121212ournal ofNeurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 1994;57:1212-1215 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.57.10.1212 on 1 October 1994. Downloaded from

Tenascin in cerebrospinal fluid is a useful biomarker for the diagnosis of brain tumour

J Yoshida, T Wakabayashi, S Okamoto, S Kimura, K Washizu, K Kiyosawa, K Mokuno

Abstract Subsequently, Erikson and Taylor showed , an glyco- that this was biochemically identical with , has been reported to be tenascin.6 Within the CNS the use of peroxi- expressed predominantly on glioma tis- dase antiperoxidase immunohistology with sue in the CNS, both in a cell associated 81 C6 MCA showed that the antigen was and an excreted form. Recently, a highly expressed in glioblastomas but not in astrocy- sensitive sandwich type enzyme tomas or in normal adult brain.7 immunoassay for quantitative determi- In 1991, Herlyn et al found that most nation of tenascin was developed. In the melanoma cells secreted tenascin in vitro. present study, the amount of tenascin in They also reported that tenascin was present CSF was measured. An increase of in the serum of patients with melanoma and tenascin in CSF (>100 nglml) was found that the concentration of tenascin in serum in patients with an astrocytic tumour. was a tumour marker for advanced The concentration was significantly melanomas because they found lower concen- higher (>300 nglrn) in high grade astro- trations in patients with low tumour burden cytoma (anaplastic astrocytoma and and in normal donors.8 Recently, we devel- glioblastoma) and a further increase oped a sandwich type enzyme immunoassay (>1000 ng/ml) was found in cases of CSF for tenascin9 and showed, with this assay sys- dissemination ofhigh grade astrocytoma. tem, that not only human melanoma, but also On the other hand, tenascin concentra- human lung cancer and glioma cells secreted tions were less than 100 nglml in non- 1-14 jug/ml of tenascin in vitro (data not astrocytic tumours and non-neoplastic shown). In the present study, serum and CSF neurological diseases, except meningeal were obtained from patients with various neo- dissemination of tumour cells, meningeal plastic and non-neoplastic neurological dis- stimulation by infection, and subarach- eases, and the amount of tenascin was noid haemorrhage. In cases of treated quantitatively determined. It was expected astrocytomas in remission, tenascin was that an increased level of expression of this negligible (<100 ng/ml) in the CSF. The extracellular matrix would be measurement oftenascin in CSF is useful found in compared with other dis- for differential diagnosis of brain eases of the CNS, and that the level of expres- tumours and monitoring of astrocytic sion would be useful in indicating the type of http://jnnp.bmj.com/ Department of tumours. brain tumour. Neurosurgery, Nagoya University School of Medicine, Nagoya, (7 Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1994;57:1212-1215) Japan Patients and methods J Yoshida SANDWICH TYPE ENZYME IMMUNOASSAY T Wakabayashi S Okamoto Tenascin is an extracellular matrix glycopro- Details of the methodology of the sandwich

Department of tein involved in tissue interaction during fetal type enzyme immunoassay for tenascin has on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Research and development and oncogenesis. Chiquet- been reported elsewhere.9 Briefly, an anti- Development, Amano Ehrismann et al reported that tenascin was serum to human tenascin was raised in rab- Pharmaceutical Company, Aichi, present in the of the fetal rat bits. Two antihuman tenascin monoclonal Japan mammary gland but not in the adult mam- antibodies, 8C9 (RCBl)'0 and 9B2, were sup- S Kimura mary gland. The protein was, however, pre- plied by Amano Pharmaceutical Co, Aichi, K Washizu dominantly re-expressed in carcinogen Japan and F(ab)'2 fragments of both antibod- Department of induced mammary tumours.1 This extracellu- ies, prepared from lgG by pepsin digestion, Neurology, Nagoya University School of lar matrix glycoprotein was discovered inde- were used. The RCB1 fragment was immo- Medicine, Nagoya, pendently by several laboratories, each bilised non-covalently on polystyrene beads Japan showing a different aspect of its biology, and and the 9B2 fragment was coupled to ,B3D- K Kiyosawa K Mokuno each giving it a different name: myotendinous galactosidase. Polystyrene beads with anti- were with various amounts Correspondence to: antigen,2 glioma mesenchymal extracellular bodies incubated Dr Jun Yoshida, matrix antigen,'3 Jl glycoprotein,4 cytotactin,5 of purified tenascin or samples of serum and Departmnent of ml Neurosurgery, Nagoya hexabrachion,6 and tenascin.1 Bourdor et al CSF (10 Ml) in a final volume of 051 with University School of reported a glioma mesenchymal extracellular sodium phosphate buffer for three hours. Medicine, 65 Tsurumai- cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya, matrix antigen defined by monoclonal anti- After washing twice with buffer, the beads 466 Japan. body 81 C6, which binds an extracellular were left standing overnight with 1 mU of ,B Received 19 March 1993 matrix antigen shared by glioma and mes- D-galatosidase labelled antibodies (mixed 0 5 and in final revised form 28 January 1994. enchymal cell lines but not carcinoma, mU of 8C9 and 9B2) in 02 ml of buffer solu- Accepted 1 March 1994 myeloid, or lymphoid cell lines.7 tion at 4°C. Beads were again washed twice Tenascin in cerebrospinalfluid is a useful biomarkerfor the diagnosis of brain tumour 1213 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.57.10.1212 on 1 October 1994. Downloaded from

Table 1 Concentrations of tenascin in CSF (nglml) Table 2 Numbers ofpatients with non-neoplastic diseases Negligible Low Medium High Non-neoplastic disease n Disease n (<100) (100-300) (300-1000) (>1000) Cerebral infarction 9 Intracerebral haemorrhage 1 Non-neoplastic disease 57 54 3§ 0 0 Subarachnoid haemorrhage 3 Pituitary adenoma 10 10 0 0 0 Meningitis or encephalitis 9 Craniopharyngioma 2 2 0 0 0 Cervical or lumbar spondylosis 9 Neurinoma 2 2 0 0 0 Multiple sclerosis 4 Meningioma 6 5 1* 0 0 Spinocerebellar degeneration 6 Germ cell tumour 4 4 0 0 0 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Pineoblastoma 1 1 0 0 0 Parkinson's disease l CNS lymphoma 1 0 1 0 0 Huntington's disease Oligodendroglioma 1 1 0 0 0 Bulbospinal muscular atrophy Ependymoma 1 1 0 0 0 Neuropathy 3 Medulloblastoma 2 1 0 1* 0 Dementia 1 Astrocytoma 5 it 4 0 0 Involuntary movement 1 Anaplastic astrocytoma 5 it 0 3 1* Normal pressure hydrocephalus Glioblastoma 9 2t 3 2 2* Aneurysm 2 Brainstem glioma 6 3t 1 2 0 Radiation necrosis l Metastatic brain tumour 3 1 1 1 0 Arachnoid cyst Tuberculosis 1 *Associated with CSF dissemination. Head injury 1 tPostoperative state after radiotherapy or chemotherapy. *Meningeal sarcoma. SMeningitis, subarachnoid haemorrhage, normal pressure hydrocephalus.

with chilled buffer and the galactosidase activ- astrocytoma or glioblastoma (n = 14). The ity bound was measured after incubation at concentrations of tenascin were statistically 37°C for 30 minutes with 0-15 mmol different between the groups. (fig 2) In the 4-methylumbelliferyl f,-D-galactoside (Sigma non-astrocytic group, tenascin in CSF was St Louis, MO, USA) as a substrate. less than 100 ng/ml except for three tumours (10%) each with CSF dissemination. More SAMPLES than 100 ng/ml of tenascin was detected in 15 Serum samples were obtained from two cases (79 0%) in the astrocytic tumour group. healthy donors and 10 patients with brain In three metastatic tumours, the level was tumours. Samples of CSF were taken from 249-7 ng/ml in meningeal carcinomatosis of patients with various neurological diseases by gastric cancer, 771-7 ng/ml in metastatic pari- spinal tap or puncture of an Ommaya reser- etal tumour of lung cancer, but only 45-5 voir connected to the lateral ventricle. Fifty ng/ml in an extradural skull base undifferenti- eight patients had brain tumours. (table 1) ated carcinoma. We classified the concentra- Samples of CSF from four patients were taken tion of tenascin in CSF into four groups; serially and the concentrations of tenascin negligible if less than 100 ng/ml, low if were compared with the tumour progression 100-300 ng/ml, medium when 300-1000 and regression. Fifty seven patients had non- ng/ml, and high for more than 1000 ng/ml neoplastic neurological disease (table 2). (table 1). In low grade astrocytoma, 80% of Brain tumour cystic fluid was also obtained the tumours expressed low concentrations of from eight patients at surgery or by puncture tenascin and, none of them had medium or of an Ommaya reservoir connected to the high concentrations, whereas more than 50% cyst. of high grade astrocytomas (anaplastic astro- http://jnnp.bmj.com/ cytoma or glioblastoma) expressed medium or high concentrations. Furthermore, all patients Results with high expression of tenascin showed CSF STANDARD CURVE Figure 1 shows a standard curve for our sand- wich type enzyme immunoassay of tenascin. * The minimum detectable amount of tenascin 700 on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. 4)C was 0o 1 ng per assay tube or 10 ng/ml. A linear dose response of the absorbance v tenascin - 600 0) was at between 0 1 to 30 ng 40 added obtained -E C per assay tube. The results for diluted CSF S 500 .'' 0) samples were parallel with the standard curve. LL :: aoC.) 0) 3400 aJ0 CEREBROSPINAL FLUID Table 1 shows the concentrations of tenascin C1u 300 *; in CSF obtained from patients with various Ci) neurological diseases. For non-neoplastic dis- R 200 ease, 54 patients (94 8%) had tenascin con- 3 30 300 3000 centrations of less than 100 ng/ml and most 100 i Tenascin were less than 50 ng/ml. Only three patients - (ng/mI) 0 (5 2%) had concentrations above 100 ng/ml: 1 2 3 4 Figure 1 Standard curve post-subarachnoid haemorrhage (186 ng/ml), and CSF dilution curvefor Figure 2 Concentrations of tenascin in CSF obtained sandwich enzyme meningitis (188 ng/ml), and normal pressure from patients with neoplastic and non-neoplastic CNS immunoassay oftenascin. hydrocephalus (136 ng/ml). For neoplastic diseases. (1) Non-neoplastic disease (36-32 (SD 4-36), Each point represents the disease, we divided primary brain tumours n = 57); (2) non-astrocytic brain tumour (30 35 (6-66) mean of a duplicate assay. = n = 30); (3) low grade astrocytoma (166 36 (52 53), into three subgroups; non-astrocytic (n 30), n = 5), (4) anaplastic astrocytoma or glioblastoma low grade astrocytoma (n = 5), and anaplastic (506 94 (125 75), n = 14). *p < 0-05; Welch's t test. 1214 Yoshida, Wakabayashi, Ikamoto, Kimura, Washizu, Kiyosawa, Moduno J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.57.10.1212 on 1 October 1994. Downloaded from Table 3 Concentrations of tenascin in cystic fluid of brain Discussion tumours Human tenascin has two major isoforms, with Tenascin molecular weights of 320 kDa and 220-230 Tumour type (nglml) kDa." 12 Ventimiglia et al found no difference Cystic menigioma 263-9 in electrophoretic mobility of glioma specific Haemangioblastoma 457-8 Astrocytoma (optic glioma) 1010-3 isoforms and those of the normal brain. 12 Metastatic lung cancer 2152-0 They also indicated that both 320 kDa and Metastatic lung cancer 32172 5 Craniopharyngioma 20860-5 220 kDa isoforms were expressed not only in Craniopharyngioma 22496-5 glioma cells but also in normal adult brain Glioblastoma 45667-4 other than the cerebellum. Despite the pres- ence of tenascin in the normal human brain, 8IC6 anti-tenascin monoclonal antibody did dissemination of their high grade astrocytoma. not show significant specific binding to nor- For this group of patients, negligible tenascin mal brain in either immunohistochemical expression was only found in the CSF of post- studies of normal human brain sections or in operative patients who had received some in vivo localisation studies with a radiolabelled radiotherapy or chemotherapy. 8IC6 monoclonal antibody in patients with Samples of CSF were also serially taken brain tumours. These researchers considered from four patients with a primary brain that this was due to differences in the quanti- tumour. In an embryonal carcinoma of the tative expression of tenascin between normal supersellar region and a pineoblastoma, negli- and malignant tissues. gible tenascin (9 4 and 48-2 ng/ml) increased It has also been reported that tenascin is to low-expression (220.7 and 234-9 ng/ml) expressed in a secreted form, and the amount with CSF dissemination of the tumour cells. of secreted tenascin has been measured by In a patient with malignant lymphoma, a low various quantitative assay systems. A tenascin level of tenascin (132-7 ng/ml) became negli- concentration of 5-10 ,ug/ml was detected in gible (57-6 ng/ml) in accordance with regres- culture of human glioma cells by Erikson and sion of the tumour after chemotherapy. In a Lightner," 3-18 ,ug/ml by Ventimiglia et al"2 patient in whom an astrocytoma was totally and 1-14,ug/ml in our study. In the present removed, tenascin in CSF was negligible study, we determined the amount of tenascin (28&9 ng/ml) and continued to be negligible in serum, intratumoural cystic fluids, and (37X8 ng/ml) after a seizure, at which time CT CSF in patients with glioma and compared confirmed continued remission of the tumour. these concentration with those from patients with non-gliomatous brain tumours and non- CYSTIC FLUID neoplastic diseases. Our highly sensitive sand- Table 3 summarises the tenascin concentra- wich type enzyme immunoassay has already tions in cystic fluid from brain tumours. It was been described by Washizu et al.9 The assay low in a meningioma and a haemangioblas- system has a minimum detectable sensitivity toma, and high in an astrocytoma, metastatic of 0 1 ng per assay tube or 10 ng/ml and no tumours, and a glioblastoma. In cranio- cross reactivities with , , pharyngiomas, tenascin in tumour cysts was hEGF, fibrinogen, and . Our pre- very high (i20 000 ng/ml);'^but was less than sent results indicate that the serum concentra- 100 ng/ml in CSF. tion of tenascin is not useful for the diagnosis http://jnnp.bmj.com/ of brain tumours except metastases. The SERUM quantitative determination of tenascin in CSF Serum concentrations of tenascin were 733 to proved useful, however, for the diagnosis and 4853 ng/ml (table 4). They were not signifi- monitoring of gliomas. A negligible expression cantly increased in patients with primary brain of tenascin was found in patients with non- tumours compared with healthy donors, neoplastic disease or non-gliomatous seen in although serum tenascin was relatively high in tumours. The expression of tenascin on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. patients with advanced carcinoma and meta- patients with gliomas depended on the grade stases to the brain. Tenascin in CSF did not of the tumour and the progress of the disease. correlate with tenascin in serum. A tenascin concentration of greater than 100 ng/ml suggests an astrocytic tumour, low grade if values are 100-300 ng/ml and high grade if they are 300-1000 ng/ml. A tenascin Table 4 Concentrations of tenascin in patients with brain concentration greater than 1000 ng/ml sug- tumours gests CSF dissemination of a high grade Tenascin glioma. Interestingly, negligible concentra- Serum CSF tions of tenascin were found in patients in (nglml) (nglml) whom high grade tumours had been treated Healthy donor 1136 - with surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy, and Healthy donor 1657 - who were in clinical remission. Medulloblastoma 1563 Medulloblastoma 1672 - High concentrations of tenascin were found Astrocytoma 2016 130 in cyst fluid.from an astrocytic tumour as well Anaplastic astrocytoma 988 522 Anaplastic astrocytoma 733 652 as a craniopharyngioma. The CSF concentra- Brainstem glioma 1108 576 tion in the patient with the astrocytic tumour Diffuse gliomatosis 796 - Glioblastoma 1434 - was high whereas that in the patient with the Metastatic gall bladder carcinoma 3035 - cranipharyngioma was low, however, possibly Metastatic lung cancer 4853 - due to the presence of the craniopharyngioma Tenascin in cerebrospinalfluid is a useful biomarkerfor the diagnosis ofbrain tumour 1215 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.57.10.1212 on 1 October 1994. Downloaded from tumour capsule. Pseudopositive tenascin con- 4 Kruse J, Keilhauer G, Faissner A, et al. The J1 glyco- protein: a novel nervous system molecule centrations (>100 ng/ml) were found in con- of the L2/HNK-1 family. Nature 1985;316:146-8. ditions of meningeal irritation such as 5 Grumet M, Hoffmann S, Crossin KL, et al. Cytotactin, an extra-cellular matrix protein of neural and non-neural meningitis and subarachnoid haemorrhage. 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