To become a Book Fair patron, please call 248.432.5418 The Jewish Community Center of Metropolitan Detroit Annual Jewish Book Fair exposes our community and the community at large to prominent and energizing authors from all over the world. We invite you to join us as we engage, educate and entertain you with this year’s incredible lineup.


7KXUVGD\1RYHPEHU ȻSPb ,QWKHELUWKRI%RRN)DLUZHZHUHDERXW WRHQWHUWKHJROGHQDJHRIIXWXULVPWKHWLPH 6DWXUGD\1RYHPEHU ȻSP ZKHQZHH[SHFWHGMHWSDFNVѺ\LQJFDUVURERW 6XQGD\1RYHPEHU DPȻSP helpers and glass-domed cities to be right 0RQGD\1RYHPEHU DPȻSPb around the corner. 7XHVGD\1RYHPEHU DPȻSPb :HGQHVGD\1RYHPEHU DPȻSPb :HOOWKHIXWXUHKDVFRPHDQGZLWKLWFKDQJHV 7KXUVGD\1RYHPEHU DPȻSPb LQWKHZD\ZHUHDGVRFLDOL]HDQGFRPPXQLFDWH VSHQGRXUWLPHDQGRXUPRQH\DQGGRRXU-&& )ULGD\1RYHPEHU DPȻSPb Annual Book Fair. 6DWXUGD\1RYHPEHU ȻSP 6XQGD\1RYHPEHU DPȻSP What hasn’t changed is the value of gathering WRJHWKHUWRKHDUPHHWDQGDVNTXHVWLRQVRIRXU Our store supports Book Fair. great Jewish thinkers and writers. Joining Please check our great selection and buy books! together as a community is something you FDQQRWGRWKURXJK\RXUWHOHYLVLRQ$GGLWLRQDOO\ shaking hands with a Nathan Englander or a EVENTS ARE FREE Tova Mirvis isn’t something your computer can 81/(6627+(5:,6(127(' help you do. :HKRSH\RXZLOOFRPHRXWWRVRFLDOL]HDQG FOR TICKETED EVENTS FRQQHFWDQGH[SHULHQFHWKHH[FLWHPHQWRI Ɇ 248.661.1900 interacting with some of the many outstanding Seats for Book Fair patrons will be held until authors who will appear in person at Book Fair. PLQXWHVEHIRUHVWDUWWLPH :HKDYHORWVRIFKDQJHVLQVWRUHZLWKPRVW Events with cost require a ticket HYHQWVDWQRFKDUJHDQGZHKRSH\RXZLOOORYH WKH%RRN)DLURIWKHIXWXUHZKLFKLVQRZ Terry Hollander GRAB AND GO! Book Fair Chair Food from Marvin’s Bistro is available during Book Fair hours

Thursday, November 2 Saturday, November 4

■ BOOK FAIR SNEAK PEEK Opening Night underwritten by Barbara & Douglas Bloom ■ OPENING NIGHT WITH JEFF ROSSEN 7 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Looking for something great to read? Please join us at our Book Fair Sneak Peek for an JEFF ROSSEN introduction to many of our Book Fair offerings, Rossen to the Rescue as well as some of the best newly published works! Millions of Americans watch Jeff 5RVVHQRQ1%&ȿVɁ7RGD\ɂZKHUHKH explains how to solve the world’s SNEAK PEEK PANEL: most harrowing problems. 6KDURQ6FKZDUW]Ɇ&RQQLH6LOYHUɆ&KHUL9LFWRU ,QRossen to the Rescue, Jeff Rossen Recommended books will be available with a special discusses many of his greatest discount on this night only. WLSVZKLOHVKDULQJSHUVRQDODQG VRPHWLPHVHPEDUUDVVLQJDQHFGRWHV that he couldn’t tell on TV. He provides game plans for KDQGOLQJDOPRVWHYHU\WKLQJOLIHFDQWKURZ\RXUZD\ȻVRPH of which may even save your life. Co-sponsored by the Commerce Township Community Library

Sunday, November 5

Day underwritten by Andi & Larry Wolfe ■ DETROIT WRITES (Local Authors)

10 a.m. Mark M. Bello: Betrayal of Faith Lawrence I. Berkove: How Butterfies Got Colored Wings Diane Bernstein: Teaching is Murder Leonard Borman: Fix the Roads: A Novel Edith Covensky: Life Is Fiction A. J. Reilly & Jon Dwoskin: The Think Big Movement: Grow your Business Big. Very Big! Renee Jaspan & Ellen Gendelman: When Ice Cream is Not Enough Gary Gerson: I’m Light: A Driver’s Search for Meaning on the Mean Streets Uber Detroit 11 a.m. Steve L. Cohn & Eric Sander Kingston: The Hidden Door: 26 Original Rabbinic Parables to Reveal the Concealed Donald Levin: The Forgotten Child Susan Knoppow & Kim Lifton: How to Write an Effective College Application Essay: The Inside Scoop for Parents Janet Meir: Voices 4 And more... Kenneth Garner & Andrei S. Markovits: Hillel at Michigan Shana and Rick Morrison: The Hug Store Donna Oram, MSW, ACSW: When Lupus Throws You for a Loop: A Handbook for the Newly Diagnosed, Lupus Veterans, and For Those Who Love Them Monica Starkman, MD: The End of Miracles Michael S. Walker: Quantum Fuzz Sponsored by the Jewish Historical Society of Michigan  248.661.1900 Sunday, November 5 continued 3 p.m. HOWARD MARKEL 1-4 p.m. The Kelloggs: The Battling Brothers of Battle Creek Opening the Doors Program presents Dr. John Harvey Kellogg was the man Anita Naftaly Family Circle Conference IURP0LFKLJDQUHDG\WRFRQTXHU WKHZRUOGȿVPRVWWHUULEOHPDODG\ MICHELE BORBA, Ed. D. indigestion. He established the “It’s Not All About Me: Developing Empathy and %DWWOH&UHHN6DQLWDULXPZKRVH Character in Kids” JXHVWVLQFOXGHG$PHOLD(DUKDUW Author of UnSelfe: Teaching Children Empathy in Their %RRNHU7:DVKLQJWRQ*HRUJH Bernard Shaw and Henry Ford. All-About-Me World and The 6Rs of Bullying Prevention -RKQȿVEURWKHU:LOOPHDQZKLOHZDV 0LFKHOH%RUED(G'LVDQDZDUG starting the Battle Creek Toasted ZLQQLQJDXWKRUSV\FKRORJLVWDQG &RUQ)ODNH&RPSDQ\ZKLFKZRXOG expert in developing empathy forever change how Americans ate. and character in kids. Dr. Borba KDVEHHQVHHQRQɁ7RGD\ɂ These competitive brothers were Ɂ*RRG0RUQLQJ$PHULFDɂɁ&11ɂ dedicated to improving health through Ɂ'DWHOLQHɂɁ061%&ɂɁ7KH(DUO\ nutrition and diet. 6KRZɂDQGɁ$QGHUVRQ&RRSHUɂ Co-sponsored by Bookstock Fund *XHVWVZLOOOHDUQVSHFLѹFSUDFWLFDO strategies that can be used the 5 p.m. next day. )RUWHDFKHUVSDUHQWVDQGPHQWDO ALEX BERENSON health professionals. The Prisoner Join John Wells on his terrifying Noon Registration and Resource Fair PLVVLRQWRXQPDVND&,$PROH$OO he has to do is go undercover as an Presentation followed by informal 1 p.m. $O4DHGDMLKDGLJHWFDSWXUHGDQG parent Q & A and dessert reception EHIULHQGDPHPEHURI,6,6 Tickets New York Times best-selling author ,QDGYDQFH:DONLQ Alex Berenson presents his latest 7RUHJLVWHU novel featuring the incomparable -RKQ:HOOV$EORFNEXVWHUWKULOOHU The PrisonerLVѹOOHGZLWKVXVSHQVH 1:30 p.m. WKDWZLOOOHDYHUHDGHUVDVWRQLVKHG Co-sponsored by Jewish Ensemble Theatre RABBI JOSEPH H. KRAKOFF DR. MICHELLE Y. SIDER 7 p.m. Never Long Enough: Finding Comfort and Hope Amidst Grief and Loss JOEL STONE 5DEEL-RVHSK.UDNRIIVHQLRU Detroit 1967 director of Jewish Hospice and ,QWKHVXPPHURI'HWURLW &KDSODLQF\1HWZRUNZURWHNever experienced one of the worst racially Long Enough, with illustrations by charged civil disturbances 'U0LFKHOOH<6LGHUDVDJXLGHWR LQ8QLWHG6WDWHVKLVWRU\,QDQHYHQW begin conversations about death WKDWKDVEHHQFDOOHGDɁULRWɂɁUHEHOOLRQɂ DQGRIIHUFRPIRUWDQGDVDQ ɁXSULVLQJɂDQGɁLQVXUUHFWLRQɂ interactive text so that mourners thousands of African-Americans can create a keepsake to remember took to the streets for several days loved ones. RIORRWLQJDUVRQDQGJXQѹUH)LIW\ Co-sponsored by IRP (Institute for Retired \HDUVODWHUQDWLYH'HWURLWHUVFLWHWKLV Professionals), the Ira Kaufman Chapel HYHQWDVSLYRWDOLQWKHFLW\ȿVKLVWRU\\HWIHZFRPSOHWHO\ XQGHUVWDQGZKDWKDSSHQHGZK\LWKDSSHQHGRUKRZLW continues to affect the city today. Sponsored by Anti-Defamation League Co-sponsored by WISDOM (Women’s Interfaith Solutions for Dialogue and Outreach in Metro Detroit)  248.661.1900 Monday, November 6 2:30 p.m.

Day underwritten by Esther & Neal Zalenko LYNDA SCHUSTER Dirty Wars and Polished Silver: The Life and Times of 11 a.m. a War Correspondent Turned Ambassatrix SANA KRASIKOV Detroit native Lynda Schuster The Patriots worked as a foreign correspondent for the Wall Street Journal and The The Patriots is the story of Florence Christian Science Monitor covering )HLQZKROHDYHV%URRNO\Q&ROOHJH ZDUWRUQ&HQWUDODQG6RXWK$PHULFD during the Great Depression to take 0H[LFRWKH0LGGOH(DVWDQG$IULFD DMRELQ5XVVLDDQGKHUVRQ-XOLDQ 6FKXVWHUWKHZLIHRIDQDPEDVVDGRU who makes the opposite journey WHOOVKHUH[WUDRUGLQDU\OLIHVWRU\ and comes to live in America. Yet for including her experience working on his job Julian must return to Moscow DNLEEXW]ZKLOHSURYLGLQJDZLQGRZ where he learns that Florence’s KGB LQWRWKHFXOWXUHDQGFRQѺLFWVH[LVWLQJ ѹOHKDVEHHQRSHQHG7KHVHFUHWV in these regions. “A riveting inter- there are both terrifying and poignant and reveal a story no national thriller ... a page-turner one could have imagined. WKDQNVWROXFLGZULWLQJDQGWKULOOLQJVWRU\WHOOLQJɂ(Kirkus). Co-sponsored by Temple Kol Ami Sisterhood Co-sponsored by the JCC’s Arts, Culture and Education Department

1 p.m. ■ BOOK CLUB NIGHT ■ EXPLORING DETROIT Book Club membership not required 6:30 p.m. Light dinner followed by author talk BARBARA MADGY COHN The Detroit Public Library: RACHEL KADISH An American Classic The Weight of Ink 7KH'HWURLW3XEOLF/LEUDU\LVѹOOHG 6HWLQ/RQGRQLQWKHVDQGWKH ZLWKUHPDUNDEOHDUFKLWHFWXUH HDUO\stFHQWXU\The Weight of LQWULFDWHFDUYLQJVPXUDOVPRVDLFV Ink is the interwoven tale of two DQGSDLQWHGZLQGRZV,WVKLVWRU\ ZRPHQRIUHPDUNDEOHLQWHOOHFW LVORQJEHJLQQLQJLQDQGLWLV (VWHU9HOD]TXH]DQHPLJUDQWIURP ѹOOHGZLWKFRQWULEXWLRQVIURPIDPHG Amsterdam who is permitted to artists Mary Chase Perry Stratton (co-founder of Pewabic VFULEHIRUDEOLQGUDEELMXVWEHIRUH 3RWWHU\ DQG(GZLQ+RZODQG%ODVKѹHOG ZKRSDLQWHGPXUDOV the plaque hits the city; and Helen LQWKH/LEUDU\RI&RQJUHVV DPRQJPDQ\RWKHUV :DWWDQDLOLQJKLVWRULDQZLWKDORYH The Detroit Public Library is the story of one of the city’s of Jewish history. greatest works of art. Helen has been summoned to view DFDFKHRIth century Jewish documents newly discovered MICHAEL G. SMITH LQDKRPHUHQRYDWLRQ(QOLVWLQJWKHKHOSRI$DURQ/HY\DQ $PHULFDQJUDGXDWHVWXGHQWDVLPSDWLHQWDVKHLVFKDUPLQJ Designing Detroit DQGLQDUDFHZLWKDQRWKHUIDVWPRYLQJWHDPRIKLVWRULDQV The GM Building. The University +HOHQHPEDUNVRQRQHODVWSURMHFWWRGHWHUPLQHWKHLGHQWLW\ of Michigan’s Hill Auditorium. RIWKHGRFXPHQWȿVVFULEHWKHHOXVLYHɁ$OHSKɂ The Detroit News building. Kirk in TICKETS the Hills. All are the work of Wirt 5RZODQGD&KHOVHD0LFKLJDQERUQ  IRU-&&PHPEHUV Ȼ6SHDNHUERRNDQGOLJKWGLQQHU artist who served as chief designer  IRU-&&PHPEHUV Ȼ6SHDNHUDQGOLJKWGLQQHURQO\ for Albert Kahn. Designing Detroit Reservation required by Tuesday, October 31 offers a look at one of Michigan’s most Co-sponsored by Bookies Book Club, Congregation Beth Ahm LQQRYDWLYHDQGRIWHQRYHUORRNHG Sisterhood, Temple Israel Weinberg Family Library architects and his contributions to the city and beyond. Sponsored by Wayne State University Press Co-sponsored by Henry & Delia Meyers Library and Media Center, Janice Charach Gallery  248.661.1900 Tuesday, November 7 ■ PATRON NIGHT With Nathan Englander Day underwritten by Rona Rones Patron Night sponsored by the DeRoy Testamentary 11 a.m. Foundation

DAPHNE MERKIN 6:30 p.m. Patron Dinner This Close to Happy: 8 p.m. Author Talk – Open to the public A Reckoning with Depression Beginning with a childhood where NATHAN ENGLANDER she felt little love and continuing WRWKLVGD\0HUNLQKDVVXIIHUHGZLWK Dinner at the Center of the Earth clinical depression. Dinner at the Center of the Earth 7KHUHLVQRFXUHQRKRSHIRUWRWDO is both a political thriller and a KDSSLQHVVEXWLQVWHDGVKHVD\VWKH FRPSHOOLQJORRNDWWKH0LGGOH(DVW possibility of reaching a place of with a collection of characters ɁUHODWLYHDOOULJKWQHVVɂ ranging from an American waitress Merkin’s book provides an invaluable LQ3DULVD&DQDGLDQEXVLQHVVPDQ look at an illness that is rarely D\RXQJ3DOHVWLQLDQDSULVRQHULQ discussed and offers “a stunningly perceptive voice into the DVHFUHWFHOODQGWKH,VUDHOLOHDGHU IRUHIURQWRIWKHFRQYHUVDWLRQDERXWGHSUHVVLRQRQHWKDWLV who is the only person who knows ERWKUHDVVXULQJDQGUHYHODWRU\ɂLQWKHZRUGVRIUHQRZQHG of the prisoner’s existence. psychologist Carol Gilligan. This latest novel is a tour de force from one of America’s most talented authors whose works Co-sponsored by Kadima, Jewish Family Service have appeared in the New Yorker, and the Atlantic Monthly. 2:30 p.m. 1DWKDQ(QJODQGHUUHFHLYHGD*XJJHQKHLP)HOORZVKLS D3(10DODPXG$ZDUGWKH%DUG)LFWLRQ3UL]HDQGWKH PETER GETHERS 6XH.DXIPDQ3UL]HIURPWKH$PHULFDQ$FDGHP\RI$UWV My Mother’s Kitchen /HWWHUVDPRQJPDQ\RWKHUV -XG\*HWKHUVbZDV\HDUVROGZKHQ SUPPORT BOOK FAIR, BECOME A PATRON! she took a low-level job with a new Please call the Development department at 248.432.5418 chef named Wolfgang Puck. She soon EHFDPHDPDVWHULQWKHNLWFKHQ ZRUNLQJDV3XFNȿVFORVHDVVRFLDWH Wednesday, November 8 becoming a friend of Julia Child and Jonathan Waxman and teaching Day underwritten by Nancy & James Grosfeld celebrities invaluable kitchen hacks. 7KHQ*HWKHUVEHFDPHLOODQGZKHQ 10:30 a.m. VKHZDVLQKHUVLWEHFDPHFOHDU to her son Peter that she wouldn’t JANET BENTON live much longer. Peter decided to Lilli de Jong recreate and serve his mother her favorite dishes. Lilli de Jong arrives at the doorstep of a Philadelphia home for unwed -XVWRQHSUREOHPKHGRHVQȿWFRRN PRWKHUVLQ $VKHVLWVZLWKKLVPRWKHULQKHUѹQDOGD\VOLVWHQLQJWR She has nowhere else to turn. Her VWRULHVRIKHUSDVW*HWKHUVOHDUQVQRWRQO\KRZWRSUHSDUH family will not help her. The baby’s food but what it means to be a family. father has abandoned her. She is no Co-sponsored by the Sisterhood of Adat Shalom Synagogue, longer allowed to teach and has no Congregation B’nai Moshe Sisterhood, Hazon source of income. To keep her child would mean a life of poverty. But when WKHEDE\LVERUQHYHU\WKLQJFKDQJHV/LOOLWHOOVKHUVWRU\ LQDGLDU\ZKHUHUHDGHUVOHDUQRIKHUMRXUQH\WKDWVWDUWV at a charity and moves to the streets of a new American city. Lilli de JongLVDVWRU\ѹOOHGZLWKDGYHQWXUHDQGVXUSULVH and offers a thoughtful testament to a mother’s love. Co-sponsored by Congregation Beth Shalom Sisterhood 6 248.661.1900 Wenesday, November 8 continued 2:30 p.m. ■ ALEXANDRA ZAPRUDER LUNCH WITH THE AUTHORS Twenty-Six Seconds: A Personal History of the Jean Hanff Korelitz and Tova Mirvis Zapruder Film Abraham Zapruder didn’t know Noon when he ran home to grab his video JEAN HANFF KORELITZ FDPHUDRQ1RYHPEHUWKDW this single spontaneous decision The Devil and Webster would change his family’s life for 1DRPL5RWKLVDVWURQJFRQѹGHQW generations to come. experienced woman. She knows His home movie of President herself and knows how to manage Kennedy’s assassination is the most WKHPRVWGLIѹFXOWVLWXDWLRQV IDPRXVH[DPSOHRIFLWL]HQMRXUQDOLVP :KDWEHWWHUSHUVRQWKHQWRVHUYH a precursor to iconic images like the DVWKHѹUVWIHPDOHSUHVLGHQWRI &KDOOHQJHUH[SORVLRQWKH5RGQH\ Webster College? .LQJEHDWLQJDQGWKHDWWDFNRQ )RUPHUO\DEDVWLRQRIFRQVHUYDWLVP the Twin Towers. But few know the Webster is now famous for its FRPSOLFDWHGOHJDF\RIWKHѹOPLWVHOIb RXWVSRNHQSURJUHVVLYHJUDGXDWHV 1RZ$EUDKDPȿVJUDQGGDXJKWHU1DWLRQDO-HZLVK%RRN So after a popular professor is denied tenure and students $ZDUGZLQQHU$OH[DQGUD=DSUXGHUWHOOVWKHVWRU\RIWKH LQFOXGLQJKHUGDXJKWHU+DQQDK EHJLQWRSURWHVW1DRPLȻ ѹOPȿVMRXUQH\WKURXJKKLVWRU\WKURXJKWKHWUDQVIRUPDWLRQ RQFHDUDGLFDOKHUVHOIȻXQGHUVWDQGV RI$PHULFDQVRFLHW\DQGWKHHPHUJHQFHRIDPHGLDGULYHQ $VLQJOHFKDULVPDWLFVWXGHQWHPHUJHVDVWKHSURWHVWRUVȿ consumer culture that challenges traditional ideas of OHDGHUȻD3DOHVWLQLDQQDPHG2PDU.KD\DOȻDQGWKH SULYDF\RZQHUVKLSMRXUQDOLVPDQGNQRZOHGJHb situation takes an extraordinary turn. Co-sponsored by Southfeld Public Library Naomi will now be forced to take a second look at everything she thought to be true and take desperate measures to ■ IRWIN SHAW NIGHT protect friends and family. Irwin Shaw was the founder of the JCC’s Annual Jewish TOVA MIRVIS Book Fair The Book of Separation: 7 p.m. A Memoir Tova Mirvis was born and raised in FRANCINE KLAGSBRUN a close-knit Orthodox Jewish family. Lioness: Golda Meir and the 6KHZDVPDUULHGDWKDGWKUHH Nation of Israel children and lived the typical life of She was the founding mother of an observant woman. ,VUDHOȻDQLPSDVVLRQHGRUDWRUD And then a few months before she VKUHZGQHJRWLDWRUDFKDLQVPRNHU WXUQHGHYHU\WKLQJFKDQJHG DQGDPDVWHUIXOSULPHPLQLVWHUȻ Mirvis always had doubts about her until she was completely caught off -HZLVKOLIHEXWVKHFRXOGQRORQJHU guard with the Yom Kippur War. silence those doubts. She left her LionessLVWKHGHѹQLWLYHELRJUDSK\RI KXVEDQGKHUIULHQGVKHUFRPPXQLW\ *ROGD0HLUZKRVHWWOHGLQSUHVWDWH and her faith. ,VUDHOLQ ,WZDVDGHFLVLRQWKDWZRXOGKDYHSURIRXQGFRQVHTXHQFHV $VSULPHPLQLVWHU0HLUQHJRWLDWHGDUPVDJUHHPHQWVZLWK not just for Mirvis but for her children. 5LFKDUG1L[RQVWUXJJOHGWRXQGHUVWDQGKRZWRZRUNZLWK This memoir is an honest look at what it means to listen to your the new Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and met secretly heart and leave everything you’ve ever known and start again. ZLWK-RUGDQȿV.LQJ+XVVHLQKRSLQJWRHVWDEOLVKSHDFH TICKETS +HURQO\ȻDQGDVWRQLVKLQJȻIDOOFDPHZLWKWKHVXUSULVH  IRU-&&PHPEHUV Ȼ,QFOXGHVOXQFKHRQ DWWDFNRQ  248.661.1900 Thursday, November 9 3 p.m. ■ YVETTE MANESSIS CORPORON KRISTALLNACHT REMEMBRANCE DAY Something Beautiful Happened Day underwritten by the Raymond & Atara Zimmerman When Yvette Manessis Corporon Philanthropic Fund ZDVDOLWWOHJLUOVKHORYHGKHDULQJ her grandmother’s recounting of 11 a.m. the Jewish family hidden on the VPDOO*UHHNLVODQG(ULNRXVDGXULQJ BRUCE HENDERSON ::,,7KHIDPLO\ZDVQDPHG6DYYDV Sons and Soldiers and the father and his daughters 7KH\ZHUHNQRZQDVWKH5LWFKLH%R\V PDQDJHGWRVXUYLYHWKH1D]LVWKDQNV and they were one of America’s WRWKHFLWL]HQVRI(ULNRXVD JUHDWHVWZHDSRQVLQWKHѹJKWDJDLQVW $VDQDGXOW&RUSRURQZHQWLQVHDUFK WKH1D]LV RIWKH6DYYDVIDPLO\QRZOLYLQJLQ The Ritchie Boys were an elite group ,VUDHOZKHUHVKHGLVFRYHUVDQHZZD\WRXQGHUVWDQG RI-HZVZKRKDGѺHG*HUPDQ\DQG WUDJHG\IRUJLYHQHVVDQGWKHSRZHURINLQGQHVV come to the United States in the 7KHQGD\VODWHUKHUFRXVLQȿVFKLOGZDVPXUGHUHGE\DQHR1D]L V7KH\VSRNH*HUPDQDQGZHUH $V&RUSRURQZUHVWOHGZLWKWKHWUDJHG\VKHUHWXUQHGDJDLQDQG IDPLOLDUZLWK*HUPDQFXVWRPVȻLQYDOXDEOHWRROVZKHQWKH\ DJDLQWROHVVRQVVKHOHDUQHGIURPWKHVXUYLYRUVRIWKH+RORFDXVW became part of the U.S. Armed Forces and helped gather which helped her confront and make sense of the present. critical information during the war. Co-sponsored by Women of American Technion Society Stock Club Sons and Soldiers traces the men’s lives from childhood to their feats during the war to their desperate attempts to 5 p.m. ѹQGPLVVLQJORYHGRQHVZKRQHYHUPDQDJHGWRHVFDSH Along with Bruce Henderson, Dr. Guy Stern, professor, Film: Casablanca prolifc writer and Ritchie Boy, will share his memories of &RPHVHHWKHFODVVLFѹOPVWDUULQJ time with the group. +XPSKUH\%RJDUWDQG,QJULG%HUJPDQ Co-sponsored by Holocaust Memorial Center Zekelman Family Co-sponsored by The Berman Center for the Performing Arts, the Campus, Hidden Children of Child Survivors of Michigan, IRP JCC’s Lenore Marwil Detroit Jewish Film Festival, JCC’s The Active Life Followed by author talk with Noah Isenberg. 1 p.m. 7 p.m. PATRICIA POSNER The Pharmacist of Auschwitz: The Untold Story NOAH ISENBERG Victor Capesius was a Bayer We’ll Always Have Casablanca pharmaceutical salesman who :KDWLIɁ&DVDEODQFDɂKDGEHHQ became the chief pharmacist at FDOOHGɁ%XUEDQNɂLQVWHDG",WFRXOG $XVFKZLW]ZKHUHKHZRUNHGZLWK have been. The entire movie was Dr. Joseph Mengele to decide the ѹOPHGLQWKH&DOLIRUQLDFLW\QDPHG fate of Jews. for its dentist founder. $ORQJWKHZD\KHHQULFKHGKLV Ɂ&DVDEODQFDɂLVEHORYHGLWȿVLFRQLF pockets using gold ripped from the it’s usually listed as one of the PRXWKVRIFRUSVHVZKLFKKHOSHG JUHDWHVWѹOPVHYHUPDGH,WȿVDOVR IXHOKLVJHWDZD\ZKHQWKH1D]L ѹOOHGZLWKVXUSULVHVDQGKDVPXFK empire began to collapse. He to say about life both in wartime managed to escape justice until a and today. WHQDFLRXVSURVHFXWRU\HDUVDIWHU Ɂ)DVFLQDWLQJSDFNHGZLWKIXQWULYLD WKHZDUEURXJKWKLPWRWULDO ... but also profoundly relevant in its exploration of how our ([SRVLQJWKHFXOSDELOLW\RI,* politics and creative industries not only hold a mirror to )DUEHQDQGLWV%D\HUVXEVLGLDU\DXWKRU3DWULFLD3RVQHU HDFKRWKHUEXWDOVRWRWKHQDWLRQɂ(The Times) SUHVHQWVDVSHOOELQGLQJOLWWOHNQRZQDFFRXQWRI9LFWRU We’ll Always Have CasablancaFHOHEUDWHVWKHWKDQQLYHUVDU\ &DSHVLXVKLVUROHLQWKH+RORFDXVWKLVHVFDSHDQGWULDO RIDFODVVLFѹOPDQGFRQVLGHUVZK\LWFRQWLQXHVWRGHOLJKW Co-sponsored by Holocaust Memorial Center Zekelman Family Campus, audiences all these years later. The Voice/Vision Archive and Mardigian Library Co-sponsored by C.H.A.I.M., JCC’s Center Travel, Oakland University’s Judaic Studies Department, Temple Israel Sisterhood  248.661.1900 Thursday, November 9 continued Friday, November 10

7 p.m. ■ HEALTH AWARENESS DAY APRIL PEVETEAUX Day underwritten by Natalie & Manny (z”l) Charach Bake Sales Are My B*tch: Win the Food Allergy Wars with 50+ Recipes to Keep Kids Safe and Parents Sane 11 a.m. Location offsite, TBD AMY SILVERSTEIN Remember when you could serve My Glory Was I Had Such Friends kids a peanut butter sandwich and Sometimes life tosses you call it a day? VRPHWKLQJVRXQEHDUDEO\GLIѹFXOW 7RGD\WKDWȿVNQRZQDVDUHFLSH you doubt you’ll survive. for disaster. ,Q$P\6LOYHUVWHLQȿVFDVHLWZDV Peanut allergies. Dairy allergies. learning that her donor heart was Soy allergies. Wheat allergies. about to fail. She immediately What’s a parent to do? QHHGHGDQHZKHDUWDQGVKHZRXOG April Peveteaux’s book can help need to move to to begin any parent prepare delicious the process. VFKRROOXQFKHVIRRGIRUSDUWLHV That is when nine friends stopped everything and went DQGVOHHSRYHUVDQGYHJDQDQG ZLWK$P\WR&DOLIRUQLDZKHUHWKH\VOHSWRQFRWVEHVLGHKHU kosher treats while avoiding the eight major food allergens. EHGUXEEHGKHUEDFNZKHQWKHSDLQZDVXQEHDUDEOHDQG 5HDGHUVDOVRZLOOOHDUQWKHQLWW\JULWW\RIIRRGDOOHUJLHV adorned her room with decorations to distract her. including how to talk to other parents who don’t take My Glory Was I Had Such Friends is the story of a group of seriously your child’s eating needs. extraordinary women who came forward to support a friend Whether you’re a parent whose child has allergies or just in the most terrible of times. DSDUHQWZKRQHHGVWKHEHVWDGYLFHRQZKDWIRRGWRѹ[VR Sponsored by West Bloomfeld Nursing Center WKDWHYHU\RQHFDQIHHOFRPIRUWDEOH3HYHWHDX[OHQGVPXFK Co-sponsored by Friends of Jewish Senior Life, the Emily Stillman needed guidance and teaches you to make party foods that’ll Foundation EHDVXUHѹUHKLW For information: 248.432.5636 1 p.m. Co-sponsored by Federation’s NEXTGen, Federation’s Young Women’s Philanthropy, jbabydetroit!, JFamily, JCC’s Sarah & Irving Pitt Child CATHRYN JAKOBSON RAMIN Development Center Crooked: Outwitting the Back Pain Industry and Getting On the Road to Recovery /LNHPLOOLRQVRI$PHULFDQV&DWKU\Q PLEASE HELP Jakobson Ramin had terrible back pain. The JCC’s Henry & Delia Meyers She spent many years and dollars LQKHUVHDUFKIRUDWUHDWPHQW,QWKH Library and Media Center grow! HQGVKHEHFDPHDQH[SHUWRQZKDW ZRUNVZKDWGRHVQȿWDQGKRZWR Purchase and donate a book start on the road to recovery. of your choice at Book Fair! Crooked is the result of six years of LQWHQVLYHLQYHVWLJDWLRQZULWWHQDIWHULQWHUYLHZVZLWKHYHU\RQH To thank you, from surgeons to exercise physiologists to patients whose we will add a personalized bookplate. pain forced them to make extraordinary decisions. The result is a brilliant book that shatters assumptions HENRY & DELIA MEYERS DERXWVXUJHU\FKLURSUDFWLFPHWKRGVSK\VLFDOWKHUDS\DQG spinal injections and addresses legitimate rehabilitation RSWLRQVUHYHDOLQJKRZWRDYRLGWKHUDSHXWLFGHDGHQGVZKLOH & MEDIA CENTER VDYLQJPRQH\WLPHDQGDQJXLVK The Jewish Community Center Sponsored by West Bloomfeld Nursing Center of Metropolitan Detroit Co-sponsored by the JCC Men’s and Women’s Executive Health Clubs Saturday, November 11  248.661.1900 Saturday, November 11 Sunday, November 12

Night underwritten by Elaine & Michael Serling Day underwritten by Rona Rones ■ COMEDY NIGHT with Susan Silver 11 a.m. and Alan Zweibel LAURIE FRANKEL This Is How It Always Is Join us for drinks, snacks and two of the funniest television writers to ever visit Book Fair! &ODXGHLV\HDUVROGDQGZKHQKH grows up he wants to be a girl. 7:30 p.m. Claude’s parents support their son’s FKRLFHEXWKRZZLOOWKHUHVWRIWKH SUSAN SILVER world feel about it? The family is DERXWWRѹQGRXW Hot Pants in Hollywood This Is How It Always Is is a novel Sex, Secrets & Sitcoms DERXWORYHDQGWUDQVIRUPDWLRQVDQGKRZRQHVHWRISDUHQWV Susan Silver was a Milwaukee girl GHDOZLWKDFKDOOHQJHIDFLQJHYHU\SDUHQWWKHVXUSULVLQJ ZKRPDGHLWELJVKHZDVRQHRI world of allowing your children to grow up and become WKHѹUVWIHPDOH79FRPHG\ZULWHUV exactly who they choose. with credits like “The Mary Tyler Co-sponsored by Jewish Gay Network, Stand with Trans 0RRUH6KRZɂɁ0DXGHɂDQGɁ7KH %RE1HZKDUW6KRZɂ6KHDOVRZURWH a dating column about searching Noon IRUɁ0U$GHTXDWHɂEXLOWDFDUHHULQ1HZ  248.661.1900 Sunday, November 12 continued 3 p.m. BERL FALBAUM AND ALTON LOGAN 1:30 p.m. Justice Failed: How “Legal Ethics” Kept Me in Prison LESLIE BENNETTS for 26 Years Last Girl Before Freeway: The Life, Loves, Losses ,PDJLQHNQRZLQJDWHUULEOHVHFUHW and Liberation of Joan Rivers \RXFDQQRWWHOO$QGEHFDXVHRIWKLV DQLQQRFHQWPDQLVLQSULVRQȻ Ɂ,ȿYHKDGVRPXFKSODVWLFVXUJHU\ where he will remain for more than ZKHQ,GLHWKH\ZLOOGRQDWHP\ERG\ \HDUV WR7XSSHUZDUHɂ ,Q$OWRQ/RJDQZDVIDOVHO\ -RDQ5LYHUVZDVVPDUWIXQQ\DQG convicted of murdering an off-duty self-aware. She also led a life of FRUUHFWLRQVRIѹFHURXWVLGH&KLFDJR extraordinary ups and downs. The real killer was named Andrew She was estranged from her daughter :LOVRQDQGKHDGPLWWHGKLVJXLOWWR IRUDORQJWLPHKHUKXVEDQGFRPPLWWHG his lawyers. suicide and she battled late night’s But bound by client-attorney PRVWIDPRXVDQGIRUPLGDEOHѹJXUH SULYLOHJHWKHWZRPHQFRXOGQHYHU Johnny Carson. take action until his death. She was also an extremely successful :ULWWHQLQFROODERUDWLRQZLWK'HWURLWMRXUQDOLVW%HUO)DOEDXP FRPHGLDQGULYHQE\IHURFLRXV Justice Failed is Alton Logan’s unforgettable story from DPELWLRQDQGDQLFRQWRPLOOLRQV childhood to prison to freedom. Last Girl Before Freeway is a juicy and surprising biography of a woman driven by the need to feel loved. Co-sponsored by Jewish Bar Association of Michigan, Professional Advisory Committee of the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit Co-sponsored by David-Horodoker Organization

1 – 4 p.m. Ongoing Activities for Ages 0-8 5:30 p.m. ■ ■ SHERRILL BERMAN CLOSING NIGHT FAMILY/CHILDREN’S PROGRAM ADAM GREENBERG Underwritten by The Sherrill Berman Children’s Art Get Up: The Art of Perseverance Education Fund 2Q-XO\$GDP*UHHQEHUJ formerly of the Lansing Lugnuts and Sammy the Spider Comes to Book QRZDQRXWѹHOGHUZLWKWKH&KLFDJR Fair – Chanukah, Israel, Mitzvah &XEVVWHSSHGLQWRWKHEDWWHUȿVER[ and First Friend And then it came. Join us for a fun event with an adorable $PLOHDQKRXUIDVWSLWFK VSLGHUZKRORYHV-HZLVKKROLGD\V smashed into the back of Adam’s Sammy the Spider lives in the Shapiro KHDG7KHѹUVWSLWFKRI*UHHQEHUJȿV home where he has learned all about major league career left him with &KDQXNDKDQG6KDEEDWZKHUHKHSLFNHGXSDIHZ+HEUHZ a compound skull fracture that ZRUGVDQGZKHUHKHPDNHVDQHZIULHQGIURP,VUDHO threatened not only his ability to We’ll have fun and games and plenty of surprises for all of play baseball but his very life. 6DPP\ȿVJXHVWV Get Up: The Art of Perseverance is Sponsored by PJ LIbrary WKHVWRU\RIRQHPDQȻDQGDERRNIRUHYHU\RQH,WLVDVWRU\ Co-sponsored by JCC’s Sarah & Irving Pitt Child Development Center, DERXWQHZEHJLQQLQJVDERXWIDFLQJWUDXPDDQGDERXWWKH Temple Beth El, Janice Charach Gallery ability to hope. Adam Greenberg’s story of never giving up will inspire readers of every age and teach everyone how to UHOHQWOHVVO\SXUVXHDGUHDP Have we got a sweetART of a deal for you! Co-sponsored by Detroit JCC Maccabi, Michigan Jewish Sports Foundation All purchases at the Janice Charach Gallery are 10% off during Book Fair. Stop in and see our beautiful collection of paintings, jewelry, gifts and more!  248.661.1900 UPCOMING EVENTS

You’re invited to an exciting season flled with outstanding dance, theater, music and more! New Classes Coming Winter/Spring 2018 FedEd Catalog | 2017-18 | 5778 | 2017-18 Catalog FedEd AMERICAN BUFFALO By David Mamet November 16 – December 10, 2017 TICKETS: 248.671.6492 or 248.205.2557


Sunday, Indian Spring Country Club -DQXDU\ɆSP Boynton Beach, Florida  248.661.1900 BOOK FAIR AT A GLANCE




DP Detroit Writes (Local Authors) Free 

Anita Naftaly Family Circle Conference Noon   Featuring Michele Borba

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5 SP Rabbi Joseph Krakoff/Dr. Michelle Sider Free  SP Howard Markel Free 

SP Alex Berenson Free 

SP Joel Stone Free 

DP Sana Krasikov Free 


MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6 SP Lynda Schuster Free 


DP Daphne Merkin Free 6

SP Peter Gethers Free 6

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7 Patron Night Dinner SP For Patrons 6 (Pre-registration required)

SP Nathan Englander presentation Free 6

DP Janet Benton Free 6



DP Bruce Henderson Free 

SP Patricia Posner Free 

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9: SP Yvette Manessis Corporon Free  Kristallnacht Remembrance Day SP )LOPɁ&DVDEODQFDɂ Free 



DP Amy Silverstein Free  FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10 SP Cathryn Jakobson Ramin Free 

&RPHG\1LJKW SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11 SP RUIRUWZR  Susan Silver and Alan Zweibel

DP Laurie Frankel Free 

Noon 6$-(DWWKH-Ȼ%DUU\:+ROW] Free 


SP Berl Falbaum and Alton Logan Free 

SP &ORVLQJ1LJKW$GDP*UHHQEHUJ Free  248.661.1900 Thank You to Our Sponsors

The JCC’s Annual Jewish Book Fair is one of Metro Detroit’s premier cultural events, featuring best-selling authors in fction and non-fction, entertainers, historians and talented local authors. We would not be able to host the Book Fair without the generous support of our patrons.

PUBLISHERS Merton Segal* -&&ȿV6DUDK ,UYLQJ3LWW&KLOG %RRNVWRFNȻ8VHG%RRN 0HGLD6DOH Showfer Books Development Center DeRoy Testamentary Foundation* 6X]DQQH 6KHOGRQ6LPRQ JCC’s The Active Life The Sherrill Berman Children’s Art 7DPD%XGDM5DDE3&Ȼ+HLGL -HII%XGDM Jewish Bar Association of Michigan Education Fund Cheri & Dean Victor Jewish Community Relations Council/ :HVW%ORRPѹHOG1XUVLQJ&HQWHU American Jewish Committee EDITORS Judy & Akram Yunas Jewish Ensemble Theatre Credit Union ONE* Jewish Family Service BOOK FAIR AMBASSADORS Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit’s DAY UNDERWRITERS (Sponsoring Organizations) Professional Advisory Committee Barbara & Douglas Bloom* Adat Shalom Synagogue Jewish Gay Network 1DWDOLH 0DQQ\ ]ɂO &KDUDFK Ameinu Detroit Jewish Historical Society of Michigan Rona Rones* Anti-Defamation League Jewish Theological Seminary Elaine & Michael Serling* Bookies Book Club JFamily Andi & Larry Wolfe* Bookstock Fund Kadima Esther & Neal Zalenko* &+$,0Ȼ&KLOGUHQRI+RORFDXVW6XUYLYRUV Michigan Jewish Sports Foundation Raymond & Atara Zimmerman Association in Michigan 1DWLRQDO&RXQFLORI-HZLVK:RPHQ*UHDWHU Philanthropic Fund* &RKQ+DGGRZ&HQWHUIRU-XGDLF6WXGLHV Detroit Section Wayne State University Oakland University’s Judaic Studies Program AUTHORS Commerce Township Community Library 257$PHULFDȻ0LFKLJDQ5HJLRQ Carol & Ron Fogel Congregation Beth Ahm Sisterhood PJ Library Henry Ford Health System* Congregation B’nai Moshe Sisterhood SAJE (Seminars for Adult Jewish Enrichment) Terry & Martin Hollander* 'DYLG+RURGRNHU2UJDQL]DWLRQ Sisterhood of Adat Shalom Synagogue Sheri & David Jaffa* Detroit JCC Maccabi Sisterhood of Congregation of Beth Shalom Nancy & Sam Shamie* Emily Stillman Foundation 6RXWKѹHOG3XEOLF/LEUDU\ Sophie Pearlstein* Federation’s NEXTGen Stand with Trans Federation’s Young Women’s Philanthropy BOOK LOVERS 6WDQG:LWK8VȻ0LFKLJDQ Frankel Jewish Academy Temple Beth El American Fireplace Distributers Friends of Jewish Senior Life Temple Kol Ami Sisterhood %HOLHYH/DQG7RXUVȻ,VUDHO +DGDVVDKȻ*UHDWHU'HWURLW&KDSWHU 7HPSOH,VUDHO6LVWHUKRRG Brooklyn Bagel +D]RQ 7HPSOH,VUDHO:HLQEHUJ)DPLO\/LEUDU\ &RRSHU*ODVV+RPHVȻ'DQD&RRSHU Henry & Delia Meyers Library and Media & Laurie Glass Realtors The Berman Center for the Performing Arts Center/Joan & Dr. Robert Jampel 'HWURLW5RRѹQJ&RPSDQ\Ȼ/HH/XW] 7KH,UD.DXIPDQ&KDSHO Hidden Children & Child Survivors The Voice/Vision Archive and the Mardigian Gail & Steve Fisher of Michigan Library +ROODQGHU(OOLVRQ $VVRFLDWHV3& Holocaust Memorial Center Zekelman Wayne State University Press Johnny Pomodoro’s Fresh Market Family Campus :HVW%ORRPѹHOG7RZQVKLS3XEOLF/LEUDU\ Helayne & Jeff Kaplan ,53 ,QVWLWXWHIRU5HWLUHG3URIHVVLRQDOV  Women of American Technion Society Karen & Jerald Kaufman* Janice Charach Gallery :,6'20 :RPHQȿV,QWHUIDLWK6ROXWLRQVIRU Sue & Alan Jay Kaufman* MEDE\GHWURLW Dialogue & Outreach in Detroit) Jennifer & Mark LoPatin JCC Center Travel =LRQLVW2UJDQL]DWLRQRI$PHULFDȻ Cis Maisel* JCC Men’s Executive Health Club Michigan Region 6DQGL 6WHYH0DW] JCC Women’s Executive Health Club Jerold & Ellen Minkin Family Foundation* -&&ȿV$UWV&XOWXUHDQG(GXFDWLRQ *JCC Pillars of Light New York Bagel Baking Co. Department List as of 6HSWHPEHU Pet Nosan* JCC’s FedEd and Melton Detroit Every effort has been made to accurately list each donor. If you see any errors, please Rosenberg Family Dental JCC’s Lenore Marwil Detroit Jewish contact the development department at Film Festival %OXPD 5REHUW ]ɂO 6FKHFKWHU  248.432.5418.  248.661.1900 Thank You to the JCC’s Pillars of Light

The ongoing annual commitment of our Pillars of Light donors offers leadership and support that are essential to the continued growth of programming at the Jewish Community Center.

Pioneer 1DWDOLH 0DQQ\ ]ɂO &KDUDFK *ORULD ]ɂO  0DUYLQ6LHJHO Anonymous Donor Jeffrey Charach 7KH:HVWLQ6RXWKѹHOG D. Dan & Betty Kahn Foundation Credit Union ONE Raymond & Atara Zimmerman Philanthropic Fund Jerold & Ellen Minkin Family Foundation 0DGHOHLQH 0DQGHOO ]ɂO %HUPDQ Regent Florine Mark Sue & Alan Jay Kaufman Andi & Larry Wolfe DeRoy Testamentary Foundation Visionary Carol & Ron Fogel )LQDQFLDO2QH$FFRXQWLQJ,QF Champion Terry & Martin Hollander Charles H. Gershenson Trust The Baronette Renaissance The Marjorie and Maxwell Jospey Support Foundation Gretchen & Ethan Davidson Penny & Harold Blumenstein .DXIPDQ,QVXUDQFHDQG)LQDQFLDO*URXS//& Meijer +DPSWRQ,QQ6RXWKѹHOG:HVW%ORRPѹHOG Mark/Lis Family Philanthropic Fund Henry Ford Health System Pet Nosan Pacesetter 7KH-RKQ (OOD,PHUPDQ)RXQGDWLRQ Rona Rones Marsha & Martin Feldman 5HQ«H (DUO,VKELD Karen & Todd Sachse Nancy & James Grosfeld Sheri & David Jaffa Schostak Family Support Foundation Joan & Dr. Robert Jampel Cis Maisel Merton Segal Judith & Edward Narens Northwest Child Rescue Women Elaine & Michael Serling Sophie Pearlstein Nancy & Sam Shamie Innovator 7KH5DYLW])RXQGDWLRQ Esther & Neal Zalenko Barbara & Douglas Bloom %OXPD 5REHUW ]ɂO 6FKHFKWHU Pillars of Light donate $5,000 or more annually to Jewish Community Center programming For more information on becoming a Pillar of Light, please call the development department at 248.432.5418

Jewish Community Center of Metropolitan Detroit

BOOK FAIR COMMITTEE Elaine Robins JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER Steve Eisenshtadt Chair Rona Rones President & Co-Chair, Lena Epstein Terry Hollander Candy Rosen Executive Committee Dennis Frank Associate Chairs Lauren Rosenberg Rick Zussman Karen Gordon Helayne Kaplan Sheri Schiff Chair, Executive Committee Martin Hollander Jennifer LoPatin Steve Showfer Florine Mark /LQGD,VKELD 6XVDQ/XW] Pam Siegfried Vice Presidents 6FRWW,VQHU 6DQGL0DW] 6X]DQQH6LPRQ Steve Fisher Steve Kaplan Committee Cheri Victor ODQD*OD]LHU +RZDUG.DW] Leslie Bash Margie Winston Eric Lumberg Alan J. Kaufman 5R]%ODQFN Judy Yunas Franci Silver Adam Kessler Brenda Brook Linda Zlotoff Nathan Upfal Jerold R. Minkin Heidi Budaj ARTS, CULTURE & EDUCATION Jeremy Wolfe Andrew Pass Janice Cohen DEPARTMENT STAFF Treasurer Jordan Rosenberg Susie Feldman Senior Director of Adult Jewish Terry Hollander Brandon Schram Nancy Finkel Engagement Secretary Malke Torgow Gail Fisher Wren Beaulieu-Hack Miriam Bergman Bubba Urdan +DOOH\8]DQVN\ Carol Weintraub Fogel Book Fair Project Manager Executive Committee Vera Gell Andy Roisman Members at Large Steve Weisberg Shelley Goldin Program Assistant Michael Berger Adam Zussman Sarah Gottlieb Angelina Starceski Carol Weintraub Fogel Immediate Past President Wendy Heller-Kippelman +RZDUG,ZUH\ Brian D. Siegel THE BERMAN CENTER Gail Hines 0DUN5XEHQѹUH Executive Staff FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS Cheryl Kirsch Scott Small %ULDQ'6LHJHOChief Executive Offcer (ODLQH +HQGULNV 6PLWKDirector Marilyn Kohen -HII/DVGD\Chief Operating Offcer (ULF:0DKHUTechnical Director Board of Directors Addie Levine Barbara Bloom -XG\/RHEOAssistant Executive Director %U\DQ6SDQJOHUFront of House Manager Francine Menken Stacy Brand /DUU\3RXSDUGChief Financial Offcer -HVVLFD%U\HUGroup Sales Manager Maida Frank Portnoy Jeffrey F. Budaj 0RUW3ORWQLFNExecutive Director Emeritus 1HLO.RLYXMaster Electrician Paul Chaben .DWH3HFNKDPLogistics Coordinator  248.661.1900