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Will Be Proclaimed Republic , HIG~ TIDE LOW TIDE 6-22-69 6-22-69 t, 2 at 0930 4 a at 2242 2 2 at Oj18 t-tOURGlASS 1 8 at 1606 oPt..,,'\ I '~!... ~... ~ .. -,'" ~-.;l_-'-- !! .... OL 9, No 842'.1 KWAJALEIN, t1ARSHALL ISLANDS ....... -~-..... ----~-- -------~. ----- 'Rockef~B~~r Completes T oday's N eWA Egypt Claims Shooting Down 7hird leg of Mission At a Glance Three Israeli Spotter Planes s: tat~~ ~~merica Today ROCKEFELLER (UPI) -- Egypt BaLd it shot down three Israeli spotter planes today durlng an PUNT\ DEL EsrE (UPI) --Governor Nelson over, terms ~t a succ~ss A Rockefeller of New York completed II-lour altll1ery duel across the Suez Canal, one of several battles that raged the th~rd leg of h~s four-part tour of CAPE KENNEDY -- Everyth1ng st&lZ the length of the waterway Egyptian officers described the shelling as the heaviest since the 1967 War Lati~ p~er~ca today, describ~ng it as "A-ok" fop launch the 16y;h the "turn~ng po~nt" ln a fact -f1.nding An Egyptian military spokesman in Cairo said the three Israeli planes were miss1.o""1 01' ;'lh1Ch President N1.yon will RHODESIA -- Wh~te Suple~ac~st Jowned near Dever'>oir, 12 miles south of Ismailia in the central sector of the 103-mile waterway Fighting in that sector alone continued 11 hours today, they base I~ter-P~erL~an pollcy gove:rnmert tnumphs ~n e iechJ»,s A heav~l} armea security guard, some -ators Call said, and was an extension of battles with police dogs on leashes, formed a PARIS -- Comrrnes st&~Z w~ t Red Negotl in the northern and southern sectors protectl'"e con'Ol arollne lhe villa Tmeu IS goveNurent o~ rthro'Jr, • provoked by an alleged Israeh troop where ROLkefeller met fc,r two hours Ch~ef Negot~atcp ~s ~a Hano~ Nixon Warmonger build-up on the East Bank wlth President Jorge P,cbeco Areco of In Tel Aviv, an Israeli army spokes­ Uruguay rhe site uf thc.i r !:'eetl.ng. ECYPT Fgypt and IspopZ ape at PARIS (UPI) -- Communlst negot~ators man reported intermittent artillery and loosed new tirades aga1.nst President Ni- mortar exchanges across the canal today was mo\ed I-c t.1<:.s c;ea~ide resort be­ ~t agcnn xon and the Saigon government today for more than 10 hours cause of anti-~~pr,~an Iloting ln Mon­ call1ng both warmongers and 19noring the He said there were no Israell casual­ tev1deo, t~e ca,ltal c1'y CHARLE<;TON l{ac"Z.aL urwest ",Ii "We are over Il]e hump," K0ckefeller lkmDnstpat~ons "Z.n th-z.s C1ty U S warnings t~at their stubborness may ties and mentioned no aircraft losses said ln a news conference prlor to fr~eze the PariS Peace Talks All early information of the fightlng meet~~g Pacheco fhlS thlrd tlip lS SPAIN -- U S outs bac~ m"Z.Z~tary Tra Buu Kiem, former Chief Negotiator, came from Cairo These sources sald the turning P01,t basps and spend~ng said at Paris aIrport that the govern- tank, rocket and mortar fire erupted at "(Ie are gettln~ what the President menl of President Nguyen Van Thieu is the northern end of the canal Just be- wanted suggest~orb from the leaders 'ultra-reactionary, warmonger~ng and fore midnight last night and contlnued of the hemlsp~eTe on whit should be corrupt " for two and a half hours done The trips are go ng through to Kiem lndicated the North Vietnamese The Egyptians said firIng resumed at the end " Apollo Flight Director and the Viet Cong negotiators planned to 8 am for two hours around Suez City There were no lncldenls reported in keep up pressure for the overthrow of and Port Tewfik in the canal's southern Punta del Este todav, but violence e Thieu's reg~me as a conditl0n for pro- sector and spread at the same tlme to rupted in Montevideo 'hi re youths ro~­ Sees July Moon LantJing gress at the peace conference He was the central sector around Ismailla and en route to North Viet Nam via Moscow Jordan, where it cont~nued ~nto the med through the street c smashlng win­ CArE KPlNEDY (uTI) -- Apollo 11 Flight and Peking evening dows overturning cars and shoutlng Director Clifford E Charlesworth said anti-Americar slog~ns Pollce sald Kiem also repeated the longstanding The sources said the helIcopter was today the chances are "pretty close" to Communist demand for complete and uncon- also shot down about 12 mlles south of in the capital the vout, s were at- 100 perc-ert thaI Nell A~strong and Ed­ ditional U Stroop wlthdrnwal He sa~d \ Ismailiaj 'indicating thIS report may tacking both forelgn and Uruguayan bu­ win Aldrin will :,p ,ble to land on the Nlxon's pledge to withdraw 25,000 troops have been a duplication of one of the ~ines~es without discrinlnat~on Se­ Moon next nrnth veral of the demoT''>trat:()rs were arrest­ soon only masked hlS long-range aim of craft mentioned by the ml1ltary But Charlesworth sald ln an intervlew maintaining a "military presence" to They explained the heavy flrlng as an ed, they saiG in .lOlle, n that he would conSIder the Rockefeller, who W1.11 return to New protect Thieu's reglme Egyptian attempt to waylay Israel~ con- miss~on c ,~~< -, if t' e 1: ..0 p1lot" York early tomorrow, ca~e here from 0fficials in the U S delegation were voys which they said were headed for merely lande" 1 h" Moon's Sf-a 'J£ known to have expressed fears that lf the East Bank front lines Asuncion, Paraguav Nhere he confer­ Tranquility and returnee! home without rhp rommunists oersisted In thls demand The battles were in progress when it red with Prcsldent Alfredo Stroe~sner eVLr "lllK1n£ 011 tl e lUll"lr s."rface as they dld today, polltical negotla- was announced in Washlngton that the and earlier in the week he was in the Armstrong and .Alrlrln rehearsed their tions would not ~n fact get underway Israeli Prime Minister, Golda Melr, had city of Rio de Janeiro Hoo,", ~al",v rations in a lun'lr mo­ Some officials ~n the U S and South accepted an invitation to ViSlt Pres~- In the new,> conference today, RocK­ dule trainer at the Cape K ITledy Moon­ Vietnamese negotiating camps, however dent Nixon, possibly next month efeller said Nixon already has begun port today whilp the thlrd me-abel" of noted the prolonged absence of ChIef In Tel Aviv last night, Gen Moshe to act on his recommendations He the Apollo 11 team, Michael Collins, Negotiating agent Xuan Thuy, who iq in Kashti, Director of the Defense Mlnis­ noted the administration announcement worked out in a command module ~imula­ t~at the United States planned to Hanoi, as a sign some new move may be try, announced that Israel would ma~n­ tor under consideration by the Communists tain its unprecedented level of mI11- loosen restrict1.ons requlring that Technlc~ans at the same tlme were He left Paris two days after Presi- tary spending in order to keep up with most U S flnanclal assista,ce to pU1Ppin!! ',ard-to-handle propellants into Latin American be spenr on Amer1can­ dent Nixon's eight-point peace plan was shipments to the Arab states Kashtl the Apollo 11 lunar module at the ocean presented to the conference and spent a said Israel now spends $85 million a made products launch pad The Space Agency said the week in both Moscow and Peking en route year, 20 percent of ltS national budget This lS a major indication that five-day fueling operation was proceed­ President Nixon takes the problem se­ to HanOi on arms ing on schedule and should be (amp let­ In Jerusalem, Police Chief Yithak Ba­ riously and is ready to take decisive ~d Monday night WATER USED 366,200 gallons reli announced over the state radlo Is­ steps to correct the frustrations and The Astronaut" plannted to take tc­ raeli police have arrested 40 persons remove the handicaps tc better rela­ morrow off and relax at their quartecs WATER IN STORAGE 7,685,000 gdllons suspected of detonatlng th,ee explo­ tlons," he sald here .. inns near the ancient "Waillng Wall" Rockefeller al,>o saie he was still Morp grueJing trnlning lS nn the CONDITION YELLOW The blasts wounded two Arabs and an hoping to go to Chile, Peru and Vene­ agenda fur next week zuela, all of which ha\e told him to Israeli and startled hundreds of wor­ stay out shippers at the Wall He will begin t~e final leg of his Premier Ian Smith Hints Rhodesia Although the Police Chief declined to trip ~une 29, bv flyin, to Buenos A1.­ give any further details on the arrests res, Argentlnd it is known that two Amerlcans were Will Be Proclaimed Republic treated for shock ~~l ISBURY, RHODESIA (UPI) -- Rhodesiar Premier Ian Smith, rid~ng a landslide victory for his White Supremacist GoverrmeTl~hinted today this breakaway Brit~sh DOD "ans to Cut Baci t.:--'llLI)-\ " colony will be pr0claimed a Rep'Jb' ic in November w~ th a const~tution barn.ng ma­ ...,. -< ,. • ~ "" jority African rule M;I;tary Operations ;n Spain White Rhodesians packed inta pubb and n~ght spots to celebrate Smith's victory WASFINGTON (UPI) -- The Defense De­ and they appeared unworried about the prospects of increased economic saRC"lons oartmpnt today announced a cutback in by an angry Britain or tougher moves l~ke the "quarantine" of the country which U S military operations ln Spain ln Afro-Asian countries are presslllg the the wake of a compromise agre~ment United Nations to adopt Dusk~to-Dawn Curfew merely postponing until next yec~ a de­ Smith himself brushed aside threats cision to continue American bases on of sanctions ~t a news conference the Spanish soil tall, beaming Premier said he hoped the Imposed in Charleston results of yesterday's ::-ef", , ,dum w,'Lld ( HARLES';ON, S C (UP!) -- Officials The-Pentagon said commenCing in De­ cemher, the U S Air Base at Moron, lS "brit'g the pe.lple to their st..roses and moved today to clamp a lid on this ra­ due to be reduced to a caretaker status Lially
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