■ A Newspaper With A Constructive Policy PER COPY VOLUME 19, NUMBER 24 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1950 « • f U.S. FORCES TRAP ENEMY IN DRIVING ATTACK Seek Fund South Koreans Strike Map Plans For Tenn. State-Lincoln Game In Memphis Fast To Ease Threats BY HOWARD RANDLEMAN World War H's battle of the Bulge, For Fire Ewtem Director gave United Nations planes a field International Newsh Service day TOKYO, Sept. 10 —(Sunday)— The sudden aerial blow so pa- (INS)—Allied Infantrymen aided nicked the Communists, who were by planes, tanks and artillery ham­ within 13 miles of the 55 mile Pu- Victims mered out gains up to six miles san Taegu lifeline, that they fled Saturday and killed or trapped from their foxholes. They were Charitable organizations of Mem­ hundreds of Communist« in easing trapped in a gully by American phis will have opportunity to de­ two threats to Taegu artillery which killed at least 100 monstrate their willingness to aid Tile South Koreans, supported Many others fled back to the those in need Recently, the home by U. 8. tanks and artillery, scor­ base of their bridgehead on the of the Rev and Mrs W T Hol­ ed the biggest gain of the day. east bank of the Naklong river. mes was demolished by fire There They struck • forward six miles Allies planes also defied the was no insurance on the house , north of Yonkchon, which lies 20 clouds and rain to drive an esti­ The Holmes’ family included miles northeast of Taegu The mated 1.500 communists from the nine children; the father Is out of South Koreans cut off well over north of Taegu, moving a U. S. work Any person wishing to make 300 Reds in a “killing ground" of First Cavalry Division officer to a donation for the rebuilding of only 10,000 square yards say: this establishment, please contact, The South Koreans also < • > >ed a "After what the air force did to Mrs M L. Twyman. 21 South gap of more than five mlle> which them, they won't dare go back ' Parkway, West. the Communists had gouged out But Communist forces on the Mrs Twyman said about $400 00 in the 18 mile highway linking southern sector regained blood- is needed to complete present build­ Yongchon and Kyongju, the gate­ drenched battle mountain, 35 mile.' ing plans way” to a 50 mile valley stretching west of Pusan, only hours after be­ to tile vital port of Pusan ing pushed off by American troops In the “battle of the Bulge" In The Red success marked the 13th Another Legal the area of Changnyong, 22 miles time the strategic height has southwest of Taegu, a sudden break ■ changed hands in two weeks. The over all situation on the 120 Stir For AME's In the clouds, like the one which helped turn the tide of battle in mile front as the war entered its In New Jersey 12th week al.-o showed: The court litigation of the New Central sector: U 8. First Ca-1 Jersey annual conference of the | valry Division troops counter at­ African Methodist Episcopal church i tacked late Saturday at the north­ PHOTO BY EARL WMS versity; C J Kincaid, of State; i experienced another legal airing in west "elbow" of the United Nation^' FIRST NEGRO DELEGATE TO U. N. ARRIVES - NEW YORK - Mrs. FOR MEMPHIS WORLD and Editor Swingler. Trenton, last week, in Superior j defense perimeter after withdraw-; Edith Sampson, Chicago lawyer and the first Negro to be ap­ ago. Court before Judge Wilfred H. ing to a defense arc only seven Final touches for the Bluff City The game, set for Friday night. The Lincoln Tigers are coached pointed to the United States delegation to the United Nations, is Jayne. The hearing disclosed that miles north of Taegu. Gridiron Classic are being discuss September 22nd, at Melrose Sta­ by Dwight Reed, former Minneso­ shown as she arrives at laguardia Field from Chicago the records and monies of the con­ cd by athletic officials of Lincoln dium, will be featuring two of the ta University football star. J ference as a result of a recent com­ Northern sector: Communist In­ aboard a T. W. A. constellation. Mrs. Sampson will be an University, Mo., and A and I. strongest grid aggregations In the Major purpose of the Bluff City plaint of Mrs Mattie E Jackson, filtrators held grimly to their sin­ State College, Nashville, with Edi­ Midwestern Conference. Local foot Classic will to bring college foot­ alternate delegate when the new session of the United Nations one of the ministers, are still in gle clamp on the kyongju-Yong- tor L. 0 Swingler at the office of ball will be availed of the oppor­ ball to high school studente. giriig General Assembly “convenes on September 19. Of her newrpost, the hands of Max J -Mareniss. the chon highway just southeast of the Memphis World. From left J tunity of seeing on homeground them an incentive to participate In Mrs. Sampson said: "It Is a great responsibility and a great chal­ receiver As yet, there has been no Yongchon. Two Red tanks were K Davis, alumnus of State, who has another Henry Kean-coached Ten­ college affairs. i order discharging them reported to have arrived to tighten lenge." charge of local arrangement for the nessee 8tate Gridiron Machine in Advaned tickets are already an Attorney for Mrs. Jackson brought the North Korean grip. big football game; Athletic Direc- action the first to perform in sale. See announcement in ttys in an amended complaint alleging North Central seotor: British tcT Ray H Kemp, of Lincoln Uni­ Memphis since the Tigers ripped edition of the MEMPHIS WORLD that Bishop D Ward Nichols and troops battled an estimated 3,000 Letter Carriers Band the Rev M E Jackson, treasurer Reds eight to 13 miles southwest of the New Jersey conference, with | of Taegu where the communist Calf Scramble Colored Tri-State Fair Feature **• diverting monies from the confer- j had torn a 600 yurd hole In the al­ conference into a special account lied lines. Of special Interest to youngsters, Makes Hit In Seattle under the name of tre First Epls- ( Southern sector: An American at the Colored Trl-State Fair next copal district, from which it is al- j It didn't take the Memphis Let­ Aurore to Dick Parker’s pavilion attack on a Communist held hill i month will be CALF SCRAMBLE, leged monies were drawn by Nich-1 ter Carriers Band ioog to r«y‘~ “ID■ where they *¡11.2'1!, on OU cxhlbi- two miles southwest of Haman, not i This feature was inaugurated in way into the heart« nf the 1foiksln tioin of drlfflrig/Toining the par­ bls and Jackson far from Battle mountain, failed 1949, and made such a hit with the faraway Seattle, Washington. The ade will be the queen contestants Tlie amended complaint also al­ COI'RT ORDERS SWANSON'S The O. Fs reached the summit be­ future farmers that R J Ruddy band was a participant In the bi­ fpr the Richmond Community Fes- leged that Mattie Jackson had at­ ADMITTANCE fore being forced to retreat fair manager, said that efforts are ennial convention of the National Uvil." tempted to use her e'cclestical being made to extend this project. RICHMOND. Va A special 3- Association of Letter Carriers, rep This Ls the fourth trip within rights, but the presiding elder re­ ——— Shown in accompanying picture judge Federal Court ordered the resenting Bluff City Branch No the past twenty-five years that the fused to accept the complaint Fur­ i Is Aaron Jones, of Route 1. Box 135 University of Virginia to admit 27 Memphis Letter Carriers Band has ther action on the case will be Hernando, Miss, with the beef calf Gregory Hayes Swanson to its law 630 At Headlines from the West Coast made to the West Coast J D presented September 15, -in the Su­ Enrolled which he won last year Aaron will school. The court entered a per­ newspapers told of the several Williams Is president of the band, perior Court be back at the Colored Trl-State manent (restraining order against ooncerts which the Memphis musi­ and Theodore Jackson is president St. Augustine's Fair In October to proudly display the university forbidding the re­ cians gave during their visit in of -Bluff City Branch No 27. N the calf which now “tips the fusal of admission to the law Seattle. Particularly < outstanding L c Joins World Staff; scale" at exactly 900 pounds school to "any Negro slmillarly Catholic School were their serenading of Rich­ “"Naturally I kept him well-fed situated.” Lawyer Swanson, pic­ mond Highland, a surburban com St Augustine grammar and high and followed all the instructions Assistant Editor tured here, was previously refus­ munlty of Seattle. THE RESI­ school departments opened the 1 given to me for raising my calf," Senator Jenner ed admission. Recent picture. DENT, community newspaper of current scholastic year with an en­ Aaron Jones told Manager Roddy Richmond Highland, reported as Replies To Bob rollment of 630 students Compar­ who with Charles Fletcher. Assist follows: ed to last years record, several ant County Agent, DeSoto, County. hundred students were denied en- Miss., visited on several nearby "The Mamphis, Tennessee Let­ LeMoyne Adds 4 Church On FEPC rollinent, due to the lack of class­ farms in the interest of the fair ter Carriers Band will parade on "Responsibility for failure of tile room space and facilities. Mr Fletcher, member of the Aurora Avenue on Tuesday, sept 5.
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