VOL. 46 NO. 2 0 C for Staff, Family and Retired Staff FEBRUARY 1993
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VOL. 46 NO. 2 0 c for staff, family and retired staff FEBRUARY 1993 ~ . ' A MASSIVE £4 million is to be invested in Manweb's 'High Street' operations over the next two years in a further demonstration of the Com pany's commitmtnt to provid ing a customer service that is second to none. The role of the shops will change as Manweb presses ahead with plans to alter the whole culture of its trading operation. The main thrust of the plan is to deliver the best possible customer ser vice.- Our traditional shops will be trans formed to modern, new style customer service centres. Improved 'state of the art' computer systems and a large invest ment in staff training will --~~~-By~~~~~ ness customers with the very form the basis of better best service.'. Customer service to our customers. research also confirmed that JACKIE UNSWORTH our customers value the per Apportioned sonal, local, easy access pro vided by our shops. This new concept has the best way forward for the er excellent customer service "The Board· has given its already been partly intro- company's retail operation. and an acceptable retail per- full commitment to this ,.<:luced iJ;J. th€ IJ~cently Jelocat These options were: · (om:iance. _ option and it is now down to ed Rhyl, Warrington and • Merging of Man web's DirectocT.rnding, Peter us"all in the l'Tading Division Oswestry shops, where trading activities with another Hopkins said: 'After several to deliver the plan." greater floor space Q.as been or several other companies, debates and a lot of hard apportioned for bank or as some of the other REC's work, it was considered that Wondering building society style cus have done. the 'Stand Alone' option was tomer service areas. The real • Pulling out of retail com- the best route to take. The announcement has thing will be seen for the first pletely. "In analysing the options ended months bf rumour and time when we relocate our • Standing alone, but with the Board recognised that the speculation amongst staff existing N orthwich shop in substantial investment to shops have a vital role to play about their future with the two months' time. bring the shops, staff and sys- in delivering the Company's Company. The Manweb Board had terns up to a standard that mission statement "It means we now have a considered three options on now concentrate our efforts will enable Manweb to deliv- 'Providing our utility busi- future to pursue and we can on the work in hand instead of wondering if we have a job at all," said Mr Hopkins, who stressed that it was not a case uf 'just more of the same' but that there would have to be a radical change in Trading Division's culture and the role of the shops. Trading has made a com AMONGST Manweb's many mitment to give the maxi shop staff there are some very By mum profitable returns on busy people, who, in addition to the business by 'leveraging their jobs do more than their bit Rob Skinner retail on the back of cus- for the local community. tomer service'. These pillars of society include Rotaract is an international organi "The tremendous effort Mrs Willow Williams, a part-time sation supported by Rotary. All mem put into the retail side of the sales person at Wrexham shop. bers are aged between 18 .and 29, and business is beginning to pay Willow has fulfilled many community organise general fund-raising to help off," said Mr Hopkins. "As a roles, as well as her two-and-a-half the local community whenever possi result of improved purchas years as a Manweb employee. ble. ing, investment in RICS and Most recently, she became Deputy . Malcolm has organised many fund MERAS computer systems Mayor for Wrexham, in May 1992. raising activities, from car washing to and improved operational After the year-long term is up, she collecting for Children in Need. _efficiency, the retail business hopes it will lead on to ·her becoming The Manager at Warrington Shop, is now operating profitably. Mayor the year after. Ian McGregor, has membership of the Having turned the business local Chamber of Trade and also around. we now need to Willow has been a Councillor with strengthen profit perfor Wrexham Maelor Borough Council Sefton Council. He is also a Governor at St Andrew's Church, Maghull. mance as well as deliver for over ten years. In addition, she has excellence in utility business been Chairperson for the Housing and services." Health Committee at the Council Involved since 1990, and a member of For the past ten years, Corwen Options Gwersyllt Community Council. Manager, Em yr Jones has been a She said: "Working at the Manweb member and actively involved in the Mr Hopkins said: "The shop fits in well with my responsibili Corwen Community Council. He is whole issue of the future of ties at the Council, and it gives me a also a past chairman of the our shops has taken a long IN furtherance of our first hand chance to experience Community Council. time to decide and there was environmental policy Wrexham's bustling community." Sue Wilson, Norris Green Shop a huge amount of work by Contact has been print Malcolm Swords is acting Manager Manager fits in her rolt(s as group the management team. We ed on re-cycled stock: Wrexham Deputy Mayor, Mrs Willow at Manweb's Northwich Shop, and he leader of St Andrew's Church, came very close to alterna- Williams, fits in a part-time role at the is also Chairman of Rotaract (District Maghull, and P.T.A. committee mem Lakeside extra wove. Manweb Shop. (Picture by Mike Hall). 1050). ber. continued on page 2 Page 2 CONTACT - IN THE SHOPS A CONTACT SPECIAL REPORT ON PROGRESS IN THE MANWEB SHOPS • continued from page 1 ti ve options which could us1ness have seen the demise of our retail business as we know it. "I therefore want to make MORE than 80 Manweb shop staff it quite c1ear to everyone that achieved credits and a further 67 were the objectives of the plan rewarded with distinctions when they got must be achieved. back to basics and took part in the "This means our customer 'Business Basics' training programme. service must be second to There was a pass rate of over 65 per cent over all, resulting in a total 177 staff receiving the none and our commitment to Man web Certified A ward of Retail Excellence delivering the necessary (CARE). profit must be total. We have All shop staff received at home a series of six not got a reprieve but a modules aimed at sharpening up their retail skills. Business Plan to deliver. Each module covered a different topic - "I am convinced this is the Customer Care, Selling Skills 1 & 2, Surecare, best route for us to take and I Creditcare, Selling for Profit and Energy am also delighted to know Efficiency. that the future of our busi Staff had to read the modules and then complete ness is now in our own Garston was the top shop for the quarter ended September and return a questionnaire. Those who fully com In a class of their own ... Some of the CARE 1992. Pictured with their shield are (l-r) Pam Dickson, Teresa pleted all six modules to the required standard hands." recipients with their certificates. Back row, Parrry, Nick Lowe, Manageress Pat Walsh and Jayne Young. received the CARE certificate. (l-r), Dave Kingston (Northwich), Steve Tonge He added: "I want every (Wallasey) and Lorraine Balmer) Frodsham). one to stop talking about the The results were as follows: Front row, (l-r), Lisa Drew (Old Swan), Sue uncertainties, and instead Wilson (Norris Green) and Carl Christian let's start talking about the PASS (West Kirby). positive things we can all do They're Bootle Shop: Eileen Maddocks; St John's: Tom Whitchurch: Doreen Kenny; Rhyl: Carol Bell, to deliver the best customer Roddick, Peter Reed, Pat Smith, Ingrid Hines; David Ogden; Ruthin: David Stevens; Prestatyn: service in the country. I am Prescot: Phyllis Watkinson; Huyton: Pat Ellison; Glenna Mayoh; Colwyn Bay: Beryl Williams; confident we have the staff Allerton: Rose King; Garston: Teresa Parry; St Llandudno: Nigel Gordon, Julie Thomas; Pwllheli: and commitment to achieve Helens: Jean Peel, Margaret Sowerby, Margaret Adrian Jones, Julia Griffiths, Myfanwy Hughes; top of Hannon; Neston: Kath Thatcher; Birkenhead: Ruth whatever we want. Let us Blaenau Ffestiniog: Lol Williams, Eirwen Jones; therefore show the Board Walton; West Kirby: Jacqui Eccles; Crewe: Pat Holyhead: Ann Desmond, Angela Williams; and our customers what we Benoy; Oswestry: Enid Thomas; Whitchurch: Barmouth: Sandra Williams; Aberystwyth: Terry can do." Molly Broadhurst; Rhyl: Carol Crankshaw; Butcher, Yvonne Williams; Tywyn: Chris Davies; the Retail Operations Manager Prestatyn: Ann Jones, Robert Lane; Newtown: Machynlleth: Elizabeth Roberts; Newtown: Paul Sharkey (right) presents Sheila Rogers. Robbie Haden; RSM Secretary, Region 1: Kath Northwich Shop Manager Tickle. Dave Kingston with the 'top CREDIT shops shop' trophy for the quarter Bootle: John Quick, Lyn Coombes; Norris DISTINCTION ended December 1992. Green: Sue Clarke, Ian Ashurst; Waterloo: Sharon Kissack; Wal ton Vale: Joe Anderson; Southport: Bootle: Margaret Wright, Margaret Bjork, Sue GARSTON and Northwich are Ltd awards marks based on Pauline Garner; St John's: Thelma Kitcher, David Johnson, Joan Kielty) Anne Lysaght; Norris top of the Manweb shops after sales technique, presentation, Lloyd; Old Swan: Lisa Drew, Alison Gumley, Pat Green: Sue Wilson, Jean Stalford; Waterloo: s uccessive quarterly wins in product knowledge, answering Montague; Allerton: Mark Marshall, Hilda Anson, Shelagh Whitby; Southport: John Pritchard, Joyce Trading Division's 'Mystery tariff enquiries, the account Wilson, Rita Hughes; Warrington: Ken Roberts, MANWEB staff worked in the Diane Henderson; Neston: Nick Lowe; Garston: Shopper' scheme.