LOOKING for a Marks College Graduation Youth Patrol

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LOOKING for a Marks College Graduation Youth Patrol VC*'’-r * .-r % ••» •<' r 1-^v A vei^e Daily Net Frees Run ■ ?. JbV The Week Ended The Weather FRIDAY, JUNE 16, W67 Hot humtd today with scat­ Mlay 20. 19B7 tered thundershowers, high PAGE TWENTY-FOUR near 90, fair,, wlorm tonight, lian tljifiatfr lEoifntttg ll^ ralb low 66-70; fair a Mttle cooler 15,210 tomorrow. Oratty, 48 PMUp Rd., or Edward Manchester— City of Village^ Charm The executive conuniibtee Fund Forming Group Collects Vdilga, 618 WethereH St. V^miTlie Oecoslon Calls for Flowars. About Town Nutmeig Forest, TaM OedaiS ot 1 Think of Th« VOL. LXXXVl, NO. 219 (FOURTEEN PAGIBS— TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1967 (Claeslfled Advertising on Page 11) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Leihamon, w4U nveet Monday at For Memorial On Sunday £or K BaccaJaurate Service will '?'30 pjm.- at the Masontc Tem- Measles Cases Reduced Parkhill-Joyce be held Sunday at Center Con- ple- To Miss Taylor Genovesi Fund CHICAGO—Only seven cases gregatlonal Church fw: the 57 ------ of hospitalization due to meas­ graduating seniora of Atanches- The Association of American The parents find children of Funds for the Vincent Geno­ les was reported In Chicago Flower Shop ter High School attending the Dance Oompaniee is having a Nathan Hale School have es- vesi Memorial Library Fund from Nov. 1, 1966, to mid-Feb­ riANCHESTER church. The service is especial- four-day conference tx)day , ^ ^ .u ■ end books for Grades 6, 7 and ruary, 1967. This is attributed IM. ly prepared for the studenU and through Monday in New York^ tatolished a fund to honor the to 121,600 inoculations against 8 wiM be CoHected ^Sunday from fNext to Hartford National Kosygin JJere for Talk, their parents, th e Rev. i Kep- City. Mds« Enid ROsenthBil of 38 \memory of Miss Sf^ry Taylor measles sponsored by the Board Bank) neth Steere will preach. Lawton Rd. and Joseph Albe- who died recently. She spent a 1 to 4 p.m. in the parking loU of Health in 1966, plus an un­ • YES— W E DELIVER • non, both of the Hartford. Ballet total of 40 yeans teaching at at St. Bridget and St. James’ known number of private /Phones: 649-0791 — 649-1448, Oo., are attending the event the school, 36 in the first grade Churohes. In the event of rain oculations. Hie Rev. James Birdsall of and the past four in the kin­ St. Peter’s Bpi.scopal Church, the committee will be in St. A Mass for the repose of the dergarten. Wapping, will conduct a radio Bridget School Auditorium or .LEGE soul of Mrs. Elizabeth Lessard The PTA has agreed to ac­ St. James’ Basement Church. emm' Takes Early New York Walk service Sunday at 8:15 a.m. on will be celebrated Sunday at cept donations to the fund, Checks and pledges may be - T ^ !■: ^30 a m .-s\ : j:mes’“^ irc“h. will be used to pC*-'cha.se sponsored by the Manchester made out to.the Vincent A. Gen­ The Mass has been reque.^ed trees for ifie school grounds as Ministerial Association. ovesi Memorial Library and 88 PORTER STREET by the Combined Catholic a living memorial to Miss Tay­ sent to St. Bridget ChuTCh or the Mothers Circle. lor. North End Branch of Oonnecti- WILL BE THE SCENE OF WHAT HAS BECOME AN ANNUAL Youth Patrol Conference Raserwaitdona cflose Tuesday Each pupil has received an Loring photo cut Bank and Tru.st Co., Joseph for a Hawaiian tuhu potlock Sunset Rebekah Lodge will announcement which has been Volz, treasurer. " "NEIGHBORHOOD FAIR" Keeps Order Thursday at 6:30 p.m., given by meet Monday at 8 p.m. at Odd sent home to parents. Torwns- 12^ Money and books will be used , With LB J the Greater Hartford alumnae Fellows Hall, after a potluck people and friends of Miss Tay­ to .stock a liibraay at St. Bridget THIS SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 17, FROM 1:00 P.M. ON of Oii Omega, natinnal women’s at 6:30. Members are reminded lor wishing to contribute may The engagement of Miss gchoc,] tg purchase and in- send donations to the school In Dayton Is Possible fraternity, at the home of Mrs. to bring food. District Deputy Janet Ellen Baloh to John Tim- ..jtaH stained glass door.s at its t or to Mrs. David Whitaker, 55 Harold Mlaguason, 57 N. Main pre^d'ent Mrs. Jessie Hyatt of othy Ruff, both of Manchester, entrance, inscribed with the By THE A8SOOIATE3D PRESS Teresa Rd. I.O.H. If NEW YORK (AP)—So­ ®t., West Hartford. MeiWbers, vVelcome Rebekah Lodge. East has been announced by her par- words, The Vincent A. Genovesi DAYTON, Ohio, followed the end aflumnae new to this area, Hartford, will make her official viet Premier Alexei N. ents, Mr. and Mra. Harald E. Memorial Library. , WILL BE THE BENEFICIARY OF THE PROCEEDS. lead of Tampa, Fla., Friday may make reservaitions by caM- viaitatlon. Kosygin arrived early to­ Orgamizaitioffis or churches night by using a youth patrol for day for serious discussions big Mrs. Louis Boddi of Bast ____ Public Records Balch of 20 Ehx) St. wishing to have membens of the Hartford. mjaa Holly. Wilson Davis, Her fiance is a ^ fxmd raising committee visit heading off racial violence. of the Middle East crisis at ------ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Warrantee Deeds Mra. John Ruff of 281 Autumn T R O O P 120 In another trouble spot, a pre­ the United Nations. He St ^rted things off by tak­ Members of the Salvation iiam S. Davis of Richmond, Va., Ohristoplher S. and Florence Brooks, 71 Wethereli St., Joihn OF THE LOCAL BOY SCOUTS WILL AID AND ABET THE i\ carious racial cease-fire wqs Army planning to attend a formerly of Manchester, grad- I. McHale to WiUMaim E. and M,jss Balch Is a member of maintained in Cincinnati after r/ ing a stroll through mid­ Shirley M. Scihuiltz, property at graduating class at Mon- NEIGHBORHOOD KIDS IN THEIR EFFORTS. Sunday School picnic tomorrow uated from Duke University, fohr nights o f arson, looting town Manhattan. are reminded to contact Fran- Durham, N.C., last week. 42 Battista Rd. Chester High School. After Startled security forces - a . and vandaltstn ces J. McCarthy of 57 Hack- ------ WihitelhaJia Manor Inc. to graduation, she will be employ- blinked as the motorcade matack St. A bus will leave the Members of Grace Group of Miiller Haugh and Sara S. gj at Pratt and Whitney, Divi- LIGGEH DRUG Dayton’s West Side was rela­ YOU dtiopped on its way to the Soviet Citadel at 10 a.m. for Forest Center Congregational Church Hanglh, property on Shaiiow- gf United Aircraft Coip., PARKADE tively calm, although police re­ Park, Springfield. ’Those at- will meet Monday at 6:30 p.m. brook Lane.. Eiist Hartford. Mr. Ruff, a 1966 WILL AID AND ABET A VERY WORTHY CAUSE BY STOPPING (Hendd pboto by Soternte) ported isolated incidents. ’There mission to the United Nations OPEN was some rock throwing, a tending are reminded to bring in the parking lot at the church EXigene P. Carini to Helen graduate of Manchester. High OFF FOR A WHILE. Nancy JL-Winther, hioMing her diploma, walks from the stage, past Manches­ from the airport. ’Then Kosygin, sandwiches. Ice cream and bev- and go to the South Seas Res- F. Howl, property at 92 Vernon school, is employed at Pratt 17:45 A.M. to 10 P.M. small lumber fire and a man wearing a gray business suit, ter Community College President Frederick Lowe. On the extreme, right is reportedly beaten, they said, eragea will be served. taurant. West Hartford. St. and Whitney, Division of United got out and began to walk. Mrs. Kaibherine Bourn, who conferred the degrees, and seated at left is Sen. but nothing like the fires and Helein T. Fitzpatrick to How- Aircraft Corp., Ea.st Hartford.,;, Gloria Scheffer, main speaker at the graduation exercises. ’The 30-car motorcade crept and S. Bergman, property at ,ja,tg ^as been set for the violence o f the two previous along as the premier and his nights. 406 Oaktend St. wedding. party strolled the sidewalks Marriage Licenses Officers patrolled streets by along Third Avenue in the 75-' . Gary Oha/ries Gray. Coven­ car with instructions to arrest degree weather. Shortly before try, and Barbara Xnn Zepp, 750 Tradition Free Ceremony any group that refused to dis­ 6 a.m. they had covered the half Center St., Jtme 24, Center Rec Meetings perse. mile to the mission on East 67th Congrega-tionoil Church. A smeUl corps of Negro youths Street. Roy Rdnelhart Heinz. Myers- End for Summer was sworn in as the city’s first Kosygin, on his first trip to town, Po,, and Deborah Lee LOOKING FOR A Marks College Graduation youth patrol. the United States, heads a long Last night’s meeting of the Miller Hartford, June 17, A similar g;roup received high list of world statesmen who are Advisory Rec and Park Com- Soviet Premier Kosygin acknowledges cheers from onlookers this morning South Methodist Church. In an air of youth and ex- recediweid thetoH ‘Mn abseaiitfia.” President Lowe introduced praise In Tampa this week for gathering for a special session WilMam Ediward Von Deck. as he leads a Soviet delegation from Kennedy Airport terminal. The Russians mis.sion was the last of the uberenice unshackled by any aaid OoUege Presl- the program. "It’s herd to r o - urging potential troublemakers of the U.N. deperal Assembly 16 Orchard St., and Kerin cuiTent season for its members ’ _ , - Frederick Lowe went from quire an old English teacher to ‘^ 1 - flew here to attend a special UN General Assembly meeting on the Middle on the Middle East.
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