מרכז המידע הישראלי לזכויות האדם בשטחים (ע.ר.) B’Tselem – The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories D R A F T LAND GRAB Israel’s Settlement Policy in the West Bank May 2002 Researched and written by Yehezkel Lein in collaboration with the Eyal Weizman - architect Translated by Shaul Vardi and Zvi Shulman רחוב התעשייה 8 (קומה רביעית), ירושלים 93420, טלפון 6735599 (02), פקס 6749111 (02) 8 Hata’asiya St. (4th Floor),Talpiot, Jerusalem 93420, Tel. (02) 6735599, Fax (02) 6749111 e-mail:
[email protected] http://www.btselem.org Table of Contents Introduction 2 Chapter One: Policy, Processes and Institutions: Basic Concepts 5 Chapter Two: The Settlements in International Law 20 Chapter Three: The Mechanism Used to Seize Control of Land 31 Chapter Four: The Annexation Policy and Local Government 52 Chapter Five: The Encouragement of Migration to the Settlements 60 Chapter Six: The Planning System 73 Chapter Seven: An Analysis of the Map of the West Bank 80 Chapter Eight: The Ari’el Settlement 102 Conclusions 109 2 Introduction In December 2001, a long article appeared in Ha’aretz under the headline “Five Minutes from Kfar Saba – A Look at the Ari’el Region.”1 The article reviewed the real estate situation in a number of “communities”2 adjacent to the Trans-Samaria Highway in the vicinity of Ari’el. The article included the information that most of the land on which these “communities” were established are “state-owned land,” and that “despite the security problems and the depressed state of the real estate market, the situation in these locales is not as bad as might be expected.” The perspective from which this article was written (the real estate market) and the terminology it employs largely reflect the process of the assimilation of the settlements into the State of Israel.