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Facebook Like: Parsi Times SATURDAY, AUGUST 02, 2014 P.T

Facebook Like: Parsi Times SATURDAY, AUGUST 02, 2014 P.T

SATURDAY, AUGUST 02, 2014 VOL. 4 - ISSUE 15 :: PAGES 20 :: ` 2/-

RNI NO. MAHBIL/2011/39373 Regn. No. MH/MR/South-348/2012-14 WWW.PARSI-TIMES.COM

Prince of Persia Pg. 04 Kanga & Khusrokhan Speak Pg. 06 Yuppie For Guppy

Full Power Family > Pg. 05 Opera 7 > Pg. 11 Pg. 10

Prof. Arceivala speaks The World This Week about ecology to Pg. 13 the WZCC Chapter > Pg. 09



FaceBook Like: Parsi Times TWITTER https://twitter.com/TheParsiTimes v$pv$ui¡W$ Q¡fuV$u V²$õV$ v$pv$ui¡W$“p ‘yfpZp ‘pL$ Apsi Apv$fp“ kpl¡b“u 244du iyc kpgN°¡l L$v$du fp¡S> 17dp¡ kfp¡i eTv$, dpl 1gp¡ afhv$}“ eTv$ 1384 e.T. il¡“iplu fp¡S> 22dp¡ Np¡hpv$ eTv$ dpl 12dp¡ Aõa„v$pd®v$ Ad¡ipõ‘„v$ 9RLFHRIWKH&RPPXQLW\ you will need considerably ´ELU\DQLµ k“¡ 1383 e.T. sp. Qp¡’u Ap¡NõV$ 2014“¡ kp¡dhpf“¡ qv$“¡ lp¡hp’u A¡ Whilst on this controversy Dear Editor, more than a teaspoonful. qv$“¡ b‘p¡f¡ 4.20 õV¡$.V$p.“¡ Adg¡ iyL$f NyÅfu S>i““u q¾$ep V²$õV$u kpl¡bp¡ Read your edition of July Cheers! I have one more issue that 12, 2014. It inspired me to S. J. Patel , ZRXOG OLNH WR GUDZ WKH sfa’u A¡ ‘pL$ dL$p““p bp¡ehpgp kpl¡b“p¡“u ApN¡hp“u l¡W$m L$fhpdp„ ZULWH WKLV $W ÀUVW , WKDQN attention of the Community Aphi¡, s¡ h¡mpA¡ kpd¡g ’hp“u dl¡fbp“u L$fip¡Æ. you very much as you always :$3,=WR:$3,6« WRZDUGV²+RZLVLWDFFHSWDEOH ‘pL$ ArNepfu“y„ S>i“ b‘p¡f¡ 4.20 hpÁe¡. (õV$p. V$p.) ’i¡Æ. have entertained my views Dear Editor, WR VSHQG 7:2 &525(6 DQG URGENT Requirement for Mobed DQGWKDQNVWRWKHRUJDQL]DWLRQ The open letter written by VWDUWPDNLQJSROLWLFDOO\FRUUHFW 85*(175HTXLUHPHQWIRUD0REHGIRUWKHGD\VRI of Parsi Times. In the past, the two WAPIZ/BPP Trustees, noises only after that? 0XNWDGDWDQ$JLDU\RXWRI0XPEDL$UUDQJHPHQWVIRU Jame was the Voice of the .KRMHVWH 0LVWUHH DQG ¡ I wish, this short letter will PDNH XQVXEVWDQWLDWHG DQG SHUFHSWLRQRIRXUUHOLJLRQDQG blpfNpd“u ArNepfu“p dyL$spv$“p v$k qv$hk dpV¡$ syf„s VXIÀFHP\WKDQNV0\UHVSHFW EDVHOHVV ROG  DOOHJDWLRQV now that they have fallen apart DQG JRRGZLOO WRZDUG \RXU UDWKHU WKDQ IRFXVLQJ RQ WKH WKHVHÀJXUHVDUHEHLQJWKURZQ dp¡b¡v$ kpl¡b“u S>ê$fs R>¡Æ. sincere effort. LVVXH 7R RQFH DJDLQ PDNH LQWR WKH SXEOLF DUHQD MXVW WR kpfpdp„ kpfp¡ ghpS>d ê$p. 25,000 ’u 30,000/- 7KDQNVDQGEHVWZLVKHV WKRVH ´SXUDDQDµ DQG E\ QRZ VKRZ WKH ´HQHPLHVµ LQ D EDG Qpe/“põsp¡ s’p b‘p¡f s’p fps“y„ DÑd S>dZ Ratan Mir extremely stale (not to mention OLJKW" :RXOG LW QRW EH QLFH LI unfounded, baseless and the Trustees really became A“¡ Apfpd’u fl¡hp“u kNhX$. &XUH$OO without any proof) personal transparent and shared all L$p¡ÞV¡$L$V$ “„bf 8806264899. Dear Editor, DWWDFNV DQG WDON DERXW ´JKRVW WKHLU ´ZDVWHGµ H[SHQVHV ZLWK 5HJDUGLQJ UHDGHU 5XPL ZULWLQJµHWF DVZDVGRQHDJDLQ the Community? 8PULJDU·V UHPHG\ IRU FUDPSV DQG DJDLQ LQ WKH ROG :$3,= Let us be clear! This is not /HWWHUV  -XO\   0D\ , SDJHVLQ RQO\WHQGV DERXW5HOLJLRQ,WLVQRWDERXW add that brandy is a cure-all for WR PDNH RQH ZRQGHU ZKHWKHU Priests! It is not about the almost any ailment - physical, WKH\KDYHDQ\WKLQJWRVD\DQ\ PLVXVHRI&KDULW\)XQGV,7,6 mental or spiritual. Always IDFWV WR EDVH WKHLU DUJXPHQWV 21/<$%28732/,7,&6 NHHSDERWWOHE\\RXUEHGVLGH on, or whether the attempt Hormuz Wadia or anywhere within reach - is to mix lies and half-truths DOWKRXJKIRULWWRWDNHIXOOHIIHFW DV WKH ´PDVDODµ WR FRRN WKHLU Contd. on Pg. 14 POINT TO NOTE: It’s the message, not the messenger you might be mad at! Please Note: The opinions expressed in ‘Letters to the Editor’ are those of Readers and contributors and do not necessarily express the opinion of our Publication. We reserve only the right to ‘edit for “—ƒŽ‹–›ǯƒ†–Š‡”‹‰Š––‘‘–’—„Ž‹•ŠŽ‡––‡”•‹–‡†‡†ˆ‘”–Š‹••‡ –‹‘ǡ–Šƒ–™‡Ƥ†Ž‡••–Šƒ•—‹–ƒ„Ž‡‹–‘‡‘”‡š’”‡••‹‘Ǥ ˆƒ›‘‡Šƒ•ƒ› doubts and issues about the content of the letters, they are requested to contact the individual authors if his/ her details are mentioned. SATURDAY, AUGUST 02 , 2014 Community Coverage 03 Happy Birthday P.T. Heartiest Birthday wishes to The Parsee Gymkhana T.T. TourneyŝƐĮŶĂůůLJŚĞƌĞ͊dŚĞŵĂŶĂŐĞŵĞŶƚƚĞĂŵƚĞůůƐƵƐƚŚĂƚŽǀĞƌϭϬϬ an Angel who resides in the ƉĞŽƉůĞŽĨĂůůĂŐĞŐƌŽƵƉƐŚĂǀĞƌĞŐŝƐƚĞƌĞĚĨŽƌƚŚĞĨƵŶǁĞĞŬĞŶĚĞǀĞŶƚƚŚĂƚďĞŐŝŶƐƚŽĚĂLJ͘,ĞĂĚĚŽǁŶ water village and lives in my ƚŽƚŚĞ'LJŵŬŚĂŶĂĨŽƌƐŽŵĞůĂƐƚŵŝŶƵƚĞĞŶƌŽůŵĞŶƚƐĂŶĚƐŽŵĞĐŚĞĞƌŝŶŐĨƵŶ͊ heart. ŽŶŶĞĐƚǁŝƚŚ;ϬϮϮͿϮϲϮϴϲϮϴϴĨŽƌŵŽƌĞĚĞƚĂŝůƐ͘ Ever since I met her she has WŽƐƚƌĞĂĚŝŶŐƚŚĞWĂƌƐŝdŝŵĞƐ^ƉĞĐŝĂůEĂǀƌŽnjĞ/ƐƐƵĞŝŶƚŚĞŵŽƌŶŝŶŐ͕ŚĞĂĚǁŝƚŚLJŽƵƌĨĂŵŝůLJĂŶĚ touched my life in more ways ĨƌŝĞŶĚƐƚŽƚŚĞŶŶƵĂůdžŚŝďŝƟŽŶͬ^ĂůĞŽŶƚŚĞϵƚŚΘϭϬƚŚŽĨƵŐƵƐƚĂƚ^ĞƚŚ^ŽŚƌĂďWĂůĂŵŬŽƚ,Ăůů͕ than one, W͘dŚĞƟŵŝŶŐƐĂƌĞϭϬĂŵͲϴƉŵ͘dŚĞŶŶƵĂůĞǀĞŶƚŽƌŐĂŶŝnjĞĚďLJƚŚĞĂĚĂƌDĂƚƵŶŐĂWĂƌƐŝ Her simple smile makes my ŽƌŽĂƐƚƌŝĂŶƐƐŽĐŝĂƟŽŶĞŶĐŽƵƌĂŐĞƐWĂƌƐŝĞŶƚƌĞƉƌĞŶĞƵƌƐĂŶĚŚŽŵĞďŽƵŶĚďƵƐŝŶĞƐƐŽǁŶĞƌƐƚŽ worries into none. ĞdžŚŝďŝƚĂŶĚƐĞůůƚŚĞŝƌƉƌŽĚƵĐƚƐ͘^ƵĚƌĞŚ<ƵƐƟ͕ĐůŽƚŚĞƐ͕ŚŽƵƐĞŚŽůĚŝƚĞŵƐ͕ƌĞůŝŐŝŽƵƐĂƌƟĨĂĐƚƐ͕ĂŶĚ I thank you Angel for coming WĂƌƐŝƐƉĞĐŝĂůŝƟĞƐůŝŬĞĂĐŚĂĂƌƐ͕ũĂŵƐ͕ǀĂƐĂŶƵƐ͕ĞƚĐ͘ĂƌĞĨŽƵŶĚŚĞƌĞ͊ into my life and thank GOD ^ƵƉƉŽƌƚƚŚĞŚŽŵĞŵĂŬĞƌĂŶĚĞŶũŽLJƚŚĞĚĂLJ͊ for making us one. - A Happy Soul BƌĂŚŵĂŬƵŵĂƌŝ͛ƐKƌŐĂŶŝƐĂƟŽŶŚĂƐŽƌŐĂŶŝƐĞĚĂDĞĚŝƚĂƟŽŶĂŵƉĐƵŵͲŽŶĨĞƌĞŶĐĞĂƚŝƚƐ ,ĞĂĚƋƵĂƌƚĞƌƐ͕^ŚĂŶƟǀĂŶ͕ďƵZŽĂĚĨƌŽŵƚŚĞϭϵƚŚƚŽϮϮŶĚŽĨ^ĞƉƚĞŵďĞƌ͘ ŽŶƚĂĐƚDƌ͘͘<͘ĂƐƉŝ͗нϵϭͲϵϴϮϬϱϬϰϮϯϲͬϬϮϮʹϮϯϬϳϰϮϱϭ͘ Send a wish through Parsi Times! Contact us on [email protected] Send us Things to do for Parsi Times Readers! Connect on [email protected]

$OOLDQFHLQYLWHGIRUZHOOHGXFDWHG15,GLYRUFHER\ EULHÀ\ married for 3 months) aged 37 years and well settled in the US from well educated girl willing to settle abroad. Interested parties please e-mail resume with photo to [email protected] Alliance invited for well educated boy, B.E., aged 33 years, having own accommodation from well educated Mumbai girl. Interested parties please e-mail resume with photo to [email protected] SATURDAY, AUGUST 02, 2014 04 Community Coverage

Renowned Mumbai based Caterer, Mr. Adil Bhesadia invited as a Special Guest at the Government of Islamic Republic of . to a conclusion on 5th June. 2Q WKH ÀUVW GD\ WKH JXHVWV were taken on a sightseeing tour to Iman Khomeini’s house in Jamaran, followed by a Conference on Islamic Mysticism on day two. The third day saw a conference in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs which included a meeting with the President. r. Homi Dhalla which is the cornerstone Mr. Bhesadia attended the represented our of the message of Prophet 8th International Conference DCommunity at a Zarathushtra. He should on ‘Imam Khomeini’ and recently concluded Interfaith tread the path of truth and ‘Foreign Policy: Seminar organized by the EH D VSLULWXDO VROGLHU WR ÀJKW and Ban of Weapons of Consulate General of Islamic against all forms of evil. A Mass Destruction (WMD)’ Republic of Iran in cooperation Zoroastrian is also endowed conducted by the Institute with the All Religious with the free will which for Political and International Leader’s Association at expects him either to lead Studies and Headquarters for Hyderabad. a righteous life and serve commemoration of demise of The theme of the Seminar humanity, or to follow the Imam Khomeini, Tehran. was “Awaited Saviour in evil path. Salvation of the soul “I am proud and feel Various Religions and their does not take place after death, lucky that at the age of 59, I Outlook about the future of but this process continues got a chance to attend such the World”. Representatives throughout life. At death, the a prestigious programme of the various faiths were soul is judged by its deeds. and have been honoured as invited to speak about this No soul is eternally punished a Special Guest for the 25th theme. Dr. Homi Dhalla for the sins it has committed Departure Anniversary of was invited to represent the because Mazda is kind, ne of the known an honoured guest at the at Imam Khomeini (S). This Zoroastrian Faith, and he forgiving and merciful. The names from the Parsi 25th Departure Anniversary of was a very interesting and spoke about “The Role of Man soul of the righteous crosses Ocatering business, Imam Khomeini (S), a Cultural informative tour and the and the Coming of the Future the allegorical Chinvad Bridge Mr. Adil C. Bhesadia, who Programme in Tehran. He was Iranians were very respectful, Saviour”. easily and attains to the is also an ardent student of the only Zoroastrian invited HVSHFLDOO\WRZDUGVÀQGLQJRXW In his speech Dr. Dhalla Endless Light where all is bliss. the at the from the city of Mumbai. my ancestral Zoroastrian roots stated that in the Zoroastrian 7KH VRXO RI WKH ZLFNHG ÀQGV Cultural House of the Islamic The six day programme in Iran,” said the beaming Mr. religion, man is expected LWGLIÀFXOWWRFURVVWKH%ULGJH Republic of Iran, Mumbai was began on 31st May and came Bhesadia. to uphold the Law of , and has to undergo purgation. It has to pass through the river of molten metal to be cleansed. 7KH DFFRXQWV RI WKH ÀQDO ParsiParsi TiTimes congratulates Dr. Parzan Renovation of creation differs for securingse First Class in M. S. Obstetrics in various Zoroastrian texts. and Gynecology from the Grant This Universal Evolution GoGovernmentv Medical College and Sir J. J. WRZDUGV WKH ÀQDO 5HQRYDWLRQ GrGroupo of Hospital, Mumbai. is termed as Patvandishn I He hash to his credit, publication in the o Frashkart, which may be National Journal of Obstetrics and translated as the ‘continuous Gynecology, and has also won a evolution towards the prize for best paper presentation at Renovation’--- this will lead Mumbai Obstetrics and Gynecology to the total destruction of Society in the category of High Risk evil. Every person has a part Obstetrics. We wish this young to play in this eschatological doctor all the very best for his future endeavours. drama by being a helper to SATURDAY, AUGUST 02, 2014 05

Tolerance,Tolera respect and acceptance of all aarere tthreeh virtues we try hard to explain to oourur Readers. This story of how a Parsi ffamilyam was the victim of intolerance wwas featured in papers across the CCountry this week. Parsi Times speaks withw the Dhabhars and understands whatw really happened and how they arear dealing with it.

Soon, other parents of kids at Fun- City heard the argument and jumped in to defendd the Dhabhars. The Manager XQGHUSUHVVXUHÀQDOO\JDYHLQEXWQRWZLWKRXWXQGHUSU passingpassing aan utterly insensitive comment about howhow hhee wwas ‘allowing Tiana in but would take no responsibilityrespon if anything happened to her!’ PPostost ttheh Sautrday trip, Neville Dhabhar took to SocialSl Media to let the world know of the r. Neville Dhabhar, his wife Anaita intolerance and the horror his family was put and their 6 year old daughter, Tiana through because of some uneducated persons Mvisited ‘Fun-City’, a play area in choice to have his daughter ostracised. Oberoi Mall, Mumbai on 26th July. Tiana The VP of Oberoi Mall said, “There suffers from ‘Albinism’, a condition that is on was a lapse of judgement” and that Senior the borderline of autism. Management of the Mall are due to personally This was a regular trip for the family to apologize to the family. The Fun-City Fun-City, a place they had been taking Tiana Management however has not said anything to for the past 4 years! In the playhouse here, except that it is not part of their policy to Tiana was not only going to have fun with the apologise!’ other kids but also, all the activities she would Incidents like this leave families and indulge in, in Fun-City, would help her therapy societies scarred for life. Let us all vow to be and development. more tolerant and more importantly to teach This time, just before entering the play area, our children about goodness, acceptance of the Attendant stopped the family of three and others and tolerance, else we end up hurting said that the Manager of Fun-City would like innocents like Tiana. to speak with them. According to the Manager, Mr. Zameer Cyrus Palamkote (Member of Tiana would be refused entry into Fun-City the Adavance Locality Management in Bandra as there had been a complaint lodged against where residents of various societies come her. A parent had asked the Management to together to raise their voice and be heard as disallow Tiana from the play area because a whole) :“The above incident is a matter of Tiana’s condition scared his child! shame for each and everyone of us, to know Just like that, the Dhabhar family was made that even in the 21st century some of our a victim of senseless bias and intolerance! citizens have such a medieval mindset. Today Instead of teaching their own children how to the only hindrance to India’s progress is this accept everyone, the parents of the other child sort of regressive mentality. The problem is had resorted to getting their sweet daughter not with this little girl but with all the people banned from playing! who raised an objection to her being there. Commotion ensued as the shocked family They are the ones who should be barred from tried to explain vehemently to the Manager public places. It is more important for parents to that this intolerance would not be taken lying raise their children to accept others with special down! “We had no choice! We had to stand up needs, disabilities, different ethnic, social & for our daughter!” said a disturbed Neville. In economic backgrounds, rather than encourage a the meantime, Tiana confused with this sudden materialistic existence by taking them to malls. interruption to her weekly play schedule )HHG%DFN SDQLFNHGDQGOD\GRZQRQWKHÁRRU FRQWULEXWH#SDUVLWLPHVFRP

the creator, . In also suffused with light and a and understanding. Moreover, the millennium of Saoshyans mutual love centered in God. religious leader should impress (the Future Saviour) the living He then explained that upon their governments to gain immortality and the man plays a very crucial role reduce defense spending which bodies of the dead are released. in bringing about his ideal totally amounts to $1.7 trillion 0DWWHU DQG VSLULW DUH ÀQDOO\ state and thus preparing the annually. All attempts should made one and “Nature will be ground for the future Saviour. be made to dismantle nuclear clad in Spirit”. Seoshyans will The world today is faced with a weapons. In the light of our inaugurate the Resurrection large number of problems which world’s plight, a Zoroastrian of the body and they shall unfortunately, have been created who is a co-worker with Ahura possess and immortal soul. by man himself. Dr. Dhalla Mazda has to bear a very heavy The essence of the resurrected emphasized the importance responsibility in nurturing and life is harmony and concord. of dialogue between the healing the planet in various The restored creation will not various religions which would ways, and thus preparing the only be perfectly at peace, but greatly contribute to peace world for the future Saviour. SATURDAY, AUGUST 02, 2014 06 ParsiPaarsrrsisi PoPoiPointoininntt

To: The Chairman and Trustees of the Bombay Parsi Punchayet they should or should not do, but, clearly, Fatwas are alien to our faith and cannot be 29th July 2014 accepted. A person can choose to be guided by the High Priests or choose not to be Dear Mr. , so guided. In any event, the Trustees cannot act beyond their powers or against the We were appalled to read an article in the last issue of Parsi Times titled “This case terms of the Trust Deed. This is what you have done. The choice of disposal of mortal goes much beyond just banning 2 Renegade Priests….” authored by two of your Trustees remains, the choice of priest to offer prayers at the sad moment of death are matters Mr. Khojeste Mistree and Yazdi Desai. The article is nothing but a concoction of half- best left to the families of the deceased and others cannot and should not interfere truths and misleading statements cleverly put together in order to mislead and confuse an ZLWKWKHVHGLIÀFXOWGHFLVLRQVOHDVWRIDOOWKH%33DWWKHSDLQIXOSRLQWRIVHSDUDWLRQ unsuspecting reader. It creates an impression that the BPP have no option today but to go from loved ones. back to court,which is completely incorrect. The reader has not been given the slightest Moreover, all the BPP Trustees are fully aware and have been given a copy of a indication that in the intervening period of 3 years there have been over 20 settlement written opinion of a very learned and respected former Judge of the Supreme Court meetings and that till recently there was a well-thought-out and painstakingly crafted (Srikrishna) that the Judgment of the Division Bench of the Bombay High Court has no settlement under consideration between us, which addresses the majority of the concerns bearing whatsoever on the authority of the High Priests. In fact there is no mention of (and canards) raised in the said article. In fact, the Trustees kept calling us for settlement High Priests or their authority in the entire judgment, as neither the High Priests nor meetings, which was obviously only a sham. their authority was ever a question before the court. It makes us wonder why these two gentlemen sat with us and participated in these 4. It has time and again been pointed out by us that role of the BPP is unambiguously mediation discussions (often extremely unpleasant) for over 3 long years. It also amazes circumscribed by a Trust Deed – the General Deed of Trust of 1884, which makes it us as to how they managed to ‘convince’ 3 of your other Trustees to side with them in abundantly clear that there is an obligation cast on the Trustees to at all times“permit favour of returning to court. There is not a single legitimate function of the BPP that and suffer the said piece or parcel of land and the several Towers, buildings and your Board of Trustees has been prevented from discharging by virtue of this judgment HUHFWLRQV WKHUHRQ VWDQGLQJ DQG EHLQJ ÀUVW GHVFULEHG LQ WKH )LUVW 6FKHGXOH KHUHWR during the last three years that the judgment has been in force, viz. since April 2011. Our (of the 1884 Deed of Trust) to be used and frequented as heretofore by every challenge, to the group of Trustees who wish to revert to the Court, to show us even one member of the Parsee Community professing the Zoroastrian religion as a place for such instance, remains unanswered to this day. exposure of the dead and for the performance of religious rites and ceremonies”. Let us be clear that the Trustees issued an unprecedented ‘FATWA’ and that is what This is obligation is irrefutable and has been in force for 130 years. started these proceedings. We have been very clear from the beginning that it was not 5. The so-called “5DPLÀFDWLRQVRIWKH2UGHU” (of the Division Bench of the Bombay High the banning of the two priests in particular, which we challenged, but the concept behind Court) is the most seriously misleading part of the entire article. It is ironic today it viz. the Trustees imposing their will on members of the Community and taking away that it was these same persons, not us, who agitated the very same issues before the freedom of choice, which is the fundamental basis of the matter. Such a ‘FATWA’ the High Court, and, are now attempting to place the consequences of doing so at has never been issued in the past. These two Trustees are fully aware that this is the our door. They chose to use these arguments as a ploy (claiming “serious religious heart of the matter, and yet have chosen to mislead the public by pretending that it is implications”) in order to get our originating summons dismissed. Religion was used Ervads Madan and Mirza which are the reason for the dispute. These two gentlemen and (or rather misused) as a mere legal strategy to win a case,when the only issue before all of you have a duty as Trustees for transparency and honesty to the members of the the court was a simple interpretation of a Trust Deed. It was sought to be widened Community. You cannot mislead in this manner. We believe you are today duty bound to by the introduction of these same issues, by these same gentlemen, who now allege LVVXHDFODULÀFDWLRQWRWKHDUWLFOHSXEOLVKHGIDLOLQJZKLFKHDFKRI\RXZRXOGEHIDLOLQJLQ (incorrectly) that the judgment damages our faith. your duty and responsibility to the Community. The erudite Judgment of the Bombay High Court which they now request should be The fact that no one can justify the Rs.3 Crores already spent (or rather misused) read by all, in fact,says “To place a perspective is not to destroy a faith”and “The RQWKLVOLWLJDWLRQLVQRMXVWLÀFDWLRQIRUPLVOHDGLQJWKHPHPEHUVRIWKH&RPPXQLW\DQG cohesiveness of a faith is maintained by dialogue and not division”. There is great giving an incorrect impression. For 3 years, the Trustees have informed the Supreme wisdom in this judgment and we would request each of you to read it once again for Court that they wanted a settlement of the matter and sought adjournments. Is this also yourselves. a false statement made by you to the highest Court of this land? From the very outset, For your convenience we enclose 2 important extracts from the said judgment: we had made it clear that the fundamental basis of the Appeal Court Judgment would “18. The Trust Deed plainly makes three things abundantly clear. Firstly, prior remain untouched, viz. that the Trustees do not have the power to curtail the right of to the execution of the Deed of Trust, the Trustees of the Parsi Panchayat were choice of members of this Community. Why then have you wasted time and money on endowed with the authority of managing social and religious affairs and/or settling these mediation meetings? Then, please have the courage to say to us that you stand religious, matrimonial and other social disputes between the members of the by your illegal, perverse, obdurate view that you have the alleged right to issue such a Parsi Community in Mumbai. Secondly, the position of the Trustees of the Parsi ¶)$7:$·DQGÀJKWWKHPDWWHURXWLQWKH6XSUHPH&RXUW'RQ·WSUHWHQGWRXVDQGPLVOHDG Panchayat underwent a transformation upon the execution of the Deed of Trust. WKH6XSUHPH&RXUWWKDW\RXZDQWWRVHWWOHWKHPDWWHU7KLVDUWLFOHLVWKHÀQDOVWUDZDQG At any rate, upon the execution of the Deed of Trust on 25 September 1884, the we will place it before the Supreme Court at the appropriate time. Trustees of the Panchayat became Trustees of the funds and immovable properties The proceedings were never about, nor does the Judgment deal with any religious of the Panchayat. The role of the Trustees became divorced from the resolution of practices, interfaith marriages, , , etc. and yet members of the religious, social and matrimonial disputes (emphasis added).The Trustees assumed Community are being misled that in some manner the Judgment deals with these issues. a secular character. Thirdly, the purpose of the dedication of the properties for the The Judgment only deals with the interpretation of the Trust Deed of 1884 and the right Towers of Silence was that those properties be used as a matter of right by every of every Parsi Zoroastrian to appoint the priests of his choice at the Doongerwadi and the member of the Parsi Community professing the Zoroastrian religion as a place for two Agiaries. the exposure of the dead and for the purpose of religious rites and ceremonies. An Let us place before you some of the truly astonishing misstatements and half-truths obligation was cast upon the Trustees to permit and suffer the use of the properties the article contains which need to be set right: for that purpose. The expression “permit and suffer” recognizes a right in the 1. It is on record both in court proceedings in the Bombay High Court and in every one EHQHÀFLDULHVRIWKH7UXVWZKRDUHPHPEHUVRIWKH3DUVL=RURDVWULDQ&RPPXQLW\ of the 20 or so mediation meeting held so far that this matter was never regarding to utilize the properties for the purpose for which they were dedicated. The right the two priests in question but the BPP’s authority to impose a ban on our freedom to ÀQGVDFRUUHVSRQGLQJREOLJDWLRQLQWKH7UXVWHHVWRSHUPLWDQGVXIIHUWKHXVHRI choose the priest of our choice. They conveniently forget to mention that there was the dedicated properties. Enabling provisions are thereupon made, empowering an overt and explicit warning in the ban to other priests not to follow in the footsteps the Trustees to keep the properties in good repair. In contrast, the dedication

of Er. Mirza and Er. Madon. As the judgment states “Implicit in it (i.e. the ban) is a of the properties for the Towers of Silence is mandatory and imperative. A right FRQWULEXWH#SDUVLWLPHVFRP veiled threat to others against the reprisals that may follow, if they were to adopt is recognized in absolute terms in every member of the Parsi Community, who a course of conduct that the Trustees do not countenance”. professes the Zoroastrian religion to be able to utilize the Towers of Silence 2. It is unimaginable how they can claim today that Er. Khushru Madon is no longer as a place for exposure of the dead and for the purpose of religious rites and interested in challenging the ban and suppress the fact that another intervener (Mr. J ceremonies. The Deed of Trust is couched in language of width and amplitude. The S ) together with the ARZ have in fact now sought relief from the Supreme Court Towers of Silence constitute a sacred element in Zoroastrian faith. The Settlors on behalf of the two priests that the stay granted by the Bombay High Court on the of the Trust, therefore, contemplated the dedication of the Towers of Silence as

removal of ban notices should be vacated forthwith and that they should be allowed a facility for the exposure of thedead of every member of the Parsi Community )HHG%DFN to pray at Doongerwadi. professing the Zoroastrian faith. The Trustees have not been conferred with the 3. The High Priests have every right to guide, advise and counsel the Community on what power to exclude. Advisedly, the Settlors conferred an entitlement upon every SATURDAY, AUGUST 02, 2014 07 member of the Parsi Community professing the Zoroastrian faith as a matter of on the last draft, which we are now reluctant to modify any further as it has become an important religious purpose. The lack of an exclusionary provision is, in fact, an unending and futile process.While we may have disagreed on many matters, it is to emphasized elsewhere in the Deed of Trust as well” your credit today that only you and Mr Cama appear to have the larger interests of the “29…….While we have indicated these areas of dispute which were urged Community at heart and are very concerned that monies meant for genuine charitable before the Court, as a matter of record, we clarify that our decision is not based SXUSRVHVDUHEHLQJZDVWHGRQWU\LQJWRQRZFRQÀUPWKHLOOFRQFHLYHGIDWZD on adopting one or the other of these perspectives. The Court has been concerned 7. We have taken a very serious view of this highly objectionable article, and are in these proceedings with construing the Deed of Trust and it is the Deed of Trust considering what further steps need to be taken in respect of the same. that we have construed.” 6. Again ironically, you and Mr. Cama asked a day before the article appeared in the Parsi With regards, Times to have one more meeting on the last settlement draft, which these gentlemen Yours sincerely, now describe as a “sell-out”. I am afraid any further meetings would be meaningless and we request you to have a serious discussion amongst yourselves and take a view S/d J G Kanga S/d H R Khusrokhan

Madam, SDVWWKHIDFWUHPDLQVWKDWWKHLVVXHRIWKHFKHTXHZDVÀUVWSXEOLVKHGLQWKHQRZGHIXQFW This is in response to the write up by Messer’s Khojeste Mistree and Yezdi Desai publication ‘Parsidom’ (issue dated April 15, 2000) edited by late Mr. Dara Kadva based published in your issue dated 26th July 2014. Their response to my letter is all too typical. on half baked information. Subsequently, on learning of the true facts of the matter, late They have sought to kick around a lot of dirt in the slim hope that in the confusion they Mr. Dara Kadva was man enough to publish a retraction in ‘Parsidom’ (issue dated May 22, hope to create, nobody will realize that they have not actually addressed the issues 2001). The worthies who bring up this matter from time to time conveniently forget to raised. recall the retraction, which is illustrative of their mindset. I am not going to get sucked into a debate on the issues raised by these gentlemen in This bogey does not take these two gentlemen anywhere. Although the allegation is UHVSHFWRISURFHHGLQJVEHIRUHWKH&RXUW6XIÀFHLWWRVD\WKDWthere is already a judicial blatantly false, it begs the question - Are these two Trustees seeking to justify the current pronouncement by the Division Bench of our High Court which very vehemently holds expenditure on the ground that the WZO Trust had allegedly done something similar in against what these two Trustees are canvassing, and which is now the subject matter of the past? the Special Leave Petition before the Supreme Court. The comparison of the present issue to the Prayer Hall being constructed for those I am not going to comment on the merits of a matter which is sub-judice. who opt to be cremated, is childish at best. Spending monies on a cause for which a A lot has been written in the past ad nauseam about my so called radical views. The trust directs, as in the case of the Prayer Hall Trust, and spending monies on something Trustees in question have once again sought to do the same, in an attempt to sling enough extraneous to the administration of the BPP are two completely different issues. mud toward me so that the attention gets completely diverted away from the current The allegation that my letter addressed to the Trustees is an attempt to further my scenario. However, in doing so they have overlooked one simple fact. I, unlike the two of so called radical views, is completely false. Again this is a card played once too often by them, have no political aspirations. They on the other hand will have to justify to the the radical orthodox when they have no answer to a pressing question. Their motto seems vote bank at the upcoming elections as to why crores of Rupees have been spent on to be: When one raises an inconvenient question, sling enough mud in their direction and legal fees, in respect to an issue which, now by their own admission, does not even hope to escape without answering it. have unanimity of opinion amongst all the BPP Trustees themselves, let alone the High A reading of the write up in question by these two Trustees makes two facts abundantly Priests. clear: The allegation that if the Trustees do not continue with such actions then the funds of 1. The BPP did not affect the ban in question on the two priests of their own accord, but the Community will fall prey to the tentacles of converts is outrageous. One would expect it acted on the “directives” of some of the High Priests. Are we to understand that that Trustees of BPP would be aware of laws that govern a Trust. Surely our dear Trustees the administration of the Punchayat affairs is being carried out by the High Priests should be aware that where a Trust provides that its funds can only be used for helping by remote control? Parsi and Irani Zoroastrians, persons who are not born as Parsis or 2. The BPP has spent crores of Rupees on this litigation, and the spending is not over. Iranis can never lay claim to those funds, however much they may convert to and Moreover there is a divide amongst the Trustees themselves as to whether this FRQWULEXWH#SDUVLWLPHVFRP embrace . This is an all too often made attempt to scare the masses that if litigation should continue. conversion is not stopped at the threshold level then the funds meant for “us” will soon be Is such expenditure, which is coming out of the collective pockets of used by “them”. Funds and properties of a Trust can only be used for those persons who the Community and not from the pockets of the High Priests or Trustees, DUHGHVFULEHGDVEHQHÀFLDULHVLQWKH7UXVW'HHG7KHIDFWLVWKDWLIWKH7UXVW'HHGSURYLGHV MXVWLÀHG" WKDWRQO\3DUVLDQG,UDQL=RURDVWULDQVDUHWREHEHQHÀFLDULHVWKHQQRQRQ3DUVLRU,UDQL Perhaps a harder and more introspective look is required at the practicality of the who has converted to Zoroastrianism can ever claim aid from such a trust. matter from within the Punchayet. This will be possible only when some Trustees realize The attempt by these two gentlemen to once again show the WZO Trusts’ in poor light, that they are elected to serve the interests of the Community and not their own interests )HHG%DFN LQWKHZHDNKRSHWKDWLWZLOOGHÁHFWWKHDWWHQWLRQDZD\IURPWKHLUFXUUHQWDGPLQLVWUDWLRQ as self proclaimed defenders of the faith. is laughable. In spite of several such attempts over the years, the work done by the WZO Kind regards, Trusts’ has carried on unfettered for many, many years now. The issue of a cheque issued Very Sincerely, by WZO Trust to Mr. Rusi Dhondy, erstwhile Editor of Jam-e-Jamshed keeps on surfacing time and again whenever I am sought to be criticized. As mentioned many a times in the Dinshaw K Tamboly SATURDAY, AUGUST 02, 2014 08 Life Guide

currently termed as the CORE functioning core is like an starting your muscle of the body. orphan open to various traumas H[HUFLVHV Pilates aims at statically and and injuries posed on it by the Normal Breathing: dynamically lengthened, body and environment. Deep inhalations VWUHQJWKHQHG DQG ÁH[LEOH Principles of practicing IROORZHGE\UHOD[HG spine. Pilates: H[KDODWLRQV VKRXOG What is CORE and how is it Getting a gym ball and doing be continued different from other muscles? H[HUFLVHVRQLWLVNOT Pilates. throughout Our body consists of two types The following principles must WKH H[HUFLVH WR of muscle; be ascertained before starting maintain adequate Stabilizing / Tonic Muscles: H[HUFLVHV EORRG ÁRZ WR WKH These originate from the Neutral Pelvis: The pelvic bone H[HUFLVLQJPXVFOHV ilates’ technique was spine and are responsible for (bone below your waist girdle) Pilates exercises founded by Joseph H. stabilizing the spine during should be in a central position. using a gym ball: PPilates (1880 -1967) which PRYHPHQWRIWKHH[WUHPLWLHV Lengthening of the Spine: The Keeping the centered on strengthening the Mobilizing / Phasic Muscles: ORZHUVSLQHVKRXOGEHÁDWWHQHG above mentioned powerhouse (large muscle These muscles bring about the GXULQJWKHH[HUFLVH principles in mind, groups) of the body, i.e. movement of the peripheral Tone of the Abdominal IROORZLQJ H[HUFLVHV H[WUHPLWLHV Cavity: The abdominal cavity can be practiced on The stabilizing groups of is like a cylinder connecting the the ball in various muscles are the core muscles. rib cage with the thigh. positions. with arm movement. How does your core functions The walls of this cylinder are Sitting position, straight lying, ‡ Pushups. and consequences of its made by: stomach lying, animal position, ‡ Pull-ups. failure: ‡ Superiorly- Diaphragm standing: Equip yourself with the They are supposed to function ‡ ,QIHULRUO\ ² 3HOYLF ÁRRU ‡ Bouncing on the ball. theory and practice of Pilates continuously during any muscles ‡ Marching. to strengthen your CORE muscular activity in the body. If ‡ Front – Transverse ‡ Straighten your leg from and help your spine work they fail to function effectively abdominal muscle the knee. HIÀFLHQWO\ then the stability of your spine ‡ %DFN²0XOWLÀGXVPXVFOH ‡ Raise your hand up from is lost. The above mentioned muscle the shoulder. )HHG%DFN A spine without properly should be made rigid before ‡ Combine leg movement FRQWULEXWH#SDUVLWLPHVFRP

From the History Books… Continued from P.T. Issue July 5th 2014… ill-defended by the Roman land.” He then ordered the conferring upon him the title forces also fell. The 400,000 presents to be thrown into of Augustus and entrusting inhabitants of Caesaria, the the Euphrates. Shapur’s him with the government capital of Cappadocia, met arrogant reply gained for of the East. Odenathus then Shapur with a stiff resistance, himself a deadly enemy for had coins minted with the but Shapur had friends a lifetime. Odenathus hit title ‘King of Kings.’ In 263 not only as one of the greatest within the city that helped back by attacking with a AD, he again took up arms of the warrior kings, but also him, and he gained victory force of Syrians and Arabs, against the . He as one of the greatest builders over it. the stragglers carrying was successful in capturing of his time. Even in the ruins, Odenathus, a rich Syrian heavy treasure to the Carrhae and Nisibis, but he RQH FDQ WUDFH WKH H[WHQW DQG he period between AD or an Arab chieftain, who held Euphrates. They not only could not succeed in laying the grandeur of his cities. DQ LQÁXHQWLDO DQG LPSRUWDQW recovered a great part of their siege to Ctesiphon. He met 260 and 268 is known Shapur is known for his position, sent emissaries with treasure, but also captured with defeat at several other as the Age of Thirty courage and his benevolence. T a caravan of camels laden several women of the places too. He retained the Tyrants in Rome. Many Though he had amassed with rare and rich treasure royal household. Gallienus possession of Mesopotamia, Pretenders sprang up in enormous wealth, he was for Shapur. The letter that the showed his appreciationpp wcwhich remained ea a part of various parts of the Empire not self-indulgent. He only emissaries carriedrried ooffendedffended of thisthis chieftainchieftain bbyy PalmPalmyrayra till 2273 AD. It was and assumed the purple robe. wished to use it for good KLP +H H[FODLPHGODLPHG´: ´:KRKR ccapturedaptured bbyy Aurelius from Taking advantage of the and great purposes. He is Odenathus that he thus Zenobia, thethe widow and situation in Rome, Shapur was a tolerant ruler. Jews insolently presumespresumes to the susuccessorccessor of Odenathus. marched on Antioch and have described him as a address his ?ord? If he SShehe hhadad boldlyb assumed recaptured it. Rawlinson benevolent king. He was an hopes to lightenhten hishis the titltitlee of the Queen says, “The more prudent ardent Zoroastrian, as was punishment, let ooff the East. citizens had withdrawn from his father Ardeshir Papekan. him come and VVery few the city, but a bulk of the :H OHDUQ IURP 'LQNDUG fall prostraterate eeventsve in history people were not displeased. that Shapur had encouraged before me hahave produced They welcomed him.” many writers to write books with his handsnds ggreaterr effect The powerful forces on philosophy, geography, bound behindnd ththan the capture of Shapur then made a astronomy, astrology, and his back. Shoulduld of Rome by a raid into Cilicia and later several other subjects. he hesitate, swiftwift yoyoung king into Cappadocia. Tarsus, Mirkhond has recorded destructionn of a young the centre of learning and KLV IDPRXV PD[LP ´7KH shall be dynasty. commerce, fell into his conversation of a wise man poured upon Shapur I is hands. The passes of the is wealth, but the words of a his head, hiss rremembered, Mount Taurus that were race, and his fool are a loss to the hearers. SATURDAY, AUGUST 02, 2014 09

:=&&(03+$6,=,1*(&2/2*< By P.T. Reporter Swati Kalra WZCC Mumbai Chapter organized for its members a Program on “Renewable Energy and other Green Technologies” on Monday July 28, 2014 at Bombay YMCA, Colaba. The program stressed the importance of how best we can economize on the use of fossil fuel use the renewable sources of power at our command, such as hydro, solar, wind, biomass, wave and geothermal. Prof. Soli J. Arceivala, Environmental Engineer, from Harvard University USA who also introduced a post-graduate course on Environmental Engineering in 1959 at VJTI, Bombay University spoke at the occasion. He is DOVRWKHÀUVWSHUVRQLQ,QGLDWRHVWDEOLVKD&RQVXOWDQF\&RPSDQ\ specializing in water and environmental engineering work as far back as 1961, long before any legislations for pollution control existed. He was invited to join the UN/WHO as Regional Advisor, ÀUVWZLWKWKH(XURSHDQ5HJLRQIRU\HDUVDQGWKHQDV&KLHIRI Environmental Health, South East Asia for 16 years. Mr P.P. Kharas, expressed his gratitude to Prof. Arceivala and Mr. Minoo R. Shroff, presented him with a memento.

There is no innocence was also trying to spread commerce. He died in 270 AD except by the grace of God; his creed, a new philosophy, leaving his throne to his son, there is no meekness except by . Hormazd, advising him to His support and no decision Shapur’s reign lasted rule justly and to keep in mind except by His consultation.” for thirty years and two the monitions of Ardeshir, as During Shapur’s reign, months. During his reign, he himself had done. Christianity was also he strengthened the Persian spreading and Judaism was Empire, enriched it, and )HHG%DFN FRQWULEXWH#SDUVLWLPHVFRP taking a new form. Mani revitalised the domestic SATURDAY, AUGUST 02, 2014 10 Sports Guide!

apanese cuisine is one of the cuisine. the most misunderstood Mumbai has a handful Jcuisines in the world. In of Japanese restaurants and India it is often approached here comes a new one! One of with uncertainty and more Delhi’s hottest contemporary often, disdain. The problem is Japanese restaurant - Guppy

Binaisha M. Surti the two gold’s came with category. India got one more he 20th Commonwealth Apurvi Chandela winning the medal in the Women’s 53kg Games kick started ZRPHQ·VVKRRWLQJPDLUULÁH weightlifting, with Swati Ton July 23rd at the and Rahi Sarnobat winning the Singh being handed the third people don’t know anything by Ai is all set to open doors beautiful city of Scotland, women’s shooting, 25m pistol. place. about the cuisine beyond the with a pop up at the Olive Glasgow. Having previously The silver medals were won CRICKET : ENGLAND HAVE THE LGHDWKDW6XVKLLVUDZÀVKDQG Mahalaxmi. The pop up will hosted the 1970 and 1986 by Prakash Nanjappa in the UPPER HAND IN THE THIRD TEST hence Sushi is yucky! This give you six months to get Commonwealth Games in Men’s shooting 10m air pistol, The third Investec test thought leaves little room for your Japanese on! Edinburg, this will be the Ayonika Paul in the women’s match took off on 27th July experimenting with the rest of largest multi sport event ever P DLU ULÁH VKRRWLQJ DQG with the wounded lions, held in Scotland. Anisa Sayyed in the women’s England trying to rip apart Some interesting facts about shooting, 25m pistol. The their Indian counterpart. the Glasgow games: There bronze was won by Rajwinder India’s previous win would will be 15,000 volunteers in Kaur in the Women’s +78 kg GHÀQLWHO\ PDNH WKHP IHHO the Commonwealth Games. judo and Omkar Otari in the good than they have in years, 3000 is the number of balls Men’s 69 kg weightlifting. as a victory at cricket’s Mecca used across six sports -hockey, 27th July saw India on “The ’’ does not come netball, table tennis, lawn a high. Satish Sivalingam every day. This match is ball, rugby sevens and squash. won his gold in the men’s critical to both England and There will be 65,000 athletes weightlifting 77kg, while India’s fortunes, as the series from 71 countries who will Ravi Katulu grabbed the is at stake. England seemed to participate in the games this silver in the same category. have had all the luck on day year. Shreyasi Singh won her silver 1. Alastair Cook almost scored In the Commonwealth in the women’s shooting, a ton, but unfortunately, he Games in 2010 at double trap. Mohammed fell 5 short of what would India won a record 101 Asab followed suit with a have been a brilliant century. medals in all. India are off to bronze in the men’s shooting, England ended the day on a super solid start in the 2014 double trap. While in the 247-2. They played even competition. July 24th saw women’s weightlifting 63 kg, better on day 2 as Garry India clinch 7 medals. Sanjita Punam Yadav was the bronze Ballance scored a marvelous Khumukchan won a gold in medalist. 156 and Ian Bell slammed the Women’s weightlifting 48 The other Indians who the Indian bowlers all over kg category, while Sukhen Dey were successful on the 28th, the park for his 167. England clinched his gold in the men’s 29th and 30th of July... went on to declare their 1st weightlifting 56 kg. There Harpreet Singh bagged a innings score at 569/7 after were three silver medalist... VLOYHU LQ WKH P UDSLG ÀUH the tea interval. Amongst the S.Mirabai Chanu won in the pistol shooting while Manavjit Indian bowlers Bhuvneshwar Women’s weightlifting 48 Sandhu won his bronze in the Kumar picked up 3 wickets kg category. Navjot Chana Men’s trap shooting event. while took 2. India won in the Men’s judo 60 kg Indian shooters Sanjeev started off their campaign while Shushila Likmabam and Gangan Narang with Shikhar Dhawan getting won in the Women’s judo 48 claimed the silver and bronze out early on. Ajinkya Rahane kg. India ended the day with respectively in the Men’s 50m scored another half century 2 bronze medals. Kalpana ULÁH  SRVLWLRQV VKRRWLQJ yet again, proving that he Thoudam won third place in India claimed another 3 can handle tough situations. the women’s judo 52 kg while medals when Amit Kumar won Even skipper M.S.Dhoni got Ganesh Mali sealed his third his gold in the 57 kg freestyle 50. India were all out for 330. spot with a bronze in the wrestling, Vinesh Phogat England chose to bat in their Men’s weightlifting 56 kg. clinched her gold medal in second innings rather than India added three more the Women’s freestyle 48kg giving India a follow on. They medals to their tally on wrestling and Sushil Kumar declared at 205/4 on day 4. July 25th. Former Olympic earned his gold in the 74 kg India ended day 4 on 112-4. Champion Abhinav Bindra won freestyle wrestling. Lajja Unfortunately day 5 did not a gold in the Men’s 10m air Gauswami won the Women’s go according to India’s plan FRQWULEXWH#SDUVLWLPHVFRP ULÁH VKRRWLQJ 0DODLND *RHO PULÁHSRVLWLRQVVKRRWLQJ and England won by 266 Runs. got the silver in the Women’s with a bronze, while wrestler With another 2 test 10m air pistol shooting. While Rajeev Tomar settled for a matches to come...Can the Santoshi Matsa won the bronze silver in the 125 kg freestyle visitors strike back again with in the women’s 53 kg category event while weightlifter another win? OR will England in weightlifting. Another 7 Chandrakant Mali won the continue to call the shots? )HHG%DFN medals came on July 26th... bronze in the Men’s 94kg SATURDAY, AUGUST 02, 2014 Community Coverage 11

And brings us some Parsis too

The National Centre for the Performing Arts (NCPA) is going to showcase Henry Purcell’s ‘Dido & Aeneas’ today in Mumbai and we can hardly contain ourselves. 'LGR  $HQHDV LV WKH ÀUVW RSHUDWLF PDVWHUSLHFH LQ English that is going to be performed by an all-Indian cast at the NCPA, Mumbai, tonight at 7 pm. The opera tells the story of doomed love between Dido, Queen of Carthage, and Aeneas, Prince of Troy. It has been staged and restaged ever since the composer’s centenary in 1756, and in particular with more elaborate worldwide productions on the occasion of Purcell’s 350th birthday in 2009. The fully staged opera contains variety, and a certain humor alongside the pathos, and includes dances, choruses and instrumental numbers. It is particularly to be appreciated by audiences less familiar with heavyweight operatic works. If that is not reason enough to watch this masterpiece, then know that three Parsis are going to perform as soloists and choristers in this opera:

Talented Singer: Farah Ghadiali Farah says the performance is on tragic love story and she plays a psychic who can foretell the death of the protagonists. Her fellow performer Kersi is a sailor and Minaish is a courtier and also a witch. A lot them have sung in choirs for a number of years and a few of them have sung in the Soi Opera Season in February 2012.

Popular Musician Teacher: Kersi Gazdar Mr. Kersi plays and teaches the piano. He has been teaching now for WKHSDVW\HDUV6LQJLQJXVXDOO\FRPHVQDWXUDOO\WRWKLVPDJQLÀFHQW Musician who sings purely for the joy of it. He has been performing with a choir since over 20 years now and has been training his voice with various teachers out of which Patrica and Mark have played a pivotal role in developing it.

Leading Music Educator in Mumbai & – Minaish Doctor Ms. Minaish Doctor, originally from Pune studied Singing and Piano under Ms. Enid Robert at the age of 22. She moved to Bombay in 1999 to pursue her dream. She joined the StopGaps Choral Ensemble and travelled world over. She also got to sing in front of Pope John Paul II in St. Petersburg. Five years ago, she met OBE SRCM Petrecia Rosario. Currently, she is an Assistant Teacher under Ms. Rosario and is going to be performing with the Chorus in Dido & Aeneas. Many singers like Farah Ghadiali, Shreya Naik and Rael Mendes who will be performing in big solo roles have also trained under her. The Opera was a huge Success in Pune. Here are some snap shots.

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&ODVVLÀHG'LVSOD\ ,QÁDPHDW$Q\&RQGLWLRQV 10 minutes from / kp¡kpeV$u / dpmuep“u and do not endorse any product or service international Airport and advertised in our Classified Section and will Gauranteed Relief ‘pZu“u V$p„L$uAp¡ (kpdp“ not be held responsible by any third party for from pain, 2 minutes from Metro lV$pìep hNf) kapC dpV¡$ k„‘L®$ the content of the ad space. 5XQQLQJ7H[W&ODVVLÀHG No Side Effects Station. Contact 9769021742 Brokers need not apply. ep¡Nu 9820776583 / Time: 10 am - 5 pm Contact 9769374036 9167677673. Printed and Published by Cyrus M. Shroff on behalf of Kersi Jamshed Randeria, From 102, Vikas Building, 11 Bank Street, Fort, Mumbai - 1. Printed at Dangat Media Private Limited, Mehra Centre, Marwah Estate, Saki Vihar Road, Mumbai - 400 072. (GLWRU)UH\DQ%KDWKHQD&RQWDFW1RV$GYW)D[2IÀFH7LPLQJDPWRSP0RQGD\)ULGD\ SATURDAY, AUGUST 02, 2014 Salli Gosh-ip... a sprinkling of stuff! 13 A fun look at what’s going on around us. Caution: To be taken with heavy doses of humour!

oa’s PWD minister, Even though inflation has comee who recently down, tomato is 300% costlier,r, Gdemanded a ban onions are a close 70% higher andd on mini-skirts and bikinis, even the humble green chilli isis now says his “thoughts and sanskars” will take both Goa burning a hole in our pockets at and India to glory. Rs.80/- a kilo. Radio Mirchi may want to change Sudin Dhavalikar, the public it’s name to something more consumer friendly works department minister, and common… how’s ‘Radio Namak’ sound? was speaking to journalists on the sidelines of a public event here, once again implored in the Himalayas where he an announcement expected “to steer clear of can do the ‘Tandav’ dance. early Thursday, according Western culture”. Come to think of it , why to sources familiar with the ´(YHQLIP\HIÀJ\LVEXUQW not make the dance (tandav) matter, as it trims its newly no one can burn my sanskars part of the school curriculum acquired Nokia phone and thoughts. I will continue Std. 6 onwards? Just business and reshapes itself to take them (sanskars and proposing an enhancement as a cloud-computing and thoughts) to the people until to the proliferation of “Indian mobile-friendly software I can. These alone will bring culture”. company. glory to Goa and India over India’s monsoon has $QGWKLVÀQDOSLHFHRIQHZV time,” Dhavalikar said. covered the entire country, “ Tatas spent Rs.1,000 crore on Dhavalikar courted WKH ZHDWKHU RIÀFH VDLG RQ CSR activities, in the just ended controversy recently when he Thursday, two days behind ÀVFDO$VLJQLÀFDQWDPRXQWRI said: “Young girls wearing the normal schedule in a this total spend by Tatas has short skirts in nightclubs year that is forecast to bring gone into skill development, are a threat to the Goan below-average rains. As of health and education, with culture. This habit of young now ,mumbaikars are praying Tata Steel emerging as the girls wearing short dresses for it to SLOW DOWN for a biggest contributor within HYHU\ZKHUH GRHV QRW ÀW WKH while. Two lakes have over- the group. The Godrej Goan culture. We should ÁRZHG DQG WKH UHPDLQLQJ  Group’s cos, also excluding not allow this. It should be are splashing and frothing its trusts’ contributions, WKHLUZD\WRRYHUÁRZ spent around Rs. 18 crores Justice Katju’s ZKLFK LV PRUH WKDQ  RI allegations SURÀWV about “improper Bawajis…. Tussi Great compromises” Ho !!! made by three Chief Justices of India in the appointment of a high court judge, has stirred a hornet’s nest for the judiciary and the GOI. His disclosure is stopped.” about a judge who had been He also advised that DSSRLQWHG ZD\ EDFN LQ  women should stop drinking and who has since retired and “because it is not good for passed away in 2009. So the their health”. Until the Goa timing of Katju’s disclosure CM stepped in and told him came in for criticism even to clam up. as it contributed to growing The comments drew wide evidence of chicanery within criticism in Goa, a popular the judiciary. tourism destination known (YHQ WKRXJK LQÁDWLRQ KDV for its beaches and nightlife, FRPH GRZQ  WRPDWR LV  as well as across the country. FRVWOLHURQLRQVDUHDFORVH Fashion designer Wendell higher and even the humble Rodricks in an open letter green chilli is burning a hole to Dhavalikar even asked in our pockets at Rs.80/- a him to wear a loin cloth to kilo, (Radio Mirchi may work, if he really believed want to change it’s name to in shutting out Western something more consumer culture. And to add some friendly and common how’s ranting to this comment… ‘Radio Namak’ sound?). put a snake around his neck, Microsoft Corp is set to send him to the coldest place cut more than 6,000 jobs in SATURDAY, AUGUST 02, 2014 14 Continued...

Contd. from Pg. 02 Appeal is admitted, it will take request/ direction or whatever from their own sources. So why another three to four years for you term from the High Priests now complain out of frustration? Noshir H. Dadrawala writes about BPP the case to come up for hearing. WR  RIÀFLDOO\ EUDQG VRPH 3ULHVWV 6 a) As for having opinion/ Dear Editor, By that time, what will be the as renegades. It was only after respect over High Priests, I have read with interest the response of sitting BPP trustees, Mr. ÀJXUH RI /DZ FKDUJHV HVFDODWH you two from WAPIZ got elected all that one can say is that Khojeste Mistree and Mr. Yazdi Desai to the open letter written by to? 10 CRORES 20? CRORES? If by slender margin that like opinion/respect depends on former BPP trustee Mr. Dinshaw Tamboly with regard to wastage of \RX0LVWUHHDQG'HVDLZHUHÀUP Talibans tried to pass a resolution how the concerned High Priests Trust funds on needless litigations, particularly the litigation around about litigation, why did you which has landed the Community conduct themselves. If one of the ban on the two so called “Renegade Priests”. participate for over two years in funds in to jeopardy. Can you the High Priests openly allows From day one, the question that has bothered many is why just process of Mediation? deny this? So do not try to shift conversion of an industrialists in these two priests when there are many others who perform prayers  7KHYHU\ÀUVWSRLQWWKDWWKH the onus of this Resolution and his 80”s and another performs for those who choose an alternate system for the disposal of the two have stated that litigation its consequent challenge in the Uthamna of another industrialist dead? But, let’s take it that the Trustees were “testing the waters” was forced on BPP is deliberately High Court to old High Priests. at Doongerwadi though the and therefore targeted just these two. misleading. The cause of action It does not do any credit to BPP. deceased was buried abroad, The bravado of these two self-styled ‘defenders of the faith’ is is not the outcome of High Court Trustees to so resort to this blame then in what way their conduct simply despicable. It is so easy to blow up Rs. 3 crores as long as it is verdict but the avoidable ‘fatwa’. game. You are educated enough differs from that of Mirza and not their hard earned money! So please do not try to put cart to realize that the Trust Deed of Madon? The BPP is a Public Charitable Trust and the Trustees are expected before the horse. As it is the BPP is only for managing Trust 6 b) I would like to know to manage the funds judiciously for ‘charitable purposes’ and not credibility level of BPP Trustees Properties. So please refrain from from Mistree and Desai, of any over frivolous litigations under the pretext of upholding religious is at all time low and the entire indulging in misleading talk. other instance of Doongerwadi tenets. Community is not so unintelligent 4 c) Further this argument Bungli being let out for Uthamna What these two priests do in their private lives is nobody’s as not to distinguish between does not cut ice since Surat or despite the fact that mortal business. How can these two priests be banned from reciting cause and effect and primary Poona Parsi Punchayats did not remains of the deceased were Zoroastrian prayers for a Zoroastrian who is to be consigned to the cause and secondary cause. pass such Resolutions. What if buried abroad. Dokhma at Doongerwadi, just because in private they also pray for 3) Once again M/s Mistree one of the ‘renegades’ were to And what about the Navjote those who choose to get cremated? & Desai indulge in the talk of render service at Pune or Surat? of French lady performed by the If orthodoxy is so important to this duo why don’t they also ban saving traditions and customs 4 d) Once if such ‘fatwas’ grandfather of current “High” some of the pall-bearers who drink, smoke, gamble and indulge in all but unwittingly contradict are allowed unchallenged, next Priest. Was that not conversion? Is sorts of vices on the Doongerwadi complex itself? Why do these two themselves by saying that the step would have been religious that not an instance of ‘different self-righteous Trustees turn a blind eye to that? Is it out of fear of the two banned priests ‘were earning of Behdins. The strokes for different folks’? 7UDGH8QLRQWRZKLFKWKHVHSDOOEHDUHUVEHORQJRUDUHWKH\SHWULÀHG ULFKO\ IURP D VPDOO EXW DIÁXHQW aim was that Trustees would 7) Similarly, Mistree needs with the thought of who would carry the corpses inside the towers if group of Parsis” In other words, indulge in regimentation of the to clarify about the ‘palm’ of a they are banned from Doongerwadi? notwithstanding the ban, if the Community. female corpse that was found The duo claims that the Trustees imposed this ban on the directive two priests are economically 5) What BPP is spending is near Godrej Baug of some High Priests. The question is which ones? To begin with, the prospering what earthly purpose from the funds of Parsi Charity some two years back. Is he still High Priests, seldom, if ever, speak with one voice. And, on the rare is going to be served even if the and what Tamboly is alleged to waiting for DNA/ Forensic Report occasion that they do, one never knows who among them will change apex court were to uphold the have done with WZO money or waiting for the memory of the his stand within a few weeks to a few months. contention of BPP. (according to Mistree and Desai) Community to forget? But, even assuming the High Priests unanimously give such Secondly, in what way custom is for donors of WZO to question 8) To say that a ‘directive’ to the Trustees, where is the ‘discretion’ that every and tradition is preserved when and not for myself, Mistree and is against the tenets of Trustee is under legal obligation to exercise? solar panels are operated. Is Desai.unless they have been Zoroastrianism is an over To cut a long story short, for decades now, the Trustees of the there any mention of solar panels donors of WZO. repeated claim. There are BPP have let the Community down. However, when history will be in Vandidad? Another argument to justify alternatives to cremation as well. written, this particular lot will be seen and written about as the 4 a) Similarly, to two say that waste of charity funds is asking We are in the 21st century and worst among them all. “BPP have not effected the ban Tamboly why the amount of there are alternatives superior It has been regime that has wasted funds, rabidly fought with on their own authority. We have donation meant for Prayer to cremation too. M/s Mistree each other and cut the Community’s nose in general public. They simply upheld the authority and Hall facility is not being used and Desai, remember that. There have collectively ushered in an era of disrepute, acrimony and implemented the directives of for poor and the needy. For is something called Promession brought the functioning of this august body to a virtual standstill. the learned High Priests…” that Mistree and Desai should which is Eco friendly and does Ironically, this lot was elected by a process of Universal Adult If we recollect rightly and moot a proposal to allow use of not require Fire or Burning even Franchise and somewhere, much as I hate to say it, the Community set the records right, some Doongerwadi Bunglis as prayer indirectly. How about applying gets the leadership it deserves. Priests were debarred in 2001- halls irrespective of mode of your brilliant minds to such Noshir H. Dadrawala 2002 and notices to that effect disposal. Common sense demands an innovative concept. Surely, were displayed to that effect in that real estate should be used all controversies will subside. Contradictions in Mistree’s And 1) The main point here is that Fire Temples. So in reality the optimally to generate revenue. By Is there any thing against Desai’s letter WKH6SHFLDO&LYLO$SSHDOZDVÀOHG debarment was effective before disallowing use of Bunglis to those Promession in Vandidad as well? Dear Editor, in 2011 which fact cannot be the ‘fatwa’ resolution. This point opting for alternate methods, May good thoughts get As an independent individual, disputed. In the period of three VKRZV KRZ VXSHUÁXRXV WKH %33 WKH7UXVWHHVDUHGLVSOD\LQJÀVFDO converted in to good deeds I have the least concern with what years if BPP has spent Rs. 3 crores Resolution was, which provoked indiscipline by denying usage of before the term of current Board the two WAPIZ Trustees allegedly as we are told and the fact that litigation. facility and thus losing out on of Trustees ends, something the say about changing stance / Appeal is yet to be admitted. If so, 4 b) You BPP Trustees are not income. Moreover, it was your repenting Community eagerly somersaults of Dinshaw Mehta are not the Trustees answerable spiritual heads unlike the Syedna. lobby which parroted the chant awaits! about the litigation expenses. Nor as to how Rs. 3 crores has been It is perhaps for this reason that WKDW WKRVH ZKR DUH QRW VDWLVÀHG Homi Dalal am I a spokesperson on behalf of incurred when the Appeal is the previous Board Of Trustees with Doongerwadi systems should D. K. Tamboly. not yet admitted? If at all the of BPP did not implement the make their own arrangements

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Shampoo starts the process the way your hair looks. One by cleansing and nourishing of the main reasons that hair your hair, but even clean hair becomes unmanageable and can appear dry and damaged dull looking is because it’s if you don’t use conditioner. If been stripped of its moisture. you’ve ever washed your hair Using a hair dryer, curling without conditioning it, you iron or other heat source in Tushna Mehta: A shopaholic probably realized that already. WKLV ZHDWKHU ÀUVWO\ GRHVQ·W ZKR ÀOOV KHU FXSERDUG ZLWK Conditioning is essentially even make sense. Adding WKH VSRLOV RI SURIHVVLRQDO the key to perfect hair! Not moisture will help plump up Dear Mamaiji, VW\OLQJ 7XVKQD 0HKWD KDV You always make me read the Gujarati ZRUNHG ZLWK WKH IDPRXV all conditioners will suit your the hair, giving it a smoother, calendar date from the front page of the EEOXQWKDLUSURIHVVLRQDOVIRU hair! It’s only about getting healthier appearance. Parsi Times. Today is Behram Roj. What DZKLOHDQGLVUHDG\WRVKDUH From clips to corsages give does that mean? KHU NQRZOHGJH DQG SDVVLRQ IRUWUHVVHV HYHU\ORRNDÀQDOWRXFKZLWKD Dear Dikri, hair accessory! A clip or braid Today is Behram Roj. Dedicated to the Great ains cause the hair to Mighty Angel, Behram. Behram Yazad is the that comes or rubber band is the best to ones assistance in the most dire of circumstances and helps you become big, frizzy and way to keep your hair from in the best possible way. He stands for Victory, Truth, Strength, Runmanageable! frizzing when it’s drizzling! Might and Goodness. He instills courage in those who call upon Using a conditioner softens &OLSV ERZV ULEERQV ÁRZHUV him. Behram Yazad, is also called Verethraghna, who helps people DQGEXWWHUÁLHVFDQDFFHVVRUL]H overcome innate base emotions like falsehood, greed, avarice, and smoothes, moisturizes OXVWHWF3UD\LQJUHJXODUO\WR+LPLVFRQVLGHUHGYHU\HIÀFDFLRXV and shines, untangles and your hair and tame it! Leaving Behram Yazad is amongst the most popular amongst protects hair from damage. you looking extremely pretty Zoroastrians. He is credited with creating many miracles. My If you want that vibrant, and chic in the rains rather favourite prayer to Behram Yazad is “Mushkil Aasan Saheb, Paak glossy hair that’s in every hair than a mess! Anything In Behram Yazad Saheb ni Panaah”. Please refer to the article on your hair remotely colorful the story of Behram Yazad that I had written in my own words, commercial. It’s all about the based on the ancient story of the conditioner you choose and will take away a little bit of woodcutter, Mishkin. With inputs from Parvez J. Daruwala it doesn’t happen with just the right one for your hair! the attention that was on your one use. The hair models in Using the right conditioner hair looking frizzy or curly. commercials also condition, in the right manner will make Match your hair clip with your deep condition their hair and your hair feel soft, smooth clothes or shoes and you are do spa treatments for the shine and strong. Otherwise, you ready for the day! of that sort. may still be unhappy with Name ... Meher Amalsadiwala. I work at... Say it with chocolates. I work as... Proprietor. That basically means... Taking bulk orders (all types of functions) / retail orders, Ingredients: Pour the making the chocolates and ensuring 1½ kg. lamb (trimmed and cleaned) marinade. delivery. 3 cups curd (drained) Smear over My work day begins with... Depends on the order. Season 1 cup cream the meat on all orders are really packed like Diwali and Christmas where 2 tablespoons ginger garlic paste sides. Place in I start at six in the morning and make about 150 kgs of 2 tablespoons Spicy Red Masala the fridge overnight, covered. Before chocolate. 1 tablespoon garam masala serving, place in a pressure pan on high I love this about my job...The freedom to do what I like and I 1 teaspoon jeera powder ÁDPHIRUPLQXWHVWXUQLQJRQFH have no boss over me. A few strands of saffron Add two cups of water. Pressure-cook for I wish this would change about my job... Would like expanding ½ cup oil PLQXWHV6HUYHZLWKZDUPNXOFKDVDQG my business more. Salt onion rings. I have been working here for ... 5 to 6 years. Directions: I head to office and head back home at these times... Mix all the ingredients, except the Purveen Dubash LV D FKHI ZLWK PDQ\ NQLYHV LQ KHU SUHWW\ KRPH I tend to orders from home. I make chocolates at my house. lamb. Place the lamb in a shallow NLWFKHQFDELQHW)URP79DQFKRUWRHGXFDWRUWRDXWKRUVKHLVDUPHG Some of the things that make up my work day…Making ZLWK FXOLQDU\ VNLOOV WR SXW \RXU WXPP\ LQWR D K\SQRWLF VWDWH :H dish. Make deep gashes. Rub in DUH SURXG WR SUHVHQW WR \RX KHU UHFLSHV ZKLFK KDYH WKH XQLTXH chocolates and having satisfied customers. salt. GLVWLQFWLRQRIEHLQJQRWRQO\VLPSOHWRIROORZEXW\XPP\WRWDVWH Someone I think has an interesting job is… Hospitality. Parsi Times - English and Gujarati. SATURDAY, AUGUST 02, 2014 Regd. No. MH/MR/South-348/2012-14. Published on 2th August, 2014, 2QUVGFCV/WODCK2CVTKMC%JCPPGN5QTVKPI2QUV1H°EG/WODCK 20 on every Saturday.