Astronauts Spend Last Weekend at Home Prior to Moon Launch
LOW TIDE I HIGH TIDE 7-5-69 7-.5-69 1 8 at 0230 4 5 at 0848 1 6 at 1512 4 1 at 2136 -.tOURGlASS r .... ', I .. "'~!...,... ~ .. _", Friday, July 4, 1969 VOL 9, No 8440 Thuy Returns to Paris HAACP Unvei's Monument 'n Tribute to Medger (vers After Hanoi Conferences JACKSON, MISS (UPI) -- The National Asso PARIS (UPI) -- North Vietnamese offi ciatIon for the Advancement of Colored cials sa~d today chief Communist nego People unveiled a monument today In trI tiator Xuan Thuy will return today to bute to the late Medgar Evers during a me Par~s from extens~ve consultations in morial service for Mississippi "martyrs" Hanoi on the next move in the talks and other deceased members on V~et Nam Evers, a former state NAACP field sec- They said the 54-year-old North V~ retary, was shot from ambush and killed etnamese diplomat, who was summoned on outside his Jackson home six years ago May 24 to return to Hanoi, will arrive The special memor1al service was held at at Le Bourget a~rfield after stopovers the 60th annual convention to put the fi in Peking and Moscow where he d~scussed nishing touches on its six-day meetIng In peace and war issues with high-ranking thIS Deep South CIty The convention will Communist Ch~nese and Soviet officials close tomorrow at noon All~ed officials awaited Thuy's re Mrs Myrlie Evers, widow the slaIn Ne turn to see whether h~ will give them gro lader, Charles Evers, who succeeded specific information on whether the his late brother, and Aaron Henry, PreSI current lull in f~ght~ng in South Viet dent of the NAACP
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