To become a Book Fair patron, please call 248.432.5418 The Jewish Community Center of Metropolitan Detroit Annual Jewish Book Fair exposes our community and the community at large to prominent and energizing authors from all over the world. We invite you to join us as we engage, educate and entertain you with this year’s incredible lineup. BOOK STORE HOURS FROM THE CHAIR 7KXUVGD\1RYHPEHU ȻSPb ,QWKHELUWKRI%RRN)DLUZHZHUHDERXW WRHQWHUWKHJROGHQDJHRIIXWXULVPWKHWLPH 6DWXUGD\1RYHPEHU ȻSP ZKHQZHH[SHFWHGMHWSDFNVѺ\LQJFDUVURERW 6XQGD\1RYHPEHU DPȻSP helpers and glass-domed cities to be right 0RQGD\1RYHPEHU DPȻSPb around the corner. 7XHVGD\1RYHPEHU DPȻSPb :HGQHVGD\1RYHPEHU DPȻSPb :HOOWKHIXWXUHKDVFRPHDQGZLWKLWFKDQJHV 7KXUVGD\1RYHPEHU DPȻSPb LQWKHZD\ZHUHDGVRFLDOL]HDQGFRPPXQLFDWH VSHQGRXUWLPHDQGRXUPRQH\DQGGRRXU-&& )ULGD\1RYHPEHU DPȻSPb Annual Book Fair. 6DWXUGD\1RYHPEHU ȻSP 6XQGD\1RYHPEHU DPȻSP What hasn’t changed is the value of gathering WRJHWKHUWRKHDUPHHWDQGDVNTXHVWLRQVRIRXU Our store supports Book Fair. great Jewish thinkers and writers. Joining Please check our great selection and buy books! together as a community is something you FDQQRWGRWKURXJK\RXUWHOHYLVLRQ$GGLWLRQDOO\ shaking hands with a Nathan Englander or a EVENTS ARE FREE Tova Mirvis isn’t something your computer can 81/(6627+(5:,6(127(' help you do. :HKRSH\RXZLOOFRPHRXWWRVRFLDOL]HDQG FOR TICKETED EVENTS FRQQHFWDQGH[SHULHQFHWKHH[FLWHPHQWRI theberman.org Ɇ 248.661.1900 interacting with some of the many outstanding Seats for Book Fair patrons will be held until authors who will appear in person at Book Fair. PLQXWHVEHIRUHVWDUWWLPH :HKDYHORWVRIFKDQJHVLQVWRUHZLWKPRVW Events with cost require a ticket HYHQWVDWQRFKDUJHDQGZHKRSH\RXZLOOORYH WKH%RRN)DLURIWKHIXWXUHZKLFKLVQRZ Terry Hollander GRAB AND GO! Book Fair Chair Food from Marvin’s Bistro is available during Book Fair hours Thursday, November 2 Saturday, November 4 ■ BOOK FAIR SNEAK PEEK Opening Night underwritten by Barbara & Douglas Bloom ■ OPENING NIGHT WITH JEFF ROSSEN 7 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Looking for something great to read? Please join us at our Book Fair Sneak Peek for an JEFF ROSSEN introduction to many of our Book Fair offerings, Rossen to the Rescue as well as some of the best newly published works! Millions of Americans watch Jeff 5RVVHQRQ1%&ȿVɁ7RGD\ɂZKHUHKH explains how to solve the world’s SNEAK PEEK PANEL: most harrowing problems. 6KDURQ6FKZDUW]Ɇ&RQQLH6LOYHUɆ&KHUL9LFWRU ,QRossen to the Rescue, Jeff Rossen Recommended books will be available with a special discusses many of his greatest discount on this night only. WLSVZKLOHVKDULQJSHUVRQDODQG VRPHWLPHVHPEDUUDVVLQJDQHFGRWHV that he couldn’t tell on TV. He provides game plans for KDQGOLQJDOPRVWHYHU\WKLQJOLIHFDQWKURZ\RXUZD\ȻVRPH of which may even save your life. Co-sponsored by the Commerce Township Community Library Sunday, November 5 Day underwritten by Andi & Larry Wolfe ■ DETROIT WRITES (Local Authors) 10 a.m. Mark M. Bello: Betrayal of Faith Lawrence I. Berkove: How Butterfies Got Colored Wings Diane Bernstein: Teaching is Murder Leonard Borman: Fix the Roads: A Novel Edith Covensky: Life Is Fiction A. J. Reilly & Jon Dwoskin: The Think Big Movement: Grow your Business Big. Very Big! Renee Jaspan & Ellen Gendelman: When Ice Cream is Not Enough Gary Gerson: I’m Light: A Driver’s Search for Meaning on the Mean Streets Uber Detroit 11 a.m. Steve L. Cohn & Eric Sander Kingston: The Hidden Door: 26 Original Rabbinic Parables to Reveal the Concealed Donald Levin: The Forgotten Child Susan Knoppow & Kim Lifton: How to Write an Effective College Application Essay: The Inside Scoop for Parents Janet Meir: Voices 4 And more... Kenneth Garner & Andrei S. Markovits: Hillel at Michigan Shana and Rick Morrison: The Hug Store Donna Oram, MSW, ACSW: When Lupus Throws You for a Loop: A Handbook for the Newly Diagnosed, Lupus Veterans, and For Those Who Love Them Monica Starkman, MD: The End of Miracles Michael S. Walker: Quantum Fuzz Sponsored by the Jewish Historical Society of Michigan jccdet.org/bookfair 248.661.1900 Sunday, November 5 continued 3 p.m. HOWARD MARKEL 1-4 p.m. The Kelloggs: The Battling Brothers of Battle Creek Opening the Doors Program presents Dr. John Harvey Kellogg was the man Anita Naftaly Family Circle Conference IURP0LFKLJDQUHDG\WRFRQTXHU WKHZRUOGȿVPRVWWHUULEOHPDODG\ MICHELE BORBA, Ed. D. indigestion. He established the “It’s Not All About Me: Developing Empathy and %DWWOH&UHHN6DQLWDULXPZKRVH Character in Kids” JXHVWVLQFOXGHG$PHOLD(DUKDUW Author of UnSelfe: Teaching Children Empathy in Their %RRNHU7:DVKLQJWRQ*HRUJH Bernard Shaw and Henry Ford. All-About-Me World and The 6Rs of Bullying Prevention -RKQȿVEURWKHU:LOOPHDQZKLOHZDV 0LFKHOH%RUED(G'LVDQDZDUG starting the Battle Creek Toasted ZLQQLQJDXWKRUSV\FKRORJLVWDQG &RUQ)ODNH&RPSDQ\ZKLFKZRXOG expert in developing empathy forever change how Americans ate. and character in kids. Dr. Borba KDVEHHQVHHQRQɁ7RGD\ɂ These competitive brothers were Ɂ*RRG0RUQLQJ$PHULFDɂɁ&11ɂ dedicated to improving health through Ɂ'DWHOLQHɂɁ061%&ɂɁ7KH(DUO\ nutrition and diet. 6KRZɂDQGɁ$QGHUVRQ&RRSHUɂ Co-sponsored by Bookstock Fund *XHVWVZLOOOHDUQVSHFLѹFSUDFWLFDO strategies that can be used the 5 p.m. next day. )RUWHDFKHUVSDUHQWVDQGPHQWDO ALEX BERENSON health professionals. The Prisoner Join John Wells on his terrifying Noon Registration and Resource Fair PLVVLRQWRXQPDVND&,$PROH$OO he has to do is go undercover as an Presentation followed by informal 1 p.m. $O4DHGDMLKDGLJHWFDSWXUHGDQG parent Q & A and dessert reception EHIULHQGDPHPEHURI,6,6 Tickets New York Times best-selling author ,QDGYDQFH:DONLQ Alex Berenson presents his latest 7RUHJLVWHU novel featuring the incomparable -RKQ:HOOV$EORFNEXVWHUWKULOOHU The PrisonerLVѹOOHGZLWKVXVSHQVH 1:30 p.m. WKDWZLOOOHDYHUHDGHUVDVWRQLVKHG Co-sponsored by Jewish Ensemble Theatre RABBI JOSEPH H. KRAKOFF DR. MICHELLE Y. SIDER 7 p.m. Never Long Enough: Finding Comfort and Hope Amidst Grief and Loss JOEL STONE 5DEEL-RVHSK.UDNRIIVHQLRU Detroit 1967 director of Jewish Hospice and ,QWKHVXPPHURI'HWURLW &KDSODLQF\1HWZRUNZURWHNever experienced one of the worst racially Long Enough, with illustrations by charged civil disturbances 'U0LFKHOOH<6LGHUDVDJXLGHWR LQ8QLWHG6WDWHVKLVWRU\,QDQHYHQW begin conversations about death WKDWKDVEHHQFDOOHGDɁULRWɂɁUHEHOOLRQɂ DQGRIIHUFRPIRUWDQGDVDQ ɁXSULVLQJɂDQGɁLQVXUUHFWLRQɂ interactive text so that mourners thousands of African-Americans can create a keepsake to remember took to the streets for several days loved ones. RIORRWLQJDUVRQDQGJXQѹUH)LIW\ Co-sponsored by IRP (Institute for Retired \HDUVODWHUQDWLYH'HWURLWHUVFLWHWKLV Professionals), the Ira Kaufman Chapel HYHQWDVSLYRWDOLQWKHFLW\ȿVKLVWRU\\HWIHZFRPSOHWHO\ XQGHUVWDQGZKDWKDSSHQHGZK\LWKDSSHQHGRUKRZLW continues to affect the city today. Sponsored by Anti-Defamation League Co-sponsored by WISDOM (Women’s Interfaith Solutions for Dialogue and Outreach in Metro Detroit) jccdet.org/bookfair 248.661.1900 Monday, November 6 2:30 p.m. Day underwritten by Esther & Neal Zalenko LYNDA SCHUSTER Dirty Wars and Polished Silver: The Life and Times of 11 a.m. a War Correspondent Turned Ambassatrix SANA KRASIKOV Detroit native Lynda Schuster The Patriots worked as a foreign correspondent for the Wall Street Journal and The The Patriots is the story of Florence Christian Science Monitor covering )HLQZKROHDYHV%URRNO\Q&ROOHJH ZDUWRUQ&HQWUDODQG6RXWK$PHULFD during the Great Depression to take 0H[LFRWKH0LGGOH(DVWDQG$IULFD DMRELQ5XVVLDDQGKHUVRQ-XOLDQ 6FKXVWHUWKHZLIHRIDQDPEDVVDGRU who makes the opposite journey WHOOVKHUH[WUDRUGLQDU\OLIHVWRU\ and comes to live in America. Yet for including her experience working on his job Julian must return to Moscow DNLEEXW]ZKLOHSURYLGLQJDZLQGRZ where he learns that Florence’s KGB LQWRWKHFXOWXUHDQGFRQѺLFWVH[LVWLQJ ѹOHKDVEHHQRSHQHG7KHVHFUHWV in these regions. “A riveting inter- there are both terrifying and poignant and reveal a story no national thriller ... a page-turner one could have imagined. WKDQNVWROXFLGZULWLQJDQGWKULOOLQJVWRU\WHOOLQJɂ(Kirkus). Co-sponsored by Temple Kol Ami Sisterhood Co-sponsored by the JCC’s Arts, Culture and Education Department 1 p.m. ■ BOOK CLUB NIGHT ■ EXPLORING DETROIT Book Club membership not required 6:30 p.m. Light dinner followed by author talk BARBARA MADGY COHN The Detroit Public Library: RACHEL KADISH An American Classic The Weight of Ink 7KH'HWURLW3XEOLF/LEUDU\LVѹOOHG 6HWLQ/RQGRQLQWKHVDQGWKH ZLWKUHPDUNDEOHDUFKLWHFWXUH HDUO\stFHQWXU\The Weight of LQWULFDWHFDUYLQJVPXUDOVPRVDLFV Ink is the interwoven tale of two DQGSDLQWHGZLQGRZV,WVKLVWRU\ ZRPHQRIUHPDUNDEOHLQWHOOHFW LVORQJEHJLQQLQJLQDQGLWLV (VWHU9HOD]TXH]DQHPLJUDQWIURP ѹOOHGZLWKFRQWULEXWLRQVIURPIDPHG Amsterdam who is permitted to artists Mary Chase Perry Stratton (co-founder of Pewabic VFULEHIRUDEOLQGUDEELMXVWEHIRUH 3RWWHU\ DQG(GZLQ+RZODQG%ODVKѹHOG ZKRSDLQWHGPXUDOV the plaque hits the city; and Helen LQWKH/LEUDU\RI&RQJUHVV DPRQJPDQ\RWKHUV :DWWDQDLOLQJKLVWRULDQZLWKDORYH The Detroit Public Library is the story of one of the city’s of Jewish history. greatest works of art. Helen has been summoned to view DFDFKHRIth century Jewish documents newly discovered MICHAEL G. SMITH LQDKRPHUHQRYDWLRQ(QOLVWLQJWKHKHOSRI$DURQ/HY\DQ $PHULFDQJUDGXDWHVWXGHQWDVLPSDWLHQWDVKHLVFKDUPLQJ Designing Detroit DQGLQDUDFHZLWKDQRWKHUIDVWPRYLQJWHDPRIKLVWRULDQV The GM Building. The University +HOHQHPEDUNVRQRQHODVWSURMHFWWRGHWHUPLQHWKHLGHQWLW\ of Michigan’s Hill Auditorium. RIWKHGRFXPHQWȿVVFULEHWKHHOXVLYHɁ$OHSKɂ The Detroit News building. Kirk in TICKETS the Hills. All are the work of Wirt 5RZODQGD&KHOVHD0LFKLJDQERUQ IRU-&&PHPEHUV Ȼ6SHDNHUERRNDQGOLJKWGLQQHU artist who
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