STATE-OF-THE-ART REPORT DELIVERABLE 2 CONTRACT N° : GTC2-2000-33029 ACRONYM: TITLE: Vehicle for Mobility Advancing Public Passenger Transport in Europe PROJECT CO-ORDINATOR: UITP - Union Internationale des Transports Publics PARTNERS: POLIS I.A.S.B.L. Socialdata - Institut für Verkehrs- und Infrastrukturforschung GmbH CERTU - Centre d’études sur les réseaux, les transports, l’urbanisme e les constructions publiques TIS Pt – Consultores em Transportes, Innovacão e Sistemas S.A. Rupprecht Consult – Forschung & Beratung GmbH AMT – Azienda Mobilita’ e Trasporti S.p.A. Bureau Zuidema bv Babtie spol. s.r.o. UWE - University of West England, Bristol, Faculty of Built Environment PROJECT START DATE: 01/09/2001 DURATION: 40 months Date of issue of this report : 24 November 2003 Project funded by the European Community under the ‘Competitive and Sustainable Growth’ Programme (1998-2002) Co-authors of the VOYAGER state-of-the-art report This state-of-the-art report was produced by Rupprecht Consult Forschung & Beratung GmbH with the collaboration of all VOYAGER Working Group leaders and the project co-ordinator. The quality control was carried out by the project co-ordinator (UITP). The contact details of the people that contributed to this report are given below. UNION INTERNATIONAL DES TRANSPORTS PUBLICS (UITP) Ms Andrea Soehnchen Rue Ste Marie 6 B-1080 Brussels Belgium Tel.: +32-2-663 6640 Fax: +32-2-660 1072 Email:
[email protected] SOCIALDATA - INSTITUT FUER VERKEHRS- UND INFRASTRUKTURFORSCHUNG GmbH (Socialdata) Mr Franz Barta Mr Erhard Erl Hans-Grässel-Weg 1 81375 München Germany Tel.: +49-89-7108 1 Fax: +49-89-7164 20 Email:
[email protected],
[email protected] CENTRE D’ÉTUDES SUR LES RÉSEAUX, LES TRANSPORTS, L’URBANISME ET LES CONSTRUCTIONS PUBLIQUES (CERTU) Ms Maryvonne Dejeammes Mr Francois Rambaud 9 rue Juliette Récamier 39456 Lyon France Tel.: +33-4-7274 5830 Fax: +33-4-7274 5930 Email:
[email protected],