Astronauts Spend Last Weekend at Home Prior to Moon Launch

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Astronauts Spend Last Weekend at Home Prior to Moon Launch LOW TIDE I HIGH TIDE 7-5-69 7-.5-69 1 8 at 0230 4 5 at 0848 1 6 at 1512 4 1 at 2136 -.tOURGlASS r .... ', I .. "'~!...,... ~ .. _", Friday, July 4, 1969 VOL 9, No 8440 Thuy Returns to Paris HAACP Unvei's Monument 'n Tribute to Medger (vers After Hanoi Conferences JACKSON, MISS (UPI) -- The National Asso­ PARIS (UPI) -- North Vietnamese offi­ ciatIon for the Advancement of Colored cials sa~d today chief Communist nego­ People unveiled a monument today In trI­ tiator Xuan Thuy will return today to bute to the late Medgar Evers during a me­ Par~s from extens~ve consultations in morial service for Mississippi "martyrs" Hanoi on the next move in the talks and other deceased members on V~et Nam Evers, a former state NAACP field sec- They said the 54-year-old North V~­ retary, was shot from ambush and killed etnamese diplomat, who was summoned on outside his Jackson home six years ago May 24 to return to Hanoi, will arrive The special memor1al service was held at at Le Bourget a~rfield after stopovers the 60th annual convention to put the fi­ in Peking and Moscow where he d~scussed nishing touches on its six-day meetIng In peace and war issues with high-ranking thIS Deep South CIty The convention will Communist Ch~nese and Soviet officials close tomorrow at noon All~ed officials awaited Thuy's re­ Mrs Myrlie Evers, widow the slaIn Ne­ turn to see whether h~ will give them gro lader, Charles Evers, who succeeded specific information on whether the his late brother, and Aaron Henry, PreSI­ current lull in f~ght~ng in South Viet dent of the NAACP of MisSlSSlPP, all de­ Nam was a maJor goodw~ll gesture fore­ picted Medgar Evers as a man "who gave h1s shadow~ng concessions at the negotia­ life for what he belIeved in and the bet­ t~ng table, or Just a strictly military terment of others " tactrcal coincidence Charles Evers saId It was the fourth me­ The Hanoi official, who holds cabinet morIal service he had attended thls year rank ~n North Viet Nam's Communist gov­ and promIsed delegates that "as long as ernment, was believed to be returning there is hate, discrImInation, bIgotry and to Paris with fresh instructions on how INDFPENDENCE D4Y MESSAGE TO MEMBERS OF THE ARMED FORCES racists there w1ll be more " Evers, who will become Mayor of Fayette, to handle the Paris talks, now in the~r On July 4, 1969, we shall observe the 193rd annIversary of the DeclaratIon of Miss1ssippI, Monday, said Henry, hImself 25th week and still d~adlocked Independence Th~s IS a spec~al day to be celebrated by all Amer1cans It 1S a and others had deCIded long ago that dy­ North Vietnamese and Viet Cong offi­ tIme to recall wIth JOY and celebrat10n the proclamatIon of "llberty throughout cials have withheld comment on the lull the land," on that GlorIOUS Fourth 1n 1776, the day our Nat10n was born ing was not so bad--"lt IS what you d~e for " wh~ch was officially noted by Secretary In the words of John Adams, our second Pres1dent, th1S day "ought to be com­ of State W~lliam Rogers in Washington memorated by solemn acts of devotIon to God solemnIzed wIth pomp and parade on Wednesday, and confirmed since then from ore end of thIS cont1nent to the other, from th1S t1me forward ever- HViet Traffic S'ows by U S field commanders on the bat­ more " tlefield Our herItage of the democrat~c prInCIples of the equalIty and dIgnIty of all On Ho Chi Mini Trai' All~ed analysts recalled that in the men and theIr "unal1enable rIghts of llfe, lIberty, and the pursuIt of happ1- SAIGON (UPI) -- U S mIlItary sources to­ past each prolonged trip home of a key ness" stems from thIS document These prInc1ples, to WhICh the DeclaratIon's day reported a sharp drop In North Vietna­ Hanoi or Viet Cong negotiator was fol- founders mutually pledged the1r Ilves, theIr fortune~, and the1r sacred honor, mese traffIC over the Ho ChI MInh supply lowed shortly afterwards by new Com­ are today protected by all men and women 1n the Armed Forces For th1S, all trail and a Marine general sa~d the cur­ munist diplomatic moves--either a soft­ Amer1cans can be proud of your contr1butlon to our secur1ty--t en~ure that ening or toughening of their line succeedIng generatIons of AmerIcans w1ll always be able to celebrate rent lull ~n major fIghting could be a Observers said that at next Thurs- Independence Day sign that HanOI is scaling down the war day's sess~on, Lodge is expected to ex­ The sources said the dally flow over the plore in m~nute detail the latest ideas Flclcard Nlxon Ho Chi Minh tra~l 1nto South V1et Nam has of the Hanoi leaders dropped from 40 trucks last February to 18 last week The same military sources also reported Astronauts Spend Last Weekend that for the fIrst time In 17 months sol­ diPTs of the U S Marine DiviSIon In the Da Nang area were encounterIng only VIet At Home Prior to Moon Launch Cong guerr~llas and that North V1etnamese SPACE CENTER, HOUSTON (UPI) -- The Apollo 11 Astronauts, objects of publ~c scru­ troops had withdrawn into the mountaIns t~ny for the past few weeks, escaped to the pr~vacy of the~r homes this mornIng behind the Da Nang coastal plain during their last weekend in Houston before the scheduled July 16 launch to the MaJ Gen Ormond SImpson, the commander Moon of the 1st Marine Div~slon, sa1d the pull­ back In the Da Nang area and other Commu­ Meanwhile, Space Center technicians rushed to complete a crash protect~ve sys­ tem to isolate Nell Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins dur~ng their f~­ nist moves was enrouraging nal pre-flight news conference tomorrow "We were Impressed WIth the low enemy activity," SImpson sa~d "We are attempt- The system, more ellborate than anyth~ng normally provided for the President, was to protect the Astronauts from any 1ng to determ~ne If the enemy 1S hurt and germs the newsmen might carry regroup~ng for new attacks or If, perhaps, Space doctors have ,:atalogued the mi­ Two Libera' Senators this is the hopeful SIgn everyone has been cro-organisms each Astronaut normally lookIng for Our guard IS up and we cannot carries In h~s body so he can be Seei Rearrangement make any assumption " tested after he returns from the Moon Simpson said It would be at least an- to see If he brought back any strange other month before any firm conclUSIon can Of Hationa' Priorities be drawn organisms WHILE YOU'RE COMFORTABLY ENJOYING the All contacts wIth persons with whom WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Two lIberal sena­ Communiques from the U S Command today fIreworks ton~ght, you mlght take a reflected the low level of war actIon the Astronauts do not normally associ­ tors attacked military spending in moment to remember the men ln V1et Narn Spokesmen reported only two clashes In­ ate has been halted 4th of July stacements today, callIng where the fJ reworks are not pleasurable The Astronauts relaKed today, facing for a rearrangement of natIonal prio­ volv~ng U S casualties a bush schedule tomorrow morning before rItIes the afternoon news conference and in- But Sen Barry Goldwater (Rep Ariz) Romania May Become New Site terv~ews w~th reporters late into the saId such cr1tlcism endangers Ameri­ night can securIty They had a clear schedule again Sun­ Sen Walter Mondale, (Dem -Minn ), day before returning to Cape Kennedy on attrIbuted much of the "agony of the For Faltering Sino-American Talks LONDON (UPI) -- RomanIa, one of the came to Peking's defense when SOVIet lead­ Monday for a final brushup rev~ew be­ CItIes" to heavy m111tary spendIng fore the flIght WhICh he said denies needed money to few nations to claIm good relat10ns ers tried to ram a condemnation of Ch~na Pek~ng, TechniCIans erected a huge plast~c improve condItIons in rural areas SO WIth both WashIngton and may through the Communist summIt meeti~g last cage In the space center's auditorium as to halt the steady m1gration to become the new SIte of the sputter1ng month By contrast, Poland's Wladyslaw Go­ around the place the Astronaut's will already choked citIes SIno-AmerIcan ambassadorIal talks, di­ mulka led the attack at the Summ1t on the SIt for the news conference "Almost every one of these areas plomatIC sources saId today regime of Mao Tse-tung At the back of the cage, six powerful faces serious problems of SOCIal un­ The posslble shIft of the talks from The ambassadorial talks--the only chance "clean room" fIltered blowers, pur­ rest, envIronmental pollutIon, and Warsaw, where for 15 years they have for AmerIcan and Chinese officials to ex­ chased from a Los Angeles firm Monday unemployment," Mondale sa~d In a Bos­ been the only channel for a Peklng­ change view face to face--had been sche­ at a cost of almost $6,000, sent a ton speech WashIngton dIalogue, to Bucharest re­ duled to resume in Warsaw last January stream of fIltered aIr into the cage "Programs designed to slow the mI­ ma1ned speculative, the sources said But the Chinese abruptly canceled them, The crash program to build the cage gratIon by providing equal educatIon­ But thlS speculatIon has been for­ allegedly because the U S government had began last weekend when Space Agency al and employment opportunItIes, plus tIfIed bV the announcement that PreS1- helped a Chinese diplomat to defect to the dent Nixon w1ll VIS1t Romania August Hest physlc~ans, who had already put the As modern publIC serVIces ~n rural areas tronauts under a pre-flight quarant1ne, are reeling under the hammer-blows of 2-3 When Peking made the surprIse suggestion became concerned that they might pick war spendIng, WhICh thIS year will In Budapest, the HungarIan political for the resumption of the ambassadorial ex­ up germs from the hundreds of
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