Dr. Huws Patent Truss. Pearl Tooth-Powder. Fulling, Dyeing, And
NORWALK, CONN. TUESDAY, OCTOBER s4. 1826 VOL IX \Q 35 WTFOLK 443, VALUABLE R$Ai. ESTATE 111 <XX^<XX X XXXXXXXS<XXX>< XX® BLANK IISTS Academy at Wilton. FOR SALE. .1-. PUBLISHED BY ' . NEW ESTABLISHMENT. FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. HE subscriber respectfully informs the \ VALUABLE Real Estate , W. BENEDICT, HARVEY E. HOYT T Public that it is his intention to resume : -CJL situated near the village of" f: Tkplis^Two Dollars per annum, payable HARDWARE. the business of Aeademical Instruction, in T> ESPECTFULLY acquaints his friends llltlW Stamford, state of Connecticut, •Quarterly. Mail subscribers in advance. addition to the branches usually taught in. and the public generally, that he has JACOB SMITH, ~«IE9SER> thirty-six miles from.New Fork. ^ ADVERTISEMENTS, less than a square, 75 Academies, the training of young gentlemen opened a shop in the east-room of LockwoodSf It Consists of two large Flour Mills, one of >;• cents ; a~souare, S.IOO, for threeinsertions. ; (Successor to N. Beers.) to become *Instructors of Common Schools, St.John's Store, a few rods east of the Bridge, sixteen and the other eight run orf stones, ca RYING-PANS, English Shovels,a gen will be an object of special attention. Tb Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx# where he keeps, and is manufacturing, a pable of grinding one thousand, bushels per eral assortment ofScotch Hollow Ware, Winter Term of the School willcommenc variety of SADDLES, BRIDLES, HAR F week. They are located on Long Island ACCOMMODATION PACKETS, English Blister Steel, Trace Chains, a gene on the first Monday of November next. Boaro NESS, TRUNKS, CAPS, PORTMAN Sound, with thesole use ofthe harbor, (which ral assortment of FILES and RASPS, Cast may be obtained in good familieson moderatd is never impeded by ice when the Sound is TEAUS, HOLSTERS, and VALICES; and German Steel, Saws, Butts and Screws, terms.
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