Planting THE Seeds


In Christ, The Catholic Foundation inspires giving and assists donors to provide for the long-term needs of the Diocese of Columbus.

keep your gifts in our faith The Catholic Foundation is the only foundation in the Diocese of Columbus that invests your gifts in alignment with the teachings of the Catholic Church. Our portfolios follow the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops investment policies, and we carefully screen all charitable organizations that we fund to make sure they also follow Catholic teachings. our four pillars The Catholic Foundation focuses its funding in four pillars of our Catholic faith: Parish Life, Catholic Education & Faith Formation, Social Services and Vocations. fund types grants

$1,554,566 new funds $2,831,550 2014 61 opened

what our funds support Grants by Pillar education 319* $47,400,000 funds $1,382,858 $748,407 parish life 203* $29,900,000 funds catholic education parish life social services 120* social services $20,600,000 funds vocations

vocations 72* $893, 730 $3,587,930 $16,100,000 funds

donor advised funds that support * multiple pillars 112 Grants funds $22,100,000 by Source

*Some funds may support multiple pillars, therefore the total # of funds in this chart does not equal the total number of funds under management

$2,035,721 14 scholarship funds 97 trusts/annuities 120 donor advised funds endowment + scholarships 564 endowment funds responsive donor advised fund grants distributed awarded $6.5m $70m in grants since our inception most ever in our history in 1985

1,070 grants awarded

70 focus grants 54 the challenge in changing times grants + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

10 dr.edmond j. goold grants 566 donor advised funds grants + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 12 scholarships + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 358 endowment fund distributions + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Another record-breaking year for The Catholic Foundation with over $6.5 million in TODAY grants distributed in 2014, bringing total impact to over $70 million.

Impact dollars in a single year 2013 breaks previous records with The Catholic Foundation nearly $6 million distributed. reaches $50 million in impact. 2010

The Focus Funds are established to 2007 support key areas of need, including education, parish life and social services.

The Catholic Foundation reaches $25 million in impact. 2004

$48 million raised in The Challenge in Changing Times Campaign, funding six 2000 endowments to support parish needs The Catholic Foundation across the diocese. reaches $10 million in impact. 1999

The Catholic Foundation seeds parish 1992 endowment funds to spur local programs Church Maintenance & Repair Fund is for securing their futures. created by an anonymous donor with an 1988 establishing gift of $100,000.

The Catholic Foundation is established and the soil is prepared for the seeds of 1985 the future A letter from our bishop

A letter from the CEO My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

LOREN P. BROWN Saint Paul once wrote to the Christians in Corinth that although “I [Paul] planted and Apollo watered, God caused the growth”

Jesus Christ calls us Catholics not only to live the faith deeply but to share it abundantly. We do this in many ways, Dear friends in Christ, some simple and some large, but in all ways we follow the admonition of Saint Peter, who in his first Letter tells us, In the Gospel according to Matthew, Mark and Luke, we learn about the Parable of always to be ready to give an account of the faith and hope the Sower who scatters seeds on four different types of earth. Jesus explains that the that we have. Such an account may be the willingness seed is actually the word of God, and the four types of earth describe responses to the to provide for another in any spiritual or material need or Gospel. Ultimately, those with rich soil are the only ones who are truly saved, as Luke 8:15 to be a companion in Christ for one who seeks comfort explains: and understanding. In many cases this account may be a devotion to Christian living through which others can see reflected the peace and love of the Lord. “But as for the seed that fell on rich soil, they are the ones who, when they have heard the word, embrace it with a generous and good heart, and bear fruit through perseverance.” Some of the ways in which we share the faith involve planting a seed, understanding that the Lord’s own providence will We can also relate this parable to The Catholic Foundation. When our founders guide the seed to blossom and come to fruition. Support for established the Foundation, they prepared the ground for the seeds of the future to be Catholic education is an example of such faithful planting of a planted. The charge to the Foundation was to sow the seeds, tend the ground and assure seed in our young people which can grow into a mature faith a bountiful harvest. We do this primarily through endowment funds – an ever-growing and produce powerful witnesses to the Gospel of Christ. body of funds, invested wisely and permanently, with the interest used for current needs or reinvested for further growth. The Diocese of Columbus is blessed with many ministries that help to cultivate our faith among our people and throughout the community. Many of these ministries require Since our inception in 1985, the Foundation has grown and borne much fruit to feed long term support, such as endowments provide. The the needs of the diocese. In fact, this past year was again a record-breaking year. We Catholic Foundation was established to encourage generous distributed over 1,000 grants amounting to $6.5 million, the most ever in our history. By faithful Catholics to consider a gift to an endowment fund the grace of God, and thanks to your generous contributions, we were able to accomplish supporting vocations, Catholic education, the charitable this. The fruit of our labor wouldn’t be possible without your gifts of the seeds. work of the Church, or the ongoing needs of our parishes in the Diocese of Columbus. Such gifts allow our generosity to As you read through this Planting the Seeds annual report, I hope that the stories and continue to foster the growth of the faith long after we have accomplishments from the past year will inspire you to pray about how you can help completed our own earthy journey. grow the faith in our community. Remember, we’re here to help connect your gift with our Catholic faith as we prepare for the future needs of our diocese. I encourage you to consider a gift to an endowment to the Catholic Foundation and allow your generosity to proclaim the faith far into the future. The Catholic Foundation is committed to tending the ground and providing a rich soil. Will you help us by supplying the seeds? May the good Lord bless you always.

In Christ, Sincerely yours in Christ,

Loren P. Brown | President & CEO

Most Reverend Frederick F. Campbell, D.D., Ph.D. Bishop of Columbus A letter from our bishop new foundation initiatives

St. Martha Bridge Giving Circle the Gap

The St. Martha Giving Circle is a new initiative dedicated to Last year, The Catholic Foundation received over $3.4 million in bringing Catholic women together to raise awareness and funds requests for funding from the parishes, schools, social service for organizations in the Diocese of Columbus. A giving circle by agencies and other ministries in the Diocese of Columbus. While design, this group will leverage a pooled fund to have a greater we were able to provide at least partial funding to about 60% of philanthropic impact on the selected organizations. the requests, there is still a large funding gap due to the limited availability of unrestricted funds. Throughout the year, The Marthas gather to learn about organizations and their needs, and decide together which Bridge the Gap was created to give these programs a second projects to fund. The women spend time together sharing ideas, chance—the model is designed to allow each and every person participating in service projects and socializing with like-minded to contribute to a great initiative, even if the amount seems women. insignificant at the time. Together, a collection of small gifts can make a huge difference to an organization seeking funding. To learn more about becoming a member of the St. Martha Giving Circle, Considering how many lives are positively affected by these visit organizations, even the seemingly most nominal of donations becomes truly tremendous.

To browse over 300 requests for funding shown on the site, please visit “By supporting these programs and ministries, we help others to hear and understand the word.”

St. Joseph Parish, Dover Youth Group Catholic Sowing Education and Faith the Seed Formation aT A GLANCE As for what was sown on good soil, a Focus grant to develop a religious this is the one who hears the word and formation program to help the understands it. He indeed bears fruit younger children in the parish become and yields, in one case a hundredfold, in more involved in their faith and grow another sixty, and in another thirty. deeper in their love for Jesus Christ. Similarly, St. John Neumann Parish This verse from Matthew chapter 13 used a Focus grant to help cover the $2,831,550 encompasses the importance of faith costs of its Theology on Tap program formation in the Catholic tradition. for the young adult ministry and St. total We must prepare ourselves and our Joseph Parish in Dover used a Focus children to grow and nurture the grant to hire a part-time seeds of faith, through the lessons and youth minister. values we learn in Catholic schools, PSR programs, youth ministries, RCIA From a parish Faith Formation programs, adult Bible studies and Library for St. Vincent de Paul to from endowment funds 59% and scholarships other programs. chapel supplies and catechetical materials for the Ross Correctional 32% from donor From our youngest, growing Catholics Institution prison ministry, The advised funds to our seasoned faithful, The Catholic Catholic Foundation strives to support from responsive grants/ Foundation supports all stages of faith faith formation across all ages and 9% focus & challenge formation. Last year, The Catholic backgrounds. By supporting these Foundation granted over $100,000 programs and ministries, we help scholarships to 12 students to faith formation programs through others to hear and understand responsive grants, including over the Word. over $530,000 in other tuition $60,000 for youth and young adult assistance ministries, and over $15,000 for adult, — senior and prison ministries. In total, Consider a gift to support faith formation $100,000 earmarked for faith formation programs The Catholic Foundation awarded through the Support for Catholic more than $2.8 million to the Catholic Education Endowment Fund or by Education and Faith Formation pillar. contributing to one of the many formation More than 2/3 of responsive grants projects listed on Bridge the Gap at supported faith formation programs in The church cultivates the next our parishes, schools and other ministries, touching the lives of 10,000+ generation of Catholics through its individuals in their faith journey. In theory, youth and young adult ministries. this year’s endowment distributions For example, St. Timothy Parish used could triple the number of lives touched depending on how it is used. producing the fruit

For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me… “By creating an When Michael and Jo Ann Carpenter approached The Catholic Foundation to endowment fund at The discuss opening a fund, this verse from Matthew chapter 25 helped to guide them. The couple knew they wanted to make a substantial impact on hunger in Catholic Foundation, the Columbus, and looked to the Foundation for direction. Carpenters planted the “Life sometimes can be uneven for those who are less fortunate than others,” seeds of the future for St. Michael said. “We felt that helping to feed those in need in Columbus, through faith-based charitable works, was something we wanted to do.” Lawrence Haven.”

“The Catholic faith has been very important to me, my entire life,” Jo Ann added. “It’s always been part of who I am, and what I hope to impart on others.”

It was a natural fit, then, when the Carpenters created an endowment fund to benefit St. Lawrence Haven, a free lunch program in Downtown Columbus run by the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Jo Ann already made sandwiches each week for the program as part of the St. Matthew Parish Charitable Works Committee, and this fund enabled her to amplify the outreach.

“That’s the way we were brought up – to help others who are less fortunate,” Jo Ann said of the couple’s charitable giving and her volunteer work.

“This endowment seemed the ideal way to honor and build upon the kind works that my wife, Jo Ann, has always embraced, and to further her efforts in a lasting endowment way,” Michael explained. fund By creating an endowment fund at The Catholic Foundation, the Carpenters planted the seeds of the future for St. Lawrence Haven. The Foundation tends to the ground and sows the seeds by investing the funds wisely and permanently, An Endowment Fund provides an with the interest providing a bountiful harvest for many years to come. annual source of funding to a Catholic “We chose an endowment so that it would be there in perpetuity,” Michael said. organization of your choice. This fund is designed to function in perpetuity, making “I want it to be there forever.” it possible for you to ensure long-term __ financial support to your chosen cause. To learn how you can eternally honor a loved one through an endowment fund, or to Once established, anyone can make contribute to an existing fund that supports your favorite Catholic charity, additional contributions to the fund in any visit dollar amount. Michael and Jo Ann Carpenter in front of St. Lawrence Haven “The service trips… plant seeds of discipleship.”

Buckeye Catholic students at St. Thomas More Newman Center Harvesting Vocations aT A GLANCE Our Gifts

It’s no secret that churches of all Stephanie Shoenfelt participated in denominations struggle to keep several of the trips as a group leader. young adults engaged. Locally, the St. She now works full-time for NET Thomas More Newman Center at ministries, a nonprofit organization State is working to thwart the issue that challenges young Catholics to $748,407 by providing students ways to grow in love Christ and embrace the life of total their Catholic faith and find fellowship the church. during these transitional years. “The Lord has profoundly changed One popular, and highly effective, my life through the Newman Center. activity includes Spring Break service Without the Newman Center I trips, which offer students a chance to would not have the faith, confidence give back to low-income communities, or courage to follow the Lord and 74% from endowment funds while also engaging in prayer proclaim His love all the over the from donor and fellowship. world,” Shoenfelt said. 25% advised funds

“These trips instill an ongoing sense As more and more students participate 1% from focus grants of service in our students,” said in service trips and other activities, Austin Schafer, Pastoral Associate for the Newman Center works tirelessly Campus Ministry. “The service trips to meet their needs and expand extend far beyond the one week time programming, striving to grow and awarded the first ever commitment, they plant seeds nurture a love of serving God. responsive grants for vocations of discipleship.” to the dominican sisters of peace — and the office of marriage & family life. The service trips create a lasting impact If you wish to join The Catholic Foundation on the students who participate. In in helping St. Thomas More Newman fact, as many as 13 recent graduates Center or other similar organizations grow felt called to a vocation of service, the faith in our future generations, please $300,000 to Diocese of Columbus with some spending a summer or year visit $105,000 to Tribunal Office overseas ministering to others, at least two entering the seminary and one $45,000 to Pontifical College Josephinum who now serves as a youth minister. $50,000 to Office of Vocations

$30,000 to 10 congregations of religious sisters

$220,000 to other organizations sharing the bounty

As Judy and Gene Alfonsi reflect on their 24-year marriage, they both agree that Catholicism played a major role in their lives. Now heavily involved in organizations such as Cradling Christianity, the Franciscan Foundation for the “It’s not just about good Holy Land, the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre, St. Brigid of Kildare Parish estate planning; it’s about and many more, the pair admits they didn’t always live that way. doing the right thing.” A few years after marrying, their blended family began to feel disjointed and they realized that they needed to make a change. Gene credits Judy with leading them to strengthen their Catholic faith, and therefore strengthening their marriage.

“Everything fell into place after that,” he explained.

As the couple realigned their focus, a friend encouraged them to join the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre and eventually travel on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Both Judy and Gene believe joining the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre was a defining moment for strengthening their active Catholicism.

“It’s funny how God works,” Judy said, explaining the many major life events leading up to the pilgrimage.

“It was a life-changing trip,” she added. “After that pilgrimage, we, along with other pilgrims, began Cradling Christianity. It is an annual fundraiser held in the fall for the Franciscan Foundation for the Holy Land.”

Cradling Christianity celebrated its ninth year this September, but Judy and Gene haven’t slowed down in giving back to the Catholic faith. The Alfonsis set up a CHARITABLE Donor Advised Fund at The Catholic Foundation, and use a Charitable Lead Trust to help fund it. LEAD TRUST

“The CLT provides a fixed amount to the Foundation each year. It’s budgeted for the rest of our life, so that we don’t have to make that decision each year,” Gene A Charitable Lead Trust provides an explained. “It’s not just about good estate planning; it’s about doing the right thing.” annual gift to your chosen parish, school In an effort to pass on a legacy of giving, Judy and Gene gift $1,000 to each or Catholic ministry for a specified term. of their grandchildren on their birthdays, that they gift to the charity of their At the end of the term, the balance of the choice. This affords the parents and grandchildren the opportunity to discuss the assets is returned to you or your heirs. different needs in charities and encourages them to help others. This allows you to pass assets to heirs at a discounted value, while also making a “We feel so fortunate, and are so blessed in many ways by God that we want to current, ongoing gift to charity. pay it forward and help others,” Judy said. Gene and Judy Alfonsi in their Dublin, Ohio home “God is working in their lives. He’s giving us the chance to open the door to their hearts.”

Rachel Muha and Racers at the Run the Race Club in Columbus, Ohio SOcial Tending services the Garden aT A GLANCE

Do you not know that the runners in the Recently, Rachel used an Edmond stadium all run in the race, but only one J. Goold grant from The Catholic wins the prize? Run so as to win. Foundation to hire two part-time employees, including a former Racer This scripture from first Corinthians on the path to a better life. $1,382,858 embodies the Run The Race Club, an total after-school and summer program “God is working in their lives. He’s giving founded by Rachel Muha for inner- us the chance to open the door to their city students in elementary, middle hearts,” Rachel said. and high school on Columbus’ west side. The center offers the children, or Through music, sports, art and Racers, opportunities to work, play, academics, Rachel and her volunteers eat and be clothed. Rachel and her help each one of the Racers find a way 36% from endowment funds volunteers teach them, love them and to use their gifts and talents. Above all, from donor pray for and with them. Rachel shows the children that they 29% advised funds are worthy of love and that they can Rachel founded the Run The Race Club overcome adversity. from responsive grants/ 35% focus & challenge in 2005 in the basement of Holy Family Church in Columbus. At first, only one “Don’t be afraid to come into the little girl showed up. inner-city and love the children. They $130,000 for pregnancy support, are longing for someone to love and infant loss and other pro-life programs “I thought, ‘If God wants this, he’ll teach them,” Rachel said of potential spread it through the children.’ That’s volunteers. “These are children inside; $450,000 for food, shelter exactly what happened,” Rachel said. they are hurt and broken.” & clothing

Nine years later, the Run The Race — $71,000 for programs that help children Club serves over 500 Racers in a newly The Run the Race Club receives financial renovated building, in addition to an support from an endowment fund in its $140,000+ to Catholic Social Services eight-acre farm in Galloway. name, in addition to other grants. To throughout Ohio contribute to the fund, visit “Our goal is to teach children that there $125,000 to J.O.I.N. is a God in Heaven that loves them very $59,000+ to Mount Carmel Health much,” said Rachel. “They don’t have to System for outreach programs do the things they’re doing, there’s a $38,000+ to the Diocese of Columbus better way.” Society of St. Vincent de Paul for food and clothing passing on the heirloom

With five generations from the area, the Glockner family roots run deep in Portsmouth. It’s not surprising, then, that Andy and Barb Glockner feel a strong sense of responsibility to the community. The couple met at Notre Dame High “It wasn’t necessarily School – the same school their grandparents attended, and the same school their about yesterday or today, grandchildren now attend. it was about planning for “It’s an amazing Catholic community down here,” Barb said. “There’s something the future.” special happening.”

Through their own Catholic education, as well as through their children’s, the Glockners gained a sense of community. They learned about their faith, learned to be caretakers of the faith community, and even helped to raise each other’s children, Barb explained.

More than 30 years ago, Andy’s own father also recognized the intrinsic value of a Catholic education, and as a result he started the Scioto County Catholic Schools Foundation, now administered by The Catholic Foundation. Designed to last forever by only spending the interest earnings, this fund could potentially preserve the Catholic school system in Portsmouth.

“My dad always saw the big picture,” Andy explained. “It wasn’t necessarily about yesterday or today, it was about planning for the future.”

Andy inherited this special visionary trait, and in his late twenties he purchased a paid-up life insurance policy. Life

“I gifted the policy to the Scioto County Catholic Schools Foundation,” Andy said. Insurance “I hope to accomplish the perpetuation of our Catholic schools.”

“We’ve always been a huge supporter of the Catholic schools,” Barb said. “It’s nice Whether you purchased a life insurance to read and write, but if kids don’t know God is first, they are missing out.” policy for peace of mind, financial As Andy and Barb work to ensure that Catholic education is available for future liquidity or investment diversification, generations, they pass on that special family heirloom of planning for the you might find that the original purpose future – the one that Andy’s father passed on to him so many years before. for purchasing the policy is now obsolete. Consider using a new or existing life “Recently my son said to me, ‘Dad, just like Papa, we have to make sure these insurance policy to provide a gift to the schools never fail’,” Andy said of his son, who serves on the school board. parish, school or ministry of your choice by naming The Catholic Foundation as the “We have to do everything we can to make sure these schools are perpetuated,” he added. beneficiary and/or owner. Andy and Barb Glockner in St. Mary Parish, Portsmouth “These sacred pieces of art grow the faith in each person who sees them”

St. Francis de Sales Parish, Newcomerstown PARISH Growing LIFE New Blooms aT A GLANCE

Catholic churches around the world showing visible deformities caused by are known for their beauty and extreme weather and other damage magnificence. While the buildings each to the buildings. Last year alone, The boast different architectural styles and Catholic Foundation received funding unique qualities, one element that requests for restoration plans with they all include is the use of stained projected costs of almost $500,000. $1,554,566 glass windows. total Left alone, our churches risk In the early days of the Catholic permanently losing these essential Church, people relied primarily on story-telling tools, which means spoken word to share the faith. By the missing a huge opportunity to grow ninth and tenth centuries, churches the faith inside the walls, or to share started incorporating ornate stained the Gospel to passers-by. For a glass windows, often depicting parish such as St. Francis de Sales in 56% from endowment funds important Bible stories or exhibiting Newcomerstown, with the closest from donor the qualities of our saints. Most Catholic church over 20 miles away, 26% advised funds importantly, these sacred pieces of the missed opportunity is magnified. art grow the faith in each person who 18% from responsive grants/ sees them. As Catholics, we must come together focus & challenge to preserve this part of our history, to The Diocese of Columbus is home ensure the windows continue to tell to some of the most beautiful and stories to our children and to connect responsive grants paid for historic stained glass windows in the past and future generations. $421,000 capital repair projects country. St. Joseph Parish in Somerset houses many 100-year old German As Jesus says in Matthew chapter 28, windows. Similarly, Our Lady of “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, Mount Carmel Parish in Buckeye Lake baptizing them in the name of the Father, $1,125,000 directly to Parishes for treasures two large, Gothic windows, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit...” discretionary use constructed over 85 years ago. $60,000 for window repairs — $54,000 for Evangelization Projects Each year, The Catholic Foundation Help our churches Bridge the Gap by receives many requests for assistance contributing to a stained glass window project. $75,000 for Lighting and Safety Projects with repairing and preserving stained Please visit to $240,000 for other parish projects glass windows. Over time, the view all projects that need financial assistance. and requests windows begin to bow and warp, beneficiaries

Recipients of grants from our Endowment Funds, Donor Advised Funds and Responsive Grant Cycles

Catholic Hocking Technical College St. Brigid of Kildare School Parish Life Education Foundation St. Catharine of Siena School Holy Spirit Parish St. Cecilia School Basilica of the National Shrine Holy Trinity School St. Charles Preparatory School of Mary All Saints Academy Immaculate Conception School St. Edward High School Bishop’s Annual Appeal Bishops’ Golf Classic Joyce Kozlowski Scholarship Fund St. Francis DeSales High School Christ the King Parish Bishop Flaget School Licking County Foundation St. James the Less School Church of Our Lady of the Bishop Hartley High School Liz O’Brien Tuition Assistance Fund St. Joseph Montessori School Miraculous Medal Bishop Leibold School Martin de Porres Center St. Joseph Parish Church of St. Edward the Confessor Bishop Ready High School Monsignor Kenneth Grimes St. Labre Indian School Church of the Ascension Bishop Watterson High School Scholarship Fund St. Mary Magdalene School Church of the Blessed Sacrament Bishop Watterson St. Patrick Newark Catholic High School St. Mary Parish, Delaware Church of the Resurrection Scholarship Newark Catholic High School St. Mary Parish, Marion Community of Holy Rosary & Blessed Sacrament School Foundation St. Mary School, Marion St. John the Evangelist Bucknell University North Central Correctional St. Mary School, Lancaster Corpus Christi Parish Calvert Catholic Schools Institution Prison Ministry St. Mary School, Columbus Diocese of Columbus Cardinal Stritch Catholic High Notre Dame Elementary School St. Matthew School Diocese of Columbus - Finance School Notre Dame Jr./Sr. High School St. Michael School Office Catholic Central High School Office of Catholic Schools, St. Pius X School Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church Catholic Latino Ministry Diocese of Columbus St. Sylvester School Holy Cross Parish Catholic Women’s Conference Office of Religious Education St. Timothy School Holy Family Parish Catholic Youth Summer Camp, Inc. and Catechesis St. Vincent de Paul School Holy Redeemer Parish Cristo Rey Columbus High School Office of Youth and Young Adult Trinity Elementary School Holy Spirit Parish Deacon Don and Julie Poirier Ministry Tuscarawas Central Catholic Holy Trinity Parish, Jackson Endowment Fund Ohio Dominican University Elementary School Holy Trinity Parish, Diocese of Columbus Foundation Tuscarawas Central Catholic Jr./Sr. West Portsmouth Diocese of Columbus - Finance Our Lady of Perpetual Help School High School Immaculate Conception Parish, Office Pickaway Correctional Institution Tuscarawas County Schools Columbus Elder High School Prison Ministry Endowment Fund Immaculate Conception Parish, Fellowship of Catholic University Purcell Marian High School University of Dayton Dennison Students Ross Correctional Institution Prison William V. Fisher Catholic High Immaculate Conception Parish, Fortis College Ministry School Kenton Franklin Pre-Release Prison Ministry Seton High School William V. Fisher Catholic High Mary Queen of Peace Georgetown University Ss. Peter and Paul School School Foundation Mass Times Trust Harrison County Catholic School St. Anthony School Nativity of Our Lord Church System St. Brendan School Office of Communications St. Joseph Cathedral St. Thomas More Newman Center Catholics for a Cure Our Lady of Lourdes Parish St. Joseph Parish, Circleville St. Thomas of Canterbury Parish Catholics United for the Poor Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish St. Joseph Parish, Dover St. Thomas the Apostle Parish Children’s Hospital Foundation Our Lady of Peace Parish St. Joseph Parish, Plain City St. Timothy Parish Children’s Hunger Alliance Our Lady of Perpetual Help, St. Joseph Parish, Sugar Grove St. Vincent de Paul Parish Christ Child Society of Columbus Soldotna, AK St. Joseph Parish, Summit Hill, PA Christ Our Savior Council No. 4471 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish St. Joseph Parish, Erie, PA Christian Appalachian Project Our Lady of Sorrows Parish St. Ladislas Parish Social Christina Ann Allwein Donor Advised Our Lady of Victory Parish St. Leonard Parish Services Fund Sacred Heart Parish, Columbus St. Luke the Evangelist Cincinnati Right to Life Education Sacred Heart Parish, Coshocton St. Margaret of Cortona Parish Foundation Sacred Heart Parish, St. Mark Parish 40 Days For Life Clintonville-Beechwold Community New Philadelphia St. Mary Church, Grinnell, IA American Center for Law & Justice, Resources Sacred Hearts Parish, Cardington St. Mary Magdalene Parish District of Columbia, Inc. Seraphic Mass Association St. Mary of the Annunciation Parish American Heart Association Columbus Right to Life Educational Ss. Peter & Paul Parish St. Mary of the Assumption Parish, American Red Cross of Greater Foundation St. Agnes Parish Columbus Columbus Columbus Speech & Hearing Center St. Aloysius Parish St. Mary of the Assumption Parish, Amigos for Christ Columbus Symphony Orchestra, Inc. St. Andrew Parish Lancaster Archdiocese for the Military Columbus Zoological Park St. Ann Parish St. Mary Parish, Groveport Services, USA Association St. Anthony Parish St. Mary Parish, Chillicothe Archdiocese of Cincinnati Coming Home Network St. Antoninus Church St. Mary Parish, Delaware Area Seniors, Inc. International St. Bernadette Parish St. Mary Parish, Marion Back in His Arms Again Community Kitchen, Inc. St. Bernard of Montjoux Parish St. Mary Queen of the Missions Ballet Metropolitan, Inc. Community Shelter Board St. Bernard Parish Parish Bethesda Healing Ministry Created Equal St. Brendan Parish St. Matthew Parish Big Brothers/Big Sisters Cross Catholic Outreach St. Brigid of Kildare Parish St. Michael Parish Birthright of Columbus, Inc. Danny Arnold Memorial Donor St. Catharine of Siena Parish St. Nicholas Parish Bishop Griffin Service Center Advised Fund St. Cecilia Parish St. Patrick Parish, Columbus Byron Saunders Foundation Detroit Public Television St. Christopher Parish St. Patrick Parish, London Camboni Missionaries Diocese of Columbus St. Colman of Cloyne Parish St. Paul the Apostle Parish Camp O’Bannon of Licking Diocese of Columbus - Finance St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish St. Peter in Chains Parish County Inc. Office St. Elizabeth Parish St. Peter Parish, Chillicothe Catholic Answers, Inc. Disabled American Veterans St. Francis de Sales Parish, St. Peter Parish, Columbus Catholic Charismatic Renewal, Inc. Doctors Without Borders Newcomerstown St. Peter Parish, Millersburg Catholic Charities USA Dominican Learning Center St. Francis de Sales School, Newark St. Philip the Apostle Parish Catholic Church Extension Society Easter Seals of Central and St. Francis of Assisi Parish St. Pius X Parish Catholic Near East Welfare Southeast Ohio St. James the Less Parish St. Raphael Parish, Springfield, OH Association Equine Assisted Therapy St. Joan of Arc Parish St. Rose Parish Catholic Relief Services EWTN Television Network St. John Neumann Parish St. Stephen the Martyr Parish Catholic Social Services, Columbus Faith Mission St. John the Baptist Parish St. Sylvester Parish Catholic Social Services, Newark Father Beiting Appalachian St. John the Evangelist Parish St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Catholic Social Services, Portsmouth Mission Center

Beneficiaries, continued

Fidelis Center for Law and Justice Madonna House Support, Inc. The Salvation Army of Licking Flying Horse Farms Make-A-Wish Foundation of Shaw Festival Foundation County Food for the Poor America Sisters of Charity, Senior Care The Villas at St. Therese Assisted Foundation for Hospice of Central Mary’s Meals USA Inc. Corporation Living, Inc. Ohio Media Research Center Sisters of Life Unbound Franciscan Mission Associates Mental Health Association of Licking Smile Train, Inc. Vineyard Grace Fellowship Church Fraternus Inc. County, Inc. Society for the Propagation of Faith Westminster College Freestore-Foodbank, Inc. Mid-Ohio Foodbank Society of St. Philip Neri Wilderness Outreach Glenmary Home Missioners Mother Angeline McCrory Manor Society of St. Vincent dePaul Wright Memorial United Methodist Good Samaritan Hospital Mount Carmel Foundation Special Olympics Inc. Church Foundation N.A.M.I. Franklin County Sports Leader Goodwill Industries of Central National Alliance on Mental Illness St. Francis Evangelization Center Ohio, Inc. of Beaufort County St. Gabriel Catholic Radio 820 AM Vocations Gracehaven National Right to Life Educational St. John Learning Center Greater Washington County Trust Fund St. John’s Hermitage Associates of Brighten Carmel Food Bank New Directions Career Center St. Joseph Cathedral Meal Program Basilica of the National Shrine of the Habitat for Humanity International Ohio Health Foundation St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Immaculate Conception Hands Together, Inc. Ohio Right to Life Society St. Mary of the Assumption Parish Brothers of the Poor of St. Francis Hardin County SOUP Educational Fund St. Paul’s Outreach Campus Crusade for Christ Heart to Heart Ohio State University St. Stephen’s Community House Cardinal Newman Society Heartbeat International Comprehensive Cancer Center St. Therese’s Retreat Center Catholic Laymen’s Retreat League Heartbeats of Licking County Our Daily Bread St. Vincent de Paul Center, Inc. Children of Mary Holy Family Soup Kitchen Paradisus Dei Inc. St. Vincent de Paul Housing Columbus Catholic Men Immigrant Worker Project Patrons of the Arts In the Vatican Facility, Inc. Congregation of 3rd Order of St. Inner City Catholic Parishes Inc. dba Museums Ohio Chapter St. Vincent Family Center Francis of Mary Immaculate Nazareth Towers People of Life, The Pro-Life Stratford Shakespeare Festival Couple to Couple League Intense Intestines Foundation Campaign of USCCB of America International Inc. Jamaica Outreach Program Inc. Peter’s Pence Students for Life of America, Inc. Covenant House JOIN Pregnancy Decision Health Centers Tender Mercies Daughters of St. Dominic Kinder Women’s Care Center Pregnancy Distress The Brian Muha Memorial Diocese of Columbus Knights of Columbus #4603 Presentation Ministries Foundation, Inc. Diocese of Columbus - Chancery Knights of Columbus Council #10863 Priests for Life The Columbus Foundation Office Knights of Columbus Charities Pro-Life Action League The Community Health Clinic Diocese of Columbus - Finance USA, Inc. Respite Connections Inc. The CORE Center - Pregnancy Office Licking County Coalition for Housing Ronald McDonald House Charities Resources of Delaware County Diocese of Columbus - Tribunal Licking County Coalition of Care of Central Ohio The IBC Network Foundation Office Licking County YMCA Run The Race Club The Jesuit Partnership Inc. Discalced Carmelite Friars Life Issues Institute, Inc. Sacred Heart Radio The National Catholic Bioethics Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ LifeCare Alliance Salesian Society Center Divine Word Missionaries Literacy Council Gulf Coast Santa Maria Community Services The Ohio Charity Foundation Dominican Sisters of Peace Little Sisters of the Poor Serenity Street Foundation The Salvation Army of Greater Equestrian Order of the Holy Lupus Foundation of America SHARE, Pregnancy and Infant Loss Columbus Sepulchre Beneficiaries, continued

Family Honor, Inc. Focus on the Family Franciscan Daughters of Mary Franciscan Foundation for the Holy Land International Theological Institute for Studies on Marriage and the Family Jesuit Spiritual Center at Milford Mary Mother of God Mission Society Mater Ecclesiae for Vocations Missionary Sisters of Mary Immaculate Office of Marriage and Family Life Office of Vocations Order of Malta, Federal Association Pontifical College Josephinum Priest and Religious Retirement Endowment Fund Priests for Life Priests of the Sacred Heart As for what was sown on Redemptoris Mater Seminary of Guam Retirement Fund for Religious good soil, this is the one Salesian Missions Inc. Serra Club of Columbus Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur who hears the word and Sisters of St. Francis of Holy Name Province, Inc. Sisters of St. Francis of Mary understands it. He indeed Immaculate Sisters of the Holy Cross bears fruit and yields, in one St. Cecilia Congregation Support for Vocations Endowment Fund case a hundredfold, in another The Athenaeum of Ohio/Mount St. Mary’s Seminary Thomas S. Domitrovich Memorial sixty, and in another thirty. Endowment Fund White House Retreat

matthew, chapter 13 new funds

The Catholic Foundation offers Catholics a way to leave a legacy uniquely aligned with our values and beliefs. The Foundation invests all funds in accordance with the USCCB guidelines for Catholic Socially Responsible Investments. We are honored to steward your gifts to the following new funds.

Charitable Gift Michael J. & Rita B. Dean Bill & Amy Schult Donor Advised Fund Donor Advised Fund Annuity

Maria Tata Margaret Frances Thomas & Charlene Schultz Charitable Gift Annuity Donor Advised Fund Donor Advised Fund

John William Guappone St. Martha Women’s Giving Donor Advised Donor Advised Fund Circle Donor Advised Fund Christina Ann Allwein Catholic Retreat Donor Advised Fund George A. & Paula J. Gummer Theodore W. & Anne K. Van Scoy Donor Advised Fund Donor Advised Fund Bianconi Family Donor Advised Fund Vincent W. & Maryann Kyle Endowment Donor Advised Fund Chuck & Venetia Bramlage Dennis C. Bockus & Sharon B. Donor Advised Fund Brian Muha Memorial Bockus Endowment Fund This fund shall provide support to Our Lady Foundation Donor Advised Fund of Perpetual Help Parish, Grove City, Ohio Bridge the Gap in the following manner: 60% of the yearly distribution will provide for operating and Donor Advised Fund Rosemary & Stephen Pasternack capital improvement needs of Our Lady Donor Advised Fund of Perpetual Help Parish and School, 25% of the yearly distribution will provide for Loren P. & Stacey A. Brown the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish St. Family Donor Advised Fund Jeffery & Christine Poth Vincent de Paul Society, and 15% of the Donor Advised Fund yearly distribution will provide for the Our Lady of Perpetual Help School Guardian

Angel Fund. Monsignor Anthony Borrelli Church of the Ascension Griffin Family Pontifical College Josephinum Operations Endowment Fund Endowment Fund Seminarian Assistance This fund shall provide support for the This fund shall provide support for St. Brigid ongoing operational needs of Church of the Endowment Fund of Kildare School in Dublin, Ohio. This fund shall provide for the financial Ascension, Johnstown, Ohio. assistance of seminarians of the Diocese of Columbus at the Pontifical College Heppner Family Josephinum. Church of the Nativity of the Endowment Fund Blessed Virgin Mary of the This fund shall provide for the Child Life St. Ann/Nativity of the Blessed Fund at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Monsignor Anthony Borrelli Virgin Mary Parish Columbus, Ohio. Priests Care Endowment Fund Endowment Fund This fund shall provide for the care of priests This fund shall provide support for the of the Diocese of Columbus. ongoing general needs of the Church of the Holy Spirit Parish Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in the Endowment Fund Mattingly Settlement, with these general This fund shall provide for the general needs Phylis J. & Kevin G. Buerkle needs to include maintenance, repair and of Holy Spirit Parish, Columbus, Ohio. Endowment Fund operations. This fund shall provide support for St. Brigid of Kildare School and/or provide tuition Bob & Vicky Humphrey Family assistance for some or all of the students of Pete & Mary Ellen Cistone Endowment Fund the school who are parishioners of St. Brigid Endowment Fund This fund shall provide financial support to of Kildare Parish. This fund shall provide for the general needs St. Brigid of Kildare School in Dublin, Ohio. of the Our Lady of Perpetual Help School, Grove City, Ohio. Jo Ann & Michael H. Carpenter Albert & Irene Hupp Family Endowment Fund Endowment Fund This fund shall provide for the St. Lawrence Connors Family Memorial This fund shall provide tuition assistance to Haven Food Assistance Program, Endowment Fund St. Sylvester Central Elementary School in Columbus, Ohio. This fund shall provide for the music Woodsfield, Ohio. program at St. Brigid of Kildare Elementary School in Dublin, Ohio. Catholic Charities Endowment Jubilee Museum Fund for the Benefit of Children Endowment Fund in Ohio Disadvantaged Youth Services This fund shall provide for the long term This fund shall provide support to the Endowment Fund sustainability of the Jubilee Museum and initiatives of Catholic charities in Ohio for This fund shall provide funding for projects Catholic Cultural Center. the benefit of children. or programs which serve the basic needs and education of disadvantaged youth in the Diocese of Columbus. New Funds, continued

Monsignor Francis J. Meagher, and needy who call on St. Pius X Parish in management, medical appointments, Paulette Meagher, & Father Reynoldsburg for help and 2) to provide insurance, transportation, housing needs, support of enrichment programs at St. Pius essential food needs and medical care Theodore K. Sill X School for students and teachers. including financial aid for any of these needs Endowment Fund and services when necessary. This fund shall provide for the Pontifical College Josephinum Seminarians in Need Rimelspach Family Fund for Fund and Catholic Relief Services. J.O.I.N. Endowment Fund Thomas & Dominique Smith This fund shall provide for the greatest Endowment Fund needs of the Joint Organization for Inner- This fund shall provide for tuition assistance Liz O’Brien Tuition Assistance City Needs (J.O.I.N.) in Columbus, Ohio. to needy families who wish to send Endowment Fund their children to Bishop Flaget School in This fund shall provide tuition assistance Chillicothe, Ohio. to students attending St. Agatha School, Frank, Patricia, & Mark Rubeck in Columbus, Ohio, who are in need of financial support. Fund for Blessed Sacrament Church & School Ss. Peter & Paul Parish Endowment Fund Endowment Fund This fund shall provide for the needs of Ss. Fathers John & James Ogurchock This fund shall provide for the general needs Peter and Paul Parish in Glenmont, Ohio. Tuition Assistance of Blessed Sacrament Parish and School in Newark, Ohio. In addition to general Endowment Fund church and school operational expenses, This fund shall provide tuition assistance approved uses shall be tuition assistance, Ss. Peter & Paul Parish Steeple & to students attending Bishop Hartley High debt reduction, and capital improvements. Cross Replacement School in Columbus, Ohio who are in need Every year the annual distribution is made, of financial support. Endowment Fund 50% of the distribution will benefit Blessed This fund shall provide for any such Sacrament Parish and 50% will benefit restoration or replacement of the steeple Blessed Sacrament School. and the cross above the vestibule at Ss. Deacon Don & Julie Poirier Peter and Paul Parish in Glenmont, Ohio. Endowment Fund for St. Brigid of Kildare School Run the Race Club This fund shall provide support to St. Brigid Endowment Fund St. Ann Church of the St. Ann/ of Kildare School and/or provide tuition This fund shall provide for the general needs Nativity of the Blessed Virgin assistance for some or all the students of of Run the Race Club. the School who are parishioners of the St. Mary Parish Endowment Fund This fund shall provide support for the Brigid of Kildare Parish. ongoing general needs of St. Ann Church, Senior Program & Services Dresden, Ohio, with these general needs Endowment Fund to include maintenance, repair and Riederer Family Endowment This fund shall provide ongoing in-home operations. Fund (“The Penny Fund”) needs assessment, care planning, and Established by Steve Riederer in loving consultation to help vulnerable seniors memory of beloved wife Penny, this fund maintain their independence through shall provide funds equally for 1) the poor supportive services of assistance in financial New Funds, continued St. Elizabeth Church Strengthen Marriages & Family Scholarship Endowment Fund Life Endowment Fund This fund shall support the ongoing general This fund shall be used to strengthen needs of St. Elizabeth Church, Columbus, marriages and family life in the Diocese Marilyn Louise Anzelmo Ohio. of Columbus by providing supplemental Memorial Scholarship Fund funding for the Office of Marriage and This fund shall provide scholarship grants Family Life. This fund may be used to provide tuition assistance for a Bishop St. James the Less Parish for new project development of the Flaget Catholic School student of St. Endowment Fund Office of Marriage and Family Life, the Peter Parish, Chillicothe, Ohio, who This fund shall provide for the needs of St. enhancement of existing programs of demonstrates financial need. James the Less Parish in Columbus, Ohio. the Office of Marriage and Family Life, the support of local conferences that the Office of Marriage and Family Life plans Joyce A. Kozlowski St. John Neumann Parish and conducts, and supporting the Office Scholarship Fund of Marriage and Family Life in its effort to Outreach Endowment Fund This fund shall provide scholarship grants This fund shall provide for the outreach strengthen marriage and family ministry to provide tuition assistance for students of activities of St. John Neumann Parish in and programs at the parish level. This fund St. Francis DeSales High School, Columbus, Sunbury, Ohio. may not be used for any other purpose Ohio, and Cristo Rey High School, without the written permission of the Columbus, Ohio. Bishop of the Diocese of Columbus. St. Mary Parish Endowment Fund Thomas L. Smith Memorial This fund shall provide for the needs Reverend Peter T. Thurheimer Scholarship Fund of St. Mary Parish in Groveport, Ohio. Endowment Fund This fund shall provide scholarship grants This fund shall provide for the general and for the first year of college tuition for operational needs of the Holy Trinity Parish. either a graduating senior of a Catholic St. Mary, Marion Pipe Organ high school in the Diocese of Columbus or a senior high school student who is a Maintenance & Repair Tuscarawas County Catholic parishioner in good standing of St. Peter or Endowment Fund St. Mary Parish in Chillicothe, Ohio. This fund shall provide for the ongoing Schools Endowment Fund This fund shall provide support for the maintenance & repair of the pipe organ ongoing operational needs of the Catholic at St. Mary Parish in Marion, Ohio. schools of Tuscarawas County, Ohio thereby controlling tuition increases and alleviating the school subsidy burden on the St. Vincent De Paul Society at participating parishes. St. Margaret of Cortona Parish Endowment Fund This fund shall provide for the greatest needs of the St. Vincent De Paul Society at St. Margaret of Cortona Parish in Columbus, Ohio. Mrs. Dominique Smith Louella A. Meinken Trust Mr. Tom E. Dailey St. John Neumann Parish Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Meyers Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Dawes donors St. Matthew Parish Mr. John H. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Dean 2014 Mr. Jacob L. Will Ms. Antoinette L. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Denz Mr. & Mrs. Robert Moone Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Denz Ms. Elizabeth A. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Neil J. Dimond $10,000 - $49,999 Our Lady of Peace Parish Ms. Dee Fahey $250,000 + Mr. and Mrs. Jack Partridge Ms. Margaret Fauth Anonymous Donor (4) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Pasternack Mr. Jacob J. Fisher and Mrs. M. Mr. and Mrs. David C. Bianconi General James M. Abraham Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Poth Kathleen Gummer Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Bramlage Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Alfonsi Mr. Steve Riederer Dr. Jacob F. Froning Mr. and Mrs. Vincent W. Kyle Mr. Gary E. Allwein Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Savko Sr. Mrs. Mairead K. Fyda Midwest Motor Supply Co. Mr. James V. Anzelmo Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Sheldon Ms. Ann T. Gallagher Bishop Flaget School St. Brigid of Kildare Parish Ms. Mary L. Gallagher Bishop Hartley High School St. John the Baptist Parish Mr. and Mrs. Jack F. Gibbons Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Bonasso $100,000 - $249,999 St. Joseph Cathedral Ms. Sandra L. Grant Mr. and Mrs. James Bryant Estate of Reverend Monsignor St. Philip the Apostle Parish Mr. and Mrs. Chad J. Gummer Mr. John Burke Anthony Borrelli St. Sylvester Parish, Woodsfield Mr. G. Phillip Hall Mr. Daniel T. Burkhart The Brian Muha Memorial Mr. and Mrs. David T. Tatz Ms. Mary V. Hayes Dorothy M. Carle Living Trust Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Greg Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Hoch Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Chinnock Estate of Mr. Frank J. Damian Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Weise Immaculate Conception Parish Ms. Mary E. Cistone Diocese of Columbus - Finance Mr. and Mrs. Jerome M. Wiggins Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Kam The Columbus Foundation Office Mr. Edgar Willig Ms. Joelle C. Khouzam Dr. Ayres D’Costa Mr. Gerald O. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Klein Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Deibel Sr. Run The Race Club Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Kreber Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George P. Doyle III St. Joseph Parish $1,000 - $9,999 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Larkin Ms. Kathleen M. Estep TTPK Co. Limited Partnerships Dr. and Dr. Jack P. London Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Eversole Altria Group Distribution Company Mr. and Mrs. James K. Williams III Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Longo Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Fehring, Jr. Mr. Andrew A. Anzelmo Mr. and Dr. Kenneth S. Lutter Mr. and Mrs. Brian Fulton Mr. and Mrs. Jack Beckman Dr. and Mrs. James P. Mackessy Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Gavin Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Bettendorf Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mackessy $50,000 - $99,999 Mr. Joseph P. Griffin Reverend Homer D. Blubaugh Mr. and Mrs. David A. Macynski Mr. and Mrs. Eric S. Guappone Mr. and Mrs. John N. Bradford Anonymous Donor Ms. Frances B. Macynski Mr. and Mrs. George A. Gummer Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Brehm Mrs. Elizabeth M. Boutselis Mr. David L. Martinelli Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Gummer Mr. and Mrs. Dale T. Brinkman Mr. and Mrs. William J. Burke Mr. and Mrs. James R. Michalec Holy Trinity Parish Mr. and Mrs. Loren P. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Carpenter Midwest Transatlantic Lines, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Humphrey Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Brown Mrs. Geraldine Ferguson Ms. Dorothy J. Miesse Estate of Martha Johns Mr. William Brown Dr. and Dr. Christopher George Dr. and Mrs. James L. Moses Knights of Columbus #5801 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Bruening Mr. and Mrs. John B. Igel Nationwide United Way Campaign Ms. Trudy Kozad Catholic Youth Summer Camp, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Karam Mr. and Mrs. David W. Oboy Mr. Richard Laudick Christ the King Parish Mr. Michael Kozlowski Mr. Joseph J. Patrick, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Martinez Mrs. Georgeann C. Corey Mr. Patrick J. McCurdy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Perrin Mr. and Mrs. William M. Schult Mr. and Mrs. James D. McGill Mr. and Mrs. Michael Curtin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Prunte $100 - $999 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Brandt Mr. Michael H. Duffy Mr. Thomas O. Rau Mr. David K. Brant Mr. Robert R. Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Reik Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Abrams Mr. and Mrs. McCarthy K. Braxton Eastway Supplies, Inc. Ms. Patricia Reynolds Ms. Judy A. Ahler Mr. Joe Brehm and Mrs. L. Alice Mr. Tom Eckl Mr. and Mrs. Jamie T. Richardson Mr. Robert H. Albert Jr. McKenney Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Eifert Mr. James E. Rimelspach Mr. and Mrs. Norman Altman Ms. Sharon Brock Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Elder Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Rotkis Ms. JoAnn Alumna Mr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Bronczyk Mr. David W. Eldridge Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Roush Mr. and Mrs. Monte Amnah Ms. Bonnie B. Brown Ms. Mary Lee England Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Rowland Mr. and Mrs. Rodney W. Anderson Reverend Thomas J. Buffer Ms. Karen Eramo Mr. Mark Rubeck Mr. and Mrs. Carmen C. Angelo Mr. and Mrs. Anthony S. Bumbico Ms. E. Aimee Evans Mrs. Patricia Rubeck Ms. Mary E. Antonelli Mr. Charles M. Burkhart Ms. Joyce Miller Evans Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan J. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Archer Ms. Tina J. Burtch Mr. Patrick J. Fahey Mrs. Connie Sauter Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Callaghan Dr. Joseph F. Fiala and Dr. Mary A. Mr. David and Dr. Ann Schiele Mr. and Mrs. Keith W. Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Camboni Fristad Reverend David M. Schilder Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Tony D. Canale Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fioto Mr. and Mrs. Rich Schlagheck Mr. and Mrs. John V. Arvia Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Carmon Ms. Julia A. Fix Mr. and Dr. Robert Schuda Associated Crafts Catholic Conference of Ohio Mr. James G. Flaherty Esq. Serra Club of North Columbus AT&T United Way/Employee Giving The Catholic Foundation Ms. Carol A. Ferrier Ms. Martha E. Sklepko Campaign Church of the Blessed Sacrament Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Ford Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Sonderman Back in His Arms Again Mr. Amelio Ciccolino Mr. and Mrs. John C. Forsythe St. Bernadette Parish Mr. and Mrs. Jeff S. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Collette Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. France St. Catharine of Siena Parish Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Barlage Mr. John A. Connor II Ms. Bernadette Froesch St. Joseph Parish, Plain City Ms. Diane B. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Connor Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gasbarro St. Mary Cemetery Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Battle Mr. and Mrs. Robert Copeland Mr. and Mrs. Adam L. Fromme St. Mary of the Springs Academy Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Bedell Ms. Erin L. Cordle Reverend Monsignor David R. Funk Alumnae Association Ms. Kristina A. Beiter Mr. and Mrs. Charles Core Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Gabel St. Mary Parish, Marion Benevity Community Impact Fund Mr. and Mrs. James E. Cox Mrs. Suzanne R. Galyardt St. Michael Home School Ms. Laura S. Benton Ms. Karen Crognale Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Gardner Association Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Berger Mr. Angelo J. Dallas Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Gill St. Patrick Parish, London Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Berger Mr. and Mrs. Michael D’Andrea Mr. and Mrs. Kevin T. Gilmore St. Thomas More Newman Center Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Berglund Jr. Ms. Jessica Daniel Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Jack Strader Bethesda Healing Ministry Mr. Dennis Joseph Daugherty Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gottron Mr. Carl Strittmatter Mr. and Mrs. Michael Biagi Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dearring Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gottron Ms. Sharon Thomas Ms. Anne Bickel Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Dew Ms. Michelle Graham Ms. Mary Ellen Tully Mr. and Mrs. William A. Blashill Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Dinan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Groff Mr. and Ms. Theodore W. Van Scoy Mr. Kenneth W. Blissenbach Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Diorio Mr. Frank Guarasci Mr. and Mrs. James M. Vonau Ms. Debra Boehmler Direct Effect Solutions, Inc. Ms. Jeanne Hansen Reverend Michael B. Watson Ms. Ashley Borgemenke Mr. Edward J. Dobry Mr. and Mrs. Joseph David Heacock Mrs. Edna C. Whitacre Mr. Gene Bostic Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Dodd Ms. Marie T. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Wodarcyk Mr. and Mrs. Oliver A. Boucher Honorable Julia L. Dorrian Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Green Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Younkin Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bowman Mr. and Mrs. Patrick B. Doyle Ms. Patricia M. Green Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Zelli Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Brader Mr. and Mrs. Omer Duclos Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Greger Donors, continued

Mr. Joseph E. Griesenbrock Mrs. Barb Kegelmeyer Ms. Michaela R. McGinn Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Price Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Keller Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGreevy Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Purdy Ms. Pamela D. Grossman Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Kendall Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. McMullen Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Grove Mr. Eugene C. Kerber Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ted McQuaide Ms. Kathleen M. Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Guarasci Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kerns Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Merry Ms. Leslie A. Rainer-Way Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Harper Ms. Dawn Kibler Mr. and Mrs. William P. Messerly Mr. and Mrs. Victor H. Ramirez Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Hartge Reverend Joseph C. Klee Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Messina Ms. Stephanie Rapp Reverend Timothy M. Hayes Ms. Susanne T. Kloeb Mid-City Electric Company Mr. and Mrs. Rylan Rawlins Dr. Daniel J. Heinmiller Knights of Columbus Council #13379 Mile High United Way Reverend Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mr. and Mrs. John H. Heller Sr. Ms. Cathy Knox-Adamczak Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Miller Robers Mr. and Mrs. Kevin G. Henry Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Kohler Ms. Jennifer Minor Mr. and Mrs. Roddy Rodgers Ms. Elizabeth D. Herbein Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Krajnak Reverend Monsignor Anthony A. Reverend Monsignor James L.T. Ruef Mr. Robert Herbert Ms. Mary E. Krecsmar Missimi Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Hersha Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Krivicich Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Leonard R. Sabatini Mr. and Mrs. Ray W. Hetterscheidt Ms. Patricia A. Kuhn Ms. Allison J. Morgal Mr. Norman H. Recla Ms. Martha Hicks Ms. Rosario Labrador Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Mulligan Ms. Marion L. Reda Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hilario Dr. and Mrs. David G. Lalka Ms. Dorothy J. Murnane Mr. and Mrs. Frederick T. Reister Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Landes Dr. and Mrs. John Nadalin Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Ridenour Hinterschied Ms. Roberta B. Lehman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Neil Mr. Thomas E. Roberts Ms. Michelle Hipsley Ms. Subha Lembach Mr. and Mrs. David H. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Rowlands Ms. Mary Ann Hobart Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Lennon Ms. Gai Thi Nguyen Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Lepionka Ms. Diane D. Niermeyer Mr. William W. Sacher Mr. William Holehouse Mr. and Mrs. John T. Longo Notre Dame Jr./Sr. High School Sacred Heart Parish Ms. Maura Holowchak Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lopez Mr. and Mrs. Scott Oboy Mr. Monty D. Sayers Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hinger Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lotz Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. O’Dea Reverend David A. Schalk Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Hohman Mr. and Mrs. Rowland A. Love Reverend James Ogurchock Ms. Mary Schell Winters Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Hollern Ms. Susan B. Lowis Ohio Health Laboratory Mr. Thomas P. Schindler Mr. and Mrs. Ron Horn M.B. Roofing Systems Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. O’Neil Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schlom Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Horn Mr. John Mackessy and Mrs. Linda Mr. and Mrs. David J. Osbun Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Schoedinger Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hueckel Day-Mackessy Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Osburn Mr. and Mrs. William M. Schultz Mrs. Gloria Horsley Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Malek Ms. Maureen Pack Ms. Helen Sexton Ms. Melissa Huff Mr. and Mrs. Terrence L. Marsh Mr. and Mrs. James Palumbo Ms. Veronica N. Sherman Mr. and Mrs. Bob Icenhour Ms. Melanie A. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Paolini Ms. Karen Shipe Ms. Alane C. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. John Martin Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parker Ms. Sylvia J. Siemer Ms. Kimberly A. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. John R. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Palmer Mr. Steven Sierakowski Ms. Angela Johnston Mass Appeal Dining Services, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pina Mr. and Mrs. Dale Smith Mr. Troy Kahrig MaternOhio Clinical Associates, Inc. Ms. Joy L. Pratt Mr. and Mrs. Timothy T. Smith Ms. Luiza Kamara Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Mauger Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Pekarcik Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snyder Mr. and Mrs. William Kammer Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. May Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. David Spurgeon Ms. Cynthia E. Kazalia Mr. David W. McConnell Mr. William J. Petrus, CPA St. Agatha Parish Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Kebe Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. McElheny Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Plescia St. Andrew Parish Mrs. Julie Keckstein Mr. and Mrs. Carl McElroy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Preston Donors, continued

St. Ann and St. Mary’s Catholic Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace Mr. and Mrs. P. William Beiter Corna Kokosing Construction Women Association Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Walsh Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beiter Company Inc. St. Brendan Parish Mr. and Mrs. William L. Welch Ms. Jeanne Bentley Mr. Michael C. Costantiello St. Cecilia Parish Wenger Temperature Control Ms. Carolyn Bibler Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Coughlin St. Charles Preparatory School Ms. Ginger West Bishop Fenwick School Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cox St. Francis DeSales High School Ms. Rita Wheeler Ms. Kimberly Bissell Ms. Diana L. Craig St. John Neumann Men’s Club Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Whitt Ms. Rose Blackburn Mr. and Mrs. Herman Crawford St. Mary of the Annunciation Parish Mr. and Mrs. James K. Williams Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Beier Ms. Cheryl A. Cropp St. Mary Parish, Chillicothe Mr. and Mrs. Rob Williamson Mr. and Mrs. John E. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Rocco D. Dapollonio St. Matthias Parish Ms. Jenifer N. Wilson Surmay Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Beveridge Mr. Bill Davis St. Patrick Parish, Columbus Mr. Thomas W. Wilson Ms. Francesca Bownas-Rayburn Mr. and Mrs. Danny Davis St. Peter Parish Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wilt Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Borton Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Davis St. Sylvester Parish, Zaleski Mr. and Mrs. Randy Winkle Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Bowen Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Deibel Mrs. Melissa R. Stack Ms. Rachel Wolery Mr. and Mrs. David J. Brehm Mr. and Mrs. Alan N. Dekker Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stedman Mr. Jonathon Yerian Mr. and Mrs. Corinne B. Brewster Ms. Lilda M. Delewese Ms. Brenda Stilgenbauer Mr. and Mrs. John J. Zettler Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Brittain Mr. Indeevara H. DeSilva and Mrs. Ms. Erin M. Stitzel Mr. and Mrs. William P. Zox Ms. Sue E. Broadwater Sharon R. Alles Mr. and Mrs. Eric M. Stoller Ms. Doris Brooks Ms. Ruth A. Disanto Mr. Ron E. Stone Ms. Jane Brown Mr. and Mrs. Andy Douglas Ms. Jeannie A. Stouder < $100 Mr. and Mrs. Alfio Bucci Mr. Patrick T. Dowdell Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Stouffer Mrs. Alice Bundu Mr. and Mrs. Dan Dudzinski Mr. Aaron Acox Mr. and Mrs. David A. Sybert Mr. and Mrs. Scott Burkhart Mr. and Mrs. James A. Durbin Mr. Tempos Kwasi Adjamah Ms. Mindy E. Sybert Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Easly Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Agnello Systems 28, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Brett Busold Mr. Mike Eberts Mr. and Mrs. Nick Albanese Ms. Jennifer Tatz Ms. Nancy A. Buoni Mr. and Mrs. Warren M. Enders Mrs. Mary Allison Ms. Mary H. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Burkley Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Englehart Ms. Michael D. Ames Mr. and Mrs. James E. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Burns Mr. David Erwin Ms. Leslie Anderson Ms. Alice J. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Campbell Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Erwin Ms. Lyndsey Anderson Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. David L. Cap Ms. Kathleen M. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Chris Ayers Ms. Patricia Tiberi Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Capps Mr. and Mrs. Marion V. Faini Mr. and Mrs. Eric Bachmann Ms. Laura B. Tonkin Mr. and Mrs. Victor Carmona Ms. Rosemary Feka Mr. and Mrs. Todd Bacome Mr. and Mrs. William Toth Ms. Anna Carney Ms. Theresa M. Ficek Mr. and Mrs. Cory Ballard Ms. Marianne Traficant Mr. Frank Case Mr. and Mrs. James J. Filichia Mr. Chad Balwanz Truist Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Caterinicchia Ms. Teresa A. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Anthon Bangura Mr. and Mrs. James J. Ulrich Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Ceritelli Mr. Michael Fleitz Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bauman United Way of Central Ohio Mr. and Mrs. John M. Chapin Ms. Mary Susan Fortunato Mr. and Mrs. James A. Anzelmo Mr. and Mrs. George A. Vais Ms. Carol Chiu Ms. Sue Fortunato Mr. and Mrs. William C. Babione Ms. Amy K. Vick Ms. Patricia Coglianese Ms. Lisa Frank Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Backus Mr. and Mrs. James S. Vincent Mr. and Mrs. John M. Cogwin IV Ms. Jeannette Frazier Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin W. Baiocco Dr. and Mrs. Charles G. Vonder Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Collins Mr. Robert Friedlinghaus Mr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Barth Embse Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Cooper Mr. John I. Gahm Ms. Victoria F. Beale Mr. Tom Vorisek Mr. Steven Cordetti Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Gall Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Begazo Donors, continued

Ms. Helen Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Jason S. Jourdan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Napolitano Mr. Matthew Garcia Dr. and Mrs. Martin L. Kelsten Ms. Patricia A. Maskell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Ney Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Garrity Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kernan Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Masucci Ms. Elizabeth J. Noon Ms. Patricia S. Froman Ms. Marita E. Keys Mr. and Mrs. Michael Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Gary Nuss Mr. Frederick W. Gaieck Ms. Mary M. Keys Mr. and Mrs. Obed Mawutor Mrs. Helen O’Connor Mr. Daniel Gillig Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Keys Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCarthy Ohio Sports Plus LLC Ms. Linda L. Garrett Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Klayman Mr. and Mrs. Richard McCloskey Mr. and Mrs. Terrence E. OLoughlin Dr. John J. Gary Mr. Albert Klinger Ms. Faith McCoy Ms. Sue Ondusky Ms. Florence M. Gibson Knights of Columbus Council #11208 Mr. Terrance McDaniel Mrs. Irene Orlaska Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Gjostein Mrs. Irene Kovalchik Mr. and Mrs. David J. Maul Ms. Patti O’Rourke-Steiner Ms. Barbara E. Goss Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Kozlowski Mr. and Mrs. David A. McCartney Ms. Elena Osterwalder Bonny Ms. Alice P. Gramlich Mr. Neal Kozlowski Mr. and Mrs. James P. McCormick Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Owens Ms. Harriet Greenwell Ms. Cathy Krabec Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. McFadden Mr. and Mrs. Pat Palmer Mr. and Mrs. John Greve Mr. and Mrs. Roman Krauss Ms. Wendy L. McGarvey Mr. Edward Parker Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Gunderson Mr. and Mrs. Doug Kristof Mr. and Mrs. John T. McKinley Mr. and Mrs. Willard Parry Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Hall Ms. Dorothy M. Krupp Mr. Timothy McNamara Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Pelino Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Hamilton Ms. Margaret L. Kuhns Mr. and Mrs. Mark Meinhart Mr. Richard Peterson Ms. Doris Hannon Mr. Mark P. Kuskowski Mr. and Mrs. Mike Meiring Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pinkerton Mr. Brian Haynes Mr. Gerald J. Kvortek Mr. and Mrs. David E. Melfi Mr. Frank Pirik Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Todd J. Kyle Ms. Gertrude L. Melnick-Ohm Ms. Emma L. O’Daniel Ms. Gemma Marie C. Hanson Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Lamblez Ms. Rosemarie Melocchi Mr. and Mrs. John M. Pigos Mr. and Mrs. Bill Holleran Ms. Anne Lavelle Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Mers Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Pirik Ms. Carol Hupp Ms. Kathryn L. Leaventon Mr. and Mrs. David E. Migliore Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pishitelli Mr. and Mrs. Alex L. Jamieson Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Miller III Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Pitstick Ms. Margaret Jones Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Lenhart Mr. and Mrs. Chris W. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Potter Ms. Linda Kayser Mrs. Mary J. Leonard Mr. and Mrs. James R. Miller Ms. Katherine A. Power Ms. Rita Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Roger E. Levi Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Miller Mr. Thomas Power Mr. and Mrs. Roger M. Haynes Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Levy Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Miller Ms. Colleen Priest Mr. and Mrs. Patrick S. Hennessey Ms. Margaret A. Lind Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller Mr. and Mrs. John Pusateri Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Heppner Mr. Fred C. Lombardi Mr. and Mrs. Laurence J. Mily Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Rathbun Mr. and Mrs. Adam C. Hewit Ms. Lilda A. Lombardi Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Mone Ms. Colleen Raybourne Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Hick Ms. Patricia G. Longo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Montell Ms. Jean Raybourne Ms. Catherine M. Higgins Ms. Mary Luketich Mr. Brian Moran Ms. Viola F. Redding Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D. Hinrichs Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Lyttle Mr. and Mrs. Terry Morse Mr. and Mrs. James K. Rees Mr. and Mrs. Gene A. Hite Mr. and Mrs. James Maben Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Murtha Mr. and Mrs. Sidney L. Reigle Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Hoag Ms. Doris Machinsky Mr. and Mrs. William F. Newman Mr. J. Thomas Reineck Ms. Bridget B. Holt Mr. Stanley Machinsky Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Mould Renaissance Charitable Ms. Ann P. Holzapfel Mr. and Mrs. John D. Magas Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey E. Mowery Foundation Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Holzer Ms. Leslie Malek Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Murnane Mr. Bob Renzetti Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Horton Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Maloof Ms. Maureen H. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Reynolds Mrs. Marian L. Irwin Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Maniskas Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Murray Ms. Mary Katherine Richie Mr. Michael A. Jasiewicz Mrs. Monica Manyen Mr. and Mrs. David W. Myers Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Riddlebarger Donors, continued

Ms. Angel Rivera Mr. and Mrs. John Smith Ms. Roseann Volpe Mr. and Mrs. Todd Rock Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Smith Ms. Mary Lou Walsh Mrs. Barbara Romanello-Wichtman Mr. Doug Smith Mr. and Mrs. Michael Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Ronnebaum Mr. and Mrs. John Smith Mr. Ivan Whiting Mr. and Mrs. A. Michael Rose Mr. Richard Snell Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. White Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James J. Rose Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy J. Snelling Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Rosmarin Mr. and Mrs. Shea Sohovich Mr. Trevor D. Wolf Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Rowland Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Speicher Ms. Sara J. Woodward Mr. and Mrs. James A. Rubright St. Catharine of Siena Parish Golden Mr. and Mrs. David R. Workman Ms. Elizabeth A. Rummel Age Club Mr. Bruce M. Young and Mrs. Mary Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Rupp III St. Margaret of Cortona Parish Ann Magistro-Young Saint Pio Pietrelcina SFO Frat. St. Paul the Apostle Parish Mr. and Mrs. Richard Young Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Salem Ms. Judith A. Stapelton Mr. and Mrs. Brian Zapior Ms. Jackie Sample Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Stinner Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Zaremba Ms. Mary K. Sarno Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Stiverson Mr. and Mrs. James E. Zimmerman Ms. Patricia A. Sarosi Ms. Jane D. Stotz Mr. and Mrs. Bradley L. Zonker Mr. and Mrs. Kerry L. Sarver Ms. Lydia Strehl Ms. Mary E. Sauter-Thomas Mr. and Mrs. John T. Sugden Mr. and Mrs. Gary Schaaf Mr. and Mrs. Victor E. Swartz Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Scherer Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sweeney Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scheuer Mr. and Mrs. John Switzer Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Scheltz Ms. Dorothy I. Tanner Ms. Mary Sue Schmitz Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Tantala Sr. Mrs. Lori Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Zoltan Tarsoly Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Schmieder Mr. and Mrs. Murray R. Teaford Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Schmitt Ms. Pacita V. Tecson Mr. and Mrs. George R. Schneid Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Teresk Ms. Pamela S. Schwirtz Mr. and Mrs. Scott Thorne Ms. Faye A. Scott Mrs. Gai Tran Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Scranton Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Treneff Ms. Pamela J. Semon Ms. Elaine Ann Troutman Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Selhorst Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Trucco Ms. Karen Sessis Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tuffey Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Sevcik Mr. and Mrs. Scott H. Turner Mr. Roger Sharp Ms. Catherine Ucker Mrs. Merdene Shaw Mrs. Theresa M. Ulicney Ms. Carol Shelton Mr. and Mrs. H. Keith Van Buskirk Ms. Frances Sherry Mr. Robert G. Vandergrift Ms. M. Sue Shonk Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Venditti Jr. Mrs. Donna Shover Ms. Joellen Vickers Ms. Lisa Shrieve Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Vitullo Mr. and Mrs. Steven Shultz Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Voll Mr. Robert S. Hendrix Esq. Mrs. Michelle K. Stroh Ms. Diane B. Barnes Professional Mr. Craig T. Hickey Mr. David Swift Ms. Laura S. Benton Advisors Group Ms. Maura Holowchak Mr. Eric D. Van Buskirk Ms. Michelle Biagi Ms. Kathy Houck Mr. Brian E. Van Winkle Ms. Debra Boehmler Mr. Damon P. Howarth Mr. James M. Vonau Ms. Ashley Borgemenke Mr. Robert H. Albert Mr. David L. Humphrey Mr. Edward T. Wandtke Mrs. Kathie M. Bowman Ms. Mary M. Albright Mr. Liam Hurley Ms. Joyce Waters Mrs. Patience K. Bowman Ms. Thresa R. Alexander Mrs. Julie Keckstein Ms. Kaye P. Willi Mrs. G. Jeanne Braxton Mr. James Atkinson Mr. Joseph E. Kohler Ms. Bonnie B. Brown Mrs. Kathleen Ballenger Mr. Dan Lacey Mrs. Stacey A. Brown Mr. Leonard W. Barbe Mr. Brian T. Loe Mrs. Barbara Burke Mr. Roger A. Baughman Mr. John C. Lucas Esq. Pastors Advisory Mrs. Maggie Capretta Mr. Larry Belskis Mr. Michael P. Mahoney Mrs. Georgine S. Collette Mr. Joseph Bettendorf Mr. Jack Malone Council Ms. Alexandra Dedels Mr. James Bishop Ms. Jane Higgins Marx Ms. Rachel L. Denz Mrs. Susan Bottiggi Reverend James P. Black Mr. John McHugh Ms. Mary Dodd Mr. Merle Bowling Rev. Monsignor John K. Cody Mr. William J. McLoughlin Ms. Karen Eramo Mr. James H. Bownas Reverend Leo L. Connolly II Mr. Steven D. Meier Ms. Lisa Frank Mr. Daniel E. Bringardner Reverend Anthony A. Dinovo Ms. Nikki Mesnard Mrs. Lauren N. Fromme Mr. Richard D. Bringardner Reverend Monsignor William A. Mr. Richard F. Meyer Mrs. Suzanne R. Galyardt Ms. Cheryl A. Brown Dunn Mr. Tim Michaels Mrs. Susan B. Gill Mr. Shamus Cassidy Reverend Peter M. Gideon Ms. Jennifer Miller Ms. Michelle Graham Ms. Meredith K. Knueve Sugar Reverend Matthew N. Hoover Mr. Christopher H. Moran Mrs. Lisa R. Green Mr. James R. Cooper Reverend Michael J. Lumpe Ms. Jen Myers Ms. Patricia M. Green Mr. Joe Curtin Reverend Monsignor Stephan J. Mr. William F. Newman Mrs. Lisa Groff Ms. Victoria L. Daly Moloney Ms. Kelly Curtin Noll Ms. Jennifer L. Hawthorne Mr. John Davidson Reverend Michael F. Nimocks Mr. Joel Oles Mrs. Alice Heller Mrs. Candace DeLuca Reverend Theodore K. Sill Mr. Matthew D. Palmer Mrs. Monica Henry Mr. Steve Devlin Reverend David W. Sizemore Mr. Matthew D. Penrod Ms. Michelle Hipsley Mr. Robert R. Dunn Reverend Michael B. Watson Mr. Michael A. Petrecca Mrs. Kristine M. Hollern Mr. Robert J. Eyen Reverend Jonathan F. Wilson Mr. Paul J. Pfeiffer Ms. Maura Holowchak Mr. Matthew C. Faehnle Reverend Joseph T. Yokum Mr. Stephen E. Proctor Mrs. Gloria Horsley Ms. Ann K. Federer Mr. Robert Rafferty Ms. Melissa Huff Mr. Michael P. Fisher Ms. Jenifer Rasor Ms. Kimberly A. Johnson Mr. James Flaherty Mr. Joe Reardon Mr. John Keckstein Mr. Bob Franz St. Martha Mr. Mark Reitz Ms. Arlene Keeling Mr. Timothy M. Frericks Mr. Daniel B. Roe CFP Mrs. Kristina I. Keller Ms. Carolyn A. Garner Giving Circle Mr. Ronald L. Rowland Ms. Susanne T. Kloeb Ms. Linda Gause Mr. John L. Shockley Mrs. Mary Ann Abrams Ms. Cathy Knox-Adamczak Mr. Robert J. Gorman Mr. Marc D. Smith Mrs. Mary K. Anderson Mrs. Kathleen M. Kohler Mr. Mitch Grant Mr. Ryan M. Steinbauer Ms. Beth A. Atkinson Mrs. Moira C. Landes Mr. Ronald J. Hagan Mr. John F. Stock Mrs. Lisa M. Barlage Ms. Roberta B. Lehman Ms. Erika Haupt Ms. Subha Lembach Mrs. Kim M. Brown Mrs. Deborah N. Bassinger Mr. and Mrs. Gary Fay Ms. Susan B. Lowis Mrs. Lori Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Colin E. Bayliss Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Fehring, Jr. Ms. Rachel Lustig Mrs. Jo Ann Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. D. Peter Beirne, Jr. Mr. John Fiano† Mrs. Kambra Malone Mrs. Michelle Cramer Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Berning Mr. Fred C. and Mrs.† Molly Caren Ms. Melanie A. Marshall Mrs. Sharon M. Curtin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Berwanger Fisher Mrs. Dorothy L. Martin Mrs. Marie Dawes Mr. † Erroll and Mrs. Mabell Black Dr. Jacob F. and Mrs.† Joyce L. Mrs. Mary Martin Mrs. Bridgit M. Denz Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Bockus Froning Ms. Wendy L. McGarvey Mrs. Patience G. Denz Reverend Monsignor Anthony Mr. and Mrs. John R. Fry Mrs. Lucille L. Mone Mrs. Julia L. Dorrian Borrelli† Mrs. Eileen Funk Ms. Gai Thi Nguyen Ms. Margaret Fauth Mr. and Mrs.† James H. Bownas Mr. and Mrs. David Garick Mrs. Konna M. Pekarcik Ms. Ann T. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Brehm Reverend Robert E. Gately† Mrs. Kathleen A. Petrus Ms. Mary L. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. J. Brewster† Reverend Monsignor James A. Ms. Leslie A. Rainer-Way Mrs. Mimi F. Geswein Mr. Charles W. Brown Geiger Ms. Stephanie Rapp Mrs. Kathleen L. Gibbons Ms. Mary C. Brune Mr. William J. Geiszler Jr. Ms. Mary Schell Winters Dr. Carol Gillespie Mrs. Mary Ann Burke† Mr. George A. Gillig Dr. Marian Schuda Ms. Sandra L. Grant Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burkey Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Glockner Ms. Veronica N. Sherman Mrs. Kathleen Gummer Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Burkhart Dr. Edmond J. Goold† Mrs. Melissa R. Stack Ms. Mary V. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Francis Carroll Most Reverend James A. Griffin, J.D., Ms. Brenda Stilgenbauer Mrs. Kathleen M. Houck Mrs. Dorothy Carroll J.C.L. Ms. Erin M. Stitzel Mrs. Dolores F. Igel Ms. Elenor M. Catalina† Mr. and Mrs. Allen Griffin† Ms. Jeannie A. Stouder Ms. Joelle C. Khouzam Ms. Genevieve S. Chamblin† Mr. Leo Grimes Ms. Mindy E. Sybert Mrs. Brenda Martinez Mrs. Bonnie L. and Mr.† Edward Reverend Monsignor Kenneth F. Ms. Rosie Thomas Mrs. Frances L. Michalec Chuha Grimes† Ms. Laura B. Tonkin Ms. Deborah Perrin Mr. John M. Clifford Mr. and Mrs. John M. Haemmerle Ms. Marianne Traficant Ms. Patricia Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. James F. Coffey Reverend Mark J. Hammond Ms. Amy K. Vick Mrs. Kate Richardson Reverend Francis Connor† Mr. and Mrs. Marc C. Hawk Mrs. Elizabeth J. Vonau Mrs. Barbara Rowland Reverend William J. Connor† Reverend Monsignor Joseph M. Ms. Ginger West Mrs. Connie Sauter Ms. Carol Connors Hendricks Ms. Jenifer N. Wilson Surmay Dr. Ann E. Schiele Mr. Dan Cronin Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Heppner Ms. Rachel Wolery Mrs. Joan S. Schlagheck Mr. Paul A. Crowley Mrs. Gloria and Reverend† Mr. Ms. Sharon Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Michael Curtin George E. Horsley Mrs. Linda C. Younkin Mr. Frank J. Damian† Mrs. Edith and Dr.† Marcel Hundziak Mr. Sam Dennis Mr. and Mrs. John B. Igel St. Martha Mrs. Mary Ann and Mr.† Thomas L. Mr. Vernon T. Jones Denton Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Kam Founder’s Circle Kyrie Bequest Mr. and Mrs. John Dete Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kauffman Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Devine† Mr. John L. Kaufman and Mrs. Mary Mrs. Rita A. Bauer Society Mr. Robert Dowd† E. Theodoras Mrs. Ruth Beckman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Easly Ms. Irene Kelleher† Mrs. Laura E. Bradford Anonymous (18) Ms. Mildred Egner† Mr. and Mrs. James M. Kennedy Mrs. Venetia Bramlage Mr. and Mrs. Adam Bangert, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Emig† Ms. Jo Ann Kennedy Mrs. Martha L. Brinkman Mr. and Mrs. Leonard W. Barbe Reverend Richard F. Engle

† Deceased Reverend Monsignor Edward L. Mrs. Joanne Layman Richards† Kessler† Ms. Magdaline Rieser Mrs. Elizabeth Kidwell† Mr. John R. Roach Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Kistner Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Rose Mr. Marion Klocki† Mr. Mark Rubeck Ms. Trudy Kozad† Mrs. Patricia Rubeck† Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Kreber, Jr. Mrs. Virginia L. Ruppeck† Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Krumdieck Mr. James P. Ryan Mr. George W. Landrum Ms. Mary Louise Sabatino Ms. Ruth E. Lang† Mrs. Connie and Mr.† John Sauter Ms. Patricia Lawlor Mr. Tony Scartz Mrs. Jodelle and Mr.† Terrence Lorenz Mr. and Dr. David Schiele Mr. F. Michael Lorz Reverend David M. Schilder Reverend Michael J. Lumpe Reverend Monsignor Robert E. Mr. and Mrs. James Mahoney† Schneider Mr. Thomas J. Maloney† Reverend Monsignor Mario A. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Manion† Serraglio Mr. Gerald O. Martin Ms. Josephine M. Shaffer† Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. McAuliffe Mrs. Rita and Mr.† Walter Siemer Our Patron Saint Reverend Bernard J. McClory Reverend Theodore K. Sill Mr. Ora R. Fry, III and Ms. Joanne E. Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Sill† St. John Fisher McGuire Ms. Helen Slack Reverend Monsignor Frank J. Ms. Molly E. Snyder St. John Fisher was the Bishop of Rochester and Meagher Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Sonderman Chancellor of Cambridge. He was executed by King Ms. Dorothy J. Miesse Reverend Monsignor Edward F. Henry VIII for actively opposing the king’s divorce Ms. Marie L. Miesse† Spiers† and for refusing to take the oath of succession Mr. John H. Miller Mr. Richard L. Spires acknowledging Henry as the legitimate heir to the Mr. and Mrs. J. Craig Mohre Dr. Thomas E. Stenger throne. His feast day is June 22. Mr. Alan K. Mooney Mrs. Ruth and Mr.† Ralph L. Streng Ms. Dorothy H. Mooney† Mr. Charles and Mrs.† Mary St. John Fisher was dedicated to the welfare of Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Morosky Trivisonno his diocese and his university. He was named Reverend Monsignor Robert L. Noon Mr. and Mrs. George G. Vargo proctor of Cambridge University, and appointed Reverend James Ogurchock Mr. and Mrs. James M. Vonau confessor to Lady Margaret Beaufort, mother of Mr. and Mrs. Tom O’Keefe† Mr. Thomas P. Wagoner Henry VII. He became closely associated with her Mrs. Norma and Mr.† Richard O’Neil Ms. Ginger West endowments at Cambridge, where he also created Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Owens Mr. and Mrs. R. Patrick West† scholarships, introduced Greek and Hebrew into Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Jerome M. Wiggins the curriculum and brought in the world-famous Ms. Regina Parks Mr. Jacob L. Will† Erasmus as a professor of Divinity and Greek. Mr. Joseph J. Patrick, Jr. Mr. Craig N. Willett Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Plescia Mr. Edgar and Mrs. Alice Willig† St. John Fisher was named the patron Mr. and Mrs. Dominic W. Prunte Reverend Monsignor John V. Wolf saint of The Catholic Foundation by Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Philip Rasor STD† Bishop Campbell. Mrs. Jean Reas Mrs. Nellie Wolfe† financial statement Assets 2014 2013 Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 9,516,253 $ 7,5 16,900 Accounts & Investment Income Receivable 91,902 113,585 Marketable Securities & Real Estate, Beneficial 133,512,171 110,292,586 Interest in assets held by others, and Other Assets Land, Property and Equipment, net 4,138,581 4,2 2 7,393

Total Assets $147,258,907 $122,150,464

Liabilities 2014 2013

Accounts & Grants Payable and Other Liabilities $ 183,617 $ 202,458 Charitable Annuities and Trusts Payable 5,114,728 6,194,146 Agency Funds 100,591,953 89,024,078

Total Liabilities 105,890,298 $95,420,682

Net Assets 2014 2013

Total Net Assets $ 41,368,609 $ 26,729,782

Total$120 Liabilities and Net Assets $147,258,907 $122,150,464 t $140 900 ) s n o

i $130 800 n ageme n ll i a

$120 700 r M r n de $110 600 U ssets (in m

$100 500 ds Fun otal A T $90 400 # of #

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 Year Fiscal Year our staff Loren P. Brown president & ceo

Steve Hagerdorn Amy F. Parker vp of grants Danielle Wetzel chief operating management & development & officer diocesan partnerships grants coordinator

Craig A. Heppner development officer Trisha Buchanan administrative Betsy Sewell coordinator James A. Anzelmo director of vp of development marketing & communications board of trustees Financial Disclosures The Foundation of the Catholic Diocese of Columbus (the Foundation) was incorporated Stephen C. Denz, Chair, St. Paul Parish, Westerville in 1985 and organized as an Ohio non-profit corporation. The Foundation’s purpose is to receive gifts and bequests and to dedicate their use primarily for religious, educational and Thomas J. Caldwell, Vice Chair, charitable activities in connection with and for the benefit of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Grove City Columbus. All authority of the Foundation is vested in and exercised by its Board of Trustees. James M. Vonau, Secretary, St. Matthew Parish, Gahanna Accounting Policies Michael L. Gampp, Treasurer, Holy Redeemer Parish, Portsmouth The financial statements of the Foundation are prepared on the accrual basis of accounting and, accordingly, reflect all significant receivables, payables, and other liabilities. The Kathleen M. Houck, Immediate Past Chair, Foundation is required to report information regarding its financial position and activities St. Paul Parish, Columbus according to three classes of net assets: unrestricted net assets, temporarily restricted net assets, and permanently restricted net assets. Temporarily restricted net assets Most Reverend Frederick F. Campbell, D.D., Ph. D., consist of funds restricted by time or purpose by the donors to support program activities. Permanently restricted net assets consist of restricted funds for investment that are to be held in Bishop of Columbus, St. Joseph Cathedral, Columbus perpetuity with income available to support donor advised and general operating purposes. Robert H. Morosky, Chair Emeritus, St. Joseph Cathedral, Columbus Agency Funds The Foundation is required to record contributions from donors for the benefit of a Frank Buss, Sacred Heart Parish, New Philadelphia beneficiary specified by the donor as agency funds. The Foundation is the recipient Reverend James P. Black, St. Joan of Arc Parish, Powell foundation that acts as an agent for a beneficiary if it agrees to solicit assets from potential donors specifically for the beneficiary’s use and to distribute those assets or the return from Peter Cimbolic, Ph.D., Church of the Resurrection Parish, New Albany investing those assets to the beneficiary. Michelle Cramer, St. Brigid of Kildare Parish, Dublin Investment Pool Judge Julia L. Dorrian, Immaculate Conception Parish, Columbus The Foundation utilizes a common investment pool to manage most of its investments. The Robert M. Eversole, St. Andrew Parish, Columbus earnings from investments (interest and dividends) as well as investment gains and losses of the pool are allocated to the individual fund according to its percentage of ownership of the Dr. Timothy Garner, St. Mary Parish, Marion investment pool. Jerry P. Geswein, St. Brigid of Kildare Parish, Dublin Distribution policy Mike Haller, St. Mary Parish, Chillicothe The Foundation’s distribution policy is to distribute an amount equal to 5% of the average John Igel, St. Matthew Parish, Gahanna market value over 12 rolling quarters. The policy is reviewed annually by the Board of Trustees. J. David Karam, St. Agatha Parish, Upper Arlington Annuities And Charitable Remainder Trusts Joëlle Khouzam, Our Lady of Victory Parish, Columbus The Foundation administers various charitable annuity and remainder trust agreements Rick Larkin, Church of the Resurrection, New Albany with donors. The arrangements provide for agreed upon distributions over a designated period of time (usually the designated beneficiary’s lifetime or a term of years). A liability has Ralph J. Martinez, St. Joan of Arc Parish, Powell been recorded equal to the present value of the estimated future obligation. This obligation amount includes the present value of all anticipated payments to the donors based on their Reverend Monsignor Stephan J. Moloney, life expectancy or a term of year. The Foundation revalues this liability annually. St. Andrew Parish, Columbus Christine Poth, St. Andrew Parish, Columbus Tax Status The Foundation is a publicly supported charitable organization that is exempt from federal Jamie Richardson, St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Mt. Vernon and state taxes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Daniel Roe, Our Lady of Victory Parish, Columbus Charles G. Rowan, St. Dominic Parish, Columbus Audited Financial Statements Audited financial statements are available upon request. Lou Ruscilli, Our Lady of Victory Parish, Columbus Prepared by Clark Schaefer Hackett. Marian Kennedy Schuda, M.D., St. Joan of Arc Parish, Powell Reverend David Sizemore, St. John Neumann Parish, Sunbury David Swift, St. Peter Parish, Columbus credits photography: Chris Parker Andrew D. Walker, St. Dominic Parish, Columbus creative direction: Matt Pasternack design: Natalie Vanderveen contributing writers: Stephanie Campbell, Myron Goldsmith and Eric Niehaus 257 East Broad Street 614-443-8893 Columbus, OH 43215