Aquatic Ecomap Team to Develop the Framework, Process Comments, and Develop a Plan Forrevision.These Scientistsare
_i__¸_._. V_!_i Depa_"tment of e_a IC_ .-,4_:..._.A_..:,_,,_gricu 1t u_'e ServiceFo os Framewerku of Aquatim c North Centrai EC@J@g_CaJ U_itS _ N@_th Forest Experiment s [] Station A_er_ca {Nearct_c Z@_e_ General Technical Report NC-17'6 James R. Maxwell, Clayton J. Edwards, Mark E. Jensen, Steven J. Paustian, Harry Parrott, and Donley M. Hitl 8 • _ ...... "'::'":' i:. "S" " : ":','1 _ . / REG I0 NS':_; '"::;:s_:::."_--. .---..:-:!.!:::!:.::_:. ..... •. :.,.:,: .,. -,::.:, .......,.-,.-4S:ifi -.- i::ti/;:.:_: """.::""-:.: .... "':::.:.';.i" . :':" "':":": -. -._ . •....:...{: • . ...:" ZON • .- "." . .. • " . "'...:.:. • .....:....:....:_..-:..:):. -.-. ..... ,:.':::'.':: . .., .... '"_::.--..:.:i i ''_{:;ti}{i_:/.... sub " ,Lri_;gi, • Riverine GroundWater II II _ II I III II I II ],.r ', _ _r',_-- ACFA_OV_rLEDGI_NTS The authors wish to thank the many scientistswho commented on the draftsof thispaper during itspreparation. Their comments dramatically improved the qualiW of the product. These scientistsare listedin Appen- dix F. Specialthanks are offeredto 10 of these scientists,who met with the Aquatic Ecomap team to develop the framework, process comments, and develop a plan forrevision.These scientistsare: Patrick Bourgeron, The Nature Conservancy, Boulder, CO (geoclimatic) James Deacon, Universityof Nevada, Las Vegas, NV (zoogeography) Iris Goodman, Environmental Protection Agency, Las Vegas, NV (ground water) Gordon Grant, Forest Service, Corvallis, OR [riverine) Richard Lillie, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Winona, WI (lacustrine) W.L. Minckley, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ (zoogeography) Kerry Overton, Forest Service, Boise, [D (riverine) Nick Schmal, Forest Service, Laramie, WY (riverine, lacustrine) Steven Walsh, Fish and Wildlife Service, Gainesville, FL (zoogeography) Mike Wireman, Environmental Protection Agency, Denver, CO (ground water) We wish to especially acknowledge the contributions of Mike Wireman and Iris Goodman of the Environmental Protection Agency.
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