The London Gazette, November 26, 1889. 6559
THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 26, 1889. 6559 or is reputed to belong to the said Sir road, known as the Alfreton-road, at or Thomas William Evans, and is in the near the junction with the said Alfreton- occupation of Thomas Coxon, and terminat- road of the public road leading to the ing at or near the southern side of the field village of Breadsall, and 2 chains or there- or land numbered- 222 on the a^00 Ord- abouts to the west of the bridge carrying nance map of the same parish, which field the said last-mentioned road over the or land belongs or is reputed to belong to Derby Canal. the said Sir Thomas "William Evans, and Which several works will be made in or pass is in the occupation of Frederick Harrison. from, in, through, or into the several parishes, 3. A filter tunnel .(No. 3) commencing in the townships, extra-parochial and other places township or chapelry of Little Eaton, in the following, or some or one of them (that is to parish of St. Alkmund, at or near the say), Allestree, Little Eaton, St. Alkmnnd, and northernmost corner of the field or land Breadsall. numbered 238 on the -a-gVff Ordnance map To enable the Corporation from time to time of that parish, and terminating in the to make, provide, and maintain, all such cuts, parish of Allestree, at or in the easternmost channels, adits, pipes, aqueducts, culverts, of the existing air shafts belonging to the tunnels, drains, sluices, overflows, weirs, wells, Corporation, situate near the southern end filter-beds, tanks, banks, walls, roads, ap- of the field or land numbered 4 on the proaches, engines, machinery, appliances, and -2sVo Ordnance map of the lastmentioned conveniences, as may be necessary or expedient parish, which fields or lands belong or are in connection with the beforementioned works, reputed to belong to George Henry Strutt, or the existing water works of the Corporation, and are in the occupation of William John or any of them.
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