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« • f U.S. FORCES TRAP ENEMY IN DRIVING ATTACK Seek Fund South Koreans Strike Map Plans For Tenn. State-Lincoln Game In Memphis Fast To Ease Threats

BY HOWARD RANDLEMAN World War H's battle of the Bulge, For Fire Ewtem Director gave United Nations planes a field International Newsh Service day , Sept. 10 —(Sunday)— The sudden aerial blow so pa- (INS)—Allied Infantrymen aided nicked the Communists, who were by planes, tanks and artillery ham­ within 13 miles of the 55 mile Pu- Victims mered out gains up to six miles san Taegu lifeline, that they fled Saturday and killed or trapped from their foxholes. They were Charitable organizations of Mem­ hundreds of Communist« in easing trapped in a gully by American phis will have opportunity to de­ two threats to Taegu artillery which killed at least 100 monstrate their willingness to aid Tile South Koreans, supported Many others fled back to the those in need Recently, the home by U. 8. tanks and artillery, scor­ base of their bridgehead on the of the Rev and Mrs W T Hol­ ed the biggest gain of the day. east bank of the Naklong river. mes was demolished by fire There They struck • forward six miles Allies planes also defied the was no insurance on the house , north of Yonkchon, which lies 20 clouds and rain to drive an esti­ The Holmes’ family included miles northeast of Taegu The mated 1.500 communists from the nine children; the father Is out of South Koreans cut off well over north of Taegu, moving a U. S. work Any person wishing to make 300 Reds in a “killing ground" of First Cavalry Division officer to a donation for the rebuilding of only 10,000 square yards say: this establishment, please contact, The South Koreans also < • > >ed a "After what the air force did to Mrs M L. Twyman. 21 South gap of more than five mlle> which them, they won't dare go back ' Parkway, West. the Communists had gouged out But Communist forces on the Mrs Twyman said about $400 00 in the 18 mile highway linking southern sector regained blood- is needed to complete present build­ Yongchon and Kyongju, the gate­ drenched battle mountain, 35 mile.' ing plans way” to a 50 mile valley stretching west of Pusan, only hours after be­ to tile vital port of Pusan ing pushed off by American troops In the “battle of the Bulge" In The Red success marked the 13th Another Legal the area of Changnyong, 22 miles time the strategic height has southwest of Taegu, a sudden break ■ changed hands in two weeks. Stir For AME's In the clouds, like the one which The over all situation on the 120 helped turn the tide of battle in mile front as the war entered its In New Jersey 12th week al.-o showed: The court litigation of the New Central sector: U 8. First Ca-1 Jersey annual conference of the | valry Division troops counter at­ African Methodist Episcopal church i tacked late Saturday at the north­ PHOTO BY EARL WMS versity; C J Kincaid, of State; i experienced another legal airing in west "elbow" of the United Nation^' FIRST NEGRO DELEGATE TO U. N. ARRIVES - - Mrs. FOR MEMPHIS WORLD and Editor Swingler. Trenton, last week, in Superior j defense perimeter after withdraw-; Edith Sampson, lawyer and the first Negro to be ap­ ago. Court before Judge Wilfred H. ing to a defense arc only seven Final touches for the Bluff City The game, set for Friday night. The Lincoln Tigers are coached pointed to the delegation to the United Nations, is Jayne. The hearing disclosed that miles north of Taegu. Gridiron Classic are being discuss September 22nd, at Melrose Sta­ by Dwight Reed, former Minneso­ shown as she arrives at laguardia Field from Chicago the records and monies of the con­ cd by athletic officials of Lincoln dium, will be featuring two of the ta University football star. J ference as a result of a recent com­ Northern sector: Communist In­ aboard a T. W. A. constellation. Mrs. Sampson will be an University, Mo., and A and I. strongest grid aggregations In the Major purpose of the Bluff City plaint of Mrs Mattie E Jackson, filtrators held grimly to their sin­ State College, Nashville, with Edi­ Midwestern Conference. Local foot Classic will to bring college foot­ alternate delegate when the new session of the United Nations one of the ministers, are still in gle clamp on the kyongju-Yong- tor L. 0 Swingler at the office of ball will be availed of the oppor­ ball to high school studente. giriig General Assembly “convenes on September 19. Of her newrpost, the hands of Max J -Mareniss. the chon highway just southeast of the Memphis World. From left J tunity of seeing on homeground them an incentive to participate In Mrs. Sampson said: "It Is a great responsibility and a great chal­ receiver As yet, there has been no Yongchon. Two Red tanks were K Davis, alumnus of State, who has another Henry Kean-coached Ten­ college affairs. i order discharging them reported to have arrived to tighten lenge." charge of local arrangement for the nessee 8tate Gridiron Machine in Advaned tickets are already an Attorney for Mrs. Jackson brought the North Korean grip. big football game; Athletic Direc- action the first to perform in sale. See announcement in ttys in an amended complaint alleging North Central seotor: British tcT Ray H Kemp, of Lincoln Uni­ Memphis since the Tigers ripped edition of the MEMPHIS WORLD that Bishop D Ward Nichols and troops battled an estimated 3,000 Letter Carriers Band the Rev M E Jackson, treasurer Reds eight to 13 miles southwest of the New Jersey conference, with | of Taegu where the communist Calf Scramble Colored Tri-State Fair Feature **• diverting monies from the confer- j had torn a 600 yurd hole In the al­ conference into a special account lied lines. Of special Interest to youngsters, Makes Hit In Seattle under the name of tre First Epls- ( Southern sector: An American at the Colored Trl-State Fair next copal district, from which it is al- j It didn't take the Memphis Let­ Aurore to Dick Parker’s pavilion attack on a Communist held hill i month will be CALF SCRAMBLE, leged monies were drawn by Nich-1 ter Carriers Band ioog to r«y‘~ “ID■ where they *¡11.2'1!, on OU cxhlbi- two miles southwest of Haman, not i This feature was inaugurated in way into the heart« nf the 1foiksln tioin of drlfflrig/Toining the par­ bls and Jackson far from Battle mountain, failed 1949, and made such a hit with the faraway Seattle, Washington. The ade will be the queen contestants Tlie amended complaint also al­ COI'RT ORDERS SWANSON'S The O. Fs reached the summit be­ future farmers that R J Ruddy band was a participant In the bi­ fpr the Richmond Community Fes- leged that Mattie Jackson had at­ ADMITTANCE fore being forced to retreat fair manager, said that efforts are ennial convention of the National Uvil." tempted to use her e'cclestical being made to extend this project. RICHMOND. Va A special 3- Association of Letter Carriers, rep This Ls the fourth trip within rights, but the presiding elder re­ ——— Shown in accompanying picture judge Federal Court ordered the resenting Bluff City Branch No the past twenty-five years that the fused to accept the complaint Fur­ i Is Aaron Jones, of Route 1. Box 135 University of Virginia to admit 27 Memphis Letter Carriers Band has ther action on the case will be Hernando, Miss, with the beef calf Gregory Hayes Swanson to its law 630 Headlines from the West Coast made to the West Coast J D presented September 15, -in the Su­ Enrolled At which he won last year Aaron will school. The court entered a per­ newspapers told of the several Williams Is president of the band, perior Court be back at the Colored Trl-State manent (restraining order against ooncerts which the Memphis musi­ and Theodore Jackson is president St. Augustine's Fair In October to proudly display the university forbidding the re­ cians gave during their visit in of -Bluff City Branch No 27. N the calf which now “tips the fusal of admission to the law Seattle. Particularly < outstanding L c Joins World Staff; scale" at exactly 900 pounds school to "any Negro slmillarly Catholic School were their serenading of Rich­ “"Naturally I kept him well-fed situated.” Lawyer Swanson, pic­ mond Highland, a surburban com St Augustine grammar and high and followed all the instructions Assistant Editor tured here, was previously refus­ munlty of Seattle. THE RESI­ school departments opened the 1 given to me for raising my calf," Senator Jenner ed admission. Recent picture. DENT, community newspaper of current scholastic year with an en­ Aaron Jones told Manager Roddy Richmond Highland, reported as Replies To Bob rollment of 630 students Compar­ who with Charles Fletcher. Assist follows: ed to last years record, several ant County Agent, DeSoto, County. hundred students were denied en- Miss., visited on several nearby "The Mamphis, Tennessee Let­ LeMoyne Adds 4 Church On FEPC rollinent, due to the lack of class­ farms in the interest of the fair ter Carriers Band will parade on "Responsibility for failure of tile room space and facilities. Mr Fletcher, member of the Aurora Avenue on Tuesday, sept 5. New Teachers Congress to enact civil rights leg­ There were few changes i the Colered -Tri-State Fair Executive Starting from the Richmond Post LeMoyhe College opened its doors n-- islation must be attributed solely faculty for the opening session. Committee arranged for the public Office, the band will parade down to the largest student-body ever $1.200 in cash prises. General rules to the present national democratic Sister Rose Mareen, BVM, replaced relation's committee to observe assembled in the history of the for the contest are as follows: - allocated to the states the follow­ administration," declared Senator Sister M Honoria as third grade progress being made by Negro farm 79-.vear-old Institution Monday of 1. Contest opened to 4-H Club ing number of contrattati; 4-H William E Jenner teacher Sister Honoria is serving ers In his county, declaring that it Missouri U. Lowers this week, September 11 Four ad­ boys, ages 14, ¡5. and 16 and New Scramble. Arkansas, four boy»; Jenner's statement was included in Chattanooga. Tennessee Fath- was typical of general progress by ditional teachers have been add­ Mississippi, four boy»; and Ten­ Jim Crow Bar in a letter to R R Church. Chi­ ! er Bertrand Kock.OFM. is the ad­ enterprising Negroes of the Delta Farmers of America, ages 15, 16 ed to the faculty. They are:- nessee, seven boys; N. F. A. Scram cago leader, in reply to a commu- Many of these farmers Will be and 17, of Arkansas, Mississippi, University of Missouri Board of ‘“Mtss~Qulndolyn Rucker. Educa­ ministrator of the school, and pas­ and Tennessee ble, Arkansas, three boys; Missis­ Curators voted Friday to a'dmlt nication in which Mr. Church tor of 8t. Augustine church Fa­ present at the Mid-South Fair tion Department; Robert Nassau, 2. Based upon past participa­ sippi. three bc/s; and Tende»« Missouri Negroes to the university blamed Republicans for failure of Grounds October 5th through the English; Clifton H. Johnson, His­ ther Cpaistran Haas, OFM. is the (Continued On Back Page) . the present Congress to enact FE­ 8th when the 37th Annual Exhibi­ tion, the Executive Coi uittee has for the first time. tory; and David J. Stewart, athletic director and head coach, tion of the Colored Trl-State Fair ------—<------They will be accepted, however, PC legislation. Mathematics. assisted by W P. Porter. Elmer only if desired courses equal to the To contest Church’s acctralion. Pre-school opening included a Henderson Horton, and Eugene Mr is given. university’s standards are not Jenner states that: “It is time for faculty conference September 6th Kinney, Sister M Norberta. BVM The Calf Scramble, under tm- Dewey Phillips, Young Radio Artists, available at Lincoln University at the Republican leaders to set the and freshman registration and is principal of the elementary mediate supervision of A T Bus­ record straight and stop the half Jefferson City. orientation. school Serving also on the high by, director, will bring a total of Critically Hurt In Highway Mishap • Negro students from the state truths of Democratic propagandists. Prof. Hollis F Price Is president school faculty are: Sister Evange­ will be accepted on the same basis Seldom in the history of the Unit­ of the college and Prof. Paul Col­ lic, BVM. Mary. Gabriel. Elizabeth, More than 300 sympathy and stantly killed. His program "WK>, at the Missouri School of Mines at ed States Senate has there been lins is dean Jane Edwards, and Janelle. Union Protective Get-Well' cards, largely from Ne-1 HOT AND BLUE.” had become Rola, which also operates under 100 per cent agreement in either MISS BILLIE OCKLEBERRY gro radio fans, have been sent to one of the most popular among direction of the Board of Curators. party on proposed legislation. There In keeping with its plan to give Observes Its 17th WHBQ. and Baptist Hospital to Negro radio listeners and during are only twenty-two Southern readers more concentrated local cheer up Dewey 'Tell ’em Phillips the past year presented a number Sent You: Phillips, following the >f well known sepia artists in per- senators in the entire body of news coverage, and generally Im­ Heads State ninety-six.. All are Democrats This prove its operations in all depart Anniversary Sun. traglc highway accident In which . son. leaves seventy-four Northern sena­ ments. The MEMPHIS WORLD has The Union Protective Assurance he was Involved during Labor Dey Killed in the accident were Miss N. A. A. C. P. tors. Of the 74. 42 are Republicans aded a new member to its staff company will celebrate it» 17th an-' week end noris Petty, 19, reefent comer to and 32 are Democrats. The theory She Is Miss Billie Ockleberry. Lin­ nlversary. September 17. 3 p m..i The popular white disc jockey Memphis from Booneville, Miss: of trying to separate Northern and coln University graduate from the at the Avery Chapel AME church 1 who built up a city-wide radio and Mrs Dorothy Little, 30 of School of Journalism where she This company was organiied in audience over WHBQ with his Little Rock. Arkansas The two (Cpntinued' On Back Pagel completed her work this past 1933 by H David Whalum. j playing of recordings of Negro cars crashed heaaon on Highway entertainers suffered a compound 70. just a few miles from the Crit- Spring. The Union company is an old fracture of the left thigh, chfest j tenden-St. Francis County line in Miss Ockleberry will serve as legal reserve life insurance com­ ORC Deferment ... -..w — ______injuries and possible Internal in- Arkansasaround 5:30 Bunday Assistant Editor of the MEMPHIS pany writing industrial life, hural. ’ WORLD and In that capacity su­ and disability insurances Its present I juries during a head on collision in morning. which two young women were in- Bill Peyton, of the WHBQ staff Requests pervise the gathering of news, edit president Is Lewis H Twigg. copy, and aid in news and advertis­ (Continued On Back Pagel System Set Up ing layouts. HEADQUARTERS. TENNESSEE Daughter of Mr W L Ockle­ BODY OF PRIVATE JOHN RIBBINS MILITARY DISTRICT, NASH­ berry of Lificolij__University's De­ VILLE, 8ept—Requests for defer­ partment of Agriculture and Mrs REACHES MEMPHIS FROM OKINAWA ment from calls to extend active Ockleberry. Jefferson City, Mo., the greatest than any other sector of duty submitted by members of the newcomer did her intemeship as a • : "I death I Organized Reserve Corps, .officer journalism student on KANSAS CITY CALL. She work­ or enlisted, should be made direct­ Memphis early Sunday morning of were to the effect that a dump of ed this past summer on COLOR, the ly to the local ORC Instructor. this week for interment. He was j ammunition exploded while Rib- monthly magazine with headquart­ Colonel W. I. Sherwood, district 18-year-old John Ribbins. son of bln- was helping to handle trans­ ers in Charleston. West Virginia, chief, has announced. Such re­ Mrs. Lillie Mhnon Ribbins of 2946 portation. His death is listed as a and covered a number »of assign­ quests should not be sent to dis­ Broad St Birmingham Subdivi­ .casualty Of the KOREAN WAR, as ments along the Atlantic Seaboard trict headquarters, he stated. sion. . •— movements on the Island of Okln Only Army Medical Service Re­ Accompanied the flag-draped awa were In connection with this serve personnel should send de­ Utillus Phillips casket to .Memphis was Corporal war. ferment requests directly to dis­ Elton Andefson cf Berkeley. Calif trict headquarters. Colonel Sher­ Heads State NAACP CpI. Anderson will repiain until Mr» Ribbins said that her non wood said. after funeral services, and then would be burled in Mount In order to investigate and act Conference Again return to his military base tn Cali­ 1 Cemetery Instead of National OTHiLUS PHILLIPS, long-time upon deferment requests as rapid­ At its fourth annual meeting re- fornia. Cemetery. She preferred that his president of the Memphis Branch ly and efficiently' as possible, a cently in Kno'xville, the Tennessee Pvt. Ribbins who volunteered for body be placed near the of the National Association for the system has been set up. This re­ State Conference of N A. A. C Army service was killed In line of members of the family Advancement of Colored People, quires that the local ORC instruc­ P. branches re-elected Utillus R duty on Okinawa August 13th. Young Ribbins was well thought Phillips, to the presidency for a was reelected to begin his fourth tor make a preliminary investiga­ while transporting ammunkits of in his community and active at fifth term. Mr Phillips has been DON'T LAUGH: Engineer» utilise «Id »tyle method» In reselling term as president of the Tennes- tion. The requests are then re­ He was identified with an Ord­ First Baptist Church, Binghamp- ferred to a board ofi officers at president of the Memphis branch vital initallations in the mountain region« of Korea which are Im- ton. ‘1-taught him when ha^flrst see State Conference of N. A. A. nance Outfit on the now famous of the NAACP for fifteen years paa*able by vehicle*. Thia group of Öl’« attached to the t5th Infantry C. P Branches The conference Tennessee Military District Head­ Island. It was on Okinawa where entered school and found < quarters, which will review the The local branch has a member­ are (Wt to right): Private First eta»» OH« L. Jackson. Newark. N. Ai. was held recently in Knoxville. the U 8 Marines helped to turn be above the average in his facta in the light of directives ship of 15.000 Corporal Anthony Alvqp, Botten, Maa«.; Private Firat Cl»«« William Tenn Ouest speaker wu Roy Wil­ the tide of war in the Pacific in work, and personal condue^V’ Mr» 1 from higher headquarters During this confab, certain reso­ H. Wright, Chicago, Ninol»; ajid Private Pint Claaa Morric* Me- kins, Assistant Secretary of the N World War H and where the Edna H. 8wingler. of Lester Schoo! Requests submitted by Army lutions were set down. Tennessee »1 A. A. C. P. with headquarters in «•W I«», T ‘‘ - casualty lists of both this coun­ said “He was alwiyt devoted to try »nd were perhap» the bis mother.” New York. (Cvntinued Ob Back Paft) (Cvntinued On Back Page) .

i . í F r ■'nwMpr¡r’7j'n ftry


î • MEMPHIS WORLD • Tuesday, September 12, 1950 Calls Korean Soldiers

Psychiatric Casualties 4 8 8 8 5 8 T 8 8 3 8 2 8 M Y A K 8 D L 0 T N X I U à â 2 4 7 Í 5 s B 2 4 « 7 FAN FRANCIfCO— 'INS' Dr 'Tn the recent war.' h* u-iiii' A Q N R O U R K W N- A O Kt' NBnW>mi, Univcr.irt of Cui uiit. the American soktoi u ir.ii A—5 ''A r 4 8 i T 6 k 3 4 8 lffirtfls Proto or of I’.v'hlatry. said was encaged In aggie ■ ■■' < nmli Ittfir lAfit'' Membri R D I 8 T L E E U S T C D and usually.he was ifTiiiis 'I dll' Adirli ’^11" i'll’) ’f r ■■ yerterday rh.i unie soldiers who 1— 4 r « 5 6 3 7 4 3 5 « -elat'd up liTctoi combat in “World “But in Korea hr w hr r*— ' >rn~vir< 1 R W H T I 8 1 E R L T T L He was badly nutmnnberr i 1 War U ha.r breóme | yschiatric lint (o Ihr 4—T- 5 » 8 i Y T T r r i OSWd're to Korea green He was nd r> I 1 iy" ni'iiilr: hip i È L D H G G I 8 T R A E 8 Dne: r Bru ; , ,i Head of the Um- oumbu menially m phis ni!|v,.b< 1Ï- fl r (F' 8 } 7 8 4 8 8 verettfs t.-i' /e. li'orj’ortor r «tome,(’Inne ha,- mt Irid combat na.iii'ig. Under pre «ni ni|r G I T G B Y B L U 1 A N ■ j|,$( r i: III". 1C, deveioped a sense of unity vi h I establtoicf t’i TT T ’TT i" 7 8 b 4 8 11 . L • wher:* he stwli'd ib" p.y. outfit i While p' rren ,«( □ tltwbnkbe tfrHtr.' .«riire p,f it f ihn "The average soldier didn't •_ ■•ter; a crlisen •<( I reqi'cst n| m , X*'1 • the Koreans to be a ,ir ,1 < en 31 nr iii i'r vrai ERE is a pleasant little game that will give you a message every el war in terms ot train n : n I ".i. eri ill Hdvrr‘l',lr» day. It Is a numerical puzzle designed to spell out yout fortune. Ue ni-i , ’ ment" Io membri b:p ' jAmong "re p io Doctor Btwmau nd tlrel u'', -' CountH the letters in your first name. It the number of letters is • or, 1 '-A* «w >»' eti all ul the p ydiiati," co'iatire h» No Neíi’.o •! i!.if>mb«,': ol an-- . »moiy. subtract <, If th* number fa tes than 8, add lTh< result ir tbrSugh U" Ar h. aw v'•re siifferiiK • »*> •h’’ tn,- 'hfi nofijEii't? “|..?vp is i.reto'ii a your key number Start at the ifopek left-hand wrier of ta rec- t I-!W ud) In.., m v.e'v exhaustion iv - rt lire ' mis'loi. j.joidux to C '. lir. tingle.. and__ ta checki------every one o< j2. numbers, left to right Then ' the pacifii N : li Korean a': rliie-. mid III' ina", pre cien Tire group plan letters. under.in/Uv the,checked»Ha eta ark tad AfflirMfigure» give you.W>U. i »i Grertdlla taenc' ol t re H ’.l •. h" • to datoti llif mold White fron th si ■“«¿■„■Lu. :J4- whe« tbey enc en plaited. ' o".lfireUii, Io lire anxie1' membership requirements .uug.y. (h ad :h which th" " ollie invar kiav f.’/jipi er-l in W rld War II irom what dircr’am to estre.'.i lit' Ttiomas said the club's rules are A1thci1?!i li’>i IrtV "n memy "optmoded in many respects" and ¡iu The psychiatrist and th.' lit.' wrdi. ppb! < : n i^t 'in- new di.imtes were rnuie "m •• theF: i- ywrl r*i ■ lat ment of thtse cases a? one ho ;ni d line with 1950 thinking." tto' eariy K<.re.T> Ire1 e ' in Japan is sendms more than 70 I » hfrlrer rata , ■ < ,.b j , pci cent back to c. ’iih He .-aid • , ’ ■ . ' . < ii i World W. r 11 hin this figure i» quite high Organize Michigan By FRANK A. YOUNG. JR. fcated, although tt drew a sizeable NEW YORK. N. Y.-(CNS>-The minority vote. NAACP »0,000 member New York state State The Atlas statement pointed out Negro Laders Support Grand Lodge of the Knights of Py­ that the Pythian group was founded' thias, world famous fraternal ord*r ïouth Conference in 1864 and throughout Its history through its Civil Rights Committee, — Thirty delegates "it has preached and exemplified whose chairman is Attorney Nicho­ Crusade For Freedom t om thirteen Michigan cities as- fraternity and has made the princi­ las Atlas, overwhelmingly voted to ■edSled here this week for a two- ple teaching ot the order the prac­ NEW —irm t;> u ’tom ii-ui , urc- #3 Inchet l:i.. nianieier- a«'is demand elimination of the “white dav workshop and organization tice of friendship." The biased in a viii.c '' i f.e'u i.ive .iv.iu • he lip With it-s mmmtlng. 'V-ir'i male” admission clause in the or­ meeting of the Michigan 6tate clause, it asserted, "is intolerable to with otlic: prcminent American' i . includes a special'y de icned •• '’• der's constitution when the Supreme Cmfetcnce of youth councils and decent and liberty-loving citiienz” make the Crusade For Freed ■! a t -.c ■h ini'-m to swing it, the Bell college chapters of the National Lodge holds its National Convention It urged Individual lodges to publi­ eonvim iog dejnonitrattoi, to stands 12 fevt high ami weig.u Association for the Advancement at Grand Rapids, Michigan, soon. cize the repudiation of the Jim World oi American solfda , y i wemy toils. of Colored People. , Crow policy, but affirmed the irti- Communist a.-.res:ion u On t'.ie body of the Bell in bas re­ Approving the Atlas report an­ let are five ligures representing the tention of the New York group to cOzdmg to Gm L :: D Clay th* Mrs Ruby Hurley, NAACP youth nouncing the action was Grand i.ajir races of man. each figure remain in the organization “and Crusade's national (Imir.i’in secretary, told the delegates that Chancellor Leonard M. Eisenberg tanding with arms outstretched, meet the issue in the eyes of the General Clay who mfi ,nr\ "the future of the NAACP de­ and Grand Secretary Sidney O Har­ governor t loim.Tn- i r.;g n rhe joining hands hold torches greater public, stating that no man pends upon the conviction of youth nett. The repudiation was voiced at Berlin airlift, ututoiuia-d today that symbolizing freedom, Abbve the I has ever Improved his community by that ours is the organization that the Saratoga Springs annual State th* following arc living as mem­ figures is a circle of laurel leaves withdrawing from it." can translate the theory of demo­ Convention, recently. The resent­ bers of the Cruusade's National denoting peace. Around the Bell's cracy ihto actual practice, insur­ ment against the Supreme Lodge in Council: Dr. Dorothy B Ferebee; rim Is the inscription: ing for all Americans those rights retaining the racist qualifications president of the National Council of "That This World. Under God. Top Entertainers, Musicians and responsibilities that go with was spoken against bitterly and the Dreams Come true Negro Women; Lester Granger, ex­ Shall Have A New Birth of Free­ first class citizenship." denouncement was against the pre­ ecutive director of the National Ur­ dom," a paraphrgje of Lincoln's ban League: Jackie Robinson, base- i words at Gettysburg. scription ¿or Pythlans throughout tall star; Bishop William J. Walls. Now in , the Free­ Other speakers included Albert the United States, Hawaii and Can­ Second Episcopal District A. M. E. dom Bell will soon leave to tour the Henderson, president of the Boost Night Life In ada Zion'Church, Chicago: and Dr. U. S. far Crusade rallies in major State NAACP Youth Conference In addition, the New York State Charles S. Johnson, president of cities. Going west the Freedom Bell who led a discussion on "Why a Fisk University. will' make stops at Pittsburgh, State NAACP Youth Conference in group -voted tq withhold $40,000 in per capita tax from the national , Detroit, Chicago, St. Michigan;’’ William T. Patrick. Jr. ------v—tai— ------— Show Business Is The Crusade For Freedom was Louis. Kansas City. Denver, Ogden Detroit attorney, who butlined tlr body unless it eliminates the clause, launched throughout the country by and Salt Lake City. Returning it history of civil rights in th? United | immediately. A proposal to withdraw General Dwight D. Eisenhower in a will visit . Phoenix. Dal- States from the enactment cf th? Staging Comeback altogether, from the national body radio address carried on all net­ Oscar Chapman Defends ! las. . Birmingham, At­ 13th amendment tn 1865 through ; if the bias is not discarded was de- works oil Labor Day. Its objectives lanta. Charlotte. Richmond, Wash­ the present time; George Sche­ In Local Cabarets are: 1) to secure the signatures of ington. and mer, director of the Mayor’s In­ millions of men. women and chil­ Dedication of the Freedom Bell terracial Committee of Detroit, dis i dren on the Freedom 8crolt. “pro­ will take place on United Nations' ' BY MARION E. JACKSON claiming belief in the cause of hu-' cussing “How Segregated Housing New Safety Record Day, October 24. in Berlin in the Affects the Individual and Inter­ ATLANTA. Georgia - <8N8> - man freedom; 2i to give those sign­ presence of world church leaders group Relations;" and William H WASHINGTON. D C -iNNPAl- the details for Marian Anderson to Night club business is boom­ ing the Scroll an opportunity to The first peal of the Freedom Bell back up their signatures with con­ Oliver, co-director of the UAW- Defendimr hirfiself against charges sing from the steps of the Lincoln ing in Georgia’s capital city. » Established By will be carried by radio to all the CIO Fair Practices and Anti-Dis Memorial after the Daughters of tributions to expand Radio Free Eu­ .free peoples of the earth and will be of Communist .associations. Secre­ Such gay and gaudy pleasure crimination Department, who em- rope. This is the non-government I a signal for church, school and city tary oi the Interior O car Chapman the American Revolution had re­ palaces as the Royal Peacock, i phasized the need for grass roots Holiday Dedth Toll “freedom station" in" Western Ger­ last Friday admitted that he had fused to permit her to give a con­ bells to ring cut simultaneously Club Poidciano and Cluz Zanzi­ I > ? many which answers Communist : political action to achieve passage I cert in Constitution Hall. (hroughout ’Western .Europe and in lot FEPC legislation. served as chairman of the commit­ CHICAGO- HNS- The Na’hn- lies through daily broadcasts to bar are booking some of the this country. tee on arrangements for a dinner I al Safety Council said Tuesday that Curtain countries. More recently. Mr. Chapman re­ top name acts in show business. Officers elected to serve’ until given by the Southern Conference the nation’s Labor Dav traffic death The symDoi oi the Crusade is the The Crusade For Freedom Is fused to turn over six swimming These acts are drawing good the annual meeting of the Michi­ for Human Welfare and others on Freedom Bell which was cast on Ju­ ‘ponsored by the National Commit­ pdols under the Jurisdiction'of the toll of some 370 fatalities is the April 3. 1915. in honor of Associate crowds despite news of dwindling ly 27, 1950. at the Bell Foundry of tee for a Free . Europe, on whose gan State Conference of Branches Interior Department. Io the District 1 interest in night life elsewhere in most encouraging holiday traffic in May were David Robinson, Kal­ Justice Hugo L Black of the Unit­ report since the war " Gillett and Join r on. Croydon, Eng­ board are such outstanding Ameri­ of Columbia Recreation Depart­ the United Stale CLAUDE MYLKS amazoo. president, Donna Martin ed States Supreme Court. land. with Ambassador Lewi- 0 cans as General Eisenhower. James ment because the local agency Huge turnouts arc ringsiding The Council, which had predict­ A. Farley. Charles P. Taft, U. S. Detroit, vice-president; Katherine ed that. 435 persons would die in traf­ CHATTANOOGA MAN Douglas in attendance. Designed by Mr Chapman, an outstanding li­ would not agree to operate them oi nightly at these rhythm phas for Senator Herbert H. Lehman. Har­ Drake. Muskegon, secretray; Ja- fic crashes over the fhree-day week­ WELL FIXE» Walter Dorwin 7'eague. one of Am­ beral of the Roosevelt and Truman a nonsegregalcd basis. I dance and comedy calm:,, which erica's leading designers, the Free­ ry A. Bullis and many others. This niece Hatchett, Pontiac, assistant end. credited the lower holiday toll administrations, pointed out, how­ keep the ca. h registers ringing out On August 4. 1947 J came to see dom Beil is larger than ': committee operates Radio Free Eu­ secretary; and Marilyn Lovelady, I with merry music oi, their own. to stricter traffic law enforcement ever, that the Southern Conference 'Doc." R. C. Anderson, whose office famed Big Ben. It standi nine rope. the "freedom station" in Wes­ Jackron. treasurer. Dr. J. L. Leach Denn Acheson To Make for_Buman Wclfarf has' never been Backbone of this revival of Inter­ and to "a better response by motor­ Is at the end of St Elmo Ave.. Ten- feet high, weighs 10 tons and meas- tern Germany which daily pierces president of the Michigan State est in theatre, night club and radio ists to appeils tor extrazare " ne« ee and Georgia state line, Chat­ the Iron Curtain, pitting the truth Conference of NAACP branches; designated by flic Attorney-Genera1 Television Debut acts arc Red MeAllisterof the Royal ■It added : tanooga. Tenn. for a reading and of freedom against Communist lies as subver ive, and added lhal Arthur L Johnson, executive sec- Peacock. Q. P. Jones of the Club advice For I needed financial help and bringing a message of hope and Justice Black, a former Unit«! WASHINGTON 'TN8> - Tire "The council is especially pierced I retary of the Detroit branch and | Poinciana, and Irvin Favors of the very much Through his advice, the encouragement to the^enslaved peo­ States Senator. cannot. be accused Ri'e Department announced, yes- with the record made in the South Leon P Taylor, state adviser to Club Zanzibar, who have spared no following day. 1 received 48.200 00 in ples of Eastern Europe. of being a red" . ' ■ youth councils, attended.. tornav that Secretary of State cxirenre to bring acts from Chicago. where Mi i-.ippl. Florida and Ten­ one lump sum. Since that time,— Crusade Headquarters are in the Acheron will make a half hmir nessee showed the results of spanal In a speech "t> the Senate floor Hollywood. Cincinnati. New York, practically every week I have con­ Empire State Building, N»w York 1. television appearance on Sunday traffic enforcement activities on September 5, Senator Andrew F and New Orleans, where they've be­ tinued to.succeed. 1 now own a N Y Releases Balloon "t<> review irr>p«irt.ani current, as- Schoeppel. Republican, of Karra come mash hit* often playing ex­ t'uie home, two Chevrolets and one peris il reliei from pain. For if you suffer terior local stars winning a place in the including drowning . plane, crashes onlv me. but many of my friends as It will Ire Acheron's first parlicl-1 from funetivnal jMriodic cramp»«, dbcover rays in the upper atmosphere entertainment firmament are Titus and other mishap. neared the 500 well, financially as well as tnany^ -as manv other women have-the wo!)« pation In a program specially pro­ The balloon, weighed with 150 Testifying before the Interior and Turner. Grace Jackson, Tippin mark. other wiys. He can do any kind of™ d*rful help ('«rdui may bring. duced for television. Tire l^leca-t Vardui work’ iry^r»rJly to help minhnii* ' pounds of scientific equipment, is. Insular Affairs Committee last Hawk. Ruby Calhoun. Rav Sneed. work you want done He Is In his Buj PERMA-STRÄTE at ' expected to reach an altitude of 20 will be filmed m advance lirsturiiow painful r jntractN na of the orjan muacles. Thursday with Senator Schoeppel Jr.. Billy Wright, Dr. Willie Jones, office every day as well a' Satur­ Thue it tub in own-umlnt a frequent cause where a set will undertake to ap- ] spoon and Lillie Greenwood; along 1 miles before » timing device pun-, present. Mr Chapman denied the the Atlanta Overalls and Neal days and Sundays', open On Bun­ •f cramps. Maybe your suffering it need* with the five bands of Jac­ Dili! Store-only s2 le»«. luo. bee what aid of thb modern type I dure- :t after eight hours. charges and made the counter­ proximate Acheson’s own office. ;i Janies and his orchestra. days Especially For Out Of Town can do for you. A»k your druggist for a quet. Amos Milburn. Chari*' Brown, ; The instruments, including gel- charge that twees opposing state­ Titus Turner, a bright new vocal­ Clients. b of Cardui (Say "eorrf-yo»-eye”h 7, etc ger counters and electronic devices, hood for Alaska were responsible ist In the Billy Eckstine and John­ Through his dream book, that he F"« 1------r------will be parachuted to safety and ny Hartman tradition has WBxed for “the loose and malicious charg­ B B Beamon, the Gate City (or Alladin Recording Co. sells for 12 00 plus C O D charges be picked up either by a plane or es and insinuations "made by Sena­ WIDE SHOES dance impressario Is responsible a and postage, 1 have been very suc­ station wagon which will follow tor Schoeppel. WIDTHS C to EEE Billy Wright, the shouting part of this phase <>f show business, cessful every week You can also constant radio signals from the and has a stellar lineup of winter oniMt to look •< Vi*. *»•» the Royal Peacock, where his floor­ appointments or write to his home 4U/ff**0FF A9AIM Hair Dos-to meet all «cotai for navy research by the general was Senator (now Vice Presidenti picking up scads of greenbacks. , Mh,t.<«i two, pounding. piano-rocking, rollicking address. Alben W Barkley, and the princi­ • ' fate»»» : mills-corporation of . blues antics bring down the house. Things may not be the same else­ Claude Myers. pal speaker was Chief Justice Fred where in the United States, but Name acts playing Atlanta clubs £Ma>— Tennessee. M. Vitvori. in recent weeks have been the Ed­ things are moving along in fine Telephone MIAO. SCIENCE SAYS: Mr Chapman has a long and wards Sisters. Orioles. ,’ fashion here. outstanding record as a liberal. AljI Clarence “Gatemouth” Brown, Ma­ native #f Virginia, he ba* «insist«* bie Soott. Charles Brown and his if tough»’ ratal reqregatton and crew. Khuntta Khan, Three Blaz­ dbcrimiaation As Aswtant secre­ STYLE MYRA" ers, Little Miss Comshucks, Laura tary of the Interior undjr Secre- Postage Paid on Prepaid Orders Washington, former vocalist with -Write‘for FREE Catalog- Erskiiie Hawkins’ (crew) Annistoen SKIN AND Alien (who won laurels with Lucky SYD KUSHNER Millinderi, Tiny Kennedy. Ruth I Wade. Danny Cobb, Herb Lance, WON’T MIX” PHILADELPHIA 47, PA • BI4 Johnny Hartman and Jackie (Mons) Mabblcy. Austell Alien's sextet barks up the show spllre club Poinciana Better Onelllj Neal James and his crew hits hot licks at the Club Peacock. In another phase of show busi­ Full Braidi, 23’ long $3.00 ness m^t of the touring bands .arc E>. tfaylng one-night stands in At­ You can make your dull. JSÄ] lanta. Among those to have stopped ; dry, hard-to-manage hair over lately were Johnny OU»' baad aparkle like diamonds! Use with Little Esther, Roy Mlltorf Ck- | Ptako Hair Drawing and"see 199 CAM HAH VOUlHAHt mille Howard and har orchestra 9C^mnY1AAKH99 >- Now you can have skin . with the package ot Jimmy Wither- howit brings out hlghlighta. with the ffltorthness of satin—free With Pluko your hair loolu Loftaf CretfioM from ugly oiliness! Black and White softer, longer, silkier—be­ fojlfy Atal)*^ î Vanishing Cream’s remarkable comes so easy th arrange ^•SEALO" action dries, and help», Human Hilt- ' seal greasiness and prevents it from LIGHTER All Sitala* seeping through to spoil your make­ UNO NO (OOMgr up. And because this wonder cream . USO ■mtMMtrwvo« MMi Ol HAH TM COUM is greaseless itself—it won’t cause fry Uhw M An«« «tavy punpies1 Ask for it today ft your favorite toilet counter fas only 30i. dataotott’hT.Dr. FRED Whittear taaibt IM IM tai wwu Qmb M Wl eofo-sa aaO • J*»-.-

BLACK an? WHITE VANISHING C Rt AM aw. Cfcw Protects, Briurifies Tjblerops MEMPHIS WORLD • ffueday, Saplember U, 1950 St. Augustine 4- Society Beacon On School News Stater Mary Evangeline, BVM, ■ ■ head of the made department of Negro Students Apply St. Augustine school, 903 Walker Avenue, will celebrate her 25th •The Mississippi year at a religious stater of Chari­ ty of the Blewed Virgin Miry. The Sunny Side Benevolent clut I serie«. September 9 At U. Of Tennessee met recently at the home of Mr Sister Evangeline was born in and Mrs. W J Randell. 872 N The Link Social club, at it« last Washington, Iowa; completing her KNOXVILLE. Tenn. —(NNPAi—; graduate and professional ecboola Second. regular, had a "Night of Fun.’ elementary and secondary school- Colored applicants are seeking ad­ of the university and other state- Mrs Florence Table, 851 David in her home town. She obtained mission to tiie graduate and pro­ supported Institutions. Robert Henry and Joeless Browi 8lreet, was hostess at this gala af­ her B S in music from the Mu­ fessional "ichuol.s of liir University., A university official. In diacioa- have returned from a (wo weeks fair Members of the Link club sic Conservatory of the University of Tennessee/it was revealrd lure uig receipt of the application«, vacation in Dyersburg. Tenn., wish to thank all other clubs par­ | of DePaul, Chicago, Illinois last Wednesday. slid: "The problem is whether the where they were houseguest- of ticipating in their fun night. * For the past three years, she hat university can admit these Ne­ The university disclosed it has Rev. and Mrs. F. D Garrett been In charge of music in the high groes and keep within bounds of received "several'' formal applica­ Rev. Oarrett is pastor of Belton Hie Gloom Chasers club held its school and grammar divisions of state statutes prohibiting them tions from colored students for Chapel AME church regular bi-monthly meeting at the St Augustine During this time, "The wliule nutter has been admission to its graduate and pru- home of Mrs Curley Hayes, 852-A she has organised and directed the turned over u> the state Attorney fejsslonal schools Miss Odell Boswell, acompgnied Porter 8treet. During the meeting. band, and presented numerous op- General's office to determine the ,erattas. Indued among these are eligibility of Use applicant«." by Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bowan, : plans were completed for a lawn meeting of the '"The Belle of Bagdad," "The Oypsy At tile recent motored to St Louis and Chicago, party to be given September 15, aj Private Carl H Harris, 19. son Tennessee State Conference of A contrary legal view is that Troubadour," and "The 'Sunbonnet with Mr. and Bert McCargo . 747 Mansfield Street. Numerous ol the Rev and Mrs C H Har­ Branches of the National Associ- officials of the university are sworn While in St. Louis, the party at­ ; prizes will be awarded, including a Girl " ris. 686 Ayers Street, has complet­ Do you find yourself cringing every time a guest drops a cigar, tie ation for the Advancement of Col­ to uphold the Federal Constitu­ tended one of the Dodger-Cardinal model table radio. ed his air force basic airmen in­ A special Mass, sung by the nuns, on one of your tables? Do you have to play part-time traffic cop to k ep ored People here, Tennessee bran­ tion • as well 'as the state constitu­ doctrination course at Lakeland will be offered in thanksgiving by the children's toy autos on the floor instead of leaving tire marks on ches of the organisation were urged tion and laws and when ever there Air Force Base, the gateway to the the Sisters' chaplain in the con­ your freshly waxed table surfaces? If so, the solution to the problem is to encourage qualified colored ap­ is a conflict the Federal Constl- air corps vent of the Sisters at 903 Walker glass for your tabletops. They-nat only protect, but add to the lustre plicants to seek admission to the tion takes precedence. Lackland, situated near Ban An­ Avenue and bring out the grain of the wood, and in addition, are far easier Under the decisions of the United Circling The Bases tonio. is the worlds largest air to clean. Stales Supreme Court a state can force base, center of alt ‘force basic Following steps offered by the Pittsburgh Plate Glass company it's I Murray Demands not legally deny admission to a training, for airmen and women. Tenn. State News as simple as ABC to order a glass that will fit your table like a glove, | "white" state-supported institu­ Indoctrination station for prior ivgardless of its sue or shape When measuring >our table, the first tion if the cuurse desired U not of­ Each year, thousands of fresh­ Equal Pay For AFs officer candidate school, step is to throw: the ruler away. Then as shown abovg, start with a fered at the corresponding "color­ men students pass through the pencil and a sheet of wrapping papei larger than the , servce re-enlistess. and home ol Both Races ed" school. With The Red doors of learning in universities table. If the table is large, simply paste several sheets of paper to- I Sox Harris's basic training has pre- BIRMINGHAM Ala- • ANP) - The university spokesman Mid I and colleges, and each year, fresh­ .gether. Hold the paper fiat and trace around the outside edge with a ’ pared him for entrance into Air Addressing 500 members of the all of the colored applicants are men are given so called pep-talks, pencil, making sure a continuous legible line indicates the edge Take 1 training and (or CIO Southern Organizing commit­ Tennesseans One applicant, be Force technical the do's and don'ts of the particu­ time to make the pattern right, because upon its accuracy rests the I assignment in .specialised work. tee here in the deep South, Philip said, has submitted transcripts and lar institution. The same proce­ fit of the glass • The course included a scientific Murray, national president of the other papers which are necessary dure is followed at Tennessee A Without cutting the pattern with scissors along the pencil line, roll evaluation of his aptitude and In­ CIO. demanded the end of pay to qualify academically for admis­ and I State it up and take it to your local dealei Then all you have to do ism clination for following a particular differentials between the races sion. For the past sixteen years, Mrs back and wait until he delivers a glass that will fit your table perfectly, "However." the stwkesman said, vocation and career. Edna Rose Hankal, dean of wo­ and add to its usefulness | He asked for equal pay for work­ his papers have not been finally men at A and I . has presided ers in the North and the South PVT. R 1. BROWN passed on this year.” / -GOOSE” CURRY over the Convocation of Freshmen. and for Negroes and whites He Sergeant and Mrs Robert L This year, over 600 freshmen are also said it was still difficult to Brown with, to announce the birth New Homemakers Of America scheduled to attend the Initial con- of a daughter, Gloria Augusta, ^¡tion organize in the South. Manager, Memphis Red weighing 7 pounds, 6 ounces, born Mrs. Hankal, a native of Chatta- His audience cheered as he said: Tenn. Groups at the 155th Station Hospital, Yo- ncoga. received her elementary and Set Up Chapter At Geeter "We are going to stop the wage kohoma, Japan. Sergeant Brown Is .^'dar'y ’lining in'"t’he’iiubiic differential between northern Sox Club assigned to the 517th Military Po- schools of Chattanooga. She re- and Southern Workers between Oppose Regional lice Service company i reived her elementary qkwH white workers and Negro workers Mrs Brown is the daughter of ceived her B A dfgree froni m School, Whitehaven, Tenn. down here, as we did in the coal I Mr and Mrs J Johnson, 52 S. University, and has done special fields in 1933 Prospect Street. Youngstown. Ohio, studying at the Teachers College New Home Makers of America vitles: Tennessee, Georgia, Alaba­ The Red Sox are leaving for New i can hit that ball We hope that he ------' Cdumbia University has an addition to its national ma. Texas. Maryland, North Caro­ "And I hope— I almost feel sure Orleans after being idle for a week | will let fans see his performance Pink Nnu/c Prior10 comln8 10 A anti 1 Mrs ranks. Geeter High school, local lina, Mississippi, Kentucky Louisi­ -the time is near." KNOXVILLE. 8ept 7 - The and the players are all jubilant ■ once more this year. I think after VlUUlXcnj Hankal was connected with the secondary school, began a new ana, Delaware. Oklahoma Florida. Tennessee State Conference of •er the championship drive. Boyd left the team he gave the The La Box Desoie Club held its 1 public school system of Chattanoo- chapter of NHA last week, with Arkansas, West Virginia. Virginia Branches of the National Associa­ They are jubilant over the won­ players more determination to win regular monthly meeting at 1307 ga. both as teacher and admipis- eighteen charter members and 52 and Missouri. tion for the Advancement of Color­ derful job that Bob Boyd is doing They would also like to have the Richmond Avenue trative official. During her ,*/ir»t active members NHA is a nation­ The purpose of this organization Warden Denies ed People went on record last week at Colorado 8prings Chicago same break that he got and that A recent meeting was held on five years at A and I . she taught al organisation of Negro pupils is to promote better hottie living; at a state meeting as unalterably White 8ox farm team. Boyd's batt­ is a big league contract. I am sure Sunday, September 10. at the home freshman English studying homemaking in junior to provide wholesome recreational opposing the regional college plan ing average is 392 and he has 8 some of them will get that chance. of Mrs.C M Bailey at 4 p m Through the years, more than ,and senior high schools in states activities; to act as a unit for giv­ "because It is an attempt to per­ runs and 31 runs driven in He Is Mrs Rubye Bankhead, reporter1 3,500 young women have been un- having separate schools for Ne— ing service to the school, communi­ Jail Is Run Like petuate segregation by circumvent­ leally on the ball. Slay on the bases with the Red for the club attended the National ' der her direct supervision, and ac- groes. ty, state and nation ing tiie decisions of the United Fans of Memphis know how he Sox. At its Initial meeting Baptist Convention. Inc . last cording to Mrs Hankal. the GEETER Staler Supreme Cobrl.' I week which was held in Philadel-1 greatest compensation comes from It was started In 1947 at Ten- High school chapter of NHA in- Delegates to the fourth annual phia, Pa see1”» many of them live noble and ■lessee A and 1 . and since the date .stalled as its officers for the 1950- session of the state conference Servicemen Of Tri-State Mrs Bankhead will spend a few useful lives of its birth, it has 749 chapters, 51 session; Alice Nicholson, presi­ called upon Tennessee brauchw "to days in New York City and will What do the young women think and 28,737 members. To date, six­ dent, Fannie Gole, vice president; CHICAGO—i INS)— C'Mik County encourage qualified Negro appli­ return’home soon of Mrs. Hankal? "Firm but fair teen states participate in its acti- Dorothy Shaw, secretary; Jo Ella Jail Warden Chester L Fordney cants to seek admission to the Mrs Geneva Williams, president; I------Shulsberry, assistant r seuretary denied yesterday that the Jail Is graduate and professional schools On War Front-In Camps Mrs Rubye Bankhead, reporter t Thelma Hurd, treasurer, Devennce of the University of Tennessee and * I . k I run like a night club and that bri­ Johnson, reporter; Dorothy Burell. bery. laxity and "love parlies" in­ i other state-supported Institution«." parliamentarian; Queen Dillard, A communique from the Korean ii Booker T Washngton high school., THRIFTY THIRTEEN volving men and women Inmates ' They also called upon state autho­ front reports Pfc. Alfred Johnson.'' Mrs. Sadie A. Harris, 2224 historian; Mrs. Carolyn Chaney SOCIAL CLUB are rife rities to abolish discrimination son of Mr and Mrs Rance T Clarksdale, recently received a The Thrifty Thirteen social club and Carolyn Chaney an3 Mrs Mil­ against Negro children on the Johnson, 1302 Michigan, killed telegram reporting her son. Pfc. I was entertained at the home of dred Davis, advisors Fordney made his statement to elementary and high school levels while on duty with the 25th divi­ Charles E Harris, mbsing in ac- Mrs. Mae B Swanagan. 1487 newsmen prior to spending two and to admit Negro children j Tlskels for the 'Bluil City Clas­ Paniate Drug Store sion. vi tlon. Pfc Harris was also a mem­ Ethelyn Avenue Mrs Indiana hours testifying before a Septem­ forthwith to so-called white schools sic," featuring Lincoln University 209 Beale ^Another 25th division soldier, | ber of the Ninth regiment of the Hester, from Canton. Ohio was the ber Grand Jury probing Jail con­ in cases where Negro student« and Tennessee A and I State, will Phone 8-1165 2nd division. He attended Hamil­ honored guest for the night. Mrs U. S. To Confer ditions have had to travel put of their go on sale September 12. Advance Cpl.' Henry Fletcher. Jr., son of ton High school, and worked for . Eltaabeth Harris, oresident of the home counties to attend segregated tickets will be 11.75 Following Tbny Inn Meanwhile. Sheriff Elmer M Mr. and Mrs Henry Fletcher. 815 the E L Bruce Co. before join­ club, returned to the city alter a ' schools are the locations where tickets may 1414 Lycuman Walsh wrote to State's attorney Josephine, has been wounded. Cpl ing the army two and one half summer vacation In her home town In another strongly worded raw- Fletcher has been in the army be secured: Bunker Hill—Phone 9-9089 With Asia On John S Boyle demanding that a years ago. •Ole Virginia.' i lutlon, the conference called the Bungalcw Pharmacy The "Bluff City Classic" will be key witness, Edward Leonard, he about two and one half years, and The next meeting will be held 81st Congress to task for falling to 3092 Chelsea lought September 22. at Melrose Indicted on a charge of attempt­ landed on Korea about August 1, PVT. H. G BROOKS at the home of Mrs. C N. Terrell. enact civil rights legislation and Phone 4-9168 Stadium ing to solicit a bribe from Ford-1 for duty with the Ninth Regiment Private Horace O. Brooks, of 1337 Kentucky Street. called upon the branches of the Formosa Crisis ney. of the 2nd division. While in Mem­ Chattanooga, Tennessee, has beer Tennessee State Conference to co­ phis, Cpl Fletcher attended Me>- awarded the Army Combat Infan­ Dr. B B Martin's Office The City Beautiful club was en­ Fordney told Newsmen that Leo­ operate In a drive to regtaler rose elementary school, and the try Badge tor meritorious service, 211 South 3rd Galilee Methodist WASHINGTON. D C —(INS) — tertained recently at the home of nard, a former Inmate, sought 200,000 Negro voters in the state while serving with the 24th Infan­ Phone 8-2303 Secretary of State Archeson said Mrs. Minnie Deanor, 839 Alaska money from him on a promise to by 1952. The conference also con­ try "Blockhouse" regiment that the United States will confer Street. Hie usual guest box. which Church withhold his story of alleged lax demned and planned action to com­ The "blockhousers" are part of Fogleman’s Service Station We were happy to have for our with Asiatic Governments on the is presented at each meeting, was conditions at the jail. « bat discrimination In transporta­ 493 Beale y . Korean arid Formosan situation. Don't "Count the famous 25th Infantry division won by Mrs Ellis. The prue was I guest speaker, Sunday morning, tion. public accommodations, and Phone 8-9470 "Tropic Lightning” troops who are a beautiful pljutlc apron. September 3, Rev Roy Jeans, of He did not name the nations. The The Warden said Leonard and the armed forces. adding to their already enviable Crlcago, Illinois, who preached a talks will take place sometime be­ Douglas Ayres, 32, now serving a along with club' Golden Sundry Sheep" Tonight combat record in this theater of Household hints wonderful sermon from the fifth fore Acherson meets with the For­ 11-year sentence at Statesville peni­ Officers elected at the Con­ the agenda for the I 2531 Park Ave war under command of Maj Oen busi ne s was chapter of St. Matthew, ninth eign Ministers of and Brl- tentiary, who also Is expected to ference were: Utlllus R Phillips of William B. Kean. session. Phone 4-5083 verse, using as his subject, "The- tain in New York next Tuesday I testify, were disgruntled over treat­ Memphis, president; U. Z McKin­ i •because of Acid Stomach CPL. L F L NEWMAN Requirements to Be Children of ment they received while inmates non, Jackson, 1st vice-president; Visitors to the club included, Corporal Floyd L. Newman. 19 Guy's Roselynn Sundry God." Rev Jeans is the son of Mr The Secretary emphatically re­ : Fordnev denied there were any re­ Mrs E. L. Watson, Knoxville, Mrs. Maggie Ellis and Miss Jessie year old son of Mrs. Josephine Cor. 8. Orleans and St Pau! Daniel Jeans. Along with Rev newed official statements that this veals at the jail while he has been 2nd vice-president; Mrs. I. B. Randle. Montgomery, 894 3 . 4th Street, re­ Phone 37-3088 and 5-9286 i Jeans was his wife. Mrs. Jeans, country Intends only to neutralize ¡superintendent. He asserted: Cowan, Knoxville; secretary; M. cently arrived in the Far East, and ■ and Rev Robert Lee Jeans, pas­ Formosa. He said that the United | "I am sure these stories are fleti- W. Day, Nashville, treasurer and Harlem Cleaners and Barber has been assigned to an air base The Septette Social club held its . . tor of Tabor Presbyterian Church, States Is not mounting, encouraging Mrs F. C. Clay, youth adviser. in Japan for duty as a crash rescue regular meeting at the home of Mr f,™da , Washington, D C , Mr. Chester for permitting any offensive against Rione 35-6182 Communist China. with a unit of the Fifth Air force. Claude Robertson, 836 David Street Jeans, St. James Methodist church, A graduate of Booker T. Wash­ Arrangements were made for a Collierville. Tenn , his grandfat­ The Senate War Investigating HW'DHW In ington high school, Newman first Saturday night fish fry, to be given her, Rev Robert Jeans, Shannon, Committee last night assailed what entered the military service in September 16. at the home of Mau­ 547 Hernando Miss . pastor of St Paul Method­ it termed "complacency on the Po­ January, 1949. After receiving ba­ Phone 5-9698 ist Church: his mother. Mrs. fto- tomac,” and said that “at least Now say goodbye to sleepless nights due rice E. Hill. 847 David Street to add indigestion. Stop tossing and sic training, he was assigned to bie Banks of Chicago. Illinois Mu­ Five" War plants have been put turning in a tain attempt to ilet p. Do at Maxwell air force base, and re­ Joe's Studio and Record Shop sic was played by Mrs. Chester up for sale since the outbreak of thouaandi do—correct the trouble by mained there until he began his Members of the Nacirema Thrift’ High Park at Chelsea Jeans of Collierville. After the the Korean war «Ming 1 or 2 Tumi iiut before you go to club were entertained at the home Phone 36-9666 sermon, little Charles Edward Da- b*d. See if you don't fall asleep faster— overseas duty. The Committee, headed by Texas feel more rested in the morning keep of Mrs. Theressa Barbee 888 Sa­ vtaiwas baptized and his mother, Democratic Senator Lyndon John­ Tams handy io counteract sour stomach xon Avenue. North Side Drug Store Mrs Odell Davis, united with us. son, singled out the defense Depart­ ... gas • heartburn. It's a wise idea 1098 Thomas At 3 p m , Rev Keys, his choir Personals The next hostess .will be Mrs, I ment and the munitions board for followed by millions nowadays. Get a Phone 8-9727 and congregation from Ward Chap- roll of Tunis to have on hand tonight. Mr and Mrs George F. Perry. Doris Bowers. 1492 Wsrford Street j criticism in its first report Sr , 1463 South Montgomery, are I the proud parents of a baby girl. ABSTINENCE OR ELSE Alice Marie, bom August 31 *"*‘80 you attribute your longevity Alice Marie will be christened Church News to abstinence from alcohol?' Sunday and she happily join her MARTIN TEMPLE And the centenarian admitted. sister and brother. Joyce Ann and TUMS FOI THE TUMMÌ CME CHURCH . - George Frank, Jr "Yes. mv wife would have killed There will be a "Heaven and me if I had touched adrtfp." Hell" party given by the Number 2 Usher Board of Martin Temple I el, were present with us. Thank­ CME Church, Saturday, September ing each and everyone for their 16, at the home of Mr and Mrs cooperation. Our dour'Is always Dudley Bryant, 1323 Kentucky St open Beatrice Frasier, reporter; FULL A chenille bed spread, sponsored by Mr and Mrs Prince Johes. will Rev Houston, pastor APARTMENT lUllllt be given away YALE APARTMENTS Illi ’IVI 90 PROOF! Located on Tillman, Just North of The THE ORIGINAL Intersection At Johnson MADAM TODD IS BACK, 4 ÏEMS OID! ONE-AND TWO-BEDROOM APARTMENTS, MADAM TODD $31.50 and $39 Par Month. American Palmist - ASK and Medium. Nev­ ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS and OAS COOKING er been in your city Ranges Furnished before. Not to be YOUR DEALER! classed as a Oypsy FORCED-AIR HEATING ' Guaranteed to-read your entire life VENETIAN BUNDS past, present and 1/8« future; gives true ASPHALT TILE FLOORS advice on business Plenty of } . • love and health PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT and family affairs Satisfaction guar­ AUTOMATIC WATER HEATER anteed or no charge Genuine Look for The sign Some of these beautiful new apartments are Hours 9.00 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. Dally ready now. Bring your deposit and make and Sunday. Reveals private affairs application so you can move right in. Ride and gives lucky number» without having seen or heard of you before-, the No. 3 Normal Summer, bus to Holmes and gives help in trouble; advice on walk over to Johnson St., to our rental office. oroblems of life, Ion courtship, ice IMS mhw marriage, changes travel, bust —o ooOO Oooo i Catch Airpart SUU Line, fi kua, ride u tUead af Roe. LaeaU trtMSM Hmm Trailer Teat Lack far , Wdllace E. Johnson Homos, Inc. 166 yariM frao Sterirt Grawn Avmm tun. I J MFMMIS'.‘/ÓRLO ft Tweedy, Septembers Í95C (Estranged Wife Jailed In HURRICANE LEAVES RUIN IN ITS WAKE

Slaying Of Alphonso Minor

ATLANTA, Georgia —

MLMPHIS WORLD • Tuesday, September 12, 1950 * 5 Dr. Artis P. Graves D A D T C AcceptsAccepts PositionPosition aAt* SJ U K ! & North Carolina A. & T. Dr Arth P Grave former head coach at Morris Brown Collette, has OF THE 1 accepted the position of piofessor For September 22-23 I and head of the biology department 1 at North fcatoliha A and T Col- I'legb, Greensboro, N C Ry MARION E. JACKSON WORLD * Dr Graves worked In a similar MACON, Go.—Some of K'ng ioo’ball's prirest pigskin pan- ; capacity at Texas Stete University len-iump the gun on the 1950 season Sep*ember 15-16 with a I 1 oaring the qummer glittering array of game« on widely-scattered front». By Marion & Jadtton In auepting the position at A Many of these scheduled contests involve a virtual-who'» who I and T. College. Dr Graves said he • I • . .—J .» of foothall ns touted atidiron stalwarts put their bid for confer­ I believed that the position will gua­ ence. sectional ond national honors on the line in these hot weath­ rantee him en opportunity to com- MACON, Ga-Pre season coniensus is that final SIAC stand­ plete research which he has been er pairings. ings will read Bened'd, Morris Brown, and Florida A. and M with interested in fot several years. The line-ups for this weekend's a battle of wits which ha« paired of the pock baying at their heels . SCOA meet is always the rest Dr Otaver came to Morris Brown games are impressive Not a sin­ Texas State University against a sports and social success. You gel all the news from around during the tenure of former coach. gle 'breather" in the lot Sched­ Wiley College at Marshall Texas the conference al these gatherings ... Dodger biggies are ponder­ Billy Nicks His teams won national ule-makers have shot-the-wotks The Wiley Wildcats, who have arc lining up these pulverises beeti a lowly entry fn the Seuth- ing whether to coll Jim Pendleton, Negro stor of the Si. Paul farm ! recognition and played In several An interactional flavor is evi­ we. t ranks since Fred Long depart dvb, to aid the Uptbush gang In their la«l ditch penntM fight . .. ¡bowjs., dent- 4n must of these mayhem­ «1 these sands tor Texas Collage Pendleton is balling .300- and ho« 20 doubles, 17 triples and 10 • R’ developed tome of the nation’s mixers as the brawn and might of are hot on the comeback trail. homer»... best-known athlete» during h i x various conference affiliations is The week's diamond-studded Of­ tenure at the famous Atlanta AME pitted against similar stamina «nd fering Isa meeting between Coach Television right» the 50 world W. C. Ilelnr writing In the College. fortitude of others. August 22 issue #f the N. Y. Daily William (Bill) Bell's North Caro­ eeries were sold for »800.000 Ra­ Among the colleges lifting the News: “There Is ne ether sport. na lina A and T team and Gaston F dio rights costs »175.000 Combined lid of football's Pandora box are__ (Country) Lewis' powerful Wilber­ price is only (25.000 short of a other endeavor, in fact, that has LABOR DAY FETE - Members of the Eziord Eula Mae Sander«, Mr. Mack Grinnal, Mrs Ber­ | Alcorn A and M. Bishop. Bluefield given the Negro as fair a shake as force State College Green W»ve anillion If the world series goes Charles Social and Saving club entertained at tha Burns, Mis« Ruth Hill, treasurer; Mrs. Pat ! State, Orambliug. Morriston, North boxing. They are not conscious of This CIAA-Mldwest showcase only over tjie four game route teach Hawks Dinette on Labor Day. Blaylock, Miss Josephine Ingram, Mr, Henry ¡Carolina A and T Texas College, It yet, in the fight chibs and the has a definite national champion game requiring two hours) the Seated from left to right are Mr. T. Child«, pre«i | Texas State. Wilberforce State and gyms, but they will feel the result Gleaton, Mrs. Mary Allen, secretary, Mr. Richard ship quality as the Aggies art pick oost of radio-TV advertising would 1 Wiley College. of the admission of the Negro to dent; Miss Vera Jackson, Miss Edna White, Miss ed by some experts to win CIAA be (131,875 per hour or (2.031.25 per love and Mrs. Marie Love.-(Photo by C. E. Lowe). These season-breakers will be big league baseball and football. loop honors. The Green Wave have minute Linwood D Graves to ATLANTA. Georgia — - paired as follows: study at Columbia U.. this Fall. Boxing is, and must be, a hard always been dangerou« so any game Which means all of the SIAC sport that requires courage and ■ SEPTEMBER IS which they're involved is likely to tournament-winning staff is gone that exacts its price In suffering. Bluefield State vx Morristown, be a corker. A look ahead to the tint full big from MBC. When equality in anything else of­ Clark Panthers Work Hard Rlitefleld. W Va. NOTES ON SPORTS - Jimmy fers a young man an out, he will Wilberforce Stale vs North Ci- weekend of the 1950 campaign on Washington’s individual punting take it." roiina A and T, Greensboro, N C September 22-23 show« these toama record established at Morehouse “The rise of equality is marking SEPTEMBER 16 in action College back in 1940 still remains the decline in boxing. That is the Bishop College vs Alcorn A and 8IAC on the NCAA books. Washington basic truth behind the fight game For 8-Game Grid Schedule M, Alcorn, Miss. SEPTEMBER tt averaged 44. 8 yards for a mini­ and it may be that when we ar­ Texan College va. G rambling Clark College va Fart Valley mum of 50 punts. rive at the day in this country College. Grambling, la. Jitale, Atlant», Ga. Benedict College set the ‘49 mark when any young man can get a To Open Against Texas State U vs Wiley College, Arkanw A M and N va Lane Cal- for the most yards per punt with fair chance in any calling, we will Marshall, Texas. lege, Memphis. Tenneaaee. an average of 45.8 Fort Valley have seen the last day of boxing as These lid-lifters will be closely SEPTEMBER U ARTIS P. GRAVES State College is moanin' the blues we know it." Fort Valley State watched. The Bishop Tigers, coach Alabama A and M vs Fisk, Nae- over losing several key prospects SPORTS OFF THE CUFF- Al­ Sandy Saddler Wins ed by Shannon Little, are highly mal, Alabama. • through the draft. One of its most thea Gibson will register for the Wildcats Sept 22 regarded as a championship con­ Xavier U. vs Mississippi India- highly-touted freshman recruits Fall semester at Florida A and Dallas Officials tender in the Southwest Confer­ trial, New Orleani, La. was rejected for grid duty by the M, then fly to City to play ATLANTA, Georgia — (SNSi — ence this year. Little has some of Allen U w North Carolina A In the International Pan-Ameri­ the best assistants possible in Wil­ and T, Greensboro. N C team physician. Approve Tex-Homa Morning and afternoon workouts Florida A and M vi Texaa Cal- 8yivester Polk of Maryland can tennis tournament scheduled By TKO Over Pep today and tomorrow will roundout liam Mac Sanders. James Atkin­ State was acclaimed as the high­ for September 30 thru October 7. Football Classic a week of hard practice by the son and J Forrest Kelley. lege. Tallahastee, Ftorida. Alva Tabor, the former All- Clark College Panthers, who will The Alcorn Braves, oo-cham- Tuskegee Institute vs Mania est scoring back Ij colored football By C F, CHAPMAN American quarterback at Tuske­ launch their tough eight game pions of the South Central Athle­ Brown, Tuskegee, Ala- In 1949 with 1» touchdown» and DALLAS, Texas—The Chamber II extra points. It's a shame we gee and star player at Minnesota NEW YORK, N. Y. — (INS) - Sandy Saddler, skinny Harlem schedule against the Fort Valley tic Conference, played Grambling of Commerce of Dallas, headed by CIAA don't keep any better records in and Nevada universities has Join­ won back the championship of the world Friday Slate College Wildcats, Friday College to.« tie last yraf, and were Sam Hudson. President has hearti­ SEPTEMBER 88 ed Coach Cleve Abbott's coaching night. September 22. at Herndon defeated only by Florida A and the SIAC. No one know» that Ru­ ly placed it« stampS of approval night by defeating between the seventh and eighth Shaw U vs Hampton Institute. hl» Tribble »cored 1» touchdowns staff at the famous Alabama Stadium. M to climax a successful year upon the 7th annual Tex-homa rounds via a technical before a record-breaking crowd Delaware State n Wtnaton- school J. A. Walker's Bluefield State the same year, to equal a mark set 1 Classic to Dallas The big Southwest TV sales booming in Atlanta as of 35,000 in Yankee Stadium. The double sessions, which got pigskin horde takes on lowly Mor­ Raleigh, N. C. by anothrr great Purple Wolver- I Conference battle that features fht underway on September 2, when Delaware Slate va Wlnston-Sr ine—John (Big Train) Moody a result of the announcement that ristown Junior College to launch Langston Lions and the Texas Col- Pcp collapsed on his stool be­ ROUND THREE; thirty-five candidates for berth.' lem. Winstra-Salem, N. C. TIPOFF ON SPORTS — Only the world series would be Irte­ the West Virginians' grid season !ogr Steers at Dal-HI Stadium here twren rounds to end the fight The Each sought an opening, dancing North Carolina Stole va Salat two SIAC college are playing all­ vlxed. Howrver. Gate City dealers on the 1950 Cardinal clad eleven Coach Fred Ixing. of Texas Col­ ! on the night of Saturday, October game ex-champion was a gory and feinting. Saddler missed two report» d tn Head Coach Marion M Augustine, Durham, N. C. conference Slates. Tliey're Clark Insist that if JackJr Robinson. lege, who has built national cham 14, bids fair to become sreond hi sight. Bent Htid battered to a put]) West Virginia Stato va Virginia Dob Neweombe and Roy Cam­ murderous lefts as Pep boblied awav Curry and his two assistants, Line plonshlp teams at Wiley College, and Tuskegee. Clark College has attendance onlv to the Wiley-Pnl- by a perpetual motion lighting ma- panella were in the lineups hun­ then the challenger scored murder- I Coach Leonidas Epps and Back­ will be heavily-scouted when he Unian Institute, W Va. an eight-game schedule. Tuskegee ne View Qotton Bowl Classic listed I chine in Saddler, Pep's eye was cut Bluefield Stole n Howard U. Maa dreds more sets would be peddled. ously with a left and began to pum­ field Coach William.-. P Jones, puts his fabulous Steers into the . — will meet nine loop foe.s. this year for the following Monday, and, bleeding and the tired and There is some gloom over the mel Pep on the ropes. A left hand will continue until September 18 grid arena with Coach Eddie Rob field, Wt, Va, Tuskegee Institute Is renewing October 16 , spent fighter was unable to conic prospect of the first lilywhite world jnit Pep down for a count of jiine.- PANTHERS ’SWITCH inson's Grumbling Tigers, who are SOUTHWEST Its series with Fisk U. on Septem­ A welcoming committee composed ; out fighting again. | flis fare was cot. He grabbed Sad- Southern va Texa» Stale, Haa- series since 1946 With Jackie. TO T-FOR MATION strictly an unknown quantity. Long ber 3». Alien U. 1« al»" Usted on of Presi preva­ ROUND FIVE: ranging from 180 to 165 lbs., we AnathW bonecrusher will see M., Tallahassee. ditional game, in addition to CIAA tog Texas College, were the Tex-J to :*e the first outdoor feather- MIDWEST J ? lent in the major leagues, where 'Willie was playing keep-away as Will use the "T" almost exclusively ______r I Coach Alexander Dtirly »nd his and Southwest foes. homn moguls here for the big pow- weight title match In 27 years, Savannah State va Kentucky only the Braves. Dodgers. Giant» the round started, but Saddler this year and rely on speed and assistant*. Edward H. Adams, E The Wilberforce game In Chi­ wow. I was___.... (lie JohnnyJohnny Dundee-EugeneDundee-Etii State, Frankfort, Ky, ' and Cleveland have atlempled any found him with a left to the nose, deception," Coach Curry said ear­ B iDoc) Evans. Jr., Vlggo Wal­ cago has been terminated a» a re­ ("riqui light in 1923’which set the thru fell almost out of the ring from lace and J C (Pool) Herbert, In Wllberorce U. rs Alcorn A a#d M sult of the school's new athletic sort of Integration. (existing featherweight gate record lier this week So when world series time rolls his own momentum Pep caught policy, which apparently limits jof »134.416 4 12 VETERANS MISSING the challenger with a hard right around, our advertisement on ra­ 4 Missing from the Clark training participation exclusively to Hit hand to the terth Then hr swung a dio and television, which will be The odd« favored Saddler 2-1. camp are twelve veterans—all SIAC. hard left to the head Saddler's left sent to all parts of the world, will _ [ M'rt experts had figured that the first stringers—from the 1949 SPORTS OFF THE CUFF -The eye was swollen. shout that democracy Is not real ALBANY. Ga — Sept 6 —With classy, tricky Pep couldn't, stand squad, who were lost by gradua­ 100 Per Cent Wrong 1950 World Series will get under­ or believable in the United States. ' twenty eight men already reported1 the pace ROUND SIX: way the first week in October, with tion.. All Midwestrm clubs like the 1 and several others to rotne, Coach i Pep had looked bad In getting Pep was punching and miming as the first two games to be played al. To add to the worries of the I Chris Roulhar of Albany State 1 ba^k the title from Saddler to their usual Willie got in two hard rights Cards, Cubs, Pirates. Reds and ■ Clark mentors. Harvard Jennings, the National League Park, the to the head as they tangled at mid­ their American League counter­ College, began Tuesday morning, second meeting, when he came back next three in the American Lea­ ring The champion staggered his guard sensation of Waycross. Ga parts the Detroit Tigers. Chirac September 5. the tough. rugRed.1 lo win tlu1 crown 104 days after he gue City, and the sixth and sev­ foe with two strong lefts to the side 1 James Crute, guaid of Atlanta; Starts Year, Sept. 22 White Sox, St. Louis Browns, etc., tough process of whipping the I trio lind been kayoed by Saddler In the enth. if necessary in the National of the head and Huber: Mviiatt tackle, of ; ASC fighting gridiron Rams.'lnto fourth round. games are asked to mail in their W- still hue the color line. ROUND SEVEN: Lockland, Ohio., have already beeu ATLANTA. Georgia — 'SNSi — League ball park i .shape With the first game schedul­ lections to Sport» Editor Mariow The round-b.v-roynd account of Pep's left eye was cut. He seemed summoned by the armed forces. The 100 Per Cent .Club ed for September 30, with the Flier' E. Jacluon. The reader whoae »atec- liie fight follows: a little tired as Saddler pursued swing« into oction the weekend : of Jacksonville Naval Air Statton at The No I problem facing the lions come clooert to the real acorea him. throwing short, evil shots to 1 Jacksonville. Florida, the training ROUND ONE: the face. Willie .crossed a good right lop replacements for Johnny Rich- of September 22-23 with ¡1« «e- of the games wffl appear aa “ptat and practice Is brisk and regular. I They bore In. and Pep threw sev- expert" on the weekly IN Per Cent i to the cheek, but Saddler returned Cardinal mentors will be to deve- cond-guessers trying to dope the C. Felton Gayles Wins the men reporting both morning ! eml sl.ort jabs Saddler seemed Wrong Club radio show each Friday ; m kind. ards, great breakaway runner and outcome of the top gomes of bnd afternoon. waiting for an opportunity. Willie over Radio Station HERD. '1. It seemed at first that a series top punt returner of the SIAC last tn addition to the mainstays from was playing it hit-and-run. He got the 1950 pigskin season. | of short Saddler chops to the body | year: Schley Williamson, halfback. When the games are published in tost season, which include captains in one left, then Backed away. They had a sudden effect on Pep. who 1 Aubrey Chatters, center: Jennings These gridiron know-it-alls will the Atlanta World pick only the Nelson and Tonry, the squad will be traded hard lefts to the body, and sat on hts stool bent over It was guard: Fred McCoy, William Neely, show their skill and finesse in pre­ winners ax they are listed from one S'west Loop Honors strengthened by several newcomers; Saddler forced Pep to the ropes. then announced he had dislocated ends and Fred White, tackle. dicting the outcome of games In the to twenty-five and mail^lhem in among them are Nicholas, end, Tif­ his left shoulder. Also gone are Dgnld Garnett, SIAC. CIAA. Midwestern. South­ along with your address and tele­ with 131 victories, deadlocked 17 ton; Denson and McCall, backs. ROUND TWO: LANGSTON, Okla. - (SNS) - guard: Elijah Poythress, back: west, SCAC, and SEAC conferences phone number. The winning (elec­ contests and bowed only 61 times. Dublin: Hohn Smith, end. Cairo: 1 Pep tossed a one-two to the head and took a right in return Willie NEW YORK. Sept R - ■ INS» - I and John White, center. Benjamin each weekend. tions will be published in a subse­ Enshrined among the grid greats In basketball, the Gayles coached and Knight, tackle, from Bruns­ ' was throwing a dart.ng left hand Featherweight champion Willie Pep - Lloyd who showed promise of quent edition of the Atlanta World. of all time is Langston Univer­ hardwood tossers have won 367 wick The team shows great pros­ A new feature will be added to that looked like a humming bird collapsed on his stool last night be­ blossoming into a fine back last The 100 Per Cent Wrong Club sity's C. Felton 'Zip) Gayles, a games and lost 100. pect for several thrilling games this this year's 100 Per Cent Wrong 1 They stalked each other, and Sad­ tween the seventh and eighth year is not trying out for a berth was founded by Lucius L. Jones, who Out In the southwest conference season. Club activities. The line-up of games maker of champions and mould­ dler was the winner in a brief ex­ rounds of his title fight with Sandy on the team because of an injury came to Atlanta to speak at the where football is a manly art of which members will try to pick the change. Pep got in a series of run­ Saddler. sustained during the 1949 cam­ club's windup banquet for the '49 er of coaches. combat reserved only for the valiant winners will be plared in each Sun­ ning short shots. They tangled at , Saddler was declared the winner season and was presented a plaque and stout-hearted, “Zip" Is kingpin Fort Wayne Wins paign. day edition of the Atlanta Daily Ever since Coach Gayles began the bell. on a technical knockout. for his contribution to SIAC and of the coaching world. Despite this heavy last of talent, World. Readers of the ..Atlanta teething on gridiron experiences at He. has engineered 9 football all is not gloomy at Clark. Head local sports. Morehouse college during the hey National Semi-pro World who desire to try their hand championship teams. Fbur of the Ooach Curry and his aides are at picking the winners of listed day of Hie nationally prominent Ma­ Members of the '50 100 Per Cent Southwest Conference titles were banking heavily on a sprinkling of roon Tigers under the mentorship Baseball Crown Hampton Pirates Rest Hopes Wrong Club will be Lerone Bennett, garnered in consecutive years - Ftey holdovers and a few promising Jr.. T J. Crlttondon, Joseph Dan­ o( » T Harvey, he has been stead­ ers; an end. George Miller of Penn­ 1938. 1989. 1940 and 1941. WICHITA. Kas Sept 6 - Fort newcomers iels. Jack Gibson. A. T. Hollings­ ily coming into his own as “Mr. sylvania. and a freshman back His Langston Lions repeated 1943 Wayne. Ind . took Its fourth worth, M E' Jackson. Hubert M. Wisdom” of the winning world. and 1944. and during the years 193» from Beloil, . straight national semi-prp baseball On Fast, Light Grid Squad Jackson, Robert E. Johnson, Joe and 1941 he ruled the national arid- championship Wednesday night by With 23 years of coaching ex­ 4 • Both seem to’’be In good condi­ Pullin, Estee Prather. Emel Scott, iron scene with mythical national defeating Elk City, Okla. 5-2 perience behind him. of which 20 HAMPTON. Va-Heading fot an Herman N 'Buck' Neilson tion. and they will be given a chance Russell Simmons, Joel W. Smith. A. championship squads. of Jhpse years were spent at Lang­ The Indiafia champs also earned opener with_Shaw University at Ra­ bringing the lineman into condition L. Thompson and Lucius Jonea, Gayles, in tutoring hardwood to prove their mettle as soon as ston where he is currently reaching a trip to Tokyo, where they will leigh on September 23—the first af a rapid pace, and Coarh J Mor­ I guest dopester. quintets, has converted often raw possible. ' Zfp''-Gavles has carved, out an en­ meet the Japanese champions in a gan (Jimmy) Griffin was experi- The first IN Per Cent Wrong prospects, into cogs fitted into well- time they've played there in two vious lifetime rewhing reroM best of seven game series beginn­ mentingjiULtbe plentiful freshman | Morris Brown DONALD-PETTY, of Atlanta, Club radio show of the '58 beasM to oiled machines that marched over decades—Hampton Institute's' pi-1 As a football mentor, hte charges ing Sunday who is now one of the signal call- Bchedoled for Friday, September ft conference foes to cop 11 basketball rates are uncovering in their prac- backfield material. have emerged from the cleated turf Wednesday's final was marked trs for M B C played on the over Radio Station WERD with the championship titles. These hard­ • tice sesiions a light, fast squad of by heated disputes which saw two P seemed fairly certain, however. | time yet to be arranged. .52 men, well supplied with back- same B _ T w football squad as wood triumphs were stretched out lhat. most of the nine 1949 letter- i Oklahoma players ejected whet. Grid Drills Morehouse's stellar quarterback Jo­ Games to be doped for that week- ■ from i936 to 195ft field material but short on reserve Umpire Delmar Rielker was struck men would win starting births. end are as follows: strength to the line. seph McCoy. During his coaching career, “Zip” in the face The controversy flar­ I "I ATI,ANTA. Georgta — fSN8> — (Readers Ptek Only The Winner»! ♦ . < On the other hand, there’s a good has developed outstanding players ed after Fort Wayne shortstop Sal More than half of the men nut chance that the Pirates will use the i Driven Ihside by rain. Coach E. The THOMAS BROTHERS of Clark College - Fort Valley. . 4 J. "Ox“ "Clemons mart« the best of Quitman. Georgia will be two very Morris Brown - Tuskegw in football and basketball Madrid clouted a ball over the left for the team are freshmen 'popular "platoon" system this year Vernon McCain, prominent foot­ the situation by briefing his Charges ! tough customers this season. Ed­ Arkansas State - Lane. field fence and the officials e- which would give a lot of he;,hmen ball coach at Maryland State col­ At the end of'the first wrek 0! on the fundamentals of the flVe. ward Thomas is a tackle, while Alabama A. and M — Pkk clwed it fair a chance to come into the limelight lege, represent« one of the best of practice, Coach Harry R 'Big Jeff' six. »even, and eiftht man line de- brother. George will be dashing in Xavier — Mississippi Ind. Wlin once played for the Balti­ by the time the Pirates play their the reaching lot to be turned out Jefferson was pleased with the ' lenses. The hour session was fol­ (from the guard position. Allen — North Carolina A and T. more Elite Giants Veteran lefthand-1 first home game, with North .Caro­ by Gayles. Others'include Lawrence Florida A and M - Texas Collet» er J. Lemarque pitched two-hit. ball team’s progress, although cau­ lina A & T on Saturday night, lowed by a short question and an­ Sinjmods of Tennessee State, Moses' for Fort Wayne until the ninth tious about predicting results. Coach swer period for the .»urpose cf FOOTBALL HKiTNOTES—Captain Shaw U.— Hampton Inst , ■" j October 1 A trip to Atlanta to meet Bluefield State - Howard. Miller of Oklahoma City highschool when two walks and a single srorrd’ clearing some of the problems that CHARLES PARKER, of -Macon. ”:yMdrfis Bream domes between that Delaware State — Winston Salem. Alphonso Pyle of Langston and Le­ Oklahoma s second run Pat Scant-1 Cubans rame in then and put tail have been giving the boys trouble. Georgia, seems to be Atlanta's roy Hemphill of Cushing High game and the opener hi Raleigh; 4 North Carolina State — St. Au­ lebury formerly of tlic New York Pass patterns were discussed, and Skcly candidate for All-American the fire. school Letterman Al Brown's competitors I special attention was given to both onors this year Hank Olover, gustine Langston - Bishop The Indiana club teed off on Elk I for tailback include such freshmen the defense and the offense in pre­ also of Macon, has recovered from In basketball, hardwood magicians game under Colgate1« B T. Harvey, Southern - Texai 8tato Qty Starter Lee HiMey early, as Willie Casey, a sharp passer paration for the September 23rd his slight ankle Injury, and looms like Marquiss Haynes and Lance I Gayles went to Tennessee State for Wilberforce U - Alcorn A and M. I meeting with the airminded Tigers as the greatest pass receiver in the Cudjoie are no* stellar stam dl the , threw years a« a roach. From there driving him from the box in the j from Wilmerding, '« West Virginia - Virginia Union. j Westinghouse High; Bill Reddish, of of Tuskegee. conference this season. fabulous Harlem Globetrotter» he went to make the Langston Lions third frame. Dee Sanders reliev­ Prairie View - Sam ltaston The camp has been strengthen­ ! —— Other« Include Nathaniel Smallwood the king of the Southwest foothall ed and went the rest of the ray. the championship Grata High team Savannah State -Kentucky Stato ed by the arrival of two more play- Nathaniel Neal and George Homer jungle. He did. Fort Wayne scored once in the in Philadelphia; and Bill Hutton, PATRIOTIC OE8TLRE Georgia - Maryland. 1 Lawrence. At Morehouse “Zip" Gayle« had second, twice tn the third, once tn a flashy runner from Burlington, “So you traded in your old car, — Santa Clara. Coaching came to-Gayles not 4 already spaded oat an All-Americin thi fourth snd a final tally Id the N. J Rodes Gregory, a iwldover Dillard up beaattfufly at the ftffl- at last," said the pessimist Boston CoDege - Wake Foraat J sideline but a profession. Upon football career with the then win­ sixth frame from '49, also & in there fighting back slot If a chronic injury win “Tea,* aid the opttmfxt, “I’m Kentucky - LBV graduation from Morehouse rollege ning Maroon Tirare of Morebonre Rk City pmhtyi over their run for a berth. “behave" Freshman ______Calvin _____Giato»,_ net one tn hold hack on r de- Arkansas — OkLah whore he had beeu given Ur huxto- who made it a habit of dominaic t in the *wnth oa Uuw wtdkr, and sqiixitnorf Jones Taytor, anoUMj from Baltimore is a third fine prw- Ifcftni i» m iene program when t r..»v

• MEMPHIS WORLD • Tuesday, September 12, 1950 Democratic Insincerity and inac­ Dewey Phillips tion T still belong to the old school of Hoosier politics, which believes TextOfD.V MOMENTS OF (Continood From Page Om) figures do not lie; you are with me, Ì1 REVIEWING has been carrying on Phillips' pro­ if you deliver when the chips are gram since the accident. Mr Pey­ down.” 1 REFLECTION ton said that Lee McEachern hasi “There is more than one way to Jemison At been recording the program daily’ break a filibuster, sitting it out by The South's Oldest and Leading Colored Semi-Weekly Newspaper and that he would play it back: continuous day and night sessions, Published by MEMPHIS WORLD PUBLISHING CO. over the station to the hundredsi and if the Democrats ever want to Even TUESDAY and FRIDAY at 164 BEALE-Phone 8-«30 of listeners. Baptist Meet NEWS follow this course, Republicans will The "RED, HOT ' give them plenty of help." Entered in the Post Office at Memphis, Tenn., as second-class mail BAPTIST CONVENTION program caught the Mr. Church is a native Mem­ HEAD ander the Act of Congress, March 1, 1810 ' *Y WILLIAM GORDON QUARTERS, PHILADELPHIA *- gro listeners through Phillip's zest phian, and for more than a quart­ (ANP)—Dr D. V. Jemison Member of SCOTT NEW8PAPER SYNDICATE ful expressions his ‘punchy jives er century was leader of the Re­ «ident of the National Baptist W. A. Scott, II, Founder; C. A. Scott, General Manager between and during the playing of publican party in Shelby county. numbers but greatest of all by his He began his'rise in the OOP rank Convention of America, IM ./to 0. SWINGLEK ...... Editor his tenth annual address before LEWIS The Question Of Controls now famous plug for advertising during the administration of “Ted­ Advertising Manager A. G. SHIELDS. Jr...... sponsor of the program: “Go on dy" Roosevelt, and was at the the convention Tuesday morning The momqnt the Korean war situation become an interna­ down there Tell 'em Phillips sent struck out at Communism; and The MEMPHIS WORLD Is an independent newspaper—non sectarian pinnacle of his political career dur­ you." hailed the Negro's role in America's and non-partisan, printing news unbiasedly and supporting those things tional emergency, prices began to rise, consumer goods along ing the administrations of Presi­ wars. it believes to the interest of its readers and opposing those things against Mr Peyton said that the young dents William Taft, Harding, and with capital goods and services began to take on a new tone of ¡radio artist who also worked dur- “The outlook for the the Interest of its readers. Collidge. character. Automobiles which were jamming the streets of every ■ ing the day at Grant's Store on though the days are — SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Year'$5.66—6 Months $3.00-3 Months $1.50 (In Advance) town in th nation became scarce overnight. The whole situation i Main Street was deeply appreci­ Jemison said, “are for the threw us back into another war economy - termed by some as a ative for the numerous cards, and ORC Deferment The darkest hours are just before ROUTE SUPERVISORS: telephone calls madp by Negro 11s- day. We feel that the decisions of (Continued From Page One) SOUTHWEST: Lavem Montgomery. 289 W. Person Phone 9-2129 false economy. j teners regarding his condition. the U. 8 Supreme court to recent It is true that no scarcity exist in this country. We hove plen­ N. EASTERN: Roosevelt Phillips, 1382 Nicholas Phone 5-5676 “All of us at the station are Medical Service Reservists should years dealing with better educa­ Phone 39-2981 CENTRAL: James Hawes, Jr, 879 S. 4th If we are true to ourselves, we ty of materials to draw from and plenty of natural resources with thankful that Philips' fans have be sent directly to Tennessee Mil­ tional privilege« for Negroes and ...... Phone 48-0627 BINGHAMPTON: Gayther Myers. 675 Lipford are forever In the process of try­ which to produce more goods and services for the people's needs. been so devoted to him and pulling itary District Headquarters. Here more extensive privileges are God­ NEW CHICAGO - NEW CHELSEA - I"HYDE’ PARK: ing to improve our lives. Hence, Even in a cOvrrtry like ours, we have groups and individuals for his speedy recover," Mr Pey­ they will be referred to a commit­ given.” Phone 36-2207 William Trout. Jr., 1782 Chelsea ...... we have some defects about u«. So. ton stated, adding:- tee of doctors. This committee will which thrive on taking advantage of fellow Americans. Black The further text of the pre«i- OFFICE: Arthur Sprull I in intimating the other fellow, you review them and make recom­ GREATER WHITEHAVEN______AREA-Lawrence Johnson Phone 35-4917 morkefs went into operation overnight and those goods which Phillips still remembers the fer­ dent's speech is as follows: may acquire his defects. And no mendations to the district chief. For any information concerning the distribution of THE WORLD, please vent prayer Rev W H Brew­ We have had 87 years of pro­ well thinking person would want to were at the finger tips of all of us suddenly became economic i Deferment requests should be cantaci one of your route supervisors, particularly the one in your respec­ ster prayed over this, station for gress since the shackles of slavery do that, I should think. Each of us goods with a new price tag. submitted only after the reservist tive district. the boys fighting in Korea. We’d were taken from our feet. An in­ should have some degree of indi­ Just what does all of this call for in a time of international has receded orders directing him like to have Rev. Brewster to conte ventory of careers of other peqA viduality, some degree of convlc- to report for extended active du- emergency? It really calls for controls - controls over commodi­ back again and pray for Phillips.", ? ‘“r exienaea active du- will show that no other race l|V 1 tlon, some standard by which we Rev. Brewster is pastor of East , formally there is a period of Source Of Family Trouble ties which only a few weeks ago, all of us could walk into the made the progress in the tame j 6hape our lives. We become some­ Trigg Avenue Baptist Church, and rom two three weelts after he amount of time as has the Ameri­ Some of the psychiatrists are hard-headed, stubborn what spineless when we let the market and buy. director of the “Old Time Camp 1 Fecelv“ 0118 notlce' which sh°uld can colored man. other fellow do most of our think­ Sixty-five of the nation's leading economists have issued a, be utilized for this purpose. boys. Meeting of the Air radio program. ing. I realize that constructive I Of those called to take physical We have a distinguished record They will tackle any problem and give you an answer statement calling for an immediate increase in taxation to cover WHBQ and Baptist Hospital thinking calls for much effort on of fighting In all of America's without wasting words in shading the question until it loses the rise in defense expenditures and to help balance the budget. would prefer that cards and wires examinations, a proportion can be one’s part which may account for expected to fail, and thus need wars; from the beginning of ths In addition to prevent inflation from war spending, the econom­ be sent rather than telephone calls Revolution when Chrlspus Attucki, fsrcefulness. - — i the fact that most persons let ot- take no action. Others will be in ! a colored man. died on the Boston Now, what do you think is the greatest source of fam­ j hers think for them. But that ists have called for credit control. grades and military occupational ily trouble? This is a question that has wrecked romance, shouldn't be We should learn to Economic experts point out that foreign aggression will re­ specialties for which there is no commons, down to the present M- Senator Jenner tuation to Korea. We have alwsyi think constructively for ourselves quire greatly expanded military forces and supplies for some­ requirement at this time. blasted family life and disintegrated the home. In fact, it (Continued From Page One) been in the defense of the red, It has been my policy in life time to come. They contend that enlarged outlays by the govern­ Requests for deferment normal­ is such a dangerous query that a cagey individual, male or not to accept some of the things white and blue. ment for war preparations will likely turn into a boom, and info Southern Democrats when they ly fall within two categories. In which may meet the popular think- female, will pass it up almost without reading it. vote alike on all but civil rights the first, individuals wish defer­ It is sometimes asked: "Whst is | ing of the masses. What may suit an inflation which will hurt most of the helpless members of Not so, however with keen psychiatrists. Recently, one legislation and together enjoy the ment on compassionate grounds. it that Negro wants?" The answer ! the masses, may not be to my de­ of them, right off the bat, and apparently without a thought society. advantages of victory, is a type of In the second, ./employers believe is: "What anybody else wants," sign. I think the masses are poor The economist do not believe that it is necessary for the peo­ reasoning no American citizen that the individual's services are We appreciate very much the of his home-life, said; "The struggle between husband and judges as to the merits of most ple of the United States to suffer the "abomination of inflation." should accept.” essential on the grounds of na­ assistance given by th^ Southern wife over who is going to be the ‘boss', is the answer to the things I think it would be dis­ They also believe that Our economy can provide a high standard "I strongly resent any Juggling tional welfare, safety and inter­ Baptist convention. Had Lt not playing good judgment for one to 1 query.” of figures or hypocritical attempts est. In such cases, the employers been for it, we would not have test the worth of anything be­ of living and a large increase in military outlay without degrada­ To add fuel to the fire, the man insists that “efficiency to place blame on Republicans for should Initiate the action and send been able to maintain the theolo­ fore accepting it at face value. You tion of the dollar. ______it to the local ORC Instructor gical seminary to Nashville. The in family life is best served by the dominance of one per­ ought to determine as to whether It seems that the serious part of this situation lies not so »» »u j . . J When deferment requests, other seminary has been supported part­ what you are about to do is the • on to the graduate and profes- than from Army Medical Service son.” This will not cause much trouble in itself. Every mem­ much in controls in our economy but in the lack of adequate dis­ ly by the Southern Baptist conven. best thing. Does it meet your in­ slonal schools of U. T. and other Reserve personnel, come directly to ber of the family will readily agree. The havoc begins when tribution of materials and coordination of government and free tion and partly by the Negro Bap­ dividual needs’ Will the results be state supported institutions." headquarters, they must be re­ tists of America. We want the somebody tries to gain the dominance. It also asked for removal of the gratifying? If I do this, how will enterprise. ferred back to the local ORC in­ Southern Baptists to know we it affect my fellow man? Will he Controls would not be needed if business both large and Negro training school from Pike­ structor. This results, in a delay, grateful for what they Jiave benefit from it? These thoughts ville to a more central location. In I small would adhere to the principles of good business ethics. Il Colonel Sherwood pointed out and what they will do some mid-state counties Negro should characterize your thinking ...... - i Names of the officers on the re­ should be kept in mind that there is just so much for all of us to ■The situation as it is now in Ko­ and help to determine your course children must cross county lines in I view board, and of the doctors on LOOKING THINGS OVER share. We should be rational enough to realize that if controls order to attend high school. | *•------• ...... rea shows tiiat the Negro has nol of action before you make a final the medical committee will not be come, they are going to affect adversely our total population. Another resolution urged regis-1 only handled his guns, and his By HELEN CALDWELL DAY decision announced. This allows them to tration of 200,000 Negro voters in planes wisely and brought the I like what this writer has to say: work without influence of any posed to the regional college plan Tennessee by 1952. There are sev- enemy to a standstill, but he ha« "We don't have to keep up with kind being exerted,,Colonel Sher- because it is an attempt to per­ eral counties, particularly Haywood ^ZineT met him in hand to hand fighting anyone, and if it interferes with A woman in As-, need for food, shelter, clothing Utillus Phillips petuate segregation by circumvent and Fayette, where Negroes are; and killed on the field. burry Pirk. New1 and friendship for the poverty our personality, station in life, or (Continued From Page Onei ing the decision of the U S Su­ denied the right to vote. We call' ‘The .present ______Korean situation is We hear a lot of talk these days Jersey. Is pro-1 stricken, the hungry, homeless, un­ our established ideals. Eiery one of preme Court.” upon the federal and state authari- such that the Army requires the about Communism. As president of testing against I loved and unwanted peoples of us is unique in some manner or Negroes want no part of plans by The same resolution urged TCS ties to make, investigation of this services of individuals or many the Alabama State Baptist conven­ goldfish, she calls | the world? Can the reporting of a another. We ought to take pride southern state and educational of­ branches to "encourage qualified matter and to insure free use of different skills, as well as many tion, president of the National in our Independence of mind and ficials to erect regional colleges for it. Now, that re­ silly woman's whim about a gold­ Negro applicants to seek admis- the ballot. -1-- — ~ Baptist convention, Inc., and vice action. To blindly follow a fashion Negroes. "We are unalterably op- who are unskilled except for a minds US of a lot fish be considered of interest and | basic knowledge of military f u n- president of the World Baptist just because it is popular, isn't of people we news while the more brutal facts Alliance. I assure you that Com- good sense. People of achievement damentals,' Colonel Sherwood said know or about of life and death are softened or | "These gaps must be filled by munlsm among Negroes was no­ 6tand apart. They are leaders, not whom',, we have omitted to spare our sensibilities? thing until we were tampered with followers. The clothes we wear, the calling reservists and through the heard. We have Are we as writers, or newspaper by the white man. books we read, and the people that Selective Service System. Accord­ heard of cruelty men and women bound to give our i we select as friends and associates. | ingly, the desires of the individual The Negro, when left to himself, to cats, dogs and public news that entertains and should always reflect’ much of' , and of his employer must be eval- is an American citizen from the parrots and know of small for­ amuses them only, or. we also CeerKfM ri* h ** MN«y what we are. Otherwise, we melt | uated against the requirements for crown of his head to his heel and tunes being willed to pets to keep bound to-bring those things to our ■K’lenpv’ww vjbw rihoIf lew» rrwrwrvr fjou’»»'- ■ national defense. This is»> being stands ready to support the A them out of the hands or situation public's attention which mikes our best traits into those of the ' done thoroughly and promptly. rican flag. which may seem to thwn-crue’. them think,- even when thinking crowd that smothers them. Those \ | “Each case is judged on..Its me. Now we can admire the work dom and realizing is unpleasant and whom we most admire and seek to emqlate are those who take pride i gönn» let me nave my gat back T" rits. There is no advantage ac­ by and the purpose of the humane painful? Do you really want to be CHAPTER THIRTY-TWO .last night ano snatched a roll and, In their personal gifts, and privi- “I’ll Keep it tor a »ouvenir," cruing from seeking outside in society, but it does seem that one shielded .|-om reality) like child­ WAIT a mrnutt:.’ Shayne said a ruby bracelet from the couple '"«r» nf-*id(wep,,"nt, thinking. Fol­ -wittty Take it alow ano easy, I in it?“ Shayne growled, "and see whether fluence; but to the contrary, un- can take tills triple idea too fa. ren and given everything in pret- i lowing the fashion of the day, the front light matches the cut on necessary correspondence adds a That is, the idea of cruelty to ani­ ty clothes and sugar coating? ucy Think r>ack over last night.” "1 sure do deny that 1 can means nothing to such There are Her unblinking gaze was fixedlp ovt where 1 was at eight Dustin'« fact and whether the po­ burden to an office that is already mals might blind one to the needs Or. don't you really want to minor vices, as well, that • people m Blackie? race.' “I'm-aorry, I o'clock.” lice chemist can find traces of overworked." and wants of humanity and so con- know thereat news of the world adopt, merely because they may Mike, i aon't think I’ve ever seen "How do you know tt was done blood or. IL" 1 » rtitute cruelty to humans, which and its significance? t think you seem ^fashionable! Unfortunately, •m. anc I’m certain tie isn't the|at eight o'clock?" Blackie said, “Go ahead, i swear is of course a graver thing. And do. I think you all as Negro citi­ many of these minor fashions be­ it ain't been out of my bureau when one objects to goldfish rac­ ■nan who came in last night" “Look... you're talking about zens want truth and significance come major vices—destructive, to "Shea right.'' Blackie said. "LikeI the Dustin job. ain't you? It'S In drawer for six montha" Ho scut­ Bureau Head ing. it seems that the limit has. in your newspapers, and books. I health and character. Many of the tola you. I never been in this I all the papers about the gang tled out the door and down the been reached, the tragic and ridic- think you have been underestima­ fashions cf yesterday look mighty lace before." | grabbing a bracelet” ball. ulous has been reached The ridi- ted and Insulted in your intelli­ foolish to us today. But sincere ef­ "Close your eyes a moment,” "Where were you at eight Shayne looked distastefully at culous because our first impülse is gence and interests, by many writ­ forts, translated into deeds, live Shayne said quietly. "Go back to'o'clock?” . the gun, sighed and got up to lay to laugh at the idea of a fish he­ ers and commentators. If you think on We are inspired by what men st night, l.ucy. The man with "Me and the Kid was up to it on the tabla He looked at bis ing fatigued or suffering by swim­ so. why don't you say so and give I WASHINGTON — Clarence and women have dene, and we the mustache." Sunny Isles with a couple of watch and decided It was much ming from what seems a bigger Mitchell, Jr., director of the Wash­ us the chanee to give you what gain incentive and courage, and She closed ner eyes ana lay | broads," Blackie told him readily, too early to go calling on anyona fish a its greatest possible speed you really want1 ington Bureau of the National As- armor ourselves with increased quietly, then opened them and said "D r t v i n g back was when we He prowled around the room im­ The tragic, because people have | sociatioti for the Advancement of i------faith, because of the never-dving in a snpj.li and, despondent voice, scraped“ •*the— ■—tender—•— I1 ■was—* gettln’ mersed In thought, and stopped tn become very shallow and superficial Colored People, this week jumped example of thoto who followed no No. Michael it wasn't this man." fixed in Mickey’s Garage so the front of a book case at the end of Indeed when their aim in life in­ to the defense of Secretary of the Calf Scramble fashion, but who strove forward, "If he were wearing a gray suit boss wouldn’t know we’d been joy- the room. It still held the books cludes no more than this, or when Interior Oscar L. Chapman and (Centlnued from Page One) making nations nobler, freer " This ano a hat," Shayne ar- riding." hr had accumulated years ago. just such a preposterous proposal could branded as "incredible" the charges is worth pondering! gued.m "Clothes vwmake a 1» a aa izaflot aofF Hdit-i 9 - ''1“1 dodon’t believe a word of It, as he'd left It when be gave up be considerea seriously or present­ see, six boys. , of Senator Andrew F. Schoeppel ference." but you can probably prove tt by the apartment to go to New Or- ed as news 3. The scramble for the N F ’ a bit like that other man." "Jewels ?" draw your accusations and offer. problem, a labor problem, an In­ Six beef type calves weighing gives ammunition to the Soviet "You said a moment ago that “I dunno. Maybe, sometime*. II Synthetic. He read this passage this great citizen a public apology.” ternational problem of peace and approximately 300 pounds each will Union, which is trying to convince it wa« like a nightmare." 8hayne don't have nothing to do with thei carefully: Secretary Chapman has already, war, if we re-channeled our efforts be placed in the Arena, and the “The earliest recorded attempt Asia and Africa that the present reminded her. "That last night shop." asked the Senate Interior Commit­ from the unimportant to the es- NFA and 4-H boys in their respec- Korean conflict is a clash between was hazy and Indistinct If you “What's your job?" to manufacture synthetic rubles tee’ for Immediate hearing on the: sential. from the superficial sur- tive categories will go into the was in 1837 by a German chemist I white and non-white people." close your eyes and rest ■ while.” “I’m the gardener,” Blackie said I senator's “unsupported charges." face problems to the underlying Arena with six feet of rope and pro­ “Oh no. You don't understand, with dignity. His process consisted of fusing Walter White also suggested problems of humanity, problems of i ceed to catch a calf, secure him together chips of the natural MIchaeL That p$rt of it isn't at "Do you use brass knucks to I "that the Army investigate other stones into one larger gem, and) all. 1 can see him now as he hung knock out insect pests?" i posts to ascertain and take cor-1 the resulting rubies were called up the phone and saw me and “1 just happened to have 'em rective action if there Is similar reconstructed gem». MADAM BEU jumped at me. The other part « tn my pocket,” Blackie muttered. discrimination to that at Fort “Much later. Michaud Improved like a nightmare Afterward ... Sweat was popping out on bls Dix." Citing successful integration the process with somewhat better when 1 came to tor a moment and swarthy face. at Fart Ord, California, Mr White GRLATE8T - success by placing several large mw you...and some other men." "Is the Kid a gardener tool” said, “We know you will agree that PALMIST fragments of natural ruble« in a "All right" Shayne conceded Shayne asked sarcastically. aside from violation of Army po- revolving platinum crucible and dispiritedly. "So this isn't the guy. "No. He’s the chauffeur." HRX1 "Why did you telephone me last Iheating them to about 1800 Q He Can you describe him any better t obtained fairly large «tone« by thia Companionable men like to share a than you did last night?" night from the Sunlux Hotel to < ri» method, though the product was good thing. That’s why, at any friend­ "Just...that he wm beavy-set ask if 1 wanted to buy the ruby i and bad a sort of round face, I[ bracelet?" likely to bunt asunder from in­ I ly get-together, this 93 proof Ken­ “Me? Telephone you?" Blackie 1terior «tressea Reconstructed ran think. Not nearly u dark as this SECTION tucky whiskey gets the call I man. His mustache was kind of looked blandly innocent. “You’ve Iruble« have now been replaced tn grayish. I only got one good look got me wrong." Jth«' market by synthetic gems at him. but I'd know him again "You were going to call me back manufactured by a process devel­ oped by Professor Vemeull tn anywhere." this morning," Shayne insisted. France. In the beginning, Vemeull Shayne moved close to the bed "We can talk It over right now used small, Inferior Burma stones and leaned over. her. He touched and save the price of a calf her cheek gently with rough fin­ "1 sure don't know what you're which be crushed into powder, fusing them lntd8 one large stone gertip« and eaid. "Doot look so trying to get at" For fan Drinks worried, AngeL You know I don't "Did you ever hear the Rajah under terrific beat want you to make « fal«e Identifi­ of Hindupoor?" , “Later, he discarded the qm of cation, even though 1 wa« positive "Not as 1 recollect" crushed stones and used corundum, Blackie wa« the man 1 wanted " , “Is Bankhead a heavy-set mani a form of alumina, and thia process He nodded to Blackie and fol­ with a grayish mustache?" is In us at ths present time to Plenty of lowed him out into the living room. “He sure ain’t," Blackie an­ produce synthetic gems eommer- Blackie started tor the door, ray­ swered earnestly. “He's tall andI dally...'' ing, “That's all huh? You don't clean-shaved." A complicated and technical de­ scription of the Vemeull apparatus Genuine »rant me any more." Shayne made a gesture of dis­ and process followed. He read this “Uniformlr Fine “I want you plenty more," gust sank into a chair. “Go back Since 1869" Shayne growled when the bedroom an

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