Glamour Girl! Smackdown Stunner! Q and A With Former WWE Diva, Actress and Playboy Model, Ashley Massaro

Author : Robert D. Cobb

Bikinis. Swimsuit. Lingerie. Welcome to Glamour Girl!, INSCMagazine’s new bi-weekly feature that will appear every Monday and Friday.

GG! will feature some of today’s hottest bikini, swimsuit, Instagram and fitness models, bloggers, influencers and actresses today in the realm of lifestyle, modeling and entertainment, with a touch of style, class, quality in-depth writing and eye-catching images.

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Whether you are a casual, die-hard or lifelong fan, one thing all men can agree on is the sexiness of a WWE Diva.

Divas, the female wrestlers of the uber-popular WWE and WWF have piqued the interest and have long been the pinnacle of beauty and athleticism, names such as , , Stephanie McMahon, , , Michelle McCool, , , all had a hand in putting the “diva’ in WWE Diva.

If there was a modern-day definition of what a toned, sexy, hot and athletic woman, who was not in Playboy or on Instagram--which wasn't even around--it was the WWE Diva. While today, we have the likes of Charlotte, Sasha, , etc, the formementioned First Ladies of Wrestling helped lay the groundwork of looking hot while getting dirty on the mat.

One such diva who was among those performing bodyslams while looking good in mixing it up was none other than Ashley.

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Ashley, also known as Ashley Massaro, made her WWE debut after winning the WWE Diva Search in 2005. During her time in the ring, she had various high-profile matches vs. Melina at WrestleMania 23 as well as a Lumberjill match at WrestleMania XXIV.

Outside of the ring, the petite and feisty New York-born and bred babe has appeared on the covers of various magazines such as the April 2007 issue of Playboy, as well as in other men’s and fitness magazines such as FHM, Stuff, Maxim, Femme Fatales and Flex.

Massaro has also dabbled in acting thanks to appearing on the small screen and reality shows such as Smallville, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition and Survivor: China and in music videos such as Timbaland’s 2007 hip-hop video “Throw it On Me” and Rev Theory’s 2008 hard rock video,”Hell Yeah”

4 / 19 A knockout today as she was back in the ring, the 38-year-old Massaro is as easy on the eyes as she was touch in the ring in delivering her trademark signature and diving clothesline finishing moves!

Below is my Q and A with Ashley as we talk wrestling, , keeping up with her fellow Divas and eating clean and training dirty!

Who Is She?

Name: Ashley Massaro

Birthplace: New York City, New York

5 / 19 Age: 38

Height: 5’5

Measurements: 36-24-32

Notable Publications/Media: Kandy Magazine, Playboy, Maxim, WWE Smackdown! (1999), WWE Raw (1993) and WWE Divas Do New York (2006), Smallville (2007), Survivor: China (2007), Extreme Home Makeover: Home Edition

Social Media Links: Instagram:@ashleymassaro2013| Twitter: @ashleymassaro11

You’ve been around the block in Playboy, Kandy Magazine, WWE as a diva and in TV, what has been the best and most rewarding experience you’ve had in entertainment? Shooting the cover of Playboy was the most exciting thing I did in modeling and in that department because I’d always wanted to be a Playmate since high school. But winning the WWE Diva search and getting to experience having my first Wrestlemania match was probably the most rewarding experience-I was honored and humbled by the experience of it all, the crowd, the energy, I mean, it’s WRESTLEMANIA!!! So awesome! Nothing else like it in the world!!

6 / 19 7 / 19 Thoughts on the uber-explosion of wrestling? In my opinion, wrestling and the WWF/WWE company have ALWAYS been extremely popular, but with the reality show ‘Total Divas’ out now, sure wrestling is getting some new viewers which is great! Wrestling is a lot like a physical sort of soap opera-once you watch it a few times, you’re hooked!

Thoughts on the recent Ric Flair documentary? Ric Flair is incredible always has been, always will be, WOOOOO!!!!

Any divas you keep up with in and outside the ring? Sure! I still talk to almost everyone because we still do shows together to this day we do a ton of comic conventions and wrestling shows so I see Torrie Wilson, Kelly Kelly, Maria, Melina, Shelly Martinez (she’s me best friend) and , Trish Stratus, Lita, Christy Hemme, Brooke Adams etc.

8 / 19 As a model, what are your thoughts on the rise of glamour modeling in the States? I think it’s wonderful- who doesn’t love gorgeous, glamorous women!

Thoughts on how Instagram has helping raise the profile of fitness models and motivation? It’s definitely helped with the fitness industry. I’m actually a certified personal trainer as well and love how Instagram highlights fitness models and beautiful women! There’s enough sun for everyone to shine I always say! Women empowerment! Yeah!

9 / 19 10 / 19 With winter here, what fashion and fitness tips and trends do you have for looking good and staying in shape when the temperature drops? Stick to my cardio routine throughout winter and you can usually find me in Athleisure! Eat clean, train dirty! Those are my tips!

What is THE one hot item that you must have/or get this season? The Chanel Fannypack- every wrestler wears a fannypack it’s funny it’s just the trend in wrestling like behind the scenes-but then I find out that CHANEL has made a fannypack?!?! Must have for a former wrestler/Diva!

Athleisure? Fashion or fitness fad? Fashion!

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What is your workout and fitness secret to staying in shape? I do an hour of cardio followed by weight training 2 muscle groups and abs everyday! No pain no gain baby! Honestly the secret is really eating clean. You are what you eat so be careful when it comes to feeding your body! Treat it like a temple!

Any future projects coming down the pipeline? I have a few surprises coming up in 2018-one involves music, the other, television so be excited!

13 / 19 What part of the body do people tend to overlook when trying to work out? I’d have to say calves. A lot of people have trouble with their calf muscles and growing them.

14 / 19 What's on your workout playlist music wise? A lot of Rage against the Machine, NIN, Black Veil Brides, Falling in Reverse, and randomly Britney Spears haha!

Within the industry, who is your modeling inspiration? Trish Stratus was always my favorite fitness model growing up and then in wrestling. I’ve always looked up to her so getting to work with her was incredible! We were actually a at one point in my career!

15 / 19 16 / 19 Outside of modeling, what are your hobbies? I love to travel! I love the beach! I love my animals! I also fundraise for clean water wells to be built in remote areas of Africa. It’s very special to me.

Sports question: Who are your favorite teams and clubs? As a NY girl I’ll always be a Yankees and Giants fan!!

What advice would you give to women aspiring to get into modeling? Always embrace your own beauty and don’t be envious. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so stay true to you and BE YOURSELF!!

17 / 19 18 / 19 Special thanks to Ashley Massaro for her time and assistance during the Glamour Girl! Q and A interview. Email us at [email protected] if you feel that you have the look of being our next GG! girl.

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