Bisim Awarded Contract to Develop New Vbs3 Content for Swedish Armed Forces
NEWSRELEASE March 22, 2016 BISIM AWARDED CONTRACT TO DEVELOP NEW VBS3 CONTENT FOR SWEDISH ARMED FORCES Orlando, FL - Bohemia Interactive Simulations, a global rehearsal on desktop computers as well as part-task developer of game-based simulation software solutions, trainers and full-mission simulators. recently was awarded a multi-year, multi-million dollar contract to create new 3D model content and simulation “We look forward to continuing to support Sweden in training capabilities in VBS3 for the Swedish Armed their simulation and training development efforts,” said Forces. Rusmat Ahmed, BISim’s Vice President of Sales, EMEA. “Because of customer-funded development agreements As part of the contract, BISim will create a training like this one, VBS3 continues to be the most versatile application for Sweden’s RBS17 Hellfire Shore Defence tactical training and mission rehearsal tool available to System for usage with VBS3 and will deliver new military forces worldwide.” content including additional character models, weapons, vehicles and munitions. Under this renewable agreement, The contract also includes delivery of an application for BISim will also provide technical services and support, forward observer team and JTAC training. As part of the customized training and terrain development. solution BISim will provide VBS3 Fires FST, an add-on module to VBS3 from SimCentric Technologies and the VBS3 provides an immersive virtual environment that only full-spectrum, scalable training solution enabling WWW.BISIMULATIONS.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BISIMULATIONS WWW.BISIMULATIONS.COM helps soldiers train on tactics, rehearse for missions, both call for fire and close air support. • and practice standard operating procedures. With its After Action Review tool, the software is designed to VBS3 is used in more than 30 countries by military help soldiers learn to think, make decisions and improve organizations such as the U.S.
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