to 25,353, VIN. #LU2tO232 or VIN, ICLU2O9740. Hyundai 4-Dr Blue, 4-Cyl, AUTO, PS/PB, AIR, T/QlUt, Rr '80 NISSAN 240XE $9084 «V «a6an,4ara.CrplF1r»rli^Ma»*3P*ARa«iQ*IUrnj,*l Nlsun 4-pr Blua, 4-Cy(, AUTO, PS/PB. Pwf WindArk, WVM.#UnoM«.l5*»IS84. ' yM.MiwioeRt.Hmr-.tw.n4. VotUiwgM MX Bill.. 4-Cyl, AUTO, PSVPB, AIR, 17 tempts to bring the 1991 budget to MR, T/Qlw<, nr;Qd, Cuwttt, tlo. 40,105 ml. VIN. ' GlMVRTp*).AM/FM, •!<). 38,000 ml. VIN, #QW33172I. ,#Fni!B5e2. •' ;. • ' . • p '88SUPRA $14,99$ Arlene Tami of Cranford was within acceptable range. While Toyota 2-Dr Rod, 6-Cyl, AUTO, P8/PB,,Pwr SV $ '8T ESCORT ' , $4901 '88BARETTACL \ ' $7331 a contestant in the Union significant cuts were realized and Ford 4-Dr Or»y, 4Oyl, AUTO. PS/PB, AIR, T/Gluf, Rr Chwy 2-OI Biua, O-Cyi AUTO, PS/PB, Pwr WlndAxk, Wind/ Lck, AIR, T/Qlass, Rr Dof, CassBHe, etc, 2,990 (Ml, Catull*, ale. 1BM2 ml. VIN. #HW2M118. AIR, YA3l»M,Rr Dal, iVo. 17,400 ml. VIN, #JVS<74«9, 9831 ml. VIN. #K0116177. County Scholarship Pageant many departments presented $6888 9590 Saturday sponsored by Cran- "flat" budgets, a major contribut- Prices include all costs except tax, license, doc & registration fees. Buy now and take advantage of our incredible Grand Opening prices! ford Chamber of Concert ing factor to the zero*tax point Photos are on Page A-10. level had to do significantly with the $720,000 in state monies dis- " tributed specifically for the pur- pose of reducing municipal taxes. Recycling Although the two-year program Residents should place offers some relief this year and in newspapers, glass and al- 1992, township financial officials uminum at curbside Wed- have indicated the long-term ef- nesday for collection for fects could double residential recycling. taxes by 1994, and put the town- ship in dire financial straits. While the 1991 budget was hit with staggering increases in Guide to inside township health benefit premiums Classified...... C-ltoC-12 and sewerage costs which a- Editorials A-4 mounted to almost $700,000, the louota • Entertainment B-8 to B»15 township rebounded by slashing Vehicle* Garwood A-8.A-9 and cutting every nickel and dime • "7", •<•'"> ' •' ",'•'• ''"'/"v-i '" •'.••"'•"• Kenilworth A-6.A-7 possible, increasing fees, licenses Letters '. A-4.A-5 and charges of all types. Un- Obituaries B-6 explained after menths pf sig- Public notices B4 nificant cuts and fiscal woes is a Religion news B-5 4-percent salary increase for all municipal employees which Social news A-10, A-ll • ... . •.,..• Photo by.John Keating Sports B-l to B-4 seemingly was swept along with- FOR MOTHER'S DAY: Henry Dreyer waters plants In his graenhouse at Dreyer Farms in preparation for Mother's Day gifts Sunday. (Please turn to Page A-9)