
Title: Pastel Grade Level: k - 12 Length: 2 – 45 min.

Visual Arts Benchmarks: VA.68.C.2.3, VA.68.C.3.1, V.A.S.1.4, VA.68.S.2.1, VA.68.S.2.3, VA.68.S.3.4, VA.68.O.1.2, VA.68.O.2.4, VA.68.H.2.3, VA.68.H.3.3, VA.68.F.2.1, VA.68.F.3.4, VA.68.S.3.1, VA.68.C.1.3 Additional Required Benchmarks: LACC.68.RST.2.4, MACC.6.G.1, MACC.7.G.1, MACC.K12.MP.7, LACC.6.SL.2.4, MACC.K12.MP.6

Objectives / Learning Goals: Students explore a combination of and Painting mediums and techniques to create an impasto piece of artwork that reflects ’s unique painting style and imaginative use of color theory.

Vocabulary: impasto, pastel, paint, Impressionism, Post- Impressionism, Vincent van Gogh, , landscape, portrait, self-portrait, color theory, picture plane, pattern, design

Materials: white tempera paint, soft pastels, black construction paper, styrofoam trays, paper towels, sponges, pencils, rulers (optional) Instructional Resources: Pastel Painting power point, Vincent van Gogh art reproductions, textbooks

Instructional Delivery of Project: 1. Introduce, analyze, discuss, and evaluate a variety of Vincent van Gogh’s (Pastel Painting ppt.) with emphasis on his subject mater, and use of color theory and painting techniques. Follow with teacher-directed journal reflections. 2. Demonstrate the impasto technique of dipping pastels into white tempera paint and applying to surface of black construction paper. 3. Teacher-directed discussion and questioning students on what they observed in the demonstration of the pigment of the pastel mixing with the white tempera paint as it is applied to surface. 4. Give students small 4” x 4” black construction paper. Direct students to practice the pastel / paint impasto techniques (hatching, cross-hatching, stippling, scumbling) and create a design. Follow up with teacher-directed questions and student response to what was experienced and discovered. 5. Review Pastel Painting ppt. Have students select subject matter (landscape, still life, portrait, self-portrait). Teacher directs students through a series of questions that define the visual reference needs and how to acquire them for their painting. 6. Direct students to frame out black construction paper with a 1” margin (teacher selected paper size). 7. Draw a planning to designate of subject matter on picture plane inside margin. 8. Begin pastel painting. 9. Teacher Directed mid-point evaluation of what is working, not working, how to finish. 10. Finish artwork with a repeated pattern design in margin using pastel painting techniques. 11. Display. Critique. Evaluate.

Reflection / Closure: Assessment to include: student dialogue, class discussion, art critiques, reflective journal writing, essential questions, teacher observation, and teacher and/or student rubric