THE PORTLAND DAILY PRE<«S. BUSINESS CARDS. BUSINESS DIRECTORY THE SHIPPING BILL. for seaman THE voyage each employed; full supply Proposed Railroad up Green Mountain. Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the PEESS. of tobacco and and that any of the XLVn C0NGRESS--2d Session blankets, Tbe Ellsworth American has the following Book Binder. contents of the slop chest shall be sold from PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., H. M. SATURDAY the ra.lroad FESSENDEN, MORNING, JAN. 13. Full the time to time to any or every Beamen applying concerning projected by Bangor WIW. A. Room Text of Measure as Passed by At U7 Exchange Me. qiJINCir, It, Printer. therefor for his own use at a not exceed- at Mt. Desert: "It is understood that St., Portland, the Bouse. profit parties Exchange No. Ill Exchange Hirers. ing twenty-five centum of the reasonable SENATE. BEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE METEOROLOGICAL. per Bangor parties are contemplating the building THE MAOE STATE PRESS AGENCY Washington, Jan. 12.—The following is the wholesale value of the same at the port at INDICATIONS FOR 1HK NEXT TWENTV-FONR text of bill Washington, Jan. 12. of a railroad up Green Mountain. Two is published ovei*.lfniTR8DAF Mornin© at $2.60 a the shipping passed by the House which the voyage commenced. gen- in 51 1-2 St. Portland. HOURS. toda : Mr. Ingalls introduced a bill to for year, if paid au, anco at. $2.00 a year. Exchange Skc. 13.—Tlytt all masters and owners of provide tlemen, Messrs. Goodwin and Hilton, have NO USE FOR THEM. War Dep’t Office Signal Bo it enacted, &c. vessels shall have the to and off determining the existence and removal of the been LTITI.ES examined. Chief ( right ship pay surveying tbe ronte during the past week Rates op Advertising: One inch of space, the 8ection 1—That seotion 4131 of the Revised the men ol the President of the United Sates Officer, Washington, D C. J they employ, and all laws or part of Inability and have located engtb of column, constitutes a “square.*' Satutes be amended so as to read as to the and duties of his office it, we understand, In this octal__<13m Certain Relics of the Past- Jan 1 A. M. follows: laws requiring the payment of any renumera- discharge powers $3»50 per first week, 75 cents per Concerning 13, Square,daily S. H. A. W. Sec. 4131—Vessels registered pursuant to tmn to the for Referred to committee on judiciary. wise: Beginning at a point on tbe eastern wool three insertions or lees, $1.09; oont lin- LARMINIE, JORDAN, For New Bhipping commissioner the ship- after; England. law no others such as 60 cents. Chicago. Portland, Me Dogs that hare had Their Day* and except ehall shall be ping of if said master or The bill provides that whenever two heads shore of ing every other day after tirst week, Warmer, fair followed increas- seamen, supplied by Eagle Lake, about one-third tbe die- or weather, by according to law for owner, be of shall state in to the Half square, three insertions less, 76 eonta; duly qualified carrying and the same are hereby repealed; departments writing tance down from its ing cloudiness with local rains or snow, winds on head, where It be one week, $1.00; 50 cents per week after. S. H. LARMIME & the coast trade and fisheries or one of them provided that the duties performed by the chief justice of the supreme court that the may additional. CO., George Stephenson's “Rocket,” and the magnifi- shifting to southerly, generally lower pres- shall of to locate a and Special Notices, one-third be deemed vessels the United States shipping commissioners at home porta shall be President is unable to discharge the duties of possible wharf, going nearly Under head of “Amusements*’ and “Auction Commission merchant*. sure. and entitled to the benefits aDd cent Locomotives of to-day, are built upon the same privileges ap- performed by collectors of several ports of the his office, if the court be not then sitting the straight up the mountain side, the grade $2.00 per aquaro per week; three inser- Cautionary signals ordered from Boston to to being Sales,’’ pertaining such vessels, but they shall not United States and that no fees be for chief justice, shall within ten days convene it tions or loss. $1.50. general yet the maehiue with which the Section 8. charged about one foot in three and the distance a lit- principle, the same longer than shall continue said services. to bear and determine the Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State enjoy they summarily question tle over n mile. Connections are to be made great engineer astonished bis is now to be wholly owned by citizens, and to be com- Sec. 14.—That of.alleged inability, and it upon said hearing it Press (which has h large circulation in every part Grain, Seeds, Prtrsions, age, interesting section 2514 of the Revised by steamer, from the above point of landing, of the Cor for tirst* inser- manded by citizens of the United States. Statutes.he amended to read as follows: shall appear tosaid’court that such inability ex State), $1.00 per square 137 Commercial Me. as an illustration of the of the inven- with the foot of the lake, and from thence to and 60 oentB for each subs uent St., Portland, only beginning Sec. 2.—That section 4419 of the Revised ists shall their decision to the Vice tion, per square Sec. 2514.—That all materials of pro- they certify a CHICAGO la» La Salle St foreign Bar Harbor by regular stage line; It is also insertion. OFFICE, tion. Tbero were plasters with holes in them long BY TELEGRAPH. Statutes be amended by striking out the follow duction to be manufactured in this in- President, who shall thereupon discborge the country understood that a hotel will be erected at the Futures bought and sola on Market on ing words in the last clause “And any vessel to articles for and used in construc- and duties of the office of President. Address all communications to Chicago before BENSON’S CAPCIN POR US PLASTER neaessary summit of the mountain, size 40x80 feet walls Margins. Corrts-p/v> miscellaneous for PulleD, Bangor; Statuted he amended so to read as follows: or south of Mexico down to and includ- Also the bill to compel the payment by the merchandise; connecting over Portland Rolling Mills office, between foot of from all sorts of people. place reads 93 oars mer Lieutenam Colonel A. R. Water- Sec. 4583—No of extra Bhall Kansas Pacific Railroad of the cost miscellaneous obandtse. and Plum win re Boothbay, payment wages ing Aspinwall and Panama or or Company Corn, Wart & Bunion Solvent. xohange Sts. the> will be pleased Yet in this very fact lies the to the any ports leading danger ville; Lieutenant Colonel William Cal- be of seaman of and Miscellaneous merchandise received the PorV to see their old customers or any one else who King required upon the discharge any places in the West India Islands shall not ex- surveying selecting conveying certain by is not a caustic. people who buy and use this reliable and scientifio ais; Lieutenant Colonel Albert Lew- lands land & Ogdens burg Railroad. 27 cars. Entirely harmless; wishes to purchase or sell cooperage stock, Neeley, in any foreign country upon tbe termination ceed 30 cents ton. granted to it and to create a sinking It removes Wart*, Bunions and Callous Lieutenant per Corns, uovlo dtf remedy. “Hypocrisy is the tribute vice pays to vir- iston; Colonel W. F. Boardman, of bis agreement or his own or iu Sec. fund for the Kansas Sioux and without bleu ish. by request, 16.—That instead of asse6sments of 40 Pacific, City S'cck Market. leaving Imitation is tbe concession Calais; Lieutenant Colonel Charles C. Bur- cases where are or strand- Pacific and Central branch of the Union Brink for in each bottle. tue,” failure makws to the vessels wrecked cents pbr month upon seamen in the Paci- applying Lieutenant Colonel J. engaged The quotations of stocks aro received success. Benson’s Plasters are in rill, Ellsworth; Frank ed or condemned as unfit for service. If any and trade authorized Secs. fic railroads. Calendared. following EDWARD G parodied name Bath. foreign carrying by and corrected daily by Woodbury & Moulton (mem* |CURE IS GUARANTEED PONTON, Hayden, consular officer of any seaman 4583 and Mr. McCook of New York asked unanimous and style. upon complaint 4587 of the Revised Statutes of the bers of the Boston Stock Exchange), corner of Mid* Military Ruel T. McLel- that he has fulfilled bis contract or that the consent for the passage of the Senate bill au- Price 1ST cents. For Male bj nil Druggists Beware of swindles. Tbe Secretary—Major United Bta'es there shall hereafter be assessed ; die and Exchange streets. BARRISTER AND ATTORNEY genuine have the word lan, Portland. the AT LAW voyage is coutmued contiary to his agreement and collected 20 cents. thorizing President to place Gen. Mont- new York stocks Central Pacifie, 87% it ai d wil! be convinced like thousands CAPCINE cot in the centre. Price 25 cents. Sea ThomaB Try you 'OTARI PUBLIC Chaplain—Rev. Tyrie, Aubnrn. is satisfied that the contract has expired or Sec. 17—That the individual of the gomery C. Meigs on the tetired list of the Missouri Pacific, 103% Tex *s Pacific, 40% who have used it a d now to i’s value. Ac, liability testify bury & Johnson, Chemists, New York. that the has not been coit nued with of Wabash preferred 64% boston stocks. I A ah for Mchlotieibeck’M lorn and The Governor and Council a voyage by ship owner shall be limited to a of army pay major general. Wart jaulu WS&w2w2nrm to-day granted proportion Buf. Pit.& W com 18 Boston 6 and Canada. circumstances within tbe control of the master or all debts that Mr. Springer of Illinois suggested that the Land, take no Belleville, his individual — Solvent other. Ontario, pardon to Dennis Lannahan now in Aroostook any St. L & Frisco 1 st Water he shall the but in case Fitz John Porter bill be also put its Power, 2% nov23 sndtf discharge maiiner, Bbare of the vessel bears to the whole, upon Omaha Flint & Pere Mar- Collections made on reasonable terms in all part* for assault. common, 62% jail the consular officer shall be satisfied that the and liabilities of all the owners of passage. Deuver « K. 4 of Canada, and remitted. aggregate G, 4% quette common, 23 promptly ang7dGm master has Mr. McCook uf New York — SPECTACLES MADE TO SUIT ALL Resolutions on Mr. Morrill’s Death. desiguedly continued the voyage he the vessel on account of the satre shall not ex- advocated the Frisco pref^rrred 64% Hartfo»d&Erle 7« 'DEFECTS OF VISION. Artificial from said master tbe of bis bill. HIUXTDS’ The Governor’s Conncil to-day took notice shall|require the payment ceed the value of such vessel; provided this passage Omaha pieferred. 111% A. T. & S. F.. 80% Eic« Fitted. ( It. I TKI I V. of one mouth’s extra over and above the not Mr. Thomas of Illinois objected. Nor. Pac prefer’d 86V4 Boston & Maine, 160% Day provision shall affect the liability of any 44 4 Exchange St no7eodsiX>ni of Senator Morrill's death and passed Mr. of common 48% Flint & Pere Mar- appro- wages due at the time'of discharge. But in owner incurred to the of this Humphrey Wisconsin from the com- KORSAI.K previous passage Pacific — 99 priate resolutions. case the master of the vessel shall the mittee on judiciary back the Senate Mail, quette prefd, provide act nor prevent any claimant from joining all reported St. 81 L. R & Ft HONEY AND ALMOND bill to increase the fees of route wit- .Joseph pref, Smith, 40 said seaman with on the Star For Kale. adequate employment owners in one action, nor shall the same apply O. & M., — Marquette, Hugh- buard some nesses from west of the other ship bound to tbe port at tc wag. s due persons employed by said ship coming Mississippi Mo K. & Texas, 33% ton & Ont. com. 83 PARTNER’S Interest in a manufactur C a — R EA M I MAINE. which he was originally shipped or to 6ome owners. river under subpoena or under direction of Nor. & West’c prf Summit Br nch, 7 SENIORing business, established forty years, located other as may be agreed upon by or Sec. 18 —That when a the department of justice. Passed. Louis & Nash. 66% Mexican Cent’l 7s. 73% in th s city. Junior Partner to continue. Address For Clmppcd Hands, Face A Lips, port him, steam or sailing ves- famish means of him baak to snch Mr. of chairman of Rich, & Dan. 62 Va “S.” Box 937. dec30dlm R«>ugb or Hard Hkiu. Sunburn, Irrita- sendiog sel is built in the United States for foreign Bingham Pennsylvania, or him with home or de- the committee on post offices and roads Satee at the Boston Brokers’ Board. Jan. 12 tion, In- Fire at Basin Mill*. poit provide passage account, wholly or partly of foreign material post Itching,« hallngs, (e pcclalivof with the consular officer such a sum of back a resolution on the Bangor. Jan. 12.—A fire at Basin Mills this posit ou which import duties have been paid there reported calling Portland, Saco & Portsmouth R. R.112 fants,) Excoriations, Burns, Scalds, Blis- of the Interior for information aB to money as is by snch officer deemed sufficient shall be allowed on such vessel when exported Secretary For Sale. ters, (after piasters,) Sore Chil- morning destroyed the dwelling honse belong- whether the land railroads Nipple., to defray tbe expenses of bis subsistence and a drawback equal in amount to the duty paid grant have complied Nfw Vsrk HtoeU and Honey Market. blains, ^ait Ec- to Dennis Cronin. Furniture with the laws of construc- Scaly Eruptions, Rheum, ing mostly saved. passage home then no payment of extra wages on such material to be ascertained under such Congress tespecting (By Telegraph.) E. well zema, and all shall be tion and maintenance of their own EASTMAN BROS, k Schooner Sarah Smith, found uupleasant conditions of The property was insnred. required. regulations as may be prescribed by the Secre- telegraph New York, Jan. 12.—Money on cali(loaned down sails, anchor and chains with new the skin of like lines for the use of the and from to closed offered mercantile FISHINGringing, character. Sec. 5.—That Sec. 4582, Revised Statutes, tary of the Treasury. Ten per cent, of the j government public. 4% 3; 3; prime standing Apply to Fires in Oldtown and Lagrange. Exchange at 4.81% tor rigging. As a Lotion to preserve and be amended to read as follows: amount of such drawbacks so allowed Adopted. paper 5%fq}6. steady long brighten shall, and 4.85% for short. Governments are E. 117 Commercial the Bangor. Jan. 12.—A in Sec. 4082.—Whenever a vessel to be retained Mr. Joyce of Vermont presiuted a petition generally FREEMAN, Complexion and to restore the .kin building Oldtown, belonging however, for the use of the United weak. State bonds Railroad bonds moder- a citizen of the United States is sold in a for- of 330* citizens of Vermont a reduction strong. Sfree*, Poitland Me. or to its freshness and purity and impart owned by Wm. Bean and occupied as a saloon States the collector paying the same. asking ately active and irregular. of the tax on tobacco. Referred. BANCROFT. eign country and her company discharged it Sec. 19—Whenever for- The are of F. A. Snow, Wellfle^.t Mass. the BLOOM OF HEALTH,no was burned to the this any fine, penalty, I following to-day’s closing quotations preparation by Joseph Cady, ground shall be the duty of tbe master to to The House resumed the consideration of the de27 dim* can approach this Fmul.ion. Its produce feiture, exaction or charge arising under the Government Securities: Elegant forenoon. the consular officer a certified list of his bill, the the United States 3s. and ship’s laws relative to vessels or seamen shipping pending question being bonds, 103% purifying, cleansing beAling prop- and also the and committee substitute as for the 18th do do do 5s. ext.102 The blacksmith shop at Lagrange, kept by company shipping articles, have been paid under protest to any amended, erties render the skin > do do do 4%s, REAL ESTATE. beantifnlly soft, pay said consular officer for every seaman s collector of cestoms or consular section. reg.113% and of a satin-tike texture. Doble, was consumed by fire Thursday night, do do do 4%st coup..113% pure discharged one month’s pay over and above officer, and has been made Mr. Knott of Kentucky moved to strike out with tools. There was a small application do do do 4s, reg.119% It contains no Oil, Grease or Chemi- insurance in the wages whsch be then due such sea- of the substitute all the for draw- For Sale. may within one year from such payment for refund- provision do do do 4s, coup.119% i» neat and man. case the master back. He stated that bis was to cals, cieauly. will not Color, the Bangor Mutual. But in of said vessel so or remission of the same, the of intention Pacific 68, ’95.lZtt Barn and n few acre* of Land. ing Secretary itouRe, Stain or Soil the sold said 6eaman with em- strike out the clause. Lost 93 to 131. Grand Final Sale Spot, finest fabric, and provide adequate the Treasury, if on investigation he finds such subsidy The are the 5 mile* out. J. R. THORNTON following closing quotations Stocks: CANNOT most ployment on bo *rd some other ship bound to exaction or The amendment offered by Mr. Mills was nov25dtf Oak Hill, Scnrboro. injure lhe delicate or sen- fine, penalty, forfeiture, charge was & Alton... 136 the at which he was or The vote then recurred on the com- Chicago sitive skin. MAINE LEGISLATURE. port originally shipped illegally, improperly or excessively imposed, rejected. Chicago & Alton pref..140 Of Ladies’, Misses’ & sncn other as be mittee substitute and it was GENTLEMEN AFTER SHAVING, will to port may agreed upon by him shall have power either before or after the agreed to, yeas Chicago, Bur. & Quincy. 123% or means of 134. 86. find it to famish sending him back to such same has been covered into the treasury, to nays Erie. 40 TO LET very grateful allay irritation, or him with limits the amount of drawback to the Erie port provide passage home or de- refund as much of fine, penalty, forfeitnre, ex- [It pref.. 82 prevent chaps and soreness. SENATE. tax collected in one and Illinois posit with the consular officer such a sum of action or charge as he may think from tonnage any year pro- Central.144% proper Lake Augusta, Jan. 12. money as iB by sueh officer deemed sufficient any in the not otherwise vides free ships and free materials.] Shore.112% WINTER To Let with Board moneys treasury ap Central. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED The Senate committee on was to defray tbe expenses of his subsistence and ted. The section exempting vessels in Michigan 97% temperance propria engaged New Central. SUITE of Parlors and one single room, at 99 then no of extra the trade from state taxation Jersey 70% — — passage home, payment wages Sec. 20. That section 290(3 of the Revised foreign carrying A HIGH comer of SPRING ST. PREPARED BY announced today as follaws: Northwestern. 133% shall be required. Statutes be amended out the having been reached Mr. Page moved to strike janl2 dlw* Messrs. Maxwell of Tabor of by striking words Northwestern pref. 147% York, Waldo, Sec. 6 —That Seo. 46C9 of the Revised Stat- it from the bill in order to save 13 or 20 consti- New York A. S- HINDS, Apothecary, Stearns of Oxford. “propelled in whole or in part by steam,” so Central.126% utes be amended to read as follows: tutional Motion was to. Rock To Let. POK1 ME. said tectinn as amended shall read as follows speeches. agreed Island.124% ! LAND, It was Union GARMENTS ordered that when the Sec. shall be tbe of Mr. offered the substitute for the Pacific Senate ad- 4,800.—It duty Con- Section 2966.—When merchandise shall be Crapo four- Stock.106% floors in store No. 446 Fore w ith St. Paul street, it be to meet on next at 11 sular officers to reclaim diseniers and di-eon- imported into of the United States ! teenth section which was agreed to. pref. -....121% steam power. on the premises. journed Monday any port St. THREE Apply countcuauce insubordination by every means from in Mr. Reed mrved to strike out sections 18, 19 Paul.103 janl2 dtf ESSENCE ofTlAlTINESS o’clock in the forenoon. any foreign country vessels, and it Western Union Tel. 82 in tbeir and where local officers can be I and 20 of the bill which contain power, shall appear by bills of lading that tie mer- drawback, Exercises then took on the FOR THE- place death of usefully employed for that purpose too lend so i free ships and free material and the Desirable Residence To Let. chandise imported is to be delivered imme- provisions (xloucedter I'ah market. we Seaator Morrill. A eulogy was pronounby their aid and use their exertions to that and in diately at the of the vessel, the Collector ! machinery for carrying out those provisions. To-day begin house on State Street, renlal for entry | |FOR THE WEEK ENDING Jan. 11. the most effectual manner. In all cases where of such lake of mer- ] Agreed to, yeas 159, nays 54. three or less. Immediate TOOTH ACHE. Senator Young of Cumberland, at the close of port may possession such FIRST-CLASSyears possession can are the The bill was Codfish—Market firm at $74 the sale of deserters apprehended consular offi- chandise and the same in a bonded then amended in several un- Georges V qtlfor closing be had. Inquire of G. W. VERRILL, 191 Middle or which he the deposit and $54 for medium. cured Bank at presented following resolutions: cers shall inquire into the facts and if satisfied and important particulars. large Georges 15 Gray Street. janiOdtf warehouse, when it does not appear by the $64 and Bank at and all our Winter Gar- A. S. HE. the death of Lot M. the diBertion was caused Motion Mr. $5 £> qtl. Dry-cured $64 HINDS, PORTLAND, Whereas, By Morrill, that by unusual and bills of lading that mercnandise so imported by Cox to recommit was lost and janll lpeodlm the people of this State and nation have been cruel treatment he shall be aud re- the bill ments. Store to L.et. discharged is to be immediately delivered the collector of passed. Cusk at $54 V qtl. Haddock $44, Hake $3%, called to mourn the loss of an eminent states- ceive an addition to his to the time of ICasson to a of wages customs may take possession of the same and rising question privilege to Pollock $34; slack salted do $44 l^qt. O 124 Exchange St. Steam power if wanted man ]W[ ; therefore his discharge one mouth’s pay, or the master a the clerk’s desk and had read an editorial in Boneless and prepared fish 64 to 64c & ft far The prices at which IN Possession 13th inst. deposit in bonded warehouse at jthe request That the shall him with a New York on the lower and 7 to 9c for codfish. New E. H. DAVEIS. Resolved, Senate.desires.to place on provide adequate employment of the owner, master or consignee of the vessel paper commenting discre- grades genuine janbdtf record its Smoked Halibut 12c lb; Smoked Salmon at are marked grateful remembrance of his high on board, some other ship bound to tne port on three notice to such after pancy between the civice service bill as it $> 17c; they days’ collector Scaled at 28c box; No l at tuck* endowments, his life of uprightness and puri- at which he was originally Bhipped or to snch of the passed the Benate aDd the text as telegraphed Herring $* 22c; must insure a TO LET. entry vessel. 18c. Smoked Alewives $1 $> hundred. quick ty and his eminent services to the State and ether port as may be agreed upon by bim, or That section 267 of the Revised Statutes be from Washington. Kassen sent the bill of the in upper part of the twelve rooms. Mackerel—Nothing doing; prices nominally at City, nation, and its deep sense of bereavement and furniBh means of sendiog bim back to snch a amended of the senate as it came from senate withiut and bbl for sale. Gas » nd Inquire of DR# by adding thereto the following:” $15, $12 $9 is, 2s, and 3s. HOUSEFurnace, Sebago. loss. or him with a home or of “t” or of with the SYi.V ESTER 412 Congress Street. port provide passage de- “When a license to unload between setting crossing dotting “i,” same Herring—We quote new round Shore $44 bbl.; That a committee of five officer a as and some ink went back to choice Nova Scotia The stock consists dtf 'mmmk Resolved, bo ap- posit with the consnlar such sum is anti of the sun is to a ves- paper the Senate split $«4; medium do $44; janlO rising granted sailing without small do of pointed by the president to represent the Sen- by such officer deemed sufficient to defray tbe seljunder this section fit.uniiorm and reasonable bearing the mark of any person con- $4; Bay Fundy gibbed $34; Nova Sco- Old Dr. Pitcher's r tia do : Labrador Plush Trimmed jedy for ate at the funeral of Mr. Morrill. of his subsistence nd passage nected with the House of $34 $7 4. expenses home; compensation may be allowed to the inspector Representatives, Trout at Pickled Codfish Children's That s of the the endorsement to $144 V bbl; $74 ;Had- HOLSE TO LET. Complaints. Resolved, copy above resolu- and tbe officer discharging him shall enter up- or inspectors for service between the except necessary signify dock Jackets in Great setting its $«4, Halibut Heads $34, Tongues $124; 4 tions, signed by the president and secretary of on the crew list and shipping articles the and rising of the suu approval by the House. Clause referred to Especially adapted to children.*» under such regulations as Sounds $124, Tongues and Sounds at $124, Alo the Seuate, be presented to the of cause of the discharge and tbe particulars in the in the article did not appear in that bill and he wives Swordfish Plush and On Lincoln a house family Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe to $5; none; Halifax Salmon $22r£ Yariety. Street, Woodfords, Dr. Alex. Robertson, 1057 2d N. Y the deceased as an of our the or unusual treatment was informed it was struck out in the California do Av., expression sympathy which cinelty consis- be received by the collector from the master, Senate. $23; $19; Newfoundland do $27®29; containing nine finished rooms, healed and condolence. Shad a Fines Fur Trimmed ( loth ted aud the facts as to the discharge or re-en- owner or consignee of the and to be Adjourned. $114; $15. iunmet*. Rent. month. En- ‘Pleasant, Harmless and Wonderfully Efficacious.’" vessel, Fresh Halibut—None on the marxet. b) $20 per Resolved, That as a further mark of as the case may be and subscribe his to respect gagement paid by them the inspector or inspectors. Frozen of L.J PERU Dr. A. J. Green, Royerton, Ind. to Mr. now Herring—In ready sale at $2 100. Dolmans. Plush quire IMS, Morrill, this Senate adjourn. name thereto officially. Sec. 22—That all acis and of acts in parts Market Fish—To-day’s sales at $4 p cwt. for 489 Congress street. The motion was -ec. 7.—That section 4581 of the Revised conflict The Ella. and Fur Trimmed 'Iprescribe it as superior to any known remedy.’" seconded by Senator Le- with this act are hereby repealed. steak codfish, $4 for mark t do and 44 for had- nol7 dtf Statutes be amended to read as follows: Dr. H. A. Archer, 6 ’‘crtland Av., Brooklyn. broke of Piscataquis, who addressed the Sen Capt. Matthews of the bark Ella—the vessel dock; fresh tongues 10c ^ ft.; codfish cheeks 4c ^ Russian Sec. 4581.—11 aDy consular officer when dis- lb. Circulars. ate. ran down a Choice Rooms for Rent. seaman shall to by collision with a steamer Dec Pure Medicine Oil $1 25 crude ai Dastoria is not narc ;c. chargiug any neglect require gal, do 80c, Mothers, Nurse Blackflsh 011 Fur Trimmed Rlia- 639 St. some excellent front rooms were also made Senators Rust payment of and collect the extra and 14th an account of which was in the 66c;.Cod do 46c; Shore do at 45c;Por- Congress and Doctors agree thp for Sour-Stomaeh. Speeches by wages THE MILWAUKEE HORROR. published or all gie do, 44al45c. AT single in suits, have the sun Hot charges required to be paid he shall be ac- at day. of Waldo aud Weeks of Ifennebee. Press the time—says his lights were al1 ton: Fish do do dames Circulars. a«d cold water, heat steam, sp'endid bath room Flatulency, Diarrhoea, and Constipation to seaman to the Porgie 8crap.$15 $12;Liver $9: by countable such full amount Medicine Oil accommodations. at HOOSE. The resolutions received a at the time of the and lookouts Livers 60c -D bucket; do ordinary 40 App.y nothing is so prompt as old Dr. Pitcher’i passage by rising thereof; aud if any seaman shall after discharge right collision, Fur Trimmed Rha- dec3v/ eod2w* @50c. Castoria. By assimilating the food. vote and the Senate adjourned. have iucurree any expense for board or other in position, but the steamer kept right on her necessaries at the of his Searching Ruins for Bodies of Lire dames Dolmans. Castoria gives robust health and nat* The president appointed as committee to place discharge before the. coarse colliding with tbe bark. Five of the Chicago 8ioek market. 110 8 EL TO LE 4SE shipping again such expenses shall be out ural sloop# attend the funeral, Messrs. Lebroke of Piscat- paid the Dead. crew then ran off with a boat all (By Telegraph.) Fur Trimmed Ot- of the wages to which he shall be entitled (containing Chicago, Jan. 12.—Hogs Receipts 30,000 head: The International otel. Portland, He. the oars and aquis, Hume of Washington,,Rust of Waldo, which shall be retained for that purpose and boat-gear on board) to reach the shipments 45< 0 head; brisk and higher, mixed 5 80 toman DolmanN. House is in close @6 30; 6 16tifc0 70; 5 2 situated proximity U -ho Clark of Oxford, and Parkhurst of Aroostook' the balance ouly be paid over to bim. steamer while Capt. Matthews was examining heavy light 90@6 80; skips landings of the European, New York tnd oos* 400@6 30. THIS Sec. 8 —That section 4584 of the Revised _ Fur Seal ton Steamers ano the Grand Trunk < HOUSE. into the vessel’s injuries. In an hour and a isaeques. opposite 'epot. Statutes be amended to read as follows: SEVERAL POUND BURNED BEYOND connection with other parts of the half afterward’s a boat from Domestic Ilnrkef*. Easy city by In the House the Sec. 4584 —Whenever consnlar officer the steamer came 1 extra Fur Lined street cars. It is in tirst-class order throughout and following petitions were any RECOGNITION. (By Telegraph.) of seaman receives near enough for Matthews to ask for aid—as will be leased t- responsible parties furnished or un- presented: upon discharge any wages New York, Jan. 12.—Flour market—Receipts Dolman. furnished at a leas mable rental. of due said seaman be shall at once the sum Ulsters Inquire pay his crew had deserted him—in order to work 22,617 bbls; exports 390 bbls; very steady and P. Mo. For more stringent divorce laws au22dtf AUG. FULLER. Portland, The Great to said seaman except as provided for in sec- prices without quotable change with a moderate Healing Remedy. Of T. R. Roberts and for a the pumps. The boat would’nt come near Havelocks, &c., &c. others, telegraph tioii45.il of tbe Revised Sutu'es. export and home trade demand sa'es 19,200 bbls. An infallible cure for line from Bar Harbor to Ellsworth. to take tbe and rest of the Flour 2 at 2 Rheumatism, Sci- Sec. 9.—Section 4578 of the Revised Statutes Milwaukee, Jan. 12.—The work of rescu- enough captain quotations—No 40@3 25; Superfine atic;*, Worlds,Burns, Of citizens of Lewiston, asking for re-enact- Western and State at 3 35 a 3 8ft; “common to Neuralgia, Sprains, shall he amended to read as follows; ing human bodies was continued from an crew off, and so a life-line was thrown to the good TO -itiff Joints, Jpavin, and Lameness from ment of the ten hour law. early extra Western and State 3 75 a 4 40; good to choice LET. Sec. 45b».—A U masters of vessels hour The work of 120 men is any cause. For the belonging to-day. carried steamer’s boat, a boat from the bark contain- do at 4 60@7 00; common to choice White Wheat _ discouragement of divorces. hasty to citizens of the United States and bound to on, without and little is extra 6 Middle 2d For constitutional however, system very tbe and rest Western at 25@7 On; fancy do 7 16@7 25; No..235i/fe St., story, ov- prohibition. of the same are ing captain of the crew, was P.T.Barnum, the groat Showman, says:— some port required to take accomplished. Shortly after 10 o’clock the common to extra Ohio at 3 50: common CHAMBERSer stores occupied by Merrill & Kei.h, and A. An act to incorporate the Portland Trust good 8o@8 such destitute seamen on boaru their vessels at remains of a was and in the sea, towed te the to choice e»tra St. Louis at 3 Patent L. Merry, hatter. These chambers have been occu- ‘Among my vast troupe of Equestrians, Team- charred* body found at the lowered, raging 80@6 7o; Company. the of vice commer- Minnesota extra gook to prime 6 GOaO 60: choice pied by Mr. Fernal 1, Merchant Tailor for many sters, Horses, Camels, and Elephants, some are request consuls, consuls, north end of the Broadway front—the first steamer. The steamer people offered no dry The resolves to double extra do at 6 6* *»ill extra vear«: are in the centre of business, spacious, well relating to the headland lights cial agents, or vice commercial agents respect- and only body found. It wds charred *@7 60; City always strained, bruised, or wounded. My Sur* beyond elothes, but next day sent thirty men aboard for W I at 5 26@5 50; 190*» No 2 »t 2 36; located and have all modern improvements. In- on the coast of Maine were as ively and to transport them to the port in The fiesh was burned off the 40@3 1,- and passed, follows: recognition. 200 Superfine at 3 Southern com- quire of W. W. or ELIAS gcons Yeterinaries all say, that for casual* the United States to which snch vessel be the bark to pump and As the storm in- 35@3 85; firm; THOMAS, THOMAS, That the may lower extremities. What remnants are left of patch. mon to fair 4 1(5; good to choice 5 1506 66. Commercial St. ities to men and is a? Resolved, Legislature of Maine re- *0@6 aug5dtf animals, nothing bound on Buch terms, not 310 for the dress show the is that of a wo- creased at were all ordered back to spectfully aud earnestly remonstrate against exceeding night body night they Wheat—receipts 75.600 bush; exports 87,228 efficacious as Centaur Iiiniment.” each person,as may be agreed between the mas- man. Shreds of the dress cash lots firm and without much any change in the two lights at Elizabeth cannot be removed the steamer. The next night while tbe steam- bush; change; op- Cape master and coubuI bat for off the tions closed a trifle under best sales 433 Fifth Av., New York, May 0th, 1875. and the two at Matinicus believ- officer; long voyages without tearing flesh. From the locality rates; 2,182,- lights Rock, disabled condition er was towing the bark the storm was so severe 000 bush, 330,000 bush on th«* No 3 that the and peculiar of snch sea- of the body it is thought it is that of Miss including spot; ing proposed changes therein by the Red at l 07% al 08: No 2 Red at 1 13%; TO LET. men there shall be allowed the master or own- Libbie Challis, who was seen at the window of the captain of the steamer said he would not 12%@l Lighthouse Board will endanger life and be No 1 at 1 17; No 2 White at 1 0»>: No 1 White, 66,- w er of snch vessel such reasonable the sixth dTuThat cowl disastrous to the interests of compensa- story shortly before the Broadway tow them any and would send a boat to 000 bush at 1 firm; Western 7« shippiug this to longer part 10%. Rye @ tion, not exceed 30 cents per day, in ad- side fell. The remains were embedded in the State at State, and to the foreign commerce onr take them off. The bark's crew then to 71c; 72c; Canada at 71c. Bnrlev steady. Store M. 117 & Hit Middle St. seeking dition to allowances herein as Bliall bricks. The news of the proposed Clara closed at —„ _ shore. provided body being taken to strong outside sates; receipts 57,* be deemed equitable by the collector of the the like wildfire and desert but, upon Matthews’ 083 bush; exports 39,368 bush sales 08.000 the Post where all the Resolved, That a of these resolutions morgue spread thousands Capt. pleading, 2,* Office large copy bush on No 3 at port of the United States which the vess .l of are now there. and the seven bush, including 112,000 spot 63c; Wholesale Houses are located, in RIRIGO. be forwarded by the Secretary o 1 State to each may people fact that of the steamer’s crew HELOAT Jobbing dry the same to be under No 2 new 67%@67% c in elev; o d do and other Classes of Fitted member of from reach, paid such regula- Much indignation is manifesto! at tho blun- 62%@69%; goods, Fanoy goods. up The Franco-A merlean Form. Congress this State, and that volunteered to stay by the bark, held on, No 2 for January at 67%®68c, at 67%c; Brick and Iron Ele- tions as may be prescribed by the of work as earried on and insufficient they closing with two Counting rooms, Safe, they be requested to keep these long established Secretary dering February closed at 67c March 6«%c; April 66c; Gas and with VARIABLE DIAGRAM for cutting and fitting the Treasury. EverJ such master who refuses force. The action of the Council has and Matthews just succeeded in getting the vatoe, Counters, Tables, Water, light headland as they now are and caused May 64%c. Out* a shade stronger and fairly ac- and basement all in air. Heated A DRESSES for LADIES’ and CHILDREN, as lights kept same on the or All kinds of airy perfect rej by maintained. the request order of such con- such general condemnation and threatening, vessel safely into New York. tive; receipts 28,050 bush; sales bu*h No3 a of H. THOMPSON 3 64 well as nil GARMENTS from the shoul- 649,000 furnace. Inquire E. depending sul or officer shall be liable to the Uuited that another is called fcr this after- at 45c; White 46%@4H%c: No 2 at 46c; White at Brackett where the be der. The is very simple, al The meeting St. keys may found. Diagram being figured, resolutions providing for a constitutional States in a of for each No 1 White at 51 Mixed dtf it is adapted *qualy to PROFESSIONAL and penalty $100 seaman so noon to employ a larger force and to get elec- 47%@48c: a*46%c; %c; oot2 amendment The of Western Waite Mixed State 48; HOME use with p inted EXPLANATIONS; and is prohibiting the sale of liquors was refused. certificate any snch consular irio appliances for work at night. Richmond- 44a47c; 47@50c PURE White 49%@51c. *ug»r steaiy; refine*! is firm; CANDY especially arranged forb ginners. It can be learned taken and Mr. Eaton of ad- officer given under his hand and official seal W. A. Hall, of Laporte, Ind., died this fore- np, Camden, Beulah Lodge No. 23 Daughters iof Rebekah standard A 8%@8% ; others unchanged Molassee FKOM perfectly wi'h less practice than is required b- any shall be presumptive evidence of the refasal noon. \ dressed the Honse at steady. Petroleum unchanged Tallovr firm; other SYSTEM. It is also based up n the original ! length. in of law was instituted Grand Mas- any court having jurisdiction for Five bodies were buried this morning, viz.: Thursday evening. 9ales 100,000 lbs Pork held stronger; sales 260 15 to 50r?ci*. it tailor system. Full in-tructions given on and after I Resolutions on pound. the death of Senator Mor- recovery of the No master of D. G. ter S. W. Grand Joshua new mess on at 18 18 Jan. 16th, at the MILLINERY Store of Mrs, A. L. pesal’y. any Powers, Mary Conroy, Bessie Brown, Cook, Secretary, spot 25, closing 37%@1R 60. to vessel be to take a Ild NELS AND Y ACHT» sold all debtor, late in his shipping agreement for allotment of 8 % reals for 96 degrees tes :buycrs otTer 3% reals. LOTH'S by leading prove their debts and choose one or more assignees mont; John Totman, Walter E; Jj2» dlawSty must tear fur- Gold Weather In Virginia. of the he earn In North car Clinton; Luce, Spanish 1.88%® 1.89. clothiers, the “SILK HANGERS,” of his estate, will be held at a Court of auy portion wages may to his Anson Thursday morning the gold nished Insolvency Newburg. » steady on Uuited States 60 by the Selling Agents to all parties ordering to be holdeu at Probate Court room in said Petersburg, Va., Jan. 12—The weather wife, father, mother, house, two cars and a mail and xchange days gold Port- grandfather, grandmoth- passenger bag- Trial Justices—J. Gilman short S. K. NILES, the goods. on Reed, 8%@8% prom; sight 9%@10% reals. land, the fifteenth day of January, A, l>. 1883, this morning is the coldest since 1880. The er, child, grandchild, brother, sister, or to auy gage combination car, the property of the Brookline; ten Edward F. Ross, Poland; Milton L. Agent, A CO., at o’cl *ck in the forenoon. thermometer registered 4° above zero. The savings bank for the benefit of such seaman Somerset railroad, were burned. The fire is Abbot, Advertising Wendell, Fay Given under hand the first above Dexter; Nelson Brown, Atkinson. fcaretpean 71 nr It ru SELLING MIDDLESEX COMPANY’ my date written. ground is covered with snow and is and to no other person or corporation. supposed to have started from a hot stove in 4M Wistll e I'OV »T., BOSTON AGENTS, H. R. sleighing Publics—Horace H. unlcations that are not nsed. islands, says Griffis, nearly equal and Her Own Excellent vigor interest. There have been written Barrili. Translated by Clara Bell. (New Comedy Company# to Minnesota or to Great Britain. In general — already numerous works upon Persia, Assyria, York: William S. Gottsberger; Portland: INCLCDUKO— Bbape and relative position to Asia it resem- in Mr. II111 • Russia's Asiatic March etc., by specialists architecture, numismat- Frank B. Clark.) An ingenious and brilliant Do not think because of the •ow that the Shirts are not worth Barton bles our peninsula of Florida. Traditions and prices ics and other but as a MEDICINES departments; balanced, novelette, with the inimitable gayety of Ital" attention. Call and examine them and o> e, and U Russia's inarch to the Bosphorus is barred tend to show that the Chinese your try geology prov- adequate and complete survey—so far as mod- for the ian comedy. Impossible, voluble as a mask at if not in the cash will be ret unded. MISS DYAS present, hut she is still striding to ince of Shantung and Corea were once con- satisfactory every way, Will ern science has been able to revive anoient the carnival, it is full of rapid and tireless wit. Appear as the south-ea'st of Asia. Her in nected ; and the waters which join the Gulf of HESTER progress things—this series of volnmes will remain au- FOR EVERYBODY. GRAZEBROOK that direction has been rapid. It is now Pechili and the Yellow Sea need but an eleva- thoritative. in Tom Taylor's Ster.lng Comedy, Quintus Claudius. A Romance of since the Russian tion of a few feet to raise them above the sea- Imperial thirty-two years Iroops Eckstein. of Rome- By Ernst Translated by made their at the mouth of the level, while the province of Manchuria which History Ancient Art. By Dr. Franz von good place Clara Bell. New York: William S. GottsDer- We a full stock A,I MATCH borders the water rises but a few feet Reber. Translated and keep UNEQUAL above augmented by Joseph " 2471IDDLE STREET. Sir ou the Sea of Aral. Immed- it, A. B. Reserved Seats 81.00 and 75 cents. Admission Darya river, Portland: Short & and is Thacker Clarke. Port- ger; Loring,. Harmon.) janl2 BUTLER, d3t of fO cents. 35 cents. Sale nearly impassable in heavy rains. The (New York: Harpers; everything belong- Gallery of seats «<>m iately afterwards they began to push their One of the romances founded upon studies mences Thursday, Jan. 11. description of Corea, its rocky islands with land : Loring, Short & Harmon.) An exceed- of to a first class janSdtd way up that river, and further iuto the heart antiquity, in which Professor Ebers’s brilliant ing drug cone-bearing trees, the winding chain of in- ingly compact and competent survey of ancient of Asia. Above them was the vast Siberiau success has led to much imitation his tore. land monntains and the strip of waste land art, written by Dr. Reber iu 1871; and which among MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT. German region lying between the Arctic Ocean and with the Corean has been and contemporaries. Quintus Claudius is which government has sur- lately under process of revision GREAT TOWEL SALE. Tin p will be a Musical Entertainment and an and has both the Ch'nese boundary, and extending from rounded the country lest it tempt invaders, is addition by author and translator together. interesting tale, literary merit Reading the Ural mountains to strait below and power; but the reader’s satisfaction is Behring ; very striking. The fauna, says Mr. Griffis in The march of recent science has beeji so rapid All nr Wednesday Evening, Jan. 17tlit much marred the mass of foot- Linen, from was Turkestan, into which the British were his vivid fashion, suggests at once India, Eu- that a writer upon antiquity almost needs to by pedantic jlfllTQ Perfumes, in the New notes with which the text is encumbered. looking from their strong fortifications in rope, Massachusetts and Florida. Horses are publish a weekly supplement to his volumes. EXTRA SIZE, fa 9 Ufa 81 I Oi Professor Eckstein is not, to be held Lubiu, Vaughan Street Chape the Punjaub. Whatever were the ulterior mo- numerous but mostly small and stunted. Im- To the student of art and ancient history, this however, wholly responsible for this intrusion of foot- Mrs. f'ha-e, ttoprab tives of the Russians is locked in the silence mense numbers of oxen are found in the south- will be found a very valuable manual, suited SEE OUR BIG CORNER WINDOW. Pinaud, ITIvm. Jennie King T|«rrnon, Contrail* ern notes. He purposely avoided the Hr AVGl Tenor. of the tombs of czars and their part of Corea. Sheep exist only as they for purposes of individual or class study. It is disturbing MiorUbridge, counselors, Hr. Beckett, Barii«»ne are from China reader with constant references, and had ar- but the result is a matter of The imported for sacrificial pur- fully illustrated, and gives clear explanations Hr-. Nellie Holland Pinnial. history. them as an Piver, The Chinese are on of the of men ranged appendix, where the trans- Inducements to this week. Hi— Helen C.'oe nod David Houlton, Russians strode and east- poses. pressing to the architecture, portraiture and ani- Special Carpet Buyers K-q.y steadily silently lator would better Reader- janl2dft waste land, and the Coreans have not force to mals, conventional of have plated them in the and in and ornament, coloring etc., Please Give Us a Cali. ward, 1805 reached subdued American edition. Professor Pontain, drive away the intruders that swarm from the antique nations. Eckstein’s schol- Khokand, GOO miles eastward of the Aral, is CITY neighboring Manchuria; and in this tendency arship evidently profound, but his art as a Atkinson, HALL, and attached the northern part cf Ole Bull. A Memoir by Sara C. Bull. novelist is not to Professor nei- One promptly Mr. Griffis sees warning of a chauge of affairs, equal Ebers’s, Might Only. that to Siberia. In two (Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co.; Portland: ther does he carry his of so GEO. A. ifc OO. territory 1867, years a now dynasty, perhaps,on theCbiuese throne. weight learning GAY Coudray. Loring, Short & Harmon). Ole Bull was one and Illustrated Lecture later, they seized Samareand, in the heart of The modern Coreans trace their history back lightly easily. As a picture of Roman so- of the mort — — — picturesque and attractive of mu- ciety in the first of our 499 CONGRESS RROWN. ON THE Turkestan, and moved southward toward as far as 1122 B. C., when a nobleman of the century era, Quintus STREET CORNER O'V Wright, sicians; and .his lithe and stately hii Claudius includes Jan9 TTU&Stf Bokhara and the Iudo-British border. In court of the tyrant Chow Sin, named Ki Tsze, figure, many interesting details. venerable white hair, his flashing eyes, and & Battle of 1881, but two years ago, they made a treaty departed with a defeated army which had Woodworth, the passionate tenderness with which he han- J. Feni Gettysburg, nore Thomas B. Louns- — with Persia by which that kingdom ceded vainly arisen against the bad ruler, and settled Cooper. By BY — dled his violin are recent memories not soon bury. & Palmer. to Russia the of the northern border of in Corea which they called by the name its in- (Boston: Houghton Mifflin; Port- part to beeffaced from the minds of his audiences. land : Short & This new GEN. LUTHER Jr. Iran from Ashkabad habitants give it tc-day, Chc-3en or MorniDg Loring, Harmon.) STEPHENSON, stretching tp Sarachs, Like Mme. he first came Calm. Jenny Lind, tb Amer- volume ol the American Men ol Letters Se- Under the Auspices of the thus Russia's The ancient Corea was, according to realizing long-cherished desire in a AT ica fortunate time for musicians. The ries will be of Toilet the modern outside and west of their especial interest as the first pub- from YntiBg Men’s Christian to have her won Coreans, Association, lately Turcoman posses- singeis aud who the coun- Soaps, Ki-Tsze aud his direct liue players delighted lished biography of its subject. At the time Thursday Even «»g. Jan. at sions rounded off. present country, 18th, tries over the sea, hardly of of H reigned until 9. B. C. The history and relig- thought crossing Cooper’s death, he enjoined upon bis family Lubin, o’clock. This confirmation of her title to her late the and it chance one came Beautiful lllunlrationai! ious of Corea aro closely connected with those Atlantic; by never to permit the preparation of any author- conquests brought her iu perilous here, he was received with uncritioal and ized memoir of his More than 50 Ntereoptieoa Views ! proximity of Japan. The legends are in many cases life. Professor Lounabury, Cuudray, Pinaud, to the lands held British enthusiasm. The of orima COST, Eloquent a nd Thrilling Descriptions ! It grateful in the by conquerors. such as are common to primitive A personality present volume, has acted in accordance peoples. “It w*8 and at times Si#* left her near almost within donna or was as much an object of with the of Eeckelaere, Colgate, interesting instructive, Bokhara, sound deity, half beneficent, half mischievous', recalls viojinist spirit the novelist’s wish;, and has qu nt.”—[Gov Ix>ng. and wonder as the and lecture before an of the British dtum-beat. The now the Greek and the of Androm- novelty performance, given such a biography as the has a '‘Extremely interesting amdl- report Mercury; story public Bazin & ence iliat well ni»ih tillua Tremout if the standards of comparison were few, the Sargent, Temple.**—[Bos- comes that, ignoring the dangers of the eda has a parallel in Corea. right to expect. That is to say, Buch passages NOW. ton Daily Advertiser. public at least was unbounded. Ole “He mas listened to with close vexed German has resumed her Modern Corea is divided into delight, of Cooper's lile as were patent and well known attention by frontier,she eight prov. Robinson & McKeone. audience” .Journal Bull was, moreover, the a large [Bosto of which tho typical violinist, or were connec’ed with his are rhe ure was southward march. It cannot be long prose- iuces, translated names sound writiogs af- lec at tended by a large and sslttva- northern wizard as in his as ted n curious to unique way Paga- forded ; and his letters and affairs are audience.*'—[Boet< Transcript. cuted without hi her face to face with very American ears—Respectful private “No inging who was said in his to have made higher compliment could be offered than the or ninni, Italy left where in the the when the Congratulation Complete Network Province they belong, possession of his present: of so many veterans in the audiencs.** Anglo-Indian empire—and a with the fiend. The brilliant ef- — would look well in election compact family. The result an accurate [Boston ^ost.’’ two meat the returns. The his- is, and suffi- assortment of despoilers debate will shake fects, the of Large “He hanait ‘a subject in a schol- tory of the of the wars between extraordinary possession genius, ciently full account of work and the thoroughly the world. campaigns Cooper’s arly manner, receiving rounds of applause from the the,iutimate friendship of mau andviolin so took Globe. China aud Corea iB graphically written. events of bis life, and a.lack—which no reader Tooth, Nail, audience.”—[Boston the public that they overlooked the faults that should WOLF Mr. Griffis the The two Pacific railroads still in process possesses a remarkable instinct for regret—of record of matters Admission: Reserve ! seats, 35 cents; General would have been more criticized at a mission. 25 eta. Reserved from the mass of such severely more or lets which Mr. seals to members 20«ts. of construction are laying track at a rate selecting great material, important Hand, Clothes, Tickets for sale at later aud from a less artist. St *ckbridge's music store, on an4 aB tend to a time, magnetic Cooper considered as his own after which will complete the roads some time this things give clear idea of the his- prop- oonday, January 8tb. janftdtf Ole Bull was as and it is Hair & tory, the domestic life and the of Cc- unique interesting, erty, and subject lo his Shaving year. The of the Northern scenery testamentary rapid progress said, in private iife as upon the concert stage, rta. He has a gennine sense of humor which, disposition. A* man’s legal right to AND LYCEUM THEATRE. Pacific has been often noted, but the Atlan- and Fred he enjoyed the friendship of many choice own however, never interferes with the progress or his history is a subject not for- Brashes. Mortimer..Manager. tic and Pacific, though it started last in the personages. The memoir is full of -wimm.. mm of his more serious work. A few pleasant mulated by jurisdiction. it is re- reliability Perhaps wanted. For for and race of actual construction, promises to tributes to him from a great variety of sources. Agents applications territory notes only can be gathered here from his ex- served for Dr. Holmes to define its limits as he terms to address its trains dealers, GRAND have through running first. The The history of Ole Bull’s life is eventful and has done those of the of will find REOPENING. ceedingly interesting and copious descriptions. rights Authors—so wit- Physicians MONDAY, JAM. 15th. track of the Atlantic and Pacific is to he picturesque, tending to heighten the impres- Franls. P. BUF- Although liviog on the soa borders, the Core- tily, genially and justly that his decisions can- Moss, our stock of laid to the Colorado River the 10th of sion made by his and In Elixirs, Comfortably heated, repainted, door- by ans are not a appearance playing. not be or gentlemanly sea-faring people. Their ships forgotten disputed. General Wholesale Agent, keepers and for the March without fail. The Southern Pacific an appendix are contained Violin Notes, with Fluid Extracts, Tinct- ushers—everything have straw sails, with cross-bars of bamboo, comfort of sur patrons. from the illustrations showing tho mechanism of violin- Books Received. building West, will probably get and are set at the Bteru of the boat. Instead 19 ELIfl STREET, PORTLAND. ures Ac. complete. playiug from photographs of the attitudes of The Pearls of (he Faith. Edwin oel7 d3p* 4 SEW to that point even sooner. A Prescott (Ari- of oars they use long sculls worked by several By Arnold. FALO most of them ARTISTS 4 Ole Bull. Author of the Light of Asia, etc. Cloth, 318 Making zona Territory) paper, after citing these men. They call a steamer “a divine ship,” pp., *. $1.00. Boston: Roberts Brothers; Portland: in our own I aborato- Harry aRose, the Atlantic and Pacific route and look it with awe. A favorite amuse- facts, says upon Emerson at Home and Abroad. By Mon- Short A Harmon. J.J Loring, crude ma- Jones, will be open from Albuquerque to San Fran- with Corean gentlemen is to sail in canopied cure D. Conway. (Boston: J. R. Osgood & ry from the The House of a merchant Prince. Wil- EXTRlMGAm! By Lottie cisco in three months. boats, drinking tea or rice spirit, and Portland: Short & Blanchard, compos- Co.; Loring, Harmon.) liam Henry Bisnop. Author of Lei mold. Cloth terials, using only the to elaborate and ing poems according aud pedantic This memorial volume, less a biography than 420 Boston: ROBES, Collins. pp., $1.50. Honghton A Mifflin THIS WEEK. best Harvey Mr. Herbert Spencer has had a rules of verse. The several quality. Admission 25 and 36 cent... f^w provinces differ a group of reminiscences, will he particularly Portl nd: Loring, Short A Harmon. 15, Matinee, every Wednesday and at 2.30. Matinee additional things to say about the American much in scenery and social conditions. Politi- to the immediate admirers of Mr.' Please us a call Saturday prioea, acceptable Dr. Grimshawe’a Secret. By Nathaniel Haw' give 10. 15 and 25 cents. )anl3dtf people, and they are published, in connec- cally, the oountry is governed by nobles, who Emerson and the school of of philosophers thorne. Cloth, 368 pp., $1.50. Boston: James and you can save* tion with those of his remarks which have to take a which was HORSE have compelled the.royal princes po- he the central figure. To the reader R. Osgood A Co; Portland: Loring, Short A Har- PORTLAND TULA IKK. already appeared in our newspapers, in the sition of absolute neutrality. Persons who who is outside the Concord circle, it gives mon. DIARIEb money. FRANK CURTIS.... Proprietor and Manager. hold no office are Contemporary Review for January. Our frequently most powerful in somewhat vague impressions; and while it History of the Negro Race in America At Coot. over-activity results, in his opinion, from influence with their own party. The present contains many interesting anecdotes, its gener- By George W. Williams. Cloth, portraits, 481 Wednesday and Jan. 17 and 18. political parties date back to years near the al manner seems overstrained and rhapsodical. pp., $3.50. New Y‘ rk: G. P. Putnam’s Sons! BLAN- Thursday, the fact that there are here so valua- many Portland: “BY A LARUE MAJORITY.” time of the discovery of America. The East- It is not so much the and noble Loring, Short A Harmon. ble prizes in life in sight to be labored for. simple figure CARD m SCRAP ALBUMS erners themselves to of the Waldo The Benefit of the Doubt. Clare joined the Southerners, man, Ralph Emerson himself, By Mary guppyT The citizen, of Portland are respectfully notified In these are much Europe prizes less at- 371 At Greatly Reduced Prices. that the and the Northern party split into two that Mr. as it is a of Spencer. Cloth, pp., $1.00. New York: management have entered into an arrange- factious, Conway depicts, portrait ment with tainable, hence people are more contented called the Great G. P. Putnam's Sons; Portland: Loring, Short A North and the Little North— him somewhat capriciously lighted and over- MR. W. J. their lot than are Harmon. _ with they here and lead a state of affairs which is easily recognized by charged with conventional coloring and at- KETS, KINSMAN easier lives. There is The Premium Albums nothing particularly those who have watched Eastern Massachu- mosphere. Speaker. By George M. Baker. Photograph FlorencES about but Cloth, 108 pp., $1. Boston: Lee A Port- for a profound this, it is doubtless true. setts and the Sontb, and have observed the Shepard; Very Low. special performance of the great sneceM et land: Loring, Short A Harmon. both Continents. Secretary strange division of last autumn’s elections The Hill of Stones and Other Poems. By Lincoln, with his customary The Farmer’s Anannl Hand-Book for LAP WEDWFMDAY, JAW. 17. But the next Corean crisis in politics, cannot S. Weir Mitchell, M. D. (Boston: Houghton & business-like dispatch, has taken time by 1883. Prepared by H. P. Armsby, Ph. D., and &ALDEN, have an American & parallel, unless Boston Mifflin; Portland: Loring, Short Harmon). E. H. Jenkins Ph. D. Stationery THE MIGHTY the forelock in to Flexible cloth, 222 pp. DOLLAR. beginning preparations get should one its Dr. verse in at Low day repeat history. A young Mitchell’s is ready, usually correct New York: D. A Co. Great Variety Prices. Mr. Florence haring personated the Member from next Summer to Appleton DRUGGISTS, supplies Greeley’s meteoro man an his in of the kind that is written the Cohosh District 2,500 times. composed epitaph opon deceased rhythm, easily The Hill of and ether at Franklin There* 8tones, Poems. By Cor. & Preble Sts. logical party Lady Bay. father. His tutor thought he could write a and to read. His with Congress THURSDAY, JAW. 18. agreeable acquaintance S. \Veir Mitchell, M. D. Cloth, gilt, 98 pp., $ jan6 eodtf was an unfortunate over the delay necessary better obituary, and to him- and his natural taste work Boston: Mifflin A ROBES, proceeded gratify good models, togeth- Houghton Co. Portland: Lor- in GERMAN appropriation Congress last year, and, as self in this respect. Ail Corea took sides up- er to produce verse of at least average merit, ing, Short A Harmon. PROFESSOR. B. Max Adolph Orstein .Mr. it turned the relief on this Frank out, ship was unable to literary question, and divided itself and from which many excellent lines could Poems. By Ernest Warburton Shurtleff. Cloth, Clark, W.FLORENC* (A German Professor.) the ice to the ex- anew into Conservative and be selected. 141 Best n: A. Williams A Ferric get through imprisoned Progressive par- easily gilt, pp. Co. LADIES OdyTine Prices *1.00, 76 and 60 cts.; GaUery 35 eta. plorers. Better fortune is to attend ties. At present, observes Mr. Griffis, Chatterbox Junior. illus- Sale ot seats commences Jan 15. likely Boards, illuminated, 515 CONGRESS ST. A NEW DISCOVERY. Monday, Corean resemble the of Poems. By Ernest Warburton Shurtleff. New Yolk: R. j»nl2 dflt the expedition this year, but another failure politios parties trated, $1,25. Worthington; Port- Iu8 dtf France rather than of (Boston: A. Williams & Co.) Mr. Shurtleff is land : A would not endanger the men in the ice, who England. There Bailey Noyes. The Highest Form of Electricity are four and of course a float- a young poet of whom some very good work STOCKBRIDGE were three absence. parties, Aronnd the House. Boards, iUnminated, iUns- COURSE. equippedjfor years’ be He evidence of ing element, attaching itself to one or may expected. gives talent, trated, $1.76. New York: R. Worthington; Port- THOUSANDS of PERSONS Are now in The Powers are in a mood to another side as the case be. and seems to be in process of healthful and not land : A HAMBURG EDGINGS FURS, writhing disease, all of 7th at great hardly may About Bailey Noyes. Entertainment, 1850, whom date the contraction ot their City Hall, a development. The natural and — AND — appreciate the grim humor ofJLiord Gran- Corean Nast drew effective political cartoons. precocious The War of 1813. By Rossiter Johnson. Cloth| different maladies from the catch- WEDNESDAY EVENING, JAN. 17th. of ville’s letter to the British Embassadors rel- A king, three prime ministers, six official de- fresh tone of bis verse is much to be praised in Illustrated, 360 pp New York: Dodd, Mead A ing a cold from I Illustrated Le* ture II.II. and a these when the like to Portland. Short A Harmon. by Ragan partments called Cho are days youngest singers Co; Loring, — ative to the Suez Canal. The English Gov- newspaper po, INSERTING S. FUR bubject “Spain from the the play at complicated passions and Tbe eleventh Great or Cold ernment suggests that the canal should be machinery of government, which is after world-weary Oriental monarchy. Damp Feet. Pyrenees to Seville.” the model. Each experience.- Mr. Shurtleff’s talent is sincere, By George Rawlinson, Professor of Ancient His- i “Keep the feet warm and the treated as an arm of the Peking province has its gov- “virtually sea, free- \ head cool” is an axiom as old as Ticket. 50 cents. Now on sale at rather old-fashioned in from close tory at Oxford, and Canon of Canterbury. 2 Stoekbrldte’..• ernor, and the cities have municipal officers. expression volt, SPI^CI-A-L SALE, I the and is as true ly open to but to a rule hills, yet to-day jan!2 navigation, subject of the excellent models of cloth, gUt, illustrated, 338 and 351 pp., $7.50. as at in the ___dtd The magistrates are chosen from among litera- following English any period world’s his- forbidding belligerent operations both in its of New York: Dodd, Mead A Co.; Portland: Loring, One Case extra and all desirable tory. ry men and their official residences have verse a former generation. One would say quality channel and within a certain poetic Short A Harmon. distance of its that he had at will in a at lower tban have CAPS, titles. The Corean notions of the administra. ranged soundly-ehosen patterns prices they extremities.” One can imagine how Gen. of The Children and the Cbnrcb. By F. E. Clark, ever been sold. These cannot be tion of justice show the nation to be only half library conservative make-up, where Shol- dupli- Roller Admiral Pastor of Williston Church. (Boston: Congrega Fern Odylfie Insoles Rink and the rest works were the Wolseley, Seymour civilized. Their ceremouies and festivals are ley’s grnong newest and most cated and the prices are for this sale Skating In Storer Brothers’ of the ional Snnday School ana Publishing Soctety, Port WILL PREVENT AND CURE building, Middle Street. English officers who boldly entered curious in the extreme. alluring models. The Rainbow may be called Children are well land: Hoyt, Fogg A Donham. only. Nearly Every Form of Disease, the canal with men-of-war a few months treated, much petted by their mothers, of whom an imitation of Shelley; and much of the verse Our whole stock of Hamburgs marked GLOVES, I Including Consumption, Liver & Kidnev Troubles, Catarrh, ELECTRIC LIGHTS. ago, and made it the base of their they have no fear, but they hold the of slower measure is in the good old line of down to cost and less. campaign by Japa. RAElftkLATlSM, GOUT, NERVOUS Hneic Every by Chandler’. Thomson and But etc. Evening Rand. against Cairo, laughed iD their sleeves on nese proverb which says there are “four dread- Gray. worthy imitation is Prices from 5 cents to Complaints, etc. $1.25. Stand on >ce all have much better than for a day, yet Sessions from 2 to 4.30 and the solemn ful things, earthquake, wind, fire and father.” eccentricity young po- WARM Daily, p. m., Tuesday reading proposal. FEET, by wearing Ferric Thursday and from and Mr. Shurtleff himself to Saturday Evenings 7.46 to 10.1* Their household utensils are et; proves have SILK Odyline IumoIch, price .It c. and excellent, but The ♦ I 73c. to Elevnter will cary patron, to the Rink The Tennessee Legislature has voted to and of bis own, if not per pair, according quali- glass is almost unknown, and ah American poetic thought feeling Floor every Evening front 7.30 to *.3«. interest on the bonds held Mrs. a broad or brilliant at least NIr. Geo. H. pay by Polk, beer-bottle is rare bric-a-brac to the Corean {es- yet stream, pure, I Cold feet an impossibility, and Whitney, Manager and Instructor J. & Co I form of disease for the Portland Roller the wife of the State direct and not in native He is every permanently Skating Co. will be In at- _ defaulting thete. The dress is buttons are lacking power. IVLDyer Treasurer, baggy, not cured by tendance at ad sessh ns. a of who has but refused to pay the interest on the bonds known, and the Corean woman threads the young poet promise, made some 511 St. Congress Children's Matinee held a blind in steps in the right direction and may be reason- jan4 eodtf FERRIC ODTLIJiE. every Saturday afternoon. by poor girl Lawrence Coun “ear” of her needle. Whatever is to be praised HATS, Admi-sl n—children under 14 years of 16 ct. to DIARIES Good Canvassers of both sexes wanted. age ’’ make solid and The as excellent is a ably expected effectual pro- including use of skates. ty. Memphis Avalanche, which is just” called “dragon.” The tiger B. dec7-dtl in his art. II GREENE, Agent. ly indignant, remarks that if the ghost of enjoys much legendary fame for acuteness and gress literary No 381 Congress St Portland, at Dearborn’s Shoe Store dec20dlm Andrew Jackson could handle a club there force. The great state seal is a tortoise; and a City Hall, Jan. 15 • SOFT Monday Eve., of would be cracked crowns at the favorite animal mythical tore is the kirin, and the capitol. The Children Church. By. F. E. CHAS. H. O'BRION, — which be described as a -1883 may briefly curly-tailed Clark. (Boston; Congregational Sunday School of Governor Stephens Georgia has issued unicorn. All these creatures, and many more, Bid CONCERT AND and Publishing Society; Portland: Hoyt, Fogg full Wholesale and Retail Dealer in BALI a to the of the State are of terror to the A line of Diaries for the BY THE HAIR proclamation people objects Coreans; and for & Donham). An exceedingly practical and in- DKE8SERM’ CWIOW, forth in full the “this delirium tremens of Mr. Grif- coming yeat arc now open at our for the benefit of the setting letter recently sent Paganism” teresting little volume, prepared by the paBtor AND lew Music Relief Fund. Tickets 75 cts admitting and ladies. •ut the New fis can but science and store. Books, gentleman Ttl si Manufacturers and prescribe Christianity. of Williston in this by England church, city. Although its CHAWDLEK. jauikdtd The legends and fairy lore are in- They will be sold at the same COAL. Mechanics’ Institute, warmly commending exceedingly details are of course especially suited to the MINSTREL SONGS.TViWS’Zi and the indch to low which have character- are the project and calling on the citizens to see teresting, proverbial sayings denomination of which Mr. Clark is an able prices Domestic Coale a Specialty, at Lowest Market those songs which the people’s favorites. Words often arrant but the melodies some of the W the point. Here again the tiger comes to the line ized all our sales the Hol- °rioe«. nonsense, altzin C3r that Georgia is well represented in the expo member, its general spirit and of argu- through STIFF. sweetest and best in the world. 'I he Success of the front. So are the of these sition. great ravages great ment will be found useful and suggestive to iday season. The increase of bus. 322 Commercial Season, and is selling rapidly. A line, large volume, Class for Street, r full sheet music size instruction in the' Waits, the cats that the Chinese say that “the Coreans The main idea of the book is that iness which we ages, all sects. have received there- 04 Nvug including Old. Folks at Home,” and German and Newport TUESDAY and hunt the tigers half the year, and the Brown’s w liarl Foster’s “Old Uncle “Rosa Lee A Witness in the star-route trial testifies tiger8 children should be allowed to feel themselVes by has more than repaid us'for the all or best, Ned,” THURSDAY EVENINGS. the Coreans the other half.” “Kentucky Home;5* alsp Lily Dale,” hunt On their a of their and to have some little PORTLAND MAINE* “Twinkling that he is postmaster at Greenwood, Colora- part church, reduction that we made. Stars,” and in fact, a large part of the popular fa- 4«r«ams. fsr SlLLHS0": Gentlemen, part, the Coreans prefer tigers to their Chinese with it. He vorites of the last $2. $3.00; Ladies, $2.00. cannot responsibilities connected very suitable resents for New Orders receiv y Telephone -ipl&dvi HATS.' thirty years. plain, $2.60 but tell where Greenwood is. The Many do, and have a “After the cloth. Respectfully, neighbors, saying: Chi. wisely argues that it is better for children to post office is in a tent, and where the lent Tear’s being le-vdved daily. New Very Easy Instruction Books, with very en- If, the “To nourish a tiger and have for Winner’s GILBERT. neBe, tigers.” take some interest in religion while they are Tear’s in tertaining airs practice, are, janSdtfD, happens to be pitched, there is Greenwood. is the of Cards large variety. him devour you,” story ingratitude children, and to grow up with its influence up- INCREASE It is somewhere near the mail car- to our of the 10*TR CA P1FAL. IDEAL METHODS generally which corresponds legend richaffi on rather than to wait for later years ^1 A them; I U Those desiring to make money rier’s trail. “Corean shrewdness,” says Mr. Griffis, on viper. when their passport to the prayers of the small and medium investn ents We have a For Vieliu, FnrISuilar, “utilizes the of local in grain, provisions and stock large and For Price of For Cabinet phenomena experience. church may be a confession of badly stock, Finn*, Organ, The Indian is business. Some perhaps specul tions, can do so by oper- ► or For learning is the of a Cornet, Aceordeon, So common disappearance villager that might as have fti'iug on onr From May I will sell at cost tor cattle-raiser in the West wants to hire two spent time, quite easily plan. st, For Flageole*, each For Clarinet, of the that 1881, to the present date, on in- For throueh visitations tiger, the stand- been well Mr. Clark believes in natu- a Eor F fe, Hanjo, and a half millions acres in the Indian terri- passed. WHEAT vestments of $10.00 to $1000, cash few days. For Flute. 76 cts. ard method of escaping creditors or processes ral, lively children, quite the reverse from the BAILEY & Mm profits have been realized and for $40,000 a year, and the Indians are de28dljy20 a paid to investors to Instructions and 100 tuses in tory of law is to leave bits of one’s torn clothes in little Pharisees of Sunday School tracts; and gH ga amounting Simple nearly each. V* k several times the original invest Gounod’s disposed to let him have it at the price, the woods and then to abscond. II REOFHPTION,$t. Obliging deprecates any idea that religion is opposed to ^9||U ment, still leaving t e original in- Only edition with Gounod’s or be-tration, than to other to use m< *ney or rather allow stock-men friends and relatives report, “Devoured or an of vestment, making paya- > Balfe’s HOUF VIIAN CIRL. $1. quickly dolls, roller-skates equitable game Me ol* demand, STOCKS hxplanitory circa (inly copy with Libretto and Business. it for as now do. a too often it is nothing, they by tiger,” and believed that marbles. lars and statement ol fund W HUMIC* I* FAVORITE. (Just out.) New sent free. We want responsible Book of Music. Fine selection of Photographer, Bound Piano "Joseph without doubt is rent in pieces”—a Fine Commissioner ageuts, ahovti'l report on crops Pieces. Cloth: Gilt. Portraits a specialty, Tee Pension thinks he can the author The House that Jill Built. E. C. Gard- % S fill $2. Plain; $2.60 $3. proceeding which considers the lo- By I U1# and introduce the plan Liberal next with commissions get along year only $81,000,000. cal f<* a to The ner. York: Howard & paid. Address, COE, ‘ substitute trip Europe. native (New Fords, Hulbert; not been able to out the FtKIMIKG & It FM & He has pay hundred worship of Corea is similar to the Chinese. Portland: Loring, Short & Harmon.) A livily, OLIVER DITSON CO., Boston. OPPOSITE FIUOITIIBOTEL Hi AM, CommiNHion Vlercbanta, Iflajcr JanS dXufbS&w millions allowed for this year so fast as he Missionaries find their greatest hindrances in popular treatise upon domestio architecture, Block, Chicago. Ill dly Port! nd. Me. and thinks he shall have abflht the rites of ancestral piety. Their idols are rather rambling in style, somewhat given to in- IMPORTED expected, THE jan« 8eo4W twenty millions over. such as are common to all Buddhist Asia. The expensive attempts at humor, rather uncom Coreans claim to have possessed letters for fortably ambitious of vivacity, but on the Proposals for Cattle sheds at Journalism flourishes in The ot WINES & Japan. three thousand years. Christianity entered the whole readable. Mr. Gardner seems to have Going out Business LIQUORS Quarantine Stations. •f all j kind., in Ike number of newspapers is reported at 113, country by way of China; it was not popularly the idea that the first duty of an architect is to JOffice of Collector of Customs l » Portland, Me., Jan. 2, 1883 f and the circulation has grown in ten years known there until the end of the eighteenth bring down the house with smart sayings. HATTER ORIGINAL PACKAGES, about to remove from the city, l shall CJ BALED Proposals will be received at this office from to The twelve •entury. Corean weapons and firearms are ^ until 12 m. op tlie 2tb of 80,470,209 33, 449,529. BEINGclose out my stock at cost and many goods re- —FOB 8At.!! BY— day January, 1883 elaborate but inefficient. Acliarge of gunpow- The Still Hunter. By Theodore S. Van Dyke. of cost, con mencing Tu* Dec. 26th, for erecting one (1) medium sized abed at the Cattle leading journals have an aggregate circula- gardless sday l»7 Station inc and continuing until every artiole is closed out. middle Street. Quaran'ine u.tiug terming for lot, in ac- der has to be at both ends. In war with York: FordB, Howard & Halbert: Port- with tion of nearly 29,000,000. lighted (New Jan6 eodtf R STANLEY & SON, Importers. cordance drawing and speciflcatton; the draw- the French they made up literal “men of land: Loiing, Short & HarmoD). In reviewing Irg can he seen at this office and copies of specifica- NEW NO. F«R F tion, together with Information the an excellent one 410 STREET, PORT- regarding loca- Thomas Hen-pricks, of wants straw” to exhaust the enemy’s fire, but French this book, which is certainly tion of tbe station cau Indiana, CAN D, MAIN* quarantine tie obtained on were to the ruse de- let a fair start be taken with tha application. DAVID “to see'the Government brought back to the glasses brought bear, aiyl of its kind, MRS. S. J. CLOUGH, General for New MCULTON. Also, Managers England, Special Deputy Collector of Customs old Democratic when tected. The chapter on American relations that the present critic considers P. time for good days frauds were understanding FOR THE CELEBRATED S.—The receivi g sealed prop sals ias named is unknown.” We surmise that State Treas- with Corea explains, with the aid of a map, the hunting of deer, hare or wild birds for Street. above, extended until 12 m. on the loth .561 Congress f day of January, 1883. “General Sherman affair.” Mr. Griffis a cruel thing and an unwarrantable Summit urer Polk, of Tennessee, has gone to Mexi- the sport Mineral Spring Water, Janlleodtd D. MOULTON, Dep. Collector. his work with chapters upon our little breach of the unwritten laws of hospitality of co to see how the job can be done. closes FROM HAKKINON, MAINE. domestic fowls are Notice. d war and subsequent treaties with Corea. So the forest. Oxen, sheep and auglO NOTICE^ Parties Another member of ISalaklava’s heroic full of vigorous information is the volume, and raised and cared for with the tacit understand- SWEET COBN. RICHARD Foss having been appointed Geneia having hills against the Y • * gent of the New England Mutual Life In-ur- town of are died in Beaver a so in its matter, that the one side at least—that in return for KEIISON Deeriug, requested to Six Hundred County, Pa., varied and agreeable ing—on ance Holders can make Dr. F. II. Doms-stie Sweet Corn. Company, Policy payment present the same to Daniel believed notes taken can incite our readers received on their part, contrib- Soule’s of Premiums to him at Portland, 176 an D. few days ago. It is there aren't from it only value they will, Middle St. has opened office la 1 The best in the put up Portland and oan henery. Treasurer of a the work itself. of mankind. At any rate, market, b Deertng, more than 800 or 900 of these brave to thorough examination of ute to the support F. on or before troop- expressly for family use. Aepot, Chisholm Bros., all their usual heartiness. historical rather than the aspect, the eonclusion address, raius that run out of the theological m. Consignment, soliclte oetSdtf city. the curious examined several sermons in the Auburn, Willard Small & Co. An hour was Bet apart yesterday afternoon in SPRING STREET. he opened the way into the details of his sub- T. f. Pierce. written of that Augusta, the city schools for exercises were held at this ject some remarks upon the nnnsual microscopically manuscripts News Longfellow exercises,which Appropriate by general Bangor, Bangor Co. day. One was by Rev. Samuel Jeffers of Bar Harbor F. S. Jordan. consisted of reading, reciting and singing, se- school. "My Lost Youth,” “The Old Clock character of the Puritan minister and his ser- BANK STATEMENTS. Bath, J. O. Shaw. Welle, Maine, April 30th, 1724. It contains on lections from the poet’s works. The children on the Stairs,” “The Children’s Hour,” “Paul mon. Biddeford, F. M. Burnham. one 4 6 G85 words. entered into re- In a a of the page of about by inches, A. L. Jellerson. heartily the spirit of the occasion Revere’s Ride,” aud other selectious were Puritan community minister SPECIAL REPORT OF THE COSDITIOS Brunswick B Q. Dennis n. at The address held the closest attention of the and each of the schools there was a with was the first of and he — number cited by the children aud several songs gospel necessity life; — Cumberland F. A. Verrill. and was OF THE MBls, of visitors. many present, freely applauded. Bauutr iscotta, E. W. Dunbar.? Some of the teachers prepared words from Longfellow were sung. There and his sermon—as cause and effect—were the W A. BANK Freeport. Mitchell. programmes, while others conducted the exer- were a number of visitors present and a most potent forces in moulding early New Portland Trust Company. MERCHANTS NATIONAL Fryeburg, R. 0. Harmon. quite cises the — — Fairfield, K. H. Evans. informally. The High School.did not join large sum of money was realized. England society. As the minister was a neces- A petition for incorporation of the Port- AT D. with was Farmington. H. Knowlton. the rest yesterday, there being no after- sity, the sermon was all in all. In the ser- land Trust Company reported at Augusta BARGAINS ! Portland, In the State of Maine, Gardiner, Palmer & Co. noon session. The School exercises will MUSIC AND DRAMA. vices of the was subor- The company is to have an author- Gerharn Jas. H. Irish & Co, High sanctuary everything yesterday. At the doer of Ru.iaraa, Doc.,30, 188SI. Hallowell, C. -paulding. take place this forenoon. dinated to the sermon (unless we except the ized capital of #1,000,000, and to begin busi- Lewiston, Chandier & Estes. SHAILER It a in ness when are in. Such an RESOIRCES. LWermore D. SCHOOL. A BUNCH OF KEYS. long prayer.) was withoat competitor $100,000 paid in- Falls, G. Hughes. Loans and discounts. Mechanic A. W. E. A. Thomas. the estimation of When there it is is needed in to $738,303.92 Falls, Bridge, “Longfellow Day” was observed by the Such was the title of aud Edouin’s the community. stitution, said, Maine, pay U. S. Bonds to secure circulation_ S. L. Crockett, A. O. Noyes. Hoyt 300,000.00 Norway, teachers and scholars was no no no securities and in U. S. Bonds to secure deposits. Old Geo. E. A. L. Jellison, of Sh tiler School. musical farce, in three acts, produced at Port- theatre, peripatetic orators, po. coupons, countersign other 70,000.00 Orchard, Fogg, Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. 2,632.48 G. A. Beale. Sketches of the litical no or civil ser- act as the of Richmond, poet’s life and appropriate se. land Theatre last night. The was recently campaign, temperance ways agent corporations; to re- Due from reserve Rockland, 0. S. plot approved agent*... 34,228.65 Andrews, lections from his workB vice no none of the ceive amounts of than the sav- Due from other National Banks. Sabattus. E. H. Johnson. were given by the published in the Press. There was a large reformers, newspapers, larger money 16,601.78 We shall run Sales of Bar- Heal estate, furniture, and fixtures. 31,000.00 Saccarai pa, F. E. Webb scholars, with and endless distractions of our then the ser- banks are allowed to to loan on Day Special interspersed singing, some audience present, the auditorium—it is a pleas- day, ings carry; Checks and other cas. items.. MO Saco, H. B. Kendrick & CO., 8,144. remarks were mon was the one interest in the in bond or to for house. 6,065.25 Spriugvale, C. H. Pierce. interesting made by Mr. George ure to state—was comfortable, aud laughter commauding propelty warehouse; negotiate Exchanges clearing gains for the Next Ten ; and all Bar- Bills of other Banks. 22.576.00 So. Paris A. M. Gerry. C. lives of the to aot as trustee for to Days Bnrgess. aud applause succeeded each other in quick people. loans; estates; hold Fractional paper curret cy, nickels S. Delano. ■ Thomaeton, PARK An institution so as the Puri- of &c. and 54.10 Vinalhaveu, H. M. Robe STREET. succession. The piece will bear compressing commanding moneys under order court, The com- offered on these will be limited to pennies. have commodious in gains days Specie. 29,050.00 Waldoboro, G. Blis*. The Hour at tan sermon is not to be dealt with pany quarters the new Longfellow Primary No. C, was into two acts to advantage. If it depended in lightly fund with U. S. Treasur- Waterville, J. M. Wall. building of the First National bank,to be erecj Redemption devoted to readings and a Mr. Elwell went on to it in detail un- er per cent, of circulation). Yarmouth, W. E. Smith. recitations, among any degree on its dialogne it would be dose; develop ted next spring. each (5 8,200.00 der these heads: purchaser. which were the following: but it don’t. There are lots of First, the men who preached bright, spark- Total.....;..$1,2:7,646.44 AND Longfellow's First Poem.Carrie McDowell ling musical numbers introduced; the ladies of it. Second, the day consecrated to its deliv- The Mary J. Finn Safe. “CITY VICINITY. The Rainy Day. Ida Greene aud act the company dress prettily, sing well, ery. Third, the in which it was Yesterday morning the following despatch LIABILITIES* Castle Builders.Bertie Marr Willie Edouiu and Mr. Powers meetinghouse Other Local Matter see gracefully; was the stock in. [Fob First Page.] The Old does on the Stairs.Elsie Gilson delivered. Fourth, the who lis- found on counting-room door of the Capital paid $300,000.00 make a deal of if it is rather of the congregation us f und. 0.00 The Day is Done.Eleanor Hi. great fun, Surpl 60.0C kley Alice Atherton "Ar- tened toil. the seimon itself. Sixth Press office, it having been tbrust under the Undivided HEW ADVBRTJ.8ItMENT3 TODAY Footsteps of Angels .;.Willie Tliomss lioi\-e-pl»y order; sings Fifth, profits. 128,776.41 and an en- street door the National Bank Notes 266,200.00 The Open Window. Anna Weston thur aud Martha” charmingly gets and lastly, its iufiuence in the lives of Exchange evening previous, in- outstanding. shaping Dividends 16,249.90 ENTERTAINMENTS. My Lost Youth.Eleven core, as do Missses Gunther and Brevoort in stead unpaid. Pupils those who heard it, and the institutions under of being brought into the editorial rooms, Individual deceits subject to check.. 333,235.38 The Village Blacksmith. Eddie Chase their duet from the “Maecotte”; the hotel ON Theatre. SATURDAY of Lyceum entrance on Market street: Demand certificates deposit. 40,000.00 Curfew...Grace Croc ett is capital, and so is the banging which they lived. Undereach of these divi- SPECIAL NOTICES, burlesque Certified checks .' 4.169.81 The Bridge. Fred Cook at A Cape State of Maine. scene the close of the second act. “Bunch sions, Mr. Elwell gathered up and set forth Porpoise, Me. Cashier’s checks outstanding. 6,764.11 The Builders... Different ■ Pupils of will draw. A. 11. Wright, Portland, Me.: United States NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Whither. Mildred K. Keys” a amount of condensed en- a deposits.. 14,816.29 gets large history—both We shall offer lot of Fine of U. S. officers.. 58,534.88 Snowfi.kes .A ice ADA DYAS. Fiun and scows here all right. Heavy sea large Large Deposit-* disbursing Grand Closing Sale—Owen, Moore & Co. Melaugh tertaining and instructive. Due to other National Banks. 2,093.08 ■ The Children’s Hour. ... In Concert runuiug. Will start first chance. Rubbers—Rro n. To-night Miss Ada Dyas, supported by an ex- Notes and bills re-discounted. 37,818.98 Forced Sale—H. I. Nelson & Co. B.yard Taylor.Florence Carpenter It is evident, he said, that the men who Jan. 11, ’83. Jas. Fennell. Sized DAMASK TOWELS at the low Something Left Undone. Two cellent stock led Mr. Barton Hill, price Day Sales—Stndley. Pupils company by were Quotations to preach this sermon were hold to a Total..$1,267,646.44 Marked Down—Merry. .Pupils will appear at Portland Theatre in “An Un- Young Men’s Christian Association. of 15 a Winter Gloves—Chas Costis & Co. Closed high standard of character and learning. cents, regular 25 cent Towel; not by singing “The Song of the Bell.’ equal Match.” The St. Louis Globe-Demo- Rev. J. B. Dunn, P. D., of Boston, will ad- Lost—Dog. were mon. the bravest and STATE OF MAINE. County of bb. Sam contributed by the Bchool, $35.03 They picked Only the of Cumberland, crat says:—“Miss Dyas aud her company add- dress boys the boys’ department this af- over 0 sold to one customer. I, Charles Payson, Cashier of the above uamed CUMBERLAND the best could have withstood the zealot’s per- any Nothing is More Transparent STREET. ed their share of the stage illnsiou so charm- ternoon at 3 o’clook. The pubic are invited. Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement The exercises of this ■edition, and go forth to seek in a savage land is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. in a chemical analysis than the fact that the school yesterday after- that the of the blacksmith's Two huudred and fifty-five have ingly story village that persons CHARLES PAYSON, Cashier. noon consisted of und recita- freedom of utterance which was denied Soaps manufactured by Atkinson of London reading, singing daughter, transplanted from her Bimple joined the association since the beginning of Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day rustic them at home. These Puritan ministers were Of 1883. are free from all deleterious tions by the pupils of the several classes;,the Jan., ingredients. home to the circle of her titled hnsband’s ac- the association year—April 1, 1883. The pres- CHAS. O. BANCROFT, Justice of the Peace. janlO W&S selections from the works of the men of birth, education and breeding. Many being poet quaintance, where hypocrisy, heartlessness and ent member-ship is oyer 600. CORRECT—Attest: Longfellow. of them were prodigies of learning. Of JACOB McLELLAN, ) Forty Years’ Experience of an Old affectation beset her on all sides, was as fnll of Members of the association, with one friend, one GEO. S. HUNT, Director*. The sum of $28.30 was contributed to the of them, John Calton, it was said that [ Nurse. MRS. WINSLOW’S SOOTHING interest and abounded in as many touches of will be admitted free of charge (except for W. S. JORDAN, ) fund of the Statue Association he was “indeed a most universal scholar, a jay 11d3t SYRUP is the prescription of one of the best Longfellow by nature almost as if the incideuts were uot reserved seats) to Gen. Stephenson's lecture, the living system of the liberal arts, and a walking female physicians and nurses in the United pupils. fictitious, but bore the of January 18tb, and Joseph Cook’s lecture, Feb stamp living reality. H is sand four ON glass, running ruary MONDAY WEST SCHOOL. Miss who a bril- library.” hours, Sirte8, and has been used for years with Dyas, is herself caprble and 10th._ forty aud turned three MEETINGS was observed in the West liant actress, assumed the artless, open-hearted over times, measured his never-failing success by millions of mothers for Longfellow Day How the hearts of a crowd swell and throb buoyant auu true uature of Hester Gracebrook “scholar’s Increase School with appropriate exercises. In tie day.” Mather, also, by Annual Steam their children. It relieves the child from pain with such consummate art that the audience with pitiless hatred against the man who We shall offer a Lot of Fine LACE meeting—Portland hiB and tireless en- Large and in primary department, each of the pupils of the was with the characterization aud learning, logic, eloquence Packet Co. cures dysentery diarrhoea, griping the delighted coughs daring the performance at a theatre upper grades recited a quotation from expressed iis approval in a mos* emphatic and ergy, wielded a tromendous influence, which annual Meeting of the stockholders of the bowels »Dd wind colic. By giving health to Long- wtieu know he is too to invest at the low of 10 cents. These uuinigtakable manlier. The part is light, it is continued sixty yeirs. they stingy PIQUE, price THEPorilaud Steam Packet Co., will be held at the child it rests the mother. Price fellow beginning with tho initials of bis own Twenty- 'fue, hut there are opportunities given the ar- The olergy were almost the only learned twenty-fiye cents in a bottle of Dr. Bull’s the Office of the Company, Flanklin Wharf. Port- name. In the Grammar the on the sixteenth of five Ceuts a bottle. Dec! MWS&wly school, pupils tiste, and of these Miss Dyas takes full advan- men in the community and they bore them- have never been sold less than 25 cents. land, Maine, TUESDAY, day Cough goods January current, at eleven o’clock in the sang several of his poemB which the teachers uot iu the of her selves as leaders. Their pre-eminence was de- Syrup._ forenoon, tage; only sunlight village to choose five directors for the ensuing year, and te suares aud the served, as had not and Superior Court. had set to music. In both home, but amid the under they only high learning The effects after Adamson's Botanic transact other business that come departments there mental taking any may legally BEFORE JUDGE BONNET. cloud that Arucliffe’s title and position have ability, but also philanthropy, devout before the meeti were and recitations of Balsam are a and influ- g. readingB Longfellow’s consecration and of soothing controlling F. Friday.—State v. John Indicted for spread for her, she interprets Hester’s charac- purity living. They J. LISCOMB, Secretary. Feeney. The formed au poems. primary programme was as fol- ter so iailblully that the friendship and sympa- eccleastical aristocracy,who not only ence over any cough or cold, promoting rest, Portland, January 4, 1883. janlOdtd maintaining a liquor nuisance. Verdict guilty. sanctified lows: thy of the house are always with her, aud the and cement d the parish, bat found- ailayiug the tickling sensation in the throat, A. W. Coombs, County Attorney. at her first entrance lasts until ed the state, and moulded the soldier and the and the conquest begun a PORTLAND & OGDENSBURG R. R. D. A. Mealier for deft. Beading—Longfellow children, statesman. and causing healthy expectoration. CO. St. Nicholas the final ourtaiu tails.” They were regarded wi h a rever- The was in a search and seizure Sale will be jury empanneled Recitation—My lost youth. ence, not to sav awe, wholly foreign to the Tuesday’s advertised in Mon- be same but THE MIGHTY DOLLAR. Notice. complaint against respondent, before Beading—Village b1 eksmith. mind at the present day. To speak ill of min- the case wae*opened to the jury the respondent filed “The written Mr. B. annual meeting of the stockholders of the Heading—Hiawa ha’, childhood. Mighty Dollar,” by E. isters was a of sedition. In 1636 a a demurrer. species cit- Don’t fail Portland & R. Recitation—child, en’s how. day morning’s paper. to attend THE Ogdens burg R. Co. will be held a izen of who Char es < *wen indicted for and Woolf, is pioture of life aud manners at Boston, had the temerity to say at the office of the eou No. 89 breaking entering Beading—Old clock on the -lairs. pany, Exchange St., a Portland & Rochester railroad car and stealing the that all the ministers but three preached a Portland, Me., on the sixteenth of Children. Washington—a satire upon behavior of Con- these as we have Tuesday, day canvas, retracted his plea of not guilty and pleaded coveuaut of works, was fined £40, aud forced many other January current, at ten o’clock in the forenoon, to gressmen who make a trade of polities aud are Salesf goods guilty to the larceny. The allegation as to the Language I essons Hiawatha's hunting. to make a public apology. Yet, though choose directors for the ensuing year, and to tran- was no l k of the sact other busines that come breaking grossed Beading—Wre. Hesperus. willing to aid in passing hills of any kind so they were intolerant?, they were conscientious that we will close out tak- any may legally before John Donovan, indicted for an assault and Beading—Panl Kev. re’s ride. cheap previous to the meeting. CHAS. II. FOYE, Clerk. battery as are for it. The Honorable aud sincere, and they w ere not inconsistent for upon .lames vteCrink retracted his plea of not Rearing—Ih castle builder. long they paid Portland, January 1,1883. dtd did not come to New to estab- and pleade B .rdwcll the hero of tbe has been they England Gentle guilty guilty. Readlug—Twilight. Slote, piece, lish 1st. Frank Wi liams, indicted for an assault and bat- religious liberty as we understand it, but ing stock, February The was the grammar as a character drawn with a firm NOTICE. tery upon Matilda Thomp on, retracted his plea of following programme: accepted to S'-t up a theocracy of united believers. not guilty and pleaded guilty. Continued for sen- Reading- Sand in an hour glass. hand and many clever touches. Mr. Slote is a Mr. Eiwell then sp ike of their monopolizing Annual Meeting of the Union Mutual Life tence. Music PtamofLi e. so largely the functions of the other Women Insurance Company will beheld at the who views his duties to his constit- profes- THE Compa- Patrick on a search a der ..f St. gentleman Flaherty paid $129.80 and Reading—l Augustine. sions. formed a of the ny’s Office at Portland, Me., on the 22nd day of Jan- Beizure They large proportion complaint. Beading—Seaweed. uents and his country as entirely subordinate early physicians of Cotton Who want glossy, luxuriant uary, 1883 at 3 o'clock p m. for the purpose of Hugh McGowan pleaded not guilty 'to a nuisance li- adiug—T h< ee kin gs. Massachusetts; four directors in the of those whose to the he owes to himBelf—to live well at Matber speaks of the union of the two and elecling place indictment. Music—s. metbmg left undone. duty profes- wavy tresses of abundant, term ot office expires. Hea. e of the sea. sions us an Albert Sawyer and John Briggs,indicted for keep- iug—The sec. their expense. He reverences Uncle Sam— “Angelized conjunction.” They beautiful Hair must use By order of Directors. ing a gambling house, were eacn sentenced to pay Beading—'J he reaper and the flowers. particularly his pockets—like the “pioun Edi- were also prominent leaders in the education NICHOLAS DE GROOT, •100 one-half costs to the use of C. K. Kcadi. S of the at LYON’S ,aud Bridges, g ndalphon. tor,” aud bis views are those of another char- people. Beginning the top they built KATHA1RON. This Portland, Me., Dec. 22,1882. Acting Sec’y the prosecutor. • Music The bridge of cloud. dec25 acter in the who tells us downwards. They established the college first otjan22 Thomas Halt on a irorn Golden “Bigelow Papers,” elegant, article pa;d $131.77 nuisance indict heading—Se.eet.ons Legend. and the common school afterwards! cheap a’ways ment K. hat Ttiey ailing—Flowers. builded better than makes the Hair grow He arrow and the they kuew, for with the freely STUDLEY, Animal C Ivin Paul and Nathan Paul, indicted for catch- .ding The song. Every fool knows that a man represents Meeting:. universal education of the thus started ing two land-l‘>cked salmon in the waters of Crook- Mus.c A day of sunshine. Not the fellows that sent bun, but them on the people and fast, keeps it from falling Annual Meeting of the stockholders of the the decliue of the ed River in close time, plead- d g illty. Hca iug—1 he beleaguered city. fence began influence of the arrests and cures THEPondicherry Co., will be held at their office in Calvin Paul and Nathan indicted for killing lost to either Meution was made of the sal- out, gray- 233 MIDDLE ST. Maine, on 1883 Paul, Reading—>ly youth. imoar lally ready jump side, olergy. meagre janl3 dl't Bridgtnn, Tuesday, January 16th, two land locked salmon in H e waters of Crooked Music—River Ch ties. An’ make the lust use of a turn o’ the tide. aries received by the clergy in those days, ness, removes dandruff and at 3 o’clock p. m., for the election of officers and River means of a Recitation—The w.eck of the I of by spear, pleaded guilty. Hesperus. he waiters ou Eroviuence, here in the city, ranging from 8250 to $400 per year, and seldom makes the Hair transaction any other business that may come be- Arthur Procter to an indictment Music—Footsteps of angels. l\ ho ci w hat call a State Central Com- itching, fore them. O. B. GIBBS, Clerk. pleaded guilty mpose lhey paid in money. Their poverty made Charging him with having in his possession one mit them, a New York, Jan. 5,1883 janSdtd VAUGHAN STREET. ty; however, self-reliant and strong, giving it curling laud-locked salmon in close time, intending to sell Constitoounts air hendy to help a man in, original theologians. at The lecturer then from the and it in the same. The exercises tbe Vaughan St. School, But afterwards don’t weigh the hef> of a pin. gave chapters lives tendency keeping PORTLAND RAILROAD COMPANF. Georg Riggs pleaded not guilty to au indictment of some of the eminent ministers of that time, Beau- GRIND CLOSING of recitations and desired SALEr consisting readings, music, As by Mr. the man stands any position. eharglng him with catching one land-l< eked sa mou played Florence, of their struggles to raise and educate their Annual Meeting. were and to the befure us in tbe most lifelike fashion. If the Hair is the sure from C'ooked River in close time. He also pleaded very interesting pleasiug large families, and of the high cour-ge by tiful, healthy Annual Meeting of the stockholders of the mot to a second indictment him with highest kind of acting be that in which the guilty charging many visitors present. Many little poems and which they were sustained. They had one ad- result of Kathairon. THEPortland Railroad Cempany will be held in the ki a iand-locked salmon with a histnon loses his own identity aud becomes for using ling spear. vantage though over the ministers of the pres- Library Rooms, Mechanics’ Hal*, Portland, on John Lord and Henry Lord or Casco each pleaded songs were admirably rendered by tbe little the as it the very man he lime, were, repre- ent were Jan. 1883 at 3 o’clock, p. for the to an indictment them day. They settled for life, relieved Monday, 15, m., not guilty charging with masters and misses. The school room sents (aud surely that should be the aim of all Children’s ehoice of and the transaction of large Woolen Directors, any oth- catching fifteen land-Jocked salmon in the same from the necessity of looking up a new parish were held was actors), then Mr. Florence’s Bardwell Slote Fancy er business that may legally come before them. where the exercises Striped waters in time. also not few and free from Hosiery. close guilty prettily every years, the of They pleaded must be one of ihe moBt ad uira- danger E. A. an indictment them with ptouounced NEWMAN, Secretary. to charging spearing fif- decorated with evergreens, vines and flower, being cast out in old age. They were thus en- Portland. Jan. 8,1883. dtd teen land locked salmon. ble and remai kable impersonations of the day. abled, from their long contiuuauce, to exert a cases and a cross of ivy leaves and a In in and one al- to close out our before In each of the above fish the penalty is not ing plants appearance, manner, might great influence iD the communities where Wishing Fancy Styles opening Spring Goods, nor more one as they > e make lees ban ten than thirty dollars, and picture of Longfellow were tastefully arranged. most say In character, be is completely livid. we ha decided to one sweeping reduction now', while dollar for each salmon bo caught or killed, o be di- as if he were some other his are Woolen COPARTNERSHIP. addressed the children with changed person; The consecrated to the of the people wanting Goods, and shall place our vided equally between Cyrus M. Wormwell, the Capt. Rogers ap’ is lost. The day delivery NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. and th<- of Cumberland. individuality completely imper- Puritan sermon was the Jewish Sabbath inten- whole stock of Fancy Striped Goods on our counter in tw'o lots. prosecutor, County propriate remarks at the close of the exercises, sonation is finished to the minutest is In the cases demurrers were filed and detail, sified as it obtained the NOTICE. following tuil ; among Ruritaus a bail for the a< of the The following was the programme: of humorous torches and never in ti e given pdarance respondents at viry different institution from that relic of pa- HAVE this day admitted L. J. D. Perkins as a the next term: Patrick nuis- and Chorus. least exaggerated. The Mighty Dollar will be iu which will hereafter be September Flaherty, Song a Parisian pr Roman Sunday. This I partner my business, ance tud Thomas hart, two complaints Recitaiion—The old clock on the stairs. given at Portland Theatre \Vedncsday eve- carried on under the firm name of I- J. PKHKINS complaint; fauisoi,'uritan Sabbath at 6 o’clock on the eve- for search ana seizure. Cordis L. Longley, nuisance; Recitation—Gasper Becerra.Gertrude Parsons Sale of seats began & SON. L. J. PERKINS. ning. Monday. ning of and lasted until sunset Sun- LOT NO. at 75 William J, McDonald, nuisance; William H. Smith, Recitation—Excelsior. Geo. Edsuu Saturday, MArkED 1, CENTS. Portland, January 1st, 883. jau2 dtf NOTES. No labor could be on the complaint. Recitation The reaper and the flowers, day. performed evening Which comprises all goods that have been selling for $1. and up- Bessie Pennell The musical entertainment and readings will which preceded the Lord’s day. The time wards. Judicial Court. Supreme Recitation—Psalm of Life. employ some of our best talent at Yangban was devoted to preparation for the Sabbath PRESIDING. and chorus. EDUCATIONAL VIRGIN, J., Song street next Wednesday evening. Religious exercises began at 9 o’clock in the Recitation —'I he Field Chapel The following divorces have been dec eed: singers.Mamie Don’t tbe benefit to Den at morning, and occupied from six to 8 Hecitation—Children, forget Conway hours, A. Lewis v. Frank H. Lewis. the divided by the intermission of an hour for DOWN. Mary Nel ie Small, Mamie Field, Eva Taylor Lyceum to-night. dinner. There was no Emma F. Story v. Charles St *ry, Jr. Weariness. Mamie White, Alice Callender’s Minstrels will pay Portland a re- travelling, and no 2. les Raymond LOT NO. at 50 CENTS. FROM LIFE. Mary It. Allen v. Cba L Allen. Recitation—The castle builder.Charlie 01 ow turn visit Jan. 27th at City Hall, enlarged by traveller could be entertained. The atten- DRAWING Julia A. Bartlett v. Everett L. Bartlett. Which include over all goods that we have been at 50 cent Sol#-The open wi».dow.Evelyn Estes the principal members oi Callender’s Minstrels dance of all at meetiugs was compulsory, and selling Archibald v. John* Archibald. and less than Maggie Recitation—Chrismes bells. Eva Taylor No. the minstrel the order maintained iu them was of the $1.00. CROCKER v*ill begin the instruction Aldena DeWolf v. V. DeWolf. 2, making largest company L, Hedley Recitation—The arrow and the song, severest of a class iu drawing from living models, Evelina C. Fairfield ever organized. kind. A luckleBS maid servant of MISS Grant v. Grant, Willie course Thompson Plymouth who in the earliest smiled in Monday afternoon. January 7, 1883. The Mary A. Youne v. James Young Recitation—Twilight.Mamie White days will consist of 12 lessons. Harriet E. v. Reuben B. church, was threatened with banishment as a McKenney McKenney. Song and chorus. Personal. Persons desiring to join the class can apply to Reel atiou Tbe bird and Ella Lord vagabond. Miss Crocker her studio 667Va S be- ship....,. The readers of tbe Press are familiar with PRICES aj Congress ., Brief Jottings. hecitation—Whither —Lizzie Libby Mr. Elwell quoted the poem ef Longfellow’s tween 4.30 and 6 o'clock p, m n 24 dtt the fault of a fellow he our word The roofs Bright and cold yesterday. Mercury zero at stories of Miles Standish and Hiawatha, which ly by servant, yet may clapboards. were thatch- Goods as low as the lowest. ed, aud upon the outer walls were fastened 14° at 12° at wind so recover where an omission or fault of the sunrise, noon, sunset; north. the children enjoyed exceedingly. the heads of all the wolves killed during the caused or contributed to cause the Fifteen citieB in the United States NORTH SCHOOL. employer season. AND averaged Still later came the representative morn- injury. hou3e, some specimens of which have 10 1-2 degrees of temperature yesterday Longfellow's Day was observed very general- meeting One hundred and Gents’ Hand Ex-Gov. Washburn is still confined to his come down to our times It was a huge un- fifty pairs Sewed, Custom Made, Mo- ing. the ot the North School. The ex- ly by pupils block, two-storied, furnished within rocco bouse, hut his health is improving. gainly Leg, Calf Hoot*, only $B.50. All of our W inter Boots must, be The 7 o’clock train this morning will accom- ercises were varied according to the ages ot with galleries, aud without with a stunted sold at once in order to make room for our Rev. W. T. of Preble has it bad a Spring Goods. All of Win. modate those who wish to attend Collector the scholars. We thiuk even the youngest Phelan, Chapel, tower. Sometimes hipped roof, a WOLF been confined to his home for two small iu the a ter Goods for little or no for the next 30 Morrill’s funeral. will always remember Longfellow and be able about weeks cupola center, surmounted by profit days. on which a rooster, with of the but is pole, perched No bell Gents’ new and The Washburn library at Livermore will to tell of his life and works. Il suffering neuralgia face, stylish Jersey Congress and Balmoral*, in all the something rung from the steeple. In early times the now able to be out. b and c. be erected wholly by Elihu B. and William D. the lower grades, where the children are too blowing of a horn called the people together; leading styles. Width-, aa, a, General Ticket of the Bos- at times a was out as of a Washburn. It is to be a memorial of their young to reoite selections, the teachers gave a Agent Stevens, flag bung ^tha signal Ladies’ fine New York Boots specialty. ton & is fast worship, and again a drum was beaten in true father as The late C. C. Washburn tbe customs of the Maine, improving. French Kid Oil reported. sketch of his life, of people The first church bell in Boyd’s Button, Goat Button, and Cloth Top Button. Mr. C. F. of this has been military styie. Maine ROBES, to found an Swett, city, ap- cave 8375,003 orphan asylum at wheu he was a boy, and interested them with was rung in 1753 over the Eir-t Parish church Widths, aa, a, b, c and d. pointed of the Erie & New Minneapolis in memory of his mother. pictures of bis borne, the chair made from tht agent England iu what Is now Portland. No common beat Woodmansee & Garsides’ tine New York at Express Company. was provided it winter,the ii tave Boots, There is quite a call for seats for Gen. Steph- old chestnut tree, and photographs of the poe dividualjfoot- HALLFT, DAVIS & CO.’S Mr. E. G. of this left the being the nuiy source of warmth.- It seems in- enson’s lecture on the “Battle of Willard, city, Gettysburg” himself. In the more advanced grades the credible that men, women and children could HORSE Newhall House, for St. the 421 CONGRESS STREET. Upright an a Piano-Fortes. to be given at.City Hall, Thursday evening. children themselves took a more prominen Milwaukee, Louis, leave their warm, comfortable hearthstones (Square morning previous to the fire. * and travel six or seveu miles in the Stockhridge has them. part. There were recitations in concert, of severity Also Several other gooPst.“Try teachers, they given pre- Company’s Mills been running for four A stir iB caused the con- large amount of Indian women of oar land and the men of the adjudged guilty. by HATTER money drill. months on half time was incorrect. The mills stables entering with a He wears a $1.00 at| With -*.nutful Pottery oountry know too well of the which paratory culprit. wrongs was white on which his sin is in tlie next ten the Centre** One of the features of the programme have run on full time but, used fewer wheels paper cap writteu, days, bare oppressed these people, keeping the sav- and he is placed conspicuously on the stool of the singing by Dagmar Ebbesen of a national and two-thirds as much as usual. nature in the Indians It only produced repentance. Finally the minister enters, and Stock in the Store of Limoges, age always apparent. in the song of Denmark, original Danish, The same may be said of the Kennebec Fibre the Betties itself down to a is with the hope of creating more interest in congregation regu- W. L. WILSON Lougwy, Chris- & CO’S has translated (King drouth does lar to last from three H. I. this State in the cause, that Mrs. Qninton w hich Longfellow Company. The affect the mills religious seige, expected NELSON & CO., Japanese, that of most to five hours at least. It was the sex- tor. of Exchange and Federal Sts. comes to Maine. tian). Another, perhaps interest, more than any for the past years. The Port- 110,27 Sarregneminea ton’s duty to go up, hour by hour, will be offered at dSm Parker C. Prince,who brought land Water has no in se- S3 Natsuma, Kioto, &c. Wood was provided by Company difficulty and turn the sand-glass over. If a MIDDLE Widows’ Society. Mr. James letters written in 1829 to abundance of water hut the lake is mau to the somniferous influence his ST., Fitted with the several curing yields complete The annual contribution to the Widows’ RARE BARGAINS. son of President Cleave- all the time. head is promptly rapped with the long pole of bo taken in Bowdoin Cleaveland, slowly falling jnnlS (I3t Wood Society will up the First the man, and if the delinquent is of SIGK OF THE Oxford land of Bowdoin College, by Longfellow tithing ^ English Duplex, to-morrow The cold the fair sex, her lace is brushed with the hare’s Parish church morning. Mass. Sev- Real Estate Transfers. Wanted. m and Harvard Burners. while a student of law in Salem, tail on the other end of the pole. The after- snaps of the preset: t winter are trying to all, The following transfers of real estate hare eral extracts from these letters were read, noon service was chiefly devoted to the busi- to those whose of fnal Is been recorded: but especially supply ness affairs of the church, children were bapt- MAN to of some of which w'll be published hereafter. Lost. thoroughly competent take charge 13 *.«M Portland C. E. JOSE & CO. Sunday morning is a generous one. collected yet. janlSdtf J. r, BAXTEB. an8 d3plw In Denmark, Dec. IS, Silae 60 murdered the unfortunate and of me from Ethel, and I dare tav you think I did not Bpnnett. aged yrs. AMERS. spinster, “Feelings delicacy prevented In Dec. son of MISCELLANEOUS. RAILROADS. 8TE a Denmark, 27, Arthur, Sponord F'RESS. the articles which had me to her to allow me to remove the Chel- make bad exchange.” 24 A-HE packed urged asking “ Bennett, ageJ years. crime most carefully In a bag. Than the sea to my house before I had paid the price I should think not,” I said. “But how In Sweden, Deo. 2), William] Bennett, aged 78 [All the Year Bound.] hue and cry was raised, and I knew that due for it, and I bad quite blushed with comes the set In your cabinet now. years. In East Otisfield, Dec. 22, John Scribner, aged Boston & Maine ALLANUNE / men were me. I dare rot ven- shame when one she banded me the “The old lady me iu suspense Railroad, pursuing But day kept great 73 « time Ethel years. Mail A Cabinet Secret. ture to run, lest I should break those key of the and with a all the and I were engaged, and In Dec. 31, Thomas P. S. Royal Steamship fragile cabinet, meaning Scarboro, Deerlng, aged AND WINTER — FALL ARRANGEMENT. — FROM things for which I had endangered smile begged I would take charge of it to although I hid my feelinffs, I began so a. 69 years 2 months. my.soul. In Jan. widow of the late Itseemed lo me to insure the of the articles I so to tbink tnat it would be very nice to have Biddeford, 3, Nancy, and after Monday, Oct. 16. Portland for Liverpool. infinitely preferable swing safety highly Jos Cowell, aged 61 years. On 1882, ▼ia Halifa** on the Etbel aud tbe but I dared not hint PANNFN«EK TRAINS will i.kaik I made Robert in gallows than to find one of those ex- prized. china, In Saco, Jan. 5, Maria A., wife oi Edwin A. Lea- Headley’s acquaintance to Miss PORTLAND Tar KOM TON Polynesian, Capt. Brown, £2*5 atoms. Even when the morn- “The course of our affection ran such a thing ICrofton, who, more- vitt. 27 years 4 months. _ 2Btn J• the acution room. I am an idle man, and, quisite cups in very aged 8 46 a. ami 3 3u Sardinian. »;apt. I)utt n, teased me in In Sacw* Jan. Mrs. wife of Diamond m.,1.00 p. m., r®*' a few came, and I found that the events of the smoothly for about three months. I had over dreadfully by praising C, Lydia H., at Boston at 6.10 Parisian, Capt. Wylie, having plenty of time and occasionally ing 67 8 :-^arriving 1.16, Ethel’s my In Littlefield, aged years days. RB m. to have contracted a night were dreams, my slate was not quite recovered my health, and 1 may say presence generosity making and 8.00 p. BOSTON TOR For Direct* pounds spare, gradually only 13-30 Glasgow not bear to look was at while sit- her so beautiful a present. PORTLAND at 0.00 a. nl., aid 3.30 love for the pursuit of which very much happier. I could placidly happy, If, times, Manitoban. on or about 8th bric-a-brac, our no ftUNlATi/HK ALMANAC.JANUARY 13. p. m., at Portland at 1 00, 5.00, and H.00 at cabinet. Sometliii was ting with my bride-elect, and hear- “While on honeymoon, I thought arriving Nestori&n on or about 2otn enables me to kill a good many weary bouts my g wauling elderly m. PORT* AND FOK MCAHHOHO more of it—in it for and S in rises. .7.34 I High water, (P *»).. 2.33 p. in the of old there, and’until the void I had created was ing her, it may be, complain of some ail- fact, gave up lost; PINK POINT, and OLD and to hoard up, shape china, Son sets.4 44 I Moon sets. 10.27 KKACH, I felt I could find no ment which she attributed to may guess my joy when we returned to towu ORCHARD BKAIII, 8.46 in., For passage apply to LEVE & money which would otherwise he frittered properly filled pleasure caudidly ,», see room a with the 3.30 and 6.40 m. note FOR Passenger Agents, and E. A. WALDRON, useless but in former years, I did feel a of re- to iu my strange cabinet p. (See to on less valuable my pursuits. advancing twinge KENNE. 40 or for or freignt away equally eitnow. So I a SACO. B) DDEFORD AND txchange Street, passage a collector think I am gret, I had but to turn to the four and set as you "se got good wife m. street. objects. “You, although may cups Bl'NK at 8.46 a. m., 1 00, 3.30 and 5.40 p H A A. ALLAN, Agents, No. 1 India I am not. I the aud the two aud the service as well.” VLA-RUSTE NEWa m. (See «*tja3 Headley and I were among the most reg- j'king, but I assure you hnnger- saucers, cream-jug, dishes, completed FOK AVKLLS »i8.46». m.,3.30 p. jan4 then the doo r and voice NAL- ular attendants at Christie’s, Sotheby’s and ed, I craved for that eliina, and felt that, and it vanished. Just opened, note.) FOR NORTH B’ KWICR, Fate with assumed PORT OP PORTLAND. not FALLS, GREAT FACES, other as were it denied dreams some “But and Miss Crofton bad other said, petulance: auction-rooms, and, during the me, my might EXETER, HAVERHILL, DOMINION views for I little “Are never aunt DOVER, LINE: season of the sajcs we met somewhere al- day almost come true. me, although suspected you gentlemen coming? LAWRENCE, ANDOVER AND EOW- them. Eesbia is Robert and wishes tosee FRIDAY, Jan. 12. this Line will most daily, our mutual taste soon led to an “After the interval of a few days. I thought upstairs, E1.1, at 8.45 a. m., 1 OO and 3.3U p, m. FOR jjtotm The steamers of fetches Arrived. m. 3.30 m. the winter seaso* I venture to call upon Miss Crofton “According to custom, one afternoon I you before her oarriage her.” NEW TURRET at 8.45 a. p. •faiftttf- 5«run during acquaintance. might Steamer KOCIAEMTEK and FA KT11 NOTON, between this poi tend me usual visit to future “Let us Burke,"said Falmouth, Larcom, St John, NB, via FOB fortnightly was a man of once more, She received kindly, told paid my my spouse, go *p, Headley, are Clyde Headley tail, gentlemanly last Eastport for Boston. N- M.. 8.46 a. m., 1.00 and 3.30 p. m. FOR Iverpool. The vessels me was her an- and was as I entered the house to as we tiuished the of the c aret; “aud and about thirty-eight, and evidently had studied she flattered by my paying surprised Sch Annie W Akers, (Br; McIntyre, St John, NB, ALTON RAW at 8.45 a.m., 3.30p.m. FOR built, full power*:d have superior accommoda- hear the if want any more of N. for cabin and Prepaid the ceramic art lie me other visit so so^n, and allowed me to hand- sound.of a piano. I know some- you particulars my with lumber to M P Emery. T1A N CII KMT E K AND CONCORD tion steerage passengers. deeply, put right are issued at reduced rate those desirous le the china 1 must have been dull of so at once became aware Chelsea mania. Miss Croftou will them Sch Cohasset. (Br; Welden, St John, NB, fdr New (via Lawrence) at 8.45 a. m. (via New Market tickets to ou several little matters, and once or twice again. thing music, give out their friends. Dates of fro* that the to York, (and sailed.) Jet.) at 3.30 p. m. HORNING TRAIN of bringing sailing for I mecLaa- instrument was with great you.” to saved me from buying spurious productions. company too, a'though repliid played ___ Sch Rieuzi, Condon, Bluehill—paving. I.EAVEM li CNN E Bl'NK FOR' PORT. Portland Liverpool: ever aud much wondered who the Williams.11 J«. As the true collector loves nothing better ically to her chit-chat, my eyes were skill, perform- Sch O B Kimball, Kimball, North Boothbay. I,AND at 7.35. BROOKLYN, Capt. er be. I had not Note—The 1.00 m. train from Portland DOMINION. Capt. Reid.25 J*d. than to show Iris to another who turning to those four cups and saucers, might as yet discovered Wit and Wisdom. Cleared. p. pet objects will not stop at Scarboro Beach, Pine Point, Old S* KM A, Capt. Lindali. 8 Feb. and two dishes. Miss Crofton that my Lesbia possessed musical talent. John J understands aud appreciates their beauties, cream-jug, Burque Marsh, Falher, Matanzas—Geo S Oichard Beach or Welle extent to Take BROt »KLIN, Capt. Williams.22 Feb. could see the beat of for she The maid the door of the Hunt & Go. March. it was not long before Headley asked me to my thoughts opened drawing- P>&eeea|{ere For Bo.toa. Parlor Careon all DOMINION, Capt. Reid.8 the music I walked in has not left lb« Brig Nellie Ware, Point-a-Pitre- J H advance at him a visit for that said: room, ceased, and Anna Dickinson stage. The Morang, through trail's. Seats secured in RATES OF PASSAGE. pay purpose. Ham leu A Son. Gold. ‘ft’s no Mr. I will not and found face to face with one of loft her.—Burlington Depot Ticket Office. Cabin.#50.00 “Conte he “then we shall use, Headley. myself stage Hawkcye. Brib Glen. Havana— Gold. early,” said; Rocky Brav, jfff" 1 he 1.00 p. m„ train from Portland con- Cabin, return.$9 *.00 sell and I love them too much to the loveliest girls I had ever met. Sch Jerusha have time to go through the cabinets by them, give Perhaps Baker, Gbase. Machias—N Blake. Pure. nects with Mound Cine Mtenniere for New F«>r passage, &c apply to DAVID TORR/ NO* the the when I saw her WHAT A QUEER CLIMAT11 THIS 181 Sch Bristol—1> Choate. Absolutely Afterward I will you some them away.’ surprise; contrast, Tivano, Geyer, York anil all Kail Lines for the West, and the 3.30 & CO., General Agents, Grand Trunk Fv»igr daylight. give This powder never varies. A marvel of purity nolb« “As she a struck me. I instead of the I First it snowed SAILED—Brigs Mary E Pennell. schs p. m., train with all Hail Eiaee for New York ces, f»ot of India street. dinner.” spoke thought middle-aged lady expected Beckwith; strength and wholesomeness. More economi > to made Lamoine. Emma, Henry E Eva Maud, and and the South and West. would take her to teapot, greet, this stranger look even more And then it Willard, than the and cannot be sold in com Headley's house was in a quiet square in seejthe sugar-basin, blowed, others. ordinary kinds, WHITE STAR LWP and the other and charming. I could realize at first a petition with the multitude of low test, short weig SUNDAY TRAINS. a good, if not the most fashionable, part of cups saucers, mourning only And then began to bw rain; alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans Portland For Boetoa and stations at U. S. and Koval Mall Loudon. I found host to see as it were, for their long-lost brethren. So I bright young face, with masses of light hair [from merchants1 exchange/) Way my delighted And then it blowed Koval Bak ieq Powder 106 N. Y. at 8.00 m, to Liverpool Via Queeustowx. around turned to see who Co., Wall-st., 1.00 p. m. Boetoa For Portland p. me, and panting to show his treasures. He concealed my vexation, and making an eff- it, entered, aud a New York—Barquo Mendoza, from Bath via St Rales reduced for Fall and Win- And then it snowed, take theex- was a member of that known ort to smile, said : well-moulded figure, showing to great ad- Thomas, took Dilot off Barnegat. Trains on Boston & Maine road connect with all ter Th^se steamers genuine species Sid fm ‘I am Miss as she sat before the Her And then it rained Liverpool 12th Inst, steamer Paritian. for KAILKOAPK. steam'rs between Portland and Bangor, __ treme southerly routes avoiding as the culbusiastic collector,” whose or.Jy admiring, Crofton. vantage piano. again. running Ex- Portland. Mt. Desert, Macbias, Eastporc, Calais. all dangers from icebergs. Cabin $60 and $80; for rarities amounts But I should be so pleased if you would hon- dress as of simple black, but well and bccom Rockland, rates. The passion accumulating in Sid fm Bowling Jan 10, barque T L Sweat,Griffin, St John and Halifax. Also connect with Grand cursion $110 and $144; Stee rage at Ijw or me end at collec- and as she rose when I entered With cold head,. almost to a mania; and I am bound to say by calling looking my ingly made, Savannah. Trunk trains at Grand Trunk Station, and Maine sailings are as foil -vs: I could see she I’m almost Sid fm St Laurens to 10th Baltic.Dec. 80 that his collection was one to be of. tion. If so I will send the carriage for you was over middle height. dead; prev inst, barque Thos MAIM CENTRAL Central and Portland & Ogdeuburg trains at Trans- I Celtic.Dee. 211 proud Fletcher, Bates, St Simons Mills, Ga. RAILkM Brittania .Jan. C. tire the of those to-morrow.’ “Women always behave with less awk- But yet I won’t fer Station. I should reader, ignorant complain; ten minutes for refresh- For sailing li ts, cabin plans, passage rates aud Bbe and tue next wardness than men in chance so All trains stop at Exeter delicate distinctive subtleties dear to a col- accepted my invitation, meetings; Fain Killer saves NOTICE TO MARINERS. Oil and after MONDAY, Oct. First class Rooms at Pert land. drafts, apply to J. L. FARMER, 22 Exchange St. while 1 meats. Dining were to I came to my house. I took care to have stood still and stammered some Law rence and H os ton delv dly lector’s heart, I expatiate upon the day From wintry graves Lighthouse Inspector’s Office 1st Dist. I I6II1, Passenger Trains will run Transfer Station, Exeter, his old a choice little repast of such words of apology, she advanced with per- Portland, Jan. 1883. THROUGH TICKETS to all points West and beauties of Dresden, Sevres, Wedg- prepared, things And makes ns well 12, J General Ocean Steamer Office. fect and said: again. ns follows South may be had of *•. I,. Williams* Ticket Ticket blue as middle-aged love, and after we ease, Notice is hereby that the nun and can wood and Bently, rose-backed Nankin, spinsters given buoys Boston & Maine and at VTniou sale of tickets the White •had discussed It I led her to the room on Point and Stanford’s ledges in this barl>or Leave Poitlaad for Yanccboro, Ml. Agent, Depot, passsage by StaT,11 and white hawthorn etc. I which Mr. I am sure! auut Nobody to be without Perry Davis’s Spring Ticket 40 Exchange St. Cunard, Anchor, Red pa'tern, etc., Headley, My ought Have been removed for the winter and tbeir John, Halifax nud the Province*, OtUce, FOR state, American, Star, held my treasures. All the cabinets save told me to She season, J. T. FUR Gen. Snpt. North German Rotter- admired gre tlv, and envied more. expect you. has gone out Pain Killer. places with spar Ht. Andrews, Hi. (itephen, Fredericton, BEK, Lloyd, Hamburg, American, supplied buoys. Gen. Portland. Am stem am and Italian all tir-t class The collections were with one were open to her view, but that one I for a short but would wait By order of the L. H. Hoard. Aroostook f'ountv, all stations on 11. «3t S. If. STEVENS, Agent, dam, Lues, arranged great time, hoped you octl3 dtf fast to aints in had covered with a dark cloth. After she until her Com’dr A. S. U. S. Piacataquia B ft., and for Baugor, passage steamers, p taste, in suitable cabinets; and among the return.’ Skeletons have gone down to $25 apiece. Crowninshield, N., 2d Cabin and outward and L. H. 1st Dist. llnckaport. Dexter. Betfaal and Hkow- Europe. Cabin, steerage think the one had seen the contents of the others, I led “I was too to the in- Inspector tickets from Portland lowest rates. many choice specimens, I only pleased accept The business must hegan, 1.26 p. m., 1.30 p. in., til.16 m repaid at long-prophesied depression p • me most was a old her before this one, and In a theatrical mau- vitation so 7.00 a. m. Trunk of Canada. § eerage prepaid tickets front inland iu Eu- that struck magnificent frankly given, and recovering ray have commenced.—Philadelphia News. Change of Characteristics of the Cape Waterville, 1.26 p. m,, 1.30p. m Grand Railway placrs < rope* to inland in the United States. Ster- Chelsea tea-set. It the center of ner, with a beatiug heart, lifted the veil self-possession, in a few minutes was in full Flizabeth Lights, oast of Maine. til.15 p. m., and Saturdays only at 5.16 p. in. places occupied and after iTlONDAY* October ling and Scandinavian exchange at lowest rates. of and revealed my cups of chat with Lesbia’s Notice is Augusta, Hallowell, Wardtucr, Rich- 23d, one of the cabinets, with articles lesser teapot, sugar-basin, swing my niece. The People’s World-wide Verdict. hereby given that on July 1, 1883, the will run as follows: Choice Cumberland and Acadia coal for sale the mond,and Brunnwicb 7.00 a. in., 1.30 p. ON 1882, trains by as and saucers, lookiug beautiful, but sorrowful, “I found her an unaffected full light to be displayed at Cape Maine, will For cabin scheme* value rpiiged around it, though paying girl, of Burnett’s Cocoaine has been sold in every Elizabeth, m., 6.16 p. m., til.16 p. m.; Bath 7.00 a. in. DfcP.t KTI'RES: cargo. plans, circulars, ailing with the vacant around them. I said be flashing white light of t e 1st ordor, with in- &c. and other information to J L. FARMER to its superior worth. Leaving out spaces spirits, and looking forward to the 1.30 p. m., 6.16 p in. and on Saturdays only app y homage pleas- civilized country, and the public have ren- tervals of 10 seconds between flashes. For Auburn and CewiMton, 7.20 a. m., 1.15 22 bt. P. O. Box 979. this mule to her ures of a In at 11.15 p. in. Rockland, and fi&uoa A Agent. Exchange of the question the beautiful blue and white nothing, thinking appeal stay town, The light on the Western tower will be discon- and 5.15 p. in. would do more than dered the verdict that it is the cheapest and Lincoln R. R., 7.00 a. m.. 1.30 p janlO dly the reticulated and the better feelings any I will some time?’ I tinued on the same date, as heretofore ordered. For iiortmiu. mixed 7.40 a. m., and 4.00 p.m. decoration, gilding, suppose you stay tn.; Auburn and Lewiuton, 8.16 a.m.. words of mine. She saw the at a best Hair in the world, So much of Notice to Mariners. No. as For .Montreal, and 1.80 artistic painting, the set was very valuable plot glance, asked. ‘Your presence will quite brighten Dressing 40, 1882, 1.25 p m., 5,05 p. m. Lewiston via Quebec Chicago is in conflict herewith, is reciuded. m. and aud loud, as her Miss Barnett’s Extracts are RruoNwick 7.00 a. til.16 m.; p. from the fact that it was perfect. laughed Jong saying, Crofton’s horse.’ Flavoring invariably CHAS. J. m., p. merriment, subsided: FOLGER, Farmington, Hoamouib — AND — seemed at the admiration ‘I shall as as ever aunt will the and best. President of the Phillip* ARRIVALS. Headley pleased stay long my acknowledged purest Light-house Board. Wiuthrop, Rend field. West Waterville I and with a smile: ‘So, Mr. Headley, this is the meaning of she a dear old Washington, D. G Jan 6, 1883. From LewiHtoD and Auburn, 8.40 a. m., expressed, said, keep me,’replied. ‘Isu’t soul and North losou 1.25 p. m., and Farming- PHILADELPHIA me to for 3.15 and 5.50 p. m. a may not be your hospitality; you expect pay Mr. Headley?’ of New advises ton via Brunswick, 7.00 a. m. 12.35, “You, collector, surprised Dr. Taylor York, people to MEMO KAN ISA From (*«rbna, mixed. 0 40 a. m., 5.10 p.m. that bartered my dinner with the china?’. “I and to realize Direct Steamship Line. atheariug I nearly my happi- winced, began that my read the last of a book first. Fro Hecklmd, ( miiac, Doer Isle who will enter into fragments (which might have been cemen- Calais; On and after knl|. kindread spirit fully my fair niece and future uncle smiled and said: Free Street B iptist Church— Rev. J. Hart, Brewster, do for Eastport. itkondiu, Nov. 13th, Train* leave Boston. wick.k*. West and Bar Harbars, (Hi D ted) in her with the intention of Train leave dust-pan, ‘Shall I introduce McWbinnie, pastor. Preaching at 10% a. m,; Sun- HYANN1S—In port 10th, schs Geo E Prescott, I8N*J, Paueasrr Portland aerl) 71 ill bridge, Joneiport and tlurl 9 tor Ban any sacrifice I could make must be “ High St. Church—Rev. W. H. Fenn, pastor. Hattie L leaving Bangor fair I am to tell you of happened it desire, ‘After that Boston; Curtis, Hodgins, New York for and Portland at 2.00 a. m). and River going unnecessary ceremony I Preaching Bervice at 10% a. m.; School at L D 10.50 a. m.—from gor Landings, every Saturday morning. made; so—don't laugh too much—I was Sunday Lynn; Wentworth, Blake, do do; J H Eells, Fabyans. Through tickets to all points West and CO HI ft Id WEST-Connects was serious enough. The portion of the shall go and dress for 12 at 7 m. 10.00 p. m.—from Montreal. Mondays foi Boe- dinner,’ said Miss m,; Prayer meeting p. Wallace, do for Portland. Ogdensburg, Burling^ Mouth be bad of J, M. Ticket set at first to resolved, upon my return, to ask Miss Crof- &c. may French, Seller, tonand receive passengers from Bangor and River Chelsea I owned belonged my Ethel Crofton. New Jerusalem Church. New St. Rev. T. BOSTON— Ar 11th, schs Mary Jane, Ban- ton, Eastern Railroad and at ton to beeome Mrs. and then High Arey, JT. Depot Union Ticket Office Landings tor Portland. she inherited it from her father, Headley; upon cl ’Sed the door A. King, pastor. Services tomorrow at gor via Boothbay for Providence; Addie nmiLTO^, Superintendent. 40 street. mother; ,‘I after her. and turned morning Wessels, November Exchange All communications mail or for the of marriage the severed set would be o’clock, of sermon: Moses de- Gross, Rockland for New York. Portland, 13. 1882, novl3dtf by telegraph and there its history is lost. When I was day to her aunt with the accustomed salute. 10% subject “Why Pullman Car Tickets for Seals and rooms should be addressed to greet to come down from the bush.” at 7 Cld Franc with the reunited. True, she must be somewhere layed Vespers 11th, barque Lambrith, West, for New Berths *old at Depot Ticket Office. GEORGE L. first seized passion for collecting, from the same reason that the china in York. DAT. abont while I was but Perhaps p. m. the vestry. New, first-class dining room at Portsmouth. General Ticket Portland. it formed theniucleus of my cabin- fifty, just thirty; had lost its charm I Sid 11 Portland and Agent, naturally from what to-day, found that semi- North Congregational Cape Elisa tli, brig Woodbury. Worcester Line. Through trains stop 10 minutes for meals. E. General and envied me I had seen of her, I believed she Chubch, Ar 12tn, sch E CUSHING, Manager. et. Every ODe admired it. maternal affection was Rev. E. A. at 2% Augusta Herrick, Gonary, Mon- LU0IU8 TUTTLE, Portland. Dec. 1882. dtf was a scarcely satisfying oeth, Harlow, pastor. Preaehing tague PEI. 7, the of it. One was after I very worthy woman; and, any way, and could m. Sabbath school after the General Passenger and T ioket Agent, possession day-it enough, not help thinking my fut- p Immediately preach- Cld 12th, schs Fannie L PORTLAND & ROCHESTER R. R the china would he mine. m. Child, Hart.Mobile; Fred 0. W, 8ANBORN, Master Transportation. had tormed a decent collection and was get- ure bride looked ing service. Prayer meeting at 7% p. very aged. Walton. Smith. Norfolk via Boothbay. dtf the “You will credit but I Park Church —Rev. W. R. ting well known as a buyer—Wharton, scarcely it, cariied she said —it was I believe the St. Alger, pastor. GLOUCESTER—Ar 11th, schs C A Ropes Wheel- oc!6_ ’Robert,’ Rev. Mr. Thomson of Gloucester. »111 of Trains. called me to show me a few out my resolution. Two later I was at first time she had Mass., preach er, Labec for New York; Augusta E Her- Arrangement dealer, upon days used my Christian name— tomorrow forenouu and Herrick, evening. rick, Montague for Boston; F A Nelson, On and after Rumford Foils & Bnc&field he had picked up in the country. I the fair spinster’s side, beseeching her to be ‘1 should much that Ethel Thompson Monday, Oct. 10, BOSTON things prefer should Boston for Calais. wife. I could not Peak’s Island M. E. CHurch.—Rev. Chas. F 1SS3, Passenger Trains will leave drew his attention to my Chelsea; he examin- my bring myself to pro- hear nothi of our at ParsonB Pastor. school PORTSMOUTH—Below schs | tg engagement present. Sunday 10%a.m. Preach- 11th, Mary Farrow Portland at 7.30 e. at., and saw fess a sudden for but I told her Lincoln ville for Bob ed it closely and said: ‘Very strange; I passion her; She is young and and not look ing at 2% p. m. Praj er meeting at 7% p. m., Conlon, ton; Revenue, Me Ma- 1.05 p. m., at Worcester giddy, might hon. for arriving the rest of that service'afew “go.’ I ask- l was tired of living alone, and asked her to it in the opening with a service of song. Al, are invited. Georgetown, Me, do; Flavilla, Wall, Rock- at 2.16 p.m. and 7.30 p. nr. Returning leave days upon right light.’ for do. __ Leave Canton for Portland and share lot. I said I was in Pine St. M. E. port Onion Depot, at 7.30 a. m. and 11.16 n. Steamers ! ed him where, aud he told me it b* longed to a my well-io-do the ‘I secrecy with a I could Church. Rev. J. M. Williams, Worcester, 4.16 and #.30 a. m. promised joy arriving at Portland at 1.25 m. and 5.45 Cli;i.i'“!!!!!|Lewi»ton, at Bush. Was it for and to and make her pastor. Residence No. 87 Pine street. Talks, on the m., p. p. Leave Portland for Canton, at 7.80 lady Jiving Shepherd's world, promised try scarcely conceal. At rate Ethel knew FOKEIGN POUTS. m. any Protestant movement at 10% a. m. Sabbath Sohool m. and 1.30 m. or future life a and while -"“a. p. sale? not, he would not have happy one; as, speak- about it as m. Ar at Nov 13, Vilora H For Cerfaiuly nothing yet. 1%P. Preaehing by the pastor 3 p.m. Prayer Samarang barque Hop- Clinton, Ayer Jane., Fitchburg, l.oavo Lewiston at 7.10 a. m. and 1.67 p. m. FARE $1.00. me it until he had rested on the four and kins, Nashua, told about secured it. He ing, my eyes cups dined that and Praise meeting 7 p. m, Allen, Allougo. tswell, Windhan:, and Ep- Stage connections with Byron, Dlxfleld. ‘,1 evening with the ladies. Ar at Yokohama Nov. at 7.30 a. at. Mexico, had offered to her a large sum for saucers, the creaM-jug, aud the two dishes, I Plymouth 26, barque Jas G Pendle- plug and 1.05 e>. m. Fern, Livermore, West Sumner and Turner. The favorite Stearmers Forest City and John give it, Miss Croston did the honors in a dress of Church, (Congregational.)—Rev ton, Colcord. New York via Far Manchester, Concord and nts would induce her to with no doubt with a show of fervor Dwight M. Seward D. Nagasaki. poi North, at COTS HAYFORK Snpt. Brooks will alternately leave b RAN KI -IN but nothing part pleaded such D., pastor. Preaching by Sid Dec 1.05 p. at. WIIaHF, antiquated design aud material that the at 10.30 a. m. and 2, barque Eimirauda, Staples, Kobe. Portland, Oet. 10, 1888 oct!4dtf Portland, at 7 o’clock p. m. and INDIA It was like a and as which must have the pastor 7 p. m. At at Manila 8th Fair WHARF. it. mine, family relic, cousiderably puzzled inst, barque N Boynton, Nason, Rochester, ttpringvalc, Allred, Wat, at 5 o’clock m. Ethel openly rallied her upon it. She her- Preble Boston, p. (Sundays sxoepted). the owner was in no want of there Like a sensible woman she ex- Chapel. Sunday School at 2 p. m. Hong Kong, ^ses Mem.) erbaraand Naca Kfver.7.31) a. m., 1.03 money, good lady. self was beautiful in Passengers by this line are reminded that se- pale blue silk, and I Preaching at 3 p. m. Temperance Meeting at 7 d At Nov 30, Wm p. and (mixed) at 0.30 in. they did not seem to he any chance of pressed the greatest astonishment. v Iquique ship Wilson, Crocker, at., p. Returning cure a comfortable rest and avoid the ex- persuading was so struck her m. Free to all. for Reads.% leave Rochester at «.45 night’s ‘Let me understand by fair, young, bright Hampton (mixed) a. my 11.16 pense and inconvenience ol arriving in Boston late her to surrender it. Her name, he informed you clearly,’ she VI a. and 3.35 face, her pleasant, natural manner, that be- Second Congregational Church. Congress st. Victoria, -Sid fm Roval Roads Deo 27th, ship m., p. m.; arriving at Portland PARKER’S ^ at night. was Miss her 142 said. ‘Do you mean to say you are in love San Pedro) for 9.40 a. 1.25 m. and 5.45 in. ] me, Crofton; residence, fore the was half cor. Pearl. Preaching at 10Vi a. m. and 3 p. m. Belvivere, Jordan, (from Departure (mixed) m., p. p. HT Tickets an 1 staterooms for sale at D. H evening spent I had fully Far College Road, Shepherd’s Bush. with me?’ Sunday School at 1% p. m. Social religious meet Bay. t.orham, gaccarnppa, CtEsuberland YOUNG’S, 272 Middle Street. realized what aa ass I had made of myself. ar at Kingston, Ja, 9th J L Mills, Westbrook and Wondferd’s. “Now, Burke, you will, I know, sympathize ‘I will make you a good husband,’ I ings Sunday, Tuesday and Friday evenings. All inst, brig Bowen, ! HAS® BAISAH. I Through Tickets to New York, via the various visits to Bush for the are iuvhed Berry, Boston. at 7.30 a. m., 1.05, O.'JO and (mixed) I ana as I “My Shepherd’s Rev. James B. Dunn, D. D. of Boston, his elegant dressing Rail sound Lines for sale. with me when I say that, having discovered replied, thinking spoke how beautifully *0.30 p. at. next few days were as frequent as the most will preach tomorrow. is preferred by those Freight taken as usual. that the rest of that exquisite set was in ex- modelled the handle of the cream-jug was; MPOKKCft. The 1.05 p. m. tiain from Portland connects at J. B. t/OVLK exacting fiancee could have but I St. Lawrence St. Chubch.—Rev. A. H. who have used it, to deneral Agrst. I that life was almost intolerable ‘and I am sure will never expected; Wright Oct lat Ion 26 Aye- June, with Iloosnr Taunei Route for any istence, felt you regret accep- pastor. Service at 10% a. m. and 3 m. 29, 6 N, W, barque Riehard Par- d* am that had p. 111 and at i similar ___ afraid my Lesbia been of a Sunday sons. from New York for Point de West, lialan Oruui, WsrccNier, for article, on ac- without it, and that at any sacrifice it must ting my offer.’ School at 1% p. m. Social at 7 m. Packard, Dalle. jealous or suspicious nature she would not meeting p. New Vorb via Norwich Cine, and all rail, of its superior “international steamship eo^ be mine. On that mind was at ‘But do you really love ine,’ she St. Luke’s Cathedral Church. also with N. V. & jeount point my persis- have derived the from them she (Episcopal, .aMpringdeld, N. E. R. •cleanliness and purity, ence made ted—‘an old woman as I am?’ pleasure ap- State St., (near ) Rt. Rev. H. A. Rec- U .("Steamer Maryland Route”) for Philadrl- up. to feel. I sat no Spring Ntfely W ANT8. rlt contains materials Eastport, Nle.. Calais, I*!e„ ‘Seventeen peared longer in the chair- tor, Rev. C. Morton Bills, Canon; Sunday service, Baltimore, Wasbingion, and the St. “The first thing was to see the china, and hundred and sixty,’ I said bin, only that are beneficial Jnbn, N. commanding the best view of the cabinet tha Morning at 10.30. Sunday Sohool at 3. Evening 5 oath and with Boston A Albany R. R. for B., Halifax, IN’. N., Ac, that Wharton had made no mentally,‘lhat must be about the date it at to the and hair satisfy myself enshrined the treasures for which I ‘contem- luring Sept, 7.30. From Oet till May, at 7 o” the Weal. scalp mistake; so the next day I called upon Miss was made’; and then I answered, looking at ;lock. Week day services daily at 9 a. m., (On Holy WANTED. Close connections made at Westbrook Junc- and always i WINTER ABKANOEiflENTS. plated sacrificing myself and my affections. at and 6 with trains Crofton. I found her a pleasant, polite lady the four cups and saucers, and thinking of Days 11.00,' p. m; From Advent to Tri- tion through of Me. Central R. R., and Restores the Youthful Color to Grey or Faded Hair I was ever Ethei’s side; at the nity on Friday, Evening Prayer with at at GrandTrunk Transfer, with | of about and she the the vacant spaces at home: ‘I esteem and by piano, Lecture A iu a estab- Portland, through Parker’s Hair Balsam is and TWO TRIPS PER WEEK. fifty, presented appear- the leaves of the 7.30. Holy Communion every at position Carriage goods trams of Grand Trunk R. R. finely perfumed is I dear Miss turning music; reading my Sunday 10.80, warranted to prevent or the hair and to re- I ance of a spinster whose circumstances wera respect you highly, Crofton, and a. m. on Days at 11.) 0 a. Also at 7.oo lishment by a gentleman familiar with T tickets to all points South and West, at falling favorite to her or wind- Holy m; rough move dandruff and Oik ANB 4PTKB MON. I am sure make a her; holding crewls, a. m. on the 3d of the the offices and at rtp'lms A itching. Hiscox & Co N.Y. I very comfortable. It has always seemed to you will solitary home Sunday month. Evening full line, to take charge or buy. Best Depot Adams’ No. 22 Ex- DA*> DEC. 4lh wool for her. the tender service at 7 o’clock. Street, 80c. and $1 #lze#f at dealer# in drug# and medicine#. » _P riran me that to with china makes cheerful.’ ing Considering % references. Address J. Box change °* ,h*» *'*“« anything do qf 235, Bos- * will relation between Miss Crofton and Does not at oodford’s. j'.'SSSLlS*®?■ said Miss myself, Second advent Chubch, Union Free stop 1 1 ■ ™> C«BV« Knilrwud the whole world kin, and when I explained ‘Suppose,’ Crofton acutely, ‘I Hall, ton, Mass. J. W. ! Wharf, I must own that behavior toward her street. Elder F. Burr preaches at 10.30 a. m. PETERS, Supt. foot of State the of Miss Crofton refused were to take the and demolish that my 3.00 J«n 12d.lt atreot, every Monday object my call, poker and 7 Sabbath school at 12 m. je!7 and at 6 for unsuspecting niece was disgraceful. Indeed, p.m. Prayer meet- 1 _ PARKER’S Thursday, p. in., Eastport and 8t to listen to aDy apology, but at once led me china; would you still repeat these flattering on and Wanted. John, with eonnections for bad Lesbia fit to a storm of re- ings Wednesday Friday evenings. Calais. Hobbinston 8t. the assurances of affection?’ thought pour Pembroke Honlton to the cabinet holding treasure. My in- State Street Congregational Church. MAN who can business references. Andrews, Woodstock Grand' •‘ proach upon me, aud order me to quit her give good Menan, formant had told the simple truth. I had ‘Oh, please don’t!’ I cried, starting up Preaching at 10% a. m., and 7 p. m., by Rev. A Address BOX Portland. anl 2d3t Campobelle, Oigby, Annapolis, Yarmouth presence, she would have been 836, Windsor, Halifax. the two and and the as the horrors of my dream came back to me. fully just- Wm. J Tucker, D D, of Andover JVass Sunday REMARKABLE! Monoton, Newcastle, Amherst teapot, cups saucers, GINGER Pioton, Shediac, Oallieusie ified. she did of tne Sohool at 3 p. m. Communion at 4 m. Hunted. TONIC Batbnrst, Char However, B»rviee while Miss Crofton was the fortunate ‘Mr. she said nothing kind, p. Bookkeeper A Superlative Health and lottetown Fort Ealrtield. Grand basin; Headley,’ gravely, ‘you a Strength Restorer. Fails, and othei but sat in her favorite corner, SVAughan Street Sioiety—S.S. Teacher’s meet first clans experienced with un- Letter from Traveler. nations on tba owner of the cream four and sau- will me so, but sometimes I knitting, Bookkeeper If you are a mechanic or farmer, worn out with New Brunswick and Canada Inter jug, cups pardon saying aud no attention mg at 10 %. Sabbath school at at doubted references. Address A. B. this of- apparently paying to the 1%. Preaching A overwork, or a mother run down by or house- colonial, Windsor, and Annapolis. Western Coun- and the two dishes. And as, with daz- fear you are not quite right in the head. Is 3.00. Praise and at fice. janttdtf Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 20. 1882. fhmily cers, flirtation, or soinetbb g more which prayer meeting 7%. hold duties try Parker’s Gingsr Tonic. ties. .Hall Hoads, and Stage .Bootes. I on her of the ex- there in serious, 1 think it a duty I owe human it» to say zling eyes, gazed portion any insanity your family?’ West Conobegational Church. If are a minister or business man BF'Frelgn. received dp to 4 m. and was proceeding under her very eyes, Preaching what your remedy has done for me One you lawyer, ex- p. any In- I felt as a sacred ‘None at I ly Rev. J. C. Holbrook D. D. at a.m. and hausted mental strain or anxious do formation regarding the some be bad quisite service, though duty all,’ replied. 10% WANTED. year ago 1 contracted a bad «*ase of blood by cares, not lake may at the nor “Soon matters reached a climax. I could 7 p. in. Sabbath Sohool at 12m. in toxicatin stimulants, bu t use Parker's offloe of the Freight Agent, Railroad Wharf. had devolved upon me to reunite the long ‘Neither your father, mother, nor disease, ami not knowing the result of such g Ginger Tonic no If have ForCIrcnlara with Excursion Rontes and aunt, nor uncle shown longer decieve myself. I was WestEnoM. E. Church.—Rev. John troub es. I allowed it to run on for some Consumption, Dyspepsia, Rheuma- Tickets, ceramic family; I knew I any any tendency hopelessly Gibson, TINSMITH to work on tin ware. Address or you State Rooms and farthei separated Residence 1128 st. b ism, or disorder of the information upnlv st little that in love with Ethel Crofton, and I felt bound pastor; Coogress Preaching to time, it finally applied to the be^t physi- Kidney Complaints, any lungs, should find happiness untill all the way?’ m. A Apply stomach, blood or Company’s Office, 40 Exchange St. in honor to inform her and 2% p. Sabbath school 1 p. m. Young cian in this city, *vho treated me for six bowels, nerves.Parkbr’s Ginger ef it in ‘Not the aunt, to throw will cure T. 0. HERb.! Y, President, and beautiful members reposed safely my slightest. leoplc’s Union Band meeting 6: prayer meeting mouths. In tnat time I took over 6l>0 Tonic you. It is the Greatest Blood Purifier Manager on the before I pills possseesiou. “‘Very well; you had letter go home myself fair'spinster’s mercy EMERY & BATCHELDER •f protoiodide of mercury, 14 grain each, And (ha Ces( and Surest Cough Cure Ever Used. 14_■ . m. to but show Freight, Passage, sailing fa you publish my name, you may or information, apply to address the General Ea n hour, with the coveted articles almost with- good sense to the winds; and, to shorten the bitterly. this letter to any who doubt the merit of tern " The People’s Spiritual Meetings, Mercantile Hall Agents, in as far off as the of I went the next It was the china,’ I expostulated. Schiedam S. S. S., tor 1 know it is a sure cure. yet gates hea- tale, afternoon Aromatic C. C. BAKTI.ETT A grasp, deliberately Farrington Block, CongreSB st. Speaking at 2 30 _ CO., “‘I and now think can Yours truly, J. H. B. TCU. to Shepherd’s Bush, renewed my offer, and see; you you mil 7.30 p. m., bv Mrs. P. D. Bradbury, of Fairfield IIS Slate Street, cai IIrenil St., Hasten have Ethel and the china and a Me. This is her last D- of left the house betrothed to too, Sunday here at present. < ...... UTTI.K A “I did not, course, dispair entirely, ‘I formally Miss prefer Some thirty years ago there lived in Mont- faJSdtf orJ° OO., bride and old china to an 31 Rxchanxe St.. Portland. must manoeuvre, ‘I thought. I will have it Lesbia Crofton. She, at least, behaved in a young old bride gomery, Ala., a young man who war terri- and old china. Faithless man ? schnapps. ami. ted. After being treated for a In time, fair means or foul. I will make very sensible manner. Friends to Dink.—On this occasion how bly long by time by the medical profession of this town to I ‘You wish to “I lost my temper utterly, and I am sor- myself very agreeable her: will show her say you marry me,’ she doth the busy housewife improve each with no benefit, he commenced taking S. S. to followed it. shining ALLAN LINE Some I be able to render ‘and I am on in so ry say my politeness S. After it two attentious. day may said, getting years now, hour her silverware with persistently taking w * TO china? me by polishing Electro- As a general beverage and months he was AND FROM her a and her heart with cannot, in to refuse such an “‘Hang the I cried; ‘give necessary cured. Beiug acquainted 2 service, may open justice myself, with him I silicon, whieh a for I can _ BOSTOH and I shall desire.’ offer- I have about and Ethsl, and 6he can smash it all if she likes. produces brilliancy that twenty years therea'ter, AHID P«R^LA!VD gratitude, compass my inquired you, every corrective of water rendered that the disease never made its re- I don’t care.’ brightens the countenances of her impure by testify LIVEKPOOI., Ql'KRYW rotvv To-day I could do no more, jso I bade my one who knows you speaks in your favor. guests. turn. FISTULA I under such circum- AND PILES GLASGOW, LOADIINDGKBV new-found relative, asjl cunningly called her, Still, you may regret your choice, so you “Women, believe, Grocers sell it. Avoid imitations. vegetable decomposition or otber causes, J. W. Bishop, J. P., Hot Springs, Ark. stances as like to man Cured without the (Jae of the Knife. an affectionate shall have plenty of time for consideration. these, hear a swear. PREPUn PASSAfiV good-by, asking premission r X 8 for "cmAVi. It shows he i3 in earnest. If come to see us, and we will CA friends and relativos from to call on her We will not be married for six months at Any way, my MABBIACms. as Limestone, Sulphate of &c, the you doubt, WILLIAM the Old again. Copper READ, (M. D., Harvard 1842,) and Country to any railroad nation or “I shall be to at Mr. least.’ deposed bride leaned back in her chair and CURE YOU, or charge nothing! Write for lOBEUT M. READ steamboat land, glad see you auy time, (M. D., Harvard 1878.) 41 ing In the L nited States. The line so that I knew matters Aromatic is to •ouien-et only taking'>*“'1! P«n-riaa- Headley,’ she said: ‘but. we shall never have “Although, after taking the first plunge I laughed heartily In ibis city, Jan. 11, by Rev. A. H. Wright, Geo. Schnapps superior every particulars and a co y of the little book (street, VtoMton. give special attention engersdirer! from t.nltvny. would be soon to satisfaction. F. Johnston and Mies Annie McLeod, both of Port- > the treatment*)? FIMT lit. I1D The steamers are any china dealings so are fair- should have been glad to go to the depths of arranged my “Message to the Unfortunate Suffering.” unsurpassed for safety and .need together, yon in land. other alcoholic A 41,1. DINKANEH OF THE BFCTCH, and are Sited UM With all warned.’ without I felt the In great delight I caught her my arms, preparation. public Ask as to our improvement v JUUUC1T® ly my folly delay, wisdom In this city, Jan. 8. by Rev. A. McKeown. D. any Druggist standing. without detention from business. Abundant refer- to the comfort of comludSJ and for once her a kiss of real D., passengers. ‘•I went homo of her words, and in this ar- gave affection. Alfred G. Whiton of and ences given Pamphlet* sent on feeling very mournful, and acquiesced Newton, Mass., Mrs. Le- saltr of over 30 years duration in every application. §50 of that ‘Did you think I was to let you vina h. Morse of Boot on. Office hours—12 to 4 o’clock P M. (except Sun- iABIK, §70 nn«| §S0. for the rest day the four cups and rangement. Of course, with the new un- going me for the sake of a few and In Biddef rd, Jan. 4, of Port- attgloeoddm Intermediate the and the between I saw both her marry cups Irving Stackpole of our he to $40, lowest saucers, cream-jug, two dishes derstanding us, land and Alma F. b oss of Biddeford. ection country of Udolpho Wolfe's 0T$1,000 REWARD will paid any Steerage rate about before and as saucers?’ she cried. I am not such a stu- 40 were dancing my eyes. I sat and the china nearly every day; Miss In Harrison, Jan. 1. Lewis E. Mouk o£ Bridgton Chemist who will find, on analysis of 100 ^change St T as that. in plS>eP,'i!lWavAa^.U,RON' down for an hour or more with own was an uice I pid old woman But truth, add Miss Nellie S. Wood of Norway. Schnapps, its unsolicited endorsement Al Congress St., or I HP. ea- my por- Crofton extremely woman, by bottles of S. S. S., one particle of Mercury, AI.Qfeiy.DKS^ir’s^m 15 State Boston. me. I have fond of you, so In Dover, N. II., Jan. 1, Geo. 8. of Cane street, no23dtmyl tion before How meagre it looked now! I grew quite to love her— as a Robert, grown very Moody or Mineral sub- may say Elizabeth and Olive Skillings of Scarbojo. Iodide of Potassium, any took the out and had Fate not if Ethel will have you, take her. But only the medieal faculty and a sale unequaled I pieces rearranged the mother—and, interposed, In Saco, Jan. 6, Frank L. Northrop and Susie stance. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Proprie- Maine cabinet, blank for those 1 should doubtless have married her at the on conditions.’ Steamship Company leaving spaces Kelley. by any other alcoholic distillation hare tors, Atlanta, Ga. coveted. I pictured the lovely appearance expiration of the time she named, and very ‘Name them, dear Miss Crofton? I ex- In Boothbay, Dee. 29, Geo. T. Murray and Miss Line to Now fork. Nellie A. Sargent. Semi-Weekly the set would present when the whole of it probably should have been happy enough claimed ; anything—everything you wish.’ insured for it the of Price of Small Size, 9100 “ In Boothbay, Jan. 3, Irving P. Greenleaf and reputation salubrity was in my hands. after a fashion. One thing.was very much You must prove the earnestness of Miss Annie B. Stewart. l.argc Size, 1 75 STEPHEN Steamers Eleanors and BERKY, will Franconia “I went to rest quite sorrowful, aud the to my Lesbia’s credit: she indulged in no your love for my darling girl, and the recov- claimed for It. For sale by all Druggists _ oj’til further notice leave Franklin Wha/g MOLD BV ALL DRIJOGINTH. Portland, MONDAY and cabinet, which only the morning before raptures, nor did she any from me. ery from your insanity, by sending me every THURSDAY, at expect DEATHS novO ThS&Tulw mid x. M., and leave Pier 37, East New so well was uow or When we met or a kiss Chelsea as a I shall then and Grocers. jffloefc, (gald River, Yomt^nw seemed filled, empty, parted, I imprinted your present. give Joi- ffldnitlt •very MONDA Y and TH DRSDA Y, at 4 P. y empty, in my eyes. It is a small thing upon her forehead, and that was all. She the whole set to the South Kensington or Ha. 37 Pinza Street. These steamers are fitted up with fine nearly In this Jan. Mrs. Elisa R. accotnmoda* that I believe I dreamed of Miss Crof- even interdicted the use of Christian names Street Museum.’ city, 11, Bucknatu, aged lions for passengers, making this a very to say Jermyn 48 convenient years. And Medicated Cotton and comfortable route for travelers between Now ton aud her china the whole night. My between us, and stipulated that our “I musn't tall you ali about our lovemak*- afternoon at DODD’S engage- [Funeral service Sunday 2 o'clock, Tork and Maine. During the summer months thc-e vanished as eyes closed. I stole ment should be of to no one. Anoth- or Mrs. would never at her lata 153 Franklin street. Instant Belief for Toothache. at honesty my spoken ing, neadley forgive residence, Rela- Newspaper Advertising Agency, Steamers will touch Vineyard Haven on their os. are invited to attend. A tow ol that china at least a dozen times. I secreted er thing I found strange was that she was bnt Ethel and I arranged matters tives and friends applications IMS WASHINGTON ■age to and from New Tork. Pa-sage, lacludlr.. me; In this Jan. Medicated wet la ST., BOSTON I buried in a aud return home eity, 12, Mary F., daughter of John Cotton, Bute Room; |6; meals eitra. Ocodadestined it in the most axtraordinary places. continually harping, good-tempered very quickly, upon my and 12 3 In ao Advertisement* received for In bevSf Sarah Pearl, aged years months. _ _Obtunder, placed every Paper tk» Portland or New York forwarded to dentin It for and to avoid but the sort of way, the of our I cabinet and al- United States and British vto, vt safety detection, upon disparity ages, that evening opened my I Funeral service Sunday afternoon at 2Vi o'clock, BEAVER aching tooth, will deaden the nerve and gtn Provinces at the Lowest once. For fnrtner Information Rpt ly to 18 STREET, Contract Price*. four cups seemed endowed with life, and as instead of endeavoring to make the diff- most without a pang packed up my two cups, at No. 4 Cushman street. pannanent relief. Obtunder, Medicated Col. Any Information oheerfnlly given PSNRY F03., Oenerol Agent. Portland In Bath, Jan. 12. widow of the late Join and Inatrument, all comuiete, for 38 ets and estimates promptly furnished. J. F. I covered ihetnuo w.tb earth would popup in erence as little as possible. In fact, she and saucers, and sugar-basin fn *ot- Eliza, fan AMES, Ag’t, Pier 83, E. it. Jkw iota. teapot, Davis of North aged 77 ifcreaio to all and-DcMcrs in I’ntctv File of the Punas sept (or lospcotlon at time Tickets and to treat me more aB a son next Yarmouth, years. Druggists any State Rooms can be obtained un unexpected places. I committed other crimes seemed than as a ton wool, and the morning forwarded on at 2 and the Estimator furnished. Send for [Funeral Monday afternoon o’clook, NEW YORK. JaeoWpea, by Manufacturer, Circular Hxcnange Street. From Dee. 1 to May 1 no n., for the sake of that I future husband. Miss Crofton. You have seen of <11 Maw. A list of 100 ehoite china. deliberately them to at residouce R. S. Davis, Dewing Centre. D8 V. I. Sac alas tut, D. D. 3., Lyin, ncwtpnpsr*. lengers will be akta by this lino. decSdtf