Will Be Proclaimed Republic
, HIG~ TIDE LOW TIDE 6-22-69 6-22-69 t, 2 at 0930 4 a at 2242 2 2 at Oj18 t-tOURGlASS 1 8 at 1606 oPt..,,'\ I '~!... ~... ~ .. -,'" ~-.;l_-'-- !! .... OL 9, No 842'.1 KWAJALEIN, t1ARSHALL ISLANDS ....... -~-..... ----~-- -------~. ----- 'Rockef~B~~r Completes T oday's N eWA Egypt Claims Shooting Down 7hird leg of Mission At a Glance Three Israeli Spotter Planes s: tat~~ ~~merica Today ROCKEFELLER (UPI) -- Egypt BaLd it shot down three Israeli spotter planes today durlng an PUNT\ DEL EsrE (UPI) --Governor Nelson over, terms ~t a succ~ss A Rockefeller of New York completed II-lour altll1ery duel across the Suez Canal, one of several battles that raged the th~rd leg of h~s four-part tour of CAPE KENNEDY -- Everyth1ng st&lZ the length of the waterway Egyptian officers described the shelling as the heaviest since the 1967 War Lati~ p~er~ca today, describ~ng it as "A-ok" fop launch the 16y;h the "turn~ng po~nt" ln a fact -f1.nding An Egyptian military spokesman in Cairo said the three Israeli planes were miss1.o""1 01' ;'lh1Ch President N1.yon will RHODESIA -- Wh~te Suple~ac~st Jowned near Dever'>oir, 12 miles south of Ismailia in the central sector of the 103-mile waterway Fighting in that sector alone continued 11 hours today, they base I~ter-P~erL~an pollcy gove:rnmert tnumphs ~n e iechJ»,s A heav~l} armea security guard, some -ators Call said, and was an extension of battles with police dogs on leashes, formed a PARIS -- Comrrnes st&~Z w~ t Red Negotl in the northern and southern sectors protectl'"e con'Ol arollne lhe villa Tmeu IS goveNurent o~ rthro'Jr, • provoked by an alleged Israeh troop where ROLkefeller met fc,r two hours Ch~ef Negot~atcp ~s ~a Hano~ Nixon Warmonger build-up on the East Bank wlth President Jorge P,cbeco Areco of In Tel Aviv, an Israeli army spokes Uruguay rhe site uf thc.i r !:'eetl.ng.
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