
Kimberly Azzarito, ERYT500 Shifting Perspective: Sequence Shanti School Empowering & Confident Arm Balance

Handstand (adho mukha vrksasana) is an adventurous and exhilarating pose that requires commitment, focus, and courage. Learning to balance on hands is a battle between the physical and mental state.

Preparatory Stages Arm strength Core strength Hamstring exibility Shoulder mobility Connect to the power of hands (hasta )

Contraindications: Wrist, shoulder, back, neck or elbow injuries Headache Heart condition High blood pressure

1. Reclined Mountain Pose 2. Full Body Stretch Pose Hands 3. Core Connection Supta Thighs Block Supta Utthita Tadasana Hasta Thighs Block

4. Happy Baby Pose Ananda 5. Reclined Crow Pose Supta 6. Supine Down Dog to Crow Kakasana /

7. Hero Pose Cow Face Arms 8. Boat Pose 9. Seated Mountain Pose Thunderbolt Upavistha Parvatasana Vajrasana

10. Seated Eagle 11. Cow Face Arms Strap Close 12. Repeat Rl Up Hasta Gomukha Strap Close Up

13. Downward Dog Block 14. Mountain Pose Tadasana 15. Tree Pose Vrksasana Thighs Adho Mukha Svanasana Block Thighs


16. Triangle Pose 17. Downward Facing Dog Pose 18. Standing Pose Urdhva Adho Mukha Svanasana Prasarita Eka Padasana

19. Standing Forward Fold Pose 20. Mountain Pose Tadasana 21. Repeat Rl Hands Ankles Hasta Ankles

22. Handstand At Wall 23. Half Handstand At Wall 24. Handstand Bolster Against Wall Adho Mukha Vrksasana Bolster Against Wall


25. Handstand Pose Adho 26. Child Pose Balasana 27. Seated Forward Bend Pose Mukha Vrksasana A A

28. Supine Windshield Wiper 29. Corpse Pose Savasana Pose Variation Supta Sucirandhrasana Variation
