劉炯朗教授 Prof. Chung-Laung Liu 台灣清華大學蒙民偉榮譽講座教授 William Mong Honorary Chair Professor of Computer Science In National Tsing Hua University

簡 介 Biography 劉炯朗教授,台灣成功大學理學學士,美國麻省理工學院理學碩士和理學博士。先後於麻省 理工學院、伊利諾大學、台灣清華大學等知名高校任教,服務教育界逾四十年,現任台灣清 華大學蒙民偉榮譽講座教授。過往曾任高校領導職務包括:伊利諾大學(香檳校區)助理副 校長(1996-1998)及台灣清華大學校長(1998-2002)。

劉教授的專業領域涵蓋超大型集成電路的電腦輔助設計、電腦輔助教學、實時系統、系統組 合的優化、離散數學等。迄今為止,已發表一百八十餘篇學術論文,出版了八部學術專著。 此外,還出版了七部中文散文集。2005 年至今,劉教授還為新竹 IC975 廣播電台每週主持一 期人文科技節目。

劉教授曾當選台灣中研院院士、電子電機工程師學會(IEEE)會士以及計算機協會(ACM)傑出 會員,同時亦出任多間台灣高科技公司、教育及慈善機構的董事會成員。他曾榮獲澳門大學 和台灣政治大學頒授的榮譽博士學位,亦曾獲電機電子工程師學會及其分會頒發的多個奬項, 如電子設計自動化學會的菲爾‧卡夫曼獎、實時系統技術委員會技術成就獎、電路系統學會 技術成就獎以及教育勳章等殊榮。

C. L. Liu received his B. Sc. degree at the National Cheng Kung University in , and his S. M. and Sc. D. degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His teaching career spans over forty years, at MIT, the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, and the National Tsing Hua University, where he is now the William Mong Honorary Chair Professor of Computer Science. His academic administrative duties include serving as Associate Provost at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign from 1996 to 1998, and as President of the National Tsing Hua University from 1998 to 2002.

His research areas are: computer-aided design of VLSI circuits, computer-aided instruction, real-time systems, combinatorial optimization, and discrete mathematics. He has published over 180 technical papers, and 8 technical books. In addition, he has published seven books which are essay collections in Chinese. He serves on the Boards of a number of high tech companies and educational and charitable foundations in Taiwan. Since 2005, he hosts a weekly radio show on Technology and Humanities in the radio station IC975 in .

He is a member of , and a Fellow of IEEE and ACM. He received Honorary Doctoral Degrees from the University of Macao and the National Chengchi University. Among his major awards are the Phil Kaufman Award from CEDA, Technical Achievement Award from Real Time Systems Technical Committee, IEEE, Technical Achievement Award from Circuits and Systems Society, IEEE, and Education Medal, IEEE.

澳大大師講壇 ─「數裡有詩,詩裡有數」 劉炯朗教授 UM Master Lecture Series –“Poetic Mathematics and Mathematical Poetry” Prof. Chung-Laung Liu

日期: 2012 年 11 月 28 日(星期三) Date: 28 November, 2012 (Wednesday) 時間: 上午 10 時 30 分 Time: 10:30 a.m. 地點: 澳門大學文化中心 Venue: Cultural Centre of the University of

程序表Programme Rundown

10:00 a.m. 嘉賓接待 Guest reception

10:30 a.m. 司儀宣佈講座開始 MC announces the beginning of lecture

10:30 a.m. 澳門大學趙偉校長致辭 Remarks by Rector Wei Zhao of the University of Macau

10:35 a.m. 澳門大大師講壇 ─「數裡有詩,詩裡有數」 UM Master Lecture Series –“Poetic Mathematics and Mathematical Poetry”

11:35 a.m. 問答環節 Q&A session

11:50a.m. 致送紀念品 Souvenir presentation

11:55 a.m. 講座結束 Lecture Ends