11.00 Am Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Prayer Book P
]Uif!Fqjqiboz!pg!Pvs!Mpse th Weekly Newsletter No.1597 Sunday, 7 January, 2007 11.00 am Sung Eucharist and Sermon, joined by Youth Group and Sunday School. Hymns: 79, We Three Kings, 67, Anthem: Three Kings of Orient (Gardner), Shine Jesus Shine. Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). Celebrant: Rev Stewart Lisk. Preacher: Mr David Hanks. 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Officiant: Rev Sue Rees. Introit: Hail Gladdening Light (Stainer). Psalms 98, 100. Hymns: 77, Anthem: O Be Joyful (Stanford), 75. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: C. Hylton Stewart. Readings: Isaiah 60, 1-9. John 2, 1-11. In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Church in Wales, and Archbishop Barry Morgan. We pray for peace in the world, remembering especially the people of Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia. We pray for the victims of the floods in Brazil. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Porth Newydd and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Yemen, Iran and Iraq. We pray for Rev Caroline as she prepares to take up her ministry in Cathays this week. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Janet Munday, John Warren, Phyl Riddett, Tomos Owen. We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed. PARISH DISCUSSION GROUP meets today at UIJT!XFFL! 7.45pm at 15 Lothian Crescent, (Gill Day’s). We Npoebz! 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. will be discussing the Parables. All welcome. 9ui 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Church House. MORNING PRAYER is said in St Margaret’s at 9.15am 7.00 pm St Edward’s Orchestra Practice.
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