VISA-A245-001 Book Arts / Letterpress Location: MO 532 / Printmaking Studio 5th floor Monroe Meeting times: T/R 2:00-4:45 Karoline Schleh, Instructor Email:
[email protected] Course Description This course will introduce the student to the essential concepts and techniques of letterpress printmaking as applied to fundamental book art formats and structures. Projects will introduce students to the basics of letterpress printing for the Vandercook proof press including hand typesetting, typography, composition, locking up, printing, and distribution. A variety of book arts formats will be covered ranging from broadsides to hand sewn and bound hardcover books. Course Goals & Grading Each project will introduce the student to a new technique will be accompanied by a concept to explore that process. Each project will be graded on the following elements: *Participation (Includes critiques and ability to work collaboratively within the studio) *Research *Concept *Technical Understanding Students should be able to analyze and evaluate their own work and that of other students through the process of critique using terms and concepts unique to printmaking. Students should also understand the history of printmaking overall as a distinctive form of art production, while keeping in mind the exploration of how these theories and ideas can be used for personal expression within our contemporary culture. Supply List 6” Speedball soft rubber brayer (or similar) 2” Speedball soft rubber brayer (or similar) Yasutomo Bamboo Baren Speedball 4131 Linoleum